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Team Introduction
1. The team comprises of five members with varied educational backgrounds and
professional experiences
2. Team includes a B Com graduate, three engineers and an Indian navy officer
3. Team members have varied professional experience ranging from ~3 years to ~18
Shared Goals

Understand and develop the factors for effective and efficient functioning of team
Develop interpersonal and communication skills for team building
Create a conducive environment where views and ideas are shared openly,
leading to collaborative learning
Have frequent team meet-ups/brain storming sessions to facilitate free flow of
ideas within the team

Understand and learn from one anothers educational and professional background
Identify each team members strengths and weaknesses and help them achieve
their respective career goals
Learn from each team members expertise in a particular domain

Encourage contribution from all members by giving them autonomy and providing
support if required
Appreciate success and failure equally

Follow ethics of the highest order

Ensure that each team member fully understands and abides by the rules laid
out by the authoritative body

Participation Expectation

Participation with highest level of commitment to ensure growth of all team members

Active participation expected from all members

Each member should try to contribute positively in every discussion

Try to avoid repeating points already discussed to efficiently manage time
Try to avoid tangential discussions to maintain focus
Try to avoid interrupting someone midway and allow individuals to finish
their point
Points made by members are expected to be concise and relevant to the
context of the discussion

Members are expected to pre-read the topic before the team meetup/ brainstorming

Members are expected to value feedback of other members and have a healthy
discussion around it
They are expected to take necessary steps to improve after analyzing the

Decision Making Rules

Members are expected to go through the pre-reads before the meetup/ brainstorming
Views and ideas are to be listed down before coming for the meetup

Decision would be arrived through effective brainstorming based on the points listed

In case the team is unable to come to a conclusion, decision would be arrived based
on majority voting

In case a member is still unsatisfied with the conclusion, he/ she would be
given a chance to collect sufficient evidence and challenge the decision in the
next meeting
In case of a conflict between any two members on a point, a neutral member is
expected to act as moderator for resolving the dispute
Meeting Guidelines

There would be a minimum of two meetings for each assignment a preliminary

discussion and a final one
In case two meetings are insufficient to draw a conclusion, further meetings
would be held

Members are expected to arrive for the meetings on time

Agenda of the meeting would be shared in advance to ensure meaningful discussion

Members are expected to adhere to the stated agenda during formal

In case a member is unable to attend the meeting, he/ she should inform well in
advance stating the reason for the same
Other members are expected to respect the stated reason for absence

Handling Disagreements

Each member would be given equal opportunity to share his/ her viewpoints

Participants are expected to accept the decision taken by the majority gracefully

In case the team is unable to come to a conclusion, decision would be arrived based
on majority voting

In case a member is still unsatisfied with the conclusion, he/ she would be
given a chance to collect sufficient evidence and challenge the decision in the
next meeting
In case of a conflict between any two members on a point, a neutral member is
expected to act as moderator for resolving the dispute
How to give feedback to each other

Each week, members are expected to agree to meet at a pre-specified time to

summarize discussions of the prior week

In this meeting each member would mention his/ her learnings and highlight any
personal shortcomings

Members are also expected to provide feedback on other team members

During feedback sessions, team members are expected to focus on present and not too
much on past instances

In case of a negative feedback, a one-to-one feedback session would be preferable

Members are expected to convey negative views in a subtle manner without
being disrespectful
Members providing negative feedback are expected to provide suggestions for
improvement as well
Members receiving the feedback are expected to take negative viewpoints in a
receptive manner

Emphasis should be laid on feedback that would progressively help the team function
in a coherent manner

Failure of a task/assignment is not to be blamed on any individual member

Code of Conduct

Each member is expected to respect the views, suggestions and comments of other
team members

Members would be given equal opportunity to share their viewpoints

Members are expected to maintain highest level of professionalism in team meetings

Decisions would be arrived through impartial and unbiased voting

To ensure collective success of the team, each member is expected to conduct

himself/ herself with highest level of professional integrity

Follow ethics of the highest order

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