Computation of Color

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One of the most common problems to solve in the dye related industries is that of determining
the strength of a dye relative to that of another one used as standard. Everyone is aware of the
economic importance of this color related property of the dye. The strength is defined as dyer
has to use X parts of test dye B to obtain an identical coloration to that obtained with 100
parts of the standard dye A. If dyes are physically or chemically identical, then the strength of
the test colorant will be weaker or stronger. This comparison is correct if you are buying dye from
the same manufacturer. When two dyes are different, at least in part, chemically or physically or
both (say different dyes of same hue or same dyes of different manufacturers), then the strength
comparison becomes complicated. Not only the strength but chromatic changes (tonal variations)
have also to be considered.
Dye applications and pigment applications are quite different and one has to analyze it
differently. Color strength, or tinctorial value of a pigments is defined as its ability to impart color
to other materials. The lower the concentration of a colored pigment required to achieve a
defined impression of color that is a given depth of a shade, the greater is color strength of
colored pigments. It depends on the absorption coefficient (K) of colorant. The higher the
absorption coefficient, the higher will be the strength of colorants, on the other hand, reducing
power of TiO2 white (Tinting Strength of white) depends on the scattering coefficient (S). More
the scattering, better will be reducing power. Black scatters least and absorbs most, while white
scatters most and absorbs least. Some of the pigments such as yellows, reds and oranges
scatter a lot and one cannot neglect their scattering power. One has to use both the optical
parameters (K and S).
The complicated problem of strength assessment is simplified by color strength calculation.
Testing is made against a specimen of the identical colorant which has been stated as being the
standard or reference; it is to be tested as per the procedure recommended and close to coloring
process. While evaluating the strength, the same procedure is to be followed for making samples
of the standard and the batch simultaneously.
Strength of any colorant (dyestuff / pigment) is related to absorption property. We measure
reflectance and not absorbance. It is known to us that when reflectance is more, absorbance is
less and when reflectance is less, absorbance is more. Kubelka Munk theory gives us the
following relation between reflectance and absorbance:
K/S = [{(1-R) 2 / 2R}]

Where R is the reflectance, K is absorbance and S is the scattering. K/S Vs Wavelength curve is
always characteristics of every colorant.
Color Strength is defined as:
Color Strength = [(K/S) Batch / (K/S) Standard] x 100
One can determine color strength using following different methods:
1. R


(Absorbance Maxima)

2. At given Wavelength
3. Based on Tristimulus Values.
X & Y (Average)
Z & Y (Average)
4. Integrated Wavelengths.
There is too much confusion in selecting the method for strength calculation. One has to choose
the method with great care.


One can find the lowest value of R (which is maximum value of absorbance) and obtain K/S
values of sample and the standard and compute the strength. This is generally accepted and
more or less agrees with visual observation. In most of the available color software packages, it
is automatically done by the program. Fig.1 illustrates the strength computed at RMin.

Figure 1: Color Strength at R min

Given Wavelength
This option is selected when you are comparing two dyes or pigments, which may be having
different R minima. In such cases, you have to compute the strength based on R
of the standard. This will give you the correct picture of the strength. If



the Standard is

manufactured by one company and the incoming dye lot is manufactured by different company
then R Min will be different for the two. In such case, we have to use the R Min wavelength of
the Standard for the computation of strength. That is called the strength at given wavelength. It
is illustrated in Fig.2.

Figure 2: Color Strength at Given Wavelength

Tristimulus Value
This option is used when you are having measurement with colorimeter having three filters. If
colorants are Red / Green, then use the ratio of X Tristimulus value and if colorants are Yellow /
Blue, then use ratio of Z Tristimulus values. If you want to consider the light / dark property of
colorants then use the ratio of Y Tristimulus values. It is ideal to use combinations such as
average of X and Y (for Red / Green) and Z and Y (for Yellow/ Blue). This will take into
consideration the effect of lightness/darkness. In case of Black and White colorants , one can use
the ratio of Y -tristimulus value. This method is not much useful in dye application. But in case of
pigment application, it is found very useful for high chroma yellow, red and orange pigments.
Figure 3 is the output for the strength based on X value, Figure 4 is based on Y value and Figure
5 is based on Z value.

