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29th May
Generation 2010
A review of current research in the field of Smart Grids using distributed power
generation and a vision of the future of the power transmission networks. based

Cheng-Che Chen
Submitted by:
Eakan Gopalakrishnan
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 History of Power Generation .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 A Definition: Distributed Generation ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Driving Forces.................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Smart Grid ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Renewable Resources and Reliability ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Demand Response .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Storage Devices .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.4 IT infrastructure for Smart Grid ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Benefits of Distributed Generation ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Agent based Control in Smart Grid ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 PowerMatcher: MA Control System .................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 IDAP Systems .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 GMS Systems ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Demonstration: Future Grid .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
8. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Traditional (left) and future (right) electricity networks (courtesy ISET) .......................................................................................... 3
Figure 2 Example Variability of Wind Energy ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 3 Setup of CRISP supply and demand (CRISP final summary report).................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4 Electronic Market simulation demonstrating reduced fluctuation and power import reduction (CRISP final summary report) ........ 7
Figure 5 IDAPS MAS Collaborative Diagram ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 6 Architecture of Grid Monitoring and Management System................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 7 Smart Distributed Power Generation Grid ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Smart Distributed Power Generation Networks of
Cheng-Che Chen Eakan Gopalakrishnan
School of Electronics and Computer Science, School of Electronics and Computer Science,
University of Southampton University of Southampton,

ABSTRACT source of production, that usually resides somewhere far

In the beginning, electricity was generated and distributed away from residential areas, to reduce the harmful effects of
in a very small area, closest to the source, which is how it is pollution in the neighbourhood. This is a centralized power
in a distributed power generation grid. Then as technology generation and distribution system. A smart grid delivers
developed and the transmission properties of AC was electricity from suppliers to consumers using two way
discovered, the scale of transmission increased and thus digital technologies to control appliances at consumer’s
people began to focus on centralized power generation and home to save energy, reduce cost, increase reliability and
large scale distribution. Then again recently after the transparency.
discovery of High voltage DC and its transmission The concept of distributed power generation and smart
efficiencies, in the past decade, the focus shifted to grids would hold very well with renewable energy resources
decentralized power distribution grids. The focus on thereby paving a greener way of electricity generation and
renewable energy resources also could be attributed to the distribution.
increased interest in distributed power generation systems.
In this paper, we take a look at the current technologies and 1.1 History of Power Generation
progress that has happened in the smart distributed During the early days, when electricity was first transmitted,
generation grids and predict the features and convenience it was available to only sites close to the source of
promised by the smart grids of tomorrow. We also take a generation. The first grids were based on direct current,
look at the challenges that lie ahead in shifting towards such therefore the supply voltage was limited and also the
an intelligent smart grid from the conventional grid. distance across which it could be transmitted. Demand and
supply were balanced using storage like batteries which
Categories and Subject Descriptors could be directly coupled to the grid [12] [13]. After the
A.1 [Introductory and Survey]: Distributed Power discovery of alternating current and learning that it could be
Generation and Smart Grids. transmitted at very low costs across great distances by
raising and lowering voltage using power transformers was
J.7 [Computers in Other Systems]: Command and Control what led to the centralized grid system of power
distribution. [12] During the last decade, the interest in
General Terms distributed generation suddenly increased again [11].
Management, Measurement, Performance, Design,
Reliability, Experimentation, Security. 1.2 A Definition: Distributed Generation
When it comes to defining distributed generation, there
seems to be no consensus on a common definition [13] [11]
[14]. Different countries have different definitions; some of
Distributed Generation Systems, Distributed Computing.
them define it based on the voltage level used for
transmission, whereas others define it based on the fact that
1. INTRODUCTION distributed generation is connected to circuits from which
Electricity today, is something that we cannot live without. consumer loads are supplied directly, without any other
It has been reaching homes through large scale distribution intervention. Sometimes DG is also defined based on some
systems, where power travels a long distance from the characteristics like renewable energy source usage,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
cogeneration etc, some definitions also include large-scale
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or cogeneration systems as distributed generation systems,
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and whereas others put emphasis on small-scale generation
the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers
or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. units. But all these definitions consider small scale
Conference’10, Month 1–2, 2010, City, State, Country.
Copyright 2010 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0010…$10.00.

