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In partial fulfillment
For the award of the Degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Department of MECHANICAL Engineering

Submitted To:

Submitted By:

Department of Mechanical

Group H


Department of MECHANICAL Engineering

Government Engineering College, Jhalawar
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota

This is to certify that Nimitesh Kumar, Ashok Saini, Yash Kandera, Sumit
Yadav, Hemant Kumar, Sudhanshu Bhattnagar of VIII Semester, B.Tech in
Mechanical Engineering is the bonafide presentation of his work done by him
under my supervision and guidance. He has submitted this project report towards
partial fulfillment for the award of degree of Bachelor of technology From
Government Engineering College, Jhalawar during the academic year (20152016). Its further certified that this work has not been submitted elsewhere for the
award of any other degree or diploma.

Mr. Mahaveer Meghvanshi

Mr. Manoj Mittal

Project Guide

HOD Dept. of
Mechanical Engg.


I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those people who have been
directly and indirectly with me during the completion of this project report.
I pay thank to Mr. Mahaveer Meghvanshi who has given guidance and a light to
me during this project. His versatile knowledge about Automated Systems has
eased me in the critical times during the span of this seminar making.
I acknowledge here out debt to those who contributed significantly to one or more
steps. I take full responsibility for any remaining sins of omission and commission.

Nimitesh Kumar
Sudhanshu Bhattnagar
Yash Kandera
Sumit Yadav
Ashok Saini
Hemant Kumar
B.Tech 4th Year
(Mechanical Engineering)


Traditional Wheelchairs though have certain limitations with the flexibility, heavy
weight of the chair and limited functions. Tremendous developments have been
made in the field of wheelchair technology. However, even these significant
developments couldnt aid the quadriplegics to navigate wheelchair independently.
Medical devices designed to help the Paraplegic and Quadriplegic patients are very
complicated, rarely available and expensive. We aim at designing a simple cost
effective automatic wheelchair using MEMS technology for quadriplegics with
head and neck mobility. The control system translates the position of the user s
head into speed and directional control of the wheelchair. The system is divided
into two main units: MEMS Sensor and programmed PIC Controller. The MEMS
sensor senses the change in direction of head and accordingly the signal is given to
microcontroller. Depending on the direction of the Acceleration, microcontroller
controls the wheel chair directions like LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, and BACK with
the aid of DC motors.

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 6
USER GROUP............................................................................................................... 8
Categorization of Injury............................................................................................... 8
DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS.......................................................................................... 10
PROPOSED MODEL................................................................................................... 12
BLOCK DIAGRAM..................................................................................................... 13
HARDWARE USED..................................................................................................... 14
MEMS Accelerometer Sensor:..................................................................................... 14
PIC Microcontroller:................................................................................................. 14
Regulated Power Supply:............................................................................................ 14
DC Motor Driver:...................................................................................................... 15
DC Motor:............................................................................................................... 15
INNOVATION............................................................................................................. 16
Need and Inspiration................................................................................................. 16
CONCEPTUAL DESIGN.............................................................................................. 17
Concept configurations............................................................................................... 17
Selection of Concepts................................................................................................. 19
SENSOR..................................................................................................................... 21
MMA7660FC 3-AXIS MOTION DETECTION SENSOR....................................................21
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION.................................................................................... 23
MODES OF OPERATION.......................................................................................... 24
TESTING THE LOGIC CHAIN.................................................................................. 26
FEATURES.............................................................................................................. 26
DRIVER..................................................................................................................... 32
DC MOTOR................................................................................................................ 34
SERIAL INTERFACE.................................................................................................. 36
MAX232.................................................................................................................. 36
ADVANTAGES............................................................................................................ 37
DISADVANTAGES...................................................................................................... 38
FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS......................................................................................... 39
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................ 39
REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 40

