Revelations and Messages As Given Through Mary Ann Van Hoof at Necedah Wisconsin 1950 1970 For My God and My Country Inc 1970

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Published for the Honor and Glory ofG~d in obedience to
the Blessed Virgin Mary

Compiled, edited and published by


Necedah, Wis. 54646


Copyrigh t © 1971. Ali righ ts reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any

part without permission from the publisher.

The contents of the first edition of the Revelations and

Message book was compiled and edited by Myrtle Som­
mers, Our Lady's Third Chosen servant at Necedah,
Wisconsin. Myrtle died on August 25, 1964. The messages
and reve1ations are conveyed as actually given gy _~n~!.
t!!!Qygh Mary Ann Van Hoof. The additional work since
Myrtle's death, has been carried on by other dedicated
May Our Holy Mother bless this departed faithful soul
whom She often referred to as "Nimble Fingers".

In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII and in con­

formity with the Apostolic Constitution "Officiorum ac
munera" of Pope Leo X[[[, we dedare that we daim no

f m~ than a Eurely human consideration for the extraor­

. dinary" graces reported in this book, and that we thereby
) submit at ail times and unreservedly to the judgment of
the Catholic Church.
The prayers inc1uded are for private use only.

"For My God and My Country. Inc.", is a non-profit organi­

zalion, to carry on the work to_build Shr:i.~es, publish books,
pamphlets and fulfill the requests of Our Holy Mother as given
through Mary Ann Van Hoof. The main purpose of the Reve­
lations and Messages is to alert ail Chrislians to the danger they
f~e, thereby molivaling them to promote a Constant Vigilof
Prayer across the nation and especially in our major cilies. Many
volunteer workers have moved to Necedah to help with this
work, f~rs, cl![penters. and profession_al people. Help has
also been given by numerous priests and nuns who are loyal to
the Holy Father in Rome since he is the Vicar of Christ on earth.
Thousands of Pilgrims throughout the na lion carry out this
work in their own areas as requested by Our Holy Mother and
they tOJare as much a part of the Shrine as l~ ~s
who live at Necedah.
7.F"or My God and My Country, Inc." wish to thank ail the
pilgrims who are helping with this work and ask for their con­
tinued prayers and support. Now is the lime to stand up and be
counted. May Our Holy Mother guide and protect you.

This book is dedicated to "The Woman" (Mary, the Mother

J1 of Christ), referred to irc...Ci:~is, Chapter)."verse 15: "1
will put enmities between thee ancrtfieWoman, and thy
seed and Her seed: She shall crush thy head, and thou
shalt lie in wait for Her heel."

v The ~lypse,s.!~.~E!.~.~32\ "And a. great sign appeared

in the fieaven: a Woman Cfothed with the sun, and the
moon and stars under Her feet, and upon Her head a crown
with tweIve stars."

and to-


MRS. FRED VAN HOOF(NfAY 30, 195.2.'
"My child the Apostles were imperfect until the
Holy Ghost descended upon them during their nille
<!~ys of pr,!ying and fasting at the Cenacle with t-he
\ Holy Women -and Mys~f. Througfi God the Father,
the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles with
) the gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge, Counsel, Fortitude,
Understanding, Piety and Fear of the Lord. This
great day of the Descent of the H~ Ghost as you
~ know it, my child, "tfi1entecoSI Supçlaj."'This great
1 d~y 1_~~9~e my child_to bnng My Message to you
l here - ~give to the World; toaaYFeing the Third
VlSitation. My chi Id, the Apostles Creed was thus
formulated and later used as an official Document
of the Church, for Baptisms and First Holy Com­


On August 15, 1950 an estimated crowd of 100,000 people gathered

on the farm of Mrs. Fred Van Hoof awaiting the appearance of the
Blessed Virgin Mary to her. On October 7, 1950 a similar crowd as­
sembled and on that day many pilgrims from ail over the nation testi-
J fied that they saw the miracle of the sun which danced in the sky, and
) then descended towards earth and returned to anormal position much
"Iike was reported at Fatima in 1 917. -t- 33 .=. (<3.c:-o

Since that time thousands of pilgrims have visited the Shrine and many
have written testimonials attributing spiritual and physical help to the

NumerOUI pilgriml have written telltimoniall lItating that the

( chail'!...~f!!~!,~f ..!h~ir ROlari!.1 have cha~~c!!d while pray~
\ ing at the Shrine. Otherl ltate that the baadl have allo changed
colora. Many claim that their ROlariel have changed color while

l traveling home after attending a vigil. The telltimony of 10 many

pilgriml Ihould not ba calt alide or taken Iightly by any thought­
fui perlOn.

Concerning building of the Shrine the Blessed Virgin Mary said, "The
building of the Shrine will be entirel.y_up.1O tb.~e. If my req~eSi
01 Obedience, Penanëë,-Sacraments, Sacrifices, the Rosary, and above
ali-Charity, Faith, and Love thy neighbor, is lollowed through, then
will the Shrine be built. It must be earned by true devotion and efforts."

Various Shrines now include original life sized sculptured statues 01

Our Lord, the Apostles and various Saints. Each was viewed and de­
scribed by Mrs. Van Hool

Entrance to the Shrine grouncls
Entrance to the hallowed grounds where Our Holy Mother
has for over twenty years cast Her radiance and continues
to shower down Her graces on the many pilgrims who
come here. Her promise on October 7. 1950 "1 will be
with you on ail the Anniversary Days of~My previous
Apparitions and also on Trinity Sunday." On this day She
gave Herself the title "1 am Queen of the Holy Rosary,
S Mediatrix of P~ace." The request from the Celestials was
to place Her tltle over the two entrance arches to the
Î grounds.

Way to Peace Shrine
The Way to Peace picture was shown to Mary Ann Van
Hoofon Trinity Sunday, May 31,1953 and on June l, 1969.
The scene portrays that America and the World will have
Peace, only by praying the Rosary, through the Trinity
with Unity of Ali Christians working together against the
enemy of God. (See message 6-1-'69).

In the Gld Testament God spoke to the people through

the Prophets. Now Christ speaks to us through His ~­
pointed Mediatrix, His ROlYMother. The Rosary obtains
giaces f;;-all who-sincerely andhumbly ask for them.
Therefore each person, starting with himself and th en
working in his community and state will be he~ing to
achieve a just and lasting peace.~T~and oan of
~were chosen by the Blessed Motner to stand by and
help Mary Ann.


The y.iay to Peace shrine was chosen by the Celestials in

Heaven in honor of the Holy Trinity. Above is the Triangle
of the Trinity with the rays of light coming down upon us,
within the Trinity are the Unity Circles. TheJiQ.!~GbQ.Sliri
th:..!.orm of a Dove, is carrying a ~osary bringmg it to tne
nntty.~t~ plac~ the RogrY...l!l2on the Reak ofJ]e
funity; ltffies on to ()'ü<Holy Mother where th en ft flles
away with the word PEACE.
The way to Peace is through the Rosary, through the Blessed
Trinity," (the Rosary), which Our Holy Mother gave us.
With Her intercession we will find peace. The reason for
the shrine that was set upon these grounds in the way it
has been placed; it would be incomplete without the entire
picture. The way to peace can only be found through the
Blessed Trinity, the Glory of God the Father through the
Glory of God the Son, and through the Glory of God the Î
Holy Ghost, who will shine upon us, into our hearts if we 1
open our he arts to it. The Rosar~he answer through the \
BlessedIrinity,Jlru:>ugh Our Aeàven~er.lfïerays are
covering ail of-you here-right now, they are extending
over ail.

(Mary Ann Jeans backwards stilllooking up into the Ash Trees.)

The peace you seek will only come through God the Father,
His Son and the Holy Spirit. Do not forget the Holy Trinity
for It is Glory, Glory, Q.!9ly-!0 God on the"]lgfi:'ëSt:-Gt'5ry
to God the Father, Glory to HIs Son anaTIory to the Holy
Ghost. Thi,S will sanctify, purify you if you give YOUrSeIVeS)
to them."15lace yourself beneath Our He~venly~~s \
~ntle, Rosary, unite yourself with the Trintty. )
(Mary Ann described the vision as follows: )-see Message
_ June L 1969 ~

-l;,~ese the Little ~~nd <S..L Joan of Arpcame

iàrth ana asked her to prepare herself for what was coming.
Mary Ann said she became a little frightened as she did
not know what to expect. She said the Act of Contrition
and the Confiteor sincerely. She explained, there was a
greaLgYSLO~J19, the four Ash Trees seemed to part, two
Dent towards the east aIi'ëÎ two to the ~t. Above the Ash

Trees in the center appeared the Trin~ S~gn, from this
sign came brilliant rays down on th'é- acre Spot on the
ground. This ray of i1ght seemed~l2fe.a,d-Qut covering
those who stood with Mary Ann where she knelt. She then
heard a whirnng sound, she said it was difficult to explain
this sound; Sl1e~ed to the east wh.ere she had seen a
flash of Iight, there th~_\Vhi!~~_~~~~a Rosary in beak-wings gently moving. The Triangle waSiilbriT­
, liant lignt. The Dove flew towar~s the Trinity Sign, ~op-

R~d the ~sary~n the peak o~t~is_~ig,l!. wh en this was one
die bnlliant rays[rom the Tnntty Slgn spread out over ail
'those people who w~re present near the fence enclosure,
\ After placing, the Rosary on the Trinity ~ign, the Dove
then flew towards the west and INSTANTLY_Our Holy
Mother él;ppeazed. SM...h.arui.ed,somethingintp th~ beak_ of
the Dove and when the Dove turned back towards the
Trinity, Mary Ann could see it had the word PEACÉ1"n
it's beak. ~

When Our Ho!)' Mother sh..e first looked down

( on us anènfï"en illï:.ill1ed th~ w6td to tne D~ary Ann
. saia that it seemed that tFiere was a special beauty here
today, 1 don't know if the people have felt it or not. She
sai d, 1 hope ail those that are in doubt right now::y'i.lLfi.!:!sI
the peace in their hearts that Ou eaY..enLY ~o.lher is
ttY.illg to ive us. ope they carry on Our Holy Mother's
requests. ~he tried to $end the rays over ail of us, not just
( the few here, but everyone~sent.//



April 7 Anniversary of Good Friday 10:00 P.M.

May 28 Anniversary (Procession) 1 :00 P.M.
May 29 Anniversary (Procession) 1 :00 P.M.
May 30 Anniversary (Procession) 1 :00 P.M.
June 4 Anniversary 1:00 P.M.
June 16 Anniversary (Procession) 1:00 P.M.
Aug. 15 Anniversary (Procession) 1:00 P.M.
Oct. 7 Anniversary (Procession) 1 :00 P.M.
Nov. 12 Anniversary 10:00 P.M.

Promises of Our Holy Mother to Mrs Mary

Ann Van Hoof, October 7, 1950. ''1 will be
with Vou on ail the Anniversary Days of my
previous apparitions and also on Trinity
Sunday ...

Expressway Driving Time (Estimated Hrs.)

Wis Dells Necedah V2

Chicago Necedah 3V2
St. Paul" Minn. Necedah 3
Milwaukee Necedah 2V2
Appleton Necedah 2
La Crosse Necedah 1

Motels and restaurants in village and vicinity.

Shrine 1 mile Eas!....of villa~ on Hwy. 21

Pilgrims al ail night vigil

Mary Ann Van Hool belore the statue 01 Our Lady 01 Fatima. Oct. 7, 1950\
\~tl- t- n - Iq~o
Mrs Van Hoof stated after the Apparition that Our Lady
was visible to her ail during the aBparition as Q~f
th~~, Me~~rand not as the Fatim~
statue plctured here. One of the quotes from the message
that day "T~~ary is your weapon not guns and bullets
but the Rosary. You must pray it every day."

Mrs. Van Hoo! relating the message(over the microphomi)as given to her by the Blessed Virgin Mary
An estimated crowd of approximately 100,000 people listened as Mrs. Van Hoof spoke to them for- nearly
twenty-five minutes. Part of the message from the Blessed Virgin Mary was "Your boys are dying, not
ras in warfare but in brutality. Twent ~~~~d of your sons have lost their lives, why? Account of lack
of prayers, account of lack of love for My Son. You can't bring back their lives, but you could have
~ saved their lives by ge..!!iE on }'o_ur knees and praying. Prayer only, my dear children, will save you!
Pray the Rosary! That's the only weapon." (Refers to Korean War)
October 7, 1950, Looking south about 10:00 A.M.

,. . ..,~


October 7, 1950, Looking north over crowd. Acres of parked cars in
the background.

Rev. F. B. Dickman and left to right, Myrtle Sommers, Clara Hermans}
Mary_~n~an Hoo!, Mrs. J~e (Van Ho~f) Higgins, Donn'!Jl:{an t'02.f)
The following letter by Rev. F. B. Dickman dated May, 1970 was sent
by him stating his firm belief now as in the past regarding the apparitions.

To Whom It May Concern: May 1970

1 am a retired priest belonging to the diocese of Peoria. 1 have
resided at the present address sin ce Oct. 1960. This letler is my
own opinion and experience and has no official Church approv­
al. This letter is not copyrighted, Even though 1 am 89 years old
and blind, my mind is still sharp as a razor. 1 am not senile.
1 have often been asked how 1 became so deeply interested in
Necedah. During the summer of 1950 1 began hearing and read­
ing about the events taking place at the farm home of Fred
Van Hoof, just east of the city of Necedah, Wis. In Sept. 1950
1 decided to go up and investigate. 1 met Mrs. Van Hoof (Mary
Ann) in their humble l:!.20e. We had a lengthy visit. 1 became
thoroughly convinced that she was not a mental case and that
the visions and revelations were genuine,
The so ca lied investigation which was held in Milwaukee in
1951 was a farce and since then most of the reports about Necedah
have been lies. The Vatican has never condemned Necedah.
Many refused to believe in Necedah from the outset, but most
of those who were there in 1950 continued to believe that the
visions and revelations were genuine, and have remained loyal
ever since, in spite of the lies that started to circulate. Most of
those who refused to accept Necedah have never investigated.
Knowing ail the facts about the Shrine at Necedah, 1 am posi­
tive that the whole story is and will be, one of the greatest events
in the cntire history of our Church. Conditions in the Church
and in the world have ail been laid bare at Necedah with the

startling reality. My sincere conviction is that our Blessed Mother
has been trying to save the Church and the world from what
seems to be a possible devil-ruled universe. The devil has never
worked so hard against any Church Shrine as he has worked
against Necedah. The visions and revelations that have taken
place there are so extensive and realistic that they seem more
important than ail the other shrines put together.
Even though the large crowds of 1950 stopped coming, groups
of a few hundred, and in recent years ever increasing groups
have continued to come since then. On Oct. 7th 1969, over 5000
pilgrims were present. That alone is almost sure proof that Ne­
cedah is not a fraud. Il is ridiculous to assume that deception
and fraud could continue to deceive so many people ail these
years. 1 have been up there dozens of times and it has been ed­
ifying to see so many people standing around the Sacred Spot
reciting hundreds of rosaries. Many times they remain there for
hours in the rain.
One of the outstanding features about Necedah is that during
ail these years rosa ries continue to change: the beads may turn
color, or the chain, or the crucifix, (sometimes while the rosary
is actually being recited, and often even away from there). My
rosary changed Oct. 7, 1952. Since then several persons have got­
ten weil after 1 touched them with my rosary. Il is very evident
that our Blessed Mother is showing her dis picas ure at the contin­
ued effort to destroy the devotion of the rosary.
Mary Ann has suffered the Passion of Our Lord on most Fri­
days in Advent and Lent since 1950.1 have been present at several
ofthese. She also suffered for several years during the night hours.
ln fact almost every day of her life since 1950 has been one of
suffering. There never has been a time in the Church when so
many visions of the Blessed Mother and Saints, and so many
revelations have continued for so many years. 1 have never heard
Mary Ann ulter a word that in the slightest degree was contrary
to anything in our Faith. Never have 1 heard her use any lan­
guage that showed an unsound mental condition.
Considering the present mess in the church and in the world,
it is surely time for everyone to begin traveling on his knees to
the great Shrine of Necedah, to beg our Blessed Mother for what
seems to be the last chance to bring back a sound piety to ail
the people of the world.
Always loyal to our Blessed Lady, Queen of the Most Holy

\\ 1~,


July 18, 1970
To whom it May Concern:

1 have been asked to write my impressions of the alleged

Apparition at Necedah, Wisconsin to one Mary Ann
Van Hoof.
Be it said at the out-set that this writer is fully aware that
no one needs believe in private revelations other than the
one to whom such has happened, and only then when said
person is certain of them.
There is no certain scientific way on the natural level to
know whether such matters occurred because they are of
the supernatural or praeternatural vintage. By supernatural
1 mean from Heaven and by praeternatural 1 mean from
As to the apparitions at Necedah 1 have observed Mary
Ann since July 4, 1950, and was myse1f, present for the
apparitions on August 15th and October 7th, 1950 follow­
ing a novena of masses to the Holy Spirit for guidance. 1
Il can say that from history 1 happen to know that the church­
men were mostly on the wrong side of such events at their
out-set. For this reason 1 thought it proper for me to be a
self appointed witness to the action and conduct of Mary
Ann Van Hoff because of my love for the Blessed Mother.
1 can say that at no time in twenty (20) years have 1 ever
discovered the least thing that was in the slightest way ob­

jectionable in Mary Ann's conduct. 1 cannot say if she saw
the Blessed Mother or not, nor can anyone else say so. But
this 1 can testify that in my early association with Necedah,
as it has come to be called, 1 did notice on the 15th of Aug­
ust or was it the 7th ofOctober when Mary Ann afterwards
stated that the Blessed Mother took Mary Ann's blue rosary
and raised it straight up (perpendicular like). Mary Ann
had said that Our Lady reached down and raised the cruci­
fix on Mary Ann's rosary up to touch the crucifix on the
rosary which Our Blessed Lady was holding at the time;
and that Mary Ann was to touch this crucifix of hers to
any and ail, and say it is the blessing from the Blessed
Mother. Ali of this goings on 1 saw with my own eyes and
later on tried privately and repeatedly to re-enact the scene
of making a rosary stand on end as did that one on the
occasion, but to no avail, it can't be done. Next, 1 gathered
from the clergy and laity assembled that sorne of them were
asking a "sign" from Heaven to verify Necedah so 1 too
asked for one, but never as much as spoke to anyone about
it. In my thoughts only but never by voice 1 asked Heaven
to put two roses on the right front of Our Lady's altar in
Frankfort, Indiana, where 1 was stationed at the time as a
sign that this was the real thing. One morning when 1 went
to church to say mass being the first one present as usual,
to my amazement there were two red roses in a vase standing
exactly on the spot 1 only thought of but had never vocal­
ized the thought. Now-understand-at that time there was
no Catholic school in Frankfort and no nun and no sac­
ristan etc. etc. except myself, and to this day 1 do not know
where those roses came from.
For the following reasons 1 think the apparition at Necedah,
Wisconsin should be dedared true:
1. Necedah really put Fatima on the map in the U.S.A.
2. Mary Ann told me thâTtfiè prayers asked forafFiiITtna
"for the conversion of Russia", meant the return of
the Russian Church to the fold of St. e.~er in Rome.
3. Mary Ann told me and others orl~ctober 7, 19~m after
that apparition, that the Blessed fVfOfner hao-given her
tlJes~<ificati0!1_sand bll.!e-Rri!lt for the shrine th~~s
-to be built aC the "Saged Sr-0t". She went on to say
- -- . ---
that on the wal1 inside that edifice there should appear
the rosary whose "beads would be 5 to 6 inches in di­
ameter". She asked mewhy the altar had no taberna­
( cle on it,'"1 told her 1 didnoi know bWluse 1 did not
. hàVe- tne apparition, but on second thought 1 suppose
She meant it to be a shrine where only devotions to the
Blessed Mother would be conducted.
Then, after Vatican II, many years later, Mary Ann said
to me "Father the Blessed Mother must have known there
.,J was going to be Vatican II way back in 1950 since Vat!~an
!! wJth its doin&-away with the tabernacleon the main altar
and putti~g it on !he side someplace. ~ecause, this agrees
with what she told me lpctober 7, J950) 1 recal1 that both
events narrated by MarYAnn shook me on both occassions,
she said it so sim ply and out of a blue sky as it were.
4. Mary Ann told me in 1950 that she thought Blesse.d
Mother selected her for this t~_sk because She knew 1 was
the sort of person that would stay put "even if they took
the hide off my back."
5. Be it said with al1 the persecution and disloyalty to
Mary Ann over the last 20 years it was enough to cause
most persons to loose their faith, but not Mary Ann. It
only served to increase and deepen her faith and charity.
For, 1 always marvel1ed at her charity and kindly way she
spoke of her bishop.
6. Many rosarys changed col ors either at the "spot" or
away from it, usual1y defying analysis. One year about 1954
October 7, after reciting aIl three Mysteries of the rosary
at the spot where and wh en many others were present a
lady standing next to me as 1 prayed the final Ave with my
eyes closed nudged me and said: "Look, your rosary is
changing color". And sure enough as 1 looked the color ran
down my cheap rosary, made of wire, something like slow
lighting yet visible to the eye. Even the cheap cocoa (?)
beads took on the same color. Barbara and Mike Murray of
Muncie, Indiana sorne years later cal1ed at my residence
on their way to Lafayette, Indiana (1 had been their pastor
when we ail lived in Alexandria, Indiana) to serve as god­
parents for sorne relative's baby. Barbara asked about ~e­
cedah (she and Mike had been there in 1950) and 1 showed

her my rosary. The next time 1 saw her sorne several months
later, she said her own rosary had changed colm' as they
were reciting the beads on the rest of the way ta Lafayette.
7. Until Mary Ann's bishop or sorne body came out with
sorne kind of ban on Necedah, 1 was receiving a dozen or
so letters a day from people attesting to the many mysteri­
ous occurrances-I must have a small suit case full of them
about the sun spinning as at Fatima, etc. etc. etc. :l
8. When at Necedah, 1 was told by a couple who had J
just finished a tour of ail the important shrines ail ~veube
w2!-d includingone'in Africa, Jerusalem, Lourdes and
) Fatim.a and l1_o~re were they impressed quite like Ne­
f cedah. The man was near blind and made the shrines seek­
ing -a cure. He had never heard of Necedah but when he
arrive<Ljn New York he was told by a specialist he had a
very shorttime until lotal blindness and even death wou Id
come to hirrt\,'Wby nQLstop_aLI\-!.~~cedah"on the way home
to Minneapolis or was it St. Paul, since the Ite~sp'aQ.ers
~~re_quit~gQgQve! the alledged aPEaritions. So the fam­ 1.

ily drove out ta tne farm still nearly blind and when the
man was leaving, he told me he was able to read the road
map, a lhing he had not been able lo do for years.
9. 1 think the greatest thing in favor of Necedah should
be-not the miracles of health, but the miracles of grace
that followed in the wake of many pilgrims returned to
their homes, e.g. 1 personally drove to a small city between
Green Bay and Applelon several years ago in order to verify
. a story that 1 had heard. It was~~e of '!.. CQ.1J~th
{ o~were çr..adk cathQlic but who no longer practiced
it so far as mass and the sacraments requires. 1 forget the
name of the town and have no map handy to look it up now
but this couple after their visit to Necedah returned home
to become daily attendanls al mass and receplion of Holy
Communion. Many other such miracles of grace were re­
ported to me.
10. The unfortunate thing about Necedah to me was the
chatter of the clergy-quite a study or observation. Prie~-!s
who haonever-been there were loud in their denunciation
of iL Most of lhe time it was a caseormypümpin~m
but never telling them that 1 had been there many many

times. Not once did anyone ever ask me what 1 thought but
they told me what they lhought even though they had never
been there. It should be mentioned here that 1 have always
( been grateful to my Seminary Professor who cautioned us
J us "You will have people, mostly women, who will come
l to you for advice saying: 'Our Lord or perhaps the Blessed
( MOlher appeared lo lhem', ne ver ever, he cautioned, laugh
al them but play it cool and wait." We have waited twenty
( years so now 1 think il is high time in keeping with the
) ~ï'gns of the times after Vatican II that Necedah be opened
1 up by a .court of impartial and weil informed judges to
approve It.
lt might be added, in 1950 ~ I:?!"iesl whom 1 met and ate
wilh in a restaurant at Necedah volunteered the informa­
tion to me (an unknown) that he was a dean of lhe LaCrosse
Diocese and had been appointed on a committee of sev­
eral priests to witness the apparition proceeding on Oclo­
ber 7, 1950. He told me, a complete stranger, with his own
mou th that he had no knowledge of such things, although
he did say he bought the works of St. John of the Cross
and read up a little on it but really was in no position to
speak. ~eve!._~e said he voled against it.,A,nyway.
12. 1 am sure if the proper unbiased persons would give
Mary Ann a chance to lell her story like it was and is, il
would not take them long to make up their minds.
13. It is unjusl for the church to subject Mary Ann to ail
sorts of trials thal are unfair such as the committee at Mil­
Î ~ukee about lhe year 1952 in Holy Week, who tried to
\ evalüate the supernatural with only natural means. Let
! justice be done.
The above mentioned committee promised Mary Ann
that she would receive a copy of their tindings. To this day
they have never reported to her.
14. Many, Many other things could be said which would
no.!J.ook weil in print. 1 refer to the oppQi~i.2n. .
15. The book of Wisdom informs us in no unmixed
( terms that "It was by th.!. e~y of the devil that death
l (mortal sin) came into the Wôftd and they follow him who
arè'ürhïs side, (2:23-24). Many of the saints; and the re­

cent book God and Ourselves l make out the case that
. Sa_t~n's e~'y of Jesus and Ma.ry brQ.ught~ o~n­
?... fall as weil as that of Adam and Eve. We should know
from experience that he is still on the job driving to bring
the down-fall of many.
As 1 privately looked on the Necedah affair untrem­
meled by the doings and goings-on of anyone, in my own
quiet way, 1 coul~ see the ha~~Lof envy ail Q~he place at
Necedah. Loyal friends at first, some of these turned
l!gainstjt and ran to the éhancery at LaCrosse ir1Oi1e
way or another to smear the Blessed Mother. They would
not admit this, but 1 daim: to smear Marv Ann and Ne­
1cedah is but to sme~r Our L.!.ldy's c~e w~S'm_Mary Ann
"1 s~~s app,=-are_d to ~er there>Mil~Y Ann has given ample
eVldence that she IS no fake. .",
The unfortunate thing in the Cnurch is that it follows
Roman Law procedure: One is guilty\mtil proven innocent
while in America one is innocent until found guilty. 1
f found no guilt in Mary Ann, but have found that ~y
) has entered the soul of those who are fighting Mary Ann
and the Blessed Mother. The Bishop, if given a chance
should be able to smeH this. S~n can't change his "mind

1 of erlvy" because he is intrinsically.-e~s or evil, as Jesus

said "by his own nature" and as such cannot change. He
hates the Blessed Mother. i love Her and Hate him. Where­
fore have 1 chosen to be of the side of the Blessed Mother.
Iq~ As Mary Ann has said many many times during the past
1'10 twenty (20) years: 1 don't count but the Blessed Mother
does".\AIl the things Jesus speaks about the Pharisees and
the Devil (in the Bible) 1 hereby repeat against those who

1 are in opposition against "Necedah": You are of your

father the devil and his bidding you will do (JNO. 8:44).
For he is a liar and a murderer (Deicide) from the be~­ ancr-tl1efather thereofl7thOSeWh~eare
not God (Gal. 4:8). It is high time for Necedah to p~il
over the devil and his who have had their daylspg~g_h.
to th~p-P-Q~e.919~~ce.da.Fmay Our Lord's words apply:
"You do not know of what spirit you are" (Lk. 9: 55).

Father Leo A. Scheetz



Hail Holy Joseph, Chaste Spouse of Mary, chQ§en_b~~d

th<::.---fath~r,as pure as the Lily Flower, to protect the Son
of God. Bless me a sinner, St. Joseph, to be a~ure élUhee
~~...QD/_ dailylboughts and actions. Saint Joséph, for me.

Revealed- December 12, 1952

Hail Holy Mother! Mediatrix of Peace,

Mediatrix between Thy Divine Son and man,
Peace for this amicted world.
Peace for the home and family, the sick, the dying,
the forgotten and those tram pied underfoot by the enemy.
o Merciful Motlier! TheMe&âiï-ix of ail Grace, ­

bestow Thy Grace upon us,

so that we may persevere to the end,

to live the life God wants us to.




Given thraugh Mrs. Mary Ann Van Haar

an January Il, 1958

Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,

Mediatrix between Thy Divine Son and man
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
pray for our country.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
pray for our Holy Father.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
pray for our Clergy and Religious.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
pray for the sick and dying.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
pray for al! Christians.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
help those trampled underfoot by-ll:!:...e enemy.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peacë,""
help those near and dear to me.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
help those that govern us.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
help bring Peace to the world.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
~~p !..!::!!!!. lost at the w.ayside to see the Light
of God.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
j '.!sIR those sicUn !!f!!!-':,t, cure the"!..2ftheir
Given through Mary Ann Van Hoof, Lent,

Friday, March 17, 1967

(1.) Oh Sorrowful Mother. Oh Holy Mother, Mother of

the Passion.
Thy heart was pierced with sorrow, when Thy Son met
Thee in the square before the Cenacle and said; "Mother
My hour has con1..!? Th.\' in Hea.!..en has sent {or Me."
--- - Oh Sorrowful Mother, pray for us.
(2) Oh Sorrowful Mother, Oh Holy Mother, Mother of
the Passion.
Thy heart was pierced with the agony and sorrow as you
visioned Thy Son. in the Garden of Gethsemani when He
was shown the sins o/man. As the blood and water gushed
forth from His face and bod)J, You visioned this great agony.
Oh Sorrow(ul Mother. pray (or us.
(3) Oh Sorrowful Mother, Oh Holy Mother, Mother of
the Passion.
Thy heart was pierced with pain and anguish as You
watched Thy Divine Son being scourged at the pillar, as

His Divine flesh was torn and blood spurt forth. The
agony and pain that pierced Thy heart. for you kneH' Thy
Son was suffering for the sins of man.
Oh Sorrowful Mother, pray for us.
(4) Oh Sorrowful, Oh Ho~y Mother, Mother of the Passion.
Thy heart was again pierced with arrow of sorrow as Thou
witnessed the Crowning of Thy Son, when His Divine
head was pierced with the Thorns and the scourgers
twisted the Crown of Thorns upon His tender head, the
blood squirted forth. The excruciating pain that rent His
body as the Thorns pierced His head, and severed His (lesh.
Oh Sorrowful Mother, pray for us.
(5) Oh Sorrowful, Oh Ho~ Mother, Mother of the Passion.
Thy heart was pierced as You walked with Him ta Calvary,
as you witnessed the many falls Thy Son had taken. The
jerking, the severing of the wounds, as the soldiers hore
down on Him with the heavy Cross. How it eut 'His S'houlder
and how the Thorns were pressed bl' the Cross, into His
Divine head.
Oh Sorrowful Mother, pray for us.
(6) Oh Sorrowful, Oh Holy Mother, Mother of the Passion.
Thy heart was pierced when You witnessed the scourRer
grabbing at Thy Son, and rudely throwing Him on the
Cross; as they severed His flesh and parted His bones,
stretching His body, separating His joints. As rhey nailed
Him ta the Cross, Thou fell in pain and agony into the
arms of the Apostle.
Oh Sorrowful, Mother, pray for us.
(7) Oh Sorrowful, Oh Holy Mother, Mother of the Passion.
Thy heart was pierced with sorrow and pain as Thou viewed
Thy Son on the Cross, and watched His body wither and ail
the blood drained from Him. You visioned the death of
Thy Son, for He died for the sins of man.
Oh Sorrowful Mother, Oh Ho~ Mother, pray for us
and be merciful unto us.

St. Anne's Shrine
Oh remember Glorious and Good St. Anne
never was il known 'that anyone that came for
Thy protection was left abandoned.
1 come unto Thee, a faithless sinner, to seek
ThLne_aidJllJd comf2ft of Thee, Oh GoodSt.
Anne, Grandmother of Our Lord.
1 fly unto Thee pleading Thy Motherly and
He.!l}!enly intercession of Thl- Daught!,! aM!
~r 01 Our Saviour to help a miserable
sinner to do-tne will of My Lord and God.
Oh Good St. Anne, 1 beg Thee to hear my
pleas, to aid and com[ort me.
SI; Anne appeared for Ihe firSI lime. July 26, 1955. and gave Ihe above

St. Michael's Shrine
SI. Michael Ihe A rchangel defend us in Baille.
be our proleclion againsl wickedness and snares
of Ihe devil. Proteel our Children from Ihe pil­
falls Salan opens la Ihem. We humbly beseech
Thee. Ml' God: la COll1mand Hill1, 0 Prince of
~ Ihe Heavenlr 110Sl, bv Divine Pr)\l"er. casl inlo
1hell Sa/(ln and 011 evil spirils \l'ho roall1 Ihrough
( Ihe 1V0r/d see!<ing Ihe ruin of souls.
Amen. ~ • '-. ,

SI. Michael in his message 10 Mn. Van Hoof al Ihe Sacred Spo~~
1 ~. reqllesled a Slalue 10 he made and a shrine la be buill in his
) honor. The localion la be soulh of Ihe replicc/lo!" Ihe original home. A
baekdrop painllng is 10 l"Ci ure a city des/royed hy a nuclear homb and
\ opposlle Il a peaceful fanuly scene. The li/le of Ihe mural Ü 10 be "The
tChoice Is Yours."
The above proyer lVas given(6.4.68. NOie promise of special prolec/ion
for Ihe YoU/h.

St. Francis Shrine
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi For Peace
LORD, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there
is hatred, let me sowlove; where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, Iight; and where there is sad­
ness, joy.

o DIVINE MASTER, grant that 1 may not so much seek to

be consoled as to console: ta be understaad as ta under­
stand: ta be loved as ta love: for it is in giving that we
receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardaned; and it
is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

( A home for ~nted ~'vlen has been requeste~ ta be s~f~d_by_ the

) Frapçiscan Order. S!;. F~ncis has appeared to Mary Ann Van Hoof on
l vanous occasIOns.

On May 31, 1968 Feast of the Qû"eenship of Mary, Our Holy Mother
appeared to Mrs. Van Hoof as pictured above. (For full description see
message May 3 1.T!Ji~ 1<j t~ r. 60
Out of the depths of this valley of tears, * through which
suffering humanity painfully struggles * - up from the
bellows of this sea, * endlessly buffeted by the waves of
suffering * - we raise our eyes to thee, * Most Beloved
Mother Mary, * to be comforted * by the contemplation of
thy glory * and to hail thee as Queen and Mistress-Oflieaven
and earth, * Queen and Mistress of mankind.
--with'legitimate filial pride, * we wish to exalt thy queen­
ship * and to recognize it as due * to the sovereign excel­
lence of thine entire being, * 0 Most Sweet True Mother
of Him, * Who is King by right, * by inheritance * and by
Reign, 0 Mother and Mistress, * by showing us the path
of holiness, * and by guiding and assisting us * that we
may never stray from il.
In the heights of heaven, * thou exerciseth thy primacy

* over the choirs of angels, * who acclaim thee as their
sovereign, * and over the legions of saints * who delight
in beholding thy dazzling beauty. * So, too, * reign over
the entire human race, * above all·by opening the path of
faith to those * who do not yet know thy Divine Son.
Reign over the Church, * which acknowledges and extols
thy gentle dominion * and has recourse to thee * as a safe
refuge amid the calamities of our day. * Reign especially
over that part of the Church * which is persecuted and
oppressed; * give it strength to bear adversity, * constancy
never to yield under unjust compulsion, * firmness to resist
overt attack, * and at every moment unwavering faithful­
ness to thy kingdom.
Reign over men's minds, * that they may seek only what
is true; * over their wills, * that they may follow solely what
is good; * over their hearts, * that they may love nothing
* but what thou thyself lovest.
Reign over individuals and over families, * as weil as
over societies and nations; * over the assemblies of the
power fui, * the counsels of the wise, * as over the simple
aspirations of the humble.
Reign in the streets and the squares, * in the cities and the
villages, * in th.e valleys and the mountains, * in the air, *
on land and on the sea; * and hear the pious prayer of all
those * who recognize that thine is a reign of mercy, * in
which every pelilion is heard, * every sorrow comforted, *
every misforlune relieved, * every infirmity healed, * and
in which, * at a gesture from thy gentle hands, * from death
itself there arises smiling life.
Obtain for us, * that all who now, * in every corner of
the world, * acclaim and hail thee Queen and Mistress, *
may one day in heaven * enjoy the fulness of thy kingdom
* in the vision of thy Divine Son, * Who with the Father
and the Holy Ghost, * lives and reigns for ever and ever. *
Amen. Stanislaus V. Bona, 0.0.
IMPRIMATUR Episcopus Sinus Viridis

The Angelus Belis are rung at the Shrine at 6 A.M. - 12 Noon and 6 P.M.

Il was requested by the Celestials that we say The Angelus three times


THE ANGELUS commemora leS Ihe Incarnai ion of Chrisl.

Il consisls of Ihree versicles, Ihree Hail Marys, and a special prayer.

Il recalls Ihe announcement la Mary by Ihe Archangel Gabriellhal she

was chosen la be Ihe MOlher of Chrisl.

The ringing of Ihe Angelus reminds us of Our Blessed MOlher's accep­

lance of lne aivine will, and of Ihe Incarnalion.
(SI. Luke 1:26-38)


Develop Ihe laudable cuslOm of reciling Ihe Angelus Ihree limes each
day 10 deepen your love for our Blessed MOlher, and 10 help Ihe souls of
Ihe failhful deparled.
"The failhful who al dawn, al noon, and al evenlide, or as soon Ihere­
afier as may be, devoully recile Ihe Angelus, or al Easlerlide Ihe Regina
CiJ..!!.li. wilh appropriare versicles and prayers, or who merely say the Hari
Mary five limes, may gain:
"An indulgence of la years each lime;
"A plenary indulgence on Ihe usual conditions if Ihey persevere in the
devoui praclice for a monlh. " (The Raccolla, p. 232.)
During the [irst ringing
V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.
R. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.
Hail Mary, etc.
During the second ringing
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.
Hail Mary, etc.
Durin~ the third ringing
V. And the Word was made f1esh.
R. And dwelt amongst us.
Hait Mary, etc.
V. Pray for us, a holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray
Pour forth, 'we bessech Thee, a Lord, Thy grace into our hearts,
that we to whom the. Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made
known by the message of an Angel, may, by his Passion and Cross,
be brought to the glory of the Ressurrection, through the same
Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Regina Caeli
During Eastertide
Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia.
For He Whom thou didst merit to bear, alleluia.
Hath risen, as He said, alleluia.
Pray for us to God, alleluia.
V. Rejoice and be glad, a Virgin Mary, alleluia.
R. Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia.

Let us pray.

a God, who by the Resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus

Christ, hast vouchsafed to make glad the whole world: grant,
we beseech Tne~ihai, through the intercession of the Virgin
Mary, His Mother, we may attain unto the joys of eternal life,
through the ~aine Christ our Lord. Amen.

t (:)- i9 0 j

\ - ­
Mary Ann Van iH:oofwas'b~rn in Philadelphia, Penri:; July
3_1 1222, spokeXrGerman as a child, ha:tl an eighth~r._,!Qe
edu~at12!l, ana is a Mother of eight children. Mary Ann is
a-victim Soul as well as a Seer and Mystie-and her first vi­
sion of the Blessed Virgin Mary was o~ember 12, 1949)
f at Necedah, Wisconsin. -----'
-The Revelations and Messages given in this book come from
(the Blessed Mot.her, several Saints who assist H.~r,i.e'h~t.
~Theresa, "The Little .Flo.wer",cSJ.: A_I!!!-~§-!' Fr~I!cIs,~t: Joan
of Ars and others. PIlgnms who have vIslrèd tne Shnne on
Aniiiversary Days when Revelations are given publicly have
seen Mary Ann in a state of ecstacy and noted that she is
{ not consclOUS of anything or anyone around her as _she be­
gins to speak the messages cqQ.taine.Q~is book. Tliëy are
) taken-down on a tape recorder and by at "1east two people
in longhand. Sorne messages are repeated word for word as
) given by the Blessed Mother, ~owever in most cases Mary
Ann is mspired to speak using the language, grammar and
expressions of her own thereby, allowmg Mary Ann to re­
tam her own personality. Many messages have also been
given <!!JLjp.g~uffer.igg periods in her home especially during
AdveIÎ.t and Lent. -­
In a more general sense Revelations and Messages come
2 - fr.2I!Lthe TnQ.mphant Chg,rch...orJ:!eaven, who use the vOlee
of Mary Ann Van Hoof as a humantransmitting device or
Heaven could have altered her voice to sound and talk like
an English scholar, however Heaven chose to give Rev~la­
tions and Messages as they are in the form of short, te'Î"se
( sentences. Even this seems providential as it is obvious no
) ordinary persan could conimue to discuss world cvents, speak
1 extemporaneously for long periods and even foretell import­
e ant events before they occurr without error. Only tge Tri­
l11!!R!gmLÇ!:!-urch could be free from error, on all subjects.
Rather than attempting to redefine Victim Soul, Seer and
Mystic, which involves ~up~rnatural God givenJ~ow~s the
following is presented in an attempt to sfÎOw bow these
terms pertain to Mary Ann Van Hoof in real life.



----- ---
Then She placed Her hand on my head. She said 1 was
worried and wondering why She chose me. She said 1 feh
1was not good enough. She then told me wjly S~~e .
.~ saidl ~as a v~ry_\!.nh1l.PPY cfiircr,-alway~s~d,
mlsunderstood. She sald, "You took punishment for others
to protect them. Yqu received no lo)!e, wl!if1LY2_uJ~,!ged f<!-r
il'! youL!JJl.!!te. You always worfed hard and were honest to
your family.
S "Yes, you committed sins, but you have been forgiven for
) them long ago. At the time ofyour sins, your surroundings
l were more to blame than you.
( "YQ.!J faced death fouLJirrlgs. The Sister who took care of
) you in the hospital, she is with us now. YoufeIL,Jer:y âo~o
) her during her devotion and her tireless effort and vigils to
( keef. you alive. ~
\ ' From childhood on, until today, the Stations of the Cross
< have ma_de your bgart heavy, and you shed tears because my
l Son's sufferings grieVëàjOü. This is why 1choseyou, my child. "
oJ".:J- , (CjC;o,
IW.~elve~ï~n--!!lj~v~y that 1 was not alone
at clalming that 1 had seen Our Holy Mother. For twelve
years ago today many others had seen many signs anoaISo
manynad seen Our Holy Mother. Up until this day twelve
years ago, 1 stood alone. The one that stood faithfullYbe­
sidëffie and believed in what 1was seeing was my husband,
who is now gone, and sorne of my children. Without their
support 1 could not have stood the humiliations and the
suffering that much of this has caused.
1 walked before Her. 1 kneh down. The words to what
to say, to what to do stuck in my throat. Your heart pounds,
. your body quivers, and She's continually smiling because
{ She has to overcome y.Qur fear, your-anXl~ty:miwor~!!-inëSs.
Many, many thoughts go tlÏrough your mmd at that mstant,
and yet you do nothing about them. You come because
. over youLown wishes astheJ~~aûiiful
{ ~~dy [QO~d,ow!1jnto y~yes. 1was ashamed to look into
Hel' eyes. 1 lookeoat Her feet. She smiled and called me,

My Chi/d, do not be frightened. 1 looked up into the most
j beautiful blue eyes 1 have ever seen or ever will see. Our
eyes, no matter how beautiful they are, they are dull.
) There's a block there when you look into them, but when
l you look into the eyes of this beautiful Lady, it's a deep
pool. To describe it 1 cannot.
( She spoke to me. She gave me instructions and she_also
) tQ!9 ~e ~hat 1 had to face, .of ~he severe persecution, o.f dîe
"' humiliatIOns, of the suffenng and sorrow, of the pam to
watch those of your own family that did not believe, and of
my husband's family, your dearest friends looking at you
as if you were sorne freak, as if something were wrong with
you. Those were hard things to take at first. Many sleepless
nights, much suffering. But theJ2e-ê-uty of this beautiful
{ Lady sp-eaking to you, askingyou to ac~epCTfien FferTâce
turned pale anOHerfaœ-turnedsaa:--The smile was gone
when Sne wouId tell you of the sins committed in this world,
how they heeded Her not, how they did not believe in Her,
how they turned their backs on Her.
My Spiritual Director told me, do not say anything about
this. 1 followed that for a few years, and then suddenly 1
was guided and told otherwise-that 1 must put these things

i down o.n. paper and keep them in record, and that was.t~e
~f Henry Swa_n, who now, too, is gone, who was J!lY
PlQlector, ':Y.ho suffered with. me and my_family, who saw
the persecution anane-fiîmse1Î was a big target, not alone
from his corn munity but also from his family. 1 asked him
one day. 1 said, Hank, if it's too much for you, 1 will take
) the consequences. You may bqck ouf. He said, No. This work
\ 1 must continue and 1 will stiëK70 the bitter end, which he
( did. He stuck to the bitter end. He /ost his own /oved ones.
He lost therespectoTliIs community. He gained many loved
ones, yeso Those that understood and were with hlm and
. knew. They loved him dearly, and 1 believe they still do,
) for many know the sacrifice that he had to endure. 1 can
1 say that 1 was luckier than sorne, for m...Y.....Q.~yrup.Q!!se Fred
L believed.
Oh no, 1 thought to myself, it couldn't be Her. It could
not be the Mother of God. Not me, a sinner, so worthless,

because 1 had no Catholic education. 1 was not pious. 1
was not a good Christian. 1 had many, many--wrongsand
fauhs. 1 feh there were other people much more worthy
than 1 to accept this honor.
When Our Holy Mother told me that after Nov. 12th
1 was going to suffer the Passion, 1 did not know what the
Passion meant. That's how ignorant a Christian or Catholic
1 was. 1 was onl)' a Catholic in name because 1 did not ful­
full my obligatIOns and my duty. 1 prayed, yes, but 1 did
not have the real understanding. There were many, many
other people that were much more devout than I.
1 was a rough tomboy. 1 grew up as such. 1 wasn't like
our St. Therese. She was a sweet child. 1 was rough and
tough. 1 had to be, for 1 came from a poor family where 1
hao to help with the farm work and thmgs were rough. So
why our Holy Mother chose me 1 do not know. 1 have no
answer for this. But through the twelve years 1 must say
those that have been denouncing me, calling me insane,
have caused griefto my own family, to mychildren, because
their mother 1S insane. That alone for myself is easy enough
to accept, but it's very difficult for the children even at
their ages today. When they were small they did not
Through the twelve years we have gotten together the
work and it is ready now for the people to read. May they
heed it or may they not. The words, in my case, are my
own words, are my own language. They were not the words
of our Holy Mother, but in many cases my own. When
work was glVen, the enemy tried to stop me and 1 used my
own words.
There is great objection to the words that 1 used against
Krushchev. When you would vision him as drunk as r have
many times, with narrow, puffed, slit eyes-pig eyes- they
were not the eyes of a human being that loved God and the
Holy MOther. They were not eyes that cared what hap­
pened to millions of people. They were not eyes that you
could convert into something good, but full of mockery
against God and His Blessed Mother, against the Chris­
tian peace, against the icons that had been hanging in the

Russian Churches and that he has tom down. Yes, 1 ca lied
him Pig Eyes and 1 will do it again and again because there
is no more love in those eyes than an ignorant pi~ would
have in the bamyard that would not know anythmg. Ifs
only an animal. It's an insult to a pig to compare these
eyes that 1 have witnessed many a time when he was drunk
and filled with hate and lust.
Those are difficult things to witness, my dear friends.
And another thing 1 have witnessed more than once is the
attack on the clergy and the religious. 1 have seen Cuba
before Cuba ever happened. 1 have seen prisoners-oh, in
the most filthy little holes. and the prisoner, who was he?
For a second they would show me who he was. He was a
priest,.a representative of Christ, imprisoned into most
sickening holes and left there, abused. That's what the
enemy can do.
Then She said, "Cive My Message ta My Chi/dren naw."
She asked me to talk to the people as She dictated to me.
1 pleaded with Her that She should talk to the people, but
Sne told me, "Thou wilt repeat as 1 say," which 1 did. (Vol­
ume 1, page 21).
(This is the Message spoken by Mrs. Fred Van Hoofto an esti­
mated crowd of 100,00 people gathered around the Shrine on
her farm at Necedah, Wisconsin, August 15->-.1950. After a carefu\
perusal of this text, in circulationwfilchaccurately reproduces
her words, pauses and emphasis. Il corresponds exactly to a re­
cording of her voice whicn was made at the time.)
The reader is advised to concentrate on the ideas contained in
the Messages. Mrs. Van Hoof has stated that she tried hard to
repeat the sentences which the Mother of God dictated to her
but did not al ways succeed in doing so exactly. ''The mistakes in
wammar belong to me, not to the Blessed Mother," she said.
'Il was the first time [ ever spoke to a crowd of people through
a microphone,") (Volume 1, page 33).
That was the beginning of a period of very severe suf­
fering. She is a Victim Soul and her suffering has a pur­
pose which is to clean up and to compensate for the sins
of the young people. Her body tossed and arched in pain.
ft was an awful job to keep her from throwing herself out
of bed as the violent spasms of pain shot through her body.
Someone had to be with her and hold her ail the time when
she was in that severe suffering. For the first week, she suf­


fered from about 9 o'clock in the morning unti14:00 or 4:30

in the afternoon and then it would abate and she wou Id
regain consciousness only to start again at about 9 o'clock
at night and run through 12 or 1 o'clock in the morning.
It is impossible for me to describe the agony and suffering
that took place. (Volume Il, page 57).
The suffering of Mary Ann Van Hoof is primarily for
the Youth and especially the Youth in our own particular
Area which is Juneau County. Because there are sorne
villages or cities in other counhes so close to that Area and
there is so much of an intermingling of our Youth with
theirs, they are also included in our Area.
From October 21, 1954 until about New Year's Day,
Mary Ann by vision was able to see ail of the sins of the
y outh in that Area and to suffer for and battle against those
sins as they actually took place.
ln many cases, by her battling, she was actually able to
prevent sin from taking place. Many were saved from sin
without their knowledge. They will never know, at least on
this earth, the manner in which, or the suffering by which,
they were saved. Perhaps they will know in the next world.
(Volume Il, page 59).
Mary Ann of course suffers ail the time and never sleeps
for more than JO or 15 minutes at a time, but 1 am speaking
now of those periods of violent suffering during WhiCh time
1 have to be with her and hold her. (Volume Il, page 72).
Father Scheetz spent the night of Holy Thursday and
morning of Good Friday with Mary Ann and me until
about 3 a.m. And then he was back to witness the Passion
of Good Friday. (Volume Il, page 73).

The Victim has through God and His Holy Mother been
given a visionary power which is beyond natural explan­
ation. She has on several occasions witnessed and told me
of incidents in which 1 was involved and ofwhich absolute­
Iy no one other than myself could possibly have had any
knowledge. Her description was minute and exact as only
an eye witness cou Id give it. She has visioned others who
have been close to her in the same manner. As 1 have writ­

ten before, she feels my bodily pains along with her own
and has often told me of aches and pains that were bother­
ing me before 1 ever mentioned them to her. (Volume II,
page 62).
A light appeared before my eyes, which turned reddish.
The thought came to me and 1was sinking into the Passion,
but instead there appeared before me the Sacred Heart in
the reddish light 1 saw before. At first there was a glow
above the Heart and the brownish green crown around it
with drops ofBlood which seemed to come from the thorns.
There was a very brilliant light around the heart and the
"Thy Sacred Heart of Mercy, Thee 1 love."
Th.e feeling of great love for the Sacred Heart filled one's
Heart and a great feeling of unworthiness came over me.
1 was so unworthy to see the Sacred Heart! 1 said three
times, "Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Mercy on us," while
striking my breast.
Then the Vision vanished and 1started to say some more
prayers for the sick and sinners, when that woman's voice
penetrated through my prayers with the second Mystery.
Oh, how hard it was to hear It at this time, but 1 don't recall
her finishing when a picture of many sinners loomed before
me. Adults as weil as the youth were indulging in excessive
drinking, dope, sexual abuses. 1 was shown dishonesty in
our Nation's Police, dishonesty in the School System, dis­
honesty in Government, etc. This was a very sickening
picture which one really doesn't realize is so terrible until
ICS put before one. It is HORRIBLE.
1saw the words, "Continuation of this leads only to this,"
and again the horible Vision of War; destruction, hunger,
suffering people and sickness which is ail very difficult to
describe. (Volume l, pages 114 and 115).
Our Lady was dressed in a rose pink gown, déep blue
mantle and veil, holding the Infant across both arms. His
head was on Her right arm. He was dressed in a creamish
white dress with bare feet, He looked right at me without
a smile.
Around Her feet were many children, ages 4 to 8 years
1 would say. They were of different Races and Nations,
colored as weil as yellow and white.
Her blue Mantle was flowing around them as if to pro­
tect them. When 1 first saw Her She smiled, but then Rer

face turned serious as She looked at ail the innocent and
helpless children at Her feet. It was a very beautiful Vision
for Our Lady was upon the very tip of the Trees with the
children on some of the limbs of the Trees. For a few min­
utes (maybe only seconds) She didn't speak, only looked
down on me and the children, then She spoke and said:
"Many prayers are needed, My Child, many more daily
with deep meditations." (Vol. 1 page 129).

JUNE 4,1950
As 1 approached, the Blessed Virgin smiled and said:
"Bless you, my child, andjour 28 Jz.!.lping friends.
"This pleases me, my chiïèrBless them with the crucifix
of your Rosary. Place it on their foreheads and say, 'Bless
you'. This blessing is from me."
JUNE 16, 1950
She smiled as 1 approached Her. She looked over the

crowd and said this: .

"It pleases me, my chi/do Blessing upon them for their

devotion ta me and the Rosary. My blessing upon the Sisters
for their beautiful hymns and devotion, their tireless effort
ta do penance, and their love andfaith in Me. Tell them this.
Il the Prie1.{s wouldonl)! show more effort toward ml plea!
"My child, ta1(ëïhe Good Friday crucifix (meanmg the (
large crucifix which was aglow on Good Friday), and bless
them with it while saying the prayers ofthe Sign ofthe Cross." J

AUGUST 15, 1950

She th en told me always to obey Her no malter what


OCTOBER 7, 1950
She smiled at ail the people and She told me to bless

themall with my Good Friday crucifix.

She showed and explained to me how She wanted the
Shrine built on the sight of the Apparitions. She said to get a
rdiable man to do the work. The Shrine must~l"lly bebüïlt
ill.h-donated labor and mateIiaCWhere-lossl'or~everyer­
fort must be made to do as She requeste . The Saints to be
made must be as natural as possible (Figures). While She
spoke the Shrine was shown to me; on the East side it
showed the Ten Comma~ments , starting from the en­
trance; then tl:t_üourteen Sta~ions of the Way of the Cross
with the Twelfth Station nexCtüOur Lady's right arm which
holds the Rosary.
The Sacred Spot is to be just the way 1 marked it with a
glass over it and up above this the statue of Our Lady at Ne­
cedah or the Medlatrix of Peace. The West wall is to have a
large fifteen decade Rosary with bèads 5 to6inches in size
{ and the Mysteries of the Rosary. This determines the size of
the Shrine, with the Crucifix at Our Lady's left arm. Below
f the Crucifix is the Apostles Creed. The Medal is to be Our
l Lady of Mount Carmel (showing the Brown Scapular).
At the front end on the West slde are to be Our Lady of
~aSalette, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lipi!, then
frOiTïthe entrance and arollrïër to the East side tl1elnfant of
Prag!.!.e Statue, St. Therese (Little Flower), and St.:EIanCïs
,0TAssisi. Our Lady of Lipa is to be replaced with Our Lady
.) o[ Lourdes Statue, if by the time our Shrine is built1l1ë-pfi'il­
) lipines have not c1eansed and righted the wrong they did, as
, Our Lady requested.
Oh how beautiful, to enter the Shrine, walk al1 around
and know more about your Religion when you walk out'
There will be walking space between the sacred Spot and
f the Altar. The windows are to be of the Apparitions, each
one being adifferent scene. ~~
The Shrine disappeared and our Lady spoke saying, The
building of the shrine will be entirely up to the people, if My
Request of Obedience. Penance, Sacraments, Sacrifices, the
Rosary and above ail charity, faith, love thy neighhor is fol­
lowed through. and then will the Shrine be bui/t. It must be
f earned by true devotion and eTfort." rVàltm'ie' 1 Page 49).


"Your Country is in grave danger (rom t!le.-!.!!..emY-2(

Goçi. Much o( vour trouble will rise (rom within; then
thfough this the enemy (rom withoUl will strike causing
much sufJering. If enough prayers are said destruction ofyour
vital points and most important cities will not happen, but
through the many black sins, much sufJering and hardship will
still befall your Country."
The following information is given to help identify wJ!.9
t~~ en~Y..Qf.God has bee..!uhr9!1ghout history and is at the
1\ present time, and to m~ke clear tMube:-re_definit~y'
Ilene!!!XJ!.Lwork wnose goal is to destroy Christianjty once
ana for ail and particufarly the United States of America. 5
Once this fact is understood and believed it is then only nec-
essary to verify through personal observation, always asking
oneselfthe question; lflwere the enemy an...9 h_ad _unlimited 1
f amounts of money what astions ~~Ke to destroy l
!Xmérica in order to make myself and my followers 1"lJË~te_rs }
of a world diclfltOfship? Il should also be kept in mind that
the-enemy does not believe in God and therefore does not
believe in a morallaw. Sim ply stated any means can be used
to reach the goal of world dicUllorship.
Forthose who have studied subversion within our nation
this book will verify, clarify and possibly correct their pres-
ent knowledge: For those who have been too bus)' or un-
( interested in su ch study this book will be shockmg.\ For
those who have been 100 busy chasing the almighty dollar
(and practicing the art ofwishful thinking this book will re-
quire a change in their way of living. For those who mock
and scoffat these revelations we quote the Blessed Mother's
own words given on Novem ber 12, 1969 - "There are some
standing here tonight amongst you that are scoffing. T~e L\(V/j
( day of reckoning will come, it will be too Jate then, you Will
sc~m.~- -- --

( xlvii '--~ L'X 1/1






1. "The race of man, after its miserable fall from God, the
Creator and the Giver of heavenly gifts, "through the envy
of the devil," separated into two diverse and opposite parts,
of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue,
the other for those things which are contrary to virtue and to
truth. The one is the kingdom of God on earth, namely, the
true Church of Jesus Christ; and those who desire from their
heart to be united with it, so as to gain salvation, must of ne­
cessity serve God and His only begotten Son with their
whole mind and with an entire will. The other is the king­
dom of Satan, in whose possession and control are ail who­
soever follow the fatal example of their leader and of our
first parents, those who refuse to obey the divine and eternal
law, and who have many aims of their own in contempt of
God, and many aims also against God."
2. This twofold kingdom St. Augustine keenly discerned
ançj described after the manner of two cities, contrary in
their laws because striving for contrary objects; and with a
subtle brevity he expressed the efficient cause of each in
these words: "Two loves formed two cities; the love ofself,
reaching even to contempt of God, an earthly city; and the
love of God, reaching to contempt of self, a heavenly one."
At every period of time each has been in conflict with the
other, with a variety and multiplicity of weapons, and of
warfare, although not always with equal ardor and assault.
At this period, however, the partisans of evil seem to be
combining together, and to be struggling with united vehe­
mence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and
widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer
making an)' secret oftheir purp'oses, they are now boldly ris­
ing up agalnst God Himself. 1 hey are planning the destruc­
tion of holy Church publicly and openly, and this with the
set purpose of utterfy despoiling the nations of Ckristen­
dom, if it were possible, of the blessings obtained for us

though Jesus Christ our Saviour. Lamenting these evils, We
are constrained by the charity which urges Our heart to cry
out often to God: "For 10, Thy enemies have made a noise;
and they that hate Thee have lifted up the head. They have
taken a malicious counsel against Thy people, and they
have consulted against Thy saints. Thy have said, "Come,
and let u~de~.!!oy them, s~.t1t~be not a nation."-·


3. "At so urgent a crisis, wh en so fierce and so pressing an
onslaught is made upon the Christian name, it is Our office to
point out the danger, to mark who are the açiversaries, and
to the best of Our POWert0 make Ilead against their plans
and devices, that those may not perish wnose salvatlOn is
committed to Us, and that the kingdom of Jesus Christ in­
trusted to Our charge may not only stand and remain whole,
but may be enlarged by an ever-increasing growth through­
out the world."


4. 'The Roman Pontifrs Our predecessors, in their inces­
sant watchfulness over the satety of the Christian people,
were prompt in detecting the presence and the purpose of
thi~9IiliA~my immediatefy it sprang into the hght in­
stead of hiding as a dark conspiracy."
T~si!me enemy f the same Evil Forces that were re­
sponsible for tne Crucifixion of Jesus Christ when He was
{ here on earth, are still responsible for what is going on
today. For the Crucifixion of ..the Church of Christ here
on earth, for the destruction of the people for whom Christ

f came on earth. The same tools are used now as were used
at that time.\It waS'tl1irty pieces of silver which purchased
Judas' betrayal of Our Lord, and it is money and power
and the thi~st for the same that is usëëltodây to purchase
betrayals. The double cross instead of the Cross of Our
Lord could weil be the symbol of many nations and in­
dividuals. (Volume 111 page 29).
The Mother of God sa id to Mrs. Van Hoof in 1950:
"Wake up America! The enemJ 01 God is creeping ail over
America. Yes, you believe il can '1 happen here. 1 am warning
f JOu people again as 1 warnedJOu al Fati!!}.a, and LqS1lk!.!.e 01
. what did already and will happen. sti7Tyou believe Me nol and

you have no faith in Me. You turn your back on Me."
Our Lord sa id to the Apostles: "Have 1 not chosen you, the

Twelve? Yet, one ofyou is a devil." Now He was speaking of

Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon; for he it was, tl)ough~f

th~ Twelve, who would betray Him. St. John Chapter 6,

Verse 72.

"Where are the ministers of God, the priests, the hierar­

chy, the religious, where are they? Are they afraid to stand

up and be counted? In time of Christ, walking on earth there

were twelve apostles, a number of disciples. Out of the

t~.~lye, He had one Judas. The ~~I!.tage is now much

greater. The contUSion that is-being createoltffulliework

ofilië Judases, thru the voice cl.!.!le li~als that do not love

God, but love themselves, not Goo-Almighty. They pound

their chests, they are the Christs! They are only man! They

must cali to Christ, to God in Heaven-they can not forget

Him, and in pride gO].2I!!:Land confuse the laX.!!1~n." (Mes­

sage given April 7, 1968, Revelations and' Messages).

"Our Holy Mother, the mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

has, through Mary Ann Van Hoof, given certain work and

facts. . . . The Revelations given c.lE!ng~ the entire

w~ piclure from that given to the people tlïrough tlïe

press, radiO and television.

The cunning and basic plot for the control of the world

h,ts cQmeoow.n tnroMgh-'Uîe ages. Iris' ofthe devil, of the

anti-Christ.-rfhas ~n p'a~t or in ~ts entirety, be~~~ted by

{ groups or even by Indivldual dicta tors, whose ambitIOn was

wooa control and world power., s,9 cun­

ning, s0-Œt~Jess that those who have had an opportunityto

i read and stuoy this plan can hardly believe that it could be

conceived by a human mind. People have at times discov­

l~I~~L~~s: oC~';l_g~P12t of ~e.Eo~ces ~f E,Yil and the in­

volvement of certain people in tfie plot, and many of them
have lost their lives as a result of their knowledge. ________
"Here is a statement made by Ge~Douglas M.f.Ar­

thur, a great American patriot and one who could shed the

light of much truth. "1 have been warned by many that an

outspoken course even ifit be solely the truth, will bring down

upon my head ruthless retaliation, that efforts will be made ta

destroy public faith in the integrity of my views. Not by force

ofjust arguments but by application a) the false methods of

propaganda. 1 am told in effect, 1 must follow blindly the lead­

ers-keep si/ent or take the bitter consequences.' (Boston,

Mass. July 25, 1951)

Many have been discredited in the eyes ofthose to whom

they wished to expose their knowledge of the Evil Forces, by
means ofsmear campaigns and character assassination. Ab­
solutely aJ1Y means have been used_lrooLJg;gssination
( dQ~n, to achieve their purposes and goals. There lsnüféml
) means the enemy will not resort to, to achieVë1l1e end~iliey
\. dèSire, which is absolute World Control with ail the com­
mon people as slaves, to be used as they desire." (Forward
Volume III)
l "In al! ofman's plots and intrigues whieh have led up to the
\ present .great erisis in the world, the ~asses of p.eople ~ve
1 been mlSled, jooled. They have been gtJ!eJLanft11lng bUt the
truth, false pietures, and propaganda have led them downthe
) paths to destruction."
The Master Plan for world domination has been so di.
abolically coDCëived and -perfected down through the
ages, that its very existence is known only to a compara­
tive few and ofthose who do know it, many will nothelieye
it bec~s_fl..Qfils ruthlcssness, because of ils very diabolical
nature, the very things that have been the reason for its
"HiE2.!Y books whieh should be based solely on histo!:ieal
(aets have only been used as a means to further thefalse ideol·
ogies. Partieularly iS.this true slnee__!:yorld Wa~!l. FrO!!1-!l!..e
period o{ World War lIon, we have.oeenJif(j]1islJ2LiE.IlIbJaek­
Il 0_1!! anabookTcontatiz"little ofhistory, mueh pr.op~gançJa.-fhe
t~!m brainwash has been used in reference to the teaehing of
prisoners who have {al!en into the hands ofthe enemy, but we
1as a nation have alf been brainwashed. " (Volume Il Page 17)
We have been warned again and again by many, many peo­
ple. We have refused to aecept those warnings. The warnings
o( the people have been disregarded, the warnings of history
have been disregarded. We have allowed the warnings of
re~n to be dominated and outweighed byr.esand pro::
paganda. W e hav~cast asi~e .~~on in favor of wishful
"1'~~~nlings of man we might cast aside because he is
subject to human error, butthose warnings from fuaven
we had certainly beller heed." (V olume IV Page 25)




ln the many books and articles written exposing the ac­
tivities of Satan's Forces many terms and names have been
used, ail referring to the sa me thing. This has no doubt
created confusion in the minds of various people. In facto
sorne people have written whole books referring to a certain
particular group as being responsible for the whole world
situation when In fact they were only a part of the group, a
subsidiary so to speak.
ln my own poor way 1am going to try to trace for you the
chain of command of the Forces of Satan, and hope 1 can
clarify in my mind to a degree any confusion you may have
had. If you have been confused In mind, it is because this
huge, many-armed monstrous creation of Satan was de­
signed by him with ail of his cunningness and wile for just
that purpose. A good magician can stand in front of an au­
dience and pull sorne very amazing tricks that defy detec­
tion. He has but two hands to watch. The monstrous, many
handed creation of Satan can then most certainly practice
legerdemain that would defy detection and create great
confusion. Sometimes to add to the further confusion, the
va rio us arms of the same monster are made to appear to be
fighting each other, but should any force try to step between
and prevent the fight, he would be àpt to findhimself in the
c1utches of ail of them.
1 - Satan himself is the Supreme Head of ail the Evil
Forces. He is the schemer, conmver, liar and planner. Il is he
who would control or destroy the world. Il is he as the enmy
ofGod and of Jesus Christ who would destroy the Christian
Religion, destroy the Christians. He is the Serpent whose
head Our Lady will eventually crush with Her Heel.
2 - The Supreme Grand Master of the World, the Head of
Zionism, the mention ofwhose na me is and always has been
punishable by death. The first Supreme Grand Master of
the World ZlOnism was King Solomon who reigned over
900 years before the time of Christ. Since the time of Solo­
mon there has always been a Supreme Grand Master of the
so-called Learned Eiders of Zion in constant succession.
3 - Under the Supreme Grand Master are the other
Grand Masters, one in each major country of the world, and
others who may be over a section comprising several minor

countries. AU are under the absolute rule of the Supreme
Grand Master, subject to the pain of death for disobedi­
4 - Under these Grand Masters are the Learned EIders of
Zion, comprising in number 300 (400 now) each ofwhom is
known to the rest of the body, but who are not known gener­
aUy even to the Jews or the Yids, their own people and over
whom they maintain absolute control, absolu te power of life
and death.
Among the three hundred are the leaders in each field of
1 - The Money Changers, the International Bankers who
control the world finances, who control the Gold, who
maintain an absolute stranglehold on the finances of every
nation, including our own. They can make business pros­
perity, they can make de pression and create panic with aU
of its associated horrors and human sufferings. They can
create war, revolution, bloodshed and horror of aU kinds.
They can build up nat.ions, they can tear them down and
destroy them according to their own whims. They have.
They comprise the most powerful single arm of that huge
Satanic Monster.
2 - The huge industrialists of the world comprise another
of the arms of the Monster. They control the materials of the
world. They manufacture the weapons of destruction, the
arms, the ammunition, the supplies. They manufacture and
control the means of distribution and communication, air­
lines, ships, railroads, cars and trucks, radio, telephone, tele­
graph, te1evision, newspapers, publishing houses. They con­
trol the advertising by means of which the)' can enforce
their demands for endorsement of their pohcies.
3 - Aiso among their number are the greatest doctors,
lawyers, politicians of their race. Through them and their
influence and backed up in cooperation by the other arms,
they have maintained a stranglehold on many professions,
such as medicine and the associated business that controis
the products of medical research, aU drugs and medicines.

4 - Among the 300 also sit sorne of the religious leaders of
the Judaists, the Rabbis. They utilize their positions as reli­
gious leaders to exert pressure and influence upon the body
of the Jews, to direct the thinking of the common Jew to con­
form to the wishes of the leaders of the Zionists. Their power
and their influence over their people is, as would be expect­
ed, very great.
Through the power and influence of these leaders of Zi­
onism, Jews and their Agents have invaded every field en­
deavor and been raised to positions of power and responsi­
bility, positions of great influences in every field.
This is true in our country, the United States of America.
It is just as true in every other nation of consequence in the
U nder the absolute control of the previously mentioned
hierarchy of Satan and serving also as arms of that most
powerful Monster of the DevII, are the following groups
of organizations, societies and fronts.
1 - Communism. Communism is but one of the arms of
the Monster. It is. but an appendage, su bject to the head,
nurtured by the body. It serves as a front behind which the
head can operate wlthout detection. It was created by the
head of the monster to serve that purpose. For those who
think Atheistic Communism is our mam enemy, let me re­
mind them that though its complete destruction wou Id be
pain fui to the Monster, as wou1d the loss of one of your
arms, it would not be fatal. Many of those who are of the
body of the Monster and even those of the head add greatly
to the confusion of many by professing to be active enemies
of and strong fighters against their own creation. Cali it
shadow boxing or whatever you will, but no one gets hurt
and when ail the fighting is over and the flghters retire from
view, they fall into each others' arms and laugh in glee at the
way the people have been fooled.
( C~!p'}~ism belongs to the Zionists. Th~y own it, they
.> control it, th.0' s!!pport it, th~y use itJor t.heir own purpq~e.
~ It is their tool, their arm. It has served them very we[[ and
fortIlatthêy love it. They love it, but at the same time would
like to make it out to be a bastard by denying it paternity.
The relationship, however, and the family resemblance is
too great for their denial to be effective. Too many Commu-
nists are Jews and too many of the Jews Communists. Yes,
Communism is our enemy.. There is no. doubt about that,
1 but those who thiiJ.k thàLCommunism ~ Q.ur _main enemy
are fighting the horse and not the rider.
-2'"':""Freemasonry. Another very powerful arm of Satan's
Monster is Freemasonry. It is by means of the Secret So-
cieties and Associated Orders of Freemasonry that much of
Satan's Work has been accomplished. The Masons daim
that the origin of their organization dates back 900 years
before the time of Christ. That very weil fits the picture, for
it certainly ties the origin of Masonry to those who did origi-
nate it. It originated with Zionism. How else might 1 ask
could its history have been traced back, for history other
than that of the Bible was very scanty previous to about 500
years before Christ? Certainly nothing cou Id have been
traced through it. The signs and symbols used in Masonry
are ail J ewish.
Through Masonry many Gentiles have been forced or en-
ticed to do the destruction of the Monster. Many who have
professed themselves as Christians have done the work of
the devil and havé aided and abetted those who were trying
to destroy that in which they profess to believe-Christian-
Particularly from the middle of the 18th Century on, the
members ofSatan's Synagogue organized and promoted the
organization of Masonic Societies and then maintained
control and directed their activities. These activities were di-
rected largdy against Christianity and particularly the
Catholic Church.
"The Grand Master, 1 shouldn't speak of hi m, but you
know who 1 mean, is in the United States right now, Hank.
Something big is up with the Yids. 1 don't mean the little
Masters. 1 mean the Grand Master, the one whose name 1
don't speak. He's in the United States. They are going to
have a consultation at the Waldorf Astoria in New York,
Hank. There's going to be a big banquet there tonight,
Hank, at 6 o'dock Eastern Standard time. The Grand Mas-
ter is here along with the Masters of many other countries.
How can they get in and out so easy, Hank? Our people are
asleep. They don't wake up. Abba Ebban is going to be

among them. What's going on is terrible, but people still
won't believe il. Their the me song is still, it can't happen
FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1957.
One of the terms often used and one that was used often
by Alexander in his work was Nihilisl.
The dictionary definition:
In politics (a) the doctrine that ail social, political and
economical institutions must be completely destroyed in
order to make way for new institutions.
(b) A movement in Russia (1860-1917) which advocated
such revolutionary reform and attempte j through the use of
sorne terrorism and assassination to achieve it.
A Nihilist is an advocate of any form of philosophical ni­
Certainly ail of Satan's Forces subscribe to the p'olicy of
nihilism and apply its principles wherever it is pOSSIble. The
term is not strictly synonymous is most certainfy descriptive
of the activities 01" the Serpent.
Another organization on which sorne writers have
blamed the whole world situation is the IIIuminati.
The Illuminati of which those writers speak is by dic­
tionary definition:
The members of an anti-clerical deistic, republican soci­
ety founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of Law
at Ingolstadt in Bavaria. Il was suppressed by the Bavarian
government in 1785.
Here again we have an organization, which as a secret
order of Masonry was formed by one of Satan's minions to
promote for the destruction of Christanity. Adam Weish­
au pt served as the right hand man, the first lieutenant of old
Amschel Mayer, the paternal founder of the Rothschilds
family and fortune.
There is no question but what the arder of the Illuminati
has contributed much to world chaos, revolution and disor­
der, but to pick them as those solely responsible is as foolish
as to give Number One billing to Communism.
They are but members of another organization or from
behind which the real Serpent can hide.
Ali of this work has put the finger on those that are guilty.
Because those Forces of Satan are made up primarily of
Jews, we must avoid judging ail Jews as being guilty. Il
would be very unChnstian to do so.
A friend of mine who had gotten hold of sorne literature
which exposed the activities of the big subversive Jews in
the great World Plot, came to me in a trou bled frame of
mind. "1 cannot believe," he said, "that the Jews are respon­
sible for these world conditions, for the plot to destroy us
Christians. Why, sorne of my best friends are Jews. 1 have a
neighbor who is a Jew, and who is the first one 1 would go to
ifI were in trouble. In fact, he has proven that he would help
me out when sorne of my Christian friends turned me down
cold. What should 1 do about him?
Perhaps the answer 1 gave to him may also answer sorne
questions in your minds.
Continue to love him as you do, for he has proven himself
more worthy of that love than have others. Cenainly be­
cause there are Jew criminals does not mean that ail Jews
are criminals. If that were so then ail races of people would
have to be condemned, for there are criminafs in ail races.
Remember he is no more responsible for what is being do ne
by the subversive Jew leaders than you are responsible for
what is being done by the State Department of the United
States. Many Jews are good, patriotic American citizens.
Many have given their lives in defense of our Country. They
will be destroyed by the action of their leaders as surely as
any of the rest of us will. Many of them have already been
destroyed by those same leaders to satisfy their thirst for
power, their greed. Many more will be destroyed by those
same Evil Forces unless the Jews repudiate and refuse to
follow that leadership. They are not criminals because they
are Jews. They are cri minais because they are evil, because
they have thrown in with Satan and are following his dic­
There are many Jews who have thrown off the yoke of
that leadership. Those Jews who have thrown offthat yoke
have been subjected to more vicious persecution and de­
struction by that leadership than have any Gentiles. The
main body of the Jews will ail face that destruction and
snare In the punisiüri'ëi1'iO{ their crlrilÎn~1 leadersu:DI§'s
thsy.J.!1emselves destroy that ~vij leade!::,hip. If they do nol
destroy {hat evilleadership, that evilleadership will destroy
(See illustration page 360)

There are a number of groups of Internationalists who are
at the present time workmg together in this great subversive
plot for World Control. They are ail working together, trav­
eling together because they are ail going to the same place,
but like a gang ofthieves who are starting out to rob a bank,
each one has in mind that they will knock off the rest and
take ail of the swag. These groups are ail under the control
of one group though they may not recognize the facts.
1. International Jewish Bankers; Leaders of the Zionist
plot for world control, which is based on the basic world plot
exposed in the "Protocols of the Learned Eiders of Zion";
Talmudic Judaism to be world supreme-every Jew a king
and every Gentile a slave. Economic control by the Interna­
tional Bankers over small countr.ies has been a very simple
operation. Force them to their knees financially -and then
help them to their feet again, but each time before you help
them to their feet, make them grant some additional conces­
sions, such as tying up their exports and imports or some
such agreement. In that manner they can be absolutely con­
trolled economically. It is a truly beautiful set-up for the big
Jew bankers.
2. British Nationalists, controlled by the International
Jew Bankers, but made up also of Gentile stooges who pic­
ture themselves and England as the controlling force behind
the World Government. This includes the "Kingfish" (An­
thony Eden), Winston Churchill, the husband of the Queen
and va rio us others. There are many minor stooges and po­
litical male prostitutes there as there are over here, who
range from mere minor tools to those who have sold their
sours completely to the Talmudic Jews.
3. Russian Nationals who are also controlled by the in­
ternational Jew Bankers, but who picture themselves as the
world leaders. The Gentiles there are also due to be elimi­
nated when things are under control and as soon as their
usefulness ends. A great many of them have already met
their Maker in purges.
4. Unit'ed States Internationals who see themselves sit­
ting in positions of great importance wh en the One World
Government takes over. Gentile stooges will also be elimi­
nated as soon as they have ended their usefulness to their
Jew Masters.

5. Il is necessary here also to mention one of the most im-
portant forces in this Country, and that is the Money Em-
pire of the Rockefellers who also in tend to rule the world.
Their influence is tremendous, and they will in their turn
also be destroyed by those with whom they are now cooper-
ating. Il has been sa id and is certainly true that our State
Department has long been a subsidiary of the Rockefeller
Empire. Our foreign policy has in the main been dictated by
them for their own personal gain. Much legislation has been
passed for them and a great many of our national officiais
owe their jobs to them, and consequently support any poli-
cies which they dictate for their own personal advantage.
Millions and millions of dollars of taxpayers' money has
been transferred to the coffers of the Rockefeller Empire by
means of Lend Lease, Marshall Plan, etc. The land on
which the United Nations Building stands in the city of New
York was donated by the Rockefellers in order to be assured
that the seat of World Government wou Id be here when it
would be easier and handier for them.
We have in every nation in the world today those who are
plotting and promoting for this One World Government.
There are many involved to a greater or lesser degl'ee in this,
and sorne are even misled to think they are doing what
wou Id be best for mankind. They are thè foolish ones, how-
ever, who have do ne very little thinking, but are following
the propaganda line. Il has reached the point where any
good American who wants to put America and the Consti-
tution of our Country first is looked down upon, belittled
and if he is of enough importance, he is smeared by those
One Worlders, lnternationalists, World Federalists and ail
the various names under which they are recognized.
Like organized gangs that cooperate, however, there are
many in this great scramble, this great plot, who see them-
selves, when ail is under control, in places of great power,
influence and wealth. However, most ofthem out ofnecessi-
ty will be eliminated in the struggle by others with the same
idea. Those Evil Forces behil1dJ.he whok.Rlot will th.en be

ready to stepJo the frQ.nt and eliminate those wh0E!-they
have beëi1Usmg as tools or thOse good Christians who have
recognized their ev il plot. Many have and are being elimi-
nated almost daily. They are done away with for many rea-
sons: their usefulness is ended; they have seen through the
plot and must be eliminated; they know too much to be al-
lowed to live (dead men tell no tales); sorne are sacrificed to

cover up for others, human sacrifices.


Throughout previous Revelations and Message Book

and the Four Volumes the word YID and Jew is used and
the following explains ho~ the Church Triumphant i~ using
these words. --- -- -'­
Are the Hierarchy of Satan Jews, Gentiles, Masons, or
Here is a statement of the very greatest importance: There
are no pure Jews among the 400. They are al! mongrels or
Most people are willing to accept the dictionary defini,
tion for a Jew, a definition that has been prompted by the
Satanists themselves. That is that Jews are those who accept
Judaism as their religion. That definition under the light of
analysis is just as wrong as to say that because the Italians
are mainly Catholic, if anyone becomes a Catholic they be,
come an Italian.
The Jews have the same pride of race as do other races of
people, but many a proud and truely Jewish family has al­
lowed their blood lines to be tainted and mongrelized be­
cause they accept the dictionary definition and ll1ter-marry
with Yigs o.f...!Jncertain ancestry.
The Yids originally stemmed from the Khazars, a t\1.Q!l'
golian triQe occupying that portion of'Russia east of the
Blaèk Sea. Theil' blood lines have become so mixed through
intermarriage with those of the peoples in the countries in
which they have settled as they were scattered about the
( earth that though they make a great pretense of intermarry,
î ing only with the il' own, they can only be described as mon­
1 grels. Just as the Mexicans are in the main a mixture of

S Spa,!~h and Indian so the Yids are a mixture of rYiongolî"an

and white.
Mongrelization refers only to the mixing of the blood of
the people of difference races or colors, for thatis where the
distll1ctlün occurs. The intermarriage of people from differ­

! ent nati.ons but of the same races produces a stronger or su­

perior race, and most peoples in Europe or America either
cannot trace their ancestry back very far without running
1 into a mixture of nationahties but wlth most there was not
too much crossing of racial lines. The .-Y.e.ry, ones who aJ:e to promote the mongrelizatiQ,!-of rac~Jo
- ._-- - ~ -~. -'- -- __ o. _ _

de_sJIQ)' them are themselves a product of that mongreliza­
tion. ---
Perha ps the destruction of the once proud Jewish race by
means of the mongrelization or pollution of their blood
lines is justifiable punishment permitted by God because
there is much guilt that rests at their doors. The)' ar~~t ex­
,:..!!.~d by..!~ac~ thal they were pushed out of their own-sâ­
tame plans and rackets by those_who were more unscr..!:!pu­
) l.Q!!:s, more vicious, more satanic than they were. The blood
of Jesus Christ is still upon them.
Now you will know where you hear the cry of anti-Semi­
tism go up that those behind it are not semites, but just mon­
grels, because the cry originates with, and stems from--.!lte
400 Yids. (Note: On March 15, 1968 it was revealed there
are-now 1050 Qrand Mas~rs 0L!.oP_Y~S).


"1 know as sure as 1 sit here and write that the big cry will
go up and the big smear against this book will start a~QQn
~UQmLof the big Zionists get their hands 0~.Jt. Th~~-1lg~­
ized cry of anti-Semitism will surely go forth, but let il be
known here and now that for the Jews thatare being victim­
ized by their leaders 1 have nothing but sympathy. loonot
want to see anYlersecution of innocent people. They have
been victimizc down through the Centuries and ail
through no fault of their own. The averagt:: Jew is no more
guilty of the policies of their so-called Learned Eld~rs than
than are you and 1 of the policies of our State Department,
policies which are also aimed at our destruction. This state­
ment in the Protocols in itself absolves the Jewish people of
guilt. "The head of the snake was to represent those who
çhad been initiated into the plan, the body represented the
1Jewish people. The secret has always been kept from the
Jewish people."


~~G~ ~.:)
The same Godless as at the time of Christ, at the time of
Our Lord are the ones that are Crucifying Him today. Do
not condemn the common Jew for he is not guilty. He is inno­
cent. He is innocent of the death of Thy Lord and God,

Jesus Christ, who roamed the earth, who was born in a sta­
Q!e, who showed man the way oflife, tobe humble, anoas a
child to be obedient to his parents. He showed the example
as a Child and He died on the Cross to save us. It is not the
little Jew but the Godless, the destroyer of Christianity. The
destroyer of Christ and what he stood for. So it was at the
time of Christ, so it is today. They are the ones that are pro­
moting and injiltrating the government today, and the
church and your way ofthinking. When you are listening to
the pleas of Thy Holy Mother, of Thy Lord and God, Jesus
Chnst who died to redeem man, don't let them confuse you.
Cj>age 392-'JButthe Black Pope is the Supreme Grand Mas­
ter, The-sâtan here on earth. He has no love of God or man­
kind in his heart. He is ail evil and deceives many. Ifyou are
gullible enough ta let this happen - why listen ta the Satanic
word of the Grand Master, thË 650 L~ders-2!.. !S-nig~s,
~~atever you want to cali them. When 1 speak of these or
any who are Christian people, because they are as innocent
as you are, it does not mean the real Jew. It means the ones
that Christ Himsel{ condemned. They are only of the evil,
f they have no love (or Christ or humanity. Then as today - do
î not become confused. 1 myself re.fe!Jed to the~as Yids and
i that doesn't mean they are Jews. They could be ofany coun­
try, any nationality, race, but are without God. They do not
love God and are confusing those that should know better.
They are bringing confusion into the church. Many are ac­
cepting this and Satan is laughing in glee. Remember Thy
Lord and God had t~e Apostles. There was one Judas
amongst them. One betrayed Him. Then as today we have
many Judases. Sorne Apostles have gone astray, become
confused, even sQme have injiltrated into the ranks, the
fold. DQ iL~!:.ithmetic, do a ]ttle thinking. ­
( ~age. 37~}lhere are many of th~workers that get the
Jewisb situation wrong. Biarne everything on the Jews. It's
not the Jew. It's the Ylds, the Grand Masters, the 625. The
little Jew is as innocent as you or I. Just like at the time of
Christ.. It's the same-disbelievers, the same kind that cruci­
J f!..~<!-Çh.!.ist, and they were not the little Jew. No, n? They
" were the Yids. Ones 1 cali Yids. They're a m~wtthout a
1coul!try,l)israelis, Pikes. ­
îi\ so wrong to blame the ancestors of Christ for what
happened. It's so wrong.

c;aoeU39. and ~ Who are the Grand Masters?
~t do they mean?
Are they Masons? Are they Jews? Are they Communists?
The Grand Masters are not what the ordinary person
thinks they are. They get them confused with the titles that
are conferred in some lodges-Moose, Elks, Oçl9J~WS,
Masons, etc. Some of these societies are but social organlza­
tions and are thus innocent; some have been infiltrated and
subverted to serve a purpose. Some were organized to serve
that purpose-to do the will and destruction of the devil as
with the secret societies of Masonry.
There are Grand M.asJers among the Masons, but they
are a far cry from the Grand MasJ.ers we spoke of, as differ­
ent as day and night.
Note: Some of Satan's Grand Masters have organized
some of the secret societies of Masonry.
One of the simplest ways to explain the organization, Sa­
tan's Evil Forces, is to compare It with the organization of
the Catholic Church.
The Supreme Grand Master is the devil's Pope, and the
supreme head of the devil's organization. He would be com­
pared with the Pope ofChrist's Church but has even greater
r powers, for he has absolut~y_djçt'!.torial powe(Q[lŒ~_~~.d
) d~th over aIL who ar~ under him. He is not inhl6ited by
L morals, Si:ïtoeing of the devil, looks upon such things as
Christian weaknt;ss.
The G~an~M~sters would be comparable to the Cardi­
( na.Is. a.nd tne 400 to the Bishops of the C.hurch. There were
) dîIT~r~!l.c-ËsI!U~[).k among the_Grand Masters_l!...nO ~y.~I!.Jb_e
'\ 400,based on seniority, visciousness and ability otherwise.
1 The Grand Masters,just as the Cardinals of the Church, are
1 scattered aU over the world, so also the members of the 400,
or Satan's Bishops.
Here in the United States we have two Grand Masters.
( One is located on the East Coast; the other on the West
) Coast. The one on the West Coast is subject to the one on
1 the East. Thj§. is 2Q )IL'!l1 countri~s where. tQ.e~_ ~re~o
GraI:uL M_a~s-one is the boss.
Grand Masters oI}fe elected are in f()r I~fe, but they don't
all live to a ripe old age because if they"-are in any way dis­
obedient or displeasing to the Supreme Grand Master, they
are destroyed, sometimes dying very violently.

There is tremendous mis-information concerning appari­
tions wherever they occur. Unfortunately some members of
clergy are the greatest offenders and loosely use terms such
as not approved, false, condemned, etc. which cause great
confusion for the laity.
"Why then is it that whenever She acts as a true Mother
and appears here on earth to warn us and to protect us
and glve us more chance than we deserve, why is it that
the same Church that She is trying to protect is so cold
toward Her? Why do they try to throw every Rossible
obstacle in Her way? Why have they delayed acceptance
until the warnings She gave are too late?
It took thirty years to approve of Our Lady's appearance
at Fatima. Had the Church taken hold and spread that mes­
sage as it should have been, a great world catastrophe could
possibly have been avoided, World War II, with its loss of
millions of lives, great suffering on the part of people ail
over the world, famine, starvation for many and great perse­
cution of the same Church, that Church that was so cold, so
cold to Our Lady when She appeared with a message that
might have helped to avoid that great catastrophe.
Now the world is faced with even greater catastrophe,
with the possible annihilation of the whole human race,
with much greater persecution for the Church, the greatest
persecu tion in history.
Again Our Holy Mother has appeared here on earth in a
last minute desperate effort to save Her erring children, as
any good, loving mother would do. She has appeared not
only in one place, but in several, in the apparently hopeless
effort to get Her message through and have it heard and
spread. Again as before She has received the same cold,
cold, frigidly cold reception on the part of the Church ofHer
Again those to whom She has appeared have been
subjected to ail the persecution that can be heaped upon
As before, the leaders in the persecution were some
Priests in the Church of Her Son whose efforts went not
toward proving the truth or falsity of the c1aims of the ones

to whom Our Lady appeared, but solely with the object of
stamping them out.
Are they Apostles of Christ? We can only judge by the
tools, the means they are using to achieve their purpose.
Slander and lies, defamation of character."


The following are the words spoken from the-throne of

the Basilica of Saint Martin and were published in a pam­
phlet shortly afterwards. They were spoken by His Excellen­
cy, the Bishop of Liege, BelglUm, regarding the apparilions
of the Most Holy Virgin at Banneaux from January 15, to
March 3, 1933.
"Regarding this event," His Excellency said, "1 should
like to warn you against a twofold indifference: Indifference
toward the fact itself and indifference towards our personal
share in the recognition of the fact."
1. Let us not be indifferent ta the fact: "Does not every­
thing merit our interest that is of such a nature as to quicken
faith, enliven piety, increase confidence, convert and save
souls? ... Faith teaches us that the Blessed Virgin is in
Heaven, that She reigns there in glory, and that She never­
theless interest Herself efficaciously ln Her children on
earth. But if She cornes to visit these children, appearing to
one or to several of them.... .is that not a sensible proof of
the complian't goodness and the motherly care of our Moth­
er in Heaven? Such news certainly does not leave me indif­
ferent, and anyone who has a filial love for the Blessed Vir­
gin must share my emolion. And undoubtedly, one of the
first effects of this emotion will be the desire to know these
facts better, to examine them thoroughly, and to contribute
as much as we can to bring them to light.
2. Let us not be inditlerent to the recognition of the
facl: "Here we meet with the second of the indifferences de­
nounced above, the attitude of: it's up to the Church to
bring these facts to light. Let the Church do it. In the mean-'
lime, l'Il not make it my concern. Yes, it's up to the religious

authority to give an authentic decision to such facts, if it
judges a decision to be opportune. Suppose your unanimous
deSire is realized and the tribunal 'approves'.....don't you
see the great effect of that sentence? It would be a source of
great joy for millions of the faithful: It would put an end to
the doubts of many; it would give a new and lasting impetus
to the cult of the Blessed Virgin ..... but that is still in the
future. Must we simply wait for it with our arms folded?
Certainly not! In thefirst place, it is not necessaryfor us to
have an authentic judgment of the Church in order to admit
the truth of the apparitions:
We can accept them either on the basis of a personal
study of the facts themselves, oftheir development and their
effects; or on the authority of persons .whose knowledge,
prudence and pietv we know, or on the basis of special fa­
vours which we might have received. This personal con­
viction may be expressed in private acts ofpiety. Do not for­
get that the important, fina1 decision must be pronounced
DY men. These men will be enlightened regarding these
facts more quickly and more fully, and their sentence will be
prompter and more explicit. Prayer can obtain for them the
light they need to lead their investigations in the best direc­
tion, to furnish them with even miraculous favours, capable
of removing the least doubts. For years 1 have united my
prayers with those of many others, priests and lay people,
that the truth of this cause may shine forth. Since such of­
fIciai recognition is neither an individual nor strictly a local
grace, but since it is an immense collective grace, it is fit­
mg, according to the ordinary ways of Providence, to solicit
it through collective general prayer."


OCTOBER 7, 1950

"The Priests that are mocking my apparitions at Fatima, Lipa

and other places are only hurting themselves. Thel-'!.lP.ay~it
when it's too late. The ministers of God that are sneering wl!l
face the same fate.
Message given to Mary Ann Van Hoof, Necedah, Wis­
consin, December 10, 1965: "It has been given in the past
that those that slander and spread evil of Our Lady's appear­
ances, that they suffer much both physically and mentally be­
cause of t~le,sLan~rous,and s~lous af!!!

fq.lJ.ifJli!!.g rJ:.p-orts. Pray they do not do these things for the pain
and sufJering. Our Lord will not permit these things against
His Hofy Mother. Pray for them. Pray much for them."
Nov. 12, 1969: "Twenty years We have pleadedfor prayers,
reparation, the rosary, the rosary, sacraments. 1 have pleaded
\ to_.a.J1J'1l ehi!drenthat are vietim o{LheÙ' elderJ! They heeded
notthese p7eas, they heeded not t ese pleas. The answer is be­
'1 forejou, they failed to do the requests, they moeked, they
l seofjed. There are some standing here tonight amongst you
that are seofjing. Theday ofreekoning will come, iLYdiL!2!!-!!!.o
lqft t.hen, YQu w~ff ~ec!m." _ XLI/II
The purpose of private revelation, as defmed by St.
Thomas Acquinas, is not to prove the truth of Christian doc­
trine or add anything to it but to offer men of a certain 'peri­
od and because of the circumstances of that period, a direc­
tion for human action.
r May we remind you that according to the doctrine of the
/ Fifth Lateran Council and Pope Leo X (1512): "When there
is a question of prophetie revélation the Pope alone is the
( Pope Urban V}JI says in cases like this - it is better to believe
l than noCto -b"élieve, for if you believe and it is proven true,
1 you will be happy that you believed because Our Holy
t Mother asked it: Ifyou believe and it should be proven false
you will still receive ail blessings as if it has been true
because you believed it to be true.
Marylike Crusader, Volume VI, March-April 1961: Tan­
querey, a recognized theologian and one of the most emi­
nêrïf, cites the following in his textbook for seminarians, not
as an opinion, but as the teaching of the Church: "Private
r revelations which are certain must be believed b)' tho.se_to
1 whom they are made, or by those for whose benefit they are
) made, and even most probably by those to whom they are
not directed, provided they are supported by sufficient
1 arguments. For we must believe what we know for certain
has been revealed by God, because of the respect due to the
authority ofGod; but when revelation, even private, is pre­
sented to us with sufficient arguments, for example, mir­
acles, we know with certainty fhat it has been revealed by

The Rosary, the Brown Sca('ular and the Green Scapular
were given to us through Pnv;ite Revelations, likewise the
Devotions to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary.



1. The Angelus (three times daily).

2. Mass and Holy Communion - Daily if possible.
3. Pray for Our Holy Father first each day, then our
other prayer~. Include the Bishop and Parish Priest.
4. Queenship Prayer - at least once a week.
5. Mediatrix of Peace Prayer and Litany - memorize and
say daily.
6. Pray for the President and Government Officiais.
7. Pray for the Youth. Pray and work each day to save
our Country, our Church, our Youth, the America
of tomorrow.
8. Prayers for Unity and Charity.
9. Daily Rosary - Family Rosary.
la. St. Michael's Prayer.
II. Sorrowful Mother of the Passion Prayer.
12. St. Ann's Prayer.
13. St. Francis Peace Prayer.
14. Henry Swan's Prayer.
15. Morning offering - daily.
16. Sacred Heart Litany on ail Fridays of the year and
daily during June.
17. Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary on ail Saturdays
of the year and daily du ring May.
18. Sorrowful Mother Prayer and Sorrowful Mother Rosai}
on ail Fridays of Lent and September 15 (Feast of
Our Lady of Sorrows).
19. Precious Blood Chaplet - five days a week during
month of July.
20. During month of October after each decade of the
Sorrowful Mysteries say "Peace be with you, St.
Francis, Pray for us." ­
21. Wear the crucifix (with wood) for guidance and help
especially during times ordanger, or temptation; place
your hand on it and say the "Our Father" in honor
of God the Father, the "Ha il Mary" in honor of the
Blessed Mother and the "Glory Be" in honor of the
Blessed Trinity.
22. Make a Novena (9 days - one hour prayer each day)
previous to May 28, July 26, A.~ê:!.~l..l~, September 15,
October 7, November 12 and Decem6er 8. (Novena to

finish the day before each date). If not possible to
make complete novena, make a Tridium (3 days - 1
hour each day) before each date. (Novena prayers to
be choice of individual).
23. Enthrone your home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Consecrate your home and family to the Sacred Heart,
and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Renew your
Acts of Consecration to the Sacred Heart and to the
Immaculate Heart often - at least once a week.
24. Pray for the Canonization of Kateri Tekawitha (North
American Mohawk 1ndian Mataen,-MartjIl
25. Cali on St-:.J?ympJm.a (patroness of nervous and men­
tal disorders).
26. Wear _the Brown and Green Scap-ular. Aug. 5, 1968
Message: "1 am askifiglnaran of you wear the Green
C10th of the 1mmaculate Heart of Mary and daily say,
'Oh 1mmaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and
at the hour of our death, we have recourse to thee'.
( Any one wearing this under the True Faith and Love
1fQIJ!le 1mmaculate Heart of Mary win be proiecfed
\ frollLml,lch, from evil, pestilence and injuries; also
1 for a happy death. Keep It over your heart at ail times,
saying the short prayer daily.
27. Read and study the "Eight Points". See Message,
November 25, 1955.
28. Work dilligently to bring about the Constant Vigil
of Prayer. Take an hour each week yourself and con­
tact interested individuals, c1ergy and groups for their
cooperation. (Write for free packet of materials).
29. Study the Mass - form Study Clubs - ask your Priests
to help.
30. Pray much for Priests and Nuns, religious and those in
Mission Fields.
31. Pray much that the Supplies of Destruction of the Ene­
my become useless. Encourage others to do so.
32. C1ean out the Schools, check Textb.QQks, Newstands,
Movies and Television.
33. Pray for Christian Unity. (See Messages October 7,
1967 and November 12, 1969.)


The First Visit of the Btessed Virgin Mary at

Necedah, Wisconsin,/November 12, 1949
" The first appearance heri (vision only) was on the anni­
j versary date, one year later,'of the last appearance to Teresi­
c. ~_ at l;ipa City, Philippine Islands.
The Second Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary
APRIL 7, 1950
On Good Friday, April 7, 1950, at about II p.m., Mrs.
Van Hoof noticed that the figure on the cruifix had a
strange glow to it. Then a voice said to her, as she said her
"Yes, pray, my chi/do Pray, pray, pray hard."
Then the voice sa id something about the holy days whi~h
Mrs. Van Hoof didn't understand, as she was very upset.
The voice continued: .
"My chi/d, your cross is heavy to bear, but the people ail
over the world are facing aJ1e.av(er__c[fJSS atJ.d_s!!rrow ~e
Enemy ofGo.d unless you pray. Pray hard with ail your heart­
devotedly. Ask your Pastor, the Father ofyour Parish, to tell
his people, chi/dren of God, to pray fhe R.OSjlry_every evening
at eight o'clock no matter what happens. For prayer only will
he!;! you.
'Tell this to your relations and his (her husQf!!1f!'s) reJj1­
-('Yes,you arefrightened, but don't be, My Child. You w.ill
be laughed at with disbelief, and say things against you. When
your Mission is fulfilled f will be back, but not in this room,
but where and when the flowers bloom, trees and grass are
green. God bless you. "
Mrs. Van Hoof waited longer, but "she was gone."
Between April 7 and M.a.y_28_{Pentecost Sunday), spring
came to central Wisconsin. The{flowers bloomed and the
trees and grass became green.
MAY 28, 1950
As She promised on Good Friday (in voice only) our
Mother appeared to me May 28th at 12 noon.
1 was calling the familYJ2 dinner and 1 stooped over to
brush a mosqultoo1Imy leg when 1 noticed a flash oflight. 1
looked up and out through the door-when 1saw a blue mist
behind sorne trees. Then the vision became the figure of our
--- - ----- - ..,

Oh, She was so radiant and beautiful, an artist couldn't
paint her to do Her justice.
She smiled at me as 1approached Her. She said, "You are
afraid, my chi/d; you have been expecting me. My chi/d, eat a
("Y.jg2f this bJl,sh. My speaking ta you on Good Friday was II
test for your community, your friend$ and relatives.
"Sorne of your spouse's people responded devotedly and
others laughed with disbeliej Almost ail ofyour relatives dis­
believed and laughed. In your community only 10% are devot­
ed and say the Rosary very devoutly. -­
"This does not apply ta your parish priest's mother, Mater
Christi Home and the Sisters. There are sorne very devoted
ladies in the Mater Christi Home. The Priest's Mother and
the Sisters are also devoted ta me. They have my blessing. Tell
them this.
"Bless you and your spouse for devoted prayers, the Rosa­
ries and litanies dai/y during May. Next month 1 am asking
you ail ta pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart."
( Then Sh~ had me mark the Spot Qfthe apparitions with a
) csms. 1 started to-Iook-forsomething to dig with whëïlShe
said, "Dig right there in the ground.. You will find a rock."
( This 1 did and there was a piece of r~k. She told me to mark
. the place with a cross.
She said, ''You, my chiId, must do penance for your people
and community who failed ta do as requested on Good Friday.
Go ta Mass for 15 days and ta Communion. You must fast.
Eat only enough ta equal one meal a day for 15 days. A Iso go
ta Mass Qn Five First Saturd,!.ls in honor of my Immaculate
Heart. You'lrcontinue ta sufJer your pains as a sacrifice for
"Tomorrow bring your Rosary and a li/ac blosso_m, and l'II
give you then instructions for the Priest and ail people. YPJ1r
~isjJJ:Jl'i,Y now,-so go, my chi/d, and bless you. l'II be with
you tomorrow and the day after, on Trinity Sunday, June 4th,
Sacr.ed Hgar.Lfeast, June 16th, August 15th and October
7th. "

MAY 29,1950

The first visible sign is a light blue mist coming through

the trees. Then She cornes in full from the Spot of appari­
tion. 1 have never seen anything so beautiful. She smiled
and said:

"You are notfrightened at alltoday. "She asked me if 1 stil1

wanted to bring the message to the people. 1 said 1 did. SILe
sa~ b~augh!=d at, persecuted wlth disbelief. 1 told Her 1
was ready to do Her request. She smiled and took my Rosa­
ry from me and touched it with Her Rosary:
1 had a_twigof two lilac ~loss~s as She requested me to
do the day berore. She took the crucifix and toll.cllLd both of
the bl?Ss.oms. T~n.S~!old me!o tear the f1o~e!§.J!~t

f them mtqJhe cross She nad me make on the ground the day
bëîore: While placing the ftowers jn thuorm ..2f a_.Eross
wlïile saying the prayers of the sign of the cross, Sfie~n
asked me to kiss Her foot and the cruifix of Her Rosary.
Thëïi. Slfëtold me that the ~osary my daughter chose fori
me as a gift for Mother's Day was also a gift to Her. "My \'
blessing on her. The color blue is also my color. My dear chi/d, .
tell the chi/dren ofGod to pray the Rosary, to !ive clean !ives
and to make a sacrifice for sinners to show God that they love
Him. Next month pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. LX
"Pray, pray !il/le ones, so you won't be t~e innocent viçJi]Jzs'
1:!our eIders wh2 / faith ifl God, my Son andM~o
t e Sistërs Of this parish and other parishes She gave the
message that they must show thelr love and devotion
toward the children, teaching them to pray devoutly in this
trou.bled time, for the children are the victims of this confu­
sion. "Pray fpr the conversion of RJEia and for unfort.!!J1EJe
f c'Y-ldren. Honor Me with daily Rosary and meditation," She
said. -,
"A Il Sisters are asked to do 15 days fast and penance; only
the sick Sisters are excused." She then gave a messa&e fQLal1
J\rchbishops, Bishops and Priests. (This 1 amomittmg here J
as if isOri1y for them.' - _ .
Then the Blessed Mother said: "Have your Priest of this

parish bless this place and ask him to find a devoted person to

help with this work. / ask that your Priest stand by you when

you need him. Give him this, message to give to his people:

Pray, pray, pray hard and devoutedly; pray the Rosary whole­
heartedly. Medilate on your Rosary (or the conversion ofsin­
ners,for A!Y_Son's Heart is heavy. For greed and earthly de­
sires you· are Iôrgeîlmg GOaâiia the Yen Commandments.

"WAKE UP, AMER/CA! The enemy ofGod is creeping

ail over America. Yes, you be!ieve il can't happen here. / am
[ warning you peo le again as / warned you at Fat!JJJa, Lip3
and ~te :.fwhat did already and will happen. Sti/ryou
be!ieve Me not and you have no{aith in Me. You turn your

back on Me."
In my mind 1asked Her what to do and before 1could put
it into words She answered me: "My dear chi/d, pray pray the
Rosary dai/y as a fami/y group or gathering. Pray with your
hearts; prayJ.Qub?.p.2...0r S<!.!!jL{!ili~ia.
"My dear people ail must work roifëiher in prayer. Ali reU­
gions must work together against the enemy 0; God. YOUfiiüst
lOVéthy neighbor and live the Commandments, the Way ofthe
Cross-not just try. You must love My Son above ail earthly
goods. You must pray an!! convert R'1E1:a and you shall have
"You must do these things now, not tomorrow. Live a clean
life and pray, pray, hear Mass and receive the Sacraments reg­
ularly. Give this message to the people.
"Pray the Litanies, listen to your Priest; do as he tells you;
havefaith in him; help him, pray for him and you are pleasing
"Write_l.-0Jope PiuJ XI I. Gjye-lLinLJlriL,!!~!sage.
"October 7th l'Il give you yourfinal penance. On7y will you
be Sf.ared this ifeffort is made to do as 1 ask and am satisfied.
'At FatiT1Ja il took nearly 30 years. It must not take 30
{ years now-il would be too late.
"You and your fami/y were ignorant of my apparitions at
FqjJma and IdPE unti/ now, as are many people, Priests and
churches. My warnings at Fatima are my pleasfor prayers, the
Rosary, repentance for sin and making sacrifices to save souls.
"Bless you, my chi/d, and J'Il be with you tomorrow at this
hour. "
MAY 30, 1950
She smiled as 1 approached Her. 1 always pray the Hail
Mary as 1walk towards Her and after 1kneel in front ofHer.
She said, "Don't worry over not being able to fulfill your
penance: Pray for your Priest. He's had a painfurtime. Pray
so this community wakes up to God. f.raY_for help for YQJfr
F!.!:J!sJ. He is ayerJUJ.ard working Priest. He is devoted to his
work ananas lGith in God.
Remember, my child, that the time is coming. Sorrowand
slaughter ofmy c.hi/dren will be worse than ever in history. It
grieves Me to see innocent chi/dren, the sick and poor de­
stroyed b~~ o[gre.§d..f1nd the desire for pow!r by c!'f~w na­
J tions' leaders. That is what 1 say pray, pray. Cive this message
to the people,jor prayers only will save the destruction oftFiis
Then She asked me to mark theylace, wl1i~h__iUl!fred.
She said that we should-'praythërë daily and that anyone
else may Jray there.
She toi me to tell the Priest exactly how She looked and
to have a statue made of Her to put on the place of appari­
tion and a large cruifix to put up on the village bluff.
Then She took my Rosary and touched it again with the
crucifix of Her Rosary. She told me that 1 was thinking of
cutting my hair short, and She told me to leave it just as it
Then She placed Her hand on my head. She said 1 was
worried and wondering why She chose me. She said 1 felt 1
was not good enough. Sh~ then told me 'W!:ry~he cl!ose me.
She sald 1 was a very unhappy Chi1èl~aJways abused, mis­
understood. She said, "You took punishment for others to
protect them. You received no love, which you longed for in
your home. You always worked hard and were honest to your
"Yes, you commilled sins, but you have been forgiven for
them long ago. At the lime of your sins, your surroundings
were more to blame than you.
"You faced death four limes. The Sister who took care of
you in the hospital, she is with us now. You fell very close to
her during her devotion and her tireless effort and vigils to
keep you alive.
"From chi/dhood on, unti/today, the Stations of the Cross
have made your heart heavy, and you shed tears because my
Son's sufferings grievedyou. This is why / chose you, my child.
"My child, on Trinily Sunday / would like you to kneel be­
fore my allar ail during M ass. Ask your Priest for permission
first and he will tell you where to kneel. l'Il be with you then.
Bless you, my chi/d."
JUNE 4,1950
As 1 approached, the Blessed Virgin smiled and said:
"Bless you, my child, and your 28 hefping friends.
"This pleases me, my chi/do Bless them with the crucifix of
your Rosary. Place il on their foreheads and say, 'Bless you'
This blessing is from me."
After 1 was finished and came back to Her, she said: "Tell
them now to remember Fatima, Lipa and pray to my /mmacu­
late Beart. Tell the Priests ta talk of the warnings of Fatima
more. /t is not mentioned in many churches.
"Tell the people ta pray, prayfor chi/dren, for a cleaner life.
Clean out the schools. Put c1ean thoughts in their minds, and
devotion to my Son into their hearts.
"There must be prayers and dellotion to my Son; sacrifices,
penance and proyers for sinners.
Then 1 put a question in my mind about my neice, and
She gave me my answer, which 1 am omitting here. She told
me to kiss Her foot and Her Crutifix.
She said: "Pick up one of the flowers and save it for your­
sélf Lay the rose from heaven on this rock. Give my message
to ail; l'II guide you on what not to reveal to ail people. Tell
your Priest to have faith in my lmmaculate Hear{ when things
seem hard. Go to your Priest forluidance and for any ques­
tion, for he believes you, my chi/ . Continue your penance of
J5 days fast, Rosary, M ass and Communion each mon th dur­
ing lune, luly and August so as to have it concluded on Au­
gust J5.
"Be here on the Feast of the Sacred Heart at the given
hours. Bless you, my chi/do
JUNE 16, 1950
She smiled as 1 approached Her. She looked over the
crowd and said this:
"It pleases me, my chi/do Blessing upon {hem for their devo­
tion to me and the Rosary. My blessing upon the Sisters for
their beautiful hymns and devotion, their tireless effort to do
penance, and their love andfaith in Me. Tell them this. If the
Priests would only show more effort toward my plea!
"My child, take the Good Friday Crucifix (meaning the
large crucifix which was aglow on Good Friday), and bless
them with it whi/e saying the prayers ofthe Sign ofthe Cross. "
ACter 1 finished, 1 asker Her to give the people a sign. She
did not reply to this. She told me to kiss the crucifix. She also
blessed the Sacred Heart medal on my Rosary. Then 1asked
Her about the !ittle baby. She said: "Prayers, my chi/d, pray­
er and fait h. "
1 asked Her about the statue. She said to build a shrine of
prayer at the Spot of the apparition and erect a large cruci­
fix on the village bluff so that the people may be reminded
daily of the Way of the Cross. She also said that this exam­
pie may be followed by other communities. 1 marked the
Spot wlth a sm ail cross.
She told me that the three Priests shQuld help each other
with the work. 1asked about the Bishop. She sald he is com­
ing home very soon and 1 am to see him and tell him of my

experience, and that She will be with me.
She gave me a private message to my Priest. Then She
told me to bless the three Priests who were near me-Father
Wagener, Father Rykowski and Father Lengowski-which 1
When 1 came to my mother, who was kneeling next to
Father Rykowski, 1 hesitated. She told me, "Go ahead my
chi/d" (meaning to bless my mother).
Then 1krielt again in front of Her. She placed Her crucifix
10 my forehead as a blessing.
She then showed me the picture of the destruction that
would take place if we didn't pray. This picture was just
about more tban 1could bear. Then She told me that prayer
and devotion to Her Son and Her Rosary, penance and
daily sacrifices with ail religions working together would
bring peace and the conversion of Russia. Then She showed
me tbe ricture of the answer to our prayers.
Then She said: "Give my message to my children now."
She asked me to talk to the people as She dictated to me. 1
pleaded with Her that She should talk to the people, but She
told me, "Thou wi/t repeat as 1 say"-which 1 did.
1stood up and faced the people and repeated the message
Our Blessed Mother gave:
There are many devout people here today who came with
sincere devotion, but many ofyou are here only for curiosity.
You hypocrites dressed in sheep's c1othing!
"Those ofyou who have faith in your heans and have devo­
tion to my Son, will have your prayers answered, if God wills
it. Your prayers, however, must be in your hearts, not only on
your Iips.
''You must live c1ean lives-live the Ten Commandments.
They are not impossible to live up to as some ofyou seem to
think, God does not make laws that are impossible.
"Don't hide and do evi/ things in the darkness ofthe base­
ment, then come up and pretend to your neighbors that you are
holy. You must keep the Commandments ofGod. God would
not have given them to you, ifyou could not keep them. You
can, and you must!
"You chi/dren of God who are sick and crippled, you must
pray with your hearts; have wholeheartedfaith andyou will be
helped. You must not only try to pray, but you must pray the
Rosary dai/y, do penance, make sacrifices daily to convert
Russia. You mustjray yourself Get on your knees and pray
hard yourseif, an you will be heard.

"There are three men here among you who have Satan in
their hearts. Leave these Krounds at once. Get out now!"
"There are sorne of you that grùmble. Vou think things
are tough here, and what happens in other countries cannot
happen here. But it will happen here ifwe do not get on our
knees and pray, and when It bappens you will whine and cry
like babies, but it will do you no good.
"To ail Priests: you must put more effort and emphasis on
my warnings at Fatima and Lipa. Many ofyou do not men­
tion these warnings in your churches. Urge your people to
say the Rosary ln a group-MAY 28TH THE BLESSED
ING OR OTHERWISE)-to make sacrifices dai/y.
"Ta the Sisters: teach the chi/dren how to pray, ta do pen­
ance and ta live clean lives, ta love Gad in their hearts.
hanging over you already. It is coming closer! Unless \:Ile get
on our knees and pray, pray hard, it will come upon us. We
shall not have peace.
"Clean up your lives! Obey the Sixth Commandment. If 1
told you (some ofyou) who break this commandment that you
commit murder, l,ou would be shocked. But the Sixth Com­
mandment and Thou shalt not kil/", are conbined in one.
Clean up your lives!
"There are tao many ofyou who are forgetting Gad! You
love and worship the si/ver dollar, and Gad is forgotten. The
Almighty Dollar is your Gad!
"Thus 1 am warning you again as at Fatima: pray, my chi/­
dren, pray; pray the Rosary. Do penance. Those o{you who do
not know of my warnings-go ta your Priests. UN them tell
you about Fatima and Lipa."
If we pray, the Blessed Mother hasjromised me now.
"the iron gates of Russia will be opene and we shall have
peace. Sa praY'lray my chi/dren."
Then 1 turne and knelt again, and Our Mother showed
me a picture of the suffering of small children. It was terri­
1 again pleaded with Her to show Herself to sorne Priest.
She slmply said: "Bless you, my chi/dl" and left suddenly.

People tell me that l passed out. l then knelt again and
prayed to Her. l asked Her forgiveness of my action. l then
left the Spot of the apparition, crying.
AUGUST 15, 1950
The Blessed Mother appeared to me August 15 at 12
o'dock noon. There was a blue mist south of the four ash
trees as l opened the kitchen door to walk out. The blue mist
cornes through the tips of the trees and forms into Our Lady.
She smiled as l approached.
At ail other times Our Mother was dressed in blue. Today
She was in white, a real dazzling white, so brilliant and radi­
ant! Ali Her garments were white. Her veil was a very thin
On Her head She had a wreath of sma~l pink roses. She
had the same golden cord around Her neck, with a globe of
the world and the tassel. She again stood on a pil1ow, or
cloud, with large pink roses on it. She was barefooted and
held the same large Rosary. She smiled as l approached
Her, and 100 king over the crowd, smiled again.
Then She said: "fou are upset. Don 't be, my child. But you
must do as 1 say. Give my message to the people. First 1 want
you to give this message to your Bishop, and then to the people
no matter what happens. Bless the people with the Good Fri­
day crucifix. This blessing is from Me." This l did.
l asked Our Lady for a special intention (omitting here).
Then She gave me a message for my Bishop, also my Pastor,
and advice and a message for myself and my spouse. She
also said: "My chi/d, tell the people there are one-third more
Rosaries and prayers said than there were on the Feast of the
Sacred Heart, but this is far from My satisfaction; for greed,
hatred andjealousy between religions, laymen and workers of
Christ, my Son, must end before peace and love for thy neigh­
bor and my Son can win and must win. This greed, hatred and
jealousy is Just what the enemy Qi-Qodk-f&9.. n.
"fou must have faith, love and charity in your heart. Con­
secrate yourself to my lmmaculate Heart anâ pray to the Sa­
cred Heart of Jesus.
"Mothers, your sons are being destroyed in the most brutal
way by the enemy of God. Pray, pray and pray the Rosary.
Prayers only will save them and bring them home. No other
way will save them."
She told me not to neglect my family; that people should
pray direct to Her and the Sacred Heart.

She then asked for my Rosary and crucifix, which She

blessed with Her Rosary. For this She moved directly in
front of me, either in or just before the Fatima statue. She
then told me always to obey Her no matter what happens,
and that 1 must do fifteen days of fast, Communion and
Mass, starting September 1. She then asked me to speak to
the people, which 1 did as follows:
"Deal' chi/dren of Gad, ail those who are gathered here, some of
you very faithfu/, some ofyou very curious, Dut the majority ofyou
are here with Gad in your hearts.
"The time has come, dear chi/dren of Gad! You must ail remem­
ber your prayers. You must pray, pray and pray hard and devoted/y!
You must do penance and sacriJices daily! You must attend your
Masses (See Footnote 1) and churches regu/ar/y!
"Those of not the Catholic faith, those tnat's just Christians, re­
member your Lord in your way.
"A Il religions must go together againstthe enemy ofGod,for he is
very strong right now. The time is here when we must save ourse/ves.
Save youise/ves!
"My dear chi/dren, Sisters and Priests. remember your Com­
mandments Our Lord has given you. Live them up dai/y! Do not for­
get them! Remember them!
-"Many of you only think of prayer in time of il/ness.
"The time is here now. We cannat forget Gad.
"On/y Our Lord can save you. Nothing e/se will. Sa J'ou must
pray, pray, pray hardI
"You must ail remember your Commandtnents, the Rosary, the
Way ofthe Cross, jar the enemy ofGad is ail over America. You'd be
surprised if the sheep's c/othing were taken off-and how they'd
spring up ail around you-whicn wou/d be the enemy of God-even

some that actlike Christian s, tend ta chruches, but slillthey have not
Gad in their hearts. They have Satan in their hearts-ready ta
pounce upon you unless you watch your ways!
"Pray for your Priests. Pray hard and devoutly for your Priests for
the! need your help. They cannat carry on alone.
'Nor can the Catholics carry on alone. That's why ail religions
must work together-not in jealousy and hatred, but in love. Love thy
neiçhbor! Love thy neighbor!
, Profanity and blasphemy hurts Our Lord, Thy Gad!
"Pope Pius the Twelfth is in danger now by the enemy ofGad un­
less we pray. pray and pray hardI His lire will not be spared him
on!r. through prayer.
'The beginning of a more horrible lime is right now and it's ap­
proaching the Americas right now. Your papers, your press, they do
not give you the facts. The enemy behindyour so-called Iron Curtain
is mighty powerful, more powerfulthan any nation here now, more
powerfulthan America! They have nol been sleeping as we Chris­
tians are sleeping.
"We must pray, pray and pray hard. The time is very short. Very
"We can save a// the horrors, we can save Pope Pius the
Twelfth if we get onto our knees now and pray like we've never
prayed before.
"On/y prayer, my dear chi/dren, wj[[ win your way. Bu//ets
wj[[ not win your peace. Bu//ets wi// only destroy and keep
destroying. Prayer on/y wj[[ win your peace.
"So those ofyou, that is most ofyou here, are devoted and
very sincere people. There is some here, as /'// repeat il, are
Just curious (see Footnote 2), but a// ofyou must remember my
warnings of Fatima, Lipa and LaSalette. 1 warned you then.
/'m warning you again.
''/'m asking you a veryfew simple things to do to save your­
"Praler, prayer, prayer.
"A Jew sacrifices dai/y.
"Receive your Holy Sacraments as 0ften as you can, but if
you can dai/y, do il dai/y.
"Your First Saturdays
"And the First Fridays.
"Listen to your Priests. Obey your Priests and your Minis­
ters of God.
"Remember, the time has come that the destruction is right
above us. More than three-thirds ofthe nations is now covered
with the enemy of God. And the pagan part ofthis America is

"America must pray right now-now, nottomorrow. Begin­

ning is now in Korea; il will not end there unless we pray. It's
on!{', beginning.
'HalfofAmerica is involved wilh the enemy of God. Some
are innocent; they're Just stumbling in the darkness. You
Christians here, wake those up! They do not know whatthey
are doing. They are listening to Satan, who is wrapping him­
self around so many ofyou.
"So Fathers, Bishops, remember my warnings of Fatima,
Lipa and LaSalelle. Remember them to your people. Remind
them! And those oryou that fai/to do these things are hurting
yourselves as welf as your people.
"We must remember the time is drawing very close.
"The black clouds are coming over, not to Europe, Asia,
Australia, Arrica, butto America-South and North America.
"Remember - the Pacifie Coast!
"Remember - the Pacifie Coast!
"We have no time to lose. We must carry out now, at once,
for prayer only will save us. " (End of message over the micro­
1 then turned back to Our Mother, and She again remind­
ed me of my obedience to Her and how urgent it was for us
to pray and to get this message to ail people. She then told
me something very startling, which disturbed me greatly
and left me crying.
"Your Country is in grave danger from the enemy ofGod.
Much ofyour trouble will rise from within; then through this
the enemy from without will strike causing much suffering. If
enough prayers are said destruction ofyour vital points and
most important cities will not happen, butthrough the many
black sins, much suffering and hardship will still befall your
She then leJt with the promise that She will be wilh me Oc­
tober 7 at the same time.
"Bless you, my chi/d," were Her last words.
OCTOBER 7, 1950

Our Holy Mother was dressed in blue as before, but this

time there was a large Rosary circled above Her. The circle
was tilted so that it was higher than Her head in the front
and lower in back. The circle was much wider than Her
The cross of the Rosary hung down almost as far as Her

left shoulder. The medal of the Rosary showed Our Lady of
Mount Carmel holding the Brown Scapular. The cross and
medal were gold in color. The beads seemed to be about as
big as baseballs. They seemed to be transparent, so that the
color that was behind them showed through. This color is
hard to describe. It was something like all the colors of the
rainbow and they seemed to be churning. Shooting out from
the beads were rays of light.
She did not look so sad this time. She smiled at all the
pe?ple and .She told me to bless them all with my Good
Fnday crucifix.
She said that many Rosaries are being said but that the
United States is far behind Canada in prayers. She said that
Canada has increased the Rosary and prayers 75% since
June 16th.
Then She gave me a message for myself concerning my
Spiritual Adviser and Confessor. She also gave me a mes-
sage for my Bishop and a message conceming my final pen-
ance, which will take place at a later date.
She told me the Church will be greatly persecuted in 1951
unless we pray, pray, pray with love in our hearts for God.
She said that Satan IS trying to work himselfinto many good
Christian people and will succeed unless we go to the Sacra-
ments regularly andtray with love and devotion.
She sald that gree and jealousy between the groups of
laymen working for this and other causes must stop at once.
She said:
"This is not true love of My Son and Me; you must humble
"For jealousy, bickering, uncharitable friction leads to dis-
obedience, will harm this work. Remember, my chi/d, the peo-
ple must live up to the Commandments, love thy neighbors, to
be workers for Christ, Thy Lord."
Then she showed and explained to me how she wants the
shrine to be built on the site of the apparitions, and she said
to get a reliable man to do the work.
The Shrine must only be built with donated labor and
material. Where possible, every effort must be made to do
as she requested. Our Lady spoke saying:
"The bui/ding ofthe Shrine will be entirely up to the people,
if my request of obedience, penance, Sacraments, sacrifices,
the Rosary and above ail cliarity, faith, love thy neighbor is
followed through, and then will the Shrine be bui/t. It must be
earned by true devotion and effort."

She told me to hold up my Good Friday crucifix and also
my Rosary. She touched them with the crucifix of her Rosa­
Then She told me something concerning myself. Then
She directed me to speak to the people as follows:
"My dear children: 1 am the Queen ofthe Holy R08ary,
Mediatrix of Peace.
This is the battle for peace for ail ofyou. Prayer, my dear
children, will bring you peace. Guns will only bring destruc­
"Your sons are dyi~S on the battlefields now because of
lack ofprayer, lack ofJaith in my Son and God. You have no
love for my Son. You mock Him. You disobey Him. Love is
for?otten for God. You love yourselves.
, By Christmas many ofyou here will have heavy hearts and
don't blame no one but yourself For God loves you, but you
don't love Him.
"The year 1951 will bea sad year unless you pray, pray and
pray hard, devoutly. You must pray the Rosary. You must
pray il every day. The Rosary is your weapon. Not guns and
bullets, but the Rosary. So pray, dear chi/dren, pray. Save
those sons dying out there on the battlefields now for lack of
your faith.
"This community here is the cause of losing their beloved
Pastor because they did not pray enough.
"Prayer only will win your peace.
"To ail Sisters and Priests and laymen and ministers of
God: teach the chi/dren and your flock to pray. Clean out
those schools. You haven't tried very hard. Corruption is
growing in your schools.
"The enemy of God is not sleeping, my chi/dren. He is
mighty powerjul. He is working with Satan. You don't have
lonp' this time to make up your minds.
, Live the Way ofthe Cross. My son was crucified here (see
footnote 4) for your sins. But you forget it. My Son was
scourged at the pillar, the blood coming down. His Precious
Blood was ail over, but you forget it.
"The Almighty Dollar is your God. Forget the Almighty
Dollar! And remember this Cross with the crucifixition of
your Lord upon it. He died for you. Now remember Him.
"To ail Priests: Don't be in a hurry to say your Mass; take
your time. Remember the Lord hung three hours in agony.
"There is afew among this crowd that is trying to rifle your
neighbor's pockets. You can't hide from the eyes of God. It's

~ l

about lime you ail woke up to the fact that God can see ail.
"Bless you, my chi/dren, for the Rosaries you have sent up
here. But there must be many more said!
"The ministers o{God should be ministers ofGod and teach
their flocks to abide by their rules oftheir church and remem­
ber their God and the Way of the Cross.
"And the Catholics: your greatest weapon is your Rosary,
the Sacraments dai/y, not once a year.
"Remember God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
He is mighty power{ul.
"Your time, my dear chi/dren, is very short! Your have no
one to blame but yourself Don't blame your neighbor. Blame
"Don't neglectlour chi/dren, leave them run wi/d. Be moth­
ers to them and;athers, for they are the future. The children
are the innocent victims of you ail.
"The war is not ceasing. It's only a lu Il. Your boys' are
dying, not as in warfare, but in brutality. Twenty thousand of
your sons have lost their lives. Why? Account of lack of
prayers, account of lack of love for My Son. You can 't bring
back their lives, but you could have saved their lives by getting
on your knees and praying. Prayer only, my dear chi/dren, will
save tout
'Pray the Rosary! That's the only weapon. The enemy is
powerful and is ready to pounce upon you. The clouds are
gathering close to the Americas right now. And when it comes
it will be too late to go on your knees. Now is the time. Now,
not tomorrow. We have no time. You have no time. So pray,
pray and pray hard and devoutly, not only with your /ips but
with your hearts.
"Those ofyou that are sick, have faith. Faith only will get
the answers to your prayers.
"1 have warnedyou at F..ati,!!a. 1 have warnedJOu at Lipa. 1
have warned you at Lg/ig.Jgtte. But do you heed me? No. You
turn your backs upon me. This is my last warning to you now.
Pra;:ers, prayers, my chi/dren, prayers only.
, When the enemy ofGod comes down with his destruction,
you will scream, but it will be (00 late.
"Stop your mockery of our (Lord). (See Footnote 5) Stop
il! You must love God, not mock him. H ow do you mock
Him? BI disobeying your Commandments, by forgetting the
Way 0; the Cross, the Crucifixition, the Scourging. That's
how you mock Him, with bfasphemy!
"My Son loves you. But you do not love Him. Some ofyou



do,yes. Someare verydevoted people. We should ail be happy

peof?Je. But you can't be happy unless you love God.
, The Priests that are mocking my apparitions at Fatima,
Lipa and other places are only hurting themselves. They 'Il pay
for it when it's too late. The ministers of God that are sneering
will face the same fate.
"You must stop this continuous quarreling between reli­
gions. Jealousy, greed, hatred, love Jor the Almighty Dollar,
will win you nothing but sorrow, destruction and martyrdom
for the Christians, for the ones that love My Son. So / say
again, pray, pray and pray hard and devoutly.
"Pope Pius the Tweifth's /ire is in much danger. And you
are to blame. You must save ftim with your prayers. You will
be lost without your Shepherd.
"Don'tjust say, '/t's awful', when things don't go right, but
do something about it. As citizens do something. Save your
own country. Not by good times you'lI save it, not by trying to
outwit your neighbor, who can get the best car, only by who
can do the most Rosaries a day.
"So remember your Rosary and Way of the Cross."
(End of message spoken over the microphone).
Then She told me to go to my Spiritual Advisor for ad­
vice, and She said She would be with me on ail the anniver­
sary days of Her previous apparitions and also on Trinity
"She said: "My chi/d, the persecution will be severe and
hard to bear, but be not afraid.
"B!ess you, my chi/d, "She said, and with this She slowly
went up and was gone.
1. Although Mrs. Van Hoof actually said "Receive", she stated
later that she should have said "Attend", for that was what the
Blessed Mother meant.
2. She actually said "curiosity" in this place, but she meant to
say "curious", as in the first sentence of the message.
3. On August 15, 1950 the message ofOm Lady said that 313 of
the Continents were occupied with the enemy ofGod. That word
3/3 was frowned upon eleven years ago it was said 3/3, have
we done anything to reduce this? No, it has become worse. (For
complete message see Dec. l, 1961.)
4. At this point Mrs. Van Hoof held up her l~rge crucifix.
5. The word "Lord" was not actually spoken by Mrs. Van Hoof,
but it has been inserted because it seems to be demanded by what

Notes Taken At The Bedside of Mary Ann Van Roof
NOVEMBER 25, 1955
The youth situation is very serious and disgraceful in our
Country. Unless something is done immediatelx, it will
reach such heights that it will be just about impossIble to do
something with.
There are youth organizations, not for the good but only
for evilness, destructlveness, gangland in youth from the
age of 12 to 18, youth that should be under the supervision
of their parents or the clergy for guidance. There's large
groups organized, of just teenagers; sorne come from bro­
ken homes; sorne come from drunken homes; sorne come
from just plain careless homes, but ail ofthese flock together
and find one another, and they have adults as their teachers
in crime.
This was mentioned before, that they are taught how to
use firearms and how to use knives or instruments-not in
doing good, but doing harm.
They are taught how to tackle a woman or a young girl
and treat her in the most cruel way. They are taught how to
attack helpless old men that sit on park benches or only are
strolling in the park. They use these old men for what they
take off ofthem in currency or jewels, for most ofthem have
no jewels or anything worthwhile on them. They do it to
practice. They use them for an outlet of fun, while the par­
ents, patrol officers or your police or your clery are asleep to
the fact ofwhat's going on. Sorne are alarmed, but not to the
extent that it should be taken care of.
New York City has four large gangs of youth organiza­
tions, smaller ones also; but four exceptionally large gangs
that are getting ready to band together and strike and tear
and rape, break, rob-anything tobe destructive, is it an ani­
maI, a human or an automobIle, a building or just a home.
Just to destroy. It isn't what they themselves will have
gained in the money situation, for they always get a certain
amount of that in ail their mischievious doings.
There are severallarge places in which there are the most
horrible things to watch and see, and sorne are by doctors
and sorne just by ordinary, evil-minded, heartless women.
You can cali them abortlOnists if you wish to, but to see
sometimes as many as five or six infants taken and thrown
into a furnace ... infants that could sorne day walk the
street! Yes, that's what's going on.

That is what makes our crucified Lord look down with

compassion and sorrow. That's what is going on today, right
today, this very moment, somewhere In the U.S.A.
Vou do not have to go into foreign lands to find the black­
est sins, the most criminals and cnmes. Vou do not have to
leave your own shores because it's right within you.
The Serpent has been coiled, and the Serpent is sinking
his fangs of poison into these .elaces. He has gained that con­
trol over humanity in beautlful America. The Serpent has
struck; the rest will be simple. Destroy the youth and that's
ail that will be necessary to destory your Country. Stop and
think it over, parents. Stop and thmk il over.
In Chicago, in Cincinnati, in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, St.
Louis, New Orleans; and you can keep on naming them
right on down the line. Most ail cities with a population of
over 50,000 has an organization ofthis type weil imbedded.
To vision the horrible things they do is terrible. It takes a
strong human stomach to vision it and be able to describe it.
Yes, those involved have stomachs, but their minds have
not been taught decency; they are animais.
It would be an insult to the beast for the beast does not
destroy except in defense or in time of hunger.
Humans, that have been educated in this intelligent
world oftoday, are worse than beasts, for it is not the unedu­
cated, the ignorant ones, that are in this. Oh no, you have
college educated ones, high schools; they come many, from
intelligent homes and families. No, they are not the ones
that you are ready to jump up and daim they they are the
ones, the uneducated, the dumb ones. No, it is the educated
ones that are so cunning and so shrewd to do what they are
doing and make it unnoticeable to the public.
ThiS could not have increased in such capacity ifit would
be of ignorant minded people or youth. Even, sad to say, he
has been dassified as RB.S. at one time. He has several
other names. He himself should have been their greatest
protector. He himselfwas so blind so as not to see the things
that were said before him and done before; and the height
of those at the head of the organization, and that is in Chica­
go-the Catholic Youth Organization. Yes, the Catholic
Youth Organization. They have not watched who they put
ahead of It, right in Chicago.
Dig into that. Investigate, and l'm afraid you'll have a
hair raising match, not of looking at a horror picture, but of
looking at facts ofwhat you will discover. Investigate, for it


~ "
is terrible. It just doesn't involve the Cfltholics, but it in­
volves the non-Catholics. The biggest blame lies upon the
sboulders of the Catholics, for tl1ey have the True Faith,
have been taught the truth.
They are re-crucifying Our Lord.
It was mentioned in one parish at one time, there is no de­
linquency in that parish. How blind can one get, how blind?
Where are the 90D to 1,000 parents in the parish? Right in
that very parish there is no delinquency (so quoted); right in
that parish there is a dive of the filthiest group of youths,
Catholics, Protestants, white and negro - doesn't matter.
Right in that parish we have one of those women abortion·
ist, a glowing furnace, right in that very parish where there is
no delinquency.
1 am not speaking of just the youth, but the parents, it
isn't just the youth. Many a parent is at the top of the list,
and they are showing their sms to those innocent children.
From the sixth grade up they can give you information that
wou Id shock an ordinary human mind. Let's go downjust a
little lower. Take a child of6, 7,8 years of age, it's surprising
what a little innocent mind can tell you. They today can
educate a youth in the 1800's.
They could educate them in the field of crime, in the field
ofsex - yes, a child of6, 7, and 8. That is the picture that is
before you.
To see Our Lord looking down upon the millions of chil­
dren, His eyes filled with sorrow and compassion, yes, that's
what we, the adults, are doinr.. You cannot blame the 6, 7,
and 8 year old child. You can t blame them, for they are in­
nocent, for they are are innocent of the web they have been
pulled into.
Many are questioning that, that could not be in the Cath­
lic schools, such things couldn't happen in the Catholic
schools. Let's not blind ourselves to such stupidity. Let's
cleanse our eyes, pull the web and look into the schools, be il
Catholic or non-Catholic. You cannot have this filth going
on down Y0uf streets without involving many of those who
should be innocent ofit; for many a young girl of the ages of
12, 14, 16, 17, they walk down the dark street, there is a
group of hoodlums waiting in the side street; that's what
they are-hoodlums, no they're not. They are young boys,
t~ey have been taught how to attack this female without let­
tmg her even outcry. When she approaches the destination,
they grab her, there is not even a struggle or a cry, for they

are well trained. She is swished off the street without any
commotion, they have been trained as well as your Armed
Forces are trained in combat duty. The girl does not strug­
gle much, for they are telling her if she cornes along nicely
they won't harm her, but if she won't, they will give ber dif­
ferent examples ofwnat has happened. No one wants to die,
so she is one of their victims. Once drawn into the fly net,
into the web of sin, their mouths are sealed. And this is the
way many an innocent girl or boy is puUed into crime. Sorne
they have a grudge agamst, or others, as mentioned before,
it's fun to see their innocent eyes, to see the fear in them, and
to torture them until they are in and promise.
It's fun, it's amusement, it isn't always done for the plea­
sure of it, for the beastly pleasure, as you might call it; it's
done just for the fun ofit, and for many ofthose in authority
today, if this very message was given to them, would say,
"It's just barroom talk,just barroom talk. There's no truth to
such a thing, not in America, for we have police protection."
How many of your police are involved in sorne of the same
doings? Have you cbecked? Is this' not all a plot to destroy
the youth, regardless of whom they may be?
It's unsafe for many adults, women or men in Chicago, New
York, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Denver, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Mmneapolis, San Antonio, Dallas,
San Diego, St. Paul, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Albany, Washing­
ton, D.C. (your Capitol), Cleveland and Akron it is danger­
ous for a woman or a man to walk down the streets alone at
night, especially between the hours of midnight and 3 to 4
A.M. Much crime has been committed during these hours,
and many of the victims involved never reported because
they were afraid. They haven't the protection they should
have., why! Because no one is ready to believe that these
things are possible in the U. S. A.
But should you investigate and open the door of crime
that's going on, as mentioned before, you would have a hair
raising match, without a horror picture before you.
Many a parent would have heart failure to know that
those things are actually happening in our country. The
clergy do not want to accept it nor do they believe it. Sorne,
yes, do. Sorne have discovered the sins and filth, but they
are helpless. They cannot getsupport because not enough is

____ 1

done of the things which were asked in the year of 1950.

Much of this could have been nipped in the bud in many
places. Oh, in sorne places this has been going on for years
back, even as far back as World War l, but not in the capac­
ity of today. It was small and less daring. In those days you
mostly had a gangland of adults while today you have your
youth playing the biggest role of gangland.
Machine guns, yes, they even have them. How do they
obtain them'1 Just how they obtain a simple package ofbeer
or whiskey, it's just that simple. There is always the one
ready to give it to them, to sell for a price; sometimes it's
quite dear at times it's cheaper. These are things that are
going on and will continue until the Almighty God strikes
ollt with His arm.
Yes, in compassion a Merciful God, he's still holding
back because Our Holy Mother pleads for us; Her love for
the youth and us spineless parents, Her love for us. She is
trying to give us a chance to cleanse ourselves, to open our
eyes, to investigate, as has been mentioned before, investi­
gate and Vou will see. No one is ready to investigate. no one
IS ready to take the blame. It's dangerous today, for be you
discovered, your life would be snuffed out. This is the rea­
son so many of them that do know of it are afraid, for they
have no protection; but there are many and if they would
get togetl1er in action and in prayer, the Rosary, your Sacra­
ments, be lay apostles, much ofthis could easily be lessened
and weakened. Once a link is broken in the chain, it isn't
hard, once that link is broken; but keep your chain tight and
secure with sin and crime as it is nght now, as the Evil
Forces have it welllinked together ail over the U. S. A. and
Mexico, Canada, down through Central America and South
The serpent is soil~ oveUh.LÔ-I!1Eigls. Its head is the
BaliaîTemple, the Hub ofEvil; the depth, deep down in the
earth, the dens have been built deep down, weil prepared
for you, the ignorant. Destroy that Hub, destroy the Ser­
pent. Our Lady will help once we are willing to show Her we
want to help Rer, when we are willing to show Her that we
love Her and love Her Divine Son, that we are willing to go
out and face the danger and know in our hearts that we are
saving future Americans, the youth of tomorrow!
Look up at Our Lord, look at His Cross, look at the Cor­
pus upon it. He was crucified for us over 2000 years ago.
Yes, that sounds strange, doesn't it? For it ail started then by

thé Evil Forces. It came down from the day Our Lord was
born. They were waiting then at the birth of Our Lord, for
the Messiah to save the world, to bring peace unto men of
good will.
Yes, Our Lord was born. He walked the earth to show
man the way, to show man how to live, to show man it's not
impossible to follow His path, His way. And yet He gave us
the most beautiful, the strongest Thing to ding to. He gave
us Himselfjust before His Way to Calvary. He gave us Him­
self, for He said: THIS IS MY BODY, THIS IS MY
BLOOD. That Holy Thursday He gave us the
STRENGTH, the LIGHT, the TRUTH. He instituted the
True Church for man, and yet we do not accept il. We will
again destroy the church of man, but we will never destroy
the True Church of God. Man will destroy himself, for he
fails to remember the birth of Our Lord, the Last Supper
and the Crucifixion, the death of Our Lord, and then the
glorious Resurrection. Man forgets these things because ifs
so easy to forget, it's much easler to follow the path Judas
took, it's so much easier. The sneaking in the dark streets,
the conversing with the Evil Forces; to hi de in the darkness,
to hide in the darkness of night, to wallow in the blackest of
sin, for it seemed Our Lord knew, or God knew, just what
spineless man oftomorrow would be; for He was in the dun­
geon in the slime and filth during the same period that men
of today wallows in the slime ana sin, during the same peri­
od of the nighl.
Yes, youth as weil as parents, are wallowing in that slime
and sin. Oh parents, WAKE UP! You of the True Faith, you
who have tlie education, the truth taught to you, and those
who do not know the truth, the full extent of it, go to your
Pastors. Go to your Pastors, the Apostles of Christ here on
earth, the representatives for Christ-go and ask them, be­
cause if they help you go throu~h this c1ass, this education, it
helps them as weil to stay withm. Thus doing as he has been
taught to stay within the laws ofit that he will not wallow in
that same shme.
Parents and man of today should protest in groups, be it
to the Vicar of Christ, be it to your Cardinal, tnat the rep­
resentatives of Christ stay within the robes and the black
cloth that they represent. Do not let them take off their
cloth and hide in civilian garments and drive away 100
miles, 200, so they are not known, and fall into the sins that
the parent has helped them to fall into; because every Priest

~ ,
or every clergy, be it Catholic or non-Catholic, that sin that
befalls him is the fault of the parent. For it is the careless­
ness of the parent that is the cause of ail delinquency, no
matter whom it might concern; from the youngest to the
oldest, it ail starts with the parent.
Yes, there are families that do everything in their power
to bring up good children, but you take the basket where
they are imbedded and tip it over and roll it amongst rotten
ones, they will also get tainted. So the good parent must
help the delinquent parent to do his dut Y also. That is where
the lay apostle must lead his path, to the delinquent parent,
to show them the Way, the Truth and the Light; and it is
through this that you will be able to have good citizens to­
morrow. But right now as the picture stands, the good citi­
zen oftomorrow has no chance. For the infiltration of sin, of
the wrong doctrine being taught to Y0uf youth, be it in the
Catholic or public schools, or any other private school; you
can't have the better youth of tomorrow unless this wrong
doctrine is removed. Ali these things must be investi~ated!
There must be a protest by parentsT Sorne of you see It, but
what can we do about it is the shrug of the shoulder.
What can we do? Afraid to talk?
Have faith in Almighty God, for again whom do you fear,
man? It is only God you need to fear. You need to fear Him
only in this respect, that you do not break His Command­
ments, fcr God loves you and God is mercifu1. Go to Him
with love, and love thy neighbor, go to Him with the Com­
mandments clean. Do not taint any of them, and you need
not fear the Almighty God, but fear that you break His
Commandments, for the wrath of God is mighty.
Save the youth, save the souls of man, for the Serpent's
head is raised, his mouth is wide open and the poison is
dripping over the fangs.
Right at the Bahai Temple is the head, the body is coiled
over the rest of the country. lt is the head you have to fear,
the head that carries the poison.
. Once you remove that head, the fangs. One fang reaches
mto the U.N. You have been asked to destroy the U.N. for
much of the evilness is plotted there, and the deepest one is
your Bahai Temple, right straight through, through to the
Hub on the other side in the Eastern Hemisphere. It's a
Hub, the spokes are reaching far and wide on both sides of
the globe.

WAKE UPl WAKE UP! Do not let it destroy you. The
Communists are only a weak front. They are not the main
evil. They are only the front, the smoke screen or the dust, as
the Yiddish call it, that is thrown into the Christian eyes of
man so you cannot see the evil. But ifyou turn to your Mas­
ter, your Maker, your Creator, the Lord crucified, whatever
you want to call Him; if you turn to Him and intercede to
His Holy Mother, the dust will never hurt your eyes, nor will
the smoke-screen blind them; for She will help you to pene­
trate through the smoke sereen and the dust will only be a
soothing salve for your eyes. Ail that is necessary is to turn
to Them, and ail the rest will fall easily into line; but you
must have True Faith and Ture Love, from the heart, not
from your lips. Do not let Satan tempt you, for he is ready to
tempt you at every moment or every hour of the day. Cast
aside the temptatlOn and ding to Our Lady's Mantle. She
will protect you.
Do not crucify Our Lord. Do not turn the tourniquet in
His crown of thorns and sink the crown, the thorns deeper
into His Head. Do not reopen the Wounds in His Body, for
each wound represents the sins we have caused. Do not re­
drive the nails in His wrists. Do not drive the nails deeper
into His Feet, do not, above ail, break His Heart, that Sa­
cred Heart, do not break it. Show God, your Creator, you
love Him, for that's your only salvation. That is your only
hope for peace and happiness on this earth and eternal hap­
piness forever in Heaven.


1. Got to warn against societies. Satan gets Protestants,
Catholics and Jews. This does not mean that ail societies are
bad. Many are very good, but in sorne cases the Evil Forces
have gotten societies, gatherings, etc. started with a two-fold
Do not enter any gathering unless you know the source,
that you are doing good, that you are defending your Lord
and God, instead ofjoining the dance and scream of Satan
and Judas - THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER! He too,joined
the mob. 06 not make the same mistake. He tried to turn
back, but they laughed and sneered at him. They took the
Thirty Pieces ofSilver and threw it at him. You cannot undo
the damage you so foolishly, so thoughtlessly committed.
That is what IS meant by one of the Points. In many cases, be

they white, red, be they black or yellow, or be they any faith
or religion, they joined and mobbed together, not knowing
the cause of what they have entered upon.
Do you see the purpose of the enemy, to destroy aU faith
in any gathering, or either not to care and join anyway.
When starting any society, any meeting, any gathering, no
matter what it may be called, see to it that you bave spirtual
guidance if at aU possible, that the background of your
members are ail Christ. Be careful whom you enter into
your midst, for there are many wolves in sheep's clothing as
warned October 7, 1950.
2. Warn against infiltration in schools. Don't let your­
selves be deceived into believing that your literature racks,
your school books, school libraries, your newstands have
been cleaned. 1was just reviewing many newstands in many
cities where they are just filthy, filthy! And then 1 reviewed
books in your school library. In this home here you had a
mild example, (one of the children had brought a book
home from the school library), but that was mild. Have
someone with the love of children and love of Jesus Christ
and His Holy Mother in their hearts, check schoollibraries.
For it wou Id have to be someone with true Faith and love in
its heart for its Savior, else wiU easily let themselves be, let
us say, talked out of it. For the enemy has planted these
books many ~ears ago. Very little has been done about it,
and DOW you d be shocked at sorne of the books and pages
opened. 1 don't dare read from this one page. It's too dis­
gusting, too nauseating, and that is what is in your school
children's library at school, not only in your public library
where anything is available. It's in your scnool libraries.
WAKE UP, PARENTS! Your children will come and edu­
cate you.
Public libraries, there's a mixture of everything, always
has been. They're supposed to be separate and supposed to
be under lock and key, sorne of the things. Only oy special
permission, but it's there today, free, for any cbild to take
and read. No restrictions as formerly. That's thirty and forty
years back. No wonder the sparks are sparkling on the fuses.
How could it be otherwise with this mess? For the youth it
would be better if ail went sky high before everyone is con­
taminated, and the soul is lost through this filth. Look at it!
And this is not a public library l'm looking at. It's a school
library. Pages are opened in many books.
Parents, grand parents, it's important that you are aU con­


cerned about the children. It takes the laity to work. You

will get cooperation in many instances ofyour good Priests,
especially if you bring it before them. Place it on the desks
and show them. It doesn't matter ifit's a religious school or a
public school, so-called. You will find them at both, more so
at the public. It has entered into the religious on account of
laxity on the part of the librarian. The name sounds ail
right, so the time isn't taken to look into it, like one of the
books The Flying Angel. Weil, it soundsgood, but for good­
ness sakes, don't read il. It'Il demoralize an adult,let arone a
child. God's Little Acres sounds good. Check what's in il.
These are just examples that names don't mean anything. It
has been planned that way.
Yes, 1 understand it takes lots of time, efforts and work to
go into these books, but it must be done ifyou have any love
for children, the future generation. Of course ifyou don't do
anythin~ about it, the sparks are sparkling, but how long is
the fuse" Can you step ln between that fuse and the keg of
dynamite, so-called?
Now l'm shown school song books, records and their juke
boxes as given last time. Nine-tenths of them you will find
are the devirs beal. That is also in your school song books,
this type of music, melodies. In sorne cases do not feel too
bitter towards the Tennessee boy. He didn't scratch the sur­
face of what there is now. He was just the beginning, that is
the reason he is mentioned, to give an idea of the type of
music in your schools.
3. Warn against prejudice, not to help the enemy with
this integration. You have seen the pictures between the
races, the anti-Semitism. It has ail been given and is now
mushrooming into greater reality. Wake up before the last
thread breaks.
This point of integration, do not enter into this unless you
fully understand what you are doing. Our Lord created man
equally. Our Lord and God is interested in man's soul, not
the color of his skin or the beauty of one's face, or the de­
formed or homeliness of one's face, as long as the soul is
pure and white. That is ail Our Lord is interested in. So must
we. The enemy today is forcing integration as weil as in the
past they have forceâ segregation. That was forced at one
time, too. Now they are reversing il. They're forcing integra­
tion in many of your cities.
Do not become a destroyer of a human soul by mob vio­
lence of this situation. When the enemy shouts alone it will


hear its own echo in the woods. Do not hoUer into the
woods, too, and destroy that echo. If they stand alone
screaming, they will hear only what they themselves are hol­
lering. Do notJoin into this, and you will soon find your bat­
de has been won. Ifthey do plant an opposite color, be they
white or dark, amongst your midst, accept them, be good to
them, be kind to them, leave them alone, and they will soon
move out and go back to their own kind. But you antagonize
them and you will have more. That is what is meant: do not
join the Evil Forces and helr them along in their plans.
Forced integration or segregation is against the laws ofGod,
and it's agamst the laws of nature. But the enemy, the de­
stroyer of Christianity, the anti-Christ, is using this very
method to create disunity, thus bringing forth battles, mob
violence and demoralization of the human soul;
MONGRELIZATION. There are many instances, have
been in the past, where there was an inter-marriage or inter­
mingling ofraces, but you will notice ifyou check back that
it soon vanished; and even at that time, sorne of this was al­
ready the work of the anti-Christ. But in these last twenty­
five years it has grown in greater proportions, and will cause
the red in your country to spread wider instead of dimin­
4. Got to warn against medicine, food, water. The warn­
ing on medication, fuis has been confusing to many. It does
not mean that your many scientific workers, your doctors,
your scientists, that they are aU evil. No, there are many
loyal, good, God-fearing men in this field and are devel­
oping and workirfg hard for the sick ofhumanity, but again
the two-fold purpose has entered. In it is planted your des­
truction, be it food for humans or food or feed for birds or
animaIs, or be it food for your soil. Study this program.
Much good has been accomplished, in much of this work
there have been improvements. Oh, but the enemy is not a­
sleer. Just like our fuels, synthetic fuel no good, death, ex­
plOSiOns. More deaths by faulty fuels creates combustion.
Oil monopoly strangling developments of cleaner fuel.
Keeping under cover synthetic fuel fuel produced through
atomicenergy as they already have in use in Russia, but the
knowledge of it is withheld from the American public;
atomic energy used for peaceful purposes.
Many ofyour foods have been contaminated with faUout,
but in many instances there also have been, to make things
convenient for one reason, preservatives to preserve things


so that they do not spoil on the shelves. It makes things eas­

ier. Human nature is to look for the easy side, so more con­
veniences are thought up and played before the public.
More conveniences, it is ail planned that way so to make
thin~s more convenient for everyone, preservative must be
put mto the food to keep it. It is your milk, your ice crea ms,
your meat, your dry material as weil as many others; if you
recall years back, and that is many years back, one could not
keep flour, milk, bread, vegetables in dry form any length of
time on your shelves. Your rice, your cereals, it would be­
come infected with weavels or bugs or moths, or so forth, or
plain mould or fungus would form. Today the preservative
has been planted to destroy alllife, ail fun gus. Spoiling does
not take place in that form, although in many instances your
product has deteriorated. This stands true for feed for anj­
mals, both animais domesticated for the use of man's food,
also animais domesticated for the use of man's body. It does
not matter what form. The change, the chemicals has been
planted into them to produce quicker, larger animais in a
shorter period of time. Fast-we must do things quick! So
many synthetic materials very harmful has been planted,
thus creating an immunity to other medications when nec­
essary. The body becomes neutralized when becoming ill,
just as your medications. One group of doctors or scientists
produces a medication to help the slck; the other one cornes
along and puts neutralizer in to destroy this very medica­
tion, Just as has been done in the research of cancer by more
than one doctor whom is classified as quacks or crackpots;
but they had the cure and the knowledge of cancer (it came
through our work in 1955 that the A.M.A. has known both
the cause of and the cure for cancer for more than 25 years.
They also know both the cause of and the cure for cancer for
more than 25 years. They also know both the cause and cure
for polio), polio and so many other diseases; but your
enemy doctor cornes along with a neutralizer and neutrali­
zes, or in other words, puts a reaction into the bloodstream
to not accept the medlcations. That is just part of it.
Then you have the poison in water Purification they cali
it. When you use the synthetic material it is only poison, al­
though there are sorne synthetic materials that are good.
There are chemicals planted in clothing, same purposes,
used in sports to weaken the opposite side; in others it is
only plainly put there, not knowing the danger or caring to
know of the danger to humanity. The effect when the body


becomes heated and pores open, the chemical is absorbed

into the bloodstream. In sorne instances this has not been
planned to destroy. It is onl)' done for a new method or ma­
terial or product. A synthetIc material in experimental state
or station yet; thus unknowingly causing another hazard on
the human body. In many instances it is done intentionally.
5. Got to warn people not to rise up in riot and help
create confusion. ~ow we will speak of rioting. It is human
nature, as of old it is toda).', humans will fonow someone
with a loud voice. They Will not first investigate what the
noise is about, but if he beats the drum loud enough, they
will join in. That is the thing that one must try to educate
them to avoid, is riots. Just as at the time of Our Lord's cru­
cifixion, so it is today. Mob violence, people want to mob to­
gether. They'lI scream along with their neighbor, even
though they do not know the source of anything. They do
not know that while they are screaming, they are offending
their Lord and God, although in the next breath they will be
offended if you told them they were not good Christians,
but they are not. They have joined the mob under the cross
oftheir Lord and God. They are joining the same group that
pointed their finger and condemned their Lord and God.
6. Got to warn against evil plans of entertainment, thea­
tre, television, etc. Now we will go to the field of literature,
radio programs, T.V. or other methods of amusement for
The youth delinquency has not decreased but increased,
as given in the past, and it is evident, but in many cases si­
lenced so to keep-the knowledge from the public, because in
many parts of the V.S.A. parents have been aroused and are
trying to do something about it. So not to continue, they are
trying to silence any report ofserious delinquency cases, but
your groups and ganglands are still growing, just as bad as
ln the cities of New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Denver, Minneapolis,
Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, St. Louis and so on. It is still
evident. Many amusement places have had Iiterature, be
they pocket size or comic, be they on T. V. programs or thea­
Your music is Satan's own beat. Look into the eyes of the
youth when they play the rock and roll music. Look at their
reaction. Is that the youth of old? Their eyes! Do you notice
the great difference ln the e).'es of the youth when they keep
step to the beat of the devl1's drum? That's ail they are, It


destroys them mentally and physically and morally. How?
When the mind becomes sick, the body becomes sick and
the reverse is true. If the body becomes sick, the mind be­
cornes sick.
The food the youth partakes, be it ice cream, soda pop,
popcorn, candies, they again consume preservatives causing
the dullness, numbness in body and mind. It places the
youth into a trance. The eyes get a dull, dreamy look. Take a
good look at your youth of today. Go to the amusement
places and watch them in their rock and roll beats and
rhumbas. Take a good look at their eyes. Where is the clear,
bright eyes of the youth, the child that should be? It's a dull,
a sickening look. The one that has been taken into the army,
the youth from Tennessee, did you look into his eyes on
T.V.? The sa me is evident in ail youth that follow the same
music, it destroys them morally.
PARENTS, WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Protest to your
radio stations, your T. V. stations, protest! Clean out the de­
structiveness, the destroyer, the cfevil, the Satan of youth.
7. Got to warn against set-up for youth.
Centers, youth societies and clubs, no good. Sorne cali
themselves Young Republican Club, American Youth Or­
ganization; sorne cali themselves Crusaders, sorne under
Catholic organization.
Catholics should never organize unless they have spiritu­
al guidance and who their guidance is. Sorne Priests too lax
and permit things Our Lady would disapprove of, use dif­
ferent titles, ail sbould be investigated, even those that look
8. Got to arouse patriots to fight for My God and My
The American Legion has promised patriotism, and
through the efforts of many good Christians, patriotism has
sprung up a little, but again the enemy is using it for a two­
fold purpose. Oh, the irony, how alert the enemy always is
and how asleep the Christians are. They use our beloved
Abraham Lincoln for a great patriotic rally. Oh, it has been
planned and many good souls put their efforts and work be­
hind it with a true spirit, but again the enemy uses this very
patriotism for a two-fold purpose: to get votes and sympa­
thy of the Southern people, even the negroes.
Wake up to the picture in front of you. It will again serve
two ways, to endorse their policy through the goodness of
our Christians and the true American spirit that really loved

Abraham Lincoln.
Let's beat them at their own game. Get behind patriotism
in the true spirit and keep it there. The Father of our Coun­
try will not get the same welcome because they need not ar­
ouse the Southern Nation. ft was Abraham Lincoln that
freed the slaves, so therefore, they had to bring his skeleton
out of the closet. But the Legionnaire who votes for patrio­
tism should also remember the Father of our Country and
that pledge that they stand for. The promotion of sincere
patriotism, not the two-fold gimmick.
There are many good people, arouse them! Awaken them
to the facts of the enemy's conniving. We must unite. We
must not fear man. We must only fear God, and that is to of­
fend Him. You need not fear God for the same reason that
you are fearing man, for God is ail Mercy. You need only
fear thyself, that you not offend Him, but do not fear man.
Stand up for the truth under the name of Jesus Christ, Thy
Lord, Thy God, Thy Creator, Thy Protector. You need not
have any fear. Fear Satan for you cannot beat him at his
game. He is very cunning, but keep yourself beneath the
Cross of Thy Lord and God. He will protect you.
It's such a sick, sick world. So much of the hard working
patriots and people with their country at heart, so much of
their work has been used for a two-fold purpose. The cun­
ning of the enemy which the Christians do not see, which
they should be alert to, because we must always be alert. Pa­
triotismhas been used for a two-fold purpose.
Other efforts, the cleansing, has been used for a two-fold
purpose. The d~cision of tne Catholic Archbishops and
Bishops has also been used. It is so hard to try to bring home
to those the true picture, the cunningness of the Serpent that
we have been told before. It is coiled and later we were
warned would spread from one coast to the other. Can you
recall these messages? Can you see the pattern now? How
it's being used? Tne Evil Forces, the head behind these?
(Try to spread these words as just given)
It's a strange condition, a very strange condition. Every­


one trying to grasp for something and don't know what.

Majonty searchin~ in this confused world, confusion, con­
fusion. Those seekmg power, oh, the mad man the lust; he'Il
do anything-steal, defame, destroy, not one life but many.
Mad worla, mad for control.
Freedom, rights, justice for ail people, long been done
away with, long gone. In its place they have put conve­
nience, modern, anything to make life easy, less work.
Everything quick, fast, with that toy they have blinded the
true motive. They have dangled the toy and stolen the free­
dom. Freedom of everything. They don't realize how totally
bound, medicine, sports, food, labor and amusement ail
under control. Still invisible in sorne places; others very pro­
nounced. Teaching field, science, aIr controlled. Still speak
offreedom. WHERE IS THE FREEDOM? Think, ana1yze.
Oh, you can still go to the corner drugstore, still allowed to
shop, still allowed to choose your own theatre, switch dial on
T. V., but ail under control.
The farmer, the backbone of the nation, weIl under con­
trol, sorne strings tied to every move he makes. Still thinks
he is free. Pioneers were free, not now. Coal miners, auto la­
borers same, industrial workers - ail the same. Name any, ail
the same. How to do and what to do and how to buy and
what to buy. Use company doctors - certainly not freedom.
America has sold itself into bond age instead of it being
the guiding light, the gateway to li5erty. It has become
bound. When they speak of freedom of religion stop and an­
alyze. Freedom of religion - where's freedom? There you are
" told j ust what to do, even there. If you don't come their way
you are humiliated in front of the rest. Here again the others
are stamping out religion. Can't see it yet, out it is there.
Hidden, partially invisible. Examine weIl.
This is the period of the greatest confusion. The greatest
holocaust in history ... MARTYRS, BLOODSHED,
VICTIMS - and yet eyes are blinded, blinded because they
do not remember thelr Lord and God, their Creator. Their
Creator and their only salvation.
Study it over weIl. The shackles and the bondage is weIl
coiled about you unless one turns to the Creator and only
Savior. Only then shall these bonds be broken.
ICs a strange world we are living in today. Things were
much different. There wasn't such a vast difference m peo­
ple as there is now. There is also a vast difference in man's
acceptance of God. Make a corn parison of the poor and the

wealthy a hundred years ago. A hundred years ago, then
man was doser to God though there were extremes then as
now. Man appreciated then what he had much more than
he does today. There is no respect for anything or how it is
obtained. This, of course, does not mean that one must
stand still. God does not wish it so. That is why 1 say man
was doser to God thos~ days in everything he did. There
was not such a great dlfference then as now.
Today man has no respect for his neighbor's goods. There
is not the respect or the friendliness or the appreciation of
help. Man's attitude is more that the Government owes
them a living. They expect things given to them for nothing.
They lack respect for anyone - parents or officiais.
God gave man the intelligent mind, scientists, doctors, in­
ventors, but not to abuse. He only gave that intelligence for
theJood of man, but man has forgotten God. The talents
Go gave him, he now uses to produce destruction instead
ofthings for the good of mankind. Therein is the difference
between the man of new, and the man of a hundred years
ago. Through ail this instead of becoming more under­
standing, he has become confused. He is seeking peace, but
he finds none, only confusion, confusion, confusion.
More greed and lust, no contentment. Il cannot be differ­
ent because the)' have forgotten God. Without God there
can be no PEACE!

Words spoken by Mary Ann Van Hoof on the Fri­

days of Advent, 1956 between 12 and 3 p.rn.


Awful. Lies, lies, lies.

Have mercy. He's so cruel.
Leader of the Brown Bear. Crueler. Much crue1er than
the one he was instrumental of murdering. And yet he's
afraid. He gets courage from vodka.
Plotting against our President because he refused to go
along with them. Have consultation with physician what to
do and how to do il.
British as weil as our own and Israelites.
He's evil as man can be. Maniac, mad, look at those cruel



Hunger, hunger, sick, sick.

And to think we could have helped. And this isn't the end.

True, he's only a tool anyway. He's like a stoker. Interna­

tional Bankers fue the fuel and he throws off the fumes
while they're stoking him.
Uncle Sammy did his work weil and played Santa Claus
with an empty bag. AH kinds of promises, tingling before
them with a huge bag full of emptiness. In Poland and Hun­
gary, Czechoslovakia and these other small countries there
IS nothing for them to pick up, to put in their Christmas
satchel. There is no Black Gold, why bother with a few lives?
Look at them! Their mouths are dry and hungry. They're
lined in pain and suffering. No medlcal aid, no food, noth­
ing, no, nothing. They waited and they waited. They prayed
and they cried. They asked for help from the United States
that spread freely over the radio. Their liberation, aH prom­
ises and now, when they reach out and need it, they are like
a little hungry child, he slaps their hands. We did not mean
it just now, you wait a whlle, just a little longer. Can't you
wait just a IIttle longer? We freed your Cardmal, can't you
see him on the march? Can't you see the chain on his neck?
He's free, look at him, you want him alive, don't you? Do as
we say - keep fighting, we're coming, we're coming. We got
other chestnuts to pick up. The heck with your Christmas.
That's the picture.
And they in our country printed it in the Catholic pape,rs.
The Christians are rising up. Why do they fool our public?
Why don't they teH them the truth? Why do they help
smear, why do they help the enemy? WHY? They're playing
right in their hands. We Catholics, the Hierarchy with their
editorials of the uprising of the Christians. Can't they see
that the heads are only Communists? Does it make any dif­
ference if he is Tito, Stalin, Lenin, Gomulka or Krushchev
or Bulganin? Does it make any difference? Communism is
stiH Communism. There is no difference. The only thing
they don't realize is the Disraelis are at the head of it aiL
They are like the Nihalists the ones that wiH wipe them out.

The Red Dragon is aH ready to blow his fire from his nos­
trils. The two-headed beast is ready to rip the Eagle apart,
with little France riding on the shoulders of the Lion, too
stupid to see what's happening; while we Catholics faH for

the propaganda instead of getting down on our knees and
praying.ln sorne parts of the United States they are plead­
mg for prayers, they are ma king Novenas to help those op­
pressed. In other parts they feed them the story the tide is
turning, the Patriots are rising up, and the Russians are
afraid of the Patriots. How gui11ible, how dumb can we ail
be? Ifthey weren't afraid of the A and the H bombs, things
would be much different by now. They are starving them
out. Keep food away, and you'll bend anybody's knee.
The one great hero from the Catholic Hierarchy in Hun­
gary is Cardinal Mindzenty. He is standing by with his fear­
ridden brain, his mouth so dry this morning because he
wants sorne water, but they won't give him any water. They
are trying to break him again, but he doesn't want to give in.
They should know by now he will never give in until God
reaches out and takes him home, as a Martyr to His Father.
We have such a sm ail minority of Hierarchy, Priests and
Religious that wou Id stand up like Cardinal Mindzenty.
The rest are now talking with their lips what they would do,
what they did do for their Faith, how thet, wIll tlght for
Christ. But when the true test cornes, they Il turn around
and run like rabbits, like frightened little bunnies.
America is going to pay the priee for ail the empty prom­
ises and ail the harm and damage it has done to the souls in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki and now the countries so bitterly
attacked. Those are still coming, as 1 have given sorne time
ago.1 think it is possibly a year or two ago 1 named several
small countries that will follow in the line of the Interna­
tional Bankers and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers,
the Freemasons, as we cali them, the Nihalists as Alexander
calls them. If they wou Id only go down on their knees now it
wou Id not be too late to help reach out now with their hands
in prayers, be it Catholic, Protestant or any Christian, bend
their knee in prayer. The day is not too far before us when
God's Hand will strike. Man himself is about to be de­
stroyed. He will destroy himself which God will permit.
You should see the piles and piles of boxes still wi th la bels
on; beans, peas, and corn; 48 cans of beans, 48 cans of peas,
48 cans of corn; and inside of it is ammunition. Bullets n\ade
by our own civilians, and will be used to destroy the civilians
and their native sons. The British helped supply the ones
that they are supposedly trying to tlght. It's fike lighting a
cigarette at bath ends. Just see which tire gets to the middle
tlrst, the Israelites or the Egyptians. 1n either case, your


hands will come out dripping red blood - American blood.

