HE Hroud: Hapter Iege OF Albadia

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The clear crystalline water in the monstrous lake that could easily awe a human lost
its enchantment as the black cape descended with its owner that very moment. The
only attention it deserved was the reflection of the air-slashing samurai blade
wielded by the fallen evil--- the one winged angel. The petite flower girl passed an
innocent look into me, seemingly unaware of the threat hovering above her. But she
was. It doesnt matter, said her familiar face, not revealing any visual expressions
fitting into her sorry and pathetic state.
She continued her silent prayer on the elevated hall, as the black cape persisted its
swift motion with every support of gravity. Nearer and nearer, he reached for the
fatal pierce


Haste! On the double! That pace doesnt deserve my thousand bucks! roared Will
and his supremacy. With utter disgust for the leader of this terrorist groupAvalanche, I started walking in an ignorant fashion, showing I was not keen to obey
every command the Black gave. BAH! Go at your own pace if you want the soldiers
to appear and drain your spiky head of liquid with their bullets! I gave a smirk,
knowing the soldiers were like pitiful ants compared to one of their former officers, a
1st Class SOLDIER. I felt shameful owning the title though.
The scabrous edge of the pipe we were in did not bother the five of us crawling for
the siege. Within a few minutes, the lightly guarded cloning plant was under the
mercy of Avalanche, totally unknown to the blinded scientists handling with their
closest brothers in test tubes and toxics. To Will, an ambitious human in search for
peace, they were horrible maniacs casting a death-inducing spell on the already
begotten world. To me, a bomb planter, I couldnt care any lesser. The destructive
bomb hanging round my waist did not say otherwise.
I give you the honor of planting the bomb, whispered Will. I gladly obliged as my
heart was filled with abhorrence for the evil monopoly. As my lack of experience was
crying bitterly, an alarm was sounded and Will was obviously not pleased. 10
minutes! Get moving before the bomb lays our tomb here! Scattering off like a
refugee seeking shelter, we blasted off at an astronomical speed that only light could
surpass. As we ran past the gates, the explosive ignited and sent a wave of tremor
that will most probably stumble the whole plant.
Armed with steel-liked body features, Will managed the escape first-handed. Biggs,
Jessie and I followed closely behind while Wedge was left with lighted bums. The only
shortcoming in the mission was overcome by Wedges quick dive into the pile of
accumulated mud just beneath the shelter ahead. It was an occasion for joyous
laughter, which the mission of harassment was completed. Will walked away calmly,
passing a light instruction to us through a turn before the end of that junk-filled
lane-Twenty minutes for your merry-making. To the train station The trio went for
quick booze.
Out from the shadowed alley came out a girl. She gave a warm smile, which
showed her uncertainty and approached me. She held a basket, which was filled with

flowers-a rare sight in the shrouded Galbadia City. Would you mind buying a flower,
Sir? Its only a dollar at least that was what I thought she mumbled, since all my
attention had been shifted to that pair of weird if not profound eyes emitting an aura
of sophistication. I handed a dollar straight out from my pocket to her and a child of
Mother Nature was passed onto my palm. With a little curiosity, she asked, What
was the commotion all about?
I recommend that you leave the area as soon as possible. Its a little dangerous for
a girl like you to be here.
Okay, thanks for buying my flowers. Hope to see you again!
As she walked off the road end with her back facing me, I proceeded with haste to
the train station, only to go head-on with trouble.
Four soldiers approached me as my failure in stealthy movement caught me in the
act to disarm myself. I realized in a panicked state that I was bound to lose the train.
Terrorist alert! shouted one of the heavily armed soldiers. With a hard bump, I
managed to wield one to knock the other. Both ended up flat on the ground. To the
third I gave a steady punch. The cowardly fourth, obviously lacking experience, went
straight for the unaware reinforcements. The abrupt rumble of a train surpassed my
will for a serious gun war. With a well-timed overhead leap, I landed straight on the
galvanized roof of the economy-classed train under the overhead bridge behind me.
Desperate for an entry, restless banging was made on the shut ventilator. My very
comrades responded it. Capital punishment shunned me for that day.


