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(Hindley, David C) (memorandums), (to remember),

(memoirs) & (outlines) in Bible, Josephus, Early Chr

authors & Eusebius

1) ^- , , [ = "under"]
A. memorandum, of a shopping list, PFreib.ap.Wilcken ad UPZ62.12 (Ptolemaic);
minute, Plb.23.2.4, 25.4.5; royal decree, OGI262.3 (Baetocaece); (in
Roman Egypt) his official diary, in pl., Sammelb.7404 ii 31 (ii A. D.), Wilcken
Chr.41i1, iv 1, VI (iii A. D.); of other officials, e. g. PSI10.1100.1 (ii A.
D.); - list (register) of records, PLips.123.2 (ii A. D.); a decree of the
Areopagus, because these were kept as written records, Cic.Fam.13.1.5, Att.5.11.6,
IG 22.3952,4012, 42(1).83.18 (Epid., i A. D.), SIG1008.2 (Eleusis, iii A. D.).
b. note-taking, Ath.Med. ap.
2. = 11.3, memoirs, annals, Plb.2.40.4; treatise, Phld.Rh.1.120 S., al.,
Stob.2.7.5, etc.
3. commentary on an author, Eust.746.29.

2) - , [ = "from"]
A. relate from memory, Pl.Phdr.228a, etc.:Pass., to be recorded,
2. remember, call to mind, Pl.Plt.268e, Phd.103b, Ly.211a, D.19.13, Aeschin.3.16,
etc.; keep in mind, Pl.Plt.273b,al.
3. gave his son the same
name in memory of a thing, Hdt.5.65.
4. . bear something in mind against another, X.Mem.1.2.31, Aeschin.1.129,
3.208; : . Arist.EN1125a4.
5. bear in mind favourably, D.Ep. 3.19;
Luc.Sacr.2, JTr.40.

3) -, , ,
A. memorial, record, D.S.1.14, Plu. Pomp.2; . memorandum,
PSI1.85 (iii A.D.): in pl., memoirs, as those of Socrates by X., D.H.Rh.9.12,
Plu.Cat.Ma. 9.

4) - [^], , ,
A. sketch, outline, Str.2.5.18, Ph.2.12, Anon. Lond.7.17, Hermog.Prog.6, Poll.7.128;
. draft for a book, Gal.15.760; as Empiric term, Id.8.709, al.;
opp. , Plot.6.3.7; , opp. , Stoic.2.76:
was the name given by Sextus Empiricus to his Outlines of the
Pyrrhonic Philosophy, cf. D.L.9.78, Gal.Libr. Propr.Praef.: Proclus calls one of his
works . , Hyp.7.50.
2. model, pattern, 1 Ep.Ti.1.16, 2 Ep.Ti.1.13;
Phld.Mus.p.77 K.
3. a Rhet. figure, by which a matter was vividly sketched in words, Quint.Inst.9.2.40.

Forms of noun :1
Ezra 4:15) examination may be made in thy [Royal] fathers' book of record
[, noun genitive masculine singular common, from
] ...
1Esdras 2:22) And thou shalt find in the [Royal] chronicles
[, noun dative masculine plural common, from
] what is written concerning these things
2 Maccabees 2:13) The same things also were reported in the writings and
commentaries [, noun pl masc dat, from ]
of Neemias ...
2 Maccabees 4:23) to put him in mind [, noun accusative
masculine plural common, from ] of certain necessary
Josephus, Ant 7.110) Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, made recorder
[ from ]
Josephus, Ant 7.293) Jehoshaphat and Achilud set over the records
[, from , noun sg masc nom]
Josephus, Ant 10.5) Joah the recorder [, from ]
Josephus, Ant 10.55) Joah the recorder [, from
Josephus, Ant 11.94) the records [, from ] of
the kings
Josephus, Ant 11.98) the royal records [, from ]
Josephus, Ant 11.104) [, , from ]
Josephus, Ant 11.208) the records [, from ] of
Josephus, Ant 11.248) the chronicles [, from ] of
the former kings
Josephus, Ant 12.258) a written brief [, from ]
summarizing a problem
Josephus, Ant 12.262) a written brief [, from ]
summarizing a problem
Josephus, Ant 15.174) the commentaries [, from
] of King Herod
Josephus, Ant 16.43) memorials [, from ]
Josephus, Ant 17.213) a memorial [, from ]
Josephus, Ant 19.294) a memorial/testimony [, from

Josephus, Lif 1.342) the Commentaries [from ] of

Josephus, Lif 1.358) the commentaries [from ] of Caesar

Josephus, Against Apion 1.56) although they [men like Josephus' foe Apion]
pretend to have made use of both the emperors' own memoirs [,
noun pl neut dat nu_movable, from ] ...

Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation to the Greeks/Protrepticus 2.44: As a

