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e-India Award 2012

Outstanding performance in citizen centric service delivery

Outstanding Performance in Citizen Centric Service Delivery


1. Geographical - Coverage :

Bangalore is among the fastest growing cities in India. With about 4.2 million
vehicles plying on the roads of the city on any given day; with a population of 9.5 million
spread across an area of 1005 square kilometers, the city throws a challenge for Traffic
Planners and traffic police.
Bangalore is one of the premier cities in India having population of nearly 10 million
and vehicular population of 4.2 million. Phenomenal growth of population and number of
vehicles registered in Bangalore city and the obstruction of carriage way by number of
on-going works like Metro, flyovers, under-passes, and over-bridges, the management of
the traffic and ensuring smooth flow of traffic has become herculean task. This has made
Bangalore Traffic Police (BTP) to encounter the twin problems of managing the traffic
efficiently and reduced travel time and also to ensure greater safety of people on the road.
To bring discipline on the road is a major challenge faced by BTP, which is suitably
addressed by incorporating, Information and Communication tools (ICT) in day to-day
functioning of the department in executing various strategic as well as law related issues
apart from maintaining efficient traffic management and enforcement aspects.
Transportation is an area that has tremendous scope for ICT implementation which has
resulted in better management of traffic, ensuring safety and security on roads and
prevention of road accidents, with the monitoring and regulation of flow of vehicles in a
systematic manner.
Anticipating growth in number of vehicles and serious problems in management of
the traffic in Bangalore City, the City police have envisaged a Bangalore Traffic
Improvement Plan which is popularly known as B-TRAC scheme.
The scope of work covered two major areas of Traffic Policing
a) Enforcement of traffic rules
b) Management of traffic
The following sub-categories were identified under each area
a) Traffic Spot fining using handheld Blackberry devices.
b) Payment of violation challans at Traffic Police Stations, Citizen Facilitation
Centers and through Internet.
Traffic Management
a) Capturing of traffic data from field using Pan-tilt-zoom cameras, GPS devices
over busses, mobile density tracked from telecom tower.
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b) Processing the data into credible information using specialized experts supported
by tools.
c) Implementing decisions based upon the available information using centralized
traffic signal management application software.

Fig : Vehicle Population in Bangalore City- 2012

Bangalore City Traffic Police realizes that ever increasing expectations of citizens
cannot be met by increasing the manpower alone. That is why there is a need for
paradigm shift from manual regulation to technology driven traffic management. The
core philosophy behind innovation management plan is:
Creating a reliable real-time traffic information system.
Analyzing such information and utilizing the traffic intelligence thus generated
for ensuring better traffic management and planning.
Disseminating such information to public in real time for enabling them to
make informed choices on the roads.
Use of surveillance and enforcement cameras for evidence based-enforcement
to record and issue tickets automatically.
Elimination of physical interaction between police and violator, fine can be
paid over internet, bangaloreOne centers, any one of the traffic police stations
or with any of the field officers.
With various types of services being provided by Bangalore Traffic Police (BTP), and
each having different Information and Communication Tools (ICT) support needs
consolidated maintenance activities under one roof, hence created a help desk system to
monitor and support these services.
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2. Scope of Services/Activities Covered: (Extent of computerization in terms of number of

services computerized, Extent to which steps in each service have been ICT- enabled) :
Violation recording
Whenever any violation is observed on the field by any duty personnel, they will
record it in Field Traffic Violation Report (FTVR) and take a photo of that vehicle and
submit it to respective automation center at the police station. Also violations are
recorded by using Surveillance camera, Enforcement camera, E-mail complaints,
Facebook, IVRS and SMS Complaints at Traffic Management Center (TMC).

Fig: FTVR notice

Notice Generation
All those vehicles violation entered in Automation application, a notice under
section 133 IMV Act is generated automatically from the database, the vehicle owners
address is retrieved and is sent through post with the details of offence.