According to a study conducted by Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, nearly
every 1 person in 50 is suffering from paralysis due to damaging of nervous
system. This figure approximates to 6 million people worldwide and has increased
by 33 percent from previous estimation. Quadriplegics are persons who are not
able to move their body except head. The reasons for such decreased motion
possibilities can be different: stroke, arthritis, high blood pressure, degenerative
diseases of bones and joints and cases of paralysis and birth defects. In this project
we intend to construct a cost effective design to build wheel chair for quadriplegic
people who find it difficult to move independently. Another significant requirement
is that a wheelchair has to respond rapidly and operate efficiently to the commands
of the user, independently of the method used for giving these commands. For
human-machine interaction human motion recognition is also used. In this paper, a
microcontroller system that enables standard electric wheelchair control by head
motion is developed. The project describes a wheelchair for physically disabled
people developed using head motion and MEMS motion sensor which is interfaced
with DC motors. The prototype of the wheelchair is built using a PIC microController, chosen for its low cost, in addition to its features of easy erasing and
programming. Automation is the most often spelled term in the field of electronics.
The anxiety for automation brought much advancement in the existing
technologies. One among the technologies, which had greater developments, is the
MEMS ACCELEROMETER SENSOR. These had greater importance than any
other technologies due its user- friendly nature. MEMS ACCELEROMETER
SENSOR is a Micro Electro Mechanical Sensor can be used to effectively translate

head movement into computer interpreted signals. For motion recognition the
accelerometer data is calibrated and filtered.
The accelerometers can measure the magnitude and direction of gravity in addition
to movement induced acceleration.
This project utilizes two DC Motors. The DC motor generates torque directly from
DC power supplied to the motor by using internal commutation, stationary
permanent magnets, and rotating electrical magnets, battery. The Microcontroller is
programmed with the help of embedded C instructions. This Microcontroller is
capable of communicating with input and output modules.

Categorization of Injury
When designing a new product it is important to understand the target user group,
particularly with a product designed for a disabled user, as an awareness of abilities
and limitations is essential to come up with a suitable design. An understanding of
different types of disability that would require the use of a wheelchair first needed
to be gained. Basic research was carried out on the area using medical sources on
the internet, as only a level of understanding of what types of disability there are
was required and what limitations they result in. From the Brain and Spine
Foundation website, paralysis is the term given to loss of power to move a body
part, as a result of injury or disease to the nerves supplying the muscles. When
used in its correct context, would imply the complete loss of ability to move and
use the effected limbs. There are two main sub types of paralysis that could lead to
the need to use a wheelchair, paraplegia and tetraplegia. These both come in
different levels of severity dependent on the area of the spine that is injured.
Paraplegia refers to paralysis of the lower body, i.e. the legs, and tetraplegia refers
to paralysis of the lower body and the upper body with varying degrees of severity.
Paraplegia refers to spinal injuries in the trunk region with the classification T-1 to
T-12 (Figure 11). These refer to the region of the spinal cord injured and directly
relate to the level of paraplegia. For all levels of the paraplegia there is use of the
hands and arms, with trunk movement increasing towards T-12, with those at the
latter end of the scale potentially able to walk assisted.
Tetraplegia relates to injuries in the cervical (neck) region, classified C-1 to C-8
(Figure 1). Lower cervical injuries C-7 and C-8 are the only ones that would allow

enough arm movement to independently use a manual wheelchair, with functional

triceps and increased grip strength.
There are a number of injuries that can lead to the above levels of paralysis, but
knowing what levels of paralysis the chair is being aimed at is more important
from a design perspective than the injury or disease which led to it. With this in
mind, based on the goal of the project, the likely users will be those with C-7 or C8 tetraplegia and all levels of paraplegia.

Using the information gathered a design specification was established to give a
guide in the generation of ideas and to keep the design focused. Some aspects of
the design were to be more important than others and would get greater focus. The
design aims to provide a performance wheelchair that can easily be controlled
using head gesture. The wheelchair should also save the occupant in any case of
bumps. The wheelchair should be suitable, in normal configuration, for everyday
Ergonomics: The aspects of ergonomics that need consideration are physiological
and anthropometrics. The physiological restrictions on a disabled user will affect
their ability to use the chair and any devices associated with it. Anthropometrics
will need to be considered to ensure the chair is a suitable size for most users.
Features: Ability to be used in stairs.
Manufacturing: Manufacturing processes considered in workshop.
Materials: As a performance orientated project with a focus on composite
materials due to their good strength to weight ratios and ability to tailor their makeup to optimize performance, these should be should where appropriate in the
Size: The overall wheelchair size will be constrained by the environmental aspects
such as doorway widths, and are completely based on American Disability Act