There will be a Pearl Harbor so that the President can't
help himself, but will send our boys openly in the front.
Right now they are weil staffed nearby.
There is a stack of boxes that say "Outboard Motors".
Anti-aircraft guns should be on the label. We here could
have helped at one time when through this same period it
was given that these certain places, stockpiles were being
piled up, and the question was asked here: "Should this be
made knownT' And the answer was, "Yes, consult your
Spiritual Director." And he, like a scared rabbit said, "No,"
so many lives will pay the price of that one "No". Had we at
that time exposed those places. . . . Another one that is so
frightened to come here would have gained had he not been
aff"aid, and that was our Catholic Senator. We could have
sent him to those places, and he could have found those
things with his own eyes and own hands. But he was too
afrald to come here because he, too, thought ifhe came here
he would be made a fool of. So, again a number of lives will
be taken.
Yes, we have made mistakes here, many of them, may
God have mercy on us for those mistakes. May God have
mercy on us when the damage is done. We cannot undo it,
we cannot say now, "1 should have done this", or "We
should have done that," it is too late. The words were also
spoken "Who are you afraid of, man?" 1 do not know if any
in this room recall these words. Maybe God will forgive us
that we failed and betrayed our country, and that we were
justified in following our Spiritual Director's direction. This
terrible bloodshed that is now would not be so terrible had
we helped, but it was planned this way to destroy so sorne
day they cannot fight. This could have been averted, but
now it's too late.
It's a beautiful picture to look at. They are trucked off in
truckloads, dead and alive, injured, thrown together and
hauled away; it's beautiful, look at it. 1 would like to sit my
Spiritual Director on the cab of one of these trucks and let
hlm look down on these moaning people. And the dead
their eyes staring into vacancy. Those that thought they
were fighting to free themselves of this terrible bond age be-
cause they thought that the Western Hemisphere would
come to their aid, to their help, as they have listened to their
radio, their Radio Free Europe. The promises that were
only words. Even the young thought that their liule bit

would help because Christ was still in these people, much
more than in our beautiful America where we only see the
glittering of material things, the gold and the silver. We do
not see God. We have not enough God-loving people in this
country, but love the beauty and oood times, television,
anything but prayer. When those in the oppressed countries
are on their kneès, hidden and praying and hi ding their lit-
tle young beneath their skirts and teaching them how to
pray. It is still within their hearts because they at one time
were true Christians, but we have fallen under those that
were sleeping, and sorne of them, 1 am ashamed to admit,
belong to our own Faith.
There are not enough Cardinal Mindzentys, Father
Coughlins, Monsignor McGraths. A few, so few, that are
ready to fight to save their people.
They have to inject something into them to silence them.
Archblshop Gallagher was one of them. Father Coughlin
was another. His own brothers in Christ helped in this issue,
along with our wonderful President, Franklin Delano Roo-
sevelt and his wonderful wife.
Not enough prayers. Too little, too late; always too little
too late.
(Mary Ann was then questioned a bout what she saw)
It's very symbolic, The Lion's body, Lion's head, Bear
head and one front leg of the Lion's body, the other front leg
is Bear's, and beneath it the U.S. Eagle tom to pieces. Very
symbolic, too, of what the U. S. A. is today.
Had we listened to their cries and pleas, the Polish, the
Hungarians and other smaller nations, we wouldn't be
crushed beneath those paws.
The Lion's fangs are dripping with saliva and feathers
where he has betrayed America. The U. S. A. including
Why don't we Christians stand together, why? Because
we cannot see Christ, but we see material things g}ittering
before us, material things. We can't see the Christ child be-
cause of the tinsel on the Christmas Tree and decorations.
The popping of champagne bottles. No, we could not see
the Christ Child through champagne bottles because Satan
f10ws in that.
When the Red Dragon rises up and spills his saliva over
us, the yellow and the black hordes will pour over us all,
then it will be too late. Once you're sunk into the quick and
mire up to the armpits and you stan going down, you can

wave your arms and scream, but there is no chance of your
crawling out. That's where we are finding ourselves now.
For the Lion has feathers dripping from his mouth, with the
Bear's paw, in on the Eagle.


Would you like to look into this beautiful picture? Beauti­

fui for so many are, 1 imagine, box car open, look at them,
look at them. Frozen, and those not frozen staring with va­
cant eyes, not caring. Siberia, children, women, men, sorne
wounded. Like cattle, you'd say? No, cattle are better treat­
Don't believe the propaganda fed through radios, televi­
sion and your newspapers, don't believe it; you don't get the
truth about the Canal Region either. They are giving you
what they want you to know. Thieves, there is no love be­
tween thieves, Eden has discovered that.
Krushchev is giving the orders now. For how long? Not
too long.
Cardinal Mindzenty will be one of the greatest martyrs of
these times. He will not abandon his flock even though they
will drag him through the square of Budapest.
The Religious, especially Roman Catholicism, will get it
the severest, Orthodox next.
Oh, pray for priests and religious for perseverance. Pray
that they stay on Christ's side. Do not follow in the path of
anti-Christ so that they remember there's only peace in
God's name, no matter how severe it is here on earth. Flesh
is weak and man will look for an easier wav out, be it reli­
gious or laymen. But it's Christ's way that brings eternal
peace. Antl-Christ brings hello Pray that they wi11 stay on
Christ's side.
Pray, pray much for the Vicar of Christ. Pray and ask
God to keep him here with us a little longer for we need him
desperately. Ask Gad to keep him here to guide us, for ifwe
lose him now, it would be very hard for ail of us. For God
will soon take him home. a.nd there he will find the peace
and rest he so badly needs now. He is weary and tired, for
the weight in this crisis is bearing heavily upon his shoul­
ders. He has further insight to things than many. Our Holy
Mother is with him. cvilness is about him.


ln the Cigar (Havana) it is that more prayers are needed.

They disbeheve the supernatural, they laugh at it, the Span­
ish blood is hot for wrong as weil as right. Not enough
prayers, more prayers are needed to Our Lady of Charity,
Patron Saint of the Island. Riots in street, the Disraelis are
at work there. Check back in the work and find ail the na­
tions mentioned that wou Id be in line for this period of re­
volting. Il was also mentioned that the U.S.A. would be to
blame. Had there been more prayers for the President of
your country as requested at the time of his election you
would see a great difference. Not enough prayers, not
enough. Too late, too late to try to do the things you should
have done years ago.
The Serpent of Evil, U.N. When can two wrongs make a
right? Analyze that and see what kind of an answer you get.
Tnat's what they are preaching to you now, as iftwo wrongs
make a right. Just as if you could by telling one lie atop of
another lie you can bring out the truth. Analyze that and
what answer do you get? One must never be afraid to face
the truth, the truth. Always the truth, don't hide behind
white lies. When are they white? Those are only temptations
that lead into the blackest lie. Don't straddle the fence. This
has been done in the past.
Through.the fault of ail of you, some yes, have prayed;
your own Leader has fallen, and in this we rlaced the black
c10ak about the shoulders of your beautifu America. Your
Uncle Sam, the c1oak, the black c1oak, the emblem of the
Red Dragon.
Pray, pray that the Red Dragon does not invade your
shores, for the Brown Bear has the subs where they can glide
right to your shores. Many ofthose under control of the Red
Dragon are innocent Iike you, but they have no choice when
they are under the control of the anti-Christ, the Godless.
WORK - don't be afraid to work for Christ. The laity
must work and not at their convenience, but with ail they
can give. Every effort. Do not be afraid. The Holy Mother
will be with you when you are doing Her Son's work.
Hunger is the greatest means to use for persuasion. Hun­
ger, have you ever watched the hungry? Have you ever wit­
nessed it? No. Your plates are still weil Iined with food.
Have you ever eaten a steak off ofa rat? No, you would gag.
Oh no, you would not. When you're hungry you'll eat it and

it'II tas te good. Don't think it cannot happen here.
It's awful, make a good horror movie for our gullible
America. That's what they would show. They like horror
movies. That wouldn't have to be - would just have to be the
truth. You wouldn't have to use no imagination here, ifs ail
the truth.This one Alex showed me the stores in Parjemos
where 1was walking as a child. The very Church 1 knelt and
received Communion. You should see that beautiful
church. The Courthouse steps 1 used to sit on. 1 wouldn't
want to sit on them now. Headquarters for Satan! 1 saw my
uncle nailed to the side of his room where 1 used to sit and
playon the knees of my grandfather. 1 saw my own uncle,
sure, the kids laugh and tFley go to movies, and they see In­
dians, playing cops and robbers, with Indians, it makes
good movies; but these are bare facts. My own uncle nailed
to the side of the room.
Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe.
Pa would love to see his brother there. And my cousin
Karl, right next to him. This is a good picture - look at il.
But this happens to be my own blood. His children hung
around his neck l'rom ropes. He had to watch them die while
he died of slow torture. That's what they do in Russia now
when you don't want to give up your Faith. That's what they
do. Thank God Aunt Barbara died before thev had this to
see. 1 don't ha ve to wonder any more what happened to my
dad's folks. They are ail gone. Just because he wouldn't give
up his Religion, they captured him and they crucified him. 1
think that's what you cali il. How would you like to see your
own child, rope across its neck, hung in front ofyou, and in
your helplessness have to watch it struggle until it lies limp
against you, and you can feel the warm body getting rigid
with death? That's what the Disraelis are doing to many in
Europe now while we live in splendor. Alex has been trying
to ten me that we shouldlray more. We are due for the
same doom that happene to his beloved country.
Good nightmare to go to sleep on. Good picture to kinda
lull you to sleep with. This happens to hit home, to others it
doesn't hit quite so hard because it doesn't hit home. Oh, ifs
awful, but we're still safe. Why worry too much? Like Our
Lady said: "Don't ask your neighbor to pray, but pray your­
self before it's too late." Weil, r guess we'lI find out how to,
sorne day when it's too late.
ln Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, they're nexl.
There were many praying, hiding, look at them, trying to


pray, hoping that Uncle Sam, with the Black Cloak and the
Dragon as an emblem on his back, would come to their res­
cue. Instead of that he has fallen down on ail his promises.
Just promises, ail promises, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt
when he promised to keep American boys off of foreign
Look at the crosses on foreign soils. Look at the future
crosses, look at them. You folks think the war is over. l1's
going on right now only we haven't declared it officially.
Poor Ike, in the middle of the frying pan. He doesn't know
which way - forward, backwards or elther side, it burns. He
wants to stay in the graces of the American public and those
that are f100ding the offices with letters to help the op­
l'ressed. He wants to keep his promises he made with the
Garden (Anthony Eden) who has now f1ed to Jamaica be­
cause it's too hot at 10 Downing Street, and he wants to keep
promises to Egypt.
Pretty pictures,just because we did not follow Our Lady's
messages. That ail cou Id be changed, it ail could be beauti­
fuI. Nuclear power, noiseless automobiles, fireless stoves,
corn fort in ail homes, siums cleaned and made comfortable.
No, we need it ail to destroy because we failed to follow Our
Lady's message. Not only of 1950 but also of 1917.
Get out. Get out of the U.N.!
Last night they shanghaied sorne more men, 10 from
Philadelphia, 10 from New York City. 3 from Trenton, New
Jersey; 2 from Baltimore, 4 from Boston. These boys will
serve for the evil ones and when they're through with them,
no one will hear of them again.
Our tall friend we spoke of in '52 December 19, he is very
busy as instructor of evil for youth.
Last night he was in St. Louis; tonight he will be in Bos­
ton, and so on and so forth. He has others that do his work.
Since the first time we contacted him, he has been promot­
ed. He's a big shot now. And Estes Kefauver knows ail
about it. That would have been your Vice-President! Take a
good look at him. Wouldn't you like to sit him up for a tinsel
Christmas tree? You'll hear announcements that he is going
back to work on delinquency. Yeah, he is, he spoke the
truth, but not for the good. l'm sure you are aware of it. In­
vestigate him, it can be done, but it takes courage. Let's not
be a bunch of bunnies.
Your President many times sits and is sick at heart, for he
does not like the things he has been shown aCter they opened

the so-called closet door and showed him what lies before
him. Had we prayed enough for him maybe he could've
fought for the right. The message given May 29, 1950 told us
we should pray for him. He would either make us a good
leader or he'll help to destroy us. 1guess we chose the latter,
it's more encouraging.
What Our Lady asked for, that doesn't mean a thing.
The same guys are still running. Everyone of them.
Where have we improved, as we are told, there is an im­
provement. Where? Such confusion!
Pray for the Holy Father, he doesn't feel good. Pray for
the Holy Father, too much for him, too heavy. People don't
pray enough for Our Holy Father. The weight is too heavy
on .his shoulders.
DECEMBER 7, 1956

The Red Dragon Army weil prepared, marchin forward.
And are their Commanders cruel! No hearts here. The Yel­
low Giant, the Black Giant in our beautiful America.
The Turks are also preraring with armies, Greece, Swit­
zerland, so-called neutra countries are now getting them­
selves involved. 1 wonder if they'll miss the Garden (Antho­
ny Eden) the next time they try. They missed him last night.
You won't hear about it in the papers, yet. Maybe they'lf try
poison next time. He could have stomach condition.
Awful, pray that it does not come to our ·shores. Must
make more holy hours. Churches must be occupied with
prayer constantly. Only then will we be spared thlS terrible
slaughter of humanity. And don't be so gullible as to believe
it cannot happen here because we have radar. Our radar
holds water like a sieve. We have proven that here many
times, but will they believe us?
The racial situation is much more dangerous to condi­
tions as it's promoted by the evil forces. We are not told that
either. Small incidents, as the beating of the minister, the
bombing of the white home, and so on, liule aggression in
buses, that's only a small portion of what's actually going
on. There are leaders out teaching them what to do when
the time is fully ripe. Youth uprising ail over.
Sub a~ain constantly at Goat's Beard watching the ma­
nouveunng of our planes and givin~ their reports to their
own. Sub at Cigar (Havana) watchmg the riots in streets
there. Sub west of Mexico City, Mexico watching the terror

down there. Sub 75 miles straight west of San Diego watch­
ing the naval base there. Sub near Newfoundland, also
Nova Scotia. Sub near Jamaica watching the Garden (An­
thony Eden). Sub near Phillippines watching the under­
ground movement of the Fihpinos and the Communists
Japanese. Sub near Pearl Harbor watching naval activity.
Where is our radar? 150 subs lined up near the Okhotsk,
watching the Suez condition and the Pacific Coast of the
United States. .
More prayers, more prayers, many more prayers. Prayers
have helped to destroy the naval ship in harbor of New
York that was weil filled with cases of peas, corn, beans, spa­
ghetti, and a few cans of tomatoes - ail false! They are am- 1

munition. It made quite a hole in the New York Harbor. Ali

they need now is to torpedo this weakened condition with 1

an H bomb torpedo head and New York will collapse Iike a

pie, as 1 have witnessed sorne time ago.
Our friend that we have seen so long ago is very active.
He now is in San Francisco watching and preraring if nec­
essary. He is in conference with these two that have spoken
of before that were buddies of the Fraulein. The Fraulein
has moved tO'headquarters in Athens near Turkey. She is a
blonde this time, a beautiful blonde.
The former Hitler is now stationed in Italy. He's a beauti­
fui blonde also.
Peron is in Columbia, South America.
The Ural Mountains of Russia are weil prepared to strike,
for they have moved much of their preparedness from the
Siberian Arsenal. Odessa has much preparedness. The Aus­
trian line is spattered with human blood, Christian blood,
nine miles deep, red blood of Christians. Men, women and
children·tacked to trees with their eyes biJlging, and a sign
"This is what you'lI get if you dare go beyond this nine mile
But they dare, they dare, and they have succeeded in
many places. Sorne have fallen; others have made il. The
courage, the daring and the faith in these people, as Alex
said, in Madonna Maria, the Madonna Maria, who we are
turning our backs to. Those in the foreign countries, they are
praying to the Madonna Maria.
Madonna Maria! Madonna Maria!
Help Cardinal Mindzenty. Help him.
They love the Madonna Maria with their hearts, America
only with their lips. AMERICA WAKE UP! AMERICA,

Leba Madonna, the Hungarian Madonna Maria. If you
would open the bosoms of many of the H ungarian women,
you would find nestled between their breasts either a small
statue or a picture of their Madonna Maria, or a small Cru­
cifix. They haven't forgotten Christ. They have not nor have
they forgotten their Faith.
We have, we look to luxuries, good times. We have got to
have those good times. They come first, and ifwe have a Iit­
tle bit of time we might say a prayer.
has struck twelve. The plunger has been set down in the
Suez Canal. Don't think war hasn't been going on, it has not
been officially dedared, that's ail tha1's been lacking. Our
boys are standing nearby. Someone's husband, someone's
brother, someone's son, someone's sweetheart, don't you
care at ail? Don't you care? Ali the other countries have
reached their arms out to us for help. We, the Catholics, and
the beautiful America, the land of the free and the home of
the brave!
What a life, what a Iife. Your freedom has already been
removed. The home of the brave. Many of the brave boys
have gone down in the see-saw war of Korea, which was
planned to destroy the strength of America, the strength.
We have many 4-Fers left in the U. S. A. that will now be
calied into actIOn, but have not the vitality because they are
fed on artificial food which was also planned by the Yids,
the Disraelis, by the Masons, the Judaism, by the anti­
Christ, the God-less, and still we go on our way. It can't hap­
pen here. 1 have watched planes tly across this continent
over the same route that we recently have bragged that
American planes have taken. The enemy is far ahead of
you, years ahead. The subs are lurking about us. Nobody
seems to detect them, or don't they care?
The Serrent, the Evil Den of the Serpent is praised by the
Bishops 0 America, instead of telling their flock the truth.
l1's a den of evil. There is no God in the U. N. There never
was a prayer uttered there and that is supposed to be the
place to save our country! The an ti-Christ, what has hap­
pened to our Hierarchy, to our American Bishops? Pleading
for their tlock to pray for the U.N. as the light to save this
nation. Have we forgotten that without Christ there is noth­
ing? He is the only hght and hope for the Christians. In the
U.N. there is only the anti-Christ, the Disraelis, the Serpent,

the One Worlders, the Bahai headquarters.
The only hope left is for the laity to work. Forget Rood
times, it doesn't matter now, they are very ~horl. They Il be
taken from )'ou unless the laity puts out ail its strength and
effort in bnnging the truth to mankind. It must be done
now, at once! If not, many cities will look like a lake. It'll be
molten glazed sand, shining like glass. No human could
ever make use of that ground, vegetation would be de- '1
stroyed for miles. Remember the H bomb, or the smaller i
one, the A bomb; both, one as poisonous as the other, only .
the H bomb is just a little more powerful. Don't let them use

il. Don't let them use il. They are prepared to use il.
Pig Eyes, he is in an awful mood right now. Pi Eyes has
no hearl. 1 should give him his correct name-{trushchev.
He was behind Stalin. He was behind the death of Stalin. 1
He was behind the death of the 40,000 Poles. He's been the
death of many of the Christians, he has no hearl. Take a
good look at his picture, and if you can see a trace of hu-
manity in his face, then there is hope. But there is no trace of
humanity, of kindness in his face, but Satan.
It is up to the laity, to the Christians, to fight for the souls
of their fellowmen. And if it is not done now, at once, that
lake may become a reality. And 1will not name the cities it'll
strike, not yet, for it's so easy to spread terror than to spread
the word to fight to save souls!

Much arbitration. Daily rioting.

The anti-Christ battling the Christians. The Godless
trying to destroy Christianity.
The youth are used for the instrument by the Godless.
They cali it Student Uprising. Name it what they may, it is
still the innocent youth Our Lady spoke about in 1950. The
very ones She spoke of, had we acted, they would not be the
ones that are now being used. The young, the youth, is so
easily confused. And the Godless, the evil, the)' know differ-
enl. In Ireland, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Indla, besides the
Russian dominated countries; Western, Eastern Germany,
France, Spain, right in Rome. You'll hear of it, or they'll
suppress il.
Not enough done, not enough prayers. Those that could
help, the privileged, have no lime for the suppressed. Why
should we care about those foreigners? But it has become a

must, and we have been the cause of much of this unrest by
interfering at sorne time that was wrong, and then not
enough arter the wrong was done.
Look at those hungry, sleeping in street corners and al­
leys, no home, no comfortable bed. Yes, they're God's chil­
dren too. They're innocent, and what's happening to them,
little children, curled up, sleeping in the cold. No mink coat,
no luxury, no soft electric blanket, no innerspring mattress.
Sorne places hard clay, other bricks or stone, whatever the
circumstances might be. Sorne on ruins of mortar of de­
stroyed buildings. Just somewhere to crawl to try to sleep.
No one to kiss them goodnight or wipe their tears or calm
their fears. That's the picture in Korea, Egypt, India, Hun­
gary, Poland, take your pick.
We in America here were very anxious to work in the am­
munition plants, in the plants to destroy. We took away the
bed of corn fort, the home, we gave to the enemy to destroy.
We took their Christmas away, while we were anxious for
the overtime pay check. Through this the mothers and fa­
thers worked while their own family roamed the streets. De­
linquency increased by leaps and bounds.
Are we paying the price? Too blind to see? The American
children are too suffering in a different way. They have too
much freedom to fall into sin, that to, is fed by the Godless.
In 1950 Our Lady pleaded - yes, pleaded - to save the in­
nocent children. We have failed! We have failed! Instead
we drop the A bomb on helpless children. We've dropped
the A bomb of filthy literature and movies, filthy musical
tunes, on the minds and heads of the innocent, the young
child that does not know. Our Lady pleaded with tears in
Her eyes to save those innocent children!
Nearly seven years have gone since Her pleas. Sorne has
been done, others pay no heed. Unless you heed My reques/s
. . . . how many times has She repeated this? Unless you
heed My reques/s . . . . to spare the innocent. Look at a
child from infancy up to the age of 5 and 6, look at them,
study that innocent child. Can you say that that child is to
blame for what it will do in later years when you have plant­
ed so carelessly filth before those innocent eyes? Because
you do not wake up and look about you? Don't blame that
child, don't call them brats, you made them a brat. Evilness
is not born in them, as the an ti-Christ tries to teach you. It is
put in their hearts after their birth when you have failed
them, the parent. That heart is born clean. As long as you

leave the Disraelis plant poison, filth, destroy that beautiful
heart so long you cannot find peace. You can build beau ti­
fui buildings which will cost much money, but the building
that looks beautiful does not always bear beautiful fruit. It is
up to those in control of it, so it is with the child.
Bring those innocent children home to their Savior and
by that you must first place the Christ Child in the crib. You
must take out the tinsel, the glitter, you must take out the
drinks, the parties, the commercialism. You must place into
that crib the Christ Child, and bring that innocent child
home to the Christ Child. It is now lost in a forest of tinsel,
false tinsel, the web. It's like a fly that gets caught in a web of
a spider. So is the Godless spreading the web oftinsel to trap
that child and take it away from the true Christmas, the
Christ Child. Unless you put Christ back into Christmas,
unless you replace the Bunny with the Resurrection, you
will not find di.e peace that you are seeking. Without Christ
there is no peace but destruction for ail mankind.
Save the innocent sauls - that's the mission here, which
should be the tree and branch out ail over, to save those in­
nocent children. Give them a real Christmas.
Accidents that won't be accidents. This was given before
and is still tnie and will continue unless more effort is made
for good. Again the innocent must suffer. It is planned that
Again ail dead, ail dead. Too la te, too little .. always
too late, too little.

Merry Christmas.
The Nativity.
Speeding automobiles, sin, drinking parties, Christmas
parties. Because it's an obligation and because it's Christ­
mas, many go to church, Mass. Not because of the Birth of
Christ, but because it should be a must. And after beautiful
Mass, back to more drinking. You had to fast three hours,
long enough, three hours. That's a long time! Whoopee!
Mass is forgotten. Christ is forgotten. Down the highways
speeding. Celebrate, Iet's celebrate, whoopee, tinsel, Christ­
mas gifts. Not be cause of the Savior, but because it's a cus­
tom, American custom. 1 saw the little donkey, St. Joseph
and Our Holy Mother, and ail of a sudden a speeding car,
the champagne bottle, and then you see Our Lady's sorrow­


fui face as She looks at the empty crib because we have

taken Christ out. Unless we put Christ back into Christmas,
unless America wakes up and turns to the Holy Mother,
Who is trying to put Her Mantle about the Western Hemi­
sphere but speedmg cars, champagne bottles, sin, She can­
not do so. It is always taken back, it is always taken back.
Raised back by those that turn Her back. Turn their back
upon Her because they profess they love Her, but it is only
with their \ipso
Christ must be put back into Christmas. Without Christ,
no Christmas, no peace!
In Austria, where many have fled the heel of the evil
forces, who have gone through gun tire, barbed wire, mine
traps; but because they love the Blessed Mother or the Ma­
donna Maria, their lives were spared. The prayers were on
their lips, and they have God and the Hol)' Mother in their
hearts, and they have Christmas in thelr hearts. A true
Christmas is in their hearts, not the tinsel and champagne
bottle and the flying automobiles, the g\ittering commerci­
alism. There you find the true spirit of Christmas without
exchange of gifts, without the fancy dinner, without glitter­
ing, but the true spirit of Christmas. To pray to the Infant
even though they must hi de their love.
How many in the corn fort of American homes will sacri­
fice the gEtter and the large celebration for the sake of those
so depressed? No one. There wiU be sorne that wiU offer a
prayer and feel a little bit guilty when they look at their
beautiful dinner. Sorne wish they could offer this to sorne of
those that have empty plates. Others live merrily on. It's aU
forgotten in their self glory.
What ifthey did only sacrifice this all for the sake ofthose
that are oppressed, for the sake of their ownselves, for they
cannot see the danger through the tinsel. They cannot see,
it's aU tinsel wilh Christ removed. But should they push the
tinsel aside, who would be behind il? The Red Eyes of the
Serpent. Those that had planned it this wax- We, the weak,
have lulled ourselves to sleep. Dreaming hke a smaU child
of the tinsel.
Oh, put Christ back; adore Him with true love. adore
Him wlth the true spirit of Christmas. Make Christ tirst in
your Christmas, and the rest will follow, and everyone
would be helped. But it cannot be this way, for the film is
placed before the eyes. Sorne try, but they are laughed
upon. The M adonna Maria, that's in the hearts of those that


have not the privilege as we have here in America, of going

to daily Mass, of going to Sunday Mass. The freedom of
church that we still are only clinging to by a thread. How
many know this? No, they have not these things, but in their
hearts they have the true Madonna Maria, Jesus Christus.
Even the Dove of Peace is splattered with blackness. Oh
Madonna, Oh Madonna, your eyes are heavy, your heart is
so heavy, so saddened - Madonna Maria.
Stable of Bethlehem, how sad. Oh Madonna, help those
that love you. Help those that love Thy Divine Son. Help
those whose hearts are with you, even though they must
hide, protect them, continue to help them.
Baby Jesus! Baby Jesus! Pray, bring Him back to the


LENT 1957 FROM 12 TO 3 P.M.

Pray for the Holy Father.

Your press does not print the truth concerning the Canal.
You are being misled. Our Lady's requests are not heeded.
ln sorne places much is done and accomplished; in others
self-glorification, self-will enters into the picture. Sorne
churches have great devotions to Our Lady sorne churches
have very few. Sorne places the Block Rosary was very suc­
cessful, great devotion; in many it has turned into a kafjee
klulsch, as it is called, gossip instead of only p(ayer. No Iun­
cheons, no parties, only prayer. That is why sorne Priests
rather the Block Rosary not be started, for il is bad for the
parish when this happens. For Satan does not sleep. Satan
cares not whom he uses to lull those that are feebly trying to
do Our Lady's work, to sleep. The mind is willing, the flesh
is weak.
Heed Our Lady's message-sacrifice, penance, the Sacra­
ments frequently. Our Lady is in tears, there is no joy or
happiness in Our Lady's Heart now, for they heed not Her
pleas. Il is sad to see the tears rolling down Our Blessed
Mother's beautiful face. But Her children heed Her not. As
the message said in 1950 when it strikes you will scream, but
iCll be toolate. Yes, iCll soon be too late, too late for many of
us. And we are now in the Blessed Mother's Fifth Siege, for


the sins have increased instead of decreased. The c1ean up

of books, schools, theatres, recreation for the youth has not
been fulfilled. Fulfill the 1950 message. U nless that is fully
fulfilled, you cannot expect Our Lady to do it for us. It must
be done by the laity, the multitude that stood and heard the
words, it must be done by them. Where are they? You're
being continually lulled Lullaby Baby! WAKE UP! WAKE
MARCO 15, 1957

More prayers, more prayers. Cali on St. Patrick to help

those that are now again being plotted against, who he once
saved. There will be another meeting, not to their good, but
to their downfal!. To their downfalf! They had hopes that
the one that bears their na me would help them, but the Ni­
halists and the Disraelis have weil planned it.
We do not pray enough. We leave our eyes be blinded
with the propaganda of the Disraelis and the Nihalists,
whom we have oeen warned about far back, way back, but
we pay no heed. We merrily go on daily and listen tQ the
tunes of Elvis Presley, to the tunes of ev il songs. We jig and
dance ourselves into death and horror while the enemy
works day and night. They are not tired, they don't sleep,
but we Christians, we sleep, we sleep. When it's too late,
then we'll raise our hands and we'll scream to Our Lord to
help us, when it's too late! Oh, remember it has been
planned long ago. It started with Thirty Pieces of Silver and
lt'S still going on, because we Christians do not follow
Christ's way. We blind ourself to Our Lord. He is not first in
our hearts as He should be.
Our Holy Mother, She is always in tears. Look at Her.
Wake up, at least to save your sou!. WAKE UP!
God loves us. He is merciful. If He wasn't merciful do you
think you would still be here? Our Lady loves America. She
would not have given the Father of our Country the mes­
sage She gave him, hoping that America would be the guid­
ing light to other nations. Instead ofthat we're following the
same footsteps.
We're leaving the Serpent lead us, the Serpent who is
coiled and strikmg. One work is in the U.N., the second is in
the center of our country. It's the hub on this si de and the
hub on the other, the seat of evi!. Pray, pray much, save the
youth. Our Lady has pleaded for the youth. The children,

the innocent, the victims of the eiders. We that are so blind,
the parents, the blinded parents of today; the parents who
let the children rule them instead of they rule the children.
The child today tells its father and mother what he or she
must do, and they obey their children! The Holy Family
showed us and told us how to live. That is why God the Fa­
ther, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost permitted the
three on earth to show man the humble, simple way of life;
not splendor, but humility and humbleness. Man has used
the material God gave us to destroy himself.
There never were enough prayers for the Leader of our
Country. It was given in 1950 on May 29th, it was told that
the General would resign and become your President in
1952. That General is today our President.
It was also given that if enough prayers would be said that
he would save our Country or he will ruin it. And it's just the
opposite. We're letting him down, down, down with not
enough prayers!
A meeting will soon be he Id between the betrayers and
the na me carrier of St. Patrick. The Irish are being lulled to
sleep, feeling that the Prime Minister will be their hope for
salvation. The Disraelis of the past have planned it and are
ail ready to use him now. They have already injected death
in their former Prime Minister, which was also given here
before. How many men are the Disraelis, the Nihalists
going to inject death into? No one can see the tru th, our own
Leader too, is ready to go. That has ail been planned. A
heart attack is very simple. Cancer is another one. But today
they need not use cancer because they are already dropping
it from the sky.
Prayer is ail that is le ft-pray and save souls! Show the
fallen away the path, the true path to Our Lord and God,
whom Our Holy Mother is pleading with to hold back His
wrath. How much longer will He listen to Her Pleas, while
we merrily go on sinning, the blackest sin.
The Fifth Siege is now. And recently because the trouble
lies in the area where Our Lord was born, they want to de­
stroy the Spot, the Sacred Spot where Our Lord was born;
and that is when He Himself will object.
Our Blessed Mother pleaded in 1950 to save the youth, to
save the innocent from the sins of the eiders. Her Message
~gain was not heeded, for the youth has been educated and
IS shown how it leads in riots, in revolutions ail over the
world. The killings, the rioting is being done by the youth.

Did She not warn us? Did we heed Her Pleas? No. Clean out
the schools? No. Clean out your theatres? No. Your litera­
ture? No. What have you done? Everything points to a NO!
Nothing, a fewtries, lt'S too much work, they quit. Does the
evil forces quit? No. 1 have seen the work of the Fraulein,
who is in history marked down as dead. The Fraulein from
Germany, she is very active, she's not dead, she's much
alive, she does not sleep. The only time she rests is in be­
tween stations, in an airplane, enroute on a train. She works
twenty-four hours a day. She knows that if she does not it'lI
be death. So she goes on, for Satan helps her along. We
Christians have not the faith in God and the Blessed Mother
to give us that strength that we need to fight the enemy, the
Serpent of Evilness. No, we do not have the faith in the AI­
mighty God and the Blessed Mother who is ready to help us
when we need Her; that's ail we need to do is to cali Her. No,
the enemy works to destroy us while Our Lady sheds tears
for Her children whom She loves, who have no faith in Her.
Oh, Blessed Mother, Oh, Heavenly Mother!
Too little, too late, too little, too late, that's our motto.

FRIDAY, MARC" 22, 1957

Plotters. Evil plotters at work. Huge meeting of the Grand .,

Masters and those other smaller Masters. They cali them­
selves apostles or disciples. What an insult to Our Lord!
Abba Eben is just one of the cohorts. The Grand Master of"
themall certainly isn't litde Abba Eben, if you could see
him now bowing to the real one!
1 cannot reveal the Grand Master's name for the sake of
many souls. Who dares to tell his name must die! That has
been the rule from way back when the Grand Master Solo­
mon was in control. He set those rules. 1 imagine he wou Id
strangle me now if he cou Id. He was in control centuries
back and from then on we have had new Grand Masters as
their age took them, or Hell took them to their home, where
only these kind could possibly go, and their fingers are drip­
ping with blood of Christians that they have destroyed.
They use the blood of the Christian for their rituals and
their-hideous ceremonies of Satan. Vou may cali them anti­
Christs, for they certainly are not for Christ. But their
smooth talk, their sweet smiles cali many to their bidding,
but ifyou could see them now at the meeting, what they cali
the Sons ofthe Covenant, or today also known in Amenca as

B'nai B'rùh. Only the Grand Master of each continent or
country is permitted to attend this meeting that is now
about to go into session, but there is a head Grand Master
Very litt le, very few are aware of his existence or his con-
nection. 1 wouldn't dare whisper his name to His Holiness
Pope Pius XII for fear of the evil forces near there harming
Him. Oh, Holy Father, if 1could only come to you to tell you
what 1 know. If! could point out to you the Cardinals within
your Holy Office that are not for you but against you! You
know sorne of them 1 am sure, but not air.
Our Holy Father was the only living Holy Father who is
in the Garden of Gethsemani. None of the others had to go
through the terror and the weight that this present Holy Fa-
ther is now witnessing, and the weight bears so heavily upon
His shoulders. Knowmg that those that are to stand by and
be faithful see the glimmer and the worldly attractions rath-
er than Our Lord's wishes that is bestowed upon them. His
Holiness' greatness that is about him is also a fear by the
cnemy, for they do not dare to ignore him completely, for to
them He is nothing, he only is there to fool the dupes. They
don't dare say, for they are not sure, they're still not sure,
but the evilest ones of themall say there is no God. They
still fear that there could be a God, for Judas, Lucifer, they
know there is a God, but they do not let the human on earth
know this, not yet! For they fear they will not continue if
they thought there was a God. For man's flesh is weak al-
though his mind might be willing, be it evil or be it good.
Another student riot in Morroco, but you will not hear of
it on the radio, nor will you hear of it in the newspapers.
Again they are plotting and scheming about the effects of
the Rock to the world, if that was hit by an H bomb. They
seem to be huddled about it fearing a great tidal wave that
they themselves probably cannot escape, and we that have
Christ in our heart know that they could not if God so wills
it. B~t we need more prayers, prayers, which are not forth-
commg even now du ring Lent. Too many distractions, too
many mterruptions.
Things are not going to the satisfaction of the Leader of
our Country. He doesn't like it. Oh, if people would only
pray more for him, give him the courage that we failed him
m'52. He is not ail evil. The plans that are laid in front of
them are not to his satisfaction or the satisfaction for his
Country. His brother seems in accord with the argument.

He will not dare to tell all he knows when he cornes back to
his desk. They might not let him come back, for one of the
Grand Masters of the Lion is present also.
Not enough prayers, not enough. The Disraelis or the Ni-
halists, they do not care how many lives they will take to get
one they're after be it a hundred or be it ten, it does not mat-
ter to them. That you should all be aware of now from the
leader of the Phillipines, who had to die because he would
not follow their instructions and wishes. They will try and
place one oftheir own kind in unless enough prayers in his
own beloved country will put God's man ln lnstead of
How much do you read, how much do you hear over your
radio of the Cuban situation? Not much, very little. They
did not give you the ~otal deaths, the daily destroying ofhu-
manity.There too, it was a student riot, that's how they start
them; then the others continue. There too, they want to de-
stroy Christ and His Church; push it out in th.e ocean. Sorne
ofit here is the fault of the Hierarchy, the Apostles of Christ
of today, as it is the fault in many places. Why do we leave
the Grand Master win instead of Our Holy Father win,
why? That's the question every true Christian should ask
themselves, why 00 we not let Our Lord win here on earth?
Oh yes, He has won long time ago for Himself, but we are
his children, God's children, or God's enemy, which are we?
Which fits us the best? Do we c1ing to the tail of Satan? Do
we reach out for those long pointed fingers of Satan that are
filthy and dripping with every sin possible? Or do we reach
up for the hand ofOur Lord, which is only pure, pure, c1ean,
salvation, the light, the hope of mankino.
There's only two roads to follow and two hands to reach
for. Satan, the destroyer of human souls or Our Lord; our
God, salvation and hope, eternallife. WAKE UP! WAKE
Why don't we join the Father of our Country who knelt
down in the cold snow and ice in Valley Forge praxing to
God Almighty to save his beloved Country. It is no dlfferent
now, it is no different now. The enemy has outnumbered
you by many thousands or millions. Pray like he did, he was
helped, so will you. He won the battle with starving, cold,
hungry men, weak from cold, but strong in spirit. Where are
we? Warm and comfortable, luxuries glimmer about us.
Weak in spirit for our Country, for Our Blessed Mother and
for Her Divine Son. Weak, where is the true love that we

profess, where is it?
Pray, pray for the Vicar of Christ. Pray for your Country.
Pray as you never prayed before. No excuses now, no excus-
es. J'// slarllomorrow, bUlloday f'm going lo do lhis. l haven'l
gollhe lime yelloday, bUl J'// slarllomorrow. Will you meet
the tomorrow, or will the enemy of God throw down the
destruction for the greed and the ambition ofself-glorifica-
tian, the mind of Satan to destroy the good? Or will you take
out the time today and give it to your Lord and God and
your Country. Vou must pray for yourself. Vou must do it
yourself - NOW - for tomorrow may never come! Tomor-
row is too late!
There is a great disturbance right now within the Krem-
lin, but if the prayers would only be said to help that dis-
turbance to let the enemy get at its own throats. But lhey
will not pray enough. For once you get the enemy fighting
with itself, half of the battle is won.
FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1957

Lies, far East situation, lies. No casualties, look at them?

Suez Canal, Egyptians piled high, worms, bloated, no
burial. lt's not on radio or press; dumped down.a ravine on
a heap. That's not in the newspapers, it's more than a
human stomach can take. They're humans, they're not pigs
or animaIs.
More trouble ahead, much more, for Egyptians will not
take this lying down. Confusion, lies, promises; as usual
promises that are not meant to be kept.
Our Vice Leader went over to help sugar-coat sorne of the
natives that the Brown Bear aroused to battle.
Our Holy Mother said October 7, 1950 that our presses do
not .tell the truth, only lies. This proves it over and over
Both Prime Ministers from the Island are here for a rea-
son other than good. One just had a conference with our
Leader, who came back home with a very bad taste in his
mouth. So much so that the Vice Leader is considered to
take over account of temporary illness of our Leader. Swal-
low that pill if you so desire. Truth has been given before.
St. Patrick better come home and save his Country, if he
don't now it will be too late, for both Prime Ministers are in
cahoots on this deal. That's why the former Prime Minister,
the Garden of Eden, also was given a stay of execution.

Do you remember when in the message it was given that
if the sheep's clothing were removed you'd be surprised how
they would spring up about you} the wolves? Sorne would
even act like Christians and go to church sorne daily.
Every city in our country (ofcourse this depends upon the
strateglc value it would have), but every city with a popula-
tion of 50,000 or over have from five to ten learned spies
well educated, besides a few that are just common stooges or
pigeons, those kind that do anything for a dollar or a shot of
liquor. Many of those we have in the boweries, but the ki~d
like the Fraulein has met here, those kind are all from be-
tween five and ten in each large city. Count your cities
above the population of 50,000 and then add up what you
gather in spies. The enemy knows our most valuable strate-
gic points better than we know our own pocketbook when
It'S turned inside out. Does that give you an idea how versed
the enemy is? How we are protected? Why has this hap-
pened? The man that tried to avert this danger, he was dls-
posed of, and that is Pat McCarran. Pat McCarran had to
die because he got in their hair. He knew too much, he was
right, and now it's too late. The ones that will suffer for this
will be the innocent Christian refugees that were permitted
to come in just to cover up for the ones that came before
them. The first that arrived were all subversives and evil
ones that reached for the Thirty Pieces of Silver!
In your Teamsters' Union there is much more subversion
than meets the eyes. The wrong ones again will be accused,
just watch and listen. Then add it up and see what you get.
There'll be sorne more Julius and Ann Rosenbergs. They
don't mind destroying their own to cover up, to fool us poor
gullible Americans. They don't mind at aH, they have de-
stroyed as many as 20,000 in one lick, of their own.
Vou will hear of a persecution and prosecution of one
that is being accused right now of stirnng up trouble be-
tween the colored people, and the ones that should be here
to protect him will be the first ones to shout for his life.
That's how it was planned.. W AKE UP! Can't you see their
plays? Their moves are very obvious.
WAKE UP! Don't wait 'till your headquarters are com-
pleted. Vou still have a fighting chance. Once your head-
quarters are completed, you won't have a chance. Whom
are you afraid of man or God, whom?
Are you afraid of man dressed in sheep's clothing? Vou
need not be afraid for God will protect those that will fight

for His right, and for those innocent victims. The education
is still gomg on of the youth. Teaching them how to rape,
how to attack man, woman or child, how to use ail the weap-
ons of gangsterland. Our Lady warned us, She told us what
we are facing, still so little is done. It seems so unimportant,
it seems so unimportant.
Vou here are fighting a Bill now. Where were the people
to stand up for the youth, where were they? There are more
than 55 to stand up for the youth; that is ail that were hon-
estiy there for that purpose. Where are the rest ofthem? The
population of the State of Wisconsin is much larger than
that. l'm sure there are more parents than 55, where are
they? That's the trouble. Take that for an example. It was a
good showing for the ones that had children at heart, but
where were the rest ofthem? That is what Our Lady means,
do not ask your neighbor to do it for you, you must do it
yourself, NOW! That was in 1950. Seven years have passed,
seven years, is that still now?
How many pregnant girls have we added since Our Lady
spoke and said: "It must be done NOW! ln the State ofWis-
consin alone we had 550 girls that had lost their maiden life
through wicked and blackest of sin, the neglect of the par-
ent. Or is this not looked upon as sin? Examine your con-
science. Is this not a sin? Onfy 113 ofthem married the actu-
al father of the children they bore, still it is not a sin? Those
are the figures, they're not pretty. Besides those that were
not caught in this predicament, they still committed sin.
How many of those innocent youths became alcoholics be-
cause they were not taken care of? Alcoholics as a young
child-16, 17, 18, they were not a man yet, they had not
reached the age of 21. Place that upon the shoulders of the
parents that heard Our Lady's message of 1950. They're
right before us, look at 'em, still we have nothing domg,
nothing doing.
It was shown to you that were in attendance the filthy lit-
erature that chokes an adult. What do you think it does to
the young minds? Can you picture a young child looking at
these things and reading them? Yet, "What can we do'lJ Is
there anything we can do?" Those are the questions that are
asked. Open your eyes. Examine in your drugstore, your
bookstore, your dry goods store, your Five and Ten Cent
store, &0 in and take a good look, a good look!
. Don t let the cover deceive you with a beautiful flower or
plcture of a valley with trees. Open it up and look inside.

Because many times the haIf naked woman on the cover
does not mean that there's filth inside. That is only to de­
ceive you. Be smart, don't let Satan deceive you, and ifyour
Priest objects when you do these things, get a book and
bring it in front of him and say, Father, do you want the
children to read this? Ask him, show it to him, maybe he
won't object, and if he does, you got him on the spot. Don't
be afraid of him, you are in the nght as a parent, and he is
wron p. He won't object, because he himself doesn't believe
there s such a thing. Bring them to him, show them to him,
and see how much objection you will get. Where there's
smoke there's surely fire. The concealed fire that is fullest,
there won't be no change, remember this and follow
There are a few b09kS right in front of me now, opened. 1
would like to describe to you what 1 am seeing, but 1t would
not be fitting because there's men and women present. lt
would be very disgusting to even mention, but the youth
from the ages often on up read these magazines and books,
it is not only the comic strips. It is also in your pocket size,
those are the most hideous ones. The fire that's burning
under the surface is much more dangerous than the one in
the open. You can take and throw water upon it or chemi­
cals to destroy it very quickly, but the fire that burns under­
neath, and that is in your hidden book, pocket size books
with the deceiving cover. Open them up and take a good
look, read a paragraph or two, you're big enough, let it
shock you a fittle. It might be good for you. Maybe you
would have ambition to do something, take them to Y0uf
Priests, don't be embarrassed, give it to him, be you man or
woman. Ifyou don't want to open it up to the page, give him
the number of the page, let him find it himself, but get to
work NOW! save those souls, the innocent children, don't
let their souls he destroyed along with yourself, because re­
member the child's sin falls on your shoulders. In our own
area that was given here, the pregnant girls again every
year, it's disgraceful. Don't have to be just the puolic school,
the Catholic is no better. They don't have to be in high
school, that does not matter, in grades also.
How much faith have you got, how much? Our Lord and
our Blessed Mother, do you not believe that if you would
fulfill the requests ofHer message, taking care of the youth,
that God would be merciful, and you would not have to fear
the danger that is right upon you now: which is stirred up in

the Far East; in other places also. Our Holy Mother loves
the youth, She loves Her Priests, and She loves us ail, but
first cornes the youth, the innocent children, the victim ofits
Read the message and please, please, for the sake of the
children, the youtn, go to work!


How foolish, how foolish, what did ail the greed and want
of power get him? How foolish! Look at him today, the great
Anthony Eden, Garden of Eden. Had he remembered the
Lord, hls Maker, instead of the Serpent of Evil, he would
not now be the poor miserable weak man he is right now.
The Iines in his face, shadows on his eyes, the vacancy in the
eyes that once were bright, clear and alert. The alertness ail
dimmed out. Oh God, be merciful to hi m, show him the way
and the light so he doesn't go where so many of his partners
in crime nave gone-eternal hel!.
Our Leader here too, look at him-weak, sick. Had the
people !istened to Our Lady's pleas, he would have been the
one to help our country instead ofwhat it's heading for now.
When the Evil Forces injected death into him, but"too small
of a dosage because his will power to live was too great, peo­
ple immediately prayed for him as they usually do when
someone near and dear to them is dying, they pray, but
when death has barely stepped through the door but still
has the hand on the knob, they quit praying. This is the out­
come, look at him. The newspapers, radio programs tell you
he is fine. The Vice President knows that he is not fine, he's
preparing to take over. Had they continued to pray as they
âid September 24 and 25 when he was so seriously ill, he
would be our true Leader, for he had a change of heart. He
knows the right and sorne of the wrong he IS innocent of,
sorne things that Satan, the Disraelis, the Nihalists have so
cunningly deceived him. He was a fighting General, many
people remember him as a fighting General, but the Disrae:
lis and the Nihalists were at the helm even then.
Our Lady asked for prayers for the Leader that would be
elected in 1952, that he could save this Country or he could
help to destroy it. Il seems the people chose the latter, they
forgot to pray for the President, the Leader of our nation. To
see him sitting there, darkness under his eyes, he's been
doped and drugged to keep him going a !ittle longer, so they

decided when they saw how greatly he swept the country
with election. People seemed t0 want him, they had failh in
him. They seemea to believe in him, but had they known the
truth at the time, he would never have been elected, for they
didn't have the faith in the one who will lead them now.
They do not love him, they do not trust him, he only fol­
lowed through, as you might say, on the shirttail of the Pres­
ident. So dear people, when it cornes, don't feel too badly.
Vou willed it that way, you wanted it that way, you didn't
have time to pray, you didn't have time. to watch the world
It is awful, why don't sorne body do something about it?
Always putting the blame on someone else's shoulders
when it belongs on ail our shoulders.
He is the Leader, we chose him to be the Leader, il is up to
us to see that he is the Leader that we want him to be, by
prayers and cooperation. Then Heaven wil1 intercede. They
will intercede and see that you will get the man that you ex­
pected, but when you're too busy with material· things of life
and forget the Creator, His Holy Mother, how would you
remember the common Leader, just the President?
How many salute your Country's Flag, the Banner, the
Star Spangled Banner? How many salute it wh en they meet
it? They look up, glance at it, maybe it's the flag, that's ail.
When you are not proud ofyour own Star Spangled Banner,
how can you be proud of your own Country? You're not,
look at the mess it is, the mess, the youth, your children,
decay, slime, filth, your government, of the people, by the
people, for the people, where is it? It is for the Disraelis, of
the Disraelis and by the N ihilists.
WAKE UP! WAKE UP! For now you have fal1en down
so far that you have a sick man at the helm, and Satan in
other offices. Don't blame no one but yourselves, for you
were always too busy, you had no time.
Our Blessed Mother weeps, for She loves this country. We
have left her down, we have failed to preserve this beautiful
Yes, look at him, he is so sick, so sick. Pray for hi m, pray
for him now to at least save his soul from eternal hellfire. He
could have been a true Leader, he was not ail evil; you could
recognize that right now, the last two months, the attitude
he had toward the situation. He doesn't like it, but he has no
prayers behind him, he has no one to support hi m, he is
wobbling, wobbling, ready to col1apse. The enemy will soon


have his Life unless you are willing still to make effort to
pray, save his soul.
Kruschchev, drunk, vodka, hatred, evilness. It is fear that
makes man's mind turn to ugLiness, fear. A fear is hounding
him. The only thing he can reach for is his vodka, more
vodka and th en he feels a Little stronger, and he seems to
have more assurance, more control. He feels more powerful.
Look at him sputter, his mouth wrinkled to snarl, his eyes so
ugly. He doesn't like what sorne ofhis own people are doing
behind his back, he doesn't Like il.
For as Alexander said, there are many yet that love the
Madonna Maria, the Madonna Maria, for the images of the
Madonna Maria are beautiful, beautiful. We must feel
proud of ourselves when we put our freaks alongside of their
Madonna Maria's. There's beauty in Her face, there is kind­
ness in Her eyes, there is love and compassion in the Baby
Jesus' eyes on Her Arm. The Madonna Maria of Russia is
one that is beautiful. As they cali them, the !Cons.
The University that bears the Madonna Maria's na me,
Notre Dame, the freaks they have ta represent Her, the
beautiful Lady and Her Divine Son, does not fit for an ugly
comic strip, let alone for Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord
and God. It doesn't fit, they're freaks, they're hideous. The
Stations, the Passion of Our Lord, Who suffered for us, and
the pictures that represent Him, they're freaks, they're hid­
eous, they're not human. There is no passion. There is no
love, no hoLiness, nothing but Satan in those pictures. That
is in the place that bears Our Holy Mother's name-Notre
Dame University, where they teach our youth, our Profes­
sors. Are they proud of this ugliness? Is that culture? Art?
Russia, the evif are trying to destroy Her. The women hide
Her down in their breasts, near thelr hearts, a Little picture,
an icon; but when She looks up at them, it's a beautiful face,
ifs beautiful. ft shows the love that the people really have
for the Madonna Maria.
Isn't that what they are trying to tell us, they're ail evil?
They are not; their leaders are, tnat is true. They have Satan
in. their hearts; but the poor man, the humble person, they
stIll sneak in the shadows to show their love, to teach the lit­
t~e ones. They have to sneak to do it, but they do teach their
httle children of the Madonna Maria. They pull out the pic­
ture and show it to them, and they tell them never, never to
forget Her. To cali on the Madonna Maria, to cali for help,
that She will protect them. Then they show them how 'to

kneel down and pray. The little ones fold their hands and
they pray; but they warn them don't do that in the open.
They must be careful, they must not do that in the open, for
the evil ones will harm them. That is what is being taught in
Russia right now, to believe in the Madonna Mana; and we
in this beautiful country, the land of the free and the home
of the brave, what will we do? We'll soon have the little
Bunny Rabbit coming, with ail the tinsel and with ail the
paint, the eggs.
Where is Our Lord, the Resurrection; Where is Our Holy
Mother? No, they'll be forgotten while many look for a new
hat, a new outfit to wear for Easter, the beautiful dinner and
the plans for the Easter Parade.
Where is Our Lord, Who has just risen, Who has risen ta
be the salvation for man, because He truly loves us? We turn
to the bunny, the poor innocent rabbit, the bunny, that's the
Don?t let the Ëvil One that is drowning his fears with
vodka, wine; pray that he, too, sees the light. Pray for YOUf
enemy no matter how evil. Pray for him, and above ail,
pra~, pray to the One that is going to die for us very shortly.
We re re-living, supposed to be re-living the Way to Calva­
ry, and then the beautiful Resurrection and the Madonna
Criticize the freaks that are supposed to represent YOUf
beloved Blessed Mother, criticize them, refuse to buy them,
don't buy them and look at the hideous faces. Refuse them,
ask them to represent Her as She should be, with beauty and
love, it is up to you.
It is up to you to save the Country that the Father OfyOUf
Country knelt down in ice and snow, in cold and prayed ta
preserve, he prayed to preserve it, he did. As lon~ as he was
here he did. But the ones that followed, they don t. The ma­
niac that is sitting now with the twisted mouth, with hatred
in his eyes, and the ones about him that look at him with
fear and partially in hate, for they do not love him. There is
no honor among thieves, and once you rile up the thieves,
they fall out. Rile them up and save the innocent! Pray, pray
for the salvation of Russia, and you will save Y0uf own
Remember the message of Our Holy Mother. Read it and
go to work. The laity must work, She said the laity must


Fu1fil1 Het message, be it of 1917 or be it of 1950. Fulfill

Her Message and Save souls.
(Question was asked, "Who do you see?")
St. Joan of Arc, the Maid of Battle. The Battle of Orleans
was her first battle. The Revolution of 1776, the Father of
our Country, she was at his side. The battle for the new
Country, and then again she became the Maid of New Or­
leans. She also was at the side of the tall, lanky, homely­
yes, they called him that: Abe Lincoln. But she did not help
10 what we cali World War 1 and Il because that again was
not fought in truth. Il was not fought in truth and loyalty,
the democratic way. Il was fought for and by the Disraelts,
the Nihalists, but She will come again as the Maid of Ameri­
ca if we will battle for the truth, for man, for freedom and
the Star Spangled Banner; though it might be tom and tat­
tered as it was during the Battle of 1776 and the Battle of
New Orleans, it cornes out victorious, clean. The Leader
with his Country and man at heart, for the people, by the
people, of the people, that is the Leader we need. Il ended
with that, since then it changed. The land that the Madonna
Maria loved so, changed. Check back and you will be weil
aware of it.
The assassination in 1903 of a loyal leader was the end of
true 10yahy in your leaders. The rest wanted to eat the cake
and have It too. They were being deceived, the Old Glory,
the Star Spangled Banner did not have the true meaning to
them it had to the others. Bring back the leaders and let the
Old Glory serve in glory, not Satan, with sin, evilness, de­
ception and the Serpent coiled at its mast. Put the Banner of
your Lord and God next to it, not the Serpent, the Serpent.
The ev il, this victim, this maniac, not only one, but in this
room are six of them. Beware when this twisted, warped
mind with hatred and greed will use the instrument of des­
truction that he so weIl has.
1was shown the other evening how they can use the guid­
ed missile for the Suez, or they could use it for us, and. a
small piggy back one for the Island, and then at the same
time they cou Id use planes, three together at each trip, ail
timed to strike the ones; for many limes 1 have witnessed
them doing just that on their test flights-over New York,
over Detroit, over Chicago, over Minneapolis, Denver, San
Diego, San Francisco or LOS Angeles, St. Louis; but at San
F.rancisco one piggy back will hit Los Angeles, the other·
plggy back will hit San Diego. At Denver the piggy bac.k will

hit other cities, such as Tuscon Air base, Minneapolis. Fur­
ther down Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, either
Cincinnati or Akron, New York, Baltimore or Philadelphia.
For there are three planes in one formation, or the guided
missile carries a piggy back and each one can shoot the oth­
ers ahead. ft is wel1 planned. The sub at New York Harbor
would send one into the harbor from the sea, from the sea
into Baltimore, or from the West Coast harbor into San
Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco or into New Orleans.
They need not do it from the air. They could do it from the
water or they could do it from the home base, with what we
call the guided missile. and the piggy back. The enemy is
well prepared. Pray that the mamac with his twisted evil
mind does not strike, for it's the fear of destroying them­
selves that they have not yet struck.
Oh no, it isn't your prayers, there have not been enough
prayers, don't feel proud that you've prayed enough to keep
back destruction, for that is not the truth. It is the fear of
destruction that has kept them from destroying your beauti­
fui America.
Pray for your Evil Forces so their twisted, ugly minds
don't go into action, that the vodka doesn't drive them on,
for they want to be in power; for they want to be "it" be­
cause they're too stupid to see that they are not the Al­
mighty, but the victim of Satan and that their end is eternal
hel1fire, they're too stupid.
LeCs turn to God, the Madonna Maria, and listen to Her
Pleas and dry Her eyes; take away those tears that are flow­
ing down that beautiful Face. She loves us, can't we give up
a fittle of our selfishness and give Her a little of our love?
She doesn't need us, She is in Paradise, She is in Heaven,
but She wants us there too. She wants us to share it with Her,
the beautiful Paradise, Heaven. She wants us to make
Heaven on earth instead of a kettle and a pot of hell thaCs
being stirred up daily by the devil and the wicked! Let us

r ray, let us pray, let us pray like we've never prayed before.
et us fill the church wlth true devotion. Let us not kneel in
the church and let every distraction distract us. Let us put
our minds with Our Lord, look at the image of our Holy
Mother, of the Sacred Heart or above the altar, our crucified
Lord. Look at the Tabernacle where you know within beats
the Heart of Our Lord and God, Who is ready to come into
your heart, to help it beat in true love. For unless you have
God within you, you will not have Him in front ofyou, be­


hind y<:>u,. beside you. and .a~ove yo~. Yo.u. must first plant
Him wlthlO you. He IS waltlOg, He IS waltmg and He IS so
merciful; meets you ifyou only give Himjust your liule fin­
ger. That's ail He asks, just your liule finger with true love,
true devotion.
So make the Resurrection a true Resurrection, like Our
Lord's Resurrection, again ail glory, ail beauty. Help find
His way with true love and purity, the white lily of purity.
Work for that, purify, purify the youth, the innocent soul
who is being daIly stained with vicious evilness, corruption.
Get to work and work with ail that's in you. Yes, you say 1
can't giveall. 1must work,jor 1 mu~t prov.idefor the ne~essary
things, Remember the Gospel whlch sald that the blrds do
not worry about the nests, do you remember? Read that
Gospel. That is the faith you must have in your Maker, and
when you give Him your hand, He will give you your com­
fort, think It over, and remember Resurrection is very close,
very close.

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1957

Pray for our Holy Father, pray for our President.
Got to pray for the Holy Father. He isn't feeling too weil,
people forget hi m, they think only of themselves. When are
we going to wake up1 When the Brown Bear finishes us?
They are barely trying to do what Our Lady asked in
1950, and that was to help the youth. We are years behind,
and seven years the enemy's ahead of us-seven full years.
They don't sleep like the Christians sleep, we Christians are
asleep at the switch. Don't you believe me? The Fraulein
didn't sleep at the switch, she's·still at it, back in the United
States now. She came in today, landed in San Francisco,
meeting her two pals there.
When are our people going to wake up? When are our
Bishops going to wake up"? When are they going to let their
Priests talk from the Pulpit like they should talk, tell the
people the truth. Let's not hide behind the truth, you got to
tell the people the facts. If it scares them, what's the differ­
ence? Maybe they'll forget material things and turn to God.
Look at the refugees, il didn't scare them half to death,
did it? Of course tfiey aren't as fancy as we are.

Bishops don't even listen to Our Holy Father and they t'ell
us to be obedient to them. Why aren't they obedient to the

Holy Father? He gives them instructions and they don't give
them to their Pnests. Why, why? Obedience, obedience,
obedience, they'1I shout, but why don't they follow what
they preach? Our Lady loves them, She loves Her Priests,
she cries for Her Priests. 1 saw Her shed bitter tears for Her
Priests, but they don't listen to Our Lady. Why don't they
listen to Our Lady? She's Our Lord's Mother, and if they
don't listen to Her, who are they going to listen to?
Easter is coming, the Resurrection. How many of them
are taking it for the Resurrection? The Easter Bunny, the
tinsel, where is Our Lord? They forget Him.
Oh Krushchev, he takes courage in vodka, he's awfully
ugly, l'm afraid of him. l'm afraid he's going to do what he
threatens. Vodka makes brains numb and blmds them to re-
ality and the only thing they see is hatreèi and revenge. No
love for humanity, power crazy-power, power! What did
they do to the poOf Poles and the Hungarian Christians, and
the Christians in their own Russia? You know if America
had halfthe love in their hearts for the Madonna Maria like
the Russian people; aCter ail those years, they still ding to
their Madonna Maria, we wouldn't have this corruption in
our Country, but they don't care for the Madonna Maria.
Sub again at Goats Beard. Some more testing going on.
Our officiais in Washington, D.C., they're so guflible to be-
lieve tha t the Russians aren't prepared. If they went into ac-
tion, they would not have time to think how they were pre-
paring because they couldn't do nothing, they'd be ail tied
The Grand Master, 1 shouldn't speak of him, but you
know who 1 mean, he is in the United States right now, so
something is up between the Yids. 1 don't mean the liule
Masters,1 mean the Grand Master, the one 1 don't dare ta
speak his name. He's in the United States. They're going ta
have a consulta tion a t the Waldorf Astoria in New York;
going to be a big banquet there tonight at six o'dock, East-
ern Standard Time; and the Grand Master is here with
many of the other countries' Masters. How come they can
get in and out so easy? 1 know why, they are kingfishes, our
people are asleep, the'y don't wake u~. Abba Ebben is going
to be among them. Il s terrible what s going on, but we still
won't believe il. It can't happen here is still their theme song,
it can't happen here!
You know those six ministers they arrested in the South

1 through the segregation because they tried to tell their peo-
ple, don't cause nots. They told their people to be Christ-
like. Those poor souls were arrested, and they are giving
those poor men an awful time. They're ministers ofGod; of
course they don't belong to the true religion, but they
belons; to what they believe. They are getting persecuted by
the Ylds, why don't we wake up?
Got to work and save the souls of the youth and wake up
the parents that are so foolishly asleep and follow the ways
of Satan and ding to his tail and take a ride. When he drops
them down the/li be awfully sorry.
Vou can't spit in Our Lord's Face and laugh and jeer at
Him without paying a penalty. Look at what happened to
Judas, he hung himself.
FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1957
Laity must work, youth situation must not be be delayed,
more shocking headlines, more accidents that will not be
accidents, more disappearing ofhomeless young men, more
youth riots.
Subs continue to lurk in our shores. Guard against warn-
ings of 1950 and 51, food poisoning, water poisoning, chem-
icals in dothing, chemicals in food, feed for live stock,
chemicals in soil, poison from air.
Laity must work, messages must be fulfilled. Pray for
your Leader. Second Leader much more dangerous, much
Danger in the area of the Brown Bear, for its Leader is in
fear, Vodka numbs his mind, turns it into a maniac's mind.
Watch for more unrest and more deaths.
More scandai uncovered but placed on wrong individu-
ais. Watch the West Coast, watch Alaska. Do not at this pe-
riod, those that rrofess to love Our Lady and Lord and God,
turn to materia things, they are nothing. Turn to the work
you promised and consecrated yourself to do. Read the
Consecration Prayer and live il. Pleasures are unimportant
now. Souls are important, souls of the youth right upon your
shoulders. Those that have consecrated themselves to Our
Holy Mother and promised to give Her ALL! Do not forfeit
~his promise and darken thy sou\. Much must be done, the
mnocent children are the victims of the eIders.
Hear them? (Meaningjets. Mary Ann repeats this a num-
ber oftimes and question was asked where they are?) Goats

Beard, straight across to Newfoundland, arrow points across
to Newfoundland, then over to Greenland and back home.
(Question was asked how many are there?) Five of them.
(Big ones?) The new ones, big ones. They're coming. Goats
Beard, 1050 is top speed. They're not going top speed, prob­
ably 100 under. They were testing, short ones and long
range ones.
Going to hear of sorne more fires, gasoline tanks. You'lI
hear of more killings, but not so crude like the amateurs did
near Chicago. Those are amateurs, professionals do it with
more finesse.
They have them die of a heart attack or wreck a train or a
plane or a car. They won't just crudely shoot them or dump
them into a ditch or wrap them in a sheet. That's amateur
technique, that was kid stuff, they'1I have to train the kids a
little better. Don't think they aren't working hard on them,
and the kids think they're heroes. That's why the laity must
work, they can't think of pleasure. They've got to save the
youth, those kids that the evil forces are making maniacs out
of. Are we going to sit by and let it continue to happen? Ali
over the world it's the youth they are using to start riots and
trouble. There are going to be sorne more shocking head­
lines unless they don't put them in the paper.
The K K K's are very busy. You don't learn the truth of
the secregation deal's.


ADVENT 1957 FROM 12 to 3 P.M.


Black, black, real black, Korea and in the East. Clouds

are hanging low, black.
Strange signs in the sky over twenty-five years. More
pronounced last ten, claimed as hysteria.
Don't fall into the enemy's clutches and control over the
colored races, be they black, red or yellow. Use the Christian
approach ta counteract the enemy's unGodly method.
Much is needed here, only Christian principles to be used.
The main Commandment is love thy neighbor, COIOf was
not specified here.
When organizing, be careful of the evil infiltration, for
Satan is alert 24 hours a day; the Christian only half.


WAKE UPl WAKE UP, AMERICA! Watch laws that

are put in force. Watch clause inserted, be alert. For many
laws that are passed look good on the surface, but look for
the clause hidden underneath. Keep a Christian nation in-
stead of un-Christian. Stay with Christ, not an ti-Christ.
The Serpent is not only coiled now in the center of your
country, but its coils have spread over the entire country-
from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Arctic to your
Do not listen to the lullabys. The wolf that lulls you to
sleep in sheep's clothing; remove the sheep's clothing.
you're completely devoured.
You had the signs in the sky, what more are you waiting
for? Ali ofyou present saw the red in the sky, do you recail~
Your enemy has shown his hand, the rest will be simple.
Pray, pray, cast aside self-pity, self-will; be more wilIing
to sacrifice. Penance, humbleness, face humility, not witfi
regret, but accept it as Christ did, your Master, your God
and Creator.
Be alert. As the pick pocket slips in and out unseen, so
does the enemy. Be alert, do not let the slight of hand de-
ceive you.
Laity, the laity must work; pray, sacrifice, work. Pray, sac-
rifice to break the shackles and chains from your Church,
break the shackles and chains from your Church. What
Satan infiltrates and gives to the personnel of the Church
and is accepted is a snackle and chain on your Church.
Foundations and grants are shackles presented by the evil
forces. The freedom of religion thus removed. Tighter,
tighter and tighter becomes the web, WAKE UP! WAKE
Rocket to moon. The first experiment did not complete its
mission. Second rocket failed to opera te, collapsed, landed
near Australia. (Mary Ann explained la ter the rocket was in
sections, and the second section failed to go up. Instead it
Plcked up by sub, as the waters hold right now 485 subs
(enemy subs). The bright streak and explosion was noticed
m the sky, but was very quickly hushed up.
Beast, beast, we're still plucked, and are we plucked! The
fight's going to be who's going to take over. The body is still
t~e Lion and the tail is of the Lion, and it's twitching, slap-
pmg up and down; the Lion still has the fangs, saliva drip-

ping. Brown Bear isn't going to have the bi~est share. You
have to understand this Beast right. There s much more to
this Beast than there is on the surface. lt's the Beast that is in
control of everything, speaking of the enemy's side, the un­
Christian side.
The Serpent seems to be charmed by this Beast. lt's an
awful zoo, look at il.
He's still the King of the Jungle though. Got to erase it
with the mercy of God.

More prayers for our Leader, urge more prayers. Many

were said during this crucial period, they must continue.
Prayers for the Vicar, prayers for the Vicar of Christ.
1saw the Vicar of Christ a little while ago, and he had his
arms stretched out. He's on his knees, lookmg ur to the Cru­
cifix. He's praying, pleading for our crucified ord to help
this awful world. ff anybody knows what a mess we're in, he
does. He's not ignorant of the facts, he is such a good man,
you should see his sad and concerned face.
Did IteU you to pray more for the President? They did
pray a lot for him when he became ilI, but now they're slip­
ping again. We have to keep praying for him, we don't want
Nixon, l'm warning you he's terrible.
1can still see the Vicar faintly with the way He seems so
concerned, praying.
It was in 1951 on December 7th that here not much was
said, but one of the words was Morocco. lt's Morocco and a
few others right now. Morocco never was exactly quiet, you
Nixon and Labucca got their interests over there. Nixon
always made those free tours over there.
DECEMBER 13, 1957

Pray for Pius XII, He is praying with His arms out to God
for help, for guidance. Don't tark bad about him, look at
Him, he's good. He's praying arms out like this (she stretch­
es her arms out to the sides). Our Vicar is a great, good man.
He batlles just about alone in that big white, beautiful Vati­
can. AlI in white, he looks so sad.
The world is so sad, oh so sad, a horrible mess; no good,
no good, Christ is forgotten.


l'm afraid l'll still find our Blessed Mother without Her­
Infant in Her arms. They still did not give Him back to Her.
They'll still be empty because they have not put Christ back
into Christmas. Christ has not been placed back into the
crib. He's still hanging out on tinsel., He's forgotten. We got
to put Christ back mto Christmas, into the crib, We've taken
Him out.
We're re-crucifying Our Lord, our God, with pleasure,
luxuries, the matenal, our own minds, our own free will. Oh,
can't we wake up, why can't we wake up?
Our Lady warned us in 1950, but we heeded Her not, we
turned our back on Her. Pius XII didn't turn his back on
Her, if he would have, he would not have been rewarded
with seeing Our Lord. To any dumb human they should
know that Our Lord would not appear to him if he wasn't a
good Pope. Don't swallow the enemy's story that he is pink,
he isn't pink. He loves Christ like ail our Pridts and our
Bishops and laity should. Look at him. He's standing alone,
nobody's helping him; look at Him, pleading, alone.
Our Blessed Mother with Her arms empty. Where's the
Infant for Christmas? The crib's empty. Let's put Christ
back into His crib. Let's make Christ the real Christmas,
that has to be the real Christmas the birthday of Our Lord
and God. We're so ready to forget.

DECEMBER 20, 1957

NATO - planned so to disrupt Christian principles.
NATO false, nothing accomplished, that was planned pre­
viously anyway, feea people falseJ'ropaganda.
No good, it's no good, we're toi that fear of war is re­
mote-that peace is more evident, so they're going to lull us
to sleep more. The biggest majority of the people are going
to believe it, be thankful, the Brown Bear scared away.
It was given in the past that the enemy would prepare
themselves with am munition and warfare, stockpl1es. Do
you recall this? And the Spiritual Director would not let us
give out this information. 1 wonder if he's sleeping nights
now? Had we given the information at that time to some
good sources, it would have been a wedge in some of their
places. loe could have used this information at that time.
Adenauer, he tried, but they don't want to give him any
credit for any brains. He's too old, he's childish. Now they're
going to go over and try to persuade Franco. going

to put the persuasion on Franco in Spain. Dulles is going to
be another sick one after while.
Christ is still missing from the crib, and in sorne countries
there won't be any Christ Child at ail. In sorne it is still in
their hearts, but on the surface they must hide it. That's in
sorne parts of the world. Even few have no Christ this year
in thelr homes where God has shown his Might (death and
destruction which man has no control over; places of
earthquakes, storms, floods) there is only sorrow. No Christ­
mas there, and in other parts, fighting. Army troops, and in
places, hunger, starvation that we are not told about here.
There are many innocent ones that never knew of the Christ
Child. It is a st range, confused and messed up world.
Had Our Lady's Message been heeded over a hundred
years ago, things could have been different. She came back
again and again, pleading with Her earthly children to
awaken, that their Creator is their Master rather than the
earthly materials.
They heeded Her not. Today the Christ has been re­
moved entirely. The Champagne bottles, parties of drink­
ing, speeding automobiles, death and destruction, tinsel,
merriment, Christ is buried under it; instead of He being the
bright star that leads the shepherds in the time of His Birth.
We are too blind to let that same star lead us, and it is still
shining in the heavens if we care to follow it, it is therè.
Christ is in our Churches, but He is forgotten. Our little
Blessed Mother pleads, but we heed Her not. She sits with
empty arms unless we bring back the Christ Child, place
Him in Her arms, then into the crib.
There will be no peace in this world, for without Christ
there can be no peace. So forget your wishful thinking and
try not to imagine that you can find peace around the cor­
n~r, in tinsel and champag!1e, shiny automobiles, .speed!ng
hlghways. You must find It only before the Chnst Child.
That will be your only peace and salvation for man on earth.
Without that only destruction and cold death.
Today the Nativity-burn it, destorx it; don't set it up,
they look like devils, not the Christ Chtid. There our Heav­
enly Mother the image of the devil, destory them, burn
them, don't just put them away on the shelf, but burn them.
Sorne crib scenes of today are beautiful in the crude way
sorne are made, not just common. Crude way, you can see
the love that was meant there, but heie, devils. Those mod­
ern sticks, match sticks, with faces drawn on them. What an

awful assortment! Sorne places the great big Santa Claus,
sied and reindeers is hiding the Christ Child, big snowman
with dunce cap on, clowns. The young child will stop and
look at Santa Claus, but pay !ittle attention to the Heavenly
Scene because that's not much made of. You can't blame
the children, you got to blame its parents.
It just makes my stomach so sick to see ail that miserable,
homely looking scenery to represent our Heavenly Mother
and Our Divine Savior, it just doesn't fit. What a contrast!
Wejust plumped Santa Claus here and the reindeer, a nice
white lamb for the small child, but the main issue, the main
purpose in the true spirit is the Christ, the Savior. Oh, He's
In the corner, !ittle bitsey-big Santa Claus, the snowman,
bi~ Teddy Bear, hideous jumping jacks, satellites, space
ShlPS, rockets. They're going to the moon for Santa Claus
now. Fantasy, they got Santa Claus riding one of the mis­
siles now. Weil, he's going to go fast now, to give ail the pres­
ents. Just zoom, zoom! That's the new deal now. The rein­
deer are getting old fashioned, airplanes old fashioned, heli­
copters old fashioned. Rocket, why don't they use that ener­
gy for good instead of what these rockets are going to lead
to? Destruction, you can't tell God what to do or invade His
territory without Him putting us back where we belong.
Put Christ back into the Christmas Crib and we'll have
peace and happiness.


LENT 1958 FROM 12 TO 3 P.M.


There it is again, the beautiful Golden Ship! It's beautiful
with ail the sails shimmering with gold and silver. The ship
of spiritual faith, true devotion. The water is calm, the sea is
at peace, peace.
There all around it, boats filled with laity, clergy, reli­
gious. Boats of material things, rocking in the storm, back
and forth, back and forth; while they go merrily on, dancing
merrily, merriment. They're not aware that the storm is
gathering closer and clouds becoming darker; that the !ife
boats that they have are flimsy and will never hoId them ail,
that they'1I overload the life boats and they'll sink because
they seek the material things first, not the Gold Ship, the
Spiritual Ship that'Il bring them to eternity.

.- -- -,

Don't be one of those in the sinking boat. Must warn

them that it should not be too late, that they have time to get
to the calm sea where there's peace.
Got to warn them, no one can help them, no one. They
must do it themselves with faith that they are now casting
aside for the good times, the sea thélt Satan is shaking up.
Seek and you will find peace, but seek ye first the King­
dom of Heaven, God, Thy Creator. Renounce Satan before
it's too late. Warn others before they sink below the depths
where they can never rise.
How foolish, how foolish man can be, how heedless, look
at him; there is no eternal happiness where they go, it can­
not be but disaster forever.
Pray, pray much, pray for ail religions, priests, and above
ail, pray for His Hohness; who is so weighed down with the
wrong of the world. How sad and heavy His heart is, but
Christ loves him, Christ loves him.

Without the unification of the Eastern Rites with the

Roman Rites we shall not have peace. The conversion of
Russia is the answer to peace and th us meaning the unifica­
tion of the two branches of the Church into one. Then we
shall have peace.
Sputniks, Mutniks, Mouseniks-doesn't matter which you
cali them, it will not bring peace, for they are only to divert
from the real. The battle is between the Christians and the
anti-Christ, and by an ti-Christ is only meant those against
God Almighty, against Christ, the Christian world we know
The laity must work, the laity must work.


Horrible, it's horrible, Wake up, America's Fat hers, and

mothers! Parents, wake up! You're asleep, asleep, it's horri­
ble what the youth of today is taught. Again 1 must remind
you, this is the result of not heeding Our Lady's Message of
1950, when She said they are innocent victims of the eiders,
this is an example. Books, postcards, playing cards, pam­
phlets, pocket size books, comic books, otber monthly mag­
azines. Take a good look parents! Take a good look! It might
affect yourselfbut pray to God to help you. Ifit affects you,


what will it do lo the innocent child 8,9, 10, 12, 15 and 18

years of age? Stop and think, parents!
Where are you parents? Il is not the fault of your govern­
ment, because the government starts with the offspring of
the parent. Point the linger at the parent, your delinquent
government leader, your Senator be it national, interna­
tional or jusl village-the guidance ail starts with the parent.
Your delinquent minister, priest, nun, teacher, doctor, no
matter of whom it starts with the parents.
Vou will lind on the market pamphlets with pictures de­
scribing any sexual activity in plam picture form for the
youth to buy. Vou will lind them disgulsed in playing cards.
Vou will lind them in other methods.
Ifs right before me, a beautiful mess. And it shows in Chi­
cago (l could name the places) young children, 1 am sure
these two are not more than 6 or Î years old, looking at
playing cards and wondering what it's ail about. Their inno­
cent mmds still do not quite orasp the gruesome, ugly pic­
ture they're looking at! Ifs hideous, still there's nothing
done, the enemy is supplying the material to destroy the fut­
ure of America, The Youth. As it was given before, this is the
baute to destroy Christianity and the Youth with it.
Wake up America! Wake up parents! Look, take a good
look. It makes your stomach sick. Show it to your Pnests,
your clergy, show it to them. They may boast their parishio­
ners do not buy these things. How do they know? Do they
walk beside them when the young child walks into the drug­
store, into the book shop, into the 5 & 10? Do they walk be­
side them to see what's tempting the young chi Id? They hear
about it. They play about it.
It's there, America, ifs there. It's up to you! Vou have a
beautiful exam pie in your schools of New York Ci ty which
was given in 1951 and '52, whal would happen. It's there in
Chicago, Cincinnati, New Orleans, St. Louis, Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Detroit, Pittsburg,
Ballimore, Boston and so on down the line, it's there.
On June 4, 1951 it was shown the adult youth organiza­
tion that goes out teaching the youth how to rape, how to
knife, how to steal, how to inject needles, every type of
crime. How to attack someone in a dark alley, be it adult,
chi Id or just sorne corn mon tramp on the bench, be it the
bowery. It was given, but it was not heeded. There will be no
more spoken on this subject. Unless you ail want to idly sit
by and see the youth destroyed, and then say What ('an we

do aboul il! What can we do about it? There are many ways
and means that this could be altered.
The laity must work, the laity must work, and you must
stand firmly for My God, My Country, fulfilling the requests
of the Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between God and
man. She will be the Mediatrix betweeen whatever helping
hand you need. Put your faith, your trust, )'our love before
Her. Bend your knees before Her, ask Her Intercession, and
She will help you. Do not fear, but give forth as Apostles of
Fishes, little ones, medium sized ones, big on es 500 of
them; 50 ofthem c10sely surrounding the Americas. Mostly
the reason 1 do not know, partially yeso Around the Neck­
lace, around the Onion, around Goats Beard, only one or
two, around the Hat; many around the Cigar, several
around Swan, and of course the fishing boats so they seem
on the surface-near Canaveral. New Foundland, San
Diego, signalling. No distress signaIs, you guessed it, near
St. John's smuggling am munition. Domimcans weIl sup­
And the last launching was a fouI play, same reason as
before, their estimation was correct. Number 4 did not re­
spond. Il was fixed so it could not.
The Dragon, the Red Dragon, weIl trained. The Brown
Bear weil preserved and educated. The Lion's teeth are get­
ting faulty, but his roar is mighty.
The Serpent's fangs dripping poison, charming both the
Lion, the Eagle who is so badly plucked, and the Brown
Bear, the Dragon, both green and red.
The same Serpent, the same fangs, the same forked
tongue that spewed 900 years before Christ, is still spewing
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958

Confusion, the greatest confusion in world's history, espe­

cially amongst the Christians. If only the Christians would
realtze that this confusion is purposely developed, estab­
lished in certain places for their gain, to meet their ends.
Confusion in convents, confusion among the c1ergy, con­
fusion among the laity, those that are working and have
given themselves as apostles to do the will of Christ to help
bring souls to Him. Amongst these great confusion, it is only
to dlvert them from the truth. Il IS a diversion purposely


placed upon them, but they cannot sec il. It creates disunity,
mistrust of each other, suspicion. It's a great monster. Just
one of the octopus' arms, a huge octopus. There are many
names for it-confusion, diversion, mistrust, which brings
disunity, hatred. The virtues of Christ are cast aside. That is
the purpose behind il.
For instance, His Holiness, Pope Pius XII chose a good
man, for the Holy Ghost and Christ, whom His Holiness so
loves, whom He has devoted His Iife to in full truth ofheart,
not only oflips, as so many have done. His devotion to Jesus
Christ comes from His hearl. The Holy Ghost is thus free to
give him guidance, because there's not a trace of subversion
within his hearl. He chose a Cardinal to do the work that he
knows is humble, but other Hierachy, through this, become
jealous and speak wrong. That is what is meant by confu­
sion, diversion of Satan. This is only an example how within
the Church, Christ's Church, also is confusIOn.
The destruction of human souls is great not of their
bodies, but their souls. The children alone in the huge me­
tropolis of New York, lhe destruction of these innocent chil­
dren's souls is greal. Your newspapers, lhey do not give you
the facts. It is a1l just a wee bit whitewashed on television, on
radio as weil as the press, be it secular or religious.
The Satanic forces work twenty-four hours a day, while
the Christians must sleep. This has its meaning. It does nol
mean that one human body can stand a continuous work of
24 hours. Analyze it and you will understand.
There are man)' agents of Satan with many titles, many
names, many socleties with hidden meanings. Many books
to divert you from the truth, be alert, be on guard.
The warning given through the first message here is still
as much evident today.
Chemicals in your water, in your food, your clothing. let
alone chemicals in the air. Poison, poison to weaken the
human functions of the body, poison to men's thinking, poi­
sons once they get in your blood, they store up as continuous
supply is added. Your earth is becoming chemically infil­
trated. The natural resources are slowly being destroyed,
because man looks for the leisure way of doing things. The
push button era is pushing out the natural, the God-given
fruits. It is easier to burn die natural humus, than to place it
back into the sail. lt's easier to burn il. Less labor, so they
obtain the commercial product, the chemical. They need
only to sit upon the implement and fertilizer is spread over

the land, which destroys the organic in your land. Il burns, it
dries, and finally it blows away. Thus humanity consumes
only checmical, changing your blood.
Your disease list has never been so large in the history as
it is today. Il keeps your scientist, your doctors working
overtime to combat: and many brilliant men have struggled
and are good men, while they do not find the true reason for
the conditions. Il starts in God's earth, in your soil, in your
air that is so poisoned with your A and H bomb fallout;
which today humanity is told they are c\ean. There is no such
a thing as a c/ean H bomb. Il would be impossible to make it
c\ean. Just like the radiation ofan X-ray cannot be changed.
Think it over and analyze it, the purity is disappearing. The
natural resources are weakening. All foods are being chem­
ically sprayed. Your soils, that's your answer. Think about
il, even the fishes in your water, by the testing of the H
bomb under water, also above.
Man is becoming so great, so power mad, that now the
race is who is going to harness the moon first, but the sad
part is they forget their Creator, the Supreme Master, God
The Brown Bear has an instrument all ready but for
minor technicalities. They have recently tried, but Number
3 failed to go, so it collapsed in Siberia. They tried again, not
straight up, but just for testing, Number 4 failed to go. 1 do
not know Ifthis is the Will ofGod or just lack of perfection.
l'd rather hope it was the Will ofGod through the prayers of
mankind, but l'm afraid 1 will fall mighty short. If it could
only be that, we would not have to fear.
Floods, storms, destruction, accidents that will not be ac­
cidents. Deaths that wil1 not be of natural causes. Destruc­
tion of life through the evil forces. So it'l1 keep going on and
on unless the Christians unite as one. The unIfication of the
Church will bring peace, for we are in the Fifth Siege now.
The skies have shawn the warning, the red. Unless you see
the green, then there's a ray ofhope, for green is hope, red is
Pray for His Holiness, the weight is heavy. Il tao bears
down on his shoulders, he, tao, sweats for the love of man,
and for the love of the True Church of Christ. He's afraid
that the weakness of man wil1 help destroy the Church. The
Supreme Church, Christ's Church, wil1 never be destroyed
by the earthly church-yes, and that is what is bearing on
the shoulders of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, one of the


greatest popes that walked this earth, one of the most loyal
and sincere popes. His body sorne day will too be found-
disinterred, because Christ loves Him much. Pray for Him
so that He has strength to continue on this path to Calvary,
to the Crucifixion. As your Pope will also be crucified. As
man is crucifying him through his weakness, but God loves
Him much. He spends many an hour on His knees, his arms
Iifted to Heaven, with prayers on His lips and tears in his
eyes. Pray for Him, he loves you ail.
FRIDAY, MARCO 21, 1958

Brown Bear had another dud. They must like to shoot it

into Canada. This time about 100 miles north, a liule north-
west of the other one. It's in the Rockies near towards
McKenzie. Now let's see if America is going to discover
them over there. See how good their radar is that they've got
set up.
Two fishes between Goats Beard, liule one and a big one,
three by San Diego, another one in the rocky ledge of
Southern Califorma. That's dope again, six of them dis-
guised as fishing boats straight west of Mexico Ci ty near the
fiule island off the coast. Two by Swan Island, one near the
Keys, three disguised near the Bermudas, two near the
Brahma Bull, two by the Cigar, three on the East and three
on the West of the Hat. One just leaving with a load of am-
munition from St. John's. (Question asked, where they were
going) Dominican. You'll hear of sorne more disturbance.
There'll be a new ou tbreak. They were sort of running short
of am munition.
Oh, 1 can't count as many as there are near the Suez,
Tokyo Bay, Okhotsk. Several are around the Pearl Islands,
several near Franco's headquarters, two in the English
Channel, one in the Irish Bay. In ail, there are 300 scattered
all over the globe. The rest are in bases, out of the 500.
That surely is no sign of the promised peace.
There is another meeting at the Waldorf Astoria between
the Grand Masters, and also will be present Jake Arvey and
a few smal!er ones.
Oh no, oh - al! 1can say, even sorne that are wearing red.
Oh No, it mustn't be, it mustn't bel How stupid can the)'
get? You can't play with fire and not get burnt. Judas tried It
and where did he go?
God have mercy on them, may God have mercy on them.

They cannot know what they are doing, they cannot know.
III It must be of ignorance, it cannot be of knowledge.
There's quite a Hierarchy disturbance over His Holiness'
choice of Cardinal. That is one time their plays did not do
them much good, they didn't move in time; they were too
busy with other things, because the Cardinal is not a bad
man. He has many subversives around him in his headquar­
ters, but he has still not been tainted. He's humble, good­
hearted; he is loyal to what he represents-Christ here on
earth. Propaganda will leak out, it's false stories against
him, they are false, slowly they will be creeping into the
open, but they are false, heed them not. Just as they tried to
brand Pope Pius XII as a pinky, an anti-Christ, so too will
III: Satan try to smear the Cardinal.
FRIDAY, MARC" 28,1958

The scale is tipped the wrong way. The anti-Christ is still

in supreme control. Oh God, help us to balance the scale
with peace, true peace. The greed of man is still above the
righteous. The choice of the Premier of the Brown Bear is an
example of the balancing of the scales. The conversion of
Russia is off balance right now. Their leaders are of the anti­
Christ. They must be replaced with leaders for Christ, not
anti-Christ, the Godless, the heartless, the evil destruction
of humanity.
Destruction of men's minds and souls and hearts. Ali for
destruction, none for peace. Many, many lives will go.
Many more white crosses will be planted. Instead of Rosar­
ies and roses, fields of white crosses, fields of them. Where
are the roses? Where is the olive branch and the dove of
peace? It is plucked like the American Eagle under the paws
of the Beast.
Serpent! The Beast, and the poor Eagle so helpless in its
WAKE UP, AMERICA! Wake up before your Eagle is
completely devoured! The fangs of the Serpent are coiled
witnin you, spreading poison through your youth, de­
stroying the youth.
Save the youth, save the future ofyour Country, save the
youth, the innocent.
Everything is done, every scientific effort, every brilliant
mind is ail channeled, not for good, butto destroy, destroy,
destroy, not for the good. Gad gave the material, God gave

man the free will. Man uses it to destroy instead of using it
for good, to bring peace and happiness to every human sou!.
Instead of this it is tainting and darkening and blackening
the souls of humanity.
Our Sorrowful Mother is shedding tears. Her Heart is so
pierced. They heed Her not, Her requests are not followed.
Instead the easy road, the glorious road, the shining silver is
their way. But how mistaken will they be when they find
what they have chosen today will bring them heU fire for
Eternity, instead ofpeace and love and glory hereafter; Hell
fire, destruction forever.
Oh Blessed Mother, Oh Sorrowful Mother, help us, so un­
worthy ofThee, so unworthy ofThy tears that You are shed­
ding for us, so worthless, so heartless.
Oh God, have mercy on us. God help us, give us strength,
give us that love Thee the courage to battle the evil forces, to
Dring those out of the shadow of darkness into the light-to
show them the way, the truth, the truth for My God and My
Country. Let us an pledge our hearts and our souls for My
God and My Country, and th us we will fulfill the requests of
Our Holy Mother, the Queen of Heaven and earth Media­
trix of Peace, Mediatrix between God and man.
Oh help us, oh Sorrowful Mother.


Confusion, confusion, confusion; lies, propaganda. The
Serpent of Evil uncoiling in the center of North America,
dripping fangs, spreading poison; first into Christianity,
Chnstian people first, the youth, poisonous venom.
Wake up! Wake up! America, wake up!
The Nihalists are within your Country to destroy the
minds of the youth, to confuse the minds of their eiders.
Secretly supplying the enemy with ammunition, destruc­
tion. Ammunition to keep up the bloodshed at the Cigar,
the Dominican Republic, Mexico. Supplied by our conti­
nent, by the Nihahsts within this Country.
The anti-Christ, the Godless, the heartless, the greedy.
Oreed, want of power, want of power to harness the moon.
Power maniacs, their minds are those of a maniac, power,
lust, power; 1am the mighty, 1 am the mighty, 1 am the pow­
erful, 1 am great.
Poisoning water, poisoning food, chemical in clothing.
Your medicine not what it once was, anything to satisfy the

Poison the minds of the children, the youth, with filthy
reading material, the infiltration in textbooks.
Chemicals in your soils, chemicals on your plants. Con­
tinue to send poisonous fallout ail over the world, poisoning
ail vegetation. Il effects the respira tory organs, fills the
blood, yes, so they cali it lukemia. They're wondering why
the increase of lukemia. Why don't they tell them the truth?
Il is a sort of cancer from the H and A bomb fallou ts. The in­
crease of cancer, heart, mental disturbance, stomachs, intes­
tinal disturbances, skin' diseases, softening of bones, death
of new born ba bes, ail comes from the so non-poisonous fal­
lout, the clean H and A bomb. How long are the American
people going to swallow this prop'aganda? Clean H bomb?
Nothing ta worry about, safe, It w111 not endanger humanity.
That's right, lull yourself to sleep! Keep on sleeping, but
look at the mess. Look at some of the victims lungs. thein
hearts, their intestines. Take a triE to Hiroshima, Nagasacki,
take a trip and take a good look. ift the film from your eyes
and look at those victlms. Your medical reports, they don't
give you that, your press has it suppressed. Truth, there is no
truth, fed nothing but lies to lull you to sleep.
The power hungry maniacs that forget their Supreme
Maker, God Almighty, their Creator. He gave them the
earth, not ail the pla nets in the universe. They made a mess
of the earth, now they want to go out in the universe. But
they are forgetting their Creator, the One that created the
earth and everything upon it, the good and the bad.
Our Holy Mother, Our Sorrowfur Mother, whose cheeks
are always moist with tears, who pleads for us here in Amer­
ica to set an example, to show the rest of the world the way,
the light, the truth. Instead of that we turn our backs to Her
and follow the an ti-Christ, the Nihalists, the pied piper of
the Nihalists. We follow its music, the rock 'n rollers.
Look at the books. What education can come out of such
filth? Where is the scientist out of something like this?
Where is the brilliant mind that gets daily dulled with poi­
sonous injection in your foods. The good is removed, the
dust is left for human consumption. Your flour, your sugar,
your vegetables sprayed, poisonous chemicals. The cost, the
mind loses its alertness, becomes dull, sleepy. They want to
sleep not 8 hours a day, lü-no, 15 hours, 16 hours, around
the clock, and then they're still tired, always tired! They de­
stroy their natural resources and transplant it with chemi­


cals. They destroy what God gave them and turn it into evil.
Wake up, wake up before i1's too late. l1's too late, it's
too late, the die has been cast. Save souls, save souls, the
laity must work to save souls. Do not be afraid of man, fear
only of offending Thy Maker, Thy Creator, Thy Lord and
Thy God who died for you today; Who gave His life that you
mlght live. But what are the thanks? Tney are re-crucifying
Our Lord today, re-crucifying Him, with the help of the Ni­
halist, the anti-Christ, the Serpent and its dripping fangs.
The Serpent, the emblem that started 900 years before
the birth of Christ and is still going strong. A man's soul
is still botight with 30 pieces ofsilver, and even much less
today. Just a good pat on the back, build up his ego, tell
him he's a good fel!ow, tha1's enough. He'lI re-crucify your
Lord, your God; two thousand years ago it took 30 pieces
of silver, today just a good pat on the back.
The Resurrection lies before us. What is it today? The real
Ressurection, the full meaning is not in the hearts of man. Il
is decorated with l'aise trimmings. Fill up those churches, fill
them to the overOowing that should have been at the begin­
ning of Ash Wednesday. Where were the devoted people?
Where was the devotion? Sorne churches, yeso Others just a
mere handful. Oh, sorne will come on Resurrection, they'lI
bring in their appearances, they'lI put it on to show their
neighbor they are good Christians. The rest of the year they
are too busy, too many other things to do. Il is more impor­
tant to earn the Almighty Dollar than to go and give thanks
to Thy Lord and Thy God and then the glorious Resurrec­
tion. No, they will rather reach for the tainted Almighty
Dollar, and grab the tail of Satan and go riding merrily
along. The pleasures of Satan. To deny themselves a little to
help their fellowman, to help the one strayed in the dark­
ness, to bring him into the light-no, that's not my concern,
why should 1care? Instead he is pushed farther down with a
polite uncharitableness-outrage.
For that soul in the quickmire of hell, reach out and pull
him to sa l'ety before he sinks into oblivion. Pull him out, be
a true Christian, a true Samaritan that is not too busy to give
a helping hand. Remember your Sixth Station and live it,
live it daily, wipe Thy Lord's Face. You are wiping your
Lord's face when you help thy fellowman.





Destruction of minds. Poisoning ofwater and food, c1oth­

ing, still as evident now as when first given. Il has increased
rather than decreased. Radiation has covered two-thirds of
the earth. That is land, not the sea. Guard against it for the
sake of the children.
Martyrs, more martyrs for God's Kingdom. Victims of
the Godless, the an ti-Christ. Pray, pray, remember Thy
Creator and Savior first and last each day. Cali to the Moth­
er of God to help guide you through this trying path of con­
fusion, un-Godliness, blackest, evilest sin.
Great increase of Satan's dance. He dances right into the
hearts and minds of many. Leads them onto destruction of
both body, mind and sou!. Be their protector, be true Apo­
Do not be squeamish, fear not; go forth in battle as a true
apostle, as Christ's Apostle. There is only one way, there is
no diversion in the road of justice.


Confusion, confusion, confusion.

Clever cunning speech, sounds very good, blanket for
covering real motive. While asleep, c1aws will imbed them­
selves deep, deep.
Confusion, confusion created by lectures of the enemies
of God. Lectures so cunning, so convincing, so logical that
the common mind will become so confused. In ihis great
confusion, it will take in great educators, clergymen as weil
as ail types of Christian lay apostles. The points are so laid
out and reasoning given for each that in your mind you will
accept them as truths; that is how also certain communities
will start or have started or are in progress right now of so­
cieties, gatherings and these type of lectures are used for
vast confusion. Il is only ·the cunningness of Satan that can
produce these. Il will take in ail types be they Jews, Catho­
lics or Protestants; be they red, yellow, black or the majority
white. That is also in the terms as also given in the year 1951,
destruction of minds. Il can be destroyed by lecturing, the
wrong doctrine, also by chemical in your foods, water, and

even in the air you breathe. Il is very hard to distinguish the
good from evil, that is how it has been planned.
There is much synthetic mate rial used, sorne of great im­
portance and sorne just for deceiving. Il is producing a syn­
the tic mind.
When God created man He gave him his own will. He
gave him a pure soul. Today the enemy is trying to change
everything. Oh yes, much good has come, much good is also
being done, but it takes the alertness of mind, the alertness
of eyesight and ears to see the difference. Your modern
methods of communication are used to confuse many of the
individuals, especially when it is spoken through the mouth
of the clergy. Satan is so ready to take the words qS soon as
they leave the mouth, to turn them into different meaning
and spread the wrong words through the modern communi­
cation lines. The words of the Vicar of Christ, for example,
are changed, and many of the words of the Hierarchy are
represented with a different meaning. Their decision has
created great confusion. So the enemy intended it to be.
(Question was asked "Segregation?")
-Christ Himselfwould have spoken the same words. In the
eyes ofGod, ail men are equal. God looks upon man only at
the soul, the soul of man; Onl)' there is where the difference
is, not in the color of the skm of man.
The laity must be true apostles, true apostles, with their
hearts, not their lips.
No good, Globe looks no good, trying to control the earth
as if there was no God. Trying to show man there is no need
of God, forgetting who created them!
Watch the Pacific, Alaska, the Rock.
Destruction of minds, poisoned waters, food, clothing.
Pope crucified, Pope crucified. Padre Pio Martyr, The­
rese Neumann martyr. Take lives of Senators. These messa­
ges were given in February 1951. Your Pope has been cruci­
fied. Poison in food and water. Senators have died. Destruc­
tion of minds, human minds. Many answers have already
come forth. Wake up to them, Wake up!
The Red Dragon growing day by day,just as the Serpent
in America is growing.
Much good has also come from here, but must continue.
Do not slacken, strain yourself, but continue, for the enemy
does not stop. The Fifth Siege is now!
1don't know what it means. 1see the globe in such a posi­
tion that 1 can see most of ail continents. St. Joseph is shown

only up to here Uust above waistline) holding the Infant in
his right arm. The sky is deep/urple with intermingling of
red or crimson, casting a weir shadow on the earth, which
is reflecting in the water. There is no sun, no stars, no moon.
The Infant has his right hand raised Iike this (thumb and
first two fingers raised). 1 do not know the meaning of this.
No, it hasn't changed. The Lion is still the King of the
Beasts. Poor Eagle is still plucked, the feathers have not re­
turned. The Brown Bear looks ugly, but he can only make
faces, for behind him is the body of the Lion and the tail
continues to switch a steady thump, thump, thump, thump.
Yes, he is still king of the beasts.
The poor, plucked Eagle. Uncle Sam did not use a big
enough beast. Yes, the Eagle can fly, but he has to land
sometimes, and he feH in the clutches and paws of the Lion.
Il makes a very sad picture to know that the Eagle repre­
sents U.S.A., the land of the free, the home of the brave.
Yes, they have put the Old Glory second and the Lion's
creation first, the United Nations.
Wake up, wake up America!
1do not understand why Pope Pius XII is without a head,
where is his head? Why, what does it mean. why? His arms
are out as if he were pleading as he used to do when he was
alive, and now no head, 1 don't understand.
Thou seekest the Kingdom of God. Thou must give thy­
self in humility; givest thyself in humbleness. If thy enemy
smitest thou in thy cheek, in humbleness give him thy other
cheek. If thou art forced to walk one mile, give thy gladly
two. Give thy neighbor a helping hand. Thou must not
scandalize thy neighbor's name. Thou must not be the bear­
er of scandalous messages. Thou must first cleanse rather
than to darken. Thou must always seek the righteous in pur­
ity, charity, humblenes'"., prudence, piety. Be not a destroyer
of thy neighbor's goùds. Keepest Thy Lord's Command­
ments. Thou must be an example to thy community. Then
thou wilt find thy road a shimng path and eternal resting
More, there'll be more, oh no, no.
More disasters, disasters; innocent, innocent victims of
their eiders.
More, more, Mentally sick victims used. evil forces. Not

enough spiritual, too much material.
Two large churches burnt were no accidents, they were
Catholic cnurches.
Theatre matinee.
Ninety more angels and saints. Martyrs or victims of the
city. Victims, innocent victims for the wrong done to the
youth. More to come, more to come. Wake up! Wake up!
May God have mercy on the soul that started this holo­
caust. Pray that he breaks down and confesses. Pray and ex­
pose the enemy, pray, fray.
A theatre matinee wil also be included in the plot. Youth,
youth, de~troy th~ youth. Churches, sch?ols, you~h. Destroy
Christiamty, Chnstendom, destroy, eVllness, evil.
1 was shown the pIotter leaving the city. Check back and
you shall find it. Scar Faced One, you recaIl? You will al­
ways notice disaster wherever he Ieaves. The churches that
burnt were no accidents. it was given before, Even the local
happenings were given.
Persecution against the religious institutions, more perse­
cution, which is contradictory to what they have afready
found. The timing was not perfect, the arsomst will be found
dead, as dead men tell no tales! Pray so his lips will speak.
Many tears shed an hour ago and still are bemg shed after
the huge service for the ninety victims. Much bitterness also.
Pray for them, pray for them.
More disasters. Many more martyrs.
Storms, flood s, fires. West Coast fire no accident. Same
one the second time. No accident two years ago, is not now.
(Question asked if done by same man) Same victim, in­
vestigate, investigate.
More victims of fallout, radiation. More deaths by faulty
fuel, crea tes combusion. Oil monopoly, strangling develop­
ment of c1eaner fuel. Keeping under coyer synthetic fuel.
Turn, oh turn to the good. Turn to the good instead of
destruction and evil uses. The Brown Bear, as given three
years ago, has atomic energy uses for peaceful purposes­
automobile, locomotive, air force, also fuel. Il is kept secret
from the American public, the uses of indus trial energy in
country dominated by the Brown Bear.
Black Gold is not the interest of the Brown Bear. Wake
up, wake up to that facto If that were the case, taey would
have grabbed hold or confiscated that large gold area, the
black gold area. Il should awaken the average public to this
facto There is less revenue from atomic energy than there is


from the black gold. That is your battle, check, investigate,

you'll receive startling answers.
It is the same as with your American Medical Association.
Not enough revenue to produce cures, same here; the
human must turn not to the material but to the spiritual
side. Then the huge profits and revenues will not matter. As
long as the material is God and the spiritual is cast away,
there will be no change. Bring God on the throne and cast
away the material and many changes will take place. Soften
the human heart.
Greed, greed, power, greed. Thirty Pieces of Sil ver is still
supreme. Turn to ThyGod, Thy Creator, Thy Savior. Turn
to Him, turn to Him before it is too late, 100 laIe!

Write. Write. Refuse ail religious articles be they cards,

leatlets, anything pertaining to Blessed Mother and the In­
fant or Christmas spirit or the body of Our Lord unless it is
given the proper respect.
Write, write ail establishments, be they religious or other­
wise, refusing those terrible caricatures now sent out to pro­
mote a spiritual Christmas. Up to you to refuse, to object. If
you use any of these deformed caricatures you are guil ty of
promoting it. This is done only to draw away. There is noth­
mg heavenly or uplifting about it, it's the evil ones' way of
tal<ing away from Christendom.
Not enough done since the first req uest of this, or it would
not have grown in such huge proportions against Christiani­
ty as it has.
The birth of Christ in the Eastern States is pretty weil
pushed in the background.
More destruction, more, more; for the same reason as
given before. That's an awful sight to see-a burnt human
Dody that you know is done because of the evil forces, be
they private homes or schools, churches or other establish­
Synthetic, synthetic fuel no good, no good. Death, explo­
sions, more fires, more.
Our big friend is on the Pacifie Coast. Look for something
now. Scar Face, stool pigeon, weasely. He's a little weasel­
faced Satan. His mentality, his I.Q. is way down. Those are
the kind they generally use with a /iule tlattery and a pat on
the back. Male them feel like they're heroes, heroes of


Satan. He was in Los Angeles heading for San Francisco

because of the earthquake.
Large cries of anti-Semitic will be going up. A wolf cry,
most of your victims will be children. That's whom they're
after-children, Christian children. The innocent victims of
their eiders.

Pope John, he has won many hearts. There are many that
felt PlUS XII could not ever be replaced. In many ways no,
but they have learned to love the new Pope, Pope John.
Sorne shake their heads, then kindness enters their eyes as
they watch Pope John in St. Peter's Square. Pope John is a
very good man. Pray for him, pray for him. He needs many,
many prayers. The tall, thin, smiling Pope Pius is gone. In
His place a chubby Pope, but He has a good heart. Needs
prayers of ail Christendom, from the youngest to the oldest.
Pius XII, He's standing behind the chair of Pope John
with His hand raised in blessing. He heard our pleas. 1don't
know who the others are. There are more but they are small­
er. There's Pius X, there's Pius XI, 1 know them. This other
one could be Benedict XV. This must be Pius IX and Leo
XIII. Here's Pope John and Pius XII large behind Him, and
1 believe Leo XIII and Pius IX looking right at Him, smil­
ing; then Pius XI and X smiling, and 1 think the other must
be Benedict XV. Pope John isn't aware that he's got his
predecessors as soldiers beside Him. So they're ail Saints in
Heaven. This is proofthey're Saints, and they wou Id not en­
circle Pope John if he hadn't a good heart and loved Christ
whom He represents here on earth. Now ifs up to the laity
to do their part to help the new Vicar.
Not enough Christians in churches, not enough true
devotion. As usual the Nativity scene is replaced by the little
red man with the white beard and the reindeer. He is ail
right in the children's hearts, but first it must be the Christ
Child: The imitation should be second, not first.
The crib is still empty at the birth of Our Lord. The Bless­
ed Mother looks at a child-less crib. Instead She sees only
tinsel, Santa Claus, reindeer, tin soldiers, wreaths, missiles,
canes. Guided missiles to the moon. These are the biggest
attraction now for the youth-missiles. If they wou Id only
display the Nativity scene more. Beautiful scenes to give the
young children the true inspiration, the true love, the true


meaning of Christmas. The most the young child thinks of is

Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and the little red man in the
sleigh. But if Christ was placed tirst, the true meaning of
Christ, the true love, and then in the background Rudol ph
the red nosed reindeer could still be the child's fantasy,
but tirst the Babe in the manger.
And now we're going to the adults. Christmas parties,
drunken, champagne, wine, Eve of Christmas staggering
with drinks. Some stagger towards the crib. Where is the
true spirit? Where is the love of Christ? May God have
mercy on these people. Parties by their employers, parties
that start on ChrIstmas Eve and New Years Day. Parties the
whole octave of the true Christmas, as the devil, Satan,
dancing into their hearts with Satan's music, champagne,
vodka, cali it what you may, that benumbs the senses and
mind, makes them a victim for eviL for sin, sin, the blackest
sin. That is the picture for Christmas of 1958.
Some churches yes, have a large attendance, but if you
checked the faces, unless God has already called them
home, they are the same faces that have been coming year
after year to pay their true respect to the crib. It's the same
ones where there should be an increase, especially at this
time when there's a brink of hell tire for ail to tum ble in to.
Turn to the Christ Child, to your Maker and Redeemer
now! Erase this viciousness thls evilness. Destroy Satan's
melodies, the melodies that are only sexual arousers. They
imbed in the heart want, temptation of sin instead of purity
and love for God and the Christ Child.
And here we see those that know not of the Christ Chi Id,
not because of the fault of their own. They have not been
shown the Christ Child. They have seen nothing but wars,
hunger, starvation. Many have been helped through Chris­
tian people and through the missionaries and with those,
through those, that still have love for their fellowman,
through those that still remember the Commandment, do
unto those like you would want to be done unto and to those
help thy neighbor as thyself.
Again here, too, we have those that have the tinger that
needs to be washed, but it is not here for us to judge these,
for it is the Christ Child that they are so neglecting, that will
be their judge for Eternity.
When you give to those that need, when you give a help­
ing hand, give it with your heart not your lips. For when you
give it with your lips, it is not given in the right spirit.


More fires, more fires which could be avoided. So sad, the

reason was given before.
Our Lady of Vladimir icon, Alex says the Lady of Vladi­
mir is still hidden in his fatherland. It's only propaganda
that the churches are open for services. He shows a church
with a padlock on, and now it opens wide. They're holding a
meeting, drinking. No, it's not freedom of worship now.
This picture here is just the opposite of our American radio
broadcasts. Persecution of the clergy, only those that bend
their knee to their way have a little freedom, but the ones
that are true soldiers of Christ, they do not. Do not swallow
this propaganda, it is not true. If enough prayers were said,
there mlght be a great split between this umest now. There's
a fight and a battle between leaders. More prayers are need­
ed, and the same with still more cruelty as is here, the Red
Dragon walks. There is no peace there, but hardship, pa­
ganism, struggle, starvation.
Wasteful America, wasteful America. A sin, destroying
food that other countries so need. Hunger, cold, cold,
huddled together, cold. Merry Christmas? No Merry Christ­
mas, no, hunger, cold. America must help these nations. Do
not exploit them, but to build them up wlth spiritual food as
weil as material food. Warm their hearts with Christ, warm
their bodies with garments. Il need not be of a special effort.
Use only what America wastes and ail others would live in
comfort. Just the waste of food and material would keep this
picture here in warmth of both food and body.


OF LENT, 1959


Peace, where's peace, peace? There is no peace. Much
more heartache, much more struggles.
More destruction by fires, flood6, storms. Disasters, assas­
sinations, and yet they will not wake up!
American Legion has promised patriotism and through
the efforts of many good Christians, patriotism has sprung
up a little. But again the enemy is using it for a two-fold pur­
pose. Oh, the irony. How alert the enemy always is and how
asleep the Christians are. They use our beloved Abraham
Lincoln as a great patriotic rally. Oh, it has been planned
and many good souls put their efforts and work behind it

" ..........

with a true spirit, but again the enemy uses this very patrio­
tism for a two-fold purpose to get the votes and sympathy of
the Southern people, even the negroes. Wake up to the pic­
ture in front of you. il wiU again serve two ways, to endorse
their policy through the goodness of our Christians and the
true American spirit that reaUy loved Abraham Lincoln,
Let's beat them at their own game. Get behind patriotism in
the true spirit and keep it there.
The Father of our Country will not get the same welcome
because they need not arouse the southern nation. il was
Lincoln who freed the slaves, so therefore they had to bring
in his skeleton out of the c1oset. But the Legionnaire who
votes for patriotism should also remember the Father of our
Country, and that pledge they stand for. The Legionnaire in
this room should see to it tha,t this work gets out. The pro­
motion of sincere patriotism, not the two-fold gimic. There
are many good people, arouse them! Awaken them to the
facts of the enemies' conniving. We must unite, we must not
fear man.
We must only fear God, and that is to offend Him. You
need not fear God for the same reason that you are fearing
man, for God is ail mercy. You need only fear thyself, that
you not offend Him, but do not fear man. Stand up for the
truth under the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Lord, Thy God,
Thy Creator, Thy Protector, you need have no fear. Fear
Satan, fear Satan, fo'r you can't beat him at his game. He is
very cunning, but keep yourself beneath the Cross of Thy
Lord and God. He wIll protect you.


Father of our Country. Mist of Our Father of our Coun­

Monument. The Father of our Country is in mist form
and then the monument at the Capital of the U.S.A., the
same looking monument.
Oh, oh, Oh, corruption, slime, filth, the foundation of this
Capital. Every sin, every wrong that can be found in our
beautiful America you will find in the Capital of the U.S.A.
Any crime against God against man or the law of the land,
any kind you will find here in this capitol with the name
dedicated to the Father of our Country. In honor, but cer­
tainly not in what he stood for. He stood for honesty, love of
country and God, unity to ail men, equal to aU men. What


do 1 see now? And in this mist is built a beautiful shrine to

Our Lady, to the Mother of God-in the midst of this filth,
to honor Her. Yes, it would be a great honor to the Mother
of God if we would do the things She sheds so many tears
for, c\eanse, c\eanse.
Purity, love, honor, charitableness, God's Command­
ments-none of it can be found here. Oh yes, there are hon­
est people living here, but they are so helpless. Where are
the rest of the Christians in the true spirit of unity? As the
Father of our Country knelt in the cold battlefields to build
a new nation, a new country, with the true valor, truth, hon­
esty, unity, the things that his men behind him were fighting
for. Right now he is very weil kneeling alone. The spirit is
not benind him, confusion, corruption, sin, the blackest of
sin, that is what you find here now.
How sick, how very sick would he be if he could walk In­
dependence Street or Pennsylvania Avenue. Abe Lincoln,
who fought to free slavery, he too, could see ifhe came back
and stood at the foot of his monument that in this capital
that the things he fought for his people are standing still
right here. They buy and sell man's soul, they blac~en. it
wtth corruptIOn. 1 wlsh every Amencan could sec thlS pIC­
ture. They could look at it if they had iron stomachs, or had
no consciences, no feeling; to look at the Capital in whose
honor, whose image is shown in a mist, if they could see ail
the buildings, including the dame of the capitol. 1 can't de­
scribe the termites, the beasts, the ugliness that is crawling
out of every window in these places and that is ruling our
nation! God is not here, the monument for His Mother has
been built here, it makes one think of the dungeon where
they took Our Lord during His time on earth.
And now the monument still stands. The mist of the Fa­
ther of our Country is still there, and now, ohhh. it shows the
crosses of the men that gave their lives. In God's eyes they
are not in vain because amongst these crosses are many
martyrs, but what have we dQne to .back up these crosses?
Wake up, America! Wake up!
Ohhh, we still can see the monument. The mist ofwhom it
represents behind it. Now it shows a path, a road you might
cali it, leading to this monument. Straight towards it and to
the side are two other roads. The one from the left is crowd­
ed, it is jammed with people. The road ta the right has many
le~s. They're much fewer, and then the road straight towards
thlS monument, they're very few on this road. This road is

white, it shows at the foot the Father of our Country kneel-
ing. Yes, l'm sure it's Abe Lincoln kneeling. l'm sure 1 rec-
ognize McKinley. The men who truly fought for the rights
of man, for My God and My Country, because above this
monument is a ray of light: To many it represents the true
The road to the left, the heaviest traveled, are ail those
that would destroy man, and those to the right are those that
try but are too weak. The Christians, many Christians, are
on this road to the right, but their number is weak. So much
greater is the left side. The scale is so unbalanced! Although
the monument to the Father of our Country was built on a
true foundation, the true spirit and the true love for God
and My Country, today we have tipped the scales the other
And now appears Our Lady, holding Her Son in Her
arms on top of this monument, and it shows the shrine of
many, many, many people on their knees with their arms
outstretched. Her promise that She will appear on the mon-
ument of the Father of our Country, George Washington, if
we change the roads; ifwe remove those termites out of the
windows of the city, She will appear so that ail men can see
Her, for She loves America, the new country. She guided the
Father of our Country to the battle to building a solid foun-
What have we done to this foundation? We have let Judas
and the Thirty Pieces of Silver dangle before our eyes. We
have pushed aside the true spirit for My God and My Coun-
try, for our Redeemer, for the Christ Child at Christmas; for
the death and crucifixion of Our Savior, Who died on Good
Friday on the Cross. We have pushed aside the Glorious
Resurrection. We must bring back the Christ Child. We
must bring back Good Friday, the willingness to offer our-
selves in passion and love, sacrifice, penance, charity, obedi-
ence and true love for man as weil as Thy Redeemer. Thy
God, Thy Lord who died to save you on Good Friday. We
must walk with Him during the Passion Season. We must be
willing to accept Calvary, pick up thy cross and follow Me.
We must also bring back the glorious Resurrection in the
true spirit of the resurrection so that we too, can glorify in
the Ascension, and then there will be eternal happiness.
Wake up, America, wake up!

-.-- l


Clashes between evil ones. Clashes between the three big

powers, so-called powers.
l'm looking at the Eastern Hemisphere, the Island the
seat of ail worldly troubles, so small yet so great. The frozen
terrain, Siberia. A monster down here very few consider
dangerous, the Red Dragon, Krushchev, the boss, (should 1
say one of the bosses controlling the Brown Bear) has been
dealing with the Red Dragon against the wishes of the Is-
land. The Lion, the Beast, the King, the King of all evil
branches, the King of all human suffering; all over the East-
ern Hemisphere, way down to Australia, back up and still
the people do not awaken to the true enemy, the body that
nurtures the head, the controllers of the Thirty Pieces of Si/-
Now l'm looking at the Western Hemisphere, Alaska.
They are still planning to make the northern part of North
America their new permanent headquarters because in
their own seat there are decaying timbers. As 1 have once
given, the Lion's teeth are decaying, so they're trying to re-
vive their teeth by moving into the northern part of North
America, the New World.
Havana, as 1 speak of the Cigar, more trouble, more trou-
ble, the whole tail of North America and those possessions
near it, red, trouble, trouble, including in our new state.
Newfoundland, a seat of deception. There is a line shown
to me from Florida to Dominican Republic. This line seems
to come from the exiled one of the Cigar to the exiled one, or
overthrown ruler of South America, the lower tip of this
continent. As at the Republic, it makes quite a devtlish line,
doesn't it?
San Diego headquarters from the Eastern Hemisphere to
the West, down to the Republic, over to the east side of the
U.S.A. Very comfortable up to Newfoundland, now ail they
need to do is tighten the chain. 'This, you recall, was ~iven
several years ago, even to the planting of the ammumtion.
At that time our Spiritual Dlrector stopped us, which we
observed, which had he known, he'd never have done, but
we are here exonerated from the fault. ft was not ours, the
exposure of these places would h:>ve been a tremendous re-
port. Again how true it is, whom do you fear, man?
. Old Mexico, as was given long time ago, is about to pop
lnto what was warned tben. That's the reason for our Presl-

dent to make the journey into Old Mexico. It was given
sorne time ago that sorne ofther.. will take refuge into south­
ern tip of California, or also known as, (Question Lower?)
that's correct. It is at this point from which the narcotics are
transported into even, yes, our own state. That was also
given, our old reports will prove this, and in one of our
southern states a great grab was made, but that didn't
scratch the surface.
This is trying to renew in your minds the past messages as
weil as those right now in effect. The warnings/ were ail
given, now they are being proven.
It's such a sick, such a sick world. So much of the hard
working patriots and people with their country at heart, so
much of their work has been used for a two-fold purpose.
The cunningness of the enemy which the Christians do not
see, which they should be alert to, because one must always
be alert.
Patriotism has been used for a two-fold purpose. Other
efforts, the cleansing, has been used for a two-fold purpose.
The decision of the Catholic Archbishops and Bishops has
also been used. It is hard to try to bring home to those the
true picture, the cunningness of the Serpent that we have
been told before. It is coiled, and later we were warned
would spread from one coast to the other. Can you recall
these messages? Can you see the pattern now- how it's
being used? The evil forces, the head behind these? They
are still very active. You have seen the pictures between the
races, and anti-Semitism. lt has ail been given and is now
mushrooming into greater reality. Wake up before the last
thread breaks. Even the unification of the great branches of
ch urches; the strings are being pulled to sever the gap, to
make it rather deeper, to cut the new cords that are begin­
ning to weave them together. The cords have been placed,
been woven in. [t would take a lot of pulling together of the
faithful good Christians, and then tie a knot forever of
unity. The knot of unity, never to be broken! But right now
unless we wake up, sorne of the threads are being severed.
Let's tie the knot of unity that the Mediatrix of Peace dis­
plays on Her Bosom.
Unity, the sign of Unity, with the world on one end and
the tassel representing aH peoples on the other. Let's make
that a reality. Let's not pull that apart. Many have ques­
tioned, what does this mean? This is your answer. Unity be­
tween ail churches ail over the world. The globe; the tassel


represents ail orthe people. That is what the Mediatrix of

Peace Sign means.
Pope Pius XII before His death was troubled over the
very one that is now so heavily carried by ail radio commen­
tators, as weil as newspapers (McCreeos). He himself is not
aware ofwhat he's being fully used for. It is victory and self­
glory for himself. Too blind to see the fangs of the Serpent,
and Alex stands there, his head bowed-so sad, so sad. One
hand he points to the domes, towards the Orthodox Church,
the other hand he points to St. Peter's, Rome, Vatican.
Again the large pillar, the strength, the dove, within its bill,
carrying a banner, and on this banner is United We Stand,
Divided We Fait!
And here is our own flag, the flag of our own Church,
with the Pope's Tiara, two keys. The two keys represent the
keys of the kingdom. The white and gold of the flag implies
the purity and majesty of God. The Tiara or Papal Crown
symbolizes the authority of the Church, and in the bill of
another white dove, pulling it down into the pillar, is a ban­
ner on which is written Al! Christendom United into One;
Christ's Militant Church under Christ's Triumphant Church,
to Triumph Forever, the strength of ail the people. Entwined
over this is the sign the Lady, Mediatrix ofPeace wore, the
Unity Knot, as it is being called; sort of entwines itself over
the Orthodox, over the Vatican, and it's the end of one of
these that the dove is carrying into the other, the same.
Within the bill is the banner as given before, and this repre­
sents the pillar of strength.
We need more workers for unification of ail churches,
let's make it a reality; and then the answers will be of the
Fifth Siege now, peace and harmony. Read the Fifth Siege
now and the promise given, it is ail here, Before this, tne
Fifth Siege- disunit)', bloodshed, warnings given in the
past are true, becommg more true; within the Fifth Siege
that the Father of our Country was shown.
Our Lady of Fatima, acrOS6 Her, May 13, 1917; Her fin­
ger points down to the globe into warning She had given at
that time. Now the globe is turned over, and 1 need not re­
peat what we ail know is to be a fact, what has happened.
We heeded Her not, She has now spun around and 1 see
only Her back. Are we doing the same with Our Lady's
warning in the U.S. The picture is dimming, dimming, dim­
ming. Let's clear the fog away and brighten it up. Let's unite
into a true Christian force wlth the spirit of Christ, with the

spirit of patriotism. Join forces into one and thus wedge out
the Serpent, and then Our Lady will crush his head with Her
heel if we do our dutY to both our neighbor, our country,
and above all, Our Lord and God and HIs Holy Mother. Il is
beautifui to see this, but knowing that it fades away is sad.
Will everybody try and remember United We Stand, Di­
vided We Fall! To pray together, to play toaether, to work
together, we shall win together. Try to spreadthese words as
just ~;iven; to also heed the Eight Points given, to help you in
findmg the termites of evil.
One of the first ones, and one of the greatest ones was so­
cieties of both Protestants as well as Catholics. There are so
many of these societies that have sprung up with the front a
beautiful, even, yes, spiritual looking front, but behind
these doors the termites are working, the Serpent. ThiS
again the enemy is using for a two-fold purpose. Again you
have your double meaning. This does not mean you must be
against societies, for many of them are good.
Do you see the purpose of the enemy? To destroy all faith
into any gathering, or either not to care and join them any­
way. When starting any society, any meeting, any gathering,
no matter what it may be called, see to it first that you have
good spiritual guidance if at all possible, that the back­
ground of your members are ail Christ. Be careful whom
you enter mto your midst, for there are many wolves in
sheep's clothing, as warned October 7, 1950.
Afso the warning on medication, this has been confusing
to many. It does not mean that your many scientific work­
ers, your doctors, your scientists, that they're all evil. No,
there are many loyal, good, God-fearing men in this field
and are developing and working hard for the sick of human­
ity; but again the two-fold purpose has entered. In it is
planted your destruction, be It food for humans, or food or
feed for birds or animais, or be it food for your sail. Study
this program, much good has been accomplished; in much
of this work there have been improvements. Oh, but the
enemy is not asleep! Just like our fuels.
So make a thorough research on the Eight Points given.
Here we have only tned to show two of them; you must de­
velop these Eight Points into a larger explaining field, to
point out, to show withinit the wrong, the good. Try with ail
your power to develop and coyer these points in this field,
but remember also the Serpent is working very hard to de­
stroy, to drip the venom from its fangs.


Our Sorrowful Mother with Her pink rose gown. The [m­
maculate Heart pierced with seven golden daggers, Her
head bowed, tears are Oowing l'rom Her Face, with a crown
on Her head ta show us She is ou r Queen, the Queen of hoth
Heaven and earth, for by Her Feet is a globe. The earth or
land on the globe is the Western Hemisphere. St. Joan is
standing next ta the globe holding out the banner. On the
banner, it is in Latin, but it means Our Lord Jesus and
Maria. There is something else on it, [ believe it must be an
emblem representing Rome.
Ta the leU of Our Sorrowful Mother is St. Therese, known
as the Little Flower, holding in her arm a houquet of red
roses on her left arm; also in this arm is a Crucifix of Our
Lord. [n her hands, she shows the Infant, the Child Jesus,
and weH, it resembles the picture that appeared on Veroni­
ca's Veil, Our Lord's Face, the Holy Face.
Ta the left of Our Lady (the globe is to the right), it's hard
ta describe, [ believe it means a scale, for the Unity Sign is
on the one end. On the other [ believe itmeans the Vallcan,
Rome, yes, it does. Under this, sort of where the sca[e is bal­
ancing on is a pyramid, or better known to the Christian
world, the Trimty Sign. Our Lady's hand is down like this
(right hand down, open palm showing), and on this hand
hangs down a five decade Rosary, and there are ra ys of light
coming l'rom Her fingers, it seems, or the pa[m of Her Hand
over the Rosary onlO the sca[e.
In Her other Hand, extended like this (extends left hand,
fingers pointed upward) sits a heautifu[ dove. In her bill
hangs a banner, Forever Peace. [ shall not place my interpre­
tation on this picture. Il is not for me to interpret this mes­
sage, but if you study it, it gives you a large message. [t
should give you a ray of hope and faith in Thy Holy Mother
as She stands here, and our BIg Leaguers stand near Her.
The Maiden of Wars, the Maiden that showers the roses, it
makes a beautiful picture. The only thing missing in this
picture is ta wipe the tears of Our Sorrowful Mother, ta put
a smile in the sa beautiful face of St. Joan, and our beaullful
St. Therese, the Little Flower, the lover of the Holy Face.
Pray for the Pope, pray for Cardinal Agaginian, pray for
Cardinals, pray for Cardinals in the U.S.A., especIally the
three new ones.
We have ta pIe ad for the mercy ofGod, plead, we can'tlet
Satan win. What a battle, what a fight there'll be between
the bad and the good. Ifwe can only getthe good roused up,


what a battle. We have to get the good rousea up. They have
to fight harder, they've got to fight harder, got to strain
themselves, strain to the limit and God will be merciful.
Can't relax when it gets hard, got to push, push. Satan
doesn't relax, he keeps right on going, we Chnstians relax
when it gets hard. We got to keep pushing, just like Our
Lord had to keep pushing. In spite of the pain He pushed
on. If we push hard enough we can pull those back that are
on the road to confusion. We can pull them back by us, and
they'lI get to understand. There are too man y on the con­
fused road now.


• More disasters, no good. Warnings of'51 and messages of

'51 given during this period becoming more evident today.
Fallout creating respiratory illnesses today diagnosed as
cancer, also form of tuberculosis, blood diseases, heart fail­
ure, ail through conditions created by atomic and hydrogen
bom b tests. Feed for livestock also contaminated with same,
especially in the Western states where fallout is so much
greater. By now much of the fallout has carried as far East as
New York Sta te, your sea board states; has come down from
above. ln some areas more pronounced, in some areas thin­
ner, depends on the air current and the winds, just as it is
when you f1y a plane. Where ifs smooth sailing, it drifts
along, when you have your down currents it comes down
and then rises up. So, so the fallout will also distribute itself.
The big scientists are very much concerned about this con­
dition because this is one condition they themselves cannot
escape. Man has planted the destruction, and they them­
selves are unable to erase it. This affects the poor as weil as
the rich, just like death, no one has control. So the fallout,
they will try to cover this situation up because of the hysteria
and fear it would create amongst humanity. People become
so frightened tha t many times such a suggestion even
wou Id, in their minds, create something that really is not
there. ln some places it is the cause; in others not. This is like
a fog, comes down in one part, up and down. This is only to
try to explain what is meant by the variation of the fallout.
Your noticeable difference in the youth, illness amongst
newborn babes, ail through this condition. One of the Sena­
tors during the last campaign spoke ofthis. Hewas ridiculed
by those that wish to hush it, but if anybody could obtain his

speech, you will find he came very close to the point. (Ques­
tIOn, what Senator is this?) It is Senator Kefauver. Although
he plays with the wrong, he did bring out the truth. He was
very much chastised by his own followers, but in his
speeches to hurt the other party, he used something that
they themselves are also guilty of. Although he does not
fully understand th~ forces that are behind this, he is more.
like one would say, a babe in the woods. So many of our Sen­
ators, Congressmen, Governors, your state officiais are
babes in the woods when it comes to the facts behind those
in the body of the Beast- your International Bankers.
In many places flowers and certain tender plants have
died, they don't seem to know what's wrong, that is the rea­
son, the fallout. The tender plant cannot bear it. That is also
the reason why they find abortion amongst some animais
because of the food they eat. Il has such a great destructive­
ness upon both vegetation, animais, as weil as humanity.
There are scientists now that know of this, and are deeply
trou bled. There are some that have known of its disastrous
effects and have begged and pleaded with the others not to
go forth,just as one died because he destroyed sorne ingre­
dients destructive to man. If used in the proper proportions,
it would be helpful to humanity, but he knew the evilness of
man would go beyond, so he destroyed the formula and
th us found death himself; and this is the case in many in­
stances. Others just to develop and show what they can
create, the monster; do not care, throw ail cautions to the
four winds. Now that they themselves are just as much in
danger as the one they planted it for, now there is a growing
fear amongst them. You might say there could be the Hand
of God in it, for God knows what man does not. They're
trying to control God where they will find they're not able,
for God is Almighty: man is only weak, only he himself
thinks, when the point cornes, he is weak.
They're too weak now to cope with the monster they let
loose. They cannot snare what IS blown into the atmosphere
far beyond sound, slowly spreading over the globe. It IS not
only in the Western HemIsphere, also in the Eastern. the
two will join up.
Again the two-fold pur pose. The Centers that you have in
your states could be of the good, but the purpose behind it is
not. Tbat is why clergymen are also fooled by this, because
there is a grave need for the care of children that through,
not the fault of the parents but the fault ofjust given, has re­

tarded the mentality. It's the poison in foods, the air they
breathe, etc. that has caused the retardedness in the mental­
ity of the children; even to deformity of the children. There
are need for these institutions or centers, as called, but again
the two-fold purpose-the good is overshadowed with the
other need, the evil ones' need for the control of the youth!
Oh, ifwe couldonly awaken America, awaken them! Il is so
hard, you can meet a very good Christian, layman or the
clergy, try to explain to them about this, they cannot see it.
They can only see the good that's behind it, that is how it
was planned, it was planned this way.
Just as they are now promoting Catholicism in your gov­
ernment, for your President, for your Governor, for your
Senators, so that the religious are taken in by this. They see
only the good, and they feel that things have changed. They
arè given a chance, but they cannot see the tremendous plot
behmd this.
We need more Priests that can bring 250,000 people to­
gether inJrayer, not only in one part of the U.S.A., but ail
over the .S.A., and then the enemy must lose out because
prayer, devotions, the Rosary, penance, sacrifice, and yes­
fasting like St. Francis did, fasted. Mahatma Gandhi, he
too, fasted. Those are the things that help with the evil one,
but they must be of willingness, not forced. Forcing one to
do somethin~ against his own will is wasted. It must come
from its own mdividual heart. The willingness to serve God,
the willingness to carry the banner of their Lord and God,
like St. Joan did, St. Theresa did, St. Francis did, St. Mary
magdalen did, St. Peregrine did, and so on. They were
willmg to do the penance, the suffering, to help thelr Lord
carry the Cross to Calvary.
The period of Lent is a period of fasting, sacrifice and
penance. That too, must come from the heart. A forced issue
again is fruitless. You must have true love for your Lord and
God and His so Sorrowful Mother, who now is only in tears,
for She loyes humanity here on carth; especially in the New
World, whom She had hoped wou Id be the guidance and in­
spiration for the other continents. Instead we are slowly and
gradually drifting into the same drift of that of the Old
World, the same mistakes, instead of standing up as a guid­
ing light as on the Eastern Shore stands the Statue of Liber­
ty. Let's keep it what it represents; let's not dash beneath the
Statue man's bodies of slavery, of sin and evilness; Let's not
pile it in drifts against the Statue of Liberty, freedom for aIl.

Let's re-write the Constitution, let's put the pieces togeth-
er as our forefathers ha ve written it. Let not the Lady of Lib-
erty stand in mockery, but true liberty for ail mankind; no
matter what creed, religion or faiths they belong to. Again,
United We Stand, Divided We FaU!
There is such a great division, disunity in the Western
Hemisphere now, bloodshed, the map has not changed. The
red spots are still red as once given before, in fact, certain
parts are getting more crimson. Oh why, oh why, why can-
not we awake? And those that are so asleep, just like the
three Apostles, fast asleep, let's awaken. Let's awaken and
spend a little time in the Garden of Gethsemani with Our
Lord and God on the Way to Calvary. Let's pick up our
Cross and carry it with hlm. Let's be a little like Simon
and Veronica, Just a Iittle.
Large continent in the Western Hemisphere, the largest
trouble now lies in the Equator region, but will spread
south. For sorne time this continent had Iittle disturbances;
the southern tip ofit had quite a serious one a few days aga,
but near the Equator it is boiling for more. Part of it will
spread north and the other south. The reason an undercurr-
ent objection through the treatment given them by either
one continent, mainly through the United States control
over this region, so they think, not realizing it does not come
from the United States, but from a Iittle island, the seat of
ail troubles for many years and centuries, from the King of
the Beasts. For if they would take a good look at the Eagle
they, too, wou Id see he is plucked and ruffled up.
There will be more revolts, revolutions, riot squads, kill-
ings, bloodshed, besides the upheavals of nature will also
add to their suffering. Just as there will be more de-
struction through-yes, cali it mother earth-disturbances,
which is controlled by Almighty God, which man is helping
to disrupt with their trying to do away with God's Com-
l'm afraid man will wake up when it's too late, and that is
the reason Our Lady of Sorrows stands with bowed head
and tears coming from Her eyes, for She loves man. She
loves Her children Iike ail mothers do, for She is our Moth-
er, no matter if we are protesting or accepting. She is still our
Mother, for Our Lord gave us His Holy Mother as He hung
on the Cross. He gave Her to ail Christians, even though
sorne do not understand this. Those that are away from the
True Faith, She is still their Mother, and She hopes that

sorne day they will come back ta Her. But it would take a lot
more effort on lhe parlaI' us lhal have the True Failh, bUl
are using il so carelessly, our shepherds, our represenlalives
of Chrisl, be lhey lhe Cardinal, lhe Archbishop, the Bishop,
the Monsignor or the lowly priest. We need them as our
guiding light, wc need them ta protect us, we need them for
true spiritual guidance, but they too, have drifted on the
wrong road in manv cases.
That is the reason Our Sorrowful Mother pleads for
prayers for them, not in condemnation not in scandaliza­
tian. We should not be scandalous towards them to spread
il. but pray, pray and help in a quiet way to bring the mis­
take ta them, for Satan has greater power upon them as rep­
resentatives of Christ than on many cases the laity. Sa that is
lhe reason we musl pray in silence, in lrue love for Our Sor­
rowful MOlher and help Her galher the sheep l'rom lhe f10ck
thal have slrayed away. Bring them into the fold, and thus
drying the tears of Our Sorrowful Mother. The more we
scandalize them, the more we cause Her ta bow Her Head in
tears. Sa let's erase those tears and go ta work as still water
ra ther than a nais)' nlob, and bring back our losl shepherd
and the sheep. Bring them into lhe fold, the f1ock, bringing
back joy ta Our Holy Mother.

FRIDAY, MARC" 13, 1959

1 wonder if there is still lime because never before did 1

see the fuses sparkling. l've always seen it ready to plunge,
but now it's sparkling. The question is how much time be­
tween the sparkling fuses and disasler' And whom will it
hit') We're ail sitting on, commonly spoken of, a keg of dy­
namite with the fuses lit. How long, how short the fuses is
the question? It's frightening ta see Il sparkle. Will Our Lord
reach down and plunge it out? Will Our Blessed MOlher
push it OUl wilh Her Heel, or will The)' stand back and
walch \.!S destroy ourse Ives? Jusl as parenls leave lheir chil­
dren burn their fingers lo leach them a lesson, are we going
lo be laughl lhe grealesl of ail lessons lhis lime? Or wIll we
ever learn? It does not look good.
The laity must work, the laity must work. Many, many
helping hands are needed lo awaken lhe sleeping Chris­
tians, to bring them to life. Again lhis is the penod of Lent.
ln some places again churches have quite a number offailh­
fui at devolions, at Daily Mass, bUl olhers are sa sad. Il is

only the few faithful, no increase, sorne places a mere hand­
fuI. Oh, why don't they try? Why don't they try? ln many in­
stances it is those that are attending that are hardly able to
do it without a great strain on themselves, where others
cou Id if they only did.
Yes, 1will not name the locality, but here's a huge Cathe­
dral. 1 am shown its yearly attendance, daily attendance;
and now, Lenten devotions; very few, very few. Why! l'm
sure they are not all bedridden, no, they just
haven't time for Our Lord or His Holy Mother, who still
stands with a bowed head, tears in Her eyes. When will we
wipe those tears?
Here l'm shown a small corn munity church, a small par­
ish. Ils yearly attendance, daily, and its Lenten devotion.
Oh, what a shame, what a shame! ln comparison to this lit­
tle church to the huge cathedral, if 1could count the heads 1
believe it would equal what is attending in the small, Iittle
church to the big cathedral. Of course at the small, little
church is a very humble, spiritual, God fearing, God loving
Priest; and his heart and soul is devoted to His Holy Moth­
er. Result, look at it, look at it! The people love their Priest,
so into their heans is planted a great devotion and love for
Christ and His Holy Mother. 1 could na me the parish, 1
could name the Priest, but it must be left unsaid; unsaid be­
cause l'm sure that Christ and His Holy Mother have their
arms around this whole community. Sorne of you in this
room even know the Priest, sorne of you don't, but it shows
what we need. We need a good Shepherd at the head ofhis
flock, so that is the reason Our Holy Mother pleads for
prayers for Her Priests.
The Beast, the Brown Bear and two heads snarling at one
another, while the paw of the Lion is pressing down on the
poor plucked Eagle, who is squawking, squawking. How fu­
tile the battle between two heads, when the body lies just
twitching the tail and naturally feeding both heads. How fu­
tile for the two heads to fight, they are fed by the same body.
1 hate this Beast. Until we destroy him, we will have no
peace, and to think that our U. N. is controlled by this Beast.
Pig Eyes likes his vodka aga in. Let's not make a mistake
because vodka dulls his reasoning, and in a moment ofthis
kind he needs only to press the buttons. Then may God
have mercy on us, because that big baby is stilllaying there,
ail repaired again. The Almighty gave man his intel1igence
to build such a monster. Wlthout God they could never


have built it, but still they're trying to do away with Him,
trying to go on outer planets to control the earth. That is the
plan ofthree major nations. The race is who'lI get there firsl.
May Our Merciful Lord put out His Palm and stop it ail.
Preparing to take equipment up to another planet and con­
trol from up above, to make themselves God.
Power mad maniacs! Power! Ali plotted and planned and
fed through the body, and completely controlled by the one
body. Different heads, yes, but foolishly they do not know il.
They're still controlled and fed by the same stream. If the
spine of the body wills the head to turn this way, they'lI turn,
if it wills the other way, it'Il turn. The head has no control
unless the spine is there to feed it, and that is our Beast! De­
stroy the body and the heads are useless.
OC course, now speaking in a different term, you would
have to destroy the International Bankers, controlled by
Old Solomon hllnself, the Supreme Grand Master, and he is
like to the Christian world, the True Faith, your Pope; the
Head ofyour Church. This Supreme Grand Master oftoday
is in the U.S.A. Here are ail his Cardinals, Bishops or Arch­
bishops, what we cali them. Some of them 1 even recognize.
l've seen pictures of them. Oh, what a battle to fight these,
this is what we Christians must fight, fight!
l'm sho"wn the map of the world and the symbol of the
head for each Grand Master. In most of ail places there is
only one, excepting in the Island, there are two. Headquar­
ters for the King of the Beast, and where the mighty paw of
the Beast has always rested since the time of the Red Shield,
that place still has two. And where the Tower stands there
are two. U.S.A. has two, one in the West Coast and in the
main city, New York City. Secret headquarters at Wilmelte,
the Hub.
Secret meeting with Supreme Grand Master atthe Hub.
Too late, leave the country the 15th.
There is a cross in front of me. 1 don't know what kind it
is. Il has the regular cross arm, and then above it another
cross arm, but not quite as lon~ as the regular one. 1 know,
that's the Orthodox Eastern Rite. If we could ail unite in a
huge battle together, for we aU believe in the sa me Christ
and the same Blessed Mother. We need to unite to win this
battle and then find peace. For those that'II win it, they will
find peace. What a beautiful time to live in! Only love for
one another, happiness andjoy. Ali feel equaltowards each
other. No selfishness, no greediness, no hate, lust, gluttony,

blasphemy; only peace,joy and happiness. That's what will
be in store for the ones who will help to bring unity to ail
Pray, pray for Pope John. Pra)' for Pope John for perse­
verance. Pray for Cardinal Agagmian, for right guidance in
his tremendous works. Evil forces are trying to harm his
work, He is working on unification. Pray, pray for him.

FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1959

Our Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, asked my Spiritual Direc­
tor, as weil as ail ofus, to say the Angelus three times a day;
also that the Churches ring the Angelus bell.
Our Sorrowful Mother still looks so sad. At midnight 1
saw the scene that 1 have spoken of before, with the globe,
the Western Hemisphere - St., Joseph to the right, and this
time Our Sorrowfu\ Mother to the left, bath fooking very
sad down on the globe. Previously, twice before, 1 have only
seen St. Joseph.
The world maps, both si des (Eastern or Western Hemi­
sphere), have not increased to the good, but still the wrong
has increased instead. There is no peace in store, not the way
the globe looks 110W. In fact, you will hear ofmore trouble in
Korea, more trouble in Berlin. More trouble in the Suez
Canal area, which of course, has never quit boiling, but il
will boil more rapidly; the Black Gold area.
And turning the globe to our side, just like given before,
the southern part IS brewing for more trouble. They are
going cunningly to try to put ail the blame on the U.S.A. but
as we know, the U.S.A. is only a poor, plucked Eagle; that
the body of the Beast, which is the International Bankers, or;
yo\!LYi.sls, or whatever you want to cali them, ail rolled into
one, thq:!!r~ ~rol. The Head of Satan's Syndicate,
that's what's in control.
Poor Uncle Sam, they have him kneeling and praying,
but the poor fellow seems to be praying pretty much alone
as he is pictured. The rest of the Christlans are not enough
with him, so the Eagle stays plucked!
We were asked to pray for our President. When it's first
asked, a dash is made and then dropped. It's just like at the
bedside of the sick, as given before, wh en he looks like he's
leaving, you pray very hard and devoutedly and as soon as
his eyes open and he smiles, we smile, too, and the prayers
are dropped. Had the public, the Christians, kept up their

prayers for him, oh, the change we would see here, but that
would take too mu ch time. Wc don't have lime for prayers,
only good times we seek. We turn our back on the Sacred
Heart and Our Holy Mother, so how do we expect their
blessings showered upon us, which they have so graciously
done in the ~ast, regardless how coldly we have treated
them, but thelr patience, their mercy will soon end and we,
too, will face the same purges that the Eastern Hemisphere
faced. Il is boiling now in the region of the Equator. Watch
it go north and south on the Western side of the globe, pray,
You mustn't loose courage, even though it looks like it's
ail hopeless. You must stil1 continue no matter how bad it
looks, and sorne of those that you know that have tried so
hard and are sort of giving up the ship now, write them an
encouraging letter, for them to continue, be it a Priest, or
nun or a layman.
More sacrifices, more penance needed. More, more,
many more people to turn to prayer. The world condition
looks so bad.
1 was right, 1 thought when 1 looked at.his picture 1 could
have i~agin~d it, but 1 di<.in't. Only in this case his picture
does hlm Justice, he looks hke a very broken man, heart bro­
ken; not material1y, but heart broken, bitterly hurt, but if
only he would continue to trust in Almighty God. He has
tried desperately, he suffered, oh, 1should say he was cruci­
fied for what he tried to do for man, and he isn't alone.
There are others with him in the field of medicine. Just like
it was given in our work; sorne so desperately try to help
mankind while others tear down. If we could only get the
public to awaken, but they wil1 not. While there is still
chance until destruction faIls on our head, so speaking, we
must try to educate the people to the good. Try to help this
man, try to help bring about his efforts.
Oh yes, they're al1 doctors here. They're doctors 1 view in
front of me, and one of them, just one of them, is the one
that we spoke ofjust recently, but couldn't hardly recognize
him now. He is so low in spirits. (Question asked, where is he
now?) It isn't shown where he's ·at now, l'm only shown the
different doctors. 1 don't know who they are unless 1 see
their pictures, and there are no names here, just faces. One
of these could even be Hoxsey, Ivy, Spears. 1 don't know
who they are. There's one l'm sure 1 recognize whom 1 have
spoken of four years ago. Now recently 1 have seen his pic­


ture and his name so 1 know now, but right now 1 wouldn't
hardly recognize him to be the same, but it is because it is
shown to me as 1 first viewed him four years ago and now.
And another one is a scientist but also a doctor, and that is
Dr. Roberts. Oh, what they can do to humanity to destroy
their good. There are a few women amongst them-and this
is America!!
Don't criticize China, Russia, we got it here. We don't
need Krushchev to deal out cruelty, or Tito, none of those.
We're just as good, or we do it a little crUeler. ICs lower, we
don't just abuse the body, we destroy their minds with the
injustice. That's here in America, the U.S.A., what l'm view­
ing, not in Europe or China or Africa. Don't talk about them
bemg cruel, point your finger at your own beautiful Ameri­
ca, U.S.A.!
There are many good men here. They're American citi­
zens trying to help their country in the field of sçience and
Did you ever hear of Doctor Peter Gerow? (Note: not
sure of pronunciation. Perhaps Peterburrow) He worked in
the field of atomic energy. He is the one, just one of them,
that had a formula similar to the destructive cobalt. He de·
stroyed it. He used to live in Ohio. Very few people even
heard of him, but he is the one that they tortured to death
and called him insane. They might have given him a differ­
ent name. That is just another example.
Doctor Roberts, one of the greatest things he did (that is
only one ofthem) and that was in the form ofyou might say,
X-Ray. A person cauld walk by with luggage and his device
would show yau every article within it. The enemy got ahold
of him. This was given in the past work. ICs no need of re­
viewing il. now. Faur years ago it was given, although they
nabbed hlm about five or SIX years ago. He was a young
God gave man, that is the scientists. be they medication
or other fields, the ability, the intellect and foresight ta im­
prove, to bring forth good, which could have been in use far
every person on earth from the poorest to the richest, but the
enemy has put forth control over ail, used it in its own cruel
way. In man:, instances kept it from the American public, or
1 should say the whole world.
The Brown Bear has many ofthese great, intelligent men
under its control, as weil as here. Also c the Island, 1 need not
repeat who's the controller.


Pray, pray for Pope John. Pray for ail Priests and Reli­
gious. Pray much, pray for Archbishop Hurley.
Fishes. Still a lot of fishes around our shores. (Su bmar­

The Brown Bear, huge missile is ready in preparedness to

use against the Chistian world in mockery of Our Lord Cru­
cifieo. Oh ~ray, pray, spoil it. Ifthis huge instrument works
perfect, we Il ail know it. It mustn't happen, it mustn't, spoil
It's against the Christians. It's one of Satan's own weap­
ons. Oh, it makes me so sick. We're letting the Supreme
Grand Master in control with ail the Grand Masters under
him. Wake up Christians, wake up Christians!
Not enough done by the Christian world to honor the
Crucifixion and then the G lorious Resurrection. It's still
secondary to the Easter Bunny, champagne, good times,
parties. The churches at this hour should be filled to over­
flowing, they are not, they are not.
Sorne places, wonderful attendance. Others, oh, it's so lit­
tle to ask to give to Our Lord, Who died to redeem man. It's
so little we could do in gratitude and love for Him Who sa­
crificed so much; but look at these churches, be they Catho­
lic, be they Protestant, not enough, not enough. When will
we wake up, when? When the sparkling fuse hits its source
then its too late for the fuse is lit. It is ur to us to step in be­
tween and hait the destruction of Satan s Evil Forces in con­
trol, the Supreme Grand Master. The world is fighting its
greatest battle. Will we win, or will Satan triumph"? Oh yes,
Christ's Triumphant Church has always triumphed. but will
the church ofman, the Militant Church, will it triumph? It is
up to us, to the Christian world, to bring this about. Our
Blessed Mother, our so Sorrowful Mother stands with Her
Head bowed, tears f10wing from Her eyes, for She loves us
ail. When will we dry the tears and put to work what She has
shown us here-the Unity Sign, Unity between ail branches
of churches and the whole world.
Peace, peace, such wonderful peace, which will happen
after the fulfillment ofthefifth siege, but the que~tion is how
many ofus will be here to gIorify in this wonderful period of
peace. It's coming, yes, it's coming, but who will be left to
witness it? There IS so !ittle time to save souls of men, to save


them for God and His Holy Mother. Let's not lose them to
the enemy, to the anti-Christ, the controller of the Supreme
Grand Master, the Pope of Satan. Nine hundred and fort y
years before Christ he had control, and down through the
ages he has created confusion, heartaches, suffering, sorrow
and is still in control because man still reaches out for the
thirty pieces of si/ver, the shining silver that only is here to
betray hi m, and man thus betrayed will follow the path of
the one who bargained for the thirty pieces of si/ver. Ex­
chan~e that for tne Cross. Kneel down at the foot of Thy
Lord s Cross. Kneel down and look up at thy Crucified Lord
Who died for you to save man.
The laity must work to bring this about. Every man with a
heart and love for his Blessed Mother and HIs Redeemer
must work, work like he's never worked before. If you be­
come tired, God will give you strength, God is Merciful,just
show Him you love Him. Give your heart to Him, and the
Mercy ofGod will be shown to )'ou, and you will be one that
will glorify in this glorious penod of peace, joy, happiness,
like man has never seen.
Come, come, wake up! Wake up your fellow brethren,
show him the light, the truth. Bring them back on the
straight road 10 God, there is no side path. The side paths
only lead you to destruction. There is only one raod, only
one, there is no in between. One to hell; the other to eternal
happiness, underneath the Blue Mantle of Thy Heavenly
Mother and the smile and blessings of Thy Lord and God.
Awaken, awaken and work, work. The reward will be beau­


Our world has today seen the greatest confusion, confu­

sion. 1am commanded to speak to you, but l'm afraid l'Il be
a failure. 1 will try if 1 have your prayers and cooperation.
The earth is now faced with the greatest confusion, tur­
moil and hardship that we have ever seen. The enemy, the
anti-Christ, Satan's Hierarchy, are the cause of this great
confusion. They planned it this way. They are trying to de­
stroy Christianity, be it our Faith or be it other Faiths. Ali
Chnstianity is faced with destruction.
Ifthey can destroy you, ail the Christian Faith, they have
accomplished theirgoal. It is up to you Christians, our
Faith, to save the FaIth of Our Lord, Who died on Calvary,

Who gave us His Blessed Mother, and He gave Her to us as
His Mother ofGod. We know Our Lord's wishes. We know
the Holy Mother pleads and pleads and pleads. How Many
times has She come and humiliated Herself-the Queen of
Heaven and earth, to plead with us, Her children, that we do
God's Will, Her Son's Will. But no, we close our eyes, we
cast aside Her pie as, we tum our backs to Her.
She has said it in the year 1917. She has said it many times
since, They heed Me not. They tum their backs to Me. Who
does She mean? VOU! No matter what faith, color or creed,
because God created ail men equal; that is, men's souls are
equal. It is up to man what he does with his own soul be­
cause God gave you the free will to destroy yourself or fol­
low Our Lady's pleas and requests.
Yes, there are many confused on this very ground, confu­
sion created by the enemy, not by anyone else. They want it
that way. Do not fOIlOW Satan. Tum to your Holy Mother,
the Mother of Thy Lord and God. Please, please, 1 beg of
you, do Her will because at this very moment our Church,
the Church of Jesus Chtist, is being shackled by the enemy.
Vou must unite, you must unify and come together be­
neath Our Lord's Cross and do His Holy Will. Only then
can the Vicar of Christ accomplish this great task. He is a
very good man, but he needs ail ofyou behind him as true
Christians. He is trying hard. He needs your prayers, your
efforts to do God's Win so that he can carry the heavy cross
placed upon him by every nation on earth, and yourselves
are guilty of making his cross heavier. We must fight and
pray for the unificatIon of churches, and bring them back to
the fold; and it takes us ail, everyone, to do that, and you
can only do that by staying pure in heart, mind and love thy
neighbor as thyself.
When God created man, He created him equal, when
it cornes to man's soul; but God has placed many talents
upon us ail. Sorne have many sorne have few. There is
wbere we are not equal, and you cannot blame your neigh­
bor because his talent is not as great as yours. Vou must
aIl unite and help the ones that have not the same tal­
ent as you, and do God's Will and not harm Thy Lord and
God Who walked Calvary for you, died on the Cross for
you. Vou cannot win without Christ.
The enemy is devising many ways to fool you and even
the elect. Your Gospels tell you this, read it, study your Gos­
pels, it's in there: and then go out as true Christians. Do not


reach for the mate rial things oflife, the glitter, but reach for
the purity of life.
Fight for the youth. Satan has taken your youth in com­
mand. When he destroys the youth, the man of tomorrow,
he will have conquered. Don't stand by and let him destroy
this beautiful country. Ali nations are looking upon us, this
country that belongs to the Blessed Motner. It is this
Country that still has some freedom, yes, some freedom, but
ail about you, your freedom is being choked off by the
enemy, very c1everly, very c1everly.
Will you please, ail of you, storm Heaven and earth,
storm your loved ones, your neighbors, because on the Feast
Day of the Mother of Sorrows, Sept. 1S, one of our greatest
enemies is coming to this country, the butcher and murder­
er of so many Christians. Are we going to stand by and let
him come? Oh, there's nothing you can do, No? Oh yes,
prayers, prayers, your Rosary, Novenas, anything. Your
Senators, your clergymen, your priests, write to them. Stand
up as Militant of Christ. If he should come, make him a
meek lamb, not the wolf that he is, the Satan, the Lucifer,
and those that we already wined and dined before him the
butcher oLthemall (Mikoyan). They see our most valu able
statistics, then they laugh at our stupidity.
Pray, do not let them in our Holy Mother's Country. She
loves this Country, the New World. Do you not love your
Untted We stand; Divided We FaU. Unite!
We must unite and become true soldiers of Chnst. How
many ofyou ail say, "Oh, 1 love the Blessed Mother." Show
your love to Her by standing up as true Christians to stem
off the tide that's coming in from the West Coast, the East
Coast, it does not matter which. The same country from
which your enemy is about to enter has 500 submarines,
many in your waters. They loi ter around San Diego,
New Orleans, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
near the Aleutian Islands, Havana, anywhere, Newfound­
land, aIl about us, 500. Can you picture in your mind 500
submarines? We are told they are not good, ours are better.
That's not true, for they also have atomic energy subs. They
had them a long time ago. 1 have watched them go beneath
the North Pole, back and forth. They have flown across here
with jets. They went at a cruising speed of 1050 miles an
hour. ln comparison we only had a Model T Ford chasing a
Cadillac at the same time.

We are not prepared, we are far from being prepared.
Their subs have stood near Cape Canaveral, Florida dis­
guised as fishing tugs. At a moment's notice the tug disap­
peared and it was a sub that submerged in sight of your
shores. Oh, there are times they were spolted. Vou might see
a small article in your papers, but it was their testing, mak­
ing things perfect. They have f10wn across here, divided,
tested their way, how they could strike, but the enemy at one
time did not know the strength of the bomb. They became
frightened. The)' cannot control it themselves. They have
discovered that It would strike them as weIl as the Christians
who they are aiming to destroy. That is the only reason we
ail haven't been blown to bits, because they are fearing the
bomb themselves.
They have sunk an island by testing one. That was given
to me in 1951: Island buried.At that tlme it meant nothing.
In 1952 in fall or early in the winter of 1953 we knew the rea­
son why, because they buried an island and that is when
they were frightened. They learned the power, the mon­
strous power, to destroy. They discovered that once the ra­
diation goes into the atmosphere, they have no control be­
cause it freezes up and carries away off and slowly comes
down with the rain or snow and it radiates over ail your
land. That we are safe from that, no! Nine thousand scien­
tists protested against this because they knew what it will
do to hum~nity.
Why is there an increase ofso many diseases they have no
names for? The reason is fallout. It works on the respira tory
organs, and it works similar to cancer. It eats away, It works
in your bloodstream. It contaminates your food, even the
feed the cattle eat, and then you eat the cattle. It is aIl there,
but the enemy is trying to tell us there is no danger, so we
merrily go on. We dance on!
Protest, protest as Christians, do not let the enemy de­
stroy you, the Christians, for that is the sole purpose of ail
this battling. Christianity is in the way, especiafly we, the
Catholics. If they can destroy Catholicism, they have won
the biggest battle. That is why, help, unite together.
There is a great movement on for this unification, but the
enemy is already cutting the threads that had started to
draw together. Now it's up to you to help Pope John XXIII,
a great St. John. Help him, for he needs you. The cross is
very heavy. Place yourself in his place in your mind. Place
yourselfin his shoes, and then go on your merry way, disap­

pointing him entirely. He and a11 his apostles should be tïrst
ln our minds, and that is your Cardinals, your Archbishops,
your Bishops, your Monsignors, down to your little Priest.
They a11 need your prayers and cooperation, and the only
way it can be accomplished is ifyou unite as one big family.
Fol1ow the exampfe of the Blessed Mother when She
walked the earth. Read the back history of this, fo11ow
it. Oh, this does not mean that you cannot improve, you
must stay back in Her days. No. God gave man tne talent to
use it and man has made wonderful thmgs, made things eas­
ier for hUP1anity, but don't let that lu11 you to sleep. Use the
things God gave you in the ri~ht way, not to destroy you, for
that is what it's doing, and It is a11 so planned.
Many of you look upon Russia or Communism as being
your biggest enemy. It is only one of the beast's limbs, the
Octopus, just one. There are many others. The greatest
enemy of ail is your 1nternational Bankers, Judaism and the
other word l'Il1eave unsaid. You ail know it. Because there's
many of them misunderstand this word. They are out to de­
stroy you. They are using Communism as a front. They use
many other ways, many societies which are only a front. But
you a11 have the true society, and that is the Church of Jesus
Christ, the pleas of the Blessed Mother. You ne"ed nothing
Do Her wishes and requests, fulfill them and you will win
because God and the Holy Mother will be at your side, so
what greater comfort can you get than the comfort to know
that tfie Holy Mother and Her Divine Son are standing by
your side to fight the emeny.
The enemy works 24 hours a day, the Christians must
sleep. Oh, 1 do not mean that you have to work 24 hours a
day. Yes, your body must have rest so your mind is clear.
But if ail work as true Christians shoufd be working, you
also will be working 24 hours a day. Not technically.
The enemy has many cunning ways to get very important
data and information from our country and take it out and
use it. So storm the Queen of Heaven and earth on Her
Feast Day to prevent the enemy entering; to either not
enter, or ifhe does, that he is a meek lamb and will go back
as such, because he is not coming here for any good.
Many years ago America would have been lost nad it not
been for the Russian people and our great man, Abraham
Lincoln. He continued even though he knew death was his
answer. Lincoln knew before he died. He was shown that

the enemy wanted to destroy him. Il did not stop him. He
kept doing the right. Il is not in your History bOOKS what he
did. Vou will not find it there or who helped him, but that is
your answer as to why your country was not divided into
two-the North and the South, that IS Canada and parts of
the U.S.A. to be split to the enemy. Don't let it happen
again. We have opened the way and road Our Lady warned,
remember Alaska. The warning has come through-Alaska
will be the first stepping stone. How? Look at your map,
very simple. The invasion is very simple, and they do not
have to destroy our contry because we ourselves are right
now trying to destroy ourselves from within. We are doing il
ourselves Jrom within!
Stand up and be men, not mice. Don't let them laugh at
our stupidlty, letting ourselves be lulled to sleep, bwt wake
up! There are things we think are so important in life, mate­
nal things. Have we ever tried to give a Iittle thing up and
find out It wasn't so important after ail? One of the greatest
tasks of ail the adults here is to spare the youth.
Right now Satan is lulling themall to sleep, just like the
Pied Piper did, so is Satan guiding the children ln your rock
'n roll music. It destroys their minds. There's nothing wrong
with rock 'n roll-that's what sorne people say. What does it
do? Vou watch the children when they rock 'n roll. Is there
purity there? No!
Save the youth. Fight for them as parents, as mothers, as
fathers. No child is born evil. Il cornes to this earth with a
pure, c1ean sou!. Il is only after it's here amongst us that it
becomes tainted. After Baptism, it is pure white. Then it is
ready for us here to destroy it, to taint il. Il is up to the par­
ents, the fathers, the mothers in your corn munity, to keep
that soul c1ean.
Unity between home, school and church will bring peace
and happiness to your community, thus bringing everlast­
ing peace to ail nations. Remember that, rememf>er United
We Stand, Divided We FaU. That means in your daily Iife as
weil as in ail religions. Follow the warnings and requests of
the Blessed Mother, study your Gospels. There are great les­
sons in ail of them. Study them and you will learn much,
and when you place yourself beneath the feet of the Blessed
Mother or at the foot of Our Lord's Cross, Who died for us,
you need not have any fears but that They will guide you
straight home when your time cornes, and it's a glorious
place, it's glorious.

It's up to you. The path right now to the good is thinly
traveled, but the path to the evil is heavily traveled. Let's re­
verse it, it's up to your human selfto do it, no one else can do
it for you, it must be your own individual self. Do not con­
demn or set yourself up as a judge and jury, but always try
to sweep your own doorstep first. l'm sure you'll have
enough there. In that way·you will be fulfilling Our Lady's
requests, and remember, the laity must work. Your priests
can't do it alone, they need your help, for there is much con­
fusion among the Hierarchy, much, for they are human.
Don't help to create a greater confusion by doing wrong and
pulling down their strength, because when you go amongst
evil doings, you can find that you are weakening, because
the evil forces are there to pull you down. That IS just like
sorne ,l?eople have told me personally, they have gone into
Satan s den, the Bahai Temple, because their curiosity took
them there. Any lime you go in there, you'll come out with
sorne gook sticking to you, so don'tlet your curiosity, your
weakness, fill your fingers full of rook!
Keep them ciean and fight on. Be a true Militant of
Christ, your Savior.
The Christian world must unite itself into more prayers,
more prayers. Pray, pray and continue to pray. Ali Chris­
tians must unite underneath the unity of the merciful Lord.
They must unite in this battle against the Evil Forces, and in
unity they must ail fight to preserve Christianity. pray,!ra y ,
continue to battle for God, and your God, Our Lor and
Savior will always be merciful. He's a merciful Lord. He will
help ail Christians who love Him.
Continue to pray and place yourself into God's merciful
hands, for He will guide and comfort ail Christians, ail
Unless the Christian world turns to the merciful Lord and
places themselves underneath the Mercy of God, we will
perish. We must unite into one with the Mediatrix of Peace,
Mediatrix between God and man, the Queen of the Most
Holy Rosary, the Queen of Heaven and earth. Without Her
and the Merciful Lord, we shall perish.
Pray, pray, pray. As St. Joan of Arc spoke these powerful
words: "The Church Triumphant will always triumph; the
Church Militant errs much. Lose not faith in the Church
Triumphant." We, the laity, belong to the Church Militant.

