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English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-1
The Maya were a large group of Indians who lived mainly in southern Mexico,
Guatemala, and Honduras. It is believed that these people came across the Bering Strait with
the other native Americans, but quickly migrated south. About 5000 B.C., the Maya people
had formed small fishing villages, settling on the coast lands. By 2000 B.C., the Maya had
moved inland and began to raise maize and beans. These vegetables became their main
source of food, as they are today.
During the next 2000 years, the Maya developed into highly civilized people. They settled
in many areas of Mesoamerica and became prosperous. They developed the art of making
pottery and introduced the first known American systems of irrigation, or methods for
watering crops. A form of writing emerged, and the Maya began the first recorded history.
About the year 1000, a heavy drought hit Mesoamerica. The Mayan crops failed, causing
famine and death for many Maya in the mountain areas. Maya in the lowlands fared a little
better and cities such as Uxmal and Chichen Itza in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico became
the center of Mayan government, art, and architecture. The Spanish explorers of the 13 th and
14th centuries brought new diseases that the Maya could not cope with. Disease and Spanish
conquerors finally caused the Mayan empires to cave in. The last Mayan kingdom
surrendered to the Spanish in 1697.


It is implied in the text that ----.


the Mayan empires could have continued to survive if no external interference had


the Maya were an outsized group of native Americans who lived merely in southern


the Maya wouldnt have had to deal with any diseases if the Spanish conquerors had
not brought any to them


the Spanish had few interests in the Mayan kingdoms, providing them with an
extraordinary chance to develop


the vegetables such as maize and beans were the main source of food for the Maya
while today they consume them in no amount

English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-1


Testosterone is the principle sex hormone in males, but it's also found in varying levels in
women. In both sexes, testosterone enhances competitiveness and dominance, boosts
confidence, and reduces fear. To see what effect the hormone has on financial risk taking,
scientists asked 500 male and female students at the University of Chicago's Booth Business
School to play a computer game that measured aversion to financial risk. "These are people
who understand this type of game and who most likely will be players in the financial
industry after graduation, said study team member Luigi Zingales, an economist at the
University of Chicago.
The students were repeatedly given the choice of receiving a fixed amount of money or
entering a lottery where the payout was potentially much higher. The researchers took saliva
samples to measure the testosterone levels of each participant before and after the
experiment. What the team found is that men were more willing to take risks than women. In
fact, the researchers saw a kind of "ceiling effect" in men, in which differences in financial
risk-taking tapered off as testosterone levels increased. But there was no difference in risk
aversion between women and men with similar testosterone levelsand both sexes with high
testosterone levels were more willing to gamble with their money.


According to the passage, testosterone ----.


increases competitiveness and dominance in males rather than females


does not have the same impact on girls school success as that of boys


makes both men and women spend more of their money when its levels are high


is the main male sex hormone, but the opposite gender has the hormone by some


is the only hormone responsible for mens being more willing risk-takers than women

English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-1

Aadaki sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi



A strong ---- exists between a countrys wealth and the freedom afforded its citizens.
A) coincidence
B) correlation
D) determination
E) interpretation


What are some of the things that differentially affect siblings and help ---- their success or failure?
A) pursue

B) recognize
D) determine


B) accustom
D) associate

B) particularly
D) properly

B) broken through
E) put off

B) taken off
D) run down

C) used up
E) ended up

Roger Revelles calculations about what happens to the carbon dioxide released ---- the burning of fossil
fuels were correct ---- showing that much of it would end up in the sea.
A) from / with
D) in / for


C) turned up

The report emphasizes that, due to serious acidification in the coastal waters, many marine
organisms have ----.
A) died out


C) recently
E) soundly

A mystery virus has ---- more than 90 per cent of some bird species in India.
A) found out
D) wiped out


C) resume
E) relate

Unless you use your computer ----, you cant expect it to function well.
A) surely


C) recreate
E) reinstate

In an aircraft, the cabin lights are dimmed during take-off and landing to help passengers to ---themselves to darkness in the event of an emergency.
A) modify


C) consideration

B) by / in

C) to / by
E) through / about

One of the great advances ---- astronomy ---- the past decade has been the discovery of planets
outside our solar system.
A) of / over

B) through / at
D) for / by

C) in / to
E) with / for

English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-1

Aadaki kutularda birinci stunda verilen kelimeleri ikinci stundaki e anlamllar ile

1. [__] abandon
2. [__] abate
3. [__] abduct
4. [__] abhor
5. [__] abide by
6. [__] ability
7. [__] abolish
8. [__] abound
9. [__] abrupt
10. [__] absolute

a. sudden
b. be plentiful
c. put an end
d. certain
e. take smb. illegally
f. give up, leave, desert, forsake
g. diminish, subside, decrease
h. detest, hate
i. skill, gift, knack, talent
j. obey, comply with, stick to, conform to

1. [__] absorb
2. [__] abstain from
3. [__] absurd
4. [__] abundant
5. [__] abuse
6. [__] accede
7. [__] accelarate
8. [__] achieve
9. [__] accessible
10. [__] acclaim

a. reachable
b. assent, agree, accept
c. take in, suck
d. succeed
e. plentiful
f. refrain from
g. misuse
h. increase in rate
i. praise
j. illogical, ridiculous

1. [__] accompany
2. [__] accomplish
3. [__] accordingly
4. [__] account for
5. [__] accumulate
6. [__] accurate
7. [__] accustomed to
8. [__] accuse
9. [__] accept
10. [__] acknowledge

a. explain, be responsible for

b. admit
c. go with
d. blame
e. appropriately
f. be used to
g. consent to receive
h. achieve
i. gather
j. correct


a. postpone
b. sufficient, enough
c. dependent, inclined
d. accept
e. regulate
f. resolute, unyielding
g. scold
h. stick to

[__] acquire
[__] acute
[__] adamant
[__] addicted
[__] adequate
[__] adhere to
[__] adjourn
[__] adjust

English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-1

9. [__] admit
10. [__] admonish

i. sharp
j. gain

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