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Griffin English Class Syllabus

Course Description and Objectives:
Students will work on mastering the grade level standards for English Language Arts. Students will work
on improving writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills both independently and collaboratively.
Students will read novels and short stories, poetry selections, fiction and nonfiction literature. Writing
will include pieces from narratives, expository, and argumentative genres. We will spend extra time
creating rough and final drafts while editing and revising to produce the strongest products possible.
OFFICE HOURS/AVAILABILITY: Before or after school by appointment only or 24/7 via email: (Email is Fastest/24 hour response)
Daily Required Materials:
Pencils and Pens

Notebook Paper
1 Spiral Notebook
A chapter book/novel that you
will read for SSR


First Offense: Verbal Warning

1. Follow

Wide Second Offense: Seat Change and Conversation



School Rules
after class.
2. Bring daily materials to class
3. Come in quickly and quietly Third Offense: Parent/Guardian Contact and 30
minute detention to be served after school.
and begin working on the Warm Up.
4. Raise your hand to ask a Fourth Offense: Referral and Meeting with
question or to get permission to leave Parent/Guardian
your seat
5. Treat EVERYONE the way
you would want to be treated.
**No FOOD or DRINK. Water in a sealed

**Food/Drinks brought to class will be thrown away

container is acceptable

No student will be allowed to interfere with instruction or interfere with another student's
learning. These Classroom Agreements are the foundation on which we will build our class.
Most students choose to follow these agreements without any problems. Any student that
chooses not to follow the agreements will have a meeting with Mrs Giffin.
If disruptions continue a conference will be scheduled with the student, parent/guardian and the
teacher. We will then formulate a plan that will allow the student to excel. In extreme cases
(profanity, safety violations, etc.) school policy will be followed and the student will be sent to
the discipline office.
GRADING POLICY: Grades will be determined and earned by students using the following breakdown:

Classwork/Participation- 15%
Homework 30%
Tests and Quizzes 20%
Essays and Projects 35%


When students are absent, it is up to the STUDENT to pick up any missed handouts/notes/homework that
they missed. For everyday the student is out, they will have the same amount of time to make up the
work before it is considered late.
LATE WORK POLICY: Students will be able to turn in late work for HALF CREDIT up until TWO
WEEKS AFTER the original due date. After the Second week the work will no longer be accepted.
EXTRA CREDIT POLICY: Daily I will be passing out raffle tickets to students following instructions,
coming prepared and on time to class, and participating in class. These tickets work like money. They
can be spent on pens or pencils, jolly ranchers, water, or extra points on an assignment. (Each ticket is
worth 1 point) No more than 10 tickets will be accepted to go towards a single homework assignment. At
the end of the quarter or semester extra tickets up to 25 total can be turned in for extra credit to go
towards student report card grade. THIS IS THE ONLY EXTRA CREDIT I WILL GIVE
TECHNOLOGY/SOCIAL MEDIA USE POLICY: The use of computers and social media sites such
as Twitter, Classting, Edmodo, and Blogs will occur throughout the course of the year. It is expected that

In order to
participate in these activities parents and students must fill out, sign and
return the last page of this syllabus.
students follow Moreno Valley Unified School District User Agreement Policy.

Student and Parent Guardian Survey and Agreement

The Information on this form is confidential and to be used by Mrs. Griffin only.
Student Name____________________________Period ________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Number ___________________________________________

Primary Language spoken in the home________________________________________

Please answer the following Questions:
1. Do you have regular and reliable access to a computer and printer at home?
2. Do you have regular and reliable access to the internet at home?____________________
Please check one
_________ Mrs. Griffin HAS PERMISSION to allow my student to use technology and participate in
activities where class pictures may be taken and published on the class website or twitter account.
__________Mrs. Griffin DOES NOT have my permission to allow my student to use technology and
participate in activities where class pictures may be taken and published on the class website or twitter
By signing this paper I agree to abide by the MVUSD User Agreement Policy in regards to the use
of technology. I agree to follow the classroom expectations and understand that failure to do so will
result in appropriate consequences.
Student Name__________________________________________ Period ____________
Student Signature________________________________________Date______________
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________________________

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