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Vajrasattva Practice

The Wish-fulfilling Jewel

Purifying negative karma and accomplishing the twin benefits by relying on the
accomplished Vajrasattva the essential practice, the wish-fulfilling jewel
Terma of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok
the Wish-fulfilling Jewel, the Lord of Dharma

From now until Enlightenment is attained
Before the oceans of all classes and lords of mandalas
Before Guru-Vajrasattva
I take refuge with the deepest understanding and faith
[ recite 3 times ]

Generating Bodhicitta
For the sake of all sentient beings equal ( in number ) to space
So as to place them in a definite blissful state
With infinite diligence through body, speech and mind
Never will I stray from the Path to Enlightenment
[ recite 3 times ]

Visualisation of the Deity

In front of oneself, amidst oceans of cloud-like offerings
On top of a throne, moon seat and white lotus
Sits the Lord of all Mandalas Vajrasattva
Clear in appearance, white and luminous like the moon
One face, two hands, holding the vajra and bell
In perfect Enjoyment Bodys adornments, legs fully crossed
Emitting wisdom rays to all ten directions

Within that state of perfect meditative-equipoise, Vajrasattva

We beseech you, O Guru-Vajrasattva
Please remember Your past vows
I and all suffering beings
Pray strongly to You, bless us through Your compassion
From beginningless time ( till the present )
All downfalls committed through body, speech and mind
Like feeding poison to ourselves
We openly confess and give rise to the deepest regrets
From now onwards, even should we lose our lives
We will never commit any negativities
We pray to You: with Your compassionate eyes, look at us
with Your blessed hand, Grant us Liberation
I and all sentient beings
Are thereby purified of all broken samayas
May all common and uncommon siddhis
Be now fully accomplished
[ recite 1 time ]
Thus should one pray. Possessed of the 4 opponent powers ( power of reliance, power of
destruction of negativities, power of revival, power of remedy ), do recitation of the heart
mantra of Vajrasattva: OM VAJRASATTVA HUM according to ones ability.
Completion of 400,000 mantras restores broken root tantric samayas. Samaya! Do the
dedication and auspicious verses at the end.

Merit from this practice and merit accumulated throughout the
three times
All these are dedicated for the benefit of limitless beings
May all be swiftly
Established upon the stage of Vajrasattva
[ recite 1 time ]

Auspicious Verses
All material-objects arise as pure body-qualities,
All sound-objects arise with perfect mantra-qualities,
All thought-objects arise within primordial wisdom,
All virtues accomplished may all be auspicious.
[ recite 1 time ]
The above terma appeared in the pure vision of Ah Wang Luo Zhu Zong Mei
[ Jigme Phuntsok: Terton Sogyal Lerab Lingpa Guru of H.H. the 13th and 14th Dalai
Lama ] on 7 April 1997 and is recorded by disciple Holder-of-perfect-vows.
Proper recitation of 400,000 of the above heart mantra in accordance to the Dharma
teachings is equivalent in spiritual merit to 500 billion recitation of the six-syllable
mantra. If the practice is practised properly, in this live, obstacles will be dispelled, lifespan will be extended, wealth will flourish, sickness will be eliminated, all wishes will be
fulfilled and so on. In the next live, one will definitely be reborn into Dewachen - Pure
Land of Limitless Bliss or any other Pure Land one desires. This practice for dispelling
obscurations can be practised by practitioners of Sutrayana, Vajrayana or people
without initiation. May all understand the above. The above is authenticated by Jigme
Phuntsok and thousands of the noble community of Sangha of La Rong Monastic
University. Increased Auspiciousness!
Humbly translated from Chinese into English by Jigme Wangchuk

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