We, the laity, too must tight in prayers, in love to fultill our
part in the Church Militant and the glorious triumph in
order to become part of the Church Triumphant in Heaven,
where Our Lord and God reigns.
We must not continue to err and lose the battle, but we
must continue to pray, even though the enemy has left our
shores. We failed to make him a lamb, contmue to pray.
Those of the enemy of Our Lord and God, the anti-Christ,
who reign under the so-called 400, the rulers of the anti­
Christ, they have seen to it that even we, the Catholic Faith;
stood in line because we were curious to see the enemy. In­
stead, while he entered our city streets, we should have en­
tered our churches, our cathedrals and gone on our knees
and prayed. No, instead of this we stood at the side of the
street wavin~ our arms, making him feel that we are fol­
lowing his I.mnciples, that he has triumphed over us. We did
not send hlm back as a disappointed lamb. We kept him
here wining and dining in glory. Let's make fllamb out of
the one that left here; that is, destroy his plans with the Red
Dragon, who is tremendous. For the nostrils of the Red
Dragon are flaring, the tire again is shoved into him, and
you know what that means. Once they join together under
one pact, they are much more mighty than our Country.
Our Lady weeps, Her head is bowed as She weeps be­
cause Her children, the Militant of the Church, continue to
err, to fOllOW rather the glamour, the material and the man's
glory on earth than to help Her save the new Country that
She so loves.
There were not enough prayers for the leader of our
Country, the guidance, the spiritual guidance that he need­
ed so much through the Militant. Prayers have failed, in­
stead of the Militant praying for our rulers, the Grand Mas­
ters and the 400 who cover the entire globe, are in control.
We continue to fear man instead of fearing Our Lord and
God, so that we do not offend Him and HIs Holy Mother.
We continue to offend Her; we also continued to offend Our
Lord and God when we wined and dined the butcher ofhu­
manity and let the Grand Masters lead and guide our Coun­
try. Yes, we of the Church Militant who should have gone
down on our knees inside of our churches and cathedrals
during his entire stay and prayed, we went out to see the
butcher ofChristianity and waved at him, smiled at him and
gave him assurance that he has triumphed in the land that
the Holy Mother loves. Continue to pray, continue to pray

and turn his plans into ashes.
Vou must continue to pray, pray. Protect the youth. Our
Lady pleads for the youth. Vou must heed her caU, you must
heed Her requests. Not many people know of the hidden
400 and the Grand Masters. The head of them is the Su­
preme Grand Master, the Lucifer and Satan in a live man.
He is the Pope of Satan, don't let the Black Pope win. They
are mighty and strong; we, as Catholics, help him every
time we break Our [ord's wishes. When we go against
God's Will, we are helping this Supreme Grand Master. His
main and only purpose is to destroy Christianity, and once
Catholicism is destroyed they know they have won, for all
other religions that are only the branches will crumble. Oe­
stroy the trunk and the leaves will wither. Without our
Church, Christ's Church, we cannot succeed for the Grand
Master, the enemy of the Christian world, and the hidden
400 are making every effort to destroy, to control you phys­
ically, mentally, morally, and above all, destroy religion.
Oon't think they can't do il. They are very strong in control
of your youth today. Look at the city of New York. ICs just
an example ofwhat's going on in other cities. Why do you
fear man so? Why n01 place yourself underneath Our
Lady's Mantle for protectIOn and guidance. Give Her true
devotion from the heart, not juS! from the lips.
Protect the youth. The enemy is very, very, very cunning.
Vou just had the example of the butcher that has just left
our Country. He was very cunning. He showed his example
before you. His face was in many of your homes on your
T.V. Many people were lulled by the smile that he por­
trayed on the T.V. He can't be so bad. Oon't let yourseff be
deceived for among you all over our U.S.A., Canada, any­
where in the Western Hemisphere, the New World, they
have groups that will enter your societies no matter what, be
they Catholic or otherwise. They will have the very sweetest
honey-combed tones of talk. They'll be especially kind and
thus they will gain your confidence and in that way will find
your innermost ways, and then destroy them. Just like the
worm inside of an ap.rle, they will get ~nside and destroy.
Our Country here wl1 be destroyed from the inside rather
than from the outside because the Serpent is coiled within
our own Country. The Anti-Christ, ofwhich we have many,
are made up of any that are against Christ; and as Anti­
Christ, will also be against Our Blessed Mother.
Pray, pray, pray and continue to pray. Give up pleasures,

sacrifice, help your priests. Do not talk behind their backs,
but pray for them. Help guide them, for they need your
prayers. Many, many prayers are needed, for the enemy is
also working on the clergy, no matter what faith. You have
in many reli~ions the Antl-Christ, disguised as a clergyman,
winning the hearts of the people. In many ways clergy's lives
are threatened to force them to give in to their ways.
WAKE UP, AMERICA! W AKE UP! It can happen here.
It can unless we of the Catholic Faith stand up as the true
Militant of Christ. Let us make the Church militant trium­
phant and convert the erring brethren, sisters, the laity.
Let's help them.
On May 29,1950 Our Lady here at this very Spot told me
that the enemy is weil prepared. When this was given at the
time we were in this country demolishing sorne of our mili­
tary equipment. The enemy continued to develop, ànd we
know (by now we should know), they are not behind us, but
far in advance, both in equipment of destruction, atomic en­
ergy, both for destruction as weil as useful pùrposes. We are
bemg lulled to sleep, a false sleep ofsecurity. Security, so far
there is no security in sight, no peace in sight. It takes the ef­
fort of ail Christianity, not just sorne of them, ail of them. A
few cannot win your battles, and the Christi ans must stand
together in unison, for united we stand, divided we fall. We
must unite into one Militant Church, Christ's Church. Do
not let the One World Religion deceive you as being the
Christian Church, for it is not. Its members are of the 400
under control of the Grand Master, and the Grand Master
is an Anti-Christ. He is not for your Lord and God but for
Satan, Lucifer. So it's up to the Christian world to recognize
that fact.
Pray, pray, fill the Churches, and above ail use your Ro­
sary, the Rosary, and pray, pray. Do not turn your backs on
the Queen of the Hory Rosary, the Queen of Heaven and
Earth, Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between man and
God. She will always triumph, but will we triumph? lt is up
to you, the Christian world. The only chance the Christian
world has to triumph is to turn to the Mediatrix ofPeace, for
She is the Mediatrix between God, Her Son and man here
on earth. She is the Mediatrix ofPeace. She is the Mediatrix
that will help the Christian world find peace. Without Her
and Her Divine Son there shall be no peace, for God, Our
Lord, will never turn or deny His Holy Mother Her wishes.
He gave Her to us as our Mother on Calvary to be the Medi­

auix for man, to be a mother who loves Her children, and
ob. Christian world, Our Lord's Mother loves us, but do we
love Her? Are we worthy of such a glorious blessing as that
which Our Lord and God gave us on Calvary?
Fight, fight to save that peace, to bring forth unity and
true rove for the one Who dled on Calvary and who gave us
His Beloved Mother. Without Their guidance and help,
without Their love, there shall be no eternity. Right now
man has turned his back on his Creator and the Holy Moth­
eL Man heeds not the cry from Calvary. Man heeds not the
requests of His Holy Mother. The rate man is going now, the
Christian world is going now, the sin, the blackest of sin, the
blindness, the greed, reaching only for the material things of
life, for the thirty pieces of silver, as long as man seeks only
this, he shaH not find peace. The Christian world is on the
brink of destruction and will be destroyed unless it changes
its ways and turns to Calvary, follows the footsteps of their
Creator, their Lord and God, and go beneath the Mantle of
the Mediatrix of Peace, for without the Mediatrix there will
be a slim chance of ever bringing peace.
There have been many martyrs in the pasto There- will be
many more martyrs to come. This is the anniversary. A year
ago today ail eyes and hearts and ears were'turned to the
Vatican, for grievously ill and on his death bed was Iying the
Vicar of ChrISt, a man so great and so devoted to his people
and to Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother. He tried so hard
to bring peace, for he loved peace. He loved humanity. His
entire relgn was in the Garden of Gethsemani. He was
crushed beneath the heavy cross of disunity, hatred, greed
and lust, self-glory and the greed and want of power by na­
tions. He tried so hard to reason with thelr leaders. It
seemed so fruitless. Among his own he found much that
hurt him deeply. He spent many, many hours in deep pray­
er with his hands raised to the heavens pleading with the
Father in Heaven to give him strength and courage to be the
Christ here on earth and to save the souls of man which God
had placed in his charge. He spent hours in prayer while
man slept or sinned and our Christian leader the Vicar of
Christ, was on his knees praying.
Yes, he died of a broken heart, for he loved ail humanity,
and now today he stands behind the chair of his great new
successor, Pope John XXIII, who too is weighed with a
heavy cross and needs aH prayers. Pope Pius xn was one of
the martyrs, the greatest modern day martyr. Cardinal


Mindzenty is also one of them, Cardinal Stepinac is also

one, Cardinal Stritch is a martyr. Father Coughlin is also a
victim and martyr, Father Mateo, Cardinal Leger, Msgr.
LeBlanc, Padre Pio and many mote; and of the laity, loe
McCarthy, Senator Taft, Bob La FoUette, Sr. and lr., and
the living Gen. McArthur, Lindbergh and many more who
knew too much. General Patton, how many know why Gen.
Patton died? Very few know that he died because he refused
to take orders to bomb the Vatican. He was no Catholic, but
he was a Christian man. The first Adolph Hitler, who had
many faults and erred much, died for the same reason; also
for his exposure of the 30,000 Poles that died through the
hands of the very one that America just wined and dined.
He also died for this, how many Chnstians know the truth.
AU this has been in .control by the secret or hidden 490,
t'he so-caUed Grand Masters who at their head have a Su­
preme Grand Master, or Satan's Pope in comparison to the
Christian world.
The Christian world must unite into one. It has been tried
many, many years ago. There have been mistakes made in
the past, misunderstanding, as it is a human weakness to
misunderstand because of rack of faith or because of trying
to be superior to one or the other, so misunderstanding oc­
curred. But how many in the Christian world know that
from the same country from which came the one to spy and
show his triumphant way, the butcher of miUions, that from
this very country there were many, many, many martyrs,
and that this very country once was the most Christian
country on earth. Because of misunderstanding a division
was formed, but the mistake was made and the error recog­
nized and the unification was in the making. The Grand
Masters, the Servants of Satan, knew that if this unification
was ever formed it would be a mighty blow against them. So
the head of this unification and al! heads thereafter were aU
martyred. l'm speaking of Paul I, the Czar of Russia, down
to Nicholas II, the last Czar of Russia, the last Romanoff.
They aU six sought to bring the Eastern Rites back to the
Roman and make it one Church. It wouId have made a
strong and mighty armor against the wiles of Satan, but can
you not.see the strength of the evil forces? That is why Unit­
ed We Stand, Divided We Fa!!. Unless the Christian world
unites into one force, one Militant Church, they wiU be lost.
The conversion of Russia means not the conversion of the
little man. It means the conversion of the Church, to bring it

back to the Vicar of Christ, to St. Peter, our first Pope.
So all that hear this, rather than let disunity come be­
tween you over a very small, petty thing, cast it aside. Be for­
giving and. forget, be humb.le, lov~ thy neighbor. Follow the
Sixth StatIOn, be a VeronIca, wlpe the face of thy fellow
man. Do not let a little mud, a little dirt scare you away.
Take the Christian cloth, Veronica's Veil, and wipe your
neighbor's face as she wiped Our Lord and God's face.
Be a true Christian, be as a little chi Id, be Christ-like and
then you shall find everlasting peace. For remember these
words: United You Will Stand, Divided You Will Fall, for
Satan will be there to help you fa 11, but if you unite under
the banner of Our Lord and God and walk with Him to Cal­
vary, you shall find reace.
May God bless al of you, and thank you.

l'm sorry, but 1 don't have confidence in myself. l'm a

failure. 1 failed all of you. The pleas of the Holy Mother,
Mediatrix of Peace, in 1950 were for the children. She asked
then that we clean out the schools regardless ofwhat size or
what kind of schools, from the Kindergarten all the way up
through college. Il didn't make any difference if they were
Catholic, Protestant or Public. At that time many, many
people objected to this. They asked questions, Not the Kin­
dergarten? There cou/dn 't possib/y be anything wrong with the
young chi/dren like that! But had theX stood 10 little corners,
as a httle mouse or sorne small, invisible object and Iistened
to the small children's conversation, they'cl have been very
much shocked. At that time had Our Lady's requests been
heeded, the crime that is now committed in New York City,
Chicago, Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Wash­
ington, D.C., Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, St. Louis,
New Orleans, St. Paul and Minneapolis, Denver, Kansas
City (both states), Wichita, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San
Diego, Seattle, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Little Rock
(yes, Little Rock), Louisville, Kentucky; Augusta, Georgia;
~iami, Florida; would not be. These are just a few large
clties. Then there's Detroit, Milwaukee, Madison and La­
Crosse where my Bishop is.
Many parents try very hard with their own children to
teach them the right, but when their child mingles with tht
other school children or the other children on the streets, it is

very difficult for the parent to control them. They need the
help of the city officiais, the religious and also the parent it­
self. There must be unit y between home, school and church.
There must be unity.
ln the year 1951 on June 4th 1 was shown a large man in
the city of Chicago who was at that time in the process of
gathering others together and teaching and instructing
them to go forth into large cities, such as these that 1 have
just mentioned, and start organizations. Check back in some
of the past Lenten and Advent messages given on how this
same instructor organized and had already then weil orga­
nized groups to teach the youth how to use the needle, a
knife, the gun, how to grab the victim, how to handle and
control the victim. Any type of crime you can think of they
had been taught and were teaching it to the youth; even giv­
ing them guns, am munition and ail types of obscene litera­
ture where ail crime, every type of crime, be it sexual or be it
in a mental way, the youth have been shown in literature.
Try some of the ads in your just plain magazines. Send for
some of the most innocent looking advertisement and see
what you will receive. It might shock some parents if they
would investigate.
Then we come to one of the largest enemies of youth-of
course, narcotics. Oh, they have confiscated a large quantity
in Chicago, in New York and in a few other places like Los
Angeles and San Francisco, St. Louis, Minneapolis, but that
is only to fool the public. The real intake or fIow has never
been stopped. Since our new St. Lawrence Seaway has been
opened, Il is much more convenient now to deliver into the
center part of the U.S.A. Il was a little more hazardous be­
fore when they delivered through a sub on the West Coast.
The place has been given. Il then was flown with Continen­
tal Airways to Chicago, St. Louis, and of course, New York
City. New York City also received it through the harbor by
ship. South America, Central America and Cuba are some
of the places where much narcotics have been stored and
are being delivered.
The youth of today have lost respect for their eIders.
There is no respect for their father, thelr mother. There is no
respect for the c1ergy, the officiais, such as police, teachers;
no respect whatever for the one that they should have re­
spect for and be obedient to. Then how will they have any
respect for the average citizen? This has not just started in
the last few years, but it has gained momentum since 1950 at

such a rate that now J. Edgar Hoover, the F.B.I. and sorne
Senators have tried very desperately to find a solution.
J. Edgar Hoover has warned the parents of the situation
many times. No one paid any attention. They ail figured ifs
a shame, ifs too bad, but that isn't in our city, that is not
here. 1 know that if the officiais of the sm aller cities would
juS! see what:s going on in t~e city of New York from an in­
viSIble spot, It woufd terronze many of them; many would
pass away. Sorne would die ofheart failure ifthey watched a
group of young children. When you looked at those children
several years ago, those very children looked like innocent
little lambs. What are they today? What has happened to
them? Look at their eyes. Yes, it's dope in many instances,
and then of course they dance away to the devil's beat. Il has
ail been planned by the so-called 400 which formerly was
known as the Invisible Hand, the 300. Il is still from the
same organization. In fact, sorne of the old heads are still in
full control.
The saddest part of ail is that we, the Catholic people,
have failed our own brethren of other faiths. Instead of
showing them the right, the true light to Our Lord and God,
we leave them stumble in the darkness, blindly seeking,
searchin~, groping, for many a parent has learned of thelr
children s deliquency, but has received no comforting hand
or anythine; to ding to. Sorne of them in sorrow have wit­
nessed thelr own cnildren drawn into courts, sorne impris­
oned; others taken to boys' or girls' schools. Yes, many a
parent has stood with horror and listened to the tales that
came from the mouths of their children, and also many a
parent has himself gone ou t as a young delinquent child and
IS the cause of the ruined youth of today. Nothing much is
Tonight and tomorrow night the 400 and the Grand Mas­
ters have ordered out men and women, be they religious, so­
cial workers or any society or organization on your T.V. and
radio, in your schools, in your cfassrooms. They're pleading
for the so-called aid for the unfortunate child of Europe or
foreign countries, called UNICEF. Why do not the clergy
look lOto this? Break open the sugar-coated pill. Investigate
the bitterness within it and find the two-fold purpose within
the walls of this so sweetly coated pill and find the horror
t~at is within il. Il is very easy to obtain the proper informa­
tIon. For me to give it here would take too much time, but
please investigate. You will receive your answer very easily


without any trouble.

The same thing stands for Mental Health, the twin to UNI­
CEF. Again it pleads for the child, for the unfortunate child.
lt is a terrible situation. Yes, there are those children, the
underdeveloped or the slow child, that would need special
care and attention, but not to be put into a mental institu­
tion. ln your foreign countries, Communistic or whatever
you wish to cali them-Facist, Nazism, it does not matter
they, too, had control of the children. The cry for these men­
tal Institutions is very, very dangerous because the children
ofany family can be thrown into an institution if the parents
do not do the bidding of the 400. This is only a little exam­
pie. Examine this and you will also find a very shocking an­
swer, the two-fold purpose. ft is true there are not enough
institutions or properly placee: schools for retarded or slow
children, but that does not mean that this child must be
within the walls of an asylum, for many of them are only re­
tarded and they are not insane. Once you commit them to
this institution, your papers will be marked Insane and not
to be left free to mingle with the public. Think it over, par­
ent, before you sign away your own child as they did in the
foreign lands. Our American Constitution forbids such a
ruling, but if you will examine your Constitution, you will
find that it has been altered and ripped apart, that you do
not have the Constitution that was signed on the Fourth
Day of July. No, Independence Day is not a true Indepen­
dence Day any more. It's only a hoax, for America has lost
its true freedom.
The free press is not free, but is also under the 400's con­
trol. The truth is that we have no free press. We have not
had a free press for many, many )'ears. The same group that
control everything else also are ln control there. They con­
trol completely all the news services and ail advertising
agencies. They control ail religious newspapers and maga­
zines as weil as the secular. They control radiO. They control
television. They control the theatres and ail means of entert­
By means of their control the 400 were able to have Fr.
Coughlin shut off the air because he was telling the truth
and exposing them. They were responsible for the kidnap­
ping of the Lindbergh baby and used it as a means to silence
Col. Lindbergh, to prevent him from exposing knowledge
that he possessed that would have been injuflous to their
plans. They were successful in closing the mouth of Gen.

Douglas MacArthur, also of Gen. Wainwright, for they
both could have exposed many things. The same group did
away with sorne scientists, both here and abroad. The hps of
officers Kimmel and Short were both sealed to prevent the
truth from coming forth about Pearl Harbor. Senator Joe
McCarthy was destroyed, his life was forfeit when he re-
fused to knuckle under to them. Senator Jenner did surren-
der to pressure and quit. Cardinal Mindzenty is free, but
only like a dog on a leash is free. All of these thlOgS are but a
few examples of the type of controls that the 400 have exer-
Start with agriculture, the farmer, the poultryman, the
caulemen, the wheat grower, the coUon grower, the sugar
plantations, or whoever depends on what is coming from
the earth that God gave man. Is that free for the American
farmer? No.
You today have your A.A.A. Everything is under control.
No farmer can grow any crop without an allotment, a soil
bank or sorne hldden meaning. Oh Yes, we must conserve
our soil. That is true, but not in such a way that the 400 are
in control. Look at the poultry industry, what is free about
that? Where does the poultrymen have the freedom of how
to sell his products. It IS also in control by the 400. The fruit
grower, the coUon man, everything is rationed or allotted.
WheTe is the freedom?
Now you can take the steel worker, the common miner,
the common laborer, are they free? Where is their freedom?
Unless they sign up to the unions, to the unions' medical
doctors, for if they choose a doctor of their own, they lose
benefits. So huge insu rances are set up for this purpose. Is
that freedom? Your religion, is that still free? Examine it,
whatever you do is under control. Where is the land of the
free? Where is it? Where is the beautifulland that George
Washington freed in the revolution? Where? What has be-
come of it? It's all in control.
Oh yes, the cry still goes up: Il C'rlnnol happen here as il
happened in joreign lands. Il has happened here! Oh yes,
you're ail tied ana chained. Oh yes, you can still go to the
corner grocery and to the drugstore, but everything is taxed
and bonded. No, you're not free, for when the laborer
s~rikes for higher wages, up goes the price of the commodi-
tles. So what does the man gain? Nothing. Rent controls,
housing projects, everything IS in control, and who is at the
head orthe control? The Grand Masters and the 400. Try to

wiggle out of it, you waited too long, you waited far too
long! The only weapon left now is to get down on YOur
knees and pray, pray, pray like you've never prayed before.
Unless you do this, there shall be no peace. The vicious cir­
cle is closing, closing, tighter, tighter about you, and when
you awaken it will be too late, far too late, for the warning
has been given. The Serpent is coiled not only in the center
of the U.S.A., bu t from coast to coast and border to border,
be it East or West or North or South.
The Grand Masters, and yes, even the Supreme Grand
Master, has come to Chicago, investigated and found things
in order; has gone to New York, investigated, found things
in order; has gone to New Orleans, found things in order;
and has gone to the West Coast, found things in order; and
also in our neighboring countries-Canada and Mexico. As
Our Holy Mother said, the Serpent is coiled within our
country. The people still go merrily on, following the Pied
Piper to their death, for sin is in control. Christ and Our
Holy Mother are in the background. Even those that speak
out and say 1 love Our Lord, 1 love our Holy Mother, even
those think more of the earthly materialthings than they do
in their efforts to try to help Our Lord and God Who walked
on Calvary and died on Calvary for us. We cannot give Him
a \iule of ourselves. We turn to the gliuer. We turn to the
earthly temptations. We turn our bac!': on the requests of the
Holy Mother from 1830 straight on through 'tl1 now. She
has tried, you might say, in vain. She has pleaded at LaSal­
eue and has shown what could happen, and yet they still
turn their backs on Her. At Fatima again She reached out;
again She pleads for the children to save themselves, and
again what happens? Not only do they not heed Her re­
quests, but they use the na me of the Blessed Mother for
commercialism. They use the name of the Blessed Mother
for a glorious reward for themselves. Ah, but there won't be
any reward, for the day of reckoning will come, and who
shall be in judgment? Our Holy Mother's Head is bowed
with tears rolling down Her cheeks. Why must we, the Cath­
olics, hurt Our Heavenly Mother so that She has to shed the
biuerest tears? Oh yes, when wc see someone crying, we
generally want to reach out and comfort them. Our Blessed
Mother is also crying. Why don't we reach out and corn fort
The seaSon is before us-Christmas, the Christ Child.
There will be no Christ Chi Id in the Crib again, for the 400

already have it ail in control. There will not be enough
workers to put Christ back into Christmas. No one wants to
give the time. No one has the time. But unless Christ is put
back into Christmas and the Crucifixion of Our Lord is re­
spected, the Resurrection of Our Lord is ~iven with true
love and glory andjoy, so when He ascends mto Heaven the
rays and graces can flow down upon us.
No, no, we take the Christ out of Christmas. We empty
Our Holy Mother's arms, and on Calvary we stand with the
mocking crowd and spit at Him. We throw rocks at Him. We
scourge Him. We run the sword in deeper and twist it. We
tighten the crown of thorns and sink the thorns in deeper,
and on the day of the Resurrection, the glorious Resurrec­
tion, we turn to the small and man-made Easter Bunny and
use that as a mockery. We throw eggs at Him, the glorious
Resurrection is forgotten.
How can we expect Our Lord's Ascension into Heaven to
pour down the graces, the blessings upon us, so worthless, so
ungrateful, so smful, so black. God gave man a free will and
He lets him use this free will to destroy his own soul, to be
his own condemnation into hell, for God will reach out and
help the man who is willing to carry a cross to Calvary with
Him, who is willing to go on Calvary and be nailed to the
cross, be mocked, spat upon, have rocks thrown at him, be
willing to die with Him. How many are willing to accept the
road to Calvary? They would rather take the road to the left
and then tumble into hell fire with no reward but eternal
There are two roads: the road with the light ofGod at the
head or the road to eternal condemnation with Satan at the
head. There is no road between. There are no crossroads.
There are only the two--one to glorious, eternaI happiness
with Our Lord and God and His Holy Mother, or the other
to Lucifer and Judas. The Grand Masters, the Order of the
400, are weil prepared to take you down this last road. Fol­
low them and you're lost. Turn to the Heavenly Mother and
She will place Her Mantle about you, and you will receive
an everlasting joy and glory.
It takes the effort of ail Christianity and a special effort to
bore into the walls of destruction and crumble the plans of
the Grand Masters, the Judases. Just as Pope Pius XII knew
he could not trust his Cardinals, and through this died of a
broken heart, he knew before he died who hlS enemies were.
He found the traitor amongst his own, it broke his heart.

The Holy Father grieved much over the death of our own
beloved Cardinal Stritch. He knew that Car. Stritch too
erred, but he also knew that many times he erred because of
ignorance. Just as Pope John, now his successor, is carrying
his huge cross, trying to bring about the re-unification of the
churches, to bring them back to the fold. He has sorne won­
derful men at his side, but he has also traitors severing away
at the threads that'Il bring the two large churches back into
one. Pope John needs the prayers of all Christianity, for he
has calfed the fold together for an Ecumenical Council.
Cardinal Stritch, Cardinal Mindzenty, Cardinal Stepi­
nac, the Cardinal from Poland. 1 won't try to name hlm
(Wyszynski), they will ail be martyrs of the Church. The
Cardinal from Poland has made mistakes under severe
pressure, but he has tried very hard to stay on the right path.
The cross that bears on his shoulders and the followers who
try to knock his feet out from under him, make it mighty dif­
ficult to walk the road to Calvary without falling, but he
arises again with his cross and walks on. He needs help in
prayers from ail Christianity. Sacrifice, penance must be a
daily effort. No maUer how many times one thinks he has
made a great sacrifice, let God be the judge of the sacrifice,
but contmue. Do not be the one to walk to the head of the
table and then be sent to the bottom. Rather set yourself at
the last place, as the Gospel speaks. Today too many of the
religious as weil as the laity choose the first place, and when
removed, they're very indignant; instead of, in ail humility,
stepping down and then working their way up.
One great example was Pius X. He surely did not step into
the first place, but he took the last place, and today he is not
just Pius X, but he is St. Pius X. He has been placed by Our
Lord and God in the first place with ail honor and glory, for
when he walked the eartn he did not look for the glamour.
He was humble. He didn't count his wardrobe and look to
see how full it was with beautiful garments. He walked with
holes in his shoes and sandals. He walked with bare feet. He
fasted many limes and many times he went hungry, ail for
the love ofGod and his fellow man. He was always reaching
out to give a helping hand to someone that needed a liule
morsel more than he did. He didn't take the first place. He
took the las t, and as a saintly man he walked tne streets
humbly, quietly. He did not seek glory. He rather sought
Calvary, and to reach out to the liule child, to pull the liule
child to his bosom, to give it a helping hand. He did not pass

it by. So must we today take and read the life story of St.
Pius X, and ifwe follow his footsteps we, too, will find a glo-
rious ending, for no man loved Our Lord and God or his
Holy Mother more than Pius X.
Our latest Pope Pius XII surely was a great man and is so
far the greatest of ail and a martyr, a modern day martyr,
for he surely walked and knelt in the Garden of Gethsema-
ni. It has been given before that his entire reign was in the
Garden ofGethsemani and his path the road to Calvary. He
too died. He too was crucified. He died with a broken heart,
and sorne of his own who helped betray him were the trai-
tors within his midst. There are sorne Cardinals that know
the truth but seem to be afraid to speak it. Why? Why must
they fear man? Why do they not come forth and tell the
truth? Sorne of them could be great guides for our present
Pope John. There are those that are working very hard for
the return of the Eastern or Orthodox Church back to the
Roman. There are those who knowof the deaths, of the
murders of the Romanoffs and why they died, and yet they
hesitate. Why? God will protect them, and ifthey should be
privile~ed to die .in the. lme of duty, is it ~ot better to die a
martyr s death than die a coward, knowmg the truth but
fearing to speak?
Oh, the Christian world must come down on their knees
and pray and yray and pray. Pray for the Vicar of Christ
and pray for al the clergy, be they Catholic or otherwise so
that they can ail stand in unison against the corn mon


OCTOBER 31, 1959
Note: Mention of the Grand Masters and the 400 in the
message ofOct. 7th has raised many questions. This work is to
answer those questions.
Who are the Grand Masters?
What do they mean?
Are they Masons? Are they Jews? Are they Communists?
The Grand Masters are not what the ordinary person
thinks they are. They get them confused with the titles that
are conferred in sorne lodges-Moose, Elks, Oddfellows,
Masons, etc. Sorne ofthese societies are but social organiza-

tions and are thus innocent; sorne have been infiltrated and
subverted to serve a purpose. Sorne were organized to serve
that purpose-to do the will and destruction of the devil as
with the secret societies of Masonry.
There are Grand Masters among the Masons, but they
are a far cry from the Grand Masters we spoke of, as differ­
ent as day and night.
Note: Sorne ofSatan's Grand Masters have organized sorne
of the secret societies of Masonry.
One of the simplest ways to explain the organization, Sa­
tan's Evil Forces, is to compare It with the organization of
the Catholic Church.
The Supreme Grand Master is the devil's Pope, and the
supreme head of the devil's organization. He would be com­
pared with the Pope ofChrist's Church but has even ~reater
powers, for he has absolutely dictatorial power of hfe and
death over ail who are under him. He is not inhibited by
morals, but being of the devil, looks upon such things as
Christian weakness.
The Grand Masters would be comparable to the Cardi­
nais and the 400 to the Bishops of the Church. There were
differences in rank among the Grand Masters and even the
400 based on seniority, visciousness and ability otherwise.
The Grand Masters,just as the Cardinals of the Church, are
scattered ail over the world, so also the members of the 400,
or Satan's Bishops.
Here in the United States we have two Grand Masters.
One is located on the East Coast; the other on the West
Coast. The one on the West Coast is subject to the one on
the East. This is so in ail countries where there are two
Grand Masters-one is the boss.
Grand Masters once elected are in for life, but they don't
ail live to a ripe old age because if they are in any way dis­
obedient or dlspleasing to the Supreme Grand Master, they
are d~stroyed, sometimes dying very violently.
Whenever a Grand Master is mstalled, there is a big gath­
ering and a sacred ritual of Satan takes place, at whlch is
used the blood of a hum an sacrifice. The blood must be
drawn from a living person until ail the blood has been re­
moved from the vichm's body. The victim is usually an in­
nocent child between the ages of 5 and 15, although older
victims have been used. In mockery of the Pope and of the
Christian rel,gion, the victim is usually a Catholic. Those
taken in France and Germany ail were Catholic; sorne were


priests and religious.

Further organization might be compared to an Octopus
with the above organization controlling the various arms
and tenacles, such as Communism and the societies of Fr­
eemasonry, whatever they may be called, for they are called
by different names in different countries. Sorne names have
been changed as time passed, such as the society known
originally as the Sons of the co venant, which has now be­
come the B'nai B'rith. Then we have the Illuminati, Brown
Shirts, Black Shirts, etc.
Are the Hierarchy of Satan Jews, Gentiles, Masons, or
Here is a statement of the very greatest importance: There
are no pure Jews among the 400. They are al! mongrels or
Most people are willing to accept the dictionary defini­
tion for a Jew, a definition that has been prompted by the
Satanists themselves. That is that Jews are those who accept
Judaism as their religion. That definition under the light of
analysis is just as wrong as to say that because the Italians
are mainly Catholic, if anyone becomes a Catholic they be­
come an Italian.
The Jews have the same pride of race as do other races of
people, but many a proud and truly Jewish family has al­
lowed their blood lines to be tainted and mongrelized be­
cause they accept the dictionary definition and mter-marry
with Yids of uncertain ancestry.
The Yids originally stemmed from the Khazars, a Mon­
golian tribe occupying that portion of Russia east of the
Black Sea. Their blood lines have become so mixed through
intermarriage with those of the peoples in the countries ln
which they have settled as they were scattered about the
earth that though they make a great pretense ofintermarry­
ing only with their own, they can onfy be described as mon­
grels. Just as the Mexicans are in the main a mixture of
Spanish and Indian so the Yids are a mixture of Mongolian
and white.
Mongrelization refers only to the mixing of the blood of
the people of different races or colors, for that is where the
distmctlOn occurs. The intermarriage of people from differ­
ent nations but of the sa me races produces a stronger or su­
perior race, and most peoples in Europe or Amenca either
cannot trace their ancestry back very far without running
into a mixture of nationalities but wlth most there was not


too much crossing of racial lines. The very ones who are
trying to promote the mongrelization of races in order to
destroy them are themselves a product of that mongreliza­
Perhaps the destruction of the once proud Jewish race by
means of the mongrelization or pollution of their blood
lines is justifiable punishment' permitted by God because
there is much guilt that rests at their doors. They are not ex­
cused by the fact that they were pushed out oftheir own Sa­
tanic plans and rackets by those who were more unscrupu­
lous, more vicious, more satanic than they were. The blood
of Jesus Christ is still upon them.
Now you will know where you hear the cry of anti-Semi­
tism go up that those behind it are not semites, but just mon­
grels,. because the cry originates with, and stems from the
400 Yids.

l'm requested to tell the faithful Christians the vision 1

have just been shown. It is Washington, D.C. where we ail
know the shrine of the Immaculate Conception stands in
honor and glory of Our Holy Mother and the land the Bless­
ed Mother loves. 1 have not seen Our Lady appear upon this
beautiful shrine, but on the monument of the Father of our
Country. Our Lady is standing, as the vision is before me, on
the monument honoring the Father of our Country and one
who truly loved my God and my Country. If ail those that
followed him would have kept in their hearts the love of
God and liberty and freedom, we would not be facing the
terrible situation of today.
Our Lady is standing so beautiful. Her Mant!e is the color
of my blue Rosary or a shade darker, as my Rosary is fad­
ing. Behind Her are rays of a rose-pinkish color or, as you
mlght say, blending out in a beautiful gold rose. On Her!eft
arm She holds Her Divine Son, Our Lord and God. In His
hand, the left arm He holds the globe with the Western
Hemisphere facing me. His right Hand is in b!essing. On
Our Lady's right arm She has tliree liIies, which cou Id repre­
sent the Trinity, and of course the lilies represent purity. Ber
fingers are pointing down to the city of Washington, D.C.
She looks very sad because right before my eyes is trans­
formed this city into the most hidêous looking, sickening
looking sight-corruption, serpents, everything you can

imagine is happening in Washington,D.C., the headquar­
ters for the government of this United States. What 1 see
here is only Iilth and sickening. It makes one's stomach il!.
Even the roof and the steeple of the shrine is darkened. It
does not look good.
1wish many eyes could see, because the youth situation" is
very sad in thls city that is supposed to be an example oflaw,
order and freedom to our country. They have no respect
here for anyone. No respect for their father, their mother,
their home, their government, the priest, the religious, the
police. It is mostly kept hidden. The so-called freedom of
the press is not true. There is no freedom of the press. Be­
cause of the evil things that happen within the walls, the
streets of this city, the American public would be horrified.
It is ail suppressed and controiied by the enemy that is
trying to destroy this beautiful country, the land that the
Blessed Mother is now shedding tears over.
She is pointing down and across the city are these words:/
will appear on this monument if the capitol ofyour country is
cleansed, puri{ied and the picture just shown completely re­
moved. / wilf appear for ail to see that love me.
Now She brings forth the Rosary. It is beautiful, and what
a beautiful promise if we fulfill Her requests, She will
apppear so that ail can see that love Her. Put that within
your he arts and seal it there and work to bring this about.
Now the city is shown beautifu!. The shrine looks beauti­
fui now. There's a sparkle from the roof and the steeple, but
it is up to the Christian world, and us Catholics, to do the re­
quests of Our Holy Mother, the Immaculate Conception.
Ali churches, ail monasteries, ail convents and chapels
within them should keep Perpetuai Adoration going 24
hours a day in this period of tna,ls and tribulations to com­
bat Satan's way to try and destroy this beautiful country. In
sorne places there are vigils he Id and Perpetuai Adoration is
kept on a 24 hour basis, but those are only a few. Where are
ail of them? If ail of them would have Perpetuai Adoration
at least in the chapels and monasteries on a 24 hour basis,
besides the many chruches, the people themselves could
keep their own vigils, because the situation is this country is
very serious. It has been given before, and will not be re­
peated, the 400 and the Supreme Grand Master and Grand
Masters are keeping the vigil of destruction 24 hours a day
while the Catholic and the Christian world sleep. It is up to
the few that love the Blessed Mother and Her Divine Son.


Place Him back within Her arms, the Christ Child on

Christmas. The Christ Child has long ago been removed, as
given here before. Our Lady's arms are empty. Her Head is
bowed in tears because we, the Catholics, have failed Her.
We cannot blame the other branches that have sp~ung up,
the Protestant Churches, for the tears of the Blessed Mother,
because they do not know any better, but we Catholics know
the truth. We have the way and the light to guide us, but we
shove it aside for the glitter, trimmings and decorations, the
champagne bottles and parties, and the caricatures that the
Evil Forces use to represent the Christ Child, which is only
in mockery instead ofshowing Him as He is supposed to be
represented, in swaddling clothing as a beautifullnfant, in­
stead of misshapen misrepresentations that they call today
modern art. It is Satan's modern art. Do not accept this, be­
cause if you do, you will offend your Lord and God and His
Holy Mother.
The children today will find the sputnik and every type of
toy with Santa Claus, the reindeers and so forth. Where is
the Christ Child? Where? He is vanishing from the youth of
today. He is vanishing in man)' places. Put Christ back into
Christmas. Replace the Child In the Blessed Mother's arms.
Clean up the corruption in front of the eyes of the youth and
you will have the most beautiful sight a human eye can wit­
ness, and that is to vision and see tne Mother ofGod as She
truly loves us all. But do we love Her is the question? No, we
turn our backs upon Her. We ignore Her requests and Her
pleas. We turn around rather and join the parties of cham­
pagne and drinks, the speeding automobile and the missiles
and so forth. Do we turn on our knees before the crib and
pray? It is up to the Catholics to show the way to the rest.
The laity must work. The laity must work.
Pray for Pope John for he is carrying a heavy cross. He
needs the prayers of all of you, especially the Catholics. He
needs not Just one prayer or two, but every day and many
times of the day as your thoughts wander towards him, say a
Hail Mary because ifyou do not do these things now, it will
be too late. For the Supreme Grand Master and the 400 are
not sleeping! They are working hard to destroy the Chris­
tian world, for the aim is only to destroy Chnstianity, re­
member that! The destruction of the Christian world is in
the making. The Fifth Siege, as given before , is now. As it
was shown to the Father of your Country, it is now that last
and Fifth Siege, When that is accomplished, who will be

left-that is the question. Will it be you? Will it be me? Who
will it be?
There are many martyrs, there will be many more. Amer­
ica has the reputation of being one of the bravest, one of the
quickest to jump !nto a~tion. T.hen why i.s it so hard to get
the sa me ones to Jump mto action when It cornes to savmg
the Christian world, why? You go and fight battles on for­
eign soils while at home we are destroying the very thing
you are fighting for-the freedom of speech and liberty for
ail, the rehgion, and above ail, the Catholic Church, because
the Cathohc Church stands in the way of the enemy. Once
there is brought about the unification of the churches, the
battle will be won. It is right now that they are breaking the
threads of this unity to completely destroy and be lost for­
ever. You that love the Blessed Mother and have love in
your hearts for Our Lord and God, the Infant Child, whose
spiritual birth we are expecting to celebrate on the 25th day
of this month, place Him back in the arms of His Mother.
Do not make Rer shed those sad and bitter tears that we,
Her children, are the cause of. We are placing every tear in
Her eyes because She loves us as a Mother loves Her own
child. She loves ail ofus and She does not want us to fall into
the hands of Satan, the an ti-Christ and the Grand Masters,
for they ail are against Christ. They are Satan themselves. It
is u{' to the Chnstian world to fight in a militant army for
Chnst, for Christ's Church. Christ Himself gave His Holy
Mother to us on Calvary and we have done so little in honor
and respect that now Her arms are bare. For we have lost
the Chnst Child in Christmas. The crib is empty. It has been
replaced with trinkets, worthless trinkets. Put it back and re­
jOlce! Fill the churches. The churches today should be over­
flowing. They will not be, they are not. ft is ur to you to
awaken before it is too late to save the souls 0 humanity,
the souls of the children. Go to work and pray.
May God bless you and a Merry Christmas to ail of you.


BETWEEN 12 and 3 P.M.


Many, many more Christian martyrs. Western Hemi­

sphere, central part is still ail red, meaning war, bloodshed,
bloodshed, same as in the same regions as given before on

the Eastern side. Working very hard to break down France.
Nothing good, nothing good. So sad, so sad. We let the
Brown Bear's butcher wlth a grin on his face. Not enough
prayers the reason. Not enough Christian workers from ail


France not good, St. Joan pointed to France, not good.
The multitude seeks only their own control, even those de­
pressed through the enemy. As in the time of Joan of Arc,
today the traitors are still III the land, they're running ram­
pant. Of course it being the seat of the Grand Masters
would have a great weight upon ail of them, but they forget
that their country has been showered with many blessings.
They turn not to the blessings from their Maker. Paris is still
the Gay Paree with ail the scenes and siums and slime. It is
making Joan of Arc very unhappy, as at the time she gave
this message: The Church Triumphant will a/ways triumph;
the Church Militant errs much. Lose not faith in the Church
Triumphant. That is where we fail, the lack of faith.
Now it shows our own continent, and the same cities 1
have once mentioned are very outstanding; that is, they're
shown in large print. The same that is true within the walls
of Gay Paree is true here in ail the cities shown, especially is
this true on the coastal cities, like New Orleans. This hurts
our Saint very much, for she herself helped to save this city
in the year of 1812. Many blessings have come to this area,
but again it has been forgotten. Much crime is committed
here, Just like the Pacific Coast, New York, Boston, and of
course, Newfoundland, Montreal, the city of many beauti­
fui churches and monuments. The great influential man is
the one 1 cali the doctor. He is a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, a
traitor, a Judas, a willing tool of the Grand Masters of Can­
Many questions are asked: what is the solution? What
can be done? What is to be done? Just one simple word:
work, work and pray, pray, and place within your heart love
and be charitable and kind, be willing to sacrifice, do pen­
ance, make reparation, and above ail, love thy neighbor as
thyself. Have faith, faith. Without faith in Thy Lord and
Thy God yoùr work will not succeed. Trials, tribulations,
falls will be expected, but arise and carry the cross that Thy
Lord and God did to Calvary with love within thy heart.

You need not fear Satan's temptations of man. You know
the temptation. When you're tempted, turn thy heart to Thy
Lord and God and ail temptations will fall away.
It is shown me a view of our youth of today and the fu­
ture. Unless America wakes up, you won't need the Webster
dictionary because it will become useless. Unless America
awakens and..... Beebopper. .... (Mary Ann speaks as
sorne youth speak today), Oh, this is American language!
Try it. Where do you find this new dictionary? Your Web­
ster dictionary is absolutely of no use. And the looks on their
faces, that is the youth of today and the future. It makes
one's stomach sick, sick. The warnings of our Holy Mother
are not heeded, have not, have not been heeded. This is the
fruit we must reap. No fruit but cockles and burrs-sicken­
ing, sick. Warnings have been given in year of 1951, begin­
ning in February. Poison water, poison minds, poison food,
chemicals in clothing. Today you are reaping the sa me and
very warning. The waters are poisoned, your food is conta­
minated, chemical in your clothing and the minds of the
youth poisoned. The multitude still cannot see this. Sorne
shake their heads, but that is ail.
The diagnosis that has been given many a patient for just
the fallout alone, it was given previously. If you investigate
into the diagnoses of Hiroshima and Nagasacki, you will
find it very much the same, and you know the reason for
that. Had the world heeded Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 all
this would not have happened. The minds of the children
would not have been in this condition, because at that time
your educational system only started to damage the minds.
It wou Id not have been too serious. Today it is very damag­
ing because your educator is of this new field, progressive
The poison waters have taken their effects. The poison
food has carried its toll. The fallout has filled the veins of
human blood. The answer, they heed it not-Our Lady's re­
quests. Just about the time She warned at Fatima, our own
beautiful America turned into more corruption, indecency.
You had your Flapper Fanny days for an example. Think
back, draw a picture of the time of Fatima and watch the
progress of the evil.
Oh, what a different world we would have if they'd have
heard Our Lady's requests in 1917. It would not have taken
as great an effort then. Again She pleaded in 1950. Again
they heeded Her not. What can be done? Much can be done,

much. What has been done about the programs before the.
eyes of your children, the literature that is placed before
them, be it pocket size, comic or books? What has been done
about the so-called juke box? Nothing! What has been done
about the theatre? Satan is still in control of the dances your
youth attend, of the theatre, eSl'ecially the monstrous temp­
tation of the outdoor theatre. Crime is rampant there. Sin,
and heaps and piles of literature, millions of dollars worth
contributed by the Grand Masters to destroy Christianity,
and the Christians have complacently continued down their
ways" very unconcerned, bhnded, a smoke screen before
their eyes. Il is so much easier to back out than to go and
face the odds against you. Sorne of those that have worked
very hard can tell you of those odds that they face, but they
can also tell you the blessings they have received. So why
not you go out, too, and face those odds? Oh, they're very
uneven. Out of ten there'll be nine against you and some­
times nine and a half. Yes, the scale is way out of balance,
but so is the corruption and the sin. The harm, the Serpent
that is devouring the youth of today and tomorrow. No one
wants to be the blame, no one. Everyone points to his neigh­
bor. When it cornes to doing the work the finger goes on to
the neighbor, never one's self.
In the medical field if you watch the increase of illness,
and you ail know the reason why, it was given in this work
here. The doctors have no new name, so it is classed as a
virus. How much of this virus, so-called virus, cornes from
fallout, transplanted in the vegetation of earth, consumed
by both man and beasl. Yes, check back the medical history.
Where has lukemia played such a part in man and child? Il
was a rare disease amongst children. Vou cannot sa)' that
today, for man)' a person from a child to 75 are carners of
this dreadful dlsease. Il is feared by man. Il is only the twin
of cancer. They cali it cancer, for they have no other name.
Vou will also find that in the warm climate it sprung forth
more rapidly. The only reason for this is that in the cold, fro­
zen countries it lies a iittle more dormant, and in the heat it
is much more active. If enough of this radiation or fallout is
consumed in a human body or cornes in contact, and if sud­
den heat cornes upon this person, this person's veins will
burst and seem to be smoking. Why? That is the effect of il.
Il will work in respira tory organs, the bloodstream. Il is man
made. Had man used this same atomic energy for useful
purposes instead of having turned their backs on Our Holy

Mother's requests in 1917. At that time had atomic energy
been developed for useful purposes, what a different world
there'd be today. Instead the Grand Masters or Satan's co­
horts have turned it only into destruction, and to their own
folly have discovered that this also destro)'s them, that they
have no control over this monster once it IS shot into the at­
Pray, pray much. Pray for Pope John. Pray for ail priests
and religious. Pray for Cardinal Agaginian and aIl those
under and working with him for the unification. Evil forces
are working hard to destroy the Catholic Church and aIl
Christianity will crumble.
Pray, pray much for the two new Cardinals. They need
the prayers ofthose of the True Faith. We cannot afford to
let them fall into the evil hands and temptations placed be­
fore them by the Grand Masters and fonowers. If either of
them have failed and erred in the past, it was not premedi­
tated. Il was more of the wrong information, ignorance of
the true facts. But like Pope Pius IX, they too can step forth
in similar footsteps even though they have a smaller posi­
tion. Il cou Id be a very worthy one, for the oldest of the two
knows much, knows much. The younger has a good heart,
but with proper prayers his weakness can be overcome and
be another example to the Diocese of Chicago, the filthy
city. He has much to do to erase the damage done by his
predecessor, not the recent one, previous wno has harmed
the diocese beyond recognition ofthose that should be alert.
His predecessor, who recently became a martyr, worked
hard to undo much, but much more needs to be done, and
the graces and good that will come from this will flow into
the surrounding dioceses, especially the one he just came
Pray, pray, pray for Pope John so that he can carry the
huge cross placed upon him by those that did so want to de­
stroy him, and by the erring Christendom.
Bishop Oxnam is leading a group of other religions in
battling against the Ecumenical Council, for many of them
fear thls Council, for if it wou Id come into session at this
most urgent time, the sooner the better, before those sev­
ering the threads can completely destroy what has already
been bound together. The Grand Master and his followers,


the invisible traitors and those in control, know the longer

this Council is postponed the deeper their roots can sink.
There must be sorne effort made to unite into one body of
prayers and true devotions. Urge the clergy, the Hierarchy,
to ask for prayers from ail pulpits and altars, from the altars,
and their prayers with thetr congregation during the Sacri­
fice of the Mass. In unity and prayers to Our Lord and God,
and from their pulpits urge their congregation to make
every effort to have and to unite into one body, a Christian
body, to bring forth the good that will come, the strength
and the power to the Ecumenical Council. Pius IX, Pope
Leo XIII, Pius X, Pope Pius XII, Benedict XV and Pius XI
are waiting for prayers to come forth to give Pope John the
strength and the cooperation from ail Christendom to fulfill
this great and wonderful task.
Pray for ail Cardinals working for the sa me cause to have
the courage and strength to battle ail trials and tribulations
that fall in their path and that they receive the grace to find
those that would be traitors to this blessed cause. They will
have the help of the Mother of God if those on earth will
turn their hearts to Her for proper guidance. For again,
United you wil/ stand, divided you will fal/.
The unification at this period would be a tremendous
blow to the Grand Masters and a glorious victory to Christ's
Church, to the Vatican. If Pope John dies as a martyr, what
a glorious reward to bring this about.
So Christendom, pray, pray as you have never prayed be­
fore, for in companson of this, turn the picture over and
compare it with the heads of the Beast-which do you
choose? The glory of the heads, devouring tongues and
fangs of the beasts? They're sickening.
The laity must work. The laity must work.
Full restitution has to he paid for these two pictures, and
the greatest one of ail, Hiroshima and Nagasacki, Pearl
Harbor. The wanton killings, destruction, cbildren, aged
and innocent babes, women. Who is going to pay restitutIOn
for this? Who? We must beg the mercy ofGod upon us and
for those that were in our controls that we failed to pray for
and guide.


Such a beautiful feeling of peace cornes into man's heart

wh en your soul is with your Lord and God and His Holy

Mother. It's just like an eye. The pupil of the eye is the inner
core of your sou\. When that is in peace with God and His
Holy Mother, the pure love that swells your own heart and
bursts it into flame, it arises one, it bursts one withjust beau­
tiful peace and love and tranquility, with God and His Hol)'
Motner. They, in return, show such beautiful love. Thelr
eyes are smiling and the Saints are circling about them.
They, too, are smiling. That's the beauty when one's soul is
at peace with Our Lord. If one would only stay here, but as
you move away from the center, the pupil of the eye, you
find Our Blessed Mother, Her Head bowed and in tears.
The Saints looking at their Holy Mother, reaching for Her
in sorrow. Vou can see Her Divme Son, her Lord and God,
very, very disturbed; and as you go out in the other part of
the eye you can find the reason why. lt is because we have
tarnished our souls. The weight cornes upon you, the pres­
sure. As the human life goes on its merry way, destroying
the peace by tarnishing their soul, and as you go outward,
further out, it is black, black with sin, corruption. It is a
weight. The Saints are unhappy. Their Holy Mother is in
tears. Our Lord and God is unhappy as He looks down upon
the earth to see the corruption, the re-crucifixion of Our
Lord and God. Yes, it is like an eye. The most tender spot of
the eye is the pupi\. Vou wipe out the pupil and you are
blinded. Vou tarnish your soul, the beauty of the sou1, and
you are blind. Vou turn your backs on the Holy Mother, .on
Her Son and ail the saints. Our Holy Mother has pleaded
and pleaded. She came in 1950 and pleaded again for She
loves us al\. She loves Her children, but they heed Her not.
This is only a repeat of once given-poisoning of foods,
chemicals in clothing. ContinuatIOn of poisoning of waters,
destruction by man, assassinations, accidents that won't be
accidents, and from God will come more flood s, more earth­
quakes, disasters, storms. God still shows men that he is
more powerful than they, but still they heed not His warn­
ing. Man can build up, but God can destroy it. A very dan­
gerous mission is before me now that will not bring good to
the country Our Holy Mother loves. (President's trip to
other countries). Warnings have been given in the year
1951. They're just as true today and in the future as when
given. Just as in France, it will be here.
1 viewed the same scene on your Feast Day, St. Joan, but 1
didn't speak of it. l'm sorry. 1 viewed this very scene the 30
of May, 1959.1 had seen then the leader of France that the


world was looking and waiting for, especially those who had
France at heart. They were waiting to have him be another
Joan of Arc, but as 1 have viewed him, he is not, but a trai­
tor, a coward. He is not the hero that so many had hoped he
wou Id be. Yes, he would have been the man had France
gone on its knees and prayed, but as France again and again
and again has blackened so, too, he is not the leader. No, he
is only the stooge under control of the Grand Masters of
France, bowing to their wishes, to the sacrifices and
bloodshed of the peasant and the working man, the Chris­
tian world of France.
1was to give this as St. Therese stands in one corner of the
picture and Joan of Arc stands in this one, holding the scene
ln front ofme. The map of France, Paris, which could be the
inner core oflove and beauty, has been tarnished with black
sin, corruption. As it has in the past, so it is today. They
changed leaders but they gained nothing. There are many
beautiful churches towering to the heavens, beautiful, but
on the days of devotion, where are the people? Where? You
will find the dens and the dives filled on Sundays, and the
churches-no. Yes, much of it is the fault of the Hierarchy
and those that guide, down to the lowly priest. Right in the
midst of France is a meeting place of the Grand Masters
and the Supreme Grand Master, the headquarters.... and
then we move over to Germany.
Anna Catherina is holding one corner. Who are you?
Germany, the start, where sorne of the most vicious of the
Grand Masters flfSt originated-the Rodenshield, better
known as Rothschild, the home of Amchel Meyer, the mis­
tress, Gutta Schnapper. They did away with Kaiser Wil­
helm, replaced him with Hitler. Hitler was very unscrupu­
lous. Greed for advancement of power. He walked over
much with blindness, turning the peasant worker under his
heels, the poor man, the Christian world, until the picture
was shown to him, the bombing of the Vatican. In spite of
his ruthlessness, unscrupulous front, he dared to defy the
Grand Masters and refused to bomb the Vatican, and he
was about to expose the death of the 30,000 Poles. Through
this the Grand Masters and the 400, known formerly as the
300, put in effect the most cruel, most dastardly weapons to
control man. If you will check you will find that the head­
quarters have never been destroyed of any of the Grand
Masters, of the Supreme Grand Master. Why? For Satan,
who is imbedded in the hearts ofthese men is too cunning ta

destroy his own headquarters.
Much bloodshed, air rivers and streams run with human
blood. Yes, sorne burnt, but had ail these veins poured, it
would have filled every stream in Germany with blood, the
ground saturated with the blood of the human lives lost.
From it sprung up an old man, but he stands pretty much
alone between the irons of the Grand Masters of Germany
and the irons of the intervention from the New World. He
stands alone to save his country. They have a new man weil
prepared to take over now. Oh, we have helped to exploit
this country, to destroy il. Although we have martyrs pfant­
ed here, too, from our own country.
On the British Isles still lies the Beast, the two-headed
Beast, the head of the International Bankers, a meeting
place of the Bankers as weil as the Grand Masters. Right
here was planned much of the world destruction of both
countries Just shown, as weil as ail other countries of the
Now the United States of America, the land of the free
and the home of the brave. Yes, the home of many a brave
man. Yes, but the land of the free, no. Yes, America has
brave men, but unfortunately misguided, blinded to the
true facts, and sorne ofthose very brave men that are willing
to go and fight, not for their own flag but for foreign flags
because they were misguided, yes, the home of brave men,
but so misguided.
The Supreme Grand Master has visited this country and
found everything in order. How did Our Blessed Mother
find things? In disorder. The Statue of Liberty is trans­
formed before my eyes into Our Lady of Liberty, The Bless­
ed Mother. Why can't we keep the Statue of Liberty dedi­
cated to the Blessed Mother, to the Lady of Liberty, the land
of the free, the home of the brave. No. Beneath Her we
stand, the American Public, we, the Christian world, the
Catholics, spitting at Her, mocking Her, tearing freedom
into shreds, stand mg by while the youth's eyes are c1ouded,
the youth She rleaâs for.
Ganglands 0 youth, educators of Satan, imbedded crime
into the hearts of youth. That is what's at the foot of our
Statue of Liberty, and at her feet lie men like George Wash­
ington, the Father of our Country, Abraham Lincoln,
Tliomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Monroe, Garfield,
McKinley, and men l do not know their names, great pa­
triots and fighters for their country, freedom and God. Then

there are these of later dates-Joe, our Joe from our own
state, General Patton who refused to bomb the Vatican,
who was not a Catholic, but had the Christian heart to re­
fuse the Grand Masters' requests and knew that if the Vati­
can was destroyed that the world would be destroyed too, so
he died a martyr.
Cardinal Stritch, Cardinal Dougherty; manya priest and
nun, among them is Mother Cabnni, Seton and other faces.
1 do not recall their names. There are many men. It would
take too long to na me them. Yes, there is Taft and many and
many a soldler that died in vain for his country, for men like
Gen. MacArthur, Col. Lindbergh, they have to stand in si­
lence because they fear the death of their loved ones. They
do not have the help from the Christian world to give them
the strength to come forth with the facts which, of course,
today is too late. Had the world listened to Lindbergh when
he came back from overseas, it would be surprising the dif­
ferent world we would have.
If Gen. MacArthur when he was demoted, humiliated,
yes, disrobed in the front of the eyes of his country-men, if
he would only have spoken the true words, and even Wain­
right, who erred but learned to his regret the bitter truth and
was willing to talk, but in the weakened condition he wasin,
the threats, he stayed silent. Father Charles Coughlin, the
man who dared to speak and spoke loud and mighty, mil­
lions of people heard his voice, but out of those miiiions had
they gone down and did as he asked at the time when he was
still able to speak and plead with them, what a difference,
what a difference; but his own men, his own brothers in
Christ sealed his lips. One ofthose that was the right hand to
him was disrobed, demoted disgracefully, uncharitably,
also by his own brothers in Christ. Yes, the force behind
these brothers of Christ was the Grand Masters, but who is
more mighty-the Grand Masters or your Lord and God?
Fear not man. Fear only to offend God. There are many
more today that fail to speak the truth. One example in the
State of Indiana. They threatened his family. He sealed his
lips. Yes, you had an example in the State of Ohio. He's a
martyr today. In the State of Michigan. He's a martyr today,
but is it not better to be a martyr than to die a coward?
There is not a man in this state here that is ready to step into
the shoes of old Bob LaFollette or Senator Joseph McCar­
thy. There isn't a man that has the courage and the love for
my God and my Country as those two men had. They both

fought until the last breath. They didn't betray their Coun­
try. Oh, Senator Norris also was a fighting man. He, too, is
at the foot of Our Lady of Liberty. What has happened to
our state? For example, what has happened to this very state
where St. Joan of Arc rode on a white horse and helped fight
the Battle of New Orleans. Can you see what happened?
Through intervention of Joan of Arc and Our Blessed
Mother the battle of 1812 was won against great odds. Oh,
but has corruption taken over since! Examine the history of
this city. This is just an example of the deterioration of the
chance that Our Holy Mother had given, and yet we heed
Her not. Many, many martyrs cover the state, ail the states,
and still we carry on, we fear man, turn our backs on the
Blessed Mother; throw sin and slime and burrs and briars at
the Statue of Liberty, Our Lady of Liberty, who is to be the
example to the whole world. Instead of that we are traitors
because we fail to do the requests of Our Lady of Liberty.
Traitors like Harry L. Hopkms. Traitors like Fred Vinson.
Traitors like Felix Frankfurter, Warren, the whole Supreme
Court. There is only one. If he had the help of decent men
could still carry on and change their way. Traitors, traitors,
Ickes, Hull, Roosevelt, Bernard Baruch, the puppet.
Warburgs, Lithinov, Dubinski, Finkelstein, Arvey, traltors,
and of course so many stooges that do not know better.
President Wilson fell into the trap of the Grand Masters.
When he awakened to the traitors he became, oh, lost his
mind. Yes, he died an insane man with the help of the
Grand Masters. Harding died of poison because he would
not fulfill the orders of the Grand Masters. He went along,
but he drew a line. He stuck his fmger in the pie, but he did
not want to give the whole hand, so he died. Calvin Coo­
lidge, he kept his fingers clean. He sat in the corner like Lit­
tle Jack Homer. He didn't disturb anything, so the rest car­
ried on for him. He was a coward. Hoover, he was led with
the shining silver. He grasped for it and was readyto flee the
country and join the Disraelis of England when he round
out the price would be too great, so he stayed within the
shores of the land he had helped betray. He helped greatly,
but he was not the full blame. He helped in Ignorance, and
when he discovered it, he was afraid. He gave back the thir­
ty pieces of silver and promised to be a good boy.
Prohibition was one of the big babies at the time, and
then came the great man, the humanitarian, the one that
promised one promise after the other. Yes,jalhers and molh­

ers, your sons will never be sent on joreign soi!. At the very
time he made this promise he had already in his files sent
them across to forelgn soil. The plot and plan had already
been plotted, and when the Grand Masters took him and
LaBucca by their hand, he was a very willing tool. He ex­
ploited the workers, betrayed the fathers and mothers. Of
course, he feared the disastrous effects it would have, had he
pulled his punches with the war, so Pearl Harbor, and ail the
brave soldlers, the home of the brave, the working man, the
youth, the women, the children, all willing to fight, for they
thought it was for the land of the free and the home of the
brave. No, you were betrayed. They losttheir blood on for­
eign soils. They saturated France and Germany with blood;
Pearl Harbor the Philippines, and one of the dirtiest places
-Korea. They rolled them up and rolled them down dead.
They rolled them up again and rolled them down again,
dead. Yes, Korea.
The Statue of Liberty stands with head bowed, for it is not
the home of the brave and the land of the free, and yet what
is before us? What lies before us? Traitors, betrayers, blind­
ed by the glitter of the thirty pieces of silver.
Truman was one of the most ignorant puppets. He cer­
tainly jiggled the way they pulled the strings. Yes, they
threatened his loved one, so he became a puppet. And then
as Our Lady spoke of the General who had a spark of de­
cency within his he art. Yes, there was a spark of decency,
but the prayers failed to enflame that spark and burst it. In
1952 he was elected by the Grand Masters, for they felt sure
they would have him in control, but had Our Lady's re­
quests been heeded, what a glorious feeling would it be
today if the Grand Masters would have erred and enough
prayers wou Id have been said, for they feared he would be­
tray them, so they injected death into his heart, but they
failed to reckon with the strength within his body. He fought
the serum, and then they themselves turned the tables be­
cause the love of the American public was so great for this
man that they had to keep him alive, but they had already
prepared a double ~o take his place, more unscrupulous,
more cruel, more evtl; more heartless; that even dunng the
days of his recuperating, he stood behind the desk and gave
the orders, what to say and speak. Yes, if pictured side by
side, it wou Id be very hard to tell which is which. You could
ifthey were side by side, but once the original be out ofyour
way, you could easily have taken him for the first, and ['m

speakingofDr. Milton Eisenhower, the brotherofPresident
Eisenhower. If you take a good look at their eyes, there's a
difference-and now the battle is on for the next President.
Since the year of 1952 the question was asked here, will
there be an eleclion? The answer was no. U p until the year of
1952 had the Christian world fulfilled their duties for both
My God and My country, had shown the patriotic dut Y of
every American citizen, it would not had to be no in '52.
They failed to do their Christian duty. Yes, l'ou will have the
freedom to scratch the paper. That's al1 it IS. Vou stil1 have
the privilege to mark it, but your elections are al1 taken care
of beforehand. 1n 1956 the votes were long cast before elec­
tion day. They went through the preliminaries to the action,
to blind and fool the public. The only difference was there
had been hope of replacing your President with the Vice­
President, but they discovered that they would err very
much if they had succeeded with their plans because of the
demand for the present man, but did the people know that
he is not at the helm of the ship; he is only the voice. He has
never been the man that he was before September 24 in
Denver. He is completely under control. So you can see why
the Statue of Liberty is only a mockery. Replace it with Our
Lady of Liberty, and let Her place Her Blue Mantle about
this country. Right now you're doing ail you can to shove
the Mantle back. You're slinging sins, mud and dirt at Her
most beautiful garments, and we the Catholic people, are
the greatest ones at fault, for we know the truth, we know
the way, the light, but we fail Our Lord and God, thus fail­
ing His Holy Mother.
Read the Apocalypse for most of it is true today. Just as
we are in the Fifth Siege now, drawing to the climax of the
Fifth Siege. Much blood is about to be shed.
Deception, two-fold purpose. Even though the one that is
being used to fulfil1 the two-fold purpose is not aware of the
reason. He has been told to make thlS mission of peace, so­
called peace. Yes, his visit to His Holiness, Pope John
XXIII, our modern St. John, was very inspirational to the
one sent. He was greatly inspired because one must remem­
ber, his heart is not of evtl. He is completely under the
thumbs of the Grand Master, unbeknownst to him, how
deeply he is control1ed, how deeply the strings are tied
about him, and how they use him as a dangling puppet. Yes,

he was greatly inspired, and had enough prayers been said
at that moment, much could have happened, but as has
been given before, again we, the Cathohc and the Christian
world, have failed the leader of our Country, for we do not
stand up as Our Lady requested we should, stand firmly for
My God and My Country.
Within his own mind as he left the Vatican were thoughts
of freeing th~ enslaved nations, pl~nting into their ~earts
what he had Just left. No, the Chflstlan world was agam too
late and too little! This again will be twisted into a two-fold
purpose. They will play up the Christian part ofthis mission
very much, but behmd it they have in control the Red Drag­
on, the Brown Bear, the Lion, the Black Shirts, Brown Shirts
and the Sons of the Covenant are ail at work. How can it be
prevented by the few feeble Christians who find the glim­
mer and glamor of the material things of this season to be
the most important, instead of sacrificing to the last and get­
ting down on their knees and praying. There are a few that
are doing their great bit. They are trymg so hard and hoping
to swing the tide.
Your answer is not far away of what efforts have been
made and what have failed. On December 8th the churches
of the Christian world, especially the ones of the True
Church that Jesus Christ pfaced upon the shoulders of St.
Peter and down to all the popes, that one Church; had ail
these churches that believed strongly in the M?t~er Chyrch,
had these churches overflown wlth the Chflstlan falthful
and devout Catholics, but no. There were pitifully few. The
original few attended. That is the reason why you cannot ex­
pect miracles to happen without making the right sacrifices
to God and His Blessed Mother.
Pray, pray so Pope John, the modern St. John, can fulfill
his wishes, his great determination. Give him the strength
and save the souls that will get the inspiration and the devo­
tion in their hearts through this great task. That he will die
as sorne other St. Johns have before him, a martyr to the
Christian world to what he believed, he will also be cruci­
fied, but he will be a St. John in Heaven. Look at his face. Il
is in lines, deep frowns, his heart is heavy. He is but a little
man, but in the sight of God he's mighty big. His heart fills
his chest for the Christian world. Give him strength, give
him strength, give him courage. Give him the love that you,
the Catholics, should give your Pope, the Representative of
Christ, the Christ here on earth.

Work, work. Fill the churches at least now this last period
before the birthday of Christ. Again celebrate upon ail the
altars and the pulpits of those that have sprung away from
the True Church but still in your hearts believe in the In-
fant, Jesus Christ. Remember, United You Stand; Divided
You'll Fall.
At this very moment, the Fifth Siege is heading toward
the climax, and the warnings in the Fifth Siege have not
been altered. The darkening sun, the blood-shed will still be
before you, and th en the glorious awakening, the Resurrec-
tion of the few Christians who truly loved their Lord and
God and their Holy Mother. Many a man says that he loves
Our Lord and God and says he loves the Blessed Mother,
but within his own heart he knows, his own conscience tells
him he is a weakling.
You must overcome the earthly temptations at this cru-
cial time and give ail to God Almighty. For once the man's
destruction of the H bomb, the Cobalt bomb with its death,
are put into use, which God will permit, there will be no
chance to save the soul ofyour fellowman. It'Il be too la te to
save the souls ofyourselves and your children and your fel-
lowman. That is the work of the laity as weil as aH priests
and religious. Put out of your hearts aB uncharitableness
and especially during this season of Advent, andJ'lace with-
in it only the love of thy neighbor and Thy Lor and God.
This is no time to be prejudiced. If you find a brother in
Christ or your own brothers in error, pray for them and
plead to the Holy Mother to help them see their mistakes
and clean themselves. Do not tal\( behind their backs in an
evil tongue and help destroy the very foundation built up,
because every word in uncharitableness and prejudiced lan-
guage will destroy anything you have built.
Love thy neighbor as thyself. Let your inner conscience
be your guide, for your own conscience that speaks to you
through Jesus Christ will not deceive you. Remember that.
The biggest atheist on earth, if he would fol1ow his inner
conscience, would never betray God, for his inner con-
science are the words ofhis sou!. It is onl)' the temptation of
Satan that will try to put into your mmd that your con-
science guide you, but hsten only to the true conscience, not
Satan's misgivings. Again 1 repeat, United you will Stand;
Divided You wifr{all.
Unifying of the churches-when that is accomplished,
there shall be sorne peace.


So sad, so sad. Again the Crib will be empty. The Infant

will not be in Our 1-101)' Mother's arms. Il is sad to see in our
U.S.A., the land dedlcated to and so loved by Our Holy
Mother, that we failed to be the shining star in the Western
Hemisphere at the lime when the Christ Child's birlh is
again celebrated from the altars.
Yes, it might be a wee bit early for some places to put up
the Nativity scene, but it should not be put up any later than
this, because if the Catholic world wants to show those who
are bauling against the Infant, Our Lord and God, then
they should display the Nativity scene with ail its glory at
least eight days before Christmas, not just the night before
His Birth, to counteract Satan's display of destruction of
Catholicism or the Christian world.
In some areas it is beautiful what they have done. This is
not in vain, for even those that are harsh cannot help but
comment on some Ofthese beauliful Nalivity scenes oftheir
Lord and God.
Why are there not more novenas in progress right now?
There are some, butthey are only a liule drop in the bucket
Every diocese in the U.S.A., including our neighboring
Canada and Old Mexico, should be making novenas atthis
most perilous lime, but again-too liule, too late.
There are those that have been inspired through the Spot
where the Mediatrix of Peace stood. Their work has not
been in vain, but may those that have devoted their whole
lives and lime to this find more generous workers before the
next season arrives, and may this scene be a joyous one in­
stead of so sad, so sad. Too tiule, too tate.
You will find your road rocky. You will find yourself fall­
ing and becoming bruised, physically as weil as mentally
and morally, but get up agam and carry on. Start no later
than three months before fhe birth ofThy Lord and God is
celebrated from the churches and altars.
Ail the guided missiles, the trinkets, the toys, the cham­
pagne, the parties of degrading, blackest sin, replace with
Him. When Christ's Birth is celebrated with parties where
one spouse loses their self-respect, their vows, and mingles
and mixes, forgets his own spouse and takes on another for
the evening ofphysical pleasure-that is your Christmas cel­
ebrations of today.
:1 Il is in mockery of the true purity ofThy Lord and God, the

j 152
champagne bottles pop, the mind becomes befuddled.
Where is the Crib? And the Infant Child to be placed in the
Mother's arms? Not through this scene!
Mothers leave their own infants in the care of a youth
whose mind has been befuddled and infiltrated with the
devil's beat. How can they go out and celebrate the Birth of
Christ with this mockery~ When they leave their own chil­
dren in the hands of a careless child, because today many of
the teenage youth has not the purity it should be having at
that age, nor does it have the Intelligence of more than an
eight year old. So how can they leave it in such hands to be
the protecting mother to their own child?
Impurity, impurity, tomorrow night, Sunday and the rest
of the week are all scheduled for Christmas parties. Oh yes,
they will hang up holly, the mistletoe, the tinsel, but where is
the Christ Child? This will continue until the ringing in of
the New Year. How many souls will be darkened during this
period? How many? Can you see Thy Blessed Mother, the
Mother ofThy Lord and God, stand with Her Head bowed,
Her tears running down Her cheeks. Do you see the reason
why? Can you not wipe those tears and replace them with
love and purity? It is not wrong to love one another. That is
the Will of God. Love, but love of purity, not of sin. That's
no love, there is no love in this. Do not confuse it with the
love of a pure heart. It is only an animal infatuation, and
even the animal is insulted by such a statement, for the ani­
mai does not mix but stays in its own characteristic places.
That is why you will find again in the Year of Our Lord,
1959, Our Blessed Mother's arms empty of the Christ Child
and the Crib stands only in mockery.
Those that have worked so hard to bring forth the birth of
Our Lord and God, they need not fear that they will not be
rewarded. It would be more beautiful if the multitude cou Id
be with them, but it'll be a mere few. Do not feel that your
work, your effort, has been in vain. Il is no!. Even though
you you might become a martyr to Thy Lord and God,
which is more beautiful, to be raised up and brought face to
face with Thy Holy Mother, Her Lord and Her Son, Thy
God, than to leave the eviI, the destructive, the infiltrated
mind of those that seek only to destroy the Christian world,
misguide you, confuse you. Keep on the right track. The
endIng is glorious. Fill into your hearts the purity of love
and continue to battle on.
Again we will repeat, do not accept the resemblance of

the most hideous cancatures to replace the beautiful figures,
paintings or statues that are supposed to represent Thy Lord
and God, be it as an Infant, as a twelve year old or the Sa­
cred Heart or the Crucified Lord or the Resurrected Lord or
Thy Holy Mother. Do not accept these hideous, Satan's
mockery, paintings or caricatures called statues. Do not ac­
cept them. That is ail done through the anti-Christ, the
Grand Masters and the 400 which so many foolish Chris­
tians are accepting today as modern art. It is not the wish of
Thy Lord and God that this is to replace the most realistic
pictures of themselves. No, do not accept. Destroy it.
No peace. No peace. The Eastern Hemisphere, no peace
-and tne Prince of Peace is forgotten. It's a pagan world. Oh
yes, there are a few whose hearts are very devoted with true
devotion for the Holy Mother and their Lord and God, but
they are so greatly outnumbered, for one must remember it
is here where the Christ Child was born, and it is here that
the Supreme Grand Master also has his headguarters and
was born. The Eastern Hemisphere, the ChristIan world, is
only a minority. The confused, the anti-Christ, are in the
maJority, or the pagans, the unbelievers. That will be the
Christmas day again for many, many.
In China, in Europe, Africa, Australia, Japan and where
the Polish people are struggling so to be heard, it is known ta
be mostly Chnstian, unless they receive the helping hand, a
helping hand was promised the Hungarian people, but they
failed to fulfill; there will be many more again that will die
as martyrs because in Poland now the youth is being educat­
ed to revoit. A great revolution is in the making and only a
matter oflime when the plunger will be put down and will
explode in one of the most bloodiest periods. Cardinal
Wyszynski's heart is very heavy. He knows, he tries very
hard, but he does not receive the proper aid, only words,
words, meaningless words. This win not happen in a quick
way as it was at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This will be more
slow and more torturing. Makes my stomach sa sick.
Pray, pray, pray for Cardinal Mindzenty, Cardinal
Wyszynski and pray for the leader of Spain, Franco. There,
too, the youth is being organized, as glven four years aga.
Pray, pray, pray.




GIVEN IN 1956)

The Madonna Maria told and showed George Washing­

ton that his beloved country would have to go through five
great sieges of war, and that She would help to protect his
country through each of them. She told him that in the sec­
ond great siege of the Civil War, She would help the great
leader of our Country. She told George Washington oI the
great siege ofwar in which much of tne world would be in­
volved. Madonna Maria told the Father of our Country
there would be a second and greater world war because of
many turning to sin and continuing to offend God. She told
him that after World War II there would be a long siege of
corruption and bloodshed, due to man's continuatIOn to of­
fend God through the blackest of sin, sin that has spread ail
over the globe.
The Madonna Maria told him that this would lead into
the Fifth and most terrible period of ail; that during the
Fifth Siege much blood would be shed ail over the globe;
that there would be man-powered tlying machines, and that
they would drop great destruction; that there was going to
be complete destruction of cities and villages; that ail the
nations on earth would be involved, and in his own beloved
Country there would be much bloodshed. The Madonna
Maria àlso told him that there would be a battle between
the white Christians and the black and yellow people; tliat
the Evil Forces would arouse the blackteople against the
whites, causing much severe bloodshe . There would be
strange happenings from the sky and under water, and that
two of the largest rivers in his Country would run red. The
sky will become red, and in sorne parts of his Country the
Sun will darken completely. She told George Washington
that the Evil Forces would belittle him, saymg that he was
only the hero for children's stories, he would be a forgotten
man. The Madonna Maria told him after much bloodshed
and darkness in many parts of the world, there would be
brightness and peace and love and harmony. God's love
would reign over ail men.
The Fifth Siege is now. These words were spoken by Mary
Ann Van Hoof during her suffering and immediately fol­
lowing the revelations given by the Madonna Maria to the
Father of our Country.


These revelations need no interpretation, nor does the
above statement. Everyone cannot help but recognize the
fact that all of thase revelations given to George Washing­
ton have already taken place except for the Fifth Siege, and
no thinking person can help but recognize that the Fifth
Siege is now. The stage is an set, the forces of evil are run­
ning ramrant. Power-mad agents of Satan are at the wheels
of contro in ail countries of the world, and most of us who
are now alive will live to see or will die in the fulfillment of
the Fifth and final revelation given by the Madonna Maria
to the Father of our Country.
Only if we follow the requests of God and His Holy
Mother can we expect to be saved. God will save only those
who are friends, those who are His own children, for He
would be only contributing to the defeat of His own purpose
if this were not so.
Are you one of God's own, or are you one of those who
has accepted the lures of Satan, lures which are solely of this
world. Remember, ail you can get from Satan you must get
while on earth, and enjoy entirely on earth, for when you
leave it you will take no more with you than you came with;
in fact, most ofus wilileave with much less. We came with a
new clean body and soul and then when we received the
Sacrament ofBaptism and the contamination of original sin
was removed, we became truly the children of God.
The world is like a house in which everything is freshly
painted. We cannot live in it without sooner or later becom­
mg stained, and while God has given us the solvents for the
removal of those stains in the Sacrament of Confession and
Penance, blessed will be the souls who stand before the
Judge with no trace of contamination.
The forces of Satan, it seems, now are on the winning side,
and what they have to offer appears very attractive, but the
revelation of the end of the Flfth Siege proclaims bright­
ness, peace, love and harmony. God's Love will reign over
ail men.
The men who follow Satan cannot foresee this, for he has
purposely blinded their eyes in order to destroy their souls.
Therein lies his only victory, for in spite of the fact that
Satan promotes and furthers the teaching and acceptance of
atheism, he himselfis no atheist, for none knows better than
he the existence, the omnipotence, the power of Almighty




LENT, 1960 BETWEEN 12 AND 3 P.M.


Firth Siege is now. Morocco has witnessed part of the

Fifth Siege now. It was mentioned nine years ago. Take
heed, take heed. It should be an example how, without
warning, you will be here today and five minutes later will
be gone.
It's awful. blood, tlesh, spattered ail over. Why, why,
why? God alone knows why, God knows. Just as it hap­
pened here in this area, it also can happen in the Western
Hemisphere, on the Pacifie Coast or anywhere else. Il is
God Himself who knows and the reason why He permits
this to happen. Why has He spared the North American
Continent is a great question mark because we surely have
not been worthy of His Mercy. Because we have been
spared, we must go on our knees and thank our Sorrowful
Mother, who has interceded for the country She loves, and
who have thanked Her by turning their backs on Her. She
surely must have a great love for the people in the northern
part of the Western Hemisphere, for why has She spared us
when we have been so unkind?
The youth delinquency situation is still on the increase.
The messages of warning given the last ten years have in­
creased with alarming ratio, as given before. Beatniks, there
is still a larger plot planned by the evil ones to put in effect.
Read over the Fifth Siege, and as the Protector has writ­
ten of the dome over the Sacred Spot, the beautiful white
and glorious scene, and then the blood, the red blood. Many
have not recognized the significance of that display, that
many of you in this room have witnessed. If you recall it
happened just before the first Sputnik was shot into the
stratosphere. Have you not watched the display and the
struggfe since? Can you not recognize why, the reason, the
whole atmosphere was red', purpfe, and deep, nearly black.
Think back. Think back and then combine the words of the
Fifth Siege, the hatred that has been exploded between
races, especially the black and the yellow race. Il is ail
planned this way. It has been planned long ago, but this
whole pictute could have been changed had they heeded

the warnings of the Mother of God.
Her pleas, Her pleas began in the year of 1830 and have
re-occurred many times since, and what has been done?
What has been done? Man has ignored Her pleas. There are
a few souls that have heeded Her and have worked hard,
but il was at this same time that the workers of the enemy,
the Grand Masters and the 300, started their largest cam­
paign against the Christian world. They were the strongest
between the years of 1815 and 1858. Their plot and tl1eir
plan really started the wheel in motion and has increased
many times since. They were able to sink in their roots in the
New World because of lack of interest by those that should
have seen the handwriling on the wall, by those that have
ignored the Encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII, who warned
against that which today is ail over.
Riluals have started in the European countries to add to
the 400, and by the end of this year and before, it shall be
500. There's going to be sorne deaths amongst their own, but
more vicious than ever will be the ceremonies and rituals to
replace them.
In 1846 the Queen of Heaven and earth came again to
warn the people and showed them what wou Id happen if
they heeded Rer not, and even then they heeded Her not,
even then, and we were warned in' this modern world of that
same date. We heeded Rer not. Our Lady sat and wept, and
yet they ignore the tears of the Mother of God.
In 1950 the MotherofGod pleaded for prayers; pleaded
for the youth, the youth, and in the last ten years you have
ail seen, who have heard or read the messages where She
pleads for the youth, that She knew what She was speaking
of. Instead of Improvement, the youth situation from that
date until today, the ratio has increased ten times what il
was in 1950. This ratio spoken of means wilh the same pop­
ulation, not the increase of population, so with the increase
of population, look at your figures. And yet Our Holy
Mother, the Mother of God, spreads out Her Mantle and
enfolds us in front of Her Son. She still tries to protect us,
why? Are we worthy of such love? Are we worthy? No, no.
The efforts to get people on their knees and to keep a vigil
of prayer are in vain. They are frightened by the word per­
petuaI prayer. Use the word vigil of prayer, which replaces
perpetuai, and let's see what the answer is then for those
that should help to promote prayers at this crucial time.
Can you not see that the continent to the south of us is

ready to explode from within? Il is ail red. Corruption has
grown by leaps and bounds. Christ's ways are being shoved
aside, and those that have made the vows to God Almighty
have not the courage to face the persecution that would be
heaped upon them If they asked for a constant vigil of pray­
er. They have not the courage or the true love for the Moth­
er ofGod and Her Divine Son, their Creator. Why fear man
when it's only God you need to fear, and that is to offend
Him. 1 F-yes, the two letter word 1 F ail those the Shep­
herds and leaders of the Christian world, would en force or
only ask for a constant vigil of prayers by those that have
vowed themselves to their Lord and God to do unto them as
He wills it to be done, what a change there would bel What
a change!
The great abyss, the whirlpool that's swirling in the center
of this continent, as has been given before, the Serpent is
coiled from coast to coast, north or south, east or west, and
the whirlpool is spinning faster and faster, ready to devour
those that cannot find the lime to give to their Lord and
God, to hear the pleas of the Sorrowful Mother, and above
ail, in a spiritual way, give for their own Flag, their own
Oh, ifthose words would only be heeded by the Christian
world, what a beautiful Resurrection we would have, but
the two-letter word stands in the way, and our Sorrowful
Mother has Her head bowed in tears.
Our Lady of Liberty. When will we make this a reality?
May God have mercy on us, may God have mercy on this
Christian world.
Plotters and planners at work, Satan's handymen.
The poor, plucked Eagle. The two-headed Beast with the
saliva dripping from their fan~s, the tail beating a steady
beat, the Serpent coiled with ItS mouth towards the poor
plucked Eagle, and over the back of the Beast's body the
Red Dragon with its nostrils fla ring. The Brown Bear, his
~nouth open, the head of the. Lion with mouth open or snarl­
mg at the poor, plucked Eagle.
. What a picture if the proper interpretations are placed on
H. The paws of the Lion on top of the Eagle. There isn't a

feather left, but wounds and scars ail over its body. The

feathers are scattered.

. Yes, the Father of our Country, when he put up the Eagle,

Il was in beautiful plumes up to the time of Abraham Lin­

coln, but gradually a few feathers were plucked here and


plucked there, and now it is in complete control of the two­

headed monster, the Serpent and the Red Dragon.
The Constitution of the United States (U .S.A.) is like the
plucked Eagle, aH ripped and shredded apart. The laws of
the Constitution have been blown away,just as the feathers
have left the body of the Eagle. That is the picture of the
U.S.A., the land of the free and the home of the brave.
The body of the Beast represents the International Bank­
ers. The steady beatingofthe tail of the Beast are the drums
beaten by the 400. They give the signal and handle the con­
trois. They jump on their prey, and the youth is just that.
The Red Dragon wants to sink his claws into the Eagle, so
it's a very nauseating scene.
FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1960
Laity must work. Laity must work. They must balance the
chances for the Christian world.
The New World has fought against great odds in past his­
tory, so it must again battle against great odds to repay the
love the Mother of God has bestowed upon this new nation.
There's a possibility if they win turn to the example of the
Father of this Country when he knelt in Valley Forge. The
odds were great, but with the help of the Mother of God he
won the battle. Again in 1812 dunng the great battle of New
Orleans the enemy was much larger than those that stood
for freedom, and those that loved the Mother ofGod. Again
here She placed Her Blue Mantle about the small group and
they won a tremendous battle. Your odds today are just the
same for the Grand Masters and the newly appointed 500
are ready to stand firmly. There is going to be a completion
of this 500 during the year 1960. There will be not 400 but
500, and an against God, against the Christian world. The
aim is to destroy Christianity. The odds are great, but ifyou
would be like the Father ofyour Country with the Mantle of
the Mother of God about you, you would win. You cannot
pass your work to your neighbor. You must do it yourself.
Count the number of true Christians. Then count the
number of the weak that call themselves Christian and then
count the enemy. Your odds are very unbalanced, but those
that pledged themselves to the Holy Mother, that is the
laity, can with Her help balance the scales. It takes much
work, true love, true falth, sacrifices, penance and charita­
bleness to thy neighbor.
The messages that have been given from 1830 until today

by the Mother of God must be fulfilled. Without that being
done you will find no peace. The great workers for the unifi­
cation of the Church must stand firmly behind the leader,
the Vicar of Christ.
Give until it hurts. Do you not think that it hur.t the Fa­
ther ofyour Country to be kneeling in a frozen field with his
eyes up to the he avens. Do you not think that his soldiers
that stood by him did not suffer pains and torture, hunger,
but they stood by their leader and the battle was won. That
is the very thing that must be done now or the baule will not
be won. The enemy stands firmly together, but what of the
Christian world? What of the laity? Stand behind your pas­
tors, encourage them, give them your true faith, your true
love, your true devotion. Show them that you are with them,
not against them. No matter how weak they may be, stand
behind them as true soldiers of Christ. The laity are mostly
the Militant of the Church.
The situation is very serious. It has reached the Western
Hemisphere; the New World lies in the balance. Vou have
seen the shambles in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is coming
home now. The New World is seeking mostly the material
things of life, the glamour, the glitter, the easy way out. It
was started with true love for thelr Country. Vou cannot win
a battle without My God and My Country in your heart.
Remember the example of Valley Forge. It hurt, it was
painful, the frozen feet and hands. Try it, it hurts, but they
stood by. How many are willing to give that much?
Vou have wonderful boys ofthis Country that have sacri­
ficed themselves for nought in 1950. If they could speak
from the graves and tell you of the tortures and suffering
they endured because you did not stand back of them, it
would shock you. You have in your past work the explana­
tion of many a soldier who died because the Evil Forces so
willed it.
The Mother ofGod is desperately trying to engulfus with
Her Blue Mantle, but we keep pushing it back, pushing it
back. As a mother She loves us aU, even though we break
Her Heart. She pleads with Her Divine Son, God Almighty.
She pleads for the New World that could be the exampfe for
the rest of the world, but as it has been shown by the exam­
ple of the past, our Country is the/oor, plucked Eagle. Put
back his feathers and let him stan up proud again. ~escue .
him from beneath the paws of the Lion.
The laity must work; the laity must work and stand f~rmly

for My God and My Country. Unless the Christian world
unites and follows this example, United We Stand, Divided
We {ail.
The Christian world must unite and you shall find peace.
The black monster and the yellow monster are ready to de­
vour the white race. The nostrils of the Red Dragon are flar­
ing. The Evil Forces are plotting and planning to control the
New World; that is, the Western Hemisphere. They have
rooted themselves into the Southern continent now.
Pray, pray, pray, pray for the Vicar of Christ, for the
enemy is trying to work ail around him to encircle him. Pray
to give him the strength to bear the heavy cross. For he not
onfy carries the cross of the sinful Christians, the sinful
world, but also of the erring nations, the anti-Christ, the
Grand Masters, and soon the fulfillment of the 500. It will
be a jab into his heart when sorne priest, sorne nun or a
Christian will be used for the blood rilual of the Satanic
Black Mass. You will hear ofthis happening in the year of
1960. The victim's body will be found drained ofblood, be it
a priest, be it a nun, or be il a child, in mockery against the
true Mass. You will hear of this in the month of May, for
that is one month that has been dedicated by the Vicar of
Christ for the Holy Mother ofGod. They will try to suppress
it in the press or newpapers and on radio and your T.V. This
will take place in any part of the world for the addition al
100 will be from ail over the globe.
Pray for the Polish people, for those behind the Iron Cur­
tain. The warning was given before. Heed il, heed it, do not
make light of it.
No..... (Mary Ann shakes her head). l cannot name
him, another Rompello. No, no, no, no. (Mary Ann appears
in great anguish and grief, shakes her head agam and
agam). A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a traitor, a Judas in the
Pray, pray for Pope John. Pray so that he may have the
enlightenment to dlscover him before it is too late, pray.
Laity must work, must help to strenglhen the clergy and
religious. Do not believe the rumors that will be coming
forth against Pope John, our modern St. John. They will try
to destroy him as they tried with Pope Pius XII. They will
also try to brand him as a pink or the anti-Christ, just any­
thing to sidetrack the Chnstians, who should stand firmly
behind the Vicar of Christ to give him the needed strength
to rebuild the pillars that have now been infested with ter­

DeGaulle is no Joan of Arc. Yes, 1 understand. He is
weak, yes, 1 understand. Il'Il be one of the places where a
blood ritual will be pcrformed. We shall pray. Many saints
and martyrs have come from France.
Pray for Pope John. Pray for Pope John.
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1960
Investigate, investigate and you will find a human life
was drained of its bfood in mockery of St. Patrick. The
news pa pers will suppress this movement, but investigate.
You will find this took place in Dublin.
Slashing the jugular vein. The shortage has been replaced
and the advancement fulfilled in Ireland, and you can rest
assured it was a very good, religious person who died.
Meeting in Astoria Rotel in New York City. Il was held
with a banquet in memory of the Irish Saint, St. Patrick, and
the members present were those that speak the loudest to
help the poor, depressed Central Amenca, Dominican Re­
public, Havana, Cuba; Puerto Rico, part of Haiti, of course,
and so forth, and the results were to hit this Country where it
hurts the most-their exports. One of the leaders in this is
the one that was the head of destroying the Doctor or the
Professor who was fed to the sharks and the right hand of
Peron and Batista were certainly there. Cali them lieuten­
ants or what you may, but they are still the devil's cohorts.
They signed their papers with a martyr's blood, the blood
of a Christian in the sign of the Masonic em blem. You are
ail familiar with this. It was made with the Christian blood
and their pens were dipped in blood for their signature. If
you Christians think that what is going on is anything for
the good, you are mistaken. Il is only the work of Satan.
They have pulled down sorne innocent Christians who are
truly innocent in the understanding of the Iiberation of
these countries. Liberated for Satan would be the better
word, not for Christianity. The Hierarchy of this Country is
deeply concerned, and it is for a very good reason. More ef­
forts must be taken by them. More sacrifices will be neces­
Il is so blood-curdling, so hideous. One cannot picture it
unless your eyes penetrate upon it. It can be told to you, but
there's a film you cannot penetrate unless your actual eyes
witness this. Then you first can appreciate this hideous, this
Satanic, the blood-curdling way that they use. Oh, they


- ....

make speeches of the most sugar-coated and the most

honey-sweetened words. Don't faB for them. Investigate, in­
vestigate, and you will receive YOUf answer.
Uncle Sam is stabbed in the back. Uncle Sam is stabbed
in the back.
More floods, more earthquakes, more assassinations,
more accidents that won't be accidents. Just like the recent
63 victims lost. No accident. Sixty-three martyrs. They're
using a new method. The names were given qUlckly to hide
their former method. Check the names. You might find
YOUf answer.
More poison food, more poison waters, more chemicals in
clothing as was given in 1951.
Not enough Lenten attendance, not enough attendance.
Instead of increase in some places there is a decrease.
Ifs still being sa id that the Brown Bear is the main enemy,
that everything hinges from the leadership' of the Brown
Bear. How in error this statement is, for If that were the
truth, th en why is the head of the Brown Bear nurtured by
the Beast of an entirely different animal. As the beast lies
here before me, it is not the body of the Brown Bear, only
the head that is nurtured from the body of the Lion. lt still
has its own head in full control, for it is the body of the Lion
that is clawed over the poor, rlucked Eagle. It is not the
body of the Brown Bear, so don t let yourserf be sidetracked.
Yes, the leader of the Brown Bear is one of the cruelest ones
that has ever been in control before. He is much more cruel
than the one that had the brain specialist .in this life. Even
during the reign of this man, who was murdered by a brain
surgeon, the present one was in control behind the scenes.
But do not forget that he was receiving the blood lines, the
nourishment from the body of the Beast, for without their
support he would fade away. When his usefulness is ended,
they will do away with him. Oh, they will find a na me for his
illness. At this very moment there is a plot being plotted to
do just that, for they do not like Krushchev boasting in self­
ish pride, but they must keep him alive, so the argument
goes, for the meeting with the leader of the U.S.A., whose
rife they also had only held by a very fine thread.
The world forgets that it is the Supreme Grand Master,
the Pope of Satan, that is in control. They took the life of
their puppet in the month of the spouse of the Hol)' Mother
because he also bore the same name (Joseph Stahn), so he
died in the month of March, but the reason was as given be­

fore, he had softened beca use of his teaching, of knowing
the truth. He had softened, and was very regretful for the
terrible sins he had committed. He had bowed down in
shame and heartbreak for what he had done to millions of
Christians. That is not the case with the present one now.
The present one is trying to be too wise, too cunning, too
bossy. His mentality which few know has been greatly over­
rated. He is a very sick man right now, but very shrewd and
The world does not know that they have shot a human life
into the atmosphere. No, it did not orbit. It was not shot up
for this reason. It was only a test. The man came back down
in the Antarctic Ocean safely, alive. They have used doves,
monkeys, and now a human life, who is now getting the best
care in the Kremlin's hospital, watching ail reactions, every
test possible is being made. He certainly is Satan's guinea
If you will take good notice, you will find the face of the
moon has been altered. Take a good look through sorne
powerful binoculars, and you will find the change. It is not
what sorne scientists are trying to daim, that there was an
eruption on the volcanic system of the moon. No, it was man
made that struck the moon and exploded, disintegrated and
left a huge eruption and crater on the right face of the moon,
ifyou will notice the change in the face, as we here on earth
cali it. That great machine that had been witness here was
the one used. Had it not been for the fail ure of sorne of the
equipment, the mechanical equipment, the world would
have known what a great disaster had happened. There is
such great danger should this be repeated that the moon will
be shifted on Its orbit.
How the Blessed Mother is trying to hold the arm of Her
Divine Son, Who is becoming more angered at man on
earth who is trying to push God aside.
More prayer, more prayers by the Christian world, be
they of the True Faith or be they that have fallen away from
the True Church of Christ. Those in protest must be shown
the way, the light, and it must be done by those from the
True Church, and it can only be done by following the Com­
mandments laid down by God. You cannot break the Com­
mandments, then cali back the ones that are out in protest
against the errars and misunderstandings thrown upon
them. The wrong that was done must be undone. Stronger
work, stronger effort, more devotion and more unity must


be replaced to fulfill the pleas made by the Mother of God

from the time of Vladimir to the time of Fatima, until today.
The unification of churches must be brought about. Unity,
The work by the heretics, by the arrogant, by the unchari­
table ones, by the pride of the proud, by the selfish, by the
anti-Christ, must be destroyed, and not by the methods used
by the anti-Christ, but only by the Christian heart, and by
the method and the way that has been shown by the Mother
ofGod. Her pleas, Her requests must be answered, and then
there shall be peace, but without the conversion of Russia,
which in short means the unification of the church, without
it there shall be no peace because in the division, divided,
there cannot be peace. Remember: United You Wi// Stand,
Divided You Wi// Fa//. United beneath the banner of the
Church of Christ, the True Church.
Vou must ferret out the Rompello of today. It'll take the
work and prayers and sacrifices of all Christians and of ail
the true MIlitant of Christ, the Hierarchy that live within the
vows that they have made to their Bishop at the time oftheir
Ordination. Vou have such men that are still holding the
threads together, even though the others are causing, by
their arrogant, by their selfish pride, the breaking of the
threads and the causing of the termites to weaken the pillars
of the Church here on earth, the Militant Church, not the
Triumphant Church. There is a difference remember, God
gave man a free will and the Church Militant is comprised
of men with a free will that Christ gave them. They will per­
mit the termites to enter into the pillars of the Militant
Church, so pray to the Bogoroditza, the Lady of Vladimir,
the Lady of Fatima, and the M ediatrix of Peace. The Medi­
atrix of Peace Who is the Mediatrix between God and man,
the Mediatrix between God the Father in Heaven and
Christ, the Son ofGod on earth. God the Father placed the
Son ofGod on earth to show man the way, the light, to give
them a pa th to follow, and yet, in the miracle, He is also
your God. He is One, the Trinity. In the name of the Trinity
we shall win the peace.

FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1960

Pray for Bishop Walsh. They're tormenting him greatly.
Pray for ail others with him. Pray for those under the heels
of the Red Dragon, the Christians. Many more martyrs.

They can be so cruel. There are sorne of those nuns here that
are sure paying the price. If our modern world could only
get a glimpse of the torture these Christians are enduring for
the sake of Christ, there would be less complaints. There
would be more willingness to give and sacrifice.
Pray for those in the mission fields. They are the ones that
know what it means to sacrifice. Of course, you always have
sorne of these that are exploiting this mission cause.
Prayer, prayer, more prayers needed. Pray to prevent the
desecration of the churches and crucifixes, pray.lfyou truly
love your Lord and God Who died on Calvary, you know
what desecration really means. Pray, don't let thls happen
here. Don't think it cannot happen here because it can and it
will unless Our Sorrowful Mother's words are heeded.
One of the greatest mistakes made by the Christian world
is they let Satan develop hatred in their hearts towards those
that have fallen by the wayside. Remember the words of
Thy Lord and God on Calvary-forgive them for they know
not what thetre doing. Remember these words when you're
ready to spit at your neighbor. Vou must pray for them. Vou
must teach them the right way no matter how seriously or
how angered they might become when you try to tell them
the true way. Do not feel you have failed, for there is always
a little seed planted, and Ifit is showered with prayers, if the
heart is mOistened with prayers, that seed will sprout and
the result will be beautiful. Do not dam pen it or wither it
with uncharitableness. Be a true Christian, be you a layman
or c1ergy, does not matter. Do not make the mistake ofwith­
ering the seed by uncharitableness, but drop moisture with
prayers upon this seed to sprout into goodness.
Pray more for the youth of the Western Hemisphere.
Pray, work, c1eanse their path, show them the true light.
Drive the Beeboppers out of their dens, the Beatniks, for
when one visions into the se dens one's stomach becomes so
The question is raised by many people, what is wrong?
What is wrong? As was given before they are the harvest of
the parents that forgot their dutY as a family and reached
out for the Almighty Dollar that was shining before their
eyes. Oh yes, cali it patriotic duty, disguise it with that ifyou
please, but the truth is still they were neglected children left
roaming the streets without anyone to care, to love them.
The harvest is the youth of today. They feel neglected, un­
wanted, searching, searching for what they cannot find, so

they have formed their clubs of Beatniks, Beeboppers or
whatever name they choose in the individual cities. There
are many names they have chosen. What will you find, whal
type of child will you find here? The wrong, l'rom the wrong
home, the deserted home, divorced home, the drunken
home, and the home where they have too much society to
attend to. Yes, amongst them are the wealthy. That Isn't
only the pOOl' class of people, because it takes a liule intelli­
gence for these organIzatlOns. Il isn't the uneducated child
that is the head of your largest crime. No, you will find il
moslly cornes l'rom the weallhier families who have been
neglected. The parents were too busy attending the societies
they belong to, their clubs, every day and nighl of the wceko
God? No, no God, no God; no Holy Mother, nothing, noth­
ing. The result: as Our Holy Mother warned in tne year
1950 - the youth, save the youth. Who is to blame? The
The parents do not like to hear this. They feel they are un­
justly accused, but study each case individually and what
excuses do you have? lt's the parent. Oh, be it circum­
stances. Yes, this has ail been brought about by the 400, the
anti-Christ, the Grand Masters, but still it is no excuse. God
Almighty placed His Son upon this earth and showed us the
Holy FamIly. Il gave them as an example, and that is what
we are expected to follow. We can follow it in the modern
way. Il does not mean in the times of old, but it must be fol­
lowed in the Christian way, in the Christ-like way. We must
come to Our Lord and God as a chi Id and be Chnst-like. We
must find the dens of the Beeboppers, the Beatniks. We
must go amongst ~hem and find the root of evil and then
gnaw away at lt wtth good. You cannot 00 tt at once. You
must do it gradually. You must find tlïe heart within that
child, within that leader who has only bitterness, unloved,
unwanted within his soul and heart. You must try and
cleanse that heart, for that youth that you willofind in these
dens are the citizens of tomorrow. Can you picture the new­
born l'rom this type? Can you see the picture before you?
Try, is it beautiful~ No, no, no God, no love; only a prey and
an easy victim for Satan. Ten years have passed since the
warning was first given and nothing has been done, or at the
most, very little.
1. Edgar Hoover can give you the statistics, and they are
alarming. Ask any civic leader who has God in his heart.
Ask him for the quota of good and bad. Yes, dear parents,

yes, dear parents, it's serious, seriolls.
Our Lady, the Mediatrix ofPeace, pleas are for the youth.
Check, investigate, study it, and you will see and you will
read and you will hear whcre the youth are used for any of
the plots and riots. In the Western Hemisphere, in the cen­
traI part the youth a~ain is used. In Spain, in Poland, in
Hungary, in Russia, In Germany, in the British Isles, in
France, the youth is being used. Yes, the enemies of God
have planned and plotted and they have laid their plans and
their works weIl. If one could say this of the Christian world,
what a difference, what a great difference it would make.
Write to J. Edgar Hoover and ask him about the increase
sin ce the year 1950 to 1960 of unwed mothers. That alone
should stagger you-that alone! For every unwed mother
there surely is an unwed father. Study it, it isn't beautiful,
and again the question, why? The Grand Masters and the
400 can answer that. \t was so planned, and in many instan­
ces of this just given, it was a mixed race, which also was
planned to demoralize.
\t is against the Christian world that this battle is fought.
\t isn't againstone individual or the other. It's the Christians
that they are trying to destroy. 1t is only the Christians and
especially the Church ofChnst, the True Church, the Vati­
can. Do not relax, but give it ail you cano Strain yourself if it
necessarily helps a poor victim. Strain yourself, for you will
be weil rewarded for the extra strength you must give to
help some soul or victim, for Heaven rejoices for every soul
that is saved and it's the laity here on earth, the Christian
world, that must he1p; that must fight for the souls of those
tarnished, forgotten, cast aside by the enemy, the Grand
Masters and the 400, which already have increased by 25. In
May another 25 will be added, by September another 25;
the month of Our Lady, September, and by the end of the
year there'lI be around 500. Don't let this increase. Stop il.
Decrease il. For everyone that is newly ordained, or whatev­
er you might cali it, enrolled, but they cali it ordained in
mockery of the Christian ordination, a human blood sacri­
fice is used. Twenty-five already, the blood ofa human sac­
rifice, a Christian.
Oh, many will say this cannot be.truc. Oh yes, right in thc
middle west in tne city of Chicago, these youths they found
so weil drained a few years back; check, examine the rec­
ords. You willfind Satan's emblem on their bodies tattooed
into them where they drained the blood from these living

children and left their bodies lie. For this is one thing that
many people do not stop to think about. When a human
dies and hls blood is not removed, he will darken, but when
you find the corpse of one white, marble white, that should
be your answer. The blood drained from themalive.Itis
cruel, yes, it hurts one's stomach to even think about it, but
it's being do ne and has been do ne in the past history, be it a
child, a nun, a priest or another devout religious person. It
does not matter.
Check the record in France of the priests ànd nuns used
there. Check the record in Germany, in England, in Italy, in
Russia, Hungary, Poland. You will find them. The Grand
Masters try to coyer them, but Heaven generally finds
someone to spring out the leak. They expose it when it's too
late. It is there for an example. It's commonly known as the
Black Mass in mockery of the true Mass. (Mary Ann gags
and retches severely). Oh, how 1 wish 1 could name the vic­
tims to be used, but 1 am not permitted to name them be­
cause it wou Id create a panic. Why not panic now before this
happ~ns and save the innocent vlctims? (More gagging and
Pray, pray, pray. Oh, it makes one so ill. The Christian
world must unite. There must be unity. Without unity you
cannot win this tremendous battle.
Take the census of the Christians, those that have no reli­
gion, no faith at ail. Have you compared it? Then you can
see the struggle that's before you. One great advantage the
Christian world has is they have Goa Almighty behind
them, for if you give thyself to Thy Lord and God and take
Him within your heart, He will be behind you, beside you,
before you and within you. How can you have a better
shield of protection? Those in the arms of Satan have none
ofthis. It might be a rocky road, there might be many thorns
and thistles to prick your feet, to spear you, but remember
the end of the road is glorious, The other road, ifyou choose,
it migbt be smooth sailing, as you might cali it, but at the
end of it is hell. Choose the road to God Almighty, be it
rough, but be it straight. The reward is eternal salvation,
and the other eternal damnation!
WAKE UP, AMERICA! WAKE UP! Because the slogan
It cannot happen here has long been blown to bits, for it can
and will happen here. As 1 have visioned in the years 1951,
1952, 1953 at different times the desecration of the church­
es, the seminaries and the convents right here in the West­

ern Hemisphere; yes, in the U.S.A. Do not let this become a
reality, do not. Keep yourself beneath the mantle of our
Heavenly Mother, the Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix be­
tween man and God. Save the youth.
Pray for Pope John, the modern St. John. Pray for the
Christian world. Do not listen to the enemy's slander
against the Vicar of Christ, against the Church of Christ.
Rather become one militi,int and go out as a true soldier of
Christ. Sow good so that you may reap good. Pull those out
that are in the shadows and darkness and bring them into
light. Show them the way to Christ, to His Holy Mother, and
then you will have peace. Stand behind the Vicar of Christ
for the unification of the churches with Christ's Church, the
True Church of Christ. It would take the true hearts and
hands and minds and faith of ail Christianity. You must
give ail, and remember the Commandments, love thy
neighbor as thyself.
Pray for Pope John. Pray for Cardinal Tisserant. Pray for
Cardinal Agaginian. Pray for American Cardin ais.
Pray for Poland, China, Russia, France, Spain, Hungary.


Floods, serious, floods; many deaths from floods. Violent

integration, segregation riots. Youth used. Storms. More
battles through chemicals in foods, synthetic products used.
Two-fold purpose. Confusion, confusion, the greatest con­
fusion in time of Christian world.
More trouble in Havana, Cuba, Central America, 00­
minican Republic. Squeeze put on through the sugar plan­
tations, the coffee I?lantations. Squeeze the little man. More
revolts, more riotmg. Youth used for riots. Our Lady's
pleas-save the youth, save the youth!
Again huge plot to eliminate Franco. Pig Eyes' lieutenant
sent to Spam. The success Pig Eyes had makes him feel
proud and strong, cruel. He has softened many people's
ldeas about him with his cunning, Satanic smile.
Plotting, plotting. Not for good, but only evil, evil.
Wake up, Christian world, wake up! Wake up, America,
wake up! The cunningness of the Serpent is at work. Many
meetings held in the underground chambers of the Hub in
Wilmette, Illinois. Many Christians have let themselves be
lulled into this den of evil, the Bahai Temple. Just like wh en
the Supreme Grand Master visited this den. Do you realize


now what an evil temple this is? Christians, stay away. You
cannot enter and come out clean. The gook will stick to you
and you cannot remove it. It's horrible. Looks weil on the
surface, but underneathl Did you everwatch a f1y entangled
into a strong spider web and the way it buzzes and buzzes to
become free? Weil, Christians, if you enter this den of evil
you will be just like that f1y. You will see your mistake too
late. The web will be about you. Take the warning to your
Yes, the religious, such as nuns, priests, have gone into
this den thinking it will not harm them. There's a nun in In­
diana that today has left her religion and has joined follow­
ers of this evilness. There are many more. To give you an
example, there are two priests that have been greatly effect­
ed by this same. They felt when they went in, they laughed,
they would fiot become involved, but they have lived night­
mares since their entering two years ago. They're afraid to
speak. Don't be foolish and be tempted. They're trying to let
you believe it is a form of religion. That's not true. When
they hold the Black Mass, is that religion? When a 'human
life is sacrificed on their evil altar, su pposedly being the sec­
tion for Catholics, don't be taken in. Don't! W AKE U Pl
The Catholics have the most strong and most beautiful
Faith, for they have Christ on the altar every day. Why seek
a diversion? Why not stay at home and go and attend the
Sacrifice of the Mass, Thy Lord and God. Go there, seek not
Satan's diversions, but stay with Thy Lord and God. When
you're at Mass think only of Thy Lord and God, the Pas­
sion, the Scourging, the Crowning, and then Calvary, the
walk to Calvary, the death on the Cross and then the Tomb.
That is your Mass daily. Why seek a diversion? Take Thy
Lord and God within Thyself, for He has given Himself to
you at the Last Supper and the First Mass on Holy Thurs­
day. Do not look for anything else. Go to Him, for when you
have Thy Lord and God within thy heart, He is beside you,
1"1 He is behind you, He is before you and above you, taking
you straight to eternal happiness. That, dear Christians, is
ail you need to seek. Let not Satan's wiles and temptations
ruin that glorious, eternal happiness.
Wake up Christian world, be it the Catholics or the others
that are living in protest. Bring those that are protesting
home, bring them home. Show them the way, the truth.
Bring them out of the darkness and shadows into the light.
Help your erring brother priests so they do not err, help

them. Do not let thy scandalous tongue help destroy when
they are weak. Give them strength In prayers and silence,
silence. Pray, pray for them every day and as many times as
you shall think of them, pray for them. Pray.
Flaring nostrils of the Red Dragon. He is crushin~ many
Christians under his huge claws. He is whiplashlng the
Green Dragon wilh his huge tai!. Again the Grand Master
has double-crossed these victims. They have empowered
the Red Dragon. It will be more difficult than ever for the
missionaries in this country and area. You can turn the
globe and look at either continent. You see no peace, be it
the Eastern Hemisphere or the Western. You see nothing
but sorrow, bloodshed and evilness. Many of the Christians
turn their hands and faces towards the New World for help,
just as those, the Hungarians did, and you saw the results.It
has been suppressed, the revoit that is being churned in Po­
land. It has been very quietly sUfpressed, but as given be­
fore, when it breaks forth it wil be much worse than the
Hungarian revoIt, for there are more Catholics here.
Pray for the Cardinal and aIl religious in this section, for
they need your prayers. Cardinal Wyszynski is not free. He
is leashed just as Cardinal Mindzenty. God has released
Cardinal Stepinac and has taken him home. Pray that the
new Cardinal has the same strength and true love for his
Lord and God and the Holy Mother as had Cardinal Stepi­
Many prayers are needed for the poor victims of the
Grand Masters' new 100, which will make a total of 500 by
the year 1961, or the Christmas of 1960.
Pray, pray for Pope John. Pray for Pope John. Pray for
Cardinal Wyszynski. Pray for Cardinal Muench, Cardinal

Pray, pray, pray, pray.

Pray, pray, pray hard for Cuba. Look at them. Look at
their mashed in faces. Pray for the Christians in Cuba. The
Hierarchy seem helpless on what to do. Central America aIl
a hot bed and conspiracy. More will die. More martyrs and
you may investigate and check. ft will be Christians that will
die. It will not be those of Satan, but of the Christian world.
There lies an old lady, a Rosary clenched in her hands.
Those are the ones that are dying, for they want to destroy

the Christian world. Get on your knees and pray. Her world
has ended. Her grief and sorrow is over, for she led a clean
life, a good life, but many are not in her position. So take
care ofyourselves. Be prepared, for you know not wh en the
Grand Masters and the enemy will strike you down.
As given before, the pressure is upon the sugar planta­
tions, and it is from our good U.S.A. Do not let anyone de­
ceive you, we are guilty. The leaders, the conspirators with
the Grand Masters and the 400 are behind this onslaught
upon Cuban population.
The Dominlcan Republic, it was shown sorne time ago, it
is red. Not by Communistic red, but the blood of the people,
red. Peron, the once upon a time great hero, they wor­
shipped the ground he walked on, if they would only know
that underneath that cloak he was Satan. They believed he
was a good Catholic leader. Do not let the word Catholic de­
ceive you, for many are hiding in sheep's clothing. Peron is
an ungodly Satan. He is now with Batista and his gang. He is
a follower of Lenin and Trotsky. Vou know how much
Catholic and how much religion and God they had in their
hearts. There is no difference. They have been able to this
day to disguise their true identity. Even though sorne try to
expose them, there are many who are ready to defend them.
Just like the Warburgs, the Baruchs, the Rothschilds, the
Rockefellers, Dubinski, Litvinov and one of your big ones,
the Rabbi Prinz and Rabbi Isaac, the Kuhn and Loeb Co.
and many more; the Arveys of Chicago.
Bernard Baruch will soon have ended his career here on
earth, for his life is just about gone, but remember the
Grand Masters have already elected another to take his
place, more unscrupulous than Bernard. Many blamed Ber­
nard Baruch as the main leader. He was only one of the
puppets who dangled as the Grand Masters pu lied the
stnngs. He is not one of the big ones, only one tbat they'll
dangle in front, to be the front of the public.
If the Christian world will help me baule this exposure, 1
will give you the secret names of the Grand Masters, but 1
need the help of the Christians to stand behind me. Other­
wise 1cannot divulge ail oftheir names. A few like Dr. Fish­
bein, Litvinov, Warburg are of the 400, but they're not your
big ones, remember that.
Then you have your big colored leaders working under
the 400 that are working for an uprising of the black race.
It's a huge plot in secret, plotting and planning, leaders of

the dark races. They are not the Christians, the little man of
the dark race, the innocent-no, they are your big ones.
They are not the offspring of the common slave that Abra-
ham Lincoln freed. No, but that is what the Grand Masters
and the 400 want you to believe and trod down these poor,
black people. Do not mistake them as your enemy, for they
are not. They are just as human and have just as white a soul
as you, the whites, but the segregation and integration battle
continues to destroy the Christian world, to mongrelize the
white Christians. Vou will not find the Yids crossing them-
selves with the yellow or the dark. No, they want the Chris-
tians to fall in their traps. They're planting integration
amongst the Christians. Check and you will find the answer.
Do not be guilty or have it upon your heart and your soul
that you were one of those that helped bring a black blotch
on the Christian world because ofyour prejudice against the
races. Remember God Almighty put aH men, regardless of
color, here on earth and He gave ail men, regardless of
color, a clean soul. It is only after they came on this earth
and became involved that their souls were tarnished and
many a white person is just as guilty of helping to tarnish the
souls of those of other races.
Do prejudiced, but love them as God loves them. lt
is integration and segregation, either one way or the other,
forced, is wrong. lt's been given here before how it's done.
Read it, and remember love they neighbor as thyself, and in
that statement it was not specified what color. Love thy
neighbor as thyself, be they black, red, white or yellow. ft
takes will power, it takes strength. God will give you that
strength if you will turn thy will to His Will.
U P to this day there is no sign of peace. The peace is yet
far away because, remember, you are now living in the Fift.h
Siege, as the Mother of God spoketo the Father of thls
Country and told him of the ~ieges that his country wou Id go
through, and now we are living in the Fifth Siege. How
many of you will live, how many will die? How man)' will
live through the Fifth Siege and find peace and happmess?
God Almighty will surely come and turn His wrath upon the
sinning world, and those who remain will live in peace and
happiness, but will you? Examine your hearts and con-
science, wiU you? It takes ail of humanity, ail of the Chris-
tian hearts and world to bring about everlasting peace, for
the Grand Masters are growing in number and activity.
They do not sleep. They work 24 hours a day while the

Christian world is asleep.
How many, how many of the Church that Christ institut­
ed with the Last Supper and the First Mass, how many of
these Churches are having a full capacity for Lenten devo­
tions-how many? The increase is not there, why? Ask your
conscience why. What is the simple reason? You're listening
to the Grand Masters and the 400 and you're letting their
web draw you in. Your Churches have not the attendance
during Lent that they should have. ln sorne places there has
been a 50% increase, but very few places. In others it has
fallen off, why? They don't have the tIme. They can't make
il. The hour is wrong or something is wrong. There isn't any
excuse for any of them that they themselves don't seek. Ar­
rangements could be made, for in most areas the Churches
are open from at least seven in the morning until 9 p.m.
How many make the Stations of the Cross, tnat their Lord
and God made, and make it with devotion? How many?
This does not refer to the sick and the crippled, for they
would be there if they could. It means the ones that are ca­
pable and able. They find not the time because material di­
version has attracted their attention that is more inspiring to
them than their Christ, their Lord and God.
Oh Christian world, wake up, wake up before it's too late,
before the end of this year, before the birth ofThy Lord and
God is again celebrated on the altar. By that time there will
be a total of500 instead of400. How many human sacrifices
will be made to accomplish this blood ntual of Satan, the
Black Mass.
When God Almighty hung on the Cross as man and died
for you, the earth trembled, the earth quaked. What do you
think will hafpen to this same earth wh en Christ as God
Almighty wil show Himself to man? Will you be amongst
them1 Or have you forgotten Him on Calvary? When He
died on the Cross He expected man to help carry that Cross,
the Christian world to bear the Cross with Him, to walk the
road to Calvary with Him, and when you meet Him face to
face, you will have etemal happiness.
Beast, two-headed Beast is still in full control. U.S.A. is
still the plucked Eagle.
Oh Sorrowful, oh Holy Mother.
Our Sorrowful Mother with bowed head and in tears. As
long as the Mother ofGod stands with Her head bowed and
tears running from Her eyes you know there cannot be
peace, for the Mother of God loves us, Her children, but we

do not love Her. We have turned our backs on Her. We have
listened to the enemy of Her Divine Son. We seek not Her
Blue Mantle. We have abandoned Her while we seek the
glitter of material things, that are turned in front of our eyes.
She knows that when the day of Her Divine Son, the Resu­
rrection, is again celebrated, which should be a glorious day
in ail the hearts of the Christian world, the Resurrection of
Our Lord and God, our hearts should be with Him and
flowing. lnstead we rejoice at the mate rial glitter. We cele­
brate the word Easter not in connection with the Resurrec­
tion of Our Lord, Our Creator, Our Savior, but with sorne
material object-a new Easter bonnet, a new outfit. The
Easter Bunny replaces the true meaning of the Resurrec­
Do you wonder why the Mother of God stands with Her
head bowed and tears flowing from Her cheeks? She loves
us sinners and wants us to repent, to make reparation, to
help bring those in the darkness and shadows into the light
and fill the Churches with true devotion, not just because it
is Easter Sunday, 1 must go /0 church. Oh you hypocrites of
just one day! Where are you on ail the other Sundays and
Holy days, not just Easter Sunday. You must go because
you love they Lord and God and you glory in His Resurrec­
tion. His Resurrection also resurrects you and brings you to
His Kingdom, to His side. That is the reason you must cele­
brate the Resurrection or Easter Sunday. Our Mother of
God is very unhappy for She knows that many will not
come with the true heart and devotion they should have on
this day.
Oh you ofso little faith, wake up! Bring Gad to the hearts
ofthose lost atthe wayside. Make sacrifices and do penance
no matter how hard it might seem. The greater the sacrifice,
the greater the reward.

Why, why, why, why? Why ail the changes? Why ail the
devotions removed? Why? Christ Our Lord and God ha~
not changed anything.Why remove ail the beautiful devo­
tions of Holy Week1" Why rush the saying of the Mass?
Check back, dergy and religious and the laity, check back to
the devotions ofThy Lord an<l God when He instituted the
First Mass. Where's the reverence? Il is gone. Why rush
through the beautiful Mass? Why destroy the beauty of

what Christ instituted on Holy Thursday after the Last Sup­
per, the First Mass?
The clergy must be obedient to the wishes of their Lord
and God and say Mass in the proper way and educate the
laity of the importance of the Mass.
Study the Mass, study the Mass, do not destroy it. You
cannot have in your heart the proper reverence and devo­
tion when you rush, when your hps just say meaningless
words, because they cannot mean anything when a Mass
thal should be said in no less than thirty to forty minutes, a
Low Mass, when it is said in ten and fifteen mm utes. Your
lips can say meaningless words in that time, but the rever­
ence, the respect and devotion to Thy Almighty God, Thy
Lord and God, is not there.
When Our Lord and God started from the Garden of
Gethsemani, the agony, the pain, do you try to time his foot­
steps and just the steps alone, ifyou try to tIme the footsteps,
and then the death on the Cross, the Agony on the Cross,
you will find it took much time. Then how can any repre­
sentative of Christ rush through the saying of Mass in ten
and fifteen minutes? Oh Brothers in Christ, heed these
words. Say the Mass with respect, true reverence and devo­
tion. Give it a little more time. Explain it to the congrega­
tion. Bring Christ in their hearts. When the congregation
cannot follow in prayer with the representative of Christ on
the altar, somethmg is wrong. It is very wrong. Correct this
before it's too late. Thy Lord and God has much patience,
but do not push His patience too far. Respect the Mass, re­
spect it, it is so beautiful, it is so beautiful. Let it burst thy
heart when in attendance. During these sacred moments re­
live the Passion, the Crucifixion and the death on the Cross.

There's a coye at the Island of Haiti in the Dominican

Republic and there's a meeting tonight. There's a meeting
tonight of Peron and Batista. You'll be hearing of more
trouble. Cuba and the central part of the Western Hemi­
sphere is a regular keg of dynamite. They're trying to smug­
gle in more ammunition into South America.


Right now three subs near Cape Canaveral, Florida. One

near 50 miles from St. Petersburg, Florida in the Gulf of
Mexico. Two subs loaded down with ammunition for the


rebels in Cuba from St. John's at Newfoundland. These

subs do not look like Russian subs. They look like the dou­
ble-crossers' subs. More trouble and serious trouble in Cuba
and the Republic, Haiti, South and Central America.
Look-out plane flying above Key West. This is a sure sign
of the security that the U.S.A. has, that it insures security­
wishful thinking!
If ail the churches of the True Faith wou Id have the prop­
er devotion on this holy day you wouldn't have to fear tne
enemy. Not enough prayers. The Lenten devotions were not
filled to capacity. People do not find the time. They have not
the time. They do not have the time for their Lord and God
Who died on thè Cross for them, but you will find that the
barrooms are filled to capacity. The Beeboppers, the dives
and dens are filled to capacity. Your youth IS not in chruch.
Where are the parents of the youth of today, where? What
can we do about if-that's the question the parents ask. Yes,
my dear parents, it's a little bit late, isn't it1 When you were
so afraid that you might harness your child to a little obedi­
ence to Almighty God and to you, their parents., it is a
little bit late because the youth has the upper hand of the
parent, the priest, the officiais. Look at your records. Who
are the ones that are turning out the riots, the raiders? Who
are they but the youth?
Our Lady pleaded in the year 1950, parents wake up,
wake up before it's too late. Weil, you're harvesting those
words today. ln New York City a human being is not safe on
the streets after the sun sets. The teacher of your children
has to have a guard or escort. Why? Because the parents
have fallen down on their jobs. They were afraid they wou Id
be too strict because the progressive education taught them
that, and they ail fell for that. Do not frustrate your child
because it might injure his health. Who are the ones that are
frustrated today? The parent and your child because he
finds not peace within his soul. He is confused. The Beat­
niks, the Beeboppers-Iook at themtJ:~ave they got the eyes
of a child that has the proper care? Do they have the eyes of
a child that's comforted? Look at them. Look in those inno­
cent eyes that the parents have ruined.
Oh no, we don't want to take the blame. lt's always the
neighbor's fault, but had the world listened to Our Lady's
pleas in 1950 when She spoke, take care of the youth, take
care of the youth, they are the future of tomorrow. Yes, it is
very evident that the words were not heeded. Wherever


there is an uprising or a riot, who do you find at the head of

it? The youth. The words of Our Lady in 1950 are right be­
fore you. Heed them. Vou scomed them, you laughed at
them, you despised them, but your records of the last, ten
years have proven them true. 'Look at them. Are you proud
of them? Look at your youth. Vou cannot be proud of the
youth oftoday. Do not blame them. They were the innocent
children often years ago. The parent is at fault. They do not
want the blame. It is so eary to try to blame thy neighbor,
but remember the Commandments of Thy Lord and God.
You'll find your answer.
The warmngs were given. Thelleas were sent out, but
you heeded them not. Your chil , if it's properly guided
with a firm hand but kind, would love you much more than
the child that today wakens up to the realization that the
parent has failed to guide them. Those Beatniks, these Bee­
boppers or whatever you care to cali them, they are not
happy. They're lost, they're searching, look at them, it is
pitlful, pitiful.
Yes, ihis was planned by the Grand M asters and the 400
many years ago, but the Christian world went to sleep. The
Grand Masters and the 400, which at the end of thls year
will be 500, were not asleep. They worked 24 hours a day.
The Christian .world slept. The religious slept along with
them. Your pnests, look at the m, they need the help of the
laity. Our Lady pleaded in 1950 the laity must work, the
laity must work. The harvest is dear and sad.
Check on the records of attendance during the Lenten
period of 1960. Check the records. Some places, yes, there
was the true devotion. In others it had fallen away. Out of
the mere few that attended in 1950 some of them have aged
and died, but isn't it ironie, people do not have time for their
Lord and God when they're young, but when age creeps
upon them, they tum to their Lord and God, for the Little
fear comes into them. Maybe there is something to it, they
spare the rod and destroy the youth oftoday by their exam­
ple. lt's a sad situation.
The uprisiQg of the whites and the blacks has ail been
planned. There is much blood shed ail over the V.S.A.
which has been suppressed by your newspapers and radio,
but it has happened. Segregation and integration forced ei­
therway is wrong and is not ofGod's wishes. It is against the
Will of God to force integration or segregation. ft is not a
Christian way but Satan's. .

Wake up, America, wake up were the pleas of Our Lady,
the Mediatrix of Peace, heard in the year 1950, but the
world laughed and scorned Her, but you can take the words
She gave you th en and check back on those words with the
records of today, and you should hang your head in shame,
for Our Lady knows what She speaks of, even if you don't.
The records have proven She knew what Sile spoke of.
Check the m, write them out and place them before your
friends. It is not too late to put all your efforts into this and
prove it to the world that Our Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
knew of what She spoke, that you'. the Jaity, erred much,
that the youth of tomorrow have pald the penalty for your
stupidity, for your lack of confidence in parenthood. The
child that was only ten and twelve years ago is a parent
today, in most cases. Il is sad, it is sad.
Red China is banding together. More trouble in area of
Korea, Formosa, Suez Canal. Double-crosser, double-cros­
ser responsible (Great Britain).
Arouse the black race and the yellow race against the
Not enough prayers. The Christian world asleep, the
Christian world asleep.
Battle between whites and the colored to resume and con­
tinue ail over the world. Grand Masters will keep ènflaming
the situation. There is not enough effort made to get to the
truth of the matter. Too much weakness in our government,
too much weakness in our government, too much red tape.
More youth rioting, more youth rioting. Wake up to the
fact that the youth is being used to destroy civifization.
Wake up, wake up before ifs too late. WAKE UP!
More, more trouble in Mexico. Not enough prayers not
enough effort made by the Christians to try to save their
countries, to try to save the youth.
More trouble (this repeated four times).


Our Lady warned us at LaSalette. Our Lady warned us at
Fatima. Our Lady warned us here, and they heeded Her
not. They turned their backs on Her. Ten years ago 1 saw the
round table with the plotters at work, and today we have a
new and modern round table at the Godless V.N. Where
there is no God there cannot be peace. The U.N. has no
God. There is no God or even the mention of His Name at

the round table where the world's destruction is plotted.
Only the anti-Christ, the Godless, plot here. If they would
only listen and recognize that without Christ there can be no
truth, and yet Ihey try ta ma,ke us believe that the U.N. is
our only salvalion, our only way ta peace. Oh, how wrong
they are. Unless they replace the Godless with God, Christ
and not the an ti-Christ, there cannot be peace.
There are those that accept funds, grants that have been
reddened and darkened and came from the hands of the
Godless. 11 is given ta the Christians in the form of so-called
grants. ft is accepted and used. 1 ask you how can two
wrongs make a right? How can the bloody, deceptive funds
that come from the hands of the anti-Christ and are placed
in the Christians' hands, how can these funds bring Justice
and peace when they are smeared with martyrs' blood? The
Korean War was one example ofthis, and yet the)' are will­
ing ta go forth and continue to accept leadership and the
alms and funds from the Godless.
Cardinal Mindzenty tried to warn them. Cardinal Stepi­
nac tried to warn them. Cardinal Wyszynski is so desperate­
ly trying to warn the Christian world. There are not enough
Chnstians ready to listen. Our Lady at LaSalette warned
the world. She repeated Her warning at Fatima and again
here. The warnings are not heeded. How long will Gad AI­
mighty restrain HIS anger? Are we worthy ofsuch a merciful
Lord? Do we not spear His Heart? Do we not turn the tour­
niquet in the Crown of Thorns? Do we not drive the nails in
deeper while we continue to stand beneath the Cross insult­
ing Him. Yes, He died for man. He gave His life for us, but
how much will we try to do for Him? God has shown His
might and His strength. Man has shown his destructive way,
but we heed not the warnings of Our Lady.
As long as the round table has the anti-Christ at its con­
trois and by the an ti-Christ is only meant those that do not
believe in Christ, there wiU be no peace. Without the con­
version of Russia there shall be no peace.
Help Pope John to bring about the unification of the
churches. It takes the work of ail the Christian world, not
only a mere few. It takes the prayers of aU Christains.
Pray for the Cardinals that are so pleading in the coun­
tries tbat are behind the Iron Curtain. This country, the land
of the free, the home of the brave, is going behind the Iron
Curtain unless you wake up! The Constitution of the United
States is not the Constitution that was written so many years


ago, but it is the Constitution being destroyed. the interpre­

tation of the Godless. It does not protect the common man,
the Christian, although there are so many who still feel the
security of the Constitution.
Study il. Read il. Look up the new laws that have been
enacted, the new interpretation put upon il. Then see how
free you are. Then find your freedom. Many know what this
means. Many have suffered under the heels of the Godless.
Many more will suffer-many, many more. For if the Rus­
sian leader ever loses control of the little common sense he
still has, do not doubt in your minds that he can destroy the
V.S.A. because he can and he will. The only thing he fears is
the destruction of himself, for they know that once they
blow up the H bomb, it is out of their control. It is carried
into the atmosphere and where it settles God only knows.
That is what they fear, for right now there is not peace and
tranquility amongst the robbers. There is one right now
ready to destroy Krushchev and take his place, but he is not
of the good. Just as at the time of Stalin, Krushchev was
waiting his opportunity to destroy Stalin and did through
the Grand Masters. The Grand Masters have no love of
God or humanity in their hearts, and right now is the
biggest battle between the Christian world and the Godless,
witfi the Grand Masters on one side and the religious and
Hierarchy, our Pope, on the other. Which side will we join­
the Godless or St. John, Pope John? He needs us. Sacrifices,
prayers and love they neighbor. Work, the laity must work.
Satan will try in every way to stop you, but remember Christ
will be with you if you are on His side, and remember that
two wrongs will never make a right, and right now we are
being led to believe that two wrongs do make a righl. Inves­
tigate and you will receive your answer.


Today is the anniversary of the Feast Day of the Sacred
Heart of 1950, the first day of a large audience of people and
the first message spoken on this very Spot.
We were warned then that the dark douds were above us.
They are coming doser. That was tenJears ago today. We
were told to dean out the schools an put every effort in
teaching the youth the love of God in their hearts, to teach
them to love their neighbor as themselves. We were warned
about offenses against the Sixth Commandment. If you


were told that you would be a murderer, you would be of­

fended, but abortion is just that, and how many today have
not heeded that offense against the Sixth Commandment?
How many have heeded the words about cleaning out the
schools and teaching the children the love of God? The re­
sults are before you, investigate. In the large cities of today
the youth has been sadly neglected, as weil as in the small'er
villages and towns. Had the message been heeded when
given on this day there would not be the Beatniks, the Bee­
boppers and the children that are grasping in a fog, 100 king
for rove and a home, for someone to care for them. That is
the reason for your Beeboppers, your Beatniks. The parents
of today are too busy. They haven't the time to give their
children the love that they should. So the result has been
your sacrificing your children to the enemy who was work­
tn~ at that time to do just what he has accomplished. The
cnme ratio has increased. Do not take these words for it, but
check. Go to any juvenile delinquent records and find the
The parents should turn to the example of the Holy fam­
ily. We were shown the way when Christ and His Holy
Mother and St. Joseph walked the earth. We were shown
the way. We have no excuse. We heeded not the pleas of the
Mother of God. We heeded not Her pleas made over and
over again. Why does She plead? Because She loves us, but
we do not love Her. The result: the black clouds are thick
above us now, and ail around us destruction such as the
world has never seen.
You had an example at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Is that
what you're waiting for? Or do you still believe, as the mes­
sage said on this day ten years ago, that it cannot happen
here? Oh, how wrong you are if you believe it cannot hap­
pen here, for it can and it will unless the Christian world
turns to their Creator, to Our Lord and God. It means many
sacrifices, prayers, penance, the Rosary. It means ail people,
be the)' Catholics or be they of other faiths. They must turn
to thelr Lord and God in unison.
Ten years ago the pleas were for the conversion of Russia.
1 was shown a picture of the destruction of this earth. 1
thought at the time it was one of the most horrible pictures
that a human eye could see, but my dear people, since then 1
have seen many, many more. 1 have seen humans burned
From the H bomb, fried on one side of the body, the other
squirming in life. Do you want that to happen to you, or do



you want to turn to Almighty God? It can happen to you. It

happened at happened at Nagasaki, but you
still don't care. You still go on your merry way. Oh, let him
do it, let her do it. Why me? There's no lime for that any
more. You must do it yourself.
You can't push it on your neighbor because you must
unite with your neighbor. You must love him and work to­
gether. Do not turn a deaf ear for the plans and plots are
nere to control you. They already have destroyed the Con­
stitution, and the rest will fall easily in place, to divide and
conquer. They have gained a great foothold. Don't be like
sheep and let yourself be led to be slaughtered.
Read the message on the Feast Day orthe Sacred Heart
of Jesus of 1950. Every ward that it sa id there is just as true
today, only 1will add, much closer and much more frighten­
ing, for the message was not heeded. Humanity still goes on
in a merry way.
1 was aIso shown a reward if we would heed this plea. It
showed me the Iron Gates of Russia. They bursted open
and in it was Our Lord in the distance, slowly walking for­
ward, while the Holy Spirit or the Dove of Peace, whatever
you might cali it, f1uttered above Him. Beneath t1im was a
multitude of people. They were of ail nations. There were
priests and nuns, children and people of ail denominations.
There were no signs on their backs to sa)' only the Catholics
will be saved or only the other party will be saved. As Our
Lord walked forward above these people their hands were
outstretched. Joy shown farth from thelr faces. It was beau­
tifu!. It was the conversion of Russia, the unification of the
Church, and that is what we must strive for-the unification
of the Church. That is what the word conversion of Russia
You must ail work hard for this unification, and then we
will have peace-peace and harmony,joy and happiness for
the small children that are now growing up. It will take
prayers, sacrifice and love ofthy neighbor. Do not be afraid
to face the odds against you, and tney' will be many. You
will be dissuaded, misguided. Satan will try many ways. He
will maybe knock you on your face. Get up, Our Lord fell
too, but He picked up His cross and He walked to Calvary
for you. Do the same. Pick up your cross no matter how
heavy it is. Offer it up to Thy Lord and God and He will give
you the strength necessary to fight in His Name, and that is
what you will be doing. Without Him we are lost.


1thank ail those that had the courage and the love for Our
Lady, the Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between God and
man. 1 thank themall for coming to these humble grounds,
to this Sacred Spot, on these very grounds where ten years
ago stood over 100,000 souls. Yes, amongst them were those
of great need for the help and the merci fui hand that the
Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, at that time extended to them.
There were the weak and there were sorne that were dying.
There were the crippled and those confused in mind, at a
10s5 of what to do. There were those mothers and fathers
who had sons and even daughters in the service. There were
sorne that had already been lost in Korea. There were those
who only came because they were curious and wànted to
know what was going on.
They wanted to be present in case a miracle happened.
Many of them came only because they loved the Mother of
God, while sorne came with laughter, mockery and curiosi­
ty. Sorne received the graces on these very grounds through
which they have become daily communicants, and have
gone into their own parishes and their own communities
and their own states, and even across the sea, to do the pie a,
to fulfill the requests of Our Lady, Mediatrix of Peace.
Sorne of them have already been called home to be near ihe
Mother of God they so loved.
What are we here for? Just to be curious ofwhat's going to
happen, or are we here to pray, to love, to honor the Motber
ofGod? The Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, today has a bowed
head, and Her eyes are very sad. Why? Because we hear not
Her pieas. Today over the world are the black clouds that
were spoken of then. They have rolled over our horizon.
They are upon us. Are we going to fall victim to the other
nations that have been stepped upon by those who have no
love for Our Holy Mother and Her Divine Son, those that
are doing everything they can to create more and more con­
fusion in the hearts of man, in the Christian world. Are we
going to let it happen here? Many are still trying to find a
footing in the countries that have been trampled under by
the EVll Forces, the anti-Christ, the Godless. They are in our
midst, in our dear America. We must fight for My God and
My Country and you have Our Lady, the Mediatrix of
Peace, the Mediatrix between God and man, to help you
with Her Mantle about you, to help you win this battle, if


you will only turn your hearts to Her.
Many of them know and have seen what has happened
during these last ten years since Our Lady spoke of the
youth. Many of you here present have witnessed so much
against the youth and have seen how the enemy is using the
youth, the future of America, to do their bidding, to dishon­
or their parents, to pay no heed to the c1ergy or to the teach­
ers or any officiais. You have seen it. Many ofyou have had
your own experience. Sorne of you, in your own family, be­
cause the enemy used your own child, your own flesh and
blood and has lured it into its midst. Do not let your chil­
dren join any society or any order unless you know it is
headed by either a faithful and a good Christian parent or
by a priest or clergyman who has his Christ in his heart,
Christ whom He represents.
You have witnessed what is happening in Havana, Cuba
right at our doorstep, and in Mexico, in the Western Hemi­
sphere right now, not just the Eastern Hemisphere. We are
again supposed to be voting for a new leader of our country,
but remember your votes have lost their effectiveness since
1952. (Note: Particularly since 1952. Our two major politi­
cal parties have both been absolutely controlled, and while
we have had a chance to vote, we have had no choice as to
the candidates we could vote for.)
It's not too late. Try and do somethin a about this. It needs
prayers, it needs effort, it needs work from most of us. In­
vestigate to see mto these matters so that this Country con­
tinues the principles for which our forefathers have fought.
Patriotism is on the way out. You are losing your heritage.
Do not make a mockery out of the Statue of Liberty. Keep
the torch of truth flaming. Do not let the enemy, the God­
less, control your entire life.
There are sorne of you that are confused by the word
Grand Masters, but they are from the evil side. They have
no God within their hearts. They have no love for their
neighbor. Their only aim is to destroy the Christian world,
be it Catholic or Protestant, it doesn't matter to them. They
care not for human sacrifices. If their own mother stands in.
their way, it hurts them not to remove her. Do not let that
type of men become leaders of your country and mind.
Stand up for My God and My Country. Stand up for the
Old Glory. Do your dut Y as a patriot, as a Christian, as one
who loves Our Lord and God, as one that loves Our Lady,
Mediatrix of Peace.

ln the year .1950, the month of May, and we are in a simi­
lar situation now, Our Lady told me and 1 have repeated
this more than once, but to renew in your minds, 1 will re­
peat again. She said, and these are Her words: You have a
General in the army who will resign and become the leader of
your country in the year 1952. If enough prayers are said for
him, he can bring your country ta peace and happiness, but if
you fa il him, he will be the man ta help bring destruction and
bloodshed and sorrow ta this country, and my dear friends,
have you not witnessed just that? What has been happen­
ing, what has been going on? Oh, you cannot blame him
alone, for he is certainly not the boss, but the Grand M asters
are in control, and the Grand Masters are today in control
for the similar situation.
If enough prayers would be said, there is one leader that
might, l'm only saying might, help this country out of its
shackles, but it takes ail of the Christians behind him, not
just the mere few. To be a true leader of this nation, he must
love and respect and do everything in his power to promote
the love of God first. To be a true leader, he must love and
respect and honor the f1ag of his Country. Neither one today
loves his God first with Old Glory second. Unless proper
prayers and devotion and work for My God and My Coun­
try is done to the fullest by ail of the Christians of this na­
tion, again there will be failure, no matter who the leader
will be. You cannot battle the odds alone. Il takes ail of the
Christian world, but there must be enough prayers. Without
these prayers, the path will be similar to the one in the pasto
Our Lady's requests right here were not fulfilled and you
have your answer.
Oh yes, there are sorne among you here that have worked
very hard. They have been so smcere in every effort and
every sacrifice, but they will not go unrewarded. Try to con­
tinue and try to get others awakened to the fact that the
Constitution of the United States does not mean what it
says, but what the Grand Master, the head of the Grand
Masters in this United States, interprets it to mean. Il is sup­
posed to mean exactly what is written, but they interpret it
to suit themselves, and that is what you must abide by. Are
you going to let this be the answer? Are you going to contin­
ue to stand by and let the Serpent coil in your nation and
become tighter and tighter and squeeze you with it? The
fangs of the Serpent are imbedded in the U.N., for they do
not honor Our Lord and God. They do not stand for My


God and My Country in the U.N. Investigate, you will re­

ceive your own answer and it will be shocking to you.
There are so many that are confused. This is the time of
the greatest confusion amongst the religious, the laity, as
weil as ail Christians. Il is hard, but we must continue be­
cause ail of us love our children, ail of us want to do for our
children and see ail of them happy. lsn't that the only aim
that the parents are striving and living for today-for the
happiness of your children? That is our duty: to see that ail
children are brought up to honor their God and their Heav­
enly Mother, but without c1eaning out the schools, c1eaning
out the stands, your bookstands, and opening the pages and
looking what's in it and see the horribleness that you will
find before your eyes that is being placed in the hands of the
children, and that does not just mean the bookstands in
your Iibraries, it can't be done. Examine sorne of the books
In your own school in the library.
There are sorne parents that say we never turn the knob of
the T.V. We would not have it on in the home. They think
they're justified by doing this. That's ail right for you, but
how about the children in the next house or the next street?
Il Îsn't so much work turning the knob on your T.V. but to
get the program c1ean. Look at it, and then protest, don't
close your eyes, don't be an ostrich and put your head in the
sand while your body sticks out. That is what happens when
we turn the knob on our radio and T.V. because we our­
selves don't care to Iisten, but stillleave the bad programs
there for your children to see. Protest, not just one or two;
they might not Iike it, but if enough protests are coming
forth, they will do something about it. Those are sorne of the
things that you must do to save the youth.
Your youth is being used in many instances. You saw on
your T.V. they used them in the Democratie Convention.
They used an innocent child for their bidding.
Most of your rioting, your trou ble spots, who are the ones
that are parading and doing the damage? It is the youth.
Can you see why. when Our Lady asked In 1950 to c1ean out
the schools, to bring the children under Her Mantle. She
pleaded for the youth, and for unification amongst aIl the


Christian world, to unify in one battle against the enemy of

God, to come home to the Church of Christ.
Let's pray and make sacrifices and work hard for unity.
When you have unity between your home, Y0uf school and
Y0uf Church you will find peace in your community. There
must be unity and love ofthy neighbor and that is one of the
main issues to be taught to the youth of today. Investigate
your Beatnik towns, Y0uf Beatnik centers, the society of cer­
tain youth organizations. Parents, do not ignore Y0uf chil­
dren in this particular cause because once they become
members, they are just like those that join a bootleg gang
and try to come out. You either stay in or you'll die. Now
don't let this happen to Y0uf children because sorne of the
children do awaken to the fact there's a wrong, but when
they're too ashamed to admit it to their own parents, and if
this happened to anyone of the youth amongst this group,
don't feel ashamed. Go and tell YOUflarents, tell Y0uf par­
ents or the c1ergy. Ask their help an their aid, but do not
think that the Beatnik is an answer to Y0uf prayers because
those are children that are gathered together because they
are confused of what is going on~ They cannot understand
the right and the wrong because of the great confusion that
many adults are themselves creating. Of course we know
that this is the plan of the Grand Masters, but wake up to
this plan, erase it. Go amongst them and see what is hap­
pening to these souls.
When they were born their soul was white and it is the
parents that have helped to let that soul become tarnished
and in many instances, blackened. It is the dutY of ever'y
Christian father or mother or brother or sister, be they rel1­
gious or be they laymen, to help c1ean the way for it. This
must be done with great sacrifices and true love for the
Heavenly Mother, and She will not let you down. She will
spread Her Mantle about you and fold you within it, and
what greater comfort can anyone have than to know that
Her Mantle is protecting you, and She will, as the message
says, be the Mediatrix between God and man. She will help
you and guide you.
Oh there are times you will fall, but remember Thy Lord
and God on His way to Calvary fell too. So let's not lament
wh en we fall and our cross feels too heavy to pick up and
give out to the easy path, to the path of Satan. That's easy,
that's the easiest path of ail. Follow the road of Satan. You
won't fall, you'll slide right along. There won't be any rocks

or stones or thorns to prick you. The way will be very easy,
but what will be your reward? Eternal hell fire! There is no
path between. There is only one tà God Almighty through
the help of the Blessed Mother, or the easy road, the slip­
pery road with Satan to eternal hell fire. Which will it be?
Our Holy Mother sheds tears for the American continent
today. When are we going to wipe those tears? When are we
going to put the smlle back into Her Face? It can only be
do ne by the Rosary, penance, sacrifice, daily Mass when
possible and daily Communion when possible.
Make every effort to help those that are confused in
mind, in the darkness, in the shadows and bring them into
the Iighl. lt is everyone's job. It isn't your neighbor's. It is
yours individually, and it will and should be on your con­
science when you see someone falling at the wayside and
you do not lift your finger to help him. Oh, let someone else
do il. No, ifyou have any strength or any way, be a Veronica
and wipe the face of those that have fallen by the wayside.
Help them, and in that way Our Holy Mother will surely
help you by interceding for the blessings and the Precious
Blood of Her Divine Son upon ail of you, upon ail of the
So take a look. We have let our nation and our Country
deteriorate from within to such an extent that it looks very
hopeless. Freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the
freedom to vote, the freedom of your press is ail under con­
trol. Investigate and you will receive answers to these very
Be on guard. Be kind, be charitable, and lose not faith
and hope in thy Lord and God. If you fulfill this you have
nothing to fear. May God bless ail of you and may Our
Lady's Blue Mantle be about everyone. No matter how
hard you might find your way, or no matter how heavy your
cross, Our Lady will help you, and it'II become much Iighter
ifyou put your whole trust in Her and in the Sacred Heart of
May 1 thank ail of you who have so graciously, so kindly
stood by and helped me carry my cross. There are many
things 1 tried to say, but 1am unable to, There are no words
in the dictionary to say what's in my heart to ail ofyou that
have so faithfuHy stood by during Fred's illness and through
my own suffering. Fred IS gone, but God knows besl. God
has taken him and 1 find the emptiness, but with the prayers
and the love that ail ofyou have shown me, it is much easier.

It's so much easier to carry. Yes, we ail miss him. That 1 can­
not say is not true, but 1 would not want him back to see him
suffer the way 1 have watched him suffer since Easter. It
took a strong heart to watch him and it just about crushed
mine, but God took him and relieved me of that. In its place
is a great emptiness. 1 thank you ail from the bottom of my
heart for your kindness and your goodness. May God bless
you for il.


Heaven is pleased with ail the people present, for their
kind prayers and their vigils, especially those that prayed
here ail night. Some were rewarded with a beautiful mani­
festation. Heaven has shown them their thanks.
Our Lady warned us in the year 1950. We heeded not Her
plea. We heeded not Her warning. We heeded not the re­
quests to do better, to sacrifice, to do penance, to pray the
Rosary daily, the Family Rosary, the spreading of Her re­
quests and Her love to ail of themall over the earth. We
heeded Her not as She begged us to do. We are going to har­
vest that fruit now, for as many l'ears ago in the last part of
the 1800's the enemy was movmg in under coyer then as
they are now. People did not see it or did they believe. The
enemy stationed themselves at the vital points in the Coun­
try that loved the Blessed Mother, that loved the Bogorodit­
za, their Lady of Vladimier. In spi te of it ail, the enemy had
the foothold and gradually wore them down.
Today in America the same is taking place. The Khazars
invaded that country. The Khazars are today invading
America, for they are the anti-Christ, the Godless. They
have no love for the Heavenly Mother or their Creator, for
they believe not in God and His creation, not while they are
trying to destroy the Christian world. Oh, you cannot see
them as Our Holy Mother warned us on this very day ten
l'ears ago. They will spring up ail about you in sheep's cloth­
mg. Yes, there are many about you. They have themselves
weil rooted in the most strategie parts of this U.S.A. or
America, be it in the North or the South, and yet we go on
our merry way heeding not our Heavenly Mother's plea
who has Her Head bowed and sheds tears.
Our Lady warned us against the U.N., and what are we
reaping today? Some of our worst enemies are harbored
right there, laughing at us, sneering at us, doing everything

in their power to undermine the Christians, to blindfold
them, to disrupt, corrupt and destroy your life as weil as
your childrens. The youth of today-that is their strong­
hold. Everywhere you hear of disunity, rioting. Who is at
the head of it? The youth!
Our Lady spoke in 1950 about the children. No one cared
to even try and investigate. No one thought that this could
happen in America, in the U.S.A. especially, but it is hap­
pening and it has happened. The enemy is on the bail mu ch
more than the Christian world. They're piercing Our Lord's
Heart. They're pressing the thorns into His Head. They're
hammering in the na ils in His wounds and bowing down
Our Holy Mother's he ad in tears. The Christians, yes, the
ones that should know better, and especially those that have
and know the True Faith of Our Lord and God, we have no
excuses. There is no excuse for the uncharitableness, the un­
faithfulness we show Our Lord and God.
Yes, the Khazars are weil imbedded in New York City, in
Philadelphia, in Pittsburgh, in Washington, D.C, in De­
troit, in Cleveland, in Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, New
Orleans, Denver, Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the West
Coast: San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle
and others. They are ail planted. We have been warned
these last ten years in many ways, and now the Grand Mas­
ters are ail together. The biggest ones are together in New
York City. Sorne are scattered in the places 1 just men­
Are we going to wake up, or do we still think it cannot
happen here? lt happened ln Russia. They did not think it
would be happening there. They went on their merry way
and many, many prayed and were good Christians, but still
the enemy used that very holy and Christian country to
show us how powerful they are, and now they will come into
the New Wor1d to divide, ta destroy Christianity. That is the
only aim: destroy the Christian world.
One of the tirst Commandments is love thy neighbor as
thyself. We fail right here in loving our neighbor as our­
selves. Those that are running for offices are supposed to'
love their God flfSt and their country second, but most of
them love themselves tirst and forget their neighbor, their
country, their Lord and God. They contribute to Anti­
Christ, to the Godless.
Our Lady has spoken and has asked us to c1ean out the
U.N. and we are still promoting the U.N. with the results as

you see it today, that the Godless nations are headquartered
right in our Country. They're not here for any good. They're
only here to destroy, and they will do so unless the Christian
world works 24 hours a day hke the enemy of God does, un­
less there is a vigil of prayer 24 hours a day. It doesn't mean
everyone individually. You can take your rest, which is nec­
essary, but if you keep a constant vigil of I?rayer in your
churches, in your convents, in your monastenes and in your
homes where possible, that is the most powerful weapon
there is-prayers! The bullets, the rockets, the missiles they
won't mean a thing. !t's just the lowly people that will pray
with their hearts and not with just their lips.
Unless America wakes up it'll face the same folly as Rus­
sia, China and Spain faceù; they're ail ,about. You saw the
episode in Argentina. It's starttng in the Western Hemi­
sphere. 1t has started the bitterness, the unhappiness, the
sorrow, right in our very backyard, Havana, Cuba. It hasn't
ended there yet, there'lI be much more bloodshed, and )'ou
will see much more bloodshed right here in the UnIted
States and Canada unless the people are willing to turn to
their Lord and God first and His Holy Mother, and then re­
vere and respect the Old Glory, your Stars and Stripes.
Don't trample it into the mud, because if you stand up for
these t~o princi.ples everything else will ~all in its place, You
neednt worry, It'Il come, but first ofallit must be My God
and My Country, and everything else will fit.
Many of them do not know who the Khazars are. The)'
are just sim ply people without love of God. They have, If
you read the history, invaded Russia many, many years ago.
They roamed the different parts of the world. They are the
cohorts of the Grand Masters, the army of soldiers. There
are a few innocent amongst them also. They are always
those that do not understand, that let themselves be led.
That is wh)' we have warned here never to join a mob, be­
cause that IS one time you williose your own common sense
and join and do something that will harm your neighbor.
It IS not good what we are about to face. Something very
startling is about to happen unless we pray. 1 hope it never
happens. 1won't tell you what it is. !t'Il be here soon enough,
but you must pray. You need not fear and panic because
that is one thing that would not help you in your work for
God and your Country, because ifyou give yourself to My
God and my Country, you need not fear, for They will be
with you. Our Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, will place Her Blue

Mantle about you. She will guide and protect you, give Her
a chance. She wants to desperately, but we do not want Her.
We turn our backs on Her. Oh, there are many ofyou here,
especially here, that have worked hard and it has not beeri
in vain, but there are many more needed. Ali Christians no
matter what race or creed must band together against the
We must pray for the unification of the Church. We must
help and pray and stand as the Militant of Christ behind the
Vicar of Chnst, Pope John XXIII, St. John. He is a wonder-
fui man, but he cannot win the battle for you alone. He must
have your full support of true love so that the Ecumenical
Council will come to a quick and successful ending, that
Russia will be converted, and that does not mean the aver-
age person; that means to unify, to unite her back with us.
When that happens we shall have peace because then we
will be a lot stronger.
It takes all ofyou, all ofyou, not just let the neighbor do il.
l'm too tired, 1 have too many other things to take care of.
They're not important. Just ask those that have been
trampled under by the enemy, ask them how important
their daily tasks were when it came to be tram pied under.
Advent is soon approaching. Christmas, the birth of
Christ. His anniversary is ooming up. Lees show that we re-
spect and love the Infant. We have stilileft Our Holy Moth-
er's arms empty of the Infant because we do not respect the
birth of Chnst with the true devotion.
What does Christmas mean today? Have you looked at
the decorations in your stores? What does it mean? Parties,
good times, the churches are not filled, only on Christmas
Day, of course. Midnight Mass after a night of dancing and
parties. Many of them come unrespectable. They do not
dress Mary-like. Dress yourself Mary-like and respect
Christ and the birth showing that you really love Him.
Without Christ and His Holy Mother you are nothing, we
are nothing. The Country will not progress. It'Il ail crumble
like any over-ripe fruit, and right now we are about over-
ripe with corruption, disrespect, and just a merry-go-round
of wishful thinking.
Remember They Lord and God daily. Pray first for the
Vicar of Christ and then anything else that might be in your
heart-your sick, your crippled, and do not forget the mis-
sions. Do not forget those ln the mission fields, for if all of us
here in the United States would work as hard as those in the

mission fields, we would have a lot better world to live in,
but they are so alone. They do not have enough support be-
hind them. In our own America, in our own U.S.A. it is very
sad, very sad, There is a shortage of religious, and many
people cannot find a priest or religious to go to. That is in
the United States of America, in your South. So pray for the
missions. Pray for thy ne~ghbor as yon do pray for yourself,
and remember to love My God and My Country above ev-
erything else, for the Grand Masters right now are loving
their Satan. The Satanic forces are growing ail about us.
This period oftime is the most crucial time tnat your Coun-
try has ever faced. It is the most confusing time ail over the
world that has ever been known. Confusion is great, many
of our own clergy are confused, many of our religious are
confused, the lalty. This has been planned that way by the
Grand Masters. They're sowing confusion because we have
forgotten our Creator and His Holy Mother. Remember
Them and pray.
Be not afraid to sacrifice, it'Il be rough, nothing that's
good will come easy. Remember when Th)' Lord and God
walked Calvary it wasn't easy. The scourgmg, that was not
easy. The mockery, it was not easy. The carrying of the
heavy cross, the piercing and jabbing at Him as He carried
that cross, that was not easy, and tnen on Calvary, being
nailed to the Cross. That was not easy, but the reward on the
end was glorious, was wonderful. It was beautiful, so what
are we fearing? Just follow Thy Lord and God's footsteps,
and the reward is glorious -eternal happiness. For Our
Heavenly Mother will not let us down. She is right with us.
We are going to re-live LaSalette as back in f846, and if
you don't know what LaSalette was at that tim~, it is about
time that you learn. Read up on that incident. Read the
message of LaSalette, the scoffers, the disbelievers, read it,
and before·you help lead your Country into more disaster.
There is a p.eriod before you that's a crucial period, investi-
gate. Do not go to your polis and vote without investigating
your candidates, investtgate, please. Investigate anything
that was spoken here and you will find your startling an-
swer. Investigate. It's ail there! They are waiting for you to
fall, but swing the tide. Turn towards My God and My
Country with true love, true devotion, and may God bless
ail of you. 1 thank you.

Messages given on the Fridays of Advent, 1960


Oh, before me l see the Western Hemisphere. l do not see

any good. The area of Cuba, Puerto Rico, it is red, red,
meaning bloodshed, sorrow, tragedy and ~rieffor those that
love Our Lord and God. Peron and the dethroned and the
impersonator of the former Hitler are again hiding in Ar-
gentina. They are plotting for many, many years. South
America has been spared. It does not look good here.
They're having their contacts in Havana, Cuba, in the Re-
public and in Mexico City, Mexico which cornes mighty
close to home. Columbia IS one of the springboards, and
now in our own beloved U.S.A., as given before, there are
many red spots. Alaska has now been opened by becoming
a State of the Union to ail the riff-raff, the ungodly, and
those, the enemy of the Christian world. They had ail gath-
ered before the last signature was placed on the documenta-
tion to make Alaska the state. Now that gives them a free
entry into your beloved U.S. Hawaiian Islands the same.
Many are not for the Country or the love of the glory of the
Flag of this nation, but to help shred it, and to help destroy
those that pledged themselves in their heart and their soul
for My God and My Country. For ail those that have their
Lord and God in their hearts must first pledge themselves to
God and their Glory, the Old Glory, the flag oftheir Coun-
On this very day five years ago, you have copies of this,
you were given the situation of the youth. You were also
given the reason for this, and five years later the situation
fias not changed, but become worse. The parents have still
not awakened to the fact that they must ail unite and strive
to spare the youth of tomorrow. The youth of today is not
taught to love God first and My Country second. They are
not taught the responsibility. They are not taught the re-
spect for their Faith, their mother, their teacher and the
minister of the church, the Priest, the aged. There are many
youth of today that will trip or push or help to knock down
or/ut something in the path to make an old woman or an
01 man fall, and then run away and laugh in glee. Why?
Ask yourself this question, why are the youth o/today in this
sad condition, why? Because the Christian world, the Chris-
tian fathers and mothers, the clergy, did not watch when the

enemy of God started to plant the seed of destruct~on, dis­
unity In home, school and church. They shrugged thetr shoul­
ders to the most dangerous task. Destruction of youth's
mind, memory, physically, and emotionally; spiritually
there is no God for many. They laugh, your Beeboppers,
your Beatniks, they do not believe in God and eternal hap­
piness. It must me an unity. There must be unity in home,
school and church. There must be an effort made, an ali-out
effort between all factions to erase the harm that has been
done, to save the youth of tomorrow, no matter what race or
creed, no matter what nation. There must be unity, for unit­
ed we stand, divided you'll Jall!
Without the love ofGod and His Holy Mother there can­
not be peace. You cannot do anything at ail without consid­
ering Thy Creator. Thy Maker, Thy crucified Lord. He is
first and His sorrowful Mother that stood at the foot of His
Cross, the Sorrowful Mother whose Heart was pierced
many times, not because of the things She had done wrong,
for She is Immaculate, She could not do wrong, for God
would not permit this. So then why was Her Heart pierced?
For you, for the wrong God knew Her children would do,
the children-you!
And now She appears, Her Mantle spread out wide and
the children of all nations and creeds beneath it, Her Divine
Son in Her arms looking with love into His Mother's eyes.
The little children standing before Her. Our Lady, Our
Mother of God, has come (fi all humility to this earth to
show us She loves all children, be their skins white, black,
yellow or red. She will not pluck aside the little dark boy and
girl or a little Chinese or Japanese boy or girl becaus;; their
skin is not as fair as Herself. She will not pluck aside the lit­
tle Indian boy, the red because sorne of these children have
not been ~ducated, have not had the opportunity that sorne
of us whites have. They are not plucked aside by our Heav­
enly Mothe(. They are drawn into the folds of Her Mantle.
Then why do we pluck them aside and think we are superior
to them, why, why, why? Why is the bloodshed on the map
of the U.S.A.? Because of us, because we do not want to
accept a little dark child, the !ittle Indian boy or girl or a lit­
tle yellow face. But remem ber God crea ted them. U nless
you do not believe in the creation of God, then you can
pluck them aside. Then you can, but then you're lost. You
must remember that God created them and it is up to us
Christians to protect them, to take them to our hearts, not


cast them away; to help educate them, to show them the

way, the truth and the Iight, to bring them on the one pa th to
God, not on the by-ways and leave them. They do not
belong to us, we come first.
Vou will hear of more disturbances in the U.S.A. where
there is such a great shortage of religious that they need the
help of many faymen to do the work. Yes, cali yourself a
mission worker, but only follow the Sixth Station, and then
when our Veronica wipes the face of her Lord, her God, her
Creator, so must we use this Station as an example to wipe
the faces, to give a helping hand to those that are in the by­
ways, bring them in. As our beautiful Holy Mother stands
there with an African boy, a Chine$e boy, a Japanese boy or
Mongolian, whatever you want to cali them, Eskimo, every
kind. Oh yes, sorne are a little unkempt, they're not clean,
they have muddy little faces and hair are not nicely combed.
They are not immaculate looking, but they're there. Oh,
there are the clean and neat ones, too, the ones that have
wealthy parents, the ones that have poor parents and the
ones that have no parents. They're ail there, the !iule Indian
papoose. Yes, they're there, and as long as they're good
enough for the Mother of God, who are we to say no to
them"'? Who, who are we? Ask yourself that question.
Don't rub your arm ifyou brush against the colored child.
The blackness won't come off. Il isn't soot, it isn't dirt. God
made this darkened skin, don't cringe from them, but help
them if they need help.
Don't teach your child to disrespect them. Oh, the fear of
mixing them. Weil, you need not fear this when it is done in
Christian charity and Christian ways. It is the enemy's ways
that will cause this should you fear.
Mongrelization-that is the work of the 475. There are
only 25 more to go, and ten of these are just about ready to
step in, and by the time you celebrate the birth ofThy Lord
and God there will be 500-500 of the most powerful, most
ruthless, the most ungodly creatures that Satan has taken
over, to be sprinkled over the whole globe, and they choose
their own beneath them, and they work 24 hours a day to
help destroy the Christian world. May Thy Crucified Lord,
Thy Creator, have mercy on ail of you and ail of the Chris­
tian world. May they only awaken before it is too late.
October 7, 1960 1 learned of the most disastrous plot to
happen. Don't let it happen, don't, don't fail the pleas and
requests of Our Lady, the Mediatrix ofPeace. We failed Her

Jefore when She asked. She asked us in ail hum.lity to pray
for the leader ofyour Country. You have a leader today that
supposingly belongs to your Faith, the l'rue Faith, and only
your prayers can help hlm and guide him to fulfill the teach­
mg of his Faith, and that is to love and honor Thy Lord and
God, to follow the l'en Commandments as God has placed
them before you. And when he follows the l'en Comma nd­
ments he cannot go wrong, but he has broken those Com­
mandments; but prayers, prayers of ail the Christian world,
of this Country especially, can show him the way and keep
him on the path fulfilling the Commandments ofGod. That
can only be done through the requests and fulfillment of My
Lord and My God and His Holy Mother, the Mediatrix of
There is unusual activity at the Hub, the one in the West­
ern as weil as the Eastern Hemisphere. There seems to be a
preparedness for something, and we ail should know it is not
for good, but of Satan. It is the headquarters of the Serpent.
It is coiled. lt hibernates within the depths of this Hub and
penetrates ail through it. The Serpent's tongue is filled with
a sticky gooyness, in reality the Serpent uses this to draw its
victim, and so is it true with the Serpent coiled about the
Hub. In this case it is not a fly, an insect, a bird, but it's a
Christian, and they're active in both Hubs so this must spell
to you the danger that lies before you. You may rest assured
they're not having a tea party, only a potion of death, de­
In the Eastern HemIsphere one of the strongest spokes
leads to the Kremlin, the other to Red China, to Morocco, to
Paris, to Berlin, and of course to London, to Singapore,
Tokyo, Australia, to the Congo, and of course to Jerusalem.
The Western Hemisphere to Mexico City, to Alaska, Ha­
vana, Cuba, Newfoundland, Ottawa, Canada and of course
the shorter routes, Chicago, where the Hub is situated.
There's-quite an active movement in New York, the U.N.,
San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Denver, New Or­
leans, the Key Wests, Cape Canaveral, Washington, D.C.,
Pittsburgh, Toledo, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Montreal,
Canada. Those are lesser, but your main powerful spokes
are Ottawa, Canada, Newfoundland, Alaska, Havana,
Cuba and Mexico City, Mexico, the Key Wests. ln each one
ofthese places mentioned, be they east or west, your 475 are
stationed, and in the most strategic points you have your
Grand Masters. They are separate from the 475. They are


the evil gods. They are the ones that give the orders. And
right now the Supreme Grand Master sits in Hamburg,
Just recently he was near the U. N., that is during the peri-
od of elections. They have their many blood rituals and sad
to say, there are more to come. The last will be on the vigil of
the birth of Thy Lord and God. They'll ring in the 500 in
mockery to the Christian world, and 1 will say this: that this
last one will be initiated in London. Around the eighth, the
feast day of the lmmaculate Conception; on the vigil of this
day and the anniversary of disastrous Pearl Harbor, they
will initiate five men. One will be at the birthplace of the
Rothschild's where first the Rodenshield was hung out, and
through this grew the most ruthless, the most cunning, the
most daring of ail, who was then Supreme Grand Master,
whose name was Amschel Meyer, whose sons each wore the
title of Grand Master.
Read back in history and watch as the pages turn how
evil, how awful, how ungodly their maneuvers were. lnves-
tigate and awaken the world to this evil plot that has grown,
that has developed in one of the most hideous monsters, the
octopus who crushes and cares not whom, be it a man,
woman or child, as long as in their veins f10ws the blood of
Christianity, the blood of Christ. Even they destroy sorne of
their own, their an ti-Christ. This is only done for the pur-
pose of deceiving. Il is part of their plans, their plots of de-
struction. This sounds Impossible to many, but if you will
read back in history, you will find how this mushroomed;
this octopus is growing. Study, educate yourselfso you can
help the others, for one of the main purposes today is the
crushing of the youth. As given many times it is the youth
that is used to do the work of Satan.
Awake. Pray, pray!


Much, much activity in the Sea of Okhotsk. The Brown
Bear has now 550 submarines scattered ail over the globe.
There are 50 atomic energy submarines. They are working
hard now to convert many of their in'dustries into atomic en-
ergy. They have manufactured automobiles that are fueled
by atomic energy. Not only those little go-carts that were
used in this subterranean village in Siberia, but they are
now in the Kremlin, Leningrad and many other large cilies.

They are still working on what l've been calling the flying
goose. They had trouble, mechanical trouble, with it's oper­
ation of folding in the wings and then submerging. They
have others in the making so they must be satisfied with the
four they used as tests. This is a small sub. When it submer­
ges, it folds in the wings; otherwise the wings spread out and
It f1ies as a plane, only sea-going, not,land. l have seen this
sub sorne time ago, but then for a while it seemed to disap­
pear. from view, but it is now again in the Sea of Okhotsk.
This sub is fueled by atomic energy, They have greatly im­
proved their missiles. They have f10wn man in tests from Si­
beria and it landed near Australia. The man was unharmed.
They have the world's best scientists captured du ring the
time of the German downfall. These scientists have homes
and comfort that they never experienced before. They have
everything they want. There is no need here, but should
they decide to leave this Paradise, their life is snuffed out,
and they know it!
We must pray hard, very hard, that their ruler, theïr lead­
er, in his greed and want for power does not use the instru­
ments he has against the Western Hemisphere. Do not kid
yourselfthat it is not possible, for it is. Right at this very mo­
ment they can do il. For the U.S.A. does not know that they
have practiced the last five, six years over the Western
Hemisphere and anything that was not perfect they have
now perfected.
Our leaders and statesmen daim that we, the U.S.A., are
on top, others deny this. We're second best, yes we are sec­
ond best, but quite a big gap between the first and second.
As it was given before, sorne of our leaders, our statesmen,
are betrayers of the f1ag of the United States of America. At
the time they were feeding the Brown Bear with material
from our shores, our land, they were feverishly building and
continue to improve themselves while we here at home were
lax. We did nothing. Oh, our scientists were working, and
amongst our scientists are many a brilliant man. Much
good cou Id have been accomplished thru the brilliant
minds of these scientists, and much more could have been
accomplished for th~ good of the U.S.A., had not the enemy,
the Grand Masters and those beneath them, the 475, had
they not been in control. At that time there were 350. The
picture that's just before us is no good. We have the great
monopoly that wants to fill its own pocket~ rather than help
the people under our glorious üld Glory, the New World as


so many refer to it. They are tuming it back instead of help­

ing the people, instead of fulfilling the words and creeds of
the Constitution, the Preamble. They fill their own pot.
Why do we not have atomic energy in use for the common
people? It is easy to see why. Their grafters that monopolize
the oil industry would lose out of their pot. The only time
will they give in to this is when they have found out that the
earth that God Almighty created, that its veins will be dry of
oil. Then they will give in. In some places they have already
discovered that the crude oil does not come up to the stan­
dards of the past. Only then will be more effort made to
change oil into atomic energy. In the meantime they must
continue to search for a new racket. Search back in the his­
tory and you will find when one racket runs out, a new one
was set up. Example, Prohibition days, and then on. Today
it's the oir industry fighting the atomlc energy. Yes, America
has many wonderful scientists and wonderful men if they
would only be given the chance to use their ability for the
The Red Dragon is still hunched up high, nostrils Oaring.
The Green Dragon he's tram pied under the feet orthe Red
Dragon. The two-headed Beast is still in power. The Lion's
tail is covering over the eyes of the Green Dra"on and the
symbol of the U.S.A., the Eagle, is still pluckea' and under
the paws of the Lion; and the heads are still snarling at one
another-who's going to eat up the prey beneath the foot,
who's going to devour il, who's going to get control of it. So
far it seems the Lion is in control, where the feathers are in
his mou th, not in the Brown Bear's. Although they're snarl­
ing at one another, still both heads don't seem to be aware
that they are nurtured by the same body, and they're fight­
ing each other.
Pray, pray, more prayers; more sacrifices; more penance.
There are too many unwilling to give up their own pleasures
and sacrifice a liule more for the shows the Vatican,
St. Peter's, but it is not free of the chains that are still
wrapped around it, and what are the chains? The grants
given through the Grand Masters. You cannot receive with
one hand l'rom the cohorts of Satan and take it with the
other hand and place it in the good. You would have to have
a middle road.
Our Lord, Our God did not create three roads. There is
only one road to the right, to the good, to Heaven. There is
no middle road. The other road is only destruction and the

road of Satan. There cannot be an in between. That is the
reason for the shackles around the Vatican, St. Peter's. The
hue and cry is oh, we need funds. We need to build. We
need to im prove. Yes, as time goes there is need for im­
provement. There is need for building. There is need for ex­
pansion. Yes, God Almighty would want it so, and wou Id
help to make this possible if ail wou Id stay on the road of the
right, instead ofseeking a path in between. For we must re­
member that Our Lord and God walked the earth to prove
to man that it is possible. His Heavenly Mother walked the
earth and lived a life like any mother to raise Her Child, our
Lord and our God. Our Lord's birth was in the most humble
and bare surroundings. This, too, was to show man what is
The excuses man gives today-oh, ] cannot do it. It is im­
possible. We have to have this, we must have that, and in the
process of having this and that, God is pu shed aside. He
cornes secondary, and that is the reason why the road to the
left is so crowded. That is how it has been planned by the
Supreme Grand Master many years ago. He is the Pope of
the evil forces. To compare it with the Pope of the True
Church of God, the Supreme Grand Master is the other
road, the Pope of Satan. The 480 are like the clergy beneath
the Hierarchy beneath the Pope. The Grand Masters are the
Cardinals. This is just to compare the two; and one leads to
hell and eternal hell tire and the other leads to Our Lord
and God and eternal happiness.
Which road are we going to choose? Remember there is
no road in between!
Are we with Christ, or are we with anti-Christ? And those
that have read the Gospel and Scriptures know what Our
Lord says. You are either for Him or against Him. You are
either with Me or against Me. He did not tell you there was a
road in between, that you cou Id choose which way you want
to go. There's only one to eternal happiness.
Yes, wc ail feel that the Hierarchy should know this. Yes,
they do, they were taught that. We also know that the temp­
tations are greater, and much harder to overcome and tight,
of the Hierarchy and clergy than they are of the layman.
God knew this when he gave l)1an his own free will, but He
laId down the Ten Commandments for man to follow, and
He also laid down His own life, shed His own Blood to
cleanse man, and yet man seeks the middle road where
there is none.

The Supreme Grand Masters have been in power many
years or centuries, and they are still in a greater position
today than they have ever been before. For God gave man
many talents, and when He gave man these talents He had
also given him his own free will. Will man use the talent for
the good, or will he use it for the evil? And on top of ail this
is the biggest batt!e man must fight; temptation, tempta­
tion. But ifyou stand before the crucified Lord or His Cruci­
fix each morning and pledge thy heart, thy soul to our cruci­
fied Lord and ask the Heavenly Mother to place Her Man­
tle about you, the temptations will not pierce thy heart be­
cause once you're beneath the Mantle of Our Heavenly
Mother, those temptations cannot harm you. But you can­
not say ah, l'II da tFzis naw, but tamarraw J'm gaing ta da bet­
ter. There is where you are seeking the middle road,
Follow the Commandments ofThy Lord and God. Fol­
low the footsteps of thy crucified Lord on Calvary. Try to
follow the meanings of the Stations of the Cross. There is a
great lesson in each one. Study them and then try to change
your way, and you'll find that the things that seem so much
to you-the glitter will mean very little, and then if the
Christi ans will turn to do these things, there will be no
chance'for the Supreme Grand Master to control the Chris­
tian world. As long as the Supreme Grand Master and the
Grand Masters sacrifice human life and blood on their evil
altars and use a Christian man, woman or child for their
black ritual, their Black Mass in mockery of Jesus Christ,
Thy Lord, Thy God, Thy Creator, the son of the Heavenly
Mother, there will be no peace.
Il takes the work and sacrifices of ail the Christian world,
notjust a few but aIl. This has been repeated over and over
and over again, that ail Christians must unite in unison to
battle the huge monster, the huge octopus that is reaching
ail around the globe, crushing il. Who are they picking out
to crush? The Christians, do not wait for tomorrow, but
They have again resurrected the subterrannean city in Si­
beria, and now it is four miles by live miles. Many a man
that has known ofit has perished, and many more will. One
thing you must ail remember-it's not far away from your
shores, Alaska. Again the brilliant mind of the scientist that
has created a camouf1age, so weil camouf1aged that human
eyes cannot detect it or the instruments give the warning.
ICs been given in the past five years; This is only a repeat

of the warnings, and part of this grea t mind was the greatly
honored Einstein.
Einstein was not a man of God. Einstein belonged to the
Grand Masters and was controlled by the Supreme Grand
He had a brilliant mind, but instead of the good he had
turned to evil, and yet many of our good statesmen honor
him as the great man, the scientist of good. It is men like
these that nelp blind the Christian world. When enough
prayers will be sa id and enough sacrifices will be made, the
time might come when 1will be permitted and will be given
the list of ail the evil that are in control of the U.S.A. The
hidden ones, not those that are danglin~ as puppets, such as
Bernard Baruch, he's only a puppet; Jake Arvey, another
puppet. The poisoner of our food, Oublanski, another pup­
pet, and so on. Many more, and those that have three or
four names, but are still the same man. They're not the on es
that we need to fear. Il is the ones that you seldom hear of or
some never have been spoken of, the hidden hand that so
many limes just presses the button to control Cape Canav­
eral. That is only a small matter ofone of the things possible
and are being done.
There is a feeble struggle and some that never dared to
speak have now pul!ed tlleir heads out of the sand and are
cfaring to speak against the poisoned water. This should be
encouragement to those that have so struggled to save the
people from disaster. This fight must contmue because it
dulls the minds of the youth and of yourselves. There's still
the battle of poison foods which has not been dented m uch.
The battle must become greater against the destruction of
minds of the youth, the battle against the entertainment
world of the youth. Il is up to the individuals to object, and if
enough are heard, they dare not to defy you. Not yet, but
wait too long, and they won't care. You will have nothing to
say. You will be then like those behind the Iron Curtain. Oh,
il can'l happen here! Do not lull yourselfto sleep with such a
thought for the Iron Curtain is already in place, but hasn't
been drawn yet. That is technical!y speaking. We ail know
there is no Iron Curtain, of course, but it might as weil be
once it's drawn before you, once al! your rights are taken
away; when you have no control of your own chi Id, when
you have no control over your own property when you have
entertainment or the education of your child. This already
has crept into the U.S.A., but you're too blind to see il.

