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If you are a windows administrator then you have to know the port numbers for the

windows services like port number for DNS, DHCP, and LDAP and so on.

I have received several queries regarding the port numbers for different services,
port numbers for ADS (Active Directory Services), Exchanges and Windows, here I
have given the consolidated port numbers

Also see: List of Active Directory Ports

RDP 3389 (windows rdp port number and remote desktop port number)

FTP 21 (file transfer protocol)

TFTP 69 ( tftp port number )

Telnet 23 ( telnet port number)

SMTP 25 ( SMTP port number)

DNS 53 ( dns port number and Domain Name System port number)

DHCP 68 (DHCP port number and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol port
number )

POP3 110 ( post office Protocol 3 port )

HTTP 80 (http port number)

HTTPS 443 (https port number)

NNTP 119 ( Network News Transfer Protocol Port number )

NTP 123 (ntp port number and network Time Protocol and SNTP port number )

IMAP 143 (Internet Message Access Protocol port number)

SSMTP 465 ( SMTP Over SSl )

SIMAP 993 ( IMAP Over SSL )

SPOP3 995 ( POP# Over SS L)

Time 123 ( ntp port number and network Time Protocol and SNTP port number )

NetBios 137 ( Name Service )

NetBios 139 ( Datagram Service )

DHCP Client 546 (DHCP Client port number)

DHCP Server 547 (DHCP Server port number)

Global Catalog 3268 (Global Catalog port number)

LDAP 389 ( LDAP port number and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol port
number )

RPC 135 (remote procedure call Port number)

Kerberos 88 ( Kerberos Port Number)

SSH 22 ( ssh port number and Secure Shell port number)

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