What were you thinking? Lost your way around? We thought you went back with
one of your ex-comrades after having the inability to locate the correct way in here.
demanded Will with that irritating voice I ostracized so much. Despite the unhidden
displeasure of Will, I could see that all the members were actually delighted at
seeing me arrive.
Alright! Enough of jabbering! Get your Asses over to the carriage! said Will with a
relenting tone. With this, they progressed to the comfy carriages Will had arranged
for us. I followed suite.
Welcome aboard Megahards express train. We will be arriving at Sector 7 in ten
minutes time. We hope you will have a nice ride and please do not forget to take
away your belongings, announced the trains administrators.
Galbadia used to be a haven for any human regardless of race, or religion, Jessie
explained with a light scent of despair. Then came President Calavera. When the
rich got filthier and the poor became bare hairless apes, the shroud was built by him
as a border of caste system. Look at that old hag, I doubt he will see the sunlight
I walked away feeling incredulous. Plain mercenaries, or should I say hungry
mendicants, would need more than human rights to be on the fabled upper layer. To
them, the sun was a legend; the moon a myth, and technology was a monstrous

beast that unsympathetically cast them into the hell pits they were residing in. Like
the revealing of Pandoras box, all that was remained was hope --- Galbadia had
patriots comparable to the Jurassic China. Despite these problems, the people loved
their land and continued staying in a land where pollution prevailed
With a sudden jerk, the train came to a halt. Will jumped up onto his feet and
swayed his hands, signaling us to follow him. I would have not followed Will if not for
my unpaid job. Well, we did a great job but dont let this get to your heads. We will
be going on to tear down the other plants. Meet up at our base in five minutes. Well,
what you guys waiting for? Move it! instructed Will, who seemed fed-up with the
way we stared at him in uncertainty.
Following the trio, Jessie, Biggs and Wedge, I saw a young boy gazing upwards. He
was looking at a towering pillar. Well, thats our support pillar for Sector 7. The
other sectors have pillars too. If someone wants to destroy us, they just have to
destroy the pillars and layers of concrete will land on us. Its really scary, right?
commented the boy as if talking to himself. Indeed, Galbadia was famous for its
sectors and each sector had a cloning plant and there were eight of them. By
following Will and his team, I would definitely earn much from this business of mine.
Reaching the bar-cum-base, Calamity Will once again revealed his unbearable
barbaric and uncivilized way of persuading the customers to scram. Through the
urging of several traumatizing gunshots, the whole pub lost their usual taste for beer
and instead made a clearance for their lives with brains rotting halfway by the
alcoholic spirits. At least they found something new to mourn about other than their
forsaken homelandcomforted the satisfied Wedge to the shock-stricken me.
Is that flower for me, Ryan? asked Tifa, slowly pacing out from behind the
counter, as she noticed the flower I had just bought. I was awakened from my shock
and noticed a young girl, barely five years old, who was hiding behind her. Of
course, and handed the flower to her. She was visually pleased as Will walked to the
back of the bar and opened a door. Hurry up and we can start on with our meeting,
commanded Will.
I went down the stairs and found a large monitor with the news on, reporting
about the perfect job I had done-blowing up the plant.
Will started of the antagonizing though seemingly short conversation by asking
me a question, which I was not fully pleased about.
Ryan! Did you see any SOLDIER members?
You wouldnt be here if you met a SOLDIER member
Whats the meaning of this! ?
Nothing Im going up and I want to discuss about my pay.
Tifa appeared out of nowhere and let off a sarcastic remark, I thought the army
manufactures men out of boys? Doesnt it, spoilt brat? Still, the harshness of her
words did not tickle my terrible instinct and temper to lay a finger on her. She was
my sole childhood friend after all
That sentimental eve for the conscription was the date of our last gathering.
There was obvious absence of the usual laughter, and sharing of little secrets. If you
made it to the top of the SOLDIER, Ryan, requested her innocence, rescue me out
of any dangers.

The evening, or perhaps the last childhood activity, closed in tears.

Seven years later the same night, Avalanche spent the night at the 7th Haven, all
members restored, both physically --- and financially.