Replace the laws of the Constitution and then your Iron
Curtain will be gone. As long as the headquarters are in the
East, the godless U.N., and your Supreme Court that is to
defend the human rights of man, of the common people, is a
deceiver of man and is in control of your lives, your Iron
Curtain will still remain in place. As long as Bermuda, New­
foundland, Greenland, Iceiand, Cuba, the Republic are the
hidden arsenals, the hiding place for the enemy to use
against the U.S.A., there cannot be a pattern for peace. The
Panama Canal is not the Panama Canal that it once was. ICs
been given in the past who are in control, and this Canal will
soon be in your headlines,just as the Suez Canal has been in
the past.
WAKE UP, AMER/CAS, WAKE UP! These words were
pleaded, these words were spoken over ten years ago. Yet
today they heed them no more than they did at thls time.
But ten years ago when these words were spoken, there
would have still been lime to keep the Iron Curtain of the
U.S.A. from being placed. Now it's a much harder struggle,
much desperate struggle, more, more desperate every day,
for you have gained many more under the Grand Masters.
By the celebration of the· anniversary of the birth of Thy
Lord and God it will read 500. Ten years ago there were no
500. Vou have this power ta fight. Your task is that much
harder. The infiltration is that much deeper in your schools,
universities and colleges, your seminanes, your convents.
Our Lady, Mediatrix of Peace spoke in 1950 clean out the
schools! There was no line drawn between the religious
schools, secular schools or Protestant schools. There was no
division, so you see it meant ail schools, no matter what,
from the Kindergarten through the Universities, your Con­
vents and your Seminaries. The Grand Masters were able to
pull the web over the eyes of the Christians, and so today we
still have the two-headed Beast who is nurtured by the same
body, and the Red Dragon, whose hind paw holds down the
body of the Green Dragon and the tail of the Beast is blind­
ing the eyes of the Green Dragon. The Red Dragon is part
of the body of the Octopus. Beware when this monster puts
its tentacles over the United States of America. The yellow
giant, the black giant against the white giant-the Christian
world. WAKE UP, WAKE UP! Your margin is getting nar­
rower and narrower.
Assassinations, more accidents that won't be accidents.
More integration battles, much more serious.

It's no good, it's no good, ail bad. Must continue to fight
no matter how hopeless it seems.
It's so sickening to look at, so Godless. Corruption, black­
est sins. They're trying to produce artificial birth, artificial
man, right here in the U.S.A. Awful! No wonder our Holy
Mother sheds tears. These dives, these dens where the youth
is destroyed morally, physically. Their minds numbed and
dulled. They need help, please, Oh Holy Mother, help, help.
This horrible scene is right in our good and beautiful U .S.A.
1 cannot describe it, it's too awful, too sickening. But please,
please, parents, wake up! It's possible and it is here. lt isn't
just a story, it is the truth. There it is. Why, why are our insti­
tutions over-crowded with offsprings of this type? Because
of those sins of man. If every good Christian could view
what 1just viewed, if their stomachs are strong enough, they
would take more heed. They'd teach more respect and love.
They wou Id honor the Flag of their nation, and above ail,
they would honor their Lord and God, their Creator.
God have mercy and help us. May God have mercy. May
God help those that are the fault of this. May they awaken
to the wrong, to the evil, to the blackest of this. There will be
more and more need of these type of institutions for these
deformed in mind, in body. These that are the product of
the sins of man and the weakness of man. The weakness in
man because he l'ails to recognize his Creator. Il is sickening.
First the picture of the reason and then the picture of the re­
sults. It is so horrible.


Where am I? Oh, oh, l'm sitting on the doorstep of Satan.

Oh, get me out of here. Evil, evil, l'm on fire, take me away,
l'm too close. Bahai Temple. Get away. Right in the Hub.
Get me out of the Hub. Awful, awful, awfuI; more prayers
needed to counteract this Hub of Evil. Give me help.
Meeting next week, no good, meeting next week. Makes
me sick to my stomach. Too many devils, Hub so hot. Meet­
ing at Hub and at Conrad Hilton.
Vou traitor, you traitor, you Judas. You wear the robes of
the Church. You Judas, fnend of Jacob Arvey's and Rabbi
Silver. Piotter against Cardinal Stritch, evil, evil.
Get me out ofthis Hub, get me out ofthis Hub. Sorne day
they will torture the Christians in these ceIls, those that fight
against them, unless enough prayers are said and Our Lord

will place His merci fui Hand between them, but there must
be more prayers. There must be more prayers, more devo­
tions, more love shown to Thy Lord and God. There must
be more.
They're recruiting more co-workers to work on the youth.
Ail over-Chicago, St. Louis, Toledo, Cincinnati, Akron and
a place called Ohio Center where they have a hidden hi de­
out; Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York, Alba­
ny, Buffalo, Detroit, Windsor, Canada, through the tunnel;
Miami, Florida, New Orleans, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Kan­
sas City, both sides of the river; Minneapolis, St. Paul, Den­
ver, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Catalina Is­
land, Mexico City, Mexico. Ail of these places they are or­
ganizing this new youth group for more plots. Must stop
them, stop them, they can't ruin the youth.
Fraulein here again, bad here, she's here again, she's one
of the top spies out of the German Gestapo.
More demands must be made against the programs put
on T. V. The parents are asleep.
The error is so greatly made today by the choice of nov­
ices and young seminarians. The sadness is today that they
do not want such men as John Vianney, the Cure of Ars.
They don't want those kind today. We need more priests
that love God in their heart not the intellect, who glory with
self pride. Many a young man has been torn away, turned
away from the seminary with a broken heart because he was
not bright enough, Why? God gave talents to even the
lowly, and many ofthose that they have turned away would
make the honest priest, a priest of God, not a priest of the
shining gold and sil ver. They rather choose the youth with a
high I.Q. than the humble boy that wants to be a priest be­
cause he loves his Lord and God. He wants to serve Him
with his heart. The same with the novices. Why is there so
much heartache in the convents? Because they are weeding
out the humble girl that says: Oh Lord, 1 will be your bride.
Instead they choose the one that is highly intelligent, the
over-intelligent that do not want to be the lowly servant of
Our Lord and God, the slave of Mary. That is why the dis­
unity and unhappiness in many of the convents of today.
Many are turned away not because of not the ability, be­
cause they are not to judge. So we stand today with far too
few priests and nuns. Ifthey would only stop looking for the
man that is a go-getter. Yes, if he was a go-getter of the souls
of man he would stand high, but today they look for the go­

getter of funds, the material things. The spiritual is cast
aside. The error is made here. The mate rial thing must come
first, the spiritual is pushed behind. Is there any wonder the
Hub is flourishing and the youth is more and more cora lIed
by the evil forces.
Pray, pray now. Show the evil forces that you believe in
celebrating the anniversary of the birth of Christ now. Do
not wait too long, now. There are many workers needed to
bring forth the Nativity of Thy Lord and God. Not the
Sputniks and Beatniks with mockery and fairy tales and
parties and champagne, evilness and sin, but the beauty and
the glorious Natlvity of Thy Creator. Now is the time to
bring forth the beauty, the love of the Christ Child, His Holy
Mother and the simplest of ail, the simple place of His birth.
Outshine the tingling, the fairy tales, the mockery, with that
of the truth.
Work, work, the laity must work. Consult your Pastor
wherever it is possible, but you must work for the love of
Thy Lord and God and thus replace the Infant into the arms
of His Holy Mother, the Infant that has been removed for
the tinsel and fairy tales, the parties and chamFagne, the
Sputniks, and those that are mocking the birth 0 Thy Lord
and God.


You're a woman chaser, no good, it's no good. Even if La­

Bucca helped to endorse hLQl,~'s no good, two of a kind.
There's a debate between the older states men and those
that are against freedom, in which post he is best suited for.
I::!s:'s no good,~ makes a very good stooge, either as Secre­
tary of State or Ambassador, it doesn't matter. He could do
more dirty work as Secretary of State. He has ffie-r_ighJ Sa­
tanic backers, LaBucca is one. He'll mifke-a-very wilIiîi.g
tool, something like Harry Hopkins used to be, no good.
Watch close!y t~~_men thati!r_~Q~j,!% chosen. Examine
{ the chosen ones' backgrounds and see w at yoü'll find and
then you'll know what your stand will be and what to ex­
peeL t'ou'll know then that the only thing that is left to do is
to pray, pray.
As given a year ago during Advent, there needs to be a
greater effort made for the good, for Our Lord and God, for
them to intercede to Him; and that is ail religious, ail reli­
gious should make more effort to keep a 24 hour vigil of

prayers, for don't feel it's too hard. You will think it was a
dream after what you will face ifyou do not keep this vigil of
prayer. The SJI.!!wic forces, !,bey are keeping their 24J:LQ!!r
duty. Of course it'snonn prayer, but it IS t~n.!i!w.9.!1s(
undern1i.!l.i.ng_of the good, may it be tQ.e scnools of ail reli-J
gions or Protestant or secular, be it in the KirÎaerWlen or
ail the way thr'{ughJh~-llniversity.They are not sleeping tO}
infiltrate the mmds of the youth oftomorrow. They are not
sleeping, th~y find it not too hard to wor~~4 hour_~_i!-SLa"y, in
shifts of course. So why cannot the Christians do it, or better
the religious, for they offer their lives to God to do and to
serve and to help their dying Savior on the Cross. This is
their opportunity, their chance to do just that-to be one of
the Apostles under the foot of the Cross of Thy Lord and
God. Even during the time of Christ Himself, out of the
twelve there was one that stood under the Cross in the time
of His death, one. Out of the twelve there is one Judas. Yes,
there is always just a few that love Our Lord and God
enough to make the supreme sacrifice. The Apostle, St.
John, was one of them. How many Apostles have we today
who are willing to stand beneath that Cross? Man is weak,
flesh is weak, even sometimes their mind is willing, but they
give up when the flesh weakens.
Prayers are needed continually, without any time off, for l
the future of the New World, the future of America ana J
the-future of Œle youli1ar1d the Christian worlcf.-Ask only
those that have been trampled underfoot what it feels like,
ask only these.
Our Holy Mother has been trying to save America, espe­
cially the U.S.A. She has pleaded, She has pleaded for ail
Her children; they heed Her not, they cast Her pleas aside.
Yes, th~ work~s, throygh S.atal)'s headquaqers, the.U.N.,
they are certainly pushing forth their Yuletide, not the birth
of our Lord Jesus Christ. No, there is no su ch a thing in their
decorations, in their promotions. It is removing the birth of
Our Lord completely, and that is accepted as the Savior of
the nations. That is accepted to be the pillar for ail nations;
how ridiculous, how foofish they get! You cannot shovel
Christ, Thy Lord and God. ~iQ.e and replace it wi!ht~e
U.N., and ex pect it to be glorious and win freedom, peace
ana happiness; and that is just what they are trying to do.
They are promoting it very rapidly now, for the Season is
Soon upon us where they can promote the mockery instead
of the true picture of the birth of Christ, a fantasy instead of

reality; the divine, the divinity, the Mother of God, the
The Christian world must wake up, WAKE UP, WAKE
Take me out of here, this place is very evil. Much evil
plotted here, many evil plots born here and then spread fur­
ther, it is so centralized. Aiso there is good here, beauty and
wonderful things.
More effort must be made to keep this e'yil scum from ris­
ing any higher. The SerpenCs fangs are well imbedded here
and pOl~Q.!lQllS,~~0f!:!-sp.leadinK_9vereverything. 1Cs so
hard to penetrate througn mto the good here. M uch of the
infiltrated plans of sr2!t, entertainment, be they in person
or over the screen, such as tne tneatre or T. V.
There is not enough effort 0a-cT~ to s'tuêi)' the YO,I,l,!h
grou ps and organlzatlOns. There IS qulte a syndlcate of these
tfimgs going on right here. Somehow 1 got planted right in
the middle of it and [ feel the evilness all over me. There
must be work, more work done for the good here and con­
tinue it, not just one day, two days, oh, a week-but 365 days
and coninue, one year after another.
Be on the look-out for these hidden-,-~amoun'!ged~anl­
zations. 1Cs so sickening, so nauseating to know that tfliSis
bosshere in the country that has so much to gain by the
good and so much to lose when following the path of evil.
There are severa[ Christian organizations trying to start to

do sorne good, but they seem to fall at the wayside because
the sincerity-, the true rit is not thye, the humbleness, the
hurni11ty of being rea y to accept embarrassing moments
and embarrassment, to be humble rather than to boast of
the good you are doing. Be not the judge of that, but rather
continue to work, for it is Thy Lord and God who is judge of
the endeavor, not thyself. Strive in thy heart to do all in
humbleness, in ail charity, but love thy neighbor as thyself.
Love thy country, and then these organizations that have
seemingly so struggled to come forth, and have left these
other tllings that 1 mentioned be the reason for their not
growing; for being.flg~ere of! the froll..U~~h ~f Satan's
lYre you cannot use sorne orSatan's methoâs to 5ring forth
the good. You must.J?~ more Chr~e and th en you shall


ln the beginning 1 was alone. The SacredSpot was bare, 1

knelt in fear, 1 was confused, 1 knew not what was expected
of me. 1 feared the attitude of my own family, my children. 1
dreaded and feared the day Our Holy Mother spoke of that
She will come to me, when the t10wers are in bloom and the
grass is green.
From April 7th to the day 1 did not know, 1 Iived in fear,
how much no one will ever know. My husband Fred was
very understanding, and yet at times 1 wondered what he
really thought. Some of the children were too young, the
older ones, especially the oldest, did not believe, and yet 1
could not back down; for on that day when 1 was ca lied to
the Sacred Spot with the smile of our Heavenly Mother, ail
fear left that was within my heart from November 12, 1949
to April 7th. 1 did not understand, was this vision a Saint or
who, who was it? On April 7th the voiee spoke, pleading for
prayers for the trou bled world. That is when the greatest
fear entered my heart and stayed with me until the day our
Heavenly Mother showed Herself in the most glorious
splendors and Her smile beckoned me to Her. 1 could not
refuse. One cannot refuse for tha t smile, the love in the eyes
of our Heavenly Mother draws you like a magnet right to
Her; and without knowing what you're doing, you go to
Her, you kneel down, you feel ashamed to look in Her eyes,
you feel so unworthy. You feel you have no place here and
you cast your eyes down, and Her soft voice says, "My
Chi/d." You look up, you do not disobey Her, you look up,
no matter how frightened you are, you cannot turn and run
as you would Iike to. You're frozen to the spot; inside ofyou,
you want to t1ee, but Her eyes and smile fasten you before
Her. She asks ifyoll are afraid. She knows you're afraid. She
tells you not to be frightened, and then She explains to you,
if you are to fulfill Her requests what you must face; and
before you know it, regardless ofwhat the trials and tribula-
tions that She has shown and told you abOlit, no matter how
great, how painful and how much it'Il take from you, from
your loved ones, from your husband, from your family, your
community, your friends, you were told they will cast rocks
at you, they'1I mock you, they will spit at you, they will ridi-
cule your name, they will persecute your children, and yet
you will say lIVi//. 1 ~vi//, oh Heaven~y Mo/her. Yes, 1 wi/I!
After She has gone, the realization comes over you what

you had promised. You want to run. You want to f1ee. You
sob with tears. Your heart is broken. You want to be alone
and you plead, you look for an answer. You go ou t and seek
an answer to your parish priest who's more frightened than
you, who tries to pretend, but gives you no support, and so
on starts the trials and triu blations.
You're told of the danger to your life. You are warned to
be careful, and yet we failed to take this warning. You try to
fulfill the requests before you, you fail. Oh, how many times
have 1 failed to fulfill our Heavenly Mother's requests these
past ten years. You have a number of priests, laymen, come
and tell you what to do. They try to quote from the Scrip­
tures, they tell stories of other saints in the past, they try to
tell you to live the lives of the former saints ln today's mod­
ern world. It does not fit, the picture is not the same, for the
world, the corruption has grown in leaps and bounds. To the
very ones that you are to go and find comfort, spiritual guid­
ance and help are in a state of confusion, they live in fear. So
our Heavenly Mother chooses a common lay person, which
is a humble soul, to come forth and give a hefping hand, to
help stand by and you fInd that this humble soul finds it
very difficult. The ideas and thoughts have to be molded
over, they have ta be changed.
Through the years Satan tried in every way to remove this
person wlth tales of woe and untruths, and yet you know in
your heart that she was chosen by the Heavenly Mother on
July 16, 1950. It was not your choosing, it was the will of the
Heavenly Mother.
And yet the warning of someone to take your life, he must
protect you, he must be your guide, your protector. Who,
who is the one? Who is the one She is speaking of? 1 do not
know, many different ones tried to push themselves in. Yes,
priests as weil as laymen, the)' want to work with you, they
want to be your Spiritual Dlrector, and when you refuse,
then they become angry. They go out and tell tales of un­
truths, just to get back at you. They try to confuse you, they
try to harm you. The struggle becomes deeper and deeper,
the confusion becomes greater and greater.
The famil)' life disappears, there is no more family life.
The outside Intruders take over, the family is cast aside. The
liule small children have no mother, they have no comfort
of a mother. The time has been taken by the outside world.
The doors are opened and closed without rest or privacy.
They interrupt the meals, they interrupt the prayers, they

interrupt the life, they interrupt the sleep. Il matters not
what hour of the day or night it was their desire to come.
They opened the doors and walked in. The private home
was completely gone, the lurking evil forces began.
The Heavenly Mother on Oct. 16, 1950, through the
words of the former pastor and Spiritual Director, sa id these
words: Go 10 Hank, go 10 Hank and he will he/pyou. You can
Irusl him, he is honesl, he is Irue. And over the years how true
these words were, and how our Heavenly Mother knew that
Hank as we cali him, had the knowledge, the ability and the
brilliance of mind to carry on this tremendous work.
The Passion started, 1 knew not what it meant. 1 was per­
secu ted beca use lack of my knowledge of wha t the Passion
meant. 1 could imagine, but 1 did not know. 1 never read
anything about such things. 1 had no time to read such
things with small children, nor did 1 have the religious back­
ground, nor did 1 have the knowledte of the True Faith, 1
did not, 1 knew very little. My first real instruction to the
True Faith_was given to me by the Holy Mother Herself.
So the work began. The first Chosen One's fingers were
not nimble enough. She pecked away, she never gave up.
There were times she was so ill, but she still tried and carried
on. She worked very hard, oh, she made mistakes, just as
many as 1 made myself and 1 had the Heavenly Mother to
guide me. 1 should have made less, 1 should have been a
guide to her, 1should have been a help to her, but 1 was not,
1 failed her.
And as the years went on, one learned the pains, the trials
and tribulations. The rocks became larger that were cast
upon me. The outside world sought her scandalous stories
rather than the true. Lies, untruths were hurled at our name.
If it hadn't been for those that truly believed and that grad­
ually came and stood in the open to be counted with their
faith and loyalty, 1 could not have traveled the road alone;
and ail through these years, the past ten years, the work and
knowledge, the messages of past history, as weil as future,
came forth. And the Second Chosen One, the Protector, the
guide, my support, placed pages after pages of this tremen­
dous work into volumes. And then when the work became
so great the First Chosen One's fingers could not accom­
plish what was supposed to be done, when the work fell be­
hind, the Heavenfy Mother found a newcomer, one with the
ability of fingers, and she was brought before me to judge, 1
knew her not, 1 knew not her abillty, but she already was

chosen before 1 ever laid eyes on her. She has already been
tested and tried, and on June 16, 1955 she joined the rank.
She became the Third Chosen One. Four and a half years
later the Second Chosen One is snatched away. He is taken
away and the answer to ail this you surely must know.
Yes, we have failed to fulfill the requests ofour Heavenly
Mother. Yes, we have failed to stand up firmly for My God
and My Country. The question now lies, only Heaven can
Answer: loi' il 100 laie? 1.1' il again 100 !iule, 100 laie? 1.1' il real/y
lefi la Ihe mere lew la sirugglefor il, la Ihe lame Ç/nd Ihe sick
ta carry Ihe baille? That is the question we ask, but Our Lord
has promised those that will fight and die in His name a fine
reward in Heaven, so there lies your answer. If you do it in
His name and in the name and the love fOf His Heavenly
Mother, Our Lady, the Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix be­
tween Her Divine Son and man, when you are willing to
give up all to Her as the Second Chosen One surely did. He
sacrificed his home, his life, his reputation, his honor-all to
the Sacred Cause. How many more are willing to take this
same path, to bring forth the fruits that he so labored for?
How many are willmg to finish the task? He has written his
last chapter, and the name Henry Swan does not mean
much now, only in mockery and gossip, but as years go on
and the work will be finished and the volumes brought
forth, then the name shall rise and be known by many.
More disasters, more accidents that will not be accidents,
more fires, more Ooods. Earthq uakes, storms, more
bloodshed, Christian bloodshed. More prayers needed,
more awakening needed. The truth is not known. The world
is blinded by the plans of the evil forces. Il will be very ob­
vious in the near future how the trend is going ta go. Will it
be on the right side or will it be on the wrong side? That is up
to the Christian world. That is up to them how much time,
how much love they have for their Creator, their heavenly
Mother. How much they are willing ta sacrifice, how much
they are willing to give of themselves for the good. How
much they are goin~ to do as the young maiden in the Sixth
Station, will they wlpe the face ofThy Lord, or will they do
like the one Apostle. Will they' turn to be a traitor, a Judas to
their Lord and Creator? Will they fulfill the Command­
ments of Gad? Will they be children of God? Will they be
willing, if it need be, to sacrifice their life in the name of
Gad? Or will they turn their backs and run? When the road
gets hard, rocky and the path gets impossible to travel, will

they seek the easier pa th or will they continue ta face ob­
stacles for the righteous? That is what lies before the world
oftoday, will it be truly a Christian world or will the Satanic
paths domina te it completely?
Gad gave man a free will. Gad gave man a will ta do as he
wishes. Will he use it for the good or for the evil') Will he tar­
nish his soul into blackness and darkness or will he try ta
keep his soul pure and clean? This is ail up ta man. Will he
give his life ta my Gad and my Country, or will he give his
rife ta the easier way, the glitter, the glamor, the Almighty
Dollar? Will he rather seek the shinIng dollar, or will he
rather seek the Kingdom of Heaven? That is the choice he
must make now, for in a few more days the roll call of 500
will be complete, and under each one of these will be their
co-workers, a tremendous field ofwell trained, weil educat­
ed Satanic men. Or will the Christian world, through their
guides oftheir religious, try ta out-do the Satanic forces with
willingness ta give themselves, ta sacrifice, ta do unto others
as they would want ta be done ta? Or will they shirk their
dutY as a Christian soldier? Will they be the Militant of
Christ and carry the banner of their Lord and Gad? Will
they not be afraid ta admit that they love their Lord and
Gad') Will the)' not be afraid ta stand in the open and be
counted; Or will they deny Our Lord and Gad and seek the
multitude? Will they join the scoffers, the an ti-Christ, or will
they seek the road ta Calvary and kneel underneath the
Cross of their Lord, their Crucified Lord?
The world has come into new and tremendous methods,
modern; a great knowledge that has been given by Gad ta
man. The scientific ways of man with the knowledge that
was given by Gad, will that be used for the good, or will it be
used to im prove the standards and ways of man? God ga ve
man the knowledge and the talent and the material to do it
with because Goa does want man ta advance for the better,
but how man uses this knowledge, ~his talent, is his own
will-for destruction or for glory. As long as it's done in the
na me of Our Lord and Gad it can only do good, but when it
is used ta support destructive purposes, it can only harm
and destroy; and how long Gad will let man bring forth de­
struction only God Himself knows.
Our Holy Mother has been pleading with Her children
over centuries, trying ta gel them to do the Will of Gad, ta
save themselves and the future children. She's been plead­
ing with Her Divine Son, with Gad Almighty to give us an­

other chance, ta let us redeem ourselves, ta let us prepare
ourselves, ta show the way, the trulh and the light ta those in
the darkness; but sarry ta say the pa th is getting smaller and
narrower. For the path of the wrong is getting darker and
darker, wider and wider, as more push into the path, the
easy way, than Ihose that seek the harder way.
More prayers are needed for Ihe rulers of the CO\!nlry,
Ihe Hierarchy, Ihe religious, and Ihe M ilitanl of Christ. Oh
Lady, Medialrix of Peace, conlinue la plead ta Thy Lord
and Gad, Thy Divine Son, ta help us, ta guide us. When we
fall, pick us up. Help us la do thy will. Help us ta fulfill Thy
requests. Open our eyes, pull away Ihe web, show us the
way, the trulh. Lei us see Ihe glory, Ihe Kingdom of Heaven.
Help us ta meel Thy Divine Son face la face. Wilh Thy
guidance, Oh Lady, Medialrix of Peace, wilh Thy Manlle
aboui us, we shall nol fail. Give us the courage. the slrenglh
ta meet the obstacles hurled before us. May we be lrue sol­
diers of Christ, May we lead the battle, Ihe Militanl of Our
Lord and Our Gad, May we never fail ta honor His name, ta
praise His Name ta Ihe highest. May we not fail Thee and
lake pitYon ourse Ives and seek Ihe weakness c,; man ralher
Ihan Ihe glory and elernal happiness wilh Thy Divine Son.

Evil forces moving more rapidly in the coming year. The

moving will be more rapid.
The Christ Child still is nol replaced in Our Holy Moth­
er's arms. The enemy has sure worked hard la mock the
birth of Our Lord and Gad. When willlhe Chrislian world
wake up and replace the Chrisl Child in His Mother's arms,
when? Some seclions, some devoled ta our Heavenly Moth­
er have worked very hard, but there are not enough work­
ers. Nol enough willing ta sacrifice, not enough willing ta
give ta their Lord and Gad. There's always 100 little, tao
few. Never any lime, but when Ihe enemy slrikes, wililhey
have time Ihen, Or will il be 100 laie. Il is 100 laie la Iry la ex­
linguish a fire after il has deslroyed your home. The weak­
ness of f1esh, sa the enemy has planned, Ihe weakness of hu­
manity, man's weak points. SA they have planned la under­
mine Ihe good and bring forth Ihe evil. In same areas Ihere
has been a greal improvemenl, in olhers il has fallen down
There's such a greal need, such a Iremcndous need for

Christ's Militant. The laity must work, the laity must work;
without the laity the Christian worid will crumble.
There must be unity, there must be unity. Without unity
there cannot be peace. There will be no peace.
Many have died to bring forth the unification, the unity.
Many have been martyred, but you must not give up, you
cannot give up. You must battle on, no matter how great the
odds are, you must fight on as a true soldier of Christ. The
reward, the reward will be so tremendous. Why hesitate,
why? Your stay here on earth is only a testing ground for
eternal happiness. Make good out of this, make good out of
this. Do not let Satan confuse you, misguide you, but stay
beneath the Mantle of Thy Holy Mother, and bend thy
knees before Thy Crucified Lord, bend them in reverence
and love. Do not be afraid, do not be afraid. Satan is doing
everything in his power to bring fear and confusion, mock­
ery, scandaI. Do not participate in this, but turn to .he birth
ofThy Lord and God and Heavenly Mother and bend thy
knees before the Crucifix and the ending will be eternal
happiness, a glorious reward in Heaven.
Fear not to lose the earthly things. Do not make them the
most precious things. Only fear to offend Thy Lord and
God. That must be thy ouly fear-to offend Thy Lord and
God, to deny Him, to neglect Him, to help persecute Him.
That must be thy only fear.


Assassinations, assassinations, assassinations for the
Troubled minds, troubled minds.
No peace in Cuba, more destruction, Christians mar­
More unrest between religious, confusion, confusion. Di­
vision between Priests, diVision. Aim to divide and then
conquer is more obvious now than any time before. When
they can divide the Religious, the Priests, the Hierarchy,
wh en the division becomes so great that there's division be­
tween faith and morals, it is dangerous.
No change, no change. The youth still are the main vic­

tims for the evil. Training ofyouth for ev il purposes has not
ceased. Not enough done by laity in examining textbooks
for the youth in schools. The truth is not the main course for
education. Truth, truth is side-stepped. Degrading the
minds of the youth, confusion, confusIOn with students, con­
fusion. Spare the youth, spare the youth.
The Serpent is coiled. More bloodshed, more bloodshed
in Western Hemisphere. More bloodshed, more disasters.
Revolts in Spain, Portugal. Otto John still working on
Fatima, it's a shame. Too much commercialism, too much
commercialism. Why, why can they not see what's wrong,
why? Their promotIOns are wrong. Taking advantage of
many victims through their promotions, wrong, commer­
cializing, Our Lady of Fatima in tears, wrong.
In 1950 on May 30, I was told that in the Eastern part of
the U.S.A. they are using Our Lady not for the good of the
people, but for their own selfish motives, selfish pride, and is
harming much. At that time I did not understand what was
meant oy those promoting the work of Our Lady. Much
wrong has been done. Many set backs of commercialism,
obtaining funds for selfish reasons rather than the good.
Draining victims for funds when it is wrong. Check back
and you will receive your answer. You will find many a vic­
tim had lost much and through that many hardships, suffer­
ing and pain. Yes, Our Lady of Fatima asked for sacrifices,
but not to the extent it causes suffering ofhuman bodies and
human lives and families.
The Rosary Priest has done much good. Even he has
sorne, not with his knowledge, that are a1so using the wrong
methods. This makes the Lady of Fatima weep. Father Pey­
ton, wonderful man, devoted to his Holy Mother. We must
pray that he will stay a humble Priest, that he will not fall
mto the temptation, that he will continue to do good, for it is
true, by their fruits you shall know them. Father Peyton has
proven this over and over again. We need more like him.
Pray, pray for humility.
No peace, no peace, more uprising, more revolts, more
assassinations. Christian lives martyred. Persecution, trials,
tribulations great for the workers for their Lord and God.
More propaganda delivered across your radios, T.V.'s.
Warning of Lent 1951 referring to many of your bills, laws
and amendments are coming truer every day. You were
warned then to be alert. Ifthey cannot succeed one way they

will try in a different or round about way, but still brings the
same results. You were warned in that message of this in
Continue to pray for the leader of this Country. Do not
fail, you must not fail.
Be alert for societies. Remember the warnings, be it youth
or adults, be they religious or laity. Watch, watch, do not fall
asleep, but watch. Several places even the youth gangs are
much more serious than the public has been told, for the
newspapers, as was given in the year 1950, suppress the
truth. So it is not in prin t, but even some of the youth gangs,
the largest ones, some of the most diabolical and evil mind­
ed are also using victims and draining them of blood. For
they ha ve read in some of their comic books and strips of the
English classics of how the vampire drained blood from its
victims and used it in rituals, and that is happening in the
West Coast, in the center of the continent, as weil as the East
Coast, but you do not hear of this in your papers. If you
mention this, you will be called insane, a promoter of trou­
ble, but these things have happened and will continue to
happen unless you watch and are alert and stay awake at ail
Protes t, protest to T.V. programs, radio programs and
books and comics printed with these awful vampire stories.
You will find much of this original work coming from Lon­
don-classics, as called.
These diabolical practices also take in hypnosis. Books
are sold in these advertisements as you have been warned to
watch, how to hypnotize, how to have fun at parties, hypno­
tize victims to do your bidding. Hypnosis is becoming a
common practice, not for the good but evil. Watch, be alert,
keep your eyes and ears open, but seal your lips. When at­
tending these meetings, the less you say but the keener your
ears and eyes, the more you willlearn ofwhat was just given
to be the truth. It might frighten you, it might curdle your
blood, as commonly expressed, but it is the truth. Where are
some of these things practiced? New York City, Philadel­
phia, Washington, D.C, Detroit, Pittsburg, Chicago, Cin­
cinnati, Los Angeles, San Francisco (San Francisco has one
of the largest of these dia bolical headquarters), San Diego,
St. Louis, New Orleans, Montreal, Canada.
Watch the Pacifie Coast, watch Alaska. Message of 1950.
Have you not learned the reason?
Pray, pray much, only prayer, only prayer will bring

peace. Prayer and the unification of the Christian world will
bring peace, but the foundation of ail this must be prayer
God will again show how mighty He is in this coming
year, but still they heed not His warnings.
More accidents that will not be accidents. Example was
the disastrous accidents in the twelfth month of 1960. They
were no accidents. Lives mean so little, they mean so little to
those that want power and control. It was not the fault of the
pilots, they are just innocent victims. Even in sports, to con­
trol power, watch the sports. Anything to gam no matter
how many lives they take or ruin. For example, the plane
that crashed, loaded with Olympic boys and girls was no ac­
cident. Investigate, you will receive your answer, why? It is
these things that the Christians must be alert to. They must
be awakened. It matters not, for want of power be it in your
government, in your factories, on the farm, be it in sports,
they will destroy to reach their goal.
You will hear of sorne more happenings, but investigate
them. Do not neglect to investigate them. Get your answers,
they're there. Sometimes only a small piece of metal, a piece
of metal, will give you your answer, investigate.
There'll be more derallments of trains, more airplane ac­
cidents. Be alert, the battle is far from ended. As the New
Year grows, as you go further into the year, you will meet
many more disasters that could be avoided, that need not
happen. Fires that need not happen, be they schools or the­
aters, matters not.
Read the messages given, read them, concentrate, study
them. Much is said, much is said. Enough is given to act
upon, use them. Warnings have been given over and over
aga in about the U.N. Many times this has been repeated.
Without God there cannot be peace. There is no God, no
Christ in the U.N., God has been shut out. There cannot be
peace from this. This has been repeated many times over,
and it is just as true today as when first mentioned. Unless
they recognize their Lord and God as their head, the U.N.
can bring no good. As long as the Serpent is their symbol
there is no peace from these evil headquarters. To move the
U.N. would not alter the condition, no matter where it is 10­
cated, its policies would be the same. Unkss Christ is at the
head of the U.N., only then can it do the work. The leaders
have made known to the world what it is supposed to do to
bring peace to the countries, the suppressed, but they forgot

to mention that it must come through Christ. He must be the
head of this organization. It is ail evil, it is the anti-Christ,
and yet the world seems to look on this evil organization to
bring their peace; no, no.
The laity must work. The laity must work. Not just the
mere few, but ail the Christian world. Countthe population,
the Christian world. Count the population of the anti­
Christ, or just the pagan, and placing these two on the scale,
you can see how off-balance your scale is, and count those of
the Christian world. If you count those that are weak, not
even the lukewarm, but still cali themselves Christians,
what an off-balance scale you will find just between the
counting of the Christians-those that are good Christi ans
and those that are not. So using the combination of the two
to balance the other scale, you can see how off-balance it be­
comes. The warnings have been given in the Eight Points.
Study them, read them.
As the globe turns there isn't one spot that one can find
peace. Even in the U.S.A. there is no peace. The violence
that is going on in many sections of this Country is sup­
pressed for fear of causing a panic, so they say. The situation
In the U.S.A. will be much worse. Trials and tribulations,
suffering and persecution will grow by leaps and bounds.
Revolts, rioting right here in the U.S.A. Many injured,
many deaths.
Do not lulllourself to sleep that it cannot happen here.
As F.D.R. sai ,1 will not send the boys on foreign soil; there
will be no wat, but every time a crisis appeared, the conti­
nent went to war. •
But this time they fear, they fear to plunge the world into
war. Il is not the fear of the !ittle man this time, but is the
fear of the war mongers themselves.
The next war will not be fought on the ground because we
have grown into a missile age, and just by pressing one but­
ton there will be much harm, much disaster and much anni­
hilation, by just one button; that is the fear. Pray that this
never happens because one man crazed for want of power,
to be the almighty, the greatest, a mind warped beyond con­
trol, can press that one butlon. But any human with any
sense of reasoning at ail knows by pressing this butlon more
can be annihilated than one can imagine.
Those missile heads loaded with the H-bomb, just try to
picture in your mind what this can do. Or with the Cobalt
bomb, the ug!iest of ail, the most poisonous one, the most


disastrous one, and there are some ofthese on the stockpiles.

The A bomb showed what can be done on Hiroshima and
The H bomb during the test made, the words of 1951
came true Island buried..Just these words, Island buried..Just
picture in your mind what a Cobalt bomb can do. The tlnee
sisters, one more destructive than the other. Pray that no
mad man presses the button with either one of these in its
missile head. The radiation From these alone would cause
plenty of suffering besides the actual destruction on the
They're trying to deny the radiation, the poisonous Stron­
tium 90. They're trying to deny how this has already caused
sickness in the United States. It was given many years ago, it
works and acts on the respiratory organs. What are youne­
spiratory organs? They will cali it cancer. It is not the origi­
nal cancer. It comes From fall-out. They cali it lukemia, so
they say, but it comes From fall-out. Many skin diseases and
many, many deformed, mishappen minds and bodies of
new born babes. The death rate has grown, Why? It has
been given many years back in this work here, but It has not
been heeded. It has been held back, why? Why do they ask
to keep this knowledge back until it is too late?
.Just take a walk through some of the institutions where
some of these children have been born that have been af­
fected by this. Warnings have been given by scientists that
know. Scientists that take their work, the talent God gave
them to use for the good. The scientists that have humanity
at heart, not the want of power or self-glorification, but ac­
tually put themselves out to make every effort to study, to
bring Forth knowledge and truth, but they have been ig­
nored. They have been pushed as ide, while the others come
Forth with a cover-up. Examine these words, study them.
Try to get information C?n this and the facts will be star~
tling. If only these vlctlms of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
could talk, victims that are still alive, suffering. Victlms at
the time of the disaster thought they were not affected,
but later years found out they were wrong, even some that
were struck with this poison. It does not come out or show
itself within a year. Sometimes it is several years later, as
is the case here in Hiroshima, but does the world know
about these conditions? No, the knowledge and actual
facts about these cases is suppressed. Many scienlists have
studied these cases to gain knowledge, but they do not have

the answer, or what you might say, the antidote, there is
none for this.
Pray, may our merciful Lord help us, help these poor
victims. May we not become victims of this also, May we
be spared this horror.
Huge missile made for destruction, similar to the one 1
saw before. A new type with ail those extra torpedoes ail
around it, eight of them in the bottom base, first blast off,
eight in the second blast off, besides the others. What's it
Iymg there for if they have no intention of using it? Who
are we trying to kid, ourselves? Oh, wish somebody more
intelligent than myself could see this thing. 1 can't explain
it, l'm t.oo dumb. It's a monster, frightening to look al. To
haul thls on a truck, It'd take two rarge, the largest made
in the U.S.A., flat boxes and two joined together, or two
reallarge, long, extra long railroad flat cars with the third
one for giving each end some space. So picture in your own
mind the length of it, l'm not good at judging feel.
The eight, they look \ike \ittle missiles themselves, are
long and slender. 1 explained this ail once to our Hank.
Tried ta get him to come with me to see it, he'd understand,
l'm too dumb. Can't understand these instruments, they're
frightening. One finger cou Id send her off to where nobody
knows. Another one for the moon or the sun or the earth,
who knows? It's too huge in my opinion for the earth. It's
too powerful, would go too far.
Tne underground subterranean city is busy as a bee in­
side of the hlve. That can only spell one thing. They must
have plans to use this destructible material; only destruc­
tion can come out of this. No one wants to believe this. It's
too fantastic, it's only dreamed up by lunatics. It could be
true that a lunatic mind would dream up something \ike
this to destroy humanity, one that has no God in his neart,
for anyone with God and our Hol).' Mother couldn't dream
of something as destructible as this. It feels \ike choking
one right off.
Why' did we let air these things develop and happen? Why
weren t we alert, why? Cuba dld not think it wou[d happen
there, but it did. We still are so gullible to think it cannot
happen here. The c10sing of the Catholic schools and
churches in Cuba can happen here. The bombing of church­

es when they're filled with devoted Catholic people attend­
ing Mass. They don't stop at anything.
Only prayer, only prayer, and the laity must work, the
laity must work. The Christian world must organize. Ask
those Christians in Cuba, right at our doorstep, ask them
how it feels, ask them. This is the Western Hemisphere.
We're not speaking of the suffering, desolation in places,
annihilation in the Eastern Hemisphere. This is the Western
Hemisphere, where everyone believed it would never hap­
pen. Why, why were you ail asleep, why? Through the years
there have been warnings over and over again, not through
the Cause here only. Oh no, many other patriotic citizens
who had their God and their Country at heart, they warned.
For an example, one of the greatest men, and he was a re­
ligious, one of the truest Catholics, Father Coughlin,
Oak, Michigan. He warned through years and his own
brothers in Christ helped to silence him, his own brothers in
Christ, his own Hierarchy, silenced him. So the people have
been warned, had they only listened, had they only heeded
that man's voice, his pleas. He had facts and truth, he did
not lie, he had the facts, and he gave only facts, and still they
heeded him not. They silenced hi m, and today he is a bro­
ken man. His heart bleeds, he is sick with the anguish and
sorrow to know they would not listen to him. They would
not hear his pleas, and still afterwards Our Holy Mother
chose the little Spot in the center of Wisconsin to continue to
warn when you heeded not Her son, the representative of
Christ, Father Coughlin. He only spoke the truth. He had
everything in figures, in black and white. He gave the an­
swers one by one. He explained both si des, and yet they si­
lenced him.
There are others working underground. Yes, they are
priests and religious, for they've learned it is better to be
quiet and work than to try to shout it, the warnings, but
they, too, are being silenced, one by one, by their own su­
periors, why? Are they ail anxious to meet one of the great­
est purges ever in history?
Russla had the example. The continent of Asia and Africa
had their martyrs. There are many names can be given­
beaten, starved because they loved Christ, because they
fought for their God and their Country. Il happened in the
Eastern Hemisphere, but do not lull yourself to sleep with
the thought it cannot happen here. The plans have ail been
laid out.


The education of the youth is in full swing. Oh, not for the
good, but for the evil. But as Our Lady spoKe in 1950, when
it will happen, they will scream, but it is too late. Just as on
June 16, 1950 the three pictures 1was shown, the destruction
and then man screaming to God for help when his abdomen
was ripped open and his intestines protruding, the death
before him, arms sticking out here, limbs here and there,
and he was screaming ta God for help then when it was too
late. That is the picture of June 16, 1950. That is not a beau­
tiful picture, but Our Lady at that time promised if enough
prayers would be said the Iron Gates would burst open and
the people would ail be on their knees glorifying God. It
showed Christ coming, walking with a dove above His head
and the people there, with Stalin at the time (which repre­
sented Russla), their arms up to the heavens and their faces
wore smiles.
That was ten years ago. Since then many lives have been
lost. Many arms have been stretched in the last agony,
crying to Our Lord and God for help and for mercy when
we here at home failed them, and they are our American
boys l'm speaking of, that they sent up battalion after bat­
talIon, only to be mowed down, why, why?
Father Coughlin warned you of these things. They've
come to pass. Vou can't bring them baek. When the enemy
wou Id build trenches, set them up in front, shoot them
down, then laugh. Let them drop wherever they will and
take bull dozers and just bury them in. Those are things that
1 have witnessed these past ten years.
Those are things that you ail know is the truth. They've
been in the pa pers since then. You've heard of the stories.
But at the time 1gave these things 1was laughed at, mocked,
but they are just as true now as they were then. How about
ail the Amenean boys who were inside the warehouse? They
did not receive the proper care. Some of their flesh was
deeaying off of them because their feet and hands had been
frozen. They were chained. These were American boys. l'm
not speaking of the Eastern Hemisphere. These were Amer­
iean boys, chained and left there. When our own army burst
into the city, they were afraid of being discovered. What did
they do? They had gasoline prepared. In one instant the
whole thing was a mess of flames. Yes, they were burned
alive. Their sufferings ended. That was given also. How
about those that were inside ofa mountain cave as animais?
They would eat each other if they cou Id. That's how hungry


they were. A bomb sealed them forever, c10sed up the cracks

in the mountain. Only God knows how long the lives hung
on in there. Maybe it was the sacrifice of these lives that fi­
nally brought the Korean slaughter to an end, the humanity
that was taken. For what? Have any ofyou received an an­
swer, why? Because things have been glven in the past, but
the next war, if it ever breaks out, will not be fought in this
way. It will be with missiles more destructible than any in
the past wars. That is what they fear today, not the lives that
it Will take, for they care not for human lives, only fear of
their own liv~s (the leaders).
The slaughter at Korea should prove that, for that was
one of the most useless, the most unnecessary battle in the
world history. To fight to defend something would be one
thing but to send a column of men and just roll them back
down one aner another, there was nothing gained, only lost.
But you try to tell that to your war mongers and they'lI deny
it. They cali it victory, yes, victory with the American boys,
the martyrs, in Korea.
And now this huge missile again prepared. The other one
they shot up. Many denied that su ch a missile ever went
through the air. 1 had seen this missile being prepared long
before they ever shot it. At one time it failed. Several of the
small torpedoes or missiles, 1don't know their correct name,
failed to go off properly. So they took her down again and
worked on her. They had built a smaller one to test. They
tested the smaller one in Siberia. Reports have been given in
the United States about seeing the flashes. Yes, they did see
sorne flashes. Oh, it wasn't meteors or anything cise they
want to cali them. It was the flashing of this test missile, and
when they had it perfected, they shot up the big on~, and
that is the one they have denied in our country, but it did go
up. Deny and it won't make it any different. When it did go
up, it did not do what they wanted it to do. Now what their
plans are 1 do not know, no, but it is [ying there. That's ail 1
can say, ail ready to go, mounted on the launching pad, ail
set. 1 only wish that those who scoff and laugh could see it,
and then mayhe they will themselves go down on their
knees and pray and pray that these smaller missiles will l'ail
It is sickening to know that this has been made by man to
destroy his fellow man, for it is not built for any other rea­
son. The Christians must unite. They must work so the huge
stock piles of guided missiles will never be used. For Red


China's stockpiles of missiles are growing, and we in this

Country helped them develop this missile. Oh, we deny this,
but who gave them the formula? Who gave them the secret?
Right here in our own U.S.A.
To see ail these instruments of destruction makes one\
blood get cold. Huge missiles and then rigged for piggy back
missiles. 1 have been shawn the demonstrations on these a
long lime ago. For instance, as an example, the large missile
is headed for Chicago, Illinois. The piggy back releases and
hits St. Louis or vice versa. That 1have seen and it is çiven in
the past work. So with one pressing of the button, they can
strike right across the continent, and th en a piggy back goes
further. Can you picture in your mind the desolation, des­
truction in the U.S.A. with one button?
Read the past work, it's there. This was ail given in the
pas!. This is only a repeat of the pas!. The question is will it
be too late, will it be too late? Always too little, too late. It's
just like the man in the picture. When death was taking him
over, he screamed for mercy. Are we going to let that hap­
pen to us here? Il was shown to me June 16,1950. Oh, it dld
not happen yet, so we do not want to believe it, but must you
have the destruction tirst before you believe?
Il can be done. Hiroshima, Nagasaki are just a small
example. Il can be done, it's been proven. They have sub­
marines today that'Il shoot up a missile. That was given in
the past, this is nothing new, this is old stufr. But it is just as
true now as it was when tirst given; but since it was tirst
given, years have passed, and the enemy is growing, grow­
mg, becoming larger and larger. The youth is becoming
more organized while we merrily go on.
There are some whose hearts are bleeding, that know the
truth but are sa alone, so alone. Sorne are laymen, some are
religious. By that 1 mean priests that know the tru th, scat­
tered in different parts of the U.S.A. Yes, some are even
bishops and abbots that know the truth, but they are
lauj;hed at. Under rules of obedience they are silenced.
ror example, Fr. Coughlin. Why are they so afraid of the
truth, why? The answer: because they would have ta change
their way of life. They'd have to give up their ways, the ma­
terial things, the glamour, the glitter. They'd have to be­
come Christ-like. They'd have to follow the example of the
Holy Family. Yes, 1 will do it some time, some day 1 will do
it, but right now l'm going to have fun. That cames from
their lips. They still have lIme, still waiting, for what? There


will be no warning. As they're lu lied to sleep through your

defense program, the warning signais, the routes of eviction
from your cities. How ridiculous, how ridiculous! Who's
going to see the finger that presses that button? They're not
going to press that button in your city and tell you they're
coming, then why? There won't be any warnings. Just as you
will not see the bullet come at you when it's leaving the pis­
toi, so you will not see the guided missile coming. The evic­
tion routes will never be used. For an examplc, would one
ever stir up an ant hill? Should an alert be sounded in a
large city-stir up an ant hill and see what happens, and that
is what would happen in a large city; but you won't even get
the chance.
If, for instance, the city of Chicago is the one to be struck
with q guided missile, there won't be any chance to leave
that city. For picture in your mind the power behind the H
bomb, the darkness will fall on many. These are facts that
they do not want to accept. These are facts that they deny.
And these are some of the things that they don't want their
people to know because they would panic. Why panic, that
won't save you. Turn to the Almighty God and He will spare
you, your Creator, Sanctify yourself, stay in the state of
grace and you need not fear death.
But first of ail, the laity must work. Prayer, sacrifice, pen­
ance and the Rosary, the powerful beads of the Rosary. In
the comparison to the bunet, they reach much further and
much faster, for with the Rosary you are calling to your
Mother. You're calling to God's Mother, to your Creator's
Mother, and She has promised to stay that hand of AI­
mighty God, but it will take a lot more than just words. It'll
take the sacrifices of many to bring this home to those that
are asleep, to those that see only the plush, the luxury and
their malO goal in life is that dollar, the shinin~ dollar.
For their Lord and God they have only a little tlme. Some
only on Sundays because it is not nice to stay home on Sun­
days from cburch. There are many that sacrifice much, but
many more helpers are needed. Just like the humble in Ha­
vana, Cuba that thumbed their beads and prayed, and still
their churches have been closed. Many ask the question,
why? What should we do? There again comes your picture
of the evil side, the controllers, the Grand Masters, the gam­
bling syndicates, the sugar monopolies, and of course your
fallen away Christians. That is the picture in Cuba. It's sad,
it's sad, but still it is there. There is no peace in Cuba or Cen­

tral America or the Dominican Republic or in South Ameri­
ca. The New World is becoming infested, and you have your
start just like the Old World.
It depends on the Americans, or the good old U.S.A., the
Stars and Stripes, to show them the way; where the Statue of
Liberty is the statue of Our Lady. She is the Mediatrix be­
tween God and man, She is our salvation. Through Her,
through Her Divine Son; without them we will be lost for­

FRIDAY, MARC" 3, 1961

Where is where is our Navy? Look how the Russian subs

are in our waters, ail around, especially the West Coast.
Where is our Navy, asleep? There are a number of them
right in our country's boundary zones. Many of them just
bordering it, on the outside. Even the one they've been
using to test their missiles with. 1 can follow them right
down towards Mexico, Panama, to the trouble zone, and the
usual places mentioned before: the Keys, Swan's Island,
Cuba, Bermudas, Puerto Rico, Dominlcans, Newfound­
land, several toward Hawaii, the Philippines, ail around.
Where is our Navy, where is our patrol in the air? Several
around the usual place 1 formerly called the Goat's Beard,
known as the Aleutians. They have even developed a num­
ber of these midget su bs. They can ding right next to a regu­
lar ship and be undetected. Come right into our Great
Lakes through the St. Lawrence Seaway. Il has happened
before. In fact, they were not far away from Chicago. They
are again proving that they can come right in our harbors.
They're not very large, they're just small, little subs, but
they, too, can do the dirty work. A larger sub tows them
across the ocean, and then they maneuver on their own dos­
er in. Why they're not discovered doesn't seem just. That is
up to our Navy to discover why, our Air Force. The answer
is the Grand Masters and the control, but let the rest discov­
er how it's done.
Not enough prayers, not enough. So far only the mere few
in each community. In some areas more, in some areas [ess.
More need to be alerted. Wake up! Wake up'
There is something 1 would Iike to mention, but at this
moment 1 fear to mention it. Some day there might be refer­
ence made to this date, but at present ail 1 can say is more
prayers are needed for the President of the United States.

More prayers.
Prayers for the Hierarchy, the religious, priests, so that
they have the strength to face the obstacles, not to waver in
the road to the truth, the just and the right, not to let weak­
ness of flesh deter them on the road of the righteous, the
Oh, the confusion. The majority of the clergy are still in
the confused group. There's too much confusion amongst
them. Of course thlS confusion was planned for many years
and has been growing. More prayers are needed. We must
not fail the refigious and the religions. You must pray for
unity. For no matter what faith, creed or race, we ail have
but one God, one Creator, and when one's home is on fire,
which surely our Country now is like, a home on tire, no one
asks, when help is needed to put out the fire, of the religion,
of tfie race, or what creed they belong to. Mostly they ail just
pitch in, so must we ail pitch in to put out the tire of the
enemy, the subversion. Destory ail their plots, their plans,
ail their cunningness. Put out the fire of evil.
Fail not the youth, fail not the youth. Investigate a society
or group meetings of the youth organizations, be they reli­
gious, patriotic or just school activities, college or fraternity,
or whatever they may cali themselves. Watch them, watch
what's going on. In many instances, the parent could not
and do not want to believe these things, but they are there.
Investigate them and then protect the youth. As it was given
in the past, the same is still true. In very few places have they
broke into some of these organizations where they are
taught weil by the enemy.
Much wrong in our own local area, much wrong. Yes, it is
sad in some instances they will let the comics, the books, ei­
ther pocket or otherwise be removed and then as soon as the
Commandos or the Combat group leaves, they replace
them. That is sad, but if in many of these places, if the cler­
gy, no matter what demoninations they are, if they too
would check and show interest, in respect to them much
could be clone, which is their dut Y to help those others that
are so earnestly, so devoutly giving their time. Yes, in many
areas there are groups workmg, but they do not have the
support they should have from the clergy, the religious and
from their government officiais who pledged themselves to
be the servants of the people. It is the sworn dut Y of every
American, every Christian no matter if they have children
or not. There are even some places youth themselves have

formed groups to help combat these situations, but there
again is the danger of not having the proper leadership. But
with the guide and leadership ofan adult or c1ergy, it would
be a great help, and sureJy much good could come from il. If
only as much effort would be made in the teachin~ of the
good as is made in teaching of the eviJ, the youth situation
wou Id be very differenl. Why not the teaching of the good?
1n the southern parts of the U.S.A. there are not even
enough teachers for the religious. A Jack of ministers of
God, priests and religious right here in the U.S.A. There are
many that have not the opportunity to go to Mass on Sun­
days. In many places only once a mon th, why? It is as it was
once given, the lack of acceptance of the humble boy and
~irl. The shortage is becoming greater instead of vocations
IOcreasing. And many of them that do go for vocations, do
not go wlth the right thoughts in mind. Statements are
made, Oh, it is an easy living. That is what is harmful. We're
not looking what good can be done, but an eas)' living, the
easy way out. Any religious that has their vocation at heart,
the saving of the souls of men, has not an easy living. Vou
can't win the peace and the way to God by looking for the
easy road, the easy way, the quick way.
Much good has happened in many areas, but still too far
between. The devotions during the Lenten season again are
sad. In some areas the attendance is very good. In others
they have not the time nor can they sacrifice or give them­
selves, not only the period of Lent let alone the rest of the
year. Many are sacrificing much, they will be rewarded.
Some churches that a few years ago had quite an atten­
dance at Lenten devotions today have a mere few. ln other
places we have many, an increase. [nvestigatc the reason for
this. The huge picture of the confusion of priests and reli­
gious is some of the answer. The enemy helps plant this con­
fusion, but they cannot see through it. They seem to be blind
to il. We are getting too lazy to think for ourselves. We want
others to do the thinking for us. Lack of interest, just the
daily routine. Not enough interest in what is happening in
their own community, in their own church, let aJone in tncir
own state. There are some you can ask the narne of their
Senators. They don't know them, let aJone the government
of the U.S.A.; but when things go wrong, sorne ofthese very
people that pay no heed are the ones that will scream and
WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Before ifs too late, before dis­


a'5ter strikes. As long as the red blotches stay on the Western

Hemisphere and seem to be widening, as long as this hap­
pens, and as long as the people of this area show much lack
of interest in their own community, their own people, their
own home, then how can they decrease the widening of
these red blotches? Oh, the hue and cry is to tranquilize, and
we American people certainly are tranquilized. We are put
to sleep, lulled to sleep. No matter what form the tranquiliz­
er may be; may be in sports, in the T.V. or radio, but any­
thing to distract us from the main point; survival.
More prayers, more prayers are needed to awaken those
asleep. The Christian world must work, unite, for only in
unity, in harmony, in work or play can there be peace. For if
one is united in the home, in school and in church, there can
only be unity in the who le community. But the great word
Unitf is lacking in the U.S.A., United States. Let's keep it
united. Unity within the Blessed Trinity.
Evil, Bahai Temple, eviL evil. No good, working hard,
Den of evil.
Meeting was held Wednesday night at the Waldorf Asto­
ria, members of the 500. Numberofnew faces been voted in
to work under the 500. That is, some of the members were
here. Not ail of the 500,just some of the members, and three
Grand Masters-one from Britain, one from France and one
from the U.S.A. attended. One from U.S.A. was in foreign
countries. Some of out older members are not able to at­
tend. They are getting too old. Some ofthese have been only
puppets anyway like Bernard Baruch. Warburg. Some of
them are getting just a bit too old, the younger are taking
their places.
Rabbi Prinz has been very active recently. He is the one to
be watched very closely. Much can be learned by watching
him closely. As it has been given in the past, we have the
enemy working very actively doing much against the forth­
coming gathenng of Pope John's Council, the Ecumenical
Councll, for they are against il. If the effort for was as strong
as the efforf against, it would be wonderful. Oh, there are
groups that have been working for this and striving hard,
and have accomplished much, but they must have more
support, more support is needed.
l only the ChrIStian world would unite and see through
their false leaders. If only our religious would see the farse
ones amongst them. lt was given many years ago about cler­
gy being taught and placed in seminaries to be educated the

religion of the True Church, as weil as other churches, but
not to preach the word ofGod but to learn every way, every
means to infiltrate. You will find these false priests or minis­
ters to be very courteous, very pleasing, very kind. They are
taught self-control in every way, for only the choicest are
picked for this purpose, but it IS only done to undermine.
This is again only a repeat of the former warning. This is
hard to accept, but if you investigate you will be surprised
how you wilr find them springing about you. And when the
real test is given to these very men, they cannot hide the
truth because the grace of God is the mightiest. But you
must remember you are coping with very, very clever men,
cunning, treacherous, but they can be found.
Some have already been discovered or encountered, but
continue to strive to find these false, so-called priests or
ministers. Some came over to this Country as OP's. Oh, they
have credentials, that you should ail know is easily ac­
Be awake, be alert. For Ihe battle rages on between the
Christians-those for Christ and the anti-Christ, and as long
as the Temple of Evil is as active as it is today, you know
there's something brewing. As the world turns and one con­
tinent is shown, one after another, the red marks are in­
creasing rather than diminishing. The growing in the West­
ern Hemisphere is saddening. Pray, pray much.
Pray, pray much for the Holy Father, the President of our
Country and for the Hierarchy and ail religious. Work to
dim the red on our continent. Let's not increase it but dimin­
ish it.
Pray, pray. May God have mercy on our Country. May
the Christians turn first to my God, then to my Country and
thus dim the red on the globe and bring peace and unity to
the world.

FRIDAY, MARCH 10 , 196:\

Oevils, examine the records, investigate them. Most of
them have the emblem of the Yids. Ont)' through prayer
and the Mediatrix of Peace, the Mediatrix between God
and man and prayer can this evil be overcome.
Examine thelr records. Investigate and what you find will
be very disheartening. There are some amongst them that
are not in so deep, but the majority that the new Leader has
chosen to work with him ate surely not for My God and My


Country. They are only for the glitter and want of power,
the self glory. They arc ruled not by the Christian hand but
by the Grand Masters.
This tide can only be turned by prayer, the willingness to
sacrifice and to do penance. Oh, your Leader did not choose
these men by himself. They were already chosen before he
came into office, it was planned that way. The laws and by-
laws were ail weil prepared. lt is now up to the Christian
world to swing the tide, and that means ail Christians no
matter what race or creed they belong to.
lfyou will examine the records ofsome ofthese men, you
will find they not only have one na me, but they are known
by different names, and they belong to the same group as
the hidden ones, the ones that most of the public never hears
of. They're instructed by the 500.
Had the Christian world, especially the U.S.A., been
alert, the additional 100 wou Id have never become real. lt
was given ten years ago during the same period, the warn-
ings were given then, they were not heeded. WAKE UPI
Oh, how 1 wish 1 could speak. 1 have as yet not been per-
mitted to speak, why? 1 do not understand. lt was once said
if enough prayers would be said, then 1wou Id be permitted
to give the names of those that are the head of many depart-
ments of the states, ofschools, the theatre, national or inter-
national, no malter where, those behind the scenes, you may
cali them the Hidden Hand or whatever you want to cali
Many denials will spring up and many will be shocked to
know who they are, but they're there, the whole dirty mess
of them. Look at them, they make me sick and to know who
are involved in this. How stupid can man get! How stupid,
how blind! What does it take to awaken fhem, what? Oh,
some of you wear beards, but that doesn't hide you.
Protest, examine your children's textbooks no matter
what school they belong to, parochial, private or public.
They're working it in cunningly. They have been infiltrating
through the last twenty-five to thirty years, but are getting
more boldo
Protest the T.V. programs, the theatre. lt will take a lot of
effort to be able to obtain the proper documentation, but
you must obtain it at ail cost to prove to the blind ones, to
show facts, because they are there. Take them to your cler-
gy, awaken them. They still cannot see the handwriting on
the wall. So they, too, can join those that are working so

hard to make the truth kllown. For example, Father Cough­
lin. The other names 1 will not name because if 1 wou Id,
their superiors would close them down. Let them work, 1
could name a few good men just like Fr. Coughlin.
Watch the movemellts of Rabbi Prinz and those beneath
him; Bishop Oxnam and those beneath him. There are a
few others. These are supposed to be religious l'm speaking
of-c1ergy, ministers of God!
Pray, pray and work to save souls.
The huge missile is stilllying there. What's the game 1 do
not know, or is it still not perfect? Why the waiting 1 do not
know, 1 only hope it is prayers that are keeping it on the
launching pad rather than in the atmosphere.
The Sea of Okhotsk is a busy place. The flying submarine,
or as 1 cali it, the flying goose, is here. It seems they have
perfected it, because right now one is in the air and another
IS coming in for a landing. It is really something to see, it
lands very smoothly. The only way 1 can describe it, it folds
its wings like a goose, then dives beneath the surface. For
what they'lI use it for 1 do not know. It is not very large. 1
wish 1 could describe it more plainly, or better still, that you
may view it, s~e il. 1 do believe it is flown and powered by
atomic energy, for Russia today is far advanced in atomic
energy, both for war and for peace, in their factories, they
are way ahead of us. As 1 have given nearly six years ago,
the subterranean village at that time was powere~ by atomic
energy, both for war and for peace; in their factories, they
machmery. It's in the past work.
We, tao, are boasting of an underground, under-ice city.
It, to me, is laughable, because 1 have viewed the subterra­
nean city in Siberia nearly six years ago, and it was in the
making right after World War 1. Because of the knowledge
of this, Will Rogers and Wiley Post met their death. They
knew about il. Others have known about it, but mysterious­
Iy died. Had they examined the wreckage of the plane of
Will Rogers and Wiley Post, they would have found out
what happened, because the man that harmed this plane
met with an accident. The usual way to silence man.
About five years ago there was some strange maneu­
vering on Iceland. Even some of our own boys were shot at.
It was in the newspapers if you remember. Why don't you
investigate what's gomg on there. Oh, they have it weil cam­
ouflaged, but investigate. Investigate Newfoundland. It's
weil camouflaged, but you will find the answer. That is ail

around us they're weil camouf1aged. It was given, but we
were hushed. Yes, my own advisor at that time told me not
to tell, and why did llisten? 1 listened to the harming of our
own people. 1 feel guilty for this because llistened. The hid­
ing places of the ammunition. We were told to write to our
Senator. We were told to give out this work, but our advisor
told us not to do that, and many have died because of that.
Why are we so afraid to give out the truth? Why do we
Christians silence ourselves by this so-called obedience? To
who, Satan, or the wishes of the Blessed Mother? We are
falling by our silence right in the hands of the enem y. It is
too late to do anything about it when your home is burned
down. So it is too late to bring back the lives that died so use­
1was given the revolts and the hideouts of the Cuban dis­
aster. 1 was given the hideouts and places of the Suez Canal
and who were behind it, but 1 was silenced, why? 1, at that
time, wanted to give information to the man that they have
now martyred, Joseph McCarthy, the Senator of my own
state, but under obedience 1 kepl silence. 1 have failed those
that losl their lives because 1 knew the truth. 1 have failed
those lives, 1 alone that knew. Many of them said they
would take my life if 1 told. What good is my life when you
fail your fellow man? What comfort can 1 find with these
Just as they're plotting today and have been plotting and
have made if possible to use Cuba, the Bermudas, New­
foundland, the northern part of South America, Central
America, as their centralized headquarters, a springboard
to the U.S.A. It would take a lot of courage and a lot of in­
vestigation. We have such men, some are religious, some are
laymen, but they have the courage, but they need the
prayers and help of every Christian voice to be able to fuI fi Il
and bring forth the documentation and truth.
First let us c1ean out the Supreme Court. Replace the co­
workers of Satan with Christian men, God-feanng men, and
more that have truly My God and My Country in their
heart. And then Washington, D.C., the U.N., Satan's head­
quarters, the U.N., the headquarters to destroy rather than
to save. For it was given over and over again where there is
no God there cannot be peace, and the V.N. has no devo­
tion to God. Never does anyone there utter God's name,
and thal should be the place to free the suppressed. Isn't it
ridiculous to even lhinl< such a thing? For wilhoul God


there can be no peace.

It is wrong to show these kind of films, it is wrong, it's up
to the peopfe to object. These kind of films should not be
shown to students III school. (Question was asked if these
films pertained to sex). Yes, this film is supposed to be edu-
cational. For example, the complete birth of a child is
shown, and man)' other things too disgusting to even speak
about; the functlüns of ail organs, shown on film and ex-
plained by a professor whom they cannot see, that's behind
the panel. This type of education belongs only to the medi-
cal student, the doctor, not for the average day student.
These pictures have already been shown in sorne of the uni-
versities. It doesn't matter what creed; 1could name sorne of
Parents, investigate these doings. Have your Senators,
your Congressmen, your Assemblymen, the ones you have
elected into office, have them investigate, and also those
that have your spiritual life at heart, the protector. Have
them investigate these doings, and if they want more proof,
they should analyze the effects on the students after viewing
something as degrading and disgusting as this. This is only
to deteriorate th.e standards of man, not to build him up.
Yes, it could be educational, but not in this way. It is to
degenerate the human race, the Christian world.
Those are the things that Our Lady, the Mediatrix of
Peace, warned us in the year of 1950 when She said: Clean
out the schools, and didn't out a label on the schools. It
wasn't said the kindergarten, the grade school, the parochial
school, the protestant school, the private school or the uni-
versity or the colleges, She didn't say. Ali schools, that cov-
ers them from the smallest to the highest degree. For when
they start which has been done for several years, to teach sex
to mixed classes, it is no good. And that has been and many
of them know of this and have fought against it. This has
also been done in religious schools, protestant schools, pri-
vate schools, and in many places they have also practiced
hypnosis. Investigate these things, do not just read it and
dlscard it. Investlgate, be vigilant, because it's the youth
of tomorrow that you're trYlllg to save or degenerate or
destroy completely.
More effort is needed to destroy the poisoned water in
your cities because that only weakens the mind of man. You
will find that your Grand Masters and the 400, which is the
500, that du ring the last ten years they did not drink of the

poisoned waters, that they only drink pure water. Investi­
gate, the proof is there, do not wait too long for this before
that is too late, that the controls become tighter, that your
freedom ebbs away, that you cannot investigate.
To fulfill the requests of Our Holy Mother, the Mediatrix
ofPeace, the work She has given, will give anyone who is in­
terested, and everyone should be, a full time job. Because it
is a dut Y of every American citizen to protect the youth of
tomorrow and with the prayers and devotions, sacrifices
and penance, the Lady, the Mediatrix between God and
man, will protect you and guide you and see you through
the rough and rocky road; because the road to eternal hap­
piness is rough and rocky, because the road that is smooth
and easy is the one that the most are choosing, and that will
not bring you eternal happiness, for the tem ptations of man,
the weakness of flesh, the weakness of man, makes the road
rocky. And if man fights against these temptations and
these weaknesses of his Own human flesh, th en certainly his
road will not be smooth. So ail Christians that love their
country and stand up for My God and My Country choose
the rocky road and will be rewarded with eternal happiness.

FRIDAY, MARCO 17, 1961

St. Patrick's Day is not celebrated in the proper light. He

was a saint of honor and here they're using him, degr-ading
his sainthood by celebrating this feast day with drinking,
parties, even breaking their Lenten vows and fasts in very
sinful practices, youth as weil as adults. In sorne places there
are beautiful devotions in his honor. The sin and evil out­
ranks the good which seems always to be the case. Why
can't the good be above the evil, why? Because human flesh
is so weak. 1 wonder if this will be 10 the papers, My God,
have mercy on them.
More work needed to help the youth, Blessed Mother,
Blessed Mother. Holy Mother we have hurt you, Your eyes
are in tears, Your arms are outstretched pleading with us
who fail you. We're so unworthy, we fill your eyes with tears
because you love us and we are so ungrateful for your love.
Our Holy Mother is showing me tne sins that are being
committed daily by the youth, daily. Ali of this, 1 only hope
and pray that parents' eyes will be opened to these facts here
so they can see what happens to the youth of tomorrow, the
parents of tomorrow, by their carelessness and negligences


of today. They're sickening, sickening, these things have
been going on right now, not a year ago, two years ago, but
right now. They're too horrible to even explain. ft has been
spoken many times of the Beeboppers, Beatniks, oh, there
are many other names they have glven themselves, and the
reason for this, but what has there been done about it? ft is
the concern of every parent, not a mere few; of t,he clergy,
the religious no matter what creed or race.
Our Heavenly Mother stands with tears in Her eyes, Her
arms outstretched in a I?leading way, and beneath there is
ail this horrible corruption. She is showing me the corrup­
tion that we as Christlans permit to happen to the youth of
tomorrow, the parent, the future of our Country. ft has been
given over and over again, yes, we know it has been planned
that way, but knowing it and not doing anything about it is
so wrong, so sinful. We shake our heads, it's wrong, but what
do we actually do about it?
There are sorne good workers, but they are so handi­
capped, they are so alone. Because the Christians do not
want to place the responsibility on their own self, on myself,
not the neighbor, but themselves. And once you place the
blame on yourself, then do something about it, and th en our
Holy Mother can wipe those tears. For She cornes pleading
for the children the innocent, the victims of their eiders. Yes,
we know the enemy has planned it that way. The 500 are
working in ail countries of the world 24 hours a day while
the Christians slumber on. That is what is wrong, we, the
Christians, sium ber on.
The enemy, the cohorts of Satan, work 24 hours a day.
Why don't the Christians realize that their Creator, their
Lord, their God, will give them a helping hand, will be with
them if they are with Him; and they will not have to work 24
hours a day, for God will give them the strength, the protec­
tion. He has promised it over and over aga in. Our Holy
Mother will place Her Mantle about the workers, She is al­
ways right there when we are with Her, but we turn our
backs on Her. We walk away from the things that are un­
pleasant, always so willing to give it to this one, to that one,
but not myself. No, 1 haven't the time, 1 can't do it.
Many have discovered, and sorne in this very room, that
when they felt they could not do it, but Iirst said a few
prayers to Our Holy Mother, they found the very thing they
thought so impossible, easy. Our Holy Mother and ail the
Saints in Heaven are with us when we are willing to accept

them, but as God gave man a free will it has to be man's will
and man's will alone can win the peace or lose it. We can
join the road of ev il or the road to eternal happiness. Which
is more beautiful to walk, the road with the Mantle of our
Heavenly Mother about us or walk the road into eternal hell
fire. It's a decision of man alone. For wilh the hel p and the
grace of God, nolhing is impossible, nOlhing. Fear nol lhe
love of God, bUl only fear lo offend Him.
More disasters, more accidents that will not be accidenls,
but planned that way, more assassinations.
Pray much for the Vicar of Christ and ail those benealh
him. Pray much for the leader of our Counlry, do not fail
hi m, do not fail him.
Looking al these books, al accounls made here, so much
wrong, so much wrong. The pleas lhal come lo lhe people
for ail lhese. Oh, lhere is hardly a week lhal goes by lhal
isn'l dedicaled lO sorne foundalion. For inslance, lhe Hearl
Fund, the Mental Fund, lhe Polio Fund and so on down lhe
li ne. The pleas to give, to give, but look at these books.
Where does it go? Does it go to lhe places where they could
do sorne good with il? No, there are ten fingers on my hands,
and maybe one little finger might Uust might) enler into the
accounl. BUl whal aboul lhe olher ni ne? Jusl one liule fin­
ge.r, invesl.igale these lhings, invesligale, don'l ~ccept.lhese
lhmgs on'Just face value. If a man IS alert and mvestlgales
these things, they cannot continue. There has to be a hait lo
the m, God does not sanction things that are do ne in a false
way, no matter who the one is that is promoting it, be they
rehgious or be they from your government or from the foun­
dations. It is wrong wh en il is wrong, done in a wron~ and
deceptive wa,/. And to look at these books, the accountmg of
lhe funds, nme fingers out of len go wrong. Into whose
hands does it go? Who profits by this? Investigale?
It was given many years back about this and just recently
one of the noted ones was exposed for the juggling of the
funds. For instance, ifyou have a bank in your community
and the people faithfully deposit their funds there and you
will have someone that embezzles it, how long will that
bank stand up? How long will the people put up with this?
But you contmue to put up with these foundations, be they
called Heart Fund, the Polio Fund, no matter whal they are
called. When the funds do not go where lhey should go lo,
then it's wrong. Just like your Red Cross; many of lhem, no
matter what names they carry, be alert.

There is need in many parts of the world and funds are
needed to help the depressed, that is true, and much good
has been done and much good could be done, but it does not
always reach those places of need. Awaken to these things
and help the on es in need, especial1y those in the mission
Compare your comfortable life with those in the missions,
compare them. Ask those that have survived the persecu­
tion, the torture, the hunger; those that have returned from
the missions, ask them. A number of them have returned
and then compare, and then compare your comforts with
theirs. There is more need for mission workers, that is true.
Right here in our own U.S.A. we have a great need for mis­
sion workers. As given before, why is there such a great
need? Because of lack of vocations, and why? Vou have
been given the answer. It is up to the Christians to work, the
laity, for the religious and the priests, they cannot do it
alone, you must unite into one.
The symbol of unity. Our Holy Mother, the Mediatrix of
Peace, wears the symbol of unity on Her chest, and before
me is the shield, the unit)' sign in the center. Home, school
and church. The Church IS the pil1ar that holds up the home
and the school and those are the things that yoil must strive
for. For when there's unity between home, school and
church, there's peace and happiness in the community. So
no matter how you might try to look at it,just remember the
unity sign. It involves al1 of you. Vou are al1 part of this
unity sign. It is the home, the school and your church. You
ignore these and you cast everything aside, you destroy
The two-headed beast is stil1 as before, no change. To
think that the Brown Bear is the enemy of the world is
wrong because the Lion is stil1 both the head and body,
while the Brown Bear onl)' resembles the head and one paw
as the two-headed beast hes there, the head of the Lion and
the head of the Brown Bear, with the right paw of the Lion
on the plucked Eagle, the left front paw IS that of the Brown
Bear. The body, the body of the Lion.
When will this picture change? Wh en wil1 the plucked
Eagle be able to crawl out from under the paw of the Lion?
To lnterpret this would be up to those that wish to interpret.
For the plucked Eagle is the U.S.A. and we're under the paw
of the LIOn and anvone with a little education should know
who the Lion is. Even though the Brown Bear seems to have

a head of his own, he is still nurtured by the body of the
So look at the picture and study it, it tells you much. Il
tells you the position the U.S.A. sùll is in. Il is still in full
control of the Grand Masters, the 500 and the International
Bankers. So it leaves the Eagle pretty weil plucked. ICs not a
good picture, when will it change.
The Red Dragon is still supenor. The Green Dragon is
still beneath its feet, and so the picture stays unchanged.
The tail of the Lion thumping over the other continents, still
in control. When il will change is up to man, and we still
have the Serpent coiled from coast to coast with its venom
dripping into the U.N. and in the Bahai Temple. The Unit­
ed Nations, the protector of the world, filled with the venom
of the Serpent, not with the grace of God. That is the situa­
tion. We need to bring back the spirit of the great Saint
whose feast is today.
There's not enough attendance at the Lenten devotions,
not enough. Il is stilf too few, and when you look àt the faces
of those attending, they are mostly the ones that attend the
year through and a few others. Where are those that could
be at these devotions, where are they? That is what's wrong
with the world. God and His Holy Mother are secondary.
That is what's wrong.

FRIDAY, MARCO 24, 1961

Pray, plotters at work, planning, plotting, a whole round
table ofthem. Must keep the prayers moving for the Leader
of our Country. There are those who do not like his deci­
sions. Il has been given that it ail has been planned that way.
Only through prayer can their plans be thwarted or made
less potent, for they're not good.
Il has been given before that the election of our Leader,
he was chosen above the other because of his Faith, again
because of the two-fold purpose. Don't let it happen. To let
the enemy use him against the True Church of Christ is the
main reason he was elected, not because of his ability or any
principles about him. For it has been said more than once,
1t'S beel1 repeated over and over, this is the battle between
the Christian world and the Godless. So electing a leader
coming from the True Church of Christ, the one Church
that stands in the way of the Nihilists, the anti-Christ, God­
less, the Judaists, was planned and plotted many, many

years ago. One of the most vicious plotters, and it is in your
history books, was Amschel Meyer, the Supreme Grand
Master, the Satan, the Pope of the Devil. Do not let this hap­
pen! .
The plan right now will be the repeat of the Lindbergh
case, and you ail know what that stood for. Do not let it hap­
pen to the Leader ofthis Country because ofhis Faith. Con­
tinue to pray for him that in his heart cornes first My God
and My Country, not the plans of the U.N., headquarters in
this Country of the Godless, the antiChrists. Such men as
Finkelstein, the Warburgs, Rabbi Silver and a few others.
Jake Arvey and ail those given in the past, are ail around
this table, plotting and planning, trying to plan who will be
the other Hauptmann, the tool of the Lindbergh case. They
must find another tool. Don't let an infant pay the price
again. It must be avoided and it can onl)' be avoided
through prayers and unity between ail Chnstians. Unity,
For My God and My Country.
For one of the weakest points to break down any human
being is to threaten or injure or kidnap their loved one. They
will give their own life for their loved ones. Many are willing
to sacrifice their own life, but when it cornes to taking their
loved ones, they bow down in many cases to the will of the
enemy. Let's not let this happen again, let's avoid it.
But it can only be done through prayers, and the laity
must work. It has been given in the past and repeated over
and over again the laity must work. With the helping hand
of the laity and ail those that are devoted to Our Lord and
His Holy Mother, only through those can the tide be turned,
but they need the helping hand of ail Christians.
1 wish the world could see this meeting, and it's taking
place right now at the Conrad Hilton Hotel in the main
room where ail the meetings of this sort have been held, se­
cret meetings in New York City. For Conrad Hilton has
helped finance the diabolical societies. He has given mil­
lions of dollars to the enemy, helping them to undermine
the Country he is supposed to protect.
Check back in records and you will find that his money
helped pay the trouble in the Panama Canal. It's ail there, it
takes work and effort and courage to find the documenta­
tion to prove these things, but they're ail there, they're hid­
den. Oh, it does not mean that the few in this room must
carry that burden. There are others more capable to do this.
That is one of the reasons men like Joe McCarthy were re­

moved and men like Fr. Coughlin, because they had ways of
finding these documentations and finding the evidence and
truth. They had to be removed or silenced.
General McArthur was silenced. How? A threat to his
son's Iife. Charles Lindbergh was silenced by the threat to
his son's life, and of course you know what happened to his
first son. Are we going to let these kind of things continue?
Are we going to work to stop them? Are we going to let the
ones that can bring out the truth and facts be silenced? Or
are we going to help them to speak louder and louder, ex­
pose the diabolical plans of the Grand Masters, the Interna­
tional Bankers ana the 500, the cohorts of Satan.
As the world spins, the dark red spots are increasing.
Trials and tribulations, injury to lives and assassinations
will continue. Peace, peace is becoming a word of mockery.
Yes, they speak of peace, but what is being done to bring
peace? It's just like setting a home or a forest on fire and stifl
trying to save the timber in it. Vou can't do it, it'~ not possi­
ble, so you cannot find peace unless you first rem ove the
obstacles. Vou have to put out the fire.
The sad example is again that the Lenten devotions of the
year of 1961 have not mcreased, but rather decreased. As
long as this continues you will have to face the consequences
ana they're n.:>t beautiful, they are not. Ask those at Hiroshi­
ma, Nagasaki and those in Havana, Cuba or any of these
countries that have felt the boot heel of Satan, that have felt
the fiery tongue of the Red Dragon. Ask those in the mis­
sions, ask them? They can give you an answer that is not
easy to hear, the torture. It has been given in the past, the
torture that many a Christian has endured for his God and
his Country. The trouble in the U.S.A. is still they don't be­
lieve it can happen. It's just a fantasy. ICs just fanatics that
are trying to scare the people. Yes, it might sound fanatical,
but ask those that heard the whistling of the bombs. Ask
them about it.
Il can and it will happen to the U.S.A. The people in this
beautiful country' are too complacent. They do not care to
take the responslbility upon their shoulders. They only look
for the easy way out, which had been weil planted before
them, the easiest way. Always looking for a quick way to do
things, less sacrifices.
We have a lot of good people; yes, a lot of conscientious
people, but there again the groups are too small, too few.
They do not have the support. Yes, even the c1ergy, for


many of the clergy do not believe that this can happen.

There are sorne that use the word fanatie. Would Christ cali
them fanatics? And is one a fanatic because he loves his
God and His Holy Mother? Then let's al1 join this group of
fanaties! Let's join them, but let us stay on the path and keep
the Old G10ry flying. Let us support those that are willing to
speak out. Let's give them a helping hand. They have si­
lenced many a man. Let's pray that they have the courage
and the helping hand to speak and bring forth the truth.
And remember: CLEAN OUT THE SCHOOLS, for the
corruption is terrible. The proof is here. Try to prove these
words wrong. Investigate so you can prove them wrong.
Many of them have tried to prove sorne of these words
wrong, and through that have found a rude awakening.
Sorne were shocked speechless. They couldn't believe them­
selves that what they saw and heard was in America, the
U.S.A. Wil1 it be a beuatiful thing to shock many men to the
But as long as you keep these places in ful1 power, Iike the
U.N., our Supreme Court (that hasn't got an honest man),
as long as these places stay in power, the truth wil1 never be
made known. Examine the records of the men on the Su­
pre me Court. That should be your answer. You don't need
these words here. The records speak for themselves. Let us
put men in the Supreme Court that truly stand for My God
and My Country, because without God, you are nothing,
and the men in the Supreme Court are Godless. Check, you
will find they are not for Christ.
Check the records of al1 your newly appointed officiaIs.
How many of them do not belong to your Communist
Fronts, how many? And we want to boast that this Country
is not already Communistic control1ed? Don't kid yourself,
for men that have these records, what are they? Sorne as
high as 75 Communist Fronts. Those are in office, and the
high offices of this Country that Our Holy Mother is shed­
ding tears for. For She roves this country. WAKE UP,
Take the blindfold from your eyes. Remove it. Take the
cotton out of your ears and seal your lips unless you can
speak the truth. Do not speak of rumors, but when you
know the facts, you have the truth in your hand, then speak.
But first be sure of the facts, and while you're waiting for the
facts, remove the blindfolds. Remove the cotton and seal
your lips so that you can hear what's happening to your


Country, to the youth. Be alert, be awake, do not let the co­

horts of the Grand Masters lull you to sleep.
Be alert ta the )'outh. Make it your business as a parent or
a teacher or a spiritual advisor of the youth or a director to
know what the child is doing, the youth, to know where they
are going, that the environ ment is not infiltrated by the
enemy of God to corrupt that child or youth. They have
many ways.
One warning you have received many times over is watch
the societies, the youth organizations or societies, and we
will repeat again, your theatres and T.V. programs, your
newsstands, bookstands. Do not let the cover deceive you,
for here l am looking at a cover of a book. It has a picture of
a country side. It's a pocket size, but turn the pages inside
and read the corruption inside of this book. Now here is an­
other book with a nude woman, or practically nude. Now to
look at the two books, you would keep the one with the sce­
nery and you would throw the one with the nude woman in
the waste basket, but the reading inside the àne with the
nude woman is good reading, there's nothing wrong. This is
only given as an example, (hat is why you are asked to be
It takes workers to ferret out this deception. It is ail
planned that way, so you cannot just glance at a book shelf
or a magazine counter and pick out those that don't appeal
to your eyes. Vou must open them and you will also find
these kind of books in your schools, check them, they're
there. If your children come home from school and use vile
language, investigate why. Sometimes they find these very
words that they're using in sorne of the reading material
from their libraries. That is what is meant also by clean out
the schools, and the educational system of today, check that.
This has ail been given in the past work known as the Eight
Sorne of the material that is before my eyes is nauseating,
sickening, but this material is before the eyes of the chil­
dren, in sorne of the T.V. programs, the theatre screens; it's
not good. What do sorne ofthese scenes here before me do
to you as an adult, what physical emotions do they stir?
There':; many an adult will admit this, by seeing these kind
of movies. Then what do you expect it will do to your chil­
dren, to the youth? And these very children, these students,
will be the citizens of tomorrow. It does not look good.
There are many a young boy and girl that have wonderful

parents, parents that are struggling to help bring them up as
true Chnstian children, but they must mingle wlth the other
children. So they become intluenced. That is why it is so im-
portant that their field of entertainment, education, their
environ ment of either home and community becomes a
Christian environ ment, c1ean, decent, respectable. But it's
up to the community and the parents to see to il. Il is the
work of everyone, be they with children or withoul. There is
no need of speaking of these things again because it has
been repeateô in these last ten years over and over aga in.
But the world today, the communities, your home, your
church is ail affected by this plan of Satan. And that is why
it is so important right now to join together and make the
world or your own home, your own community, your own
state a better place to live in-a Christian world.
Never in the history of!he world has there ever been such
great confusion, or has there ever been as many red spots on
the globe as it tums, and it involves everyone, everyone. For
the freedom of the U.S.A., the individu al freedom, is ebbing
away, the powers and controls pre becoming more gripping.
The U.S.A. is slowly working towards the one tfIing that
the boys, the soldiers of this country, have shed their olood,
their lives on foreign soils to prevent. While they were doing
it, giving their lives, their sacrifices on foreign soils, the roots
of the very thing they were trying to save across the sea, was
happening in their own U.S.A. Your example is your Con-
stitution, your Supreme Court and the government of
Washington, D.C. The corruption, the filth, things that you
never hear about or read about. The youth gangs, do not let
it happen, do not let this country fall in the hands of a one
man roler.
1cannot speak ofwhat 1just viewed, it's so sad, it's so sad,
but it is true. This is one of the reasons 1 saw Our Holy
Mother with Her head bowed, shoulders drooping and from
Her eyes tlowing tears. She looked so sad, and this here is
the reason. 1 saw Her this way J uly l, 1955 on the very spot
that 1 first saw the figure on November 12, 1949, who at that
time 1 thought might be some saint. That very spot is now
ashes, il is no more, it is gone. Ali 1 can say IS why? They
have been educated. They know right from wrong. 1 know
that temptation is purposely planted, but yet have we not a
mind of our own? Why not try a litt le self control, and whis-
per a prayer to Almighty God, the Divine Son and His Holy
Mother who sheds tears for this reason that 1 have just

Pray, prayer, prayer, sacrifices and willingness to be
counted. Willing to have the finger pointed at you, willing to
be spit upon, to be scoffed at, to be kicked and yes, even
knocked down-all for Thy Lord and God. May God have
Let's wipe the tears from the eyes of the Mother of God,
tears that we, Her children, have placed there. We, the laity,
or the priest or religious, let's wipe those tears; let's wipe the
tears of our Heavenly Mother and help Her rejoice. What a
tremendous and joyful Resurrection, and not for just one
day, as there are many that only seek the Church one day.
Oh, sorne twice a year, the Birth of Christ; but let's fil! aU
churches to over-flowing and through the year, not just for
the day, the Resurrection. Let's rejoice with Our Holy
Mother instead of saddening Her, turning the seven swotds
in Her Heart and widening the wounds that we inflict upon
Her. But it takes a lot of effort because the world has gone
too far in corruption and lassitude. Let's change our ways,
let's become true Christians, let's be true soldiers, the Mili­
tant of Christ, on the way ta Calvary. Let's join in and reaUy
bring forth the dove of peace as the picture was shown June
16, f950. Let's make that picture come true.
Let's ail raise our hands to God Almighty and mean il,
and let the Holy Ghost fly above us and bless us, and may
our hearts turn to God, the True Spirit. Let's be true soldiers
and true children to the Holy Mother of God, and then see
how everything is turning green and above are rays of hope
and light; but only after we do these things can we expect
eterna1 happiness. Ii is beautiful, it's so rewarding, but why
do we turn our backs on it, why? It's not that difficult, for
God does not give man things that are too difficult for him
to do. Speak about the rainbow, this is a beautiful rainbow,
and it is not reaching for the pot of gold but for eternal hap­
piness, for man makes a mistake of only seekin~ the pot of
gold. Let's look for the Kingdom ofHeaven. Let s meet Our
Lord and God face to face, and His Holy Mother, and see
the smile in Her eyes instead of the tears that we have now
placed in Her eyes.


Betrayal, evil; in Laos trying to stir up the Black Giant,
evilness at Laos. Trying to light the fuse amongst the black

race, the sleeping Black Giant. No good, no good, it's like
slirring up an ant bill. There'lI be many innocent victims.
It's a Plty, ifs a pitY, innocent souls destroyed, for what? Just
like the Congo, no good, just no good. Plotted it and
planned it that way, two-fold purpose again. Who pays the
price? The innocent, this time the poor, innocent, uneducat­
ed black race.
As has been warned in the past, beware when they awak­
en the sleeping Black Giant. That is what is meant.
Why condemn these people, God created them, why con­
demn them? And if they're not educated Iike the whites,
whose fault is that? Do not condemn them, for they're
human and their blood is just as red as the whites. It was
God who created them with the dark skin. It was not oftheir
own choosing. They'lI be using them again as usual, just as
they used the Japanese. There'lI be other place~ that'II
spnng up just Iike the Congo and Laos. Disturbance also in
Ethiopia. The papers and news reports are not accurate,
they're not telling the truth. They are only giving you what
the Grand Masters want you to know. The truth is still hid­
den. A huge country filled with many uneducated people,
people that do not understand. They would not do sorne of
these things ifthey would know the truth, but they are igno­
rant and innocent. If only the right would step in and Iead
them the right way.
The great lack hère is of missionary priests, ministers and
mission workers. There are not enough, too few, too far
apart. More of their own c1ass of people should be educated
to do this work. MUGh sickness, nunger and hardship here.
Food that America is wasting could feed these peopfe here.
Instead of that it is wasted needlessly, extravagantly. What
America alone wastes, that alone would feed these people
with plenty, just what America wastes.


We got to pray, pray for our c1ergy, religious, hierarchy.
When one asks for prayers for them it does not mean that
they are bad, like sorne of the c1ergy are trying to imply, that
this is what is meant here when we speak ofpray for the reli­
gious, the c1ergy and hierarchy. Why should such a state­
ment be made~ None of them are infallible, only the Vicar
of Christ is infallible when it cornes to faith and morals.
The hierarchy and the c1ergy, as a man, can fall into

temptations. So then why do some priests think that they do
not need prayers? For they do, we only ask for prayers so
that they do nat fall into temptation, but that they persevere
in the teachings of Christ and not to harm them. So those
that think that, erase it from your mind, for the ones that
make such statements surely must need prayers because
there must be selfish pride there, and we must pray to re­
move that.
We should ail be happy to know that someone is praying
for us, be they just the hierarchy, the priests, the religious or
just a layman. Prayers are only asking God or Hi~ Blessed
Mother to guide and protect us, that is aIl. For their help,
their intercession to see us through the trials and tribula­
tions, and above ail, temptations and selfish pride.
One of the greatest temptations of man, be he a priest or
just a layman, is the offering of the dollar, reaching out for
the dollar, and many times It isn't watched or looked upon
where it is coming from. Is it tarnished, tainted with blood,
or has it been stolen from the poor, but as long as it is re­
ceived that they may grasp it. That's ail wrong, many of the
gran ts tha tare offered have every type of corru pt ion u pon
them, even blood; and when this type of money or funds is
used for the work of Christ, it surely cannot bring good fruit,
but can only bring harm. That is why they must never ac­
cept grants or donations unless they know that it has not
been tainted by an evil hand or evir purpose, or it will not
help but, also taint what it is supposed to finance. Because
again, Christ has no middle road, and to receive tainted
funds would be seeking the middle road. Father Eustace
surely knows that now, and there are others 1 could na me,
but they are still alive, so ifs better not said; but they them­
selves should know. So continue to pray so they don't fall
into temptation.
We must not fail, we must not fail. No, we must not, must
always stay alert, always. We cannot become careless, not
for one moment. There should be more alertness right now
to the West Coast, for there are at least fi ft Ysubs just outside
of the boundary line,just outside. And they stretch from the
Aleutians down towards Central America. Large ones, me­
dium size ones and even some of the sm aller type, the midg­
et type; so they must be preparing to sneak into a canal or
something beneath the hull of a ship. That is why they have
those midgets. They can easily pass through the gates with­
out being detected. They have done that through the St.


Lawrence Seaway and came into Lake Michigan, but again

we are not alert.
There must be sorne plans up for the Western Hemi­
sphere. Sea is dotted with subs and many ofthese are atomic
energy subs that can stay without refueling for a long time.
More bloodshed, more bloodshed in Cuba, Central
America and the Republic. Batista, Peron and their lieuten­
ants are right now in Colombia at their meeting place at the
sea coast. Even our scar-faced friend is there, the big fellow
that 1 had seen June 4, 1951. His work is to crea te accidents
either in the Air Force or the sea.
There'll be more accidents that will not be accidents.
More effort must be made to awaken the people, to awaken
patriots and those that love their Country, to investigate and
be alertin the Supreme Court. Investigate each one, espe­
cially the chief of them ail, and that's the cat man. He's the
oldest one on the bench right now, and his second lielltenant
is Chief Justice Warren. Investigate these men. You know
that the cat man would never have chosen the rest had he
not known that they have no scruples, and then the biggest
one of ail, the supposed Savior of the human race-the
One World Government; be it in the Western Hemisphere
or Eastern, and their headquarters is in the U.N.; the
Godless, the anti-Christ, the Savior of the Christian
world, but it's only a mockery. They have no principles,
they'~e still very active in the Hub. In fact, both Hubs,
in the Eastern Hemisphere as weil as the Western.
Pray, continue to pray for the Vicar ofChrist and ail those
working with him for the unity of the Church. Do not fail
him, do not fail hirrr.
Pray and continue to pray for the Leader of our Country;
but saying he is the Leader, that's only in words, what every­
one, every man, woman and child believe him to be -the
Leader. But pray for him and ail those beneath him, even
those that are of the anti-Christ so that they awaken and see
they cannot survive without God.
Again if there would be enough prayers sai d, enough
good accomplished, then 1 would be able to speak of the
names and tnose that are truly behind and are in full control
of the Leader of our Country and ail those that we as a gov­
ernment of the people, for the people and by the people
have elected into office. For as long as the Constitution of
the U.S.A. is ripped into shreds and has not been put togeth­
er and righted; as long as these things are not straightened


out for the good and for what the forefathers established
them, if that is not returned, if the Monroe Doctrine is not
fulfilled and the Preamble's words are not in mockery; then,
only then, can we expect the right and peace and happiness
for the Country Our Lady, the Mediatrix of Peace, the
Mediatrix between God and man so loves and now sheds
tears for, to save this beautiful Country.
Right now we are plunging this Country towards dicta­
torshlp, a One Man Government, One World Government,
and then when that happens, you lose your complete free­
dom. You will be a slave to the Supreme Grand Master, the
Pope of Satan.
Do not let them take your birthright away from you. Do
not let them destroy the government ofyour states. Watch
the c10aks and the camouflages put over so many bills that
are being placed in the governments of your states or at
Washington, D.C.
Watch them, be sure that you read the smallest clause
where mostly the booby trap is hidden beneath it, tiniest
print or worded so that lfyou say yes to what you think you
are really voting for, you are actually saying no. Watch, they
are very cunning. Be alert, be a true citizen of the Old Glory
and for My God and My Country, and then you shall be
able to c1eanse and find peace, but without thlS there shall
be no peace. For as once given, the Iron Curtain (only tech­
nically speaking) has already been placed in the U.S.A., ail
that is left is to draw it. This sounds fantastic, but i1's true.
Watch out, your rights have been misinterpreted. Watch,
and above ail, do not forget Thy Creator, God Almighty.
When you turn your bacl<' on Him, you are lost.
Bad, everything's bad, no good, i1's no good. Things going
to get much worse, much worse. Unemployment will grow,
strikes, oh, i1's no good. When the people are hungry they'll
do anything. l1's a bad situation, very bad. It makes my
stomach so sick, so sick.
They're going to try and make sorne laws to help coyer up
sorne of their mistakes. l1's not going to work, no, i1's no
good. Won't even give people a chance to defend them­
selves. They'lI slip in the laws and by-Iaws before the people
are aware of its happening, when they're in, then i1's too
late. They know that if it was made known, they'd never be
able to pass those laws, so they got to slip them in under
coyer Iike, and sorne of their plans and ideas have sort of
sugar coat and try to get them in by talking them up, brag­

ging them up, and then of course once they're in, they can
take their coyer off and they got them. The one thing could
be done, ail the daughters of certain organizations, no mat-
ter what they cali themselves, or the women, should stand
up and stand up for their righl. In that way they can stop
some of these thtngs. Of course, one thing would help every-
body, but it won't nappen. !t'Il always be too little, too late,
and that is ail monasteries, ail convents, ail seminaries keep
a 24 hour vigil of prayers. That's the most powerful that
lhere is, but tney have a bunch of excuses why they can't do
it, but they ail could. For they forget that with God nothing
is impossible. He'll give a helping hand if they show their
true love for il.


Not enough prayers, not enough prayers, not enough

More prayers, more prayers. Too much disunity, too
mu ch disunity. There must be more unity. Our Lady, Medi-
atrix of Peace. Our Lady. the Mediatrix between God and
man. Our Lady with the sign of unity.
Not enough unity. Too much dissension between homes,
schools and religious. Yes, the religious, too m uch dissen-
sion, Why, why? No matter what order or what community
they belong to, we are ail beneath Our Lord and God. Il is
only one God and His Holy Mother. Ali of us are striving
only to do Their Will, to follow Them, to pray to Them. to
Intercede to Them, and yet we are jealous of each other,
when there's onl)' one God and His Holy Mother.
There is disumty amongst the Army and Navy, the Ma-
rines and the Air Force, why? They, too, are fighting, or are
in these Forces for protection of the Stars and Stripes. their
Country, under one God: fighting under the same God.
Then why the dissension, the disunity, the bickering be-
tween them? Our Lady pleads for umty, unity.
We cannot find peace unless there's unity between home,
school and the church. The foundation is the Church, your
home and your school, the protector of your Country. the
Army, the Navy. the Marine and the Air Force man. And
yet there's disunity between ail of these, why? There is no
peace unless they are willing to unite and work together side
by side in unity.
The persecution, it was given here man y years ago that

was coming to Cuba. The persecution is severe, and don't
think for one moment that It is not entering your shores, the
U.S.A., unless you unite with one heart and one goal for
God, his Holy Mother, the Stars and Stripes, the Old Glory,
and your Country. They must come first. And of course,
who IS the future of your Country? The youth, the youth. If
the eIders cannot show unity, how can they teach unity to
their children? There must be unity. United you'll stand,
divided you'll fall.
Not enough prayer. Oh, there are many that are praying
many prayers for His Holiness and His Council to help
bring unity to the fallen away, those that have fallen away
from the True Church to unite them, because we still have
only one God and His Holy Mother.
His Holy Mother is our Mother to intercede to Her Divine
Son. Our Mother, the Mother of ail of us no matter what
color, race or creed they belong to. She is still our Mother, if
we renounce Her or if we accept Her. Many of us love Her
very much. Many of us offend Her by turnlng our backs to
Her pIe as. We heed Her not. These are words from Her own
lips, you heed me not, why? We do not have enough faith,
enough love for the Mother ofGod, your Creator, your Sav­
Vou must continue to pray. Pray to the MotherofGod to
intercede to Her Son. Pray for government officiaIs, pray for
the clergy and religious, to give them the strength when the
time of punishment cornes. They did not believe that it
would come to Cuba, on our doorstep. It is there, ask the hi­
erarchy, the priests, the religious. Ask them how it feels to be
tram pIed under by the enemy.
Unless there is more devotion, more love for God and His
Holy Mother, and unity between home, school and church,
unity between ail religious and ail government officiaIs
there cannot be peace. For there is only the road to the right
and the road to the wrong, there is no road between, too
many of us are looking for the road in between. There is
none, there can be only a right and a wrong, for there is God
at the head of the one and Satan at the head of the other,
make your choice.
Protect and save the beautiful Old Glory. Do not let it be
tom and trampled under, do not let the enemy place their
flag above yours. Keep yours waving, and only thls can hap­
pen through the intercession of the Holy Mother Who loves
this Country, Who sheds tears for this Country because we,

Her children, are failing.
There are more prayers needed. More efforts must be
made to bring unity, unity. Our Lady, Mediatrix of Peace,
has the sign of unity on Her Breast. The globe represents the
world, the tassel represents you, we the people. Without
unity and love of our Holy Mother and Her Divine Son,
there shall be no peace.


Oh God, oh God, spare us; spare America. Holy Mother

intercede for us. Spare us as we so foolishly go on our way,
oh my Lord, my God, spare this Country. Protect it, guide
us do not let the enemy destroy us. Oh God, have mercy on
enemy is ail about you, they're in everything. In your school,
where the little child is being taught. How is he (the enemy)
in school? By infiltrating the books. He's in your govern­
ment, in your offices. He is in the Capital, and that is Wash­
ington' D.C. When will the sIime, the corruption be
deansed in Washington, when?
America, wake up! The example of what can happen to
the Christian world, to the Christian people, is now being
shown to you right at your doorstep, Cuba.
More trouble in South America. Oh yes, they'lI use tricks
and ways to bIind our eyes while they cunningly imbed
themselves doser and deeper. They'lI use such places as the
Suez Canal, other places. There'lI be many more Berlins.
But those are only places to focus your eyes, your mind, to
distract you from the main issue. In the meantime they are
working under cover until the time is ripe.
Several years ago in Havana, Cuba, ifyou'd have told the
public there that their great capital would be over-run by
villains, by anti-Christs, bl' the Godless that their churches
would be desecrated, thelr priests abused and their nuns
and sisters slammed down, abused, they wou Id have
laughed at you, they would have laughed at you. The sa me
will happen in the U.S.A. unless the Christian world awak­
On June 4 and June 16 of this year 1 saw the desecration
ofchurches in the United States. At the time 1 saw it in Cuba
(see note at end) 1 did not understand where it was. But the
answer is plain to be seen. Il takes ail of the Christians to


awaken because amongst the Christians, the so-called

Christians, we have those that are lukewarm, the corn pla­
cent Christian who shrugs his shoulder, what can we do
about it? Because as yet what we have before us is still glit­
ter. The times have not become so terrible yet. We can still
eat and we can stilliaugh and we can still buy automobiles
and pleasures and joys. We are not awake and alert.
AWAKEN YOURSELVES! It does not mean that you
must go around with a long face in fear and trembling. No,
it only asks to have faith in God and of course to stem the
tide of the evil forces.
There are many men with great talents, God-given tal­
ents, that are being used to destroy rather than to improve..
When God handed out the talents, the wisdom, He did not
put His Will upon that, because He gave man the free will,
and that is where many are confused, why does God permit
these things to happen? Because, you must remember, God
gave you a free Will, and He will not interfere with that will.
He will give you talents, He will guide and He will protect
you if you give thy will to Him to do His Will, to do as He
would want you to do.
There are many ways that this can be done. If you do not
know how, go to your priests, to the religious, they'll guide
you. There is need of true Christian leadership amongst the
laity. There is not enough being done. Meetings are being
held and the enthusiastic people at the meetings, sometimes
it's heartwarming, but as soon as they leave the hall or wher­
ever they hold their meetings, immediately they lose the en­
thusiasm. They think only of their own personal doings. At
this crucial time it is not so important that we have ail the
things that we would like to have. It is more important to
save the Old Glory from being ripped and torn, because re­
member, we do not live in the times of a hundred years ago,
the Civil War. War will not last for years and years when it
cornes because you're not fighting in the trenches. The war
of today will be missile, nuclear war. No more the old way
because God gave man the talent to improve, the wisdom to
know and to do things.
One of our enemies (the people amongst them are not our
enemy, they are good Chnstians) is in the land Our Holy
Mother pleads for the conversion of-Russia. Why is Russia
so far ahead of the U.S.A., the land the Holy Mother loves?
Because they continue to work while we allow ourse Ives to
sleep. They today are not concerned about the Black gold


because they are doing many things with atomic energy,

while we ourselves are still battling. The ones that should
help us save this Country are the ones that are trying to cling
on to the oil standard, the oil monopolies. Russia is not con­
cerned about this because they have nuclear power. They
have many subs around the shores of America, north or
south, powered by atomic energy. We have a few, too. 1
have wttnessed them shooting mIssiles into the air, and their
tar~et was always 100% hit.
Six years ago 1 was shown how they planned to invade
this Country. 1 watched them with the pointers on the map
of the world. 1 watched and 1 heard their jets l1ying over,
where was our radar? We did not hear of anythmg in our
papers or news about the jets going across, but they did l1y
across. In my work is the record of how they went, the trip
they took. That was to practice and to prove that it can be
done and it was done. At that time had our vodka drinking
enemy not had hope to shoot the huge missile around the
moon, had he at that time been more concerned about de­
stroying us here, it could have been done. But they discov­
ered that their H bombs and A bombs, that they were too
large. So they immediately made smaller ones and now they
are ready and it will take the prayers of ail the Christian
world, because you must remember, God is Almighty.
Just to give you an example, God Himself, if you were
placed in the center of an H bomb, where nothing survives,
IfGod so wills it, He can spare you, because He is Almighty;
He is Almighty. But of course it must be the Will ofGod, it is
not up to us.
But it is up to us as Christian people to unite and be alert
to what is going on in the capital of the U.S.A., dcstroying
the Constitution in this Country. And do not let the Old
Glory be torn to tatters or destroyed, but get busy and do
something about saving the Country our Heavenly Mother
sheds tears over. She loves America, it is Her Country, but
She is helpless to do anything about this unless we, her chil­
dren, do the things Her Divine Son wants us to do; to sanct­
ifY ourselves, to prepare ourselves, and not carelessly de­
stroy our own souls by Iistening to the enemy, to the anti­
Christ, to the Pope of Evil, the Supreme Grand Master in­
stead of the Christian leaders.
There are many things that can be done, but you must
seek the proper guidance. You must be alert when you join
certain groups who is in amongst you that is going to tind

out what your plans are and to block your movements. Vou
must always be alert, there is no time to sleep now.
We have let this Country destroy from withm to a point
where it will soon explode, because as Our Heavenly Moth­
er said, the Serpent is coiled within our Country, and the
Serpent certainly is not of good, it is.only of evil.
So please, America, WAKE UP! Do not let Our Lady, the
Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between God and man, con­
tinue to weep. But bring a smile back into Her face, for She
will triumph, but will we? That is the question you must ask
yourself, will you triumph? Will the Church here on earth
triumph? Or will man carelessly destroy the Christian world
which our Heavenly Mother so painfully stood beneath the
Cross and watched Her Divine Son die for? Before He did,
He gave Her to us as our Mother and gave us to Her as Her
children. Now it is up to us to fulfill Our Lord's and Moth­
er's wishes and awaken to the perils about you. They're
there, do not be too blind to see them. Wipe away the mist
and the film before your eyes.
That does not mean the few that are here. It means all of
the Western Hemisphere because right now there again is
an underground movement in South America, the Panama
Just do not let yourselves become totally destroyed. Save,
of God, spare America.
Note: On June 16, 1953 Mrs. Mary Ann Van Hoof vi­
sioned the persecution in Cuba as follows:
I was shown a convent being entered by rioters who broke
into a Cha pel where a number of nuns were kneeling in
prayer. Three of them looked up frightened, but continued
to pray as the enemy went about tearing the Stations off the
walls, knocking down statues and the Crucifix. Sorne of the
nuns jumped up in protection, trying to stop them, but they
would knock down the nuns or just rudely push them aside.
One started "to run, but a man grabbed her veil and tore it
offher head and threw her down backwards. I couldn't see if
she was hurt or not. One of the men grabbed a nun and was
rudely kissing her while she fought, then he hit her and she
either fainted or was knocked unconscious. The three
praying nuns were struck down with sorne of the Stations,
they were hit over the head with them.
It then showed the entering of a seminary, shooting, c1ub­
bing and beating up the priests .a.nd seminarians; grabb~ng
the books and the textbooks, ptltng them--up and burnmg


them, wrecking the whole interior of anything religious.

1 saw a priest, tirst as a priest, then he changed before my
eyes and was wearing striped ove rails. 1 also saw them en­
tering a Church and destroying everything, knocking down
the Tabernacle and scattering the Hosts. .
This will come to the United States unless there are more
prayers. It showed a Rosary, the hands holding a Rosary
praying on it, thousands of hands holding Rosaries.


Pray, pray for Pope John, for him and the Ecumenical
Council convening as soon as possible, for the enemy is
trying to hait the chances of Pope John's gathering of his
tlock. Pray for him, pray.
The Christian world, the Catholics, must stand bchind
their Pope. For he has a great cross on his shoulders, for this
is the greatest period of confusion and evilness, infiltration
in every school, no matter what grades, be they the public,
parochial or private schools. His Holiness knows of these
things. He knows there are many humble souls working des­
perately, humbly to help him with this great cross, but he
needs the Christian world ta work with him. For never has
there ever been in history such perilous times as we have
today, the danger for ail the Christian world.
The battle today is not for material things as it is to de­
stroy Christianity, and it is up ta us to do and ta try with ail
our might ta help His Holiness and Our Holy Mother to
save the IS up to the U.S.A., the New World, to help
show the way, the Christian way. We must be the example.
We must try harder than we have ever tried before ta do the
good that we are supposed ta do as true Catholics or Chris­
We must not ask our neighbor to do the praying for us, we
must do the praying ourse[ves. In what way? The Rosary is
one of the most powerful weapons there is. Past history has
proven, and many of our past popes have given credit ta the
power of the Rosary. sa we're notjust asking for it here. This
has been a request way back in history, and trying times
have onen brought forth good fruit. and it is up ta you now
at the most crucial period in history to make a bigger effort
ta pray the Rosary. There are some here that say up to 15 ta
20 Rosaries a day, where others here find one Rosary too
difficult. lt does not mean you must leave ail your work and

duties to kneel down and say a Rosary. No, you can say your
Rosary while you're doing your work. You might lose track
where you left off, but ask Heaven and the Saints and they'1I
help you with the Rosary. These things must be done, and
always remember Pop.e John, your President, the priests
and religious, and of course world peace. Not the peace that
they are talking about on the radio and T.V., not One World
Government of control of ail human lives. No, that's not
peace; that is the enemy's way of peace-control of human
lives, your children, your homes, your schools and every­
thing you do, under control.
A few years ago in Havana, Cuba they did not think they
would be under control as they are today. They did not be­
lieve that could happen to them so close to the U.S.A. But
you can ask them today, and they are under control. They
dare not even speak for fear of retaliation. You still have a
chance here, speak up, do not wait until it's too late, for your
freedoms have been removed in many ways. Some of our
former principles of freedom are only a mockery today. Just
as the Constitution of the U.S.A. is not the Constitu tion as it
was once written.
Be alert, do not expect someone else to fight your battles.
You must fight them yourself, and the best way is to be
alert, not to fear, because if you fear (as there are some of
you in this very group that are fri&htened and afraid be­
cause of the world sItuation), you re faUing right in the
hands of the enemy. That is what they want you to do fear,
panic, desperation, despair. If you are a true Christian, why
must you fear? Fear only to offend God. You need not fear
man. To become panicky and do just what the enemy wants
you to do is so wrong. As Christians we have God behind us,
beside us, above us, in front of us, and through the Holy
Eucharist within you, and He should be within your heart at
ail times. So why fear? Keep yourself in the state of grace
and you have nothing to fear, only to offend God. So let the
enemy try to spread fear and panic amongst you. Let them
try, but you turn to the Holy Mother, the <)ueen of the Holy
Rosary, Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between God and
man, and you don't have to fear the enemy's threats. For
God is Almighty, and God and His Holy Mother are your
guides if you give yourself to them.
Right in this very group are some that are frightened.
Don't be, don't be. But pray to our Holy Mother and go out
and try to save the souts of man, and the children that the


enemy is trying to destroy. Not in fear, but in love of God

and the love of the Holy Mother and the love for your own
country, your fellow man. Then you will win that peace. But
you must be alert. Vou cannot be asleep. Vou must be
awake at ail times, for the enemy does not sleep. lt is awake.
So wake up, America, and stand up for the truth! Stand
up for my God and my Country in love, and worship in your
own Church.
The True Church of Christ will never be destroyed. Man's
church, man himself, will be destroyed, but the Church of
God will triumph forever, but ask yourself this question:
will you triumph? The Heavenly Mother, She will triumph,
but will her children triumph? So manx of them corn pla­
cently say, in the end the H01y Mother will triumph. Oh yes,
She always triumphs, but that does not say that you will
triumph with Her if you neglect Her, forget Her, turn your
back upon Her. Vou won't. Because at this present time
there are two roads-the road for the right and the road for
the wrong, and l'm sorry to say that the road for the wrong is
the most crowded one. The road for the right is very shm.
Let's change that road, let's crowd the righteous road, do
not seek the middle road, for there is none. There is no road
in between.
There are going to be sorne more accidents that are not
accidents. If they would investigate the accident of Dag
Hammarskjold, they would know for sure it was not an acci­
dent, and the only witness that could have told them what
was happening in that airplane, they saw to it that they de­
stroyed him. He could have Iived, but they feared what he
might reveal.
Many other such accidents have hap'pened. The enemy
cares not how many souls it wipes out If they are aiming at
one person, even ifthere are a hundred or only two or three.
The enemy considers humanity nothing, and they will de­
stroy their own to gain your sympathy and cause greater
confusion. If they can gain that ground, they have gained
much. That is why the Christian world must be alert. Do not
let yourself be lulled to sleep, for the tune of the propaganda
is going continuously to lull you to sleep. Stay awake and
Again 1 repeat, pray for His Holiness, Pope John XXIII.
He needs you behind him in prayer and in doing good. The
task, his cross, is very heavy. Help him so that he does not
falter and crumble under the weight of that cross. Help him

carry that cross, as true Christians you can and you must, if
not for your own self, for the love of God and His Holy
Mother. Today is the feast day of the Holy Rosary. Do it for
the Queen of the Holy Rosary and She will not forget you.
She'lI place Her Mantle about you and keep you beneath
that Mantle.
It is easy, very easy to follow the wrong road; to become
unkind, unchantable, it's not so easy to do these things, but
that is the reason, ifyou continue to battle your temptations
and you continue to be kind to ail thy nelghbors, then the
glory will be much greater at the end.
Do not forget the Commandments, if you live the Com­
mandments daily and follow the messages of our Heavenly
Mother, you need not fear, and remember, do not spread
fear. For fear is what the enemy wants, thaCs what it wants
to bring about in this nation.
Pray for the President. Pray much for him so that he, too,
can do the right, for as it was given before, the aim was only
to choose this President to use against the true Church, the
Catholic Church. So you must never forget to pray for your
President, because ofhis Faith he was chosen, to use against
the Christian world. For if lhey can do something to harm
the Christian world through the Catholic Church, they will
feel they have triumphed. Now it's up to us, do not let this
So you must continue, do not put it off for tomorrow, you
must do it today. That is, pray for your Vicar of Christ, the
c1ergy, the President of the United States and ail of the offi­
ciaIs underneath. Because you want to continue to see the
üld Glory f1ying in full colors, not tattered or torn, trampled
underfoot by the enemy, because that is the aim.
Many fear a nuclear war. Yes, ifwe fail, that is what our
result will be a nuclear war. But the enemy does not want
the U.S.A. destroyed by a nuclear war. They want to take
over, and if they can spread panic and fear, we will falllike a
ripe tomato. We'lI crumble within, and they need not use a
nuclear weapon to gain l'our Country. They can walk right
in and take it. That's thelr aim, not so much the destruction.
For if you do not follow the messages of our Heavenly
Mother, your Country will fall from within. For it has been
given more than once, and many times over ever since this
work started, the Serpent is coiled within your Country from
coast to coast, from border to border. That alone should tell
you the danger. Do not forget your duties as a Christian, as

a Catholic. Remember our Heavenly Mother, Queen of the
Holy Rosary, Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between God
and man. She will hear your pleas, She will hear your
prayers, and She will be the Medtatrix between you and Her
Son, your God, your Creator.
May God bless you.




Pray, pray, pray for His Holiness. More prayers for the
President of the V.S.A. Moretrayers, not enough.
No good, no good, not goo , not good.
Not enough prayers, willingness to make sacrifices, pen­
ance, reparation for sin. FamIly Rosary not enough. More
prayers needed for His Holiness, for the enemy is doing ev­
erything in his power to harm the Ecumenical Council.
It's a pit Y that today's trend is more for the material
things of life, the glamour, the glitter.
There are those in the Hierarchy Ihat are trying hard to
do the Will of God, do the work for which they were or­
dained, to represent Christ on earth, to do only His Will.
And that is the purpose-to sanctify and to save and purify
the soul of man. Today the greatest aim is not the purifica­
tion of man's soul, to bring fiim to God, but the largest aim
is the material things of lité instead of going out to fight and
to preach the Gospel as Our Lord gave it to the Apostles.
They're making every effort, they're working hard to
bring forth the material things. Yes, in many instances ma­
teria1 things, such as building improving, are necessary, but
not to the extent that the main purpose is cast aside, and
that is the salvation, the sanctification, purification of the
soul of man. There cannot be peace on earth until the shep­
herds and those that guide the Christian world turn and
renew the vows they made when they pledged to Our Lord
and God that they would follow His footsteps here on earth.
They must turn back. Unless they do, there will not be peace
but scandai and harm to the Christians that they are sup­
posed to protect.
Our Lord and God and His Holy Mother walked the
earth in ail humility. Our Lord was born in a manger, in a
stable. He could have been born in riches, amongst the silk
and satin, but He chose a manger where the animais trod, in

ail humility, to show man the purification, the sanctification
of man, and that the soul is more important, not the silk and
satin, the glamour. Unless those chosen by God and vowed
to follow His footsteps do the things Christ did on earth,
Who showed them the way, there shall be no peace. There
cannot be peace, for the wrong can never make a right, and
it is wrong to choose the mate rial things on earth first in­
stead of the work of Christ, Thy Lord, Thy God, Thy Crea­
There is no sign to show that peace is approaching. To the
contrary, there must first be purification. The earth must be
cleansed of its black sins, for we are now in the Fifth Sieqe,
and the duration of the Fifth Siege will ail depend on the
willingncss of man and the religious to do the Will of God,
and then there shall be peace. But first the c1eansing, the
pur!fying. To look at the youth of today, there is no sign of
pUrIfication, but Sin, Slll.
There will be more rioting. There will be more battles be­
tween races, as the enemy sa planned. Violence, deaths, as­
sassina tions.
More prayers needed for the President of the United
States, more prayers, there are not enough prayers.
Do not wait until this happens to the U.S.A. that has hap­
pened at your doorstep in Cuba, Latin America and the Re­
public. Yes, the devout Christians, many of them c1utched
their Rosaries to their bosoms. Many ofthem are praying in
silence, just as they have and still are in Russia.
The world is splattered with red, red. It hurts one ta see
the religious abused, a priest beaten up, his face in agony,
his religion thrown in his face in mockery. It hurts one to
view these things, but why are so many of our religious in
this country invltingjust such a thing ta happen, why? Why
do they forget the vows they made to their Lord and Gad,
why? For a priest, once a priest always a priest, regardless.
When he of(ers up the Sacrifice of the Mass he represents
Christ on earth, and when he hears the sinner's Confession
he is still the representative of Christ, and when his conse­
crated flngers glve the Bread of Life ta the penitent, he is
still the representative of Christ. But once he removes the
vestments and walks away l'rom the altar and he continues
ta do wrong, to seek the mate rial things of life that he him­
selfknows is wrong, because they were taught the right, they
bring the purge upon themselves. The innocent as weil as
the guilty must suffer.


Pray for ail religious and priests. Pray much, for the
temptation is great, and if the Christian world ispurged, the
religious will be the first to suffer, may they be guilty or may
thç:y be innocent, they will suffer.
Oh Lord, oh God, be merci fui, be merciful to them. Guide
them, help them, help them to cleanse the evil, the wrong on
earth today. May they be true soliders of Christ. May they
walk behind His Holiness as a true militant, and as a true
militant only good can come. But it takes ail the Christian
world to ban together as one to fight the evil, to make sacri­
fices, reparation, to sanctify and purify this black and sinful
world. It is not impossible, for God does not ask the impossi­
ble, for the Commandments of God are not impossible to
Just one finger, that's ail it takes, one finger. Stockpiles
are prepared, they're ail in readiness to destroy, destruction,
destruction. Are we still trying to kid ourselves that the
enemy isnot in readiness? They only fear the power ofwhat
they have created, that it will destroy themselves. Not the
fear of humanity that'Il be destroyed, no but the fear of de­
stroying themselves. For they have no control once the fin­
ger pushes the btltton, they have no control. They have tried
and have tested. They have watched the reaction and know
it is out of their hands, and yes, in the hands of the AI­
mighty, for He alone knows where it can travel to. They are
now prepared not to destroy a whole city at once, but to de­
stroy the most strategie points, to cripple our preparedness,
our protection in this country. The souls that will be at the
point of destruction, they don't care about that, for they
have proven in the past they will not hesitate to destroy a
hundred people ta eliminate one. They will even use their
own if they can gain a purpose.
Why this destruction of human lives, why? There is room
enough on the globe for themall to survive. The hue and cry
that we'll be overpopulated is wrong. Some sa~ one way to
destroy the population is to crea te wars, that s ridiculous.
The biggest battle in history is the battle between the
Christian world and the enemy, the anit-Christ, the God­
less, and right in our continent we have the headquarters for
the Godless. They do not use the name of God, they do not
use His Name. No that would be wrong. They do not ask the
blessings of God upon tht: meetings. So how can a good
come from somethlng that casts their Creator, their Lord
and God, aside, how can good come from an evil? And that

is the V.N. Man's creation. How can the anti-Christ be the
Savior of the world? For Christ's name is never uttered
within those walls, He is cast out. He is not permitted to be
mentioned, and that is supposed to be the Savior of the
world! It is against the Scriptures, against the teaching of
Christ Himself, against the Gospels. Think about it, analyze
it, and then promote the V.N. as your Savior, bow down to
the U.N. and save the world, what a mockery!! What a
mockery! What a shame. No wonder Our Holy Mother
bowseHer Head and sheds te ars, when Her Divine Son is
cast aside, and the world focuses its eyes on anti-Christ, the
U.N. Only ifthey put Christ within the walls of the U.N. can
they expect it to become a Savior, a meeting place for na­
tions to save the world, but it must be replaced with God
Almighty, not the anti-Christ that is dwefling there today.
More assassinations, more assassintions, fires. They were
not accidents. Accidents that are not accidents, man made.
More priests martyred, martyred. Churches desecrated,
churches desecrated.
Two-fold purposes, don't believe it, don't believe il. Two­
fold purpose, not true.
V.N. promoting Christ-Iess Christmas. Must counteract
this movement by putting Christ back into Christmas. Huge
promotion of the V.N. aetivities against Christian unifica­
Youth situation is not good. Still educating our youth to
use them to incite riots. Look at them, why don't the Chris­
••, tian people write objecting to this! How horrible, oh so hor­
rible. Just analyze the purpose of this degrading of the mor­
ais of the youth in the dance known as the Twist; and the
older people that should know better are also doing this. lt
isn't only the youth but gray haired grandmothers and
grandfathers, mothers and fathers. It's . . . . oh, it's sick­
ening, just look at them. Certain big T.V. programs have
shown the Twist on their programs and the children that
were not aware of it before certainly had the education. lt
even showed them how to do the step. One of the great
dance promoters, Murray himself, demonstrated how to do
this degrading, horrible step called the Twist. There is no
dance in this, but the twist of the body to incite the human
passion organs toward each other. Watch it and see what
your answers are, and then object. Write, don't shrug your


shoulders and say it's terrible, it's awful, but object in a body,
in a group, in any way or form, but object. Again Satan is
laugliing with glee, for again he has won and the Christian
world is taking a back seat.
The narcotic industry, or whatever you want to cali it,
racket, has not decreased but has increased. The mind is
dulled, and then to top it off, they give them the Twist. So
picture in your minds the youth, especially the teenagers.
Just picture it ifyou cano 1 can see it, look at them, sickening,
sickening. They twist their bodies (if you ever saw an old­
fashioned corkscrew, then picture the youth's body just like
it), hands and arms twistmg around towards each other,
with many oftheir systems dulled with narcotics. Sorne par­
ents shrug their shoulders-it's the new trend, what can we do
about it? Just watch your child go to he//, that's what you can
do about it! Once a child is ruined in this twisted form, you
will have an awful time to straighten it, but straighten it be­
. fore it involves ail the youth.
Our Heavenly Mother stretches out Her arms and pleads
to the parents to save the youth, the youth oftomorrow, the
population oftomorrow. Many ofJour oldsters that can re­
member the roaring 20's, they ha nothing to fear in com­
parison to what's going on today. If you thought the
Charleston was terrible, then compare it with the Twist. No
one does anything about il. There are a few that grumble,
it's the trend of the times. Let's not dull our minds with the
trend of the times and let your child pay the price for your
ignorance, your stupidity or your laxity. Go into these dives,
the Beeboppers' dives, the Beatniks' dIves, and see what you
can see; or Just a corn mon youth gathering without any cer­
tain title, and see what you can see. Your common country­
side dances today. Go and see, parents, what your children
are getting tnto. Go ahead, parents, look. For if the parent
doesn't care, who does? It's the parent that makes the priest
of tom9rrow, the nun of tomorrow, the president of tomor­
row, and the governor, and so on down the hne. Il is what
the parent teaches to the httle child, say the five and six year
old, imitating the Twist that they have seen on Ed Sullivan's
show and the Gary Moore show (l've Got a Secret) and oth­
Then what is it doing to the teenager, especially the ado­
lescent? For they go through the period of growing into man
and womanhood. Need it be tord that's the year of confu­
sion in the youth's mind, the period of change. And then

you plant in front of them the Twist, with cigarettes and
candy bars and drinks, with narcotics, in these Beeboppers'
1am sure you love your child, so be concerned where your
chiId goes when it leaves your home in the evening and it
cornes back in the wee hours of the morning. Are you not
concerned? And if they say they are going to club meetings,
find out what these meetings are about. Every mother and
father will say no, my son, my daughter won't do these things,
but are you sure that the influence of others will not influ­
ence your son and daughter? Be alert and fail not the youth,
for our Heavenly Modier pleads with )'ou, the parents. She
stretches out Her arms and pleads wlth the parents to be
parents, Christian parents. Follow the Christian principles,
not the trend of the times. WAKE UP! The time is short!
Save their souls, save their souls! Be not the guilty one to see
the child's soul tainted and blackened by your carelessness.
An infant is born with a pure and c1ean soul after the Sa­
crament of Baptism. Vou ail know that, keep it that way,
keep it that way. Do not blacken it by your carelessness, by
laxity; it's the trend of the times, no. When Christ walked
the earth with His Holy Mother, humbly, to show the way, it
wasn't said it should be changed because of the trend of
times, the atomic age, no.
Our skies above the U.S.A. are dark and gloomy with a
purple cast over them.
The Siberian subterranean village is very active. The tun­
nel is 'luite busy with hauling out equipment and material
in and out.
Do not swallow the propaganda that the Catholic
Churches are open in Russia for devotions. Many of them
are used as instruction headquarters for the youth and mili­
tary purposes, not Christianity, in the Christian way, but the
Godless way. Yes, the churches are in use. The doors are
open, but not for worshipping God, but used to destroy.
That is done in mockery towards the Christian world. Songs
are sung but they are not Christian songs, but in mockery to
the Christian world. The story that priests are saying Mass
there, do not believe this. Yes, there are still priests in Rus­
sia, but they might look Iike any peasant, a worker, and are
doing hard labor. For he dare not dress as a priest or he
would be destroyed, imprisoned, yes, and even shot.
Cardinal Mindzenty is still on the Leash. He has no privi­


leges. He's a martyr, a living martyr. His faith in Gad and

the Blessed Mother has not altered. He knows he must keep
it ta himself, ta try ta help those he can, but he cannat do
what he wou Id like ta do. Gad must love him very much ta
keep him suffering here on earth.
May Gad have mercy on them, Oh Gad, have mercy on
The youth is completely under control and is disciplined
thoroughly under Communist military, no Christ here, no
Gad. From Kindergarten up they are taught the military
ways, military; all boys. Do not let this come ta America. It
can happen here, it can happen here.
May Gad have mercy on them. May Gad have mercy on


Tao much sin.

Spineless, spineless.
Christian world needs a stiffer spine, a firmer conviction.
We must stand up for a firmer befief in the Christian prin­
ciples that we were taught. We cannat be spineless, must
stlffen the spine and fight.
Pray for His Holiness, Pope John. Pray for His Holiness
Pope John. Plotters working against him, plotters working
against him, got to pray more, must thwart their efforts with
Write ta the President. Write, write, encourage him.
They're going ta try ta harm our President, pray for him.
No, mustn't, no, mustn't, can't let them harm him. He has
advisors that don't advise him right, Prayers can help,
Prayers must help. Every Christian should pray first for His
HoIiness and then for the President, our leader of this
U.S.A., our beautiful country. Keep Old Glory flying. Oon't
let what's happened in Cuba come here, don't, don't. lt's
doser than you think, it's doser than you think.
More trouble in South America. Racial battle not yet
over. They're working in Chicago pretty strong now. You
will also hear of them starting trouble in our own state, and
that is in Milwaukee.
Pray for a successful meeting and a better understanding
by the Hierarchy, especially the coming gathering with Car­
dmal Agaginian who is a very good man. May many of the
Hierarchy listen ta his advice and follow it, for he knows of

what he speaks. He knows the facts, he knows, and he also
knows sorne of the enemy amongst his own brothers in
Christ, he knows.
1 got to speak of it.
The battle against Catholicism is getting worse, especially
now because we have a Leader, our President of our Coun­
try. Must pray more for him. They're going to use his Faith
against him, especially the Temple of Evil, the Hub, with its
many chambers down into the earth.
Cardinal Agaginian must warn the Hierarchy against in­
filtration amongst their own, he must show them. He must
warn them of the tricks they're using to blind, yes, even the
elect. We can't let them win, we mustn't.
The Christian world must fight, must fight. You can see in
many places what they have done with tne spirit of Christ­
mas, and they have foolishly let this continue because again
of the trend of the times, the modern art. Don't use symbols
of the modern world to replace the Christ Child. And when
the artist draws the Christ Child, let it be divine and beauti­
fui, inspiring and devotional, not sorne hideous looking car­
icatures. Protest, three weeks ago when the cards were put
on racks that was the time to return them and protest, pro­
The Christ Child was wrapped in swaddling clothes and
has a beautiful face, not a hideous looking, scratched face
with dots for an eye and a line for the nose and a curve for
the mou th, with huge, ape-like ears. Is that the image of the
Christ Child? You must not accept them, return them,
object about them, and the same of His Holy Mother and St.
Joseph. They were beautiful, not sorne freaks. Oh yes, the
modern art, where a few scratches on a piece of paper have a
deep meaning. Yes, a deep meaning to confuse the world
and to confuse even the re1igious wfio are helping to draw
these caricatures and cali them art.
If you love Thy Lord and God and His Holy Mother,
don't take a back seat. abject, put Christ back into Christ­
mas. Replace the Christ Child back into its crib. Do not con­
tinue to have the crib empty. Return the Christ Child, for
that is the true spirit, the Christ Child, not anything else­
not the champagne bottle with the cork flymg and the
champagne spurting out as if that was the spirit of Christ­
mas. Not tinsel, in many a store you'lI find nothing to repre­
sent the true Christmas. Oh, the atomic age is weil repre­
sented with guided missiles, remote control. Oh yes, those

things are all nice in their place, but not for the true Christ­
mas spirit. Now is the time to start objecting to the wrong
representation of Christmas, object!
Oh Lord have mercy on them, oh Lord have mercy on
them, oh Lord have mercy on them.
We must not fail, we must not fail.
We need to clean off more of the newstands and literature
placed before the youth. In many sections it is very disgust­
mg, especially in cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis,
Detroit, St. Paul and Minneapolis, Akron, Ohio; Pittsburgh,
Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Mass.; Washington, D.C.;
Miami, Florida; Augusta, Georgia; New Orleans, Austin,
Texas; Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Baton Rouge, and so
on; on and on-Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San
Diego, Seattle, and especially around the bases for the boys.
It is weil taken care of to corrupt their minds. Thank God
for sorne of the Christian parents that have spoken and
taught their youth. There are sorne amongst the camps that
are really truly Christian boys, but there are not enough.
There are sorne boys that have picked off these corrupt
magazines and secretly burned them. There arè sorne ~ood
boys, mothers and fathers. You see it is not ail in vam. It
only takes more of a backbone; more spine and a true love
for your Faith, for your Lord and God.
Don't let the covers deceive you. This has been repeated
over and over again, and don't let playing cards deceive
you. Pull them out, then look at the plctures on them. They
look like playing cards on the outside, but on the inside It
teaches a child intercourse from A to Z. That you'll find in
playing cards disguised as such, be alert, be alert.
WAKE UP, AMERICA! W AKE UPl For a continent or
a country will crumble when the morals are ruined. Why did
Paris fall? You had your example. As long as the young
maidens are running the streets in Bikinis, and as long as the
designers make clothing so tight that every part of the body
is exposed, and as long as the parents accept these, there can
be no respect for womanhood. Yes, even mothers wear
them. Why don't the mothers and daughters dress as Our
Holy Mother would want you to dress, Mary-like. Don't fol­
low the styles if it makes you look disgustmg. The dresses
too, and above the knees; too tight a sKirt and when you sit
down, you're exposed to the others across the way. Parents
and mothers, Christ Our Lord and God does not like these
things. If a woman does not respect herself and dress

Christ's ways and Mary-Iike ways, then how can she ask re­
spect and expect respect from others? The woman must be
proud of her own appearance and command respect, for
God put man on earth as the beast, and the woman to keep
her purity and respect as a woman.
An these are Communistic ways promoted by the evil
In 1950 the message of Our Lady said that 3/3 of the con­
tinents were occupied with the enemy of God. That word
3/3 was frowned upon, said there is no such a thing. The
message was changed to 2/3 instead on/3. Then what con­
tinent IS clean if tllat was wrong. We have five continents,
and there is the enemy of God in everyone of these conti­
nents which makes it 3/3. It did not refer to ail the people,
but those that are trying to control and govern the people.
Those are the ones it referred to. The ones in control of the
destiny of mankind. Eleven years ago it was said 3/3. Have
we done anything to reduce this? No, it has become worse.
Just as the world turns, the red blotches have not decreased,
but in some sections are becoming darker. The enemy of the
Christian world is like a huge octopus with many arms with
which to strangle. Cali it Marxism, Communism, Facism,
Nazism-call it what you like-Judaism, anything, it's still
nurtured by the same head, the Supreme Grand Master, the
enemy against the Christian world, the Pope of Evil, the
Godless, the Satan.
OH AMERICA, WAKE UP! Do not let the huge hand of
fear clutch your throats, because ifyou have no fmth in God
and His Holy Mother and let fear take over, you are defeat­
ed before you start. But place Jour faith and love in the
Holy Mother and Her Son, an then you can go out and
conquer much. For one that loves His Lord and God and
His Holy Mother doesn't fear, for the enemy is trying to
spread fear and hysteria because that is one of the greatest
means with which to defeat. Have you ever watched some­
one frightened halfto death, as you might cali it. How much
can they do? That stands true with every man, woman and
child. But ifyou love your Lord and God, you have not that
fear, because you have your Lord and God above you, be­
side you, in front of you and within you, where is the fear?
There is none. Have courage, because if you keep yourself
in the state ofsanctifying grace you need not fear. So do not
follow the trend that IS being promoted in the U .S.A. of fear,
but rather do the work Our Holy Mother has requested of

Your heart is filled, your voice is weak as your thoughts,

prayers and loneliness go back a year ago towards the Sec-
ond Chosen One and hiS family, the great loss he has been
to you and the Cause, the unfimshed work, the need of com-
pletion, the failure to accomplish much of this work before
and after he was taken.
Prayer, only prayers will bring peace and comfort. More
willingness to sacrifice is needed. More repentance, repara-
tion and Christian workers willing to face persecution, hu-
miliations, great sacrifices to help bring souls to Thy Lord
and God.
The Godless are working hard to undo what the children
of God do in His Name. Have courage, for with God you
will not lose. Continue to fight for those that have fallen by
the wayside. Put more effort on bringing these souls back to
This season in which a great love should be shown to the
poor and sick, the mentalfy afflicted, to bring them joy and
happiness and comfort in their need. This period is turned
into self-indulgence, mate rial gain, self glory.. The true spirit
is cast aside; with that the unfortunate suffer. Those work-
ing on bringing Christ back into Christmas should have
spread this into a larger field, as they are far outnum bered
by the U.N.'s anti-Christmas, making a mockery out ofthis
season of peace on earth to men of good will.
Much more hardship and persecution before you as
many tests have been given and many more will be given.
More loved ones taken, more suffering before you as man
creates more to destroy than to help aIl mankind.
There can be no peace while Thy Lord and God is p'ushed
into the background, and the unwillin~ness to sacnfice, to
face humiliatlOns, unwillingness to give a helping hand
when needed.
Pray, pray, as many disasters are before you. More man-
made disasters, as Our Holy Mother is still holding the
Hand ofThy Lord and God to give just punishment to His
Pray for His Holiness, pray for ail the Priests and Reli-
gious as the purge of many is growing nearer. His Holiness
needs prayers as a great militant behind Him to help turn
the tide of those that want to destroy the Christian world
and devour many innocent victims with them. More effort
needed to save the souls of man.
Many souls will be lost, many souls will be lost.
Medlatrix of Peace, Mediatrix of Peace.
Fires, more accidents. Coming annihilation, area aH anni­
hilated. Won't wake up, wake up. Many souls lost. Fires.
Affects respiratory organs and passes into the blood­
stream. Many years of torture and suffering, for many
years. No medication available to help. Helpless, helpless,
only the mercy of God can help, only the mercy of God.
Why was the Mercy of God devotion stopped, Why? More
of Satan's talons sunk in.
Pray, pray, pray much. Fear not, but pray.
No, no, planning to split the country just like a century
ago; just like a century ago. They're plotting to divide the
spoils, same organizatlon as of a century ago. No different
now. Lincoln and the Czar spoiled their plot, so Lincoln was
assassinated, but today the picture is more serious. Too
much infiltration in government offices, too much infiltra­
tion. More prayers for our leader, he is no Lincoln, he would
have more obstacles to hurdle, even ifhe was a Lincoln, but
he's not.
Pray for him, pray for him, pray for him.
They can't use them, they can't use them.
The suffering for humamty will be horrible if they use
them. Germ warfare they used in World War 1 would be
nothing compared to this. Only a drop in the bucket,
mustn't use therri.
Pray for unity, we stand in unity; we conquer in unity;
there's peace in unit y; there's happiness in unity when
there's love above aH ln a commumty. Without unity there
shall be no peace. Without unity there shaH be no communi­
ty. Without unity we will not conquer.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace; oh Lady, the bearer of
unity, pray for us. Oh Lady of Unity, pray for us, place us
beneath thy Mantle in umty and love in our community,
bringing peace to the whole universe and our nation.
Our Unity Medal, Our Lady looks alive on the medal. We
must fnd our wax under the Mantle.
That's a beautlful song, but 1 can't sing it.
Peace, no peace yet in store. WAKE UP! WAKE UP! The
aim is for World, World Brotherhood, àii
thaiïiïeansonly one thing: estroy Catholicism. For the
Brotherhood of Man, tl:!ose words are not meant the w,.ay


theYùoNO,d. It's not to s.ave man's souJ, but to d~9Yi!. And

t1ïë . . IS one of the places where World-Go2' is
being put in control. That is why theynever use the word
r Gad, for that is the World Brothefolwod without a..QQd, and
) that cannot bring peace, but destruction of humalJ.29yJs,
( hU.I!!an_mings. Christianity _i~_p'usheQ_gl,!t. WAKE OP!
WAKE UPl Christian world, wake up before it's too late.


Lord have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us.
Looks like no escape, looks like they are bringing the
purge upon us. Material things still supreme, spiritual
pusned in the background. Christian world teetering and
{ tottering op the brink of th.egI:ea.tesLR!!rge that ever hit the
world. May the merciful wrd intercede with His Hand.
May He be merciful to those that are innocent and don't un-
derstand the wrong they are doing.
God have mercy on them. Oh God, have mercy on them.

! Why can't they awaken, why? It hurts one to see them

striving so hard to become purged. If only those that had
been under the heel of the enemy, oh, if they could only
1 speak; th_ose. that haye been ig~~ntrati..Q!l..-C.a.lIlps;
sorne of tneBishops, the religious and priests and sorne of
the devout Christians. Ifthey would only speak to them and
they would heed their warning.
Again the Holy Season is upon us. In sorne places it does
one's heart good to see the increase in devotions the display
of the Christ Child, the Nativity scenes instead of the mate-
rial Christmas. In others it has been pushed to the back. The
material things come ahead. The promotion of the U.N.'s
Yuletide has come in the foreground. The Christian, the
spiritual, the true Christmas you cannot see. They don't
even use the word Christ, but the holiday season.
Where is the Christ Child? Can they not realize that with-
out the Christ Child there would be no existence for anyone.
Ask those in the purged countries. Ask those that have been
tom up and destroyed, scattered here and there, their fami-
lies lost. Ask those that have been rudely thrown in to prison,
accused of un-Christian principles, accused of planning and
plottin~ against the government of their country, when it
was a he, when in thelr hearts they were praying to God Al-
mighty, but they were accused of just the opposite.
One great example is Cardinal Mindzenty, who is like a

dog on a leash. He has not the freedom that they're trying to
make you believe. Yes, he has only the bayonets in his back.
He knows and God knows that he can only utter prayers
within himself, not to voice them openly.
That is one example. Do you want to see this in the land
that Our Holy Mother so loves? The land of the free, the
home of the brave-where? Is this not said in mockery? The
freedom of speech when they put the Christ Child in the
background or remove Him entlrely, they can only get what
they are asking for-the enemy. Let us put the Christ Child
back into His Mother's arms. Let us replace the Child where
He rightfully belongs, and let it be a true Christmas.
There is a great temptation by the enemy to shoot missiles
into the Christian population on what they cali the
foolishest celebration of Someone who doesn't exist, to
show them there is no Christ. Oh, how wrong they are! Oh
Lord, have mercy on them.
Why cannot as many churches be filled the year around
with the congregation they generally have on Christmas?
Why cannot it be Christmas throughout the year? Why have
just one day? Why? And yes, by those that cali themselves
good Christians, why? Why did they listen to the tune of the
Pied Piper of evil and let themselves be led into the destruc­
tion of mind, body and soul.
During the octave of Christmas they will again celebrate
the holicfay season, as they cali it, with parties, champagne,
ail hours of the night. Disgusting, sickening. Where the mo­
rality goes down to its lowest ebb instead of this being a pe­
riod of a spiritual uplift, when the angels sing to their God,
to their new-born King, when it should be peace on earth to
men of good will. Where are the men of good will?
Without Christ there cannot be the joys of Christ. Let's
implant that into their minds. You cannot cast aside the
Christ Child and replace it with parties, champagne and fol­
low the guidance of the U.N., which does not speak of the
Christ Child, but the holiday season, which only means the
pleasure of their body, but not of their soul. Degrading the
soul, not uplifting itf
Until thlS turns into the spiritual Christmas, the true
Christmas, you cannot expect Our Holy Mother and Her
Divine Son to bring upon this earth peace and happiness
when man ignores the true spirit of Christmas and replaces
it by the motto and symbol of the U.N.
Take your choice, and don't whimper and cry when your


beautiful country will also face the heel of the enemy and be
purged as it never has been before!
Take your choice - there is only the Godless or the spiri­
As the globe turns, the red blotches are not diminishing
but increasing and you know your answer by this.
On many of the places you still see hunger. Hunger for
food for the body, hunger for love and understanding. Look
at them, they need Christian guidance, they need love and
understanding. Pray for them, pray for them.
Too much sin, too much sin, blackest of sin.
Holy Mother, dear Mother, Holy Mother.
World not good, it's crushing me, no good. So heavy on
me, take them off.
Christ have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Oh
Christ hear us, Christ hear us.
Confusion, such confusion. As the globe turns the red has
not dimmed. How can it with the confusion that's being
spread by those that should know better. It is spread by
many because of weakness of tlesh, glorification and self
will, not the Will of God. Defying the Will of God, we are
pushing peace further back, further back. How can man ex­
pect peace when he is not honest with himself. When man
himself denies his own birthright, denies his God. Instead of
making an all-out effort to do the right, and by those that
know better, by those of the True Church of Christ, by those
that should be the example to the others, when they them­
selves look for the easy way; and how they err, because it's
not the easy way.
The time will come when they must face their Maker, and
then can they ask themselves was that the easy way? Can
you look into the eyes of your Lord and God and say that
you did all that you could, all in your power, in your own
conscience you did as God so willed? Can you look into His
eyes? No, you'll have to hang your head in shame because
Our Lord can pierce right through you. You cannot deny,
you can only stand in the naked truth, in complete naked­
ness. Your soul is bare before Thy Maker, Thy Creator.
Several years ago 1 shockingly received a message that
tormented me. 1 wanted to take this to my Bishop. 1wanted


to lay it befon: him. 1wanted to help to right it, to correct it.

1 was denied the chance. It was inslde my bosom and chest
for years. No one knows the pain and agony it causes inside.
You could not speak of it until finally it was released.I was
told to place it on a piece of paper, 1couldn't, sol disguised
it, in fear it might fall into the wrong hands. One is greater
than the other and so on down the fine. And the two it re­
ferred to of the highest rank, its a crushing blow to know
that they're the men, the representatives of Christ on earth.
1 cannot name them not even now.
1wouId like to tell my Bishop who they are, but he would
only laugh at me, and even if he laughed at me, that still
wou Id not be too bad, if 1 cou Id have given him this mes­
sage. But Pope Pius XII, before he died, he knew the truth.
He knew the truth and it broke his he art. He was crucified
because of the knowledge that he had discovered.
There can only be the truth or a lie. You cannot compro­
mise with the truth. It is either the truth or it is ail wrong.
Read the Gospels ofThy Lord and God, His own words, He
did not compromise. It was either white or it was black, and
today, to make things easier they want to compromise. They
want to live in appeasement with the enemy of the Church.
The Church cannot live in appeasement with the enemy
here on earth.
Our Lord and God did not say there is a road in between
that you may take to make the path easier. The church laws
have been altered to suit those that are looking for an easier
path. The excuse is because of the modern days and mod­
ernlife. We must go along with the trend of the times.
Thy Lord and God did not give that at the time He died
on the Cross. When He walked the earth He did not give
that as an example, but today they are continuing to err. At
the time of the Reformation everyone thought it was terri­
ble, but the biggest split in the world's history will come, a
division in the Church. And where are the shepherds to
watch over the flock? Where? They heed not the cry of the
wolf, they heed not.
Our Holy Mother's Cause here at the Sacred Spot repre­
sents unity. It has been repeated many times over, the con­
version of Russia. The enemy fears this conversion. It fears
the unifiëation between the great churches, man's churches,
to bind them together as one. That is a tremendous strength,
but those in the True Church must clean their household.
They must clean the mistakes, not because they did not

know better but because of weakness within. Misrepre­
sentation and deception, seeking the road in between, lis­
tening to the whispering of the enemy, confusing the issue
and thus confusing the people.
No, no peace, there cannot be peace while the Church is
shackled and dripping with the red of the enemy. They do
not want to hear this nor do they want to accept il. They will
rebel against it, because as the old saying goes, the truth
hurts. But does it hurt enough? If it does, then make the
change before it's too late. Quit deceiving, but stand for the
It is only the truth that will win your peace, only the true
road to Thy Lord and God.
1 would hke to na me many names here, but 1 feel 1 can'l.
There might be others that dare, but 1 will place those
names in record and seal it in case of my death, that the hi­
erarchy shall receive il. For they themselves know the truth
if they so wish. They are not men of no education. They
should know the truth, if they only wipe their eyes and are
willing to face the hardship that will come because of the
unveifing; but, oh no, we must coyer up, coyer up. We can­
not let them know, we must coyer up. That would be choos­
ing the road in between. Even sorne that seem to think they
have the answers, they know it, are still leaning upon this
one error, and that is the error that funds must come firsl.
Christ was born in a stable. He could have chosen the other,
for He is God. Why did He choose the lowly stable? Only to
set an example for man to follow. Through this all so many
of the priests, the clergyman, are in the greatest confusion,
they are confused, wby? Why are they confused? They
should not be, the truth is only one way. But they're con­
fused because sorne ofthose above them go off the track, go
off the road to righteousness and reach, yes, reach for the
wrong; may it be for personal gains, self-glorification or
may it be for the mighty dollar, for prestige, but not for the
love of God. Personal gain cannot be the true love of God,
but to sacrifice, to give of one's self, to seek the lowly, the
poor, the unfortunate and give a helping hand, as the Sixth
Station speaks of, that is the way of God, of Thy Lord and
God; selfishness is not His way. Personal gains, ignoring thy
brother, thy sister, thy father, thy mother and above an thy
Lord and God, that is what is wrong with the world today.
There will be no peace, there is no chance for peace with it
being pushed furtber and further away instead ofbringing it

closer; B.ecause we are trying to live in appeasement instead
of standIng firmly for the truth.
The Church must turn back and follow Christ's teaching
completely. They must not change ohe iota of it, they must
follow in Christ's way. The modern times, the era of today,
has nothing to do with the teaching of Christ. ft must follow
the pure and simple, it cannot be changed. And while the
worfd is trying to change the Church to suit their own pur­
pose, they will not find- peace but a punishment from tbeir
Lord and God; and that IS why His Holy Mother stands with
bowed head, in tears. There must be a cleansing before
there can be a Resurrection, and the enemy knows this, and
the enemy has chained the Church on earth.
More disasters, more fires, floods will be terrible, and yet
man does not learn, man does not learn. So many innoce(lt
victims, so many innocent ones must go and suffer.
Why can't people wake up, Why? Why can't they think
for themselves, why? Why the complacency, why? If the
people would only awaken and take interest in their own
country, and show a true love for it, stand for the right and
truth instead of so complacently followin~ the trend, the
trend that has been changing for years. FlfSt graduaI and
now quite openly, to suit the enemy, to bring humanity into
it's own clutches, including the religious; becoming so com­
placent that they cannot tell the dlfference between Com­
munism, Socialism and the truth. The confusion that this
type of thinking crea tes in many a man, and it shouldn't, for
if they were alert, they could see that it cannot be of God, it
cannot be the truth; but the shackling ofhumanity, the con­
trol of the souls, the minds of man. There have been many
examples of these works, but the people do not take time to
investigate into them to gain the knowledge of the wrong
that is behind these things. They are too willing to accept,
instead of finding out the truth.
If you would take the census of a city, you would be sur­
prised how many of them do not know their own city offi­
ciaIs, know their names, let alone their state representatives
and what each stands for. Oh, they might know the name of
the President. Then how can they corn plain when things do
not go right, when they show such lack of interest in their
own welfare, their own community, their own state. And ~
they ~ill be the first ones to cry inste~d of standing up an~
learnm~ the truth, then fight for thelr freedom. Why wall
until it IS too la te? Since the year of 1900, oh previous to this,


yes, but especia11y since the year of 1900, they gradually

worked up to the present day infiltration, and today they do
not hide 1t or keep it secret. They're quite open, quite free,
for they have changed the textbooks to suit tnemselves, they
have changed the teaching of the children, they have com­
plete control of the press. Where's the freedom? Freedom
which is only a mockery. Now today even those in the wrong
are beginning to lu11 the tune of getting out of the U.N.
What's the trickery behind this? Just watch and see, Satan's
Den, and that is the U.N., no good at ail.
The poor, plucked Eagle.
Do not be ashamed ofyour Faith, do not hide the images
of the Saints, and ofThy Holy Mother, Thy Lord and God;
place them for a11 to see. They must be ashamed, because if
they wouldn't be, then why this modern church, so-ca11ed
modern? A strange design is supposed to represent His Holy
Mother. A very strange looking caricature is supposed to
represent the Crucified Lord. Are we ashamed of the Bless­
ed Mother, the Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, or whatever the
patron saint of the church may be, whose name it carries?
Are we ashamed to show the image? Statues are being re­
moved from churches and replaced by sorne symbol, why?
l'm sure this is not the wishes of Thy Lord and God.
Why change the churches and fo11ow the pattern of a
barn? Why not make it the House ofGod with the images of
Thy Lord and God, the patron Saint, His Holy Mother, Her
Spouse, St. Joseph, and the other saints. Why remove it a11
and place above the altar a misformed, hideous 100 king car­
icature that is supposed to resemble thy Crucified Lord?
What representatlOn is that when the feet are out of propor­
tion? Thy Lord and God did not have feet that are too large
for Him; His hands too large, no, but that is what you see In
many modern churches today. And while these things are
promoted, these errors, we cannot seek peace. You cannot
destroy the images of Christ and expect the youth to find the
love of God. If you turn a picture down on its face, it isn't
because you love it so much that you turned it down, be­
cause then you would stand it up and you would want to
look at it; But because you cannot face it, you're ashamed.
You must be guilty of something or the image of Thy
Lord and God would not bother you. Otherwise you could
walk up and look Him right in the eye and say My Lord and
My Gad, 1 love Thee; or to the Blessed Mother, but you are
permitting Him to be removed from the churches. Are we

ashamed? Or is this another way of appeasement to the
enemy? Appeasement for the enemy has been gradually
working in modern art or whatever you might cali it, to
bring this about, and foolishly many Christians are fol­
lowing in a complacent way without being alert why it is
being promoted. For the youth of today or of tomorrow, has
not the image, the beautiful image, to learn the love. Vou
cannot teach the children the love of something they cannot
see. It must be before them. They do not remove Santa
Claus, then why remove the Sacred Heart, His Holy Moth­
er. Why remove them if you want to teach the love for Thy
Maker to the children of tomorrow?
Awaken, awaken and see what is being planned for you.
Do not sit idly by. Go to the clergy and speak out. Do not ac­
cept these changes with a compracent shrug of the shoulder,
it's the trend ofthe tîntes. We must go along with the trend of
the times, and thus gradually removing Heaven out and
bringing in the work of Satan, but give it the name of mod­
ern, modern ways, modern means. Modernizing the church,
the teachings of Christ. That is not the way Thy Lord and
God, when He walked the earth, instructed HIS AFostles.
Wake up, Christian world, wake up! For the woo is cer­
tainly being pulled over the eyes of many ofyou. Return the
Mercy of God devotion. Bring it back, for without the
Mercy of God you have no chance. Do not accept the new
modern caricatures for thy Lord and God, but the beautiful
images. Refuse them in person or write, but do not shrug
your shoulders. Only then will you be able to teach the child
of tomorrow the true love for Thy Lord and God and his
Holy Mother by keeping the beauty, the true love of Them
in their hearts.
Please, please, oh please, let me give their names. At least
those unaer Rabbi Prinz's control.
Not enough prayers.
Loss of hls son was no accident.
Vou will learn of sorne more strange things happening,
shocking things, just as shocking as the plane accident or
worse. That plane was no accident, sickening, why? Such
cruelty, those bodies, so cruel. They surely could have
reached a different agreement. It surely could have been
settled in a different way. Why ail these lives, Why?
The East Coast is a mess, this is a punishment from God.
this will not be the last. There'll be many more noods,
storms, disasters like this and yet they heed not. People are

like a f10ck of sheep. A few frightened sheep they'll pile
upon each other in a heap and smother and kill their own
group, so does man. The Ohio, the Mississippi will go on a
vicious rampage, also in our own state. Yet we heed not,
what a mess; the West Coast, East Coast, next the Central.
Pig Eyes (Krushchev) is standing with both feet on a ba­
nana peel. Ali he needs is a shove and it still will not be for
the good. One of his evil cohorts is briefed to be the leader.
If only enough prayers would be said to change this picture.
For when there is a weakness in the chain and the link could
be broken, and then replaced by a stronger link, by the link
of good. But there are not enough prayers. More prayers are
needed to tum the tide now, for there's a growing need. Il is
getting bigger and bigger. The need of food, the nunger, not
only for material food, but the spiritual food. Our Heavenly
Mother asks for the conversion of Russia, let's bring that
about. Let's repair that link with a strong link-the conver­
sion of Russia. Let Old Pig Eyes stay on the skids. and let
him take the evil forces with him. If only there would be
enough prayers to give him that push. As Alex has pleaded,
as 1 have seen Our Lady ofVladimier pleading, Bogoriditza
(Mother of God in Russia), and yet we fail Our Lady of
Unity. That is what the Mediatrix of Peace represents here
in the U.S.A., and througi1 this we're asked to spread unity.
Let's fight for unity, le1's unite, not in the enemy's way but
in the Christian way. Let's go undemeath the Mantle of Our
Lady, the Mediatnx of Peace, the Mediatrix between God
and man, and then we shall have peace. We've got a long
Iadder to climb to bring unity, puritication, cleansing, repa­
ration, sacrifice, penance, the Rosary. Each bead can be a
little missile f1ying up to Heaven to intercede to God and
His Holy Mother to bring about that peace. Peace can only
be accomplished by the Rosary, sacrifices. So much must be
adjusted, so much must be cleansed and changed. There
surely is a way. l1's only up to the Militant to grasp .it. Our
Lady, Mediatrix of Peace and Our Lady of Vladimler, the
Bogoroditza of Russia.


Prayers, prayers, more prayers.
Much activity here in the underground city, under ice, 1
should have said, for it is only ice-the subterranean city of
destruction. Here are also some of the prisoners that they

took during the revoit in Hungary. Sorne that many believe
are dead are still here alive, as there are sorne in other
places, used to do their work. They have sorne very intelli­
gent men here forcing them to do their bidding, which they
do, for they fear, fear to be destroyed. In the past examples
have been shown ofwhat they will do to those that are weak
and fall, weak because they have been driven to exhaustion.
There is no heart in these men, they seem so heartless, so
cold; but sorne ofthese that are doling out this pain, this suf­
fering, this abuse, if the tables were turned, would scream
like any rat that you have cornered, wouId squeal; but they
are just the cohorts of Satan, the tools used to abuse the
Chnstian people. They can be so cruel when they want to
use someone as an example for the others. They have sorne
of the best scientists here that have ail they want. They're
not abused as far as material things are concerned, but they
are only like a fatted dog on a leash. There is no freedom, for
when they are finished with them and they're of no further
use, they are dispensed with.
They have their stockpiles weil camouflaged and any visi­
tor from foreign countries (ofwhich we are inc!uded), do not
see their secret weapons, onl)' what they wish them to see.
They do not show their factones, nor do they tour the enemy
through their factories like we here have done in the past.
They show sorne, yes, but not the important ones, like the
huge plant in the Ural Mountains.
Oh America, the Christian world, unite into one in
prayers and in love for Thy God, for the unrest is great. The
time wouId be now to break that link, but again too little,
too late. Much must be corrected, must be c!eansed and
righted and that takes the efforts of every Christian and
God-fearing, God loving man and woman and child of ail
nations, creed, race or religion and above ail those of the
True Faith, those of the Catholic Church. They know the
truth and failed, those that should not fail. The others that
should be a shining example to the rest of the world.
Wake up! Wake up! There are many brilliant men, scien­
tists, doctors, whatever you might cali them, for God gave
them a talent and many of them are using that talent that
God gave them, but they forget that hadn't God given them
that talent, they could not use it. They forget it is a gift from
God, their Creator, their Maker. What a wonderful world
this could be with the brilliant men that we have in our
country. Much good has been accomplished, but they must



remember to thank their God for giving them that talent,
and that talent must only be used for the good, not for de­
struction. Pride, self-glorification and prestige rushes back
Thy Lord and God, and they become ungratefu and selfish.
But turn it around and be thankful for the gift you have re­
ceived and what a difTerence it'll make in the Christian
world, especially during this period of Lent.
Make the sacrifices, reparation, say pray ers, the Rosary,
and thank Thy Lord and God daily for the gifts He has be­
stowed upon you. Lel Thy Lord and God be thy guide. As
He has glven man a free will, but let that will do the Will of
God instead of the lures of Satan. Pray to overcome the
templations of Satan.
No matter what part or what talent you have, it doesn't
matter how little, hOW large or how much. When God
passed out talents. He gave more to one lhan to the other; lo
sorne very !iule, but it was God that did it for reasons we
cannot judge. So we must accept and make the best use of
them we can and not turn them into destruction or into
wrong, and let Satan lure us and harm our neighbor, our­
selves, our country.
Let's keep the Old Glory flying high and in one whole
piece, not ail taUered and torn. Let's keep America beauli­
fui, with a pure white heart, not a tarnished, black heart full
of sin. Are we not proud of our country? Are we not proud of
the Old Glory? That is one place you should be proud of,
proud of your country. But why, why do you let the capital
ofyour country mire In slime and sin, why? There has noth­
ing been changed, as has been given in the past. There is no
need to repeat and repeat and repeat, it has not been al­
tered, it is still the same. In places it is sad to see.
As the globe turns the red has not diminished. You still
have the huge octopus clawing around the globe. The Ser­
pent is still coiled in this country. The Beast is still a two­
headed Beast, and beneath it is still the plucked Eagle, rep'­
resenting lhe U.S.A. The U.S.A. is slill not free, bUl is stIll
under lhe paw of the Lion, the International Bankers, the
Supreme Grand Master and the 500. They're still in control,
and it is increasing rather than decreasing, because the
Christian world is LOO corn placent. We are more inlerested
in sports, in the easier things oflife. A diversion is necessary,
but when diversion, !ike sports and good times, becomes the
main issue and the others are neglecled, that is the time your
nation will crumble. ft is at your doorstep, Central America



is not too far away, Cuba, the Republic. Take your pick, and
then take a look in Washington, D.C, the capital ofyour na­
tion, and the picture is a sad one.
Wake up before it is too Jate!
May God have mercy on America. May God have mercy
on us.


Fear propaganda, one of the quickest ways to weaken hu­

manity is pJacing fear in their hearts. Fear shows Jack of
faith in their Lord and God. You must not fear, but place
yourself in the hands of Thy Lord and God. Have falth in
Him for He is merciful. When fear strikes your heart, take
the Crucifix in your hand and look at your crucified Lord,
and then picture in your mind ail that He has suffered for
yo~. H.ave faith ~ithill your heart. The fe~r prop~ga~da,
whlch lsn't anythmg new, but WhlCh at thlS hme IS glven
greater promotion, and so many of the Christians are actu­
ally falhng into the hands of the enemy by this fear, shows
only that you do not have faith in Thy crucified Lord, that
you do not believe that He died on the Cross for you. Fear
only to offend Him, do not fear man.
There must be a continuation of devotion to the Mercy of
God to awaken and to heJp those that let the enemy place
fear in their hearts. Oh, If there onl)' would be enough
prayers and 1 would be permitted to glve the names of the
evil ones that 1 am viewmg now. 1 am still held back, these
are the ones that are aggravating and promoting this fear.
These are alive, these are not dead. They've even been able
to cast a great fear and confusion among the reJigious, the
clergy; but this shouJd not be, for who knows better than a
priest that you must have faith in Thy Lord and God, whom
he represents. Who knows better than the priest, be he the
smallest and humblest priest or be he the Archbishop or
Cardinal. They must help the Jaity to understand, to teach
them not to fall in the hands of the enemy and Jose their
faith in fear.
Our Holy Mother says, come to Me, my little children.
She's calling ail of you. Why do we not answer Her beck­
oning when She stretches out Her hands for us to come to
Her? Why do we turn our backs upon Her? We have seen
what the enemy can do. The one exampJe is in the Western
Hemisphere right now, and at the doorstep of the U.S.A.


The Eastern Hemisphere has suffered this purge again and

again, but amongst them will spring up those that nad faith
in their Lord and God and wiIr arise victorious. Must we in
the Western Hemisphere, the educated nation, fall into the
same purge? Are we letting ourselves be over-educated, too
• smart and thus refusing the mercy of God, and then falling
into the greatest purge this nation has ever seen? It need not
Awaken, oh Christian world, awaken! Help those that are
stumbling in darkness. Bring them out of the shadows into
the light. Place thy trust, thyself, thy ail, in the hands ofThy
Lord and God and His Holy Mother. When you keep your­
self beneath Her Mantle you need not fear, for She will
comfort you and guide you. And ifyour cross is heavy, ac­
cept it and remember Thy Lord and God. Walk with Him
during this period of Lent as He walked to Calvary, and
then you wirI find that your cross is not heavy but IIght in
comparison to His. Oh you with so little faith, cringmg in
the corner with fear in your hearts. Why, why?
Keep Old Glory flying, unmarred. Do not let it become
tattered and tom. And the Statue of Liberty, may she stand
in full brightness ofwhat she truly is to represent-freedom
and liberty and justice for aIl. Right now it doesn't look that
way. There must be cleansing, cleansing. Vou must start
with your youth and then up the line. For the future ofyour
Country lies in the hands ofyou and the youth oftomorrow,
the rulers, the leaders of this nation!
Parents, wake up! Do not fail thy child. Object to the vul­
gar music and dance of Satan. Ifyou let this continue it will
become more hideous and vulgar than the known twist of
today. Object, object, protect the citizens of tomorrow.
Don't let this happen, don't let this happen. l'm viewing
what will be a common thing. Vou would imagine you we,re
at the beaches, and these are people walking in thestreets of
a city. Where is the womanhood, the self-respect, and yes,
they're even entering the House of God in this disgusting
dress. If the complacency of the parents, the laity, continues,
this is what you will see, walking on the street like the hea­
thens in the jungle. Vou must not let this happen.
Oh ChristIan world, keep yourself Mary-Iilce, not the
pagan way of the jungle, in bikinis that barely cover, the
strapless gowns, the strapless bathing suits, the strapless bi­
kinis. Picture in your mmd the disrespect for womanhood.
There are places this is evident now. Tt isn't any cooler. Do


not let this misguide you. In fact the less you wear the hotter
you are, not cooler. That is only the way the spider lures a fly
Illto its web. Women, where is your respect? Do not let the
spider lead you into the web. Be Mary-like, keep your self­
respect and make this a nation of purity, respectful women,
young girls.
Until things are cleaned up, the black sins removed, the
nation's capital cleansed, there shall be no peace. Instead a
purge will fall upon this natipn. An example at your door­
step now. Speak to those that have lived in the purge of the
Eastern Hemisphere. Speak to them that have lived and
been crushed under the heel of the enemy. Do you want this
in your nation? Vou need not fear that this will happen if
you do the right, if you live the Commandments of God, if
you set your path and follow it as the Holy Family, Thy
Lord and God lived.
Do not say oh, lhal was in ancienl limes. Again we must
mention God gave men the talent to improve ways of life,
not to hold back. But it must be done and can be done in pu­
rity, in decency. For when God made the Commandments
they were made because He knew man could fulfill them.
They are not impossible, be they at the time of the birth of
Chnst or today in the modern era, the atomic age. One can
still follow a clean, pure Christian life, and the Command­
ments of God are the same at the time they were made to
the time of the atomic age. There is no change. They cannot
be changed to follow the trend of the times. That has noth­
ing to do with il. Place thy trust in Thy Lord and God. Fol­
low the example of the Holy Family, and you need not fear
then of offending Thy Lord and God, for remember He is a
merciful God, Thy Protector, Thy Creator.
Lord have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Lord
have mercy on us.
My Lord and My God.
Not enough, not enough. There should be more going to
Lenten devotions, not enough. In sorne places, yes; others,
no. A few places there seems to be a 50% increase in devo­
tions, and III other places the opposite is true. When will the
Christians awake, when? And even sorne that are present at
the devotions, there's something lacking. ICs not there, why?
More effort must be made to keep the images ofThy Lord
and God in beauty, to bring and teach the true love ofThy
Heavenly Mother and heavenly beauty. Replace them, and
keep them before the youth. Question those that are attend­

ing sorne of these new and so-called modern churches where
the heavenly beauty has been removed and in its place is a
symbol. Speak to this type of congregation. See ifyou'll find
the same love, the same devotions in the hearts of both the
youth and the eIders. Then in a church that is not ashamed
• to represent the true images of Thy Lord and God and the
saints. Oh, we have many beautiful churches yet, but they're
gradually removing them and putting up the ones with sym­
bols rather than the image. It's not the same, don't make
that sad mistake, don't.


