Vocal 2 Wordlist

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Vocabulary Words Week 2

1. Inquisitive: Adjective - intellectually curious; eager for knowledge; given

to asking questions

a. Halt said that being inquisitive was a good trait for a Ranger.

2. Chasten: Verb - to discipline, punish, humble

a. Halts truncated answer chastened Will.

3. Integrity: Noun - Soundness of moral character; honesty

a. Will showed integrity when he admitted to Master Chubb that

he stole the cakes.

4. Isolate: Verb (transitive) - to keep apart, to separate or cause to be


a. As castle wards, Will and Horace were isolated from the village

5. Official: Noun- a person elected or appointed to perform certain


a. Adjective - authorized or issued with authority


The Barons seal on the paper told Will that it was an

official document from Castle Araluen.

6. Acerbity: Noun - sourness, harshness

the word acerbic (adjective) - expressing harsh or sharp

m in a witty way (acid in temper or mood)

b. Halt pointed out with some acerbity that Will was being
careless in his duties.

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