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Unified Chakra Meditation
The Heart of the Legacy Unified Chakra is the version that Aliyah Ziondra developed with the Council
of Ein Soph to assist the integration of the sentient physical body, the Keepers of the Legacy, and the
astral, electro-magnetic, and eka-causal bodies with the unified field. This version is used as the
foundation for all of the techniques and technologies of Wings of Glory.
Just like basic Unified Chakra Meditation of Angelic Outreach, this version supports your mutation at
every level. It creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and
acts like a force field. It helps screen out other peoples pictures of reality. Most of you walk around
in other peoples energies because your bodies are separated. The main thing for Lightworkers is to
get in your bodies and figure out what your energy is. The Heart of the Legacy Unified Chakra is the
best way that we know of to assist you and your Keepers to follow your Spirit with every breath and
every step. We suggest that you do this technique every single time that you notice that you are in
the past or the future. At first that will seem like an incredible task, but if you will do it with discipline,
you will find that within two weeks you will unify instantly. By the end of four to five weeks, you wont
step out of the merge. Unlike a lot of meditations, you do not leave your body; you stay conscious.
It is an altered state, but it is one that you can live in.
Heart of the Legacy Unified Chakra Meditation
I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart, Opening my heart into a beautiful ball of Light,
Allowing myself to expand.
I breathe in Light To the center of the Legacy, Opening the Legacy Into a beautiful ball of Light, I move
the Legacy into the heart, Allowing myself to expand.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand, Encompassing my throat
chakra And my solar plexus chakra In one unified field of Light Within, through, and around my body.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand, Encompassing my brow
chakra And my navel chakra In one unified field of Light Within, through, and around my body
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my crown
chakra And my base chakra In one unified field of Light Within, through, and around my body.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand, Encompassing my astral,
Electro-magnetic and Causal Bodies, In one unified field of Light Within, through, and around my body
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my Alpha
chakra (Eight inches above my head) And my Omega chakra (Eight inches below my spine) I allow the
Waves of Metatron To move between these two points.
I vibrate the Waves Within, through, and around my body Into to Astral, Electro-Magnetic and Causal
Bodies, Perfectly attuning them, Into one unified field of Light.
I create The Kingdom.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my eighth
chakra (above my head) And my upper thighs In one unified field of Light Within, through, and around
my body. I allow my emotional body to merge With my physical fields.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my ninth
chakra (Above my head) And my lower thighs In one unified field of Light Within, through, and around
my body. I allow my mental body to merge With my physical fields.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my tenth
chakra (Above my head) And to my knees In one unified field of Light Within, through and around my
body. I allow my spiritual body to merge With my physical fields, Creating the Throne. I AM a unity of
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my eleventh
chakra (Above my head) And my upper calves In one unified field of Light Within, through and around

my body I allow the Oversoul to merge With the Throne.

I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my twelfth
chakra (Above my head) And my lower calves In one unified field of Light Within, through and around
my body I allow the Christ Oversoul to merge With the Throne.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my thirteenth
chakra (Above my head) And my feet In one unified field of Light Within, through and around my body
I allow the I AM Oversoul to merge With the Throne.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my
fourteenth chakra (Above my head) And to below my feet In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body I allow the Keter Oversoul to merge With the Throne.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light To the Heart of the Legacy I ask that the highest level of my Spirit And the Divine
Presence, Radiate forth From the Throne In the Heart of the Legacy, Filling the Kingdom completely. I
radiate forth throughout this day. I AM a unity of Spirit.
Imagine a thick line of Light beginning at the Omega chakra (eight inches below your spine),
extending upwards through your spine and on upwards into the upper part of the unified field. Ground
into the vastness of your Spirit. Allow your Spirit to stabilize you. Run twelve lines of Light downward
from the point of the Omega chakra, opening around your feet like a cone. You are not grounding into
the Earth. You're stabilizing yourself across the parallel realities of the planetary hologram.
Field Entity Release: Angelic Outreach Version
From the Tools for Living Heaven tape set
Many times, astral entities will intrude on our fields. Whether conscious or unconscious, we make
agreements with them when we have moments of fear or need. These entities will attach themselves
to us, usually promising some aspect of ourselves comfort in exchange for living vicariously through
us. These exchanges are almost never worth it, as the astral entity is just as subject to distortion and
the illusion of polarity as are beings of the 3rd Dimension. They often feed on addictions of various
types, be they for substances or people. Some really enjoy anger and violence, and will spur
arguments and feed off karmic situations, adding to the intensity of the karma. Sometimes,
relationships between people are actually relationships between the entities attached to them! It is
always of benefit to release these beings into the Light, so that they can move on to their next stage
of development and you can be free of their influence. The Entity Release is a good practice in any
"Spiritual Hygiene" program. Some people do the Release on a regular basis; just to be sure no entities
have "sneaked" into their fields. Please be aware, you can only release any agreements that you
yourself have with these entities. You cannot release agreements for other people.
Call for assistance. "Archangel Michael please bring down the tunnel of Light. Ariel, Azrael and AruKiri, please assist."
"I break any and all agreements or contracts, both conscious and unconscious, that I have made,
anyone in my body has made, or anyone in my genetic lineage has made, with any astral entities,
thought forms, demons, dark forces, elementals, aliens or boogies. Please go into the tunnel, we will
take you home."
From the moment you begin an entity release, assume that feelings or thoughts may not be your own.
Boredom, spaciness, resistance, "this stuff never works", anger, aches and pains, and grief may all be
coming from entities. Identify them and send them on i.e. "entity holding resistance: go into the
Light!" Toning is very helpful to ease their release. When you feel clear or lighter, ask Michael to take
the tunnel back to the fifth dimension.
Circle Entity Release
As the work progressed with the Bennu Legacy Inner Synergy Re-Alignments, we discovered that the
field entity release would not deal with trespassers within the Circle itself, so this version was
Focus on the Legacy as it rests within your heart. Send the Keepers of the Circle your love and
honoring. Ask Ariel, Kor Takh, and Grace, Purity, Mercy, Rapture, and Liberty Elohim to enter your
Circle from the Legacy Feel the expansion of the presence of these beings within the Circle. Ask them