Safety: American Standards relating to wheel chairs will need to be considered and
accounted for. The chair must be able to cope with the static load of the user and
also any repeated loadings from its everyday use.
Aesthetics: The aesthetics are not to be a main focus point, but the chair should
look appropriate and be appealing.
Cost: Costing to be carried out for workshop prototype and commercial production
(material costs) if possible. Use of off the shelf components where suitable.

The Wheelchair operates with head or hand movement, taking motion as an input
signal for the movement of wheelchair in a particular direction. An Accelerometer
(Motion Sensor) is used to track these motions. This sensor is fitted to cap on head.
The variations of the sensor are trapped and those signals are fed as inputs to the
micro -controller.
Now based on these variations the micro-controller is programmed to take
decisions which in turn control the movement of wheelchair.

When person tilt his head in forward direction, chair will move in forward
If person tilt his head in backward direction above, chair will move in
backward direction.

If person tilt his head in left direction above, chair will move in left

If person tilt his head in right direction above, chair will move in right




Truth Table representing the direction of rotation of motors is as shown above








MEMS Accelerometer Sensor:
In this project wheelchair is operated using head motion and to sense the head
motion MEMS accelerometer is being used. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
(MEMS) is the integration of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and
electronics on a common silicon substrate through micro fabrication technology.
Because of their small size and weight, accelerometers are fixed in the cap to sense
the head movement. In this model we are using MMA7260Q accelerometer, which
is 3axis accelerometer. The MMA7260Q operates on 2.2 to 3.6VDC, and uses very
less current (500uA). It has three analog outputs, one for each axis. Acceleration on
each axis generates a voltage from 0 to approximately 3.3V.
PIC Microcontroller:
The PIC16F73 CMOS FLASH-based 8-bit

microcontroller is upward

compatible with the PIC16C73B/74B/76/77, PIC16F873/874/876/877 devices. It

features 200ns instruction execution, self-programming , an LCD, 2 Comparators,
8 channels of 8-bit Analog-to Digital (A/D) converter, 2 capture/compare/PWM
functions, a synchronous serial port that can be configured as either 3-wire SPI or
2-wire I2C bus, a USART, and a Parallel Slave Port. The major blocks of PIC
Microcontroller are program memory (flash), EEPROM, RAM, CISC, RISC,
Central Processing Unit, Free-Run Timer, ports.
Regulated Power Supply:
A device or system that supplies electrical or other types of energy to an output
load or group of loads is called a power supply unit or PSU. The components
mainly used in power supply kit are 230V as mains, step down transformer, bridge

rectifier (diodes), capacitor filter, voltage regulator(IC 7805), resistor, LED (light
emitting diode).
DC Motor Driver:
Relay Driver Circuit is designed to control the load. The load here is motor to drive
the wheels of the wheel chair. The motor is turned ON and OFF through the
relay. A relay is nothing but electromagnetic switching device which consists of
three pins namely common, normally closed and normally open.
DC Motor:
Here the Motor used for driving the wheel-chair is Johnson Motor. The advantage
of these kind of motor is they are light in weight, consumes less power and is
highly efficient to drive loads of minimum 5Kgs. These also can be easily driven
using solar energy (Photo-Voltaic Panels).

Need and Inspiration
Liaison with the Irish Wheelchair association, Health Research Board and
Amputees Ireland provided an invaluable insight into living with disability issues.
In particular, significant wheelchair mobility issues in relation to mounting of steps
/Krebs affecting the independence of the disabled community were identified,
Accessibility Ramp location, Crossing roads, Single steps
Users Individual Strength
Ability to Balance during Climb
The apprehension experienced by some wheelchairs in road crossing and
overcoming the obstacle of a kerb on opposite side can barely be appreciated by
the non-wheelchair user. The loss of independence and mobility due to inability to
mount Krebs/ steps can be severely restricting.