The day commenced with Wills eagerness to start the sabotage mission on the
next plant. As Tifa was a great guide to the internal structure of every cloning plant
in Galbadia, or at least she claimed to be, she insisted on stepping on board as our
tour guide, and of course, a Megahards rebellious subject. Not giving Cronos any
opportunity to seize our time away, Will did not bother at all, except for the extra
train fare, which was all-time important considering the weak cash Avalanche could
afford out of its poor finance. He left a frustrated grunt on Tifa, but later chose to
play Gentleman for that dusk. With no further delay, the group of ambitious heretics
set off again for the train.
We were never allowed on to the upper layer Jumping off the train would be
inevitable. Commented Will. The trio of Biggs, Wedge and Jessie did not pay much
attention to these words. For any passenger in the worst class available, rumbling of
steel-cranked wheels and dripping air-conditioner liquid had always charted the
highest decibels in anybodys eardrum. Get moving, Guys, , Will finally passed the
command, with and gal. cutting into the sentence as soon as Will found Tifa
drowned and indulged in the darkened and gloomy scenery outside, We cant keep
Justice waiting.
The mission was similar to Sectors 1 dismiss, so we were more experienced and
careful with what we did. As we approached the core of our mission, a horde of
soldiers appeared from two sides, trapping us in between. Escape through the third
path of the T-junction seemed the only chance until a throbbing sound aroused all
our ears. A presidential helicopter entered our vision. A man with the look of a
polished noble was standing near the doorway. Will shouted, Son of the bitch! The
President! President Calavera! Weve been busted!
Well, you thought Megahard doesnt know about your horrendously-plotted
plans? Pitiful insectsit will be such a waste of my fireworks to crush your nests
hahaha scorned the president, who seemed to be spying on us all along. The
arrogance raised a war cry of vengeance among us. Little did we know that the
sentence was ironically pinning more than Avalanche, but the whole of Sector 7.
Pardon me, my fair brethrens of the underworld, for a grand dinner concerning
my future awaits my glorious presence and staining my fair arms doesnt sound quite
like a splendid idea. I do hope these indoctrinated cyborgs may do the cleaning spree
on behalf of me. If thee would excuse my soul
With this, the helicopter accompanied the horrid president on his discharge. That
coward of all wimps! shouted Will as a taunting remark for the eluding helicopter.
Nuisance pests, heres a present from me! With this Will threw a handful of live
grenades at the bunch of walking machines. I was not aware of this hazard as Will;
who did not make me cautious of his idea in the first place, alerted Ryan! Get out of
the explosion range! Quick!
It was too late as the grenade touched the ground with which all seemed like in
slow motion, detonated with no mercy. The impact blew off a great portion of the

ironclad bridge we laid our feet on, and as if my guardian angel was protecting me, I
was just stuttering at the edge of the fissure. Obviously the angels had wasted all
their efforts as the seismic wave caused me to plunge right down towards the slums.
The blood in my body desperately cried for fear --- for no one else but the
bondage of corruption towards human growth. An arch-nemesis for all under the
bondage of aging seemed to be sharpening his scythe. Death, that is.
Weirdly, questions were bombarded to my baffled brain as if he was asking me
about my past. My brain was entombed with junks of useless questions. I had totally
lost all strength to attempt the questionnaire. I felt so light all of a sudden. Had I
passed the test and arose to heaven? Certainly my destination was exceptionally
wondrous, of fine flowers and scent. But I was tired. Far too tired, like any castaway,
to be fitted among the paradise.


Are you alright? Wake up! How are you feeling? came a soothing, feminine
voice. St. Peter the guardian I thoughtbut no! He was a male I was more
than bewildered at this sudden notion. I gradually re-functioned my deadbeat retina.
A person who seemed very familiar was crouching next to me. Her facial expression
was apparently apprehensive and worried. As I could see better little by little, I
recognized her as the flower girl I met yesterday. I had not kicked the bucket,
neither was she sent to guard the gates of Heaven. But she was contented that I
remembered her. She introduced herself as Raine.
She then walked away slowly as I continued my empty dazing for a few more
minutes. The place where I apparently landed was on a crushed flowerbed rooted
upon an indeed holy, if not too shabby discarded church among the slums of the
lower layer. The ancient-looking gables were engraved with exquisite carvings of
statues and ornaments that would have almost relived everything Christ went
through 3 millenniums ago. Almost. The revolutionary third did not give me sufficient
hope to see a Messiah. Death was only the thing that one could rely on in the lower
Minutes later, the previously shocked flower girl meticulously walked out from the
crumbled backdoor with a tiny cup of freshly brewed tea. The short meeting was
soon disrupted by several rushing footsteps from people approaching towards us
behind the wooden gate ahead of us. The casual conversation was totally cut off as
the gap of the gate widened slowly, letting off a penetrating creek. Raine seemed
In an urgent tone, Raine enquired on my job, You said you are a mercenary,
right? Well, escort me back to my home and I would reward you handsomely
The thought of earning some money aside from working for Avalanche seemed
more promising than ever.
No problem!
Thanks replied Raine, as if a load was off her back.
Raine grasped my hands and pulled me through the backdoor. The gap of the
main gate was widened and a glance backwards registered about five soldiers and a

