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TASK 02:


6. she is Spanish why studying - ?
why is she studying Spanish?

7. where the are soccer children playing -?

Where are the children playing soccer?

8. are working office why in you an - ?

Why are you working in an office?

9. going what to is the time party she - ?

What time is she going to the party?

10. program watching what TV are you on - ?

What TV program are you watching?

1. what is your mother doing? My mother is talking with her friend
2. Where are you studying? I study in ULADECH
3. What are the people doing in the restaurant? They are eating
4. Is your brother working in Lima? Yes he is
5. Is Mark Antony singing in Peru this week? No he isn,t

1. Are you making a cup of tea? Yes, I am.
2. Is it raining? No, it isn't.
3. Are we going into town? Yes, we are.

A Yes, she is.

B Yes, I am.
C Yes, we are.

4. Are they having dinner? No, they aren't

D No, they aren't.

5. Is Miriam making a cup of coffee? Yes, she is

E No, it isn't.

6 Is Samuel taking the bus to school? No, he isn't.

F No, he isn't.

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