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Activit dominante : COMPREHENSION ORALE

Tches finales : comprhension orale document radiophonique
Production dun document de type radiophonique

Segregation in the US: two points of views


Radio archives : Americanradioworks.publicradio


The Citizens Councilsfight

In defense of segregation: two white citizensviews

Civil rights activists: James Meredith, Medgar Evers

Medgar Evers boycott and assassination

movie trailer : The Help (Tate Taylor)

movie scene :

novel: The Help (Kathryn Stockett) : two extracts

song: Big Bill Broonzy Black, Brown and White

The Help (Tate Taylor)


culturels: la sgrgation aux Etats-Unis

phonologiques: sensibilisation la langue des Noirs amricains (African American


lexicaux : discrimination racisme- droits et interdictions

grammaticaux : shall passif



Je peux comprendre des confrences

Je peux comprendre un long discours

et des discours

mme s'il n'est pas clairement

assez longs et mme suivre une

structur et que les articulations sont

argumentation complexe si le sujet

seulement implicites. Je peux

m'en est relativement

comprendre les missions de

familier. Je peux comprendre la

tlvision et les films sans trop

plupart des missions de tlvision


sur l'actualit et les informations. Je

peux comprendre la plupart des films
en langue standard.

Lesson 1
Mississippi Laws:

Picture and Soundtrack

1. Anticipation. Picture: describe what you see as precisely as possible. (document,origin,

possible contents.)
2. Before listening to the soundtrack corresponding to the picture, write the following words in
phonetics in English then match them with their equivalents.



a) rkwa


b) fi:mel room

c) w:d


d) ntenbl


e) b:b

5. woman



6. exchangeable

g) :

7. distributing

3. Listen and try to complete the following sentences with the missing words.
No person shall

any white

to nurse in

or rooms in which Negro men are placed.

Books shall not be

between the white and colored schools

but shall continue to be used by the race first using them.

No colored

shall serve as a

Any person printing, publishing or

to white women or girls.

written matter


public acceptance or social equality between Whites and Negroes is subject to

4. The objective and tone of the pamphlet :(rflexion sur shallmenace)
5. The period: what do you know about it? Can you imagine and write a few other laws that
could be found in the pamphlet. (use shall)
6. Homework: read the Civil Rights time line and try to find some information about Jim Crow

See document MP3: Laws governing the conduct of non whites in Mississippi

Lesson 2
Anticipation The Help (movie trailer)
Watch the trailer and pick out :

The different characters involved

Signs indicating the historical period

Signs indicating where the scene is set (country, region)

The situation; who is doing what, where and why?

Different groups could concentrate on different aspects

Sum up on the board the ideas and information collected thanks to the trailer

A group of well-dressed, young white women, they appear to be friend as they

hug because they are happy to see each other
Black maids in the maids uniforms
A young white child being looked after by the black maid


The women are well-dressed but are all wearing dresses. None of the women are


seen in trousers
The main character is seen using an old type writer
Black maids are doing the house work and looking after the children
Big Cadillac car
A sign indicating which way colored people should go
A church full of only black people

The setting

Large houses with front porches

A posh restaurant, a caf terrace by the edge of a large pool
Someones office in a major city, maybe New York
A small, cramped living room
A church

The situation

The first scene shows a reunion between old friends

The white women are seen in restaurants and sitting by the edge of a pool
The black maids are seen doing all the work and looking after the kids

The main character approaches the black maid and is then seen in a small livingroom in which many black maids are gathered
The white women are seen reading a book entitled The Help, they seem very
interested in the book and one of them screams out loud with shock as she reads
one particular scene
The young heroine of the story seems to become friends with the maids and is
seen talking and laughing with them. She is also seen arguing with one of her
white friends who is very angry. Two of the black maids are seen standing up to
their white employers and daring to answer back and stand their ground.