man in a black coat, which was easily recognizable as a G.O.D.S. (Galbadian

Oppression of Dangerous Societies) agent, Reno.
There was no room for questions; a professional never questioned his clients, I
felt that it was much better asking after overcoming this hindrance I faced from
G.O.D.S. Running up the spiral staircase, I noticed that I could easily ambush a few
of the incompetence soldiers. I motioned Raine to exit without me as I crouched
furtively from their sight. I drew out a dagger from my belt and waited as the
unknowingly soldier climbed up. He never heard me sidle round to the right-hand of
the staircase. Upon reaching a suitable range, I pounced forward and clapped my left
hand over mouth, jerking his head back, I plunged the dagger straight into his neck
just below the left ear, near the point where the pulsing artery pumps blood to the
brain. As I struck he squirmed, but he had no time and luckily his gun was looped
over his arm so it did not fall.
Blood spurted over my right hand. I twisted the blade sharp edge always
downwards into the deep hole, and pulled it across in one savage slice. His throat
seemed to open, and as the blood gushed out his head fell back and he slumped in a
curious, disjointed sort of way, like a pile of kids bricks tumbling over. For the first
time I saw what was left of his face, eyes staring. He looked about seventeen.
Upon disposing one of the soldiers, I continued my scrambling up the stairs and
soon caught up with an anxious Raine. The race for freedom continued and was near
the end when we finally crawled through a large hole in the roof, ironically, created
by my very self when I dived from the plant hours ago. As disbelieving as it was
narrated, a leap of faith was unleashed by us all the way from the tip of the roof.
Concentration was lost for a moment; one would be more curious why the pursuit
was in stall.
I stared back onto the church as a black figure thundered through the skies.
It was a close shave, Ryan. Well, my house is just up ahead, if you were kind
enough Indeed, the usual junks, which we often bore hatred about, softened the
crash landing. I immediately understood her meaning and nodded. Holding her by
the hand, we climbed down one of the rubbish hill and moved on. Crossing a few
paths, we reached a rather scruffy area. It was what the lower layer called a town.
Much to the shame of Galbadia, it would have easily been a tourist attraction in the
upper layer as a relic. Finding the place unbearable, we rushed ahead and finally
reaching Raines house, which was surrounded by a moat of Garden bearing Raines
pride and joy. It was the closest thing to Eden I ever saw.
She invited me into her house, which was somehow a rose among the thorns, a
radiant terrace amongst the midst of garbage hills. But it was not an exotic shelter
that I was looking for. More interested was I in the way back to Sector 7.
Raine offered to bring me to the sector gates, and at the same time, her mother
gave a disapproved look. As it was getting dark, Raine presented a cozy room for the
night, which most probably going to be long-A longing to know the whereabouts of
my comrades.


As the first glimpse of light shone the way into the new cracking of dawn, I rose
up and found myself in a weird place unlike any place in the lower layers. Memories
refreshed, rendering an update on my current status. Seventeen hours with Raine,
was queerly more significant to all the Earth-shattering events that cropped up in the
past days of a mercenary.
Walking downwards, I noticed Raine who was emitting a fresh radiance;
seemingly all set to outshine the day that lay ahead for the duo. Good morning,
greeted Raine in a tone that unashamedly hinted the immediate launch of the neoAvalanche. Considering her playing the host, neither I owned any intention to
lengthen my stay. Towards sector 7, we have to travel through our own steam.
The journey embarked upon early hours where the dew, whose gooey nature was
never suitable for sightseeing, was beginning to thicken. The pair of loyal boots was
complaining with squashy sounds when only less than a fraction of the walk was
covered. But then, that was the only item upon the background that shouted life in
the morning slums. Even the chirping birds who grasped key control of the air, whose
identity was unfortunately nothing more than crows fighting to get apiece among the
scavenging ground, failed depict a more lively point of view.
The morbid aura lightened into scenery of poverty as we paced our way into a
sandy area. A long forgotten playground beyond its heyday, continued erected with
the same smiles sealed on the very playmates. Drowned in the sensation of an epic
time traveling, an unappeased Raine rested her feet on a dome that read home
sweet home. I sat down beside her, who seemed unconcerned about my arrival, but
rather drunk by a specter of loneliness.
My boyfriend used to bring me here. Raine muttered out finally, a change
towards my opinion of her being a Pollyanna. She had a sweetheart that she known
for more than a decade murdered in the light of the day by G.O.D.S, had her father
unfairly trailed, mutilated and hanged on gallows as a desperate attempt towards the
mental of rebellious associations and an already spiritually-dead public. She had her
own worries.
The silent minutes of mourning ended as a horse pulled carriage came out from
the sector gates. What attracted my attention was not the carriage but a girl clad in
an array of splendour. Tifa! shouted I as Raine gave a bewildered look. Lets go,
we have to follow her!
Scurrying after the carriage, it turned out to beheading for Sector 6, which stood
a bustling black market place known by all as the Wall Market. Following the carriage
deeper into the establishment brought us to a grand mansion, which one could
assume the only in the lower layer. Crouching behind a pillar at a strategic pose, Tifa
was somehow being pulled in roughly by a group of men. I exited myself for the time

