Vocab 1 Word List

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Vocabulary Words

1. Clamor: Verb - demand or ask something loudly

a. Also Noun - a loud noise
2. Pandemonium: Noun - chaos or confusion
3. Towering: Adjective - very tall
4. Memento: Noun - something given or kept as a
reminder of a person, place, or experience
5. Reassure: Verb - When you reassure someone, you
make the person feel less worried. You calm the
person and give the person courage or confidence.
6. Tattered: Adjective - Torn and ragged
7. Truncate: Verb - to shorten or cut off part
8. Uncanny: Adjective - beyond the ordinary or normal;
mysterious; uncomfortably strange
9. Turbulent: Adjective - disturbed, given to states of
10. Scribe:
a. Noun - a public clerk or writer (like George)
b. Verb - to write down

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