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Risyad Naufal

Chemical Engineering

Tobacco Smoking and Its Bad Effects

Who doesnt know about tobacco? Im sure that most of us already

familiar with tobacco. You can see people smoking tobacco almost anywhere.
Starting from cafs, streets, restaurants, shopping centers, and even campuses, you
name it. So, why do people smoke? Many people start smoking just to aid their
curiousness. They see people smoking, and they get curious, and then started
smoking. Started from curiousness, people then become addicted with smoking.
They feel something is missing if they dont smoke. They feel good and relaxed
when they smoke. Although smoking gives you good sensation, it turns out that
smoking has a lot of bad effects. Not just bad for your health, smoking is also bad
for the environment, and even causes bad effects to economy.
Smoking can be deadly to your body. According to World Health
Organization (WHO), tobacco smoking is the second major cause of death in the
world. Tobacco kills one people every six seconds. 50% of smokers are killed by
smoking. Tobacco has caused 100 million deaths in 20 th century, and at the current
rate, up to one billion people will die in the 21 st century from tobacco. There are a
lot of tobaccos forms. Starting from cigarettes, pipes, bidies, kreteks, clove
cigarettes, snus, snuff, smokeless, cigars, etc. despite the various forms, tobaccos
are still dangerous whatever the form is. Smoking is not only bad for the smokers.
Second-hand smoke also causes health problems to the person. People exposed to
smoke may also suffer the same health problem as the first-hand smoker. What
make the cigarette dangerous are the ingredients that make one. According to a
research, cigarette contains approximately 600 ingredients. And when burned,
they create more than 7000 chemicals. At least 60 of these chemicals are causing
cancer, and many of them are poisonous to our body. Nicotine and tar are two
main ingredients of cigarette. Nicotine is used as insecticide, while tar is used for
paving roads material.
Smoking causes a lot of diseases. Smokers are likely to develop heart
disease, stroke, and lung cancer than non-smokers. Smoking also causes
diminished overall health. Smoking also affects heart and blood vessels
(cardiovascular disease). Beside cardiovascular diseases, smoking also affects
respiratory systems. There are many lung diseases including emphysema, chronic
bronchitis, and even lung cancer. Smoking also may cause cancer almost
anywhere in your body. Cancer can occur anywhere starting from lung, liver,
stomach, bladder, kidney, and so on. Smoking also causes problem to pregnant
moms babies. It may cause preterm delivery, stillbirth, low birth weight, sudden
infant death syndrome, and other newborn baby diseases. Mens sperm also

Risyad Naufal
Chemical Engineering

affected by smoking, which can reduce fertility and increase risks for birth
Government has been trying to ban smoking. But, by banning cigarettes,
cigarette companies will get bankrupt thus causing massive unemployment. So,
the government is still struggling with the cigarette problem. Even though quit
smoking cuts many disease risks, such as, reduced cardiovascular risks, reduced
stroke risks, and reduced cancer risks, people are still smoking due to addiction
from the nicotine and tar. So, its best not to start smoking in the first place
because there are more negative than positive impacts from smoking.

Risyad Naufal
Chemical Engineering

CDC - Fact Sheet - Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking - Smoking & Tobacco
Use. 2014. CDC - Fact Sheet - Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking - Smoking &
smoking/. [Accessed 13 October 2014].
Cigarette Ingredients - Chemicals in Cigarettes. 2014. Cigarette Ingredients Chemicals
[Accessed 13 October 2014].
What's in a Cigarette? - American Lung Association. 2014. What's in a Cigarette?
- American Lung Association. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12
October 2014].
Tobacco Global Issues. 2014. Tobacco Global Issues. [ONLINE] Available
[Accessed 13 October 2014].

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