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BYOD/BYOT Classroom Management

1. When not using your device, put them face down on Airplane
mode in the corner of your desk.
2. When working in a group, one person will be responsible for
using the device for the entire group.
3. Students must bring their devices for days with use of
4. Ask at least two other classmates about the assignment before
coming to me.
5. Students are permitted to share devices with one classmate, if
they are unable to bring a device or they do not have a device
for any reason.
6. Talking on phones will not be tolerated under any
circumstances. Students must use front office phones for
phone calls.
7. Devices are only to be used during a Bring Your Own Device
activity otherwise they will be taken for the remainder of
8. Students will follow a set of Check in and Check out
a. Students will check in their devices by signing them
in every day the class participates in BYOD.
b. After students are finished with their assignments,
They will initial by the first sign in and put their
devices back in their bags for the remainder of class.
9. Students are allowed to meet their learning needs through
technology (Auditory, Visual, Reading/ Writing, Kinesthetic):
a. Videos, Images and any other way to help a student
to understand content will be allowed.

1. If students are found using their phones on days when
technology assignments are not planned, phones or devices
will be taken.
2. If more than one student is using technology during group
work, the group will have their device taken and be assigned
a written assignment instead of using technology.
3. Students using their device improperly will be sent directly to
the office.
4. STAY ON TASK: students not working on assignments with
their device will receive up to two warnings.
a. Warning one: verbal warnings to students off task
letting them know they need to get back on task.
b. Warning two: Devices will be taken from students
for the remainder of the class and students will work
on an alternative assignment prepared for them.
5. Improper use of a students device is absolutely unacceptable,
and he or she will be sent directly to the office.
6. If students do not sign in their devices they will not use them
during the technology assignment.
7. Students WILL NOT take advantage of watching videos,
such as explicit content or inappropriate, on their devices or
they will not be allowed the privilege any more.
8. If students are found using other students phones without
permission, they will be sent directly to the office.
1. Responsible Students with Devices will:
a) Use strong passwords with capital letters, lower case
letters, numbers and special characters.
b) Never tell your passwords to your friends
c) Make different passwords for different accounts

2. Students must enable their devices to Guided Access. An

app that allows students to look only at one screen at a time.
3. When working in a group, ONE person will be responsible
for using the device for the entire group.
4. Individuals must use their own device.
5. Ask at least two other classmates about the assignment before
coming to me.
6. Students who stay on task while using devices for the entire
week will be allowed twenty minutes of free time on
REWARDS: rewards will add minutes to how long students will
be allowed to use their devices on their own time on Fridays, or
watch a movie as a class.
1. Bring in approved paperwork from Parents or
Guardians and receive two points.
2. Receive a point for using your device in a productive
3. Students found using their devices in ill-mannered ways
will loose points and time from their leisure day.
4. If students have to ask me what the assignment is more
than twice I will remove a point.
NOTE: Students must have permission from a parent or Guardian
in order to participate in BYOD. If a student does not have a
signed permission slip there will be other activities set aside for
these students that will be just as inclusive and interactive for them
to do!

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