Fig: 133 MV Act Notice and photo proof

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On-line violation check:

All those people who have received violation notice can view /check their
violations through Bangalore Traffic Police web portal, BangaloreOne web portal and
BTIS web portal. They can pay the fine online also.

Fig: On-line violation check

Fine paying :
For the easiness of the people, fine is received through different mode like online,
public utility service center like BangaloreOne, any of the 39 traffic police stations or
with field officers using handheld device to fine.

Fig: Fine paid receipt

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Complaint receiving:
Many times it so happens that people used to send us complaints through e-mail,
facebook, by post and personally. The complaints which are received is thoroughly
checked with available photograph and FTVR copy. If it is found correct, the notice will
be compounded or cancelled, otherwise after due correction a fresh notice will be issued.

Fig : Email complaint

Fine collection:
The fine collection is done in either ways i.e.,
1. In the form of spot fine as well as court fine
2. Against 133 notice

Fig : Hand receipt (old)

Bangalore Traffic Police

Printer receipt(current)

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Citizen traffic forum:

To have public say in day to day traffic affairs in traffic related matters, on 3rd
Saturday of every month Citizen Traffic Forum (CTF) is held in all traffic police stations
with public to discuss complaint/suggestion in their respective area. The action taken is
being communicated to them, so has to have better traffic regulation and harmony in that

Fig : Citizen Traffic Forum meeting

3. Stakeholder Consultation :
There were two phases of strategy of implementation which was adopted. The first level
was to identify partners who would bring with them knowledge and expertise to create and
deploy an information system which would help the department in achieving its objectives. The
second level was to implement policies and procedures which would help in creating an impact
of the technological implementation.
A MoU was signed between Commissioner of Police and Managing Director, KRDCL on
09-08-2006 as per Govt. order HD 73 POP 2006 dated: 22-5-2006 approving the proposal of
DG & IGP to hand over the project to M/s. KRDCL and to enter into an MOU with them.
The main role of the KRDCL was to support the BTP in technical expertise, choosing of
vendor through competitive bidding, providing of continuous service and advise BTP on
legal/financial matters.

The idea of entering into partnership was developed owing to the following aspects;

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ITS and signal deployment etc is not a core competence of the Police Department, since it
is highly technical and required latest technical inputs and association of renowned
KRDCL are into developing, maintaining and running of Road & Road Management
Faster and timely utilization of funds.
Faster processing of proposals due to corporate environment.

Tender Process:
Whether it is hard ware or software, all installations and services are awarded through
competitive bidding. The tendering process involving the following components,
Invitation to tender
Pre/post qualifications
Bid bond
Receipt of tenders
Withdrawal of tender
Tender opening
Evaluation of tender
Recommendation for awarding/Approval
Letter of Award
Condition of award

As the implementation of ICT tools needed advanced technological intricacies, the

following experts were roped in as per Government norms.


Bangalore Traffic Police

: Overall technical/FMS support.

: Signal Lights
: Connectivity
: Surveillance Cameras
: Switches
: Servers
: Software
: Blackberry
: Enforcement Camera
: Video evidence
: Variable Messaging Signboard(VMS)

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4. Citizen centricity and relevance :

