Motivation Letter To Birmingham

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You cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them

looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect
in your future -Steve Jobs.
I have always been interested in businesses and how they operate, as
well as being fascinated by cultural differences. Remembering my
experiences, leading me here now, encourages me to keep trying the best for
the future.
My name is MBR. I studied in Informatics Engineering of Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia and graduated with
Cum Laude for my bachelor. As a person who has passion in technology,
creative industry, and business, I often participated in various activities such
as seminar, workshop, and joined in communities. I love to share and discuss
with others to increase my knowledge. I also attend social activities even
until now. One of unforgettable moment is when I was a volunteer in refugee
camp of Merapi Mountain, Indonesia. The volcano was still spitting its hot
materials when I was volunteering there. It was dangerous, but I enjoy it
because I always like a new challenge. Currently, I am active as a volunteer
in Inspiration Class Program, a professionals movement to motivate
elementary school students to pursue their dreams.
I started the business when I was in college. My friend and I established
a startup business in creative industry named Elventales, and I was the CEO.
There were many difficulties which we faced, but problem is not something
to avoid. It must be taken as a challenge. I learned about how to give value
into our product, market, build the network, and manage a startup. After I
was graduated, Elventales grew from two staffs as co-founders to twelve
staffs. We got some achievements nationally such as winning the INAICTA
championship, INCREFEST, Nokia Game Developer Competition and
Finalist of The Young Entrepreneur of Bank Indonesia.
On November, 2012, my life brought me to meet Square Enix, one of
the biggest gaming companies from Japan which tries to build office
branches in Indonesia. I was offered by CEO of Square Enix Indonesia to be

a project manager there. That was quite difficult choice for me and at last, I
decided to accept that offer. Even so, Elventales still exists until now under
my friends leadership. In Square Enix, I was responsible for managing teams
for product development. Working here gave me experiences of how to
create a collaboration project with teams from different state, Indonesia and
Japan, and to understand how the Japanese people and culture. Those
experiences enrich my mind about many kinds of knowledge and perspective.
My ultimate career goal is to become a great entrepreneur that utilizes
informatics technology well. I realized that as a young man who has an
interest in business with college engineering background I need to continue
studying MBA to sharpen business skills and management. For the short term
after I get an MBA, I will continue the business of my creative industry, and I
also plan to explore e-commerce. My home country Indonesia is
experiencing a demographic bonus until 2030. There are more than 80
million internet users with an increased number of users by 10% annually.
Trends in e-commerce transactions increase rapidly. Now, I need to enrich
myself with the MBA program to maximize taking these opportunities.
UK is a state where I want to study. The state has the most modern
educational facilities. It is also very multicultural because it has more than
410,000 international students. I choose University of Birmingham to do
MBA program. It is triple accredited institute ranked in the top elite of
business schools in the world. It was awarded by The Times and The Sunday
Times as University of the Year 2013-14. Birmingham is the heart of British
industry and home of great companies. It is an ideal place for professional,
academic and personal growth.
MBA 24 month program is appealing to me because it provides a
foundation in functional issues in management and offers more time for
students adapting to an academic environment in the first year. In the second
year, I plan to take the MBA International Business program. This program
will expand my understanding in international business and the way to face
unfamiliar market.

Another interesting thing in this program is the business simulation

which requires us to manage the team company and compete with other
teams. Learning methods consistently apply theory to practice making
students be able to immediately apply the learning in the real world and make
a significant impact on the industry. Thus, I believe by taking 24 month of
MBA program in the University of Birmingham must maximize my potential
more than anywhere else. This program is a solid step towards my future
career as a business person who understands and appreciates science and
technology and become an important dot to achieve my goals as an excellent

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