Monique Mendez - Resume

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Monique Mendez

7057 Mount Vernon Street, San Diego, CA 92145

(619) 559-9790

Gary & Jerri-Ann Jacobs High Tech High School

August 2014 - Present

Cumulative 4.0 GPA

Enrolled in Biology, Humanities, Math, & Math Honors


Lab Safety
Maintaining Lab Notebook
Adobe Photoshop

Strong Work Ethic



Initiated Rocket Motors & Designed Rockets

January 2016 - May 1016

Conducted several launch tests to nd best outcome for an engine mixture

Made exhibtion poster learning fundamental photoshop skills
Executed individual lab integrated with Newtons Third Law

Monitored Microscopy of Praying Mantis

February 2015

Monitored the growth of a newborn Giant African Mantis for ve months

Developed basic microscopic photography
Learned di erences between high power and low power microscopes

Tested Osmosis & DI usion Lab

October 2012

Thesis question was which vegetable would be most a ected in various pH levels given
Conducted class experiment by testing the vegetables in di erent pH levels
Learned investigated meaning between both osmosis and di usion


Volunteering as Sharp Grossmont Junior Volunteer

ASB Representative
Student Senate

August 2015 - Present

Key Club
Astronomy Club
Student Ambassador

Fall 2014 - May 2015

M.E.Ch.A (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztln)

Fall 2014

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