mystic memorial [, from ] of this incident, phalloi
are raised aloft in honour of Dionysus through the various cities.
Eusebius Church History 1.2. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 1.9.3) those who have recently given currency to
acts [, noun pl neut voc, from ] against our
Eusebius Church History 1.11.9) who have forged the acts [, noun
pl neut voc, from ] against them [John the Baptist and our
Eusebius Church History 2.? ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 2.15. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 2.23.3) But Hegesippus, who lived immediately after
the apostles, gives the most accurate account in the fifth book of his Memoirs
[, noun sg neut dat, from ].
Eusebius Church History 2.23.8) Now some of the seven sects, which existed
among the people and which have been mentioned by me in the Memoirs
[, noun pl neut dat nu_movable, from ] ...
Eusebius Church History 2.25. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 3.24. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 3.37. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 4.15. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 4.18. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 4.15.48) ... records [, noun pl neut voc,
from ] extant of others that suffered martyrdom
Eusebius Church History 4.18.1) This writer [Justin Martyr] has left us a great
many monuments [, noun pl neut voc, from ]
Eusebius Church History 4.22.1) Hegesippus in the five books of Memoirs
[, noun pl neut dat nu_movable, from ] which
have come down to us has left a most complete record of his own views.
Eusebius Church History 5.11.2-3) 2 In his Hypotyposes [, noun
sg fem acc, from ] he [Clement of Alexandria] speaks of ... 3
[Clement says] my notes [, noun pl neut voc, from
] are stored up for old age ...
Eusebius Church History 5.13. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 5.16. ... [ ]
Eusebius Church History 5.27.1) Numerous memorials [, noun pl
neut voc, from ] of the
Eusebius Church History 6.12.1) It is probable that others have preserved
other memorials [, noun pl neut voc, from ] of ...
Eusebius Church History 6.13. ... [, ] ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 6.17.1) Commentaries [, noun pl neut
voc, from ] of Symmachus
Eusebius Church History 6.22. ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 6.23. ... [, ] ... [, ]
Eusebius Church History 7.30. ... [, ]

Eusebius Church History 9.5.1) Acts [, noun pl neut voc, from

] of Pilate and our Saviour
Eusebius Church History 9.7.1) The children in the schools had daily in their
mouths the names of Jesus and Pilate, and the Acts [, noun pl
neut voc, from ] which had been forged ...

Forms of verb :2
Josephus, Jwr 1.223) to forget [, verb indicative aorist active
3rd person singular, from ] kindness
Josephus, Jwr 7.431) to be banished (by formal decree) [,
verb participle present active dative masculine singular, from ]

Josephus, Ant 8.387) would remember (bring to mind) [,

verb infinitive future active, from ]
Josephus, Ant 14.212) we ... remember [, verb infinitive
future active]
Josephus, Ant 14.315) remembrance [, verb participle
aorist active accusative masculine plural, from ]
Josephus, Ant 15.34) he ... remembered [, verb participle
aorist active nominative masculine singular, from ]
Josephus, Ant 15.376 or 377) attend to [, verb participle
present passive, from ] something alleged

Justin 1 Apology 33:5) as they who have recorded [, part

pl aor act masc nom/voc, from ] all that concerns our Saviour
Jesus Christ have taught

Eusebius Church History, 3.39.15: ... the tradition [, verb

futperf inf act or verb 3rd sg aor ind act nu_movable, from ]
which he (Papias) gives ...
Eusebius Church History, 4.18.9: ... Irenaeus quotes [, verb
futperf inf act, from ] his words
Eusebius Church History, 5.20.6: ... (Irenaeus says) And as he (Polycarp)
remembered [, verb 3rd sg imperf ind act, from
] their words (i.e., the words of those who had seen the Lord)
Eusebius Church History, 6.25.13: ... someone who remembered
[, part sg aor act masc/neuter gen, from ]
the apostolic teachings
Forms of noun 3
Josephus: No forms of noun , it seems.
Justin 1 Apology 66:3) For the apostles, in the memoirs [,
noun pl neut dat nu_movable, from ] composed by them,
which are called Gospels [] ...
Justin 1 Apology 67:3) and the memoirs [, noun pl neut
voc/nom/acc, from ] of the apostles or the writings of the
prophets are read ...

Justin Dialogue 100:4) And since we find it written in the Memoirs

[, noun pl neut dat, from ] of the Apostles ...
Justin Dialogue 101:3) words which are recorded in the Memoirs
[, noun pl neut dat, from ] of the Apostles ...
Justin Dialogue 103:6) It is narrated in the Memoirs [, noun
pl neut dat, from ] of the Apostles ...
Justin Dialogue 103:8) For in the Memoirs of the Apostles [,
noun pl neut dat nu_movable, from ] and their successors ...
Justin Dialogue 104:1) This event, too, is recorded in the Memoirs
[, noun pl neut dat, from ] of the Apostles.
Justin Dialogue 105:1) we have learned from the Memoirs
[, noun pl neut gen, from ] (of the
Apostles)] ...
Justin Dialogue 105:5) For, the Memoirs [, noun pl neut
gen, from ] of the Apostles said ...
Justin Dialogue 105:6) are thus recorded in the Memoirs [,
noun pl neut dat, from ] of the Apostles ...
Justin Dialogue 106:1) according to the Memoirs [, noun pl
neut dat, from ] of the Apostles ...
Justin Dialogue 106:3) Now, when we learn from the Memoirs
[, noun pl neut dat nu_movable, from ] of
the Apostles ...
Justin Dialogue 106:4) as the Apostolic Memoirs [, noun pl
neut dat, from ] attest.
Justin Dialogue 107:1) And these [Apostolic] Memoirs [,
noun pl neut dat nu_movable, from ] ...
Eusebius Church History 5 8:8) He [i.e., Irenaeus, Against Heresies 4.27.1]
mentions also the memoirs [, noun pl neut gen, from
] of a certain apostolic presbyter, whose name he passes by
in silence ...
o Actually, Irenaeus heard this unspecified source directly, not from a
book of memoirs. Against Heresies 4.27.1 "As I have heard from a
certain presbyter, who had heard it from those who had seen the
apostles, and from those who had been their disciples
[Quemadmodum audivi a quodam presbytero, qui audierat ab his qui
Apostolos viderant, et ab his qui didicerant] ..."

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