Figure 3: Color Strength calculated using X Tristimulus Value

Figure 4:Color Strength calculated using Y -Tristimulus Value

Figure 5: Color Strength calculated based on Z- Tristimulus Value

Integrated Wavelength
Some of the laboratories and available color software packages are using integrated wavelength

this case strength is calculated at each

wavelength and average is taken as real strength of the colorant. This is
becoming more and more popular. Sometimes, it may not give correct
strength idea of the colorant as reflectance values are changing
wavelength to wavelength. Strength at R Min is the correct representative
but strength based on integrated wavelength is preferred by most of the
users. In case of mixture dyes, it is found very useful. This is useful if the
dye is a mixture dye such as brown, black , orange and olive.
approach for computation of strength. In

The results of various calculations will differ. The choice of mode of

calculations depends on the users experience in specific cases. The true
answer could be based on perception of equality of depth. One has to
obtain extensive visual determinations of the perception of equality of
depth. This is a major problem in visual assessment of depth. One must
be very careful while interpreting the data.
One can also look at the color difference and hue change (h- Hue angle).
Using CIE Diagram (x, y), one can find out the purity and dominant
wavelength. If there is no change in dominant wavelength, then there will
be no hue change in dyes which are compared.

It is my opinion that in case of textile application, Saunderson correction

is not required but we have to use the same in pigment applications.
Strength and Color Difference Relationship
One has to look at the strength and color difference AS IT
IS andAFTER ADJUSTMENT of strength. This is based on
mathematical calculation .After adjustment of strength, it may be
acceptable but color difference will be too much or strength may not be
acceptable but color difference will be within tolerance limit. This is
illustrated in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Color Difference As it is and After Adjustment

Many times, you may get higher strength of colorants. Generally, when
the strength of the dye is high, you can adjust it by loading less. Taking
this practical approach into consideration, mathematically you can predict
the reflectance / absorbance curve of any given sample and predict the
expected color difference after adjustment of the strength. Most of the
color software packages give data on strength and color difference AS
IT IS and
strength and color difference data After the
Fig. 6 Illustrates the computer output for the strength. One can see that
strength of the dye is 110.69 with a color difference of 1.97. After
adjusting the 10.69% of the strength, color difference will reduce to 0.95

units from 1.97. This may be acceptable. Sometimes, you may find
thestrength.That will creat more problems for the dyer. One should
remember that one has to take into consideration both the parameters,
strength and color difference. One must fix a tolerance limit for the
strength and also note that color difference of the batch after adjustment
of the strength should be within required tolerance limit.
Figure 7 Illustrates the dye strength calculations using different methods
mentioned above. Jade Green Standard and batch samples of 1%
concentration were measured and dye strength was calculated using
different methods. In this particular case variation was not significant but
it is noticed that strength value is different for different methods. The
authors experience is that the strength at Rmin is always a correct

Figure 7: Dye Strength Calculation using Different Methods

Dye Application (Textiles)

In case of textile application, substrate material scatters and dye absorbs.
When we want to compare strength of a dye, we have to dye standard
and batch using the same substrate with same concentration and exactly
the same dyeing method. As substrate is constant, we can easily compare
the color strength as mentioned above.

Many times, dyers make an assumption that if the in-coming batch of the
dye is having higher strength (say, 5 to 10 % more ), they will be able to
reduce the cost of dyeing. The fact is that they will not get the matching
in first shot and adjustment will be difficult. Let us say, you have three
dyes in a combination (Red, Green and Blue). Batch Red is greener and
10 % strong, batch blue is redder and 5% weak and Green is yellowish
and 3 % strong. In such situation, you will adjust the formula using the
strength computation but color difference cannot be adjusted and you
have to reformulate the recipe. One has to control the strength and color
difference. The problem of lightness/ darkness is noticed in some cases.
As the sample is darker, one feels that it is deeper in strength. Dirty tone
does not mean that it is deeper or stronger.This creates confusion.
There are problems when you are comparing similar dyes manufactured
by different manufactures. Colorants are produced from chemical
intermediates and by different production processes. The purity of the
products used, the process of synthesis and subsequent finishing
determine the properties of products. Global salts used in the process
play very important role in final strength of the dye produced. It is well
known that different dye lots of varying properties are blended and global
salts or diluents are used for adjusting higher tinctorial values .Mixture
dyestuff are also made from waste by dye manufacturer. All these affect
the final color quality and mainly strength is affected to a large extent.
If the same dye is manufactured by different manufacturers, one should
look at R min of these two lots and if it is not the same, then use the R
min of the standard for computation of strength. Generally, if R min is
different, it is hue difference between the two lots. This can be confirmed
by finding out the dominant wavelength from CIE diagram. If it is
significantly different say, about 2-3 nm wavelength difference, then it is
to be considered as a new dye. It may be due to different chemical
constituents used in the process.
The dyestuff manufacturers can always adjust the strength of batches as
they are mixing lots of different production batches having different
strength. They also use global salts or diluents for reducing the strength
if it is on higher side. One should fix a tight tolerance limits for strength
and chromaticity. For textile processor, there is no alternative left but to
reject the lot or reformulate all those shades which are to be matched
with batch lots. Every textile dye house should demand a quality
assurance certificate from the colorant manufacturer. If this is done,
major problems of dyers are solved. During my industrial experience, I