generation units connected to a distribution grid as a part of The figure shows that in the future a considerable amount
distributed generation system. of energy that is generated on a small scale would be fed
into the network at medium and low-voltage sub-networks.
Therefore to reach a unified definition several factors were
examined in [14] like purpose, capacity, location, power [23] predicts that the growing share of distributed
delivery area, technology, environmental impact, mode of generation in the electricity generation and distribution
operation etc. Thus now the widely accepted definition is as segment may evolve in three different stages:
follows: “Distributed Generation is an electric power source • Accommodation Stage: Distributed units would run
connected directly to the distribution network or on the free while centralized control still exists.
customer site of the meter”.
• Decentralization Stage: DG share increases, virtual
But the above definition does not give the rating of the utilities control power transmission, but centralized
generation source. Distributed generation systems are also control still exists.
classified based on the power rating.
• Dispersal Stage: DG takes over market, low voltage
1.3 Driving Forces network segments provide their own supply of limited
In [26] [22] [23] the driving forces behind the penetration energy, and central network operators become more
of distributed generation are listed out clearly. Summarizing like co-ordinators.
them below:
• Environmental concerns: green or sustainable energy 2. Smart Grid
generation is possible and is best suited for a The current power distribution system is not smart enough
distributed generation system on small scales. to do many things that would be required to be done if
distributed generation gets popular and is widely used
• Deregulation of electricity market: deregulation has everywhere around the world. If that was the case, we
caused uncertainty in the long term prospects of would see houses being self sufficient in terms of its energy
investments in power generation and this has caused an needs and excess energy generated could be stored or be
interest in small scale distributed generation. traded.
• Diversification of energy resources: This is done to Currently need for energy is rising rapidly and villages and
reduce dependency on fossil fuels for energy. rural areas are being urbanized, which again increases the
• Energy autonomy: a sufficient production capacity in a need of larger amounts of electricity. Natural resources are
local network opens the possibility of intentional being scarce and hard to find for electricity generation
islanding, which is the transition to stand alone using conventional methods. Climate change and global
operation during abnormal conditions on the externally warming has made us more environmentally conscious. The
connected network. markets today are open to any kind of trade, which would
open up new possibilities in distributed generation grids
• Energy efficiency: Distributed power generation would [51].
reduce transmission loss. Higher efficiency can be
attained by using combined heat power generation “Smart grid” is generally used to describe the integration of
instead of traditional furnace burners. elements connected to the electrical distribution grid with
an information technology infrastructure so that it can
provide several benefits to both the providers and
consumers of electricity [5]. The ability of a utility to create
ubiquitous connectivity between all of its current data
sources and decision-making points is critical to the success
of smart grid. The goal of going towards a smart grid is to
increase the use of renewable energy resources for power
generation. And the sudden increase in the power
requirements has to be met by increasing capacity and by
reducing transmission loss over long distance. Congested
areas or areas with very high population densities can be
powered using distributed generation and related
technologies. By meeting all these requirements we would
Figure 1 Traditional (left) and future (right) electricity have a reliable, flexible and secure power distribution Grid.
networks (courtesy ISET)
Some of the widely anticipated features addressed by
having a smart grid are listed as follows:

• Integrating new ways of power generation including Wind power forecasting errors also present scheduling
wind, solar, etc and wise utilization of stored energy. problems, and these errors could be in excess of 25% [42].
Wind generators also pose problems like Low Voltage Ride
• High quality of service without any interruption, free of Through. Even then this variability has relatively small
voltage spikes or sags. impact on the regulation requirements [43].
• Real-time communication between consumer and Solar energy is very abundant but almost completely un-
utility so that users can tailor their energy consumption utilized by us. The variability of solar energy is impacted by
based on factors like price, environmental concerns etc. sunlight availability and climate and the capacity factor for
• Resilience against attacks and theft. photovoltaic cells are around 10-20%. For solar thermal
plants this may reach up to 70% with storage [44].
• Better energy utilization efficiency.
The factors that affect the reliability of energy from
• Autonomous control over transmission ensuring renewable resources are:
reliability without human interference in case of faults • Variability and low capacity
or natural disasters.
• Low correlation with the load profile
The efforts towards the development of smart grids has
increased recently due to the reforms in policy and • Relatively high forecast errors
regulations [35] [36] [37] [38] [39]. The efforts can be • Congestion issues at transmission level and distribution
broadly classified as: level.
• Reliability • Operational issues like voltage regulation.
• Renewable resources
2.2 Demand Response
• Demand response Demand response helps reduce consumer load in response
to emergency and high-price conditions. Normal demand-
• Electric storage response in the range of 5-15% of system peak load can
• Electricity transportation help in reducing the need for additional resources and
lowering real-time electricity prices [45]. Load rejection is
Of the list given above, reliability is of prime importance. one technique of protecting the grid from disruption. It used
Renewable resources when used for electricity generation to operate through under-voltage or under-frequency relays.
are notorious for its volatility; therefore reliability becomes Such techniques can be adopted into a smart grid to make it
an issue there as well. This is addressed by demand more intelligent based on customer participation.
response and electric storage and it also addresses the
economics of the grid. This can be implemented through either automatic or
manual response to price signals or through a bidding
2.1 Renewable Resources and Reliability process based on communication between consumer and
Some of the most rapidly expanding renewable resources market/system operator through local utilities.
are expected to be wind and solar energy. In US, wind
energy production is expected to grow from 31TWh in Load balancing of the energy demand has really great
2008 to 1160TWh by 2030 [40]. But the unpredictability of industrial value, since this can avoid costly and sometimes
wind energy is indicated by its low capacity factor which is environment unfriendly generation of energy to meet peak
much lower than conventional energy generation [41]. demands. In addition to this, the investments in expensive
power generation and distribution equipment to take care of
peak demand can be brought down. A win-win situation for
utilities and customers can be attained by trading energy
allocation vs. price or customer value, thus agreeing on a
suitable redistribution profitable for all parties [5].

2.3 Storage Devices

Improvements in electricity storage technology have helped
make distributed generation effective. Such resources make
the net demand profile flatter reducing the fluctuations and
improve reliability and are fast. It helps to alleviate
congestion at both transmission and distribution levels.
Figure 2 Example Variability of Wind Energy

2.4 IT infrastructure for Smart Grid 5. Under-voltage becomes a good grid stability indicator
IT infrastructure for the smart grid should be responsible that can be used in critical situations and this would
for providing fail proof, fast bidirectional communication mean intelligent load shedding.
among all devices connected to the grid to enable grid wide 6. Real-time performance requirements of ICT network
control by means of something like the World Wide Web, systems can be fulfilled by properly configuring the
so that a user can customize his power usage, and embedded ICT in a Service Oriented Architecture by
distributors can regulate their distribution and also monitor using existing protocols.
the usage and provide live feeds of usage. But all this
requires extensive use of modern technology based on the 7. A lot of research and technology development is
following: required to act on issues related to interfacing,
integrating and protecting power systems interlinked
• Utilize advanced power management utilities for faster
with ICT information systems in a robust and
and accurate grid-wide situational awareness.
standardized way.
• Faster and robust control devices to enable fast 8. A great deal of attention must be paid on the methods
automated control actions. used to align the new ICT technologies, internet/web
• Embedded and intelligent devices, that implements standards, and grid architectures, with emerging new
fault diagnosis, automated restoration etc. business and service models in the European market
• Secure communications
• Computing capabilities for reliable analyses, agent 3. Benefits of Distributed Generation
based self co-ordinated system [46]. Big isn’t always better. The big plants hit imposing
economic, physical and regulatory barriers, so by 2000 the
Thus the features that an ideal Information and average new plant was around 100 megawatts (MW) [7] [8]
Communication Technologies infrastructure that would be [34]. Approximately 60000MW of small-scale distributed
instrumental in shaping the energy networks of the future generators, defined as less than 10 MW are online in North
would be America [9]. These are mostly diesel generators, but now
1. Providing universal connectivity. micro-turbines, fuel-cells and solar arrays are finding
increasing market.
2. Increasing the intelligence of the grid.
Some of the benefits of using distributed generation are
3. Making the critical infrastructures of ICT and power
work together. • Combined heat and power plants which ensure very
high efficiency.
Project CRISP has produced a range of useful insights,
innovative methods, and pioneering application concerning • Standby/emergency generation which enhances
how ICT can help realize the smart power network of the reliability.
future. Here are some of the key findings [6] summarized: • Peak shaving that ensure distributed generation is used
1. ICT technologies including internet and web standards to meet peak demands for power.
currently have the capability to cater for many of the
future energy networks’s functionalities though the all • Grid support that ensure lesser grid loss, saving at least
the benefits have not been reaped yet. 10 – 15%

2. Software agents in the grid enable decentralized • Grid investment reduced: install Distributed generation
control of power networks, and make the grid instead of extending grids. Green energy sources could
“intelligent” and “self organizing”. be used extensively.