Serpent is still coiled in the U.S.A., and those un der the
symbol of the Serpent have not decreased but increased,
and the fangs are still imbedded in Wilmette, in the U.N.,
the Godless, the controllers of the U.S.A. and the world, the
Hub of Evil. The controllers of One World Government and
One World religion. Not Christ's religion, but anti-Christ.
The Serpent of Evil. We continue to be blind to these facts,
but the 500 are not blind. The Supreme Grand Master, the
Pope of Evil, he isn't blind in accomplishing the evil
through the Grand Masters under his Jurisdiction. How
blind can the Christian world be, how blind? What must 1
do to awaken them? Look at them, Why can't 1 name them
one by one? One thing 1 will say, regardless of the conse­
quences, the Supreme Court of the United States is con­
trolled by anti-Christ, not by Christians at ail, but by the
Godless, the heartless, the enemies of the Christian world,
the Supreme Court of the U.S.A.
1 hit a sore spot 1 guess, they sure would like to choke me,
hub of Evil. 1 have only scratched the surface, 1 wasn't able
to get into the depths. Sorne of our officiaIs of the U.S.A.
would be shocked to know who sorne of these wolves are in
sheep's clothing. The societies betrayed and the Christian
world being sucked into it just like the f1ies into a spider's
web. Why can't they wake up and see it, why? World is too
full of sin, black sin.
The youth that Our Holy Mother stretches out Her arms
and pleads for are still under the control of the enemy. Is
there any use to speak? Is there any use to try to help them?
They are so complacent. They're not ail evil, that's true,
there are many good, good souls. Thank God for that, but
when you put a couple of rotten apples in the barrel you can

rot the whole thing; it might be slow, but they'Il succeed.
Those Beatnik dives, they're not aIl children that are evil.
No, on the contrary, they're a group of confused children
that are seeking for something. They have been neglected
by the parents, the community and by their leaders, they're '
groping in the darkness. How many of these organizations
are there? You'd be shocked. The parents are not concerned
where their child goes at night or where it stays. There are
adults at the heaô of these organizations to destroy the
As Our Holy Mother said in the years of 1950 and '51,
and has been proven over and over again, the youth is used
for many riots, be they in the Western Hemisphere or the
Eastern; it's the youth they are using, the citizens of tomor­
row. The plotters are weIl organized, they have taken the
freedom away from the U.S.A., the>: are weIl in control.
When looking at the Statue of Liberty, you do not see
peace and tranquility beneath her because the capital of the
U.S.A., Washington, D.C., is filthy! So how can it be any­
thing but sickening beneath the Statue of Liberty? One
views the corruption, the sins. Womanhood has lost its re­
spect. Unless they change their ways, the Statue of Liberty,
the Madonna of the U.S.A. will be a mockery,just a mock­
ery. Let's deanse ourselves, turn to Thy Heavenly Mother,
Thy Lord and God. Our Heavenly Mother with Her out­
stretched arms is reaching for you to help you, to guide you,
to protect you, but you turn around die other way. 1 still
have time, tomorrow l'Il start. Tomorrow-you might never
see the tomorrow, have you thought of that? Tomorrow
might be too late. Let us do it today, not tomorrow. For the
Brown Bear, the anti-Christ, the Supreme Grand Master,
the 500 are weIl prepared. They might not give you that to­
morrow that you are seeking, putting off today for tomor­
row. Today, do not wait, for it was given in 1950 that the
dock was striking 12. It has struck, the rest is up to the Chris­
tians, the few Christians that must stand and struggle, no
matter how heavy the cross, no matter how deep it cuts into
your shoulder, you must hang on and fight for Thy Lord
and God, for when you do it in His Name, you need not
Again we must warn you, do not fall into the fear propa­
ganda, but trust in Thy Lord, Thy God, Thy Creator, Thy
Savior, for without Him you are lost. Do not listen to the

Pray for His Holiness for his row is heavy ta hoe. His cross
is tremendous, for the world lies on his shoulders. Pray for
him first and many times du ring the day. Whisper an Our
Falher and a Hail Mary ta give him strength and those
working with him.
The prayers have fallen off for the leader ofyour country,
why, why? Increase those prayers for the officiais of this na­
Oh Christians, oh Catholics of the universe, bring out
those beads and send them as little missiles to Heaven. En­
circle the universe with missiles of the Rosary. Send them
up circling the globe, because as the globe turns, the red
spots have not diminished. They are still red, they have not
decreased, for Red China has not changed, it is still spread­
ing its ev ils. The Brown Bear has reached into the Western
Hemisphere, as the Beast is shown to me again, the two­
headed Beast, the body ofa lion, a head of the lion, the King
ofall beasts, and the Brown Bear. Underneath its paw is stifl
our plucked Eagle, representing the U.S.A. We are being
plucked by the Lion, the King of the Beasts, the Interna­
tional Bankers.
As long as the Supreme Grand Masler, the Pope of Evil,
and the Grand Masters in different parts of the world, and
with them the 500, are in top control, the Eagle will stay
plucked, and to counteract that you must send the beads of
the Rosary as guided missiles into the universe, and make a
solid chain of the Rosaries about the globe.
Yes, that makes a lot of work. It takes a lot of sacrifice,
eSl?ecially the religious in the schools, to guide and teach the
children where the Earents fail. Those that have their heart
and soul with their ord and God must try to teach the chil­
dren. It is a tremendous job, for it should be the parents to
help, but too many parents are more concerned about the
material things of life, the prestige. They're too corn placent
to care even what their child is doing, that is what's wrong.
We're not alert as Christians should be. The teaching of the
ways of the Holy Family is forgotten. You must remember
and live as the Holy Family set the example. We are guided,
we have been shown the way, bul we ignored il completely,
and as has been given in lhe Eight Points, and has been re­
peated over and over again, bul it seems nol lo be heeded.
Wake up!
Sorne are surprised that the Conference again was a fail­
ure. They should have expected il. As long as the capital of

this nation is as filthy and as corrupt and as evil, good can­
not come from il.
Cleanse your government. There are sorne very hard
working men and there are those that tried to work but were
hel pless because too many of those that should give a help­
ing hand speak only with their lips but not with their hearts.
They will say, nol me, nol me, leI me ouI o/il. Ifnot you, then
who would help? It takes the work of everyone. Again 1
must repeat, do not expect your neighbor to do your work to
keep the Old Glory flying untattered and untorn. It takes
the work of ail to destroy the coiled Serpent of evil in the
U .S.A. 1t'Il take the work of ail no matter what color, race or
Ali must unite, Our Heavenly Mother stood with the Sign
of Unity upon Her Breast, reaching Her arms out to ail chI1­
dren, Her children, calling the m, pleading with them to
come to Her. She spreads Her Mantle wide, but we turn our
backs, we turn our backs. The proof lies in the devotion
shown, especially now during the Lenten Season.
Where are those that speak behind closed doors, that
complain about this or that not being done right? They are
afrald of a little penance, sacrifice, ret him or her do it; it
takes ail. When Our Heavenly Mother reaches out Her
arms, She does not say you or you or you, She means ail. She
loves you ail, and we are guilty that She bows Her head and
the tears roll down Her cheeks. We are guilty, we place those
tears in Her eyes. Let us mend our ways, for the Western
Hemisphere will soon learn the consequences if they do not
mend their ways. The example is in Cuba, South America,
the Republic and yes, in many spots of the U.S.A.
Pray for the leader of your country, the leader of your
state, the leader ofyour community and above ail, pray for
the religious. Give them a helping hand, for the future of
your nation depends on you. Why are the vocations falling
off, why? Your answer was just given. You must sta)' alert at
ail times, and remember the youth, the future, the cltizens of


False, not true, rersecution against the Archbishop is se­
vere, but God wil protect him. tven those of his own that
should stand up with him are the ones that are hurling
stones, that are twisting his statements and meanings. It will

become much worse. It's far from being ended. Many
prayers are needed. He might be blinded in eyesight, but he
IS not blinded in knowledge. He has been persecuted for
many years. His cross is very heavy. It cuts clear to the bone,
for in his h~art he knows he must stand up for what he
thinks is the right, no matter who turns against him. Many
of his own flock have turned against him. Great need for
prayer. Much corruption in the city where he has his home.
It is from this same place that the enemy has shanghaied
men and used them for their purpose and later destroyed
them in sorne ship. Pray to Joan of Atc and Our Lady of
Prompt Succor to help this holy man who his own so severe­
ly persecute. They're helping the enemy, they are fal1ing
into the hands and wishes of the enemy, why?
Those of the True Faith are persecuted in the Southern
States, very severely in certain sections. Many prayers are
needed for the mission workers there, for their road IS rocky.
For speak about paganism in the Eastern Hemisphere, you
have It right in the Western. Too complacent and lax, even
amongst the religious. Sorne try hard, then shrug their
shoulders, What's the use?, for they do not get the support
they need. It's in this city that many of the churches during
this Lenten season should have an mcrease and do not. It is
our own of the True Faith that fal1, in many instances, more
than those of the ignorant that have not the same knowl­
edge or the same pnvileges as those of the True Faith that so
easily shrug their shoulders. We must set the example.
U.S.A. still has many red blotches. It hasn't diminished,
and there seems to be an increase around the area ofChica­
go. It is these failures that cut the cross down deep on those
that try so hard to do the will of their Lord and God. There
are many of the religious that are daily walking the way of
Calvary, that are good humble men, butthey are persecuted
because they truly love their Lord and God, and whom are
they persecuted by, but their own flock.
There must be more failh in Our Lord and God. That
does not mean that you mustlay aside your obligations and
turn only to prayer. No. For to sorne the excuse is they
haven't the time. One does not need time to pray, for your
work, your pleasures can be offered into prayer. Oedlcate
each hour of your labors into a decade of the Rosary and
your hour wil1 be one decade of the Rosary, but you yourself
must dedicate that hour for a decade of the Rosary. Even if
you cannot say the prayers yourself, but if your intention is


there, it will be said for )'ou. There are obligations that ev­
eryone must fulfill, that IS true, but ifyou dedicate it to Thy
Lord and God, to His Holy Mother, it will be taken care of.
But it must be done with sincerity and love and true devo­
tion to Thy Holy Mother.
Our Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between Thy
God and man. She extends Her arms towards you, and yet
we ignore those arms. We fail Her. We turn our backs on
One of the Grand Masters will be replaced. He is being
instructed for this now. Ofcourse the original Grand Master
will stay in as long as he lives, but he will be unable to func­
tion fuIly so they shall replace him. For the cat is losing his
nine lives soon.


Sorrowful Mother, pray for us, Sorrowful Mother, pray
for us.
Our Lord doesn't approve of His Holy Mother being
cast aside today. Very few Masses were said in honor of
Her Se ven Sorrows today, which has always fallen in Pas­
sion Week. One must remember Our Lord and God loved
His Mother very much and She loved Him. For many
years the celebrant at the altar dedicated the Mass in
honor of the Sorrowful Mother. Suddenly this has been
changed. What was right once cannot be wrong now. For
Our Lord and God does not approve of His Sorrowful
Mother being forgotten at thlS time. Her Heart was
pierced as She too walked Calvary. She suffered the
pangs and pains of Her Son, for they were of one flesh.
The Holy Spirit did unite Them at this crucial moment.
Pray for the Hierarchy and the religious, too much con­
fusion within the Holy Office. More prayers needed for
His Holiness to fulfill the great task, the door he is open­
ing. Much persecution, great division amongst those that
should be united, more prayers needed.
Oh Cardinal, wh en are you going to mend your ways
wh en?
Pray for His Holiness. He needs the whole Christian
world behind him. We cannot let him become ill, but at
this crucial time. We must pray to give him strength. We
must be the true Militant soldiers of Christ, with ail thy­
self, thy complete heart in it, not just the lips. For the


enemy does not approve of this Council, the Ecumenical

Council. The enemy would like to cause greater confu­
sion. Prayer is the weapon, and pray the Christian world
awakens to their weakness and their complacent attitude
and they grow firm and strong and march as true soldiers,
true militant of their Lord and God.
Pope John is a good man, remember he cannot save the
world alone. The cross he's carrying has eut deep into his
shoulder. It is up to us that the pain of the cross does not
weaken him, but keeps his steps firm in what path he has
taken to bring it to a perfect completion; that those that
are harming the Council, that they fall on the wayside,
helpless to Interfere.
Oh, but it takes prayers, sacrifices by ail, and not thy
neighbor but thyself; and remember the Command­
ments. Love thy neighbor as thyself, be alert, as the
enemy is very shrewd and very cunning. When you have
societies or meetings, be sure that those accepted are of
the honorable type and truly love Thy Lord and God, that
they are not just there to hear thy plans and ways, then go
out to destroy, which is the case in many instances.
If you weren't looking for prestige, if you would hum­
ble yourself and be a true Christian, you are one of those
that looks for himself first and for hls neighbor last, and
yet you are a representalive of Christ. How can you do
these things and hoId your head high? How can you?
You're one of these that causes confusion amongst the
faithful. Oh, may God have mercy on your soul. May you
fall on your knees and beg forgiveness and make restitu­
tion for the harm you have done, the confusion you have
created among the faithful that have faith and believe in
Help those that cannot help themselves, help. For
many are the victims of the sins of the world, help them,
protect them.
The red blotches in the U.S.A. have not diminished.
More prayers are needed for those that are being perse­
cuted and trampled underfoot by the enemy, more
prayers oeeded. Repeat the prayer Our Lady gave, the
Mediatrix of Peace Prayer, many limes as it intercedes to
Our Holy Mother to protect those trampled underfoot by
the eoemy.
Those that are standing on soap boxes and shouting
that they are oot equal are doing those people a grave in­



justice. Abraham Lincoln did not turn his back on them.

He tried to protect them, and free them out of bondage.
They are being accused of being ignorant and have not
the menta lity of a four year old child. How can they that
have used them as their sla ves accuse them of this? Who
was behind the educational system for these people? Thy
Lord and God who created you also created these people.
May God have mercy on those that are scandalizing the
Church of Christ by hurling accusations and slander and
stones against the Archbishop who so greatly tries to do
the right. The news does not give what's so sadly going on
in more than one area of this same type of injustice, de­
moralization. How can you ask for peace upon thy nation
when you yourself are being so unJust to thy fellow citi­
zens of the U.S.A., for that is what they are. There is many
a man with a white skin that has a black heart, and many
of the black race that have a white heart. This hurling of
accusations fits both races, the colored as weil as the
white. When Our Lord and God passed out talent, He
also passed out talent amongst the colored races, be they
yellow, red or black, as weil as the white. The talent was
not only placed upon the white. Give them a chance to
prove thetr talent. Let this nation be an example of free­
dom, of justice and of loving thy neighbor as thyself, and
then there will be liberty for ail people and happiness.
More prayers are needed. More prayers and workers
that are willing to help those that are fighting for the right,
and do not be like an ostrich, hiding your head in the
sand; but hold your head up and contInue to do the work
of Thy Lord and God, and that is spreading love and
peace and teaching those that are ignorant the right fn')m
the wrong.
Sorrowful Mother, pray for us. Sorrowful Mother pray
for us; Sorrowful Motber, pray for us. Guide us and pro­
tect us against the evils of the world.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, bring us together in
unity. Help us, Oh Lady. Mediatrix of Peace.
III Have mercy on us, oh Lord and God, have mercy on us.
Something very shocking is going to burst loose. Shock­
ing and frightenmg to many. More assassinations, more
chemicals used to weaken the minds of men, to dull them
into complacency. Oh you ofso little faith how different
the world cou Id be. You will be frightened to death and
scream in fear when a little effort could have changed the


whole situation, could have made it so much easier for ail.
Yes, you of so little faith.
Alex hasjust shown me that the propaganda we are fed
here in the U.S.A. is false. He has shown me the true pic­
tures and they are not what we have been told. Until this
situation is changed, we cannot expect peace on earth.
He showed me the inside of one of the largest churches
in Russia, St. Petersburg. They have desecrated it com­
pletely. They use it for Communistic meetings to harm the
rest of the world, where they plan and plot against the
Christians. They have removed the altar and on this in­
stead is a platform where the leader stands and spits and
stamps on the place Mass was said, just to show their
awful thoughts towards the Christian world. They have
used the blood of a Christian child and have sprinkled it
over the places where formerly the Sacrifice of Mass was
offered. And there also was a large convent, today they
are using this convent, they keep young girls here. ICs too
ugly to talk about. The Chapel, they have placed cots
where Holy Communion was passed to the Nuns. Must 1
tell you whaCs being done tFlere instead? Anything in
mockery, anything. Especially do they practice this in the
month of May, the month of the Bogoroditza, the month
of the Mother of Our Lord and God.
Il is not as they have said. Il is not true. ICs false propa­
ganda. Yes, even given by those of our Faith that cali
themselves promoters, that tell us Mass is being said. No,
no, it isn't. The priests here are laborers, dressed in work­
man's clothes. There stands one now in overalls and dirty
clothes. Then he switches as a priest just to identify him­
self to me that he is a man of the cloth, a priest, but he's
dressed as a worker. That's what is still going on and we
here in this Country are forgetting the few prayers that
Pope Leo XIII has asked for the sake of this Country to be
said after each Mass. We are casting that aside as if the
battle has been won and look at it, look at it.
If the)' could only see this, and then step away from the
altar wlthout offering the pray ers for those that are
tram pied underfoot by the enemy, that need those few
prayers. Il doesn't even take five minutes, is that asking
too much? Is that asking too much to help those people
tram pied underfoot by the enemy so severely? If only
those priests could come out from their exile and stand at
the altar in America and tell their stories to our congrega­


tions and the religious, the nuns. If they could come forth
and tell those that are so complacent, so arrogant, and
show them the sacrifices that are needed to help those
tram pied underfoot by the enemy. The Iron Gates are not
open, pray. If your priests do not say those prayers then
you, as the laity, say them. Say them for the people as
Pope Leo asked for them. Why ignore them? The world
surely is not at peace.
Cardinal Mindzenty, Cardinal Mindzenty could tell
the world much. The suffering he has endured. Yes,
they're trying to make you believe he is free. He's only on
a leash, with bayonets at his back. Yes, Alex pleads, he
pleads for his fatherland. We here could do so much, we
should be their refuge, their strength. We fail them. Many
are praying, yes, but not enough. We have forgotten what
they have done at one time to save us. Check back in true
history at the time of Abraham Lincoln when the Evil
Forces were ail prepared to take over the U.S.A. Yes, the
youth is not told that in their history books today. It has
been altered, why? For they do not want the truth to be
known. He asks us to pray for them especially during the
Feast of the Resurrection when in our Country the cele­
brant can say Mass in true love. He begs us not to throw
this away. Why are so many of the clergy saying Mass in
10, 15 and 20 minutes? That cannot be true devotion.
They cannot say the prayers properly. Their eyes can scan
the words, but they cannot say the prayers and do justice
to the Mass.
Examine your conscience. Study the Mass. What does
it represent?Then do itjustice in 10, 15 and 20 minutes? A
Low Mass should never be any shorter than 30 minutes,
no less. That's so little that you can give to Thy Lord and
God. Do not bring the purge that's behind the Bamboo
and the Iron Curtain, do not bring the same type of pur~e
on this Country. Be a shining example, be a true ChflS­
tian, love thy neighbor as thyself and then there will be


APRIL 19, 1962

Rabbi Prinz, How wicked can they get? Now you can
just see them, the Rabbis of the Satan and the Rabbis of
the religious Jews, you might say. At least their religion

they believe. They might be misguided, but these Rabbis
are humble. They seem to believe in what they're talking
about, but this group, Rabbis, Yids, no more Jew blood in
your veins than there is in Satan's. Yids.
Meetings held, something cooking again, and sorne of
the members from Havana, Cuba are in this group. So
many believe that Fidel Castro is the one and only devil
of the group. Oh no, he's only the puppet that's being
used tojingle in front of the people. He's the puppet, and
how heJingles, but the on es behind him in the quiet zones,
they're the ones.
If only the world would awaken. If they would only in-
vestigate these situations. If they weren't so complacent
and accept ail those gullible stones. If we would keep our
fingers out of Havana, Cuba they could take care of sorne
of the situations themselves. But we here in this country
that are gaining so much, that are in control of the gam-
bling syndicate, the sugar plantations, they're the ones
that are behind much of the unrest. They're trying to de-
stroy the Christian world.
Ifsome ofthose in this country, those that are so com-
placent, so free, that are expecting their neighbor to pro-
tect them, their neighbor to do their praying, their nelgh-
bol' to do their thinking, their neighbor to do it ail, but
they are the ones that are going to shout and yell when
things don't go right. If they could see sorne of the sad-
ness, the heartachc that is going on in Cuba, right on your
doorstep, desecration of churches.
When your Church has been taken away l'rom you,
what have you left? Ask yourselfthat question. Ifyou tum
the lock and close the door on the Church, what is there
left? Yes, you can watch the huddling of a few people here
and there. The Rosary again is hidden,just about as badly
as in the Iron Curtain countries. Sorne places they still
don't hide it too badly.
To review this situation is only to give JOu an example
ofwhat can happen right here in the U.S.A. where they're
stilliamenting and singing the tune, il cannol happen here.
We're 100 educaled 10 [ellhese Ihings happen. When Satan
strikes he doesn't ask for your diploma or your degree.
When Satan strikes he doesn't care who you are, ifyou are
a pOOl' fellow or if you have money in your jeans. He
doesn't care unless you tum your soul and body over to
him, but any of the Christians that think Ihey are 100 clev-

er, that Satan cannot confuse them, should think other­
Vou have the example of what is being tried with
forced segregation and forced integration; either way ifs
wrong. When enough prayers are said and enough faith in
our Lord and God, those situations can be taken care of.
But as long as the 500 are in control, the picture is a sad,
sad scene. So much of this unrest is done by the 500, by
the Grand Masters, the Supreme Grand Master.
The laity must work, the laity must work.
May God have mercy on the U.S.A., may God have
mercy. May those of the Christian Faith, may those wilh
the love of their Holy Mother, their Lord and God, may
their devotion, their faith, their true love be the shining
and guiding light to those of the confused. May those that
have sacrifced so much be given an opportunity to light
the path for those in need of a helping hand. May they
through this, turn this period of the Resurrection of Our
Lord and God, cause the light to shine upon them and
guide them and give them tne strength and the courage,
for it takes a lot of courage, but it also takes faith in Thy
Lord and God-faith, hope and charity. One cannot cast
these aside, and one of the greatest Commandments is
love thy neighbor as thyself. With that imbedded in your
heart, no matter what happens, your path will be paved so
you can sorne day meet your Maker face to face and have
joy, happiness and peace. But before ail this can be ac­
complished, you must help those in the darkness, in the
confusion, and show them the way.


1 can't see anything but trouble, only trouble. People
don't want peace, there's only trouble ahead. Can't find
peace without God, you can't find peace without God.
They're trying to do the things that God alone can do,
they're trymg to be God, take the place ofGod. That can't
work, only destroy them, only destory them. They must
turn to their Maker, they must turn to their Maker with
true love.
Little fishes ail around our continent. They would like
to conquer and then divide. At the rate we're going, they
don't have to wait long. We'll fall right in their hands like
a rotten tomato. We'Il bust up from within. Vou don't
need any H bomb or Cobalt bomb or A bomb, we'll do it

ourselves. Once you fight your Church and your God you
can't expect anything else. You must face the conse­
Yes, there are many mistakes made, many mistakes. I1's
the Almighty Dollar, the root of ail evil, tha1's penetrated
even our Church. Tha1's a man's Church, for the Trium­
phant Church can never be infiltrated, but man's Church
can be destroyed because man himself does not love God
enough to save his own sou!. You cannot ask thy neighbor
to save your sou!. You must do it all on your own. The
enemy knows the weakness of the Christian world. They
know it and they help contribute to it, and we fall right
into their trap. The trap we fall into is the mighty dollar,
that glimmering piece of silver, the same piece of silver
that made the Apostle of Our Lord betray His Lord and
Master. The same piece of silver is dangling before the
eyes of the world today. It hasn't changed, it hasn't
changed. Ifthey would only learn that ifthey turn to their
God and their Holy Mother then everything they need
will come their way. Of course many get discouraged be­
cause they thought they tried, but they must remember
there are too many that don't try, so you are one of the
victims. It's up to the laity to help those fallen by the way­
They're using the St. Lawrence Seaway to bring in the
baby subs so they can watch the central U.S.A. from the
water line. Little baby subs that crawl in any place. They
can fasten themselves to a ship and sneak through.
There's got to be a greater turn towards Our Lord and Ris
Holy Mother. We must have our churches filled like they
are filled twice a year-at the birth of Our Lord and at the
Resurrection. The rest of the time so many forget, but
they will go twice a year. If they would only jam their
churches like they do twice a year, then we could have

MAY 13, 1962

On May 13, 1962 while at the Sacred Spot from Noon

to 1 p.m. Mary Ann Van Hoof saw the letters U.S.A. on
the large piece of granite, and it showed the real black sins
of the mothers, going across the sun. Then it showed the
martyred mothers in the near future in the U.SA., mar­
tyred because their hearts would be bleeding for their

sons. There were so many mothers that she could not
count them.


More effort must be made, persecution, persecution for

the religious terrible. Must not let it happen, must not. It
isn't too far away unless more effort is made. What hap­
pened in Cuba will happen in U.S.A. The Canadians are
already engulfed deeply, Mexico; squeezing in U.S.A.,
Hawaii and Alaska was used as an entry for many subver­
sives. People must turn to their Lord and God. The revo­
lution of our great statesmen in the U.S.A. will be nothing
to compare to what can happen here. We have modern
weapons now. As shown on June 16, an entire city can be
wiped out in just a few seconds. ICs only pray ers, devo­
tions, penance, the Rosary, to love thy neighbor as thyself,
to be charitable.

Spare us oh God, guard us, protect us. We must not err

and fall into the hands of the enemy. We must do every­
thing in our power to stay in God's graces at ail times, for
the enemy is ail about trying to destroy the good, trying to
infiltrate, especially in the U.S.A. Many eyes are cast
upon this Country for help as weil as greediness, oh God,
spare us.
We need more workers, the laity must work. They must
be alert at ail times. Pius X, pray for us, pray for us.
We must not let a Havana, Cuba come here, we must
not. Our Heavenly Mother has warned us at Fatima and
at many places, and now the infiltration and war and de­
struction has entered upon the Western Hemisphere. De­
struction of churches, religious and priests, desecration
has fallen upon the Western Hemisphere.


Yes,1 must stay obedient to the Church Triumphant at
ail times, to help to keep the Militant, Christ's Militant, at
work. As some of those in Joan of Arc's time helped to
burn her at the stake 50 today they, too, would like to burn
me at the stake. 1 must keep faith, I must stay obedient to
the Triumphant Church where the King of ail Kings is tri­

umphant; and His Holy Mother reigns as Queen and all
the Saints and the Apostles, the Heavenly Court, to guide
us here on earth. We must seek their guidance in all humi­
lity, in true love and devotion as we were chosen here to
give our ail. Sacrifice may seem very difficult, unbearable
at times, but we must pray, pray and ask those to help us,
to guide us, to protect us.
Plead to Thy Heavenly Mother, for She has shown Her­
self today in the beautiful blue mantle, and before Her
stood Joan of Arc, the Saint who has promised to help' us
here ifwe call upon her, for she knows the trials and tnbu­
lations that are placed upon us that are trying so hard to
do the Will of Our Father in Heaven and His Holy Moth­
Oh, Joan of Arc, help us, pray for us, intercede to Our
Holy Mother for us. For those that have been chosen here
must not choose their own will, but they must follow the
will and guidance of our Holy Mother, for She is the One
instrumental in choosing them; and for anyone that
doubts that Our Holy Mother does not want us here at the
Sacred Spot, should erase that doubt because She wou Id
not have shown Herself here today when my mind has
been trou bled with the constant bickering of those that
are trying to set themselves up as judge and jury and fail
to follow Our Holy Mother's requests. As Joan of Arc
said, Our Mother came here to help the lost souls before it
is too late. She did not come here in all humility for only a
mere few, but for all the world and all of us here. And in
due respect we must come back here, no matter how far
we must travel, to show here our respect and love to Her,
not at the wayside but here at the Sacred Spot.
The Sacred Spot is the trunk of the tree and the branch­
es are to spread over the whole universe, and to help those
lost at the wayside, to help those confused and miserable.
For the world is now in the greatest confusion in the
world's history, for the enemy has seen to this; not only
the laymen but the religious and clergy as weil. They have
lost the infinite love and devotion, true devotion to Thy
Holy Mother and Her Divine Son, Thy Lord and God.
Self-will, self-glorification seem to be supreme.


Oh Lady, pray for us. Oh Lady, pray for us. Our Queen of

Heaven and Earth, pray for us, guide us, protect us. Help us
through these trying times.
More lay apostles needed. Il has been asked here that a
constant vigil of prayer be held. It was not heeded by those
that should have heeded it. They felt they hadn't the time or
cou Id not demand the sacrifices. Oh, if they could only
speak to those that have been so greatly persecuted, that
have been tram pied underfoot by the enemy, that have had
their privileges taken away from them-their freedom, their
love; to show the love of their own family, have ail been
taken away. Oh, how they wou Id like to tell them, go on
your knees and keep a constant vigil ofprayer before it'i> too
late, before it's too late! Oh Lady, Queen of Heaven and
earth, intercede for us. Help us, guide us, comfort us in our
needs, for the trials and tribulations before ail of us will be
severe, especially in the U.S.A. where She pleaded ten years
ago that we do Her requests, and still they hear not. They
still go on their way. Turn to the Queen ofheaven and earth
and let Her guide and protect you.
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between God
and man, the Queen, Our Mother that was given to us on
Calvary. Pray to Her to spare us, that we, Her children, turn
to Her and fulfill Her requests. The enemy is ready to harm
us in many ways. The 500 are weil organized and al! those
below them. Only prayer and the lay apostles must work.
Lady, Mèdiatrix of Peace, pray for us.
More prayers needed, more prayers needed. As long as
there are men Iike Weinstein, Sulzberger, Moscovitz,
Pasvolski, Lapowski, Finkelstein, Burnstein. Strauss, Klaus,
Katzin, Javits, Lehman, Warburg, as long as there are these
men (there are only a small number) in control of govern­
ment, there cannot be peace. Goldensen, Perlman, Rosen­
man, Pelinski, Dubinskl, these men are not for the good, but
harmful to the government, the community. People do not
realize that they have been completely under control-the
press, ail their freedoms are shackled, sports, entertainment,
mills, steel mills, the farmer, the Agnculture department,
na me it and it is under control. The freedom has been taken
away. Wake up before you are trampled underfoot by the
enemy. WAKE UPl The beginning is close, they have been
warned twelve years ago here and in 1917 at Fatima. Still
they heed not.
Prayers, sacrifices, more prayers areneeded. More lay
apostles, sincere lay apostles, not those that seek self-glorifi­

cation. Let's increase the workers, not diminish, remember
the clock has already struck, prayer, prayer.


Glory, glory, glory, glory be to God; glory be to God in
the highest. May His pralses be sung in Heaven and on
earth. May they ring from ail the Iips ofthose on earth. May
the Blessed Trinity shine upon them, guide them, protect
them. May they give themselves ail and come within the
Blessed Trinity. Glory, glory, oh glory to God on the high­
est. May the praises ring in Heaven and on earth.
God have mercy on us. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, have
mercy on us. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
May those working for the cause or for our Holy Mother
and Her Divine Son, may they not be ostriches and hide
their heads into the sand, but stand firmly for their belief
and convictions. So many want to hide like an ostrich, why?
Oh, those with so little faith, afraid they might be ridiculed.
Stand up for your convictions as a true Militant for Christ
and in Christ's name. Stand up and praise Him, do not let
Satan help you hide your head. Yes, It should be hidden in
shame when you are afraid, afraid to be ridiculed. What is
more beautiful than to be riducled in the name ofThy Lord
and God? Do not be afraid, fear not, only fear to offend Thy
Lord and God, which by hiding your head as an ostrich you
certainly are offending Him. Be true Christians, for God is
merciful with those that praise His Name.
ln the name of the Blessed Trinity, keep courage, keep
(Mary Ann then said ail was very still and she saw very
dark clouds over North America. She saw the clouds break
open and a ray oflight came through. She was told our only
salvation is a Constant Vigil of Prayer around the clock by
aU Lay Apostles, Religious, Priests, Universities, Seml­
na ries, etc., and that wiU be our ray of hope. This is the only


What must we do, what must we do? Too much pride, too
much pride. What can we lay people do? Too much pride,
they won't liste n, they won't Itsten. Not enough unity be­
tween home, school and church. Not enough unity between

religious, too much pride and self-will. They are destroying
their own selves. They're bringing the purge of Cuba upon
themselves. There'll be more desecration of religious, cross­
es, crucifixes, tabernacles, statues. Fault lies with those that
are removing the images out of the House of God. They
must not, they must not. Through this they are falling in the
hands of the enemy's promotions and examples, they must
There must be a Constant Vigil of Prayer before it's too
late, before it's too late. This beautiful country should be an
example for ail nations. We should show them unity, we
should be true Christians. Should be peace amongst home,
school and church and especially amongst the religious.
Jealousy, bickering, selfishness, uncharitableness must stop
between religious. They've ail pledged themselves to serve
Our Lord and God, why must they be jealous, why, why?
Serve Him with love and not jealousy. God can see ail. You
cannot hide in the darkness. WAKE UP! The only hope is
the unification, with a constant vigil of prayer.
Oh, pray for the Vicar of Christ. The bomb they placed in
the Vatican was only to show that they' can enter. It did not
do much damage, but the next one will do much more dam­
age. Pray, for October II th is drawing closer and closer. The
enemy does not want this to happen. Instead of bringing
disumty between one another, stand firmly for My God and
Thy Country.
Pray for the Vicar of Christ, pray. We must not make St.
John a.martyr. For he certainly will be a saint. He is a good
man. Let him finish his work. It won't be finished unless
enough prayers stand behind him. Pray, pray - 24 hours a
day - 365 days a year, pray.
My Child, avoid any interference to this Cause. Do not
comment or get involved with any other matter, which only
adds to confusion and misunderstanding. Follow my messa­
ges only.


There is a huge missile on the launching pad, one of those
great big ones. They're very busy in the subterranean vil­
rage. Again there is unrest within their household. Why do
they sanction the word of appeasement? Why soften the
word and make it sound good1 Communism, Socialism, or
whatever they might cali it, it is not for the Christians but

against them, only to destroy, only to destroy.
Pray for Pope John XXIII. Pray for the enemy does not
want the Ecumenical Council to be fulfilled. If they suc­
ceeded to destroy it now it'll be shoved back for many years
or might never have it. That is what they want. Pray, oh
pray, pray. Il is so much easier now to pray than to try to
crawl out of destruction. It is horrible, it is horrible. What
can be done? This would not happen if requests are heeded.
Our Holy Mother pleaded at Portugal. They heeded Her
not. Those that were working for the Cause instead of
praying, they turned to commercialism and hindered the
progress of that work. That must not happen here, that can­
not happen here, it must not.
Pray for His Holiness. Do not let them crucify him. Pray
for hi m, pray for him.
The prayers for the President of this Country have again
fallen off mstead of increasing. He needs prayers, for the
enemy is trying to control him entirely. Il IS only through
prayers that the tide can be turned, and the laity must work.
The Lay Apostles must unite in unison, cleanse this beauti­
fuI Country of evilness, cleanse.
Have mercy on us, have mercy on us.
Good St. Anne, pray for us, Good St. Anne, St. Joachim,
pray for us.
Little St. Mary, pray for us.


Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, pray for us. Oh Lady, pray

for us.
Pray for Pope John XXIII. Pray for him, pray for him. As
the Ecumenical Council is drawing nearer, it is becoming
more dangerous for hi m, for the enemy, the anti-Christ,
does not want him to fulfill this great Council. Prayers are
needed, prayers from ail, for Pope John is a wonderful man.
He's a St. John and he needs prayers. The time is drawing
close, and the enemy is watching every chance to go into the
Council, get amongst those that are working, to disrupt this
great task, this great work. Prayers are needed, pray, pray.
Pray for ail religious. Pray for ail priests and Helrarchy.
So many are so complacent. They think only of the material
things, of the good things, of the life that can be easy. They
cannot see the handwriting on the wall. They cannot see the
enemy ail about them. Yes, they use many methods and

many ways. Sorne are dressed in sheep's clothing, but un­
derneath they're wolves, with their fangs extended to harm
the Christian world. They are trainea very skillfully and
cunningly. They do not show the disgust amongst you while
they are trying to reach you, come within your community,
in your social doings and any activity. They are very pleas­
ant, more so than the true Christian should be, but when the
sheep's c10thing falls off their shoulders, they bear their
fangs at the Christian world. So pray, pray, love thy neigh­
bor as thyself. Do notjoin in when a group condemns some­
one else or tears apart someone.
Do not join into any scandalous uprisings. As it has been
given in the past there are many taught, especially the
youth, to incite riots. Do not be a part of this, but pray in­
stead. When they're screaming out, you yourself stand si­
lently in prayer Instead of joining unless you surely know
that it is for the good that they are gathering. Do not join
something that you do not understand. Be careful, for ail
eyes are on the U.S.A. Ali eyes are watching the government
of the U.S.A .. every movement. Yeso and they're also watch­
ing the Hierarchy of the U.S.A. and the Christians.
Our Holy Mother still stands with Her Head bowed and
tears coming from Her eyes, why? Because her Christian
children, the children She so loves, have turned their backs
upon Her. They heed not Her pleas, which through the
centuries, have been very simpfe: the Rosary, sacrifices,
penance, to love thy neighbor as thyself. Instead they do not
have the time. They turn around and go their merry way.
Ask those that have been tram pied underfoot by the enemy,
ask them ifthey had another chance to change what they so
carelessly cast aside, how eagerly they would be to undo
As has been said and repeated many times, let each bead
of the Rosary be a little missile to Heaven and bring down
peace and happiness. But that can only be done when you
unite in peace and harmony, unite between home, school
and church, for the Church is the pillar of ail homes. ln your
schools, your Supreme Court is trying to throw prayers to
God out. They're trying to cast awaythe motto In God We
Trust. Have you asked them in whom shall we trust-Satan?
When you cast aside your God. your Creator, what have
you left?
lt is sad to watch. The road to the left is crowded with
those that have listened to the tune of Satan. The road to the

right is very narrow, because there are so few. Why? Why?
I-fave you no faith in Thy God, in Thy Creator? Have you no
faith in His Holy Mother Who bows Her Head and sheds
tears. Don't be lulled to sleep by the propaganda fed to you
daily over the T.V. and radio. Do not sleep and think it can­
not happen to America. We are too weil fortified, we are too
weil educated. Other countries thought the same and what
happened? What has happened in Cuba is about to break
~)Ut ~n the U.S.A. and in Canada. They are already infiltrat­
mg m many ways.
Yes, twelve years ago it was given that there was a 75% in­
crease ofprayers in Canada. Where are they now? What has
happened to them? Do not let those same things happen
here, the infiltration of the enemy.
Yes, we are not willing to sacrifice. We are not willing to
repent and do penance. We are not willing to go down on
our knees and say a Rosary a day. Surely once a day, if every
Christian of the True Faith would do this, it would surely
make a great difference. It wou Id be so astonishing that you
could not believe the change that could happen If this re­
quest was fulfilled.
A constant vigil of prayers by the churches, monasteries
and con vents, seminaries, colleges, wherever there is an op­
portunity, a constant vigil of prayer is needed at this crucial
lime. There were too few that tried to hold the fort in Cuba,
that kept the constant vigil of rrayer. Do not make the same
mistake here. Pray, because it s only prayers that will pene­
trate and destroy the enemy, not man-made destruction. It
would have to be through prayer and to love thy neighbor as
Clean out the schools. Clean away the corruption in your
schools no matter what school (private or otherwise), ail our
schools from Kindergarten through the Universities. The
textbooks have been changed completely. Are you aware of
these things, or don't you care?
When your children go out and join societies and groups,
are the parents enough interested to know what these chil­
dren are doing, or are they letting the enemy guide them?
The youth looks today for excitement. Many of them have
turned to narcotics, why? Because the parents have failed
them, the society has failed them. Oll, they shrug their
shoulders, f'm doing ail 1 can. Are you? Do not continually
say, l'm doing ail 1 can, and leave it go at that, because
something must be wrong or we wouldn't have this.

We have a beautiful country. We have brilliant men and
women in our country, God gifted men, because it was God
that gave the talent to the men, the scientists, no matter
what knowledge he may have. Il was his Creator that gave
him that talent, no one else, but it is up to man who has been
given free will to use this talent for evil or for good, and
those that so foolishly feel that if they follow an easy way,
the Godless way, that they are the ones that are going to be
the glorious ones. When the moment cornes and he is cor­
nered and has no one to turn to, not even God, because he
himself has deserted God, His Creator.
Wake up, oh America, wake up' ICs at your doorstep and
many ofyour larger cities have already been invaded by the
enemy. There were times when they would be very cunning,
very shrewd and worked guietly without arousing suspicion,
but today they are not hlding il. It is done openly, they're
very bold to show their way. Have you not noticed the con­
trois over ail humanity? Where is the freedom that we so
proudly speak of, where is the freedom? You're gradually
leaving yourself become tightened with controls of agricul­
ture, controls of your medicine, the theatre, your enterlain­
ment, your sports, no matter which way you turn, it's ail
controlled. Your presses, it's been given a long time ago that
the press is controlled. Yet you so complacently go and seem
not to care what happens to your country, to your flag. Yes,
the Old Glory is becoming secondary. In many instances the
U.N. flag is risen above the Stars and Stripes, why? The
U.N. is not the Savior ofyour country, because in the U.N.
they dare not speak the word ofGod. ICs forbidden, so how
can the U .N. be the Savior ofyour country when God is cast
out? Stop and think about that and then listen to the propa­
ganda and continue to donate and contribute to the U.N.?
Wake up! Wake up and pray. Turn to Thy Holy Mother, the
Mediatrix of Peace. She's the Mediatrix between God and
man. Go to Her, keep yourselfbeneath Her blue mantle and
wipe away those tears. Bring a smile back upon Her face, for
She stretches out Her arms, She's pleading to you all- come
10 me, come; but instead we turn away and we go on. Go to
those arms and dry Her tears. Love Her, for She loves you.
Il ail depends on you, not your neighbor, but you your­
Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between God
and man, pray for us, guide us and protect us.


Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, Mediatrix between God

and man. Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, pray for us. Oh
Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, between God and man, pray for
us. Queen of the most Holy Rosary, pray for us, pray for us,
pray for us. Guide us, protect us, help us in these perilous
times, help us, pray for us, pray for us.
Il is twelve years on this very day that 1 was not alone at
claiming that 1 had seen Our Holy Mother. For twelve years
ago today many others had seen many signs and also many
had seen Our Holy Mother. Up until this day twelve years
ago, 1 stood alone. The one that stood faithfully beside me
and believed in what 1 was seeing was my husband, who is
now gone, and sorne ofmy children. Without their support 1
could not have stood the humiliations and the suffering that
much of this has caused.
On May 28, 1950 when 1 stood in the old home, which is
now no more, and looked through the door and saw a blu~e
mist behind the trees, something strange happened to me at
tllat point. To explain it 1 cannot. There are no words in the
dictionary to explain what happens at that moment. As 1
opened the door and stepped out, a blu L D.1j,st Ooated in
front of the trees at this side, and as 1 walked down towards
it, th~ JIlist burst into a most beauti~ul Li;ldy. There are no
words, there is no expression that one can use at a moment
like this. To explain the beauty, the radiance, the glorious
Lady that stretched out Her arms towards me and said,
Come my Chi/do 1 don't know what 1 did, but my husband
and my family told me 1walked with my arms stretched for~
ward towards Her. 1 was frightened, yes, but the smiling
eyes, no matter what the obstacles are. you will come for~
ward when she says, Come, my Chi/do
1 walked before Her, 1 knelt down. The words to what to)
say, to what to do stuck in my throat. Your heart pounds,
your body quivers, and She's continually smiling because
She has to overcome your fear, your anxiety, unworthiness.
Many, many thoughts go through your mind at that instant,
and yet you do nothing about them. Vou come because you
have no control over your own wishes as the beautiful Lady
looks down into your eyes. 1 was ashamed to look into Her
eyes, 1 looked at her feet. She smiled and called me, My
Chi/d, do nol bejrighlened. Ilooked up into the most beauti~

fui blue eyes 1 have ever seen or ever will see. Our eyes, no
matter how beautiful they are, they are dull. There's a block
there when you look into them, but when you look into the
eyes of this beautiful Lady, it's a deep pool. To describe it 1
She spoke to me, She gave me instructions and she also
told me what [ had to face, of the severe persecution, of the
humiliations, of the suffering and sorrow, of the pain to
watch those of your own family that did not believe, and of
my husband's family, your dearest friends looking at you as
if you were sorne freak, as if something were wrong with
you. Those were hard things to take at !lrst. Many sleepless
nights, much suffering, but the beauty of this beautiful
Lady speaking to you, asking you to accept. Then Her face
turned pale and Her face turned sad. The smile was gone
when Sne would tell you of the sins committed in this world,
how they heeded Her not, how they did not believe in Her,
how they turned their backs on Her.
This beautiful Lady on this very day gave Herself a title­
"1 am Queen of the Holy Rosary, Mediatrix ofPeace, Medi­
atrix between God and man. Come to me." These were the
words of Our Lady. We should come to Her when we are
trou bled. She will be the Mediatrix between Her Son and
us. She stood here so gloriously and radiant, with the bril­
liant rays in the trees about Her. Yes, 1 had that to give me
strength and had that to follow, but many of you that have
come ail these years, sorne of you, yes, have also seen Our
Blessed Mother on this day, and have seen other things, for
1 have many testimonials about what you have seen, what
has given you the strength and courage to face humiliations
and persecution and unbelief by your loved ones. Yes,
sometimes it's your own spouse that does not believe you,
who thinks you belong in an institution. Your children look
at you queerly. Yes, those are sorne of the things that you
had to put up with, sorne of the persecution. But you stuck
by because you believed in Mary Ann, but you dld not see
what Mary Ann saw: the beautiful Lady-glorious, radiant,
the rays that were ail about Her. She was smiling, Her arms
outstretched as if to engulf you, to comfort you, and then
Her eyes turned sad as She told of the troubles, the troubled
times and what was before us.
The first lime when She gave me sorne of these things, 1
thought.[ had to go on top of the house to scream it to the
world to awaken them. 1 thought 1 had to scream because

She told me our boys were dying in Korea. At the time 1was
shown how they were dying, ana our press in the U.S.A. was
lulling us to sleep. Many, many hearts that Christmas were
sad and have been sad since, and it was a useless slaughter.
It was not to defend this country. Vou have since learned
that it was not the case. It was only so that the Grand Mas­
ters and the 500 could accomplish their way into leadership.
They "ook the cream of the young men in Korea and
rolled them up the hill and down again. The attack on Pearl
Harbor was not a surprise attack. But those are the things
our Blessed Mother had told me. Those were the sad things
that 1 had to toss around in my sleep. 1 had no sleep and
when 1 wanted to go out to speak 1 was told 1 coufd not
speak. When 1 watched the enemy hide ammunition in dif­
ferent places, 1 wanted to go out and speak. My Spiritual
Director told me, do not say anything about this. 1 followed
that for a few years, and th en suddenly 1 was guided and
told otherwise-that 1 must put these thmgs down on paper
and keep them in record, and that was tFie work of Renry
Swan, who now, too, is gone, who was my Protector, who
suffered with me and my family, who saw the persecution
and he himselfwas a big target, not alone from his commu­
nity but also from his îamily. 1 asked him one day. 1 said,
Hank, if it's tao much for you, 1 wi// take the consequences,
you may back out. He said, no, This work 1 must continue and
1 wi// stick ta the bitter end, which he did. He stuck to the bit­
ter end. He lost his own loved ones. He lost the respect of his
community. He gained many loved ones, yeso Those that
understood and were with him and knew. They loved him
dearly, and 1 believe they still do, for many know the sacri­
fice that he had to endure. 1 can say that 1 was luckier than
sorne, for my own spouse Fred believed.
ACter a month of accusing myself of everything 1 could
think of, thinkin~ 1 was imagining things, the first time Our
Lady appeared m my bedroom on Nov. 12, 1949. For a
whole thlrty days 1 fought with this. 1 did not know what it
was. My own mother oelieved in the Spiritual Faith. She
had told me what visions of the dead had come before them.
For a moment in my mind 1 thought to myself, is my mother
right? Is there such a thing? Because 1 had been opposing
her very much at this time. 1 know it is against the Catholic
teaching, 1 feh 1 had to oppose it man y times because 1 could
not see the Spiritual Faith, 1 could not believe il. It just did
not fit with what we were taught as Catholics. But when this

figure appeared in my home in the hallway, 1 suddenly no­
ticed it had a veil on its head. No, that can't be a spiritualis­
tic person, 1 was frightened. 1 started to pray, 1 had been
praying Hail Marys because 1 had not been very weil. When
this person, this figure, 1 did not know who it was, moved
forward in my room and stood about three or four feet away
from my sicle, 1 cannot explain that feeling that went
through me. My mouth was dry, my tongue was stuck, my
body trembled, every inch quivered. Ali 1 knew was it was
someone in blue. 1 swung around because 1 could not face
Her, whoever this vision was, and for thirty days 1 battled
this. 1 was too afraid to tell my own husband Fred because
he might think there was something wrong with me, or that
1 was believing in spiritualism, or something of the sort.
One day, because 1 had not slept the night before, 1 was
very tired and grumpy in the morning. My husband made a
statement something to the effect, what was wrong. Oh, 1
answered back, ifyou laid sleepless like 1 had, thinking about
something that had happened to me . .. What did happen? he
asked. 1 don't think 1 can tell you, 1 answered. Joanne was
doing dishes, she said, Mother, tell us what il was. 1 said, No,
you will think 1 was crazy for sure. No, my husband said, tell
me. So 1 told him what happened that mght, and he looked
at me with very kind eyes and he sai d, The way you describe
Her that's not a Saint, that sounds Iike the Blessed Virgin
Oh no, 1 thought to myself, it couldn't be Her. Il could not
be the Mother of God. Not me, a sinner, so worthless, be­
cause 1 had no Catholic education. 1was not pious, 1 was not
a good Christain, 1 had many, many wrongs and faults. 1 felt
there were other people much more worthy than 1 to accept
this honor.
Ail winter long 1 prayed. 1 prayed and 1 shook in fear at
the thought of it, but 1t contmued until on Good Friday
when the voice gave me instructions and told me next She
would be with me when the tlowers will bloom and the trees
and grass will be green. This could have been any day in the
spring, 1 did not know just when. Il caused me much suffer­
ing and anxiety; and then May 28th when this blue mist ap­
peared, and through it our Heavenly Mother, and then for
the first time 1 saw this beautiful Lady, because here She
was in ail Her glory, the rays, the beautiful Lady with Her
arms outstretched - "Come, My Chi/d."
That's when ail the suffering·started. Il is beautiful, the

most beautiful thing that could happen to anyone. lrs llKt:
the beautiful roses that 1 smelled at Her feet, but as time
went on, you grasp into the beautiful roses and your hands
get pricked with thorns. Many a thorn was pressed into my
he art because of the sorrow and grief tha! went with it.
When Our Holy Mother told me that after Nov. 12th 1
was going to suffer the Passion, 1did not know what the Pas­
sion meant. That's how ignorant a Christian or Catholic 1
was. 1 was only a Catholic in name because 1 did not fulfill
my obligations and my duty. 1 prayed, yes, but 1 did not
have the real understanding. There were many, many other
people that were much more devout than 1.
1 was a rough tom boy, 1 grew up as such. 1 wasn'llike our
St. Therese, she was a sweet child, 1 was rough and tough. 1
had to be, for 1 came From a pOOf family where 1 had to help
with the farm work and things were rough. So whyour Holy
Mother chose me 1 do not know. 1 have no answer for this,
but through lhe lwelve years 1 must say those thal have been
denouncing me, calling me insane, have caused grief to my
own family, to my children, because their mother is insane.
That alone for myself is easy enough to accept, but it's very
difflcult for the children even at their ages today. When they
were small lhey did nol understand. Il was a confusion lo
them ail, especially the baby, the youngest. He sLiIl doesn't
understand sometlmes why ail this happened, it's still con­
fusing in his mind. He needs the guidance and help that 1
seem not to be able to give some of my children because
through the years the people have ail innocently helped
confuse these children because they did not know. In their
own enthusiasm they caused confusion in the children's
minds. Father and mother told them Do nol accepl money.
So little Kenneth used to take the money and rip it in bits
and throw it down, because the people forced it upon him.
So he tore it up. 1 still have a few dollars that the children
tore up because these were the things the people did wrong,
because we, the parents, told him not to accept money and
people imposed it upon him, and that is one of the things
that has greatly caused suffering and confusion to the Van
Hoof family - the money issue.
The few things that the children accepted through the
fence when the y were small, and the little on es would tear it
up because the people would not take it back, so it was
mighty hard for the young children lo live during those con­
fusll1g Limes.

One of the greatest objections right now, and it has been,
am 1 supposed to deny that beautlful Lady to satisfy a few
that are denouncing the Cause? 1 can't, 1 can't, no matter if
they put much more pressure on us now.
Through the twelve years we have gotten together the
work and it is ready now for the people to read. May they
heed it or may they not. The words, in my case, are my own
words, are my own language. They were not the words of
our Haly Mother, but in many cases my own. When work
was given, the enemy tried to stop me and 1 used my own
There is great objection to the words that 1 used against
Krushchev. When you would vision him as drunk as 1 have
many times, with narrow, puffed, slit eyes-pig eyes-they
were not the eyes of a human being that loved God and the
Holy Mother. They were not eyes tnat cared what happened
ta millions of people. They were not eyes that you could
co'nvert into something good, but full of mockery against
God and His Blessed Mother, against the Christian peace,
against the icons that had been hanging in the Russian
Churches and that he has tom down. Yes, 1 ca lied him Pig
Eyes and 1 will do it again and again because there is no
more love in thase eyes than an ignorant pig would have in
the bamyard that would not know anything. 1t's only an an­
imai, it's an insult to a pig to compare these eyes that 1 have
witnessed many a time when he was drunk and filled with
hate and lust.
Those are difficult things to witness, my dear friends. And
another thing 1 have witnessed more than once is the attack
on the clergy and the religious. 1 have seen Cuba before
Cuba ever happend. 1 have seen prisoners, oh in the most
filthy little holes, and the prisoner, who was he? For a sec­
ond they would show me who he was, he was a priest, a rep­
resentative of Christ, imprisoned into most sickening holes
and left there, abused. That's what the enemy can do.
1 have watched them tear the habits off of nuns and sis­
ters. 1 have watched them attack nuns in immoral ways be­
cause the)' knew that the sisters would be mortified to have
their bodIes touched by a man of filth. Yes, 1 have watched
those things. Do not let those thin~s come to the U.S.A. be­
cause this spring 1 have seen that It will come to the U.S.A.
unless there are enough prayers.
Six years ago we were asked to start a vi~il of prayers.
Many places they ca lied it Perpetuai Adoration. Tue word

Perpetuai Adoration frightens a lot of people and they do
not understand it. But it's a vigil of prayer in your own
homes, in the churches, in the monasteries, in the convents.
It doesn't maUer where, but keep that vigil of prayer, and
especially now with Pope John's Council starting this com­
ing week. There will be many more things happening to
him; they do not want this to happen, do not want the unili­
cation of churches.
Six Czars died trying to unite the Russian Church with
the Roman Church. Six Czars died, they do not care how
many other people they take with them becausc these Czars
wanted to unite the churches. The enemy feared this tre­
mendous power of prayer that would have been combined
together, and that is what we must fight for-to unite! Like
our Holy Mother said in 1950 ail religions must unite to­
gether in prayer against the enemy of God, against the
Christian world because tha t is what the fight is. Il is not for
common holdings of land. lt is to destroy the Christian
world, to demoralize us, to destroy us.
They want to div ide the U.S.A. amongst themselves.
They want to destroy the U.S.A. and at the rate it is going
on, they will destroy it from within, because we, the people
of the U.S.A., are leuing the things happen to us because we
are looking for the easy way out.
There are many sacrificing, yeso There are many that
have constantly prayed. There are many that get up in the
wee hours of the morning, that put in their hours of prayer,
but there are not enough people behind them. Where are
the rest of them to sacrifice'? Just a liule now will save you so
much suffering in the future. Maybe you're a liule bit too
old, but it's your children and your grandchildren that need
those sacrifices, those prayers. So unite in a great force in
the unification of prayers, and above ail, pray for the Vicar
of Christ, for his cross is heavy-for he has sorne about him
that are not loyal representatives of Christ. They look for the
easy way, and they have dipped their hands, like Judas did,
into the wrong and to save lace, they will bend towards the
wrong rather than the right. Those are sorne of the needs for
Pray, do not see the Vatican bombed. They have shown it
can be done. Pray, star! with a constant vigil of prayer. Keep
it going for the Vicar of Christ and the Council, and keep the
Ofd Glory flying on top; not beneath the U.N. flag, but on
top. Let's remove the U.N. flag because it is not the Savior

of this country, because they will not use the word God
within their walls. If they are ashamed to use the word God,
then how can they be the salvation of the world? How can
they be the ones to turn to? No, for they are an ti-Christ, the
Godless, with many heads of the SOO amongst them in con­
trol, control.
The U.S.A. is shackled with full control of the enemy.
Break that shackle with prayers. Keep your eyes, your ears
open and seal your mouth. Do not enter into scandalous
talk, but keep your eyes and ears open and pray.




No peace, no peace, Cuba, no peace. Still seeking the

road in between. There cannot be peace with a false peace.
Trying to lull the nation into false security when sorne of
those in high offices know better, especially the Supreme
Court. 1t knows ail the answers.
There's still an increase of the SOO, which is now SSO. We
must wake up before it's too late'
Pray at least so those that have sick minds, that they don't
push down the plunger. Keep the hands off the plunger with
prayers. It is fear that has kept them from presssing the
plunger, from pressing down on the button. For once they
press down the button, it is out of their control and they
know that. They fear this more than anything. Oh, they
won't let you know this, but that's what's holding them
back. But it is such men as Pig Eyes who are mentally ill,
especially wh en they drink and fill their systems with vodka,
they have no control of their thoughts. Pray that during this
moment that the plunger does not get pressed, for they have
a submarine weil prepared not far from Cape Canaveral
with an atomic bomb, as 1 have been shown how simple it
would be to shoot into New York, and New York would
crumble like a pie. So, too, can they shoot in otlter areas for
they had learned that when they destroyed their own sub­
terranean city in Siberia du ring their testing.
The enemy fears death, and they fear the H bomb and the
Cobalt bomb, for they know what happened at Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. They know, they also know how they buried
an island during their experimental periods, they know.

There are many subs in the areas given before, now filled
with war heads, H bombs as weil as A bombs, and ail it takes
is the pressing of the buttom with their fingers, that's ail it
Prayers still have not helped to change the men in the
State Department or in your high offices. Vou still have
them under control by the Grand Masters, or the so-called
500. Sorne men who have taken office are frightened of
what they know now. Of course, many of them do not un­
derstand what is behind ail this, but once they are in office
and the c10set door is opened, and they see what must be
done, what they have gotten themselves into, it frightens
them. For no matter how cold hearted or how ugly or how
Godless a man seems, inside of his soul, his own conscience
there is still a spark of fear. Even Satan fears the Almighty,
and every man who has been created by God has that one
spark of fear within the depths of his sout. Of course, many
of those that have screamed when they were cornered and
death stared them in their faces, many times the last breath
they took, the na me of God was on their hps, even though
during thier lifetime they denied God, they cursed Him,
they did everything against God. They were the antiChrist,
but when liCe is ready to be snuffed out, that inner soul, that
inner conscience screams, and many times Oh, my God was
on their lips!
So, Christian world, WAKE UP and pray to arouse with­
in their bitter hearts, the evil hearts, that little spark.
Be on guard, be alert and follow the Commandments.
Turn to Thy Creator and give thyself to Thy Holy Mother
who stretches Her arms out for you, who is ready to enfold
you within Her blue Mantle, but it is up to you, up to your­
self to become one of these beneath Her Mantle.
In 1950 it warned us of Alaska. It warned us of the Pacific.
The warning is still as urgent now as it was then. For many
people that do not believe in keeping peace or believe in the
Chnstian world, were purposely planted in Alaska and have
now entered the U.S.A. where the Serpent has spread him­
self from coast to coast, from boundary to boundary. The
battle is between the anti-Christ and the Christian world,
and anti-Christ does not mean one individu al, but it means
ail those that are against Christ, and there are many anti­
Christs, especially the Pope of Evil, the Supreme Grand
Pray, pray, encourage others to pray. Make your daily

work a prayer. Upon rising in the morning, pledge your en­
tire day to prayer, and then you may go about your daily
duties and tasks, knowing that it is a prayer. There are those
that think they must lay aside their work, be negligent to
their families and feel they must kneel before the image of
our Holy Mother or a Saint or the Crucifix, to finger their
Rosary beads. No When upon arising you pledge thy entire
day to prayer, to Thy Blessed Mother, to the Saints, whom­
ever you choose, the entire day will be a prayer; but it must
come from the heart and not just from the lips, for the lips
will say anything. The heart does not always agree. Vou
must let your heart speak and then the prayers will be said
for you as you are doing your tasks, especially by the saints
that have promised to stand by. They will carry on while
you're doing your work. ln between your work, it doesn't
take too much time to murmur an Our Father, a Hail Mary
and Glory Be, for those three are the most powerful prayers
that are given on earth.
Offer thy love to Thy Holy Mother by saying a Hail Mary
to Her. What can be greater, especially when you say the
Angelus three times a day. Remember when saying the
words of the Angelus what you are saying. Meditate upon
them and you can go freely the rest of the hours. So encour­
age others to do the same.
Those that have the spare moments, those that have time,
it is beautiful to go in your parish church and kneel before
Christ Himself and pray, but many have not that time, so
they get careless. 1 don '1 have Ihe lime.So they don't even say
the Hail Mary because they feel they have no time to use the
beads, the Rosary. It is nice to have that time, but when you
do not, remember pledge yourself upon arising, and in the
evening thank ail those that have helped us, and kneel be­
fore the Crucifix, giving thanks to Thy Lord and God, Thy
Savior, that died on the cross for you. If you can encourage
those that are sinful and those that do not understand, to do
this, it will make so much difference.
But do not forget the encouragement of a constant vigil of
prayer. It is still far behind, far behind. There have not been
enough prayers to change the world situation. l am again
shown the inside of churches and those that pray. It is still
the mere few. Even now His Holiness has aked for prayers
for the Ecumenical Counci1. He needs the support of ail the
Christians. Where are they? They're not there. ln many
churches they have abandoned certain devotions, just like

our own parish here abandoned the Perpetual Help devo­
tions, why? Why are they abandoning the novenas and
devotions? Just once a week. Who can one point the finger
at here but the clergy themselves. They're not interested.
They do not want to be bothered.
Yes, there are times ifs a discomfort, especially du ring
the hot summer months. But when the purge falls upon
them, will not the discomfort be much greater? Why don't
the)' ask the missionary and those arrested falsely m Red
Chma or in other nations? Why don't they ask them? Those
that were im prisoned in a Little bit of a 4 x 4 room. Yes, not
much larger m many instances. A man of six feet could not
even stretch out. Why don't they ask them before they feel it
is too hard for them to hold devotions during the summer
months? Il is cooler at the Lake side to do some fishing, it is
cooler, yeso It isn't their health, no, it isn't their health in
two-thirds of the cases. Il is their own will that they choose
to abandon their own dulies for their comfort.
They are the shepherds of their flocks. They must not
help to scatter their people, but they must cali them together
in prayer, and that is why the plea goes out by Our Holy
Mother, the laity must work. The laity must work because
many places the shepherd is failing. So the laity must go for­
ward where the church doors are closed to keep a constant
vigil of prayers. They can keep that vigil in their own homes,
but keep it you must.
There has been a great increase in some places, but in
others it has fallen off because the laity becomes confused
when they ask their parish priest for novenas and prayers
and they refuse them. When they ask for the Rosary to be
recited, they are refused. Why? The big question mark­
Prayers can be Little missiles going to heaven to help pro­
tect you here on earth, for the enemy is aIL about from pole
to pole, and aIL around. If the world could see, could pene­
trate the ocean and see ail the fishes or subs that the Brown
Bear has built and distributed ail over the globe, many of
them with warheads, would they then pray?
Has your eye ever witnessed a human body being burned
crisp on one side and screaming life on the other side in pain
and torture? Or have you seen, Like they did at Nagasaki
and Hiroshima, the eruption of their skin, in many instances
today is classified as lukemia, which has been put in your
blood stream from the fallout, from the H bomb or the A


bomb. Why is there such a great increase of this? Why are

there so many respiratory ailments? Your answer is your
bom bs. Il has been given in the past. 1t hasn't changed, it
hasn't changed. Your food products get harvested with the
fallout right in them, especially in areas where the fallout is
great. Il can be in the meat, butter, in your fish, in your milk,
In your vegetables. Yes, because remember, it drops down
and is consumed by animais, by plants, birds and the bees.
ln sorne areas the fallout is not so great, but in other areas it
is heavy. Why turn to the weapons of destruction, why?
Turn to Christ, the Holy Mother, and unite in unison.
Help His Holiness to bring unity between our churches
and each parish bring unity between God, between home,
school and church. Make unity the pillar. Make unity your
main purpose of harmony and peace with God Himself as
your main pillar. God Almigty Himself and ail the angels
and saints will be there to help you, to guide you. But wlth­
out God, without Thy Creator, Thy MaKer there is nothing,
nothing. And teach those that are misunderstanding, teacb
them not to seek the road in the middle, because there is
none. Only a right or a wrong.
If not enough prayers are said we will have another Pearl
Harbor, as today is the anniversary of that dreadful day
where over 3,000 boys lost their lives. It was a betrayal by
the leaders of this nation, a betrayal of the Old Glory, of
their God and their Country. Those of the high officiais,
they knew that it was not a sneak attack. They were notified
weil in advance.
Alex said they will again try to assassinate those that are
trying to bring unificatIOn between the two great churches.
Ali of the Christians must stand by this great work. There
must be more sacrifices. There must De more prayers.
Whereas they were able to destroy them, they will also be
able to destroy whoever is trying to bring about this unifica­
tion. There is treachery wlthin by those that should be
standing by. The Christians must pray to bring the Ecu men­
ical Council to a perfection in God's way and not the substi­
tution they want to place within. They cannot change the
work from the way Christ Himself had instituted. They are
trying very hard to-accomplish this as a compromise, and
are trying to destroy those that are trying to unite, pray,

Why so much double talk? Why not stick to the truth?
Why hide behind this double talk? Even those of the reli-
gious use double talk, why? The truth will hurt no one, must
stick to the truth, only the truth. In the government they try.
to use appeasement or double talk. This can never bring
peace. There can be no peace in home, school, in church or
government when you're afraid to stand up for the truth.
Appeasement will not bring peace. The truth will make you
free. Lies only bring hell on earth.
Oh God, have mercy on them. Oh God, have mercy on
There is no peace in Cuba, it is still the springboard of the
U.S.A., so is Greenland. It was given many years ago, they
have built their bases there to use as a springboard. Sorne
spies are in Key West, Swan's Island. The fishes are ail
about, hiding under the water, especially those that are
being run by atomic energy. They aon't have to surface for
fuel. Why does our Navy not detect these why?
More assassination, more accidents that are no accidents.
Many storms will take many lives, and still people will not
learn that God is might. They'll just place it on atmospheric
conditions. God had nothing to do with these things, just
turbulence, God has nothing to do with these things. There
have been signs in the skies. They give them another name.
They are trying to teach the world that it isn't God,just nat-
ural causes, and there are many of the younger generation
who are believing this. Those are sorne of the things that are
being taught in the schools-God did not have anything to
do wlth the atmosphereic conditions or the turbulence. Yes,
sorne of them were disrupted by the A bomb and the H
bomb, but the biggest dlsturbance was created by God
Himself, and many innocent have suffered and died, but
still mankind will not awaken to its Creator. If they would,
now during Advent, the churches would be filled, there
would be many more attending devotions, but they are not
there. Just the usual group. the usual few. A few extras, the
kind that will go now during Advent, Lent, but where are
those if they had their God and their Country at heart and
His Holiness? Where are they, Why are they not also pres-
ent? Always just a mere few, and of the mere few there are
always sorne that try to do double, but they will not be able
to swing the tide. They need many, many more of ail Chris-
tians to awaken to their Creator and bring those at the way-


side with the m, show them the way and the light, to bring
them out of the shadows into the light. And when the churcn
bel1s ring for the Midnight Mass, let it be fil1ed with sinceri­
ty and true love, not because they feel ifs their day to come
to church at midnight, an obligation. If ifs an obligation
then it is not exactly from the heart. Let it be because they
want to come. Then they are seeking for Christ, to be in the
presence of Christ, not because ifs an obligation. Let it be
for true love for the Infant Jesus who was born neariy 2,000
years ago to save them, and then there shal1 be peace.


Pray for Holy Father, pray for the Holy Father, he needs
us ail. The cross cuts so deep too. His cross is so heavy, he's
going to ruin his health.
The Ho lX Father needs prayers. He won't be able to finish
the Council. He won't live to see the finish. He must have
prayers. It wou Id be wrong to lose Him before it is com­
pleted. Danger wrong man wil1 take his place.
Spies in New York and around the Pentagon and in
Washington, D.C. Spies from headquarters m Havana,
Cuba. Cuba no good, Cuba no peace, springboard lo
U.S.A., lhal hasn'l changed.
Sub near Swan's Island, sub.
Brown Bear officiais in U.S. The Republic filled with sub­
versives, Lalin America subversives. They're al1 congregat­
ing and have been there for sorne lime. Communicatmg be­
tween subversives in Miami. They're keeping close walch of
the refugees from Cuba that are at Miami and other places.
People are too corn placent, too corn placent. They feel now
the danger has left Cuba. How foolish!


Pray for the Holy Father, pray for our Vicar, pray for him
very much. He's very sick, help him, pray for hi m, can't lose
him now, pray for him. We have failed our Holy Father this
year. Now he needs more pray ers than ever, we failed hi m,
pray for him. Must keep hlm going, Heaven will intercede,
They wil1 hold his il1ness dormant if we pray enough. We
must pray enough so we keep his il1ness dormat, so it won't
eat away his flesh. We must pray for him so that he can
reign at the Council. If not, he wil1 never see this season next

year. He will not even make the Council. He needs prayers,
There are those that would like him to pass on so that they
can put in their points. There is such a great danger that
someone else will get in that would be wrong, would be very
wrong. He must be spared, for he is badly needed.
Have mercy on us.
Christ is still forgotten. 1 am shown the Nativity scenes
put up in our state. They are fewer than last year, and last
year there was a poor showing. Some places they are beau ti­
fuI. Some places there are strange looking symbols to repre­
sent the Nativity. You look at them, there is nothing holy
about them. Strange looking creatures, that's supposed to
represent the Infant, His Holy Mother and St. Joseph.
A few churches again have a good atlendance during this
period. Even some people before they start shopping, visit
the church and before they return home again, visit the
church. That is so few, so few. There are a few modern
churches that have forgotten to represent the holiness with­
in the church, and they sure are not remembering the Christ
Child at this time. In this same town or city those not of our
Faith have a more beautiful representing of the Nativity of
Christ than we of the True Faith.
There are several churches that seem to have made a spe­
cial novena for the Vicar of Christ because of his illness. If
they will only continue now during the Christmas Season to
include their Vicar. The c1ergy falled to ask for prayers for
the Vicar. They knew of his illness. It is not a secret. Why do
they not ask their congregation to pray for the Vicar, espe­
cially during this grievous period and very important time.
Is that asking too much-just a few words to remind their
flock, as they are the shepherds of that flock.
When can we give a report that there is a great increase at
this period instead of always speaking of the failure of
recognizing the true Christmas, the birth of Christ? There is
no change from the past reports. Champagne, drunkeness,
most sinful parties on Christmas instead of reverence, joy
and happiness in honor and in love and joy for the Nativity
ofThy Lord and God; instead of that, parties, office parties
they cali them, gathering to celebrate. The real celebration
is entirely wiped out, and not just now, but again at the com­
ing of the New Year, and then they'lI really go at it.
Our Holy Mother still bows Her head and tears are roll­
ing down Her cheeks as She still looks down upon the Crib

without the Christ Child. When will we replace the Christ
Child? When will Christmas be spelled out only with the In­
fant Jesus?
The Grand Masters are working very hard to erase the
word Christ and replace it with Seasons Greetings. What
season? Yes, we know this is the season at the begmning of
winter. Is that what they are celebrating? They certamly
can't be referring to their Lord and God by bluntly putting
Seasons Greetings. It's the period where the old year goes out
and the New Year cornes in, and that is ail. The birth of
Christ, their Lord and God, their Creator, their life, their
hope, thal's cast aside. The season also continues to grow in
commercialism. They're using the birth of Christ to com­
mercialize on-not in holiness, in love. Their hearts don't
swell with love for one another, for the community. No, how
can they expect the blessings of Almighty God upon them?
How can they expectthat their Lord and God will spare this
nation from destruction, destruction from within.
In many areas effbrts have been made, butthere is always
that fear-fear of man, fear what the neighbor is thinking,
fear what certain individuals might think, fear of the cri tl­
cism of their own children, their own family. They're afraid
to say that they believe in the birth of Christ, His Holy
Mother and Sl. Joseph and then place the Nativity set to
show what they truly believe. Much of this blame cornes in
the new trend, cornes from the trend of building modern, as
ifs being called, modern construction of churches with the
Holy Mother only a symbol. The Crucifix of their Lord and
God a strange looking caricature, out of proportion, hid­
eous looking. Not something that you coula look up to and
the heart fil1s with love ana reverence, but something that
you frown on-something you want to turn your head from.
lt doesn't draw you to il.
Does the symbol of the Blessed Mother draw your heart
to Her, or does an image like the one outside with Her arms
outstretched, Come, My Children,does that bring love to
your heart when She says, Come, My children,or sorne
strange looking symbol? Look at the symbol and then look
at our Holy Mother's image in beauty, not some modern art,
but in beauty, in flowing garments, in heavenly garments.
Can you not take your little child and point to this beautiful
lady and teach a love into that child? Or must you point to
this symbol of sorne kind and the child is to learn to love that
symbol as his Heavenly Mother? Think about it, protest


with aU that you have in you, protest? Don't let them lull
them to sleep with these words: lt's the trend oftimes. 1t's the
changing 0) the world. We must go along with it. The first
thing you know they're going lo have lhe Holy MOlher rid­
ing a missile. Is that wnat you're going lo lel them do?
lt's up to the Christian world lo hang on to their Failh or
the 500, which 1 should say is now 550, close to 600, when
they're ail educated, you're going lo let lhem show you whal
Christ is to represent. How many Chrislians have used lhe
U.N. cards as a greeting card? It's shocking lo say lhe least.
It's shocking the number lhal have been used. There are
beautiful cards on the market. Accept lhem and use them
only. Compliment lhem, encourage lhem because lhey're
being pressured lo represent lhe olher kind.
Oh Christian worlcf, wake up before ifs tao lale! Wake
up! Pray!
Why are people afraid of the truth, why? Why do they
fear the truth? Truth is the only thing. It must be the truth,
not evasion. Even the religious seem to fear the truth, of ail,
the religious. There is no in between-only right or wrong.
The truth or a lie. You can't compromise. That is why the
world is the way it is today because they decide to corn pro­
mise-appeasement, fear of the truth. The truth will set you
free, not the in between.
No peace in Cuba; only the luU before the storm. No
peace, they fear the trulh.
The seas are still filled with fishes, spying and watching,
preparing, as was given in '55 when we watched their mis­
siles being built from the larger to the smaller. They still
have them and are ready to use them.
Oh, ifthey would only stand up for the right, the truth in­
stead of letting themselves be lulled to sleep with every
means Satan can use. Satan is so cunning, so shrewd. He'll
use every means, every way to use sorne poor soul to do his
bidding. When you're branded and smeared with his gook,
there is no way back, there is no way out.
The Brown Bear is not the one we must fear, but the Su­
preme Grand Master and ail Grand Masters. It could be the
Brown Bear, the Red Dragon or whomever the Supreme
Grand Master chooses, that will be the one, and the Interna­
tional Bankers, the controllers of lhe world.
Pray for the Holy Father. Pray for the Council. Pray, oh
pray, pray and stick to the truth, the truth. Fear not the
truth. Stand up for your rights. Continue pleading for

prayers-vigil of prayers, constant vigil.
Oh Holy Mother, Holy Mother, help us, guide us. Place
your blue mantle about us. Do not let us go astray. Oh heav­
enly Mother, help us to stay humble. Let's cast aside self­
glorification, pride, self-will. Let's not spread scandai, let's
not spread rumors, but be the Militant of Christ to help stop
those rumors. Let's not speak of rumors, only the truth.
Help us, Holy Mother, help us.


FRIDAY, MARC" l, 1963
No peace, no peace, can't find peace. There is no peace,
ail evilness, there's no peace at all. Cuba and Havana no
good. More trouble and God will also send storms,
earthquakes, floods. Still people do not wake up.
Not enough prayers for the Hierarchy and rehgious and
the leader ofyour Country. Freedom is taken away, a little
every day, 'til finally you'lI be pressed and tram pied like the
Eastern Hemisphere.
The Firth Siege is becoming darker and darker. Constant
vigil of prayer, especially during this period would help
much. People are too complacent, too complacent. In sorne
places there has been an mcrease; other places they have
dropped off.
Not good in Vatican. Pray for Pope John, our St. John,
that he can see things through; that he also can see through
those that are trying to deceive him. Pray for Him, it's not
good around him, pray for him.
Be careful, for Satan is cunning. He is very cunning, for
he will deceive. Trying to deceive even the elect, be careful,
be careful. Do not enter upon an)'thing without praying first
and seeking help from the Holy Ghost, and then remember
that is is not to let thy will interfere in thy prayers. Let the
inner light of thy soul speak, thy inner self, not thy will.
These are very crucial tlmes, very crucial times. For the
enemy has itself weil organized and camouflaged. Their
weapons are well camouflaged.
God have mercy on us.

FRIDAY, MARC" 8 1963

Pray for Pope John, pray for him, enlighten hi m, Pray for
him. Jealousy, too much jealousy, help our Pope John, help

him. Not good, things are not good. Black Pope is growing
stronger. Black Mass said in many places. Black Mass said
amongst the colored in Chicago, bad in Chicago.
We must pray, it's getting worse, it's getting worse. Black
Pope (the Supreme Grand Master) and his gang are getting
worse and so many innocent victims; must pray.
Big group or organization in Chicago, New York, Pitts­
burgh, Cincinnati, Philadelphia.
Cuba camouflaged, ail camouflaged. The enemy in Cuba
camouflaged. Reconnaissance planes cannot detect them.
(Planes, etc. hidden in ravine and caves with covering to
represent trees and terrain, ma king it impossible for planes
to detect).

FRIDAY, MARCO 15, 1963

As long as the Grand Master is in this country they keep

saying Black Masses here. It's going to be rough and rugged
for the Christians. It takes effect on them even if they're not
aware of it. So they must go to the Sacraments to help fortify
themselves against this terrible onslaught by the evil one.
Can withstand this only ifyou have grace, ifyou have Christ
within you, behind you, beside you, in front of you and
above you. This is a severe and great test. Pray to God that
they don't falter.
Such great confusion. Confuse the Christians, that's their
purpose and aim. Not enough prayers for the Leader of our
Country, ifs causing confusion.
The Black Pope in our Country, it's so bad, it was bad
enough when he stayed in England, but now he's in our
Country, at the Hub. He even visited the retired Grand
Master. He said the Black Mass at Bahai Temple. Ifs done
in mockery of our Faith, in mockery of Jesus Christ.
Underground movement by the colored race. It'II come
rolling like giant wave; no peace, no peace. People reach for
peace with one hand, push It back with the other. They don't
want to include God in their lives. Can't push Him back.
Six hundred and fifty now. They're controlling every­
thing. Each of the 650 has his right hand man, so add them
up. They're not doing good. They're ail over, ail over.
There's not any devotlOn to reparation against this. There
are not enough people willing to do penance and make sac­
rifices, only the mere few. The same few year after year.
More Rosaries needed, more sacrifices and penance. Vigil


of prayer been asked for over and over by ail convents, sem­
inaries, monasteries and ail churches.
They still turn their backs on our Holy Mother. She ex­
tends Her hands to us, but we turn our backs and push Her
away, why? She's so beautiful, so beautiful. She only means
to save us. We turn our backs, why? How we let such devils
beat the drums into the children. We leave the youth twist
and squirm, twist and squirm. We pick up drum beats and
music from the savages, the head hunters. This is modern­
ized and used for the youth of today, for their entertain­
ment. Why can't they wake up? lt's worse now than ever.
Oh God, have mercy on us.
Our Holy Mother showed Herself and th en She pointed
and now it shows the evil things placed in front of our
)'outh-M usic, sheets, pocket size magazines. It's terrible,
It'S terrible! The dives, where are the parents? Sin, sin, sin,
leads to sin. The dope, still the same story. Not enough
done, not enough done. lt's been given over and over agam,
and here is the evidence, still the same, the parents just don't
seem to care.
Oh God, have mercy on them. Ali these good looking
children-turn them into this! Where is the parental love,
Wake up to the laws that are being put into effect. Wake
up before it's too late, wake up! Your freedoms are being
taken away. Grand Masters are getting too powerful.
The Fifth Siege is now! The Flfth Siege is so red!


Mustn't persecute our Church, mustn't!

More prayers needed for our Hierarchy, priests and reli­
gious. There's a growing persecution against our clergymen,
against the Church itself. They are confusing sorne of the
cfergy and even the Hierarchy, it's no good, it's bad.
Not enough holy hours, and surely the plea for constant
vigil ofprayer has not come forth or been even halfway ful­
filled. There have been many years of plea for constant vigil
of prayer, and yet, the result. ... a few, yeso Even those will
falter if they do not get enough support to keep up their
courage, they feel so alone. Those that should stand by them
look for an easier way out. Sorne are intersted only in them­
selves and how they can make things easier, instead of
bringing in those that are fallen at the wayside. Help the

confused to right them, to give them hope in life so they do
not feel so lost.
The expression is said by many, What's the use? What's
the use trying? 1 can't get anywhere nowadays. You can't get
anywhere? l grant them it's discouraging, but we mustn't
give up, we must not give up, we must fight on.
If the constant vigil of prayer would be put into effect as it
has been requested, the Fifth Siege would not darken so, it
would not be so red.
The Nihalists are at work, the Disraelis, the Supreme
Grand Master, the Grand Masters, ail of them, the 650.
They're ail at work.
The youth that our Holy Mother pleads for are still as ne­
glected as ever, in many instances much worse. A heavy
shipment of narcotics has reached our shores again, being
distributed in Chicago and Pittsburgh, New York, New Or­
leans, St. Louis, Denver, Minneapolis and St. Paul and Ed­
munton, Canada, Ottawa Canada, Montreal, Toronto,
Massachusetts, and in the beautiful, nauseating, corrupt, fiI­
thy Washin~ton, D.C., Miami, Atlanta, Georgia. Ip Pitts­
burgh there s quite a big headquarters.
Headquarters very active for the youth, teaching youth
how to rape, knife and kick Cathohc women, priests and
men; also taught to do jiu-jitsu and karate, Chicago, Pitts­
burgh, Cincinnati and New York.
Subs ail around our country-East, West, South. They've
been Oying planes criss-cross. They can't even detcct them.
Only ones they caught were two of them on the way back
over Alaska. Wherever they went, they went over across
New York, north of us here, over Canada and then Alaska
and back into Russia. Where was the radar screen then?
They didn't catch it, where were they? Cuba became quite a
fortress and it's also camouOaged. Set up in jungles, Brazil.
1t's Russian, near Amazon River.
The second Hitler that took over disguised as Hitler, he is
back in Rio de Janeiro, South America. He surely can't be
here for any good.
Meetings going on, they've also got Otto by franco, Otto
1950 message, words were spoken, the dark clouds over
this country. They certainly are dark and the enem{ is ail
about us, and still America does not Wake UPI We re still
asleep and so complacent, going on our merry way. The
warmng given about the youth has not changed, sorry to


say, it's much worse. The youth's minds have become dulled
with jungle music and filth, dope, where a great shipment
has again been distributed. Sorne of it came from South
Amenca, sorne from Mexico, and sorne from the Far East,
and who suffers but the youth, the children, the citizens of
tomorrow. Our Holy Mother looks so sad as She is trying to
place Her Mantle about the youth. It seems to be reaching
10 vain to the parents to wake them up to be alert. The pa­
rental love is lacking.
Be alert in the camoutlaged laws that they are trying to
place in your government of the State as weil as the O.S.
There is a new clause being worked on to place in your
schools. Write your Senators and Congressmen for informa­
tion on this, protect the children. Watch your education sys­
tem, work harder on the libraries and, of course, the old
corn plaint-the newsstands, as weil as any book rack that
the youth has access to, be it in a supermarket or confec­
tionary store or drugstore, anywhere where youth gathers,
watch them
Work harder on making this a law rather than just indi­
viduals battling it so unsuccessfully, and it takes effort, the
will power ana ready to take a beating if necessary but be
ready to accept. But ifyou can get your community to work
with you, then it will not be sucn a problem. But it takes the
individuals, the parents, the clergymen to stand by this.
There are many ways, choose one method and follow it, and
make an effort to get this into a law to protect against this
evilness being spread before the youth and adults, but espe­
cially the innocent.
(Question was asked, what kind of a law-state, national
or local). Ali three ofthem, but first start in your own state;
each in their own. There will be a tremendous battle for mil­
lions of dollars is raked in through this obscene literature. It
is one of the weapons used agalOst the youth, and so far it
certainly has placed a big black mark on the children of the
FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1963
Subs around our shores from Alaska to Florida, from
Maine to Southern California, ail around. The enemy from
within knows ail about it. Cuba is a big fortress, even on
Bermuda, Newfoundland, they have stockpiles stocked and
hidden away. The Sea of Okhotsk they're on 2_~y
(COnf. p. 364)


Picture of statue to be placed above the sacred spot in the main shrine

The radiance of Our Holy Mother on the Shrine grounds has

brought special graces to many pilgrims from various parts of the
U.S.A., Canada and Europe. Practically ail of the shrines and
statues on the grounds are made as MafY Ann Van Hoof views
and describes them. Ali work on the grounds is do ne as a labor
of love for Our Lord and His Holy Mother.

CI) :::J

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Joan of Arc in her shrine

St. Joan of Arc was chosen by the Blessed Virgin Mary to stand
by Mary Ann Van Hoof especially during her severe suffering
periods to give her encouragement and help. Her tirst appearance
was October 14, 1955.

Mother Cabri ni as pictured in her shrine

Mother Cabrini is the !irst canonized Saint for the United Stats;.s.
She !irst appearedlOMary Ann Van Hoof February 21, 1958.
Instructions and guidance through her have been helpful ~k
r.egueste~~elespecially the part to proteet and save our Youth.
She founded 67 institutions.

Closeup of Mother Cabrini

Nativity Gr.otto at Christmas time

Repeated requests from the Saints urge ail to work to keep Christ
in Christmas. Mary Ann has visioned an~ dt:..s5ribed !~~y
.Î.Q.!!.IDey_t~LBethlehem and the actual birth of Our Lord in the
~e. DescrTptiVël50àklet is available. ­


..- -

Holy family Shrine

Bring back the ways of the Holy Family. Live the life of the Holy
Family, and invoke into your hearts God the Father. Let the
husbands stand up for their rights in their homes.
If you enthrone your home to The Saqed Heart, and you re­
spect the father, as the father of the home, and God the Father of
the entirety, that home will be a happy home. That home can
meet any crisis no matter how severe it might be. For when there
is a love in the home it binds them together, and they will ail
weather the storm regardless; but when you split apart there is
nothing. If the U.S.A. returns to the family life you would ail
be surprised the change; but when you forget the family, and
tirst of ail God the Father, there cannot be success no matter
what you attempl to accomplish, it can only fail. (For complete
message see June 16, 1968).

L"", 1t- /"fI
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The Last Supper

Mrs. Mary Ann Van Hoof has onen visioned the Last Supper
while suffering the Passion of Our Lord on the Fridays of Advent
and Lent. Held in the Cenacle on the eve of the Crucifixion it
preceeded the Washing of th<: Feet, and the First Mm:-Each
statue of Our Lord and the Apostles is an original. The room,
table, food, drapes, lights, etc., are to assimilate the occasion as
it actually took place almost 2000 years ago.

The First Mass

Mrs. Van Hoof has visioned Our Lord with the Apostles offering
the First Mass on Good Friday April 4, 1969; she saw at the time
of the Transubstantiation, a small image of Our Lord under
each Consecrated particle of bread. On Good Friday March 27,
1970, she again saw Our Lord under each particle of Conse­
crated bread; also an image of His pierced Heart above each
Apostle's Chalice with blood f10wing into it, signifying as before,
His Real Presence under both species. The occasion was most
solemn and sacred making each Mass the renewal of the walk
of Calvary and Our Lord's Sacrifice on the Cross. His command
to the Apostle's, "Do this in memory of Me'"

The Way 10 Calvary

The scene above is the Eighth Station, Our Lord leaving the
street of Jerusalem on the way to Golgotha.
The compassion of Our Lord is so great at this moment when
carrY0g the Cross of aH !!1M!ki.!!d, that He willingly gives Him­
s"elf in al! meekness and humility in atonemenl for our sins.
Jesus turning to the weeping women, (Luke-Chapter 23, vS'28)
"Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not over me but weep for your­
selves and for your children." 0 Lord, if only 1 could appreci­
ate the depth_of Your !.9.Ye and ask pardon for al! my wrong doing,
to âmend my life and not sin again. Amen.

The Crucifix shrine was requested during the early years of Mary
Ann's suffering of the Passion of Our Lord. Il is to assimilate
as ncar as possible the actual scenc when Our Lord died.



"Who of my sisters and brothers when Our dear Lord is re-cru­

cified, who will anoint His Wounds? Who will wrap around the
garment of purity? Will modern man again return Him to the
Cross~ Who will comb out His malled hair of grime and briars,
dirt and blood? Who will cleanse the Wounds that have been
placed on the body of Thy Lord and God? For the w~<i today
is re-crujjfying Our ~d and God. 1 ask you who will do this?
Can you find the true hearl to do this with true love? Meditate
upon this and remcmber Thy Lord and God died for you, but
now is being re-crucified. May He be merciful unto you."

Flowers showing outline of Original Home

Flowers outline the foundation lines of the original home of the

Van Hoofs with stone Marker showing place in the hallway
~c:Uh~_!31ess~<i~other first appeared to Mrs. Van Hoof at
(Il P.':l. Nov:-12-,-1949-:J0riginai home was destroyed by flLe. As (
requested a Replica of the two story part was built. J

The Replica of the two-story part of the Van Hoof home

Il was requested to be rebuilt with material as used in the origi­
nal home; with the interiorJjl..Lni§.~d as near aSRossibT~--~~ it
~as when the Blessed Mother first ap~;~e~Ù~~~~)

Excerpts from the Message spoken by Our Holy Mother on October 7,
1 950, to Mrs Mary Ann Van Hoof of Necedah, Wisconsin.

"My Child," Her words interrupted me (Mary Ann was men­

tally asking help of Our Holy Mother for something troubling
her), and Her beautiful smile here gave me strength. She showed
and explained to me, how She wanted on the
site of the Apparitions. She said to get a reliable man to do the
"My Child," the Shrine is to be in the form of a heart in honor
of My Divine Son's Sacred Heart and My Immaculate Heart, to
entwine with the hearts of men. The tower should be as the
flame of love ascending to God the Father in Heaven. When
walking beneath the tower into the heart of the Shrine, the sin­
ner should find refuge, the afflicted comfort, with help for ail
Christians; hope for those lost and confused and peace for ail
men of good will.
From this heart should flow love and prayers from many
souls. My Divine Son is so desirous that ail honor Me first out
of love for Me. Our Hearts entwined from the first moment of
The Incarnation. M y Divine Son loves Me for every drop of blood
1 gave Him in My Womb. This is the love that should flow from
the Sacred Spot to ail My children.
My ChiJd, the material used should be red granite with the
roof shining as a beacon to lhe flyer. This Shrine should be built
with true love, My Child, true devotion to give it a lasting

The Shrine must only be buitt with donated tabor and mater­
ial. Where possible, every effort must be made to do as She
requested. The Saints (statues), to be made must be as natural
as possible. While She spoke the Shrine was shown to me. On
the East side it showed the Ten Commandments starting l'rom the
entrance; then the Fourteen Stations, or the Way of the Cross,
with the Twelfth Station next to Our Lady's right arm whieh
holds the Rosary.
The Sacred Spot is to be just the way 1 marked it with a glass
over it, and up above this the statue Queen of the Holy Rosary,
Mediatrix of Peace. The West wall is to have a large Fifteen
decade Rosary with beads 5 to 6 inches in size and the Mysteries
of the Rosary. This determines the size of the Shrine with the
Crucifix at Our Lady's left arm. Below the Crucifix is the Apos­
tics Creed. The Medal is to be Our Lady of Ml. Carmel (show­
ing the Brown Scapular).
At the front end of the West side is to be an attar with Our
Lady of LaSaletle:b~LQfFatimfand Our Lad~?
then, l'rom the entrance and around ta the East side an allar
for the Infant of Prague statue, St. Terese (Little Flower), and
St. Francis of Assisi. Our Lady of Lipa is to be replaced with
~ Our L_~y"of Lourdes statue, if by the time our Shrine is built,
the Phillipines have not cleansed and righled the wrong they did,
) as Our Lady requested.

Oh how beautiful ta enter the Shrine, walk aIl around and

know more about your religion when you walk out. There will
be walking space between the Sacred Spot and the Allar. The
windows are ta be of the Apparitions, each one being a different
The Shrine disappeared and Our Lady spoke saying: "The
building of the Shrine will be entirely up ta the people, if My
requests of Obedience, Penance, Sacraments, Sacrifices, the
Rosary and above ail charity, l'ai th, love thy neighbor is followed
through, and then will the Shrine be buitt. il must be earned
with true devotion and effort."
ln this Shrine there will be priva te confessionals, a large pipe
organ and harp have been req uested.

Van Hool and statue 01 Our Lady 01 Lipa

It was requested in the description of the Large Shrine that

should Lipa be approved at the time the Large Shrine is
constructed that Our Lady of Lipa statue should be placed
in it, if not then it will be replaced by Our Lady of Lourdes
statue. Note stig mata of thorn wounds on forehead of
Mrs. Van Hoof. These were present during Lent of 1951
and Lent of 1952. The first appearance ta Mrs. Van Hoof
on Nov. 12, 1949, was on the Anniversary Day one year
later, of the last appe~ranc~o Tere~sita at Lipa City, Phil­
ippine Islands. On ()'Joy. LI, _1969\ in Her message the
Blessed Virgin Mary stated "1~enty-one years ago_t.9Ejght,
(1 said farewell to the liule girl---at~Lipa.!1 had given My
) instructions there for prayer, for penanée and for repara­
, tian. They failed over there, they let the greedy and the
) enemy take over. It wasn't the chi Ids fault it was the fault
( of the eiders. t\..year laler, 1 came here ta a very humble
and desoTited hodle.-(For complete message see Nov.
12. 1969.)
/'2, 19~8
'(.­ ',Ir"
348 "
St. Joseph and Infant Christ Child

This statue of St. Joseph and the Child Jesus is to be

placed in the sanctuary of the Large Shrine that is to be
built on the site of the Apparitions.

Procession forming at St. Ann Shrine, August 15, 1969

On Anniversary Days and nights previous to them as weil as

other special occasions processions are held on the shrine
grounds. The starting time in the evening is 9 P.M., the Rosary
and other prayers then follow. An all-night vigil is held previous
to Anniversary Days. The daytime processions start at Noon.
It was requested that Novenas, Processions and Special Devo­
tions be held at the Sacred grounds.

Two of Our Lady's loyal workers. R. Pritzl. siuing; J. Laszewski. standing

Ail work at the shrine is done voluntary and w.i!hout financial

rewa,rd. Il was requested from Heaven that ail labor be donated
as weil as material as far as possible. This policy has been fol­
lowed during the past twenty years with some devoled pilgrims
driving as far as five hundred miles to work for one or several
days. Many have given up week-ends and vacations, youth as
weil as adults.

The Last Supper Shrine under construction

Various workers and eil~ are now making Nece~h their

permanent home. Some are giving full time to woil( for Our

Fatima statue and Miraculous picture

Picture of Fatima statue was taken by Freddie Van Hoof, aged

12, with a small Brownie camera. When film was returned it had
on it the picture on the right.

Buses parked al shrine on Anniversary Day

Pilgrims on Anniversary Days come by car, train and bus. About

thirty states Canada and Brazil were represented on August 15,
1970. Approxima tely 10,000 people were present for this the
twentieth anniversary of the tirst crowd of ~OOO in 1950. The
following is a quote from the message June 16, 1970 "Where
are the people My Child? The crow~sh01!I~ h~ve l11ultir-lied
f s0-c~-!-~~~~~ wJ.!ere are they? "They My Child were
f unable to fultill the number of the year 1950, y~.~~_~~!...l10
'( people My Child. The number should at least have been tripled.
Where are they My ChildT'

Three pictures showing miracle of the sun

The miracle of the sun was observed on Oct. 7, 1950 at 8:45 A.M
and again at the Apparitiun time Noon. Still and moving pictures,
black and white and colored recorded it for posterity. Though
ail present were not privileged to see it as it happened, ail can
see it on the movies and other pictures. Reports were received
\ from reliable people f~ario~~y~~the country lh~ey
1 a~e~sed the phenomenon of the sun at tne same lime
that the Blessed Mother was appearing to Mrs. Van Hoor. As
God_aJone controls the ele~ts.only He could have given this
as a sign at this particular lime to confirm the truth of the


---- ~-- ­
Crucifix erected on the bluff in 1950

The following request was made on June 16, 1950 "She said

to build a shrine of prayer al the Spot of Apparitions and erect

a large crucifix on the village bluff, so the people may be re­

minded daily of The Way of The Cross. She also said this ex­

ample may be followed by other communities."

Sept. 20, 1957 St. Joan of Arc "This crucifix should be a symbol

to the people and a reminder that Our Lord died for them, to re­

mind them daily."


Alex-Monument-as visioned by Mary Ann Van Hoo! Jan. 13, 1960

According to the message of August 22, 1968, Alex Czar of Rus-

~ sia, was seven feet tall. The Church oLSt. fe.«:rsburg (in Russia)
was pictured on the one side of the UNITY column with ~~.
2 Pe~~e on the opposite side. The column is inscribed
with the word UNITY, the Oags entwined in front of it are the
PaRaI FLag and the Russian Or.!!!.QçjQx Churchflag. The parch-
ments through which Alex's S'Word is pierctng, were the docu-
ments for uniting the Eastern Orthodox Church with Rome.
Alex's large sword is piercing through the edge of the pillar, the
parchment and into Satan, who is sneering and hoping to de-
stroy il. The column is ten feet high with two doves whose wings
are crossed above il. The caption "United We Stand, Divided
We Fall" with an explanation of Unity is on the base of the


Unit y Medal front side

The UnilY Medal was shown 10 Mary Ann for the lirst lime on
January 28, 1957. She was inslructed to have a medal made and
10 dislribule il. The promise was lhal lhrough lhe pious use of
lhe medal many graces would come 10 those who wear it wilh
confidence and failh.


Reverse side of U nit y medal

The theme of Our Lady's messages is to bring about Unity be­

tween HOME-SCHOOL-CHURCH from which there will be
Unity and Peace in our Communities, Nation and the World.
This Unity is to be accomplished through Chllifs Suffe~!ngs,
Resurrection ao.çlAscension-God the Father. God the Son and
GOât11êÏ1oly Ghost-The Trinity.












Picture of the Octopus. (Devil fish) as visioned by Mary Ann-Feb. 2, 1970

Quote November 12, 1969 message: "The enemy of God,

the enemy of the Christian world, for the battle is not be­
tween Nation and Nation, the battle is between Religion,
between the True Church and the Anti-Christ. That is why
we pleaded for you to stand together, ALL CHRISTIANS
-Ali Christians must work together against the common
enemy who is vicious, ruthless and.wiILdestrox_y.0ur.-minds,
you~soul~, y..Qur-20die.s." (For co~plete description of Sat­
ans own Chain of Command see forward page Iii and Vol
IV page 135. ]...,,- r<J. fi b( jl . Ç'
360 .c , 2 .. 1 (1 +" r.
S' t
The Sacred Spot

Why did the Queen of the Ho1y Rosary, Mediatrix of Peace

choose to appear at Necedah, qn. Pent~st Sun<!ay, Her
first appearance at the Sacred Spot?
The significance of Our B1essed Mother's appearing at
the Sacred Spot to Mary Ann Van Hoof on May 28, 1950
on Pentecost Sunday lies in the following resume. From
tms Spot on earth Our Holy Mother has told us; "For
g~'!.Q<! e~y-.-d.e.sir~s you are forgetting Gad and the
Ten Commandments." We will soon see the significance
of this.

The first usage of the word "Pentecost" goes back into
the Old Testament. Pentecost means, "Feast of harvest."
"day of first fruits" or "the feast of harvest of the first fru its."
Pentecost was the closing festival of the harvest and of the
PaSdzal Season. The Paschal Season was the feast of the
Passover. Il is hard to sepa'rate these two feasts from each
other as the firsl complimenls lhe second.
The first great feast in the Jewish ecclesiastical year was
the "P~ver Feast," which was instituted and celebrated to
commemorate the Exodus from Egypt, when the angel of
death went forth to destroy the first born of the Egyptians,
p~ing àv~r (~~~s~~) the houses of th~Hebre~s, because
on the lintels of lhe door had been sprinklëdlhe blood of
1a one year old unblemished, spotless, male lamb, which
was killed without a bone of the animal being broken. It
was to be prepared by roasting and eaten the same night
with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. What could not
be used for food was to be burnt by fire that same night.
Now to refer to Pe.!!!~Est ilself: Pentecost was lhe second
great feast of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, it followed the
feasl of Passover as mentioned a bove. Not only was it ob­
served and instituted to give thanks 10 God for their first
fruits, but it was primarily kept to commemorate lhe giving
of lhe Ten Commandments by God lhrough Moses on Mt.
Sinai to the Israelites in the desert. It was 50 days or (7
weeks) from their Exodus in Egypt to the time of their re­
ceiving of the Ten Commandmenls by God from Moses
on Mt. Sinai.
So also at the time of Christ. The Last Supper was the
commemoration of the P~al Feasl (Passover), which
prefigured lhe Passion and Death of Chrisl and His Re­
surrection from lhe dead. Again il was 50 days or (7 weeks)
from when Christ died on Calvary to the day when the Holy
Spirit came down upon the Apostles and Our Holy Mother.
This was the birthday of the Church. Pentecosl day was the
beginning of Christ's Church on earth when lhe Apostles
went forth, no longer timid or uncertain. They lhen under­

stood what Jesus patiently taught them for three years.

They went forth fearlessly preaching and administering

the Sacraments in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of

God, or Pascal Lamb that was slain for the Salvation of


P~st marks the day on which the Ten Command­

ments were given to us and t~ HO!Y2!2i!it ~~e d~n
upon the Apostles and Our Blessed Mother. T':0.illY~
also marks the day when Our Blessed Mother, Queen of
{ th~ Holy Rosary, Mediatrix of Peace:-dëSCël:!~-from
Heaven to a spot on earth ~~h, to tell us "for greed
and earthly desires you are forgetting God and the Ten
Commandments," that we the laity, should likewise go
forth with faith, hope and love for neighbor in our hearts
to fulfill Her requests as Her Divine Son is being recruci­
fied anew. "S~p....2Ed Q.e coun~d" st~p and fight
for Christ," just as the Apostles had done so muSt'WZJüs"t}
"-- ;t<:..
as Sl:~~reparedJ.!;.em for ~he coming of the Holy Spirit,
( s~h~isJ2reparing .~ for the_"se~~~md "~n:JEg~Jesusî. 2:­
Christ, which is clQse aLh~nd. "Thy will be done on earth J
as it is in Heaven."

r 1"1'1 -::>
alert for under sea going as well as the air. Our country flies
reconnaissance planes and so does the enemy. Ali taking
pictures, one's trying to kid the other, but they're all doing
the same thing;'-Ûnly sorne of the leaders of the enemy coun­
try love their country better than sorne of our leaders love
{ our country. They're not so ready to betray their own as we
are to betray ours. Helen Schmidt or Mary Smith (meaning
the Fraulein) has been very active these past ten days. She
has flown back to East Berlin.
Mental Health institution in Alaska is now completed, all
ready,-waiting10r the sign:,tl to go ahead, and one state after ,.,
another is following in their faotsteps, into their submitting
,to them. They won't wake u!?! Of course, tht;:.-e,nen'lY i.s-!!1~~n
~ mO~~~l)ni1'!g!han th~.C.I:!!l§!ians to_c!:tmQufl.age their rea­
so.l!!ng. Tl1êy make it sound so good, so wonôêrfÜÇbut
there's going to be a rude awakening-a very rude awak­
1ening! \
It'Il be too late, too late. 1,
It's sad when even the Hierar<fhy go along for this, not
realizing what they are speaking (or, not reahzing the ~,l1e­
Iill"s two..:..fol~_Pllr.RQse. ft sounds~,good, yes, but if one 'of

them shourcfbe placed in the mentii}jnstitution, they will be
shocked and surprised at thë ruq5ose-bêlimd it. It'll be too
late! Sorne of the'religious wil be in there, they must awak­
en, they must see through this. They must also read the fine
print as well as the large print. They must investigate into
those bills.
5l Must watch such men as Adam Clayton Powell, Ralph
Bunche, Rabbi Silver, Jake Arvey, Fishbein, Lepinski,
Warburgs, Weinbergs, Finkelstein. They must watch them,
they're worki behind t~ scenes. D,l,lbiill.!<i st!ll i~Jhe
~ports..!acket. la.!!~kPepp~r 15still active undergound for
the enemy; as a leopard, doesn't change his spots.
If only they would listen and keep the vigll of prayer
going in the U.S.A., Canada, Mexico and ail our provinces,
If they would only do it. _
/\ - Must keep up our prayers for~atll.e.PWe can't

falter for one moment, we must keep praying, we must. We

can't let the element develop that's in process. They must

keep him alive, they must, they can't weaken their vigil.

They have to pray for Him, it's nat good there, not good.

Rude awakening, it's not too far away and will be so sad.

Those two elements clashi~g now, t!Ley mh~not divide().ur

Church. They must keep it Clirist's way, t eyffiî:isrnût alter

01#-'~ 1
364 ~
Christ's way. That's what they're trying to do, they mustn't,
they mustn't.
Oh Holy Mother, help our Christians. Help the m, oh

Holy Mother. Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, pray for ail of

them. We have a beautiful country ifwe would only keep it

(that way. We have many brilliant men and women. Ifl!ley

\ ~.Q!I.M-Qnly~~aker! t9 the evil forces instead of letting them

\ increase; decrease them, convert the m, show them there is a

1 (God. Show them the light, the way and the truth. Oh Lady,

Mediatrix of Pease, pray for us.

2 --- Oh Lady, help ~.s.iQent)help him. Pray for our Pres­

ç ident so that he can see anorecognize those affiliated with
> the enemy, thQs~hat hav~_)~_~ommunlS]iccit.@.ons, that
he awakens to the fact that they are going to destroy the na­
tion and when they destroy the natIon tnat he also will be
destroyed, that he IS only a t().91. They are only using him to
get at our Church, at the religion.
( Sorne of these men that he so trusts are his enemies.

) Th_ey'~e the eneJl1Y .of the O~d Qlory. Why ca~'t he believe

) more In George Wasnmgron anél Abraham Lmcoln, follow

1 their footsteps! They dia Îlot do anything to fïuït the Old

Glory. And he belongs to the True Church, he should not

shame it, scandalize it, but do the right. He's listening to the

wrong, he's listening to those that are harming our Country.

Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, pray for him. He's in of(ice

now and he'lI surely be re-elected and continue to reign in
the same manner unless there is enough prayer to awaken
him. ft will not be the people who will re-elect him, but the
enemy. But pray much for hi m, pray much. _.
Why isn't our country alert to the invasiQ!!a$ka?
Why are they so asleep there? The enemils lurking in the
Goats Beard, hiding behind rocks, for there is always a
blanket of real thick fog. One thing they don't seem to have
discovered is that the Russians have a çbemical.. t haLth.ey
spray above the clouds, and it will gradually come down,
and that it inteÏTmswith the radar system. In 19551 used to
tell Hank about that chemical. Don't know what to cali il. ft
just interferes with the radar system and also makes the
plane noises inaudible. They can fly behind this mist. The
plane is sort of invisible then; sort ofa mist or fog over them.
ft stays nearly twentyfour hours before it gradually moves
downward and collects into the clouds and moves along
with them and gradually deteriorates, castin,g a bluisn
chemical onto the earth. If it cornes down in snow it has a

bluish crystal look, sometimes a little lavendar or brownish
also, but mostly bluish.
Alex just said that his Fatherland and his people are more
depressed now than ever before. There is no improvement
in their Country or any ofthose under control of the enemy.
That the Christians are not awakening, although many
hearts are broken. Hoped to have received help Trom our
Fatherland but they were denied assistance. Only the
enemy received assistance from our land, causing much
hardship and grief. Even such an example was Stepinac,
who has gone to his reward, and the one that is being
watched, Mindzenty, and 1 couldn't understand him too
weil, but 1 know he means the Cardinal of Poland (Wyszyn­
ski). He named a Bishop, too, but 1 couldn't &et his name.
He pleads for prayers andawakening before it s too late for
our Fatherland as weil as his.
God have mercy on us, God have mercy on us.
There's no peace in store for us, not yet. We're not deserv­
(" ing of it, we're filled with black sins. Youth situation isn't
cleansed. Pa.rents still a~..!~ts, no peace, no peace,
much worse. .
Why are people afraid of the truth? Oon't they know the
truth IS wh.l!1. Will save them? Lies will only degrade th éffi,
harm them, aeslroy theIn-:-Why fear the truth? They think
sorne of them were not black lies. They're still not the truth.
Oon't speak of rumors, only speak offacts. When tne gov­
ernment does not give the people the truth, when it starts to
,build its foundation on falsehoods and lies, h~4.Q.e~i~x­
pect its country to stand up? <m:!YJh~ enemy ofGod wo~ld
) build thaLfype- ôr(~~"~ion. Are wearrenemies of God'?
Are we ail enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Misrepresentations, falsehoods, untruths come from our
leaders. Why don't they give the people the truth? The
f ne~sl'~pJ:rs still excel in printing Jj~s and f~I1>~llQ.9.ds, twist
l ed, dlstorted in an)' way or form. Many articles wouldiï't6e
piinteoif theY\\loula" pnnt the truth. Oistorted it makes
many stories more sensational, anything to lull the public to
sleep. When are they going to wake up. Fé!fe_facts rigQt
,.iqu~r.e in the face? Il won't be pleasant, but you will see.
In 1955 ana also 1956 our work here warned against our
foods, the poison, but still they're contin~inK.!2...p_Qison the

f~s, destroy God's creati.on. It's been given. man~ illnesses
f have_been proven to iLl!.y~Jll:en ca.ysed .l;>.~~al,!~e-.9_tb.~.9i­
l son in food, water and on land, in the forest. They'1I deny it,
thase of the A.M.A. will den)' it. It's not harmful according
to the m, but many of the..sclentjsts that 1:!1l~j}.I.!!D~I1!!y aJ
heart can tell you the difference; inquire, ask them. Poison
J has destroyed fish, birds, beasts, as weil as unborn children
.. and those living, be it fallout from radiation or Strontium
90, be it fallout from in.~_c1ici~es, pesticisles, whatever tille
) you want to give it, it,'2 still fallout, .. man-made fiillo,ut!
Tjlat's one methgd of des.troying th.emJrom .wÜhin.
Read back messages. It was given then and it has in­
creased by leaps and bounds since. The effects will be ~i­
ratory, blindness, neS'y0usness; effects the nervous system.
Inmany instances t_hey cali it multi0e(s~lerosis. It isn't ex­
(actly multiRle sclerosis, oh, they give 1 fïiïfl1ame, but t~e
) chemical in the body of these victims, if that was analYzeo,
thè-y'd De surprised at what they'd find in the bloodsüë~·m.
In the human brain, the nerves are very sensitive. It cannot
compete with man-made destruction. Pray, pray to awaken
to the evil. Pray, awaken, ilLmuch w~ than ther realize.
Go through the institutions, hospitals, children s waros.
{ It's shocking what you will see.
Lord have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us.
Our Holy Mother tried to warn us. We heeded Her not.
Kept right on going our merry way. We heeded not our
Holy Mother, She pleads and pleads.
Pray for Pope John, pray for Pope John.
Much activity in the Temples (Bahai).
Clean out the schools, it's no gooa'-l\i1essages given in the
past regarding the youth have still not been fulfilled. It is
still as much now as when given in 1950. It has increased in
many areas by 10% and in others even more th an that. One
( must remember that in the span ofyears the ones that were
! at the age to be cleansed~ tO~~"yp..9~n the .correct. way 0'jife,
1a~tod~y astults and do not follow the nght way. Tney do
not KnOW àny better. It is taught in the schools. ThH'r~k­
l\.!Dg God out of everything. Even the words ln Cod We Trust
will be rèmovea. Tliey are working on it now unless the
Christian worr~objects. When the nations turn awayTroin
)\ God, they should kilOW through past experience what hap­
pens. Awaken! Oh, awaken! Do not be asleep.
Re-writing of t~t_~tbooks, be careful, watch. Our Holy


Mother pleads for the youlh. Her arms are extended

towards the youth. Parents, do not fail them, parents, do not
fail them.

Meeting at Palmer House. Not good, bad plotting and

--caïi.adian Doctor. Rabbi Prinz is with them. Ralph
Sure 'l..~unch of evil ones/cong~gated~er.e. So_rn~ o(~~se
" {gr~!).c!JYlasle::rs that brought in a 6unch of the Africanjungle
~1"0 men, heaci hunters, Godless pagans. -.
Rabbi Silver, too. Jake Arvey's right hand man. Rep­
resentatives from Mexico, Canada, Bermuda; one from
,Cairo. Also the head man of B.J1aLB'rith is here, so don't be
\ surprised ifyou hear something astoIllihing;s
1terrible. It's awful. ­
Oh no. No. It wasn't an accident. It is one of the things
mentioned ~ome timeagüffiafWill be shockin~, and this
when the truth cornes out, will be shocking. That s not true,
that's not true. Tbey know what's going to_ bapp~n. Say
prayers for those poor souls, don't forget them in your
Oh God, have mercy on them. Oh God, have mercy on


If 1 cou Id only give ail the explanation of the_ ~itual in

~kery of Christ, and on Good Friday they congregate at
Many of the Christians will observe the Crucifixion of
Our Lord between 12 and 3 today ail over our Country and
also in Europe where their time is ahead. Pope John, eY~Jl.a,s
ill as He is, will venerate the Crucifix of Our Lord. fi will
also be solemnized in England, London, France, East Ber­
lin, Rome, Madrid.
( Th~y will have one of their bi~ rituals where Amschel
) Meyers had his headquarters-all In mockery of our Chris­
Î tian devotion, of the crucifixion of Our Lord. T~ ~'=.Ipreme
Gr~!1..9-.M.?-~ter, he's in Chicago.
Wish the Christians would pray more and counteract this
hideous, awful thing.
5-fO 368
The meeting they had yesterday afternoon and evening
was quite~n_ug.ly_ Riot. When tha.t is made known, it'Il sur­
prise and shock many .of the natlOn's true leaders. They'1l
also be surprised of tht--9_nesJ.h!iUrLs!!!ç~re_d~Ï1hgQ9F
,of Just as Judas betraye.<l-!lis Lord and God for Thirty Piecés
o ofSilver, the.)' wil-lbetray t6eiftlag, theircountry, their Lord
'- and God and thetr :fellQ~en. In many cases it will be a
hundred times thirty dollars involved. _
( Of course it was glven in 1955 and '56 and '57 where their
) arsenals are hidden in the Bermudas, island near Iceland,
\ a~na,-Key West, andO[~~se the arsenal of our
1 hemisphere, Cuba! If ail the am munition and aiL the de­
structive stuffwould blow at once, it would destroy part of
the Island or Islands. And we are so gullible" qelieving they
have removed the equipment. It's just like walking lOto a
big place where they stock ail the ammunition. It's just as
hot and dangerous if you walk right in the center of it be­
cause it would make an awful boom if the whole works went
up. B~t th~y hORe to scatter tho~e piles, one is aimed at
WashlOgton, D.C.
Wait until they f1nd the reason for the sub's disappear­
ance, and they'll also discover there are plent)' other lishes
in the sea. What will it take to frighten our Chnstian people?
In sorne places there is response for prayers for our Holy
'"l Father and our government officiais and for the. poor souls
tbM.ll~ given so much for the safety 91the \\Torld-an.oliave
gone. Sorne response and prayers-for those is beautifurbut
In other places they just don't see il. They believe the story
that ail danger has been removed from our country. Oh,
th~y Q.Q.n:.LeveJJ.h~.tobe in.Q1l>a. They can do it right over
Alaska and Siberia. The)' have the big launching pad cov­
e.!:.~~~_~p, lQokinglikeJlxÙëël:>erg right now.. A.U t~.ha~Lo
') d.Q IS lIft off the coyer ana they can zoom ngnt here lOto the
1 Umtéd Stâtes. They can shoot one off as a piggy back. Been
given that before,and it is still possible, even great imprOVë­
( men"tmadê. They shot one right across the U.S.A. and it
1 lal!9~d in the Atlantic. W~ weren't ~ven~aware-ûnnat test.
Just take your measure and you can see. T!!.eir av~ge snot
is 1500 miles and where will they land from Siberia? Mea­
sure it around (the radius) and then th~J~iggy back another
~O to ~iles. They're so E-OWefruCso powerfat-.rustasi t
was in the time of Abraham incoln and tbe Czars ofRussia
wh~n~they wanted to di~_~s of the U'sA That's
just as important, Of more so, to them now. Our Country

now is much more strategically important than it was be­
Great improvement in minds of men, education, science
and all the tremendous improvement. Knowledge that man
has toda)', and they know m_l!~J:LQ[jt is here in the U.SA
'TheY'd ltke to split the U.S.A. between them and it isn't the
{ Brown BeaI' this time either, i(s yQ.ur Internati.9Il1iLBa~rs
that are headed by the Supreme Grand Master.
-~'l Children dr~j!l.e.d of blood_J'9.J.-rituals. - .
Bad in Chicago, they had a Il!ll..~k_Mass today. Used a lit­
) tle girl's blood for their ritual. People don't understand how
wicked.-J.hat)s, they don't understand. 1 like children, don't
( lilfé to see them used by the devils. The people think this is
just fanatical until thelr own children would be ta ken.
It was done in mQ_ck~ry of Our Lord's death on the cross.
, They have !'een br~gingin-p_aganAfric,tn~,s?rI!~)elo~g
"1 l? to the head hunter tnbe, and tney've been brmgmg them m
r different Cilies to beused in the U.S~A. Getting them-reaây
) to divi<fëllïespoils of this Country. They~r~omgJ.2-use.all
l the subver5ives in this Country, along wilh.fu2se, and then
when they're all ready, thèÎi.' it will be a revoit from within
this Country, and will that be horrible! The religious will get
( it, and those faithful to the Church proper wilf get it. They
\ have lots of ammunition stocked away in there. Sa mal1Y of
the good_,!re becoming involv_ed. Cali themselves Freedom
1 Crusaders, or any name. Even priests are involved in this;
ministers. These good men and the evil forces tao.
( There are those of the evil forces in the Goat's Beard
\ known as tQe_.tJ"ihal~sts. HicEp.gJnJbe caves of CJ.iba, B~r­
1 must~s, CentralAmerica, MexIco. J;:vil set-up on the Ama­
There will be more children used for the blood ritual, for
the Black M~ss. .--- - .


Holy Father is leaving us. (Mary Ann saw Pope John

XXIII laid out on a slab or bier with a strange lookmg hat).
Pray for the right choosing of the next pope. G[~~nger
w~ng element will getjn.


Mary Ann saw Pope ~. He blessed her and then


turned to one side and then to the other to bless the group
Î p~sent. He smiled and then his face became very serÎous.
He1"âid_this iS.JLy.J~ry cL':l_~~al time. Many prayers are needed
l for Christendom. Il is a.__period similar to the time of his
reign i!l~e of ~m~o), then he vanished.


Pray, pray for the Vicar of Christ, our great advocate for
peace. Pray for him, pray for him. It takes ail of Christen­
dom to pray for the Vicar of Christ and to intercede for his
successor, that he may be a good man, a man with love of
God and his flock in his heart.
During the past centuries, as today, the enemy has tried to
intervene and creep into the Catholic Church, to destroy it,
to harm it; and ail through these years they have tried but in
vain. But never in history has the enemy been so powerful as
today, where there is unrest within and attempts to infiltrate
have become greater.
There are two factions there now, one of the Black Pope
and one of another element. The Black Pope is the danger­
ous one. There is much money, much power behind these
men. They disguise themselves in many ways. They talk
beautiful, they lull their subjects to sleep or they try to int­
ervene and work to get a foothold into the great Church,
Christ's Church on earth. But if Christ's Church would pray
with ail sincerity, the enemy will again not win, but they will
lose. But fearing the weakness and the lack of prayer and
sacrifice by those that should have their Church at heart,
because wlthout their Church and without their Shepherds,
Christendom will fall. So if they want to spare the people of
the world of these dangers, it takes the prayers of ail to help
through this crisis; also for the completiün of the Ecumenl­
cal Council by an Honest, God loving, God fearing man
and one that has humanity at he art as a true Shepherd that
loves the people as weil as his God. As he is to represent
Christ here on earth, to be the Shepherd of the Flock, so
with ail prayers and sincerity intercede to Thy Holy Mother
so that the Ecumenical Council can be fulfilled as it should
be, without the enemy interfering. But it'Il take work from
ail, not a mere few, and will take the true love for God, His
Holy Mother, the Mediatrix between God and man.
Without Her intercession, without the protection of Her
Mantle about you, it will be difficult tü travel. But if you

- ...

seek Her grace and fold yourself beneath Her Mantle and
plead to Rer as you would to your own Mother when you
need something, treating Her Just the same, She will listen
and She will help; but flrst you must remember Her as the
Mother ofGod with love ànd true devotion, and Her Divine
Son, Thy Lord, Thy God, Thy Creator, thy everything.
Without Him you're lost.
Those that Ceel they need Him not will find themselves
faltering at the wayside, if not on earth but in the beyond.
So pray for His Holiness who is so gravely il!. Pray that his
successor will be a sincere man, a true man of God, with
God first in his heart and the love for his tlock and then
there will be a wonderfulleader for the whole Christian
worJd, butrt will take the éffort of ail clergy,religious, the
laity-ail Christendom.
As you look about, peace is not in sight. There cannot be
peace when the world is not ready for it, when they so care­
Iessly cast aside every chance of peace.
Pray, pray.


The world situation is more crucial than before. There is
no sign of peace. Rather the youth turns away from God.
The youth seeks not their Lord, their Creator. The youth is
being pu shed further and further away from their God,
their Maker, and especially our Holy Mother Who, because
of this, bows down Her Head and sheds tears because the
. youth is misguided. They are sl!9wn only the e,tsy_ way of
\ life. Eve!] way is shown to them of how things can be done
easier, faster. Try to get around things rather than sticking
to their tasks. When a problem faces them, they do not know
how to cope with it. Il is the fault of their eiders, the eiders
that for the last 25 years especially have forgotten that they
are responsible for the child from the crib to manhood or
womanhood. They seem to not care. They seem to let chil­
dren loose, and the enemy thus takes advantage of this.
They are used for riotjng, they are used for many purposes.
, They~~sta!;_tl~.m. to do their work, to infiltrat~ in
other domgs mstead of givmg the youth the proper trammg,
the proper education.
Tnere are many brilliant men, women, boys and girls and
many of the professors, their teachers, are brilliant men and
women, but have they_ex~mine~ the textbooks of today?

Have they examined whgJ's be~ng_ if.lfilt~ateçi_J'"!tg_t~e
schos>ls? That does not mean the grade school, it me.a~~all
schools, as given many times over and over. How to educate
sëeffis to be one of the great points to be brought about. The
child is not given the real meaning of why and the reasons
for his being created. They are taught more of how they're
going to have a good time. Everytliing has its place in life,
and there's a purpose for everything, but when the main
issue is c~t aside, the main purpose in Iife, and pleasures
are sought ioplace of responsibiiity, then it is time for the
elders to a waken, to try and see whaCs behinq it.
Even sorne of thosë-that ten years ago were concerned
over sorne of this situation have now let themselves be
swayed, and they listen and let themselves be lulled to sleep
with the trend oftoday. We must remember iCs a change of
times, iCs a space age. Things have changed! No,Jh<:y have
( never c~ang~d from the Christi<l_n.J~.rjnclples,althougllihe
enemy IS trymg 10 every way to remove It; and as parents,
and as teachers, and as ministers ofGod, we have let it hap_l
1 pen. 1Cs haFpening in the parochial school as weil as the P!:i-)
~ vate scboo and public sçD..Qol, it does not matter where- J
Kmdergarten throu~Qniversity.
When are the parents and the teachers going to waken to
what's happening? T.h~ .~~o-fQ!.~Lp~rQ.ose is there, but they
care not to find it. The integration and segregation is anoth­
er example of this sa me movement. It is trying to destroy
this country from within, to be devoured by the same forces
way back 10 the time of Abraham Linco]n. At that same
time Ihis sa me element and this same movement was
planned as il is today. The people arenot awakenedtü-the
truth, they let tne-mselves become complacent and lulled to
sleep. When sports, sport pages, T.V. and radio become the
most predommant part in your Iife instead of your home,
your children; when those Ihings instead of y.9uLg~n­
~t a.!1d wh.~is happening.!SU! is unimporllint, then you
can find yourse1f down the pat!] of destruction. Without
the Christian teaching betweenQlOme, school and,church,
when that is not done, and when Wé cast aside a prayer,
no matter where it is, in your school, in your home, at
meetings and gatherings, then it is time to stop and take
an account of Il.
There is a reason behind ail of this, there is a reason be­
hind much ofthis planning. Twenty years or maybe Jwe®­
five years ago Ihat was under.,SQ.Yer, but todaYJ1iuight Q!:lt
ln ~ ~ IC,'r3
in _th~oRen for the common school boy to recognize jf he
( wants to De alert to il. T!l~andwriting is on the wall
( the p~m..Me. Vou c~n see it ,,:,ith..2,':!.t much ~.!!ort in your
( larger cities. Vou can see what's behtnd the segregation and
\ integration movement. Vou can see tb.Ltwo-for~LpulRo~.e
j behind the Mental Health; the two-fold purpQse behind the
Civil rights; the two-fold ..pu (!29se behind the disarmamen. t
( movement. Oh, in one way it is good, but the..Πis a dQtlble
. m~l!iJ1g behiQiljt ail. Awaken to the facts, do not be like a
Dock of sheep complacently being driven and bunched to­
gether to destruction.
Be alert, watch what's going on. Be interested in your chil­
dren, be interested in the movements that are going on, !h.e
bills before your Congress and your Senate. Read .!he s.!TIall
i pr!.,!.lt, not onl~e large, but .the fine trint that's r~ally~he
I~~, the hidaen Inea.ning behin~lt, ecaüse mu ch of it is
good, but many limes it is wrong. Unless you are alert to
what's going to happen to the future of your Country, that
you can continue to Dy the Old Glory and that the Old
G lory is not moved down second and the U. N. Dag on top. It
is with Old Glory that they fought under in the past. George
Washington fought to make thlS land free and so did Abra­
ham Lincoln, but from those days on down, the enemy has
) infiltrated and has constantly been using their means and
~ has infiltrated your go~ment, the army, th~navy and the
l airlQrce and your c-2!l~ges and sçJ:1.9..0ls.
- Have you looked into the library of many schools? Have
you seen the filth behind the pages? Are you interested in
what is put before the eyes of sorne of your children? Has
5 your child enough confidence and faith in you as a parent to
) bring home to you what they find? Have you taught them
l the right and wrong that they know this is not right, this is
important? Have they shown this to you, and what ha,,:-e you
done about it if they have, n().0Jng. Vou shrug your shoul­
cfé'fs, what can we do? Face up to il. When you stand up for
the truth, for the right, there will be those that will have to
take notice. There will be those that will have to do some­
thing. Don't wait until the.Hammer an<!~ickle Dies on top
of the Old G lory. 1t's coming, it's very dose, much doser
than you rea!ize, and if it fa Ils, it will fall from within be­
cause we're not on our feet and not alert.
At Pearl ~or many, many boys lost their lives and
great saCrIfices have been made for thlS country. The people
back home did not make the same sacrifice. Have you trIed

to see that their life was not lost in vain? And those in Korea
that were ro\led up the hi\l and down again, is their loss of
life in vain just because the parents at home, the people at
home, do not care? For if the war ever strikes again, you wi\l
not ro\l them up the hi\l and back down again. As your Pres­
ident said himself, it wi\l only take a few minutes ifthey ever
start to use the bomb, the A bomb, the H bomb or the Co­
balt bomb; ifthey are foolish enough. And one's mind must
be distorted to use them because surely they have enough
experience to know ~at is lefU!ft~La.-çity or a continent is
slruck with these bomQ.s; there. is not much left. But they
llaYe_p-llLnted ~noug~ 2.!!bver.~io[l in.o'!r own Countrythat
f the time will come that we \0JUiiliJrom witl;lin, like they
çhave given and have said many times, it will fa\l and coI­
llapse like an o,,:-er.:Jjpe ~om.ato; and J:..hat i~what the. 're
wo'1ing f2r, and that penod 1S much closer than you reanze.
But ifyou stick up for your Constitution as it was former­
1)', as the signers at the Declaration ..s igned it, if that was
hved up to, you wouldn't have to fear; but toçLa,y .xour Con- ')
stitution is nQUhe ç~nsl~ution it was. It has 2~en ameriged }
al!d changed and chapgeo over alld over ag,!!n untiifinally \
the words are meaningless. So are the people of today
changed, it seems thêlr Country, the il' life in the future is
meaningless, for most everyone only thinks of what can be
done today, but not tomorrow.
Wake up, as Our Lady pleaded in 1950-Wake up, Amer­
ica! At that time South America seemed to be a quiet, slum­
bering continent. Today ifs crawling and bemg under­
mined in many ways. The enemy has vita\ly controlled most
(of the area. Hitler himself hid there for a number 2.f y~s.
; Peron, Batista and many others nave~~regatedther~d
\ rlo!!ed and.planned, and now South Ameca IS not the slum­
( bering continent It was a few years ago. Much disruption
and much danger of Communistic control, just as Cuba is a
stepping stone for the US.A.; anasill\the world slumbers
on. The U.S.A. heeds not, they are casting aside Christ, l:Ijs
Holy Mother, their Lord and God, their Creator. They heed
not the words of His Mother when She has shown them over (
and over again as e.~ly as 'l.830, '!,1}Q-:9.n thro~gIHh~_)'..e.ars. In 5
1917 and again here in 1950 She warned thèm many times,
but they care not, they go on. You cannot go on forever \
without paying the penalty for casting God aside because
when you think you can start your day without a prayel' to
God and His Holy Mother, you are only kidding yourself

because without Them you are a lost continent, you are a
lost nation. Because it was God that created you, and it is
God that can let you be destroyed. You can help destroy, for
they have the products to do it with. Man has ~nough
destruction to d~J.oy.1.b~ whole world i!!.jus!-fi~t:millutes.
Think about it, think about it. Anâ then kneel ooWil be­
fore your Crucifix and promise Christ on that Cross Who
died for you, look at our crucified Lord, look at His scourged
body, look at ail the welts, the tears, the blood that has come
down, look at it and then forget Him, forget Him and go on
your merry way!
~ Oh dear people, be alert, for the skies are constantly buzz­
ing with bombers. What are they for? Not for a pleasure
trip, but only to be used to destroy. They're there for de­
struction. Millions of dollars are spent for destruction, !!9J to
build up for the good, ~only for s!.estruÇ1ion, why? Why
the constant fear ofThy Lord and God? Ifyou turn to Him,
He surely is not going to destroy you. He surely will not, for
He loves ail of you, but you do not love Him.
Our Holy Mother stands with bowed head, the tears are
coming from Her eyes because She loves Her priests, her
Sisters, the nuns. She loves above ail th~ou~h, the childr~n.
And what ha1-.b~~ne~..t0tht:.m? Look aTThem;ïl1iasoeen
given over and over agaiil."""Read the back messages and
then complacently continue on your way until it is too late.


Oh Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, pray for us, guide us
through ail these trials and tribulations, the turmoil, the un­
happiness that has engulfed tbis_ whoIe world. Peace," oh
peace is so far away. People are still blinoed to the truth.
People heed not the cali and pleas of our Holy Mother, Our
Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, who is pleading to ail of us for
peace, peace. To unite, to be charitable, to love one another,
to love thy neighbor as thyself, but we heed not Her pleas.
Constant bickering, constant condemnation, always picking
on thy neighbor and watching what he is doing, and con­
demning hlm instead ofwiping our own doorstep, cleansing
our own lives and then showing love to one another, to be
United as true Christians. That we fail to do in so many
The U.S.A. itself is going to face much hardship, much
sorrow because of the lack oflove for Thy Holy Mother, Thy

Lord and God, to fulfilltheir requests, to do as God would
want them to d.o. She pleads, ReT face is still in sorrow.
When are we gomg to prace the smtle upon Her face? When
are we going to do as She requests? Darkness is ail about us,
not the golden rays of hope and sincerity, but darkness, be-
cause the enemy is ail about us.
Cuba is one of the largest jumping off places for this
country, but within our own country where we should have
unity and peace, we are drawing the darkness over us; con-
stant division between race, religion, constant bickering,
constant picking on one another. Where is the Christian
world going? When will they seek true peace and love for
one another?
Our Lord will not stave off His punishment, much longer.
Are we waiting for devastation over ail? Il is here. There is
great turmoil within the North American continent. The
Serpent has been coiled for many years. He is now showing
his venom from coast to coast, from border to border. Are
we going to let it destroy us? Are we going to idly stand by
instead of turning to Our Lord and God and His Holy
Mother? Are we going to show the love that they show us, as
Our Lord showed us on Calvary when He died for us? When
His Body was scourged and there wasn't a place to put a pin
without a bruise or bursted skin? Have you forgotten the
pain and sorrow that was placed upon Him? Are we going to
constantly re-crucify Our Lord instead of loving Him as we
should, to be obedlent children to Him? We disobey His
commands and His words. God gave man a free will, but
must man destroy himself because of lack of love and unity?
Unity is only a small word, but il means so much. Without
unity we cannot stand. The U.S.A. will crumble ifit does not
change its ways.
The early pilgrims left the European countries to come to
the New World to find peace and unity between them. Why
are we destroying what our forefathers fought and died for?
Why? Are we going to complacently walk to the slaughter
house? Are we not going to stop this devastation that we are
facing from within the U.S.A.? We need not fear the bombs
from abroad. We are placing the bombs right within our
own Country. The segregation and integration baule is one.
There are many other divisions, are we going to continue?
Are we going to destroy our youth, are we not interested in
th~ future of tomorrow, our youth? The enemy is placing
thls division and means, educating the youth to destroy and


youth to riot. Are we going to stand by? Our Lady pleads for
the youth. Are we as parents forgetting the youth? When
God and His Holy Mother both rove you, no matter what
race or creed we belong to, are we ~oing to stand with them
and walk the line of the truth? Wny do we fear the truth?
Only the truth will set us free; lies, evasions, appeasement
will never find peace. Why are we joining Krushchev and
appeasing him when he is not one ofGod's chosen ones? He
cares not for you and 1. He cares only for destruction and to
win his way of life, and that is there is no God, no Holy
Mother, no Church.
Is that the example you want to follow? Is that why we are
appeasing him today, is that the reason? Are we going to
turn to Our Lord and God and His Holy Mother? Are we
not going to turn a nd stick together as the Christian world
united into one and follow the way Our Lord and God
would want us to follow; the path of truth and unity, not a
One of the most beautiful ways to battle is with a Rosary.
Every little bead of the Rosary can be a missile to Heaven.
but it must be said with sinceritv. It must be said with love in
one's heart, notjust the lips pronouncing the prayers of Our
Holy Mother, not a nonchalant way, but with sincerity, with
true love for Thy God, Thy Lord, Thy Creator, thy every­
thing. Without Him you cannot survive. Remember thls.
Without Thy Lord and God you are nothing, nothing. But
with Thy Lord and God, and stand with Him in truth and in
sincerity, not the easy way out, follow God's way and God's
Wisdom will be thy salvation.



No peace, no peace, more assassinations. Men of good

will, of good heart, will be assassinated. Supreme Grand
Master will see to it as he has seen to it, no matter who he
uses for a tool. If they haven't gained much more than the
planting of fear in the hearts of the high officiais, that much
they have gained.
Nation was shocked, nation was supposed to set an exam­
pie to the whole world, it was shocked. It's a brutal and
pagan way of trying to promote their will.
Officiais of the nation started to blame others only to
cover up and blame someone else, but in their own con­


science they know they have failed. There had been much
pleading for prayers for the President, but were not enough
Had been warning given that the day of Lincoln would
come about. This is just as at the time of Lincoln. It was not
heeded, and you remember Lincoln was assassinated. Re­
member that was given in the past work. It is now similar to
the days of Lincoln.
Why wasn't it heeded? It was through the races at that
time too, and many other things, but tbe one outstanding
was slavery and the colored man, and now it is integration
and segregation. Similarity, and you had a man that was not
afraid to speak out, but no matter whom you elect, unless
you change the men who are controlling and ru!ing your
government, you will either have men that will bow down to
their bidding or you will have those that will die at an as­
sassins' bullet.
The assassin was not a sick man. It was planned and plot­
ted two years before it actually happened. They had to wait
for the opportune moment, and there are quite a number
behind this plot. Proof will be hard to come by for it is al­
ways those that will be paid off, either in funds or threats.
No need to lament, for warnings have been given. They
were not heeded nor have they been in past history. Fear IS
in the hearts of many now. Prayers are needed and there
should have been more prayers, many more prayers.
There will be more clashings and contlictions, but seek
not the solution ofwishful thinlcing, but seek the solution of
removing the cause behind the plotters, the Grand Masters
and their 625 cohorts. Everything is weil under their control
and once they are in control, there's !ittle you can do. For it
is very simple to threaten one's life, especially with the new
fear that has been planted.
Rubenstein is an old hand and one that is weil schooled.
Rubenstein or Sparks as he was called, was in Chicago dur­
ing the days of Dillinger. He was an ambitious young man.
HIs background can be traced in the records in Chicago.
They are not through, your Leader will not be the last one.
Unless there is actIOn taken, there will be more.
Have you counted the assassinations in the world the last
five years? The accidents that were not accidents, have you
counted them? Is there any need to continue to warn when
nothing is done with the warnings? Yes, there 'are a few
fana tics that are praying. When they are classified as fanat­

ics and mental cases, then how can you expect others to
join? Where is the freedom of the U.S.A.?
There are ail these different conflicts-the Mental Health.
Yes, there is a need for help for the mental people, a great
and dire need. When those that can see the plot behind il
want to expose it, they are denounced and name calling be­
gins. Sorne lose interest in the struggle, and those of the reli­
gious that understand there is need for care for the mental
conditions in the world, but do not understand the Grand
Masters' plot behind Mental Health and the Civil Rights.
It is a dlsgrace that this freedom loving nation has to back
down and bring forth the Civil Rights. Why? It's a disgrace
that Civil Rights becomes a necessity, another weapon for
the Grand Masters to use for a double purpose. The way the
world situation stands, it seems that the program of Civil
Rights is a necessity, but not as it is being promoted. Why
have we lowered our standards so low that it is necessary,
thereby giving the Grand Masters a two-fold purpose.
There you tiave the two great issues-Mental Health and
the Civil Rights. Oh, what a mess they can make out of this.
But many tFiat were fighting for this cause are doing it be­
lieving wlth their whole hearts that they are doing rigbl. But
there are others who see what is behind the plotter's plot.
Yes, the days of Lincoln are here. Just as true now as then.
Unless there are more prayers and willingness to forgive
and love thy neighbor, unless charity is in man's heart, rove
and devotion for Thy Lord and God and His Holy Mother,
there is no need to continue to warn, warn, and warn, for
nothing is done about il. Why repeat and repeat? For the
last thirteen years il has been a constant repeal.



Black cloud which is above us is about ready to explode.
We were warned about the black cloud in 1950. Now it's
about ready to explode on top of us with a terri fic force.
There have been statements of disbelief made, but one
thing you must remember that many times instructions are
given far in advance of things pending to come. As it was
given that the nation would 6e shocked. Most everyone ex­
pected something to happen within 30 days, three months
or so. Then they forget it, weil, it didn't mean anything, but
had it been heeded and enough prayers said it could have


~ ~
F ~
been averted, but we are ail too weak. Check in past mes­
sages where warnings were given.
Many of the past messages given are about to take effect
No peace, no peace, far, far away, no peace. People are
getting too lazy to fight. Cuba situation far from ended.
Hidden missiles still camouflaged. Russian subs while sub­
merged would be used to shoot missiles in large cities like
New York, New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San
Diego. Any large vital coastal area including Cape Kenne­
dy, formerly Cape Canaveral. Under water so tnere is no
fear of radar detection. It has been proven in the past, isn't
very secure any place.
Pray for our Vicar, pray for our Vicar, he needs many
prayers, situation not good.
Nation will not awaken unless something tragic strikes,
and then soon again slumber on.
Our Lady, Mediatrix of Peace, pray for us, pray for us.


Time as of Lincoln hasn't ended (assassinations and trou­
ble with colored). In his time we were heading for a Civil
Re-read Books 3 and 4. That'Il help, but that isn't ail of it.
That doesn't mean those signal codes of subs and that. Sorne
ofthese things Alex warned about himself in the past work.
Pray mudi. We need to pray much. Got to pray for the
Vicar of Christ. Have to pray for Him very hard that the
don't make mistakes. Get the Holy Office c1eaned up. Don lt
make the mistake of closing the Ecumenical Council and
put too lenient laws and clauses because even if this Cardi­
nal resigned from the job, they have already proposed and
prepared the conclusion as weil as the by-Iaws. Must pray
for Pope Paul. Must pray that he awakens to the motive be­
hind much of this. Pope Paul needs prayers.
Things are not good in the Cuba area.

Laws and by-Iaws they are trying to promote.

Negro situation going to be a lot worse before it's ail

Clauses that they are putting in certain bills.
. It's going to be severe, a severe battle, integration battle
ln Chicago, even in Milwaukee. Anything to promote their
way, even coming from South America.


Institution in Alaska aU finished.

More accidents that won't be accidents.
Increase of smut for youth. Large output of smut for
youth weU disguised.
Not enoul?h opposition to devil's beat. African devil's
drums, devil s beat.
Much infiltration in societies, just like the Birch Society.
That's so infiltrated it's a pity; and Robert Welch is no
good; he's no good. He's got himselfbluffed and influenced.
John Birch himself was O.K. Robert Welsh, he's not firm
enough, more like putty. There are other patriotic societies
that are being infiltrated. We were warned of these dangers
long ago, and now it has happened in so many cases, even
the society, they caU themselves the Mundelein group.
That's no good, and the Theresians, it's infiltrated. They're
also trying to infiltrate the Mindzenty group. It is very hard
to watch, but you've got to be alert, got to be alert.
There are such good people amongst them, but so much
harm done, and in sorne cases they are threatened-their
jobs, their children, so they keep still. It is getting more and
more that way.


Too much confusion, too much. Wish there wasn't so
much confusion. Wish our own would keep on the even keel
and not get confused.
Big meeting in Chicago between Grand Masters and the
625. Plot to assassinate President Johnson and Robert Ken­
nedy. President Johnson was close to death once when they
fed him. He knows what they can do, but pray for him so he
doesn't buckle under.
Was not crusade for peace that tried to assassinate the
President, it's not. They should find the man.
Everybody's afraid. Nobody wants to stand up and fight.
No peace, aU evil around, message is not heeded. Our Lady
is not heeded. .
Plot against Padre Pio.
Lord God have mercy on us, Lord God have mercy on us
and aU who try to fight in Thy name. Please, God, help
Not enough done, too few workers,just the mere few. Not
enough, always the same group working. If one passes on
there isn't another to take their place. Must be more work­

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Colored situation is increasing more and more and more.
They are striving to cause a revoit within our boundaries.
We musn't let that happen. Mustn't, not another Civil War
as in the days of Lincoln.
More rioting that'II be caused by integration and segrega­
tion, or whatever you want to cail il. Anything you wish to
cali it, it'II ail come out the same. They're using the innocent
youth. No use giving any more talk on the youth situation as
it has been given over and over and over again, and only
thing 1can add to it, it has not improved the youth morally.
Movement is to degrade. The statistics, if J. Edgar Hoover
would give them out, would be startling to the nation.
Youth organization has been mentioned before. They
have not disbanded, they're still active. Youth is not being
Don't sing that song it can't happen here, for it will hap­
pen. It's just about to happen, and when it does, they wtll
scream, scream, but it'II be too late, too late. Keep telling the
people, poison food and water, it just can't develop normal
peo~le. Their minds get numb and dul\. The unborn child,
that s doped with that junk; if they would only stay with
natural foods as God created, not the way the devils infil­
There isn't a good candidate for our next President, not
one, so we'll have to try to make the best ofwhat we will get,
but people don't pray enough. They never pray enough.
Only the few that pray, always the same few. That alone
can't do it, just isn't possible.
Again our Hierarchy have failed their flock, they them­
selves are asleep. They're using methods of appeasement
and that can't work, it just can't work. There is no middle
road which they are ail looking for. There's only right and
wrong, there is no between.
What's happened to our patriots, what's happened to
them? Number of workers have quit 1 guess.
They're preparing the impeachment ofWarren, but there
won't be anybody with enough gumption to do it; only talk,
talk, talk.
There are many of those.workers that get the Jewish sit­
uation wrong, blame everything on the Jews. It's not the
Jew, it's the Yids, the Grand Masters, the 625. The little Jew
is as innocent as you or 1, just like at the time of Christ. It's



the same-disbelievers, the same kind that crucified Christ,
and they were not the little Jew. No, no, they were the Yids,
ones I call Yids. They're a man without a country, Disraelis,
It's so wrong to blame the ancestors of Christ for what
happened, it's so wrong.
Things in Red China, with the Red Dragon, is going to
mushroom, get bigger. Saw the Red Dragon, gets bigger,
bigger and bigger. Nostrils flaring fire.
D.N., no good, no good.

Unrest in Moscow. Going to be an overthrow in Moscow.

Plane crash of 58 dead, that was no accident.

It is just like was given before. Infiltration ofyouth, even

in sports.
There are so many of the so-called workers that let them­
selves be infiltrated. We have a few examples, like the S-'s,
and sorne of the A-. Even LVH would get off on the wrong
foot. Just a few to give you an example. And C- that dieo.
They feel they are on the right tracl<', but they don't bring
out the whole truth. They use the little Jew and that is
wrong. Even GKS. He makes mistakes too.
They must not aœept information they receive without
first being absolutely sure it's authentic. They can't go by
hearsay or unreliable documents. CS has made that mistake
quite often and there are other patriotic papers that do the
same, and when that happens it causes confusion amongst
those that are trying to work for the right and say Weil,
Ihey're wrong, who you going 10 be/ieve?
So before you ever reprint any documentations, be sure it
is authentic, because nothing would boost the enemy better
than our Freedom Fighters or our patriots or My God and
My Country group or whatever you may caU the organiza­
tions that would make such a mistake. You got to be careful.
Only print thé truth, and only the truth.


Nation must be alert to what they are trying to do to the

Christians. Will come a day when the Christian world will
be helpless.
They are trying to bring forth a Bill to confiscate al! fire­
arms in private homes just as they did in the European
countries before they took over. There's going to be more
controversy over this by the sportsmen, but still the rude

shooling and assassina lion of our Presidenl will be used as a
wedge. Can you piclure lhis nation wilhoul any protection
al afl?
Sad situation among the patriots-too much jealousy be­
tween them. Ifthey would forget who is doing the mosl, and
ail jusl do whal each individual can, and know they are
doing alllhey can, thal would be lhe mosl importanl issue­
thal they work logether for love of My God and My Coun­
try, and nollel Satan pUl jealous lhoughls in their minds. If
that could be accomplished, lhere wouId be many changes.
Our Holy MOlher has asked in lhe pasl to pray for lhe
Leader of our Country, but the public fails lo do that. The
trouble is lhere are more rocks and slones lhrown al him
than prayers and you can't win through that. Prayer will
help any individual to get the graces. Throwing rocks will
only join Salan.
Pray for the leader of our country, President Johnson. He
mlght not be the one you like, but he is still the President.
Had enough prayers been said for the former president, he
would not be in his grave now. Just as we need prayers for
lhe Vicar of Christ. There are loo many rocks being lhrown
al him by his own people.
There are sorne revolulionists senl in from Cuba lo help;
revolutionists from Cuba senl in lo help overlhrow our sys­
lem of government. Sorne of lhose lhal came among lhe pa­
lriols were nol good Christians, lhey were of Satan. Our
people are not alerl enough, just don't seem to care.
The Brown BeaI' still has the same amounl of su bs around
our shores as in lhe pasl, especially now near Cape Kenne­
Headquarters of Brown BeaI' on Swan's Island.
Somelhing in Newfoundland; also St. John's Island in a
Yes, in Newfoundland; St. John's Island.
Enemy's headquarters al Toronlo.
Soulh America, Soulh Am-:rica, hOl bed. There are big
doings in Soulh America, hOl bed.
The Supreme Grand Masler, if he can gel control of lhe
U.S.A. then they've gol il made.
During the lime of Abraham Lincoln lhey wanled lo con­
quel' and divide the U.S.A. and now lhere's a renewal oflhi~
same. If you read Volume 4 il ex plains lhe silualion of Lin­
coln's days and lhen compare it with now. Same inlrigues,
plots and demands.

Alex said it would be very difficult to unite the Churches
for there are many plottting against il. Sorne misunder­
stand; others are ignorant and many of the enemy have in­
filtrated. Much more effort of prayers, sacrifices and devo­
tions are needed to aœomplish this great task that so many
have died for and so many more will die for.
Pope John is one of these.
Oh God, help this nation, help il. This country, ifs crum­
bling, like Europe, crumbling.
Messages have been given in the past of infiltration in so­
cieties, government, etc. Those thin~s have now happened
in many places; been infiltrated, it s no good.
Agricufture Department is going to completely collapse.
lCs a complete control. As it has been warned years back, it
has now happened. Educational Department the same, also
Conservation Departmenl. But one of the severest blows
this nation has suffered is through Progressive Education,
for that is to control the youth. Medical is no good, such a
mess. Freedom is gone.
Red Dragon is getting larger and larger; was growing
during Eisenhower Admmistration and has constantly been
We need more workers, need more workers and a better
understanding between the laity and the religious.
Why don't people wake up? The good are taking so many
tranquilizers and dope, ruinmg their minds, their whole sys­
tems. They won't have any resistance, won't have anything
to fight with, willjust be tools. Why? Why? Oh, why? lfthey
would only be more willing to take a little pain they
wouldn't fall for medicine cabinets and tranquihzers. This
also ruins the unborn child.
Explosion, missile, Red China situation that'll erupl. Red
China and the colored situation. Erupt into a severe explo­
sion that will shake the whole nation. The white man could
help prevent thal.
Confusion, confusion, confusion; plotted by the goons,
the Yids. Please be cautious.
Youth situation makes me sick to my stomach. No one
seems to care about the youth. Had a sam pie of how serious
a situation it is when the Beetles were in this country. We
have degraded to such an extent to accept that type of en­
The Beatnik element is still the main issue. They've even
ruined the English language. It makes me sick.

Meetings and organizations that they have infiltrated.
Has been said in the past many times, you must watch who
is the enemy that slips amongst you.
It's important that you take precautions.

FRIDAY, MARCO 13, 1964-

Meeting, meeting in the Hub, in the devil's den.
Headquarters in Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul,
Milwaukee, Chicago and Duluth, border of Sioux St. Marie,
There should be more Perpetual Adoration. Every church
should have it, but that requlres too much effort. They don't
want to, it's too much for them, too many sacrifices. Ifthey'd
only see the results of those sacrifices, how wonderful!
When 1 say those things the whole thing turns purple, that
means hope.
Read Volume 4. Re-read the part of the Elders of Zion.
Most of it is to come true now.
Supreme Grand Master at the Hub.
Campaign this year is going to be a messy one. Many of
them are going to be like lions and wolves in sheep's cloth-
ing. Like Little lambs, but take the fur off.
Oh, it's no good, no good. Can't find anything good, ev-
erything's in a turmoil. Not good when workers go over-
board on things. They must keep a level head. Must never
multiply the situation. Keep it at a minimum and do not ex-
aggerate one iota. Just keep the facts there, because people
lose faith when they do not speak the truth. Vou cannot let
those things happen. It's hard enough with the enemy con-
fusing the nation.
Should be more like Dean Manion and Dan Smoot. They
give reports ail documented, and they're pretty authentic.
1 see so much water.
Be alert, sorne of those that cali themselves patriots and
Christians are too infiltrated with the wrong. One who is at
the he ad has 75 Communist citations.
Oh pray, Please pray, the world is in such a mess, we need
prayers. People are not awakening, they're like sheep.
One thing that is going to be rough in this election, the ac-
tion of the youth. Sorne cali themselves Republicans, the
other Democrats, but it doesn't matter. They don't know
what they are doing. You'lI find the sa me type of demon-
strations during the convention as at the last, only much

worse. There'll be big effort of the One Worlders to get bet­
ter control.
We are engulfed by a huge octopus. Tentacles ail differ­
ent-one Communist, one Facist, doesn't matter. Ali ready
to close in, and the Grand Masters, they're the head of it ail.
The Communists are only one of them.
We need a lot more good workers. We're so short ofthem,
not enough, got many working with their mouth, but not
with actions. Swivel chair workers, they're not good.
Been in effect several years now, but it's pretty weil orga­
e nized. (This referred to the Black Muslims in Chicago).
There's no end to this tunnel, it makes you tired, this tun­
t nel is weil used, funny light, it's cold.
They've made individual flying machines for just one
l. human to fly. Wonder what they're going to use them for?
1 They can't be very efficient. Got man,)' men working, very
busy here, no slack time here. There s still missile equip­
ment here, and the funniest looking plane-jet, 1can see tlie
design; that's not put together here, only parts they are
working on.
They still have the atomic energy cars, they have women,
children and men working here. They got children about
the ages oftwelve to fourteen sweeping and running errands
and women and men are working. They're mighty active
They are working on a new route out towards the United
States, 1 don't know where it's going through. Looks Iike
they are planning to make it a route to connect with Alaska
and Canada. l'm not positive.
That weird light there. When you stand on one end and
you look down tbe tunnel, it's got a funny blue purple look.
Something is cooking here. W,sh 1 cou Id understand these
instruments. This is equipment for astronauts. Suppose this
i·s their moon project.
Headquarters in Chicago, New York, Detroit, Omaha,
Kansas City, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Den­
ver, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Toronto, Newfoundland, New
Orleans. (Question what is in these cities) The huge octopus.
a. Please, please, set yourselfup, know your enemy; be care­
l fui you don't get the wrong ones in your organization,
LI please, or that will ruin everything. (Question asked, what
1 organization?) Any organization, anyone that is set up for
the right, for the saving of your country, any. Be sure the
documents used are authentic. Please, it's so important.


Watch the affiliations.

FRIDAY, MARCO 20 , 1964

Black Muslims and Mongolians, they're setting up in all

major cities.
There should be a constant vigil of prayer in all Ch urches
to save this Wonderful Country.
We need more willing workers willing to sacrifice. Need
many more, we have such a wonderful, beautiful country,
musn't let it get ruined, mustn'l.
Our church situation is sad. Sorne churches are really
filled for Lenten services, in others a mere few, why? Don't
they love their God, their Country? Don't they love Old
Haven't they realized yet the press doesn't tell the truth?
The press does not print the truth, but distort and print hall'
truths, not the full facts.
Canadian Doctor in Chicago.
Election is going to be a mess. Political year is going to be
a mess.
Alex said the enemy l'rom his fatherland are well camou­
t1aged in Cuba and they are waiting the outcome of the
Civil Rights and other Cuban demands, that it's l'rom the
land of tne Disraelis that are behind his fatherland, to help
finance them (England) and we have traitors in our country,
traitors in our land, which cause much grief and heartache
to our country. He said that our country must be more will­
ing to sacrifice, and to hear the pleas of the Bogoroditza, or
it'fl befall us as it did in his country.
Supreme Grand Master's meeting in London with de­
scendants of Amschel Meyer and Guttaschnapper and
Finkelstein. Grand Masters of France, Germany, Russia,
Italy, Turkey, all congregated, plotting, planning, and who
do you think they are pfotting and planning about? None
other than the U.S.A. For we are so careless, so careless.
They heed not Our Lady's pleas. They heed not the warn­
ings of Abraham Lincoln and other great statesmen down
the line. This is a wonderful country, let's not destroy it, Ids
not destroy il.
Disraelis and International Bankers still at work. They're
still financing our so-called hidden government and powers.

Among these are the Lehmans, Warburgs, Finkelsteins,
Dublanskis and many more, ancestor of Bernard Baruch,
who is really only the puppet of this country. Unless they
change the laws and rulings of the Supreme Court, those
who are in there now are controlled and ruled by the Su­
preme Grand Master and the Grand Masters of this coun­
Underground work of the Muslim and the Mongolian
tribes. It will be disaster if they get in control and that is
their aim. It is quite an intriguing plot. It is as mentioned in
ell the document of the Eiders of Zion. How true those words
are, read them, study them and see what they think of you;
the Christians; nothing, nothing.
They were the ones behind the assassination ofyour Pres­
ident because he did have the love of God, love of his
Church in his heart and he knew he wou Id have to live the
Faith. He could not do their bidding, refused to do so.
There will be other murders, other assassinations, but be
without fear. Love Thy Lord and Thy God, thy Country, thy
Flag, the ûld G1ory. Pray and intercede to Thy Holy Moth­
er to guide and protect you.
The laity must work, the laity must work, and the patriots
that have sprung up in small groups must work for only one
goal-thy love for my God and my Country-and then they
will triumph.
There must not be jealousy between workers, must not look
upon the other fellow that he is not working enough, for
who are they to judge what the ability is of each man or
woman, as long as each one gives what he or she cano We are
not to count the full measure. That is for God to judge. We
should follow these principles, to love Thy God, thy Coun­
try and love thy neighbor as thyself. Then of course with this
type of love in your hearts and minds there shall be success;
but there is always the warning, you must stay alert, for the
enemy is everywhere.
Pray, pray with thy heart, not only the movement of the


Terrible, terrible, Black and Yellow attack. Been given,
the Black and Yellow Giant will invade the USA. Black
Muslims have been smuggled into the USA. Will be need­

ed for the riots. They are heartless and cruel. They do not
mind burning your eyes out. These Black Muslims who tore
the clothes off the nuns and the priests. They won't mind
doing it in the USA.
Ali confusion, confusion, terrible confusion, those
changes of our church are so confusing to so many souls,
many will be leaving the church which is wrong.
Advent will not have the devotion of former years. Mock­
ery is made of the Rosary.
The 30,000 priests that were educated are ail planted to
do their work now.
Things that pertain to the youth have to change, have to
bring back the moral standards to this country, have to, they
just don't understand they are being duped.
Must be more prayers for the president. Vou must pray
whether you like him or not, you must pray for him.
Please, please don't stay away from your church, don't
fall into the trap of Satan, please, staying away won't solve
anything. His Holiness, Our Vicar Of Christ, write to him,
swamp him with letters but don't stay away from the
church. Mustn't, mustn't, tell this to the people. Many peo­
ple are losing their faith because of this confusion. They
must not, even if they use this rock and roll music. Look at
the crucifix and it will block your ears against the music.
Then please don't turn away' from the church. lt was given
in the work man's church will fall. This is the time, don't let
them do that. (l would rather they would prove me wrong
than to let that happen). Don't let it happen, please, don't.
As the New Year progresses it will be worse. Do not talk
against the changes. The Christians will be downed, espe­
cially the Cathohc Church. They mustn't, they mustn't, if
they let this happen, the false Pope will take Office; don't let
this ha ppen.
Remember, December 19th, the year 1 gave ail the work
on our Agriculture and other Departments. lt is in the Blue
Book. Weil that is getting in deeper now. Warned then, the
farmers and agriculturalists were going to be thrown out
and only a few large ones wou Id be dommating and this is in
effect now. lt has hit the dairy industry, the wheat and the
beef, not so much the wool as the beef, dairy, wheat and cot­
The states near the two largest ri vers in the U.S.A. had
much more blood shed bringing the FIFTH SIEGE in full
focus, and they are using the Yellow and Black Giant.

1 don't understand this at ail, don't know what it means; 1
see a member of the Hierarchy, has a white vestment on, has
gray hair, head in his hands, sobbing. Can't see who it is, oh
no, poor McIntyre, pray for him; poor man, he loves the
church, doesn't like what's going on. Oh no, they are cru­
cifyin~ him, pray for him, we need more like him. He
doesn t take with one hand and coyer it over and give it out
with the other.
Pray, pray, the laity must work, they must carry on, no
time to Talter. Those of My God and My Country must
stand firm, they must.
Oh no, no, oh no, the filth, the filth in print. Don't let
them do that, don't, don't let them dupe you, such filth.
Sorne of the clergy are going along with it, no, why don't the
women march against this crime? Why don't the mothers
wake up. What IS the matter with the women, don't they
love their children? Inclandescent, immoral dances, in sorne
sections of the USA they are dancing the vooda dance.
Humphery, 1 don't like his looks.
South America hot bed. Peron - burning churches.
Get more Nativity sets up for Christmas. When are they
going to replace the Christ Child in the Crib instead of as­
tronauts, space ships and the Beatles. Where is the parental
discipline? Gone with the mobs and the Beatles. Unity, we
must have unity. It is so far away, so far away.


Oh Lord, oh Lord - on our way out, Oh Lord, on our way
out. The Muslims are plotting.
Bahai Temple - (Mary Ann's action as of disgust at what
she sees).
Alexander has spoken to Mary Ann in German - Cather­
ine Emmerich translates as it is difficult for Mary Ann to do
the translating. Alex said, "there will be great disturbance in
his fatherland which will affect our country and your coun­
try. There should be more prayers to the Borgoditza (Our
Holy Mother) with loyalty and true love. Pray for my Fath­
erland, for great upheavels, unhappiness in store for the na­
Trouble ahead, they are having Muslim meeting at the
Bahai Temple. Sorne came into the USA from Cuba, sorne
through Mexico, and it's there they are stirring up the col­

ored situation. It is not the Christian people, they are not
guilty. It is the Yids that are behind the whole thing. The
Black Pope, the Supreme Grand Master and ail the Grand
Masters that are working hard for they feel they have their
foot in the door now, to harm the Catholic Church; and with
great confusion, unless there are more prayers, more sacrifi­
ces, they will do much damage and the sad part is they will
get sorne of the innocent and ignorant youth to join in their
escapades, their rioting. They will use them to destroy tab­
ernacles, break statues in churches, rob boxes. It will be ter­
rible and it will lead up to raping and desecrating of our
nuns and priests. Please pray, pray, do not let this disgrace­
fui thing happen, pray, pray.
Why not try to stop the movie "Black Like Me" from en­
tering your theatres. It is not to educate the youth and the
people for peace and unity. Do not be duped by this propa­
ganda, (At this time Mary Ann is questioned - is the book
Black Like Me, more fiction than fact?) She answers, it's
Why can't the Christian people make more effort, make a
real Christmas? Why do they wait until it is too late. The
pattern and plan is ail set in focus. We need ail Christianity
to work together, like Our Holy Mother said in 1950, the
Message should be followed to the letter. Warnings should
have been heeded. Our Holy Mother tried even through
shedding tears, they just don't believe Her.
Many times it is the fault of the clergy. They do not awak­
en and inform the Farishioners.
What a wonderfu world this could be ifwe would turn to
Our Holy Mother completely. We would love our neighbor
and be united as one happy family, instead ofall this hell we
are going to be facing.
Vatican not good, Vatican not good, mess, mess. Pray,
pray for His Holiness he needs prayers; not good, sorne of
those about him. He is not a bad man, he gets confused in
the different reports, they are not authentlc.
Please, Amenca must wake up! Vou must help the youth,
must put Christ in Christmas.
37 are working hard.
It is not good in the Holy Office. lt's not good in the Vati­
can, is not good between our Bishops, it's not good. Why do

they make Our Holy Mother cry? Why do they push Her off
Her Throne? Don't cry, Holy Mother, don't cry, Our Holy
Mother is crying. (At this time Mary Ann sobs bitterly as she
sees Our Holy Mother in tears).
30,000 devils disguised as priests are hurtin~ our church.
(Mary Ann is questlOned - how can we tell WhiCh they are?)
Is hard to tell because they are very kind acting hke we
should be doing. Will be too late?
At this time Mary Ann was privileged to vision the Nativ­
ity as she has each year on the Friday before Christmas, ­
her reward for the suffering which she endured during Ad­


BETWEEN 12 AND 3 P.M. MARCH 5,1965

(During thé Fridays, Mary Ann, suffers greatly the pains

of the wounds, of the thorns, shoulder, heart and hands,
Must pray, must pray, laity must pray. Laity must work,
not enough prayers. Seek too much pleasure and worldly
Trials and tribulations, much more violence, much more
bloodshed. It will be the American boys blood that will be
shed. Wake up! wake up to the treachery!
The Black Muslim situation is b a d . ·
Pray for Cardinal Meyer that his death will be peaceful.
Pray that he will not have to suffer too long. Pray for our
pastor, pray for him.

(At this time Mary Ann visioned the Automobile Acci­

dent which caused the death of her son Robert, which was a
most trying ordeal for her, and the agony and suffering be­
cause of it was extreme).
(This was permitted to prove to her that Robert was not to
blame as she had been very disturbed as no definite proof
had been given as to who was to blame. This helped greatly
to ease her mind.) Aiso was told; Bob's last words were "Oh
My God".
(Others were involved.)
1 feel sorry for the parents of the children. Pray for them,
it hurts the parents to see their child so mangled, it hurts so.

FRIDAY, MARC" 12, 1965

Pray for Bishop Freking, pray for Bishop Freking, he is a

good man. Pray that he is not influenced by those that are
prejudiced, pray for him.
Pray for His Holiness, pray much for him.
World situation is not gDod. The Supreme Grand Master
is in the United States, fTew in last night. He came in from
South America. Holding a meeting at Miami, Florida. The
bigwigs are meeting there. lt's not good what they are plot­
ting. Meeting at 8 p.m.
Must fui fi Il Our Lady's requests. She has pleaded here for
the Rosary since 1950 but now there are priests that want to
throw the Rosary on the floor and cali it poppycock. They
don't love Our Lady, they don't. Many good pnests are still
promoting the Rosary and there are those that tear it down.
There are priests that are scoffing at the article ofwhat hap­
pened in South America with the Rosary. lCs so pitiful,
sorne of our own letting Satan be their guide.
There is sabotage in our missile program, sabotage in
Cape Kennedy.
Subs at Key West, Swan's Island, Newfoundland, Nova
Scotia, Bermuda, 100 miles west of Mexico City. Subat
Goat's Beard, sub near San Diego. They are ail atomic, can
stay there a long period of time, ail are loaded with missile
Trouble brewing.
They are waiting from without for us to drive ourselves
into it. Our weakest point is from with in.
Lincoln 's days will be repeated.
Pray, pray much. Laily must pray, laily must work. Fol­
low the instructions of Our Holy Mother, She must be their
guide. Should be more Perpetuai Adoration. They are going
to wait until it is 100 laIe.
Hub very active. Very active in the subterranean village.
We should be true loyal sons and daughters to Our Holy
Mother, as St. John was a true loyal son who did not leave
His Holy Mother's side ail the way to Calvary and back.
Our Holy Mother pleads for theyoulh. Don't get discour­
aged when those of the faith are supposed to give you a
helping hand, but fail to do so, don't lose faith but just keep
working. Destroy pornography, don't let it poison the minds
of the youlh. Please don 't, Our Holy Mother begs you.

More trials and tribulations more heartaches. This cou Id
be avoided.
FRIDAY, MARCO 19, 1965

(Again there is the suffering of the pains of the Wounds of

Our Lord - shoulder pains very severe - pains of the heart).
Lord, have mercy on us. Pray for HIs Excellency. Too
much confusion and misunderstanding, self provoked en­
thusiasm, Satan's followers provoking bigotry. The Godless
behind bigotry, they are behInd it all,just as they were in the
time of Christ; too many followers are confused in what
they are following, are just following the crowd.
Be alert, do not be asleep, be alert to your duty. Speak
only the truth, where you know it is the truth, never hearsay.,
Remember you cannot play with Satan and not get
scarred. As given before the gook will stick to you. If In­
volved with him, you must make extreme sacrifices which
will be hard physically and spiritually, so beware. Vou were
warned of this many years ago, many disobediences. Vou
could not comprehend, why not take the warnings instead
of your own wIll. Must you wait untilthe reason is before
you? Vou must take precautions, you were warned that
Satan will use many. That is why you were warned to love
thy neighbor as thyself. Selfishness, selfpity and uncharita­
bleness is the way to much disaster; Thy Lord, thy God per­
mitled these things.
Oh Lord, have mercy on us, help us. Remember the Ten
Follow the example of the Holy Family and you shall not
fail. Be an example, spread true love, show only true love,
not unkindness and uncharitableness, be not selfish.
Many meetings at the Bahai Temple. Many meetings held
there, both sides of the Hub. Nation not aware of the One
World Government control. The few that are seem so help­
Please don't stray off the straight road.
Pray for guidance.
Pray for His Excellency. There are those that are trying to
influence him. He is quite selfwilled, pray that he stays the
kind of man that he IS, for he is a good man, a very good
man. Pray for Cardinal Meyer.
Pray for His Holiness.


St. Joseph, pray for us. St. Joseph was a workman but he
had time (or love and devotion to his spouse and Her Divine
Son. Follow the example of the spouse, St. Joseph. May our
women fol1ow the example of the Spouse of St. Joseph.
So much evil, so much evilness, ifs no good.
We are in the FIFTH SIEGE now. Warnings have not
been heeded. Our warnings have not been heeded, too
much complacency, too Much! To ignorant ofthe/acts, one
must seek the truth, you cannot let ignorance be the excuse,
seek and you shal1 find.
Al1 must remember to promote love. Do not promote
fear. Must not, only promote love, love of God, Our Holy
Mother and Her Divine Son. Fear only leads to catastrophe
and erring ways, for man living in fear is not rational. Teach
them only to have faith in Our Lord and God and Our Holy
FRIDAY, MARCO 26, 1965

(SutTering of the shoulder pains severe)

St. Joseph, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us. Mother Ca­
brini, pray for us.
Confusion, confusion, starts in the church, so mu ch, much
confusion causing darkness in the church, Lenten devotion
was down, not enough.
Why don't Christians act like Christians? Why do they
follow Satan? Constant bickering, uncharitable talk and un­
charitable behavior.
So sad, so sad, Race battle. Two-fold purpose to get the
confidence of those really and truly seeking only recogni­
tion and peace and the American way of life; but there are
those that are egging them on for a two-fold purpose to get
their confidence, getting them in complete control. In truth
this is a battle to aestroy the Christian world and they can­
not see the hand writing on the wall. It is written out in great
big letters but they can't see it. Wake up! Wake up! Oh
Christian world, Wake up! Don't re-crucify Thy Lord and
More assassinations, more battles, more injuries of inno­
cent women and children and old men. St. Joseph, guide us
and protect us, we need thy guidance. Satan is lurking about
and looking for any weak point to pounce in. Our Hol)'
Mother, in 1950 said; "lt can't take 30 years." (As at Fati­

Oon't forget your daily pray~rs for His Holiness and His
Please pray for our president and government officiais, so
they will awaken, pray for them. Many things are wrong,
they must awaken, lfthey are not careful we can burst into a
Civil War, they must be careful.
Remember Satan works 24 hours a day and Christians are
asleep. Wake up, Christian world, Wake up, before it's too
late. Oon't lose the freedom we have left, don't lose it. lfyou
lose that you are gone.
Prayer and kindness, charitableness, love thy neighbor as
thyself will bring great results.
Pray much for His Holiness, pray for ail religious, espe­
cially now. Pray for ail to see the light, do not condemn
the m, but pray for them.