Concept configurations
Concept 1

SolidWorks model of First Concept

At the front of the wheel chair this auxiliary wheel assembly will be mounted.
These auxiliary wheels will save the person, in any case of sudden bumps and
down stairs, from falling off. All the 6 wheels shown can rotate on their axes

while the triangular star shaped member on which these wheels are mounted
could also rotate on the axis of the circular beam on which they are adjoined.

Concept 2:- Pyramid 3 Wheeled System

SolidWorks Model of Second Concept

When contact occurs with the step or the kerb the momentum and force of impact
is transmitted to aiding the wheelchair mount the kerb.

Does not affect the maneuverability of the wheelchair as it is positioned just
above the surface but is still very effective when coming into contact with
Little maintenance needed.
Low cost.
Durable and robust.
Can be used on kerbs of different sizes.

Selection of Concepts
Both the concepts were designed with using Computer Aided Designing software
i.e., Solidworks. Further is was simulated for stress analysis and deformation
occurred during test conditions.



A total force of 4800 N was applied on the star shaped pyramid longitudinally. It
was calculated accordingly with
4m*v = 4*120*10
=4800 N
M= total static weight (120kgs)
V= Velocity during fall (10m/s)

Concept configurations 1 was discarded as being unsuitable as they could not cater
for both rigid and foldable chairs. Concept 2 overcame this universality
requirement through side structure support configuration - leading to design
optimization and fabrication of the project.

Here the sensor used is MMA7660FC 3-axis accelerometer.


The MMA7660FC is a 1.5 g 3-Axis Accelerometer with Digital Output (I2C). It
is a very low power, low profile capacitive MEMS sensor featuring a low pass
filter, compensation for 0g offset and gain errors, and conversion to 6-bit digital
values at a user configurable sample per second. The device can be used for sensor
data changes, product orientation, and gesture detection through an interrupt pin
(INT). The device is housed in a small 3mm x 3mm x 0.9mm DFN package.

Digital Output (I2C)
3mm x 3mm x 0.9mm DFN Package
Low Power Current Consumption: Off Mode: 0.4 A,
Standby Mode: 2 A, Active Mode: 47 A at 1 ODR
Configurable Samples per Second from 1 to 120 samples a second.
Low Voltage Operation:
Analog Voltage: 2.4 V - 3.6 V
Digital Voltage: 1.71 V - 3.6 V
Auto-Wake/Sleep Feature for Low Power Consumption
Tilt Orientation Detection for Portrait/Landscape Capability
Gesture Detection Including Shake Detection and Tap Detection
Robust Design, High Shocks Survivability (10,000 g)
RoHS Compliant
Halogen Free
Environmentally Preferred Product
Low Cost
Typical Applications
Mobile Phone/ PMP/PDA: Orientation Detection (Portrait/Landscape), Image
Stability, Text Scroll, Motion Dialing, Tap to Mute
Laptop PC: Anti-Theft
Gaming: Motion Detection, Auto-Wake/Sleep For Low Power Consumption
Digital Still Camera: Image Stability

Fig 6. I2C Connection to MCU

The Freescale Accelerometer consists of a MEMS
capacitive sensing g-cell and a signal conditioning ASIC contained in a single
package. The sensing element is sealed hermetically at the wafer level using a bulk
micro machined cap wafer. The g-cell is a mechanical structure formed from
semiconductor materials (polysilicon) using masking and etching processes. The
sensor can be modeled as a movable beam that moves between two mechanically
fixed beams (Figure 4). Two gaps are formed; one being between the movable
beam and the first stationary beam and the second between the movable beam and
the second stationary beam. The ASIC uses switched capacitor techniques to
measure the g-cell capacitors and extract the acceleration data from the difference
between the two capacitors. The ASIC also signal conditions and filters (switched
capacitor) the signal, providing a digital output that is proportional to acceleration.