3. Agents in grid architectures are able to carry out According to [47] [48], the renewable electricity
advanced fault detection and handling functions with contribution in 2010 range from 9.3% for UK and 10.3%
the help of advanced electrical devices. for Germany up to values of 21.5%for Portugal or 29.0%
for Denmark (all values excluding large hydro). Incentive
4. Automatic supply-demand matching by local electronic programs have been launched to support DG, not only for
power markets in commercial Distributed Energy the well publicised wind technologies, but also for example
Resource clusters decreases power import from other PV installations [49].
parts of the grid, fluctuations in production and Some examples of how consumers have used distributed
consumption. generation [50] and how their situation has improved:

• A bank installed a fuel cell to avoid power disturbances An AEG is a voltage net with a decent amount of
that were shutting down its computer systems — the Distributed Generation installed that is self-regulating and
purchase was about the cost of a 1h outage. possibly able to continue operating, if necessary in a
degraded way, when it is disconnected from the grid.
• A restaurant in Chicago using natural gas powered
micro turbine cuts 1500 off its monthly power bill In power systems MAS have a wide variety of applications
while improving power reliability. like power system disturbance diagnosis [24] [26] [27],
power system restoration [28], power system secondary
• A police station installed a fuel cell, saving around voltage control [29], and power system visualization [30].
US$200000 over the cost of a line upgrade. The use of MAS to control micro-grids that consists of PV
Conventional electricity generation in the US is the leading generators, batteries and controllable loads have been
source of green house gas emission, 34% [10]. And with a discussed in [31] [32] [33].
smarter grid we’ll have more efficient distribution thereby In the following subsections, we take a look at some
reducing the un-necessary demand for power and reducing approaches of solving distributed power distribution control
emissions from plants. If all the waste heat energy for over the grid which we feel combines features that would be
propelling heating and cooling systems, efficiencies of best suited for our vision of the future smart distributed
fossil fuel powered distributed systems go up to 80%, power grid.
which is far better than that of big power plants.
Other benefits are that it can guarantee secure and reliable 4.1 PowerMatcher: MA Control System
power supply in case natural disasters [7]. Grid stability In a market-based control, a large number of agents are
would be the responsibility of several software agents and competitively negotiating and trading on an electronic
thus the grid of the future would exhibit an adaptive nature. market, with the purpose of optimally achieving their local
control action goals [1]. Most of the early research was
4. Agent based Control in Smart Grid aimed at climate control in office buildings with many
As distributed generation will slowly replace centralized office rooms [18] [19] [20] [21].
generation, centralized control over the grid will be slowly A systems-level theory of large-scale intelligent and
replaced by distributed control. Multi-agent systems and distributed control was formulated [15] [16], that unifies
virtual markets provide the key technology to meet the microeconomics and control theory in a multi-agent theory.
requirements of the smart grid. Some of the reasons of why The result of this mixing was the derivation of a general
a multi-agent based system should be used: market theorem that proves two important properties about
• MAS are much suitable for building distributed co- agent-based microeconomics control:
ordination systems, as it allows several actors to act • Computational economies with dynamic pricing
together in competition or co-operation. There may be techniques are capable of dealing with scarce resources
local agents or other agents, in different roles, to take for control, in an adaptive way that is optimal both
care of the sub network and the main grid. locally and globally.
• MAS implements distributed decision making systems, • In the absence of resource constraints the system acts
in an open, flexible and extensive way. as collection of local independent controllers that
• MAS and micro-economics together open the behave in accordance with conventional control
possibility of distributed co-ordination to exceed engineering theory.
boundaries of ownership.
• Virtual market will result in a Paretto-efficient system
which is a system that optimizes in the global level and
at local level, interests of individuals are balanced.
In [11] some of the applications of agent based control
schemes are listed as follows:
• Intelligent protection
• Agents in power market
• Supply demand matching
• Intelligent load shedding
• Autonomous electricity grid (AEG)

