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One day seminar on

"Recent Trends in Advanced DATA PROCESSING

Organized By
Department of CSE &ECE
Chandy College Of Engineering


09:30 am



Department of CSE

Introduction to Big Data

BIG DATA Analogy
Hadoop Installation Single Node
Hadoop Distributed File System

IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

OpenNebula Setup
Open Nebula Installation
Procedure to configure IaaS
Virtual Machine Creation

To set up the one node Hadoop cluster.

JAVA APIs of Hadoop
Map and Reduce tasks
JAVA wordcount program to demonstrate the use of Map and Reduce

Department of ECE

Image and Video Processing

The Basics of Image

Matlab Basics

Matlab Plots & Examples

Image Processing Toolbox

Computer Vision Toolbox

Distributed Image Processing

Matlab Demo

Recent Research in Image Processing

4:30 pm Valedictory

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