(Suffering of the pains of shoulder Wound, distress at

"My Lord and My God."
Things not good, not good, pray, pray, pray very much.
Our Lady's warnings were not heeded in 1950. Our Lady
spoke of "Cleaning Out the Schools" - there could have been
tlme to save the school system, to save the Youth, the minds
of the Youth, but they did not heed Our Lady's pleas. Her
pleas have been for the Youth. ln Lent of 1951, it spoke of
the minds, but again it was not heeded, so what you did not
do then is here today. Infiltration of schools, infiltration of
your entire school system, School Boards, State Superinten­
dents, County Superintendents, Teachers. Why wasn't it
heeded, why?? Why wait until it's too late. Why do we want
so complacently to pass it by as the trend of the times. That's
evil no matter when. Get the report of J. Ed~ar Hoover on
the Youth and note the change, the Drastic Change. ln many
schools Narcotics are a contributing factor plus Subversion,
the untruths. When Pornography and Corruption get to be
the main subject in your schools and still the parents do not
wake up, what are they waiting for? Where many of the
good God fearing children are in great confusion. Especial­
Iy in many schools, sex education has been too vulgar.
Many a young girl or lad too, have been embarrassed of
sorne of the things that have been told openly in mixed
classes. That's what Our Holy Mother meant "Clean Out

The Schools." Why, why wasn't it heeded? A ruination of
More bloodshed, more bloodshed and so unnecessary.
Even the rights that are so worthy and so necessary for the
oppressed people, especially the colored, be they white.
which they consider white trash. For that is a wrong title to
give the m, or be they black, yellow or red - this should be
and has been so proudly said; "The Land ofthe Free and the
Home of the Brave." Lincoln tried to free the slaves but be­
fore he completed he was assassinated. Today they are
using this for a two-fold purpose. The enemy is again caus­
ing confusion. The Klans are not alone the fault, for among
the Klansmen you would be surprised if you saw the faces.
Sorne are innocent they do not understand the plans, they
think they are doing right, but the Leaders certainly know
the truth. They are sorne of the 625, under the Leadership of
the Grand Masters. They are trying to bring back the days of
Lincoln and fulfill the plans of tbat time.
In the year 1955, it was given at different intervals and
different dates, the shanghaing of our men. Sorne of these
helped to bring back the Black Muslims, who have invaded
the USA. Not one man that was shanghaied is here to tell
the tale. Those are many of your Black Muslims that are
causing the disruption within, they are used to create dis­
turbance, the riots, the killings and the confusion, besides
the Youth that has bcen educated for this purpose as was
given in the past. This was already done under Eisenhower,
although he himself was not aware of it, and was continued
during the time of President Kennedy. President Kennedy
objected strenously to this method, but remember the Su­
preme Grand Masters and the International Bankers are in
control. The Christian world is asleep, The Christian world
is too corn placent, too unconcerned. They seek the pleasures
of life, instead of standing firmly for what their forefathers
fought for, "FREEDOM." When President Lincoln freed
the slaves, for freedom for ail humanity, but he paid dearly
before his work was completed. Do not let the last threads of
Freedom ebb away. Save souls, pray, pray, for we are in the
FIFTH SIEGE now. There will be much more bloodshed,
many more assassinations, yet they do not awaken.
Our Lord is being re-crucified as it has been given before,
but the re-crucifixion is much more in mockery and hatred
that it was at the time of the actual crucifixion. Because to
day we have a much more powerful man than Herod ever

was or Pontias Pilate. We have the Supreme Grand Master,
the Black Pope, the man of Satan. He is casting his shadow
over the Chnstian world. If Pope Pius XII could come back
and speak, the Pope who knelt in Gethesemani in his entire
Reign. He trustea and he had great faith in - just as Pope
Pius X had a Judas in his office and so on down the line.
It is a much greater baUle for Pope Paul VI to baule. He is
a good man, but he has a tremenaous struggle. For the Su­
preme Grand Master and his Cardinals and Bishops be­
neath him are very alert. But if the Christian world would
awaken and if they would fulflll the unfmished task of the
Romanoffs, they could defeat their Cause. But it takes cour­
age, true love of God and cleansing of the Vatican and love
and true Spirit by the Christian world; togetherness, not in
seperate paths, but together, united. No maUer what color
what creed or what religion as long as they believe in God
the Father in heaven. They must stand together against the
Supreme Grand Master and go to baule in love for My God
and to save My Country.
Don't cast the Rosary aside, dori'l listen to those that are
laughing at the Rosary. Don't stop the missiles of the Rosa­
ry going to heaven. Sorne of the young priests that cali the
Rosarya lot of poppycock, don't pay any auention to them
as they are sorne of the confused. Remember, do not be the
uncharitable one, but pray.
Things are not good. There will be a rude awakening. It
will be coming but am afraid it will be Too Late.
Help me, St. Joseph, St. Joseph, pray for us.
Sorrowful Mother, Pray for us. Sorrowful Mother, Pray
for us. Our Sorrowful Mother's heart is heavy, the way
things are going. Lenten devotion are not attended as they
should be, have fallen off in many places. We should follow
the devotions in the church. If they protest, they should
write to the Holy Father, they shouldn't stay away, mustn't.
The enemy will surely take over. It shouldn't happen. That's
what's going to happen. For the people are too foolish and
too ignorant. Ifyou protest man's doings don't take it out on
Christ and His Church. Don't leave Him alone in the Taber­
nacle. Go to Him. Just like sorne don't go to church because
they don't like the pastor. You are not going there hecause
of the pastor. You are going there because of Christ in the

Tabernacle. Oon't be sa ignorant and foolish, please, Chris­
tian/eople. Let the Catholics be true Christians. Love Thy
Lor and Gad, and go ta Him. Ask Our Holy Mother's in­
tercession but do not stayaway from Christ in the Taberna­
Oon't be sa belligerentoecause the altars are turned, be­
cause remember at the First Mass, Our Lord and Gad faced
the Apostles. He did not have His back ta them. That has al­
ways been the right way, the other was the wrong way.
"Come Holy Ghost, fi Il the hearts." Come into our heans
sa that we will know the right.
Sorrowful Mother, pray for us.


Oh Lord Gad, spare us. Oh Lord Gad, spare us; confu­

sion, confusion, tao much confusion.
Re-crucifying Our Lord, they mustn't. It's a shame, the
churches that used ta be packed on Good Friday. The
empty pews, why? Oon't follow Satan. The same Lord is in
the Tabernacle, it hasn't changed, why stay away? Why be
sa foolish? Only Satan puts those thoughts in thy mind. Il
certainly isn't Our Lord and Our Gad. Thy Holy Mother is
shedding tears. Why make Her shed tears, why? Her chil­
dren are turning their backs on Her requests. Why not walk
with Her on the Way ta Calvary? When umruths, lies, and
mockery was thrown at Our Lord and Gad, She did not
back down. That's what you are doing when you stay away
from Our Lord and Gad in the ta bernacle. You are re-cru­
cifying Our Lord and Gad.
Please don 't, please don 't, don't recrucify Our Lord and
They are twisting the Seven Spears in Our Lady's Hean,
don't; and even St. Francis is shedding tears with bowed
head. Pray, pray much for erring souls. Have mercy on
them, Oh Lord, have Mercy on them.
Oh dear people, do not Iisten ta rumors. His Holiness
Pope Paul is a good man. The Supreme Grand Master, the
Black Pope is selling up these conditions. His Cardinals and
Bishops are working hard and creating this confusion. Why
be 50 foolish?
Our Holy Mother pleads for the Youlh and they cannot
hear Her pleas. Her pleas are ignored. There are sorne of the
Youlh that are deeply concerned and confused at the atti­

tude of the parents and their professors and in sorne in­
stances, the clergy. They are troubled at these terrible condi­
tions. Even they with their young minds can see what is
wrong with the older ones who should know beUer. The par­
ents, Wake up! Wake up! Save the sou/s, save the Sou/s. The
purge and devastation is upon us. It has been given, the
FIFTH SIEGE. Pray to save souls. When the Youth is con­
fused they should go to their Lord and God, their Holy
More assassinations, more accidents, that won't be acci­
dents. More storms and floods. Awake, America, Awake!
Mustn't let the church crumble. It's so sad, it's not good.
They told me this was going to happen. Not enough prayers,
why, why don't peopfe wake up?
Fulfill Our H01y Mother's Requests, fulfill them. Do not
neglect them.
Russia is going to beat us to the moon.
The army, navy and the airforce - if they were the great
Americans, we would not have the trouble we are having.

AUGUST 15, 1965

There are many prayers needed. The Christian world, in­

stead of Christianity lncreasing is decreasing. The enemy
has seen to this. The enemy is trying in every way to harm
the Christian world. They have succeeded ln many ways.
Persecution, unrest, riots, false accusations, demoralizing.
They are trying in every way to harm the Catholic Church
by giving speeches, by tape recording. In so many ways
Satan has hlS ways and tricks. The sad part is so many Chris­
tians swallow these words. Wake Up! Wake up Christian
world, especially Catholics. Why let yourself be deceived,
why? From the time of the Birth of Christ until now; it was
then as it is today. He was Thy Lord and God from the time
ofinfancy to the time of the Crucifixion. He proved Himself
on earth. He too lived as a simple man. He too walked
among us, He ate the same food, He sie pt in humble quar­
ters. Luxuries were not His daily life, but a humble, humble
abode, even His birth was in a manger, a stable. Then why is
there such a great change? Because the enemy has fooled
the world.
The Black Pope, the Supreme Grand Master, the enemy
of ail Christians of the entire world. Do not make the mis­
take that this is someone with an S.J. behind his name for he

is not the Black Pope. When speaking of the Black Pope that
is not the case. Do not be deceived. The Supreme Grand
Master, the enemy of ail Christians, the enemy of ail man­
kind, the enemy of the entire world. There are different
titles given, but that is given to confuse, but the Black Pope
is the Supreme Grand Master, the Satan here on earth. He
has no love ofGod or mankind in his heart. He is ail evil and
deceives many, ifyou are gullible enough to let this happen.
Why listen to the Satanic word of the Grand Master, the 650
Leaders or Knights, whatever you want to cali them? When
[ speak of these or any who are Christian people, because
they are as innocent as you are, it does not mean the real
Jew. lt means the ones that Christ Himself condemned.
They are only of the evil, they have no love for Christ or hu­
manity. Then as today,-do not become confused, [ myself
referred to them as Yids, and that doesn't mean they are
Jews. They could be of any country, any nationality, race,
but are without God. They do not love God and are con fus­
ing those that should know better. They are bringing confu­
sion into the church. Many are accepting this and Satan is
laughing in glee. Remember Thy Lord and God had twelve
Apostles. There was one Judas amongst them, one betrayed
Hlm. Then as today we have many Judases. Some Apostles
have gone astray, become confused, even sorne have infil­
lraled into the ranks, the fold. Do arithmetic, do a !ittle
thinking, do not condemn even if you know you are right.
Pray instead, for it is only God in HIS power to condemn, He
alone, not us mortals here on earth. At the time of Christ
many sneered, so today without knowing what they are
doing, just following the crowd. Do not make this mistake,
causing confusion in the church. Remember that Chrisl's
Triumphanl Church will always Triumph, but wiU man here
on earth triumph? They have always tried in every way to
stir up hatred and confusion. At the time of Christ's Cruci­
fixion many condemned Our Lord, many people followed
without knowing why, and so they are just following the
crowd, something to join. Stay away from this kind of riot,
pray, go to your church and kneel in your pew, pray to Thy
Lord and God instead of joining them in the streets. Thy
Lord and God created them. We are not here to judge them,
but to live with them and love them. Love thy neighbor as
thyself, leaving the judgement to God Himself. See to it that
you are not being condemned thyself, because you con­
demned thy neighbor, thy fellowman, be they black, white,

red or yellow.
Our Holy Mother, when She pleaded for the You/h, She
did not only ask us to teach the white race. Vou have not or
will you ever find such a statement, for Thy Holy Mother
would not teach or speak in such an evil way for She knows
Her Divine Son, the Lord and God had created ail ofyou no
matter what race or color. So go home and bring into prac­
tice the love of thy neighbor. Do not look at the color of his
skin because many times beneath that skin is a pure heart, a
kinder heart than that of you who are pointing the finger
and cannot accept the color.
The Supreme Grand Masler and the Grand Mas/ers be­
neath him and the 650 are trying to stir up trouble to break
up the Catholic Church, to Des/roy Chris/iani/y and they are
using the children to help. Our Holy Mother pleaded in
1950 to spare the you/h, to teach the love of God to the
YoU/h, to pray the Rosary. She did not condemn the You/h,
instead She said; /heyare vic/ims of /heir eiders. What kind
of an examrle are you? Even the toddler on the f100r is
guided by it s parents or the grownups. It willlisten and be
guided by your example. The enemy knows this, so they are
far ahead of you in infiltrating, demoralizing, causing con­
fusion and the battle between the Christians and especially
the You/h of the Christian family, as weil as their own
You/h. They will mingle amongst you, they will infiltrate
your school, your way of life, recreation, anything of good.
They will try and bring disunity and havoc amongst the
Chnstians and bring them to fear and panic to such an ex­
tent tha t you are lost in the confusion.
Vou still have the same Lord and God in heaven. Turn to
Thy Lord and God, Thy Creator. There is no salvation with­
out Him, there cannot be. So when you are confused turn to
Thy Lord and God for many of the Shepherds are also in
the state of confusion. Do not help to increase but decrease
this confusion and turn to Thy Lord and God for comfort.
God Bless Vou.
OcrOBER 7, 1965

Pray much, pray for peace, pray to control it in unity.

Pray for the Cnristians of ail Faiths, to unite for one pur­
pose, the peace that is so wanting, the peace that is so far
away. Turn to Thy Lord and -God with love in thy heart.
Turn to thy neighbor with love, try to unite in one way, to­

gether, to bring peace in this cold world. The peace that His
Holiness pleads for. The peace that so many individuals are
groping for can only come with an understanding of love for
Thy Lord and God, for. without the love for Thy Lord and
God, for thy fellowman you cannot find the peace you are
groping for. There will be a continuation of disunity, of
strife, but turn to Thy Lord and God with peace in thy heart,
love, try to understand.
Pray for His Holiness and for the Ecumenical Council.
Pray, pray much, for much dissension, misunderstanding
and confusion is there now. Pray that the proper decisions
are made and then when they are made and His Holiness
places them before you, you of the Faith must follow. For
His Holiness is Thy Shepherd, thy guide here on this trou­
bled world. His shoulders are weighed down with the pres­
sure, the disunity. Their unselfishness and love should over­
come these things. Try, don't give up, but try the harder.
When things seem unbearable give it another try, for Thy
Lord and God walked the road to CALVARY. He fell down
on His knees where the bone was protruding, He fell down
on those knees that were in aching pain, yes, He was Thy
Lord and God and strength was glven to Him, but He felt
the pain just as much as you mortals do here on earth. He
did not falter and stop then with ail the additional burdens;
He pushed up the heavy cross, trembled and shook as He
came back on His feet and continued to walk the road to
CALVARY. For He had love for ail mankind no matter
what color, race or creed they belonged to. So must ail Chris­
tians today pick up their cross and carry it no matter how
hard it is to lift it, no matter how much you shake and trem­
ble. You too, must carry thy cross. For Thy Lord and God
carried it for you, and if He gives you a cross to carry now, it
is only because He loves you. Do not lament but carry it
with love in thy heart, love for thy neighbor. Love thy neigh­
bor as you would love thyself, only fuis way can unity and
peace be brought to this troubled world; not by giving up
but by fulfilling the requests of Thy Holy Mother, and ful­
filling the will of Thy Lord and God.
Say the Peace prayer of St. Francis of Assisi many times,
and when you say it, live il. Say an Our Father, a Hail Mary
and a Glory Be, when you are doing your daily chores, but
say it with your heart, not only thy !ipso
Teach the little children the love ofGod, teach them to be


Pray the Rosary, for His Holiness does not cast aside the
Rosary, he stresses the Rosary. For if you are in sorne par­
ishes, when the priests frown on the Rosary; say your Rosa­
ry, they are confused. His Holiness does not say the Rosary
is not good. He asked you to say the Rosary, so continue to
say the Rosary and teach the liule children to say the Rosa­
ry. Receive Thy Lord and God daily, if possible. Don't let
this confusion misguide you, for the struggle and strife, the
unrest, is far from ended.
The black clouds are still above you, the peace dove can­
not come through, even if His Holiness pfeads for peace.
Help him, show him that you heard his pleas and fulfill
them; ail Christians, ail people, ail races and thus the true
Peace will come through. Do not be deceived by the new
laws, they are trying to promote. They are only promoted by
the enemy ofThy Lord and God, the enemy of the Christian
world. Do not let them stampede you into doing things
against Thy Lord and God, but be a true Christian and
peace will come, a lasting peace.
God Bless ail of you.


ADVENT, 1965
Bad trouble, very bad trouble, hot bed, bad trouble. Why
don't they wake up, why don't they wake up? Screaming
won't help, screaming won't help.
No, no, no, clergy must wake up, they must try to straight­
en things up, they must wake up to world conditions. Too
many are ostriches, their heads in the sand, they must wake
Youth situation, with ail the pleading Our Holy Mother
has done, it is still not good. Why don't the parents watch
their children and watch the unrest in them? The parents
must wake up, the parents must wake up.
Mexico still a great importer of Marijuana. Dope to
thwart the mind of the youth. lt dulls the mind. Their
thinking is out of focus. It is done by the enemy, WAKE
Supreme Grand Master and his cohorts are in complete
control. If the parents would only wake up. Our L9dy has
pleaded, spare the You/h. Teach them the love ofGod. Pray
the Rosary. There is so liUle time. The You/h of 1950 are

today parent.s. Why were I!0t Her pleas heeded t~en. Many
innocent children, especially the teenage child, where
through the enemy it is planted in their schools, when they
have dope pushers, distributers in Youth centers, play-
grounds as weil as Colleges, Universities and High Schools.
Pirst is cigarettes and then it's the powder, and then after
that there is no cure. Remember this there is no cure. After
ail the other additives, the preservatives in food. Do not take
it! Do not take it! Do y.0u want your child a dope addict?
Have you seen your child in this condition, the HaRRaR?
Wake up parents, wake up before it's too late. Thousands
and thousands of children of from 1950 are now dope ad-
dicts. Can you see the results? Why are the hospitals filled
with deformed babies? WAKE UP, PARENTS, WAKE
Oh Lord, Oh God, do not abandon us, hear our pieas,
those that are trying. Help, wake up the sleeping public, Oh,
Holy Mother, help us. Ifyou are watching a program that is
showing a program of a dope addict, watch it don't shut it
off, maybe then you will understand. When your Youth go
out in the evening make sure you know where they are
going, don'tjust say, 1 trust my child. Yes, you do, but there
are the evil powers who get to them to dare them for kicks.
Remove the filth from in front of their eyes, minds, and
the poison from the stomachs, their bodies.
Holy Mother, pray for us. Holy Mother, pray for us.
Ten years ago 1 gave that there would be an increase in
the KKK. There has been a great increase. Even their Klans
have been infiltrated and do not believe the Klansmen are
only of the Protestant or the Godless. Many a Klansman is
Catholic. The confusion is so great, they are trying to find
sorne way out ofthis holocaust that has taken over the USA.
There is now a new Grand Master in the USA. His office
is in Chicago, his home is in Wilmette. We have three of
them now. (Grand Masters). One in Ottawa, Canada.
It's not good, Vietnam another Korea, another hoax, an-
other climbing up the hill and back again. The similarity is
so great. The youth are dying, but the actual deaths you will
not hear. They are plannmg to use the H Bomb in Vietnam.
Prepare yourself for retaliation in AMERICA. What are
you going to do? SCREA M? Are you going to behave like a
giant ant hill that has been kicked into. What are you going
to do when it happens, what are you going to do when it
happens, what are you going to do?

407 ~
The enemy, the enemy knows that the USA will crumble
from within. They will not have to fight, just divide, for the
conquering will then be over. They have shown by the
blackout which was not an accident. They have shown how
they can control, cripple the USA, by one finger on the but­
The solqier boy that was to come back from Vietnam to
tell the USA what is wrong there, he is no more, he is one of
the casualties. He was in the news. His family is being
threatened for anything he might have written in his letters.
It's awful, it's awful, the bodies. They are not even buried
l'roperly and who are the ones who are dying? They are the
Christians. It's terrible, oh America, WAKE UP! CAMBO­
DIA, VIETNAM, ALL BAD. Oh Lord and God, how are
we going to face it? RetaUation will be severe.
Oh God, oh God, please erase il. 1 don't want to see it
anymore, help us. On the shoulders of sorne of these is the
American Flag, USA Flag, horrible. The American boys,
many of them American boys.
My old friend is still active. He was only an initial in the
four volumes. Remember D.A. He is a body of deception.
Oh Holy Mother, Oh Blessed Mother, hear us. Oh Holy
Mother, help us, Our Lord and God has not set His Holy
Mother on the back shelf. She is still at His right side, so why
then here on earth do they push Her, as so many say in Her
proper place? When Our Lord and God has kept Her in the
rightful place. He asked us to intercede to His Roly Mother
just as She stood by His side and walked with Him on the
road to CALVARY, and stood by Him on the Hill by the
Cross, so He has kept Her by His side. When He gave us His
Holy Mother, He dld not mean for us to set Her in the back­
room, He meant for us to honor Her, and to always inter­
cede to Her. He did not say; this is your Mother but forget
Her, He said; "BEHOLD THY MOTHER".
Thy Mother-yours and mine, He didn't say "Honor Her
today, forget Her tomorrow".
Oh America, don't forget the words of Calvary-"Behold
Thy Mother', remember that.
Why the appeasement, why? As has been given in the
work-at the lime of Christ, so it is today. The same Godless
as at the time of Christ, at the time of Our Lord are the ones
that are Crucifying Him today. Do not condemn the com­
mon Jew for he is not guilty. He is innocent, he is innocent of
the death ofThy Lord and God, Jesus Christ, who roamed

the earth, who was born in a stable, who showed man the
way oflife, to be humble, and as a child to be obedient to his
parents. He showed the example as a Child, and He died on
the Cross to save us. It is not the little Jew but the Godless,
the destroyer of Christianity. The destroyer of Christ and
what He stood for. So it was at the time of Christ, so it is
today. They are the ones that are promoting and infiltrating
the government today, and the church and your way of
thinking. When you are listening to the pleas of Thy Holy
Mother, ofThy Lord and God, Jesus Christ who died to re­
deem man, don't let them confuse you, don't let them do
this to you. You cannot be confused ifyou have Jesus Christ
in your heart and Lord on your lips. When you have Christ
above, beside, behind, within you remember this, you can­
not fail. Thy Lord and God is thy pillar, embrace Him, He
will not abandon you, but you abandon Him.
1 haven't been here for a long time, don't know what the
place looks like, blue lights give an eerie feeling. Looks larg­
er toward our continent, it is following, 1don't know how to
say it; the mountain range is different in Siberia than in
North America. If you look here in the arsenal you would
never believe that they are going to lay down their arms.
They are weil stocked and are quite busy here. The Sea of
Okhotsk, they have improved the one 1used to see, the one 1
used to cali theJlying goose. The sub that flies as weil as sub­
merges. there IS qUite a fleet of them now. The wings fold
before they submerge. They could fly in Lake Michigan and
submerge and flow into the harbor of Chicago and Mil­
waukee with the H BOMB, or into Hudson Bay or into the
Gulf of Mexico. Yes, they are al! wel! PREPARED.
Have you checked the communist citations on McNamara
or on sorne of the other High Officiais in our defense De­


Wake up! don't sleep, many refugees left in USA., spring­

board for the enemy. They will be used against us as they
planned it.
Subs, subs ail about us, Brown Bear subs.
Enemy' plans destruction of fuel. They run the fuel sup­
ply, ternble. More assassinations.
Pray for the Vicar of Christ. He needs the help of the
Christians, pray for Him. Sorne do not like His decisions,

pray for Him, pray for Him.
Enemy subs, atomic energy subs, enemy subs can stay
submerged a long time, they do not have to come to the sur­
face. Most of these are carrying warheads, cameras, sound
transmit/ers. The large subs draw sounds from our area off
of Cape Kennedy.
Why did they shut off President Kennedy when he in­
formed them of the possibility of this?
Pray, pray much, this could be such a wonderful world if
God given talents were used. God has given wonderful tal­
ents if they would use it for the good and love of man;
thanking God for His Blessings, instead of the greed and
selfishness, destruction of hum an lives, the constant fear
promoted in the human race of over population, to encour­
age war, destruction,!racticin g sinful methods. Where is
thy faith in Thy Lor and God? He would not abandon
them. He will see to their needs, what is needed is more
faith, more faith.
Pray for us, Oh Holy Mother, pray for us. Intercede to
Our Lord and God for us, Oh Holy Mother. Holy Mother
pray for us, guide and protect us, don't let us go astray; help
us so we err not. Give us the courage and the strength to
carry on.
It has been given in the past that those that slander and
spread evil of Our Lady's Appearances, that they suffer
much both physically and mentally because of their un­
charitable, slanderous, and scandulous and falsifying reports.
Pray they do not do these things for the pain and suffering;
Our Lord will not permit these things against His Holy
Pray for them, pray much for them.
No, no, will be many storms, more castrophies, God will
permit much, the elements will be severe in many sections.
God permits lose of lives and much suffering because of it.
World heeds not His words.
Corruption is growing in the USA. Will fall into black sin,
as the notorious Paree unless the Christian world will awak­
en; unless corruption is removed from the Youth, unless
they continue to cali a sin a sin. Many sins have been white­
washed with excuses. Corruption is growing, is mushroom­
ing. Ask J. Edgar Hoover, get the reports from him, the sta­
tistics would snock you; don't destroy this beautiful Ameri­
Remember a child is not born evil, but a child is educated

into corruption. Do not blame it's birth but it's environ­
ment, the laxity and corruption.
Promote home life and remember the commandment
"Honor thy father and thy mother." This commandment is
forgotten, be a family do not follow these programs of dis­
rupting a family, that is the reason for them. Be Christlike,
follow the example of the Holy Family.
Pray for us, pray for us.
No, no, pray, the hills of Hillsboro, Hillsboro, Hillsboro,
Elroy. Murdered, mùrdered, help, murdered,murdered,
baby. Please. l'm sick, l'm sick, so sick.
No, It's awful, we must clean up, must clean up and get
mess out of sight, corruption.
Must be alert, must be alert, you must clean our State.
You must make it a proud State. Must clean it, don't let
these things happen, can't, many of the Higher Officiais are
becoming alarmed. Now is the time to act, don't wait, do it
now, do It now.
There are many dives, so many dives where many young
go in, you must clean it; you must expose them and take
away the magazines where the you/h read corruption. Wake
up, don't destroy the you/h. That is what Satan wants, that is
wnat the Supreme Grand Master wants. His plan is to de­
stroy the You/h, cleanse it, oh please clean il. Don't let these
things happen, please don't, because they fear to be exposed
to destroy the infant and through that destroy the woman,
the mother. In many cases they can't have more children
because their organs are ruined. Don't, don't, cleanse it,
many evil books, corruption, naked bodies and naked fig­
ures are kept under the counter. Many a parent reads thls
filth, thus corrupting their own child, thelr own son, their
own daughter. Cleanse it, destroy it, cleanse the State of
Wisconsin. Make it a proud State, cleanse il. Many an un­
born child has lost it's life because of sin, mortal sin. Fear of
exposure, fear, medicine is being taken, operations and
pills. Evil doctors operating for a large fee, why? Cleanse it,
cleanse it, it makes me sick to my stomach when you see the
corruption in our own State, in our 30 mile circle. In many
cases the adults could help, especially the parents. They are
at fault, be alert save the innocent. Be alert save the inno­
cent child, save the unborn, save the You/h.
We need to do more work in the State of Wisconsin, We
got to get our State cleaned, we need many more workers.
Every parent should be interested in their child and let's


make the State of Wisconsin aState that has the Christ

Child in the Crib, and not removed. All these thing help to
give the Youth the feeling of Christ in their lives. Do you un­
derstand what 1 mean? Without Christ you cannot have the
Youth with the proper understanding and guidance. The
Supreme Grand Master is working to eliminate the Christ
Child, the Nativity scenes from the lawns and homes. He
wants to bring corruption especially to the Christians.
They have gained ground in this motherless, fatherless
embryo. They are now using a rubberized equipment in
place of a mother's womb to make it grow. A type of child
without a father, a robot. Oh Christians, please stand on
your own two feet, STAND YOUR OWN GROUND.
Don't let the child be the parent. Father and mother stay the
parents. Fathet be a father and mother be a mother and
thus bring up the child to respect you. When the child runs
the show they lose respect for their father and mother be­
cause underneath it all the child that is punished properly
understand that the parents love the Child. The song and
dance sparing the rod makes a better child, do not follow
that. Teach your child to honor it's parent, authorities, the
priest, the school teacher and all officiais, especially the law
enforcements. Without respect for authority there cannot be
an incorrupt world but corrupt.
The hideous Beatnicks, remove the nudist bathing suits
from l'our sales stores, windows and catalogs. It's less than a
bikim, fight for c1eanliness, lengthen the girlS and women's
skirts. Make it your project, don't shrug your shoulders­
what can we d01 Fight for it, put a few more inches into the
slacks, remember the beast in man, will seek the female as a
beast; but if the female keeps herselfc1ean, the beast will re­
spect her thus. No matter what category he is in, he always
respects the one that keeps her womanhood, who can stand
before the Blessed Mother and say, here 1 am Mother, 1 kept
myselfwithin the Grace of My Lord and God. Thy wishes
that you must remember as a mother and father, for the son
that seekest a mate will not seek those that are exposed, he
will use them only as a beast and then remember this, be
parents and teach your children the love of God, dress thus.
Do not let the child be the parent, but you be the parent.
Spare not the rod, use it to discipline. Clean up the corrup­
tion before thy child's eyes and then you will bring up a
child that is God loving. To fear to offend God is lovmg
God and His Holy Mother.

The schools, textbooks, magazines, got to work and clean
it up. In ~his w~y they will start to p~t the ~hrist C~ild back
in the Cnb. This way they are removmg Hlm. Put Hlm back,
wipe Our Holy Mother's tears. If the whole world could see
Our Holy Mother with Her head bowed in tears, they
wouldn't think so much of their pitiful selves. 1 begged Her
to show Herself, but She wouldn't, guess l'm not good at
Wish they'd clean up Milwaukee, Madison, Appleton,
Green Bay, the Colleges, High Schools.
Where are the Nativity Sets, where are they? The rein­
deer, candy, Santa Claus. Good St. Nick is alright as long as
he is introduced with the Christ Child, but the Christ Child
goes in the back, or out completely. Where are the Christian
hymns? ln many areas it is replaced by the Beatles, rock and
roll. If the USA would wake to the Christ Child at Christmas
instead of the tinsel, the artificial, the champagne parties in­
stead of Christian parties.
Unless America turns to Our Lord and God, the Christ
Child, there is no hope, there can't be hope without Christ,
there cannot be Peace. Peace on earth to men of good will,
where is that, is that old fashioned. They have replaced it
with Season's Greetings, where is it? Oh pray, pray much,
pray much, for your nation here will have the same corrup­
tion, downfall as Gay Paree. As given many times, Our
Holy Mother pleads for the youth, the future generation.
Reread the messages, make the old devils angry, by doing
good, and if you continue to do good there won't be any
need for much of this struggle, for then it would fall into
place by itself. The Christ Chi Id will be in His place of ado­
ration mstead of the tinsel.
Spread Our Lady's work. Spread it to the people, don't let
it mold on the shelves. Awaken them to the traglc end, don't
let it come to the tragic plans of Satan of using missile heads
out of the orbi t, and shoot death on the USA., from outer
space. It can be done you know.
Let us turn God's talent that He gave man for the good
instead of using it against man. AlI this wonderful talent
should be used for the good, not for implements of destruc­




Study the Apocalypse. It is as true now as at anytime.

Confusion, confusion, confusion, stick to the truth, speak
only the truth. Do not substitute for the truth, speak only the
truth, accept only the truth. Satan tries to confuse, he will
continue to do so more and more; Christian world stay with
Thy Lord and God, do not let confusion misguide you.
More bloodshed and the Youth situation will become in­
creasingly worse. So they have planned it and so they will
fulfill it unless the Christian fathers and mothers wake up.
Many a Christian Youth has become disturbed because of
the laxity and misguiding of adults. Wake up, American fa­
thers and mothers, parents of the Youth.
The Youth, Our Holy Mother reaches out Her arms to
caress them, to pull them to Her heart, but the parents are
pushing Her away, they want no part of Her.
His Roliness has worked diligently to keep the fast for the
penitents, which in these times is so needed in helping to
strengthen them.
Fear not for Thy Lord and God is love, not fear, remem­
ber, fear only to offend Him, for He is thy strength, thy
armor, when true love is shown in thy heart.
World conditions are not improving. Just as Korea so
Vietnam. Many are dying that are not reported. Many more
will die. The ridiculous plans of the plotters is to depopulize
the world by creating wars. The fear of overpopulatLOn so
they create wars, immorality, promoting birth control. De­
stroying the laws of God, substituting artificial laws. The
Christians must protest. The Christian parents must work
harder to destroy the evil planted amongst the youth, be it
Literature, recreation or be it education. It is there, look for
it, do not blind yourself that it cannot happen here, for it is
1 much closer than what you think. That is why the confusion
has been created among the Christians.
Do not depend on complete electrical power, lights and
fuel, one finger can close it ail and cause so much hardship
and confusion. Be prepared and do not fear but just to be
ready in case of emergency.
IlL The enemy of the Christian world, they themselves fear to
1 use the A BOMB, for they learned they themselves cannot
escape il. The reprecussions would be too great, so they will
try in many ways to do harm.


Wake up. Christian world, Wake up! Christian parents

live the example of the Holy Family and on these grounds
make it the Holy FamilY,first and last and in between. Pray,
More subs with more warheads, atomic energy. Does not
look good, subs-Newfoundland, Bermudas, Washington,
D.C, West Coast. Cuba has warheads hidden; Central
America, hot bed too. Too many of our Senators brain­
washed, they don't stop and think, can't anyone think for
themselves anymore? Ignorance, stupidity.


Not enough prayer for priests. Pray for priests, do not
speak evil of them, please. Do not talk and create scandai,
pray for priests, don't talk evil of them, only tell God what
you know. Must be more prayers for the clergy at these
times, religious, brothers and sisters, cloistered nuns. Must
be more prayers during al! this confusion. Sorne of the
younger priests who didn't have an old fashioned back­
ground, they find it most difficult. Parents are at fault, can­
not blame anyone but the parents. If the fathers and moth­
ers do not teach them at their knees, they will not be taught
away from home, for if the parent will not do it the outsider
certainly can't, for the love is not there.
So much corruption amongst the youth. educated by
adults. There will be worse books than "Black Like Me"
and the "Devi! Rides Outside" worse ones and they are going
to put them in schools as œading material, substituting the
reading part, trxing to tell the parents the youth must have
this education If they want to face the world.
There has been corn plaint because of sex education in
schools. Vou haven't seen anything yet, wait until the new
sessions cornes in, they'll really talk sex-be it Catholic,
Protestant or Public. In sorne places they are going as far as
to showing films.
Oh God, have mercy on us, God have mercy on us. Many
a good priest is just as mortified by the things they are trying
to bring in, and even sorne of the good nuns. They lay at
night, awake, they can't believe what has been told to them,
it lS just about more than sorne of them can bare, and then
there are others that don't want to believe it, they just can't
believe it; they feel like someone is twisting it, and that is
what is happening to the Catholic Church.


Wonder how long Our Lord will hoId back His arm?
There will be floods, fire, storms, disaster, but it will not
wake them up. "rhose are just calied the elements.
Vietnam far from being over. Suffering, sorroW, heart­
break, the corruption, the filth. Oh, iCs sickening to see.
POOl' native people-all for what, all for what? It mustn't be,
it need not be. Wh)', why the war, why? The disease, the
filth, the casuality Itst given is not the truth. Why are they
dying so uselessly and they have the nerve to compare that
with the accident rate. Wake up, America! Wake up! Don't
sleep, wake up, and when election time cornes vote for the
right men, too many misrepresented us.
Warheads still hanging around, at Aleutians, Goats
Beard, 100 milès from San Diego, and straight west from
Mexico City, Swans Island and the Keyes; boats in the cen­
ter of the Gulf of Mexico, east of Cape Kennedy, Bermudas,
Newfoundland, St. John's Island. They really can do us
harm if they shot into our harbors.
Meetin~ at the Hub at Wilmette, ail conclaves are filled.
Hub, that s Wilmette, the Devils Den. Conclaves filled, even
Wizard for KKK from Wisconsin is there. They got an of­
fice in Appleton, Green Bay, La Crosse, Madison and they
are trying to establish themselves in Wausau.

Make Wisconsin a c1ean State please, Wiconsin has the

trunk, the Sacred Spot, but it's so full of termites; you just
can't get them out. Can't branch out if the trunk is full of ter­
mites, it will wilt and die. Satan is working on the personnel
of the Air Force.
Pray for Pope Paul, His cross is so heavy. Please pray for
Him, he is a good Pope, he is trying very hard. The modern
popes have an awful time not that He is a modern Pope, no,
but the times are and they are trying ta influence Him. You
see, sorne of the blame He gets, was already started during
the reign of Pope John, sa now Pope Paul gets the blame.
Pope John was sick and He couldn't abject, He was tao ill. It
wasn't Pope Paul's doing, the horse was already out of the
stable, there is no use c10sing the stable. He is trying very
hard ta rectify sorne of the wrong movements. He gave the
Bishops tao much rope. Was alright with sorne of them but
not ail of them, especially those of the USA. ICs not good,
pray for Pope Paul.

War in Vietnam, it's so pitiful, it makes one sick to see it, it
is ail so useless. Another Korea ail over again. You will hear
of an uprising in South America. There is unrest in South
America, Central America, and the Cu ban situation. Brazil,
will be revoit in Brazil.
Watch the Bay of Pigs, lots of activity.
Oh God, be merciful to us, ail ofus. Oh Lord, be merciful
to us. Even those who think they know better, help them to
understand, and those that are causing hardship to the in­
nocent, help them that they may see the light, the way, the
truth, Thy blessings, Thy love. Show Thy mercy to to them,
Oh Lord. Thou hast held back Thy wrath, stay it a little
longer, Oh Lord. Give the Christian world the grace to go
out, to teach those that have offended Thee, bring them
back to the path of righteousness.
Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Sub condition same as last week. Same hangouts.
Going to use topless garments in some waitress work. Are
already doing it now 10 New York, Phildelphia, Detroit,
Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Toledo, Chicago, Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Denver, San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francis­
co, New Orleans, Miami. They create quite a bit ofmale at­
traction. What they wear is less th an a bikini, no brassiere.
In some instances they use a black netting from the waist
down and a little white ruffle apron over die top, but noth­
ing over the bust and those they choose are screened. They
must have the proper uplift. That is in your USA now and
will get worse unless the public objects. They will try topless
bathmg suits, so called bathing suits at beaches. Protest, pro­
test, unless you wait for Thy Lord and God to strike with His
wrath over the sins of the USA. The police, there is little
they can do. Remember they are still now in more or less un­
desirable restaurants, such as where anyone goes, but it will
go further and if you protest, they will say It is aIl in your
own mind, you have a rotten mind.

FRIDAY, MARCO 18, 1966

Subs in usual places, the Brown Bear, they are testing the
Piggy Back MissUes.
More trou ble in Panama. One of the Warburg stooges in
Panama stirring up trouble, he's a Yid; Finkelstein is quite


active too. The Yids are having a meeting at the Waldorf

Astoria, New York.
Please don't, please don' t, please don't make our youth
into immoral beasts. Please don' t, please, Americans Wake
up! USA wake up! Please, be an example instead of the un­
Hub quite active on both si des. No, no, don't do that to
the youth. More murders, raping, don't, wake up, please,
parents,wake up! Clergy, wake up! Ali religious, wake up!
Don't matter which. Wake up! How many of the youth are
ruining themselves by taking those pills. They think that
so~ves ail the problems. There will be a great increase of ven­
eraI disease, why why? Wake up youngsters, wake up! Dont
fall into the trap.
If they had only heeded Our Lady's Messages of 1950 and
worked we would not have this today. They just wouldn't
hear Her, Out Lady sheds tears for the youth, She loves the
Dope on the increase. Still bringing it in through Mexico,
New Orleans, Miami, Cuba sUfplymg sorne.
More integration trouble, wil De severe. Killings, bomb­
ings. Los Angeles still a powder keg. Ali along the coast will
be uprisings. They'll set municipal buildings on tire in the
West Coast, they will destroy much property. It ail don't
make sense, so useless, so ridiculous. The Supreme Grand
Master promoting this.
Trouble in the Air Force fersonnel. lest like Powell was
unjustly removed, there wil be others, because they don't
like what they see and so they protest, then they just get re­
duced. Not enough prayer, not enough awakening, they're
to sound asleep. Wake up! Trouble in Canada, more trouble
in Canada. There is a battle in the Canadian parliament,
trouble in Canada, much trouble. People there much con­
fused, so many innocent people get involved in this mess.
Wish they would wake up, but they don't wake up. 1 pray
every day so they'd wake up.
Help the youth, poor children, help them.
Oh Lord God, help to destroy those artiticial wombs
where they are processin~ children from. Please, please, oh
God, destroy tnem, don t let them. They have one eight
month now and alive. Oh God, please destroy them, trymg
to raise a child without a mother.
Have any of you read the story of Gay Paree? It was the
most corrupt and you know what happened afterwards.

Weil, we're not far from the same situation, don't let it hap­
pen here, please don't. Many people do not want to believe
lt is actually happening, please, look around yourself. It's
awful, awful, chirdren ages 10 to 12 ruining their lives.
Pray for Pope Paul, pray for Pope Paul. His load is so
heavy. He wants to do right but those that are in power
don't want it. The load is so heavy it is weighing Him down,
take it off.
Things not good, not good,youth situation is bad, terrible.
Our Holy Mother is still weeping.
Subs [fi usual places, Aleutian Islands and towards
Greenland, as far as they can go in between the Icebergs.
More kidnappings, more tires, more assassinations.
Black market babies in Canada still in swing, poor babies.
Lord have mercy, help the youngsters. Please, God, help
those youngsters, please. The parents are asleep.
The Supreme Grand Master is having a meeting in the
Waldorf Astoria this afternoon at 3 o'c\ock. Ail the big shots
and the 650 wil1 be there. Dr. from Canada is there too, Earl
Hubs both active. Youth meeting in Pittsburgh. Deacon
from evil in charge.
ICs cold here (Siberian ice city)-bluish lights in these tun­
nels. They got at least 50 robots made here, thought this was
stuff only for TV and story books. 1 can't understand this
Russian language, but they are speaking into them, into a
computer. Don't know these instruments, am not familiar
with them, don't understand this equipment. Russian
saying something into these computers or whatever you call
them, anyhow these robots respond. One has one of those
little atomic carts that 1 have formerly spoke of, he is driving
this. Knows just what to do and it is a machine. This is fan­
tastic. Now he is riding towards a panel, pressing a button
and making the doors open and close. This looks Iike an ex­
perimental place, that is what it looks like. They've even got
them shakin~ hands, saluting, marching. What are they
going to do wlth them, send them out to do their mens work?
This is ail against God's way, don't believe God wants these
mechanical humans. They are funny looking things, don't
look like anything 1ever saw in robot fashion. Now l'llleave
the robots and go down in the bigger area. This room has a

lot of new equipment, instruments, buttons, flashing light,
funny buzzing sound, looks like a control center. Further
down they are still busy working on missiles. This doesn't
look too much different. They ~dded these two new rooms,
the robot center and looks like a control center. This other
room is the same as before. There is nothing being as­
sembled here, just parts being made; is no room for assem­
bling here, those are up above. 1 am down undemeath the
ice and snow, while vlewing this.
Sea of Okhotsk. They still have flying submarines here,
only improved. Looks a little different, have a lot of small
subs. Those are the ones they are using to go into the Great
Lakes along side of a large boat, so they don't get detected.
They used one of the small subs to bring in dope from Mex­
ico through the St. Lawrence seaway to Milwaukee, Chica­
go and Detroit. These little subs can go into any small canal.
Flying subs-can use them as planes or submarines.
We are living in the days of the Apocalypse which is com­
ing truer more every day. The days offaIse prophets. Wake
up, please wake up! Don't be afraid,just stay wlth Thy Lord
and God, don't be afraid. Fear is not courage. Just a little
faith in Thy Lord and God, courage and love. To go and
hide in a hole in the mountain for protection, ifGod aoesn't
will it the mountain cannot protect you. Vou can be in a
open field and if Thy Lord and God wants you protected,
you will be. As the Gospel says; "Oh ye of /ittle faith." Fear
only Thy Lord and God and that is fear to offend Him.
Work harder in helping the youth. Wipe Our Holy Mother's
They are going to create a shortage of commodities, but
there IS no shortage.
Oh Lord God, he merciful to us, Oh God, be merciful.
Oh God, spare us, help us guide us.
Oh Holy Mother help us, bring us beneath Your Blue
mantle, help us to do the right.
Hear our prayers, Holy Mother guide us. Even those that
err, they do not want to do wrong, they just need a little
guidance from you, Holy Mother. They don't do it inten­
tionally. We are ail just a speck of dust in comparison to
you, Holy Mother. 1 m asking a lot for we are not worthy,
but hear our pleas, Holy Mother. None of us want to go as­
tray. Bring us beneath Thy Blue Mantle, pray for us.



FIFTH SEIG E is now, FIFTH SEIG E is now. More inte­
~ration, more segregation, much bloodshed. Klu Klux Klan
mfluence much greater, confusion. Many good people
amongst the Klu Klux Klan, many very confused.
Serpent spewing venom and flames out of ifs mouth in
the USA onto the youth. Evil from coast to coast, border to
border. Missiles hidden in Cuba.
Afraid people won't wake up in time, they are too com­
placent. Like a bunch ofsheep. Oh, wake up! Wake up, be­
fore it is too late.
Parents watch what organization the youth, your children
join, be sure ifs authentic. That it is run by good Christians
instead of co-workers of the Supreme Grand Master. Don't
let a Christian name of an organization deceive you, they
are used to disguise.
Remember the British are still the British, don't think
they are our Allies. There has never been loyalty there.
They'lI try for their own gains. If they can gain for them­
selves they'lI use us. They are still the Nihilists. The French
people themselves are more loyal. DeGaulle is no Joan of
Arc. They mustn't kid themselves. We supply the British
with things and they still hand them over to Russia.

MESSAGE GIVEN MA y 30 , 1966

As was done to a Victim soul many years ago, so today
many souls are bumed at the stake for their belief in their
Lord and God and in their Holy Mother. Do not bum these
souls at the stake but tum thyself to Thy Lord and God, for
it is plain to be seen they are seeking the purge upon them.
They are seeking destruction for they do not care for the
souls of men, the soul of the small child, to guide it in the
righteous way; to bring the love of God into its heart, to
bring the blessings of Almighty God upon them. Rather
they go on their merry way. Why seek the purge ofthis beau­
liful Country? Why bring the destruction to the priests and
the religious, to the seminaries and convents? Why take the
death ofThy Lord and God on CAL VARY so lightly? Re­
member, He shed His blood, His flesh was tom from His
body, His mutiliated body, His hair matted with blood,
patches of hair tom from His head. Why must they re-cru­
cify their Lord and God over and over again. Why must Thy


Holy Mother be humilated and laughed upon by those who


Sin is mounting in leaps and bounds, the crime rate is climb­

ing youth is being demoralized, why?

Thy Holy Mother, Her head is bowed and She is shedding

tears. This has been given many times for many years, but
they heed not Her pleas. As they must so plamly see the
writing upon the wall. Change the ways! Change thy ways!
As was glven in the year 1950 when it will happen they will
scream, for they still do not believe it can happen here. Il
has been shown to the Victim soul, the purges upon the con­
vents and the seminaries, and they ARE in the USA. Wake
up, destruction is at hand, destruction of human souls.
Spare the youth of America. Cleanse the youth, be merci­
fuI unto them. Without the Blessings of Almighty God, with
out the intercession of Thy Holy Mother, wlthout a Chris­
tian awakening America will not be spared the purge; but it
must be done at once!
Turn to Thy Lord and God, turn to Thy Holy Mother
with true love in thy hearts. Fear only to offend Thy Lord
and God, fear not man. Help remove the confusion. Just as
Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, so are victims souls
burned at the stake today.


As the world is under a blanket of darkness there is a

great need for prayers. A Constant Vigil of Prayer by ail
faiths, by aIl that love Almighty God. AIl thristians must
unite in this battle to bring forth more prayers. Without
prayer there shall be only darkness. Without prayer there
will be destruction ofmany, many people. More effort must
be made to bring forth more prayers. Bring the prayer back
to the school. There are those that are trying despèrately to
bring back the prayer to the schools. Help them, write to
them. Stand bebind them firmly as real Christians.
Without Thy Lord and God and His Holy Mother there
will be no peace, but darkness and destruction that will rain
forth from the heavens. Thy Lord and God will permit these
things to happen. He will not stop them, as man is seeking to
destroy himself. But ifthere is effort made for love and pray­
er to Thy Lord and God by ail people aIl over the world,
those that are starving and m hunger, feed them for thy re­
ward will be great. Those that are in need of Christian com­


fort - go forth, be it religious or laymen. The laity must work.

These times are hard. The darkness is darker than it has ever
been before in this country. Bring forth prayer, prayer.
Pray for the Vicar ofChnst as weil as for ail clergy and re­
ligious so that they can carry forth this tremendous task ­
and the laymen should unite in one great group. Bring forth
prayer and love for Thy Lord and God - to bring forth peace
that is not near at ail. Bring the peace that is needed and
only through prayer can peace be brought forth, only
through prayer. Pray the Rosary the Sacraments and above
ail stand united and firm for the love of Thy Lord and God
and His Holy Mother. They will not abandon you, as you
have abandoned them. The sin of the world is so dark, how
it has ensnared the youth and what have the parents done
about it? Don't the parents care? NO~ They let the children
go on their way, snared into sin and corruption. Awake par­
ents, Awake! The killings are mounting, the black sins are
mounting, WHY? Because of the lack of prayer by those
who should pray. They seek rather the material things of
life, good times, while their children are left without spiritu­
al guidance, without love and true devotion for Thy Lord
and God. It has been pleaded here in the year of 1950 and
continuously through the years, but instead of improving in
love for Thy Lord and God in many sections it has wor­
sened. So remember ail Christians, no matter what color,
race or creed, unite in prayer to save the future ofthy coun­
try, the future of thy children. Teach them true love, guide
them, protect them.


To ail the Christian world the Vicar of Christ is pleading
for prayers. So is Our Holy Mother, St. Therese, St. Francis,
St. Joan of Arc and they are asking you to go out into the
world, to bring souls to Christ. As Our Holy Mother spoke
to us in 1950, pleaded for prayers, and for parents to be par­
ents, to'take care of their children, to be real Christians, to
show them the way of truth and love of God. But in the
years that have passed since the pleas of Our Holy Mother
at this very spot, instead of increasing the Christian way of
love and devotion, they have failed the youth of today. The
times, the corruption, the sin has grown by leaps and
bounds. The youth has not turned to God, to HIS Holy
Mother, but instead they have chosen the way ofnot caring,


not respecting father or mother, officiais, the clergy. The)'

care not, they go on their way. They are seeking peace, thelr
interpretation of peace is not the'souls of man, to the peace
of the country; but their own freedom. They are trying to get
away from the environment of their own parents, they want
to be free. What freedom are they seekmg?
This America, this beautiful country has everything for
the youth and for the future of America. We are to be the
example to the rest of the world. Let's not degrade our own
country but turn to Our Holy Mother and Her Divine Son
with a true heart of love and devotion and seek the true
peace. Not the peaee of non-discipline.
Parents wake up, be parents! Spare thy child, do not let
thy child fall by the wayside and lose it'ssoul. We have won­
derful children in this country, they have every opportunity
to make great citizens of themselves, to be leaders in man)'
fields, no matter what field they choose, the opportunity IS
there, if they desire to do it only in a Christian way.
Oh America wake up! Heed the Vicar of Christ's pieas,
not only for this period but continuously. When this month
ofOctober ends continue the prayers and when Advent ad­
vanees, bring the spirit of Christmas, the Christ Chi/d, the­
true Christmas into all hearts. Dis-engage yourselves from
corrupt parties, turn rather to Thy Lord and God and love
for thy family, thy neighbor and above alliove for Thy Holy
Mother. There are those who say; we do not need Her, we
have Christ. If that were true, then why has the world cor­
rupted to the extent it has today? We do need His Holy
Mother, desperately so, to intercede for us to Her Divine
Son, Our Creator, Our Lord and God. Without Him and
without Her we are no~ much. We need their guidance.
Many of you have had experiences that when you turned
yourselfin prayer, with true love and true devotion - you re­
ceived answers. Our Holy Mother does not turn Her back on
us, as we turn our backs on Her. We heed not Her pleas. She
has pleaded with us as early as 1830, and again in reeent
years - 1917 at Fatima. She has called and warned us, and
bas Her word not come true to the letter? Ail the wars and
destruction, and again here in 1950 when She warned the
parents that many a heart would be bleeding by Christmas.
How many hearts were bleeding in pain and sorrow for the
loss of their son, father or brothers, how many? And now we
are back to the same thing; sons are again dying on the bat­
tlefields, fathers and brothers, why? This is not necessary if

we turn to Our Lord and God. Ifwe would listen to the pleas
of Our Holy Mot~er. These wars are useless, the lose oflife
is so wasted. For 1fwe would turn to Our Holy Mother and
pray to Her to intercede to Her Divine Son with a Constant
Vigil ofPrayer in the monasteries, convents and in the semi­
naries. It can't be done they say, have you tried? How many
keep a Constant Vigil of Prayer, it can be done! They would
not ask for it, if it could not be done. Our Holy Mother asks
not the impossible. She asks only if possible, to bend our
knees and open our hearts to Her Divme Son, Our Creator.
Heed the pleas of the Vicar of Christ, for He is carrying a
heavy cross, the pressure that bears on His shoulders be­
cornes unbearable at times. But if the Christian, the whole
of Christendom would bend their knees in prayers you
wouId be suprised the change that would come over the
whole world. Don't say it cannot be done, give it a try with
fuUlove and sincerity. Disregard the riots that are gomg on
now, do not join them, for they have nothing to riot about,
there cannot be any, but ifyou join them you are helping to
increase it. For no matter what color, race or creed they are
aU children of God. When God created them He knew what
he was doing and it is not for us to condemn them, one or the
other. We are ail brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus
Christ. So go home and be active, cleanse the corruption in
front of the eyes of the youth.
Try to encourage a Constant Vigil of Prayer, if you can't
do it in your churches then do it in your homes. Talk with
your neighbor, keep different hours of the day and the night
and keep it going and above ail; keep the missiles of the ra­
sary flying to heaven for then you will see Peace but not be­
fore. There is no Peace in sight right now only darkness and
death for the youth, the young men, your brother, your son
and the little children. So everyone present here today, go
home and make an effort for more prayer. Sorne of you,
your health or your age might make 1t hard for you but try
to the best of your abllity. Vou are not forced for God does
not expect you to harm yourself but everyone should try in
sorne way or the other. If you can handle the rosary when
you are sitting down say a few Hail Marys to Thy Holy
Mother, an Our Father and a Glory Be even if you can't
complete the rosary. But if the effort 1S made and you ask St.
Therese, St. Joan of Arc, St. Francis or St. Joseph, they will
finish your rosary ifyou are not weil enough to complete it.
There is no excuse for anyone not to try.


Look àbout you, this is a beautiful country. There is much

talent in this country, many opportunities for advancement,
many ways to beautify, to Improve living. Don't let it be de­
stroyed by an H BOMB or do not leave the Supreme Grand
Master control it, who is now working so hard trying to do
so. The Supreme Grand Mastér who is called the Black
Pope; as Cnristendom here the catholics we have the Pope
of Rome, they have him of the Evil Forces to try to destory
the Christian world. For the battle today is for the destruc­
tion of the Christians, for the advancement of the Evil
Forces, the Godless, the Anti-Christ. And that is what is
happening now. But if the Christians would turn to God
with love and to His Holy Mother the evil would not have a
chance. They will battle you, satan will try in anyway to con­
fuse you, to put wrong thoughts in your mind, to discourage
you, but don't let this happen to you, instead say more
prayers. lfit's only the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
- anytime wrong thoughts come to your mmd it will help
you to carry on for they will not abandon you, for when you
utter these prayers in their name they hear you, so fear not
but carry on. Do not let this country be destoryed, do not
leave the sons, fathers and brothers die on the battlefields.
These wars are useless, but turn to prayer so that your Holy
Father, the Vicar of Christ can carry on, help Him, fear not,
fear only to hurt Thy Lord and God by negligence, by sin.
Help the youth for it is up to the eiders to teach the youth
the way of Christ. May God Bless you ail.


ADVENT, 1966


When will the people wake up, why, why? lt's awful,
Russia, the Brown Bear they got wayside stations or whatev­
er you want to cali them in the atmosphere. Brown Bear
using the satellite missiles or wayside station whatever you
want to cali it to target on any nation they choose. They are
weil equipped! In the stratosphere or the home base or from
the flymg goose, either way. China is also equipped - the
yellow horâe that cornes stalking across the Atlantic.
We need more prayers for His Holiness. Oh, what a mess
over there, it hurts, It hurts.
Where are our Christian people, where? Why do they fall
for the pil/s. The white race WIll decrease, the yellow and­


black will be the conquerors, is that what you want? Do you

want to be slaves oftne yellow and ,black race? That is what
you will get if you follow satan - his pills. They are destory-
lOg the chance of children, are destroying them with these
piIls. And many Catholics are taking them, why? Why? Our
Holy Father hasn't OK'd them, he never will.
No, no, laity must work, laity must work. You won't get
help from sorne of the priests, you won't get help. The laity
must work, don't think your efforts have been in vain, they
haven't. Get more workers, please get more workers. Wake
up the dead cornplacent populace before ifs too late.
Continue the efforts on holy hours and get others to help.
Pray, pray for the Holy Father. They won't listen to Him,
they want their own way, they won't listen to Him. He is a
good man, they are trying to say that He is a liberal. No, no,
the enemy got in during the period of Pope John because of
His illness, they got a foot-hold, that's why.
Pray for Cardinal Mclntyre, he is a good Cardinal, pray
for Hlm. They are trying to do to Him what they did to
Archbishop Beckman.
The youth are taking so many of the LSD pills, alliarge
cities have regular centers where they go and what they call
a pad, out of this world.
Help me, so 1 can suffer for al! those children who are
using those awful pi/ls. Nobody cares, nobody cares, every-
body like a bunch of sheep. Nobody cares for the youth.
Youth growing with disrespect for parents, clergy, any au-
thority; nobody cares, why? Because they are neglected.
The P.G's (unwed) have decreased, not because of the
moral; that has increased. Many of these (girls) will never
have a child for they are ruining themselves now. Why must
this go on and on1


They are Crucifying Our Lord. The world today are re-
crucifying Our Lord. His earthly disciples are re-crucifying
College group, no good, distribute dope, pi/ls. Madison
one of the worse offenders in our State. University, not
good, brainwashin~, they are molding them to their way of
thinking. Youth will come out thinkmg their way, as they
want them to. Promoting youth to go to College and there
they get brainwashed.

Wake up, youth wake up.
Pray for the youth. Our Holy Mother sheds tears for the
LaUD SCREAM (Mary Ann screamed because ofwhat
she visions). (Shakes her head no). Have mercy on us, have
mercy on us. NO! don't let it happen. Please, God, don't let
it happen, please. Oh, Holy Mother, l'm afraid, l'm afraid,
please don't let it happen. l'm frightened for our people,
suffering, repentance, It will be too much for them. They
couldn't take it, please God no!
Oh God have mercy on us. Oh God have mercy on us.
Our only Sanctuary is Our Lord and God, don't try any­
thing else. The only Sanctuary is Our Lord and God. Satan
will aeceive you and lead you to destruction. Vou must pray
or he will lead you to destruction. Turn to thy Lord and
God, thy Creator, don't listen to satan.
The 650 are ~ettin~ more powerful.
Keep doing Our Holy Mother's requests that have been
asked for a long time ago.
Wonien are to wear looser and longer clothing, so when
they sit down, it will go over their knees.


Too much confusion, no, no, no, please , pray for Pope
Paul, pray for Him. They are pushing in on Him, pray for
Remember the Lion and the Bear - two heads, one body;
they are ripping the U.S. Eagle apart.
Grand Masters are plotting agamst our Church. They're
going to tax the Church. Sorne they trust are working with
the enemy, two-fold purpose.
They are plotting agamst the USA.
The British Disraelis are working against \,lS as in the days
of the Disraeli. If the plot goes through, the plucked Eagle
will be annihi/ated; will be wrecked to shreds - within as well
as from without. They are using the innocent youth to do
their bidding.
God be merciful, Oh God, Oh God, be merciful. Don't let
them take those pi//s -white race will disappear - wake up.,
Christians, don't be foolish. Youth don't take that, don t.
LSD is ruining the menta/ity of the youth. The 650, they will
keep it from their families and they will be the Supreme
Race - don't let it happen, please.

If only our clergy would be united instead of divided, it
would help a lot, but many are so far from being the true
Apostle of Christ. Too many Judases amongst them, too
many creating division, so much wrong, so much wrong
with the youth, the clergy, the government; it's such a mess.
Luther King is only a stooge, he's a squawk box. The ones
behind him, Supreme Grand Master In Chicago meeting.


Too many drinking parties. Why not the Christ Child?
Too much desecration, must stop it, too much desecra-
tion, the respect is gone. They must change and go back,
must change. Desecration of crucifixes, religious articles,
rosaries. It must stop, they are falling into the hands of the
Grand Masters. In sorne cases even the desecration of the
Must be a Constant Vigil of Prayer. With out this there
can be no Peace. There cannot be PEACE without PRAY-
ER. The enemy has become so strong because of the Chris-
tians failing to do their Christian duties. Complacency has
taken the place of strength and honor and obedience to au-
thority. The youth of today, look at them. Those that come
from good Christian families, they have a tremendous
struggre, but it will fall on the shoulders ofthose from Chris-
tian ramilies and Christian parents. They must fight, they
must fight for their honor, for the honor of their Lord and
God, their Creator. They need not fear, they must not fear
for God will protect them. Our Holy Mother will protect
them, and the Saints will be with them, but there is this fear,
fear of not doing like the neighbor wants you to. Fear of
being laughed at or scorned; don't fear as long you are
doing it in the name ofThy Lord and God, don't be afraid.
In a very few sections the trend has changed, they are trying
to turn back to Christ and His Holy Mother, but more effort
must be made through the whole year. Please dry the tears
of Our Holy Mother and replace the Christ Child in the crib
which is now heaped with tInsel, champagne bottles and no
Christ, no Christ! Let us honor His Birth with true love and
devotion in our hearts for one another and that is the only
way truth will triumph.
Man is ruining the church on earth, but the Triumphant
Church will never fall. Do not let the church on earth crum-
ble, do not let it crumble. It is the Christians that must stand

together in unison and love and devotion. Do not be afraid
of the condemnation and the persecution. Thy Lord and
God was not afraid and many orthe Saints. Ask St. Francis,
Mother Cabrini, St. Therese, and you all know what hap­
pened to St. Joan of Arc. You are not asked to be burned at
the stake, but ifthat is what you have to do - DO IT! For it is
in the name of Jesus Christ that you are doing it and ask St.
Joan of Arc if she would turn back and do otherwise? She
wouldn't, she's happy! The eternal reward is so wonderful.
Don't let the m, the 650 and the Supreme Grand Master
and all the Grand Masters and their Knights or Cohorts or
whatever you calI them - they are practicing the Black Mass
in mockery of the true Mass, and it isn't the Black Mass as
given recently. The Black Mass is the true devilish mass of
the devils and satan where instead of wine, the blood of a
christian child is used or that of a holy woman, priest or nun,
that is what they use. They will drain the blood while the
human is alive, It will be drained of it's blood, and used in
mockery. Wake Up! The years before you will be a struggle.
Lose not faith in Th'y' Lord and God. Oh Yes, your roacfwill
be rocky and you will trip and fall, but arise with love in thy
heart for thy fellowman - no matter what race, creed or reli­
gion. Be an example of true love and devotion and let that
be in dress as weIl as in action. Be charitable, love thy neigh­
bor as thyself.
Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh Blessed Mother, awaken
our people. We need Christian unity, we need it so much.
We need to re-unite. As Alex called the m, the Disraelis, the
Nihilists, they are working and plotting together, not the
Disraelis of old but the satanic Disraeli, the Disraeli that
died many years ago. He has planted his person in the Dis­
raeli of today which is the Supreme Grand Master and the
Grand Masters. Their plot is this, their point is that they
want to use the pills, the Birth Control piUs and the LSD to
prevent pregnancy to use on the populace of the United
States and aIl other countries, so the white race will diminish
and the veUow and the black race and the chosen white of the
Yiddish or the Yids, the Supreme Grand Master and the
Grand Masters and their fâmilies to survive only and then
there won't be any more white race, to interfere. That the
Christian populace will disappear and that is their plot and
plan and It looks like they are succeeding because you will
notice the pregnancy of women will drop drasticalIy in the
next year and continue to do so.

Will the Christian women please stay with the Blessed
Mother and God Almighty, their Lord, their Creator and
produce children and not be ashamed of having children.
They need not be ashamed, they will try to make you feel
foohsh, but don't take those Birth Control pills, don't fall
into their trap, please! Il will be too late once you min your
productive organs. Vou take thosepills - you couldn't have a
child if you wanted one - it will min you, they say it won't,
but it will. Please wake up!
Blessed Mother, pray for us, Blessed Mother, pray for us.
Saints are begging us to stay Christian, not pagan.
How can we stop the desecration? People don't seem to
care. What has happened to our people, what has hap­
pened? If they cou Id only see Our Roly Mother just for an
Instance. 1 wlsh Our Holy Mother wou Id show Herself to
more people. Oh God, why don't you permit it? She's so


This is the 18th time, the 17th year, but the 18th visita­
tion. Much has been accomplished, much more could have
been accomplished. We thank ail ofyou who have given so
much of yourself, and the glorious thoughts, the humility,
the humbleness and charitableness of many of you, thou
shalt be rewarded. Thou shalt find the glory of glories, con­
tinue to be the example, and make this place a little bit of
heaven here on earth. It will be known through the entire
world ifyou here will be obedient to Our Holy Mother, to be
Her children as so many ofyou have dedicated your lives to
Her, to do Her Will- now do il. Many ofyou your hearts are
with Her in every move you make, where many of you are
faltering. Try to pick thyselfup and walk with Thy Lord and
God on the way to Calvary. If crosses come thy way, pick
them up and carry them, for many crosses more severe,
more devastating and complete annihilation is before you.
Many hearts will be broken, many will scream with terror;
but warnings have been given in the past, warnings, warn­
ings, repeated over and over again. They heeded not Our
Holy Mother's requests, and the results you can see. The
torture, the terror, the .confusion and the continuation of
wars. The useless taking of lives on the battlefield that
need not be, and they will continue in more severity, as
Our Holy Mother said to you in the year of 1950 -"WAKE

UP AMERICA 1 WAKE UPI Do not wait until it is too late,
for screaming will not save you. " Ask thy sister of the vision
she was shown of June 16, 1950, of what man's destruction
can do with the permission of God. There wiH be more of
this. Ask the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ask them,
and the European war torn countires, oodies that were
buried under rubble. Do not feel that it cannot come to
thy nation, for it wil1! The only answer is prayer, "THE
The priest and religious must speak more of the Rosary,
the Sacraments, devotion to the Sacred Heart; to consecrate
themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Many have ­
yes, but have become lax in their devotion, why? Because of
the confusion, yes, aH ofthis could have been prevented, but
thou hast become shackled by accepting Grants of the
Enemy. Thy hands and feet are shackled, when you have
done that. Thy freedom is removed. Vou have given your­
selves to the Supreme Grand Master and the 650. There are
stories written Ln the past, check with them. How the Su­
preme Grand Master through the centuries have worked
through out to destroy Catholicism, their greatest aim is Ca­
tholiclsm, the Church of Rome, to remove it. And men of
the Church have fallen into the traps of this movement, in­
stead of turning to their Lord and God who they in their
vows promised to be another Christ here on earth, and their
promises to Him, they have faltered. That is why the laymen
must pray for their priests and religious.
It is shocking what goes on in many of the convents and
the confusion Ln the seminaries. They have forgotten the
Church that their Lord and God instituted at the Last Sup­
per and the First Mass, they have forgotten those very
words that Thy Lord and God spoke, when He offered Him­
selfto God the Father - when Re offered His blood to God
the Father for the redemption for the sins ofman and al1 the
Apostles, which of course are todays priests who also make
that vow. They dedicate their lives, they give their body,
their soul, their hands and feet to Christ, to walk with Him;
but they join Judas and walk with him. The times are seri­
ous, much tribulation and trials are before you; this beauti­
fui country, which is fOl1owing the footsteps of the foreign
lands. There is no new continent to reach out to now, this is
your last chance! Change thy ways and turn to Thy Lord
and God and to His Holy Mother. Give thy whole life to
Them, for again we must repeat, the laity must work,



Warnings have been given that the darkness will befall
you. The darkness has fallen and is upon all of you now!
Sons will fall by the scores on the battlefields, many more
hearts will be broken, they heeded not Our Holy Mother's
plea, they heeded not Her warning, they constantly run on
their way so complacent; they feared not the wra th of God,
they feared not the devastation and destruction that will be­
fall them, they feared not! As true Christians that loved
their Lord and God as they daim, have left the enemy plant
itself among you, as they so complacently continue their
way, instead oflistening to the warnings of the Holy Moth­
er, Queen of the Holy Rosary, Queen of the Holy Rosary.
Where is the Rosary? She will be the Mediatrix between
Her Rosary and Her Divine Son, as She is the Mediatrix be­
tween God and Man. Man is turning his back on Her,
what's before you now you yourself have willed upon you!
You yourself and your complacent manner are 1etting it
happen. The enemy has infiltrated the Christian hearts. The
Holy Mother and Her pleas were cast aside. You are waiting
for more warnings, what can we do, what should we do? It is
very simple! The Rosary the little missiles to heaven and
place yourself in the hands of the Holy Mother, thy Lord
and God. He will protect you if you heed His Mother's
pleas. What has happened to the Christians, why are they so
careless? Why leave the enemy become supreme instead of
thy Lord and God, who should be in all thy hearts, the love,
the true devotion that should be on your lips when saying
the daily rosary, be it by thyself or be it by the members of
the family? The little child that stands by your knees and
tries to utter the prayers that the mother or the father teach­
es it, that child when it grows up with the love of the Holy
Mother and its Creator and SavlOr on its lips that child will
not fall on the Wayside if the parent of this child are true
parents, true christian and follow the Marylike ways. What
do you see? The Marylike ways have been casted aside, the
enemy is dancing before you with nakedness, where is the
respect of womanhood? What has happened to women?
The enemy has worked hard and it has succeeded and now
the dark douds are upon you, you cannot escape it now;
CONSTANT VIG IL of prayer wou Id of done much, but not

enough and always too little too late. Warnings and warn­
ings have been given over and over. It's been a repeat and
repeat but you hear not thy Holy Mother's pleas. Now go on
your knees and save thy soul and try to save those that have
fallen. Pick them up and pray, teach them to pray to save
their sou/.


As given a day, two days ago, the darkness is befalling the

world in many sections; mostly because, of their own lack of
love and devotion to their Lord and God and above ail to
the pleas of His Holy Mother. It is very difficult for me to
speak and tell you, the anguish and the sorrow, that many
are facing today because Our Lady's words were not heed­
ed. She has pleaded and pleaded, for a CONSTANT VIGIL
OF PRAYER. She's not heard! But the rumbling of cannons
a~d guns and planes and the missiles f1ying; does that not
bnng enough fear In your hearts to make you go on your
knees? Are you going to wait until ail your sons are de­
molished or annibilated completely? Where is the love in
your hearts for your own children, your sons, your hus­
bands, yes, and your sweethearts? You do not get the ~rop­
er number of deaths daily happening, today. No, it s far
more, but ask a few of those that have already received the
annotation, their son has been killed, or is lost, or is missing.
They are shedding tears, and bitter tears sorne ofthem. Had
Our Mother's pleas been heeded, as late as the year 1950,
let alone the year of 1917, you could ail be happy parents!
And many a grave would not have to be decorated today
because of lack of love and faith. Many people have turned
away from their Creator, because things have not gone their
way of thinking. Do not turn against tny Lord and God and
His Holy Mother, for She is extending Her arms to you ask­
ing you, to keep a Constant Vigil of Prayer. If that happens
the war that is now pending, and is not far away, shaH be
halted! But as Joan of Arc said, just a few moments ago,
there is not enough Faith, Love and Devotion in the hearts
of the Christians today, to turn to their Creator, to their
Mother and ask for help in these darkened time. The exam­
pie is the satanic way many of the youth is exposing their
bodies, that is not the Christian way, that is the satanic way!
He wants you to expose yourself, demoralize yourself, he
doesn't care. That's his purpose! Women, what has hap­

pened to your modesty and respect? Why are you degrad­
lng yourself? The styles, do you have to follow the styfes of
the enemy, of Satan? When you sit down with these little
bitty skirts, are you not exposed? That is the re:ason for it - to
be exposed! Where is your shame, where is your respect?
Our Holy Mother has asked for you tù be Marylike. Kneel
before Her statue, (if you can find one yet), in these minnie
skirts. Look in Her eyes and say, "Mother l'm not ashamed."
[ dare you to. We ail have been taught. (that is the older
generation, the squares as they are called) they have been
taught, to dress modestly, and that does not mean you have
to wear skits down to the floor, but at least three inches be­
low the knee, not above the knee. Flared skirts instead of
the tight skirts.
What is the matter with the women, and the men to allow it?
Where is the husband, the fathers and brothers of these
girls, these women? They should put them to shame and
right openly, publicly, it doesn't matter, maybe they'1I wake
up. And parents why are you not parents? Daily you read in
the newspaper where your daughter has been dragged into
the alley and beaten ta death or raped or worse than that,
why? Vou are looking for it. You're tempting the animal in a
man and causing thls man to sin. Oh, he should get it, he
should get it, that louse! Why? Vou women yourself are
tempting him and he is tao weak, to fight it. There are many
women, who are afraid to go out in the streets in the cities,
and right so, for the animal of man is prowling because the
womanhood has lost her respect. Vou can blame the man
but blame yourself first. lf there is no respect, of woman,
how do you expect the respect of man. Then turn to Our
Holy Mother, pray to Her, ask Her intercession, for the
enemy is ready to pounce upon our nation as weil as the
Eastern Hemisphere. So far our country here, our beautiful
country, which we should be proud of, we have been spared.
But the missiles oftoday can come from Europe and land on
any city in the United States and demolish it, with an H
Bomb or an A Bomb. Or a Germ Bomb can be thrown
amongst you to really make you suffer and squirm. Vou
won't be able to escape it and you can't ail run from the
cities. But that is what your heading for unless you turn to
thy Lord and God, His Holy Mother and ifnot parents, will
you please be parents. Those of you here today go home,
and go to work. Do not wait until one ofthose bombs of des­
truction befalls on you, or your sons will ail disappear in the

foreign soils. This sounds frightening but just Iisten to your
TV, radio and newspaper, it is there. Maybe not as harsh
and 1 have given it to you, but it is there. Wake up, America,
Wake up, before it is too late. Once too late you cannot do
anything about il. On June l6th 19501 was shown a large
city. The good city going on its merry and complacent way.
Everybody hustling, bustling. Suddenly a 80mb fell upon
this city, and those hustling, bustling people were disinte·
Krated. They were completely destroyed, burned to crisp.
Where the Bomb fellthere was a crater. The sand melted to­
gether as glass, water came trickling in. On the edges of this
city where the concussion was not quite as great, for this was
a large city, 1will not name it, but r do know which city, as 1
saw the sign post of the population; they are humans and it
is heartbreaking to tell you about il. They were fried on one
side and alive! That's what an H Bomb does to you. Ask the
scientist of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ask them what what
they saw and what they endured. There are still people
alive, but not alive like you and l, tha t had a taste of this.
Why wait until it strikes your community - your country,
why wail. It can end in a few seconds, and .its ail over for
those where ever it strikes and they are more powerful today
than they have ever beenAMERICA WAKE UP! Bring
back the Love of God in your hearts for those of you that
have cast it aside because their way was not permitted.
Things went wrong then you blame thy Lord and God,
don't be that foolish for only He can save you. Pray for thy
Holy Mother's intercession, do not be afrajd of penance, the
Sacraments. Those ofJOu that can, daily Sacraments, and
the family Rosary. an if there is no family a daily Rosary
by each individual. That's not asking too much, and keep an
hour with thy Lord and God at least once a week. That's not
asking too much, keep the Constant Vigil going. It has hap­
pened in other places where the)' have turned to their Lord
and God with the Rosary in thelr hands. They have spared
themselves. so can the good old USA be spared, ifyou show
true love, not just lips, but from the hearl. Look at ail the
sm ail children about you here, don't you want a future for
them? Or do you want it destroyed, for again 1 repeat, the
enemy is not asleep but the Christian world is! Do not let the
changes of your church confuse you to the extent that they
have failed to go. Your hurting no one but yourself. Il is too
late for you now to corn plain. Vou could of a few years ago.
Now accept it in ail humility and lill your churches to over­

f1owing, rather than emptiness. The Lenten Devotions this
past year, it was a shame how few went to the daily devo­
tions. When Thy Lord and God walked on Calvary's Way
for you, He died for you. He gave His life to save yours, and
now you cannot accept a little suffering, a little pain, a little
extra penance. Ask the boys in Vietnam, how much suffer­
ing and pain they are enduring, for they are believing they
are fighting to save your country, their homeland. Are you
behind those boys, or are you ail just wishing the war to end
without any prayers, without any effort.
Yes, today they decorate the graves, they blow the bugles,
we have parades in their honor, but tomorrow we forget
them. Not just today, but every day, and turn and go be­
neath the Heavenly Mother's Mantle.
God's blessing on ail of you and please go home and ful­
fill Our Lady's requests.


On this day in 1950 there were exactly (ourteen hundred
and IWenty three people here. Where are they today? What
has happened to those that had cures, and privileges hap­
pening to them., where are they? They have not come back
even 10 thanksgiving. They hope that the Holy Mother
would hand them peace on a si/ver plal/er. She warned us
those days, she showed me the frightening picture again
today - ofthis large city that 1 was shown on this very day in
i950 when this city was annihilated and 1 mean anllihilated!
1 don't mean there were buildings left, there were none! Do
you realize what an H bomb or an A bomb or a Cobalt bomb
can do to you? Then why don't you get on your knees and
pray? There was nothing left! Not even 50 miles from the
Impact were there trees standing or the cattle and horses in
the pasture were they alive but a squirming bunch of
burned creatures that man himselfbrought upon this earth.
And it isn't for the love ofGod that they have done this. It is
for the GREED of POWER and taking over this country. If
you could see a human body burnt on one side and still
alive, maybe you'll find it in the hearts to hear Our Holy
Mother's cali to you. to save A merica, and that does not just
mean the USA, that means CA NADA, the USA and M EXi­
CO and SOUTH AMERICA as weil. It means ail ofyou in
the AMERiCA S, wake up. As Our Lady pleaded for you to
do in 1950. She also showed your reward which was, the


ENEMY COUNTRY turning to God on its KNEES, but

that will not be given to you on a silver platter. That takes
work, sacrifice and love not for just thyseff, but love of man,
thy neighbor. 1t is to show, that you as a Christian, are
strong in your faith to the Almighty God not the almighty
dollar; but ifs still the almighty dollar that is ahead of ev­
erything, and those that seek the power that this almighty
dollar can purchase. Our Holy Mother's pleas, Her calls for
"CONSTANT VIGIL OF PRA YER" fall on deafears while
the so called UN is dickering with your sons lives. Just stand
quietly by while your sons will die on the battlefield, no
matter where. The time is NOW, not tomorrow, for there
will be no tomorrow for many ofyou, but NOW! And bring
the Holy Mother down with a smile in Her face instead of
tears, for She loves you, Her children. Prav, pray and don't
wait until it is too late; that was said in 195'0. Ali these years
have gone by, your sons have continually gone into military
action, thinking they were fightin~ for a Peace; to bring
Peace to their home front. It doesn t matter if they were in
the Eastern Hemisphere or in the Western, they are ail sons
of sorne mother and father. Are they taug'1t the way of
Christ or are they taught a misguided way, they are still
human beings which God created even if they do not accept
il. For they certainly cannot if they turn their backs on their
Creator. Open your heart with the love for thy Lord and
God, thy Creator, and work, pray. The laity must work!
Fear not, but rather fear the destruction of the enemy, but
fear not Thy Lord and God but stand on His side, be a sol­
dier of Christ and for ail those on that very day that were
present here, l'es, much has happened to sorne of those.
There were qUlte a number of remarks made about a certain
three, that were told to leave the grounds. One ofthem came
back and has thanked the Holy Mother here on these
grounds for showing him the way that day. You do not
know him, but he and the Blessed Mother know. The second
one is in a penitentiary right now paying for the crime of
pick pocketmg. The third one, he did not Iearn a lesson and
he is still at large, so one never knows where the Graces will
fall, but when you come to these Sacred grounds the Graces
go with you. Where are sorne of those that had cures on this
aay, where are they? They are not here, sorne felt quite, oh,
honored and made quite a !ittle of themselves that day, but
because they failed to have things their way they have not
returned, but who is going to be the judge? Not you nor l,

for right now the time is dark and ihe only light shining
upon you is through the "CONSTANT VIGIL OF PRA Y­
ER." When you promote the Constant Vigil of Prayer you
will save your state, your city, your community and if
enough is done maybe your country, but it is rather tate
since the pleas in 1950. Read the messages given in the past
days, therein lies your answer, and then continue to pray
and have faith in thy Lord and God and His Holy Mother.
Only through them will you find Peace. There is no other
peace in no other way, but the Peace Dove will fly through
the intercession of the Mediatrix of Peace, for She is the
Mediatrix between God and man.
God's blessing upon ail of you here. Il is only a shame
that the multitudes do not come to this Shrine to save this
God's blessing on you, you shall be rewarded for your


The people of this country are becoming frightened peo­

ple. The confusion and the unrest is growing, why? Because
they have lost faith in their God and that is what the enemy
hopes that you will do. He is promoting you to become God­
less in every way, in every daily newspaper, radio or TV, the
Godless are putting in their punches, but if the Christian
people would unite, into a CONSTANT VIGIL of prayer,
God will surely hear your pleas, but it must be a 24 hour a
day prayer; not when it is convenient for you, or it doesn't
take sacrifices; without sacrifices, without penance, without
pain and heartache, it would mean nothing. You must be
willing to sacrifice, you must be willing to give, not only take
but give. Give your love to thy neighbor no matter what race
or creed or color he may be, for when God made man he
created them equal. When we say the pledge of the alle­
giance to the flag, it says liberty and justice for ail. Remem­
ber the word An it does not say the White, the Negro, the
Chinese or .the Indian, ifs ALL; and until man can turn to
his Lord and God, with love for ail, there will be no peace
and what is now before you, is only a small example ofwhat
you have heard or those that have lived it in Detroit, Plain­
field, Newark and so forth. There will be death and destruc­
tion of property, destruction of man's will, that is the pur­
pose of the enemy of God. Don't give in to him, turn to thy

Creator, with love. No matter what color the man's skin,
maybe beneath him there is a brighter soul than yours, that
is frowning on him. Open your hands and arms to them be­
cause that would be the Christian way. The enemy is pro­
moting hatred, destruction, not only of man's soul but of
man's will. Will to think for himself. Think for yourself, God
gave you the gift to think - use it! Above ail, love thy neigh­
bor as thyself. No one hates himself, they ail love them­
selves; weil treat your neighbor as you would yourself; then
there can't be anything else but harmony and peace. Do not
give in to Satan, for he uses many to promote his evilness,
f1is destructiveness to bring chaos and ruin to their homes
and families, to disrupt your schools. ft does not matter if
they are religious schools or pu blic schools, colleges or kin­
dergarden, they are here to indoctrinate the minds of the
youth. The few religious, the nuns the priests the c1ergy,
they cannot do it alone, without the support of the layman.
You as fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, to fight for
your right as a Christian, to live the way the Lord and God
would want you ta live. There is no need for me to repeat
about the shameful way the women are degrading them­
selves. Il has been given in the past and unless that is
changed, that women become women and men, men, the
evil forces are still in commando
The little man, may he be a grocery man, a agriculturist, a
rancher, he is being destroyed by the large commodities and
that is also the purpose to bring disunity and hardship. This
has ail been planned in the last 50 years. This is not a prod­
uct of today, this has been weil planned many years ago. 1
have been shown the plot of the evil forces m the year of
19~5, just how they were plotting and planning and now it is
right upon us. There is no more dodgmg the issue, it is here
in our own state; here in Milwaukee, you have seen an
ex ample.
Parents wake up, educate your children the Christian
way, for when the school starts the enemy is going to try to
use them, and one of the quickest ways to derange the men­
tality is to give them the pills; be they LSD or no matter
what the tille might be to them but especially the LSD - one
pill can ruin you for life. One pill will affect you! Oh, you
might not die, that isn't the point, but you would be wide
open for more. Fight and help your congressmen, your sen­
ators or government to make the use of this pill outlawed
completely. Do not let them peddle it to your students at

school, for that is the program for this fa li, to go into the
large colleges and give it to children. They might oppose it,
they might say they don't want to be bothered with it but it
cornes in a very handy way. They can drop it in your childs
milk and he will drink it and then he will wonder what hap­
pened to him because his men ta lity is deranged until it
wears off, but he has the affliction of that pill for the rest of
his days, and any child born would be ruined, a cripple but
that is what the enemy wants, he wants to destroy you so
they can take over. Remember, the riots are not from family
men, they are brought in to your cities, promoted by the Su­
preme Grand Masler and Grand Maslers and 650 cohorts
and don't make the mistake that it's the Jew that is behind it
because its not; it is what 1 classify here as the Yids. They
could be a fallen away Catholic. Il is a man that does not
believe in God! He only believes in destroying. His God is
the dollar sign, power to command and crumble your Chris­
tians underneath his feet. If the Christian world would unite
in a CONSTANT VIGIL OF PRAYER, he would not have
a chance. He would like to destroy ail clergyman and ail reli
gious, to indoctrinate their way of thinking. To remove the
neavenly statues, to remove anything that might bring love
and devotion to youth and children; rather they are promot­
ing to put in the churches disfigured figures, supposedly
representing your Lord and God and ifs u p to you people to
denounce such a movement and turn to the beauty of thy
Creator, thy Holy Mother and the Saints in Heaven. A child
cannot learn to love Frankenstein or a Monster, but he
cou Id learn to love a beautiful picture ofthy Lord and God,
The Sacred Heart the Immaculate Heart of Mary or any of
the Saints as they really are then sorne strange modern
scratched art representing something, who knows what. Op­
pose these homely distorted figures and ifs up to you par­
ents, as parents, that claim they love their Lord and God.
Your Pnests, your Sisters, the Nuns, they cannot do it alone
and a number of them are brainwashed into using these de­
formed figures, as their Creator, their Holy Mother. That
they cali modern art - lets not get so modern that we have
lost the l'erspective and the beauty of Our Holy Mother. 1
just saw Her a few minutes ago and She was no freak. She
stood here with Her arms extended to all ofyou. Her beauti­
fui blue eyes a deep pool of love for ail of you and then you
dare put on a piece of paper a homely creature to represent
Her. Where is your heart? And you pray to Her, you inter­

cede to Her to help you, how can you ask help from Her
when you distort Rer in a painting or in a statue? Try to
make Her beautiful for She is beyond anything that ever has
stood on this earth, She is beautiful. We look like nothing
along side of Her and 1 don't care how beautiful you look.
We think we are beautiful but that is not true. The Holy
Mother, She is beautiful and so is Thy Lord and God, Her
Divine Son who we are trying so desperately to cast aside
and say He is dead, that He died on the Cross and that is the
end of Him. Is that what we have been taught? Is that why
we are listening to the enemy who is trying to promote this.
Is that why so many of our clergy are throwing the rosary
and stomping on it because the Supreme Grand Mas/er has
promoted his punch and its been accepted. Can we not turn
back to love that many of us in the past have been taught,
the beauty ofThy Lord and God. Whoever sculptured them
did the best oftheir a bility. No, thev do not look like the real
Christ but they did their best and they've done their very
best to bring about Our Holy Mother and now suddenly we
destroy them. We crush them with bulldozers on the dump
heap, why? Because we want the children to grow up to see a
Frankenstein or Herman the Monster, or some other crea­
ture and then to go into a dive pool of LSD where the world
turns ail colors, where it separa tes your arms and limbs in
delusions and your t10ating apart in pieces, that's how you
will see yourself. Then the fears grow ln you that you cannot
join yourselftogether again. Is that the beauty you want? Or
do you want to turn to thy Lord and God with love in your
hearts. il won't be long, it might be too late; for they are
working hard to conquer the USA and they are gaining.
Many years back they promoted the grants for many a
building, many a seminary, many a convent or church be it
Protestant or Catholic were built thru grants, but those
grants ail had strings attached to them and now since they
have accepted them, when the strings are pulled they have
to jig the tune. So that is how they got control and don't kid
yourself they have control and now the laymen the fathers
and mothers the Christian world must pray and only thru a
Constant Vigil of' Prayer can you win and women become
women, don't disgrace womenhood. Men do not accept
them. Shame them publicly or anywhere, for they think
they are doing it for you, to lure you. Now it is up to you
men, to denounce them. Tell them to cover their shame. Put
clothes on their bodies, not mini skirts and topless bathing

suits for that is not the Marylike way and that is not a Chris­
tian way, but Satanic, for that is who promoted it, the Sup­
preme Grand Master, the Black Pope of ev il. Don't let him
win, the time is very short. It'il be too late, unless it is done
immediately; not next week or next month, your city might
not be there next month, ifit is still there when you get home
tonight; get busy, for in a month from now it might not be
there. So please Christians unite into one big family of pray­
er and respect one another with love and devotion to thy
Lord and God. Follow their way, before the USA is a sham­
God's Blessings upon ail of you.

The world is filled with confusion. They are confused be­

cause of the changes in their Churches. They are confused
because they can not accept the removal of statues and thus
many of them are leaving the Sanctuary of the Church.
They are wrong! Vou need the Church to see you through
the crises. Do not leave it because of confusion, but stay true
to thy Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother. Do not let
the enemy misguide you. That is what the enemy wants to
help confuse you, for it planned it 25 years ago. There were
30,000 Communist trained to be priests. They are not true
priests, they are still Communist but they are trained, and
act, and say Mass in the same devout way, as a regular priest
does, only they are working otherwise. These 30,000 priests
are scattered over the globe. The majority are in Europe,
America, and in England; the rest are scattered over the
other cOl)tinents. If they try to confuse our real priests, it is
understandable, that is why the layman must pray as he's
never prayed before, for all priests and religious. Do not let
them down and expect them to carry the load alone, for
many are confused, there are many liberals that are not
working for the right. It isn't because they do not know that
they are ignorant, it is just that they do not seem to care; but
ifyou pray enough for them and send your rosary to Heav­
en dairy, that is the only salvation, is prayer. Do not discard
your rosary, pray the rosary daily with your family or single
with yourself; and notjust the 5 decade but the complete ro­
sary which is the 15 decade and meditate on the mysteries
while your saying your rosary, and say the common rosary
not the one they are using to confuse, because when you say


the other, you can not meditate on the mystery and that is
the life of Jesus Christ. The Sorrowful Mystery is Christ's
Crucifixion, His Scourging and His Death. The Joyful Mys­
tery is the Birth of the Lord and on through His life, and the
Glorious Mystery is the Glories of Glory when He was
arisen to show us the way, that we too can arise with Him
and kneel before Him in the Triumphant Church which is
in Heaven. As man destroys the earthly Church, the trium­
phant will never fall, Christ's Church, and if man follows the
ways, that Our Lord and God has instituted here on earth as
man, if you follow that Church, if you give yourself to Him,
you will end before His feet in the Triumphant Church. Isn't
that what we are striving for, and in the mean time try to
help those that are stumbling in the darkness. Bring the
light to them, show them the way, for the darkness has be­
fallen this continent. Yes, it has entered our church, and that
is because the layman has not prayed enough for the reLi­
gious. Pray for them, pray for the Vicar of Christ daily, for
the Cardinals, the Bishop and down to the corn mon priest.
Pray for the nuns and religious, and the brothers of Christ.
Pray for the Ministers of God that they too can fulfill the
Lord and God's wishes. Unite into one Militant no matter
what race or creed. Unite in this struggle, to save the Chris­
tian World from the enemy. That does not mean as it has
been rumored, that we are asking here, that they are to be
under the Pope of Rome. Every religion must follow their
own beLief, and ifthey wish to join the Church of Rome, that
is fine, but to confuse it and say that we here are promoting,
the people to unite under the Church of Rome, that is not
true. Everyone follow their own way, their own creeds, their
own beliefs in whatever religion. And be a true Christian,
that. is at heart, not with the lips service alone. There are
many that do much talking, but it does not come from the
heart, it only is from the mou th. Put your heart into your ro­
sary, into the effort ofworking for thy Lord and God, and
you need not fear. Why fear, to be ridiculed, persecuted?
Why fear that! For thy Lord and God will take you home to
His Kingdom, when your test and trials are on end here on
earth. So you have nothing to fear, a little humiLation, a lit­
tle persecution, a little suffering, that's much better than to
suffer in the here after. Join with the others that are fi~hting
and working so hard to promote the Constant Vigil 0 proy­
er. Vou must keep the prayers moving around the c ock. If
you don't there is no hope! Vou will see the Purge before


you as it has befallen the Eastern Continent. Do not let the

enemy converge upon you, by confusing you and distracting
you, removing you from the righteous path. There are only
two paths to follow, the one to thy Lord and God the other
to the Judas. Do not take the path of Judas. Many ofyou are
familiar with the Passion of Our Lord, ifnot renew yourself.
Read and study the way of Christ, so that you have the full
understanding and do not become confused by so many
other promoters. Ifyou follow the true path, you can not err,
but ifyou stumble around and grasp on to any little whisper
you hear, you will become so confused and so tangled up
that it will take much to untangle you. But if you stay with
Our Lord and God and His Holy Mother, remember before
Christ died He gave us His Mother. He did not say that She
was the Mother of only the Catholics. She \vas given to aIl if
they wish to accept Her or not, but at least you could accept
Her Divine Son, thy God, thy Creator, thy Savior, and by
doing this you can work on the Constant Vigil of Prayer, to
bring peace to this trou bled and darkened world. Your
small cbildren will grow up in to this darkness. They will not
see what the image of the Holy Mother looks like, they will
not see what the image of Our Lord and God looks like, or
St. Therese, or Joan of Arc, or any other Saint, because they
are removing them from our Churches. They are discarding
them in to the thrashpile, and they are replacing much with
sorne symbol, it is up to you to accept this or keep the image
before you. You aIl yourselves keep your father, your moth­
er, your wife, your brother, or your sweethearts picture be­
fore you, and many of you shed tears if you have lost them,
so why not keep the image of Our Holy Mother and our
Savior before you, not as sorne freak, but as a true beautiful
statue or picture, do not be ashamed of it. Why are sorne
ashamed to hang a crucifix in their livingroom, because
sorne friend might come in and see il. Don't be ashamed of
thy Lord and God, He died for you, He was scourged, He
was spat upon, He was kicked, and jerked, and thrown to
the ground with the heavy Cross He was bearing on His
shoulder for you; He didn't have to do this for Himself, He
did it for you! And now you are ashamed of that Crucifix.
How many have hidden theirs into sorne bureau drawer be­
cause their friends may see it and they might think they are
queer. Aren't you proud to be queer for thy Lord and God?
Aren't you proud! He died for you, His blood ran from His
body at every speck of Him where He had been scourged for

you. Don't be ashamed but work for Him and He will guide
and protect you, for right now, they are plotting your de­
struction, and the only salvation is through Jesus Christ, thy
Lord and God, thy Savior, and His Holy Mother who inter­
ceeds for you. Say the rosary, this is the month of the rosary,
pray the rosary daily as a family if possible. Be a penitent,
carry your cross with out lamenting, offer it to thy Lord and
God. Go to the Sacraments daily if possible, receive them
and do not hide or through the confusion of today stay
home from your Church. "[ can't stand the new way," so you
rather not go! You're not gaining anything by that. Ifyou do
not like it write to your Bishop, the Holy Father, but don't
quit, don't be a quitter but be a fighter. And love thy neigh­
bor as thyself. Cast away the seffpity and selfishness, be­
come humble and that way you mlght see a change in this
world. Be aware where your youth goes, watch their ways,
be a parent, and be an apostle for Christ.
Lay apostles are urgentry needed, and that doesn't mean
that you have to give up your home, your family to be a lay
apostle, you can do thlS work as a family. Do not be
ashamed to talk the Christian Way to your family and chil­
dren. Oh, they will lament and say they are bored to hear it,
they would rather hear sorne rock and roll music or sorne
shaking of the hips on the TV, they would rather see that.
That is why they are put there. The enemy is using the tight
slacks, the mini skirt, and the topless bathing suit, for the
destruction of the morality of the youth, and if you as par­
ents join in, what ever happens to you, you will have com­
ing. For thy Lord and God does not approve of this sinful
way of life, that the Supreme Grand Master and his cohorts,
is now promoting in your beautiful America. Just turn on
your radio or your TV and many instances the parties where
your children attend to. Investigate and look into it. Disap­
prove of this. Sorne of the youth will sputter, any music or
any beautiful hymn, they call it square, and then you let
them go and you turn it off because they think it's square,
and then permit them to put on a record, or a frogram on
TV or on Radio that has the destructive immora music, and
shows, that you permit in your home, that is what you must
expect, for Satan is not asleep. Multiply the Judases of
today for out of the twelve there was one, multiply them in
comparison, and you know you have many ofthem roaming
around the earth.
Be a true Christian and be not ashamed of Jesus Christ


thy Lord and God. Intercede to the Holy Mother, ask Her
to present your prayers to Him, and those of you, may also
pray directly to Him, but if you choose to pray to Our Holy
Mother and ask Her intercession then do so. Remember the
rosary, the daily Sacraments, and be willing to accept pen­
ance and suffering, offer it to thy Lord and God. Air of you
work hard for a Constant Vigil ofPrayer, in ail the cities you
will see a tremendous change. bh yes, they will try to stop
you, they will discourage you at every move, but do not let
them discourage you, but continue to be a Christ on Earth.
And when you have accomplished this your reward will be
great, but without the effort of the layman, to join in with
your priest, or religious or Ministers of God, to fight for
Christianity, because they are trying to destroy it and re­
place it with something terrible. Paganism was nothing to
what they will turn it In to. It will be complete slavery for
hum an beings, and if that is what you choose then go on
your complacent and merry way, but if you want to be a
Christ Apostle you will be rewarded.
May God's blessing befall ail of you that have sacrificed
today to come to these grounds. Go home and work and get
others to help you.
May God bless you ail.


They are hurting Our Lord, re-crucifying Our Lord.
Desecration in our churches is terrible! Our Roly Mother,
Our Lord and our Saints do not like what is happening in
our churches. The removal of the Saints, Our Lord and His
Holy Mother. It is being removed because it will be less
devotion to them. They hope to get ail Christians under con­
trol by removing anything religious from their eyes, espe­
cially the youth. The plot and!lans have been in progress
for some time. They succeede by getting ail these grants,
they have hung themselves by accepting grants from the
evil, from those that are out to destroy them. Sure, money is
needed so it is a temptation to accept il.
They speak of peace, but the dove of peace has been
plucked, she can not fly, not while things are going as they
are. Our Lord and His Holy Mother are sad. They are
pleased with many individuais for what they are trying to
do, but They are sad because there is not enough.
The Christ Child will not be in the manger again this


- -----
year. Until the true Christmas spirit is brought forth, He will
still remain out of the crib; champagne and tinsel, màterial
gifts and oh, it is not the denial of the child to have toys and
things, that is ail in Christ giving, but the child must be
taugbt the real Christmas, the real spirit of Christmas, and
then the toys given to him or her, but they are going to grad­
ually remove it completely.
There is a movement of tryin~ to do and bring back the
older ways, but they are not ~omg about it the right way.
You can not join them to gam something, you must stay
Christ-like, you must have love and Christ in your heart.
You can not be name calling, and rioting, that can not be
done, because it is not ChrisFlike! That is only Satan's way,
and those .that are anti-christ. We have many anti-christs
roaming the earth today. They daim they believe in God,
sorne of them, then why do they behave the way they do?
There is no road in between, there is only a nght and a
wrong. Those that look for the gray matter are only in astate
of confusion, there is no halfwnite and halfblack. It is either
white or black. You were ail taught that in catechism, you of
the old school. They did not tell you that there was a path in
between, but they are switching toward that attitude now.
They are speaking of peace, they are talking about bring­
ing about peace but !fi reality your officiaIs are afraid of the
word peace. The strategy of peace, their way of thinking
would never be peace. The true peace, they wouldn't know
what to do. Try to think back how long has this nation been
with a threat of war, or a war actually going? They have al­
ways had excuses to do this and to do that, tbey were always
plotting and planning. They have the boys in uniforms and
they have increased them mto larger groups. It is not the
peace they are seeking, the peace dove is plucked. It will take
sorne time for the feathers to grow back. Until the true spirit
of Christmas and the Chrishans stand up united as true
Christian children, that they love and believe in Jesus
Christ. Without the true spirit, there can not be peace; and
as long as they continue to accept grants from the Supreme
Grand Master and his 1050 cohorts you can not expect
peace on earth. Many of the plotters and planners are quite
Jittery for they know that the plans for peace are false. Even
your President's words of peace, he himself knows that, that
IS not in the future.
There must be more prayers for the Hierarchy of the
U.S.A., also the dergy, tbe Hierarchy of the church. The

confusion amongst the clergymen is so great; many are
ready to jump the band wagon rather than face the torture
and l'ufilshment of those against Christ. They are to repre­
sent Christ, and they are to stand as true soldiers of Christ
whom they represent, but fear does many strange things to
the soul of man. Remember ail priests and religious, are
men and women just Iike you are, and they need the prayers
of ail.
The future holds only darkness. There is no peace dove
available, unless humanity turns toward their Creator
towards their God, no matter what race or creed. If they be­
lieve that Christ is dead, that when He died on the Cross
that was the end of Him, if they are gullible enough to be­
lieve that promotion, then God forgive them, for they will
be lost. So much confusion, so much confusion, keep Christ
in your heart, no matter what happens, keep Christ in your
heart, do not let the confusion misguide you.
There will be much confusion, assassinations, shortage of
food, hunger, in sorne countries starvation will run rampant.
This nation could have helped many in the past instead of
destroying food. Every home should be taught to save food,
rather than to destrox it. For the day might come that the
food you say you dishke, you do not want to eat, you will be
glad to have a morsel of it. If the plotters win, if this Con­
stant Vigil of Prayer does not stail or change it you will see
that day, in this beautiful U.S.A. What the other purged
countries have suffered will come to this country, and there
will be much suffering, bloodshed, and they williose grace.
They will not reach out for Christ, but they will scream in
hunger and terror; sorne will foolishly take their own lives
because they have had life too easy. They have not been
taught to stand on their own two feet like the purged
countries have for two centuries. They ail have too many
conveniences. They are good as long as they are done and
shared by ail, but when you push Christ out ofyour Iife, out
ofyour home, out ofyour school and out of ail places, out of
your church, oh, they say that is not possible, but it is, for the
statue is gone of Christ, and His Holy Mother, where, on the
heap! They have been dumped, broken and smashed, and
sorne just dumped! You are seeking destruction on yourself,
you cannot expect anythin& di.fferent, you m~st turn .to
Chnst, and you must havè Him In your heart, wlthout Hlm
you are lost.
The Black Pope will reign, he will be the one to tell you

what to do. ls that what you want? Do you want the Chris­
tian chi Id drained of blood and used in mockery against
Jesus Christ? ls that what you want? Then seek it! Reep
going the way you are going, but if not turn to a Constant
Vigi( of Prayer. The Christians unite and help each other,
without that, without a true Christ in your heart there will
be no Peace.

LENT, 1968

FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1968

How can we bring peace to the world, such evilness, there is

nothing but evilness. They are re-crucifying our Lord, mak­
ing Him walk Calvary again, and it is HIS own, His very
own. No good, ail over ifs no good, parents are not parents.
Too many hierarchy are brainwashed, our Church IS crum­
bling, our Church is crumbling. Ifs no good, it's going
down, keep falling into the hands of the enemy, l've given
that before and it is right upon us now. The Church is fall­
ing, too many are too gullible, can't see it, they can't see the
hand writing on the wall, they give into sorne of those that
are betraying us, just like they did in the time of Rompello.
Cardinal Bea is another Rompello. Sorne of those that are
working under him, they have handed our Church into the
hands of the Enemy, they have followed the instructions of
the Zionist, and the Supreme Grand Masters, this has been
going on since the time of Rompello.
He held back for sorne time, until they had themselves
weil embedded. Time of Rompello, he was the Supreme
Grand Mas/el' at that era, l can say that now because he is
dead, but l can not name the present one. Sorne of the hier­
archy of the Church knows him very weil, because they have
been having meetings with him, giving in to his orders. Car­
dinal Bea is one of them, and sorne of the others, they are
afraid to stand up against him, even though, they know it's
To destroy the Latin of the Church was not the wish of the
General Principles and the Main Officiais, but to create a
greater confusion, they have changed many things. Pope
John XXlll only wanted to get a greater understanding,
he didn't want a complete change over, but when he became
ill, they took over. You can find true docu men ts of the coun­
cil, but they have been changed over at a later date to please

the Supreme Grand Master and his Cohorts, which inc1udes
sorne of the Cardinals of the Main Church, Celibacy and the
changing of the habit of the nuns (Major Change) was never
one of them, but they are trying to make it today that it is
one of them. You are going to find, (unless there is a rude
awakening, before it is too late) that they are going to permit
the marriage of priests and then of course sorne wives are
going to interfere and the Church will not be the same.
Without those sacrifices our True Church (as man has made
it) will crumble. The Triumphant Church will never crum­
ble, it will always be Triumphant! That is confusing to sorne,
but that is the way that Christ Himself has instituted il.
Christs Church will never crumble! It is onl)' the militant,
those that have left themselves become mvolved with
grants, as Our Holy Mother said in 1950, "The A Imighty
Dollar!" It isn't the Almighty God, it is the almighty dollar
that does the speaking. Just as Judas betrayed his Christ for
30 pieces ofsilver, they are today doing the same with grants
and think back, one Judas in the time of the 12 apostles, how
many times do we have Judases implanted in our Church
today, and don't think they have lessened, they have in­
creased. We have fallen into the hands of the Antichrist and
that is the Supreme Grand Master and his 1050 Grand Mas­
Oh it's going to be terrible. Oon't throw the Rosar) in­
to the gar6'age pail, don't listen to those that are advocating
the RosGlY daes not mean anything, it is not important,
don't Iisten to them; only remember thy Haly Mother's
words, when She pleads at many of Her Apparitions for the
Rosary, the Rosary, the Little Missiles to Heaven. Promote
the Rosary, pray the Rosary. Many of thepriests of the old
school, are s\ck at heart because of what is going on within
the Church; the liberals have gained a mighty foot hold.
Oon't let the liberal priests confuse you, please don't! Oon't
give up your faith, do not abandon your Church. Please do
not abandon your Church! Do not join other cuits that have
sprung up, that are trying to play God against the Church of
St. Peter, for Christ told Peter to start the Church, so that is
the Church we have to follow, regardless how bitter, how
confusing, how terrible it might become for ifthings contin­
ue as they are now, you will see much more. Please do not
lose your faith, do not abandon your Church. If the priest at
your parish is a liberal and talks with a forked tongue, don't
let him throw you from your Church; pray, pray, and as Our

Holy Mother said, do not quarrel, but pray. Pray the Rosa­
ry, make special sacrifices.
Again 1 am telling you, it is not good before us, you might
even have to go under ground. If the Constant Vigil of Pray­
er would make the swing it is suppose to, then maybe we can
hold things. Ifwe do not, your nghts will slip and the Enemy
will conquer; for now in the Vatican it is not good. There are
too many that lean to the wrong side, to the Rompello
group; even though he is dead, he is still alive inside some­
one, he has claimed someone's body and is living within
him, ruling and conquering.
Please work hard for the Constant Vigil of Prayer. Ask
those purged countries how it feh after they had to go under
ground, ask the m, it's not pleasant. As Alex (Tzar of Russia)
said; his nation, his fatherfand, suffered because ofthe wrong,
and the Enemy of Christ conquered. Once the} conquer it
won't be ea.\y.

FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1968

(Pains of the Shoulder and Crown).
Wortd conditions are bad, one breaks under the weight, it
is bad! Innocent youths get the bru nt of it, parents are too
lax, got to help the youth as the Blessed Mother has asked us
to. We have not fulfilled that request, the youth has gone
down, down, down. Write J. Edgar Hoover and ask him to
give you the conditions that they find in their work; it is
down grade, not up, down!
The authorities must be warned how their laxity of re­
strictions on pills has caused the degeneration of the youth,
the coming child, the unborn. Ali the dope, narcotics being
swallowed by the youth, our institutions will be overflowing
with cripp les, both physical and mental. The derangement
will be startling. "The innocent child, the victims of their eI­
ders," they were the children, the year Our Holy Mother
hum bled Herself and came down to this earth, pleading for
the parents and the authorities to awaken for the chi Id, the
children. Today they are mothers and fathers, many of
them. The narcotic racket has not diminished, it has in­
creased tremendously. Pornography has increased ten times
since Our Holy Mother pleaded, where are the workers to
save theyouth and thus saving this Beauliful America.
Vou can not blame the youth, they are confused, they are
ail completely mixed up with what they hear and what they

see. So much good could come over TV and radio, and
through the churches, be they Catholic or Protestant. Where
are the shepherds, Christs apostles and disciples, where are
they? You can see what has happened since sorne religious
have turned to put on false make-up, dye and paint their
hair; since they have become worldly the respect has gone.
Help, help the youth. As everybody says, when a Chlld is
just about a year, two, three or four years old, how cute it is;
don't you want that cute little child to grow up into a beau ti­
fui young woman or handsome young man; it is up to you, it
is entirely up to you! Follow the 1950 message, follow that,
and when tnat is fulfilled you have succeeded. So much is
said in the 1950 messages. Help the youth, cleanse Wiscon­
sin, so that you can sing "On Wisconsin" with a clean heart
and a clear conscience.


This is the Anniversary of the year of 1950, when through
the voice, Our Holy Mother gave this soul instructions to go
to her pastor and tell him of her experience; to inform her
family and her husband's family. From this mushroomed
tales and stories that were not the truth.
Our Holy Mother spoke to her asking for prayers, the Ro­
sary, as the trials and tribulations of tItis country was then
mushrooming into a very serious condition. The youth
needed guidance, and needed to be taught the love of God,
their Holy Mother, and to be instructed into the righteous
ways. Our Holy Mother at that time had hoped to bnng this
soul, to do Her Will of relaying the work to her community
and thus spreading out further.
In the la ter months when She showed Herself on this very
Spot, and spoke plea<iing for the children, Her heart was
heavy, for She knew and saw the future of the youth before
Her. But She had hoped that thru this soul, She could awak­
en Her priests sons, the religious, to follow Her requests, to
spare the children, to spare the youth; for as She said then
and it has been proven over and over again, that they are
the victims oftheir eiders. Think back over those years, think
back! Had those words been heeded, had the religious, the
hierarchy, awakened to the requests of Our Holy Mother,
had they listened to Her then; what is happening now would
not be. For from a few words of love and devotion to the

Holy Mother and to Her Divine Son, much could mush­
room forth. If the people would have awakened to the righ­
teousness, and to the love of their Lord and God, but In­
stead of that they went on a complacent way. They heard
not the word oftheir Holy Mother. They heard not the Gos­
pels what was spoken to them thrU the history. They heeded
not, for ifthey would have stopped and heeded these words,
they would have had to change their way, their life; so they
simply just went on.
Tonight 1 know Our Holy Mother would like to whisper
into the ears ofthose that have not heeded Her caU, that are
in those burning buildings, that are amongst the rioters;' and
what will be berore you, when they can not follow the Love
of God, when they can not take God into their hearts, they
can not expect Peace. They spe~k of conve!sing of seeking
Peace, but the way they are gOIng about It, wlthout God
there can not be Peace. There wifl not be Peace.
This country that Our Holy Mother has humbled Herself
trying to awaken Her children, to the need of their realiza­
tion that without their Creator, their Lord and God they can
not succeed. They heeded Her not! They turned their backs
on Her. Again Our Holy Mother pleaded many years ago.
Since the âay that She spoke here, She again pleaded for
prayers. She spoke to the soul, thy sister, and said; "Pray,
pray, pray my chi/do " This did not mean that She meant her
as a person; She meant YOU, aU ofYOU, the WORLD, not
her as a person. It was only her throat that was being used as
an instrument to bring out this work, to seek Love for God
and the Holy Mother. She tried to awaken Her children be­
fore it was too late, and now you have it in your own coun­
try. She gave the Hierarchy and priests a message: "Unless
they change their ways unless they forget the material things
of life, and turn to their Creator, to Christ whom they repre­
sent here on earth, that they themselves will fall into the same
hardship and be purged as the Eastern Hemisphere." Those
words were not needed in your country, but were cast aside.
Oh about a half dozen or so of priests asked for that message
and read it, and tried for a while, but they soon forgot those
words and went on. The results are before you. If the men of
God who administers to the people, who supposedly gave
his life for the vocation of being a priest or a nun or a broth­
er or just an apostle., a disciple for Christ; if they can not
spreaâ the word ofGod amongst the laymen, then how can
it be spread? Christ put these hearts and souls here to teach

the laymen, to give comfort to him, but today you must ask
the laymen to go out and save the souls of man. The laity
must work, the laity must work, and it is the laity that are
going out trying to save their fellow man. Where are the
ministers of God, the priests, the hierarchy, the religious,
where are they? Are they afraid to stand up and be counted?
In time of Christ, walking on earth there were twe1ve
apostles, a number of disciples. Out of the twelve, He had
one Judas. The percentage IS now much greater. The confu-
sion that is being created thru the work of the Judases, thru
the voice of the liberals that do not Love God but love
themselves, not God Almighty. They pound their chests,
they are the Christs! They are only man! They must call to
Christ, to God in Heaven, they can not forget Him, and in
pride go forth and confuse the laymen.
We ask these very few here to be that little pebble ofsand.
That if enough effort is put forth it can move a mountain.
Re-read the Lenten instructions, for you were asked to teach
thy children to stand firmly on their two feet, but first they
must l'lace the Almighty God in their heart. For without
Jesus Christ, their Creator, no matter what they try to do, it
will not be accomplished it win only fail; for without seeking
the 'Kingdom of Heaven' you can not find it, you must put
Christ in thy heart. So the few here tonight if they can go
and work with God in their heart; those that have not the
love of God in their heart should not attempt to. Sorne sax,
"Oh the Graces will be given," but in the meantime they win
falter, and fan and take with them the good others have ac-
complished. It wouId be much better ifthey did not attempt
it, for the time is ripe, the time is short. The darkening of
clouds have gathered. There is no chance of a sunshine com-
ing through for it has now entered thy own U.S.A. of
AMERICA. The .very bloodshed thy Holy Mother had
hoped could have been averted if the children would have
been taught by their eiders the true love of God. Those of
you that have love ofGod within thy heart go out and work.
Yes, you must do your daily responsibilitles, yes sorne of
you are working many hours, but try to seek others to give
you a hand.
APRIL 12, 1968
We are heading into a trying period. The Christian world
should economize rather than be wasteful. Before throwing

a crust ofbread away, think twice! Think ofthose poor souls
in the starving countries, rather take less of something else
and finish the crust of bread. Don't fill your garbage pail
with good food, leave some for the starving nations.
Don't follow the footsteps of the Gay Paree. Do not dress
in such nakedness, rather dress modestly and your dresses,
(children as weil as adults) must be below the knee. Don't
worry about the styles, the enemy is promoting the styles.
Don't wear the sheer clothing that you can see everything
through them. And men, don't wear the tight trousers and
levis. Yes they have worn them in the past, they wore tights
then but that does not mean we must follow their way.
Women don't smoke, don't disgrace yourself. And above
ail, ail of you, don't lose faith in your Faith. The enemy is
promoting the different way, a modern way. Stay with
Christ's Church. And to the priests that want to jig and
dance during Mass, tell him when Christ hung on the Cross,
He wasn't dancing and jigging; He was hanging in pain and
suffering for him, he is suppose to represent Him. Don't fol­
low the 1iberal priest; he does not know the Crucifixion of
the Christ he is to represent.
Don't be prejudiced against the colored people. Don't
condemn them and feel that you are superior because you
are white. Remember God created the colored, be they
black, red or yellow. He didn't crea te them so that the white
could feel supreme over them, and persecute them. Treat
them equal, don't be a Judas. Yes, they are behind, many of
them in education. They didn't have it becausethey were
classified as unfit, rather educate them, help them, don't
treat them as slaves. President Lincoln tried to abolish slav­
ery; the white man (many of them) still would like to make
use of it. Remember the time of Lincoln is here; it restarted
in 1963 and it seems there is no end of suffering, bloodshed
and pain. Don't be un-Christian, but be Christian; be God
fearing and that is love thy neighbor as thyself, no matter
what color of their skin.
Don't fol1ow the ways of the Grand Masters for before
you is much hardship, sorrow and suffering and ,J?ain. Pick
up your cross and carry it, don't be afraid. Don t be a lax
Christian but a true Christian, and don't, don't throw your
Rosaryawax. Pray the Rosary, pray the Rosary for remem­
ber the famlly that prays together stays together, the family
that divides themselves will go asunder.


Our Holy Mother asked me: Where are the multitudes

that came here and prayed, where are they? The only way to
peace is through the hearts of man, through the Father in
Heaven; only then can there be peace. With out this, wars,
sorrow, bloodshed, crimes and die blackest of sin will con­
tinue; but if man changes his heart and joins it with his
Creator, God the Father in Heaven, He win help you to ob­
tain the peace that is so loosely spoken of today but is not
meant from the heart, only from the lips.
The Blessed Mother just asked: Where are the multitudes
praying for the l'eace they seek with their lips, but they must
seek it with theu hearts? Where are the Rosaries? Why do
they not bend their knee and pray the family Rosary? Why
are the parents so careless with their children? Why do the
parents allow the laws to pass to ruin the child that they
c1aim they so love? If they would truly love this child that
they created through God the Father in Heaven; without
Him there would be no children, for you must remember,
thy Creator created you and that is God the Father in Heav­
God is not dead, but He must live within you and then
you will find peace. The family must turn back as a family,
not scatter to the four winds as the enemy has promoted it;
they don't care where your children are, they don't care,
they are here to destroy you. When laws are bemg passed by
your government, why don't you read the small print? Why
let laws pass that will gradually close Y0uf churches? Man's
church will crumble one by one unless the christian world
stands up as true christians with love of God within their
heart and soul, and parents with the love for thy 'family, a
true love! Without God there cannot come peace, unity, it
cannot be done; for the dove of peace right now, its wmgs
are ripped and torn, it cannot fly about and scatter the
peace. It cannot, until man turns from wickedness and evil
and places within itself, the love of God and His Holy
Mother; who so humbly come down from Her Throne in
Heaven to beg you here and all over the world to save your
souls before it is too late! Do not make it too late for you and
Y0uf children who you c1aim you love. Prove it to God that
you do. Go home and work. Our Holy Mother has pleaded
for a Constant Vigil ofPrayer. Oh yes some are all enthused

while they are about here, but when they go home they just
forget. But the enemy ofGod does not forget; the enemy of
God is working 24 hours a day to perform and spread their
evilness. Christian world and parents wake up, wake up!
Go in peace.


(Mary Ann leaned back and smiled)

(There was a long pause)

(Mary Ann then arose, stood on the kneeler and held her

Blue Rosary as if holding it up to someone. She explained

later that the Blessed Mother touched Her Rosary to hers.

The "Blue Rosary" is the rosary referred to in the 1950 mes­

sage where on May 29th, the Blessed Mother took it and

touched it to Her Rosary. Two of her children, Joanne her

oldest daughter and Freddie her second oldest son at the

time saw it suspended in mid-air, and then return to their

mothers hand.)

1 will relay this message to them, thank you St. Pius X.

St. Pius X asked for aIl priests, Bishops, to live the life that
they were ordained for. To help undo the confusion that has
been brought into the Church. Ifnot heeded, much damage
and much harm will come to the souls of man, because of
the confusion created by those that foHow the ways of Satan
rather than the ways oftheir Lord, Jesus Christ who institut­
ed the First Mass. Only through the True Mass, will God
send His Blessing upon the apostles of Christ.
(AH present recelved a Blessing from St. Pius X.)


To aH the christians, return the Dove ofPeace. Return the

feathers to its wings; for at present, it cannot fly and bring
you the peace that man seemingly seeks. There are several
versions ofpeace; the interpretation is different on many of
them. The man that loves hlS Lord and God, seeks the peace
for aH mankind. The m:m that loves himself seeks the peace,
s~ he himslf.can conquer; that is th.e type of a peace he
speaks of. It lS not a peace through hlS Creator, or through
God the Father, it is a peace for himself, to control man;
those he feels that could be beneath him. The youth, many of
them, notall; there are many good christian children,'but
there are those that seek a different peace; a peace from law


en forcement, parenthood, a peace to do as they wish, to do

their own wilf, but in ail these instances they forg,et God.
That God Himselfwill only hold His hand from stnking be­
cause of His Holy Mother's intercession to Him, for She
loves ail Her children. Where are the parents that should of
guided these misguided children, that are today looking for
peace from responsibilities, from their neighbor, from the
respect of the government officiais, the policemen, the
teacher, the clergyman and yes, the respect of their own Fa­
ther and Mother? They turn around and say their Father
and Mother are too old fashioned. Today we are living in a
different time, and many of the young clergy go along with
them, which brings confusion, heartacbe and destructIOn on
this beautiful America. There cannot be peace unless you
turn to thy Creator. There will be no end ofwars but a con­
tinuation of wars. How many mothers hearts are bleeding
today because their son was lost in war? He was told he was
fighting for his country. He was told he was going to bring
peace to the world; yes he could bring peace, if there was
truth and honesty and justice in this war that is being
The octopus tentacles are circled around every nation and
every human being, because they are forgetting God the
Father in Heaven and His Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Oh yes
there are those that are promoting that Christ is dead, He
died on the Cross nearly 2000 years ago. He did die on the
Cross and He resurrected, and He ascended into Heaven. He
is there watching you sin, destroy, and watching so many
puffed up with pride. Pride, where is the true love? Where
are the true christians, whcre is there interest in each other?
Where are the commandments ofGod? Where above ail, to
the true christian, where is the Rosary? Oh yes, many are
told, the rosary is outdated; cast it aside, you don 't need it any
more. That is not the truth! lt is only through Prayer and the
Rosary and through love thy neighbor as thyself and
through a "Constant Vigil of Prayer" that you might turn
the tables back and fina an extended period. You might if
you work diligently with heart and soul with thy neighbor.
Do not be so selfish for only yourself, remember the poor,
the hungry, right here in the United States of America you
have many starving people. Oh their stomachs are filled but
not with the proper foods. They have things to eat, but when
you give those cbildren a test, they have malnutrition. How
many adults are bloated, which they cali, sorne even do, say

ifs fat? It is not! Ifs a bloat from chemicals, preservatives
that are put in your foods. Try to stay with the pure foods
and turn to thy Creator, He will help you.
Parents be parents, instruct thy children and show them
pictures, statues or whatever you may have of thy Creator,
Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross for you to save man,
who is now turning their backs on Him. If you want peace
you must first find Him, turn to Him, for wlthout Him you
are lost. Work on the Constant Vigil of Prayer 24 hours a
day; for the enemy is, the enemy has workers around the
dock. The Supreme grand Master and his Grand Masters
have now reached 1050, and they have many working be­
neath them that are not counted in this number. The hand
writing is on the wall, do not go around as complacent sheep
that ban together or scatter, whatever it may be, but ban to­
gether in the name of thy Creator with love for each other;
no matter what color, race or creed. God created you aIl,
you must aIl love each other. Work for thy Lord and God
and His Holy Mother, She will intercede for you; for when
She came here as She just did a few minutes ago, wearing
Her garment of blue and around Her neck She wears a cord
with the emblem of unity encircied; the globe represents the
world, the tassel represents ALL people, and that is how She
appears here. Unity between all people around the whole
globe and then you will have peace. Without it you will have
nothing but destruction, bloodshed and death. The wars
will continue, the youth will disappear, the healthy strong
bodied men that are out there in the battlefields; bring them
home, bring them home to their wives, to their sweethearts,
to their parents. Bring them home! It is up to you, the Chris­
tian world to stand together in unity, with love in thy heart
for thy neighbor and above aH for thy Creator.
God's blessing upon aH ofJOu and when you go home, go
to work for the love of Go and your Country.
MAY 31, 1968
(Mary Ann leans back, expression of seeing something very
How Beautifu/!
Our Ho/y Mother is in the a/coye as the Queen of Heaven.
She is dressed ail in white; a beautifu/ white! On Her Head is
a Go/den Crown; on each tip of the crown is a beautifu/ pink

rose, the size ofa walnut. The white garment She is wearing is
a dazzling white; the whitest white, 1 can 't explain it. She
wears the gold cord of Unity; the Globe ofthe World wiJ.h_the
W~~!.I!1--Hemisphere toward us with the Goden Tassel. Her
chair is gold with a rose ;eacovering. The tree leaves, each
leaf, one side is golden the other is si/ver; the entire tree is this
way. The rays cast from them bath gold and si/ver, like dia­
mond stars sparkling through the rays. 1 wish an artist could
paint Her as 1 see Her now. Oh Blessed Mother please let
them see You now. Please, oh please Blessed Mother.

JUNE 4,1968
Many prayers are needed. Much that has been done must
be undone. The Supreme Grand Master and his Cohorts
have embedded themselves into the Church. They have
~ained the foothold that Our Holy Mother here had warned
In 1950 and aga in in 1955. What She warned us about then
is now amongst us. What are you Christians that love thy
Lord and God, His Holy Mother, what are you going to do
about it? Judaism has entered into the Churcn. The Su­
preme Grand Master and ail his Cohorts, the Yids, have in­
fiitrated their doctrine, with the appeasement of Unity be­
tween al! christians; but since when can you cali an anti­
Christ a christian? Since when can you cali the ones that are
doing everything in their power to belittle our Dear Lord,
how can you cali him a Christian? What does the Christian
Faith stand for? It is Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin
Mary and then lived 33 years to show us the way, the truth
and wanted ail of us to follow in that foots tep. And then he
was persecuted and crucified and He died on the Cross to
redeem man and today we have forgotten that He died for
mankind. The Black Pope, the enemy of Jesus Christ, Satan,
they are trying to indoctrinate the True Church. Wake up
Helrachy before it is too late! Updating the church is a
mockery, it is no truth! Updating? Christ didn't ask you to
update It. Christ didn't dance on the Cross, so why are they
beating the drums and jigging a tune during the sacrifice of
the Mass, why? It's in mockery of Jesus Christ's death on the
Cross, that is what it is, and that is what it was meant for.
The 30,000 Communists that were trained to take the part of
a priest in mockery, they are weil under the guise and are
amongst you ail. 1 could name a number ofthem. For many
years many of these acted like a holy priest, but they were

communists;llanted by the enemy to do just exactly what
has happene . Why don't the Christian world wake up and
live the way Christ instituted the Church? He didn't die on
the cross to let us dance in mockery! That's what they did
when He was hanging on the Cross; clapping their hands
with glee and dancmg, so thaCs what many of our young lib­
eral priests are introducing today; and many of you go
along with it. What is it doing to the youth? What is it doing
to the future children; when the image of the Blessed Moth­
er and Her Divine Son are removed from ail churches, and
in its place is sorne symbol, and that is what your future
chi Id will have to learn to love.
The psychedelic drawings and'paintings are only to warp
your mmds; with a few pills to accompany it, you really are
going in a whirl. But don't you understand, that is the work
of Satan; the Enemy ofGod, the Enemy of Jesus Christ who
died for you. Can vou picture Him hanging on the Cross for
three whole hours~ How many of our priests today say their
Mass in reverence of those three hours that Our Lord hung
for them, whom they are to represent? Can you in your
mind picture that? Yes He resurrected, for God the Father
willed it so; and He ascended into Heaven because God the
Father willed it so, but do you think that you can resurrect
with Him if you mock Him? Look about you what is hap­
pening? Judaism is becoming part of the indoctrination. Oh
yes, we are trying to white wash, we are trying to appease,
that it wasn't the Yid, the Pharisees that crucified Our Lord;
it wasn't hi m, that is the appeasement oftoday. But, do you
not realize that just as at the time of the Crucifixion of Our
Lord that we have that same Yid in control only so much
more powerful. The Supreme Grand Master is the head of
it, he IS whom 1 call the Black Pope, for he does everything
against Our True Pope! Anything but loving God. He is an
anti-Christ with ail the others wlth hi m, for anyone that is
against Jesus Christ certainly is an ti-Christ. Time is short!
And as many of you lament that you cannot stand what is
going on today, it is getting worse, much worse, unless you
turn to your Creator with your heart not with your lips; and
turn to Him in a Constant Vigil of Prayer, that is ail that will
spare you.
Yes, this is a beautiful country, but fight for My God and
My Country, thaCs what every lip should say; My God
First, My Country, without either you cannot survive, Have
you ever thought ofthat? Without your Creator and without

ihis beautiful country, that you're 50 carelessly destroying;
that is falling into the purges of the Eastern Hemisphere.
Have any of you any idea what suffering the children and
Fathers and Mothers are doing over there? When you are so
ready to waste food, think of the hungry, and thank your
Creator for what you've got and go out and work in His
God's Blessing upon you.


Again sorrow has struck the nation, and the question has
been asked by prominent men of the government and com­
mentators; the question they ask is WHY? Why has our na­
tion turned to degradation, murders, and plain crime of
rape, why? Very simple answer! Because they do not consult
God Almighty. They forget Him. Not that this slain family
forgot Him, but the christian world itself. Our Hierarchy of
the government, our Hierarchy of the church. They. are
afraid (or should we say) they are just lax, to face the truth,
that we as Christians are becoming just common place pa­
gans. The Christian heart is no more, for they have forgot­
ton Jesus Christ, who died for them on Calvary. There will
be more martyrs and more, sorry to say, assassinations! For
here on this very ground, it was told, that Robert Francis
Kennedy, if he would run for office, would be slain and join
his brother, John Fitzerald Kennedy; and as the world
knows, that has come about. Had enough prayersbeen said
for the government officials, for the clergy, for the nuns and
religious; had the world turned to christianity the way they
are suppose to, maybe this 42 year old young man would
still be here to battle on. Many disagreed with him; many
even hated him, and that is where you err. Hatred will never
bring peace, but just exactly what you are spreading, hate!
If the Lord Jesus Christ would come down before you,
would you tell Him you hated this one and that one, without
knowing the facts behind the man or men or women? The
spreading of hate; dear Christians, is what is causing the
trouble. The disrespect for Father, mother and officials be
they religious or government, a professor in school or a
plam teacher at the corner school house. The respect is gone,
and when a nation faIls that they lose respect for each other,
how do you expect to find peace and love. How do you ex­
pect your Creator, to spread graces upon you when you turn

your back on Him when you listen to the propaganda that
Christ died and He is no more, when confusIOn is spread
amongst the religious, amongst the Church that Christ Him­
self instituted? The words of Christ are being changed to
suit their own meaning, not the way He Himselfmeant them.
Oh yes, they give the excuse, in one language they sound a
little different than in the next; but dear Christians, they all
meaJl the same. If you love God the Father in Heaven and
His Divine Son, the Holy Ghost willlead you on then; but
without the Blessed Tnnity and Our Holy Mother, who
came here in the year of 1950, and pleaded with Her chil­
dren, to remember Her Son, Her Divine Son; She warned
them that the children of that era were the victims of their
eiders. Sorne of you eIders think back. No more truer
words could have been spoken, then when She said, they are
the victims of their eiders," for at that time a parent wasn't
interested in, the childhood, they were interested in them­
selves. Man and wife gone their seperate ways and separate
jobs. The little child that needed the mother was gone at
sorne other destination. She came home in the evenmg, ner
children reached for her but she was too tired. For she had
many household duties to do; so where did the child land, in
sorne corner, or anything to pacify it. Maybe you gave it a
dime, for a bar of candy or maybe you gave it sorne money
for sorne refreshing drink, which dld your child more harm
than good; or did you send it out to any place on the street,
"Just get out of my way l'm tired." Why has the generation
degraded? Father and mother of America, you are quilty!
Yes, blame yourself for what you are facing today, the des­
truction of one man or woman after another that stands up
and wants to speak out. Wake up America, the time has
STRUCK! There is no more time. Eighteen years passed
since the Holy Mother said, that the elders were responsible
for the suffering of the child, and now you are reaping the
harvest ofthose children. Many ofthem are now themselves
adults, and sorne are right here. Many of them are puzzled
to why this and why that, parents must be parents.
The clergy must be the Christ on earth, he is suppose to
represent. That is why he made the vows to represent Him
on earth. The woman that pledged herself to a spouse to
Jesus Christ, she too has her dutIes to sacrifice, to humble
herself; but today you can't tell one from the other, you
can't tell the difference. Very few still look as respected nuns
and sisters, others have jomed the populace, the modern


way. The updating! What are you updating, corruption?

Forgetting the truth that Jesus Christ dled for you? The sac­
rifice He made for you? You are forgetting Him. You are
too busy with your own petty things. The chi Id suffers,
many of the chl1dren today are ruined for the rest of their
lives. Sorne because the): had no parent to guide them. Oh
they had living parents, but they were too busy. The LSD
that was swallowed by many of the youth, will never leave
their bodies. The pill that they are using to keep themselves
from becoming a mother before they have found their mate
or even those that are married, they are ruining you.
Women wake up! Are you going to completely destroy the
child? The institutions are getting over filled with children
born out of such a tragedy; a cripple, a blind, a deformed.
The government has to pay for these. The parents when
they witness their deformed child are aghast. They con­
demn God, they condemn their Creator; instead of con­
deming themselves. So America lead down the pa th you are
following now, and you will have more assassinations, and
many more martyrs, because you are guilty ofjust that. Cor­
rect your ways and save your soul, for there is a God. Don't
make it too late for yourself to find it out, for right now the
path to HELL is weil trodden. Don't join the path, but rath­
er join the righteous.
God's Blessing on you, and try to be true christians.

JUNE 16, 1968

Today is Father's Day, but how many families honor the

father as he should be honored, the head of the family. How
many homes respect their father as a father, as the head of
the home, as the one to respect and do as he instructs them
to do. In man)' cases the children are the fathers, in many
cases the wife IS in control of the home. Of course, in the case
where they are widowed that is understandable, but to dom­
ineer their husbands and make a meek lamb out of them is
not what fatherhood stands for. He is supposed to be the
head of the home. Take the example of the Roly Family, St.
Joseph the Spouse of Our Holy Mother, Jesus Christ whom
we ail know is the Son of God, and could have been the
head of the house, but even He was subject to His foster fa­
ther, St. Joseph, and His Holy Mother. So whom do we
think we are when we disrespect the father~ the mother, and
as the youth try to set themselves up as running the show as

they call it? Bring back the ways of the Holy Family. Live
the life of the Holy Family, and invoke into your hearts God
the Father. Let the husbands stand up for their rights in
their homes. The only ones that would be excluded would
be the drunken father, or one mentally deranged; there
would be a difference. How many of the homes have fallen
apart because of the disrespect of the family? Where is the
family, what has happened to it? They spread apart and all
go in different ways, why? The youth do not listen, they are
wonderin~ why our nation here in the Western Hemisphere
is crumbltng. For the respect of father, mother is gone, let
alone the love and respect for God the Father, for the Sa­
cred Heart. How many have the image of the Sacred Heart
hanging in their homes? Many remove them because this is
a changing time. They feel embarrased to have the image of
Christ, the Sacred Heart in their home. Instead of enthron­
ing homes to the Sacred Heart, they remove it. If you en­
throne your home to the Sacred Heart, and you respect the
father, as the father of the home, and God the Father of the
entirety, that home will be a happy home. That home can
meet any crisis no matter how severe it might be. For when
there is a love in the home it binds them together, and the)'
will all weather the storm regardless; but when you spltt
apart there is nothing, when you drift your own way, father
one way, mother another and the children, Lord knows
where. How many parents are concerned where their chil­
dren are at the late evening? Are they in sorne dive? Are
they getting their first sniff, or their first pill, or their first
LSD ride into the psychedelic dream world? Yes, fathers,
today is fathers, day. Make it that for the entire year, not
just for one day, and above all keep God the Father in your
home. Ifthe USA returns to the family life you would all be
surprised the change; but when you forget the family, and
first of all God the Father, there cannot be success in no
matter what you attempt to accomplish, it can only fail. Oh
you might drift along beautifully for a while then all of a
sudden the bottom goes out, and then they ask the question
why? But they all forget that they have forgotten God, God
the Father in Heaven, the Sacred Heart of Jesus or His Holy
Mother. Return them in your homes, return them and then
go about in a happy life.God's Blessingupon all ofyou and
try to replace God the Father in your homes, the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, and let the father be a father and not a meek
lamb; and the children, respect their parents.


JUNE 21, 1968


Ail Catholics should enthrone their homes to the Sacred

Heart of Jesus and every home should say the Litany of the
Sacred Heart on Friday and for Our Holy Mother on Satur­
day, as many other times as they wish but Friday and Satur­
day should be given especially to Them.
And a good Catholic will not eat meat on Friday, regard­
less what the enemy has promoted and has been accepted in
the Catholic Church. Do not change your ways, keep a good
Catholic Faith in your heart, for Our Lord has been offend­
ed too much. Our Holy Mother cannot retain His Anger
much longer, and when it cornes they will scream, Oh God,
Oh God, when they should of screamed it years ago. They
forget Him until the last moment, then they want to remem­
ber Him. Remember reparations, repentance, sacrifices, the
Rosary; do say the Rosary, that is the only salvation, and
into your heart place Thy Lord and God. Have Him within
you, beside you, above you and behind you at ail times. If
you offend Him, He will not be there, but turn to Him as a
good Christian and as Joan of Arc says, carry your banner of
Thy Lord and God, Thy Savior, and His Holy Mother; if
you carry that banner in your heart, you need not fear what
happens. Stand here in Unity and help those that need you,
gUIde them, show them the way to their Lord and God. Re­
member the Sacred Heart of Jesus bleeds for you, and the
flame is a torch oflove for you. Where is the flame of love in
your heart? Kindle it and keep it aflame until eternity, and
you will resurrect after your death and trials and tests here
on earth. Live a happy life, but with out Thy Lord and God
you are lost.


Just as the shower ofwater is coming dc-vn from the skies,
so should the water wash away the sins of this earth. If a
Constant Vigil of Prayer could coyer this Continent, the sins
of this earth could be washed away as it is today with this
rain that is falling upon ail of these souls; so must the sins,
the corruption, the evil intrigue be washed away. But it will
take the effort of ALL CHRIST/ANS, it will take the effort
ofA LL good men and women and chi/dren ta live the life and
the righteous way that Thy Lord and God instituted when He


died on the Cross for you. It wou/d take a /iule efJort, a liule
time, and a few hours ofsacrifice. But dear Christian people,
and yes Catholics, where is the true Catholic today? Does he
stand up for the Truth? Does he stand up for the righteous­
ness? Is he proud to be a Catholic or does he look for the easy
way out, the way ofhappiness,joy, pleasures and let the wrong
continue in his Government, in his Church and to his chi/dren.
Where is the parent of the child today? Why are they not par­
ents? Why the continuous mounting of sin? You can not re­
ceive the blessings of Almighty God unless you cleanse your
Thy Lord and God does not sanction sin and corruption;
Thy Lord and God does not sanction the pills that are being
distributed among the young, to help destroy a life. His Holi­
ness spoke and ALL the terrible revoIt against it; but ask
yourself as true Christians, could he have said anything else?
When, do you as a human want to snufJ out a life that God
Himself creates? A nd you Priests, Religious should bow your
heads in shame that are claiming that His Ho/iness is wrong!
Jesus Christ, Thy Lord and God and Savior, instituted this
/aw - not His Ho/iness! He is on/y fu/fi/ling what was already
instituted by Jesus Christ Himse/f Quit your mumbling and
grumb/ing and /ive a true Christian life. For stand in front of
the Crucifix right here on the grounds, with the Wounds upon
it and then say - 1 will go home and take a pill to destroy an in­
fant before it is born - go home and do it, 1 dare you! Il is
against the Commandment of Christ, "THOU SHALT
NOT KI LL." Repeat it to yourself every time you swallow
one, "THOU SHALT NOT KILLI)) and th en go on your
merry way and wh en the time cornes, and you have to face
Thy Lord and God, where do you think you will stand? Do
you think He will give you sanctuary! NO!, because you as
an adult know right from wrong. Vou do not ·have to go to a
Priest or to a Doctor to get permission. Vou yourself should
know this without as king anyone. Are you the authority on
whose Iife you are going to take! Vou are not! Do not Iisten
to this fabricated population explosion, for there is none. If
there was then why do the farmers get letters not to raise
crops, especially wheat; if there were too many people.
There is still surplus - that is propaganda. Don't swallow it
and don't promote it; instead of that, work on a Constant
Vigil of Prayer to save thy country, thy home, thX children.
What will the future child face if you yourself will not pro­
tect this country? THERE IS -NO MORE TIME, it is upon

you now, as you've been told so' many years ago -the dark
clouds are darkening, they have darkened - bring forth a
light and bring forth Truth and Happiness instead of Cor­
ruption. PiUs of many varieties, pills to take a trip on, pills to
destroy an unborn chi Id, piUs to tranquilize you, pills to give
you pep, pills for dozing, sleeping piUs, LEAVE ALL THE
PILL BOTTLES ALONE. Ifyou have to suffer a little pain,
take it rather than filling your body with dope, so that you
can not think straight and you do not know what you are
doing. Why so many accidents? Because the drivers are
filled with dope of one kind or another. Keep your blood
stream clean, eat the proper foods and live a Christian life.
Had many of the priests and nuns stood up for the righ­
teousness, much ofthis would not have befallen this Nation,
but too many are so gullible, so ready to run and defect to
the side of the enemy. A true priest will not give you sanc­
tion for this pill, he would deplore it, he would tell you to do
whatever God Wills; he wou Id not give you the answer to
take the pill, it is right. Now sorne have to contradict them­
selves or defy the Vatican, His Holiness. Sorne great intel­
lectual priests that are known by many people, either have
to have a red face or deny the truth of His Holiness. One of
the better known priests, even dared on television to say ­
"Oh the wrongs have come from Rome before, and they will
again admit their mistakes." He made himselfGod! He shall
pay the penalty.
So go home and lead a life as a Christian. Work on the
Constant Vigil of Prayer to help His Holiness and to heIr.
your Country and your Family and Yourself. There isn t
much more to say but WORK! Do not cast the Rosary aside
as many priests advocate. Say your Rosary men, women
and children; many a man has quit saying the Rosary be­
cause the priest ridiculed it. Say your Rosary with true devo­
tion and [ove in your heart. Send the missiles of prayer to
heaven and you will ail receive your answer.
Be Merciful oh Jesus Christ! Be Merciful to ALL!
(The evening ofJuly 7, 1969, "St. Mother Cabrini". Mary
Ann visioned letters in the four ash trees which were al!
jumbled up. Today the letters were unjumbled (sorne of
them), and the words were as follows:) "War unavoidable to
the WESTERN HEMISP H ERE, can be spared only with a
Constant Vigil of Prayer ImmediatelyJ"




(Mary Ann leans back, raises her arms and smiles)

Our Holy Mother came down with a gust of wind; down
to about 3 feet above the Sacred Spot. Sne stood on a Misty
Cloud, which covered the entire Spot. She looked so sad as
She spoke: "My Chi/d do not be frightened, (1 was startled by
Her sudden appearance.) Yes My chi/d, My Heart is heavy
with the offences against !I!J' Divine Son. Tell the people, My
Son has 6ëen too much ofJended against, this must stop as 1
can not hold back His Anger much longer. This grieves Me
My chi/do The only hope lies if My Chi[dren will turn to Me
and My Divine Son, with sincere love and devotion, thus bring
forth the example oftrue lovefor the youth, whose lives are on
the brink of destruction. My chi/d, My chi/dren musl turn
away from the temptations of satan 's ways of the black sins.
They must turn to My Divine Son with love and devotion in
their hearts; the Sacraments dai/y ifpossible, the Rosary, will­
ing to accept Sacrifices, Penance. My chi/d do this with a true
heart." Yes Holy Mother. My chi/d, evi/ forces have gone
rampant over this beautiful country, and will become much
worse as darkness, corruption will befall your nation; they
seek rather things of wor/d/y pleasures than the Kingdom of
Heaven. They heeded not My warnings, they turn their backs
on My pleas. My chi/d, wake up bejore it is too late! Laily
must work 10 save souls of the youth and their eIders who are
so negligent with the sours oftheir chi/dren. Pray, pray much
my chi/a, the darkness is upon you." Yes Holy Mother, thank
you. "Give this message to My chi/dren. Have My chosen chi/­
dren put more effort in saving the souls ofthe youth. My chi/d
1 will have you speak to My chi/dren here. My chi/d 1 will al­
ways be with you and those near and dear 10 you. There musl
be true devotion and example coming from those dear 10 you
My chi/do Yes your sufJering will become worse otherwise; il is
up to them. God's blessing upon you my chi/do " Thank you.
(With this She was gone)
Message to the crowd over loud speaker.
To give you this message: That the time of darkness has
befallen this nation. That only sadness can come unless the
people turn to Their God, Their Creator. The darkness is
befal1ing this nation. She warned us in 1950; She has
warned us many times over and over again. Her people do
not heed Her pleas. Are they waiting until destruction be­


falls them or are they going to try to spare their beautiful

country, their homes, their loved ones? You can not bring
back the lives that are lost today on the battle fields. You
can not resurrect them, but you can make the loss of lives
not in vain. You can make it a worth while death rather thall
a worthless one. It is up to the parents, the populous, that
the)' left behind, because they believe they are fighting for
thelr country, for their homes, for their loves ones; and yet
the ones left behind are so careless. They do not seem to
care. Maybe you haven't seen enough destruction before
you. Don't wait until you see what 1 saw on June 16, 1950.
The destruction was in the U.S.A., it was not in the foreign
lands, 1 saw a large city, blown to bits. If you read the mes­
sage of 1950 you will find il. Please do not let that happen
here. Please turn to Thy Creator for Our Holy Mother Just
told me Her Divine Son has been offended too much. She
does not know how long She can plead with Him to hoId
back the destruction of the beautifu,l America. It is up to the
Christian World, the Christian People, to prevent this and
the only way is thro,ugh PRAYER, thru love of God. If vou
think you can bring peace and happiness without ThyCre­
ator, without the Son ofGod, Jesus Christ, Vou are mistaken
for satan is only going to destroy you. He will not bring you
joy and happiness, he might tempt you with a morsel, but he
will not protect you, or will he care what happens to your
Sou!. It is up to you Christians, that know better. Do not let
yourself be deceived by satan's goodies that he's dangling
before your eyes. Yes, many ofyou have so much splendor,
you ignore the warnings. Your newspaper, your TV, your
radios daily tell you what's going on and even that is distort­
ed. But ask the son's that came back from Vietnam, ask
them what they faced, and many a son can not return, and
many more mother's will weep before the end of this year
because they have lost their sons on the battlegrounds. Do
not make ~his a useless death, but turn it to the good. That
his sacrifice was not in vain, but that you are truly con­
cerned. Put more energy to bring forth ail SACRIFICES at
home here, to help bring the peace that you are seeking; but
remember it can not come without Thy Lord and God. If
you place yourself before Him, if you speak to Him with a
true beart, He will not abandon you and Our Holy Mother
will put Her Blue Mantle about you, and ail the Saints in
Heaven will be at your side ifyou onl)' cali upon them; but it
must be with truth. Lies and deceptlOn can not bring forth

anything but sorrow. Stand up for the truth, love Thy Lord
and SavlOr, He created you, and He will be the One to save
you, if you give yourself to Him with true love, not lip ser­
vice but the love from your heart. Many of you have little
children just growin~ up; if this continues what's going on
today, your child will find only corruption. May they be
ca lied Beatniks, Hippies, or what ever you might cali them,
they are human bemgs, they are seeking, seeking, but one
thing they have forgotten is that their search for love ail lies
in tfieir Lord and God. To seek it amongst the worldly
~oods, will never find the peace and love that they are look­
mg for. So young men and women that are out searching,
turn to Thy Lord and God, turn to Thy Creator, and you
will find the emptiness that is in your heart today fulfilled;
but it has to come thru the Love of God, Jesus Christ, the
Divine Son of Our Lady, the Media trix of Peace, the Media­
trix between God and man. Right there is your answer, He
is the One to turn to and those of you that love Our Holy
Mother, plead to Her, She will hear you. She says that you
heed Her not, you turn your backs on Her. 1 saw Her weep
on the 15th. day of September. Her tears were flowing from
Her eyes because we Rer children heed Her not. We care
not what's happening to us here. Why don't you care? Don't
you love your children? So does the Holy Mother love us
and She asks us to fulfill Her requests, and that is "Pray one
Rosary a day, pray, pray much" She says; "Pray for the little
chi/dren. Pray that they are protected, that they will grow up
to young men and women with a pure heart and the love for
Their Lord and God." Today the blackest of sins have tar­
nished many a young child and has brought many to a rui·
nation. They have filled them with pills, their veins have
been filled, which no medication can now remove: for once
it is in their bodies it will stay there, arid it is up to the par­
ents ofthese children to give them the proper understanding.
How many birthcontrol pills have been taken by women
that should know better? They ciaim they are catholics.
They are renouncing His Holiness, because he told them
that you can not take a human Iife. Jesus Christ, Thy Lord
and God, made that rule; it wasn't His Holiness; he is only
repeating what Thy Lord and God said Himself. So how
dare you be the one to say, be you a priest or a religious, or
be you a mother or a father; how dare you be the one to say,
"1 don't want this chi/cl," But ifGod gives it to you, you must
accept. Vou can not destroy a Iife because it suits you. Re­

member, ail those that are doin~ this are destroying their
own soul. When they meet Thelr Maker in the hereafter,
will they be able to face Him and say that they didn't know?
They do know! You know what is nght and you know what
is wrong. Even a small child knows this. If you don't know
then you better study your catechism. And todilYS cate­
chism, parents, do not accept the catechism that the
ENEMY has puts before you, and you so foolishly accept
them. DESTROY them and STAND UP as parents for your
child is precious, its life is precious; do not destroy it because
you are careless. Stand up and be counted! Stand up as par­
ents. It is your chiId, not the religious, or the priests that
might give you a certain rotten catechism and tells you to
follow IL The WORDAND WORSHIP is a rotten cathe­
chism! Burn it, destroy it, before it destroys you. For the Su­
preme Grand Master is pushing these, and he is winning.
Make him lose p'arents! Make him lose! Stand up and be
counted, you Will win, don't be afraid, only cowards are
afraid. But ifyou love God as you daim and many ofyou do
daim you do; if you truly love Him, you have nothing to
fear. Cling to your Rosary if you are afraid, ding to it, and
then stand up for your rights, be a true Christian. be a true
parent. And parents, take aU your daughters mini skirts and
BURN them, for satan is promoting the mini skirls and that
is the Supreme Grand Master, the Black Pope of Evilness;
he wants to destroy the Christian World. Destroy any temp­
tation to man. But turn to Thy Lord and God, Thy Creator,
so that when the day comes that you must face Him face to
face, that you can stand before Him white and dean, but
you can only do this if you do your part on this earth; for
you are now only being tested. Do you fail your examina­
tion or do you pass it with a pure and white and glorious
Soul. Remember a Constant Vigil of Prayer is what Our
Holy Mother has asked for since 1955 and we have not
heeded that request and the results are very obvious; you all
can see the hand writing on the wall, go home and work!
May God Bless you ail.
LENT, 1969
FEBRUARY 21, 1969
The world conditions are not improving but are worsening;

so are church conditions. If the Constant Vigil of Prayer
wou Id wow by leaps and bounds much catastrophe could
be aVOlded, but as il is now it is unavoidable.
The Supreme Grand Master and the Grand Masters and ail
the Yids that have been given in the past, they are ail over
the Universe, they have succeeded very beautifully. Vou
have been warned since 1955 and previously, ail the actions
of the Disraelis of today and how they will annihilate their
country and other countries. That prediction is still forth­
coming. Maybe sorne of the Grand Masters have aged, but
the sons have taken over. The Rockefellers, Baruchs,
Warburgs, Lehman, Pasvolsky, Adamski, the Weishaupts,
Rabbi Prinz, Rabbi Wise, J. P. Morgan, Javils, Dubinsky or
Dombrouski and Conrad Hilton, they are ail still active. Oh,
they are the ones you might cali "the hidden ones". They are
the ones referred to as the International Bankers. They have
complete control of the Catholic Church, because they have
accepted grants from the Anti-Christs, the unbelievers of
Jesus Chnst. They are the Yids of today. The Supreme
Grand Master, the Black Pope, they are the Black Cardinals
and Bishops. Because the battle of today is not just a battle
of Supremacy but a battle to destroy the Catholic Church.
Vou have been told this in the past and ail the names now
and previous. That is still the main purpose; ail have been
named. They are still behind the so-calfed "Almighty Dol­
They will see to il that there is inflation and thereby bring
the middle c1ass, the poor man down to his knees. Ali smafl
businesses, ail small far ms, small corporations, they will not
have much of a chance. They will ail be taken over with
large corporations inc1uding farming, manufacturing,
e1ectricity as weil as your sports, your theaters and screens.
TV of course has been under their rule. The press, your
schools have been under their thumbs. The octopus and ser­
pent have been coiled; they are working together to destroy
this beautiful country, AMERICA. South America is a boil­
ing kellie ready to spew; yetthere are many Catholics there,
but the 30,000 priests did their job weil. As Our Holy Moth­
er pleaded to bring about a Constant Vigil Of Prayer to save
the youth. Here in 1950 when She lowered Herself here, yes
She warned us, She warned us. She pleaded and begged for
the youth for they are the victims of their eiders. She warned
us, and you will scream when il is too late. God will strike
this Continent as weil as others. Fires, storms, floods, hurri­


canes, destruction of crops bringing hunger; oh yes, he cano

Because of the changes in the church, many Catholics that
used to go to daily Mass are not going because oftheir liber-
al priest. Do not rose faith because ofman, do not losefaith;
but continue in the way you have been and read your old
missal. Please ail pray for one another. Be brothers and sis-
ters in Jesus Christ. Do not become careless; do not let self-
pity, self-will destroy you.
We will repeat again, pray for your government officiais,
pray for your clergx. hlerarchy. In the hierarchy you have
quite a number ofhberals; not ail of them, but man is weak
and he will look for the easy way out. Appeasement is not
the answer, onl)' the truth. If ail the world would turn back
to the Mediatnx of Peace, to the Mediatrix between God
and man; She will bring the peace that man is stumbling
about seeking. With true devotion to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, there is no other
way to peace without Her intercession; for at present peace
is far away, there is no peace.
Man is not going to sacrifice; man seeks only comfort and
corn fort of flesh. Continue with your study classes of the
Mass; bring this about as often as you can, remember many
of the youth are being brainwashed. Teach the youth. You
have many catechisms and know of them. Remember what
many of them have been taught is not the truth but a
changed way to bring about the Black Pope, the ones that
want to destroy. There are more briars and thistles in the
wheat today than ever in history; unless it is cleansed you
cannot bring about good fruit.
The children are being taught the wrong way instead of the
right. They are not being brought closer to God. They are
not being taught the Sacraments and the Sacra mentais. The
public do not stand up for what they believe in. The Confes-
sion will be passed by, you will not be able to get the comfort
from your Pastor as from the past. They want to simplify
things. Everyone including the religious are taking the road
to comfort, not the road to sacrifice and struggre to help
those along the wayside. That would be too much work.
They are trying to teach today that there is no Satan, Hell or
Purgatory. That is one way they will not fear the hereafter.
They forget that even in purgatory there is burning, they
forget; pray, pray, pray much. ft is a lot easier to glve up
now and sacrifice much, than to face the devastation that IS

just about upon you. Dates and figures are very seldom '
given here but the enemy is beating the drum of 1976. It is to
De in mückery of those years 1776. But destruction and di­
saster will be before this date if you wait much longer they
will be able to succeed. It only takes effort and love for thy
neighbor as thyself. Do not misconstrue the brotherly love
the enemy is promoting; again a twofold purpose. They will
try to bnng about a One World Government and a One
World Religion. You cannot call what they are promoting a
Religion, they are using Christ's words: "There shall be one
fold, one Shepherd", into meaning One World Religion.
Our Holy Mother said that we should turn to Her Messages
to fulfill them. Don't be interested in the material things,
only the necessities-of life for the times before us are very
dark and will become darker unless we heed the messages.
She just took Her Rosary now and spread it out rike
this.... Her Rosary, sacraments, penance and fulfill re­
quests. Blessings upon ail.
Raymond, hear them? Hear them? Raymond, Brown Bear.
Hear them? Hear them? Raymond, up there. (Mary Ann in
her suffering was pointing upwards). New Russiand' et, ifs
going, the jet goes nea~ly 1850 miles an our, hea ed for
Cuba, somethmg brewmg there.
Assassination plot. (Question: Who does this involve?)
Three of your newly elected high officiais. Great scandai
will shock the nation. Kidnapping of a prominent citizen.
Earthquakes, storms, which will take many lives. Floods,
tloods, tremendous tloods. God's devastation on the earth.
Crack in the Pacific Ocean breathing; there will be tremors
and then there will be a huge one. God help Alaska and the..
Pacific Coast and interior devastation. God will prove that
He is alive. Have mercy on ail the souls that Will be lost.
Pray', pray, pray; we must pray holy hours, only a Constant
Vigil of Prayer.
Dope peddler in our area. That Russian jet landed in Cuba
last week. It is still there. It had compressIOn trouble in sorne
of its engines. They had a meeting, they are planning some­
thing serious. The oil leak in the Pacific Ocean was sabo­
tage. It was done with a miniature submarine.


Devils loose in the whole world; they influence our highest

representatives; they are trying to infiltrate ail members of
the hierarchy. Our Holy Mother is shedding tears for ail Her
children no matter what color, race or creed. She tried [0
warn us 19 years ago; we still heeded not Her pleas and now
it might be too late, too late, which could have been other­
wise bad it been heeded, would have turned into a very
beautiful way of Christian unity had they only heeded Her
We cannotexpect to accomplish unity between ail religious
by appeasement; by interpreting the words of our Lord and
God during the time of His walk on earth to suit the purpose
ofthose He Himselfchased out of the Temple. 1t wasn't the
hierarchy the learned men of Christ who have made the
changes in the missal and the Bible, anything but that; it
was tbe Pharisees of today. lt was done by the same men
that our Lord and God chased out of the Temple. How can
you expect the truth when that is the whole treacherous
plot? Unless the Christians wake up and change the vol­
umes and volumes of misrepresented material where noth­
ing but appeasement as the forerunner of ail Christianity;
appeasement with whom, not Christ but Satan.
The Judases of today who are quite numerable with the so­
calied Anti-Christ who are many; the Black Pope has much
in control including the church of man. The Triumphant
church of Thy Lord and God wh'ere He Himself reigns and
His Holy Mother is at the right side of Him, that church of
course will win and Her immaculate Heart will triumph; but
the church of man that man has been controlling, and man
has lived in appeasement, appeasement is never the answer.
You will find the day when Cùnfession, Holy Communion
are ail a thing of the past; they will not proceed in the future
curriculum, this very sad and sorry condition will be. The
Christians instead of sticking to the true faith of their
church, will leave it and seek others which will not lead
them any closer to Christ. Leaving the church which Christ
instituted and you have been baptized under that species,
you have been Confirmed and have made your First Holy
Communion, if you go back on those teachings you are
walking away from Thy Lord and God; appeasement is
never the answer. When things happen in your church that
you do not like, do not become angered within you, rather
pray at that very moment to Thy Lord and God, pray to
Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for you; He was shown
there these happenings already during the period of His life
in the garden of Gethsemane. Dear people, He knew the
weakness of man, you do not deceive Thy Lord and God no
matter how clever Satan and sorne of his cohorts are; thy
Lord and God knows the truth you cannot deceive Him, or
can the clergy oftoday denounce Him without severe reper­
eussions, even the road to hello
Dear Christian people those of the true faith, don't lose
faith; those who have been taught the catechism before it
was revised, you had the proper teaching; you had the
teaching, follow those teachrngs. Follow the Rosary, say the
Hail Marys and Our Fathers the way you were taught and
not the new changes that will be coming in; follow the old
prayers and prayers given here, do not let yourself deter
from that righteous path.
They are trying to remove much of the old ritual, they are
changing it. Cardinal Bea wanted it and he was not one of
the true Christian faith; oh yes, he spoke very beautifully,
he made many beautiful speeches, he spoke in the most lov­
ing way; that my dear friends was the honey before the bit­
terness. He himself instituted the changes in the time of
Pope John XXIII, he was the one, so you must try to teach
the children. The small child will not have any of your
teaching out of any catechism, for even sorne of the so­
called Baltimore catechisms have been revised to the extent
that the true meaning has been removed, yet they are the
best. The brainwashing method applied on sorne of the old
priests and religious has even taken effect on them; do not
let brainwa,shing work on you also.
You Christians have been aware of the changes in Y0l!f
churches, that is the interior and the building itself, any­
thing holy has been removed. The beautiful statues of our
Holy Mother, the Sacred Heart, St. Joseph or the patron
saint of the church have ail been removed; they don t want
people to have devotion to them so they are out; it is ail in
preparation for what is coming; public absolution to your
confession, Communion completely gone; Oh, they will ap­
pease you with a bowl full ofwafers but later that will be re­
,.1 moved. It is the Christians' faith and strength that cornes
from Communion, you have been taught that as a child;
your heart and soul have always believed this, so you have


received strength from that, the enemy knows this, they will
remove that.
The 30,000 Communist priests have done their job weil;
they have infiltrated the seminaries many years ago, they
have done their job to perfection in their way of domg; had
only the Christians worked as hard and put more effort into
the Christian way, they had heeded OUf Holy Mother's re­
quests, had they not denied Her and turned their backs on
Her pleas for a Constant Vigil of Prayer to help the youth;
sorne of that youth of that very day are in this room today
who were small children and are today men and fathers and
mothers, had even those children been taught the true
Christian way, not the appeasement that the Supreme
Grand Master has been indulging in. Remember du ring the
days of Pope Pius X they were already strong, not that His
Holiness at that time was in accord, oh no, he was for the
small child. He permitted Communion to the small child to
give the child strength, and now they want to remove it back
to the olden times of 12 and 14 years; they are trying to say
that a child of 5 and 6 does not commit a mortal sin. Re­
member the education in this small child has developed
much further than in the days of Pope Pius X. A child of 5
and 6 certainly knows when they are sinning, yes, it's true
that sorne do not understand the full extent ofit, but they do
know it is wrong.
The child needs the hel p of the priest and paren ts guidance,
or the Sister who has truly God in her heart to teach the
small child whom so many parents have neglected. Yes, it
cornes back to the parents, the parent fails the child, the par­
ent fails the priest, the parent fails yOUf President, for it ail
starts at the cradle. Thy Lord and God showed you that
when He came down on earth and walked the earth. He was
obedient to His parents. He showed you the way. Follow the
Christ Child's path and you need not fear any repercus­
sions. Consecrate yourself to Thy Holy Mother and to the
Sacred Heart. The time may come when sorne ofyou might
have to receive Communion in a different way than within
the walls of YOUf church where the Temple, the Heart of
Christ is supposed to be; that has been removed by the new
appeasement methods.
I~ternational scene; they are still working toward destruc­
tion, they will destroy sorne of their own to prove their point.
You have been told many years ago that ifthey choose they
could crum ble New York City like the mashing of a piece of

pie by shooting into the subterranean drainages. There are
other cilies with these vast exp anses of highways. They are
tunneling beneath cities thus opening up paths of destruc­
tion; your own earth underneath with the constant bomb­
testing will break open channels underground, subterra­
nean tunnels, sorne are filled with water, sorne with gases;
wh en they crack one into the other which could cause a set­
tling or complete collapse of sorne of these channels or sub­
terranean crevices. Those who think that the earth below is
a solid mass of rock are very much mistaken. Yes, there is
rock, but there are tunnels ofwater, gases and many minerai
substances; if they are not careful with these bombs they
will collapse this and then you will experience earthquakes
where there have never been earthquakes before. Lakes and
craters where there were never any lakes before. Il will hap­
pen not at the Coast but in the interior; for instance tfle
Ozarks could becomea desert, level ground. How many of
the Christians are ready to take the severest punishments to
stand up for Thy Lord and God and His Holy Mother, or
will you, when the time cornes, as has been shown to me in
the year 1951 on June 4th, where it was shown the books in
the seminary would be tom apart, the nuns' garments would
be ripped off and the molesting of the religious wouId be
tremendous. Il showed many pnests, and later in other gar­
ments, but showed they were priests by showing their priest­
Iy habit and garments and tfle way they have to hide out.
There will be laymen chosen as Deacons, married as weil as
single because the seminaries teaching the young priest will
come to naught as the Holy Mother told thy slster in the
year 1950 on May 29th. Vocations of both religious and
priests will come to naught; you are experiencing this right
now. The vocations are dwindling away. Those of the hier­
archy who have shoved aside the flumble youth, the humble
girl or boy, be it for the priesthood or to become a devout
Sister, because of the Intelligence Test, it did not come up to
their way of th in king; the standard wasn't high enough so
thev choose only the boy with the high LQ., that is where
they erred. Those of the high LQ. are not going to make the
humble priest or that humble Nun; they are going to be the
ones pufTed up with pride and arrogance; they are going to
be the ones who do not care to humble themselves to go
amongst the sick, the poor, and help those along the way­
side; they seek only the best, that is the error that was made
and it is a liule bit late to change it now unless a Constant

Vigil of Prayer would bring it about. It takes the efforts of ail
true loving Christians, not the mere few here at the shrines,
they have not much of a chance. It takes many ofyour states
10 turn to Christianity with true love, no matter what faith or
creed they follow, or what color of their skin, as long as they
love thy Lord and God and His Holy Mother and are will­
ing to give of themselves; if they wait too long that opportu­
nity to will be too late, because the day will come when the
Christians will have to seek a hiding place.
Tell the Sister from the Order that if they keep them­
selves with the old standards and the old ways even though
there are sorne pressing to change it, they will be the ones
who will survive, sorne of the others will lose for sorne of
their nunshave turned into laymen rather than religious;
because they do not wish to sacrifice the layman's habits,
they are going to lose. When our Lord and God brings down
that arm, the right arm, the just arm, and the pUnlshment
will befall the earth, it will be severe. The Sisters who are
wearing the spike heels, silk stockings, dyeing their hair, dis­
carding the Habit and vows of the humble, chaste and truly
devoted nun, will lose. They will not find their way to the
throne of God by being disobedient to the laws of their reli­
gious establishment. The new appeasement, the self-will,
the glamorous girls are not Sisters, they do not love God,
they are not willing to sacrifice, they are not willing to give
of themselves; if they are dating with the opposite sex, fhey
are not following the vows of their Community. That is not
the way thy Lord and God as the Spouse of His so-called
nuns, would want them to behave. When you meet one of
these so-called nuns, do not address them as Sister but as
Miss, as they are not a Sister; they have given up that privi­
lege, they have cast it aside to be a Miss. If they would be the
true Spouse of Christ they would humbly follow His way,
not the worldly way.
Big plane went back to Russia again, they have been having
sorne trouble with sorne engines; that big thing really can
travel, they unloaded sorne things in Cuba near their missile
hideouts. Hijacking of planes, that is one way of getting
themselves into better financial conditions; they get sorne of
their own top men and women in and out of thel[ state into
ours. The Russian sub near Swan Island, it is taking on sorne
cargo, parts.
Don't don't, they feel so afraid of ma king themselves look
foolish when they believe in Thy Lord and God, why? That

is what is causing the enemy to get hoId of things, just get

hoId of it, here tbey show their devotion and love. Those
Catholics, so-called Catholics who hide their religious
things and religious statues because their friends might
frown upon it; they discard it, that is hypocritical. Those
same ones, if you asked them if they believe in Thy Lord
and God and Our Holy Mother, they wouId say, "Oh yes".
They would be ail 1- 1- l's. When you are ashamed to wear a
crucifix about your neck, if you are ashamed to have an
image ofThy Lord and God, the Sacred Heart, or an image
of Our Holy Mother, the immaculate Heart or otherwise
hanging in your room or in your dwelling anywhere, the
Crucified Lord, if you are ashamed of those things, you're
ashamed to hold the Rosary beads in your hands ln public,
you are hypocriti-cal; you are not a true Christian ofyour so­
called faith. He vomits out the hypocrite so if you are seek­
ing the Kingdom of Heaven you had better change your
Dope coming into the Chicago area again. Opium, mariju­
ana, LSD, and the other. Don't know If 1 told you that taU,
dark-haired man who was here in 1950, that he was the head
of the youth organization. Do you remember that? Weil, he
has quite a large organization; in Denver today, was ail
week organizing the youth, no matter what you cali them,
let's say they are mixed up and deranged youth; some are
called "Hippies" and with other names; they started out in a
large group on the West Coast, they started a huge organi­
zatlOn there, now in Chicago, Detroit, Cincinnati, New
York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Boston, Washington, D.C,
Baltimore, Miami, New Mexico, Phoenix, Anzona, San
Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington,
and of course Denver, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Milwaukee,
Madison. Some of these same organizations will start with
the youth and when they have everything completed to the
best of their undertaking, they will simultaneously knock
out power plants, water, electricity or anything pertaining to
utilities to keep things functioning; they will prove that they
can cri('ple any U. S. city within just a few minutes act, or
will stnke simultaneously; they will disrupt everything. If
this doesn't succeed, the)' will bomb. Many of our young
men, even a good Cathohc child from a Catholic home witn
the confusion oftoday, willjoin these organizations as they
are called "The Youth for a Better World". In some areas
they cali themselves "The You th For Righ teousness". They

are seeking to change their parents' old ways, their square
ways, to more the round ways of themselves.
Do you remember sorne of the work, or was it in Hank's day,
where 1 gave it that the atmospheric conditions could
change in Florida? It would have ice and other parts would
be hot and dry. God could use that for a punishment, the
world wou Id not be prepared for that and we would lose
food and that would create hunger. It could happen any
time of the year that Florida would be frozen 50 0 below zero
and in the Central U.S.A. it could CC)me to average tempera­
ture of 110 0 to 120 0 and hotter. Remember God made this
earth and God can control it.