The Traffic Police automation process although focused on internal automation and
sophistication of processes leading to better traffic management, yet it had a significant
component of service delivery.
Citizens need to pay fines against violations recorded by Traffic Police systems and
officers. Under a conventional system, citizens had to visit the nearest police station in order to
pay their fines. These police stations were not inter connected with center server and no on-line
data were available, which meant that the violator had to visit the same police station under
which the violation was recorded. This meant great inconvenience since a driving vehicle may
have violated rules under a traffic police station far from his place of residence, and he would
have to travel to that place again for paying his fine. Usually citizens would have avoided taking
such a pain to pay a paltry sum.
The new service delivery model meant connecting all the police stations with a single
database of violators so that citizen would be able to pay fines against violations at any police
station. Another key feature was connecting this database with the citizen facilitation centers of
the e-governance department. These swanky facilitation centers were named BangaloreOne
centers and had presence at 70 plus locations of the city. This meant that citizens could pay fines
at any one of these BangaloreOne centers thus avoiding visits to police stations. What it meant
was anywhere services since citizens had a choice of paying fines at 90 locations (50
BangaloreOne centers and 40 Traffic Police Stations) within the city, irrespective of the fact that
the violation may have been committed in a different location of the city.
The department took the principle of Anywhere Services to the next level when
citizens got an option of paying their fines with the cop standing on the road. Under this model a
traffic officer connected with a central database using a blackberry device and a printer could in
real-time verify the pending violation against a violator and collect his payment and generate a
Once anywhere services were achieved, the next objective was to achieve anytime
services, this was achieved by providing the violation payment feature through the Traffic
Police Departments Internet Website. Citizens now had the facility of paying violations using
their credit cards and debit cards.
Another key aspect of the service delivery model was online grievance redressal system.
Citizens could now connect with department for reporting the following
i. Harassment in the hands of department officials.
ii. Traffic related problem.
iii. Wrong violation notice.
iv. Asking for violation proof.
Department officials would work on complaints, submit status report or forward it to appropriate
authority for further action online in a workflow.

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Fig: Public complaint handling system

Efficiency Enhancement:
The initiative started yielding results from the first day itself. The changes and the impact
were dramatic and exceeded the expectations of the department. Here it is essential to state that
the objective of the entire exercise was not to increase the revenue collections but to enhance the
quality of traffic enforcement & traffic management by ensuring that violations are recorded and
violators are penalized as well as Traffic accidents are reduced.
Traffic enforcement primarily had two objectives in focus, namely,
1. Stopping pilferage of fine amount.
2. Bringing in more discipline on the roads by instilling fear of law within the minds of

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Fig: Interactive Platform with BangaloreOne

5. User Convenience :

People can pay their fine in their convenient time and place.They can make use of our 40
automation centres, or around 70 BangaloreOne multi utility centres or with our 650 field
officers,having hand held device to raise violation and issue receipt on-line.

Fig : Counter at the BangaloreOne center

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6. Cost to user :
No extra cost to the user will be incurred by the citizen if he wants to pay the fine amount
for a traffic violation if he is paying the amount in person to the traffic officer who inturn will
issue receipt for the same. Even if the citizen is paying the fine amount in the traffic police
station or any one of the BangaloreOne centers.
However, if someone is paying the fine amount online using debit or credit cards then
normal service charge is applicable.

Fig : Online portal to pay fine

7. Citizen Charter :
Citizens Charter is a document which represents a systematic effort to focus on the
commitment of the Organization towards its Citizens in respects of Standard of Services,
Information, Choice and Consultation, Non-discrimination and Accessibility, Grievance
Redressal, courtesy and value for money. This also includes expectations of the Organization
from the Citizen for fulfilling the commitment of the Organization.

Making administration accountable and citizen friendly.

Ensuring transparency and the right to information.
Taking measures to cleanse and motivate public service.
Adopting a stakeholder approach and outsourcing where ever necessary.
Saving time of both public and the police.

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8. Adherence to Service Level Agreement (SLA) :

In tender itself the SLA terms and conditions are clearly defined.Every individual stake
holder was convinced the way in which he has to tender services till the completion.The SLA
conditions were documented and strictly adhered by stake holders/ service providers.The
conflicts were resolved after a through meeting of majority of the members,thus adherence to the
terms and conditions are ensured.If any short fall in the SLA, then penalty charges on the
services will be enforced.

9. Problem Resolution and Query Handling :

The query handling was effectively done by BTP, by following important methods like:- Single window:
Any traffic related issues can be reported by general public just by dialing 103. The
personnel manning this will work 24x7. They will forward the issues to the concerned
jurisdictional officer.

Fig: Traffic Helpline number

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Help Desk:
This Help Desk is located in traffic management center. This is exclusively used
by traffic police men to report technical snags in signal light / camera /
connectivity / blackberry .etc.,

Fig: Helpdesk

Interactive Web-site:
This dynamic website has all the information like junction signal light
timings,enforcement and accident details,notification, complaint/suggestions
including FAQs.