Enquiries were made and what I found out as that the owner, Dan Canio, was
another pawn of Megahard, aiming at the wiping out of any disobedience in the lower
layer. An incompetent follower though, for every sector 6 citizens curses against his
infamous debauchery and monopolizing of Wall market revealed something more
than jealousy of his uncountable wealth. It sounded more like pure hatred.
The fact did not change my psychology by all measures, for there was only
eagerness to rapture Tifa away from that rumored-to-be-horrible Dan old Canio.
If Will somehow tagged along, proving this as a whole conspiracy, he would never
have hesitated to spare some ammunition on the Megahards moron. It was Raine
that was by my side though, together with that undying enthusiasm.
Failing to force Raine to return home, she tagged along as I sneaked in with the
best dexterity, hoping no one would detect our presence. We got past the ventilation
pipe on all four limbs, and by luck, it led us to a bedroom. Prying open the metal
grilles, I carefully lifted Raine off the ledge. Hiding behind the curtains, we held our
breaths as we waited.
Before long, we heard laughter, which my senses told me that it was Dans.
Peeking through the curtains, I saw Tifa and Dan. The duo was alone, and it was a
ripe opportunity to dash forwards and grab Dan. Having this idea in mind, I planned
my strategy. Just as Dan started undressing, knowing he would give more attention
to his buttons than his surroundings, I followed the play script in my mind and
everything happened just as planned.
Tifa, who was in a small state of shock, regained her senses in no time. She,
together with Raine held down Dans limbs with force. Tifa began questioning Dan as
I, with dagger in hand, grabbed Dans neck.
What is Megahards plan? Talk, lest I cut little Dan off Tifa said with a sweet
taste of vengeance.
No! Big Dans gone too if I should leak a word responded Dan in utter
You preferred it shredded? Added Raine, as if singing a song of mischief.
It was the G.O.D.S.! Please, I cant say anymore
Have you seen whipped potatoes? Heard the dogs like them I chipped in as a
final warning.
Okay, I will bust the truth. The pillar at sector 7 will be toppled in about an
hours time and Megahard will blame it wholly on Avalanche. Mourned Dan as he
continued his pathetic grieving. They wanted to annihilate Avalanche I am dead!
Dead man shouting! Dead man shouting!
We have to rush back to Sector 7 as soon as possible! said Tifa upon hearing
the reply. Yes! So spare me please wept cowardly Dan.
All right, if you please said I as I raised my hand and plunged the dagger
down into the mattress. Dan widened his mouth and fell flat as I drew out the
dagger. It was his final conscious moment for the next few hours.


The unofficial boundary between sector 6 and 7 was merely marked by a thin
layer of stale air. The horrid gases did not bother us though, for priority was handed
over to the stake of sector 7. Raine chose to participate, as her curiosity would never
be satisfied by plain ignorance. Tifa affected no resistance as the heavy rush of time
had forbidden her to hold a debate with Raine.
It was only halfway when a serious gunfight 100 feet above us on the pillar could
be observed both visually and audibly. Will Murmured Tifa as she accelerated
further ahead, leaving a clueless pair behind. The indecisive Raine and I looked on
and followed suite. It was then that fright ignited my nerves again, as the fiery
gunshots became more intense and terrifying. Avalanche was bound to have a
reduced strength by now. Biggs Wedge...Jessie Will The four names echoed
through my blank mind continuously like a berserk alternating current.
Noticing a familiar body lying on the ground, Tifa dashed through the crowd and
there laid the ever-benevolent Biggs. As we gathered round Biggs, he gave a last
tone, Will, hes up there and the rest Go help them Goodbye Tifa placed her
eyes over the deceased Biggs and sobbingly told Raine, Up ahead is a bar, and a
girl, Marlene, who is about five years old Please bring her to safety.
Raine nodded and left. As her body started blending in the background, Tifa
started her jog up the stairs, hoping to reach Will and co. in time. With a much faster
pace than ever, we finally reached the top where Will, Wedge were plundering bullets
into the hovering helicopter, in an attempt to prevent the enemy from even landing.
Wedge was wounded and signaled me to substitute him as he retreated back for
reinforcements. Jessie was lying in a state where she could never reach the upper
layer again. She had no final words, as a critical bullet wound, struck itself on the
bloody temple of her, did not give her ample time for preparation. No one was able to
spare attention for her though, as ammo content splashed above her lifeless body
every single moment in the combat. The sole beast of the collapsing Avalanche
fighting was Will. Every shot through his barrel screamed extreme fury.
A shadow appeared out from the flying helicopter. A kneeling stature was soon
viewable. Tifa shouted for Will to stop his senseless firing. The figure was Raine and
the shadow belonged to Tseng, the head of G.O.D.S. Raine yelled an audible
sentence amidst the deafening noise from the helicopter. Shes in a safe place, dont
I cant afford to hurt you bellowed Tseng in a rough vocal sound and followed
up by giving a tight slap. but a little discipline will be nice.

