DNA Replication Flowchart

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Strand leading to replication fork: leading strand

Away from replication fork: lagging strand

Overwindig ahead of replication fork is managed by enzyme topoisomerase by breaking, swiv

dNTP continuously added the bases to the new DNA strand and the dNTP monomer joins the new DNA strand while losing 2 Phosphate groups
azaki fragments are joined together by DNA ligase

The single strand parental DNA is stabilized using single-strand binding protein until
The bases are supplied by the dNTP which stands for nucleoside triphosphate
zed by a series of segments called Okazaki fragments (catalyzed by Primase)
The primer is needed and serves as the starting point of the new DNA strand at the 3 end

The double helix of the DNA unwinds at the replication fork catalyzed by the e
Bases (complementary to the bases on the parental strand) are added after the primer (by means of complementary-base pairing)
cleotides of primer from the 5 end and replaces them with DNA nucleotides
Since the DNA Polymerase cannot initiate synthesis of polynucleotides at the 3 end

The Y-shaped region where the new DNA strand elongates is the replic
EN LEADING STRAND IS PRODUCED exceptit starts at 5 end and
The primer is a sequence of nucleotides (5-10 units long)
At the 3 end, the Primer acts as a starting point of replication
The two DNA strands separated, opening up a replication bub

chain from scratch
is synthesized by a series of
Pol IIIcalled
the elongation
of the
DNA strand
the replication
fork using the parental DNA, producing a primer
Begins at the origin of replication

NA replication IV (Elongation of lagging strand)DNA replication III (Synthesizing)

DNA replication II (initiation processes)

DNA replication I (stabilizing the Parental DNA strands)

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