Fig 7. Simplified Transducer Physical Model

The sensor has three power modes: Off Mode, Standby
Mode, and Active Mode to offer the customer different power consumption
options. The sensor is only capable of running in one of these modes at a time. The
Off Mode offers the lowest power consumption, approximately 0.4 A and can
only be reached by powering down the analog supply. See Figure 5. In this mode,
there is no analog supply and all I2C activity is ignored. The Standby Mode is ideal
for battery operated products. When Standby Mode is active the device outputs are
turned off providing a significant reduction in operating current. When the device
is in Standby Mode the current will be reduced to approximately 3 A. Standby
Mode is entered as soon as both analog and digital power supplies are up. In this
mode, the device can read and write to the registers with I2C, but no new
measurements can be taken. The mode of the device is controlled through the
MODE (0x07) control register by accessing the mode bit in the Mode register.
During the Active Mode, continuous measurement on all three axes is enabled. In
addition, the user can choose to enable:Shake Detection, Tap Detection,
Orientation Detection, and/or Auto-Wake/Sleep Feature and in this mode the

digital analysis for any of these functions is done. The user can configure the
samples per second to any of the following: 1 sample/second, 2 samples/second, 4
samples/second, 8 samples/second, 16 samples/second, 32 samples/second, 64
samples/second, and 120 samples/second, for the Auto-Sleep state. If the user is
configuring the Auto-Wake feature, the selectable ranges are: 1 sample/second, 8
samples/second, 16 samples/seconds and 32 samples/second. Depending on the
samples per second selected the power consumption will vary.

TABLE 1Modes Of Operation

Fig 8. State Machine of Modes


MMA7660FC can be put into Test Mode, which disables
accelerometer measurements and instead allows the user to write 6-bit values
directly to the three axis data registers, thus simulating real time accelerometer
measurements. The state machine will respond to these values according to the
enabled features and functions, allowing them to be validated.
The Sensor employs both analog and digital filtering to ensure low
noise and accurate output when using the part for Shake, Tap, or Orientation
Detection. During Active Mode, the data is filtered and stored for each of the 3
axes at the specified following measurement intervals: 1s (1 sample/second), 500
ms (2 samples/second), 250 ms (4 samples/second), 125 ms (8 samples/second),
62.5 ms (16 samples/second), 31.25 ms (32 samples/second), 15.625 ms (64
samples/second), or 8.36 ms (120 samples/second) or indicated in AMSR [2:0].
The 6-bit measurement data is stored in the XOUT (0x00), YOUT (0x01), and
ZOUT (0x02) registers and is used to update the Shake, Alert, Tap, PoLa[2:0]
(updates Up, Down, Left, and Right position), and BaFro[1:0] (updates Back and
Front position) in the TILT (0x03) register used for orientation detection. The
customer can configure the part by enabling a number of user desired interrupts in
the INTSU (0x06) register. Once the interrupts are enabled a change in filtered
readings will cause an interrupt to occur depending on the output. The filters that
are being used by this sensor is the analog filtering, digital noise filtering of

measurements used for orientation detection and updated in the XOUT (0x00),
YOUT (0x01), and ZOUT (0x02) registers. The filtering method used is to
oversample each axis by taking 32 readings, and then calculate the average for the
output measurement data as a finite impulse response filter.

Table 2. Feature Summary Table

Orientation Detection
Orientation Detection Logic
MMA7660FC gives the customer the capability to do
orientation detection for such applications as Portrait/Landscape in Mobile
Phone/PDA/ PMP. The tilt orientation of the device is in 3 dimensions and is
identified in its last known static position. This enables a product to set its display
orientation appropriately to either portrait/landscape mode, or to turn off the
display if the product is placed upside down. The sensor provides six different
positions including: Left, Right, Up, Down, Back, and Front, shown in Table 7. In
Active Mode the data is processed and updates the orientation positions in the
TILT (0x03) register. At each measurement interval, it computes new values for
Left, Right, Up, Down, Back, and Front but it does not automatically update these
bits in the TILT (0x03) register. These values are updated depending on the
debounce filter settings (SR Register 0x08) configured by the customer. In order to

