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Network Security Projects

Security Assessment of Cloud Based Computing

This project will examine the current state of the art with respect to protecting the confidentiality, integrity
and availability of cloud based computing including specific applications such as file sharing and
collaborative work. It will address near term and far term threats and propose security features to mitigate
or prevent those threats. It may consider from a high level legal and regulatory issues e.g. the effect of the
cloud residing in a different jurisdiction from some of the users. A complete security model and architecture
should be developed.
Threats and Countermeasures Related to Cyberterrorism
This project will examine threats to critical infrastructure such as utilities, medical facilities and transport
from state and non-state actors. It will propose administrative (i.e. policy related), physical and technical
countermeasures for prevention, deterrence and detection of organised attacks.
Wireless Networking Projects
Wireless Sensor Networking
This project will research different routing protocols associated with wireless sensor networks and select
the most appropriate candidates for a specific application such as home automation, agriculture, medical
monitoring or perhaps an application that is very appropriate to Australia e.g. mining or coral reef
monitoring. The various candidate protocols can be compared through simulation for such metrics as
energy efficiency, latency and robustness.
Wireless Networking for Driverless Truck Convoys in Australia
This project will address the unique requirements and design of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) for
control of driverless truck convoys in Australia. Challenges such as navigating tunnels in urban areas and
poor road standards in some rural areas will be addressed. Both vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-toroadside (V2R) communication can be considered. Simulations of various operating scenarios might be
included to validate the designs.
Design of a "Clean Slate" or "Green Field" Internet
This project will address the requirements, design and modelling of some aspect of a "clean slate" Internet
for the needs of today which include:
- Human oriented applications such as browsing, streaming, online gaming
- A wide range of Machine-to-Machine applications
- Mobility
- Secure transactions
- A wide range of access networks
For example, it might consider the design of a new network layer or transport layer protocol to meet these
requirements, or it might look at the performance and scalability of the routing process. The original internet
protocols and processes were designed in a very different context and so it can be expected that many
differences would exist if were were designing with a clean sheet of paper. Models can be developed and
the performance difference between the "clean slate" internet and today's internet analysed.
Although this is a hypothetical project dealing with revolution rather than evolution, it involves a wide range
of research skills and can possibly be expanded upon year by year by new groups of students.

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