Reno stepped out of the carriage and pointed to the subdued Raine, So this is
the ANCIENT specimen. I cant understand why you little mice are standing there. A
depressed button on this remote is all it takes
The helicopter departed for the shroud. Silence barged in, and all that could be
heard was a blinking pulse. We will be smithereens, commented the exhausted Will,
Sector 7 cannot be secured
Ill try stop the detonator first, said Tifa desperately, There are still many
innocent lives in Sector 7
Get out of Sector 7 now! Bring the women and kids out. Quick! Its going to
blow! hollered Will as he stared downwards at the on looking crowd. The spot on the
handle marking the edge on the platform was wet after his grabbing. His shaky tone
also did nothing to conceal his nervousness.
I cant stop the bomb! despaired Tifa. We had honestly no intention of obtaining
a better result.
Lets get out of here, I said as I pointed to a overhanging strip of wire.
With Wills large mass, the combined force was able to overcome the inertia we
were facing. Clinging onto Will, Will gave a massive swing towards the open sector
The pulse stopped, and the bomb detonated with an explosive force much
stronger than the combined explosions of our previous missions. With the support
pillar being destroyed, it was impossible for the entire layer to float. Down it came
crashing, with tons of metal and concrete. Dust rose high into the sky as the people
who failed in their escape were able to see the stars for a split second before the
theatre show ended with a smashing applause from the layers.
Again, the guardian angels were there for us, together with all our prayers we
made in our entire lives, they were answered that very moment and we escaped just
in time. Turning back at the sorrowful sight of what was previously Sector 7 was
painful. Will was in a trance of insanity that any survivors would also be in. There
were no any others except us in this case.


Well, dont worry, Will. Remember what Raine said? That she was fine. Well it
could mean Marlene. Comforted Tifa.
Then what are we waiting for, lets go in! answered Will in response to his new
founded hope.
Oh its you. Are you Marlenes father? Shes fine. If you want to see her, you can
go up and see her said Raines mother at the sight of seeing us. The words gave a
lightened up look on Wills face and without any delay, Will barged up the stairs with
a word of thanks trailing behind.
Raine was a brave girl, she went in exchange of Marlene. She was never fearful
of the G.O.D.S for she has been sought after by that evil company since Raine was
young, sighed Raines mother Im just her foster mother. I found her at the train
station with a lady who I believed was her mother. When Raine was five, G.O.D.S
was already her nemesis
The lengthy narration of Mrs.Ifana lasted for about half an hour depicting the
moment since Raine was young. It was a night when rainfall soared higher than ever.
At least, it was due to the pipes hanging above the numbered sectors, which were
leaking horribly. That was the only form of precipitation the slums could get ---- and
which survived on. The forced fostering of Raine began as soon as the death scythe
slashed upon the cheeks of Raines natural mother by blood. Both were already in an
emergency condition when they were discovered beside the train station.
Ifana had screamed like a wounded boar for assistance, yet the drowning water
cruelly wasted her efforts, casting them into no avail. She tried to drag both of them
back to her house, but her meek strength and faith only restricted to rescue one --the younger one that bear a fate with her, currently under the supervision of
Megahards ultra-villains. It was only when Tseng who came when Raine was about
five years old, that did she realised that Raine was an ANCIENT. Mr Ifana was hanged
separately on thirty feet gallows for resistance to hand over their solitary child. Mrs.
Ifana whimpered as the story unfolded to the final chapter. Get her saved, please
she requested while trying to shield her tears from the on looking observers, and
take good care of her.
The ANCIENT race, an endangered class of super-humans created in the preshroud construction period by Megahard government very own trademark business,
cloning. As they existed in sparse quantity due to unaffordable cost, the only known
clones known by now were proto-types suffering from spell of rapid aging. It was
concluded that they should be extinct by now. Raine, however, was a different
ANCIENT. She was breed in a womb, which meant no defects.