give the customer the ability to configure the debounce filter, specific to there
application, they can change the following bits in the SR (0x08) register, FILT
[2:0]. Please see below for a more detailed explanation of how the FILT [2:0]
works in conjunction with updating the TILT (0x03) register:
If FILT [2:0] = 000, then the new values for Left, Right, Up, Down, Back, and
Front are updated in the TILT (0x03) register (PoLa [2:0] and BaFro [1:0]) after
every reading without any further analysis.
If FILT [2:0] = 001 111, then the sensor requires the computed values for Left,
Right, Up, Down, Back, and Front to be the same from 1-7 consecutive readings
(depending on the value in FILT [2:0], before updating the values stored in TILT
(0x03) register (PoLa [2:0] and BaFro [1:0]). The debounce counter is reset after a
mismatched reading or the TILT (0x03) register is updated (if the orientation
condition is met).

Table 3 .Orientation Detection Logic of when Interrupt will Occur

Fig 9. Orientation Detection Logic in 3-Dimensional Space

Tap Detection
The MMA7660FC also includes a Tap Detection feature that
can be used for a number of different customer applications such as button
replacement. For example, a single tap can stop a song from playing and a double
tap can play a song. This function detects a fast transition that exceeds a userdefined threshold (PDET (0x09) register) for a set duration (PD (0x0A) registers).

Tap Detection Setup

In order to enable Tap detection in the device the user must
enable the Tap Interrupt in the INTSU (0x06) register and AMSR [2:0] = 000 in the
SR (0x08) register. In this mode, TILT (0x03) register, XOUT (0x00), YOUT

(0x01), and ZOUT (0x02) registers will update at the 120 samples/second. The
user can configure Tap Detection to be detected on X and/or Y and/or Z axes. The
customer can configure this by changing the XDA, YDA, and/or ZDA bit in the
PDET (0x09) register. Detection for enabled axes is decided on an OR basis: If the
PDINT bit is set in the INTSU (0x06) register, the device reports the first axis for
which it detects a tap by the Tap bit in the TILT (0x03) register. When the Tap bit
in the TILT (0x03) register is set, tap detection ceases, but the device will continue
to process orientation detection data. Tap detection will resume when the TILT
(0x03) register is read.
Shake Detection
The shake feature can be used as a button replacement to
perform functions such as scrolling through images or web pages on a Mobile
Phone/PMP/PDA. The customer can enable the shake interrupt on any of the 3
axes, by enabling the SHINTX, SHINTY, and/or SHINTZ in the INTSU (0x06)
register. MMA7660FC detects shake by examining the current 6-bit measurement
for each axis in XOUT, YOUT, and ZOUT. The axes that are tested for shake
detection are the ones enabled by SHINTX, SHINTY, and/or SHINTZ. If a
selected axis measures greater that 1.3 or less than -1.3 g, then a shake is detected
for that axis and an interrupt occurs. All three axes are checked independently, but
a common Shake bit in the TILT register is set when shake is detected in any one
of the selected axes. Therefore when all three (SHINTX, SHINTY, and/or
SHINTZ) are selected the sensor will not know what axis the shake occurred.
When the TILT register is read the Shake bit is cleared during the acknowledge bit
of the read access to that register and shake detection monitoring starts again.

The MMA7660FC has the Auto-Wake/Sleep feature that can be
enabled for power saving. In the Auto-Wake function, the device is put into a user
specified low samples per second (1 sample/second, 8 samples/second, 16
samples/second, or 32 samples/second) in order to minimize power consumption.
When the Auto-Wake is enabled and activity is detected such as a change in
orientation, pulse event, Delta G acceleration or a shake event, then the device
wakes up. Auto-Wake will automatically enable Auto-Sleep when the device is in
wake mode and can therefore be configured to cause an interrupt on wake-up, by
configuring the part to either wake-up with a change in orientation, shake, or if
using the part at 120 samples/second tap detection. When the device is in AutoWake mode, the MODE (0x07) register, bit AWE is high. When the device has
detected a change in orientation, a tap shake, or Delta G (change in acceleration),
the device will enter Auto-Sleep mode. In the Auto- Sleep function, the device is
put into any of the following user specified samples per seconds (1 sample/second,
2 samples/ second, 4 samples/second, 8 samples/second, 16 samples/second, 32
samples/second, 64 samples/second, and 120 samples/ second). In the Auto-Sleep
mode, if no change in the orientation, shake or tap has occurred and the sleep
counter has elapsed, the device will go into the Auto-Wake mode. When the device
is in the Auto-Sleep mode, the MODE (0x07) register, bit ASE is high. The device
can be programmed to continually cycle between Auto-Wake/Sleep.