The whole country is under control, they had to let it come,
they had to; why didn't they stop and think, why didn't they
use their heads? People are not interested in praying; God is
dead-they don't want to be bothered. It has been given a
long time ago about the control ofcommodities; one oftheir
controls is the school system and the teaching. The teachers
now and in the future, the students will know more than the
teacher; they are taught ail kinds of things but not the prop­
er teaching; especially since they are leaving God out of the
picture. Without God there can be no properly taught child.
The liberal teaching that they are given in your Catholic
schools, let alone the Protestant and the public schools,
liberalism. Whal are you going to have taught lo your chil­
dren; especially the little ones who have been born this last
5 or 6 years; what are the)' going to be taught? They are
training and teaching revlsed methods in your religious
schools as weU as your public schools, it will be a mess;
teachers are not interested, they use young teachers who
were taught revised methods; they eliminate the true histo­
ry, lhey are way out.
Can't we awaken the people, can't we? Are we going to wait
until they are going to get everything revised; are you going
to let them revise your common sense? Red China and the
Black M uslims are ail bou nd together and are going to
strike here, it will be a very destructive situation. Many of
the Black Muslims have enlered several years ago; they are
the instigators of the riots; they are more destructive than
your Communistic element; that is not the powers. The
huge octopus is not Communism; Communism is only one


of the tentac1es, and that is becoming smaller, and so is

The biggest powers are the Supreme Grand Masters and ail
his 1050 cohorts, Judeo-Masonry. The Anti-Christs are the
powerful ones; you see amongst your Communist element
you have God-fearing people, so they are not the worst. It is
those who believe in no God and no Christ, those who fol­
low only Satan's path and ways, who are getting control of
Central America and South America, and of course your
danger spot right now are the missiles in Cuba, which our
high officiais deny as ever existing; they are there, don't be
Pray, pray for ail high officiais, be they public or hierarchy.
Try not to be uncharitable, try to bring a charitable heart
and that is how you can help others by being a true Chris­
tian, an example. The peace ofthy Nation is far away; peo­
ple are forgetting their Creator and without their Creator,
the love of their Creator, there cannot be peace; peace with­
out God is impossible, then only Satan rules and right now
Satan is laughing with glee. Ali the Judases are loose and
working on ail Cluistians to deter them from the right pa th,
to confuse them; the more confusion the)' can muster forth
amongst the people and especially Christlans and the youth,
the more they feel they have gained; they feel they have
gained their purpose.
Confusion, confusion, the world is full of it; do not trample
down a small child, do not c1assify it as a brat, if it is, the
fault lies with the parents. The parents are so negligent with
the youth of today, the respect is not there. A child of 3,4, 5,
6, will sass a parent in a much more strenuous way than 25
years ago, than a child of 12-15 would ever have dreamed
of; that is where the respect has slid to. The child is shown
monstrous attitudes and ways on your screen, in your the­
aters and on your TV's. Wake up! Do not fall asleep at the
switch, the enemy is not asleep, very much alert. He has in­
struments planted in many business places through transis­
torized methods of high frequency; they today have instru­
ments as small as the size of a dime which will take any
sound within a room 24 feet square and transmit it up to five
miles away on recordings.
The Red Dragon wants to bomb America. (Mary Ann is suf­
fering severely). They don't want me to speak of Red China
and the Oriental situation; sa me situation that caused Nich­
olas Il's downfall, they are the ones who were instrumental

in the death of Nicholas Il; this Oriental plot that will in­
filtrate the U.S. We have foolish senators who are promot­
ing the entrance of Red China into the United Nations.
The enemy is trying to destroy ail meditations, the Stations
they will be leaving your Churches, they won't be impor­
tant. Prepare small Station pamphlets which you can keep
in your own possession and If they remove them from your
churches, say your Stations at least every Friday, keep Fri­
day as the day Thy Lord and God died. Yes, He didn't die
52 times, but you could meditate on ~t because His death
was so much more than that; ifyou count the Agony that He
endured for you, for no one else but )'ou, you could at least
say the StatIOns every Friday during the entire year.


We must wake up the Christians. We must stand up and be
counted. We must not hide our heads as the ostrich hides his
head in the sand. We must go forth in truth and righteous­
ness. They must Qot let thernselves be deterred from the
right. Oh yes, we have extreme Liberal and we have extreme
traditional. Do not follow either one, but follow the way of
Christ, the way Christ taught. Christ came on earth for ail
men, ALLMEN. Many have the presurnrtion that He came
only for the Catholics. Christ came for al men. We must re­
meinber that as it is erroneous to think otherwise. There is a
great swing of certain individuals who cali themselves Cath­
olics, but they are forgetting the true school of the Catholic
teaching. They are teaching it their way to suit themselves,
not Chnst's way. Do not follow this group that has become
quite large, the Chardin group. They are in the U.S.A. as
well as the European countries. Kung is another traitor to
Jesus Christ.
Will sorne remember that at the time Christ walked on
earth, He took St. Peter from his spouse, and He took others
from their spouses. They had to go forth to teach the word of
God. They had to leave their spouses behind for they could
not follow the work if they had the burden of caring for a
spouse with them on their journey teaching and preaching
the word of God. So, too, He instructed His Apostles and
Disciples to carry on the work of His Father. They could not
have a spouse, it would interrupt the work. So It is for the
priests today. The battle that is going on now between the
God-loving and the God-fearing, the righteous of the true


cloth; then there are those who have not the true love of
God within their heart, that is rather the whims of them­
selves. It is self-will. It is not from the Vatican and from His
Holiness. In certain sections as the Ukraine, it is permissible.
ln the Western hemispher~, our church, He does not ap­
prove of married priests."The liberal group of priests are
mtolerant of our church laws and His Holiness's orders. The
liberalism has sprung up through many, but why are the
true priests frightened to stand up and be counted? Why?
Why do the religious, the nuns, hide behind the liberal
nuns? Why don't they stand up, for if they do not stand up
now it will be too late.
The going about with the instructing the youth to hootenan­
ny Masses, to the drum beating of the African jungle, the
cfapping of hands, the dancing around the altars, permis­
sion to take the Consecrated Hosts with their own hands, the
laymen; that is not the true teaching of the church of Jesus
Christ. To say the traditional church is again being used as a
two-fold purpose, you have your extremlsts of the tradition­
al, those who are denying the Protestant people. Jesus
Christ is the Father of ail. Vou have been warned ln the past
ofthese happenings. They are upon you now and it is up to
the God-fearing people, God-loving Christians to stand up
and be counted. Oh, you will be a martyr to thy church, yes,
martyrdom will befall many, but martyrdom does not al­
ways mean thy life will be taken. Vou will be a living martyr
to thy faith, thy church, that is mart)'rdom. Vou wiH face se­
vere persecution. Vou will be humtliated, ridiculed to such
severeness that you will feel you cannot stand it because it
hurts your family. That is living martyrdom, but stand up,
no matter how severe it is for you; you are doing it in the
na me of Jesus Christ. There wtll be a great divisIOn in the
church. Because ofthis many will stay away from the Sacra­
ments and the Mass, feeling that the Mass IS invalid. That is
not true. And truly Consecrated, duly ordained priest who
says Mass on any Altar is valid, no matter how liberal he is
as a man. His hands are Consecrated and he represents
Christ at the altar. By falling away you will lose strength
which the Holy Eucharist will give you, giving Judas a
stronghold, thus losing strength to stand up as a true Chris­
tian. Follow the true teaching of the church with true devo­
tion of Christ's Last Supper, First Mass, Agony in the gar­
den, walk to Calvary, and death on the Cross for you; that is
the true Mass, the devotional Mass. All Catholics, true


Catholics, must stand up for the truth; do not let anyone
deter you from the truth.
Why so many priests are falling into these traps is because
they want the easy way out. They lack the courage and faith
to fight for the truth; to stand up firmly for what Thy Lorçl
and God has taught them. Thy Savior's ways wouid mean
taking severe persecution, yes, even death. Is it not better to
take persecution here on earth, to walk Calvary's way with
Thy Lord and God, to carry the Cross with Him, than to fall
into the torments of hell.
It has been given before, Holy Communion will be of the
past. They are doing away in some areas with Baptism, Con­
fessions; they will be giving General Absolution to the con­
gregation. Individual confessions will. be eliminated. Are
you waiting for that, or are you going to stand up so you will
not lose those Sacraments that Thy Lord and God instituted
in thy church.
They are making mockery of the Canon. Are you going to
stand and accept it? Yes, many priests are frightened that
they will be harmed. Would it not be better to die with the
love of Jesus Christ on your lips than to die knowing you
had deterred from His path? Vou here must work hard and
forget material things but turn to the religious. Teach the
youth and others to follow the true teaching of thy church.
Do not follow the extreme liberal and the extreme tradition­
al. Speak to some of the parents who are from the old
school. Sp~ak with them and tell them not to give up their
true teachmg.
Yes, they are closing the parochial schools one by one.
Why? Because they are letting the liberals teach within
those schools and the parents are frightened and alarmed
because their children will be brainwashed the liberal way.
Do not close your parochial schools but rather fight for
them. Save them. Encourage the nuns to wear their modest
and humble attire of old rather than the modern. The new
attire which was promoted by the liberal element and those
who are trying to scandalize the religious its Satanic way.
Many S. J. priests are good priests but they are erring by fol­
lowing de Chardin. It IS to narm the church of Christ by the
Judas of today; it's done in mockery, inf1uenced by the evil
forces. The scandai that has befallen the world because of
the changes within the Vatican, not the changes that Pope
John XXIII, he did not have in mind to turn thls church into
shambles. He was not aware that some of his colleagues


were not with him but against him. They were also part of
the Judas clan that changed his instructions. ft was thy sister
who saw Pope John XXIII, Roncalli, as a man who would
become the new Pope that he would lose strength during his
reign. The reason was not given then, but later it was com­
monly known that cancer weakened his endurance and
watchful eye, throu~h that the church would fall into sham­
bles. ft was not he hlmself, for he loved the church. He loved
Jesus Christ. He was a God-fearing and a God-Ioving man.
ft was the Bea and Canelli group that were in power.
A number of our Cardinals are also slipping into the liberal
element; also sorne of the Bishops and then there are those
that have ex-nuns, yes, even laywomen who have left their
spouses to become the friend and more, to sorne of the
clergy hierarchy. This was given in the year 1953 that this
trend wouId be followed and that scandalous eruptions will
harm the church. If they would have stayed with their Lord
and God and followed His ways, His teachings and followed
the vows they pledged to honor and obey. The infiltration of
this started already as given during the past, during the time
of Pope Pius X, wlth Rompello and so on down. They were
waiting for the chance witn the help of the Supreme Grand
Master to fulfill their bidding; they want the Catholic
church destroyed; they want the Russian Orthodox church
destroyed, the Greek Orthodox church destroyed, anything
relating to the Catholic. They are renewing the ways and
teachings of Martin Luther. They are following his foot­
steps. They are bringing in the same ways and doctrine that
he had brought about. No Baptism, no first Communion, no
individual Confessions; General Confession and Absolu­
tion. No passing of the Consecrated Host by the consecrated
hands of the consecrated priests. They have removed the in­
dulgences of the Sacramentals, of the confessions and many
rosary indulgences have been taken off. That was not done
by the order of His Holiness. Much has been given in pam­
phlets saying it came through the sanction ofl-lis Holiness;
It did not. Vou can obtain true documents from His Holi­
ness where this is proved to be false. Be a true Catholic and
again, stand up and be counted, do not hide thyself. Wear
the crucifix about your neck, wear it proudly and clasp it, or
press it; put your hand over it when you run into difficulty.
Pope John was not a bad Pope, he was a good holy man; he
wanted to do so much for his flock. Pope Paul is a good
Pope. They are trying to crucify him. We must not let them


hurt Pope Paul. His own brothers in Christ are crucifying

him; they are against him, harming him and the church.
Pope Leo XIll said we should look up sorne of his encycli-
cals and his teachings and on down. Do not change the true
Mass to the Hootenanny Mass to the bongo-drum Mass,
and to the mockery and clapping of hands. It is not true
what the International Cathohc magazine states, that even
if it is a Negro woman saying Mass, or devotions, that Jesus
Christ is present even on her kitchen table more so than in
St. Peters; that is a very false statement, that is what sorne of
the Catholic press, sorne of the liberals are sending amongst
the laymen.
The percentage of the good Christian Catholics is still large,
but they are still being confused. The evil forces want to de-
stroy the Catholic church. That was given years ago and has
come about now; it is here now, it lS not under coyer any-
more, it is in the open. Do not follow the teachings that
Christ thy Lord and God came on earth for Catholicism
onl)'. That is false; He is here for ail men, ail. As long as man
beheves in God, He is there to hear them. Any other teach-
ing is against the teaching of the first Apostles. He sent His
Apostles out from house to house. They were not told to
pick a few, but to go from house to house. Stand up for the
truth, speak only the truth, do not speak of heresy. Be sure
what you speak of are facts, for the enemy ha"s many docu-
ments out for confusion. Speak only of Christ's teachings,
you cannot go wrong.
Your Missals have not been revised by the hierarchy, the
Apostles of Jesus Christ. They have been revised by those
He chased out from the Temple, the Pharisees, Judases.
When thy Nation will be shocked as given sorne time ago,
which is about to come forth, stand up for the truth. Do not
let this scandaI deter you from the rigl'lteous path. For many
say they are God-fearing men ana still do not believe in
Jesus Christ; they are Anti-Christs. Do not exploit this state-
ment that men, ail men are Christ. That is false, as false as il
can be. That you believe in Jesus Christ, that you strive lO be
Christ-like, yes; but that you ARE Christ, NO, definitely
not. That is what they are teaching to Y0uf children in many
schools. It will be a struggle, it will be very difficult, but have
courage. Go forth as God-fearing men of the true failh of
Jesus Christ. When you are with Him, He is with you. It is
through Holy Communion that brings Him within you. Vou
must have Him in Y0uf heart. Those of the Satanic ways,
those who are following the liberals know this. They want to
remove Holy Communion.
Speak to the priests, speak to them, give them courage.
Stand behind them laymen, work. Stand behind your
priests of the true faith. Remember to follow the traditional
but not the extremists. It's just about too late. It's just about
too late to obtain good fundamentals of the true church;
they have been burnt. Save our church! Oh, save our
church! There are priests who, ifthey know the laymen will
be with them, it will give them courage.
We must pray for Cardinal McIntyre and Cardinal O'Boyle,
and many of our good Bishops who are good men. Your
nuns who will stay with Thy Lord and Goa, they will be the
ones in their Community who will be spared. Those who
have joined the liberals and extremists will not be spared.
We must not deter from the teaching; there are changes per­
missible for it was shown in our large shrine that the altar
wouId be a table. That the Blessed Sacrament would be kept
behind the priest, or he could turn around and take the Sa­
cred Host. That at no time must he permit his priests to let
the laymen distribute Holy Communion. Only because of
the shortage of vocations, the time will come when he will
have to make Deacons out oflaymen. That again is through
him, His Excellency, that their hands will be permitted to
give out Holy Communion. Il is proper and holy and devo­
tional to kneel when receiving Holy Communion. Remem­
ber you are receiving Thy Lord and God, not a wafer, not a
mere piece of bread. You can stand up for a mere piece of
bread, you don't have to bow down, you don't have to kneel.
When you are receiving the Consecrated Host that was in­
stituted at the time of Christ, when He Himself raised up
His hands to the Almighty and gave Himself to His God in
Heaven, and you will receive Him in Holy Communion.
You must bow down for it is God Himself. The Blessed
Trinity says; God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy
Ghost. He does not deny that. This came from Jesus Christ
Himself and God the Father. Don't let the extremists, the
liberalism deter you from this Sacrament. Stand up and
fight! Do not be ashamed but rather walk with Thy Lord
and God on Calvary's way. Follow the teachin~s of Christ.
Do not let them take away the true words ofChnst. They are
changing them; they have no right to change God's own
words, they have no right. Those who say that that is the
modern way, modernism; time ofCalvary was not modern.


Remember the Passion of Thy Lord and God cannot be

modernized. That is the old school as Christ Himselftaught.
Remember the warnings of many a fa Ise prophet.
No, no, they mustn't. Pray for His Holiness, pray for His
Holiness, pray for him. They might try to assassinate him.
Pray for hi m, he will be crucified. Do not let them change
his encyclicals. They will try to change his words in transla­
tion; that would give it a different meaning. We must pray
hard for His Holiness. They are trying to change his words
in his encyclicals. More assassinatlOns. God, oh God, don't
let that happen, don't let that happen. Earthquakes, severe
floods, tidaf waves, internaI earth tremors. Don't let it hap­
pen, don't. As given in the work, the silos are prepared to
throw in the true believers in Jesus Christ. It was given
many years ago that they are preparing these, and at that
time the~ were claiming to use them for prisoners of war.
That isn t the reason for building them. They want to de­
stroy the Chrislians, the God-fearing people, that's who. So
many of our young priests, liberal pnests, they know sorne
of these things and are afraid, so they deter rather than
stand up for their Lord and God. That is the reason He has
been promoted as dead, that He is no more. He is only
human, there is nothing sacred about Him, that the Divinity
ofThy Lord is being removed from the new catechisms for
the youth. You cannot teach ofThy Lord and God and deny
His Divinity. You cannot do that.


Betrayal, treacherous. They will betray their own to get
their way. Ali the Judases are loose. Pray much, pray much!
God has permitted ail bad angels, ail the Judases loose on
the earth. Judas, he is about in every rectory and in every
church; in many disguises in his cunning ways, to tempt and
influence the clergy; especially the liberal religious, using
them to help destroy man's church by confusing the laymen
so that he roses faith in his church.
There are many and true servants of God, be they priests,
religious or failhful and humble laymen who are severely
persecuted by the liberal flock. He, Judas, has infiltrated
many of the hierarchy as weIl. The Supreme Grand Master
has been using many ways ar,d methods to mock our
church; to lead the flock astray. Lord God, help them. Don't
lose faith please. Satan wants you to. Do not defect from the

church of Rome. Stay with His Holiness. Pope Paul is the
true Pope; please don't believe the rumors agamst hi m, your
presses misconstrue his words. Don't be so gullible. Pray for
him, pray for him, he is being crucified, pray for him. Oh
God, be with him, oh God, be with him, Our Lady warned.
Our Lady warned us about the West Coast. Much of the
evilness starts there and spreads aU over the U.S.A. Oh,
Blessed Mother help me! Lord God, help me! Chase the
Satan away! Chase Judas away! There is so much doubt,
Satan is presenting it for he wants to gain footholds in aU
and everything in our Catholic church. In aU places of appa­
ritions, he wants to destroy them. Our Holy Mother warned
us of that many years ago, and yet we forget the words of
warning. We should prepare ourselves in holiness to over­
come die wiles of Satan.
Crack in the Pacifie Ocean is twice as large as it used to be
and it is breathing as 1caU it, heavily. It is even in the crack
in the Rocky Mountains, there is water and gases and spew­
ing upward, the very spot the geologists tried to find the bot­
tom ofthis deep crevice. The explosion in Nevada at prov­
ing grounds wouId cause much harm and devastation. Pray
much, pray.
You cannot find peace on this earth if you fill your heart
with self-pity and hatred. You must be God-Ioving. Our
Holy Mother sheds tears for Her people as they are not with
Her but against Her. Yes, humans areweak, but when they
place themselves at the foot ofThy Holy Mother's altar, and
they take their Lord and God wlthin their he art, they will
receive strength and courage. When they follow the exam­
pIe of Judas, putting doubts and mischiefin the thoughts of
those that should be standing up and fighting for the truth;
that is what the Judases.are doing today. The evil angels are
about you, they take the form ofbumans and walk amongst
you. This is the most trying time in history. Never in history
has it been so evident that the evil forces are seeking com­
plete control to destroy Catholicism, or anybody believing
m Jesus Christ, be they Protestant or Catholics. Confusion,
confusion, Satan begone! Have mercy on us, Oh, Lord my'
God, have mercy on us! Help us to do the right, help us.
Give us the strength to do Thy will, only Thy will, not ours.
Help our youth. Oh God, help our youth. Blessed Mother,
Blessed Mother Thy heart has been pierced with pain and
sorrow for our children who heed not thy pleas. Thy Divine
Son, His anger you are trying to restrain, His chastisements;
Oh, Holy Mother, help us to understand. Help us to guide
our brothers and sisters to the righteous way. Oh Holy
Mother, lead us to thy Son, so we seek to do only His will
and to bring those at the wayside back to Christ so they are
not lost in this confusion. Bring forth peace and harmony
amongst ail. Unite ail those who believe in God, and bring
them and those of disbelief, show them the way that they
are to be spared. The fires of hell will not give peace in theu
hearts, so forever and ever they may have a just peace and
everlasting peace. Pray for us. Oh God, pray for us.
Destruction of human souls is very alarming. Ali the mis­
siles pointed towards each other; be it here the Brown Bear,
or Jerusalem. Their main aim is to destroy Christianity, and
they have gained a foothold for the Christian people are so
gUllible; too complacent, so nonchalant. They grumble and
rumble until it is too late instead of saving their beautiful
country, saving the souls of man. Instead tbey so self-pity­
ingly continue on their merry way. When destruction befalls
them then they will scream, but it will be too late, too late.
For many it has been too late, for many they are gone.
Those men and women who fell in the service oftheir coun­
try, make it not in vain. They loved their homeland, they
loved their homes, they loved their fathers and mothers. If
they hadn't they wou Id not have died for their country. Do
not make it in vain, pray for them. Many of those who have
fallen so unjustly, will find the Kingdom of Heaven, for
their Lord and God has not abandoned them. But will their
country be spared, or will that be a destruction or an annihi­
lation. In many instances God gave the injured youth a few
minutes of consciousness to pfead with Him. To pray for
forgiveness ofhis past sins berore his Iife ebbed away, so he
wiII see the Kingdom of Heaven. .
They have infiItrated the earth and now they will infiltrate
other continents Iike the Moon and Mars. Many large cities
will be shook with the rumblings of an earthquake. Even
then they will not believe that those things could happen
through God Almighty; that He would permit these tfllngs
to happen. The severe storms, the hurricanes, the devasta­
tion from the elements. They must remember that Thy Lord
and God is at the helm. He couId hold it back, but He will
not hold it back when the whole country, thy Community, is
filled with the blackest of sins. He will not hold back, but
destruction will be befalling be it man-made, or be it from
the elements. Man has made enough powerful material to

cause devastation, destroy much earth. Only God can con­
trol these things. Man has gone too far in his greed and sel­
fishness. The hour has struck! The fifth seige IS now! Blood
will run!

MAY 1, 1969

(At the Sacred Spot - Necedah, Wisconsin)

(Mary Ann knelt, her Iips moving as in prayer. She looks up

into the four ash trees for a long period of time. Blesses her­

self three times and said:)

Thank you St. Joseph and St. Francis. Is this map l'm view­

ing the results of the A-Bomb testing? It is broken through a

channel underground in the rock formation in the earth.

There will be VIOlent tremors felt in the Central part of the

U.S.A. Ali this has been formed through the testmg under­


They won't heed anything we say. They will continue this

test, so what can we do to prevent this catastrophe? 1 know

we must stand for the truth. If they do not believe us, what

can we say? What can we do? Yes, St. Joseph. Is there any

determined time? Yeso Only God knows. Thank you.

The Press and the T. V. stations have been sile nt on the last

tremor, for many of the people are frightened, and yet they

have promoted mockery against and for the protection of

themselves, as weil as the fear that has welled up into lllany


Is this God's punishment, or is this man made alone? Is this

the chastisement you spoke of?

It is. People will not turn to God. They deny Him.

What can we do? 1 beg ofyou, give us an answer. The States

marked in red, are they the ones? (Mary Ann looks up in­

tently for a period of time.)

Yes, 1 know that the riots are growing and there will be
bloodshed in many cities, because man has forgotten their
Creator, their Lord and God, His Holy Mother; because the
Religious have fallen away from their Vows. They have
turned to the worldiness; they have abandoned the vlrtue of
Chastity, scoff at the word Chastisement, laugh at Chastity.
They fear not the chastisement. They laugh at these old­
fashioned predictions.


l'm sorry. This frightened me, what you are showing me. 1
don't want to make mistakes. The Religious, the Priests will
never awaken. We have tried. They hear us not. Remember
messages and fulfill all requests.
Thank you. (Mary Ann lowered her head to the kneeler and
sobbed bitterly).

MAY 24, 1969


(Mary Ann kneels at the Sacred Spot. Strikes her breast

three times. Lips moving as in prayer).

(Blesses herself three times while looking up into the four

ash trees).

Thank you St. Joseph.

(Mary Ann describes a vision she sees:)

She's holding Her hands like this. She is holding the Infant

like this.

(Mary Ann holds her arms outstretched in front of her. She

said our Holy Mother was holding the Infant Jesus with his

feet towards her chest - His Head cupped in Her hands.) She

is looking into His Eyes. The tears are rolling down Her

beautiful face as She explains these words:

"My children heed not my pleas. They turn their backs on

my requests. My Heart is heavy for my children. 1love them

all, but they heed me not. They care not. 1 fear for them."

The tears are roUing down Her faèe. After She said this, the

trees became very dark. 1 cannot interpret this, but there

could be only one answer. DARKNESS IS BEFALLING

THE CHRISTIAN WüRLD. She has a large globe on Her

lap. (Mary Ann explained this was on the knee of our Holy

Mother.) Globe of the world. The Western Hemisphere is

blotched with red, as weU as South America and our own

U.S.A. There will be struggles and strife between the races.

Her pleas for Youth have not been heeded. The sins, the
breaking of the 6th Commandment as She spoke of in the
year 1950, has increased ten times what it was at that time.
Morality, respect, love for parents, and parents for children,
has come to naught. Confusion has mounted by leaps and
bounds so our Holy Mother sheds tears. 1 beg of you aU to
fulfill Her requests if it is not already too late.
(Mary Ann describes what she saw in this vision: There are
three large liUies. Within the white lily there is a deep yel­

lowish tint. ICs very beautiful. There's a rounding form un­
derneath it. What it symbolizes 1 don't know. What the
small, white cross represents, 1 do not know for there is no
Corpus on it. Our Holy Mother is not present anymore. She
is gone. She sure left a picture of sorrow as She looks down
on the globe of the people, meaning us.)

This is a period of great confusion. It is need of conversion.

There is need of turning to thy Lord and God. There is need
to bow down your head in true prayers and love of thy Sav­
ior. There is a need to stem, to stall the advancement of the
evil. Bring forth the love ofGod. Love for thy Holy Mother
and Her Divine Son. True devotion. The love has fal'len so
drastically. Yes, it is devoutly carried by sorne, but too many
have no ttme. There is no time for prayer because they have
too much to do. The pace is fast, fast but if you would slow
down and pray, maybe there will be sorne way that this tide
of corruptIOn and blackest of sin could be held back and
maybe even eliminated.
Pray for the enemy so that he sees the way ofGod, to awak­
en him, to enlighten him to the love that God has for him in
spi te of his eV1I thoughts; for thy Lord and God loves ail.
The greatest sinner cornes first to His heart. Thy Holy
Mother's intercession ta Her Divine Son can bring you that
peace and love that sorne are so searc:hing for; they do not
know how to go about it. It is simple. The ROSARY, daily
MASS and the SACRAMENTS, if possible. Turn to thy
Lord and God, and do not turn away because sorne things
are happening today that do not please you. Go forth with
true love and faith. Faith, where is the Faith? What has hap­
pened to the Christian world? The Faith, it- has crumbled.
Why? Without faith and love ofGod, there cannot be Peace
- it just cannot happen that way.
Our Holy Mother pleaded in 1950 to save the children, to
teach them the love ofGod. It is sad to say those words were
not heeded. It has been proven in statistics that that is true.
Why have those words not been heeded? There would have
been a great change by now, but do not give up. Those of
you who have stayed away from the Ch4rch because you do


not believe in certain changes that have been made - GO

TO CHURCH. PRAY, PRAY; only that way you will win
the love and peace that you are seeking. Without Christ and
without the love ofGod, there is no peace in store; continuai
battle and this battle that is going and raging will continue.
Blood will be shed in many areas and many a broken heart.
Earthquakes where there have never been earthquakes be­
fore. Floods and elements that God will permit - ail through
God's wrath.
God does not sanction sin, corruption and disunity. God
loves you ail. Turn to Him with a true heart and bring the
peace that you are seeking; not the peace away from rules
and regulations, but the peace that cornes from God alone.
God Will give you the peace if you turn to Him.
(Mary Ann visioned St. Pius X.)

His Holiness says that the chi Id who receives His Lord and

God in First Holy Communion must first go to the Sacra­

ment of Penance to start him out to the true path of receiv­

ing his Lord and God in Holy Communion. Without the

Sacra ment of Penance, it takes away the true meaning of

penance, Confession and then the Holy Eucharist. Those

that are destroying it; those that are denying the chi Id this

grace from this Sacrament, are not only harming the youth

but themselves.

His Ho!iness said that he had instituted this and it was writ­

ten up thus - the documents in the Vatican. Parents stand up

for your children, that thev are taught the true meaning, the

true understanding of the-Sacra ment of Penance, as weil as

the Sacra ment of the Holy Eucharist.

(Mary Ann describes the vision she sees.)

Again Pope Pius X has before him a group of young boys

and girls dressed in the Communion ciothing. The girls in
the beautiful white with white veils. The !ittle boys with
white shirt, white jacket and dark trousers - and they are
kneeling. He points. They are kneeling to receive the Holy
(Mary Ann said: "Thank you. Thank you.")
(Mary Ann visions St. Francis of Assissi.)
Thank you St. Francis.
To neglect is to deceive. To take away from the Sacrament
as was given during the days of Christ. The Apostles them­


selves knelt to receive the Bread and Wine that just a few
minutes before had been Consecrated and turned into the
Body and Blood of their Savior who stood before them in
the Living Body. They were common and crude fishermen,
but yet they humbled themselves and knelt to receive their
Lord and God, as they were informed that the Species of
Bread they were receiving was His Body and the Wine His
Blood. That is the Sacra ment that was taught by Jesus
Christ Himself. Today they are trying to change it to a
meaning of something different. St. Francis said: "STAND

(Mary Ann described the vision of Pope Pius X.)

(When Pope Pius X showed himself to me the first time - he

was dressed like a Pope - then when he gave Holy Commu­

nion ta the little boys and girls he was dressed like a Priest in

white and gold.)

ANNIVERSARY DA y . MAY 30 • 1969

(Mary ;\nn knelt in prayer at the Sacred Spot.)

Blessed Mother. Help me to reach the people. Help me so

that they understand.

(Message given to the people.)

In the year 1950 our Holy Mother gave me instructions,

what you cali catechism. It was a catechetical instruction for

1 had not received this in my life previous. She told me so
much more than most wou Id learn from their instructor. Il
was one way to show me how to accept suffering, pain and
sorrow - offering it up to Her Divine Son who will then give
the graces and the strength to endure what your body can
endure. Christ does not expect you to endure more than
your tlesh can take. 1 was told then that Vocations will come
to naught unless Her words were heeded, Her requests and
messages. This was in 1950. Today you have seen the har­
vest of those very words. Vocations have fallen. The Sisters
and Priests have changed from a humble gracious, respect­
ed Nun - the Nun, to a modern day Miss. Christ does not
want the Nun to turn to modern ways, but to stay the hum­
ble Nun that she vowed and professed to be. The disgrace,
the scandaI that much ofthis has created in the Church - the
Laity are confused because of this. They vowed poverty,
humbleness, yet they forget the vow of chastity. Why? Thy
Lord and God has not changed. He is the same Lord anô
God that He was at the time that He died and shed His

blood for you on the Cross. Why, then, are they changing?
The times are changing, yeso Christ never changed. So those
who have taken the vow of Poverty, Humility and Chastity,
please return to it before it is too late, for the punishment
from thy Savior is about to break loose. It is up to you, the
Christians, to remember that Christ died for ail, especially
the Religious - the Priest, the Nun. Oh yes, they want to go
along, they want to change - even the words in the cate­
chisms are changed. Change is good as long as it does not
take away from the Sacraments which it will if this con­
The graces that you have been given to stand up for the
right will only befall you ifyou truly follow the catechism of
old, for it has not changed. Calvary has not changed. Those
that clap their hands and dance about the altar claiming
they are doing it in a joyous heart, for this is the time of joy;
at the time thy Lord and God walked Calvary, those that
were against Him, clapped their hands, sang and jested. Is
that wnat you are practicing during tha t Sacrifice of the
Mass? The same Mass that Christ Himself instituted on
Holy Thursday by Consecrating His Own Body. The Bread
before Him was that Body. The Wine before Him was His
Blood. That is what we are taught. That is what Christ Him­
self placed on the Altar. The Mass is the walk of Calvary.
The Consecration and on to Calvary itself. where He was
mocked and spit upon and died for VOU, to save you ifyou
follow Christ's way. That is what your catechism should be
teaching. Not the vulgar statement that Christ died and is
no more. Where is the Resurrection on Easter morning, and
the Ascension into Heaven, if He died and is no more?
The reason the loss ofvocations is because ofthis confusion.
Turn to your parents. Ask them to teach you the truth.
Those of you that have your children at heart, see to it that
they are taught the true Christian Faith. The one that Christ
Himself instituted. Do not let yourself be deterred from this
path, and place in your heart faith in thy Lord and God and
His Holy Mother. Vou cannot err if you do this. Vou your­
self can teach your own child, which is your dut Y and obli­
gation. It is YOUR child given through the grace of God. It
IS for you, up to the age of2l years, to protect and keep from
falling into the wrong. It is up to the parents. The parents
are now reaping the harvest of their neglect. Our Holy
Mother pleaded for the eIders to teach their children the
love of God in 1950. Instead, crime, the blackest of sins,

have increased by leaps and bounds. They heeded not thy
Holy Mother's words. They turned their backs on Her. She
today is shedding tears for ail ofyou. ALL OF YOU, for you
are ail Her children. Thy Lord and God when hanging on
the Cross, He gave you His Mother as your Mother. So re­
member this, Parents, teach your children the love of God,
the love for thy Holy Mother.
Today the children are telling the parents what to do. That's
wrong. Teach the child respect and love for you, and see to it
that you honor that respect. Remember, it is how you live
that the child will also follow. If you show the way as a true
Christian, the love ofGod, thy Holy Mother - then thy child
will follow this path. Il is up to you as parents to show the
way. To be the guiding hand to th)' chlld who is innocent
and is not guilty of the world conditions oftoday. Il was you
parents that caused this mess. Now cie anse it. You can if
you turn to thy Lord and God with love and affection. The
one way to do it is the Constant Vigil of Prayer. Oh, there is
no time to pray. You have not the lime. We must do this, we
must do that. Don't wait until it is too late. The hour is very
close for thy Lord and God has watched you destroy this
beautiful country. The earth where He placed you upon. He
will not sanction corruption and sin, so unless you change
your way, Thy Lord and God will bring down that righteous
arm and c1eanse the way Himself. But where will you be?
Will you find your way to Heaven, or will you tumble to
Eternal Hellfire? ICs your choice. ICs your choice.


(This Message for the Youth:)
This message is for the youth that our Holy Mother came
down to this earth. She humbled Herself because she loves
the youth, the innocent child, the parent of tomorrow. She
has asked that you stay a pure child and continue to live a
pure life. Only through the graces you receive through thy
love for thy Lord and God and thy Holy Mother, can you
continue. Give yourself to Her. She will guide and protect
you. Do not turn toward and be influenced by the enemy.
The one who is trying so hard to destroy the youth of this
world, as weil as in our own country here. T~e_.!h!!Lcall
th~.!!12.e.!YJ~.â.~H.i.pp~es"or whatever title -t~.-M.~~.s§·d
group ofchildrenwho have left their parents, that have left
their homes, who are children of parents who did not care. If

the parents left this mess upon you, at least you, as children,
stay pure. Turn to thy Hory Mother. Turn to thy Lord and
God. That way you will find peace and joy and happiness.
Vou are the parents of tomorrow. Se.sU.QJ!..0~ou ~o not"1
mess uE the world as the parents have left It for you. Stand l
u-pand be respected by the whole world. You can do il. You \
are not unable to do il. .
Vou have obstacles against you. Pornography, L.S.D., mariy
pills and temptations. Vou don't have to get yourselves in­
volved with something that destroys you for the rest of your
life. Those that take pllls for either one way or the other, to
reduce or to destroy a child, or to pep them up, or for anoth­
er reason, or the L.S.D. to tly into the Universe. Oh. don't be
so foolish for those things will only destroy you and you will
never be the same. L.S.D. will destroy the membranes of
your body. Vou can never return to the child that you once
were before taking this dreadful pill or sugar cube. They can
put it into such things as candy bars, or chocolate candy
pieces in boxes, whichever you prefer to buy it in. Il only
used to be in sugar cubes, but that isn'( true today. They
want the youth to become involved. Once you have taken it,
you are subject to the second time. Ifyou did make that mis­
take once, please do not try it the second time for you might
not be able to come back.
Many of your institutions today are filled with children
who, because of the environment of their homes, left and
started to follow the path to destruction. Yes, 1 know the
adults are behind this, but do not be tempted by the failures
of the eiders. Please stay a pure child. Be a chaste child with
love in thy he art for thy Lord and God. Pray to Him when
you arise, and pray to Him before you retire. Ifyou dedicate
your whole day to Him you cannot err. Your temptations
will be minor, but if you do not, your temptations will be­
come serious, and they will engulf you and destroy you be­
cause the world is filled with black sin. The purpose IS to de­
stroy the youth. That is their purpose. Can't you see it? It is
in so many cities. Be careful and ask your parents many
questions and study the situation, learn the truth. Stand by
the truth. Do not walk away from your Church even if the
change~ ~re confusing to you today. There are still enough
true reltglOus books that you can follow. Vou need not fol­
low the revised catechi:.m that say thy Lord and God is
dead. That He has not Arisen. Vou know better. You've
been taught better, so continue and follow the old version.


The true version. Not the enemies' revised version.

Children of today, stand up. Love thy Lord and God. Re­
spect thy Parents. Love thy parents and speak with them if
you feel that you are confused. That is what they are here
for. To protect you, to guide you, to lead you on to the road
ofsurvival for thy Lord and God. Not the way of the enemy
which is working very hard. They are not afraid to work.
They are going at it for 24 hours a day. At least give 12
hours, or ten, to thy Lord and God by dedicating your day's
work to Him. Make everything you do and tum it over into
the hands of thy Lord and God. You will find you do not
need the pep pills, the L.S.D., to take rides in, that you will
receive the graces to do the will of God, if you give yourself
to Him.


(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot. Looks up into the four
Ash Trees. Her lips are moving as in prayer. She strikes her
breast three times and bows her head. Again looks up into
the Ash Trees. Leans back with arms extended slightly in
front of her holding her Blue Rosary in her hands. Looks to
the left of the trees - to the center - then looks to the right
and smiles. Once again looks back to the center.)
(Mary Ann said:)
The Way to Peace shrine was chosen by the Celestials in
Heaven ln honor of the Holy Trinity. Above is the Triangle
of the Trinity with the rays of Light coming down upon us.
Within the Trinity is the Unity Circles. The Holy Ghost in
the form of a Dove, is carrying a Rosary; bringing it to the
Trinity. Leaving the Rosary upon the peak of the Trinity.
She flles on to our Holly Mother where then she flies away
with the word PEACE.
The way to peace is through the Rosary; through the B1ess­
ed Trinity; which our Holy Mother gave us with Her inter­
cession. The way to peace can only be found through the
Blessed Trinity. The Glory of God the Father, through the
Glory of God the Son, and through the Glory of God the
Holy Ghost. who will shine upon us, into our hearts if we
open our hearts to It. The Rosary is the answer through the
Blessed Trinit y, through our Heavenly Mother. The ra ys are
covering ail of you here right now. They are extending over

(Mary Ann leans back stilllooking up into the Ash Trees).
The peace you seek will only come through God the Father,
His Son and the Holy Spirit. Do not forget the Holy Trinity
for it is GLORY, GLORY, GLORY to God on the highest.
Glory to God the Father, Glory to His Son and Glory to the
Holy Ghost. This will sanctify, purify you if you give your­
selves to Them. Placeyourself beneath our Holy Mother's
mantle, Say the Rosary. Unite yourself with the Trinity.
(Mary Ann described the vision ta us as follows:)
St. Therese the Little Flower and St. Joan of Arc came forth
and asked her to prepare herselffor what was coming. Mary
Ann said she became a Iittle frightened as she did not know
what to expect. She said the Act of Contrition and the Con­
fiteor sincerely. She described: There was a great blowing of
wind. The four Ash Trees seemed to part. Two bent towards
the East and two to the West. Above the Ash Trees in the
center appeared the Trinity Sign. From this sign came bril­
liant rays down to the Sacred Spot on the ground. This ray
of Iight seemed to spread out covering those who stood with
Mary Ann where she knelt. She then heard a whirring
sound. She said it was difficult to explain this sound. She
looked to the east where she had seen a flash oflight. There
the White Dove was with a Rosary in his beak - wings gently
moving. The Triangle was in brilliant Light. The Dove flew
towan:fs the Trinity Sign - dropped the Rosary on the peak
of this Sign - when this was do ne the brilliant rays from the
Trinity Sign spread out over ail those people who were
pressed near the fence enclosure. After placing the Rosary
on the Trinity Sign, the Dove then flew towards the west
and INSTANTL y our Holy Mother appeared. She handed
something into the beak of the Dove and wh en the Dove
turned back towards the Trinity, Mary Ann could see ithad
the word "PEACE" in its beak. When our Holy Mother ap­
peared she first looked down on us and then handed the
word to the Dove. Mary Ann said it seemed that there was a
special beauty here today. 1 don't know if the people have
felt it or not. She said: 1 hope ail those that are in doubt right
now will find the peace in their heart that our Heavenly
Mother is trying to give us. 1 hope they carry on our Holy
Mother's requests. She tried to send the ra ys over ail of us.
Not just the few here, but everyone present.



(Mary Ann kneels in prayer. Strikes her breast three times­

lips moving as in prayer.)

Thank you St. Francis.

Our Holy Mother has not shown herself but the Trees ail

around the edges became bright gold. Within the trees

themselves a deeper green than normal. Rays came down

on the Sacred Spot as weil as about the Trees.

There will be an assassination attempt on a High Official. If

there aren't enough prayers this High Officiar will lose his

life. It will be a year tomorrow that one lost his life. He

wasn't always right, but he wasn't that wrong that he had to

lose his life ln such a way. He made errors, but that was only

for God to judge. Not man on earth. We must learn not to

bejudge and jury of our fellow man, but rather in humility,

bow down our heads and pray for them. To condemn is only

to condemn yourself; for alone it is God who does the con­

demning and it is God who does the judging.

Many times what we think is a wrong - ifwe wouId know the

truth; we would find it was not wrong. Outward appear­

apces many limes are deceiving. So, again, judge not lest

Yl 1 be judged. Put Charity in our he art and stay kind. Ils

profits will be much more pleasing to God as weil as your­

self. Many humans have been hurt because of the condem­

nation of his fellow brother and sister. So do not be one of

the guilty ones.

Alexander gives this message:

That his fatherland is prepared with the H-Bomb to strike

any part of the world. He nas pleaded with us ever since his

Anmversary, which will be tomorrow, pleading with your

Fatherland to help his. The H-Bomb is a total destruction.

Very few survive only on the far fringes, and they will have

respiratory and skin infections. He pleads to bring forth

your program (Constant Vigil ofPrayer) that the Bogorodit­

za pleads for. Turn not your back upon Her.

Thank you.· Thank you.

(Mary Ann describes a vision she saw this day.)

1 saw a number of Convents closed because of the lack of

Vocations and this will be because of their EXTREME

changes. The scandalous changes. Only the Convents whose

Nuns will be dressed properly will be the ones that will con­

tinue. 1 was shown, 1 don't know just where it is, but it is in
the East - a Convent where most of the Nuns are dressed in
dresses above the knees, wearing leotards. God does not
permit, or will He give His blessing upon such a Convent.
That Convent has now split. The few older Nuns are in an
old abandoned school where they have gathered together.
There will be others that will split away in other Convents as
the older Nuns are mortifïed by the behavior ofsome of the
younger ones and even sorne of the older ones. They feel
that now they can kick up their heels. They need not fear
sorne of them to become pregnant now because they are
taking the pil!. They don't fear the scandai in their Order.
They will find to their horror and sorrow that their bodies
are going to be clogged. Their blood veins will not f10w free­
Iy, and they will suffer' tremendous punishment for this.
This is also true for many Seminaries as the young boys are
not forthcoming to be Priests; only those that start with the
wrong attitude to begin with.
Unless the U.S.A. Bishops make changes in their Semi­
naries the Vocations will drop to naught. Their forthcoming
Priests will be few and many of them with the wrong
thoughts and the wrong reason for being a Priest.
JUNE 16, 1969



(Mary Ann looked up into the Ash Trees for a long period of

time, lips moving in prayer.)

Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

As the world is frowning and turning their backs on these Sa­

cred Hearts, Oh Holy Mother awaken into their hearts love

and understanding. Bring peace and tranquility. Guide and

protect them. They offencf Thy Lord and God and His Sa­

cred Heart. They pierce it and harm Thee with blasphemies

and hypocrisy. Heresies taught in many schools. Many

youths are understanding and hearing these things taught

to them that those of old would have been mortifïed to hear.

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. Oh Sacred

Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Awaken the creatures of

this earth to Thy Divine Heart that was pierced with a lance.

To c1eanse the hearts of men, but they hear Him not. They
seek no refuge in that great Temple. They seek not under­
standing in the Sacred Heart of Mercy; that gave much for
man; mankind's salvation, who today blaspheme Him,
spread heresy through His great Church. Teach the cate­
chism of errors and wrong. For the Hierarchy rather than
standing up for the full truth that their Lord and God had
taught them during the Last Supper and the First Mass-is
today taught and spoken of in wrong. They do things rather
to please tbemselves than to please their Creator, their God.
Why mock? Why profane thy Lord's Name? Why spread
heresy and blasphemy? Why not teach love of God to the
young child that's growing up? Why not teach true love to
The Hearts of Mary and Jesus are pierced with pain and
sorrow because their children do not love them but only
love themselves. Where is the true love of God, where? It is
shown in mockery and blackest of sin. Do not wait until it is
too late. The hour has already struck. The mercy of God is
only waiting for you to turn to Him and say in that last mo­
ment-Oh God, 1 love Thee, Oh God 1 love Thee. He is
waiting for those last moments for you to repent and come
to Him. That is what He is waiting for. The hour is falling
away. The minutes, the seconds are ticking away and then it
will be too la te when you will scream, but God will not hear
you, for He has given you these last moments. The la st mo­
ment to turn to Him with a Constant Vigil of Prayer. To say
-Oh My God, 1 love Thee 1 love Thee. Yes, they are pierc­
ing His Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

AUGUST 15, 1969


(Mary Ann knelt and looked up into the alcove of the Four

Ash Trees for a period of time).

(She described what she was visioning. A silver and golden

mist f10ated about for sorne time; suddently our Holy

Mother appeared ail in white, Her eyes filled with tears.)

Holy Mother.

My Chi Id, sins, the blackest of sins are getting worse. My

sons and daughters heed not my pie as, they care not for My

Divine Son, their whole Life, their Savior.

Yes, Holy Mother.

My Chi Id, are you willing to continue as persecution will in­
crease. Accusations, lies My Child will be hurled at you and
your loved ones; darkness will befall many My Child, as
they heed not My requests.
Holy Mother, Her eyes are dimmed with tears. (here Her
eyes filled with tears).
They cannot accept or heed My requests because ofselfwill
and self pity. Material things come first. My Child, they
must be willing to sacrifice, give much of themselves to
bring confused souls to Christ.
1 befieve they understand that.
Without My Child, you are aIl lost and My Son's punish­
ment will be severe.
1'11 try.
Do you wish to carry on My Child?
Yes, 1 will.
To pray: To pray much. Prayer only and only prayer will
bring about peace. The people, the Christians must turn to
their Creator and Maker. Without their Lord and God they
will never find peace. Il must come through Him, and you
children of God turn to Him. Prayer, prayer is the only sal­
vation to peace. Those who think otherwise and have
thought otherwise, have seen that this is not truth. Man can
not take the Flace ofGod Almighty. Man can build destruc­
tive materia for destruction, if God so wills it can become
worthless; or, if God wills, He can save mankind, if man
makes himselfworthy oftheir Lord and God. There must be
unity and love, love thy neighbor as thyself; today that has
been cast aside. If they can harm their neighbor, if they can
destroy love and devotion, the majority are looking for that.
Ifit can be made easier by not staying a devout and humble
soul, they will follow the way the enemy is implanting it be­
fore them; very glamorous, very beautiful. As in the year
1950 on these very grounds, a tall man, handsome, if you
did not look deeply, black sleek hair, his arms folded across
his chest, but anyone who had a liule understanding and
had the guidance of the Holy Mother, could feel that this
man was the enemy of God. This very man is the head of the
teachings of the youth, then as weIl as today, to crea te riot­
ing and involvement and damaging ofproperty. There is no

respect or love of neighbor,.rather to destroy. This man has
many groups that he has organized. He was not stopped be­
cause the parents that are to guide their children have be­
come so negligent; the)' care not where their son or daughter
has gone, so that he htmself could easily grasp and encour­
age and enthuse them into joining his group.
Our Holy Mother warned in the year 1950 that the enemy is
here to destroy the youth. She was pleading then for Rer
youth as She is pleading today for the youth. The youth then
are the parents today. Had the parents heeded the requests
then, for She said that they are the victims of their eIders.
And who are their eiders? The adults. If the adults would
have cared, the parents would have cared, the priests would
have cared. The teacher would have cared, or the professor
would have cared. There might not be hippie camps, or
whatever the title you want to give them. The youth would
not be stumbling around in confusion seeking a better way
oflife; because of the careless parent it has turned into what
is here today, confusion, confusion. The enemy of God is at
the head of this confusion, wherever he can muster it he will
be there. It does not matter what religion or what school, our
Hol)' Mother said in 1950 "Clean out the schools". She gave
no tttle to the school because She knew, be it Catholic, Prot­
estant or Public, that corruption would grow.
Today, ifyou tell a young girl to lengthen her skirt at least to
the knees, she rebels, she rebels. Can't they understand that
the mini-skirst, or whatever you want to name them, are the
creation of the enemy? Where are the parents? The parents
sob, what can we do? Weil why didn't you do something be­
fore it got out of hand? ln 1955 our Holy Mother warned
througn one of the Saints, but they heeded not Herrleas for
the youth, and that the corruption of the youth wil grow to
such an extent that the officiaIs such as police, teachers, pro­
fessors and priests and nuns would find it impossible to cope
with them, and so it happened; the youth noted. In Wash­
ington, O. C. in the headquarters of the U.S.A., they took
the police cars and tipped them over. The youth that our
Holy Mother had pleaded for because they had no parents
to guide them; the parents had no time, they are too busy
with worldly doings. Oon't cry! Vou had your chance and
the beautiful U.S.A. Oon't cry! Vou had your chance and
you mufTed il. The only chance now is to turn to thy Lord
and God with a true hearl. To teach the child of yesterday
who is a parent today and is living in a state of confusion,

will be very difficult, unless sorne great catastrophe wou Id
happen and then they will scream. There are many sobbing
mothers and fathers; blame no one but yourself for what
you teach your child at your knee, or ifyou neglected, that is
what it will be when it grows up. The family IIfe, the family
is not any more. ft has been abolished. For today the youth
tells its parents what they want and what the parents should
do, what the teacher should do, and what the police should
do. When the child becomes the authority you can hang
your head in shame; for the child needs the parents, the
priest, teachers and the professor, the nun who looks Iike a
nun to guide them; and even here the Religious are scandal­
izing the Church. One of the Saints through the instruction
of the Holy Mother, told us here that the nun who is dressed
Iike a layman should not be addressed as Sister, but as Miss,
for she has lost that respect. Oh yes, they will rebel against
such a statement, they will fight against it. When the)' made
their vows, they vowed Chastity, Poverty, Humility and
Piety; that does not mean that they must starve themselves.
but lt means they must not seek only the material things of
life, but rather turn to the religious, and they are the ones
who are to teach the youth with the guidance of the parents,
with the guidance of the priests and bishops. Ta teach
Christ, ta teach them the love of Gad; ta be Christlike and
the girls Marylike.
Where are the Marylike clothes? They have been thrown
aside and the Supreme Grand Master, who is the evil Pope,
who is the Anti-Christ, he is promoting the mini-skirts ta
bring the sinful temptation ta the male, for the man. Don't
say thatis not the truth for that is the truth; that is the rea­
son for it, be they laymen, minis ter or priests. They are
subject to temptation as man, for God created man the
beast. ft is the woman who must protect herseIf in purity
and her children, if she is fortunate enough ta be a mother.
ft is beautiful to be a mother. Thy Holy Mother, the Mother
of God, She too was a mother. She nurtured on Her breast
Her Son, your Lord and God. She cared for Him from a Iit­
tle infant to Manhood. He was obedient unto Her up ta the
lime He died for you on the cross. He was obedient un ta
Today when they become the age of 12 years, they want ta
cast away obedience; obedience ta their parents, obedience
to the teachers, ta the minister or priest. That is not true
today. Obedience has gone down to nalloht and that is why

you have the strife and struggle and confusion of today.
There are those who teach God is only a man; God is not
here today, He died on the Cross and is no more. How hypo­
critical, and that cornes out of the mouths of ministers and
sorne priests. Our Holy Mother told that 30,000 men against
religion were taught to be ministers of God.
Those 30,000 have done their job weB; they have infiltrated
those who should have known better. Those who went
through years of seminary training, be they Protestant or be
they Catholic, they have been taught the truth and reality
WhlCh is God. When you cast our reality, God the Father
and Son God the Holy Ghost, you are casting away your
own salvation. God can punish but yet He is merciful; yet
He looks upon ail of you with a merciful Heart. His Holy
Mother with tears in Her eyes today when She showed Her­
self, Her eyes were dimmed with tears, why? Recause She
loves you but do you love Her, or do you only love yourself?
Self will and self pitY can destroy what you should have
gained, "Grace", the strength to stand up for true faith
which is reality. Ifyou do not believe the reality ofGod, the
true God, Jesus Christ, whose mother was the virgin Mary;
if you cannot believe that they are in existence, if you can­
not go and work to save thy beautiful country.
We have many courageous men and women in this country
that God gave the gift, where do you think the gift came
from for the Astronaut who went to the moon? Not from
himself, it was a gift of God; anything man does is a gift
from God Almighty and He Himself places that into the
heart of man. He can use this gift for good, or he can use this
gift for evil. That is the self will that God gave man and
which man can destroy himself with; what shaH it be, the
Love of God the guidance of God, or the easy way and the
glamorous way that Satan presents before you. Vou were
taught that Satan even tempted thy Lord and God; and
Satan will try to tempt thy ministers and priests and the
religious for they are to represent Christ bere on earth.
They are to be your shepherds and it would be natural that
he would try to destroy them and he will tempt them. Pray
for the m, pray for them daily. If you would remember to
pray for them then maybe you will give them the strength
to stand up against these temptations.
Pray for His Holiness Pope Paul VI whom so many different
organizations daim is false. He is NOT false. He is the
TRUE POPE of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. Those that be­

lieve otherwise are being tempted by Satan. There are many
faise accusations against His Holiness. Vou have been told
about them, read them and pray for him instead of con­
demnin~ him. One of the best things you can do, who want
to see thls progress here, is pray for the Bishop of LaCrosse.
He is a good man, he is a good Bishop, he is a truthful man,
and those who spread false stories about him will suffer
much. Do not falsiCy tales and stories ofwoe, but rather pray
in silence and do not condemn lest you yourself be con­
demned by God Almighty, which will bring he11 and eternal
heU fire. Do not condemn YOUf fe110w man but pray for him.
Pray for guidance.
Our Holy Mother pleads, pray, pray, pray much My Child;
for the conditions in this world are gettmg worse because
they heed not My pleas. The children oftoday are victims of
thelr elders. Clean out your schools. Teach the truth and re­
ality which is God to your children. Dress Marylike, pray
the Rosary, pray the Rosary, for She asked for the Rosary.
Oh, it has been criticized it is repetitious, so may it be, so
may it be; but it wiU be the little missiles to Heaven that can
save you, save YOUf country and save your child from this
confused world oftoday, that the careless parents who were
greedy for the material things of life, neglected their chil­
dren and let them grow up wlthout the proper training and
teaching. Do not condemn those poor lost and confused
youth of today known as the hippies. Many have other
names but most ofyou know them by hippies. Do not con­
demn them but pray for them. Pray for tnem that they do
not swa110w the pill that makes them flare up, or shows
them sorne peace, that which they caU peace whlch in reality
destroys their membranes and destroys their physical body.
Do not, when you have a twinge ofpam, turn to a pili. Suffer
a little, it is good for you; for thy Lord and God suffered.
When you kneel in the evening before the crucifix, do you
look upon Him as an unsuffering man or do you look at
Him as Jesus Christ who shed a11 of His Blood for you? Can
you not in return accept a little cross to carry afong with
Him, to save thy country, thy home, and above ail thy
Church which is now in a state of confusion? Il should not
be, it must not be. Do not seek the wrong to make a right, for
no wrong makes a right. Do not seek the gray but the white
path. Turn thy heart to thy Lord and God; pray for the
priests, the Bishops and Cardinals and all religlOus. be they
Catholic, Protestant or whatever their creed, their color of

skin; but remember the color of skin was created by God,
not by man himself but by God. They should be treated as
brothers for they should be treated equal. The riot, the con­
fusion, the condemnation is only against God when you
condemn the black race, the yellow race, or the red, or the
white; no matter which group you belong to, for the enemy
is now working on a very hideous act, which is known­
sorne caU it the Black Power, sorne call it the Yellow Power,
the Orientais. The Brown Bear is mostly Oriental, he does
not care for the white man and he could bring destruction
on many a nation. If they would only turn to their Creator
and turn their weapons into good to help mankind. The ma­
terial wasted in destructiveness should be turned into the
good of mankind, for all could live a life of happiness ifthey
wou Id learn to turn to their Lord and God who created
them, be they black, white, red or yellow. God created them
and man must love each other; that is the Commandment of
God, love one another. And if you can remember that and
go back to home life; parents be parents to your children,
ministers of God be true ministers of God, straighten out
the confusion.
Pray for His Holiness for his cross is very heavy and unbcar­
able. Pray for him. All priests and religious renew your vows
and live them and only then will you find peace; otherwise
the purge will befall you and may God have mercy on your
souIs; for every religlOus that tears down a young child and
is guilty of his child's soul will only find condemnation.
Turn your hearts to your Creator and be the true Christ that
you represent. May God bless you.
AUGUST 22, 1969
St. Joan tells me Our Holy Mother is greatly concerned over
the epidemic condition of the drugs, not only the youth, the
students, but the old, the middle c1ass. The people are trying
to get away from reality so they turn to a pill; to heroin. In
New York City, from the 5th and 6th grades on they are
using it, on the West Coast 50% of the hlgh school students
are using it; there again it is marijuana, or acid which is
LSO, or pot, which d'estroys them, their membranes their
physical bodies will never be the same, especially after tak­
mg LSO. Billions of dollars are spent on drugs, Tiajuana is
one of the largest imports of it because of so many of our


own people going across and coming back.

Our Holy Mother, St. Joan says, pleads with us with our

country, to do something about this serious condition of the

destruction of the youth as weil as the adults. If they seek

peace they cannot find it in a pot smoke, in LSD, marijuana,

heroin or barbiturates of any kind; they will not find peace.

Ifthey would only turn to the reality, the truth which is God,

they wou Id find the peace. Drugs will only destroy but it will

not bring peace; so again parents, be parents, know what

your child is doing.

ln the majority of schools ail use one drug ofone kind or an­

other. Many of the children try it once or twice and once

they start they will continue, you can tell it in the eyes of

such a child. Parents be awake watch your children, it IS seri­

ous, it is very serious. There are sorne 30,000 to 50,000

youths in the Eastern cities that take drugs of one kind or

another daily. They spend from $10.00 to $15.00 a week for

this destructive dope. It will continue because the pushers

are making large amounts of money with it, they don't care

what happens to the child, they don't care what happens to

the aduft who takes it; and the adults who take it, why so

foolishly take il. Sure they will fly out or flair up, or find a

burst of brain for a liule while, but that is not the answer to

the peace that you are seeking. Peace can only come

through the truth, through God, and they must turn to God

to find the true peace for the other is only artificial and will

not last; so parents, wake up, save the child, save the youth

and save yourselves, do not destroy yourselves.

The soldiers over in Vietnam don't have to worry about how

to get ahold of it, it's right there for them, it's in the camps

where your sons are sent to fight for their country; sorne

take it because it helps them when they have to enter the

combat zone, but how accurate are they when they have

their brains benumbed with this dreaded drug. Marijuana is

a commonly used drug, heroin in other sections, and LSD is

odorless, tasteless and is very destructive; again, parents

wake up, save the child, save your sons and daughters in the


OCTOBER 7, 1969

(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions. While

looking up inlo lhe alcove oflhe Four Ash Trees, she smiled

and sald soft/y: "Blessed MOlher.")

(Mary Ann said the Blessed Mother showed Herselfholding

the Infant, Her eyes were filled with tears. The Christ Child

reached up and caressed Her cheek. Sainl Joseph appeared

to the wesl of Our Holy Mother. He look the Chlld from

Her. Our Holy Mother wilh tears in Her eyes, extended bolh

arms down toward me and said:'

"My Child, they heed not my words. 1 am afraid for lhem;

tell lhem 1 love lhem."

y es, Holy Mother.

"Obedience to My requests; Obedience to My Divine Son."

Yes, Holy Mother.

Oh, Blessed Mother, could you help lhose lhal are ill; espe­

cially those in our immediate group? Help our folks that are

ill and ail olhers present that have an affliction. There are

numerous ones wlth cancer wilhin them and nervous afflic­

tion. Could you help lhem?

Yes, St. Joan.

St. Joan said: The Holy Mother said there are those here,

some will be helped immediately, olhers will be helped

laler. Il isn'l always lhe immediate action lhat is good for

ones soul, many have to make preparations and reparations

to accept and to be humble, to receive the grace of God; so

that is why many pray and pray and fee! they are not heard,

but they are. They are heard. God hears ail, but the reason

they don't always receive the answer as they expect, for their

Lord and God knows the condition and they will be helped

according to His Will, not thine.

Our Holy Mother looks very sad. Her eyes are filled with

tears and ail 1 see today is sorrow, tears, and Our Blessed

Mother with Her eyes full of them because they sin against

the Commandments of their Lord and God. Our Holy

Mother pleads, pray for His Holiness for his cross is heavy;

the enemy of the Church will crucify him, pray for him. Pray

for the Bishops, the Priests, and ail Rehgious, and God's

blessing on tnose Religious that are dressed Iike the day

they received their Habit; that they took the Vow to stand

by their Lord and God, to do His Will; but for those that

have thrown away their Habit, have forgotten the way they

promised their Dear Lord they would live in Chastlty, in

Humility, in Poverty, that they would give their life, their

work, their whole soul to Him their God, their Creator; lhey

will either have ta repent, or 1 feel very sarry for them. Their
Lord and Gad will not be mocked and they are mocking
Our Holy Mother's eyes are filled with tears because Her
Religious, Her Priests are hurting Her Divine Son; they are
re-crucifying Him; they are driving back the Crown of
Thorns; they are re-piercing the nails into His Wounds be-
cause they do not follow the Vows they made when they
were ordained, or the Spouses wh en they accepted Christ as
their Spouse. Pray for them. Oh, Laymen, please pray for
them, the Priests, Nuns, and His Holiness and ail Bishops, so
they stay on the righteous path, for remember they are
tempted greater than you every day of their life. Tempta-
tion is great, so pray for them, stay behind them with
prayers. Those that are doing wrong, God will judge them,
you must not judge them; you must not judge them for God
alone is their judge, for they represent Christ here on earth.
If they do not fu[fill their Vows, their duties it is they who
will have ta face the punishment; but if you can say that 1
prayed for him, then you have given him or her a helping
hand, that is the reason for so much dissension and diver-
sion because they are not faithful.
Pray for your Government Officiais, pray for your Country
and raise your Flag and be proud of it; for it is MY GOD
and MY COUNTRY that must live in your hcart, for GOD
comes first, yourCOUNTRY second, and then you as an in-
dividual; but too many forget these important items, they
place themselves first, forget their Creator, they forget their
own Country, their Flag. Their sons are dying, thelr blood
has been shed over the entire Globe in many many areas, it
is quite saturated with American Blood of the boys that
went to fight for their homeland, their country, while the
ones at home carelessly ignored and lived a sinful life.
Turn ta Thy Lord and God with love in your heart and re-
mem ber that you as a parent are the fault of the wrongs of
your Priests, Religious, your President, your Government
Officiais; for they ail started at the cradle and what is taught
into their hearts as a child will develop them into a strong,
courteous human being; but ifhe is neglected, if the parents
are tao busy with material things, they forget the teachings
of Christ; because Our Heavenly Mother said, "Spare the
Youth because they are the Victims of their eiders." Who
are the eiders? Their Father, their Mother, their Priest, their

Teacher; yes, the adults are the fault; they have forgotten
the child.
A number of years ago as it is today, money was the main
issue; how much money could be gathered is the most im­
portant issue. Our Holy Mother sald in 1950, the Almighty
Dollar, they forget their Lord and God, but they see the AI­
mighty Dollar first. Remember one of the Apostles saw the
Almighty Dollar first and what happened to him? Are you
going to follow that same footstep or are you going to follow
Thy Lord and God, Jesus Christ your Creator? Yes, Christ
lives in ail of us if we take Him into our Hearts; otherwise
He is not there, it is empty. You can live a Christian life, a
Christlike life ifyou take Him into your heart, but He must
come into thy heart; he cannot exist if you do not cali Him
there and that is through love and loving thy neighbor as
thyself. That is part of the whole issue, part of it, the l'est has
to be up to you as an individual. Christ Thy Lord and God
will be with you; His Holy Mother will also be with you; His
Holy Mother will also be with you if you cali to Her. She is
the Mediatrix between God and Man. She will intercede for
you ifyou cali on Hel' with your heart, not your lips. Say the
Rosary, do not neglect the Rosary even if it is cast aside in
many of your parishes; continue to say the Rosary. If you
don't say it in the church, then at least say it as a family unit,
or say it individually at home.
Take ail of your crosses during the day and offer them to
Thy Lord and God. Make them part of your life and you
will find it is so much easier to endure and carry. The cross
before many is mighty heavy. Many a heart will be much
saddel' this Christmas for they williose their sons on the bat­
tle field. For what? Not for the goodness of the Globe. No, it
is the same as during the time of Korea. Bring them back
home, and that is only done through a Constant Vigil of
Prayer; through the effort of every parent to seek prayers to
Thy Lord and God, for He alone can change the situation.
He can bring the peace to you, to your Country, to your
Homes, your Community; but without Thy Lord and God
there cannot be, and that is the mistake so many are mak­
ing. They seek not first their God. They seek material things
and that is your downfall; but turn yourself to your Lord
and God and the l'est will fall in place.
Remember the Peace Dove cannot Oy under these condi­
tions. Neglectful parents of their children, the war, every­
thing is in a turmoil, in a confusion because God has been

cast aside. Don't blame nothing else; it is you the individual,
be it a Priest, a Government Official, a Religious, the Presi­
dent of the United States; if they forget God they cannot
bring peace to this Country or any other Country. They can
keep Conference aCter Conference, bul. ifGod is eliminated
there will be no peace. Turn to Thy Lord and God; inter­
cede to Thy Holy Mother.
Go home, those of you that are here from a distance; go to
work. Fulfill Our Holy Mother's requests, that is the Rosary
and the Constant Vigil of Prayer. Il can happen here, it has
happened before; it has happened in the earlier years when
the War of 1812 was won by just a mere few. Why did they
win? Not because they were supermen, but because an
Ursuline Nun was praying in a convent and their Com­
mander knelt down with them and prayed first before they
went out into battle; and this mere few won the battle; and
why can't you here? There are many more of you. Do not
walt untillt is too late. Do not wait until the germ bomb is
thrown upon your cilies and you will ail shrivel with sick­
ness. Do not wait until the invasion of thy own cities, but
turn to a Constant Vigil of Prayer. WORK, WORK for Thy
Lord and God and your reward is PEACE, PEACE. The
White Dove of Peace will fly again ifyou want it, but under
these conditions now it cannot, and will not; for Peace is far
away. Il isn't around the corner. You must work for it and
intercede to thy Holy Mother. Cali the name of God, caLI to
Him to bring Peace; it is up to you as an individual, as a per­
son. For remember, the reality ofit ail is God the Father in
Heaven, nothing else. May God bless you.
(Mary Ann stated: St. Joan said the radiance from Our Holy
Mother extended to the entrance of the Large Shrine (she
was shown this shrine in vision in 1950, completed), then
East beyond the St. Michael Shrine, West beyond St. Joan
of Arc, Sourh just beyond the poles where the pilgrims


(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot for a long period oftime
looking up into the alcove of the Four Asn Trees).
The following message was given:
Twenty-one years ago tonight, l said farewell to the little girl
at Lipa. l had given my instructions there for prayer, for
penance and for reparation. They failed over there, they let

the greedy and the enemy take over. It wasn t the chi Ids
fault, it was the fault of the eIders. A year later, 1came here
to a very humble and desolated home. The poverty was
rampant, this area is poor. The people within it were poor,
uneducated as weil as financiaOy. Twenty years We have
pleaded for prayers, reparation, the rosary, the rosary, sa­
craments.1 have pleaded to ail My children, pleaded for the
religious to be the teachers of the young chifd, the children
that are victims of their eiders. They heeded not these pleas,
they heeded not these pleas. The answer is before you, they
failed to do the requests, they mocked, they scoffed. There
are sorne standing here toni~ht amongst you that are scoff­
ing. The day of reckoning will come, it will be too late then,
you will scream.
You've been warned in the year 1950, you were warned at
Fatima, you were warned in 1838, but you continue on your
way. You care not, you heed not, how long do you expect
Thy Lord and God to be merciful. How long do you expect
Him to hold still for the sins, the destruction of the souIs of
the youth.
We ask for a Constant Vigil ofPrayer - that fell on deaf ears
for the last ten to twelve years, they heed not. In the mean­
time, the child is growing up in confusion because the eI­
ders, the parents care not, the priests care not, the religious
heed not; yet they expect miracles to happen, they expect
answers to their prayers when they are not willing them­
selves to give, to sacrifice, to make reparations.
Lord and God's arm will come down and the chastisement
will be great. There will be many suffering souls and many
crying in pain and sorrow. In 1950 you were told there will
be many fathers and mothers shedding tears for their sons
that will be lost. How many more fathers and sons and
daughters have been lost, not only through war but through
other destructions.
ln 1956 you were told of the pill that ~as being made. but
they had no exact na me for it at the time, they were still
pondering what to cali it, and now they have made the sec­
ond. Il is the enemy that is producing these Lü destroy. The
enemy of God, the enemy of the Christian world, for the
battle is not between nation and nation, the battle is between
Religion, between the True Church and the Anti-Christ.
That is Why we pleaded for you to stand together. Ali
Christians - Ali Christians must work together against the

corn mon enemy who is vicious, ruthless and will destroy

your minds, your souls, your bodies. It is implanted in you
In many ways, yet you cannot see the handwriting that's
before you in very large letters. Prayer, prayer and only
prayer, and stand in unison together no matter what Re­
ligion, what Color of ski n, or what Creed you follow. There
is no time left to bicker amongst you, the time has passed,
you may save the souls of man, the child.
Work dilligently without hesitation in your community,
bring about the Constant Vigil of Prayer; if not in your
churches, then in your homes. You can pray in your homes
if you ha ve no other facilities, you can pray in the street if it
must be. The time to hang your head in shame, in fear of
being ridiculed, in fear of being persecuted, that time has
passed. There is no time left to be timid and afraid of perse­
cution. STAND UP! Turn thyself to Thy Lord and God,
keep yourself in the state of grace no matter what the conse­
quences might be, your reward will be the Kingdom of
Heaven instead of the other way about. It is up to you as
Christiarrs, this is no id le threat, you can scoff at it, you can
laugh at it - '70 is coming before you and the years of the
70's will change many a picture, will change many a life and
destructions will become rempant in your streets, if you do
not turn to a Constant Vigil of Prayer to stem the tide of
germ warfare which you aIl must face, then you cannot es­
capt it, but prayer is more powerful than any missile. Prayer
and trust and love of God.
Utter Thy Lords name many times during the day. Put char­
ity in your heart with love of God in your heart and turn
with love to thy neighbor and show only love and devotion
to your community. Stand up as true Christians. STAND
UP! The rosary, the sacraments, sacrifice. Fear not persecu­
tion, accept it willingly and offer it to Thy Lord and God
who walked Calvary for you and died for you; but He rose
glori0usly, are vou going to rise gloriously, or do you believe
the story that Thy [ord and God is dead and is no more? Is
that what you want to believe? Go home and fight for the
truth, speak only the truth. God's blessing on aIl ofyou and
continue the Constant vigil of Prayer, the Rosary. It might
be repetitious but it is the prayer that will bring your an­
swers. It must come from the heart, it is up to you to save thy
country, thy home, thy child, or leave it go and face a horn­
ble death from LSD, or whatever pill it might take. There is
no cure for it, it will become numb, it is up to you parents to

guide your child. Parents, sons, brothers, fathers, when your
wife, your sister, your sweethearts stands in front ofyou in a
disgraceful way of dress - SHAME THEM, SHAME
THEM, do not glorify their naked bodies for they WILL
BURN IN HELL! Dress Mary-like, and this is not an idle
threat for Satan is bringing about this disgraceful attire. Do
you women think you look beautiful? You do not, you do
not, you look disgraceful, and if the men want to go along
with you, may God have mercy on your souls. 1 thank you.
(Mary Ann fell forward on the kneeler and remained for
a penod of lime with her head down - she later looked up
into the alcove of.the Trees and blessed herself three limes).
Mary Ann explained St. Francis came forward and said:
Sister, 1 promised you too 1 would be with you. Always stay
with us, have faith in Our Lord. Give yourself fully to Him
without exception Sister.
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions looking
upwards, suddenly she leaned backwards as if startled, she
later described the vision as follows:)
1saw Our Holy Mother with children on the branches of the
Four Ash Trees, they were from AlI Countries. Our Holy
Mother wore a rose-red gown, Iight blue veil, with a c1oak,
or something, over Her shoulder. Around the whole vision
was a rainbow of many colors with the inside of it in red.
The red, Mary Ann said, signified to her that bloodshed
would be world wide as the children represented ALL NA­
TIONS. Our Holy Mother's eyes were filled with tears.
Youth condition in our area, bad. OfficiaIs, Clergy and Par­
ents are not interested enough. Satan has influenced their
morals. The Christians are asleep. The Youth through Sa­
tan's influence are in control; the Parents are seeking ap­
peasement. Parents wake up, wake up, wake up. Why do
they neglect them, why? LSD distributed in ail areas. They
seek the wrong solution what they should seek is Christ,
their Lord and God for comfort and peace; not dope, not
barbituates, tranquilizers. That's no comfort, that's only a
ruination, it dulls the mind. Satan takes them and over­
powers them, he whispers in their ears. Ifthey would turn to
Jesus Christ, their Lord and God, they would get strength.
Those that can go to the Sacraments daily should go,

get up an hour earlier, take sorne food and go. Receive Holy
Communion, receive Thy Lord and God.
Ifyou are persecuted hecause you are dressing Marylike, do
not be ashamed, do not he ashamed; for you will find the
Glories of Glory, and when Christ cornes on earth and you
hear of His Presence, you won't have to bow Y0uf head in
shame; but now, you that do not heed, WILL BURN IN
NUDITY. Vou must dress Marylike. Why are you so
ashamed, why? When it only means your salvation. Why
are you ashamed to admit that you love Thy Lord and God?
Why are you so ashamed to speak of it, because they will be
classified as squares, fanatics? Don't be ashamed of that.
Take persecution, take it and love it. Do not shed tears. Why
are you shedding tears? Vou have no faith, no faith. Vou
will only receive the graces ifyou are willing to accept them.
Ifyou are ashamed ofThy Lord and God the graces won't
befall you, they will fall by the wayside. No graces are show­
ered upon anyone that wants to deny Their Lord and God.
Turn to Thy SavioL Turn to Thy SavIOL (Mary Ann opened
her eyes as seeing something frightful and said) NO, NO,
can't be that bad; THE ROAD TO HELL IS THICK, BE­
AND GOD. (Mary Ann's voice was breaking and her eyes
filled with tears). The mere few, the mere few, oh why can't
the people wake up, oh why; look al lhem, slreaming down,
look al lhem, why? The Supreme Grand Master sure did his
work weIl. Lucifer is sure patting him on the back, and now
with this confusion, look at them; turning away, Christ is
dead, we have been fooled for years. Christ is dead. There is
no God, look at them. Why can't they listen, why: and
amongst them are Clergy as they are the guilty ones mstead
of being the Shepherds of their flocks, they are preaching
heresy, try to comfort their own weakness, their own weak­
Fighting against His Holiness, fighting against the Church
of Rome, why? Why do they not believe that Their Lord and
God is watching their every move? Why can't they believe
that? Why do they dance about the altar thaCs supposed to
be the Sacrifice of Calvary's way. Why are they dancing,
kicking up their legs, Nuns, Laity as well, dancing, dancing
to the Devil's dance? Oh, in their minds iCs a new way of cel­
ebrating Mass, the Joyous way! Two-thousand years ago,

HOURS, and today they're dancing.
Where is the teaching of the First Apostles? Where is the
teaching of Jesus Christ? Why are they changing the True
Mass? They are reverting it back to the day ofCalvary. They
are tuming into Judases. Do they expect a better reward
than Judas received? Oh Lord and God, show them the pic­
ture, show them, show them. It's not far away, it's not far
away. Save the souls of man, save the children for Our Holy
Mother pleads for the children, the innocent victims of their
eiders. The priest that teaches HERESY to the innocent
child will only bum in hell, for he is a Judas, a Judas. plot­
ting against His Holiness.
Follow Christ-like, be Christ-like. Live the example of the
Holy Family, you need not tum back to the year of the birth
ofThy Lord, you can do this weil in the year '70 - 1970. Pray
for HIs Holiness, pray for His Holiness. Pray for our Bishop,
pray for our Bishop; the liberals are trying to min his health,
break him down. Pray for His Excellency and for His Holi­
ness, they have a heavy cross to carry, if they want to walk
with Christ; if they will seek the light cross then they will be
walking with those against, not for; their reward will not be
the Kingdom of Heaven, but if they accept the heavy cross
their reward will be the Glories of Glory. Pray for His Holi­
ness, constantly pray for him. He is your Shepherd, he is
your Shepherd. He is representing Thy Lord and God here
on earth. Errors were made by giving too much power to
others when he should be the one to give instructions, his
laws should be followed, his encyclicals must not be broken,
for those that break them will only be cast into brimfire in
hel!. Do not accept the 30 pieces of silver, do not accept
them. '
Talk to the little children about the Infant Jesus, it is Advent
and they must live accordingly. Il can be so beautiful and so
inspirational and the children will love it instead of rebell­
ing, ifit is prepared properly and if the parents are the par­
ents they should be. The children need guidance, under­
standing and above ail love; to be wanted IS so important to
Have you not watched the eager look in the small child's
eyes, the innocent eyes, how it grasps everything the parent
tells them? Have you not seen the beauty in those eyes?
Don't cloud them with misunderstandings, leave that spirit
grow in them, and as they get older it will be the armor they
need to fight against the wrongs that will be thrown in their


path to tempt them. Treat a child with love and it will do

much, but treat it with suspicions and misgivings and the
child will become bitter and rebel. The chifd was not born
evil, the child was born c1ean, it is what it was born into that
makes the difference; the parents must be parents. The
mother must be the mother of the home, not the breadwin­
ner; only in cases where the spouse is gone that cannot be
helped, but there a helping hand can be given by the neigh­
bors, but where they are both father and mother their child
is most important. It is what is taught to the small child, the
spirit that IS put in the heart will swell with love, and it will
grow with a sweet and lovable heart. It is up to you parents
to bring your children up as an example. Do not lament be­
cause of the persecution, do not lament. The reason you are
lamenting is because you don't want to face up to it, sorne of
you are rather late in trying. Your child has become aware
of the weakness in the parent and is trying to get control.


Too many falsehoods, must pray for them, must pray for

them. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Our Lady of

Guadalupe, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for

us. Wake them up, please wake them up.

Too much dope coming in from Mexico, Tiajuana. Next

shipment commg in from the Gulf of Mexico to New Or­

leans. That will be distributed on the Eastern seaboard. Tia­

juana to Denver, Phoenix, Dallas, San Antonio, Little Rock,

Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, LaCrosse, Chicago,

Minneapolis, St. Paul, Detroit, Toledo, Pittsburg.

This country has not been ruined from without, it has been

ruined from within. The enemy of God was able to get a

foothold into every piece of machinery to keep your U.S.A.

functioning. Everyone in 1950, no, but it certainly has us in

its c1utches now. The Serpent has coiled over the entire Con­

tinent - Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.A. The Country

where your fore-fathers had left their mess and came here to

a new country to establish peace and tranquility, and what

have you made of it. Are you nl)t proud. are you nN proud

of your country, your flag when it flys; c1eanse it, c1eanse it

for you are re-crucifying Thy Lord and God. The filth, the

sins, the corruption, the confused and misguided youth lies

on your shoulders. Cleanse it, correct it. Pray for the priests

and religious, many of them will not see the Kingdom of

Heaven, many of them will not. The youth situation not
good in area. Narcotics being ground in our area especially
The other night the Victim sobbed because she saw the truth
of a Catholic country, which she knows as Viet Nam. The
war in Viet Nam was started by the enemy to destroy Ca­
tholicism. You will face the sa me if you do not awaken to
the ills and wrongs in your country. The atrocities on both
sides were terrible. The death and destruction to humanity
is three times what they give you on the records. The statis­
tics do not tell you the truth. The Press does not tell you the
truth. You can hear the crying and wailing of the mourners
for their dead, wounded and hungry. Hunger, disease and
filth, they tell you nothing of this condition. The situation
there is very sickening, North and South Viet Nam.
Food that you on your own tables waste, food that you
could easily consume, but your taste buds don't want it so it
goes into the garbage pail. It could feed the nation of Viet
Nam, the hungry there; but you proud Americans waste
uselessly, foolishly. The situatIOn in that country occupied
by Communism is very, very desperate, exasperating. The
truth is withheld. Propaganda is put in its place, why? False­
hoods! (The picture Mary Ann was shown made her sob
when she was shown the suffering of little children).
Wounds made by irresponsible, dope filled military on ei­
ther side, on either side; useless atrocities, useless killings.
When killings happen in a general war, those cannot some­
times be helped, but when It is done against innocent chil­
dren, women and old men, it is not forgivable. The nation
that caused these deaths will suffer, will repay for those
lives. Remember you are not told the truth, remember you
Press, your Radios, your TV's; the commentators that want
to tell the truth are either threatened or in extreme cases,
their lives taken by a prepared accident.
Pray for His Holiness, pray for him. He needs prayers. Pray
for our Bishop. Pray for our Community, they need prayers
badly. When will the requests be fulfilled in cleansing your
State, when? Find willing workers in your large cities to
cleanse their cities. The mere few here cannot be responsible
for that, you must find others to do this. To do this will take
much effort and much time consuming and willingness to
give. Where there is a will, there is a way. They say, how?
Find it and follow it.

You will hear of three young girls who have cancer caused

by taking pills. Many' ailments are started because they fill
their systems with pdls of many different types and forms;
then they wonder why certain tissues in their bodies col­
lapse. Don't make yourselfinto a pill dispenser. God did not
create your body for that. Medication at times is needed,
but a liule suffenng instead ofrunning to the medicine cabi­
net wou Id help to hep your body less with the wrong med­
ication; because many times the medical man does not real­
ize that you are taking medication and one counteracts the
other and creates a disturbance within your body. Those
things are not tested out. Vou see what happened to the man
that was concerned about different substitutions put into
foods. They fired him. Check your foods, check your labels
or those that you can. Much harm is put into your food just
to make it pleasing to the eye. In many instances it causes
cancer, if not in the straight form, then in cancer of the
blood. Many ofyour so-called diseases, many so-called new
and astonishing ones are caused by these conditions. Insect­
icides contribute much, food coloring, preservatives and
fallout. Human body is becoming a chemlcal machine with
pollution of air, water and foods coming in many ways,
through the air, through the water and through the soil;
chemicals that are harmful to the blood. If they would want
to tell you the truth of the analizations they have made of
human blood in 1875 to 1899 and to compare it to now - in
the '60s, you wou Id hear quite an astonishing story; what a
difference in the blood, the purity is not there, but it was in
the past. Chemicals, chemicals, insecticides, fallout and pre­
servatives in foods are the main con tribu tors of the illness
Aren't you interested in saving your Country let alone your
Community and your State? l wish they would let me ex­
pose the one person that was the cause of the death and as­
sassinations of sorne of their people. 1 wish the whole world
knew, maybe there wouldn't be so many more assassinated
through the same group. Unless we change our way, Our
Lord and God is going to strike. There will be very few
crawling out of the shambles. Think of ail the souls that will
be lost, think of it; ail th?se sou!s that.are co.nfused. wrol1;g.
lhe souls that were lost In Camille, thInk of It. God permlt~
ted that. God can change the atmospheric conditions. He
can also make earthquaKes where there were never any be­
fore. They forget the strength of Almighty God. They are
only thinKing of things in a human way, they forget that the

Universe belongs to Our Lord and God the Father. Remem-
ber Our Lord and God and place yourselves under His care
upon arising in the morning and ask Our Holy Mother's
guidance and protection. As many times as they have been
asked to do that, you would be shocked, if 1 gave the num-
ber of how many do it, and how many forget. First give
yourself to Thy Lord and God and with this your family, as
they are dear to you; and then after you have taken care of
ail these first thmgs, then consider your problems before
you in the day. But you will find many times no matter how
weil you plan, your day will change and you will not do
what you first thought you were going to do. So be prepared
for when God is in the picture, He many times changes
things; but ifyou forget Him, you might find a glorious day
that many times turns out to be a falsity. Don't be afraid to
make sacrifices, penance, reparations. Remember Our Holy
Mother has pleaded for the conversion of Russia, that con-
version hasn't happened and now She needs to piea for the
conversion of the U.S.A. Look what's happened to the
U.S.A. She needs to plea for the conversion of the U.S.A.,
not only for Russia. Because of the many changes in the
Church, they are leaving it, so wrong, so wrong. Help me,
help me, so much wrong 1 s~e in our area. 1can't help them.
Give me the strength Joanie, Therese, strength, so much
wrong. Wake up parents, wake up your children. Vou par-
ents with sm ail children, don't let them get out of hand,
Sure made a lot of changes here. A Russian missile factory. 1
wish 1 could be an engmeer. 1 don't understand their lan-
Ruage. Ali these diagrams, but 1 believe it is one of those
'Way Stations", or something for Outer Space. 1 wish you
could read what the words say, it is quite a design. It would
more than cover the Sacred Spot and then sorne. It looks to
me like a decompression chamber, ail kinds of gadgets, they
can even live up there in those things. They've got strange
instruments that will prepare these places with oxygen and
air to make it the right pressure for the earthlings way of
breathing, instead of carrying decompressant suits. They
can remove those and walk out of that room into the inner
room for they will be just like in here, but when they go into
the other room, they must put their pressurized suits on and
then walk into the chambers to prepare it for the outside.
They have, oh, 1 don't know what you would cali it, a plat-
form like where they can stand, look into the universe, back

to Earth. This equipment looks like it is prepared to go
about the Moon, but they have another bit of equipment
here 1 don't understand, but it seem to me in my way of
reading, ifit is correct, like they are preparing to go to Mars.
1 think that's what the word means, but it is not the Moon, it
is different. They are al! working like bees, they have a place
for cookin~, they have their water, electricity, which they
make out In this area and they also have Atomic Energy
equipment which doesn't take much room. Russia does
much with Atomic Energy.
Sorne of the big shots are preparing to find a different earth
they could go on, to get away from the pollution. They
found out the Moon is not livable, too hot or too cold. Now
they are interested in Mars, Venus. They might have several
surprises when they go up there, they might never find their
way back.


Lord, help us. Lord, help us. Love one another. No Christ in
Christmas. Even the Priests join these drinking rarties
saying it's the Joyous Season to make jolly, but they ve got
the cart before the horse.
Many of the Youth instead of seeking the Christ Child, seek
p'ills, LSD, amphetamines and ail kinds ofbarbituates, mar-
Ijuana, and marijuana can sure hurt their bodies. These
foolish people who say that it isn't harmful, those foolish
people; so the Youth take it ail the more, it won't hurt them
but it does. What it does to their brain. Parents wake up.
Help us, Oh God help us so we can awaken our foolish
Youth. Awaken them, please God, please. 1 don't want to
see it, 1 don't want to see it. (Again it seems Mary Ann is vi-
sioning something horrible). Oh ... God be merciful, what
an awful Christmas for them. (Mary Ann shudders in horror
and her lips tremble). No, no, no. They were innocent
when they were born, look what their parents did to them.
They won't wake up. Pray for the Youth, pray for the
Youth. Vou don't want this to be the future generation, you
don't want this to be the future. Pray for them, parents wake
up, wake up.
This is going on in Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago, Detroit,
Cincinnati, Toledo, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston, Baltimore, Miami, St. Petersburg, New
Orleans, Atlanta, Ga., Texarkana, Little Rock. St. Louis,

Oklahoma City, Tulsa, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Denver, El
Paso, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, TIA­
JUANA (The last named spoken in disgust), Eldorado, San
Antonio, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston. These dives are where
the Youth are destroying themselves. Where are the par­
ents? God be Merciful! God, oh God be Merciful!
Our Pilgrims, the fore-fathers of our Country, the new Na­
tion, tried to fulfill the Psalm 116. They did, but later the fol­
lowers forgot to remember why the Pilgrims came to this
New World. Unless Psalm 116 is fulfilled, there cannot be
peace in this New World. You are going to face the same
purge that the Europeans faced. You are seeking it, you are
going full steam ahead for the purge, a greater purge than
the Eastern Hemisphere ever witnessed, because you have
modern things to help destroy you, and you will be de­
stroyed from within not without, from within. You your­
selves are destroying yourself.
It had been given many years ago that an A-Bomb, or an
H-Bomb, will be blown mto the subterranean network of
New York, for there is the root ofall evil in the U.S.A. Il is
the headquarters of anything but good, oh much good is
there too, but they are so small, the evil is so muc~-l!!QJe, S.Q
fmuch ~gre; but remember thosétfïitWmoestr<?y, .wMe­
] stroy own for they have alreadisoughCriew headquar­
l ters which was also given.
Read the Psalms 118, there are 176 verses, meditate on
them, study them and try to fulfill them; ail of you, ail of
you. The Psalms have been asked for many years ago, they
have been ignored; now fulfilll18, later more will be given.
Don't scream but pray, don't scream but pray. You were
warned many times over and over, you were warned and
when it cornes, don't scream but pray. Ask God's forgive­
ness for your negligence of the souls that you could have
saved hadJou heeded Our Holy Mother's requests; and the
Priests an Religious, Oh God be Merciful! Oh God be
Merciful! How can we awaken the people, they don't want
to be aW:lkened. How? l'm afraid for them, so afraid for
them; don't want to lose their souls. They are so ignorant,
why don't they hear God's pleas. Why don't they turn to
God, why? Ail this searching they are doing is so easily an­
swered,just turn to Jesus Christ. THEY DON'T WANT TO
Oon't lose faith, don't lose faith, remember God is in your
heart through the Sacraments, place yourself in His care.
Children be careful, children be careful. They are after the
Christian children. they are after the Christian children.
They will slip LSO in any ofyour foods, be careful, parents
save thy child. Parents you've given the children the right to
rebel, but the enemy has taken the initiative and using it for
two-fold purpose. Why did you leave it come to this, why?
Why didn't you heed Our Holy Mother's pleas, why? The
child must sutTer because of the eiders negfigence, so much
sutTering, why?
The Supreme Grand Master has done his work weil. He has
got the Church under his thumb. They are ail bowing to
him. Oh, why not to His Holiness Pope Paul VI, why not to
him? Why are they bowing to the Supreme Grand Master,
wh)'? Can't they see what he is doing? Why are they so care­
less? Why are our Bishops so careIess? Can't they see the
handwritmg on the wall? The battle is between the enemy of
God and the Catholic Church. If they can destroy the Cath­
ohc Church they have won the biggest battle against Chris­
tianity. Why can't they see it, oh why can't they see it, oh
why can't they? The)' are not such ignorant men as ail that,
or IS it their self pit Ythat is pronounced above aIl reasoning?
Save our Priests and our Religious and it must come from
the Laymen. They have weakened because the Laymen
haven't prayed enough for them. Our Holy Mother pleaded
for the Laymen to pray for the Priests and Religious; they
heeded not Her pleas. You can see it in your seminarians.
They have removed the humble boy and replaced him with
the arrogant one.
Children using marijuana, sorne LSO, and so-called pot;
also the type to inject, not only the smoke, parents are not
even aware of il. Ifyour child cornes in and tells you a story
that he has to go back to school, will you check that he is
going there, or IS he going into sornekind of a dive with the
rest of them. Are you sure that is where your child is going?
Oon't take his word for it, especially those that are users;
they can lie as weil as a rug lies fiat, and when you see it in
theIr eyes it is too late. When it has dilated their eyes it is too
late. When they first try it is when you should catch them.
Vou can tell it by their evasiveness, or don't you pay that
much attention to your chi Id? They want to use it for kicks.
They don't believe the story that it is goin~ to damage them;
no, they don't believe that. Not just a httle try, thaCs the
enemies gimmick. PARENTS WAKE UP! FOR GOD'S
SAKE, PARENTS WAKE UP. God loves your child, don't
you? Or do you feel so sorry for yourself you can't see the
damage that is happening to your children. Our Blessed
Mother sheds tears for them, where are your tears or don't
you care? Is that your attitude, don't you care? Whose
blame is it that we have Hippie Camps, or Yippie Camps,
whose fault? Don't blame those children, they are not guilty.
VOU ARE, parents, government officiais, even the Presi­
dent of the United States. Why don't they do something
about this dope peddling? They don't care. It's one way to
destroy their great big populatIOn explosion. Get rid of the
kids and you've won, but you forget they didn't ask permis­
sion ofGod. Your c1ergy are going along with it agamst His
Holiness. If they expected His Holiness to do anything dif­
ferent than what he did, if he had, he would be a fraud. He
would not be a true Pope, he would be the enemy of Jesus
Christ. What else could he do ifhe is the true Pope, which he
is, don't let anyone of you be kidded about il. They don't
guote his remarks accurately. Pray for His Holiness, pray
for His Holiness.
Sorne of them have made the Cursillo and the Cursillo has
them under their thumb. Can't they see it? The Pentacos­
tais, Cursillo's are ail wrong, they are ail wrong, they are
against the True Church; something to divert them and
once they are diverted they will follow the pa th of the
wrong. They are working so hard on His Holiness to get him
their way. 1 hope he win hold. Pray for him, pray for him,
please pray for him.
1 saw His Holiness when he was a Cardinal in 1950. 1 was
shown a face of a Cardinal who was later to become the
Pope, and then when this Pope was elected, he was the one
that created the greatest changes in the Church. This Pope
was not the wrong Pope, but it was under his reign that the
' changes the enemy had hoped for, when they had elected

~ \ hi m, th~.~ould corne ~o their Fay ôfThiriKing;-ro-tl1eir

\ p~-!s a~lans, their intrigues, the destruction of Jesus

1ChrisTs doctrine. Oh yes, but wM.!Lh.e was e.~d tht:Y

f found out that he was not the type_of man they thought tney

. voted for, that they wanted, msteaohe was for theHoly

{ Mother that they were trying to remove out of the Church.

Southey saw.JQit that heJ2..e9!.!TIe ill by an injection, which js


veJ)'2!.Ellp-Ie to dQ.. .t oday. Yes, they succeeded and they had
thelf own coflort nning the Council. The Pope 1 am
speaking of was Po e John XXlfD. He was no evil man, he
was a good man, but t eylïaâliôPed that they could get him
to do their bidding, but he was firm and staunch in his be­
liefs and vows to Jesus Christ.
Help Our Holy Mother, help Our Holy Mother save the
youth; save our Country, save our good Priests and Reli­
gious. Help them, tell them to stand up for the truth, tell
them. Sorne of the Priests who are becoming confused are
listening to the liberals, they can tell their tales so good you
know, and they listen to them even though they are in
doubt, they listen to them. If they went on tbeir knees and
prayed to the Holy Mother, and if they receive and renew
their vows within their heart, not just their lips; if they
would remember the words oftheir Bishop during the Ordi­
nation, if they repeat all those words that they said during
their Ordination; if they renew their Baptismal Vows, their
Confirmation, how can they fail? If they would do it with
their heart they can't fail, but ifthey let the man with the lit­
tle horns interfere, their doubts start popping and the gap
gets bigger and bigger. When all of a sud den Judas puts in
his switch, remember he was very close to Thy Lord and
God at one time, he sat at the same table with Him, remem­
ber that; so don't boast and feel that you are so strong that
you will never be tempted. Remember, but repeat thy Vows
from Baptism to Ordination, be a true soldier of ChrISt, you
can't falter then. Keep yourselfin sanctifying grace, you say
well we do, not if you let Judas enter you Gon't.
Pray for the Priests and Religious before it is too late. Those
that have turned the wrong way can still turn back. Increase
the side where there are only a few and make the volume
j?;row bigger. Come away from the multitude who are head­
mg the wrong wax, come back before it is too late. Come
back, help the chlldren so there will be more vocations of
good men and women; Our Holy Mother said it will come to
naught. Can't you turn the table and brin~ about good boys
and girls who win become good Nuns, Pnests and Brothers
and Spouses of Jesus Christ; that they are honorable to their
Vows, not honorable to the Anti-Christs ~ho are roaming
the world. There are so many Anti-ChristS:SOme iî1ihe
Hahlt orthe Clergy, for any Priest who is against His Holi­
ness is an Anti-Christ. He cannot be on one slde and also the
other. He must be with the Church of Rome, if not, he is

against Jesus Christ. Remember the Church of Rome was
instituted through Jesus Christ Thy Lord and God.
Don't let those with forked tongues make you change your
own common sense and your own experience. Remember
honey is sweet, that's what they use to lure the flies into the
trap, but behind it is Judas. Don't join them, don't join
They were hidden in the catacombs in the past. The good
must not falter, the good must not falter. The Supreme
Grand Master has shown his powers, the Supreme Grand
.\ Master seems to be in control now in many areas, but don't
) forget Thy Lord and God. HE IS ALMIGHTY! HE IS
KINGS! but when He cornes down on earth will you be
ready, will you be ready? Remember, He is coming, He is
commg, be prepared. Those that are scoffing and those that
are so ready to deny His Holiness, will be_shocked whcn
Jesusç.h!~.Lappears, but which side will you be on? Will
you-plunge intollell, or will you go to Heaven and be for-
ever in the audience with Jesus Christ? What a beautiful
place, a beautiful place. Are you going to choose the mult-
Itudes road to hellfire, brimstone""? It IS up to you, God is
testing you. God the Father in Heaven made you in the
image of Himself. He has placed you here on earth as a test.
Will you join Him in Heaven, or will you join the fallen ones
in Hell. There is no return, there is no return. The short
years you are here on earth, can you not stand that short pe-
riod and do the Will of God, than to burn in hell for ail eter-
nit)'. ETERNITY, think ofit, that is FOREVER! Your suf-
fenng will never end in eternal hellfire, there is no end. lt
isn't Just for a short period but for eternity. Look up the
word if you don't understand it, it is forever; or would you
rathèr join God the Father, God the Son and the Holy
Ghost? Will you rather float up with The Trinity to Heaven
and meet thy Heavenly Mother face to face, and that too is
for eternity. Heaven, God the Father, God the Son and the
Holy Ghost, The Trinity; keep that in your heart, in your
bosom. Make thy heart the temple of Jesus Christ and be
proud to be able to kneel in front of the Mother of God in
Heaven when the end of your test period is over. lt is up to
you, it is as simple as that. Save the youth, save them. You
are ail guilty, save them.
Why don't you ail storm the Vatican that you want to kneel
down when you receive Thy Lord and God in Holy Com-

munion, that you can kneel? Why don't you storm the Vati­
can by the millions, by the miUions? Ask His Holiness if
Jesus Christ would appear in front of him, would he kneel
down and kiss His hand. Wouldn't he kneel down, or would
be just stand like a tin soldier? Oh no, he wouldn't, he would
kneel down in ail reverence. When you receive your Lord
and God in Holy Communion, it is Jesus Christ. If they
think otherwise, if that Host is not supposed to resemble
Him; is not supposed to be Him, let them dare say so, let
them dare say so. Don't you dare doubt the Consecration;
that is what is happening or they could not treat that so
lightly. They kneel to kiss the hand of His Holiness, for there
they can see someone before them; what's more important
is to kneel to receive Thy Lord and God in the Holy Eucha­
rist. It is not a law of Jesus Christ, but it is in respect, for the
Celestials ail say that in Heaven they bend their knees. Are
the mortaIs on earth not expected to do the same reverence?
That's the test you are ail under. Are you going to be ready
to face Thy Lord and God and say, 1 did not receive You
kneeling, but 1stood like a tin soldier with my knees stiff; or
will you be able to say, 1 bowed to receive You in ail glory
and reverence and love and devotion. Write to His Holiness.
Write to your Bishop. Ali Christians should do that if they
believe in the Holy Eucharist. If you do not believe in the
Holy Eucharist you need not caU yourself a Catholic be­
cause you're not.
More afflictions, more floods, more thunderstorms, more
deaths, more destruction. God will strike again for He is in
control of the atmospheric conditions, He permits them.
Sorne are caused by man's doings but God permits it:-PTease
don't destroy our America, please. We have such wonderful
men in o~r countrmr~outh, don't destrQY it f2r want of
greed alld ll9'!Yer. e p the poor, the unfortunate and you
will have been tbe will of God. Help the youth for a
better understandmg, do not fill them wlth fafse propan­
ganda. Help them save the V.S.A. or it soon will be too late,
It soon will be too late. Our next raging battle might be very
close to home. Bloodshed will be severe, it will be very close
to home, there will be many crippled children and it will be
the fault of the parents, for the sms of the parents. There will
be a need for homes for those poor children, there will be a
great need for proper care for them.
God have mercy on us, oh God have mercy on us. Blessed
Mother pray for us, Blessed Mother pray for us. St. Joseph

pray for us, St. Joachim pray for us, St. John pray for us, St.
Peter pray for us, St. Ann pray for us, St. Tnerese pray for
us, SVoan of Arc pray for us, St~na pray for us, St.
RomauIa pray for us, St. Agnes pray for us, pray for us, pray
for us.
Our Holy Mother has been pleading to be M!Hyljk~in dress
but they do not heed Her. Do you wanlTo know the truth of
(what happened in the White House recently? The leader
) ft~n~ Georges Pompidou, was shocked at s9.JiR:'of
( those thaewere iQ the Whit~ House in mini-skirts. Whe!!.E5
'!1ade th~_statement he did, they scurried rapidly and
changed their attire. Why can't they do that for dle pleas of

the Blessed Mother? Not ail h_~~ir.minds. in the~~r,
not ail men period. He, the Minister from Fr~nce, certamly
did not approve of the American attire. Write to your Presl­
1 dent, wnte to your Bishop before this country_goes down
like France did. He told him this. - -­
PrayI'Or His Holiness, pray for His Holiness; they are trying
to break him, they are trying to break him. Vou will find
many strange things happenmg in our churches because of
the new changes; not as the Holy Father hopes it will be but
according to the whims of sorne of the clergy. Pray for him,
pray for him, pray for him; because of disobedience many
things will not come as expected. It is not only the young
priests that are liberal, there are many young conservative
priests who are shocked'at the behavior of sorne of the older
~sts~ho ~~ .!u!:.ned liberal. - ­
f Why this appeasement amongst sorne of them, why the ap­
, peasement? It is very obvious, very obvious. Fear ~LR~Ise­
l CU!!9n,>f persecution.
The Continent has been shown in red and it will soon be
thus. Many more lives will be lost, American boys as weil as
others. Not enough effort is made for the Constant Vigil of
Prayer. Our Holy Mother's messages are not heeded. Check
back, they have been ignored in many places. Vou cannot
do these things and expect peace, you cannot.
Our Holy Mother has us ail under a tremendous test. Ail the
pilgrims professing loyalty, plus the ones living in this area
and those especiafiy that came here because of the Shrine.
They are bemg tested for their loyalty and their staunch­
ness. The day is coming wh~n your strength will be proven.
Those that falter will De sorry when it will be too late.


There wilLbe a division in )'our church, remember that,
therê is no way of escaping it'--voUiOnfy hope would have
been the Constant VigilofPrayer, and that is not for th com­
ing the way it had been hoped for. The Christians are not
umting. The great underground movement which is not for
the right, it IS against His Holiness and any movement
against His Holiness, especially the present Holiness, is
wrong; and any Bishop wbo is working against, which many
are, tbey are wrong. Many Bishops in this wrong pattern are
also the head of dlOceses so you can see the confusion and
the darkness that is befalling your church. That is where
your schism, your split, will come. They hoped now they
had conquered the prOblem but that is not the case. Unless
the Constant Vigil of Prayer, unless the Religious and the
Priests will turn to be faithful and loyal, if tbey fulfill the
Vows that they made at the time they made them; if theX
make them at the time in truth which is not the case today; If
they will turn back before it is too late, you still have a very
short period, a very short period. The Seventies are upon
you and many changes will take place in the Seventies. The
mockery of your days in history will come.
Blood will be shedding, falling in many areas. No, no, assas­
sinations, riotings, kiIlings, oh no. Racial trouble will be
springing up, it will be frightful, it will be frightful. Remem­
ber you must continue, you must have courage. Remember
twenty years have gone by and Our Lady has pleaded and
pleaded. They ignored Her pleas, now, well, She said you
would scream, you will scream. Those days are upon you,
they are not sorne twenty and thirty years away, they are
ul?on you. Sorne day the answers to many hidden questions
Will be answered and all your mistakes will be laid in your
Can you picture this as Our Lord and God hangs suspended
on the Cross. All about Him and beneath Him the youth, we
will start with the youth for the negligent parent they don't
seem to care what happens to their chlldren. The youth have
left their homes and gone to colleges and universities, ifyou
would walk into sorne oftheir rooms and find your daughter
and son stripped, would you like it? Find them in immoral
actions, would you like it? Your sons and daughters in col­
leges, their restrictions have been removed and they are
mlxing them up. Then they smoke drug cigarettes, they in­
ject poison into their systems, or they take a trip with LSO.
Dunng that period the childs mind IS not normal. They are


. re-crucifying Our Lord. It is very hard to explain how your

\ brain feels on a trip with LSD, It gets hot, i! gets cold, it ti­
ngles, your body quivvers. Parts of your arms float away,
your leg goes another direction and you try to grasp il. In
( some cases they see aIl kinds of things. Some think tfIey see
Jesus Christ in the sky, or they see a devil and they want to
grab his tail and ride with him. Some see a ridiculous phe­
nomenon and others see satanic, and their heads and their
"bodies are terrible. The ~ain will nev_~!?~the_~ame,oh yés,
\. they will come back, but not the saf!le. It is impossible be­

l càuse the<rfüghàs that muchRower on the tiss.!!, and still

they takètIiem. Adults also take them to try them. Some
( the feeli.ngs they have, and.. some are ruined forever.

) Some are in Y.9ur institutions, they will never come b!lck.

is the reason they built these large-insiltutions,

) Tllât
they want to declare you insane; aIl they need to do is drQP a
1cube !nt~.YEur ~k, you-d'rink it and yo~ll be i!l~!lne,
)1 you wimhinl(yo~_were.They will see to it that you get your 1
second dose ana maybe your third. It aIl de pends on how j
strong they make the first cube, and that is what Thy Lord
and God must witness.
Where are you parents. LSD is in Wisconsin Dells, Eau
Claire, LaCrosse, Milwaukee, Madison, Janesville, Ken­
osha and Racine, Manitowoc, Green Bay, Appleton, Fon du
Lac, Oshkosh, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Antigo,
( Merril, Tomahawk, Hurley, Ashland, and Superior. som.e

) o~ th~ugs work <?.l!...!..h~·Ôctim and ~ive ~h~I!Lc~m.L~!riïi-

stmc!s, ot!! become weak; weIl let s say they will Slt and

) cry~nd soo, while others get the feeling to be destr.uctive.

MOst of your college towns in the state of Wisconsin have
LSD distributed in them and aIl other drugs. Some children
know what the plant looks like and dry and use it (mariju­
(The enemy is laughing to see you destroy yourselves for that
) is what tfiêY meantwhen they said, the Goyim will destroy
~ themselves; you are, and some of y<5ûT""ooysnave gone into
the Service and get the stuff there. They are smart and wise,
they watch but they are afraid, so they will take pills to calm
thelr nerves and that is the starl. If man wou Id only learn to
leave ;llouWeJi!!s and not run to the cabinet for eVëry lit­
tle ill feeling. Inhe doctor prescribes your medicine take it,
but do not be your own piIl dispenser. InJ2.iLguring The
Passion it was said; "Destruction of the mind.", wfiat do yciu
think you have, can't you see it, do you need a better picture

drawn? The warning was given then in hopes the world
would awaken, but the world slumber~Jl and slurnhers on,
they heed not Her pIeas, they care not.
When a parent doesn't care for his own child, how do you
expect the world to care? It ail cornes back in your own
home, it starts in your own home and then proceeds, it is up
to you. Write to your President about this, write to the Hier­
archy, or don't you care? The sins, the destruction of human
bodies and souls will not end unless the parent takes action.
The laity must work, the laity must work because in sorne of
the cases your own priests takes sorne of the j unk, they float
right along with them. There, it started agam in the home.
FRIDA y . MARCO 6, 1970 (LENT)
In the next ten years you are going to see such tremendous
changes. Unless the Constant Vigil of Prayer progresses,
J\ they are going to be taken in because no bodfstops tç>-think." S5~
w.hy don't Can't they think? What's the mat-
ter with them? Can't !!:!ey think things Q!lt? Why do they
f walk like a bunëIïOf sfieep to tne s1aughterhouse, why?
\ Don't want to stand up at an, don't want to stand up, afraid
{ they might be persecuted. They sooner be pals and friends
with everybody, even though it's Satan's environment, why?
Can't they see?
Our Holy Mother told us to stand up, to be on the truthful
side n~t _~asement, nQLfl"'ppe.a~nt. WAKE UP!
er help me to wake them up, Blessed Mother help me, Bless­
ed Mother, help wake them up.
If you can't go in sorne churches with the Constant Vigil of
Prayer boards, why don't you go into the homes? Vou can
have your leaders there and set up your hours; you don't
have to go to a church if the Pastor fights it. Can't you think,
can't you do a little arithmetic?
Wake up! That's what the devil wants, no prayers and he's
got the victory. Please wake up, wake them up! Wake them
up, wake them up! Pray for the Bishop.
Vou don't have to be afraid, the truth will get you to Heav­
en. Appeasement will only get you into Purgatory; don't
they want Heaven? It's a lot nicer there. Our Holy Mother
said to stay with the truth, as many times during the work it
has been said, stay with the truth. Vou don't have anything
to fear, so why the appeasement, why? That's straddling the

fence; you can't straddle the fence without getting hurt. The
truth hurts no one only a few consciences, but they will think
and straighten it out.
Can't we bring the organ back into our churches? They are
so beautiful and they have guitars if they want them, they
have bells ifthey want them, that's all in an organ. 1 know It
saddens all of you. The Constant Vigil of Prayer is the only
thing that can bring it back to the way you all will it to be.
Can you help our Priests and Bishops. 1 know they are
loose on earth, ves, 1 know they are loose. God termits them
to be loose on earth to test the truthfulness, the"ôyaltyOfthe
SOns anô -Daugnters and Brothers in Christ. Thank you
Good St. Ann. If it is not heeded it will be Armegeddon and
that will be terrible. that will be terrible.
The mini-skirts of the Nuns and women will bring them all
to hell, to HeU! Why do they seek the road to hell? Why
can't they leave their skirts two and three inches below their
knees? That's not asking too much when rightfully it should
be dow.!! the Jeg, especially for the Spouses of
Jesus Christ. Wny musr1hey constantly defy thelr Vow of
Chastity, why? They are only defying their Lord and God
and God will not forgive them for this. You cannot appease
Thy Lord and God. There is only a right and a wrong, there
is no in-between; it is only black or it is white. Can't tlley un­
derstand that it is Satan that is pitting their own weak self
against the truth, not the right. Because of their defiance
toward the Vow ofChastity, there are sorne Order.; ofNyns
that wjll be wi{>.ed off the ea!Jh. They willlose, they willbe
( forgotten"ànd tlib willlanct in Purgatory and sorne !.!!..h.e!l.
Is that what they choose, do they not seek Heaven, wasn't
1. that the purpose for entering a convent as a young girl?
Wasn't that the purpose to glve themselves to Their Lord
and God, to work for Jesus Christ, wasn't that the purpose?
( Then, why are they worki!1g for Satan now, why won't they
) think, cari't they ffii'jUê it ouGSITSo impossible toJhink?
l Evëry Priest thaCa Nun tempts and every Priest who
marnes a Nun, there is only one road, THE BLACK ONE!
There is no other way out unless they come on their knees
and ask forgiveness and do reparation for their error before
God wi~ th~ir life aw~ay. There is no appeasement here,
tlieVow of Chastity was taken and they must live accord­
ingly, there is no appeasement here. His Holiness does not
sanction their doings, so right there they have one score
against them. Their Lord and God does not sanction it, and


God the Father in Heaven does not sanction it, so who are
they kidding, Judas? Vou know what happened to him. Is
that the reward they seek? Oh Nuns, Pnests, Wake Up!
Brothers in Christ, Wake Up! Before it is too late, before the
gate is closed ul20n you and is sealed forever. Do not let
weakness of flesh overpower your common sense, your
common sense. The Vows of Chaslity will always be the
fore-runner of your possession. Obedience to His Holiness,
obedience. Selfwill, selfpity, arrogance and pride are the
downfall of many, do not let yourself become shackled to
Pray for them, pray for them. Pray for the children who are
the viclims of dope. Pray for the children who are defying
their parents. Pray for the children who are letling Satan in­
fluence them, especially the girls who are wearing mini­
skirts and the boys who are being tempted by what they see;
instead of rebuklOg them and telling them they are sinning.
Remember the words ofThy Holy Mother, remember them.
Look at those foolish girls. There are many mothers shed­
ding tears, what can we do? We can't buy anything anymore
that fits, well you let it happen. Why didn't you fight it
when it started? Don't fight when the horse is gone out of
the barn, you want to close it and it is gone and that's the
case today. The lime to fight is when it IS first presented to
you. Vou know that it is done through Satan and now you
have a harder struggle. Now you are shedding tears. Don't
you think shedding tears is a little bit late? The damage is
being done to the souls of:your sons and daughters. Vou are
letting them become tarOished, don't weep now but fight,
fight. Stand up as a group ofwomen, march on your stores,
get together and fight! Are you that weak, or do you have
too much to do? Isn't the soul ofyour daughter worth more?
Ban together as true soldiers of Jesus Christ, not as weak­
kneed sisters. Can't you think what you must do? March on
the stores, get together no matter where you have to rake
them out from, get going. The time is growing short, don't
be caught when the chaslisement cornes, and you will have
to stand before Thy Lord and God and say, well, 1 didn't
have time, 1 didn't have time! You've got lots of lime when
the soul of your child is at stake. Be parents, sure they are
going to answer you, they are going to tell you of the mis­
takes you made; maybe you've got them coming, maybe
you are supposed to hear them. Remember children are no

dumbbells, they can hear, they can see and they can read.
Ifs up to you to guide them and correct them. When they
are twenty-one it IS a liule bit late to start to tell them what
they have to do and what they should have done. The time is
when they are small and beslde you. Our Holy Mother said
to teach the liule children from the cradle on up, and that
child that is so taught will always respect their father and
mother even though it runs into adverse situations. If you
properly guide and speak to them you can explain the rea­
son for il. Parents wake up! Wake up! For sorne it has been
too late, for sorne a cast has been made; do not fall into the
same trap but pray and stand up and be parents. Lower that
hemline, bring il down to where it belongs. Mothers ban to­
gether and march on your Department Stores. Don't be
afraid, oh you will have sorne "biddies" that like a man to
wink at them and glare at them. Weil ignore those, you
don't ha ve to be guilty for them; the time Will come and they
will have to take the consequences.
FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1970 ( LENT)
Our Blessed Mother pleads. Re-read the last three years
Lenten and Advent messages, and use them as a guide to
fulfill Our Holy Mothers requests, plus re-read Her own
messages that She gave.
BEGONE SATIN! Is the most powerful weapon that you
can use with a Hail Mary, an Our Father, a Glory be to God
and sorne holy water and kiss your Crucifix.
Remember you have a free will, don't use it for the wrong
but use it for the righl. Cali on The Blessed Trinity and then
the Holy Trinity Will help guide you. I know ail ofyou folks
say: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Ghost, but when you make the Sign of the Cross, do
you make it like this? (Mary Ann made a motion with her
hand), or do you make it properly. Calling down the Glories
of The Blessed Trinity; you are invoking the Trinity with the
prayer. The Blessed Trinity is the beautiful mystery and a
beautiful prayer.
"Glory, Glory to God in the Highest and then you say:
Glory be to God the Father, Glory be to God the Son and
Glory be to God the Holy Ghosl." Th~y are removing those
"Glories" out ofyour Masses. Ifthey are removing them out
of your prayers but will you yourselves continue please?
Holy Mother, Holy Mother, don't let those things happen.

-.-­ --'l

Don't let those things happen Holy Mother, don'l. 1 don't

think our people understand, they do those things blindly
because they are confused, they are just confused. Don't let
those things happen.
As the FIFTH SIEGE is now, so is it., the Apocalypse, is
S hap~ning...1Q9ay; not ail ofthem, the prophecies, but many
) ôfi em. If you read and study it you will recognize those
that are happening now.
Pray to God Almighty. Pray to The Blessed Trinity. The
Glory be to God the Father, the Our Father, the Hail Mary
is your strongest weapon. If l'ou have no time, which is
sometime the case to say Rosanes, say those prayers. Repeat
them while you are working, repeat them while you are
doing things, they will come from your lips as commonplace
as your breathing if you make a practice of it; and in this
way you will ward off the conditions that might make you
falter. Practice it and that will give you strength.
There is no more unison, no more devotion. In many
churches that you can walk into today; you do not know by
walking on the outside, this says "Catholic Church", but
when you walk inside, ifyou have ever attended a Holy Rol­
1er, or any ofthose "jumping about" churches; you will find
this in sorne of the churches in chicago right now, also New
York and your larger cities. They sing and dance about
using hootananny tunes. That is going on and has been
going on the last four to five years; this IS nothing new, they
were doing this before Vatican II. This was done before Vat­
ican II was ever thought of, or before they made their deci­
sion. The Church is losing ground rapidly and Her suppos­
edly faithful flock is rolhng right along with il. There are
many, many good devout people that are so confused they
do not know what to do, because they tried to talk to thelr
aili'r aud 1}1I they get are insults and hur1S:""Even many of
the ~ood priests are aFraid to speak up. SPEAK UP PAS­
TORS, SPEAK UP! Where is your flock? COURAGE, to
help you stand up, stand up and be counted! Be counted for
if you wait, when you leave this earth it will be too late.
Use the Baltimore catechism on the younger generation that
is growing up, unless you want them to fall into the traps of
the misguided ones, it will be up to you as individuals; that
will mean your grandchildren as weil as others. If enough
prayer and the Constant Vigil of Prayer could balance il
back, then that might not be necessary; but ail the evidence
is that this will not happen in time. Once a child is brain­


washed and grown up we cannot bring it back. The time,

Our Holy Mother says, is from the cradle up. We should
have the right mate rial to teach them, the truth and the
right; remember there is a large plan and has been in the
past, to bum good religious books. Many years ago when l
visioned the destruction of our good books, at that time l
foolishly thought it meant the enemy, the Anti-Christ was
coming to bum them. Here, it is our own doing the de­
stroying, our own seminarians, our own new crop of priesls
as weil as older, our Nuns, our Religious, our Brothers in
Christ. That's what l saw that l thought was the enemy; it
was by the new breed of Catholics. Our Holy Mother
wamed me not to interpret Her messages and l guess l did.
)t is our own who,are mocking and ridiculing the Nuns who
J arewearing a respectable Habit. l guess we willl!eed a Rlace
for those l-Iuns tha~ want tQ. stay inthe place they vowed
Î they wouldSiay with proEer Habit and -eroper pr~rs. The
Vespers as weil asTl1êlfCnanTs'1IlaTareso beauti ul. Re­
member, read the psalms, read the psalms, not the hoota­
nanny psalms, not the hootilnann)'~rds. They are even
1changing the_beautiful-p-'~alms,into modern reaQing just as
they have removed "BLESSED are they", lhey have lurned
( into "HAPPY are they". They will change the beautiful
\( words of the psalms, and it is not done.J1y the true men of
\ the Church but t~a!1li-y. Lord an!LGodsl.1!s~ QUJ...of
1 the Temple, the money cliang~, the ones against Thy Lord
ana God they are the ones as given before, ifs now repeat­
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions blessed
herself three times and said:
"Thank you St. Joseph.")
Saint Joseph says to be patient, prudent, to stand up, for the
truth will win your battles. Before us is a very heavy cross lo
carry but with faith in Thy Lord and God, you will win, with
patience and prudence. Fulfill Our Holy Mother's requests,
do not deter yourselffrom this, ifyou do you will falter. The
enemy is here to destroy not to build. Thy Lord and God is
merciful to those that call to Him, those that seek His peace
He will give this peace.
1 ask to help our sick that bear your name.
"Give them my blessing Child, God's and my blessing upon
those that sacrificed so much to be here tonight."

Our Lady ofSorrows pray for us, Our Lady ofSorrows pray
for us, Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us, Our Lady of Sor­
roWS pray for us. Oh Holy Mother, Holy Mother, Our Lady
ofSorrows pray for us. Help our youth, help our youth. The
punishment for their evil dress will be severe. Oh Holy
Mother don't let our Lord and God give them the punish­
ment. Give them the enlightenment first so they can repent;
Lord and God let them repent, they are confused.
Holy Mother, Blessed Mother. Thy Heart waslierced with
sorrow, help us. Ours is pierced with pain an sorrow too,
help us. We need your help now more than ever, help us.
Tel1 us what to do Oh Holy Mother, help us. Help us, help
us, enlighten our priests, enlighten our priests. Oh Holy
Mother enlighten them that Thy way to Calvary may not be
in vain, enlighten our priests so they stay with Our Lord and
Gad. Teach the chilaren the truth, teach the children the
Pray for the Cardinals who are promoting the wrong, pray
for them, pray hard for them, make special sacrifices for
them. Pray for them, pray for them so when they vote on
decisions they will vote for the right.
Sorrowful Mother pray for us, Sorrowful Mother pray for
us, Sorrowful Mother pray for us. Our Sorrowful Mother is
so sorrowful, She is crying. Her sons the priests are hurting
Her so, they are turning tFlÎs upper spear (Mary Ann points
up near her heart), in Her heart and twisting it and it is mak­
ing il bleed. Her heart is so heavy because Her priest sons
ignore Her pleas; ignore Her Divine Son's way to Calvary,
the way it should be. Her heart bleeds, She is pleading for us
to do the right and to fol1ow the right and the just; to fol1ow
the original not the liberal way. They are confusing the true
issues of the way to Calvary and the death on the Cross, they
are confusing il with their own will, their own self pity.
All those who have such a tremendous battle to fulfil1 the
just, if they would give more of their heart to the right, the
battle would ease. Too many devils are here who are wear­
ing the cloth of the clergymen, of the clergymen who have
done wrong, they are the worst ones, they are the \Vorst ones.
Oh priests don't fol1ow in their foots teps, they suffer so tre­
mendously don't follow their footsteps, oh please priests
don't fol1ow their footsteps. Oon't be so foolish, your life on
earth is so short but in heU it is forever, don't be tormented
forever, don't, it is much easier to adjust now. Why the tor­
ments ofhell, why? Don't choose that road that is so heavily
trodden. The road to hell is so crowded. Daily the numbers
on this road are increasing. Please turn back, while you are
on earth you can still turn back; please turn back or God
have mercy on them, God have mercy on them.
Can't we awaken our clergymen and our religious, those
who are doing wrong must they live in eternal hellfire? It's
awful, don't tli.ey know what hell is like! Can't they imagine
the burning in heU? They are trying to remove that so there
is no fear there; the last Supreme Grand Master sure saw to
that. My stomach is sick from aU this awful stuff, makes me
Fr. Dominic, Fr. DQminic, please ifthey had only listened to
you. If they had only listened to you and had the Perpetuai
Adoration in ail the churches, and tried to promote it, ifthey
ha~ only listened to xou. Instead or that they listened. to t~e
artlcle of Fr. Franklin Kennedy m the Herald agamst It,
against il. Of course the people will follow anything to make
them forget the special sacrifice, nobody wants to do that.
Our own group should never forget to pray for Bishop Frek­
king, add prayers to the holy hours. Holy Mother pray for
us, Holy Mother pray for us. Say the Sorrowful Mother
pray ers, say the Sorrowful Mother prayers. Say the Sorrow­
fui Mother litany, say the Sorrowful Mother rosary because
you know this has been removed out of the Church calen­
dar. Oh Sorrowful Mother, Oh Sorrowful Mother, hear our
pleas, Oh Holy Mother.
Oh Holy Mother, Oh Sorrowful Mother give us strength.
Oh Holy Mother, Oh Sorrowful Mother keep us from temp­
tation. Help our children to do the right. Oh Holy Mother,
Oh Sorrowful Mother, help our clergy. Oh Holy Mother, Oh
Sorrowful Mother, help our Sisters. Oh Holy Mother, Oh
Sorrowful Mother help our schools. Oh Holy Mother, Oh
Sorrowful Mother, help us wipe your tears. Pray for us, have
mercy on us, oh hear us please; God be merciful, hear us, oh
hear us, please hear us.
Is it wrong to kneel to receive Thy Lord and God and get a
blessing, even when it comes to the blessing of a priest, it is
stiJl Our Lord and God's blessing. Is it wrong, is it wrong to
kneel in ail courtesy is it? Please help us, don't make us
stand like tin soldiers, don't. We must do what's in our
hearts, we must do what's in our hearts, and that is to honor
Our Lord and God the right way. You love Our Lord and

God don't you? If He came and stood on the altar in front of
you, on the altar in real, wouldn't you fall on your knees?
Then what's the difference? We are taught Christ is in the
body of our priest during Mass, that he is representing Him;
what's the dlfference? Is he representing Christ? Is that who
we are paying our respect to, or to an mdividual flesh and
blood man? It is supposed to be Christ isn't it? Isn't that
what we were taught ail these years, nearly two thousand
years, and now suddenly it is wrong? Sorrowful Mother,
please hear my pleas.
St. Joan said that we have received our answer what more
are we seeking? The Saints have told us over and over again
that ail knees bend in Heaven for their Lord and God. They
have removed that statement out of the new missal so that It
makes it easier for them.
(Mary Ann opens her eyes as if viewing something).
Oh Sorrowful Mother, Our Sorrowful Mother standing on a
cloud. She has a blue veil and mantle on but Her gown is
rose-pink. Oh the huge tears that are rolling down Her face
as She looks down upon Her priests. She is displeased with
Her priest sons; those who are making mockery of the Di­
vine Sacrifice from the Garden in Gethsemani to the death
on the Cross. They are ma king it a Joyful period instead of
the period of devotion, love and sacrifice. Tbe only period of
rejOlcing is the period of the Resurrection. les awful how
many of our priests have fa lien, it's awful. Our Holy Mother
loves them so, but they care not, they are re-crucifying Him.
(Mary Ann puts her hands up to her head in action as of
shock.) Oh My God! God have mercy on us! God have
mercy on us! Oh Holy Mother show our Bishops and our
Cardmals this scene; show them the errors of their ways.
They won't believe me, they won't believe me.
If ail the religious in the world, Priests, Brothers, Nuns and
Sisters would fulfill their Vows and do their duties as pre­
scribed by Thy Lord and God, there would be such a
change. There would be such a change it would be aston­
ishing. There wouldn't be any mini-sklrts, there wouldn't be
such problems between the parents and their children, for
the True Shepherds wou Id guide them the way they are sup­
posed to; but they themselves have fallen as described pre­
viously; the reason for it, read the reason and correct it. Oh
Lord and God have mercy on us, have mercy on us, spare us
the chastisement, spare us. The good are so few, tlle con­
fused are so many and they follow the wrong path for it


seems easier now to follow than to do the right, to make

Sacrifices, Penance, the Rosary, the Sacraments. Lord God
have mercy on us, spare us Thy children, spare us Oh Lord.
Holy Mother pray for us, Sorrowful Mother pray for us.
Bring forth those that have been cured. There are many
people cured of many afflictions, but they have not come
forth, why? Your Scripture gives you the answer doesn't it?
Your percentage to that is equal, out of ten only one gave
\hanks. If the rest would come fotth there would be nu mer­
aus canes, walkers, wheel chairs, ail on the grounds. ln some
of the shrines where canes have been hung, canes have been
bought and hung there, don't do that, let the true ones come
there. You don't want to make a show but you want the
truth, don't you? Just stick to it, the truth, don't ever falter
from the truth, don't ever let anyone deter you. A white lie is
never a white lie.
lt would be wise for the people in this country to preserve
their wood and replant for the future. Many ofyau seemed
concerned about the pollution in the air that's coming. Plant
your trees to help purify your air. Respect a tree, it is one of
God's creations. ft isn't something that man made, God
made it, respect the tree. Do not chop it down because you
think it is in the way, rather preserve It, for you are going to
need it for purifying your air you are going to breath. They
seem to fear the pollution of the air, then why have they
stockpiles of H and A Bombs? One of the greatest polluters
are your A and H Bambs. Men wake up before you will de­
stroy yourself. God need not take a hand. God gave yau a
talent, use it properly and you can survive. Use if for de­
struction and you will destroy yourself, and that is respirato­
ry ailments will flourish and they will use many excuses, but
many years ago you were told your greatest ailments will be
respira tory ailments. That does not mean TB, respiratory
ailments can be many. Man wake up, do not destroy your­
selves, use your God-given talents for the right and not for
the wrong.
God have mercy on us, Gad have mercy on us.


Blessed Mother help me, St. Joseph help me, St Francis help
me, St. Ann help me, Father Dominic help me, Father
Theophilous help me, Father Long help me, Hank, Fred,
Father Martin help me. Heart hurts, wound of heart hurts.

Don't lose faith in Th)' Lord and God even if the enemy is
pushing their ways, stick to the truth. Never lie but tell the
truth only for God hears, God sees ail, you can hide it from
man but you can't hide it from God. If the people would
learn the truth; He sees, He hears ail. If you think you can
hide yourselves in the basement or in the darkness you
can't. Your thoughts are heard by Thy Lord and God, He
hears, He knows. You have your own free will for tem pta­
tion but fight it and He will help you. Love thy neighbor as
thyself. Ifyou condemn your neighborJou are condemning
yourself. Will you remember that an maybe you would
find a better way.
Why can't the Christians work like the Supreme Grand Mas­
ter and his cohorts work, why? They have now reached the
score of 1100, they are increasing and' their disciples are
mounting in numbers, The enemy has done his work weil.
What's the matter with the Christians? Why don't they wake
up, why, why?
1 fear for the parents of the youth that are scandalizing
Christian princlples, 1 fear for those parents. Our Lord and
God is very firm on this. Our Holy Mother has spoken many
times over asking us to dress Marylike and to be the exam­
pie for others. Let us not lose our souls because of our negli­
gence. Help others to find the way, the truth and the light.
Man is not as he was years and years ago. Man could walk
around in nakedness but they did not faU into sin as they do
today, so you cannot use that as an example if a man is
tempted, and the enemy is promoting it to tempt man to lose
their dignity and their self respect. Once they have lost that
they have them in control because the enemy know what
you do. They have spies and witnesses ail over. Why are
they so foolish, why, why, Oh God, why? Don't they love
our Blessed Mother or do they just say so? Ifthey loved Her
truly from the heart they couldn't hurt Her, they couldn't,
they are hurting Her. Our Holy Mother is shedding tears,
great big drops not just dampness in Her eyes, but actual
tears for Her children that heed not Her pleas. Why oh why
don't they love Her? She is so beautiful! How can you hurt
Her and say: Oh Holy Mother, 1 love you and beg for ail
kinds of intercession, but they will not do the right thing,
that's too much. They wou Id rather dance with the devil,
they use Judas as their guide. You know what happened to
him, do you want to join him?
There's only two roads - one to Heaven and one to Hell.

Which one are you going to take, which one? Any woman
that tempts a priest goes to heU! Remember, your priests are
men, they are the beast of men just as well as you laymen.
They too are tempted, they have the same feelings. Can't
you help them by being respectable towards them instead of
tempting them? Don't you think they are tempted? You
commit him to think wrong, it's YOU who are guilty
You have the nerve to walk up to Holy Communion with
mini-skirts and say: Lord, 1 am receiving you with love. You
do not, you are scandalizing your church, your corn munity;
above ail you are temptin~ the Son of God's representa­
tives. Continue it and Gad s righteous arm will strike, but
what will be left will be a mere few. Are you going to be
amongst the mere few, or are you going to be with the mul­
titude down in he Il? It's up to you, there isn't much time left!
Don't say you can do it today and tomorrow l will change.
Thy Lord and God has the score. He knows what you did
and He knows what you are thinking. Don't make Our
Heavenly Mother weep, please. She loves Her children.



(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions in pray­

er - blessed herself three times and said: ''Thank you Saint
Saint Hegesippus says that as in his time, so at this time as in
the time of old, the danger of the faithful is as much now as
it was then. He had to come while on earth, to straighten
much of history and so must it be straightened out today.
They are again printing heresy just as at the time that he
walked. He had to straighten several books that were com­
pleted in error. Pray that this will be done before too many
souls will be lost. Heresy has been implanted by the enemy
of Jesus Christ through the corruption of man, through the
negligence ofman and it is up to the righteous to correct the
heresy that is being taught to the youth and to the laity
today. God HimselT does not sanction the things that are
taught to the public, the children, especially the little child.
Il must be corrected for the Kingdom of God cannot flour­
ish on earth unless it is truthful, righteous and the Divine
Teaching, not heresy.




Thank you St. Francis (St. Francis gave us a blessing with

holy water).
Twenty years ago tonight it started with a blessing we just
performed. The Crucifix had a beautiful blue grow. The
same appeared in the Trees just ten minutes ago. Over the
twenty years much has happened, much has come to pass. It
started twenty years ago on that very spot which was intend­
ed to bring forth much fruit and that IS the souls of man to
be saved. It wasn't the material aspect that was asked to be
saved but the soul of man. They heeded not the pleas to be
saved, instead they plunged deeper anç! deeper into sin,
they ignored the plea and the promise of mercy; they rather
went forth in thelr own desires and their own wanton greed
and lust for power; plunging the youth, the innocent child,
down into the pits of sin. They heeded not or cared not, for
those that should have heeded the call on these grounds and
gone forth to help the youth, to c\eanse the schools, to
cleanse the environment, to purify the homes; to bring be­
fore the child purity, honor and respect, instead they have
led the child mto the pit of sin, destruction of souls, of
minds, of reasoning. Tha t is wha t the youth has found, the
faith that their parents have put them there. Had they heed­
ed the words ttiat started on this night, had they heeded to
pray the rosary, go to the Sacraments daily, to change their
lives; had they heeded these pleas, you would not be facing
the terrible destruction of human souls, minds, bodies that
you are now living and will face in the future. Twenty years
have passed, they heeded not. You will not have twenty
more years to play around and heed not our Holy Mother's
requests. Those that laughed and scoffed, be they clergy or
laymen, are guilty of the soul of the youth that could be
spared, the soul of man who have faflen by the .wayside,
they cou Id have been brought back had they heeded. It is
late now, it's late, the hour is very late. Devastation, destruc­
tion cou Id befall thy Nation, hunger will befall many, assas­
si nations and death of the cruelest way will befall thy Coun­
try; thy children will suffer. The Holy Father will weep bit­
ter tears, the Priests and Bishops will flounder around; had
they fulfilled the requests of Our Holy Mother, had they ful­
filled the requests even in the year 1917, but instead they
scoffed, they deny, why? Because they must change their

way of life, they rather laugh and mock. Can'l they go on
their knees in all humility and pray to thy Lord and God
rather than scoff.
Children here, hear thy Holy Mother's last pleas, hear it,
hear it, pray, pray and pray, have a little time for prayers.
Twenty years have gone by and our Holy Mother's requests
have not been fulfilfed, yet they hope to receive the Glory of
Glories upon themselves; that you can only receive if you
fulfill the requests of our Holy Mother. Saint Francis said,
Mother Cabrini said, Joan of Arc said, St. Joseph said,
Good St. Ann said, St. Therese said, they All said to
STAND UP FOR THE TRUTH! Are you afraid to stand
up for the truth, the truth hurts no one, only deception hurts
and destroys and leads you to the path of destruction. The
truth will save you, will cleanse your way, will guide you;
only truth will bring you to the Kingdom ofHeaven and the
fulfillment of our Holy Mother's requests: Be true soldiers
of Christ, true love, true devotion and TRUTH. Vou need
not fear, you need not fear, thy soul will not be destroyed
but will glorify in heaven; fear not the truth.
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions. After a

period of time she seemed very startled and leaned back­

wards on the kneeler, shaking her head from side ta side

saying: "Aw~ul! Awful!" Alex says to keep ourselves with

the Bogorodltza, only She can help us fulfill Her' requests.

The enemy is coiled ready to spring, cares not who he strikes

ta gain his purpose; uses ruthless means of destruction of

property and lives. Only through prayer and sacrifice can

our efforts be realized thus many lives can be spared.

We need more workers, no time to lose, must go forth with

sincerety. Be humble, stay faithful to Thy Lord and God.

(Mary Ann blessed herselfthree times and said, "Thank you

St. Francis.")

(Mary Ann later explained why she was startled:)

At first, Alex appeared high up in the Ash Trees and then

came down lower, he was arrying an Icon of Our Holy
Mother which he showed to her; the reason she was so
startled was, she was shown the bombings (home made
bombs) in various cities, in a vision.



(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions, leans
backwards slightly while looking upwards.)
Have mercy on us, have mercy on us, have mercy on us.
"Sister, explain what was just shown to you, to them"
Mary Ann said: "1'11 do my best."
"Sister, because of the great confusion the time has come,
that what Our Holy Mother instructed you on May 30, 1950,
may now be used to help sorne who are misguided and con-
fused souls; to give them the true meaning of the Mass and
Her Priests. This you may bring forth."
Yes St. Francis.
(Mary Ann blessed herself three times and said:)
Thank you St. Francis.
Saint Francis said all of us, if only we wouId appreciate
what goes on during the Sacrifice of the Mass, ail of this is
present: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy
Ghost, Our Holy Mother, many Angels, rays from Heaven
descending down on the altar.
Ali attending Mass should keep in mind the great benefits
they receive, it does strengthen and sanctify them and they
can go through the day knowing that God will be walking
with them.
(Mary Ann explained the limbs of the Trees were gold, the
leaves were green in be-tween silver. Il showed the Priest
holding up the Host, beneath the Host appeared the small
figure of Christ signifying the True Presence or Transub-
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions and said
"Yes St. Joanie.")
Twenty years ago when Thy Holy Mother chose !his day to
come down to warn Beautiful America, Her reason was just
as the time She first saw the breakdown of morality, the
breakdown of Her sons the Priests, when She saw these
things happening She humbled Herself and used the feast-
day of Pentecost Sunday, which represents the Holy Spirit,
that is the reason She chose Pentecost Sunday. Read up on
what it means, study it and you will understand why that
special day was chosen for Her first appearance here at this
very spot. Il is here through the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of

God the Father, God the Son, to reach the soul of man to
1 bring in him a love of God, a love for his country, for his
family and especially for his neighbor.
, She saw the destruction of the soul of man, of the youth.
. She pleaded for the youth, they heeded not Her pleas. You
have seen the damage that has happened because of dis res­
pecting Her requests, be they Laymen, Bishops or Priests, or
Sisters or any Religious. The destruction has befallen many
souls that those of the Christian faith are responsible for; for
you as Christian Laymen and Priests and Nuns and Reli­
gious, could have saved that soul, but through your careless­
ness and negligence you have shunned your duties and look
at the results for your carelessness. Your punishment will be
great and severe. Heed Thy Holy Mother's requests, turn
thy heart to Thy Lord and God in true love and devotion;
unless you heed Her requests the answer is only DE­
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions for a pe­
riod of time and said:)
Joanie looks so beautiful today and she said: This is the an­
niversary and feastday of her martyrdom. Every soul that
works for their Lord and God only can come forth in rays of
beauty for their sacrifice to their Lord and God, and it was
this day she was burned at the stake. She said: "My Sister,
you too will face severe martyrdom, much more severe than
you have faced up to now, but remember my Sister, thy
Glories of Heaven will reward any pain suffered here on
earth to help save souls of man and to help save thy Church;
for this is tby obligation that you owe Our Holy Mother
since She has found you the Victim to fulfill the work She
requests. Martyrdom is only a ray of Glories, the reward is
everlasting peace, peace of the most splendid kind for the
ones that are martyred. You will find a more beautiful
peace than anyone of average sacrifice."
(Joanie has on her beautiful golden cape, seems to be a spe­
cial halo aIl about her. l have never seen her quite this beau­
tiful before.)
Many of the Religious, Priests and Laymen as weil, do not
appreciate or seem to understand the blessings of The Bless­

ed Trinity. Ifthey would call upon ft before the Sacrifice of
the Mass is said, that they would call upon The Trinit)' to be
with them and with their lives for the entire day; If they
would seek the help of The Trinity, call It down to them for
guidance and the blessing of The Trinity, which you know ~s
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghosl. ft IS'
one of the greatest mysteries that God has bestowed the
earth and the people wlth, and yet they seek not the blessing
of The Holy Trinity. Invoke It, call It down to your heart
and then place ft within thy heart and enshrine ft there to
the rest of your days on earth. You need not fear harm that
will come to you, you have The Trinity within your hearl.
They say, this cannot be done; yes, it can be do ne for God is
most powerful and The Trinity can be placed within your
heart. You can enshrine ft as a temple to guide you and pro-
tect you, to carry you forth until God cnooses to take you
So when at Mass, call to The Blessed Trinity for lt is there
for you if you call to It. And when saying: In the Name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, make it
with reverence and devotion. Do not just scratch, but say it
with true meaning because you are calling God the Father
in Heaven, God the Son who died on the Cross to redeem
man and the Holy Ghost who enlightens you and guides
you. The Three are One, so place Them in your bosom in
the temple of your heart.
Tell the people not to leave their faith because the enemy is
using many clergy and religious as a spring board to pro-
duce the evil to destroy the Church that Jesus Christ in-
stituted, that is their aim. Do not follow them but remember
Thy Lord and God on the Cross and The Trinity. Stay with
NOT A FALSE POPE, remember this. This is the period of
many so-called religions springing up to divide and con-
quer. Don't be foolish and follow the wrong. There are sorne
on these very grounds that are connected with others. Do
not stray from the true Church. Honey can be spread but
later you must swallow the bitter pil!, and that is when you
seek to enter the Gate of Heaven, can you say that you stood
up to sacrifice to help others to bring them through the Gate
of Heaven with you, or will you be turned back as you fool-
ishly followed the wrong path. It is possible and it will hap-
pen. Stay with the Church of Jesus Christ, do not stray from



(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions looking

up first to the right and then back to the center of the Four
Ash Trees; looking upwards she leaned back slightly and
ln front of Our Holy Mother was an image of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, Our Holy Mother bowed as She left; before
She left Our Holy Mother extended Her hand showing the
(Our Holy Mother showed Herself momentarily and
"Where are the people My Child? The crowds should have
multiplied since the year of 1950, where are they?"
1 don't know where they are, l'm sorry.
"They heed not My pleas, they, My children show this with
the lack of devotion to My Divine Son. My Child, there's a
great need for true devotion to My Divine Son and My Im­
maculate Heart."
1 understand.
"They, My Child, were unable to fulfill the number in the
years of 1950, you are short 150 people My Child. The num­
ber should at least have been tripled. Where are they My
l'm sorry, Oh Blessed Mother l'm sorry.
(After Our Holy Mother left St. Joseph appeared and gave a
blessing). (Mary Ann blessed herself three times and said:)
Thank you St. Joseph.
Saint Joseph says: There must be more unity, devotion be­
tween the families, the homes. Ali homes should have the
enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which has been
asked for many many years ago. It is not for just a few cho­
sen ones, but it's for ail men, the sinner as weil as the good.
It's not for the good alone that He pleads; it's for the smner
that they rejoice when they enthrone themselves to the
Heart of Jesus with true humility and devout prayers. Then
Heaven rejoices when the greatest sinner cornes forth. Judge
not lest you be judged, condemn not, lest you be con­
demned, remember this.
Thank you St. Joseph.

Sister, the Apostles of today are not like the Apostles of old,
you need more Apostles like of old that are wiIling to suffer,
sacrifice for God; todays Apostles are too materialistic, they
push aside the spirit of God, rather seek the material that
profits them notbing but regret, pain and sorrow.
-Please Saint Peter help us, can't you guide the Apostles of
today, our Bishops? Please, please there are too many lu lied
to sleep. The Church has gone through hardships before,
help guide us please. Sister, 1 will give ail a blessing, contin­
ue to seek the Kingdom of Heaven.


The confusion that is in the Church, so many are leaving
their faith and turning to othersJ they are even turning to
those of the wrong, yet they prefer that to the confusion they
are facing today. The darkness is falling upon the Church
and it is the leaders of the Church, and the enemy of God
putting out the bait and they are following it seeking the
easy way rather than seeking the Kingdom of God.
Study the work given during Lent, especially the Mass part,
study it and follow il. (See Lenten message - 1970). There is
a reason why you were shown the Transubstantiation,
which they are trying to go away from, they are taking awav
rather than giving it to God, the Son ofGod, Our Lord Jesus
Christ that sbed Ais Blood and gave His Blood for the salva­
tion of man. They are turning away from that because that
would mean they must live a life of purity, honesty; they
rather seek the avarice, the easy way. Stand up for Jesus
Christ, stand up, do not be ashamed. If you must give your
opinion of the True Mass and the True Chruch to your
priests, then do so, do not hide your head in the sand. You
were asked to follow the old Mass, ifit is impossible to do it
openly then do it quietly in thy pew. Say your prayers, have
tnem prepared but follow the pray ers of the True Church.
Do not leave thy Church but stand up for the right. fi~ht for
the right and write to His Holiness; you have been asked
many years ago to write to His Holiness and what have you
done you lament, you cornplain, you cry and you weep and
you rather leave the Church and that is sinful; that is a sin.
Go to Church but yet fight for the truth, the True Church
Thy Lord and God instituted. Remember when He conse­


crated the bread and wine into His Body and Blood, you that
witnessed it during Lent, know that the Lord Jesus Christ
showed Himse\(beneath each morsel and the pou ring of the
Blood. (Witnessed this during the suffering of The Passion
on Good Friday, April 4, 1969, and March 27, 1970). Have
faith in this that it is thy true Lord and God. They are trying
to get away from this; in a few more years they will take it
away completely, the wordings again will be changed, but if
you stand up now you might h01d it. It is up to the Chris­
tians, the true Catholics to be true Cathohcs, be faithful
Ca tholics. You are not a Ca tholic if you do not stand u p for
the right and the truth.
Don't be foolish and refuse The Eucharist, receive It for
God knows your needs and God knows what's in your heart.
Receive It even if It's given, in your mind the wrong way,
you cannot judge this for God knows what's in your heart; if
you do not believe this then you are not a true Catholic, for
God sees, God hears and God knows all, what's in your
bosom He knows and when you're false He knows it.
The road you must travel will be rocky, there will be many,
many stumbling blocks. It is the way the enemy of God
wants it and they have succeeded to this point, will they suc­
ceed completely? Will they pound thelr chest and holler
they have won, we have control of the goyim, the Christian
goyim, are you going ta give them that victory? Don't let
them. Go to a good priest and talk things over, there are
many many good pnests that are afraid to stand up, teH
them to stana up, teH them not to be weak for God win give
them the strength. You laymen need them, tell them it's
their duty. The enemy of God has done its work weil.


"Coura~e my Sister, Courage. Tell them to fulfill Our Holy

Mother s requests, not partiaHy but fuH Sister and take
FulfiH Our Holy Mother's requests, yeso 1 know that has
been repeated a hundred times if not more. The Constant
Vigil of Prayer should be in fuH swing from the North Pole
to the South Pole and from Coast to Coast. We don't have
interested pilgrims in those areas so that they can start the
Constant Vigtl of Prayer there.
"Then Sister, there is only one answer. The chastisement is

coming, hunper and starvation."

Yes, It'S coming, maybe that will have to come be­

fore they will awaken.

"The Black and the Yellow giant will come with complete

control of the white people."

1 know it's coming St. Therese, l've seen it, you showed it to


"The only salvation Sister, is true devotion to Our Holy

Mother and Lord and God, with a true effort with Constant

Vigil all over thy country and turning back to the True


The world doesn't believe it, our Bishops, our Priests don't

believe it.

"What is now, they do not believe will affect them, but Sister

it will worsen ta such an extent that many will not be able to

take it."

Oh don't say it is going to get worse.

"Then God in HIs Mercy will strike down, many will be lost,

laymen as well as High Officiais of the Church. Divide and

Conquer is the mie now my Sister, as a divided nation will


They are preaching heresy in our schools now; they are

preaching heresy from the altars.

"Sister, have them make a Novena nine days before these

Vigil days: Good St. Ann, July 26th, August 15th, Sept. 15th

- Sorrowful Mother October 7th, November 12th, Oecem­

ber 8th and the May days as you call them Sister. One hour

each day, for those that can't possibly, three days in honor

of the Trinity can be Sister."


The Celestials have tried to warn and guide you here to save

many souls of man, this is a great honor Sister. The sins of

immorality are as in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Yes, 1 understand.

Sister, Our Holy Mother weeps for the children as She

watches them falling for the evil temptations which will de­

stroy them. She weeps for the child, Sister, the innocent

child destroyed by the enemy of God.

Our Holy Mother weeps, yeso

They offend Her Divine Son as they are casting Him aside,

go on falling into the pitfalls of blackest sin tIte enemy of

God places before them.

They continue to offend Our Lord. They don't care, they

don't listen.

Sister, the enemy is boasting how it will destroy the goyim,

there is much material on this, the enemy is not kidding or

denying its intentions.

Sorne know it, they can see it yet they do nothing.

Sis ter, 1 fear for them.

Would it help if they read "The Protocols of the Eiders of

Zion"? Wou Id that help them?

Sister, Our Holy Mother weeps because of the anger of Her

Divine Son, She fears the loss of the multitudes of souls be­
cause they heed not Her pleas.
They don't seem to fear the chastisement.
Oh yes, they fear it Sister. The material things and way of
life glimmers before their eyes, they care not to take it seri­
ously, they feel there is still time, they will be like the foolish
St. Mary Magdalene help us, help them to understand
please. GDd wdl strike first with hunger and starvation, the
elements will change, bring hunger, things will turn into
dust Sister.
Yes, 1 believe they have read it and know Our Holy Mother
speaks of a period ofstrife and hunger, shortage offood and
drought, dear God!
Sister, the racial situation will increase to the point given
many years ago. The Black and Yellow giants will destroy
the strength of the white man, weaken diem financially as
weil as morally. Sister, the situation will be severe, this time
is upon you.
The message the Black and Yellow giants, they will come
from over the sea and devour us here, they are already here,
1 saw them coming several years ago. The enemy has used
these souls with the promise of good for them. They are vic­
tims of the Godless Master of Evil. Whites have been ush­
ered into position which will render them helpless. The
Constant Vigil has only reached a mere few, only a drop.
The Constant Vigil, 1 know we haven't reached far enough
in the V.S., yes, even our own State, no more than a drop
in the bucket. 1 understand.
Your work must reach ail of the U. S. and further. It's very
late now Sister to help many souls.
Yes, 1 understand that.
Why wasn't this taken cafe of, were they afraid of the perse­


cution, have they no faith Sister? You ail were promised

help Sister, why the fear? God loves those that are persecut­
ed Sister, the strength will be given.
1 understand it will be our own that will persecute us.
Yes, the Catholics, the high ranking Catholic will cause
most of the persecution Sister. That is why Our Holy Moth­
er weeps because Her own children, those of the True Faith,
the Catholics, are stabbing Herin the heart for they know
the right and the wrong; yet they care not, they go on their
merry way, the punishment for those will be severe. Our
Lord and God has no mercy for those that f1aunt and spit in
His eye. There should be charitableness, unity and work for
the love of God.
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions looking
upward for a period of time and said:)
1 have been shown that in Mexico they are taking the mixed
races, Indian and Negro, White and Indians or Negro and
White, they are not pure let's put it that way, not a pure race
they are mixed, they are teaching them for combat and
take-over when the time is ready and that is soon.
Tonight, 1 never saw this before but about this wide (Mary
Ann measurers with her hands about a foot space), about a
foot wide streamers came down, sorne were green sorne
were purple; they came down over the golden trees, they
came right down on the Sacred Spot. What that means 1
don't know.
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions for a
period of time - she leaned backwards as if startled. Mary
Ann later said:)
1 was saying my usual prayers for ail present as weil as for
our Bishop, Priests and Religious; also for dear Priest
friends and Nuns, these 1named. Prayed for His Holiness as
1 was watching for a sign of Our Holy Mother's presence. 1
looked up and above the Trees (Four Ash Trees), 1 saw a
blue mist hovering over the tips of the Trees, stay that way a
few seconds, then there seemed a gust of wind swaying the
Trees; the Trees opened up, the mist descended, suddenly
there was our Holy Mother. She smiled so beautifully as She

looked down on us. Oh Blessed Mother how beautiful you
look! 1 noticed a movement west of the Trees, what it was 1
didn't know; a roll unfolded below Our Holy Mother's feet,
it looked like netting, the material unrolled coming down
touching the canopy of Our Holy Mother's carrier, scattered
over this netting-like material were beautiful bunches of
rose-pink roses.. Our Holy Mother lowered Herself down
upon this material - Joan of Arc spoke (voice only): This is
the height Our Holy Mother will be when Large Shrine is
completed. Oh Blessed Mother You look so beautiful,
please Blessed Mother show yourself to them, You are so
beautiful please Blessed Mother let them see You. Then
Our Holy Mother's expression changed From a beautiful
look of compassion to a very sad look. The Trees that had a
brilliant look are now darkened. Our Holy Mother gestured
with Her hand. (1 said: 1can see). Yes, My Child, only dark­
ness before ail My children, confusion, loss of Faith, that is
why 1asked you to bring Forth your catechetical at this time.
(In my mind 1started to put a question, She answered:) Yes,
My Child, bring it Forth, fill in where there is need. My
Child, do not tarry. Tell them to heed My requests, time is
short to stem the tlde of confusion before complete darkness
befalls Ali Christians unless they turn to their Lord and
There must be doser understanding between ail for without
Christian unity and the return to thy Lord and God Thy
Savior, return to unity between Home, School and Church
with the Christian families united together as families with
the blessing of the Holy Mother. She asked to be dressed
Marylike, there will be no heaven for those that disobey Her
requests but eternal hellfire. She cannot give you Her bless­
ing at a time when sin is rampant over the whole Continent.
They have turned away From God, they have turned away
From Our Holy Mother, Her eyes are filled with tears, do
you not want to dry up those tears? Oh look at the tears roll­
mg down Her cheeks because we Her children are placing
them there with the blackest ofsins, sins that will bring des­
truction upon Ali Christians. Can you not help and wipe
those tears? Oh Holy Mother, how sorrowful She looks. She
weeps for us Her children especially Her Priests and Reli­
gious, She loves themall so, but they heed not, they care not,
they go on their merry way destroying themselves as also
their loved ones. Unless they heed Our Holy Mother's pleas
and turn to their Lord and God as their Savior, there can

only be destruction of human souls as weil as human lives.

Think about it and turn back before it is too late.

(Later Mary Ann described the vision of Our Holy Mother).

Our Holy Mother looked so beautiful in Her ail white gown

and mantle with a crown of liule rose-pink roses on Her

white veil which looked like a see-through material. She

stood on a cloud like material. When She lowered Herself

down on this netting type material with the beautiful roses

on it, when She started to rise to leave the material rose with

Her. Then the little statue (one used in procession) turned

white like She was dressed. On Her head She had a crown

with little pink roses.


(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions looking

upwards for a period of time, her 1ips moved but words were

not understood, she shook her head From side to side,

looked From one side of the Trees to the other side and said:)

In the Trees are these words "Do not become vulnerable to

commercialization, beware."

In the alcove of the Four Ash Trees are St. Joachim, Child

Mary and Good St. Ann.

(Mary Ann blessed herself three times and said:)

Thank you St. Joachim.

(This night there was a beautiful display of shimmering

light coming up From the horizon, east, west, north and

south. The unusual display formed into a dome leaving an

opening over the Four Ash Trees and the Sacred Spot.)



(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions looking

upward for a period oftime. She looked fTrst to the west and

then towards the east of the alcove in the Four Ash Trees,

shook her head From side to side.)

No. No. The words "Peril to Pope Paul's Life" is up in the

Trees, written right across.

Peril to Pope Paul's life will be because of his own Brothers

and Sisters in Christ, their disobedience to their Lord and

God; the vows they made to their Lord and God, Poverty,

Chastity and Obedience. The Religious (Priest, Nun or

Brother), when they are disobedient to their vows, rules and

regulations, they help bring down the strength of His Holi­

ness and their Church. The enemy ofGod will use this to try

to destroy Catholicism.

Not enough prayers, not enough prayers.

Yes Sister, not enough prayers. The laity do not pray

enough for the Religious. There's a serious need for prayers

for the Religious as weil as there's a need for prayers for Vo­


Why? Confusion, lack of faith in their Lord and God be­

cause of pride, selfwill and pity. The Religious fail the

youth, the parents fail them, the enemy takes over it creates

this confusion; it's leading to the Armegeddon between

Christianity and Satan's cohorts.

Armegeddon. The Constant Vigil of Prayer, true love for

Thy Lord and God, return to God will help to overcome this

great crisis.

Their attire Sister, must be chaste not baring themselves to

nudity and disgrace, slapping their Lord and God in His

face, re-crucifymg Him.

(Mary Ann shakes her head from side to side and said:)

What can we do, they won't hear, they laugh at us they only

laugh at us.

The Religious must turn back to God, they must teach love

of God to the child, they must dress Marylike in attire.

Moderation, yeso Sister the chastisement will be severe on

those that disobey the vows they made, it will be doubly se­

vere Sister. It's the need of their Chastity and Sacrifice and

Humbleness, the humility that is needed to help balance the

scale, without it there cannot be a balance.

Why, why, why are they mocking their Lord and God, with­

out Him there is no hope, there cannot be hope there can

only be destruction. Many hearts will be broken. many tears

will be shed, why? For they heed not, they heed not Our

Holy Mother's requests, they heed not. Our Holy Mother

weeps, Our Holy Mother weeps and we Her children are the

cause of Her tears, we that proclaim loudly we love Her and

yet we fill Her eyes with tears; we seek material things, we

cast away the spiritual. If you live a spirituallife you must

live it with humility and love of God. You cannot seek the

material and the lust, it is lust and greed, it is selfwill, self­

pit Y and human pride is the most evil of ail mankinds down­

fall, it is human pride. If you profess to love Thy Lord and

God, then show It in humility, for the time is too short, too

short. Vou must act at once for devastation and destruction
will befall this beautiful country. Vou have been warned
over and over again yet you heed not. Vou have been shown
yet you care not, sins continue, this Nation has fallen into
the blackest of sins especially the youth that Our Holy
Mother cries and pleads for, especially the youth. The par­
ents have neglected their dut Y as parents, they have neglect­
ed the child. When will you seek the Kingdom of Heaven?
Vou cannot find it in hell and that is where you will go;
dress marylike and men stand for purity, show them you
seek purity; if the women don't care why don't the men
stand up before it is too late. The chastisement is upon you,
what are Vou waiting for?
Pray for His Holiness, pray for His Holiness. There are those
that report his messages who distort them and give them
wrong, it is done purposely thus, so that those who follow
him will become confused and in doubt. Those are the ways
of the enemy can you not see their methods, must you stum­
ble in their trap and denounce His Holiness. Can you not
see it? It is used to destroy him and your Faith. Wake up,
wake up before it is too late! Oh God have mercy on us, oh
God have mercy on us.
(Mary Ann blessed herself three times and said:)
Thank you St. Francis.
Yes, St. Francis. St. Francis says to go forth and work with a
fervor like you have never worked before to save the souls of
man before ail is lost. Do not disbelieve this but respect it
and pay heed. Go forth and work in fulfillment ofThy Holy
Mother's requests.
Thank you St. Francis.
(Mary Ann relates: Tonight Our Holy Mother showed Her­
self as a girl about 12 years with long golden hair, nothing
on Her head and then it changed to show the head of Our
Holy Mother, then showed me the mother of today, her
head bowed and tears rolling from Her eyes, and that
f1ashed away and went back again to the Child Mary, She
had Her head bowed and was praying.)


(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot looking up for a period

of time - blessed herself three times and sald:)
Thank you St. Francis.

(Mary Ann suddenly falls backwards as if frightened)
"My, what have we here our Chosen Victim seems fright­
Vou startled me!
My, you must not be frightened by me, fear only Satan and
his cohorts loose on eartn to devour all Christians, especially
all of you. 1 will protect them from the evil force if they cali
on me with devotion.
l'm sorry.
Chosen Victim, you here have a great Mission to fulfill,
much good can come from here, many souls can be saved.
My Chosen Victim, your Mission is great, you need the
helping hand of those Chosen.
Could you tellthem that please?
Chosen One, 1 will give you a message for the m, you tell
them for me.
1 will tell them.
Chosen Victim, tell them when making my shrine 1 will
promise many graces will follow.
St. Michael just said that if we intercede to him, cali his
name, remember him after Mass, say the prayers after Mass
he will guide and protect us; he will keep us from harm ifwe
are true Christians, true to our faith, especially those that
have been so faithful. We will still stand by those even sorne
who are hypocritical. He will try and give them a protection
in hopes that they will open their hearts with true love for
Our Creator and Saviol' and His Holy Mother. Il must be
truth, true devotion and reallove. He will never abandon us,
it is we that abandon him.
(Mary Ann bows her head on the kneeler for a short period
of lime.)
(Mary Ann looks up into the a1cove of the Four Ash Trees
and hears the voice of a Saint).
Il is 1, St. Dymphna.
Thank you.
(Mary Ann said:) 1will try to describe her. She wears a robe
or cape over a white gown with a short, sort ofa vest of a real
light blue with what seems like, drops scaltered. The edg­
ings of this vest are red, rose red. Hel' gown is of the purest of
white. Hel' feet are bare. The cape she wears has sort of a
scroll entwined into the garment. There seems to be a band
around the neck and the edging ofthis cape, what material 1
do not know, it is a rose-red color. She wears a strange
crown. Hel' hair are a f1axen light blond. She has beautiful


long eyelashes, big blue eyes, a small face, a beautiful

mouth and a smalf nose. In her hand, the right hand, she
holds a sword. 1 cannot tell what she is holding in the arm of
the left, but in front of her is a reddish-pink plaque. 1cannot
tell what is written on it. She is very beautiful, she is about 1
would say, 13 or 14 years of age. Her bones are fine and
small featured. She asksyou ail to intercede to her and she
will be with us as she has been with us for the last three
(St. Dymphna is the Patroness for those who are nervous
and mentally afflicted, she promised help for those who in­
tercede to her.)
(Mary Ann relates:)
As 1 turned to the right of the Trees, 1 saw 1 - M and a C.
What it represents 1 do not know.
(Mary Ann blessed herself three times and said:)
Pope. 1 do not know who he is, he is not a young man he is
older. He has been up there ever since St. Michael
appeared, full size. (Refers to Pope Leo XIII).
The Pope gave us a blessing.
What he said was that we should not be ashamed to be
called Traditional Catholics of Rome; that does not mean to
be of the Traditionalist movement.
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot with her head bowed as
if in prayer, a strong gust of wind blew the Four Ash Trees,
the place of ApparitIOn, and suddenly Mary Ann leaned
backwards still in a kneeling position. She looked up into
the Four Ash Trees and said:)
Saint Michael came down with the blowing of the Trees and
so suddenly, which startled me.
This is the battle between the Good and Evil, the Anti­
Christs and the Christians. Christians must stand up with
Jesus Christ. If they heed not many good Christi ans will suf­
fer, many will be lost. Souls of the Youth will be darkened in
sin. There must be Unity between Ali Christians to save the
Youth of your Country. This confusion must end.
Please help those that are still confused, chase away those
demons above them so that they do the right, that we can
have Unity, that there is better understanding. With Unity
between Ali Christians can brin~ Peace, but they must turn
to Thy Lord and God; without love of God they will bring
global darkness upon themselves, for as in the period given
in the Apocalypse.
Yes, m uch of the Apocalypse is in force right now. 1was told

that twenty years ago.
That was only partial, sin has darkened the earth much
since the time the priest asked that question of you twenty
years ago.
Oh Saint Michael, please give us the strength and the cour­
age, please place your armor in front of us and between us
and the enemy, please. Help my group and my people that
they understand.
(Mary Ann kneh at the Sacred Spot of Apparition for a
period of lime. She looked up and said:)
During the month of October we are supposed to say, be­
tween each decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosa­
ry, "Peace be with you, Sl. Francis pray for us."
Thank you Saint Francis.
Saint Francis is asking al! of us to put more effort into the
Constant Vigil of Prayer, and especlal!y save the Youth that
Our Holy Mother is shedding tears for. The Youth are being
trapped in the carelessness ofwe the eiders that are so care­
less III their welfare, their future, their environ ment; to say,
had we heeded Our Holy' Mother's requests it cou Id have
been different; it is a little bit late but try to save the soul of
the child. There cannot beleace, or there will not be peace
unlil the child is protecte . The enemy of God has done
everything to brainwash the families, the teachers, the physi­
cians. They have cleverly written up volumes of how a child
can be taken care of to improve, to help il. Their method is
not to help them but it is to destroy so they can manage the
youth. Can you not see how the Youth has been used al!
over the world? Al! riolings, and uprising is not done by
aduhs but by the Youth. Our Holy Mother told you this in
1950 and has tried to tel! you this since. You heed not; now
Our Holy Mother is shedding tears for the youn~ child. Re­
read the message of 1950. re-read it and medltate on it;
if you cannot receive the answer then go to school and
learn il. You are notthat naive are you? When the Heaven­
Iy Mother asked to clean out the school, what did you think
it meant? Are you that naive? No, just careless, too much
to do with your own doings.
Remember the Gospels of Thy Lord and God when He
speaks of the !ittle child, how important it is to Him. When
the messages in the Gospels are not heeded, then is there



any need of us speaking here and trying to guide any of you

ifthey don't mean anything to you? Since 1950, evaluate the
messages given and what has been done about the Youth.
Isn't the plcture beautiful? What's happening to the Youth
oftoday? All that could have done now and heeded not Our
Holy Mother's requests, Our Lord and God will reckon with
them when the time comes; for every child's soulthat is tar­
nished through the carelessness of a parent, or an eider, is
being held responsible. A child is preclOus for they are inno­
cent, judge il that way and take care of the child. You need
workers to cleanse the child's life, environ ment and ifs soul.
Go to work with true love for Thy Lord and God, Thy Holy
Mother pleads; and dry Her tears and you can do that by
cleansing the path for the child.
Thank you Saint Francis.
(Mary Ann said Saint Francis, Saint Joan and Sister Mary
Magdalene were up in the alcove of the Four Ash Trees.)
(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparition looking

up into the Four Ash Trees, she leaned back slightly and


Yes, Blessed Mother.

"My Child, Saint Francis will give you a blessing, have

courage My Child."

(Mary Ann blessed herself three times very reverently.)

Saint Francis gave us a blessing.

Thank you Saint Francis.

"Yes My Child, thy cross is heavy carry it with courage,

keep thy faith. My Child, thy companions Saints will be

with you". With this Our Holy Mother len and Saint Joan

and Saint Therese entered the alcove.

(Mary Ann looked to the west and th en back to the center of

the Four Ash Trees, seemed to be viewing something).

Saint Joan, Saint Therese and Saint FranCIS came into the

alcove. Saint Joan told me Our Holy Mother wanted me to

speak alone.

Please, l'm afraid 1 couldn't.

Saint Francis said: Sister, Our Holy Mother wishes for you

to speak, we will be with you.

Saint Joan and St. Therese lowered themselves to about 12

feet above the ground right over the Sacred Spot.