Ifana kept no hope of being able to see Raine again. She knew Raine belonged to
the resurrected Avalanche by then.
Get to a safe place as soon as you can. Bring Marlene along too. You would never
know what Megahard will do to you and dont worry; I will save her no matter what
it takes. It was she who saved my cute Marlene from the concrete, said Will, with
Marlene sitting on his shoulder.
Without any delay, we got an anti-Megahard train master to let us board the
train. See, the people hate Megahard! said Will. The train was full of aristocrats and
members of the noble families. Despite the weird stares by the rich, we were not in
the mood for creating trouble.
Welcome aboard Megahards express train. We will be arriving at Galbadia
Central in five hours time. We hope you will have a nice ride and please do not forget
to take your forty winks, announced the trains administrators with that standard
tone. It was only this type of order given by Megahard that we obeyed.
The Headquarter stood with arrogance a lane beyond the rail of the train station.
The colorful streetlamps, high-rise buildings, air-hovering social services did not sink
us into a state of bewilderment. The people gave oblivious attitudes, supposing us as
another bunch of imported slaves from the lower layer. We did not bother. The tower
ahead of us supplied hatred unfathomable.
We must not be caught even before our mission has embarked. There seems to
be a backdoor where food supplies are sent in. I had planned ages ago on our attack
on Megahard HQ, but never did I really expect that it would arrive so soon. Said
As we slowly creaked open the door to see the innards of Megahards
headquarters, we prayed, hoping bad luck would not befall us. As luck had always
permitted us, we were starting to climb up the flight of stairs, which never seemed to
have an end. Step after step, we lifted foot after foot, hoping to see a thing such as a
door. Counting floor after floor, we believed we had reached level 63 when we saw a
morale-boosting hole, a ventilation hole.
I dont want to climb stairs for the rest of * cough * my life anymorepanted
The hole was pried open with Will entering first who pulled us through the outlet.
Climbing around blindly like a bat, we noticed laboratories, offices and a shocking
meeting room, with all the top officials of Megahard.
The President, Tseng, General Palmer and all!. They are all here! I wish I could
throw this grenade down
Shut up, and put down that grenade down immediately. We cant afford being
busted, hissed Tifa Lets eavesdrop on them..
Our budget for this year will be cut down from 15 billion to 10 billion dollars
Professor Hojo, how is the specimen doing, fine? started the president who
waked us up from our slumbering heads.
It will take about 10 years before she reaches the stage her mother was.
Its too long, the project for Neo-Galbadia will start in five years time




Neo-Galbadia, the concealed plan. I heard of this somewhere before I spoke

softly as the boring budget debate held below us continued its way through. The
curious duo stared at me with a hint of trying to get more stories out of me. Those
yellow eyes depicting poor health were the only stuff I can visualize inside there.
You knew Sephiroth, dont you?
Who would not in this case? For the majority of the upper layer residence, his
undeniable might and skill had continuously created headlines. For the rural dwellers
in the lower layer, he was the role model of the slums, or simply an idol adored by
many. I myself had looked up to him closely and that spoke why I joined soldier. He
had carved a name worthy of all praises yet his eyes were of yellow-colored, like
any lower layer residence. His soul was to one of us, the rural dwellers.
For me, the name can never be erased even if my memory banks decayed. My
days in the army under his supervision were never more adventurous and ambitious.
He was my sir, and as his personality did not fail to live up his glory, he treated his
fellow subordinates more like decade-old pals. He was never bothered by the
irritating media, or by the overwhelming crowds every time he paid the lower layer a
visit. He was famed, or at least until the establishment of Neo-Galbadia secret and
hidden plans.
The night was horribly cold as we set out for yet another mission to crush rebels,
who were normally humans who discovered what they were actually messing with in
the cloning plant. Sephiroth sat the furthest corner in the truck. For that reason,
more attention of other comrades was shifted to the falling snow, or perhaps the
annoying squeaky wipers we all used to curse. This, however, proved fatal.
Sephiroth, in his usual black cape, fell into fury. His samurai blade slashed through
the air --- and all my other comrades. All had died with doubts that night except me,
who suffered from a minor blackout. It was our first mission after the receiving of
news about Neo-Galbadia. I lived, but in doubt.
The great news struck the headlines the next day. The whole squadron was
announced dead and I never bothered to return to the army ever since. Sephiroth,
too, from there, became less and less unknown following the cooling down of his
appearance on the headlines. I supposed Neo-Galbadia to be more than a
revolutionary settlement, but a top-secret weapon of the government.
The assassination of a whole troop Will entered in sarcasm over my poor
narration, I will never trade my fame and money for a killing spree. I had
absolutely no comments considering another argument that may arise over the
arbitrary fact.
But why was Raine used for this neo thingy? questioned Tifa in disbelief. Raine
never looked special in everyones eye. But it was proven wrong in the sense that
even Galbadias very own elite G.O.D.S was deployed for the capturing a simple girl
named Raine.
I failed to answer the question. I can never lest I grab a hostage or two below --Or maybe if I meet Sephiroth.

