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UNDP Debate-September 4th

The Leading Middle-Eastern Network of the World

Power sharing on a global level?

The debate on the issue of power sharing is a point of contention among many
countries, the debate is has gotten far behind as a result.
Power sharing on an international level has its benefits and problems, but it has
been recently acknowledged as a possible solution to the many power outages in
certain countries. Power-sharing entails the building of support networks in less
developed countries who lack the economic funds, so that the power can be used
for major countries who are close to the less developed countries when they are
in their own crisis.
Several members of the council were concerned about the lack of safety that
comes with the handling of Nuclear energy. However, this was quickly shut down
by the Delegate of Bangladesh who replied, that Nuclear energy was a cheap
and clean alternative to the other sources of energy like fossil fuels. The debate
kept progressing until there were several resolutions on the floor that had to be
addressed. To move on, the council decided to merge the resolutions together to
create a resolution that encompassed the interests of all countries at the council.
During out press conference with the delegates, they referred to the powersharing plan as a symbiotic relationship that would do well to appease both
sides of the countries. It seems that the plans to implement this new policy are
already beginning.

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