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Name: Arellano, Mariel A.

Section / Major: IV-A2 Filipino
Chapter Title: A Person of Influence Understands People
Believe me and I can do things even the impossible one.
Understanding is much deeper than knowledge. There are many people who know us, but very
few who understand us. It is not enough that you know a person only by her name, on what place shes
living, what is her age because you only know her with those aspects but not by who she is behind her
personality. We should not judge a person on what we see in her physically. We must try to understand
them because what they need is people who can understand them each and every one of us need
someone who can understand each personality. A great relationship is about two things: first,
appreciating similarities, and second, respecting the differences. Learn to recognize and respect
everyone elses unique qualities. Instead of trying to cast others in your image, learn to appreciate
their differences. Yes, understanding builds a good relationship with one another.
Knowing what people need and want is the key to understanding them. A loving person lives
in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world: Everyone you meet is your mirror. Yes,
everyone is your mirror. This is the greatest of all relationships and the only one you really need to
understand to transform all your relationships. Here it is again - every single person in your life is your
mirror. What this means is that others are simply reflecting parts of your own consciousness back to
you, giving you an opportunity to really see yourself and ultimately to grow. The qualities you most
admire in others are your own and the same goes for those qualities you dislike. To change anything in
your relationships, be the change you want to see. As you change yourself, those people around you
will change. It is all about on how you deal with others. Understanding the situation you are into is the
best way to cope up from this reality. On how the people treat you is on how you treated them. Those
people around you are the mirror of yourself.
Be someones guide as they walk through their success. Believe in them believe on what
they can do, with the skill they have because it will lead them to their success. Understand their
strengths and weaknesses. Their strengths might be your weakness and their weaknesses might be
your strength. With this, you can build a good relationship with someone. Believe and understand.
Sometimes being understanding is more important than being right. Sometimes we need not a
brilliant mind that speaks but a patient heart that listens. Not keen eyes that always see faults but
open arms that accept. Not a finger that points out mistakes but gentle hands that lead.
The real beauty of life is while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it,
learn from it and change, so that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in
wisdom, understanding and love.

Campuses: Calapan Campus | Main Campus | Bongabong Campus

Telephone Numbers: (043) 286 - 2368
Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041

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