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Year 6 to Dove Cottage

Shiver me timbers, were under the sea

Year 6, in collaboration
with The Wordsworth
Trust, had the great
opportunity to all gain
Bronze. To do this they
visited the home of
William Wordsworth, here they looked at the great
poets work as well as focusing on both art and tourism
in the Lake District.

Both Reception and Nursery concluded

their Journeys topic in a fantastic manner
by staging both a Under the Sea party
for Nursery and a Pirate Party for
Reception. A huge thanks to all those who
helped and provided food for these
events. The children had a fantastic time playing games and
celebrating what had truly been a fantastic topic. The Reception
class went to Hammonds Pond as
they enjoyed the sunshine whilst the
Nursery staff, led by our own mermaid
Miss Aspinall, transported the
children to an under sea world.
Thanks to everyone who helped to
make this a great day, the children
really enjoyed themselves.

Following the visit the children were treated to a return

visit by The Wordsworth
Trust and were informed that
their work would go on
display at Dove Cottage in
the Autumn.
The quality of their work
should be commended and it
was a pleasure to see them
respond to such a group.

A right royal birthday

The children were happy to
don their party gear and join
the rest of the country in
celebrating Her Majestys 90th
birthday party. The festivities
included tea parties and a
whole school gathering to toast
the Queen. As well as this, our
children participated by making
birthday cards and
posting them whilst also creating celebratory posters
that were displayed at the train station. A great day was
had by all and it was great to have our
children participate in such a
historical event. A huge
thanks to Mrs Chandler for
organising the festivities.
Hopefully we will get to
celebrate again in 10 years.

St Margaret Mary prepare for Rio

Last week saw our children take part in our annual Sports Day
events. All children, throughout the school, gave 110% in what
were truly memorable days. Many parents came along to support
the events and see our young athletes give it their all. There was
definitely some future Olympians on show and their efforts were
applauded by all.
Following the KS2 sports day the
younger children joined the older
children to run their Race for Life. This
was a fantastic end to an amazing 2
days of sport. Well done to Miss
Robinson for organising.
Lets Dance
Year 3 took to the stage at The
Sands to participate in the U
Dance festival. This was their
second year participating and the
second year that they returned
with the top prize. A huge thanks
to all the staff involved, we look
forward to next years festival.

Good bye and good luck Finally a fond farewell to our Year 6 children as they prepare to move onto Secondary School; it has
been a pleasure to see them grow over the course of their schooling. They should be commended for their hard work and for
achieving fantastic KS2 results, in a year where national scores fell we are happy to announce that we outperformed
national targets in Reading, Maths and SPAG. Well done Year 6.

Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 19th July
Talent Show 1.15pm

Wednesday 20th July

Whole School Mass 9.15am
Rounders Final 1.15pm
Leavers Assembly & Year 6 Performance 6.00pm

Thursday 21st July

Non Uniform end of term 3.15pm

Thursday 1st September - School Office open

for uniform sales 10.00am to 12.00pm ONLY

Monday 5th September - Start of Term

Dear Parents,
We are coming to the end of another busy and successful year. Children
have continued to show their excellent behaviour and manners, their strong
work ethic and great attainment. They are a credit to their families and their
I would like to thank all the staff for their dedication and devotion to our
school over the course of the year. They work tirelessly to ensure that your
children have a happy school life filled with high quality experiences and
engaging teaching.
Thank you for your support to the school. The closer the link between home
and school, the better learning experience the children receive. We will
continue to listen to your ideas and suggestions as to how we can improve
St Margaret Marys.
We welcome Miss Jardine to our school family. She will be replacing Mrs
Keelan who goes on maternity leave in September. We wish Mrs Keelan and
her family well. We also welcome Miss Watson to our staff, she will be
working alongside Mrs Routledge in the School Office.
God bless you and your families and have a great summer,
Mr C Wilkins - Head Teacher

Tuesday 13th September - Roald Dahl Day

Friday 16th September - Feast of Saint Ninian

Whole School Mass

Attendance Treat Bowling Year 3 were rewarded

with a fun afternoon of bowling after winning
overall attendance in the Spring Term; the
children have done amazingly well this year and
our school attendance rose annually again.

First Holy Communion

Were off to see the Wizard
Year 6 performed The Wizard of Oz to
the whole school as a leaving gift before
they perform to their parents in the
leaving assembly. The children have put
together a great performance, with the
help of Miss Burke, and all the school thoroughly
enjoyed the exciting and exhilarating performance. This
was a fantastic way for Year 6 to sign off their time with
us, well done to Miss Burke and all the children.

St Margaret Mary was proud to see so many of our children

making their First Holy Communion this term both in the Parish
and in Poland. The church was full
to see the children make their next
step on their Catholic journey. A
huge thank you to all those involved
in the day and in the preparation of
the children to receive the Blessed

Celebrating Success St Margaret Marys would like to congratulate our Year 2 and Year 6 children on achieving a fantastic set
of results this summer. A huge well done to all the children and a massive thank you to all staff involved. As ever, we must
thank parents and staff for their continuing support.