Lesson 3: Learning about vernacular English

Black Brown White, Big Bill Broonzy
Verse N_____
This little song that i'msingin' about,
People you know it's true
If you're black and gotta work for a living,
This is what they will say to you,
They says, "if you was white, should be all right,
If you was brown, stick around,
But as you's black, hmm brother, get back, get back, get back"
Verse N____
I was in a place one night
They was all having fun
They was all buyin' beer and wine,
But they would not sell me none

Verse N____
Me and a man was workin' side by side
This is what it meant
They was paying him a dollar an hour,
And they was paying me fifty cent

Verse N____
I went to an employment office,
Got a number 'n' i got in line
They called everybody's number,
But they never did call mine

Verse N____
I helped win sweet victory,
With my little plough and hoe
Now i want you to tell me brother,
What you gonna do about the old Jim Crow?
The missing verse N____

1. Listen to the song and number the verses in the order the singer sings them.
2. Listen again and highlight any other slight changes.
3. One verse is missing, can you write it out?
4. Now look carefully at the words and circle anything that is grammatically surprising.
5. List the structures that do not seem correct.
6. Can you rewrite them in standard English?
7. The English spoken at this time by black Americans is called vernacular English. Sum up in
your own words the slight differences between this English and standard English.
8. Study the main idea of each verse and write down the different situations of daily life in which
the singer believes a black man encounters prejudice and discrimination.

Verse 1


Verse 2


Verse 3


Verse 4


Verse 5


Verse 6


Teachers sheet.

Lesson 3: Learning about vernacular English

Verse N1
This little song that i'msingin' about,
People you know it's true
If you're black and gotta work for a living,
This is what they will say to you,
They says, "if you was white, should be all right,
If you was brown, stick around,
But as you's black, hmm brother, get back, get back, get back"
Verse N2
I was in a place one night
Theys all having fun
Theys all buyin' beer and wine,
But they would not sell me none

Verse N4____
Me and a man was workin' side by side
This is what it meant
They was paying him a dollar an hour,
And they was paying me fifty cent

Verse N_3___
I went to an employment office,
Got a number 'n' i got in line
They called everybody's number,
But they never did call mine

Verse N_6___
I hope when sweet victory,
With my plough and hoe
Now i want you to tell me brother,
What you gonna do about the old jim crow?
The missing verse N_5__
I helped build this country
And I fought for it too
Now I guess that you can
What a black man have to do

1. Listen to the song and number the verses in the order the singer sings them.
2. Listen again and highlight any other slight changes.
3. One verse is missing, can you write it out?
4. Now look carefully at the words and circle anything that is grammatically surprising.
5. List the structures that do not seem correct.
6. Can you rewrite them in standard English?
7. The English spoken at this time by black Americans is called vernacular English. Sum up in
your own words the slight differences between this English and standard English.
8. Study the main idea of each verse and write down the different situations of daily life in which
the singer believes a black man encounters prejudice and discrimination.

Verse 1

in the work place

Verse 2

in bars and night clubs

Verse 3

at the job centre

Verse 4

wage discrimination

Verse 5

the treatment of former soldiers

and those who sweated and toiled to build the nation

Verse 6

maybe by farming his own land he can be independent and not have to answer to the
white man (?)

Lesson 4:

Entering into the text

The Help

Kathryn Stockett

Pupil worksheet
Work on page one, paragraph one and the first sentence of paragraph two.
1. What type of narrator does this story have? Give the pronoun that is the key.
2. Explain in your own words who Mae Mobley is.
3. What job does the narrator of the story do? Quote the text to justify.
4. What daily tasks does her work involve?
5. How many children has she brought up over the years?
6. Why do you think the narrator specifies the colour of the babies white babies (L.2)?
7. Try to imagine what the narrator has already done in her morning before Mae Mobleys
mother gets up?
Now concentrate on the last paragraph of this passage, page 2 from Mae Mobley to
special baby
1. Pick out the structures that seem to us to be grammatically incorrect and rewrite them in
standard English.
2. What seem to be the main differences?

