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fiche dexploitation 2

DOOR TO CRIME Im a private eye

Oxford Murders, lex de La Iglesia

Part 1: beginning 01:09

1 Fill in the grid with all the information you can get from the extract.


2 Link between the witnesses:





no link

know each other / dont know each other

3 Who discovered the body? Give as many details as you can.

Part 2: 01:10 02:17

A Strange Clue

1 This is the paper the professor received at the conference. Write on it what was on it.

2 Circle the right answers and justify.

The professor kept the paper.
The professor threw it away.

The professor thought it was a joke.

The professor was scared by what he read.

SEJER /BORDAS, 2009 Missions 2de

Part 3: 02:18 end

The crime scene
1 Give details on the following elements. Use what you have understood.
victims description: ....................................................................................................................................................................
situation at the moment of the murder (action): .....................................................................................................................
possible presence of somebody else: . ........................................................................................................................................
reactions of the witnesses: .........................................................................................................................................................
clues / objects: .............................................................................................................................................................................
2 For each of the following elements explain if its related to the victim or to the murderer.





fiche dexploitation 2 (suite)

DOOR TO CRIME Im a private eye

Oxford Murders, lex de La Iglesia

3 Describe two possible scenarios using what you can guess and what you understood.

SEJER /BORDAS, 2009 Missions 2de



corrig de la fiche dexploitation 2

DOOR TO CRIME Im a private eye

Oxford Murders, lex de La Iglesia

Part 1: beginning 01:09

1 Fill in the grid with all the information you can get from the extract.
Julia Eagleton

Septembre 23, 1993; a
conference in the morning

police station

Professor Arthur Seldom

2 Link between the witnesses:

student-professor dont know each other
3 Who discovered the body? Give as many details as you can.
Both of them, by chance. They entered the room together. The boy lives there, the professor was Mrs Eagletons friend.

Part 2: 01:10 02:17

A Strange Clue
1 This is the paper the professor received at the conference. Write on it what was on it.
The first of the series address of the victim + time at the top.
2 Circle the right answers and justify.
The professor kept the paper.
The professor threw it away.

The professor thought it was a joke.

The professor was scared by what he read.

Part 3: 02:18 end

The crime scene
1 Give details on the following elements. Use what you have understood.
victims description: old woman.
situation at the moment of the murder (action):She was playing scrabble when it happened.
possible presence of somebody else: No one, she was playing on her own.
reactions of the witnesses:Petrified and horrified, thought they should not touch anything, called the police, tried to
figure out what happened.
clues/objects: A cushion, a scrabble game, blood on her face and on the cushion.

SEJER /BORDAS, 2009 Missions 2de

2 For each of the following elements explain if its related to the victim or to the murderer.
The murderer broke the victims nose pressing with a cushion and using his/her knee. Hence the blood. She/he got
scared and left.
3 Describe two possible scenarios using what you can guess and what you understood.
Rponses libres des lves.

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