have found a few colorant manufacturers who used to give quality

assurance certificate for each dye lot produced and supplied. It was
assured that strength is +/- 2 % and tonal variation (color difference) is
within accepted tolerance limits. Supplier used to send color data by fax
or e-mail. It is quite in advance before the colorant lot is received by the
factory. This has solved many problems at both ends. Very stringent
control of incoming colorant lots leaves the colorant manufacturer no
other choice but to supply colorants with acceptable tolerance
limits.Colorant manufacturers will certainly extend their cooperation as
they are dependent on buyer. You must request for spectrophotometric
curves of each dye supply. This will also reduce the load on lab analysis.
One can look at the variation noticed in in-coming batches of dye lots.
Figure 8, illustrates the statistical data of 70 batches of the dye received
by the Dye House. The Figure 9, clearly indicates variation in strength
and color difference. This statistical data is reported by P Ravichandran
and I am using this information for explanation.

Figure 8: Statistical data on Strength of Dye Lots

Figure 9: Statistical data on Strength of Dye Lots

Pigment Application (Paints, Plastics and Inks)

Tinting strength of Universal colorants or machine colorants affects the
paint match and one has to control the same by having pass/fail
tolerance limits for strength and chromaticity.
In tinted based formulation, reducing power of white bases is equally
important as tinting strength of colorants.We have to control the tinting
strength of colorants (universal colorants or machine colorants) and
reducing power of white bases. If white base is not controlled or any of
the colorants strength is not controlled, one will face problem. Main
reasons are:
1. Non- standardized. Pigments Chromatic and strength differences of
2. Non- standardized dispersions- Even if incoming colorants are of good
quality, because of improper dispersions in the process, the strength of
tinting pastes are not within tolerance limit resulting into color correction.
3. Non-standardized tinting pastes One has to control the color strength
4. Universal colorants or Machine colorants One has to have strict
control on universal colorants or machine colorants used. Variation in
colorant strength should not be more than +/- 1 percent. It should not

We have to make proper samples for color strength evaluation. For

pigments, we have to mix color pigment with white TiO2. For inorganic
pigments, we should use 25 parts of color pigment and 75 parts of white
TiO2. For organic pigments, we should use 5 parts of pigment and 95
parts of white. In case of black, we should use 1 or 3 parts of black and
99 or 97 parts of white. Both standard and in-coming batch of colorants
are to be mixed with the same white pigment and proper dispersion is to
be achieved keeping all process parameters same. Tinting pastes and
universal colorants or machine colorants are to be tested in the same
way. Color strength is already defined earlier .But in case of white
pigment; we call the Tinting Strength of white as Reducing Power of
white which depends on the scattering power of white and not on the
absorbance property.
QCHECK for White TiO2
In case of white, one can find the reducing power of white by inverting
the formula of color strength which is as follows:
Reducing Power = [(K/S) std / (K/S) bat] x 100
One can also determine the strength by adjusting Y value. In case of
white, while preparing sample, one must use reduction with Green or
Black pigment. It is found that one can make better visual assessment of
white by reducing with green pigment. One can use 5 parts of organic
green pigment with 95 parts of white. If you want to compare different
white Tio2 pigments, it is better to compute absolute Scattering
coefficients (S) using K-M equation. Higher the S value, better will be
reducing power of white. Hiding Power being directly proportional to S
value, you will achieve better hiding power of white base paint.
For making visual assessment of pigment,many times masstone is
prepared. But it does not give correct idea of strength because of very
low reflectance values. We get erratic results if R value is not correct
because of flattening of the curve.It is better to make reduction with
There is no need to make Saunderson correction while computing
colorant strength as we make standard and batch samples with the same
resin or medium. The gloss level will be the same in the standard and the

Remember, you must Look and Think. Look into sample visually and
interpret the data of color strength and chromaticity carefully, otherwise
you will be in trouble. In order to avoid corrections in production, one
must control the strength and chromaticity of colorants.

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