Al Jazeera Unhrc Lgbtrights

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UNHRC Debate - September 4th 2016

The Leading Middle-Eastern Network of the World

Knives fly in the UNHRC

The issue of the rights of the LGBT has caused a serious
debate in the UNHRC over the "lack of morality" from
certain countries.
Fairview (Al Jazeera)- Verbal conflict ensues between a myriad of countries as the
issues of LGBT rights have halted the progress of the council to a standstill. The
delegate of Afghanistan has stated "The root of the disagreements between us is
not only due to religious beliefs, we simply cannot grant these homosexuals special
privileges at the expense of the ordinary citizens. It is simply unfair and defeats the
purpose of human rights. Reports given have stated that the delegate of Belgium,
leader of the pro-LGBT group, has been repeatedly blocking the possibility of
improvements on the resolution resulting in some gridlock.

The nations begin an unmoderated caucus

The ongoing discussion on whether to grant LGBT "special privileges" is a highly

contested topic among several delegates, To give some background into the
situation, the issue of gay rights have emerged ever since the 1970's when a
homosexual couple were denied a marriage application and the right to marry. Ever
since, the issue of gay rights have been heavily protested by the public and also
several officials. The legalization of gay marriage has been achieved, but the issue
of LGBT rights is still a point of contention between several countries.
This is the second day of debate, but the road to an agreement is far ahead.

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