Out of a sudden, the meeting below us became more interesting than ever. A loud
crashing sound set in and thrashed all conversations exchanging, above and below. A
black figure charged in at a supersonic speed and wielded a blade on all the
traumatized faces of the top officials. A bloody frenzy was taking place as Tifa reeled
her body up from the hole in disgust. Will and I watched on, stunned by the gore fest
below our face. Blood gushed up continuously as if they were reaching us for help.
As soon as it occurred, the black figure left the area with another person
surrounded by his arms. We could not see properly as the blood had smeared the
ventilation blades. As deafening silence crept to devour the screams of horror, we
descended from the stuffy ventilation with a body full of sweat and a heart pumping
furiously at a doubled pace.
That must be the Sephiroth you had been talking about, exclaimed Will as he
awed in wonder the way the officials was murdered in cold blood, now I believe
your stupid story! This guy is nuts, think what will happen if we dropped a minute
early. He added as the corpses laid around stared at him with wide eyes open.


Lets go search for Raine! persuaded Tifa. No delay was allowed as we turned
the entire headquarters upside down. Corpses laid everywhere, but none resembled
Raine. Finally, after serious thought, we decided that Raine had to be in one of the
jail cells.
Our instincts were right. Deep in the ground stood the torture chambers, a place
where political rivals were held imprisoned. It depicted a scene taken straight from
Hell. Eternal flames of torture torches lit the catacombs. A tiny trail of blood led right
into a cell. The cell was empty, but not the enfolding cells. Was Raine slain?
No, Sephiroth couldnt have killed Raine. There isnt a single puddle of neither
blood nor any corpse. She must have been abducted! cried Tifa.
Questions were made and answers were gained. A prisoner told us that he saw
everything. Sephiroth, Raine and the bloody sight Sephiroth made on the guards.
According to him, Sephiroth had barged into the chambers and sliced open the prison
bars. Before he brought Raine away, a short conversation was made.
Quick tell us the contents of the short talk! interrupted impatient Will.
It was something like Sephiroth asking the girl whether she was the ANCIENT
Megahard was so after. She gave an indistinct answer. Sephiroth said, The Great
Salt Lake? and knocked her unconscious. With this, he heaved the girl over his
shoulder and left in a hurry. It was about ten minutes ago before he left
The Great Salt Lake? Then what are we waiting for? We better go before Raine
gets hurt! said Tifa uncontrollably.

The Black Caped easily destroyed the heavily guarded Galbadia Headquarters.
Nothing laid ahead of us, except the invincible Sephiroth. Will wanted to fulfill his
promise to Raines mother, thus he wasted every penny on transport to get us out of
Galbadia, the cursed city.
Reaching the outskirts of Galbadia, the sun finally shone on us with its bright rays
of hope and joy possible for the people in Galbadia, but for us it was just a deterring
factor to reach The Great Salt Lake. It was a lake that was previously known as the
Dead Sea but was now only used for tourism purposes. The fact lies that minerals
had been so thoroughly drained in the region that it had absolutely no life there.
Finally reaching the Great Salt Lake, we found something, which gave us a sense
of relief that we had not went on a wild goose chase. An altar-liked platform was
there readily.
The clear crystalline water in the monstrous lake that could easily awe a human
lost its enchantment as the black cape descended with its owner that very moment.
The only attention it deserved was the reflection of the air-slashing samurai blade
wielded by the fallen evil--- the one winged angel. The petite flower girl passed an
innocent look into me, seemingly unaware of the threat hovering above her. But she
was. It doesnt matter, said her familiar face, not revealing any visual expressions
fitting into her sorry and pathetic state.
She continued her silent prayer on the elevated hall, as the black cape persisted
its swift motion with every support of gravity. Nearer and nearer, he reached for the
fatal pierce.
The blade passed through. Drops of blood dripped into the lake, contaminating the
water to crimson red in a rippled fashion. The blade was drawn out a different color
out of the human sheath.
Raine leak a smile before and collapsed to the floor. Sephiroth turned, saying in a
voice unheard for years, Her last request was to see you. She died with the truth.
We, the ANCIENTS, can never be used as a tool for Neo-Galbadia. He made a stroll
towards the mist and was lost immediately. I could have chased him.
What is my next path? Is this event the Alpha or the Omega? Is it the first or the
last? The beginning or the end of my journey? I have to make a choice



Story (Before major alteration) -- Final Fantasy 7 by Hironobu

Sakaguchi, Published by Square
Original Characters Tetsuya Nomura
Book References Tanamera (most of it)
The adventures of Robin Hood

The Newspaper.
Courts year-end sale guide

Special thanks: Chitra

Note: Remember that it is done by
Ang Junsiong(1), and Jeremy Oon(22), of class 4e2.

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