Lesson 4:

Entering into the text

Teachers sheet

A) Work on page one, paragraph one and the first sentence of paragraph two.
1. What type of narrator does this story have? Give the pronoun that is the key.
The text has a first person narrator as indicated by the use of the pronoun I to tell the
2. Explain in your own words who Mae Mobley is.
Mae Mobley is the little girl that the narrator is looking after at the time of the story.
3. What job does the narrator of the story do? Quote the text to justify.
She is a maid in a white familys house. taking care of white babies, thats what I do
4. What daily tasks does her work involve?
Her daily tasks involve looking after the children, preparing the meals and keeping the
house clean and tidy.
5. How many children has she brought up over the years?
She has brought up seventeen white children throughout her working life.

6. Why do you think the narrator specifies the colour of the babies white babies (L.2)?
By stressing the colour of the babies, the narrator thus highlights the contrast with herself
and makes it obvious from the beginning that she is not white, she is black.
7. Try to imagine what the narrator has already done in her morning before Mae Mobleys
mother gets up?
The narrator has had to get herself up and ready; get dressed, have some breakfast and
maybe even get her own children ready. She has had to leave her home and travel to
work. This maybe a certain distance as we can presume that black and white people do
not live in the same neighborhood. On arriving at work she has no doubt had to prepare
the breakfast for her employers and be ready for when the baby wakes. As soon as the
baby wakes she must be ready to look after her, feed her and get her dressed.

B) Now concentrate on the last paragraph of this passage, page 2 from Mae Mobley to
special baby

1. Pick out the structures that seem to us to be grammatically incorrect and rewrite
them in standard English.The bald spotthrow
Mae Mobley is two years old now
She has got big brown eyes
The bald spotthrows things off
She gets the same wrinkle
She is worried
Mae Mobley is so fat
She aint gone be no beauty queen

isnt going to be a

It bothers Miss Leefolt

Mae Mobley is my special baby

2. What seem to be the main differences?

In the affirmative sentences the auxiliary verb is missing (BE, HAVE).

When a lexical verbs is used in the third person, there is no S at the end. (she get)
In the negative sentence there is a double negative and the word aint replaces the structure isnt

Lesson 5

Reading comprehension

Pupils worksheet

a) Page 38 From Sit down on your behind to page 39 talk like a mule

1. Find
The characters active in the scene

Characters mentioned but not active

2. Who is the I in this extract? Who is telling the story?

3. Where is the scene set?
a) At school

b) at Miss Woodras home

c) in Minnys home

4. Why does this scene take place on a special day for Minny?
a) She has just left school b) she has started a new job

c) it is her birthday

5. What big change was about to take place in Minnys life and why?
6. How many siblings (brothers and sisters) does Minny have?
7. Why can Minny not continue her studies?
8. Does Minny have any experience of housework?
9. Find 3 quotes to show that Minnys mum really wants her daughter to listen.
10. What would happen to Minny if she did not abide by these rules?
11. Which of the rules concern hygiene?
12. Which of the rules require Minny to keep quiet and not say anything?
13. What object keeps distracting Minny?
14. Find 1 quote to show that Minny is not a skinny teenager.
15. What does Minny appear to really enjoy?
16. Which adjectives best describe the attitude of Minnys mother towards Miss Woodra?
Polite /

rude /



/ honest

/ cautious

17. Do you get the impression that Minny will find these rules easy to abide by? Explain in
your own words.

Lesson 5

Reading comprehension

Teachers sheet

A) Page 38 From Sit down on your behind to page 39 talk like a mule

1. Find
The characters active in the scene

Characters mentioned but not active

14 year-old Minny

Miss Woodra, Minnys sick sister, Minnys

Minnys mother

alcoholic father, the white lady, her husband

and the woman next door

2. Who is the I in this extract? Who is telling the story?Minny

3. Where is the scene set?
b) At school

b) at Miss Woodras home

c) in Minnys home

4. Why does this scene take place on a special day for Minny?
a) She has just left school b) she has started a new job

c) it is her birthday

5. What big change was about to take place in Minnys life and why?
Having turned fourteen she is about to leave school and go out to work. She will work as
a maid in a white ladys home.
6. How many siblings (brothers and sisters) does Minny have?
Only one sister is mentioned and is said to be suffering from a heart problem.
7. Why can Minny not continue her studies?
Given that her sister has health problems and that her father is described as an
alcoholic, the reader is led to presume that Minny must go out to work to earn money.
The family needs her income.
8. Does Minny have any experience of housework?
Yes, although she is still relatively young she is said to be accustomed to doing most of
the cooking and cleaning at home. It would appear that her sister and father are no help
whatsoever around the house.
9. Find 3 quotes to show that Minnys mum really wants her daughter to listen.