to remove any entities, dark forces, or alien observers from your Circle. You may or may not hear
conversation coming from the Circle. You may feel lots of different emotions running through you. This
is most likely from the entities, but may be Keepers. Just let it move through you and out of you
without analyzing, processing, or dramatizing the experience. Your job is to keep sending love and
honoring to the Keepers. You may feel a "thank you" coming from the Keepers when it is complete.
The Triple Grid
This technique is for keeping areas like your home, workplace, or car energetically clean. In the Triple
Grid technique you ask the specific group to set up their level of the grid, designating the geometric
shape, size and location. Spherical grids are the most stable and easy to maintain, so we suggest
working with this geometry for most everyday applications (such as around your home, car, or
workplace). You will want to renew the grid daily. I suggest taking a crystal sphere, any form of quartz
will do, and program it with The Triple Grid. Then you can just put your hand on the sphere everyday
and say, "Renew Grids." Reprogram the sphere at least every two weeks.
"Legions of Michael: grid level one, spherical, my house. Destroyer Force Angels: grid level two,
spherical, my house. Circle Security: grid level three, spherical, my house."
"Destroyer Force Angels: please spin your grid, Spinning out astral entities and astral gates or portals,
astral distortions Adverse electro-magnetic frequencies, adverse astrological influences Fear,
disharmony, anger, expectation, frustration, worry Viruses, funguses, bacteria, parasites physical and
astral Inner dis-harmony and abusiveness, enemy patterning, suspicion Distortions to co-creation,
miscommunication, karmic monads Sadness, scarcity, loneliness, denial and projection, martyrdom
Anything that distorts the clear communication with The Keepers of the Legacy Anything that distorts
the spiritual signature, or clear communication with Spirit.
Spin out anything that hasn't been mentioned in this or any other language, but which you know
needs to leave the space at this time." (Fill in whatever else is needed according to your situation).
When the clearing feels complete, continue with, "Reverse spin, same stuff." When that feels
complete, end with, "Stop spin. Thank you."
"Legions of Michael, infuse your grid with
Grace, Purity, Rapture, Love, Faith, and Hope Elohim
Mercy, Peace, Liberty, Harmony, Alpha Omega, and Victory Elohim.
Infuse with love, intimacy, tolerance, centeredness, clarity, health, wealth
Clear communication with The Keepers of the Legacy and with Spirit
The Heart of the Legacy Unified Chakra
Full connection with Spirit, following Spirit without hesitation, Mastery, sovereignty, Fierce Wholeness,
Living Heaven And anything else that hasn't been mentioned in this or any other language, but which
you know needs to be in the space at this time. Please seal your grid. Thank you." (again more
suggestions. Fill in whatever you need, according to your situation).
"Circle Security, realign your grid to harmonize with upper dimensional gridworks. Release all
distortions and parasites on the grids. Infuse frequencies for clearer communication with Spirit. Seal
grid. Thank you."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright by 1998, 1999, 2000 Wings of Glory
1st edition april 1999, 2nd edition June 1999, 3rdEdition August 2000
Keth's specialty as an Etheric Surgeon is working with these energies and the Crown or "Kether" of the
Tree of Life as his name bespeaks. One service he performs the Higher Light Integration session
includes Removing the Etheric Crystals and has a $100 requested donation. I'm Ready ~ 6 Steps to
my Divine Tune-Up
The Unified Chakra
From the book What Is Lightbody? and The Tools for Living Heaven tape set
The Unified Chakra Meditation is the base technique of Angelic Outreach.