Fig: BTP web portal

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Complaints by the public are addressed through email, thus enhancing paper free
environment and also reduces the risk of travelling to a police station for the
redressal of his grievances.

Fig: Email complaint

Alert SMS:
BTP has the facility to send SMS to its subscribers regarding traffic congestion
and any incident requires information dissemination.

Fig: SMS Alert

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IVRS & SMS system:

For reporting Auto Rickshaw violations like refusal to go for hire or demanding
more an exclusive phone number is created to help the public to report the incidence and
also they can send SMS. Violation will be raised based upon their complaints.

Fig : IVRS Complaint recording portal

Fig : SMS Complaint recording portal

Variable Message Signs (VMS):

To disseminate the traffic related problems like, procession, diversion or closure
of some roads to the public, so that people can avoid that stretch of road.

Fig: Variable Message Signs

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Social media like facebook is also been opened to know the public reaction and
problems on the street.

Fig: facebook

Our customers are road users. Their contacts are made and maintained at all levels
by various institutionalized processes
1. As members of local area management Committee
2. Public forum committee members
3. Traffic advisory committee members
4. Face book users
5. G-mail and other email users
6. Cell phone users who have registered with us for traffic up dates
7. Newspaper and media feedback and comment.
8. The innovative practices in urban transport management, which are proved to be
working well elsewhere in the country/foreign cities, were also experimented on
pilot project basis and those which found suitable were adopted.
9. A constant watch was kept on various International / National magazines /
symposia / deliberations to identify recent advances and improvements in urban
traffic scenario.

10.Privacy & Security Policy :

We collect no personal information about you unless you choose to provide that
information to us. We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third
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For online fine payment we are using ssl certified website. HTTPS is a URI scheme
which has identical syntax to the standard HTTP scheme, aside from its scheme token. However,
HTTPS signals the browser to use an added encryption layer of SSL/TLS to protect the traffic.
SSL is especially suited for HTTP since it can provide some protection even if only one side of
the communication is authenticated. This is the case with HTTP transactions over the Internet,
where typically only the server is authenticated (by the client examining the server's certificate).
The main idea of HTTPS is to create a secure channel over an insecure network. This
ensures reasonable protection from eavesdroppers and man-in-the-middle attacks, provided that
adequate cipher suites are used and that the server certificate is verified and trusted.

11.Innovation :
Integration between multiple departments
Transport department and Traffic Police integration is one of the path breaking initiative
within the state government. It had two major impact, one that in order to get integrated the
Transport department had to upgrade its IT systems and digitize its databases. Second it
ensured that integration resulted in greater amount of accuracy in data exchanges which
caused correct people getting the notices which reduced the amount of harassment a citizen had
to undergo because notices were delivered at wrong addresses.

Traffic Police and e-governance department integration resulted in utilization of

shared IT infrastructure of the state. The initiative banked upon resources such as State
Data Center (SDC) for deploying its centralized IT infrastructure and citizen
facilitation centers such as BangaloreOne for delivery of services.

Online delivery of services and workflow driven grievance redressal With online portal
of the department becoming active, citizens had a channel to do the following

Check for pending violation notices against their vehicle.

Pay their pending violation notices online.
Connect with department for reporting the following
a. Harassment in the hands of department officials.
b. Traffic related problem.
Department officials could work on complaints, submit status report or forward it
to appropriate authority for further action online in a workflow.