She shook her finger so close to my face

Mama jerked my chin back round

Are you listening to me?

10. What would happen to Minny if she did not abide by these rules?
She would simply be fired. / She would lose her job.
11. Which of the rules concern hygiene?
Rules 2, 3 and 4

12. Which of the rules require Minny to keep quiet and not say anything?
Rules 1 and 7
13. What object keeps distracting Minny?
The caramel birthday cake that is cooling and waiting to be iced.
14. Find 1 quote to show that Minny is not a skinny teenager.
Lord, you are heavy as a house
15. What does Minny appear to really enjoy?


16. Which adjectives best describe the attitude of Minnys mother towards Miss Woodra?
Polite /

rude /



/ honest

/ cautious

17. Do you get the impression that Minny will find these rules easy to abide by? Explain in
your own words.
The reader gets the impression that Minny will find it difficult to not answer back. The
housework itself will not be a problem for her but she will struggle to bite her tongue and
not speak her mind.


Reading comprehension
Chapter 3 MINNY From: SIT DOWN ON YOUR BEHIND,Minny. down to .I was out on the
1. List the characters who are present in the scene and the characters who are mentioned.
2. What do we learn about the narrators identity?



Social background



Physical appearance

3. Find one sentence showing the scene is a flashback. Where does it take place?
4. The passage falls into two parts. Try to find them and suggest a title for each.
5. The narrator had planned to go on with her studies. In your own words say what disturbed
her plan and what change is about to take place in her life.
6. Find three quotes showing the narrator is still a child who finds it hard to concentrate on her
mothers recommendations.
7. Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Justify your answers with a quote.
a) The narrator has no experience of housework.
b) A birthday cake keeps distracting the narrator.
c) The narrators mother had a very deferential attitude towards her mistress.
8. What/who do the following pronouns refer to?

But if I was going off to work in somebody elses house, whod be looking after ours?

you keep your nose out of your ladys problems, you dont go crying to her with yours

And when Miss White Lady catches her man with the lady next door, you keep out of it,
you hear me?

when that little brat stole my pocketbook and hid it in the oven, I didnt whoop her on the

9. Explain in your own words what aspects of racial segregation the narrators mothers
recommendations illustrate?

Rules 1 -7:

Rules 2-3-4:

Rules :5- 6:

10. Concentrate on the last four lines of the extract and say which rule the narrator broke.

11. Among the following adjectives choose one to qualify the tone of the passage? Justify your
choice in your own words.
Solemn cynical humorous - dramatic
12. Writing: after the White Lady fired her, Minny writes a letter to her best friend Aibileen.
13. Writing:dialogue (or role play) :The white lady has just fired her. Minny goes back home her mother who is angry and reproachful. Minny is obviously ashamed and
scared about her mothers reaction but also deeply convinced she was right and the white
lady wrong. Imagine their conversation.

Lesson 6:

Part One of the audio document

Citizens Council fight against desegregation

State of siege: Mississippi Whites and the Civil Rights Movement from American
RadioWorks. Document 1
I.The Segregation Era :anticipation.
1. Brainstorming. (class)What do you know about the Civil Rights Movement?
(dates/people/events) Draw up a list of words that come to your minds like in the example
Adjectives (gr1)

Nouns (gr2)

Verbs (gr3)

2. Listen and complete the grid while listening.48(gr1adjectives -gr2 nouns gr 3 verbs )

Anticipation :group work.

3. What role did black workers play in the southern states over the centuries? List some of the
jobs done by these workers over the centuries.(gr1)
4. How did black people help white people with their children, their clothes.?.(gr1)
5. In your opinion, what percentage of the population of Mississippi was made up of African
Americans in the 1950s?