Yr 6 Trip to Ampleforth

U Can Shine Awards

Year 6 have been on their annual residential to Ampleforth

College in North Yorkshire, This year 26 children made the
trip and had a fantastic time visiting some amazing sites.
The trip included a visit the Whitby where they had the
opportunity to visit Whitby Abbey before heading out to sea
on a replica of the Bank Endeavor, Captain Cooks famous
ship. All this was before our visit to the beach.

This year our children participated in the annual U Can

Shine Awardsthe night featured many performances
which included our very own Reception Class and Year 3
sharing the stage with the X-Factors own, Reggie
n Bollie.

On top of this we visited York and took a step back in time

as we visited the York Prison Museum where the children
had the chance to visit the cells and stood where the
famous Highwayman Dick Turpin was held.
Fun was had by all and the Abbot was very impressed, yet
again, by our children and their behaviour.

Dear Zoo
Year 2 recently visited
the South Lakes Safari
Park and a great day
was had by all. The
opportunity to
animals whilst learning about habitats; furthermore they
even had the chance to feed some of these fantastic
Nursery, Reception and Year 1 continued the trend and
visited the Lakes Wildlife Park, although the weather wasnt
as good, they had the same opportunities to see and
interact with some unusual animals.

Many of our children were recognised for their hard work

over the last academic year with some of our children taking
home the big prizes; these included our Shakespeare cast
being recognised as Team Winners, Molly Hagan for her
literacy, Julia Zhang Zydraska for her writing skills and
Sonny Hull for Sporting Excellence. A huge well done to all
winners and a big thank
you to all those who
came along to support.
There was a great night
had by all.

Health & Fitness Week

Mrs Fontana organised
another fantastic event for
the school. The timetable
was collapsed for the week
and all children engaged in
a curriculum of sport.
Sports varied from rugby to Zumba and children, from
Nursery to Yr 6, were given the opportunity to work with
coaches from outside of the school to
improve their fitness levels and
enjoyment of sport. The week was a
huge success and was enjoyed by
both staff and children alike.
This was a fantastic week and
the children were amazing. We
look forward to this fantastic
event next year.

Year 5 & 6 Adventures

Remembering our past

The children visited Whinlatter where they had a chance to

experience a walk through a sustainable forest as well as
looking at the stunning views. The children then had the
opportunity to burn off their energy on the adventure
playground before enjoying lunch in the forest.

Year 6 recently visited a forgotten

local site near Brisco, St Ninians
Well. The natural spring was first
used by St Ninian to baptise early
Christians over 1500 years ago. The
children visited the site after walking
along the River Petteril and were
amazed to discover the Victorian Well. The trip was the
basis for some great study whilst also making the children
aware of the importance of our faith.

As well as this and as part of Health & Fitness Week, Year

5 & 6 also continued their outdoor
ways by receiving some expert
canoeing tuition at Talkin Tarn; the day
was great and the children enjoyed
jumping into the freezing water.
Yr 3/4 Trip to Old Trafford
Year 3 and 4 went to Old Trafford
for a stadium tour. We took part in
an educational session learning
about the Munich Air Disaster and
throughout the years. We became journalists for the day
and thought of some superb questions that could have been
asked to those lucky enough to have survived this disaster
at the time. We were fortunate enough to try on some real
kits from famous players who
have been at the club. Both
children and staff were very
excited about their trip to The
Theatre of Dreams and the
tour concluded with the
children running out onto the

Following the idea of remembering our past, Year 3

have been working hard to create a memorial
garden within our grounds in memory of our
parishs former curate, Father Peter Firth. Father
Firth sadly died during the D-Day Landings and they
have researched his role whilst creating a fantastic
and tranquil area to our site.

Pretty Muddy Fun

It hasnt just been our
children that have
been hard at work this
fundraising. Many of
our staff competed in
the Pretty Muddy Race for Life event in
Carlisle. They were
amazing in their hard
work and determination and were great role models for our
children in supporting a great cause.

Visit by the Bishop

This term we have been lucky
enough to welcome Bishop
Michael Campbell to the Parish.
Whilst here he visited the school
and met both staff and the
children. Our Parish featured
heavily in his blog and whilst here
he was presented with a lovely
poem focusing on The
Hague in Year 6.

Sacred Heart by Molly

During his visit he was lucky enough to see an assembly

delivered by Year 1 focusing on The Feeding of the 5000
before he visited both our Nursery and Father Firth
Memorial Garden to bless both areas.
The children, as always, were amazing and both the staff
and the children should be very proud of how
they represented the school. The Bishop was full
of praise for all
aspects of the Parish
and we look forward
to his next visit. This
truly was a fantastic
event for the school.

Year of Mercy Statue Arrives

On Monday 18th July we received the statue of The Sacred Heart into the
school. The statue is travelling around all the schools in diocese as part of
the on going Year of Mercy. In the morning the statue was brought to us by
Mr Merrick, Head of RE, from Newman Catholic School. The statue will be
the focus of prayer during its time with us before our children present it to
the next school in September.
We were blessed to receive the statue and we welcomed the it with a whole
school service which saw our children and staff pray to the Sacred Heart.
The statue will remain with us for a period and play a central part in the
spiritual development of our children.

The Proms come to Kirklands

Our Year 4 children performed
a clarinet concert to a packed
out hall. The children have
worked hard across the year
and they were given the
opportunity to showcase their
skills to all. This was a truly
enjoyable experience, well
done to Mrs Cook and all
those involved.

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