The Traffic Police automation process although focused on internal automation and
sophistication of processes leading to better traffic management, yet it had significant component
of service delivery to the public.
Citizens need to pay fines against violations recorded by Traffic Police systems and
officers. Under a conventional system, citizens had to visit the nearest police station in order to
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pay their fines. These police stations were not connected which meant that the violator had to
visit the same police station under which the violation was recorded. This meant great
inconvenience since a driving vehicle may have violated rules under a traffic police station far
from his place of residence, and he would have to travel to that place again for paying his fine.
Usually citizens would have avoided taking such a pain to pay a paltry sum.
The new service delivery model meant connecting all the police stations with a single
database of violators so that citizen would be able to pay fines against violations at any police
station. Another key feature was connecting this database with the citizen facilitation centres of
the e-governance department. These swanky facilitation centres were named BangaloreOne
centres and had presence at 50 plus locations of the city. This meant that citizens could
pay fines at any one of these BangaloreOne centres thus avoiding visits to police stations.
What it meant was anywhere services since citizens had a choice of paying fines at 90
locations (50 BangaloreOne centres and 40 Traffic Police Stations) within the city, irrespective
of the fact that the violation may have been committed in a different location of the city.

Fig : Payments made by Citizens through various mode

The department took the principle of Anywhere Services to the next level where in
citizens got an option of paying their fines with the cop standing on the road. Under this model a
traffic officer connected with a central database using a blackberry device and a printer could in
realtime verify the pending violation against a violator and collect his payment and generate a
The anywhere services were scaled up to the next objective anytime services, this
was achieved by providing the violation payment feature through the Traffic Police

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Departments Internet Website. Citizens now had the facility of paying violations using their
credit cards and debit cards.
Another key aspect of the service delivery model was online grievance redressal system
using email and facebook. Citizens could now connect with department for reporting the
Harassment in the hands of department officials.
Traffic related problem.

12.E-Inclusion :
Transparency in enforcement of traffic rules :
Replacing the paper based challan system with the Blackberry based challan and receipt
generation system. This avoided revenue pilferage at spot fining and collection.

Fig: No of cases booked against violators

Fig: fine amount collected

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Fig : Increase in public use of BangaloreOne Center

13.Sustainability :
Whether it is use of technology in traffic signaling or enforcement, the technology used
in the system has proved over the years that it is robust and stabilized to give the good result. The
statistics given below clearly suggests that implementation of this technology is highly sustained
and given quick dividends against the IT investment of the department.
The ICT tools used by Bangalore Traffic Police have become handy for the traffic
managers, point to the success of technology in such niche area of Governance. The key success
indicator is the fact that within two years after the roll out of the blackberry experiment the
traffic police department of Bangalore scaled up the usage of these devices to all the levels and
stopped the practice of issuing manual challans.
As the BTP has got very good trainers who are capable of inculcating both theoretical
and practical knowledge regarding the traffic management, all the trainees are made to learn
diverse issues pertaining to urban traffic management. This apart, highly state of the art teaching
room with modern teaching tools has enhanced the performance of the trainees.
The staff of traffic training institute are sent to various training institutes across India to
learn more things and in turn disseminate the knowledge gained as such. An integrated HR
strategy to achieve road traffic management and also investigation of accident cases is in place.
HR department clearly articulate the employee value position and its linkage to broader goals.
After the training the trainees have demonstrated various skills reloaded with effective
traffic management and investigation traffic accidents.

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New innovations in managing traffic have been brought in place for the purpose of
effectively managing substantial change agenda. A detailed discussion of the senior officers with
the subordinates and sending of memos and holding reorientation classes for the already trained
officials will enhance the skill and capacity and thereby enhancing managerial skills of traffic

Fig: Revenue generated

14.Number of users and services :

Bangalore Traffic Polices effort in helping the citizen to have easy access in many fields
viz., paying of traffic violation fine, traffic updation, reporting of complaints through multiple
modes and dynamic web site giving information regarding traffic situation in Bangalore city.
The usage of BTPs web site has grown enormously due to its frequent updation and
sharing of all events and traffic information. The social web page face book has become
public platform for its followers to post their views, grievances, suggestions and complaints. The
messages on VMS helped many road users in taking right decisions during congestion and
diversion.The alert SMS system has helped many road users by getting the real time traffic

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Fig: Visitors of BTP web site

Fig: Overview of BTP facebook page

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Fig: Reach of BTP facebook

Fig: Subscribers of BTP SMS service

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