6. In 1954 the US Supreme Court made an important decision known as Brown v. Board of
Education. Given the social context at the time, what do you think this decision
involved?How do you think the white citizens in Mississippi reacted to this decision?.(gr2)

7. Which important people in society do you think opposed desegregation?( .(gr3)

8. In your opinion, what did these people fear and what did they want to defend?( .(gr3)
Their fears

The goals

Class report

State of siege: Mississippi Whites and the Civil Rights Movement

Introduce the document, the topic and make sure your fellow students can complete the
following worksheet.
The topic:
What is known about that period:
What is less known about that period:
Mississippi social order in those days:
What disrupted this order:
The Citizens Council: role members - objectives

Lesson 7 Document 2
"State of Siege: Mississippi Whites and the Civil Rights Movement," from American
In defense of segregation
Listen to this American Radio documentary, complete the following worksheet before
reporting to the class.
PART 1 218
Group 1:

Listen to the recording and then present Horace:

The speaker is a ______ year-old from rural ____________________. He lives __________ the
town of Stockville. He is a descendant of the _________ plantation ______________________.
The land in question has been in his family since before the ___________________________.
Group 2: In your own words say what the following dates and figures correspond to:
200 _____________________________________________________________
$1200 ___________________________________________________________
$20 ____________________________________________________________
Group 3: Phrase match
a) Big plantations required a lot of labor

in the white plantation aristocracy

b) Slaves were the highest price things

creating tension that was not there

c) Horaced is proud of his heritage


d) Horace thinks the black citizens of this country owe

.to preserve segregation

a debt of

. contented with their lives

e) He fought the federal government

gratitude to the southern planters

f) the cotton fields

Horace accuses the Yankees of

g) He believes that the slaves were

.and the biggest investments

h) He accuses the CRM* of

.of stirring up trouble

*CRM = Civil Rights Movement

What arguments does Horace give to justify his point of view?

In his family slaves were considered as ______________________________

The slaves were well __________________
The slaves were ______________________
The slaves owed _______________ to their owners for bringing them to
_________________ and thus helping them escape from south America or
Prior to the CRM there was no ____________________ and the slaves were
From 218 end

Group 4

1. List the places that were segregated in the South:

2. The year 1954 saw a major decision of the US Supreme Court:

They attacked the whole system of Jim Crow segregation
They ruled that the white citizens groups and agencies were illegal
They ruled that segregated schools were illegal
3. The whites reaction to the governments decision.
Listen to Horace Harned : 4 words have been changed:
White flocks got to fight together. We got to fight together. And we all had to do
something to preserve our future and then control our preferential system.
4. The white citizens goal:

complete the sentences.

White Mississipians created

______________________________________________citizens groups and state
agencies to ________________________________________________
Their goal was to keep blacks
5. Complete the journalists conclusion with the missing adjectives:
The Mississippi fight against integration and the civil rights movement was
the most __________________________
the most, __________________________
and the most ______________________________ anywhere in the country

Lesson 8

Document 3


group work (computers)

Listen to this American Radio documentary, complete the following worksheet

Group 1 :129
a) What is well known and what is less well known about the segregation era?
The objective of white peoples fight:American RadioWorks producer Kate Ellis interviews
two prominent members of the Citizens Council: Horace Harned and William Simmons.
b) What do we learn about the social order in Mississippi in the 1950s?
Percentage of African Americans in the state:
Their occupations:

Group 2 :129245
Say what you understood about:

c) The US Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education (1954) .:

d) The reaction of Mississippi Whites to the Supreme Courts decision.(fears and goals)

Group 3 :245 end

a) Listen to Mississippi Senator James Eastland urging the Citizens Council to fight
desegregation and try to complete his speech with the missing words.
The Supreme Court is not composed of ____________ representatives of the South or any other
segment of this nation. Its present _______________
____________ .

will not only be _______________but

And when I say we're going to ______________ 'em, I say that our position is sound under the
law, and that the drive for ________ amalgamation is both

, ______________

and a

b) Correct these sentences:

Southern politicians called for massive support to desegregation.