The L293D is a quadruple high-current half-H driver

designed to provide bidirectional drive currents of up to 600-mA at voltages from
4.5 V to 36 V. It is designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, dc
and bipolar stepping motors, as well as other high-current/high-voltage loads in
positive-supply applications. All inputs are TTL-compatible. Each output is a
complete totem-pole drive circuit with a Darlington transistor sink and a pseudoDarlington source. Drivers are enabled in pairs with drivers 1 and 2 enabled by
1,2EN and drivers 3 and 4 enabled by 3,4EN. When an enable input is high, the
associated drivers are enabled, and their outputs are active and in phase with their
inputs. External high-speed output clamp diodes should be used for inductive
transient suppression. When the enable input is low, those drivers are disabled, and
their outputs are off and in a high-impedance state. With the proper data inputs,
each pair of drivers form a full-H (or bridge) reversible drive suitable for solenoid
or motor applications. A VCC1 terminal, separate from VCC2, is provided for the

logic inputs to minimize device power dissipation. The L293D is designed for
operation from 0C to 70C.


Fig 10. DC MOTOR

A DC motor is a mechanically commutated electric motor
powered from direct current (DC). The stator is stationary in space by definition
and therefore so is its current. The current in the rotor is switched by the
commutator to also be stationary in space. This is how the relative angle between
the stator and rotor magnetic flux is maintained near 90 degrees, which generates
the maximum torque.
DC motors have a rotating armature winding (winding in
which a voltage is induced) but non-rotating armature magnetic field and a static
field winding (winding that produce the main magnetic flux) or permanent magnet.
Different connections of the field and armature winding provide different inherent
speed/torque regulation characteristics. The speed of a DC motor can be controlled

by changing the voltage applied to the armature or by changing the field current.
The introduction of variable resistance in the armature circuit or field circuit
allowed speed control. Modern DC motors are often controlled by power
electronics systems called DC drives.
The introduction of DC motors to run machinery eliminated the
need for local steam or internal combustion engines, and line shaft drive systems.
DC motors can operate directly from rechargeable batteries, providing the motive
power for the first electric vehicles. Today DC motors are still found in
applications as small as toys and disk drives, or in large sizes to operate steel
rolling mills and paper machines.

In this project MAX232 is used as serial interface.
The MAX232 is a dual driver/receiver that includes a capacitive voltage
generator to supply EIA-232 voltage levels from a single 5-V supply. Each
receiver converts EIA-232 inputs to 5-V TTL/CMOS levels. These receivers
have a typical threshold of 1.3 V and a typical hysteresis of 0.5 V, and can
accept 30-V inputs. Each driver converts TTL/CMOS input levels into EIA232 levels. The driver, receiver, and voltage-generator functions are available
as cells in the Texas Instruments LinASIC library.

Easy to operate
Suitable for handicapped people
Superior level of sensitivity
Better shock resistivity
Low Cost, hence also available to poor people.
Stair protection module
All four directions are possible
Make life easy of disabled persons

Module not interfaced wireless
Wired connection is prone to damage
Difficulty in getting stable readings.
Limited Range
Cannot climb the stairs.
Limited Mobility.

Sensor can be interfaced wireless using RF or zigbee or similar
communication modules
Sensor can read tilt and shake detection and have greater scope of

By this project we intended to automate wheel chair making it simpler for
handicapped people and hope this would benefits for major part of society
Although this project cornered around application as wheel chair it can be

to a wide variety of applications such as simple vehicle

control,gaming,car parking system etc


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Three-phase, Four-wire UPQC for power Quality Improvement, Journal of
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