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Shernique L.

Potters Village,
St. Georges, Antigua.
Email: shernique@hotmail.com
Tel #: 771-8562/7257558

December 10, 2015.

The University of the West Indies

Cave Hill Campus,
P. O. Box 64,
Bursary Student Accounts Department
Email: studentaccounts@cavehill.uwi.edu


I am a 2015 graduate of The University of the West Indies but was unable to
make it to the ceremony held in Barbados. As a result, I was unable to collect
my diploma. I am however giving David Emanuel Abbott (ID number:
415000447) permission to collect it on my behalf as he will be returning to
Antigua after his examinations have been completed.

My student ID number was 412000457 and I belonged to the Faculty of

Social Sciences. Please feel free to contact me regarding any other
information required. My email address is: shernique@hotmail.com and my
contact number is 1268-771-8562 or 1268-725-7558.

Thanking you in advance and looking forward to hearing a favourable


Sincerely yours,


Shernique Charles.

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