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Section A

(15 marks)

Listen the audio and fill in the blanks to complete the poem below.

My country Malaysia,
Many colours and (1) _______________________,
So (2) _________________ and wonderful,
Different (3) ____________________ with various festivals,
We (4) _________________ them all together,
We are (5) ___________________ yet united,
It does not matter,
We may be Malays,
We may be (6) _________________,
We may be Indians,
We may be Kadazans,
We may be Ibans,
We are one (7) __________________,
We are one (8) __________________,
We live (9) ___________________,
Always in (10) __________________,
Our Malaysia, Our home.
(10 marks)

Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.

Match the correct meaning.


- dress


- gift


- enjoyment
(1 mark)

When does the authors grandmother make cupcakes?

(1 mark)
Which holiday does the author like most?
A. Christmas
B. Halloween
C. Easter
(1 mark)
Based on what you know about the author, what costume will he probably wear next
A. a pumpkin costume
B. a flower costume
C. a ghost costume
(1 mark)
What is the best title for this passage?
(1 mark)

(40 marks)

Study the brochure about famous tourist spot and answer the following
questions in the spaces provided.

List three places you can do in Cameron Highlands.

(3 marks)

Your friend from Australia would like to visit Malaysia during her next
school holidays. She wants to know more about Malaysia.
Write an e-mail to your friend telling her about at least three places she
can visit in Malaysia.
Write your answer between 50 to 80 words.
(12 marks)


Date:30th August 2016


Time: 5.30pm

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.


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