By 1956, the Citizens Council had expanded to every corner of the United States

c) Who were the members of the Citizens Council?

Lesson 9

THE HELP ( Movie scene)

Watch and listen ( 1:17:53 1:20:38)

Part one: At Skeeters
Skeeter and some black domestics are watching Edgar Mevers (a civil rights activist) on television.
a) The black leader incites his fellow citizens to
a march on Capitol Street.
support the Citizens Council
a boycott of white shopkeepers
b) Which words did you actually hear?

(1) buy purchase shop

(2) merchants retailers shopkeepers

(3) economic crisis economic pinch economic squeeze

(4) negro business nigger business colored business

(5) devoted committed dedicated

(6) second rate second rank - second class

c) Now use the words you have selected to complete the following paragraph.
Edgar Mevers asks his fellow citizens not to


Capitol Street to make them feel the


One of them told Evers they didnt need


at the

Evers accuses these white people of supporting the Citizens Council which is
to keeping black Americans





d) Why does Skeeters mother switch the Tv off?

she fears rebellion
she fears contagion
she fears civil war
Try to justify your choice with one verb: Dont
Snapping at Skeeter she says:
I wont have it I want to have it I dont want to have it

Part two: The bus episode (1:18:37)

a) What aspect(s) of segregation does this scene illustrate?


b) The bus driver asks Aibileen and Henry to

get lost get off get down
c) What reason does he give to the white man? Complete what he says.


d) (1:19:42)We then hear the voice of Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the NAACP (National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People) react to a murder. Complete the
following paragraph: ten words are missing.
"We view this as a

state -- the most

killing in a

state in the entire 50 states,"

Wilkins said. "There is no state with a record that approaches that of Mississippi in


hatred. It is absolutely at

the bottom of the list."

e) (1:20:08)A journalist gives some information on the victim and reports on the murder
circumstances. Complete the following grid.
The victim


Where was he killed?

How was he killed?

Where did he die?


Minny heard the news on the radio and tells Aibileen who killed the man. Complete what she

shot him an hour ago right in front of his

Lesson 10

Part Three of the audio document.

Medgar Evers

Part One (0.00 1.30)

1. Listen to the introduction and give key details about the recording :
Man or woman?

Black or White?

Victim or Persecutor?

Domestic Help or Activist?

2. Listen to the story and number the events in the correct order:
a) Evers requested equal air time to reply to the mayor and present his point of view.
b) Evers spoke calmly, telling the people that it was time for change in Mississippi.
c) Evers and his supporters turned up the pressure of the boycott.
d) The TV channel was obliged to let Evers appear on TV.
e) Evers organized a boycott of white owned businesses in Jackson, Mississippi.

The Mayor appeared on a local TV channel to attack Evers and his movement.

g) Evers obtained the air time that he had requested.

3. Listen again for specific details.

a) How many children did Evers have?
b) What was the name of the organization he worked for?
c) What was his position within this organization?
d) What was the name of the local TV channel?
e) Which organization, in which US city, agreed to allow Evers the air time?

How long was Evers allowed to speak for?

4. Complete the sentence to explain what the negro wanted according to Evers:
He wants to get rid of ___________________________________ in the state because he knows it
has not been good ____________________ nor ____________________.

5. Use the information to tell the class about what you have learnt.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part Two (1.30 3.04)
1. Why is it not possible to listen to an extract from Evers appearance on the show?
a) Because his speech was violent and rude
b) Because no copy of the recording has survived
c) Because he died before being able to appear on TV
2. How did some members of the public react to his appearance on TV?
a) They sent text messages to express their opinion
b) They wrote letters to complain after the show
c) The phoned in to complain during the show
3. His appearance on the local TV is described as being unprecedented. What does
this mean?
a) No black activist had ever appeared on TV before in America.
b) Evers regularly appeared on TV shows.
c) People in Mississippi were not used to seeing black activists on TV.
4. Explain in your own words why the people of Mississippi were not aware of the
development of the Civil Rights Movement in other parts of the US. These words
should help you:
program manager / Citizens Council / block out / technical difficulties
5. Which adjectives best describe the voices of the people phoning the TV station during
the show:
Encouraging / aggressive / optimistic / rude / threatening / hopeful / open-minded / shocked