operation mode comprises of “normal operation” and
“outage mode operation”. During the former IDAPS runs as
a part of the local utility, coordinates internal loads and
distributed energy resources for the most optimal operation.
In case of an outage from the upstream, the IDAPS control
architecture is designed to isolate the IDAPS grid from the
local grid.
It uses broadly 4 types of agents,
• Control Agent: monitors system voltage and frequency
to diagnose contingency situations
• DER Agent: stores associated DER information,
connect/disconnect status.
Figure 3 Setup of CRISP supply and demand (CRISP final • User Agent: Acts as a customer gateway that makes
summary report). features of an IDAPS micro-grid accessible to users
Resource allocation in energy management systems is • Database Agent: responsible for storing system
called flow allocation. Such techniques can be found in information.
[17]. Supply and demand matching can be done using
The system developed on ZEUS framework and uses
several agents, where every device is represented as an
Ontologies for agent communication.
agent. Such a system has been developed and tested in [1].
The following section explains the working of IDAPS as
A field experiment was conducted in Netherlands and some
mentioned in [17].
Scandinavian countries. The test was done as a part of the
European Union funded Critical Infrastructures for The initialization of the IDAPS multi-agent system is
Sustainable Power (CRISP) project. performed by the control agent, the DER agent and the user
agent notifying the database agent of their presence. This

Figure 4 Electronic Market simulation demonstrating reduced

fluctuation and power import reduction (CRISP final
summary report)
The objective of the test was real time monitoring and
control of electricity supply and demand. Secondary aim
was to test the ICT elements needed for the implementation.
The results demonstrated in [6] show that fluctuations and
power import was reduced.
4.2 IDAP Systems
IDAPS stands for Intelligent Distributed Autonomous
Power System which was a concept proposed by Advanced Figure 5 IDAPS MAS Collaborative Diagram
Research Institute of Virginia Tech [25]. IDAPS’ general

(i) All the agents notify the name server of their names (GIS) is the databases allocated in computational grids,
and IP addresses; the name server then updates its containing information that regarding the service,
database and fulfils the required procedure for agent resource, users and applications [3] [2].
registration (1-3); 3. Event Archive: The event archive is the place where
stores events occurred in past for management GUIs to
(ii) All agents notify the facilitator of their abilities; the
get information about incorrect operations
facilitator then fills its database with information
4. Directory Service: For register services, help every
regarding abilities of agents (4-7). After the
component can find each other.
initialization process, the user agent and the DER agent
5. Management GUI: A graphical user interface for gird
register with its associated control agent (10-11). The
administrators and managers. Users can start or stop
control agent responds to the registration requests (12-
any instances at any time according to their
With respect to the interaction of agents with their By using this grid manage system, users can quickly know
environments, the control agent receives measurements the currently status of grids and the networks. Furthermore,
from the main grid and publishes that information to its it becomes much easier for administrators to perform tasks,
registered agents (14-15). If the upstream outage is and manager users in the grids among remote systems.
detected, the control agent sends out a control signal to the
main circuit breaker (16). The user agent receives power 5. Demonstration: Future Grid
requirement information from the loads and sends To explain our vision of the future of distributed power
command to the DER agent (17, 18). On the other hand, the generation grids we built a flash based demonstration. It is a
DER agent receives power production information from the simple animation of different scenarios that could be
DER and sends out this information to the user agent (19, possible in the future, depending on different weather
20). The user agent and the DER agent react to their conditions, how renewable resources could be used to
environments (21, 22) according to rules predetermined by generate energy and how the power generated is consumed,
a user. The visualizer collects any copy of messages being stored and shared or sold among the houses in the grid.
exchanged among all agents (8-9) so that they can be Here we use only three modes of distributed power
further displayed. generation for the demonstration.
4.3 GMS Systems • Using Solar energy
• Using Wind energy
• Using Hydro-power
The demonstration shows scenarios like:
• On sunny days, solar energy could be used to power
the house or group of houses.
• On cloudy days the houses that use solar energy
generation could borrow electricity from the grid.
• On windy days, wind energy could be used to power
Figure 6 Architecture of Grid Monitoring and Management the house that uses wind energy generation.
Grid Management System [GMS] was developed by NASA • On days in which the winds aren’t strong, the houses
to help managing and monitoring the resources in using wind energy could borrow electricity from the
distributed power grids. This system is designed to ensure grid.
the large number of services and resource in computational • Similarly houses near a river could use the river’s flow
grids is executed correctly and to arrange the processes that to turn its turbines and generate power.
are available on grids. Figure 1 shows the architecture of
this system. This system could be described in following • Probably if the river dried up or when there is no flow,
components [17]. the houses generating hydro-electric power could
borrow electricity from the grid.
1. GRAM Management agent: Globus Resource
Allocation Manager (GRAM) allows users to execute • And finally a scenario in which all the sources are
applications remotely on a computer system [2] [4]. running perfectly, very least likely to happen though. In
2. GIS Management agent: Grid Information Service

