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Demonstration of Various Parts of Hydraulic Bench

Hydraulic bench is a very useful apparatus in hydraulics and fluid mechanics.

It is involved in majority of experiments to be conducted e.g. To find the value
of the co-efficient of velocity Cv, coefficient of discharge Cd, to study the
characteristics of flow over notches, to find metacentric height, to find head
losses through pipes, to verify Bernoullis theorem etc.

Parts of Hydraulic Bench Machine:

Its parts are given below:

Centrifugal pump
It draws water from sump tank and supplies it for performing experiments.

Sump Tank
It stores water for Hydraulic bench. It is located in the bottom portion of
Hydraulic bench. Water from here is transported to other parts by using a
pump. It has a capacity of 160 liters.

Vertical pipe
It supplies water to the upper part of hydraulic bench from sump tank through a pump.

Control valve
It is used to regulate the flow in the pipe i.e. to increase or decrease the inflow of water in the
hydraulic bench.

With the help of this we
can attach accessories
with the hydraulic bench.
Special purpose
terminations may be
connected to the pump
supply by unscrewing
connecter, no hand tools
are required for doing so.
It is located in the channel.

It is used in number of
experiments It provides passage for water for different experiments.

Drain valve
It is used for emptying sump tank.

Side channels

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