Part Three

(3.04 the end)

1. Explain what happened to Evers after his appearance on TV?

2. When did he die? (N weeks after TV appearance, date, year)
3. Who was President at the time in America?
4. What topic was this president working on at the time?
5. Which medium did he use to present his ideas to the American public?
Radio /



6. How old was Evers at the time of his death?

Part Four of the document to be used for the end of unit test

The test has a total of 50 points, shown below in brackets. A pupil obtaining 35 out of 50 is to
be considered as a C1, 25 out of 50 as B2. (see the CERCL indications for C1 in oral

State of siege: Mississippi Whites and the Civil Rights Movement.

Civil Rights Activists
Global listening.
Listen to the whole document and tick the right answers. (2)
The document deals with:

M.Everscall for a boycott of shopkeepers

The pressure of civil rights activists in Mississippi

President Kennedys appeal against segregation

Segregated schools in Mississippi

Mississippi whitesresistance to desegregation

Part 1 1.20

1. After his appearance on television Medgar Evers received frightening deafening

threatening calls (1)
2. Give two examples of things said in these calls. (2)

3. Note down the key words you hear in this section connected to: (0.20 0.58) (6)
People mentioned

Words connected

(groups and

to their fight (2)

Their goals (3)

Their methods (3)


(Sit in)

individuals) (4)
Mississippi Whites





Non violent

Negro Students

End racial

A new strategy

Martin Luther King

4. Use the words that you have picked out to write a summary of the civil rights
activistsstrategy to fight segregation (0.20 0.58) (4)
New strategy and leader
Non violence
Goal = freedom and justice
Goal = end of racial segregation

5. Explain how Mississippi whites reacted to the situation described. (1.00 -1.20) (1 + 1)

(Battled / fought back ) + (strongly)

Part 2 : 120225
6. Complete the biographical details of the activist in question here: (total 8 points)

Name: (1)

Professional experience: (1 + 1)9 years + Air Force

Place of birth: (1)

Ethnic origins: (1)

His decision in 1961: (2+ 1)Sue Ole Miss / for rejecting his application

7. Pick out the adjectives used to describe the school: (1.55 2.00) (2)
the most __________________ and _____________________ school in the State.
8. Correct what is wrong in the extract from the speech you hear:
If a country is allowed to arbitrarily deny a right who is so important to the American manner
of life to any person then America is a failure. (8 x 0.5 = 4)
9. His challenge: number the events in chronological order (5)

His application was rejected.

They refusedto abide by the government rules

With the help of the NAACP, he took the university to court.

He wanted to go to Mississippi University.

The Federal Government ordered the university to reverse their decision

Part 3: 2.25 end.

10. Say what you have understood about the governor of Mississippi.

His allies: (1)

His reaction to the activist student s challenge: (2)

His response to President Kennedys attempt to negotiate: (1)

11. Complete the missing words from the governors speech: (4 x 0.5 = 2)
I have said in every

in Mississippi that _______school in our


will be while I am your governor.

12. On September 30th Federal Marshallsexhorted escorted transported the activist
student onto the campus. (1)
13. Pick out words describing the reaction of white students on that day. (4 x 0.5 = 2)
Angry / surrounded a campus building / agitated / rioting / fought

14. The fight toll and consequences: correct what is wrong in this sentence. (3)
Two hundred people were killed and President Kennedy had to call the army back.

15. Why can we say September 31st marked some kind of victory for the activist

Tche finale (2) Comprendre pour agir

Reportage radio: commenter linauguration dune statue leffigie de James Meredith

le 1er Octobre 2006 Ole Miss soit 44 ans aprs son entre sous protection militaire
sur le campus de luniversit.

Produire un document audio (avec Audacity) : organiser les informations, le lexique

acquis au cours de la squence, imaginer un reportage sur lvnement (en
enregistrant la production et en la renvoyant au professeur).

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