such a case, there will be active contribution from all Today we use the internet for data sharing and doing e-
the independent sources towards the grid. business. Likewise, this grid would trade power. When a
community or a house has generated excess amount of
The development of technology in electronic power
energy than it actually requires at that time, the agent
controllers, distributed power technology and smart grids,
controller of that house would give the owner or owners a
which would have the intelligence and reasoning ability and
choice of whether the excess power is to be stored and used
seamless integration with the latest in web technologies
for their own purpose or it is to be sold out to the grid.
probably with semantically linked data, would lead to a grid
like the one shown in the diagram. Power would be transmitted and charged on a pro-rata
basis, i.e. on a per unit basis. The neighbour or any user of
power would pay the provider house for the amount of
energy they use. This could be compared with today’s
internet where data download is charged this way. But this
would require sophisticated electronic components, power
controllers and meters that would do the real time
conversion and monitoring of power usage and transfer of
the required data for power usage calculation between the
agents who are trading power.
Power providers could use an auction based system for the
purpose of power distribution and allocation. Like how
agents are used in trading systems like the sponsored
search. One provider could give power at a particular rate
which is convenient for them. This would ensure good
Figure 7 Smart Distributed Power Generation Grid competition and keep prices affordable and give consumers
of power the choice of using power from the cheapest
Our vision of the future of the grid is a completely provider.
automated power exchange grid, built over an agent based
ICT framework in which different houses or communities The issue of trust and quality matters here, because
will be generating energy using different energy sources someone who has been providing low quality, unstable
and they will all be connected to a grid through which they power should have to be penalized or cut off automatically
can trade electricity. The grid would be intelligent and by the consumer agent. The advantage of the system is the
would be controlled by agents distributed over the network flexibility to the user. In case the power being bought is not
as explained in sections 4. stable, the agent may wish to stop using that and switch
over to another provider by taking part in another auction.
In Figure 7, the houses generate power using green,
renewable resources of energy whenever it is possible. For The beauty of such a system lies in the fact that the people
example, solar energy generation in sufficient amounts is who live there would know little about the negotiation
possible only on sunny days; wind energy generation have going on for the power that they use. A complete
the same problems as solar energy. There is also a small abstraction of the whole buying and selling process is
hydro power station on the house that is located near the possible only because of a powerful multi agent based
river that uses a small turbine to generate power using the power grid.
flowing water in the river. These houses store the energy Research is going on to create intelligent home appliances.
they have generated in cells. When the cells are completely And the devices of the future would have the ability to
charged, and when there is excess of energy for the use of communicate and interact online. Such devices when
one particular house that is generating it, the agents connected to a grid like this could completely revolutionize
assigned to that house is notified and it takes decision of the way people use power and give them complete control.
whether the stored power should be sold or consumed by Smarter grid and appliances in the house would enable
the devices at home based on weather forecasts and other smart use of energy, thereby making the house a greener
factors. place to live in. Technologies like Ambient Intelligence is
The agents could provide a service of power distribution not far away and will help the devices communicate with
and distribute the excess power through the same grid. This each other for energy needs and other requirements.
is where the technology has to develop. For real time power The development of agent based web services would play a
transmission as and when required. Since distributed crucial role. Service discovery and automated selection of
generation is meant for small scale purposes, this is very appropriate service and in case new power generator is
much possible. installed at a house then service composition would also be
done accordingly. Thus if a house or building society is 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
completely self sufficient in its energy needs, by the use of Our sincere thanks to Professor David De Roure for
several different methods of power generation then it can allowing us to choose a topic like Smart Distributed Power
offer a choice of service. If the heat generated during Generation which is quite different from the normal
generation is used for other purposes in again a distributed computer science topics for distributed systems. This gave
manner then the grid would become even more efficient. us a good learning experience, reading new things about
There would be a convergence of different technologies at energy, distribution and efficiency which we had never
different levels to bring about such a system. done before, and also gave us a chance to test our skills on
To summarize the future of the Smart power grid based on flash development for building the demonstration which
agents: was done during the presentation.

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