It supports your mutation at every level. The Unified Chakra creates a bubble of Light that allows you
to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force field. It helps screen out other people's
pictures of reality. Most of you walk around in other peoples' energies because your bodies are
separated. The main thing for Lightworkers is to get in your bodies and figure out what your energy is.
The Unified Chakra is the best way that we know of to assist you to follow your Spirit with every breath
and every step.
We suggest that you do the Unified chakra every single time that you notice that you are in the past or
the future.At first that will seem like an incredible task, but if you will do it with discipline, you will find
that within two weeks you will unify instantly. By the end of four to five weeks, you won't step out of
the merge. Unlike a lot of meditations, you do not leave your body; you stay conscious. It is an altered
state, but it is one that you can live in.

I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart,Opening my heart Into a beautiful ball of Light,
Allowing myself to expand.
I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart, Allowing the Light to expand, Encompassing my
throat chakra And my solar plexus chakra In one unified field of Light Within, through, and around my
I breathe in LightThrough the center of my heart,Allowing the Light to expand,Encompassing my brow
chakraAnd my navel chakraIn one unified field of LightWithin, through, and around my body
I breathe in LightThrough the center of my heart,Allowing the Light to expandEncompassing my crown
chakraAnd my base chakraIn one unified field of LightWithin, through, and around my body.
I breathe in LightThrough the center of my heart,Allowing the Light to expandEncompassing my Alpha
chakra(Eight inches above my head)And my Omega chakra(Eight inches below my spine)In one
unified field of Light Within, through, and around my body.I allow the Wave of Metatron To move
between these two points.I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart, Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my
eighth chakra (above my head) And my upper thighs In one unified field of Light Within, through, and
around my body. I allow my emotional body to merge With my physical body.I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart,Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my ninth
chakra (Above my head) And my lower thighs In one unified field of Light Within, through, and around
my body. I allow my mental body to merge With my physical body.I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in LightThrough the center of my heart, Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my tenth
chakra (Above my head)And to my kneesIn one unified field of LightWithin, through and around my
body.I allow my spiritual body to mergeWith my physical body,Creating the unified field. I AM a unity of
I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart, Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my
eleventh chakra (Above my head)And my upper calvesIn one unified field of LightWithin, through and
around my bodyI allow the Oversoul to mergeWith the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart, Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my
twelfth chakra (Above my head)And my lower calvesIn one unified field of LightWithin, through and
around my bodyI allow the Christ Oversoul to mergeWith the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart, Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my
thirteenth chakra (Above my head)And my feetIn one unified field of LightWithin, through and around
my bodyI allow the I AM Oversoul to mergeWith the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.

I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart, Allowing the Light to expand Encompassing my
fourteenth chakra (Above my head)And to below my feetIn one unified field of LightWithin, through
and around my bodyI allow the Source's Presence to moveThroughout the unified field.I AM a unity of
I breathe in Light Through the center of my heart, I ask that the highest level of my SpiritRadiate forth
from the center of my heart,Filling this unified field completely.I radiate forth throughout this day.I AM
a unity of Spirit.I AM a unity of Light.

The Chakras

Old:The chakra system has seven major chakras in the body that function separately. Each chakra
looks like a swirling cone of energy, opening up in the front and back but very narrow in the center of
the body. In that narrow center point is a ring that holds the chakra in this position called a seal. For
the course of the karmic game, the heart chakra has been semi-closed so that all chakras would
operate at a lower karmic functioning. Most human interactions have been based out of the lower
three chakras.

New:With Lightbody activation, the heart chakra opens into its higher functioning and takes
predominance over the others. This forces the other six chakras to begin operating at their Higher
Divine functioning also. The seven seals break open and the chakras change shape from conical to
spherical. Then they all begin to merge into what we call the unified chakra. The other seven chakras
that exist outside the physical body become activated, starting with the eighth, nine and tenth
chakras. These upper chakras open into the unified chakra and stimulate the emotional, mental, and
Spiritual bodies to unify. As the heart chakra opens multi-dimensionally, the more unified the other
chakras and the energy bodies become. This forms a unified energy field which becomes the vehicle
for ascension as the Oversoul, the Christ Oversoul, and the I AM presence descend to merge with it.
The Base, or First Chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It connects the body to the planet and
regulates life-force in the body. It also has connections with the Instinctive Center, located just above
and behind it.
The Sacral, or Second Chakra, governs sexual and creative energy in the body.
The Solar Plexus, or Third Chakra, is the source of power and the force of will through the ego. The
"ego" is the combined Lower Bodies, the Physical, Emotional and Mental Bodies.
The Heart, or Fourth Chakra, is located in the center of the chest. It forms the basis and center for the
Unified Chakra. It is the source for love and manifestation.
The Throat, or Fifth Chakra, governs the expression of one's truth.
The Brow, or Sixth Chakra, governs the perception of truth. The Third Eye structure is located right in
front of it.
The Crown, or Seventh Chakra, forms the connection from the body to the upper chakras and the
Spiritual Body.
The Alpha/Omega Chakras, located 8 inches above the head and 8 inches below the spine
respectively, form between them the Waves of Metatron of Electric, Magnetic, and Gravitational
function. They act as anchors--the Alpha connects the lower bodies with it upper-dimensional
counterparts, and the Omega anchors the lower bodies across their holographic grid of incarnations.

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