Look at us Sister, do not look at the people before you.
Thank you, l'll try my best. Don't be so frightened Sister,
have courage Sister. Yes, l'm frightened. They, (meaning
Saint Joan and Saint Therese) will be with you and so willl
so don't be afraid Sis ter. He then instructed me, which is
written up below.
Thank you Saint Francis.
Saint Joan and Saint Therese and Saint Francis asked me to
speak to you. l'm a little frightened to do so because l'm
speaking on my own, l'm not speaking through them. Our
Holy Mother appeared on these very grounds twenty years
ago on May 28, and again on the 15th of August and twenty
years ago today. November 12th will be the anniversary of
the twenty-first year and the twenty second appearance;
this appearance as you know, was in the old home that
burnt, right behind me. Much has happened and much
could have been spared had the people heard the pleas of
Our Holy Mother. Our Holy Mother's greatest concern was
the youth, the child. She, in 1950, told me that the children
are the victims of their eiders. She told us to c1ean out the
schools. Many of them went up in astoni~hment and said,
oh not the Catholic schools. She didn't make any difference
(see footnote), She said schools from kindergarden through
the college, the seminaries and convents they are all schools.
Her pleas were ignored. We are reaping the harvest of that,
that we ignored. We ignored Her pieas, the Priests, the
Nuns, the Father, the Mothers; the Parents have the biggest
cross to carry and the biggest responsibility, for you are the
one that produces a good Priest, a good Nun, a good Presi­
dent, a good Teacher and a good Government. So it is up to
the Parent what you are producing, what you are going to
bring forth. Sorne lament and cry 1 tried my best, but have
you ail tried your best? Why are the children filling their
bodies with dope? Why are so many mothers today taking
pi Ils? Why do you go to your medicine cabinet and fill your­
selfwith tranquilizers? Thy Lord and God when He walked
the way to Cafvary He did not use tranquilizers, He suffered
the pam and the Blood He shed was for you.
What have you dune the past twenty years when She plead­
ed here in America to cieanse the schools, to cieanse your en­
vironment for the children, to cieanse the newstands. Have
you looked into sorne of the magazines, booklets that are
available for your child? Our Holy Mother pleaded for this,
to avert this, had you heeded Her pleas you wouldn't have

this; they told me this over and over. It is up to the parent,
with the help of Thy Lord and God, with tbe help of Thy
Holy Mother, you could have walked over that hurdle; you
could have today children that are not confused, that are re­
bel1ing against their adult parenthood and JOu cannot blame
them. Are you proud of the world we have today, are you
proud of it? America the beautiful, what is America now?
It's lakes and streams are slopped ur, polluted, oh yes the
enemy is using this for birth control, Ifyou wouldn't have so
many children; you wouldn't have pollution. That is not
true, that is only to brainwash you and you are willing to ac­
cept it and fall for il. Pollute your soul and that has nothing
to do with the air, that has to come from your heart from
your own inner self not from the air. Your streams, your
highways, your cities, your alleys, are you proud of them?
There are many courageous people that are battling to
cleanse and others come along and destroy and muddle ev­
erything up including the soul of your children.
How many of the childrens souls are tarnished because of
the parent, because they heed not, because they care not or
they don't have the time they are too busy. Yes, they even
give their liule children pills so they can stay calm and
quiet; they are given pi Ils in many schools so the teachers
are not overdone. 1don't care which school, Religious, Prot­
estant or Public, Colleges, Universities, a pill does every­
thing today, but what does it do to your bloodstream? What
does it do to your mind? What does it do to you physically?
Have you stopped to think about it? If you get a headache
do you have to run to the cabinet to dull that pain, can't you
accept it? Offer it up to Thy Lord and God, look at the
Crown on His Head, the Divine Head; the Blood streaming
down, look at il. Are you not ashamed to run for the medi­
cine cabinet every liule pain you have, can you not offer it
up and you'd be surprised when you do how it disappears,
but it has to be done with the heart not with the !ipso There
are many complaining about the Rosary, it's too much re­
peat, too much repeat; Our Blessed Mother didn't think so
when She asked for the Rosary. Many catastrophies were
avoided because they sa id the Rosary. Our Holy Mother
here asked us to use the Rosary as little missiles to Heaven,
to save thy Continent, thy Country, thy Home, thy Chil­
dren; for again if you are united together. if you pray to­
gether and play together, work together you can't find any­
thing but peace; instead of nagging at one another, jealous

of one another, self pity, self will, pride; how much harm
has been done to many ofyou because ofpride. Be humble,
be kind, be charitable and the Commandment, Love Thy
Neighbor as thyself. There are a number of you here today
ifyou wou Id go home and work diligently wlth love ofGod
and love of the Blessed Mother in your hearts, cleanse your
village, your town, your city, your state, your schools, your
theaters; how many of the theaters have screens with filthy
pictures for your young child to see? Your TV, it's up to you
parents, the laws that are made, it's up to you to accept
them. You will soon ail be nailed against the wall with laws
that you will be unable to undo because you were careless
when they were brought forth, you ignored them, what can
we do? You can do one thing, that is PRAY, PRAY and then
go to see your officiais. Fignt for your home, Fight for your
country and Fight for the Purity of your Child. Nakedness
is sinful, ask the men in this great group here, exposed
women tempts a man, he is the beast of men, he is the beast.
It is you women that should be proud of yourself, proud
to be decent and respectable. You look shameful when you
walk down the street with miniskirts, look at the Blessed
Mother, She asked you to dress Marylike. How would Our
Blessed Mother look ail of a sudden in front of you in a
mini-skirt? You'd be shocked wouldn't you? You think it's
any different than you are doing exposing yourself to sin,
to demptation; for every woman that causes a man to fall
into temptation is as guilty as he is for she has caused it.
This Our Holy Motherexplained to me in 1950 on May29th,
and She also explained to me the beauty of Mass, the Holy
Trinity. There is a picture here that was shown to me as a
picture on Trinity Sunday, but this picture Our Holy
Mother told me about already in 1950. She told me that at
every Mass God the Father is present, God the Son Our
Crucified Lord who died and suffered to save you, and the
Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit which is in the form of a Dove;
the Saints, people in Purgatory and many little cherubs and
angels are above at every Mass. This picture is with you at
every Mass.When ~ou go to Mass place that into your
hearts, you know it s there, be united with Christ, walk
Calvary's way with Him, follow your missal that's what the
Holy Mother asked me to do, to watch the Priest and to
follow the missal; then you are walking with Christ on Cal­
vary, and then when you receive Him, which you should
do daily if possible, but at least once a week you should

- .....

receive Thy Lord and God in the Blessed Eucharist; for

when you have Him withinJou, He is beside you, behind
you and in front of you an ~urely above you: There are
sorne today that refuse to recelve Holy Comlinton because
they feel it is done wrong. YOU ARE WRONG TO RE­
MITTING A SIN! (Ifyou disbelieve in the transubstantia­
tion) For Thy Lord and God is in that Host when the
Priest Consecrates it. Any duly ordained Priest. The Host
is Thy Lord and God. Then why do you deny Him?
Accept Him for He gives you the strength you need to
carry on for much is going to happen yet. Maybe you
would like to kneel to receive Him, God' knows that, he
knows it, tell Him beforeJou stand in line to receive Him,
tell Him and then go an receive Him if you do have to
stand, He knows it and He will reward you for it, but to
refuse Him is wrong because you are refusing Thy Lord
a-nd God's assistance to help you, to be with you. Oh there
are those, and even Priests, that fight and argue otherwise,
but Our Holy Mother told me when a Priest is ordained,
duly ordained, there are sorne that are being ordained to­
day that are not truly ordained Priests, but tllose that have
been duly ordained and are true Priests, you can receive
the Communion standing, kneeling, Iying down, anyway,
if you are in bed, He win come to you there through the
hands of the Priest.
The Priest can be in mortal sin, but wh en He is on the altar
He is Christ, he is representing Christ there. You see him
only as a representative not what he did as a man because
he is still man, he still is tempted and you scorning hi m, and
you talking behind him won't help this Priest, you will only
pull him down. You must pray for him, talk to God about
him but not to your neighbor. How do you expect a Priest to
have help if you constantly pull him apart, he needs your
assistance and that is prayer. Our Holy Mother sheds tears
for Her Priests, for Her Nuns because Rer children are hurt­
ing them. Ifyou want things to change, you yourself have to
become a Christian, you must love Thy Lord and God, you
must love Thy Holy Mother, you must love thy neighbor.
How many of you receive Thy Lord and God and walk out
of church and st art chatte ring about your neighbor? You're
sweeping his doorstep instead of your own, why? Cleanse
your own, l'm sure you have a lot of corners to clean out,
there's plenty a mess on your own doorstep, leave your

neighbor alone but pray for him. Reach out and try to do
good, help the child, the sick child, yes they are sick today
because tbeir parents neglected them, the parents forgot
that Little innocent child. Every child that is born is clean
once it is baptized it is pure. Il IS what the parent is making
of that chilà, the soul that they are tarnishlOg, the example
they are showing it, cleanse il. Go home and work and you
will see the change in your country when you recognize
the harm that you carelessly and so foolishly let hafpen.
Oh yes, when 1 ask you personally, you would say, love
my Lord and God, but do you? Remember He made us,
we are part of Him no matter what color our skin may be,
God created us, He put us here. the color of the skin has
nothing to do with it, it is whaCs inside that body the
heart. Fill that heart with pure love for Thy Lord and God
for thy Holy Mother and then go out and cleanse the path
for the children oftomorrow. The citizens oftomorrow; what
will they be, cripples? Mentally distorted because of the
pills and the filtn they've been taking. [Cs up to you what
l'our world will be, good or bad, it's entirely up to you, it
IS not up to Christ. Our Holy Mother every hme [ have
seen Her recently, She has been weeping, weeping, and
the stories and the rumors are going about that Sne has
quit coming here; She will be here with me on ail the
days mentioned in the messages, She didn't tell me She
wasn't coming back so why are the rumors spread, and by
sorne that have been very close here, why? Because you
did not receive a message everyday? What have you done
with them, is there any need ofrepeating, and repeating and
repeating? Is there any need? When you don't fulfill Her
requests that She gave twenty years ago, is there any need
for Her to give you one more message? Fulfill the ones
She gave you and then corn plain, fulfill it. Remember
twenty years ago your children were not like they are to­
day. She knew what was happening, She tried to awaken
you but you heeded not, you turned your backs to Her.
Yes She is crying my dear friends She is crying, great
big tears were rolling down over Her cheeks. Vou don't
want to believe that, Dut look about you, look about you,
and wipe Our Holy Mother's tears, bring a smile back;
please 1 beg you, and your innocent little children that you
have with you, grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers, don't
destroy that soul but purify it and clean it. [t's up to
you or the wrath of God will come upon you, Our Holy


Mother says that it's very close. l'm not trying to frighten

you, it's very close. She warned you over the years, She has

given you messages upon messages, the Saints have helped

Her pleading also because they love Her; but you don't

care, you couldn't care, it would interfere with your rou­

tine of Iife. She asked for sacrifices, how much do you

sacrifice, how much? That's where selfpity cornes in. Give

your heart to Our Holy Mother, giveJour heart to your

own family, to the little child and Go bless you.

(Mary Ann put her head down)

(Mary Ann related that St. Francis, St. Joan and St.

Therese were present and that St. Joan said we should

show the Blue Rosary to the people present. Ray Pritzl

showed it to the people).

*(She made no exception).



(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparition looking

upward into the Four Ash Trees and said:)
There is a strange glow ail over the Trees tonight with
streamers, or rays, coming down toward the Sacred Spot.
Our Holy Mother showed Herselfworking at Her table with
the Child Jesus helping Her and Saint Joseph with Her also.
Then, it showed American homes, the way it ought to be
and the way they are today. Il showed homes with a loving
gathering of families; father, mother and children together,
m unison working together, singing together, praymg to­
gether and playing together; and then it showed homes
where the parents, the father goes one way, the mother an­
other, the children every direction, or baby-sitters substitute
for the father and mother, and the baby-sitter brings in boy
friends and so forth; then there is drinking and the child is
neglected, or it sees the wrong things. There is not family
love, family Iife, but each one goes their own way. The fami­
ly are there but they don't mean anything. These are the two
different scenes 1 have seen. The family that is at home with
love and devotion towards each other, and those that have
no time but must take care of this or that, which is more im­
portant to them than the home, the child that they are ne­
glecting; so the child is left if they are small, with a baby-sit­
ter that needs a baby-sitter because the morality is not there.
The parent doesn't seem to know what goes on with their


youngsters at home. Baby-sitting has become one of the

biggest doings of home dlsturbances than ever in the past
history. Years ago no parent would leave ifs child at home
unless it had an adult, the majority of the time they took the
child with them, otherwise they stayed with il. Today any­
thing goes and that is the results. They wander on the
streets, they seek companionship and they find the wrong.
They are confused, they are mixed up whlch \eads to dope,
to carousing, to stealing. There's need for home life. Take
the example of the Holy Family, it does not mean that you
have to live as they did in the past, you can live the modern
way; but you should be a family which is not the case in
America today, the family Iife has been abandoned. Think
about it, pray on it and do something about il.

OCTOBER 16, 1970


(Mary Ann knelt at the Sacred Spot of Apparition for sorne

time looking up into the alcove of the Four Ash trees. She

looked to the left of the Trees and back to the center, she

shook her head and said no, no.)

There's an older Saint sitting up there ail in light grey with a

black cape, sort of a bonnet-like cap, or hat; [ don't know

how to explain it, she is in the alcove. Then, outside of the

alcove to the west, there is a young person ail in white,

dresied different than the other one; part of her hair shows

which are real light blond. She has a dark cape and it is

c1asr.ed around her throat, strange looking head gear. [

don t know who it is, they just look, they don't say a word.

The young person, 1 wouldn't say was a Nun, but the older

person could be. The young person only looks about the age

of. twelve or thirteen, only she has a long dress down to di.e

floor. The rays are coming in from the upper part, forming a

sort ofan "X", and then tbey spread out down towards us. [

don't know if [ explained myself right, they are very bright

rays. None of our usual Saints are here tonight except the

Blessed Mother was up high for a few seconds.

To describe the older one oetter, she has you might say, a

Iight grey cape or coat on and underneath it, 1 notice now a

light or white dress and over the top of that she has a dark

cape which has fallen in back of her.

Who are you? Please tell us?

Thank you Saint Francis. Saint Francis, who are they? (He

just smiled).
Thank you Saint Francis.
Saint Francis told Mary Ann: The young girl died, she was
martyred for her virginity. The older Nun is one that has
been trying to protect the Youth. They wouldn't tell us the
name of the order they belong to. They are here tonight
pleading with us to protect the Youth, for in our own State,
we have a very deplorable sinful condition. Our Holy Moth­
er has pleaded that we cleanse the State of Wisconsin, we
have not done so, the conditions say otherwise; more needs
to be done to bring forth laws of punishment for those that
are destroying the souls of the Youth. It is up ta the parent
and the laymen to fight for this. Within your own thirty mile
radius you have very sinful things happening, even sorne of
your children know about it but they do not tell you, they
keep these things to themselves, they rather not speak of it.
There is much sin going on right about you, ail ofthis must
be cleansed. The time is too short to waste.
1 asked you ail not to tarry, haven't 1 Sister?
Yeso Our Holy Mother sheds tears because of sins of Her
Yes, Her tears are added because it saddens Her Divine Son
Our Lord and God.
Sister, there is no id le moment for anyone, there is no idle
moment for anyone.
It offends Our Lord and God, Our Lord and God has been
saddened. He feels very hurt to see His Mother in tears for
the children on earth who seem so unwarthy, so careless, so
The chastisement is upon you, don't you care to set it back,
or do you ratherit came. It needs a Constant Vigil of Prayer,
the Rosary, the Rosary, Reparation, Sacrifice, Penance and
above ail the Rosary. Meditate upon it, meditate, when
saying the Rosary, meditate. Too many Rosaries are said
with just the lips, no meditation just the lips, no heart in it.
Those prayers do not count, they must come from the heart.
Constant Vigil of Prayer, save thy Country.
(Mary Ann explained: The rays came in like this, (making
an hour glass sign) and went out.
They came up beyond the Trees and then came in towards
the Trees and spread out. 1 never saw them that way, they
were real bright but they are gone now; silver and gold. Saint
Francis was late, he only came in afterwards. 1 didn't see
him and ail of a sudden he was there.)



St. Nick help us, St. Nick help us. God have mercy on our
souls, God have mercy on our souls, God have mercy on
our souls.
People are afraid to pray, why, why are they embarrassed
to pray, why? People must pray, they must bend their knees;
they must cali to Their Lord and God; they must invoke
His mercy. There is no mercy for the U.S.A.; they have
forfeited their rights; they have ruined this Nation; it's
too late for them to be spared; they heed not Our Holy
Mother's requests; they heed not Her pleas; they heed not
the CelestiaPs warnings; they care not; they seek the self~
love, self-glorification, self-destruction, self-destruction.
Holy Mother pleaded for the youth; She sheds tears for the
youth; they heed not. The Clergy themselves denounced Our
Holy Mother here at this Sacred Spot; had they heId off
and tried to wait and yet warn tneir people to turn to
Their Lord and God, to pray the Rosary. Yes, the Rosary;
that is too repetitious; that is for the squares; that is not
for the people with common sense; for the modern world;
no, that's only for the squares. Oh, how they are going
to regret those words; how they're going to regret those
words; how they're going to suffer and wished they had said
that Rosary, that they so neglected; had they only turned
to Our HoIy Mother and prayed Her Rosary. ft is so beau­
tiful, the way the Holy Mother described that Rosary
that was given to Her. Every time you say the Angelus,
that is also part of the Rosary. Why do they think they are
better than Thy Heavenly Mother, the Mother of Their
Savior, Lord, Jesus Christ? Do they think they are better?
No, no their pride, their arrogance, their stupidity, their
lack of love for humanity; loving thyself alone is not
enough, you must love thy neighbor as thyself, you must
love Thy God, love Thy Lord and God who created you.
Oh, yes, according to their new catechisms, He did not
create you anymore; you are just a specie and the Lord
Jesus Christ is only a person in the year that He was born
of a woman, not the lieavenly Mother, just a woman, a
common woman, and Thy Lord Jesus Christ was just a
common man. Yes, they admit He was intelligent, He was
an Intellect, but He was not a God. No, that is wrong to
teach the modern children that in your catechisms, for He


was just a man on earth. The point is, He was a man, but

He was the Son of God, createcf by God the Father Himself,

sent here on this earth to save man. But the catechisms do

not explain it that way. The teachers that should, fail, even

if the words are not there, can't the CCO teachers teach

them that, can't they? They do not have to follow the word

by word even if they cannot the proper catechetical work.

There is no excuse, there is no excuse at ail, regardless

what their Pastor says, regardless what their Bishop says if

they are wrong, they need not follow them into hell, they

need not, and it does not ail come out of Vatican Il; because

about Vatican II you do not receive the truth. The Holy

Father's words, you have been told many times, do not come

through as he himself says them, as he speaks. Unless the

mere few people that have the true love of God in their

hearts awaken the others, there will only be a mere few

that will survive the chastisement, the Armegeddon. For

when women run about tempting man, they are Satan, they

are Satan, satanized into hel!. It takes you Christians that

love Thy Lord and God, but you must show it in practice,

do not be ashamed, do not be ashamed.

Our Holy Mother pleaded and pleaded with you in 1950,

before and after, but you do not heed Her cali, you do not

heed Her pleas. The pictu re is before you. What has ha ppened

to your U.S.A.? Satan, or as ifs been called in the back

work, the Serpent, has been coiled and is spewing his venom

ail over the U.S.A. from Coast to Coast and from Ocean to

Ocean. You were warned, you read it but what can we do

about it, what can we do about it, and you went on your

merry way. Weil, that film that the Serpent has been spewing

over you has penetrated many a man and his soul and he

is today the vlctim of Lucifer, going about preaching in a

soft VOlce to ensnare the innocent, the foohsh, just as the

foolish maidens were not prepared, so are you not prepared.

It's not far away; it is very close at hand.








I don't have time, l'm too busy.

Why do you think Khrushchev bowed out of his position?
Why do you think Jack Kennedy came back and spqke as
he did? Because His Holiness gave them sorne of this inside
material to read. The only shocking part of it is why didn't
they open their mouths and tell the public; maybe sorne of
them wou Id have listened, even if it did take their lives,
both ofthem. Of course Khruschev will also be do ne away
with; he has already been injected, that will take his life,
for anytime one of the cohorts weakens the penalty is death.
Is that what you are afraid of? Is that why you are afraid
to pray to God? Make your penalty be Heaven. Isn't that a
better switch than hell? That is the truth my dear people,
this is a fact; don't shrug your shoulders and disbelieve it,
because ifs upon you, it lS here.
God loved you; He died for you; He shed His Blood for
you, yet you care not. Every crucifix should not be polished
so beautifully. but should have the Wounds of Thy Lord
and God upon it; maybe it might frighten a few, because
sorne of you will be used in mockery and you will be
scourged just like He was. Vou will be tied to a telephone
pole, electric pole, utility pole in nakedness and scourged
to mock you, and then your blood will be drained from
your body and be used in a black mass to finish the ritual.
Are sorne of you prepared to face such a death? Or are
you willing to go out and work on the Constant Vigil of
Prayer, to turn the people back to Christianity? They are
slipping away, your priests, the modern priests of today, .he
is no True Christ, he is no True Christ for he thinks of the
material things first and last before he retires, not the love
of God. They do not touch their Breviary any more, that
is for the squares, they do not want to be bothered with
Christ. And ail the Nuns that have thrown away their veils
will suffer, suffer severely and will fall into the hands of
the enemy. The Nuns that are dressed as laymen today,
will not find the Kingdom of Heaven. The Serpent has
them within his coil. They must go back to their Vows that
they promised before God. Tnose that have diavowed

themse.!ves will only face hel!. Oh, God have mercy on us,

Lord GoJ have mercy on us, help us, awaken us.

Those of the Hierarchy that believe that appeasement will

bring unification between ail Churches, are so wrong. Thy

Lord and God did not accept them at the time He walked

on earth, then why do they think He will accept it now?

God the Father in Heaven will never permit these things.

Appeasement is not the answer to Christianity. Thy Lord

and God made His Apostles the first Bishops and Pope,

and yet they heed not their instructions, their "Written

Word" or the "Words" in the Scriptures, that have come

through for them and their Disciples, that they themselves

chose, which were many.

God the Father permitted the Judas, for He knew there

would be many Judases, but He had hoped that the peo­

ple would follow the good rather than the evil one. Time

has proven which He knew would happen. He knew as

God the Father, but yet He gave man a f\ee will, the test

was given to man. They mocked Him, they spat upon Him,

they crucified Him, they crucified Him. They are re-cruci­

fying Their Lord and God now, have been, and yet He is

merciful, yet He does not strike down His arm; He is still

mercifu!. How long can you expect Him to be merciful,

how long? When will you bow down and thank Thy Lord

and God, and then help be the Disciple on earth today,

to bring the lost at the wayside to Thy Lord and God;

to protect the youth that you have destroyed and bring

them back, to salvage their tarnished souls, to help cleanse

them. When the fire and f1ames come to destroy you, will

you be prepared, when it will rain down upon you, will

you be prepared? Will you have the mark of Jesus Christ

on your forehead or the mark of Satan? Will you have Thy

Lord and God in thy heart, on your lips? Oh, yes, Thy

Lord and God will spare a mere few that will walk the

earth after the chastisement, that will live and love in unity

that Our Holy Mother tried to bring here at the Sacred

Spot; to love and unit y, instead we have bickering, the

dlsgruntled and dissatisfaction. Where is the love anaunity?

There are a few, a very few, but LOO many of you are

interested in the material things. The material thing is

your light, as our Holy Mother said in 1950, "the AI­

mighty Dollar is your God!" T:le Almighty Dollar! Why

did She use the word "Almighty?" Because it is supposed

to be Thy Almighty God that you are supposed to cherish,

honor; instead you tum to the dollar. Vou make it the
Almighty God, the dollar, the material dollar. Yes, there is
need for it that's true, but the most important part of
your life should be Thy Lord and God, HIs Holy Mother,
with true love not just on your lips, not just on your lips
but in thy heart.
If God ~nould come down and ~ive you an affliction and
take your lips away, you stil.1 could hav~ love in thy heart.
Each one wIll recelve a punlshment, many tests are glven,
many sacrifices are poured upon you, accept them ln the
manner that they are given; to show you a few discomforts
now in comparison to the discomforts you will meet during
the chastisement when the fire will rain down from the skies,
when the cities will errupt in tlames, when their bodies
will bum to crisp; and out of those God will take sorne of
them home to His side. They will not be lost, they will
not be lost for God knows who is innocent and the good.
He knows who loves Him. Oh, yes, you can tell your fellow
man,1 love My Lord and God, but then you have no time
for Him. He knows. His eyes are upon you twenty-four
hours a day, three-hundred and six.ty-five days a year, He
knows, but He still is merciful, He still is merciful.
There are priests who stand at the altar and they talk of
the love of God, they tell their parishoners that they must
go out and love God, and yet they themselves do not
practice what they preach. There are limes many of them
repeat it in anger and in such loudness because it is their
own conscience biting them, their own conscience. Pray
for priests, please pray for priests, pray for the religious,
especially the foolish Nu~s. the foohsh Nuns. Their I~mps
Will be out and there Will be no 011 forthem to kmdle
for Thy Lord and God will come down on earth; remember
He is coming, He will walk this earth. He will be with you,
remember tfiat. He promised to come back again and He
keeps His promise, will you?
The .enemy is prepared for ail-out onslaught of destruction.
Il Will be two-hundred years from 1776 to 1976 and if
you are alive then you will see something that this USA has
never seen. Il will be in mockery of George Washington,
you will see something that has never been seen berore;
for those that will escape what cornes before. WORK ON
WISCONSIN IS FILTHYl Nudism is in many ofyour big
cities, you've been told of a dive for many years.


Your sons and daughters are sleeping together as man and

wife in your Universities. Don't you parents care, don't
you care? They won't come home and tell you about it,
but if you are foolish enough to let them go, then send
them; they won't tell you, you're a square. Have you in­
vestigated what's going on in your Universities and in your
dormitories? Aren't you parents interested in what is
happening to your sons and daughters? Or are you tickled
to death they're big enough to go out and shift for them­
selves, you're free of them. Is that the point? Or do you
shed crocodile tears for them? What's the matter parents,
what's the matter, investigate, don't take these words here,
investigate. Sex is running rampant, oh, yes, you think be­
cause your son and daughter lS a Catholic that is going
to save them? That's going to find them quicker than
another one. Their mentality has been weakened by the
drugs and that's what the enemy of God wants.
They have prepared you sleepy-headed parents beautifully,
they have dulled you. They have even gone so far that their
leglslation will come forth that the women will have equal
rights as man, that the wife won't have to stay home and
do so, as she calls it "drudgery". What does a man do while
he's working, sleeping? So he must leave her home, in the
comfort of his home to take care of his children and to
take care of the things at home, but that's drudgery; but
when he's working that doesn't mean a blooming tning, that
isn't drudgery, so they want to go out in the factories and
into the many establishments, and your children will be
put into so-called establishments for infants. Are you too
blind to see what is coming? They have been domg that
in Russia, they have been doing that in other Communist
The children are taken away from the mother as soon as
it's a week old and put into an institution, you can see it
on week-ends, the other time you have to work. Vou will
get your privilege to be equal with men, you can go out
and be equal, but you won't see your children. They will
be brought up as a robot, no love of God, no love of Father
and Mother. The Christian home will be out and you are
bringing this right here into the United States of America.
Can't you see the demonstrations on your TV's today,
where they use the lollypop dramatization? They will pre­
educate your child for they have the time to do it; (the
following said in mimicry) so mothers bring your children,

we will pre-educate them. They will point out a two year
old is already qualified to do certain things and the ignor­
ant fathers and mothers are foolish enough to swallow that
until they are ready to give the orders. l1's coming and
it's not far away. That is only a \ittle example, ask those
that have escaped from the Eastern Hemisphere. Ask them
what you are letting yourselves into, ask them, and you
are letting it happen. Vou are letting one law after another
become law because you do not watch or read the small
Those are ihe errors you are making as American citizens,
"the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave," how
long are you going to sing that tune? They are already
singing, "We Shalf Overcome." They will overcome you
goofballs, you ignorant Christian people; they will over­
come you; THEY HAVE! Turn to Thy Lord and God, turn
to Thy Lord and God, or do you believe Thy Lord and
God will give you mercy when the abortionists are having
one of the biggest heydays in American history. Vou ex­
pect the mercy of God for every child that goes down into
the incinerator or down the drain? Do you expect mercy
from God? Vou permitted this to happen, you did not
stand up and fight those Bills, you are not fighting porno­
graphy, you are not fighting the evil that's planted in
front of your innocent child's eyes, you are not doing a
darn thing.
Thy Holy Mother pleaded and pleaded, the children are
the innocent victim of their eiders; repeat that in your
minds over and over again, maybe it will take hold. The
innocent children are tne victims of their eiders; the kin­
dergarten child that is today doped, in many a schopl,
to keep them docile and calm just as they are feeding the
same ingredients into live stock, they're putting it into
your child just like an animal, so i1's docile and quiet,
they can handle them better. Wha1's the matter parents,
what's the matter?
Have mercy on us, have mercy on us, Blessed Mother,
Blessed Mother, Blessed Mother have mercy on us. l'm
frightened for the people, they won't listen. Pray for us,
pray for us. Please, what can we do, what can we do?
Our Hierarchy have failed with the people, they are seeking
appeasement, they are seeking appeasement, One World
Government and One World Church. Il will not be the
Christian Church, it will be taken over very shortly. They

are educating their Professors now and have been. We've
been shown one of their teachers, in fact he stepped on
the grounds in 1950, he is one of the head teachers, he
has been in Denver, Colorado, but he travels, he travels
ail over. He teaches how to rape a woman, how to control
your dollar, how to destroy mankind. He has helped
teach your Hippies, your Yippies, he has drummed up the
over-population, the pollutIOn drumming. He has been
helping the dope peddlers and he has won. He has helped
the distributors of dope and pornography while the Chris­
tians were asleep. Yes, he has taught them weil; now he
has the Christian people believing in the Sensitivity Train­
ing. Vou have sorne in your own midst that believe a Iittle II
bit of it does not harm. That's just what Satan wants you
to believe, just a liule bit. He wants you to take just a 1

\ittle bit of a ride on his tail. just a little bit. He puts the
honey out and you swallow the pill and then he will
swish his tail and he will have you where he wants you.
wou Id hesitate for one moment and accept any bit of it
is wrong and should be dealt with. Don't accept those
things. That is part of the plot and plan ta pull in the
gullible Catholic, for that is what the enemy still fears
IS the Catholic Church, but they have them weil under
control. The Catholics are under the thumb of the Supreme
Grand Master. There was lime to awaken them, but that
has now passed on.
If the Laymen doesn't stand up in the true spirit of Jesus
Christ, if he doesn't put the crucifix around his neck to
protect himself, he wifl be gone with the rest. The Laymen
must stand up with the he1p of the priest's blessing upon
them, for too many priests have turned liberal and are
seeking the path of evil rather than righteousness; oh,
they don't think so, oh no. To hear them speak, oh no,
but they are not teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
they are not true representatives of Jesus Christ, as long
as they do not follow the true teachings of Jesus Christ
they cannot be. There are many wonderful men that are
true representatives of Christ and that truly love Their
Lord and God whom they promised to represent here on
earth. There are many wonderful Spouses of Christ, but
they feel so helpless, but why not stand up and fight be­
fore it is completely too late. Vou cannot escape the
chastisement of God unless you completely surround the

USA with a Constant Vigil of Prayer, and you can see
yourself how impossible that is because people refuse to
pray; they have no time to pray, not even a decade of
the Rosary a day. If they don't have time to say a Rosary.
can they not say a few prayers on their lips while they are
doing their work instead of thinking how they are going
to do this or that of material things, instead of planning
such things why not speak to God and then God will
help them with the others. He knows your needs, give
yourself flrSt to Him.
Oh yes, you have Ministers, so-called Ministers, they are
not Ministers or representatives of Christ, they are in the
belief themselves that Christiandom is only to keep the
people occupied and keep them under the thumbs of
the higher-ups, but there is no such thing as a God or a
Jesus Christ; they are actually believing this and they are
actually believing that man came from monkeys. Then the
parents, and the people, and the clergy that should know
better, are idly ta king and accepting this instead of fighting
back with the truth. The tru th will set you free, on1y the
truth! And you few people here can be that banner of
truth, but clean your doorsteps, yours, not your neighbors,
and turn to Thy Lord and God with true love. Thy Holy
Mother, She will place that mantle about you. She will
help you, but She cannot help you if you do not seek Her
and Her Divine Son.
Why do 1 see this, why? (Can you describe what you see
Mary Ann?)
lt has been going on ail the period, ail the time, why?
What does that mean, what does that mean?
Help us, help us.
1 have been shown like the Globe, one moment, it is ail
black, and then il drirts away, and after it drifts away a
bright spot of Iight where it was; the next the same Globe
is purple with a rim of darkness about it and a rim of light.
then this purple disappears and it becomes completely
light. 1 don't understand it, 1 don't understand it, why?
Pray much for the Constant Vigil of Prayer. Awaken your­
self before it is too late. Hofy Mother pray for us, Holy
Mother pray for us.



There is much that must be accomplished, they must turn

to God, must turn to Their Lord and God, they must not
neglect Him; without Christ there is no hope of salvation,
they must follow Their Lord and God; they must make
Reparation. The multitude, they are not turning to Their
Lord and God, they are seeking the easier way out, they
should only realize that turning to Their Lord and God
would be the easier way, not to follow the ways of the
world. The ways of the world will only find them Purga­
tory and damnation. They must seek God first, Their
Lord and Savior; if they put Christ in their hearts, if they
find Him within them, many things will come and their
confusion will be straightened out. The confusion is only
created in their minds because they are not seeking Their
Lord and God. It simplifies it becomes so simple if they
seek Their Creator first, Their Redeemer; remember He
loved you so much that He was willing to die for you.
Can't you do just a wee little bit for Him, just a wee little
bit? Look at His Scourged Body, look at it, take a good
look, don't turn your head away but look good, ail those
blows, ail those bruises were accepted by Him for you,
for you, and now you turn your back on Him. Vou lis­
ten to falsehoods, you're confused, why? It's so simple,
turn to Thy Lord and God with true love, it's so simple.
Oh yes, you hear them mumbling and grumbling, 1 can't,
1 got this to do, 1 got that to do. Ali would fall in place
like a huge jig-saw puzzle if you'd turn to Thy Lord and
God, Thy Redeemer, everything would fall in place. The
th~ngs that ar~ confusing you now wi~1 be little simple
thmgs, you wIll wonder why you let It bother you, try
it, try it, see how wonderful it is.
IN THEM, WHY? (Mary Ann visioned a large group
of people), and there's a ray of light about just a few and
ail these others, confused and turning away towards the
ones that are going down to hell, wh y, why? ICs so simple,
turn to Thy Lord and God, love Him, HE DIED FOR VOU,
LOOK AT THEM! People l've known, people 1 have met
on the grounds, people that 1 have spoken to, they are in
the confused group, why, why don't they turn to God? The
answer is there. There are so many that 1 have known in

the past years, they are ail up there in the confused bunch.
Yes, with the tips they say: 1 love the Blessed Mother, but
do they, do they truly love the Blessed Mother? Their
mouth says they do but it isn't from there (Mary Ann
points to her heart), it isn't from their heart and uIJ.!.~_&.!.b_e
love gille ~les_seg M_o.ther and god is fr~t neart, the
mouth doesn',Lmean a thing. Sure tneyeven believethey
do but when tney cometo the tests, when the bayonets
will spear towards you, are you going to say: Yes, l'Il
join you, yes, l'Il join you, or, are you going to say: No,
take my head off, 1 love My Lord and God. Will you? No,
Will you stand that test? Your mouth says a lot but if it
cornes to the point, think about it, study on il. How much
have you done for Thy Lord and God? How much of
yourself are you willing to give? Are you more willing to
seek the material things? Are you more anxious to impress \
your neighbor on sorne of the material things you are
doing? Are you embarrassed to say you seek tirst the King­
dom of Heaven, Thy Lord and God, the Blessed Mother
and the Saints? They are ail waiting to help you. No, you
are in the confused bunch because you thought you were
smarter, you thought you knew it an. Il is a pity, it's such
a pity. Our Holy Mother sheds tears for you, for the eiders
neglecting their children. Do you realize how man)' children
have turned away from their parents and have Joined the
enem)'? Oh not willingly, innocently, remember they are
the vlctims of the eiders. Il is what you teach that child,
he might rebel or she might rebel but explain it to them;
they might think you are squares, oh l'd love to be a
solid square for Jesus Christ than a round bubble that
will roll into hel\. Oh be a square, that's a crazy term to
use but since the modern world is using il. use Il.
Oh my dear friends Purgatory is no joyous place. Purgatory
is tilled with f1ames and you will be amongst those f1ames,
you will reach out your arms and scream for the Christians
to come and help you, but you cannot come from there
unless enough prayers are said for you. but how many of
those in Purgatory are forgotten? How many people, ev en
their own loved ones after they pass on, are thought about,
think about it, they've gone yes, do you remember them?
No, after ten, twelve, twenty years you drift away from
them; once in a while yes, you speak of them, yes they're
forgotten. How many of them are in Purgatory that cou Id
have been prayed out had they remembered them, if they

prayed for them and that does not mean you must give alms
for them but pray. Make some sacrifices for them, think
about it, pull them out of those f1ames, it's torture, it's
torture for Purgatory is not Heaven, it's not hell either but
it is severe. The punishment is severe so don't seek Purga-
tory, that's the middle road, that's the middle road, Purga-
tory, it's not pleasant. Seek the Kingdom of Heaven, joïn
Thy Lord and God and ail the Saints, work your way to
Sainthood, it only takes charity, true love of God, that's
ail it takes, true love of God. Vou here should be the true
example, you have much to do yet to make that path.
Vou have given much but are your sacrifices that you have
given willingly, or are you lamenting? When you lament
they are not from the true heart, when you give ail you do
notlament. Do you say: Oh Lord and God 1 love Vou, and
then walk away and talk about your neighbor, do you?
Concentrate on it, meditate on it and then when you say
the Rosary, meditate on the Rosary; as you're saying the
Hail Mary's to Thy Blessed Mother, She loves to hear that
Rosary, She loves to hear it. If you can't say the Rosary,
then say the Hail Mary in your work, you do not have to
say one decade, two decades, five decades, fifteen decades,
you can say a hundred Hait Mary's during the day, Heaven
will put them in the proper sequence but say a Hait Mary,
an Our Father, a Glory be while you're working; white
the carpenter is buzzing {he saw watch the chips f1y and
say Haii Mary's while they're f1ying, Vou say you must
concentrate on what you do, the Ha~1 Mary will help you
concentra te, but if it doesn't go right you start to spuller
and spit, that won't help you, it won't help at ail but a
Hail Mary, an Our Father and a Glory be to God; or cali
to Saint Francis, St. Joseph, St. Therese, Joan of Arc,
Mother Cabrini, Good St. Ann, St. Joachim, they'll be
right there to help you. Make your work a prayer. When you
get up in the morning offer your work, ail your difficulties
as prayer. Control your tempers, your anger; there's a
just anger, a very just anger such as fighting the Abortion
Bill, that anger is justified. Become angry, fight it, fight
it with every fiber you've got in your body but save lives,
that anger is just; but an anger because a certain tool
doesn't work just right, that's not just, that's Satan playing
tricks with you. That is the difference, recognize the dif-
ference, yes there's just anger and there are the wrong
The confusion, the confusion we have spoken about the

last twenty-one years, it has not ceased, it is still mounting.
The Serpent was coiled already then but now it is realry
working. We admit it is not easy to fight this world with
the Serpent spewing venom over ail of you, sorne of it
will fall on you but if you have of God, if you
live with y'0ur heart and soul for Thy Lord and God, that
venom will fall off your back like water off of a duck. lt
sim ply must come from the heart. Oh there's times God will
test and try you, He will try your patience to the breaking
point, but remember when the enemy thrusts his hatred
upon you will you be able to face that breaking point, will
you? Will you do like sorne of the past Saints, lay your
he ad on the block and say "behead me"? Will you be
willing to do that rather than denounce Thy Lord and
God? My dear friends there is much that you must think
about, how strong are you, how willing are you? There is
the temptation to become angry and say words that would
only harm you, your friends and yourself because Satan
will try to stir you up in anger. He is lurking about you at
ail times. Remember Lucifer is loose and ail his cohorts
are with him. He is cunning, he is not stupid; if you think
Satan is stupid, stop right there for he is brilliant. he is
an intellect but he does not have the powers of God, but
if you have a true love for Thy Lord and God then Satan'
cannot harm you. God's shield will come between you and
Satan, Our Holy Mother will step upon him but that only
happens when you are willing to do your part. Oh yes,
many mumble daily, 1 love Thee Lord and God, and
then they go out and they harm their nieghbor; oh not
physically but mental accusations, try not to be that way
especially the rest of this joyous season. If you can save
a soul in thy corn munity, in thy area, remember the 30
mile radius IS not c1eansed; pornography and movies are
not c1eansed they are there for the youth to see, and what
about your State, what about your State? Can you count
the Prayer Boards in your State, it doesn't cover your
State. Even if every church doesn't have it but at least if
you covered over the entire State, the ones that don't
have it will soon accept a Board; it needs a true movement
to do this and then cover the U.S.A., but it must come
from the heart. from the lips only, no. from the heart.
Vou must seek co-workers. Are you going to be on the
side with the mere few, are you going to join them or are
you going to be in the center amongst the confused; then

turn yourself and follow those down to eternal hellfire,
the road that's paved with good intention alileading down
ta eternal helllire? Good intentions are not always the
merciful works, if they are only intentions and not work,
remember Thy Lord and Gad is just, He will not permit
Himself to be mocked.
You were asked ta write to His Holiness, you failed to do
so. Are you going ta accept Thy Lord and God in your
hand? Are you going ta accept the Holy Eucharist ta be
set on the table as wafers, or that little particle that might
break off, going ta be desecrated? What are you going to
do about it? You have been asked to write, you haven't
do ne so. We asked you to send millions of letlers, thou­
sands of lette l'S, what have you done? Nothing, a mere few.
Pour your heart to Thy Lord and God and th en pour it
to His Holiness. It must come from the Vatican before it
is too late. The door on the Vatican is being closed, are
we going to be too late again? You've been asked, why
have you failed to do so? That's so important.
Why the appeasement, why the appeasement? There is
only one right, appeasement is not the right way. Thirty­
thousand enemy priests have done their wark weil, they
have ful!illed their orders that the Supreme Grand Master
had ordered them to do, they have fulfilled it weil. Why
can't the Christian world do the same in counteracting
their ways? You cannot change the Mass to suit the enemy
of God, you must keep the Mass the Walk of Calvary. If
you're not careful the next step is to water it down sorne
more. Study the Mass, you've been asked to study the Mass
many years ago; had you been faithful in that you would
understand the Mass better than you do today. This is not
referring to the last four or !ive years, this is referring to far
back where you were asked to study the Mass, there was a
reason for that request but it was not fulfilled; that is one of
the requests that was not fulfilled, except by a very few. If
they would have studied the Mass those days, they wouldn't
have the confusion of the Mass today, they would know
what is right and what is wrong, they wou Id know what to
do in a case of this kind but they didn't study the Mass. The
~reatest importance in your Iife is the Mass because that
IS the only place the Holy Trinity is present, PRESENT.
Study the catechetical work weil, study il.
Your enemy is weil prepared for destruction, the back
porch is weil stocked. There is plenty material stored in

St. John's, it was given. Many years ago you were told
about preparations being made and many people will be
placed within those silos or institutions like the one in
Alaska; that wasn't built you know for the real insane
people, that was only built for the ones that will be in
their way. 1 hope you understand that. The enemy has
it's recruits weil taught and weil trained, their army is
weil prepared. Had the Christians prepared themselves
with the true armorofGou and Theil' Saviol' and Redeemer,
and woulu not have slept so nonchalantly, let themselves
be dragged down. the chddren leaving thelr homes seeking,
seeking knowing not what. had they watched as the Holy
Mother warned them, you wouldn't need to face up ta the
severity before you.
Watch your children do not let them fall into the trap of the
enemy, do not let them become victims of the drug. The
enemy is whitewashing the true danger of the drugs and
the true danger that the fall-out has created: many ill­
nesses andsicknesses they don't seem to know the answer
for, for we were told that many years ago. Why are you
puzzled? lt was tcld. now that it's here, those things do
not develop overnight. First YOllr body wards it orf but
finally it is so smothered it can't ward it off. You take a
river. a dean river and pollution is dumped into il. the
water itself will purify itself but wh en it's too much it
finally gives up, that is the same with the human body. Do
you understand? You were told that It would affect the
respiratory and that's what happened, your respiratory
system of your body is the most vital part of your body,
the l'est cannot function without it and if that is injured
just think what happens to the l'est of it. lt is up to you,
it is up to you to fight it, you were warned many years
ago but you neglected to read the small print (Iaws),
you heeded not, you let these things happen; now it's
too la te. now it would take a mighty force to change it.
It could have been changed many years ago.
How many of the parents see to it that their children
wear the crucifix about their neck, how many? Are you
ashamed? Why isn't your child wearing one? lt meets
the enemy as weil as you. Teach your child to be aware
of Thy Crucified Lord and wear it about the neck. When
they have problems teach them to put their hand on it
and to whisper an Our Father and a Hail Mary and a Glory
be and see if that problem won't be lightened: if it is

a problem even in the dassroom, those are the child's
problems, they are important to them. Teach your child
to always intercede to Heaven to Their Lord and God, Their
Savior, to the Holy Mother and many of the Saints.
Why don't they keep away From Sensitivity Training, that\
Satan's work, making a Cursil1o, why. why? Tha1's Satan's
work, tha1's Satan's work, that's to break them, lhat's to
break them. Spreading honey to pull them in. Foolish
Nuns and Priesls, Brothers and Laymen, so many, 50
many in the world. It's terrible, awful, ail over. 11'5 mount­
ing up higher, becoming involved; Priests should know
better. Your Seminarians, they have failed them, they have
not taught them the true values and fundamental teachings,
that is why so many come out of the Seminaries confused,
why, why? Why don't they teach them the truth, why
That isn't Chris1's teaching but to follow the teaching of
the Apostles whom Christ taught. Don't indoctrinate your
Gospels, why? It's awful, it's awful. 1wouldn't want to send
a. son or daughter into this mess. 1 wouldn't want to, you
can preach Vocations but this is no place. Cie anse them,
cleanse them, whitewash them, they are so indoctrinated,
so indoctrinated.
His Holiness is so ill, His Holiness is so ill, not physical
illness, not the illness that you prescribe medicine, with
medication; no, it's illness that's pressed upon him From
the ill world, From his Priests, From his Bishops, his Car­
dinals, the pressure ail over the poor soul, Pray for him,
pray for hlm, Yes, he's made errors, who hasn't? He
wouldn't be a man walking on earth, if he was a Saint he
would be in Heaven. He makes errors, human errors but
pray for him. The wrong Pope will come in, the wrong
Pope will come in, that will be your next Pope, the wrong
one if you don't pray, the wrong one, the liberal one, the
one that will say Christ was only a man, there was noth­
ing Divine. Look out you might get the Black Pope, look
out you might get the Black Pope if Thy Lord and God
will wait that long before His arm will come and wipe it
out. The message given last week, if that cornes ftrSt th en
you might be spared that. Pray, pray much, heed Thy
Holy Mother's pleas, heed Thy Holy Mother's pleas, heed
Thy Holy Mother's pleas, heed them. Do not turn your
back upon Her. Pray for His Holiness, pray for the Priests,
the Religious. The Laity must work, the Laity must work.
Il is so close, it is so close.


December 18, 1970
We must put Christ back into Christmas. He's still hang­
ing back. Tmsel and Champagne come before Him.
When are our people going to awaken, time is running
out, it's running short, when are they going to awaken'1
They don't honor the Christ Child. When are they going
to honor the Christ Child, when are they going to bring
Him back, to place Him in His proper place, when? When
it's too late, too late? Put Christ back into Christmas, they're
laughing at that and l mean Priests, the representatives of
Christ, they are laughing at it, that's old fashioned that's
for the squares. Oh'why, why, why, why can't they behave
themselves," why can't they behave themselves, why? Our
Holy Mother pleads for them, She sheds tears for them and
yet they heed not Her pleas. Yes, the enemy has done it's
work weil, but where are the Christians, where? Why
haven't they been able to bring the Christ Child instead
of champagne and the tinsel? The rockets, anything but
the true Christmas. The spiritual part of Christmas don't
mean a thing. Blessed Mother, that's ail She does is shed
tears. Don't you realize She is the Mother of God? No you
don't, no you don' t, that is not the truth that's an old
fashioned ldea. Christians must stand up, the laymen must
fight for the True Chruch of God, the True Church of God.
Just as we were told man): years ago, but we heeded not,
we heeded not; the missiles are pointing towards the
U.S.A., they are right on your back porch. The subs are
lurking about, they know more about our s:tuation than
our own government because they are not asleep, they're
not asleep; the Christians are asleep. The times are too
good, as long as the Almighty Dollar keeps rolling into
their pockets, that is ail they care and how they can have
good times, how they can have merriment, parties; weil
giving, that's what Christmas represents, giving, G IVING
OF WHAT? The spiritual love of God, no, that's for
the squares. True love of God is not there, the only thing
they seek is buying of gifts, millions of dollars are spent
for gifts. How many knees bend for the true Christ, how
man)' knees bend for the love of God, the Infant, the
Anmversary of the Birth of Thy Lord and God? How
many knees bend for Him? Oh they have Santa Claus
up, oh yes, they have everything up, but what represents


Christ. That again is only for the squares, that again is

not for them; but when they come up before Thy Lord and
God, which they will all have to face, no malter how much
money they have, or how much they think they possess;
possessions will not mean a thing when you pass on. Are
you going to enter heaven or down to hell? Will you roll
right into hell because you had no time for thy Lord and
God, you had no time for thy Holy Mother1 Thy Lord
and God was sent upon the earth for an example of man­
kind. God the Father in heaven had His Son born of a
woman, of true Oesh and blood, not a myth. Not a myth,
as they are trying to preach today, that it was only a myth.
THE EARTH AS A MAN, but yet He was Thy Lord and
God. Those of you who for one moment ignore this, for­
get about it, because of the glories of the material things,
they are so important, they glilter so beautifully, thal's
Satan's way of tempting you. What will be your reward?
You know the answer! Turn to Thy Lord and God, make
this a Spiritual Christmas, a Spiritual Christmas of love of
God first and above all Thy Lord and God. No, there's
no harm in giving a gin, as long as you remember Thy
Lord and God first, that Christmas will mean to you, the
Birth of Christ, whom God the Father sent here on earth
HlM? Meditate upon this, how mu ch do you love Him?
l'm too busy, 1 haven't the time. If you don't take the
time for Thy Lord and God now, then 1 pit Y you. lt
will be too late when you intend to make up your mind,
at a convenient time. Look at things, look at them, sorne
of you come from big cities, what do you see, the Babe
in the Manger? No, many of your churches, they daim that
they are the True Chruch, do not bother to put up a Crib.
Oh sorne of lhem think they did wonderful by pulting up
a freak, to represent Thy Lord and God. Sorne distorled
creature, sorne psychedelic thing, not the true image of
Thy Lord and God; an image that can bring to the small
child a love, a need. Do you see the chi Id running for
the tree in the morning, looking for the Infant? No, it
doesn't think of the Infant, its only what Santa Claus
brought him. Who is Santa Claus? They are not even
taught that Santa Claus is supposed to represent St. Nick,

St. Nicholas. They are not taught that the angel brought
the gifts, that the angels are watching them; AND THAT
US, ALL OF YOU. Your angel, you have an angel that
is with you, they are watching you; your daily activities
are reported to Thy Lord and God in heaven. You can
deny it and you can lie about it, but it isn't going to save
you because your record is weil kept. You can fool your
neighbor, but you can't fool Thy Lord and God. If you
once believe that, your life will be much purer and c1eaner.
Remember, your Guardian Angel is always with you and
keeps a ver)' good tally, or total of your daily activities.
Poor, poor Innocent children, look at them, there are lots
of them; they are the victims of their eiders. They don't
seek God but they seek dope; smoking it, drinking it,
anything. Why don't they turn to Their Lord and God,
why? Because their parents neglected to teach them about
Their Lord and God. When are the parents going to
c1eanse the way and show them the TRUTH? The mother
and father have no time for their children and in the fu­
ture, there will be very few children, because right now the
laws are in the making; infants will be sterilized at birth,
think about it, think about il. Too busy today to stop' that
law? Think about it, the infant at birth will be stenlized,
and then the ones that are trying to rule this world, will
bring forth only those that they want. Your sons and
daughters will grow up unable to have children of their
own. This is no m)'th, this is the truth, if you want to face
il. Ifyou want to htde your head in the sand, then go ahead,
)'ou will be over run by those the enemy chooses. Where
IS the family our Holy Mother has been pleading for?
These laws have been worked on, twenty, twenty-five years
ago. They have tried for many years to produce a child
in a tube; so far they have gotten it to seven months, but
it dies. What kind of a child do you think that will be,
it will never see LOVE. It won't understand the word,
LOVE, it will have no mother to cuddle it, but the sperm
from the male man was used to produce this child. Pray
to God that it never succeeds, but in the mean time be
CHRISTIANS, not slouches. There is such a place in
Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York. Oh they will show it to
you one of these days, right on TV, how iL works, and
you're just merely going to look. What are you going to
do about it, what are you going to do about it? Are you

going to leave your country be led by robots? A human
child born outslde the womb of a mother, is only a robot!
And sorne of you think that isn't possible? Anything is
possible, anything is possible. How long will Thy Lord
and God restrain that Arm of His from striking down? He
is surely a Merciful God. God have mercY,on us, God
have mercy on us! Prepare yourselves, you have been given
instructions in the past, prepare yourselves, use the proper
foods, do your own canning, prepare yourselves; you will
not know the day, or the hour that God might strike, but
be prepared, for the enemy will strike first, and when it
does, will you be ready? Will you be ready, will you be in
Sanctifying Grace, will you be able to face Thy Lord and
God and tell Him you were a true child of Christ? Will
you be able to face Thy Holy Mother and say, Blessed
Mother 1 did ail in my power to save the soul of man and
to save a child? Will you be prepared to face Her, or will
you have to go shamefully down into Purgatory? ft is
entirely up to you, God gave you your will, it is your will
that either makes you a True Christian, or send you down
into eternal hellfire, Do you say daily, Oh Holy Mother
guide me, protect me, show me the Way, the tight, the
Truth, do you seek Her intercession from the heart, or
just through the tips? There are so many Rosaries said daily
that are only with the lips, they are not meant from the
heart. To be a true child of Mary you must show thy true
love, you cannot be flippant with this, this is serious, this
is no mere story or tale; God will not be mocked. The break­
ing of the Commandments of God, that's not possible? You
cannot enter the kingdom of heaven by breaking a Com­
mandment. The Commandments must be kept. Our Holy
Mother said: Live the Commandments! Do not follow the
tale of sorne misguided priest that says the Commandments
are something of the past. Oh yes they are teaching that
to your child. If you must, teach the child at the mother's
knee and later let the father teach the child, but teach the
truth. The Commandments of God are just as important
today as they were when they were given to Moses. Who
was Moses? He was sent by God, he was no monkey, or
one of Darwin's creatures; he was sent by God and the
Commandments were given then to be kept until the end
of time; but you are taught differently today, your child
is taught different. The nuns and the priests and the
brothers of Christ, they were taught different, but now they

are seeking a new philosophy, a modem one, it must be
modern. Don't get too modem because you will not find
your way back. You will not find your way back, and the
only way you can find Peace on this Earth is when you
l'ut the Christ Child back into the Crib; if you place the
Christ Child into the Crib, into that Stable. Have you ever
stopped to think that the Son of God could have every­
thing, the most beautiful castle, silks and satins, the most
modern way, because God can create everything. He didn't
need the brain of a scientist to bring forth the new modern
ways, God could have placed it here Himself, instead of
that, He had His own Son born in a Stable, why? Have
you thought about it? To show you to be humble, and yet
you pay no attention to the lesson that is being placed be­
fore you. Bring the Christ Child back, make Chnstmas the
True Christmas, then you might have a smail way of coming
back to the love of God, in just a small way; and then
there is the Resurrection, that is ail distorted, ail out of
focus. Let's read the Life of Christ and follow IT ourselves,
or do you think you are too good to walk His path? Walk
with Christ this Christmas, walk with Him, walk down the
journey with Christ, and walk daily the road of Calvary.
That hasn't changed, they are trying to change it, that
hasn't changed. There must be no selT pity, self will must
be cast aside, for the period before you is serious. Go forth
lose a soul because of carelessness, because your're care­
less. Cleanse the News Stands, cleanse your Books, cleanse
your Amusements, cleanse your Theatres, bring only De­
cent' Pictures. God does not sanction pornography. Try to
get workers ail over the U.S.A., get help outside of the
state to work on the se others, to c1eanse the U.S.A. THE
At this time Mary Ann visions the Journey to Bethlehem,
the Holy Child and Adoration of the Shepherds.
Description of the Journey and the Sacred Birth of
Jesus described by Mary Ann Van Hoof is available in
booklet form.

1 am asking all of you to wear the green cloth of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, and daily say, "Oh Immacu­
late Heart of Mary, Pray for us now and at the hour of
our death, we have recourse to Thee." Many have the
thoughts that because its the Green Scapular as known
by many, that it is only for conversions, they are wrong.
Anyone wearing this under the True Faith and Love for
the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will be protected from
much; from the evil, pestilence, injuries as well as for
a happy death. Sorne say they are merely for conversions,
this IS wrong; they will help to for many conversions but
you )'ourself keep it over your heart at ail times, saying
the LIttle prayers daily.

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FOUR VOLUMES A BrieC Review . . .
Henry Swan was chosen by Our Holy Mother to become the
Protector and Advocate of Mary Ann Van Hoor. One of his
dulies was to write the Four Volumes in a clear, concise style
so that anyone, no matter how Iimited his education, will be able
to understand ail of il. This is the mark of a truly brilliant and
inspired man.
Perhaps the prayer, written by the author, will give the reader
an insight into the soul of the man so chosen by Our Lady. Il is
a prayer that ail of those believing in and working for the Ap­
paritions of the Mother of God and Her pleas to save Chris­
tianity and our Country wou Id reiterate along with Henry Swan.
( Oh God, please let me be instrumental in saving my Country and
) our people from the fate. the destruction into which Iheir folly has
( led Ihem. May 1 be an instrument, a tool in Your Rands. to be
used to that end.
~ Oh God, mav 1 have the wisdom and the grace, rhrough You.
and with the help of others, like instruments unto myself. to con­
l found End destroy the plans of thf!J!! Through Thy Power may
we be given the pmt'er to destroy or to isolale and make powerless
those whom we cannot otherwise save.
Oh God, 1 do not deserve such an honor and privilege for, of
myself 1 am nothing, and without rhe graces which are Thine to
bestow, am absolutely worthless and powerless.
May Thy all-power(ul Majesty. Thy Greatness, Goodness and
Mercy be recognized through ail of the world and through Thy
Justice may ail of Thine enemies be brought into the dust from
which they were made, at Thy Feet.
May 1 have the grace, Oh God. to accept Thy Roly Will and not
to set my piti(ul~v weak will againsr Thine. May 1 have the grace
10 accept the strength promised me and to recognize the guidance
given me, for 1 am weak.
May 1 be given the grace always to recognize my own weaknesses
and the power to overcome them thatl mav be to You a beller servant.
VOLUME 1 (187 pages) Gives details of first appearances of
Blessed Mother to Mrs. Van Hoof in her home, shows pictures
of estimated crowd of 100,000 people gathering at the Shrine,
and explains the sun spinning similar to Fatima in 1217. Gives
details of persecution of Mrs. Van "Hoof andher family. (Note:
the t~e children at Fatima were _~!so ~!!biecte(Lto~~!_J~erse-

c~tion and it took 30 years before the Fatima message became
known in America.) Tells story of Mrs. Van Hoofs suffering
periods and how she viewed and suffers the Passion of Our Lord.
This book is excellent for explaining how a person is chosen to
become a Victim Soul or Mystic and Seer.
VOLUME II (442 pages) Gives full details of preparations for
estimated 100,000 people who came to this small village of Ne­
cedah on each of two occasions and the effect this had on the
Van Hoof family. Orders from Bishop Tracey to report for a
physical examination in Milwaukee by a group of medical spe­
cialists, and spiritual investigators. "Il explains the severe suffer­
ing of this Victim Soul, whose purpose is to c1ean up and com­
pensate for the sins of the young people," explains details of
visionary power the victim has been given through God and His
Holy Mother (P. 62); also discusses how the Saints in Heaven have
given messages of direction. A~_~~~g~:;.2f St. Anne, St.
F~cis. St. Theresa are given which helps show how the .â~s
ar~ very close to us on~th and how they see what we are doing
and hear what we are saying. .. _.""----­
This book includes the Narration of the Last Supper as visioned
by Mrs. Van Hoofso that the reader feels he is personally present
as this great event takes place.
A detailed vision of the Passion of Our Lord (pages 127 to 163)
gives the reader a true understanding and realization of the suf­
fering Our Lord went through for us.
Detailed eye-witness account of the suffering of Mrs. Van Hoof
by Father Sheetz is given which illustrates how revelations from
Heaven are given during these periods.
VOLUME III (310 pages) Explains which groups of Internation­
alists are working for World Control. Why Abraham Lincoln was
murdered! Truth about Adolph Hitler a~!.s double. Revelations
regarding: Sports Rackets, Foundations, Flouridation, Cancer
Cure, Cosmic Rays, Russian secret arsenal in Siberia, Superiority
of Russian atomic energy, New York subterranean tunnels,
U.N., Stalin murder and why, Seminary Infiltration, Cobalt
bomb, RocKèfélrerèmpire, Nixon prophecy, DDT, Andrea Doria
rammed, Penicillin cost, Controlled Communications, Fish con­
tamination, Subversives n;;;;J and Senal..Q..~~ Pilrt.J2l plot. The
Middle East is analyzed and the real position of-Russii:Egypt,
Israel, Britain and the U.S.A. is explained.

VOLUME IV (218 pages) True Russian history, Rothschil<Lhis­
tory, how Napolean was defeated at Waterloo, New Orleans
saved by Blessed Mother, w~o Qromoted Civil YY..a~UJU\~a,
how Russia was taken over, assassinat ion of Russian lea<krs and
who was responsible, loopholes inour immigration T;;S, Christ's
warning, 15 million '(i.ds. Humanum Genus, Encyclical Pope
\" Leo XIII on FreemaSOr;ary, G~_orge Washington's vis.i.Qn ofi!les~d
! ~~r and ?.Ji.Leges AmeÜç"!. would g~~hI:\l, List of subversives,
why the Tzars haoto die, how the Tzars died, ~?.v~X!\.!1g t~~
minds of men, details Satan's own chain of command, fallout,

TESTIMONAL BOOKS Gives the actual testimony of unusual

happenings which have occurred to numerous people during or,
after their visit to the Shrine, i.e., rosa ries cha"nging color, the
sun spinning, unusual visions in the sky, spiritual and physicaJ
help received.

Order Form

Enclosed is check or money order for $B.OO payable to For My God

and My Country, Inc., Necedah, Wisconsin, 54646 for Four Volumes.
Please send Testimonal Book for additional $ 3.00. Add 4% sales tax
if resident of Wisconsin. (Please print Name and address)

Name Street .

City , State Zip Code.

W ould You Cive ONE HOUR A WEEK

To Save America?

(It takes two minutes to read this letter)

Dear Iriend,

Before reading this letter please study the pictures opposite. Can vou
imagine your country incinerated by missile attack? Can any man guar­
antee this will not happen? Do vou want our young men sacriliced
in more land wars? Are vou content to live with greater riots, crime,
and turmoil? Are vou prepared to see our youth deprived 01 God and
led through lilth 01 every description; by dope, drugs, printed materials,
movies, organized gangs, as weil as some teachers instructing im­
morality, depriving them 01 the wholesome spirituality we once knew.

Do vou believe your lamily, business, job, home, automobile, stocks,

savings accounts, or any possessions have some type 01 special pro­
tection other than Irom God? Do vou think we can continue to ignore
God and His Commandments and still expect Divine protection lor
our country? God said, "THOU SHALT NOT HAVE FALSE GODS BE­
FORE YOU". Do vou? Are material things more important to vou than
God} Are vou alarmed? Is there anything we can do about it? Yes!! We,
as a nation must go back on our knees to God and ask His lorgiveness.
Only th en can this nation and the world be saved, and true peace
Volunteers nationwide 01 ail denominations are working to do some­
thing positive to bring about world peace under God. This effort is
called a "Constant Vigil 01 Prayer'·. Our Heavenly Father will be pleased
with the storming 01 Heaven by ail 01 His children united in sincere
prayer, and will be moved to alleviate the deplorable conditions 01 the
world. He will also inspire His children to take proper divinely guided


Prayer Board pictured opposite is 34 x 44 in. 01 sturdy prolessional con­
struction with easels lor immediate use in your Church. Prayer Board
is red, white and blue with an attractive gold Irame. Blue cards are
placed on two hooks at bottom 01 Prayer Board where they may be re­
moved and signed by those participating. Each select the hour they

wish and place their card on hook for time chosen. As supply of 500
blue cards are attached ail have visual idea of hours filled and those
still open. Every hour of the week, day and night, has its own hook
for names. This generates real interest each week as members of church
or organization may see their Constant Vigil progress. In this way the

Order your Prayer Board and start.!he Consta.n.!-Vi~'y'ol,l.!_o~.Y!fh.

Tell your friends and ministers that ail Christians can join the Constant
Vigil of Prayer, each participating in his own way.

I This is an excellent project for any group interested in promoting prayer.

\ It is not necessary ta report beyond your own group.

The "PRAYER BOARD" is made available on a non-profit basis, at

less than actual cast. Thanks ta an advertising executive and others
who gave sa generously of their time and labor wilhoul pay. Actual
cast of Board is therefore one-half of regular cast.

Remember, if vou are 100 busy la give one extra hour of praye[ ta Gad
é!. V'{eek then vou are probably busier than Gad wants youto be.


Enclosed is check or money arder payable ta FOR MY GOD AND MY

COUNTRY, INC., Necedah, Wisconsin, 54646 for $' 6.00 (Prayer Board
$'4.50 postage and handling $' .50. Please add 4% sales tax if
resident of Wisconsin. (Please print Name and Address)

Name Street

City State Zip Code

"Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that Thou will
keep the United States in Thy holy protection: that Thou. wilt
incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subor­
dination and obedience to government: to entertain a brotherly
affection and love for one another and for their fellow-citizens
of the United States at large."

GEORGE WASHINGTON, in proclaiming Thanksgiving Day,

urged the people of the nation to give thanks unto God, and to
pray for forgiveness of both individu al and national sins, and
the continued grace and mercy of God upon our nation.

Washington's Vision

By ANTHONY SHERMAN* (As told to Wesley Bradshaw)

Originally published in "The National Tribune," Volume 4,

No. 12, December 1880

G.. Washinglon )4'OS nof a Cm/ro/ic El'ell if he' hall bun he would Jumll.. lul"~ l:N!en Ihe 1l"p{'
of mali one M"OI,1d e\"pect 10 he .'ieeJ.:in:< l"i.'iiomllY mwtije...'OIiolf.... or ea_ü~l' 10 be "Ioken in" br
Ihem. Yef, ,his acco"n/ ;'ldicoll!S /I/(" he kimJeff doillled r/rol il ··beau/iflil Immo,," appeare,/
/0 him. while al Vafle.v Forge. and warned Iri'" ahout Iht' (U{U,." of hi." COUIIlrr.

The last time 1 saw Anthony Sherman was on the Fourth of

luly. 1859, in Independence Square. He was then ninety-nine
years old, and becoming feeble. But though so old, his dreaming
eyes rekindled as he gazed up 1~ps;~~~Il, which he
came to visit once more.
) "Let us go into the "hall," he said. "1 want to tell you an in-
cident in Washington's life - one which no one alive knows ex­
l cept myself; and, if you live, you will before long, see it verified.


"From the opening of the Revolution we experienced ail
phases of fortune, now good and now ill, one time victorious
and another time conquered. The darkest period we had, 1
think, was when Washingt.2..n, after several reverses, r~ed
{ t2.. Valley Force, where he resolved to pass the winter of 1777.
[ Ah! 1 h1!.y~~n seen the tejlL~ course ~own our dear comm~n­
1 der's careworn cheeks, as he would be conversing withconfi­
dential offlcers about the condition of his poor soldi~rs. You
have doubtless heard the story of Washington's going to the
thicket to pray. Weil, it was not only true, but he used 0~J9
j P..La)' iru~ecret ~.U!id and comf.9!:t from God, the interposition
of whose Divine Providence brought us safely through the dark­
l est days of tribulation.
"One day - 1 remember it weil - the chilly. wj!).d whistled
( through the leaf1ess trees, though the sky was cloudless and the
.l sun shone brightly. lil:.Jem~j~r:!..his q.!!art~Ls_ne~IlYEL~.ger­
\ n_~®...alo!le. When he came out 1 noticed that his face was a
. shade paler than usual, and there seemed to be something on
his mind of more th an ordinary importance. Returning just
after dark. he dispatched an orderly to the quarters of an officer,
who was presently in attendance. After a preliminary conversa­
tion of about half an hour, Washington, gazing upon his com­
panion with that strange look~ dignity wfiiï':11-fie alone could
commando said:

"'1 do not know whether it is owing to the anxiety of my

, mind, or what, but this afternoon, as 1 was sitti..n g a..L!hlli table

\ engag~.9 .~ p..!.eparing_iL~h, something seemed to disturb

) me. Looking up, 1 saw standing opposite a singularly beautiful

female. So astonished was l, for 1 had given strict orders not

to be disturbed, that it..was.. s~~f.2rè 1 found lan­

gttage to inquire the purpose of her presence.
"'A second, a third, even a fourth time did 1 repeat my ques­
tion but received no answer from my mysterious visitor, except
a slight raising of her eyes. By this time 1 felt strange sensations
spreading through me. 1 would have risen, but the rive~gi.l.M
of the being before...!!!.e J:çu4ered volijion....imppssible. 1 essayed
once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless.
\ Even thought itself had become paralyzed. A- n~in!1!:!~e,
I"!! pQtent, irr~_ti.ble, took possession of me. Ali 1
) could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor.

G'i.llly ...1be surrounding filled with sensations

and gr.ew .luminpus. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the

mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more dis­
tinct to my sight than before. 1 nOWJ:le.gan toJeel as one d. Y0g·
J or rather to.....e.xPITien~ the sensa~\2!!. which_Lhav~so_metimes

) i~~~ined açcompa~ssolution. 1 did not think, 1 did l'lOt

1 reason, 1 did not move. Ali, alike, were imp-ossible. 1 was con­
scious only.of gazing fixedly, vacantly, at my companion.


~ { "'Presently 1 heard a voice say, "~~9~..~Jic,1.0.Q.k.@d
~ . learn!" while at the same time my visitor extended her arm

rntwardly. 1 looked and beheld a heavy white vapor risinÇat

some distance, fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and 1

looked upon a strange scene. Before me laY~'p~ead O~iIL one

vast plain aIUh~c.Q.yntries of the wo.rld-E~_rope!_~sia~[rica

aÏioAmerica. 1 saw rolling and tossing between Europe and

America, the billows of the Atlantic Ocean; and between America

<:-, J and Asia lay the Pacifie. "~on, of the Repub!ic," said the mys­
~ t~ious voi~ as before, "look Ç!nd learn." >(JI ~\
"'At that moment 1 beheld a diV<, shadow~ke an \2:/
'li).g.~l, standing, or rather floating in mid-air between Europe
and America. Dipping water out of the ocean with his right
hand, he cast it upo_n Am~~i.~a, while that in his left hand went
up-on.-Jb~ European countries. Immediately a cloud arose from
--- --..
these countries. and joined in midocean. For awhile it remained
stalionary, and then it r:D.,9ved s!owly westward. until it enveloped
America in its folds. Sharp nashes of Iightning gleamed through
at intervals;-ind 1 hear~ the smot,hered gLQa~ Q.L..!hç AIllerièàlt} <
people. A second tlme the~g~I':.~IPe.~9 waler l'rom the ocean.,(2
and sprinkled it as before. The ëfark cloud was then drawn
back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank l'rom view.
lA third time 1 heard the mysterious~oice say•.....::Son.J2.f.the Re·
l publi~ok and learn."
1 cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages, towns

/\ { and cilies sgrin~up one al'ter another until the whole land,

l'rom the Atlantic ta the Pacifie, was dottcd with them. Again
! {I heard the voiGe say, "Son of the Republic, the end of the
.... ?century cometh. Loo.!.. and learn." .-- .
"'And with this t.hL-Q<lrk .s.hadowy figiJ!e/turned its face
southward, and l'rom Africa an ill·omened spectre approachcd
ct- )
our land.
,,·It flitted slowly over every town and city of th.t:land. The
ir.!habitants presently set themselves in battle array against each,
,othee. As 1 continued ta look [ saw a bri&',!!A1nJ,el, on w.hose .'---.;
brow rested a crown of light on which ~aêéd the word
J "Union." American nag between the divided nation.
a~ay, "Remember, ye are brethren." Instanti.y. the inhabitiïnts,

l casting l'rom them thelr weapons, became fnends once more.

and united around the National S t a n d a r d . - - - ­
C; ~ "'Again 1 heard the voice say. "SQn of the Republic. look and
· !earn l " At this, the_~Jk, sha.9Q.~u~e.t placed a trumpet to his <
mouth and blew three distinct blasts; à'nd_taking water l'rom .-.j )
the ocean he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Akica~
"'Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: l'rom each of these
countries arose tbick black c10uds that were soon joined into
one. And throughout this mass there gleamed 0righLB..<;.d
( Llght. by which 1 saw horde.s of armed men, who. moving with
1 the cloud, marched by land and sailed5YSea to America; which
· country was enveloped in the volume of cloud.
"'And 1 saw dimly these vast armies devastate the whole
Jj { c,2untry and burn the v'ilÏages, to;nS,and cities that 1 beheld
1 · spnngll1g up.
., 'As my ears Iistened to the thundering of the cannon, the
c1ashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in
m.9.!.!.al combat, 1 again heard the mysterious voice sày, "Son

r of the Rep_uJllih I~ok
and leiirn." As the voice ceased, the
'Shadowy figure of the angel, for ,the last time, dipped water
! frOiTlî'he'ocean and sprink'lèOîfupon America. Instantly the
~ dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought,
( leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious.
( "Once more 1 beheld villages, towns and ci~til1ging up
C 1where 1 had seen them before; wllile tht.....!2rigtg ÊngeL;/planiing
the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried
{in a loud voice, "While the stars remain and the heavens send
} down dew u on the earth, so !,Q!lg shall the (JnioQJast." And
ItaKTng from heri.J<row the crown on-wli.'icnwâs blazoned the
word "Union, she,>;.p.lac.l;d it upon the Standard, while people
kneeling down, said, Amen. S­
" 'The scene instantïy began to fade away, and 1 saw nothing
but the rising, curling vapor 1 had at first beheld. This also
disappeared, and 1 founA myself once l1!.0re g~zing_up01L1be
-t j mys,!gious visit~r who said. "SQILQ[ the ..R~lll!b·lic, what you
have seen is thus interpreted. Three great perils will come upon
the Republic. The most fearful is the third, b~h.e..~2Ie
world ulliled shaH .!!,ot prev~ against her. Let evcry child of
J) the Republic learn to live for God, his land, and the Union."
With these words the angel vanished from my sight.'
"S~ch, mv friend," concluded the narrator, "were the very
Y(Q,rds 1 heard fr:om Washington's own lips; and America will
do weil ta profit by them." ,
'We are inJcbleù 10 The Christian Family. in which (hi~ document was once prinled, for bcing
mitd< ,>Nitr< of ilS e.jst<ncc. ~~:"W. Lon~)
"This i. indeed the Ble~-Mary~s land,

Virgin and Mother of our dear Redeemer!

Ali hearts are touched and softened at her name:

The priest, the prince, the scholar, and the peasant,

Alike the bandit witb the bloody hand,

The man of deeds, the visionary dreamer,

Pay bomage to her as one ever present!

And even as children who have much offended

A too-indulgent father in great shame,

Pe'nitent, and yet not daring unallended

To go into his presence, at the gate

Speak to their sister, and confiding wait

Till she goes in before and intercedes:

So men, repenting of their evil deeds

And yet not venturing rashly to draw near,

With their requests, an an~ry Father's ear,

Offer to her prayers and their confession
And she in heaven for them makes intercession.
And if'-"ur f;ith -had-give;; u; nothing;;;;.,:;­
Than the example of all ~om~nbo.od,

5,0~mild, so merciful, 50 ~ong, so goo_d,

50 pati.ent, W~c~ful,_loya!,--',!v!ng,e!!!:e,

) This were enough to prove it higher and trllcr

,Than all the ereed5 the world has known before."


_ ,,/0


Whereas, The Senate of the U.S.; devoutly recognizing the
Supreme authority and just government of Almighty God in
ail the affairs of men and nations, has by a resolution, requested
the President to designate and set apart a day [or National
prayer and humiliation. ­
And whereas, it is the dutY of nations, as weil as of men, to
own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to
confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with
assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and
pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth announced in the
Holy Scriptures and proven by ail history that those nations
only are blessed whose God is the Lord.
And inasmuch as we know that by His Divine Law, ·nations,
like individuals, are subjected to punishments in this world. May
we not greatly fear that the awful calamity of the cruel war
which now desolates the land, may be a punishment inflicted
upon us for our presumptive sins, to the needful end of our
National reformation as a whole people.
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of
heaven. We have been preserved these many years in peace and
prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as
no other nation has ever grown.

We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in
peace, and multiplied and enriched and sttengthened us. And
have vainly imagined in the deceitfulness of our hearts that
ail these blessings were produced by sorne superipr wisdom and
virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have
become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming
and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made
Now, therefore, in compliance wilh the requesl, and, fully
concurring with the views of the Sena te, 1 do, by this my proc­
lamation. designate and set apart Thursday, the 30th day of
April, 1863, as a day of National Humiliation, Fasting and
Prayer. And 1 do hereby request ail the people to abslain on
that day from ail their ordinary, secular pursuits, and to unite
in their several places of public worshi p and their respective
homes, In keeping the day holy to the Lord and devoted to the
discharge of the religious dulies proper to that solemn occasion.
Ali this being done, in sincerity and truth, let us then rest
humbly in hope, authorized by the Divine teachings, that the
united cry of the nations will be heard on High and answered
with blessings, no less the pardon of our national sins, the res­
toration of our divided and suffering country to ils former happy
condition of unity and peace.
ln witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand, and caused
the Seal of the U.S. to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington., lhe 30th day of March, in
the year of our Lord 1863.
Signed by Abraham Lincoln.

President Lincoln considered the Civil War as a Divine judg­

ment visited upon the nation. Clear insight and logical con­
clusion based on reasoning of a high order mark his proclama­
tion. Il bears a prophetic stamp in its declaration of truth and
values. He saw a direct connection belween his perilous times
the pride and sin of his nation, and recommended the only
remedy, national humiliation and prayer. There was no other
remedy then, there is no other remedy now.

~~ ---------- .-..........

\"Çke 9irJt Pra!Jer in Con!l!t}J~

o .(OI·J, OUI' .JIeallenl!J .7atl.el', I.igl. anJ migl.t!J' King 01 kingl,
anJ .(Ol'J 01 .(Ol'JJ, wl.o JOJt lI'om ùl.!J tl.I'one bel.olJ ali tl.e
Jwellel'I on eutA, anJ l'eigneJt witl. powel' IUpnme anJ uncon­
tl'oileJ Olle/' ali tl.e KingJoml, l:mpÛ"el anJ {lollemmentJ; look
JoUIn in me/'C!iz we beleech ù, on tl.eH OUI' cÂmetican ,statel,
wl.o I.alle IleJ to ù lI'om tl.e l'OJ oltl.e oppl'enol': anJ tl.~n
tl.emlelvel on ùl.fJ gl'acioul pl'oteclion, Jelil'ing to be I.ence/ol'tl.
JepenJent onlfJ on ù; to ù I.ave tl.efJ appealeJ loI' tl.e
l'igl.teoulnen oltl.eil' caUle; to ù Jo tl.efJ ,now look up loI' countenance anJ IUPPOl't, wl.icl. ùl.ou alone canlt give; take
tl.em, tl.uelon, .JIeallenlfJ 9atl.u, unJu ùl.fJ nUI'tuI'ing cal'e;
give tl.em wilJom in Council anJ valol' in tl.e lie/J; Jeleat tl.e
maliciouJ Joignl 01 OUI' Cl'uel aJvulal'ieJ; conllÏnce tl.em 01 tl.e
unl'igl.teoUJnel1 01 tl.eÛ" caule; anJ il tl.efJ pel'ûlt in tl.eil'
languinal'fJ pUI'poJeJ, O! let the lIoice 01 ùl.ine ou'n unel'l'ing
iUltice, 10unJing in theil' he_U, conltl'ain tl.em to JI'OP tl.e
weaponl 01 wal', lI'om tl.eil' unnel'veJ l.anJI in tl.e Ja!J 01 battle!
/Je (jJ.ou pl'elent, 0 {loJ 01 wilJom, anJ Jil'ecl tl.e councill 01
tl.iJ 1.0nol'aMe alJemMfJ; enable tl.em to lettle tl.ingJ on tl.e belt
anJ IUI'eJt 10unJation. ù tl.e lcene 01 blooJ mafJ be IpeeJilfJ
cloleJ; ol'Jel','monfJ anJ peace mafJ be el/ectualifJ
l'eltol'eJ, anJ tl'Utl. anJ iUltice, l'eligion anJ pietfJ, pnllail anJ
IloUI'iJI. amonglt ÙhfJ people. pI'eluve tl.e I.ealtl. 01 tl.eil' boJiel
anJ vigol' 01 theil'minJI; Ihowel' Jown on tl.em anJ tl.e miliionl
thefJ hel'e l'epl'eunt, Juch tempol'al Mellingl, aJ ùl.ou Jeelt
expeJient loI' them in thiJ wo"/J, anJ cl'own tl.em witl. ellerlalting
glol'fJ in the WOl'/J to come. cÂli thil we aJk in tl.e name anJ
thl'ough the me.l'itJ 01 JeJUI C""ilt, ùl.fJ$on anJ OUI' $alliol'.

Cincinnati, Ohio 45238
June 21, 1970
The Editor
L'Osservatore Romano
Citta deI Vaticano
Rome, Haly

Dear Sir:
\\ In a recent edition of SO.ul Magazine, an article written
1 by John Haf(~rJ (a director of the Blue Army of Fatima)
stated that L'Osservatore Romano had publisfiêcra-Sfâte­
ment in 1967 that "Necedah is condemned by the Church."
Since ma,ny- people i.!!...!h~ y.~. are interested in Neced~h,
it is of great Importance tl1at we have·a copy ofl11e eatfion
in 1961 which published the above report.
Thank you very much,

ML Joseph Re

1022 Neeb Rd.

Cincinnati, Ohio (U.S.A.) 45238

L'Osservatore Romano
Citta Del Vaticano Vaticano, 27 Giugno 1970
Egregio Signore,
In riferimento alla Sua stimata lette ra dei 21 Giugno,
1970, siamo spiacenti di comunicar Le che L'Osservatore
Romano non ha mai pubblicato quanto da Lei richiesto.
Distinti saluti,
P. l'Amm . ne
Translation of the above letter which was written in Italian:
The Vatican
June 27, 1970

Dear Sir:
In reference to your kind letter dated June 21, 1970, we
to inform you L'Osservatore Romano has never
) published what you have requested.
l Best regards,
P. l'Amm . ne

April 16, 1965-"Russia is going to beat us to the moon."

Since Revelations and Messages given at the Queen of the

Holy Rosary Mediatrix of Peace Shrine com~JrQ.œ.Jhe
Tri.!!!!!phant ChJJtch-Or_~~n, there can be no error.
Tnose who attempt to discredit the apparitions have tried
to use the above Revelation as proof that an error had been
Let us examine this statement as given. "Russia is going
to beat us to the moon." This statement did not say Russia
is going. to. put the first man on the moon. It only said that
R.ussÏ$LYLouklgeuo the moon first which could mean in­
struments, satelites without passengers, etc.
Proof of the fact that Russia did beat us to the moon may
be obtained from the book entitled Exploring Space with
a Camera 't!hich was compiled and edited by Edgar M.
Cortright, which may be purchased by writing to the Super­
l intendent of Documents, at the U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Price-$4.25. Library of
Congress Catalogue Card No. is 68-60027. This book con­
tains a forward by the administrator of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The following excerpts were taken from the foregoing book:

"Early in 1966, a Russian sp'ace probe, Luna IX, made
the initial soft landing there. '
"Luna IX landed approximately 100 kilometers northeast
of the center of the crater Calaverius on February 3, 1966."

"A few months later, in June 1966, the U.S. Surveyor 1
soft-Ianded on the Moon."


"The first man to depart from Earth was a Soviet cosmo­

naut, Yri Gagrin. His ~o.~carried him around the
world on April 12, 1961.'

"That same year Soviet Cosmonauts Andrian Nikolayev
and Pavel Popovich carried out the first dual space mis-
sion involving two vehicles launched separately. Nikolayev
went into orbit first and Popovich followed a day later.
Both stayed aloft for an addltional 3 days."
"Soviet woman, Valentina Tereshkova, was aloft 3 days;
they came within 3 miles of each other in space."
"The first spacecraft to carry more than one passenger
(was the (Vosk!}.od i\in 1964. In its crew were the late
2Vladimir 1<.omarov, a pilot; Konstantin Feoktistov, a sci-
entist; and Boris Yegorov, a physician."
"Orbital f1ights by American astronauts .began in 1962."
"John Glenn and Scott Carpenter made 3 revolutions each,
& Walter Schirra extended this to 6 revolutions for a total
of 9 hours in f1ight."
"The V.S. concluded its Mercury program in 1963 with a
f1ight by Gordon Cooper that lasted 34 hours. The V.S.
first launched its Gemini for testing without a crew in 1964."
MEN STEPPED OUT IN 1965 (page 150)
"Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov stepped outside of the Soviet
Voskhod II for man's first "walk" in space on M~rcl!__!8,
.,> l265. His command pilot, Pavel Belyayev, photographed
"Astronaut Edward H. White was the first American to
leave the cabin of an orbiting spacecraft. He ventured out
of Gemini IV on June 3, 1965, and his command pilot,
was James A. McDivitt."
This foregoing information also makes it very clear that
Russia was anead of us on various difficult assignments
in space.
It is interesting to note that the Revelation was given on
ApriLJ.6...J2§5, however, the foregoing government pub-
If lication did not come out until 1968 or almost three years
after the Revelation had been given.
Thus using a government publication the Revelation is

Give- ~~Revelations and Message" Book
WAKE UP AMERICA! The hour has struck. The
battle before us is not between Nation and Nation but
between the nue Church and the Anti-Christ and his
c~0herefore, ALL-CHRISTiAN"S must unite together
in prayer against the enemy of God, the enemy who is
against the Christian World; that is what the fight is, it
f is not' common holdings of land:' Il is to çLeslroy t~e
t Christian World, to demoralize us, to destroy us.
They want to div ide the U. S. A. amongst themselves,
they want to destroy the U. S. A. The explanation in
the Revelations and Message book, illustrates how this
i,Uo be accomplimd\along with the aëtfOilnecessaryror
unity, charity and cooperation of ALL CHRISTIANS to
prevent il.
[ This book is invaluable for Parents, the Clergy, Educators,
1 Government Officiais, Military leaders and especially our
. High School and College youth.
j Il is only if we ALL UNITE under the banner of Jesus
Î Christ, Our Lord and Savior, and walk to Calvary ~i!h
HJrrI that we shall find peace.
S Distribute this ail important boo1. of Qur times as far and
) wide as possible, make your effective contribution to the
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For My God and My Country, Inc.

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Pocket Size - 128 Pages


tions from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Mrs. Fred Van
Hoof on May 30th, re: Catechism, Mass, Confession and
the Rosary.
regular Shrine Prayers, Meditations on the Mysteries and
Victories thru the Rosary with commentary by Vatican Il
on the Rosary and the Cult of Mary.
reproduction of the MASS on the front cover and a
beautiful color illustration of St. Michael as seen in his
Shrine on the back. MASS picture was shown in vision to
Mrs. Van Hoof, T.I.ini,ry SUl2day, Maili 1.270. St Michael
on June 4, 1968.



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A.A.A .. 127
Angelus, 107. 576

AbbOiS. 229. 528

Anger, (Just 'lnd Unjust), 587

Abonion.8. 17. 18.19. 101. 183. 184.411. 582.

Anniversary Days, 2'

Antarctil,; Ocean. 165

A.Bomb. 35. 45, 46. 78. 82. 224, 228. 272.

302, 321. 323, 325. 375. 414, 435. 437.
82.83.84. III. 118. 119. 120. 137. 154. 162.
Absolution (General) 488 292. 309.
AbstInence of Meal on Frida)'. 467
320.321. 426.448.462.477.484.489.509.
Accidents nol accidents. 47.87, 143. 164,207.
518. 531. 542. 565 268. 276. 284. 325. Anli-Semelie. 26. 89. 96. 134

382. 402
Apocalypse. 149. 414. 420. 565

Acheson. Dean. 408

Apostolic Work, 125

Adenauer. II. 145

Apostles. 363. 401.403.451. 485. 489. 516. 522.
Adonllion. PerpelUal. 387
541. 555. 579. 591

Advenl. 124. 151. 195.210.325.391. 424.522. Appearallce or Our Lady (Err<els 01). 314. 316.

540. 585. 592

Advc:nising agcncies. 126
Appeasemenl. 284.309.325.329.408.462.475.
AethcisOl. 151. 156
477. 479. 481. 534. 537. 538. 579. 582. 589

Mr;e•. 12. 154. 226

Applelon. 413.536

Ag.ginian (Cardinal). 99. 107. 140. 171. 271.

Archbishops. 87. 96. 288. 294. 295. 297

Arctic Ocean, 69

Agony in Gardc.:n, 486

I\rgcntin'l, 194, 197

Agon)' on Cross. 178

Ari1.on'l. 482

Agriculture. Dcp', or. 306. 386

Armageddon. 538. 562. 577

Augusta, Gcorgia, 123

Army. 255. 273, 374. 402

Air Force-Air Patrol. 231. 255. 374.402.416.

Arrogance. 480. 539

An - evil. 61. 72.

Akron. 20. 64. 123. 273


Alaska. 67. 85. 95. 116.

Artificial Wombs. 412, 418,594
321. 333. 364. 365. 369. 382. 388.476. 590
Arvey. Jake.
Albany. 20
Ascension. 94. 129.459,499
Alcoholic~, 57
Ash Trees. 503. 504. 514. 520. 549. 554. 559.560.
561. 564. 565. 567. 573. 574. 575

Alex (Czar). 91. 97. 276. 300. 324. 366. 381. 386.
Ash Wednesday. 83

389. 430. 452. 550

Ash'lmed or F'lith, 482

Alex (Monument Photo), 357

Ass'lssina(ions. 63. 68,143.164.207,219.220.

AlmighlY Dollar. 8. 14. 16.83. 167.217. 252. 242. 266. 268. 298. 325. 378. 379. 381. 382.
281. 302. 451. 474. 516. 579. 580. 592
Altcrcd Vatican Documents. 488­ 463. 465. 476. 491. 504. 525. 535. 549

A.MA. 28. 88. 367. 386

Assylums, 126

Amuzon River. 333. 370

Asia. 12. 226

Amenca. Il.37. ASlOria Hotcl, 163 109. 115. 133. 137. 138. 186. AstronaUlS. 388. 510

187.192. 197.203.211. Alhens.43 Allanta Georgia. ))3. 527

424. 443. 446. 452. 455. 459. 465. 470. 533. Atlantic Oœan. 69, 369, 426

551. 568. 569. 574

Alomic: Age. 290

America. Central. 173. 179.231. 238. 252. 286.

Alomie Energy, 87.120,140.141. 201-203, 237,


America. North. 12. 81. 95. 116. 157, 259.


307. 377,409 AlOmic Testing, 480

America. South. 12.21. 95. 116. 124. 178. 179. AuguSla. Ga., 273 Aurora Borealis, 561

334.375.385.392.395.417.437.474.495 Austin, Texas. 123,273

American Cilizcn~AmerÎcan Public.:. 109. 135. AUSIralia, 69. 95. 154, 200, 202

145. 524

AmerÎcan ConlÎncnt. 191, 467. 474

Baby Siller<. 574

ArncricJn Legion. 30. 31. 91. 92

B.8.S. 18

Arnt:rican Spirit. 30. 31

Bahai Temple. 21. 23. 45. 117. 171. 172.208.

Ammunition, 35. 36,43, 81. 314
Amphetamines, 527
Baltimore. 41. 64. 75. 123,527

Angels-good. 594
Baltimore Catcchism, 478, 541

Angcb k-ccp daily tally or )'l)Ur 'lctinn~, 594

Bambl)o Curtilln 300


Bapli,m. 116. 155.487.488.572 158. 159. 176. 177. 192. 193. 208. 240. 241.
Bar~iluales. 513. 520. 527 247,249.250,
BaliSla. 163. 174. 178.253.375 372. 376. 377.394,401. 413. 418. 420. 422,
Ba.on Rouge. 273 428.429.471.494.500.506.507.510.514.
Baruch. Bernard;--147. 51 S, 520. 543. 544. 547. 557. 560. 562. 566.
Bay of Pig.'. 417 567. 571. 572. 575. 592
Bea. Cardinal. 381. 450. 478. 488 B1es..ed Mothcr. mo.her to ail. 103. 445. 500
BcaS!. 69. 70, 80, 91, 95.101,105.106,107.142. Ble"ed Mothe,s requeSls. 81. 112. 128. 136.
159, 160. 164, 176,203,207,243.287,293. 139. 141. 143. 147. 155. 158. 166. 188. 192.
412 199.218,240.274.305.306.422.424.428.
BeaSl. (Mark 01). 579 431. 434. 453. 476, 492. 507. 518. 528. 529.
Bea.nih. 157. 167. 168. 179. 180, 184, 190. 198, 535,537.549,550.556.557.562.567.568.
210,241. 269,292,386.412.413 577. 591
Beckman, Archbishop. 427 81essed Mother smiling. 13, 213
B<e";'fr;~'I.I~~'9.1~~OI68. 179. 180. 184, 189. Blcsscd Mother ncccssary for our limes. 424
Bh:ssed Trinily, (Way to Pcacc). 234. 463
Bea.les. 392 B1essing of Sacred Spo!. 3
Begone 540 Blindne~.;. 367
Behold Thy MOlher. 408 Block Rosary. 49
Bethl<hem. 49. 51. 596 Blood Analvsis. (1899 and 1960). 525
Berlin. 107.257 BloOO Dise'se,. 100. 140
Bermudas. 79, 207. 231. 238, 334, 369. 370, 395, BloOO Shed, 32
415.416 Blue Manlle. 119. 121, 134,149,158,160.161.
Bible, 471 171. 171. 186. 189. 190. 191. 195. 198,241.
Bikinis. 273, 289.412,417,294,305.312.321.
Birch SocielY. 382 330. 334, 371, 372, 420. 437. 471. 503
Birlh Conl",l. 427. 430, 431. 472, 473. 505. 569 Blue MiS!. 1.2.9,313
Bishops. 166. 169.229,277, Blue Rosary (M ary Ann·s). 3. 134.458,502.573
279.280,416, '144.446,490,505,509,514. B'nai B'n'h, 53. 133, 368
515,529,531. 533. 534, 535, 537. 538. 545. 8orgorodilza. 166. 285. 299. 389. 392, 504. 550
549, 552. 554. 557. 559. 579, 591 Bombs. bambing, 482, 550
Black Bishops, 474 Books. Library 25. 26. 189. 248. 334. 374
Black Cardinal>. 474 Books, Te", 25. 220. 236. 257
Black Gian!. 42. 207. 250. 251. 390. 391. 557. BOSlon. 41. 75. 123. 138, 482, 527
558 Brahma Bull. 79
Black Gold, 34. 87. 88, 107, 258 Brainwashed. 282.427.440,450.475.478,541.
Black Hords. 37 542, 566
Black Like Me 393. 415 333, 417
Black Marke, Babies 419 Brcviary. 578
Black Ma". 132. 140, 158, 162, 163. 169, 170. Bri'ish· Brinon. 33. 35. 37. 45, 145, 169. 181.
172. 176. 20 1. 205. 221. 331, 368. 370. 430. 234. 421
450 Bro,her. Bro,herhood. 276, 271.454.476.531.
Black Muslims. 388.389. 390. 391. 392. 394. 542. 545. 591
399. 462. 483 Brown Bear. 37, 38, 39. 76. 78.
Black OUI 408 79.80,86,87. 105. 109. 150, 159, 164,201.
Black Popc III. 119.291.293,331. 391. 400. 202, 203. 243, 292. 293. 323, 326, 329. 370.
402.403,426.443,449.461.473.474.477. 385, 417, 426. 428. 476. 493
509. 591 Brown Shins. 150
Black Power, 512 Budapest. 38
Buffalo, 209
Black Race 430, 456 Bugging Business Places (Elc('tronie) 484
Black Sea. 133 Bulgaria, 40
Black Shi",. 133. 150
Bunche, Ralph A. 364. 368
Black Sins. 12. 18. SI. 84. 90.121. 143. 144,155.
BurnsleÎn. 306
8us~s al Shrine. (Photo) 353
499. 506. 557, 560
Blusphemy. 15. 107.505.506 Cairo. 368
Blcssed Mother. 115,492 California. 7'J, 96
Ble..ed Mo,her and ChriS! Child above Wa,h· Calvary.22, 102, III. 120, 121. 123. 128-31.
ington Monumen', 135 137·8. 167. 172. 176, 185, 190, 196, 205,
Blessc:d Mother dlsplcased wilh small cro.....os al 217.250.289,295.296.306.362,377,401,
Shrine. 554 405, 408. 421. 431. 463. 486. 487. 490, 499,
Blessed MOlher gives inspira.ional help. 241 519, 522, 543. 568. 570. 589, 596
Blessed MotheT holds bad Divine Son's aTm. CambOOia. 408
165 Camine. (Hurricane) 525
Ble,sed Mo,her in 'ears. 49. 52. 60. 98, 102, 103. Canada. 13.21. 57. 79.116. 119. 128. 1)8. 152.
104.105.110, 118, 128. 135. 136. 143. 153. 194,200.209.311, 333, 364. 368, 388, 407,

418.437. 523 4~5, 471, 473, 495-6, 518, 589
Canadi.n Doclor. 368, 419 Christmas. 14,34.37,46-8,71-3,88-9.90·1.94.
Cancer. 28, 82. 100. 114. 140, 514. 524. 525 128-9,136-7,151. 153. 195,210,211.218.
Canelli, Cardinal. 488 250, 265. 268, 272. 277. 278. 314. 392-4.
Candidates for Presiden!. 383 412.424.429.448.516.527.583.592
Canon of Mass. 487 Church,69,78. 107. 132. 137.282,311. 319. 371,
Cape Canaveral. 76. 114. 415,582
Cap< Kennedy. 381. 395. 409, 416 Church. do not !cave in crÎ~j:-. 443. 477
Caplive Nations. 299 Church. Catholîc or Protestant. 136. 141. 492
Cardinals. 34. 35.53,77.80.121. 127. 129. 131, Church. Mililanl. 110. 117. 120. 122, 138. 161.
132.141. 154, 170. 171. 182.204.271. 272. 166, 267. 285. 296. 297. 304. 307, 330. 429
288. 296. 443. 490. 511. 543. 545. 591 Church in RussÎa. 318·19
Carry Oor Cross 138.487. 511 Church Shackled, 112,281
Castro, 301 ChurchTriumphant, 110. 117-18, 120.138. 166.
Calacombs, 532 302, 304. 403, 429. 444, 451. 477
COilalina Islands. 209 Cigar (Cuba), 39, 76, 79, 81. 95, 369
Calastrophies, 410, 509, 569 Cincinnali, 18.20,64,75, 123, 193.200.221.
Cat«hisms, 448, 473,475,478,491,498,541,560 331,388,417,482.527
Calholics, 24, 34-5, 44, 84, 98, 110, 123, 131, Cities. nuclear bomb~. 436. 437
133, 145, 184,261, (tradilional 565) Cities. ovcr 50.000, 55
Calholie Pa pers, 34. 126 Civil RighlS, 380, 389
Calholieism. Onhodo•. 38. 42 Civil War. (Norlh and South), 155.383.398
Calhollcism, Roman. 38, 102, 114, 119, 132, Clean out Sehools, 123. 184,
137,264,265,270.276,371, 432, 489, 523 8.311,325,334.373-4,398-9,407.413.415.
C.e.D. 577 508.511,513,549.568,570
CeleSlials, 502, 533. 557, 576 Cleanse your Slale. 524. 575
Celobaey, 451, 485 Clergy, 20. 22, 23. 73. 75.101. 113. 120. 124. 131.
Central America, 21, 163. 171,238,287,370. 141,162,167,168,187,190,197,232·3,237,
484 246,251. 256, 284, 288, 300, 305, 318, 323,
Central U.S.A., 285, 494, (Weather change 483) 327,334,372,392-3,406,415.418.424.
Changes in Chureh. 436 427,429,440-1,448-9,459,464,475.478,
Chardin - Chardin group (Sec 0< Chardin) 520-1, 530, 544. 576
ChaSli""menlS. 470. 481,562.563,575.577.578, Cleveland, 18. 20, 29. 123
580, 583 Cloek has struek, 307, 518
Chemieal.. air. dothin~. food, soil. 28, 29. 30. ("oal MineTS. 32
61,71-8,81,82,84,85,98, 139, 143, 164, Cobalt bomb, 109, 151. 223-4. 302, 320,375,437
171,298,382. 409, 417, 420, 429, 460, 482, Colleges. 311,407.535,568-9,581
523, 527 Columbia, 43, 197.253
Chicago, 18, 19,20,29,63.64,68,75, 123, 124, Commerci.lism, 128. 220, 309, 328
128, 169,, 229-31, 273. Communism. 23.34,43, 115, 131. 133, 174.247.
295, 331, 333, 368, 370 271, 274, 282, 299, 308, 365. 375, 388.443.
Chi1dren, Retarded. 126 479, 483-4, 524, 581,582
China,(See Red China). 171.181.194,229,381, Concentrations Camps. 277
387-9.407,426,484,485 Condc McGinley (See MeGinley), 63
Christ Child in Crib, 487 Confession, (see General also). 155,266.477,
ChriSl's Church. 12, 137, 142 478, 487
ChriSl only hope for Peace 278, 465 Confirmalion. 477, 531
ChriSl on the Cross, 521, 585 Confusion, 32, 33, 55. 76, 81,84,93. 111-12, 171,
ChriSli.ns. Asleep. Il, 135, 140, 181 196,219.220,232,261,279,282,288,297.
ChriSlian Failh (ashamed of), 482 302,305,331. 382.409,422.431,443.449.
Christian Homes. 573 451, 482. 484. 492, 496. 499, 507-8. 511-12,
ChriSlian Martyrs, 137, 182 521,550,555,560,562,585.7
ChriSlians muSl fight, 140. 145,208,219,274, Congo, 200, 251
319, 333, 429, 462, 539, 555, 556, 570 Congress, Congressmcn, 239. 334. 374. 386,
ChriSlians, wake up, 110, 177, 258, 284, 286, 391, 403, 440
293,321,397-8,402,415,422,439,582 Consecrealion, 9, 67, 431, 479. 533, 571
ChriSlian Way, 285 Conservation, Dep't. of. 386
ChriSlianWorld, 110, 117, 120-2, 129, 131, 135, Conservalives, 534
137, 145-6, 150, 152, 154, 158-62, 165, 167, Constant Vigil of Prayer, 158·9. 194,210,211,
169, 170-7, 180, 182, 186, 188, 190, 192, 255,306-8,311,318·19.322-3.330-3,389,
194,197,199,200-1,205-7,211,216-19, 422, 425, 429, 432·4, 436, 438-9, 441-2.
222-3.233-4, 236, 239, 244, 249, 257. 259. 444-5, 447, 449, 450, 452, 457. 460, 462,
260-1,264-5,261,269,212,274-5,286-7, 467-9,473-4,476,479, 500. 504, 506, 516-
289,291,296-7, 299, 301, 303,309, 321, 19,534-5,537·8.541,556·8.562,566,575,
329, 367, 369, 377-8, 384, 393, 391, 400, 580, 584, 596, 603, 604
406, 410, 414, 417, 423, 425, 436, 444, Constitotion, 103, 160, 182·3, 188,203,207,249,

253. 259, 262. 375
Desecration of Religious articl(s. 429. 442. 445
Continent. 433. 534. 560. 569
Descralion of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
COnlinemal Airways. 124
456. 461. 462.
Contra band war malcrials. 35-6. 43. 95
Description of the Blessed MOlher. 460-1. 506.
Conlrollcd Press. 474
520. 545. 560·1

Conven". 318. 332. 421.

De,truction. 4. 7. 12. 15.

432. 442. 481, 504-5. 517. 538. 568

91, 98. 103. 110. III. 120. 143. 182. 184.

Conversion of Russia. 122. 166. 526

188. 308.
Conversion of U.S.A. 526
324. 367. 376. 410. 421. 428. 432-3. 438.
Collidge. Calvin. 147
460.501. 504. 507. 513. 518. 523. 526. 533.
Cooperation. III
537. 552. 560. 563. 580

Corpus Christi. 209

Destruction of body. 80. 278

Corruption. 144.249.411,413.415.423,468.
Destruclion of Christian world. 136. 493

472, 496· 7
Destruction of Church. 488

Corruplion of sou 1. (morals). 143. 159.468.500

Destruction of Church. Orthodox. Greek and

Coughlin. Charles E. (Se< Falher Coughlin),

Russion. 488

121. 126.226·
Destruction of Crops. 475

CreatOr. Crealion 112·13.576

DestrucLinn of good books. 542

Crime. 463, 499

DeSlruclion of mind, 80. 84. 85. 278. 536

Crowds of 100.000. 10
Deslruction of Subtcrrancan. tunnel~. 480

Crucifi. of Our Lord. 445. 488. 583

Deslruclion ofsouls. 80. 156.278.440.470.493.

Crucifi. (Wearing of). 482. 590-91


Crucifi. on Village Bluff. 5. 6 (photo 356)

DeSlruClion of U.S.A. 328.460.463.470-1. 476.

Crucifix Shrinc (pholo) 344


Crucir..ion. 21·22. 94. llO-II, 129. 143. 178. Deslruclion of ulilities. 482

368. 376. 402. 456. 461-2, 545

Detroit. 20. 29. 63. 64. 75, 123. 193, 209. 221.

Cuba.39.42. 54. 81. 124. 163.173-4. 178-9. 187.

194.·6.230-31. 238. Devaslatinn. 492-4

246. 252. 256-7.-260. 262. 266. 271. 287. Devil's Coorts. 163. 562

Sto 333-4.377. 381. 385. 318. 320. 325-6. 329-30. Devil. (Dance of). 235. 521·2

389. 390. 39l. 415. "Devil Rides OUlside." 415

'l. 417-18.421. 476. 481. 484

Devotion. Church. 89. 322. 325. 327

Cure of Ars. 209

Devotion. Lenten. 177. 179. ISO. 233. 240. 244.

Cures. 437. 438. 546

246. 290. 294-5. 325. 389. 400. 437

CursiUo. 530. 591

De.. . otion. more necded. 165. 240. 276. 331

Curs. 35. 40. 43. 61. 91. 97. 122. 131.276.319.

Devotion on Fridays. 485

369.381.484. Dictionary. 139

Czcchoslovakia. 34. 40
Delinquency. 184

Dillinger. 379

Daily Communion, 191. 478-9

Disarmament. 374

Daily Ma". 475. 496

DisaSler,. 87. 91, 100.

Daily Sacraments. 446-7. 470. 496, 520. 521.

Disciple. 412. 485.579

549. 570
Disrcspccl for authorilY. 463

Dallas. 20. 123. 209. 523. 528

Disraelis, 34. 39, 40. 44, 47, 50, 51, 54. 59, 60,

Darkness (Global). 565. 584

63, 147. 333. 384. 389, 428, 430, 474

Darwin. 595
Deacons. 480. 490
Dives. 269

De"h of Poles. (40.000). 45

Divine ChaSlisemenl. 470. 481. 492. 493. 494.

Dealh on the Cross. 486

Deceil. 285. 471
595. 596

De Chardin. 485. 487

Divine Chastisement. (held back.) 493. 596

Dedicalc each hour of work as one de cade of

Divinj.y of Our Lord. 491. 576. 584

the Rosary. 295

Doc.ors. 28. 32-3. 98. 140

Defense. depl. of. 409

Doctrine. wrong. 473

Defense Program. 230

Dombrowski. 474

De Galle, 143-4, 163. 421

Dominic. Fr. 544. 546

Delinquency. 23, 41, 46. 75, 184

DominicanRepublic. 76.79.95. 163. 174. 178.

Democratie. Convention. 189, Democrates, 387

197. 231. 253. 266. 294

Denver. 20. 29. Dope, Drugs, 125, 208, 332. 386, 406, 427, 452.

388. 417. 482. 528

469.476.482. 512. 513. 520. 523-4. 530.

Denver. Profes~or of. 583


D.P.:s. 235
Dove of Peace. 49, 185.447·9.457.502-3.516­

Desccr'lion. 167.217.304.328.431

Descration of Christmas. 47. 272. 273

Doughtcrty. Cardinal, 146

Descralion ofChurches. 257. 261. 268. 283. 301. Drcss Marylikc. 195.273-4.289.412.428.433­
308. 447. 449. 450
5. 443. 508-9. 511. 520-21. 534. 538. 540.


547. 560. 562-3. 570

Ev(.\lulion. 584

Dubinski. 147. 174. 306. 474

Excuse (none) for nol saying Rosary. 425

Dublanski. 206. 364. 390

Dublin. 163
FaciSls. 274. 388

Dulles. 71. 72
Fai.h. Love and Charit)'. 52. 138. 363. 504

Duluth. 387
Fallout. 27. 51. 67. 82. 87. 100-1. 114. 139-40.

183.224. 323-4. 367. 525. 590

E"glc.34.37-8. 164. Family Rosar)'. 265

176. 203. 243. 283. 287. 293. 428

Fanatic. 247. 378-9. 521

Earlhquakes.72. 164.216.330.476.480.491.
Far EaSl. 55. 59.68. 334

493. 497. 525

Farmer. 32

EaSl Berlin. 364. 368

Fa~t and Pcnance. 3. 9. \02
EaSl CoaSl. 113. 132.221. 284. 556
Fathcr's Day. 465

EaSler. 62. 66. 177. 499

Falima,, 12.15.16,97, 128·139.166.

EaSler Bunny. 62. 66. 110. 128

181. 304. 306. 397. 424.518.578
Easlern Continent. 445
Fatima. (iniraclllous pklure of statuc) 352

EaSlern Hemisphere. 23. 95. 101. 107-8. 138. F.B.1 .. 125

154. 161. 173. Fear. 92. 95.

295. 330. 435. 438, 454, 463. 528. 582

283. 328. 404. 411. 414. 420. 422. 429. 544

EaSlern Rile, 74, 106, 122

r-ear only lO (lffend God. 146

Eastern U.S.A .. 513. 523

Feasl of Harvc:sl. 362

Eau Claire. 536

Fea~t of Mother of Sorrows. 113

Eben. Abba. 52. 66

FeaSl of lhe Sacrcd liean. 183. 185

Ecumenical Council. 130. 141-2. 195.234.261.

Fiflh Seigc. 49. 51.78.

265.297.309.322.324.326-7.371. 381.
155- 397. 399.

402. 421. 494

Ecumcnic.:al CounciJ. Praycrs for. 256. 329. 405

Fighl. 121. 145.492

Eden. Anthony. 38. 40. 42-3. 55. 59

Fighting Armcd Forces. 145

Edmuntnn. Canilda. 333

FinkelSlein. 147.245.306.364.389.390.417
Educalion. 139. (idcal 483~
Educa.ion. Dep·\. of. 386
Firs\ Appearance of 8.Y.M .. 1

Educalion. Progressive. 179. 386

Firsl Chosen One. 215

Egyp\. Egyptians. 35. 40. 46. 55. 362

Finn Fridays. Il
Eigh. PoinlS. 24. 98. 223. 293
Fi"" Holy Communion. 477-9. 488. 497-8

1800. 192
FirSl Mass. 176-8.342.401. 432. 486.498-9.506

1812. Wa,. of. 63. 138. 147. 160.517

Fi,hbein. 174. 364

1815. 158
Five Fir$! SalUrday~. 2. Il
1830. 128. 158. 160. 375. 424
Fiyc Hundred. 158. 160. 169. 173. 176.180.199.
1846. 158
201. 207. 234. 236. 239. 241. 243. 246. 287.

1858, 158

Einstein. Albert. 206

Flag. Church. 97

Eisenhower. Gen. (see Pres. also), 33. 40. 51.

Flag. U.S.A .. 60. 63. 86.

53·4.59,60,96, 143, 148-50. 188. 386, 399

197.202. 287.
Eisenhower. Millon. 148. 149
289. 294. 311. 319. 324. 389. 390. 408. 515.

Eleclrical Power. (nol complete dependc:nce 523

on) 414.484
Flappcr Fanny. 139

Eldorado. 528
Flood,. 72. 78., 216. 282. 284.

Eleven Hundred. 547

330. 402. 416. 474. 476. 491. 497. 533

Elks. 131
Florida. 95. 114. 178. 209. 334. 483

El Pa '50. 528
Fluoridalion (see Poisoning. food. waler)
Elroy. 411
FI)'ing Angel. 26

Emmcrick. Anna Catherine. 392

Flying Goose. 202. 237. 409

Encyclicals. 489. 522

Flying Subs. 420

England. 55. 106. 109. 147. 170. 331. 368.443

Fon du Lac. 536

English Channel. 79
Food. 32. 459

Enlenainment. conlrol\ed. 29. 30. 32

Food Poisoning. 27. 67. 82. 102. 114. 139. 143.

Enthronemenl of Sacred Heart. 467. 554

171, 407. 460. 525

Equator. Equa.or region. 103. 108

Food. WaSle. 456. 463. 524

Elernal Happiness. 204. 219. 240. 242

For My God and My Counlry. 81. 94

Eterni.y. 121. 170. 532. 543

Forth Wonh. 528

E.hiopia. 251
Founda.ions. 69. 242. 281

Europe. 12,40. 109. 133. 377, 386.435.443.528

Four Eighly. 204

Eyil Forces. 21-2.24. 27. 31. 42. 52.59.63-4.69.

Four Hundred. 118-20. 122. 125-30. 132. 134-6.­
154. 158. 160. 168-9. 174·6. 180.239

Four Scyenly-Fiye. 199. 200. 202. 423. 437

370. 426. 489. 492, 564

Four Volumes (reyiew), 599


~II-P........ nr-

Fourleen Hundred and Twenty Three, 437

Oudda. Schnapper. 144

France. 34. 45. 132. 143. 145. 171, 234, 389

Oulf of Mexico. 178, 523

368, 534

Frankenstein. 441. 442

Habits. (Nuns). 481

Frankfurter. Felix, 147. 296

H"il Marys, 478. 587

Fraulein. 43, 52, 56. 65, 209. 364

Haiti. 163

Freedom. 32. 60, 102, 133, 135. 145. 160,211.

Hamburg. 20 1

240. 249. 278. 285, 330, 399, 424

Hammcr and Cycle. 374

Freedom Fightcrs. 384

Hammarskjold, Dag. 263

Freedom of Religion. Speech. Worship. 32.

Happiness (Etern"I). 1%

137, 191
Harding. President. (Sec Presidents)

FreeWill, 81, 84. 217, 258, 547. 579

Hardship and Suffcring for America. 12

Freking, Frederick. Bishop, 395-6, 511. 544

Harlcy, Archbishop. 110

Fridays. Sacred Hearl Lilany. 485

Harrisburg. 209

Fuels. 27. 88. 98,

Hat. 76. 79

Fund. Mental, Health. 242 (Heart)

Hauptman. 245

Oallagher, Archbishop, 37
Havana. 39, 42. 95,113,163.171. 194. 197.200.

Oarden of Gethsem.nee, 103. 121. 131. 178,

230. 257. 326

400, 478. 545

Hawaii. Hawjian. (Islands). 197.231
Garfield. President, 145
H-Bomb. 35. 43. 45, 183-4.223

Gc;:neral Absolution. 487·8

-4.259.302.320-21. 323. 325. 375.407.409,

GenLiles. 133 .
426, 435. 437. 504. 528, 546

Oeologists. 492
Head Huniers. 368

Oermany, 52. 144-5. 148. 169, 170,201-2.389

Heart Allacks (Heart Fund) 82, 100. 242

Gcrmany. East. 45
Heaven. 93-4. 219, 363. 532. 537-8, 547. 578.

Oermany, Gestapo.. 209

587. 593

Gcrmany, West. 45
Hcbrews. 362

Oerm Warfare. 276. 435. 517

Hell. 64,83.90,93,94.129. 191. 204. 242. 269,

Olobal darkDess. 565. 585

325.393, 465. 475. 478. 487. 493. 500.520­

Olory Be·s. 587

1. 528.-532, 538. 543.-4. 547, 560. 563, 577­

Ooat" Bearl!. (<e Aleutians) 42. 66-8. 76. 79.

9. 585-7. 589. 593

231. 365, 370. 395. 416

Heresy. 166. 505-6. 521-2, 548

Ood, 64. 483. 500

H~rmans. Clara. 215

God the Falhcr in Hcavcn. 466

Herod. King. 399

Ood is Dead, 457. 459. 483, 491. SOI. 519. 521

God's Little Acr~s. 26
H,earcby, 31. 35.54.77. 80, 85. 104. 106, 115.

Ood's Mercy. 288. 595

117.133. 141,144.159. 163, 166. 173, 183,

Ood tests man. 532. 534. 579. 580. 586-7

204.218- 252. 256.

Ood's Will. 112, 217. 469. 492. 526, 532

265,281. 296. 309-10. 330, 332. 364. 383,

Ood's Wrath, 497. 525-6

448.450.454.455,461. 475. 477, 484. 488.

o oldensen, 306

Golden Ship. 73-4

High Schools. 407

Oood Friday, I, 2. 94. 556

Hi-jacking. 481

Oood Friday CrucifIX. 1. 6. 9. 12. 14.549

Hillsboro. 411

Oood Times. 16
Hilton. Conrad, 208, 245. 474

Oospels.65. 116. 130,204. 280.454.566,591

Hippies, 472, 482, 500, 508. 511. 530, 583

Government. 33. GO"'crnmenl Officiais. 33. 515

Hiroshima, 35. 82. 139. 142. 154, 184-5. 224,

Ooyam. 536. 558

229, 246. 320. 323. 432. 436

o races. 274
Holy Family. 51. 184.229,290,293.396.415.

Orand Mastcrs. 52-4.66,79. 106. 110. 118-20,

465-6. 522, 573

122. 125, 127-9.01-2, 135, 137-8. 140-1.

Holy Family Shrine. 340

144-9. 154, 158. 160. 162. 168-70. 173-6.

Holy Falhcr, 42. 49, 54.65, 66. 74, 235. 446

180-1. 183, 187-8. 193. 197. 200-1. 203.

Holy Ohost. 77. 185. 250. 2%. 330. 401. 502.

205-7, 230-1, 234. 236, 243-5, 251, 291. 296.

532,551. 570

302.321. 328-9. 331.-3. 368, 379-80. 382-3,

Holy Mother. 424. 495

Holy Ornee. 53. 393

456. 460, 474

Holy Spirit, 363

Oreat Brillon. 145. 169, 181. 234. 248

Hol)' Thursday. 178,499

Or«\l Lakes. 231. 420

Holv Trini.y. 490. 553. 570

Orecd. hatred. jealosy, power. 4. 9, 13, 16. 33.

HOI e,ç" Christian. 573

55. 81.-2. 88. 106. 144. 437

Home. School. Church. 116. 124. 168. 198.233,
Green Bay. 413. 416, 536
243. 255. 325, 373. 560

Oreen Dragon. 173,203.207

Hope, 108. 436, 455

o rcenland. 68. 207. 325. 419

Hopkins. Harry, 147,210

Grceting Cards, 329

Hoover. Herbert. Pres. 147. 452

o romulka, 34
Hoover, J. Edgar. 125. 168-9, 283, 398, 410

Ouadulupe, 523
Ho~t. Conseçraled. 488


Hour Has Slruek. 506. 518

Jeb. Je. Planes. 67. 113. 259. 476

HouS!on. 273. 528

Jews.84. 131. 133.·34.301 . .183·84. 403. 408·9.

Hoxsey. Hoxsey. Trcalment. 108


Hub. 21. 23. 50. 106. 171. 200. 208. 210.253. Joan of Arc. 63. 98. 102. 117. 138. 143·44. 147.

272.331. 395·6. 416. 418-19

163.295.304-5. 337.421·3. 430. 434. 467.

Hudson Bay. 409

503. 512·14. 517. 526. 534. 545. 550. 551.
Hull. Cordell. 147
552. 560. 567-8. 573. 578

Humili.y. 13. 51. 69. 86. 130. 436. 500

J\Hin of ARC banner. 98. 445

Humphrey. 392
John. 0110. 220. 333

Hungary.34. 35. 37.44. 46.66. 154. 169·71. 173.

Johnson. Lyndon. President. 382. 385

Jud.i'm.43, 115. 133.244.461-2.484

Hunger. 161.279.422.449.524.

Juda,. 216. 319. 400.

549. 557
403. 429. 432. 445·6. 451. 445-6. 477. 484.
Hurley. 536
486.488·9.491-2.522. 531·2.538.547.579
Hurricane. 474. 493

Husbands. 466
Kansas CilY. 64. 123. 388

Hypnosis. 221
Kar"e. 333 482. 505. 510

KatzÎn. 306

Kefauver. 41. 101

leeland. 45. 207. 237. 369

Kennedy. J. Pres.. 102.385.390.398.410.463.

lek"". 147

leons. 61. 550

Kennedy. Roben. 382. 463

IIlne". 425. 546

Keve,. 79. 231

IliuminaLi. 133
Key West. 179. 200. 325. 369. 395.416

I.M.C. 565
Khazars. (Mongoli.. n Tribe). 133. 192. 194

Immaculate Conception. lmmaculalc Concep. Kidnapping. 476

tion Shrine. 93. 134. 135.201 Kimmel. General. 127

Immaeulale Heart. 432. 441. 475. 477. 479. 482. Kindergarden. 207. 211. 239. 271. 311. 373. 568.

505·6. 554

Immoral. 557
Kingdom of He.ven. 74. 86.217·18.250.455.

India. 45
482. 493. 519. 548. 555. 563. 578. 586· 7

Indian.46. 133
King Herod. 399

Indiana. 146. 171

King. Martin LUlher. 429

Induslrial Worker1'l. 32
King of Bea.... 103. 106. 293

Inmlra.ion. 283. 304. 311. 387. 398.403 K.K.K .. 68. 399. 407. 416. 420-1

Information Booth. 336

Klau,. 306

ln Ood wc TruS! (0101101. 310. 367


Insanity. 126
Korea. 107. 148.228.314.375.

Insecticide). 367. 525


Inspiralional help (rom B.V.M. and SainlS. 241

Kremlin. 55. 165. 200-1

Ins.i.utions. 224. 367.452.501. 581

Krushchev. 33. 34. 38. 45. 61. 62. 66. 67. 95. 105.

InsHruclÎons 10 M~. Fred VilO Hoof. 2

108.113. 118. 122. 138. 164. 171. 183.259.
Integration. 26. 27.171. 285. 318. 320. 378. 578

379. 381. 383

Kuhn. Loeb. & Company 174

Inlernational Bankers. 34. 35. 101. 106·7. 115.

Kung. Hans. 485

145. 244. 287. 293. 329. 370. 389. 398. 474

Internalional Calholic Magazine. 4R9 La Bueea, 70. 148

Intestinal. 82
LaCro'se. 123. 416. 523. 536

lnventors. 33
L.. Follelle. Bob. Sr.. 122. 146. Bob. Jr. 122

I.Q.. 209.480
Laity. 21. 23. 26. 73. 74.
Ireland. Irish Bay. 79. 163 104. III. 118. 120. 130. 136.
Iron Curtain. II. 162. 183.
142. 151. 160-2. 169. 183. 189. 196. 199.
210.219·21. 223. 230. 245. 250. 289. 300.
Island Burried. 113. 224
303-7.323.363.372. 386.390. 392. 394.-5.
Island of Haiti. 178-9
423. 427. 432·3. 438. 455. 470. 490. 498.
Israelites. 33. 35. 362
521. 529. 537. 548. 552. 556·7. 562. 583.

Italy and Italians. 43. 133. 170. 389


Ivy. DoclOr. 108

Lake Michigan. 409

Lnnd of the Frcc. Home of the Brave. 145.253.

Jackson. Andrew. 145


Janesville. 536
Laos. 250. 251

Jamaica. 40. 43
Lapowski. 306

Japanese. 154. 251

LaSallelle.3. II. 12. 15. 128. 181. 196.558

Javils. Sena10r 306. 474

La't Supper. 22. 172. 176. 362. 432. 486. 506.

Jefferson. 145
(Shrine photo 341. 351)

Jenner. SenalOr. 127. 146

Latin America. 266. 326

Jeruselem. 200. 493

Lalin in .he Chureh. 450


Law,. 69. 254. 582. 590

Mark of Christ. 579

Lay People distribule Communion. 490

Marines. 255

Lcaving Chun.:h not tht: answer. 477. 478

Mars. 493. 521

Le Blanc. Cardinal. 122

Manin. Father. 546

Leger. Cardinal. 122

Manin Luther (S~c Luther) 488

Lehmans. 306. 390. 414

Marxism. 274. 484

Lengowski. fa,her. 1-

Mary Ann: Giyes Blessing from Blessed Virgin

Leningrad, Lenin. 34. 174.201 Mary. 5

Len•. 53. 102. 104. 124. Penanee. 2. 4. 6. 13

294. 540. 555. 556

Recieyes Blessîngfrom B.V.M .. 2.
Lenten devolions. 105, 116. \11. 119. 180.240.
8. 12. 16

290, 295, 325. 389. 400. 431

RelatÎYcs. 40

Lenten instruction. re-read. 455

Taught Ca'eehi,m by B.V.M. 498

Leo XIII. Pope. (sce Pope Leo). 89. 141. 300.

Marylike Dress and Way. 213. 214. 289. 290.

412. 428. 433. 434. 435, 442. 520. 521. 534.

Lapinski. 364
538. 540. 541. 560. 562, 563. 510

LeHer. Soul Magazin~. (answer 10). 612

Marly". Marlyrdom. 32. 35. 84. 81. 121. 122.

Leukemia. 82. 140. 224. 324

131. 131.141. ISO, 163. 166. 113. 182.219.

Liberais. 443. 451. 455-6. 414. 485. 481. 490.

220, 228, 303, 310, 486, 493, 552

521-2. 534
Masons. 35.44.131. 132. 133. 163.484

Liberly. 131
Mas:'. - Calyary. 499

Libr.rie,. School (public). 25.

Mass - Black. 52.132. 112. 200. 221. 331. 36,1
310. 450

Lies. Black. 366. 411

Mass - Truc. 458. 486. 555. 510. 589

Lies. White. 39. 55. 215. 325. 329. 541

Mass- Regular. 14.141. 112. 191.226.233. 266.

Lilae Blossoms. 2. 3. 6
210, 2%. 299. 300, 326, 443. 456. 415.

Lillies. 495. 496


Lincoln. Ab... ham. 115. 145.

Mass - Hoolenany, 486, 489, 541 Mass - Rcstriction. 497

385. 395. 399

Mass - Sludy Clubs. 415. 555

Lincoln's Proclamation. 610, 611

Mass - Trinily. 553

Lindbergh. 122. 126. 146.245-6

Mass with Celestials present (Heayenly Pic­
Lion. 34. 31. 38. 69. 16. 86. 95. 103. 105. 150.
lure) 551

159. 161. 164.203.243-4

Massachusetts. 333

Lipa. 1. 3. 4. 5. 8. Il. 12. 15. 16

Mateo. Father (Sec Fathcr Maleo) 122

Li pa statue and Mrs. Van HoofpholO. 348.517.

McCarren. Pat 56

McCarlhy. Joe 36. 11. 122. 121. 146.238.245
litanies. 2. 4. 467
Ml.'Crecos. 97

Little Rock. Arkansas. 527

McGrath. Msgr.. 31

LÎLvanov, 174
Melntyre. Cardinal. 141.392.421.490

London. 200. 201. 368

McKenzie 79

Long. falher. 546

McKinley. 63. 94. 145

Los Angeles. 20. 29. 63. 64.15. 89.113. 123. 124.

193.200.221. 213.381. 388.411-18.482.
Mediatrix of Peace. 16. 81. %. 91. 111. 120. 123.
152. 166. 169. 111. 181. 186. 181, 194, 199.

Lost Continent, nalion wilhoul God. 375

200. 201. 216. 218. 230. 235. 239. 240. 243.
Lost Opportunities for Peaee, 150. 151
Louisville. 123
Love of God. 31
311. 316. 381. 433. 439. 415. 516

Love for Gad and His Holy Mother. 21

Medil:ine. 27. 31. 81

L.S.D.. 421. 428. 430. 440-2~ 465-6.482. 501-2.

Medical Insurance. 127

512-13. 519.20. 521. 529. 535-6

Memorial Day. 431

Lucifer. 53. 120. 129.521. 577, 581

Mental Fund. Mental Hea\lh. Menlal HealLh
Cenlers. 82. \01. 102. 126. 242. 364. 314.

Mac Arlhur (Sec General) 122. 121. 146,246


Madrid. 368
Merri\, 536

Madison. 123.413.416.421.482.521.536
Mercy of God. 31. III. 111. 216. 284, 288. 519.

Madonna Maria. 43. 44. 48. 49. 61. 62. 64. 66.
595 .

Messages for C1ergy, 2

Mahatma. Gandhi. 102

Message. Lenlen. 555

Maine. 334

Malnulrilion. 459
Melcors 228

Manion. Clarence. Dean, 387

MexÎco. Mexico CÎty. Mexican. 21. 42. 79. 81.

Man1l0woc. 536
95_ 128. 133. 181. 181.
Marijuana. 406. 482. 512. 513. 521. 529. 536
Marking of Sacred Spot 2
420.431. 523. 559


Meyer. Amsehel. 144. 201, 368

NaS'lSaki. 35. 81. 139. 142. 154. 185. 224. 229.
Meyer. Cardinal. 141, 173.394.396
246. 320. 323. 432. 436

Miami. 123.273.326.333.394.417.418.482.
Nakcdne... 417. 442. 456. 520-1. 547. 570. 580

Narcolie.96. 124. 208. 269·70. 311. 333. 398.

Mic~is.n. 146
452. 524

Midnighl Mass. 195

Na'ivi'y. 47. 89. 326-7.

Middle of lhe Road. 203. 252. 280. 281, 282.

392. 402. 412

324. 587
Nativity Grono. 339, 413

Mikoyan, 113
Militant of ChriS!. 113. 117. 120. 122. 138. 166.
NalUra) Foods. 383. 460

NalUral Rcsources. 82

Milwaukee., 387. 409. 413.

Navy. 231. 255. 325. 374. 402

420. 440. 482. 527. 536

Nazism. 274

Mindzenly. 122.127.154. 173.

Necedah. 363

182. 270. 271. 277. 278. 300. 366

Necklacc. 76

Mindzenly Foundation. 382

Negro. 30

Minarufc of Large Shrinc. Photo. 346

Nevada. 492

Mini·skirls. 442. 446. 473. 508. 509. 534. 538. Ncumann.85

545. 548. 570

Newark. 439

MiniSlers of GOO. Il. 15. 16. 235. 251. 370. 444.

New Brecd Catholics. 542

509. 510. 584

Newfoundland. 43. 68. 76. 95, 138. 200.207.

Minneapolis 20. 29. 63. 64. 123. 124. 193.273.

231. 237-8. 334. 385. 388. 395. 416

Ncw M~xico. 482

Miracle of lhe Sun PhOlO. 354. 355

New Orleans., 113. 123. 128.
Miracles. 518
138.193.221. 273. 333. 381. 388. 417. 418.
Missiles. 64. 89. 152. 194. 202, 223. 225. 228.
523. 527,
News Media. 77. 82. 366. 389.

329. 381. 386. 395. 413. 417. 420. 425. 426. 474. 494. 524. 570

433. 451. 469. 484. 493. 526. 592


Missiles lo Hcaven. 310. 378

Newss,ands. 25. 57. 58. 248. 273. 334. 572. 596

Missions. 167. 195. 196. 243. 251

New W"rld. 95. 102. 119. 158. 160-2. 173. 193.

Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. 284

211. 377. 518

Mohs. 25. 26. 27. 29. 189. 194

Ncw York City. 43. 63. 66. 77.

Moçkery of Our Lord. 589

106. 113. 119. 123-5. 128. 138. 179. 193.
Modern Ar!. 61. 72, 136
200. 209. 221. 245. 320. 326. 331. 3R 1. 38R.
Modern Churehes. 291
MOOernism. 490-1
New York State. 100

MOOeSlY. (Sec dress Marylike)

Nicholaii II. Czar of Ru~siil (las!). 122.485

M,maslcries. 255. 31 L 319. 332

Nihili",. 34. 35. 50. 51. 54. 60. 63. 64. 81. 82.
Mongrelization.27. 133-4. 175. 199,389-90 244. 333. 370. 421. 430

Monroe. l45
1900, 282. 283

Monroe Doctrine. 254

1917. II. 12. 15. 16. 112.424

Mon"eal. 138. 200. 221, 333

1950. 292. 375. 567

Moon. 69. 165.493.510.527

1951. 292

Moose. 131
1956. 33. 34. 35

Morgan. J.P.. 474

1970. and 70·s. 519. 522. 535. 580

Morning Offerin2. 322

Nixon. aS Vice Pres.. (sec Prc:--idenl) 55. 59. 60.
Morroco. Spain. '53.70. 157.200 67.70. 149

Moscovitz, 306
Norris. SenalOr. 147

North America, (see America, North) 81, 116,

Moses. 362. 595

157, 307, 377

MOlher Cabri ni. 146. 338·9. 396. 430. 469. 550.

Northcrn LighlS. di~play of. 561

Nonh Pole. 113. 556

Moth.. Selon. 146

Norway. 45

MOlhers. working. 58 )
Notre Dame. 61

MountaÎn Cave. 227

Nova Scotia. 43. 395

Mount Sinili. 362

Novenas. 35. 113. 152.323.557.595
Movies. 588
Novices. 209

Muench. Cardinal. 173

Nuns. 146. 170. 172.209.269,299.300.318.376.
Mundelein. Cardinal. 141.382
391. 415. 441. 444. 451. 454. 463-4. 479.

Music. Devil's beat. 26. 29. 82.90. 116. 124. 140.


153. 268.-9. 289. 334. 382. 391. 413. 446

538-9.542.544-5.568.571. 578. 580. 591

Music. Sacred. 538

Nuns. GoOO. 415.583

Muslims, Black, 388·92. 394, 398, 483

Nuns HabilS. 481. 562

My God and My Coun"y. 186. 189

Nuclear Power. Peaceful. Dcstructive. 40. 113.
Mysteries ()f the Rosary. 444
258·9. 264. 436. 440


Obedience. 5. 12.66.94. 124. 179.304.439.481. 209.239·41. 249. 269·70.273. 289. 291. 293.
311. 332. 334. 366. 368. 373. 394. 404. 407.
O·Boyle. Cardinal. 490
411-15.418-19.421. 424. 427. 429. 433-35.
440. 445. 450. 452. 457. 459. 463·4. 466.
Octopus.77. 115.
471. 473. 479. 483. 484. 487. 497. 499-502.
388. 459. 474. 483. 484
508-9. 512-13. 515-16. 518-20. 522-23.
Odd Fello"'s. 131
526-7.529-30. 533. 537. 539. 540. 549. 562·
Odessa. 43
3. 567. 569. 572-4

Ohio. Ohio River. 273. 284. 594

Parjelllos. 40

Oil Industry. 202.·3

Paris. 138. 144.200.273. 410. 413. 418. 456

Oil Leak in Pacific. 259. 476

Pasvolski. 306. 474

Oil Monopoly. 27. 87

Passion of Our Lord. 178.215.362.445.491.
OkholSk. 43. 79. 2QI-2. 237. 334. 409. 420
536. 556

Oklahuma Citv. 523. 528

Pa~sion. Scason. 94

Old Glory. 86:187-8. 194.·6.

Patrimism. 30.31. 35.91-2.96.98. 145. 149. 167.
187. 226. 232. 253

Palriots. 383

Old Mexico. 95. 96. 152

Pallon. General. 122. 146

Old World. 102. 231

Pauli. Czar of Russia. (bcgan unification of
Olympics. 222
Churches) 122

Omaha. 388
Pcace be: with you. Sl. Francis pray for us. (10 be
One Thousand·Fifty. 448. 451. 460. 484
said afler cach Sorrowful Myslcry during
One W"r1ders. 45. 253. 388
OClOber) 566

One World Governmen•. 254. 276. 396. 476.

Peace. 4. 7. 8.9. Il. 12. 14.­

74.80.91. 104. 110. 116. 123. 142. 175. 198.
One World Reli~ion. 120.476.582
211. 219. 220. 222. 235. 237. 239. 246. 250.
257. 262. 263. 276-8. 281. 283. 285. 290.
Opium. 482
Orders. Religiolls 10 Servive. 481
Ordinatil1n. 531
517. 528.542. 552. 566. 569

Organizalions. daughlers or. 255

Peace. Prayers, for. 404-6. 413. 424-5. 438-40.

Orien laI. 512

447-50,454.457.472.474,492, 496

Original Home. (pho.o) 345

Pearl Harbor, 36.43, 142. 148. 201. 324. 374

Orieinal Sin. 155

Pearl Island~. 79

Oniiodox Church. 97. 106. 131. 488

Pearlman. 306

Oshkosh. 536
Pelimki. 306

Olla",;1. 200. 333. 407

P<nance. 7-9.69. 160. 184.
0110 John. 220. 333
294. .331. 428. 436. 445. 467. 470. 476.517
Our Fa.her. Prayer. 478. 587
Penance. Sa\,.'rament or. 497

Our Lady uf Charity (Patroness of Cuba). 39

Pcnance. Sacrifice. 3. 102. 108.
Our Lady of Fa.ima. 91. 97. 139
130. 27S. 310. 439. 526.
Our Lady <,f Libeny. 103. 145. 147. 159
546. 575

Our Lad,,'s Manlle. 119. 121. 134

Pennsylvania. 594

Our Lauy\ messages. 72. 74

Pennsylvania. Ave. 93

'Our Lad" Piead•. 59

Pen'ecoSi. 1. 362. 551

Our Lady of Prompt Succor. 295

Pcnlc:coslals. 530

Our Lady of Vladimir. 166. 192. 285

Pepper. Claude. 364

Our Lady', Work. 413

Perilto Pope Paul's life. 561

Our Lady's workers (phl)tO). 351

Period of Peace 111

Outbo;.rd MOlOr... 36
Peron. 43. 163. 174. 178.253.375.392

Outdaor Theatres. 140

Perpc'ual Adora'ion. 135.318.319.387.395 Space. 526

PerpelU.I Help Devotibns. 323

Ovcr popula'ion. 410. 583

Persecu.ions. 3. 16. 87. 108. 167. 214-5. 243.

Oxnam. Bishop.lsec Bishop Oxnam). 141. 236

255·6. 260. 275. 296. 304. 306. 314. 318.

332. 402. 430. 444. 480-1. 486-7. 493. 507.
Pacific CoaSl. 43. 88. 138. 157. 221. 476
519.521. 534. 537. 542. 5n. 558-9. 578. 588

PaciflC. Pacific Ocean. 69. 85.476.492

Perseculion. Hungary. 40

Padre Pio. 85. 122. 382

Per:-ecution of the Church. 13

P.ganism. II. 37.91. 154.223. 368. 370. 378

Persevcrencc. 100. 108

431. 447
Pelerburrow or Peter Gcrow. 109

Palmer Housc. 368

Pev.on. Father (sec Falher) 102. 220

Panam•. 231. 417


Pan. ma Canal. 207. 245. 260

Pharisee's. 462. 477. 489. 499

Papal Flag. 97
Philadelphia. 20. 41.

Parenl>. 19-23. 25. 30. 33. 57. 74·S. 1.(6. 123-6.

273'.331. 417. 482. 527

167-8. 179. 184. 187. 189. 190. 197. 199.

Phillipine Islands, 43. 54. 148. 231


Philosophy. Modern. 596

Prayers for Bishop. 398. 5~2. 524. 537

Phoenix. 482. 523

Praycrs for Ecumcnical COlinciL 405

Pick-poekelS. 14. 438

Pra}cr~ fllr (hc Holy F'llh~r. 42. 49. 54.65.74.

PÎctorial description of B.V.M. and Peacc. 99

235. 256. 271. 275. 293. 296. 309. 325-26.

Piclure of B.V.M. and Rosary in Sky. 12. 13.98 329-30.364.372. 381. 398.405.416.419.

Pig Eyes. 171

426-8. 510. 512. 514-15. 522. '24. 534

Pikcs. 384
Praycrs for the Prcsi<lellt and Govcrnment Of·
Pilgrims. 528. 534. 556
licials.70. 107. 235-6.
Pills. 426-7. 430-1. 440. 462. 465. 469.472·3.
244-5. 253. 262. 264. 266. 271. 276. 293-4.
501-2.505. 511·12.518-19.525.536. 568-9.
330. 365. 379. 385. 391. 515

Pra)'cr:- fnr pricsls. 74. 105. 120. 141. 172-3.275.
Pioneer$, 32
510. 523. 580

Pillsburgh. 18.20.29. 123. Pra)'crs for Religious. 74. 523. 580

273. )31. 333. 417. 419. 482.523. 527

Pra)'cr~ 100 liHle (00 Jate. 1.J4

Plainfield. 439
Prejudice. 456

Playing Cards. 273

Preservative:.. ~8. 30. 460. 525

Pledge of Alliegenœ. 439

PreSIdent'. 36. 39. 51. 65. 102. 143. 1~6. 282.

Plo!. 159. 174-5.· 7.

369. 379. 382. 385-6. 389. 430. 440. 447. Presley. Ehl~. 26. 30. 50

449. 476-7. 484. 583

l'ride and Arrogance. 307. 330. 387. 455, 459.

Plot againsl Eisenhower. 33

480. 539. 562. 576

PIOI againsl His Holiness. 522

PrieslS. 5. 6. 8. 10. Il. 12. 14. 16. 22. 30. 35. 38.

PIOI agai!lSI the Church. 171

58. 59. 65. 66. 71. 75. 102. 105. 110. 113.
Plot to destroy the Youth. 145
116.120. 133. 141. 144. 146. 170. 172. 179.
Poisoned. food. water. 28. 67. 77-8. 81-2. 84-5. 180.
102. 114. 139. 143. 164. 206. 240. 324. 366. 251-2.258.261. 266. 288. 299. 332. ,370.
383. 407. 460. 525
376.391. 415. 421. 432.440-1. 454·5. 461.
Poland. Poles. Polish. 46.66.162. 169. 170. 171
468-9.472. 475. 479. 487. 490-1. 494. 498.
Polcs. 30.000. 122. 144
505.510.512.514-8.522.527-9.531. 534.
Police. 124. 459. 508
535.538-9.541. 543. 544-5. 548-9. 551-2.
Polio. 28
556-7. 559-60. 568. 570-1. 580. 583. 590-1.
Polio Fund. 242

Poliulion. 525. 527. 546. 569. 583. 590

Pric::.(~. Christ al ~;t<ls:,. 571

_J~omPldç,~~Q~ges® Pricsts. Li bcral. 456. 486. 583

Pontius Pilot. 400

Prime M Illistcrs. 55

Pope Benediel XV. 89. 142

Prince of Peace, 154

Pnsoncrs. 227. 318.491

130. 136. 141-2. 149. 150. 162. 168. 171. Prol.:cssion. 350

173.182-3.195,261-2,265-6.297.309.319. Profani\)' and Blashphcmy. II

324.325.330.361.368.)70.386.416.425. Professor, Denver. 583

450. 478, 487-8. 53«(" 5) i>

Progressive Education. 139. J 79. 386

Pope Leo XIII. 89. 142.1>8. 297.489. 565

Prohibition. 147, 203

Pope Paul VI. 381. 400. 416. 419. 428. ~88-9.

proraganda. 38. 80. 81. 91. 220. 263. 292. 299.
492. 510. 512. 514.-15. 529-30. 535. 538. 311-12.393.468.524

549. 553. 361-3. 589. 591

Prophccy. fullilied. 584

Pope Pius IX. 89. 141. 142

Prophcts. 420. 491

Pope Pius X. 89. 130-1. 142. 303. 370-1. 400.

ProteclOr. 157

458. 479. 488. 497·8

Prole,,"nts. 24_35. 84. 98. 110. 123. 136. 141.
Pope Pius XI. 89. 142
187. 211

l'ope Pius XII. 4. Il. 16.53. 70. 71. 77.-80. ~5-6.

Pro\ocols. 557

89.97.121. 129. 131. 142. 162.280.400 Psalm 116. 528. 542

Pope of Rome. 42. 49. 54. 65. 66. 204. 426. 444. Psalm 118. (176 verses). 528. 542

549. 579
Psychedelic. Psychcdelic Art in Churches. 462.
Pope of Satan. III. 119. 122. 132.. 164.204.254.
~66. 593

274.293. 321. 391. 402-3. 426. 443. 449. PUCrlO Rico. 163. 197.231
Pupil of cye (inncr core of sou!). 143

Population Explosion. 410. 468

Purgalory. 475.537-8.570.585-7.595

Pornography. 46. 74-5.124.

Purge. 266, 275,277, 279,300.307.323,421-2.

395.398,411.452.501. 582. 583. 588

444. 449. 454. 528

POrlugal. 220. 309

l'lit Chri~t bal.:k inlO Christmas. 47. 48. 71·3.
PoSI. Wiley. 237
128-9.137.152-3.268.272. 274.277-8.393.
Powell. Adam Claton. 364
413. 429. 448. 592-3. 596

Powell. Head of Air Force 418

Power. Maniacs. 82, 106

()lIcen of lhe Hl)l)' Rosar)'. Mcdialri~ of Peacc
Prayers. 67, SH7 Tille. 14

Prayer Boards. 537

Quccnship Picture.


Rahbi. Issac. 174 Rockerellers. 35. 174. 474

Rabbi. Prinz. 300. 368. 47"

Rockets. 69. 194

Rabbi. Silver. 208. 245. 364. 368

Rockies. 79, 492

Rabbi. Wise. 474

Rock or Gibraller. 53. 85

Races. (while. brown. yellow. black) 68.84. 155. Rogers. William. 237

175.181. 198- Rome. 45. 368. 469. 492

426-7.430.439.449.455.512.519.535 Romanorr. 122. 131. 400

Race to the mooo, 64, 165

Rompellt 162. 166. 32).450.452. 488

Racial 1ncidencc, 42
~ooseve 1. Frank.lin and 'Mrs. F.D.. 37. 40. 147.
Racial Prejudi<c. 440. 455
148. 210

Racine. 536
Rosary. 1-16.21. 99. 102. 113. 120. 135. 178.

Radar. 42. 43. 381

184. 191-2. 230. 261-2. 265-6. 285. 301.

Radiation. 84. 87

R;.dio frec Europe. 34, 36

425.429.432-3.441. 444-5. 447, 451-3. 455.

Radio and T.V .. 29. 30. 220.236.311. 373. 436. 457-9.467.469.470.472-3, 476. 478. 482.

439. 446. 453. 471. 494. 524

496.502-3.511. 513. 516-19. 541. 546. 549.

Rebellion againsi changes in Church. 443

554. 569. 575-6. 584. 587. 595

Re-Crucirying Our'Lord. 19.24.71. 143.377. Rosary: 8:00 p.m. each night.·6.

397.399.400.408.421. 427. 447. 450. 515. 304. 310-11. 322-3

523. 536. 545. 562. 579

Rosar)' in sky. 12. 13

Red Cross. 242

Rose from Hcaven. 6

Red Dragon (Red China).

Rosenberg. Julius and Ann. 56 Roscnman. 306

166. 178. 181. 200. 203. 207. 229. 246. 293. Rothschild (Rodenshield). 35. 144. 174.201
322. 329. 384. 386. 483·5
Rubcnslcin. 379

Red Shield. 106

Reformalion. 280
_ Russia.3~ 7. 8. Il.40.61. 62. 66. 74. 80. 115.
Reruges. 56. 65. 409
-----r12.133.169. 171. 182-5. 193-5.226-7.237.
Registration of nre arms. 384
259. 270. 280. 285. 299. 333. 365·6. 381.
Religion. (Slamped ouI). 137.270
389.402.419.421. 426. 438. 476. 481. 488.
Religious. 38. 73. 130. 133. 172. 180. 190. 196.
526-7.581 Russia béaiS America la the moon. 613. 614

296.300.304-5.307.318.329.332.370. Russia on ils knces. 438

372. 380. 386. 418. 421. 423. 432. 440·1. Russian PCt)ple. 115

444. 453. 455. 568. 472, 477·8. 494. 498. Rvkowski. Father-. 6. 7

509.514·15.517·18.528-9.531.535.542. S~crificc. 48. 69. 94. 102. 108, 130, 160. 163. 167.

544. 552. 559. 560


Rcligious Orders. 481

240.249· 285. 287. 293-4.

Rcligious Vows, 481

297. 305·6. 310. 319. 387. 389. 451. 468.
Remedies. ror problems today. 138·9. 288
471. 475. 526. 546. 550. 555. 573. 575. 580.
Reni coolrol, 127
Reparation. 13,'(.·18.575 Sacrifice or Mass. 299. 331. 439. 456. 521. 545.
Rcplica of original home. 345
Rcpublic. Dominican. 266. 288. 294
Sacraments Daily. 4. II. J 5. 49. 104-5. 191.331.

Republic. Republican. 95. 387

436.445.447.470.476.490.496.520·1. 549

Re,piralOry Organs. IIIness. 82. 100. 114. 140.

Sacramcnts and Sacramenlal:-.. 4. 21. 362. 432.
224. 276. 324. 367. 504. 546. 590
475. 486-8. 518. 529

Resurreelion. 1JO. 128.

Sacred Cause. 215

151. 154. 159. 177.250.282. )00.302.459. ~j"!:!Wt. 9. 193.284.306. 5~1

383.417.432.441. 466-7.479.482,506.554
Retarded Children. 126
Sacred Spot. 2.
Revolution. 51. J03. 370. 385
416. 453. 470. 498. 502-4. 513. 517. 520.
Ridicule. 2. 444
526.542. 548-52. 554. 559. 561. 563. 565·7.
Rio Oc Janeiro. 333
572-4. 576

RiolS. 29. 39. 51. 53. 67.68.103. 171. 179-80. Sainls. 322. 587

193.223. 266. 268. 292. 309. 372, 378. 383.

Sain. Anne. 309. 534. 537. 550, 561. 587

391. 399.425.441. 448. 483. 494. 512. 535. Sain. Dymphna. 564. 565

Saint Francis. J02. 405. 423. 425, 430. 494. 497­

Satan. 132 , (+"


l~oalToHèJr. III. 478. 547. 580. 585-6


Road la the Lerl. 93.

Sainl Hcgesippu~. 548

263.310.324.445.511. 521. 538. 544·7.585 Saint Joachim. 309, 534, 561. 587

Raad ta Right. 93. 94. 116. 129. 170.203.204. Sain' Joan of Arc (See Joan of Arc)
Saint Jnhn. 76. 79. 308. 395. 534. 589

Raad. Straight and Narrow. 93. 116. 511. 585

Saint John Island. 385. 416

Roherts. Dr.. 109

Sain. Joseph. 47. 85. 86.107.349.397.400.425.

Robol. 412. 419. 581. 595

465.495. 514. 533. 542. 546. 550. 554. 587


Sain1 Lawrence ScawèI\. 124.231. 153. 303. 420 Scienlisb. 27. 28.3' 78.82.98. 109.203.205-6.
Sainl Loui,. 18.29.41. '63-4.75. 123·4. 193.221. 224.285.312.367.596

229. 273. 333. 527

ScofT and Laugh, those. who. 549, 550

Saint Mary (Blessed Mother a.~ a child). 309

Seourg;n!. 585

Sainl Mary Magd.,len. 102. 55S Scripture. 205. 268. 579 Michael. 566

Sc'lson\. Grcclin2s. 328.413
:\ainl Michael Shrine. 517. 564
Seallie. 123. 193:273.417.482

Sainl Nicholas. 413.576.593-4

Second Coming of Chri,t. 176. 532

Saint Palfick. 39. 50. 51. 55. 163. 244

Secret of Falima. 578

Sain, Paul. 20.75. 123. 387-8.

417.482. 528
302. 373. 377. 379. 383

Sain, Pe,er (firs< Pupe). 123. 150.534.555

Selt'will. self pity. ,elf glorificalion. 49. 69. 281.

Saint Peler Square. 89

287. J05. 330. 539. 543. 562. 570. 576. 596

Sain1 Petersburg. Florida, 178. :-27

Seminaries. 207. 209. 255. 260. 307. 311. 332.

Sainl Petersburg. Russia. 299

421. 432. 442. 479. 480. 505. 510. 529. 568.

Saint Peregrine. 102


Saint Philomena. 534

Semites. 134

Sain, Therese. 99. 102. 144.317.423.425.430. Scnate. 374

445.503.526.534.550.557.567-8.573. 587
Scna,ors. 233. 239. 415. 440

Sainthood. work lOward it. 587

Sensitivily training. 583. 591

Sainls. i;orrowful 10. ,ce BVM in tcars. 143

Serrent. 52. 59.63.
San An,on;o. 20. 123. 523. 528·8. 119. 128. 140.
San Diego. 20. 29. 43. 63. 64. 76. 79. 95. 113.
159.160.171. 189.200.211. 220. 244. 260.
123. 273. 381. 388,'395. 264.287.291. 294.321. 377.420.523. 57X.

416-17.482.528 587

San Francisco. 20. 29. 43. 63-5. 75. 89. 113. Selon. MOlher. 146

123-4. 193. 200. 209. 221. 273. 381. 388. Scven Sword:-. 401

417. 482. 528

1776, 63

Sanla Claus. 34. 73. 89. 136. 284. 592. 593

1776-1976, $80

S.'an.8. 11· 31. 37. 40. 45. 49. 52.

70'.. 519, 577, 580

54.58-61.64.67·9.74.77. 80.

Sex education 398. 415 107. 110. 113. 116. 120. Shanghied.41

122-3. 132. 135. 137. 139-41. 144-5. 151-2. Shrine. Alex. 97

154. 156. 159. 162-3. 167-70. 172-3. 185

Shrine al Sacred SpOI. 13.335.517.560

196. 199.201. 204.208.211-12.214.217. Shrine coukl savc our country. 455

219. 241. 245-6. 249. 256. 269. 274. 276.

Shrinc. 1itlle bit of Heavcn. 43 J 302. 310. 321. 329. Siberia. 202.228.409.419

330. 391. 395-6. 398. 400. 403. 411. 413.
Sibcria. sublerrar.can village. 38. 43. 78. 95.

475. 477. 478. 484. 48'. 489. 491-2. Sil.

520. 537-9. 547. 557. 562. 564. 577. 582.
Sign' in 'he sky. 69. 313

587-8. 591 .
Sign of the Cross. 540

Salanic Plans. 134. 136

Silos. 491

Salanisls. 133
Simon and VeroflÎca. 103

Satan's Bishops. 132

Sin. 93. 410 468.493.497.499.500

Salants Cohons. Salan's Den. 141. 116

Singarore. 200

Salan's Guinca Pig. 165

Sioux.. St. Marie. 387

Salan's Hiearchy. 111

St. Mary Magdalen. 567

Savc the Faithful. III

SiSiers. 2. 3. 6. 8. la. 14.625.379.382. 399.

650, 3J l, 403·4. 419. 428, 430, 432. 441

Save the innocenl 'ouls. 47. 58. 270. 275. 278

Save souls. 1II. 262. 402. 434. 440. 522. 525.

Si..h Station. 83. 123. 199.281

563. 579. 588

Skin di,ea",s. 82. 224

Save your slal< your city. community & possέ Slander ..gainsl apparilion~. 410

bly country. 525

Slandcr againsi Blessed Mothcr. 410

Scandai. 489

Scapular. 13 -Scapular Green. 597

Smoot. Dan. 387

Schism. 535
Soc;al;Sls. 282. 443

Schools. Ca,hol;c. 6. 8. 14. 58.

Socie,;es.98. 131. 132.

75.82.87. 311. 325. 308. 382

334.367. 372. 374. 398-9. 407. 413. 415. Socie';es, bad. 24, 30.98. 221, 292

474.487. 'la. 513. 535. 544. 549. 557. 566.

Sodom and G\)morrah. 557

568-70. 582
Sonening of bones. 82

&:hools. Non Ca,holic. 6. 8. 14. 19. 23. 25. 50.

Solomon. 52. 106 Sommers. Myrole. 215

261. 311. 325.334. 367. 372. 374. 398-9. Song. Books. Jukc Box and records. 26. 140

407.413.415.427.474.483.487.510.513. Sons of the Coven.n,. 52. 133. 150

535. 544. 549. 557. 566. 568. 569. 570

Sorrowful Mother. 81. 543


SorrowfuJ Mother Litany. Prayers. Rosary. 544

Swan. Henry, 157,215.216.231. 274. 314, 599

Soul, descriplion of ,Il peace. 143

Swans Island. 325, 326. 385. 395, 416. 481

Sou!>. 209. 217. 493


South America, (see America Snulh) Switzerland, 42

Soulh Pole, 556

Southern Californi'l. 79, 334

Tabernacle, 64. 401. 402

Southerners, 30. 92
Taft. Senalor, 122, 146

Southern Stales. 96
Talents, God given. 258

Spain. 45. 154. 169, 171. 194.220

Teachers. 508-9.516.518.566,568.577.582-3

Spanish. 133
Teamslers Union. 56

Spears, Doclor, 108

Television. 30. 32

Spies. 56. 326

Temper, wrong. 587. 588

SpirilUal Direclor. 30. 36. 71. 95. 107.214.237

Tcmplalion. 139. 205. 220.240. 249. 252, 264,

Spirilual Guidance. 30. 98. 314

501. 515. 547, 548. 557. 588

SpOrlS, 28, 32, 222. 234. 306. 373

Ten CommandmcnlS, 3.4.7. 10. 13. 15.23.68.

Sputniks. mutniks. mousniks. 86. 90. 93. J03. 165, 180. 183. 193, 200,

Squares, 521. 528. 576.581. 586. 592. 593

204- 290. 297. 302, 321,

Slalin. 34. 45. 164. 183. 227

362-3. 396. 411.440. 459.468.495. 512,

Sland up for Ihe trulh, 140, 519


Slarvation, 91
Tcresila. 1

Stalc Deparlment, 321

Testimonial Books, 601

Slalions of Ihe Cross, 176. 205. 485

Texarkani.l. 527

SlalueofLiberty. 102. 103. 145. 147-9. 187.231.

Tex! Books. 25, 220. 236, 257. 260. 283, 367.372,

289. 292

StalUe. Queen of the Holy Rosary. Mc:.diatrix of

Thanksgiving. people nol relurning 10 Shrine.
Peace. 5. 335
437. 438

Sleel Mills. 306

Thealers, 29. 52. 570, 596

Steel Work.ers. 127

The Doclor. 138

Slepinac, Cardinal. 122. 130, 173. 182.366

Theophilous, Falher. 546

Slc:.rilizalion of babics al birth. 594

Theresians. 382

Stevenson. Adabi. 189.210

Thirty mile radius. 588

Stevens Poinl. 536

ThirlY pietes of silvcr:24. 50, 56. 83, 88. 95. III.

Slorms. 72, 78. 89. 91. 143. 284, 325. 330. 402.
121.451. 522

416. 474, 476. 493

ThirlY Thousand priests. 391. 394. 443, 461.

Slralosphcre. 157
474. 479. 5 JO. 589

SI rauss. 306
Thirly Years. 397

StrilCh. Cardinal, 122. 130. 141. 146.208 Three Big Powers. 95

Sironlium ninety. 90. 224. 367

Three Lillies. 134

Siudeni uprising. 45
Three Hundred. 158, (Threc Hundred Fifly)

Sludy Ihe Mass. 178

202.IThree Hundred SiXly-Fivel 212. 308

Suhs. 42-4. 64. 66-7. 69. 76. 113. 179.201-2.231.

Three men asked 10 leave grounds. 8

Three Ihirds. 274'

Tiajuana. 512, 523. 528

Sublerranean village: (Siberia.l. 285. 308. 388

Tille wave. 53. 491

395, 419. 476

Tisserant, Cardinal, 17 J
Sublerranean network. (New York. City). 420. TiIO, 34, 109

Tokyo. Tokyo Bay. 200, 79

Subversions. 232. 375

Toledo. 29. 200. 417, 523. 527

Suez Canal. 38, 43. 44. 49. 55. 63. 79. 107.207.
Topless garments. 417

238, 257
Toronlo. 333. 385, 388

Suffering, 428
Torpedos. 225. 228

Sugar Planlalions. 157, JOI. 174

Torture. ierror, 431

Sullivan. Ed, 269

Tradilional Calholics. 485, 487, 490. 565

Sulzberger. 306
Traüors. ,147·8

Superîor. 536
Transubslanlialion. 555. 571

Su pre me Court. 147,

Treacy. Bishop. 6. 9, 13

Treason. 364. 369

Supreme Grand Masters. 53. 106, 110-11. 119.

Trees, Preserve, replant, 546

122. 128. 132. 135-6. 144-5. 154. 164. 171.

Trend of Ihe limes. 269. 270. 280. 282,284.290.
329. 373. 499

J02, 321. 329, 331. 333. 368. 370. 378. 385.

Trenton. New Jersey. 41

387. 393, 395. 399. 404. 406, 41 l, 418-19.

Trials and tribulalions. 128. 142,213-15.223.
246. 252. 376. 394, 396, 467. 532


529. 532. 544, 547. 558. 583. 589


Swans. 76. 79. 365

TrinilY. Holy (place in your hearl). 553. 570


TrinilY Sunday. 2. 463. 552. 570

152.160.171. 174. 176. 179-80. 183. 193-6.

TrolSky. 174
198·9. 202·3. 206-8. 211. 220. 223-5. 229.

Truc American Spirit. 30. 31


Truc De....otion. 496

·4.256·9. 261-2. 264-5. 270-1. 274. 285.

Truc Failh. 22. 72. 78. 103-4. 106. 115. 119-20. 287·8.291-5.297-304,310-11. 315, 318-19.

141. 150-1. 165-6. 169. 176. 179. 193.200. 320-1.325-6.334.364.369-70.375-7.380. 385.388·92.399.407-10.413.416-18.421­

286. 295. 298. 327. 371. 400. 415. 432. 444. 2.428.436-7.442-3.448-9.455.459.462-3.

451. 461-2. 464. 468. 474. 477-8. 490. 499.

466. 471. 482-3. 485. 492. 494-5. 505. S08.

510, 518, 522. 529, 531-2. 553,555. 557,

523.526.528.532.576-7.580-1. 584. 588.

559, 583, 593


Truman, Harry. S., (See presidenlS) 146. 148

Truth. 34. 39. 76. 77. 82. 84. 126. 136. 187. 199. Van den Berg. Senalor, 146·7.232,238.247.281-2. Van Hoof Family. 191. 192.315-17.394.458

325.329.330.366.374.378.387.389.396· Valley Forge. 54. 160. 161

7.414.463.465.469.471-2.477. 487. 489. Vatican. 97, 121-2, 142,144.146. 150,162. 169.

492.499. 509-11. 530-1. 537-8. 542-3. 546­ 203·4. 319. 330, 393. 400. 452. 469. 486· 7.

8. 5SO. 555. 578. 584, 591. 594

497. 532-3

Tuberculosis, \00 Vatican Documenls. Encyclicals. (ahcred). 488.

Tulsa. 523. 528
491-2. 522. 563. 577

Turkey. 43. 389 Turks Army. 42

Valican Il. 541. 577. 589

Tu"con Air base. 64

Venereal Diseasc. 418

T.V.. 119. 125-6. 162. 234. Venus. 527

236. 248. 262. 268. 311. 373. 419. 436.'439. Veronica. Veronica's Veil. 99. \03. 123. 199

446.453.471. 474. 484. 494. 524. 570. 5~ 1.

Vianney. John (Cure of Ars. 1. 209

VicarofChriSl. 22. 38. 55. 70.

Twenty-eight helpi"g lircnds. 5

131. 161·2. 195.142.251. 264. 308. 319.

Two-fold purpose. 91. 92. 96. 98. 101-2.125-6. 326-7.371,381.385,391. 409. 423-6. 444

149. 171. 244. 251. 268. 364. 373-4. 380. Soul. 421. 422.564

428. 486. 529

Vietnam. 407·8. 414. 416-7. 437. 471. 513. 524

Two headed beaSl. 69. 70. 145. 159.203. 107.

Vigil of Prayer. 192

243. 287. 293

Vinson. Fred. 147

Viruses. 77

U.N .. (United Nalions). 23. 39,41.44. SO. 86. Vison of BVM 10 Mary Ann. 213-214

105. 181-2. 188-9. 192-4. 200-1. 211-12. Vladimir. 166. 192, 285

222-3.238.244· Vocalions. 480. 490. 498-9. 504.531. 591. (Vol.

213.291. 312. 319. 329. 374. 384. 438. 485

1. 599. 600. Vol. Il.600. Vol. III. 600. V,,1.
Unde Sam. 34. 107. 164
IV. 601)
Unde Sam and Black doak of Red Dragon. 34.
Volumes. brier review. and H. Swan's prayer.
37.41. 86
599. 600. 60 1

Unicef. 125-6
VOling. 196

Unification of Eastern and Western Rites. Vows. Religious. 494.515.531. 535. 542.562.

(Churches). 74. 78. 96. 97. 110. 112. 114.


122.130-1'.141·2.151. 161. 166.185.189.

Vow of ChaSlily. 494. 498-9. 509. 514. 538-9.


Unions. 127
Vow of Humili.y. 498. 499.509.514.562

Uni.ed We S.and Divided We Fall. 31. 97-8. Vow of Obedience. 561

103. 113. 116. 120. 122-3. 142. 151. 162. Vow of Piety. 5119

166. 198. 256

Vow of Poverly. 498-9. 509. 514. 561

Unily. 4. 7. 10. II. 13. 14.93,96.98. 107. 110.

116-17. 121·4. 219, 222. 228. 232. 234-5.

Wagener. Father. 7

243.255-6. 268. 276. 285, 296. 308. 319.

Wainrighl. General, 127. 146

324. 364. 377-8. 405. 456. 460. 467. 477. Wake up America. 3.8. 12.23.43-

69. 74·5. 80·1. 83. 85-7. 93-4.96. 120. 170.
Unily Knol. 97. 99. 257. 294. 502
172. 181, 233. 236.
Unily Melal. 276. 358. 359
Universilics. 207. 307. 311. 373.407.535.569.
312. 332·3. 367. 375. 394. 402. 416. 418.
421. 424. 427. 432. 436. 464. 484.520.537.
University of Wisconsin. 427

Unknown Sainl. 574

Wake up Christi..". 110. 177. 258. 284. 2~6.

Unwed Mothe". 169

293. 321, 397·8. 402. 415. 422. 439. 582

Upda'ing destruc.ive. 461. 465

Waldorf Astoria.

Ural Moun,ains. 43. 286

Walsh. Bishop. 166

Ursuline Nun.. 517

\\'ar. 9. 14. 424, 431. 433-4. 438. 516. 523

U.S.A.. 20. 21. 29. 34. 35. 37, 39. 44. 86. 92. 99.
Warburg. 390. ~17. 474

106-7. 109. 116. 119. 124, 128. 132. 145.

Warehouse <prisoners). 227


Warren. Earl. 147.253.383.419 Wolves in Sheeps Clothing. 10.25.56,69. 98.

Washingloll. D.C.. 20. 66.92. 123. 134-5. 193. 192.291.310.387
200.221. 238. 249. 254..257. 288. 292. 326. Word and Worship Catechisms. 473
333. 369. 415, 482. 508. 534 Work, 435. 447. 455. 457-8. 469
Washinglon, George, (Se< presidellls). 31. 50, Work can be prayer. 587
54,62,92-4,97, 127, 134, 136, 145, 155-6, Work dedicated. (one hourcqual (0 one decade
159, 160. 175, 365, 374 or Rosary). 295. 296
Washinglon. inaugural prayer and lhanksgiv- Work.for Sainlhood. 587
ing proclamai ion. 605 World Oeslruclion. 473
Wa:oohinglon Monument. 135 Worid War 1. 21. 63. 237. 276
Washinglon'~ Vision. 606-9 Wor1d War II. 63. 155.237
WaSled Food. 91 Write Holy Father. 589
Waler Poisoning. 27. 28. 67 Wynszinski. Cardinal. 130. 154. 173. 182.366
Way of lhe Cro,s, 4. 6, 14·16. 178. 485. 585 X-ray 78, 109
Way 10 Calvary. 62. 103. 343. 490
Wav lO Peace ShrÎnc:. 502
Yellow Gianl. 42. 207. 390-1. 557-8
Way. Trulh and Lighl. 547, 595 Yellow Hord. 37, 426
Way Stalions. (ouler spa«), 526. 527 Yello\\' Power. 512
Wear Crucifix. 482. 488. 583. 590. 591
Yellow Race. 430
Weather Pallan, (p<>ssible changt>. 483
Yids, 24, 44.66-7. 107. 133-4, 175,235-6,301,
Weinberg. 364
383-4.386.393.403.417-18.430.441. 461-
Weinlilcin. 306
WClshaupl. 474
You.h.3. 5.6. 15. 17-19.21. 22. 29. JO. 42.45.
Welch. Robert. 382
46.50.51. 57-9. 65. 67. 74. 75. 80-2, 87.89.
We Shall Overcome. 582,
WeSl CoaSl, 67, 87, 113, 128. 132,193.252.185, 145,153,154.157-8.167-9.171. 179. 180-1.
187. 189. 190. 197-8. 201. 206. 209. 210.
WeStern Hemisphere, 36,48,95.99, lOI. 103. 212.220-1. 229. 232-3. 239, 240, 248, 268-
71. 273. 284. 290-2. 3 Il. 332-4. 366-8, 372,
169, 171, 173, 187, 194, 197,200.202,220,
377-8.382-4.386.393,395,398-9.401. 404.
226, 235, 253, 260, 288, 289, 292-5, 304.
438, 466, 469, 486, 495
440.446. 45~-3. 458. 4(.1). 465-6. 470. 474-5,
Western Slales, 100 479.480.482.484.486-7.491-3.495-7.500.
Wha' can be done, 138-9 507·9.511.513,515.518.520.522-4.527.
White Crosses on forcig" soi!. 80. 93. 161 32. 535. 539. 540. 543. 547. 549. 562-3.
White Race. 430 565-8, 572. 575-6. 579. 588. 590
Why Mary An" was ch<>st:n. 5 Youlh Delinquency. 23. 124. 125. 140
Wichata. Kansas. 123 Youth for a belter world. 482
Wilmelle, Illinois. 106. 171. 416. 497 Youlh for Righleousness. 482
Wilson. President 147 Youlh leaders. gangs. 17. 18,20.507,508
Windsor, Canada. 209. 387 Y\)uth Organizations. 17.482
Wisconsin. clean up slale of. 411·12. 416. 453. Yugoslavia. 40
575. 580, 588
Wisconsin D~lIs. 536
Wisconsin Rapids. 536 ZioniSls, 387. 390, 450, 558


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