Basic Kanji

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Lesson 1 [sel 2t=y kh 1 }———8#0ls&U (Lectures on Kanji) APS CERF -1- (Kanji made from pictures - 1 -) The ancient Chinese drew pictures of various things around them. These pictures have gradually been simplified and have taken on a square shape to make them easier to write. This is how the present Kanji characters were made. Each Kanji, therefore, carries a specific meaning. Look at the following picture. Guess the meanings of the Kanji characters below. 1. 2. Jil 3. AA o4. R55. Ab. A 7X 8. 1 9. Hoo. FY Lesson 1 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually each Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called ‘KUN YOMP (Japanese reading) and ‘ON YOMP (Chinese reading). Picture — Kanji ‘KUN’ ‘on’ Meaning -¢ 7 > -O-+ Ee- FA u (NICHT) sun ! day > > B-+ FL 2a {GETSU] moon month > > * > OR & ([MOKU] tree (BOKU] - i> Ww + [SAN] mountain > JI mb ({SEN]) river BAD P Wt OQ > HA I He 4 di - FA ~ fA rn [DEN] rice field XR -~ K ae (JIN] man {NIN] person -O- oO <6 [KOU] mouth > Es > Jb—Jv1 : Make every Kanji the same size and put them in a square. nw, xB AES O a Ae jopers (‘Srome) Jv—Jv 2 : Follow the basic stroke order. (1) Write from left to right. (2) Write downward. iI (3) Draw strokes from the top to the bottom as follows. = —2 tres —3 Draw strokes from the left to the right in the following order. J ill (5) Draw a square in the following way. (4) ho me (6) When there is a figure in the square, the line which closes the square is drawn last. 4 5 1 2 3 Wo oft oth wo c.f. When a stroke line passes through a square, draw that stroke last. 1 3 4 aos ae Jv—Jv3 : There are three basic ways to end a stroke. x ® Stretch * @® Hook A ® Stop Lesson 1 Pe Signs eonefon S RE WA KALA AvVAR (a (4) 1 NAB H(O) the sun, a day Alga (ic - £3 +0) Sunday BA(IC EA / I + tPA) Japan 3H (A> +m) the 3rd day 2 A moon 28 a7 month HY (4) Ji(2&) the moon, a month 1A (v5 - 482) January AMEE (fF + £3 +O) Monday 1 (v¥5) 2A (WD) one month 3 tree & t7 KD (4) A”(&) a tree AH (& + ts) Japanese name AWE (% + £35 +) Thursday 4 mountain RE wy uh @) Vili i () a mountain WWF (#£ + L7) Japanese name Bow (b> + SA) Mt. Fuji XIU (+ SA) a volcano Lesson 1 | wee ode KALA _ avas (ars $3) | ) | river ab /-AtD (tv) (3) » Prep JN (a) a river +4 WI (eV2S + #8) the Nile River w rice field RS-K wy (5) \_ (C0) 17/ Fa a FA (72) Al¥ a rice field HitF (7: + 42%) Japanese name WWH(®£ - 72) Japanese name BATA Tui) avcot por A man Be vy person =y (2) JIA A(O£) man, a person BAA (Ic - (2A + LA) a Japanese 3A(&A- IZA) three people uO mouth < FF) 9 car , 1. a tree 2. aman 3. a mouth 4. the sun 5. the moon L] | LI OF L * ve <5 o 28 6. a river 7. amountain 8. arice field 9. a car 10. a gate Ee k 4 bE Lesson 1 I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 2 3 | 4 Lb Ho cro SA HD Lo ho 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 5 6 7 8 = Ro Bo RD LB nto 6 HO 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 9 1o[._} 11 12[ | < wo Ewes oO Eesns so Csi to 13. a train 14. Sunday 15. Monday 16. Thursday | we [| we |_| vu Woks OF é¢ £9 OF 17. Mt. Tsukuba 18. Mt. Fuji 19. population 20. a speciality ey ‘= mel | wl | 2K 1K BA > CG KA CA =9 tA BA 21. a Japanese 22. Mr. Yamada 23. Miss Yamakawa 24. the Tone River | |* [ SA SA Al AR cA CA PE 2k Pb & a tk Lesson 2 Loe a1=y hk 1 }+——##0ls&L (Lectures on Kanji ) ADS CELBF -2- (Kanji made from pictures -2- ) Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1.4K 2.% 3.46 4.4 5.5 6.4% 7.4 8.7K 9.46 my Lesson 2 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Remember that each Kanji has its ‘KUN YOMI (Japanese reading) and ‘ON YOMI’ (Chinese reading). Picture — Kanji Gh” 5 op - ie > YW Ik adp als L , ele 7 atx 7 aK ~ OK we y 4 H+ ‘ te 4 + 1 Pe \ ig 1 ye WN eC No 9} 4 7 b-t- e- ta - oe ™e wlt 1 Ne 4 + a HF ~ XQ C ‘KUN’ pha 26 BAL (£4-5) Wek 3-ENS nk ae ‘On’ [ka] {sun [KIN] [Do] (SHI) [Jo] [GAKU] (SED [SEN] Meaning fire water gold money metal ground earth soil child woman female study live birth foregoing previous Usually the ‘ON YOMI’ (Chinese reading) of Kanji will be written using Katakana in a Kanji dictionary. Therefore, students are expected to learn Kata- kana as soon as possible after mastering Hiragana. Lesson 2 diy bh 2;--———#—BO&(sA¥ (Basic Kanji) 2-1, B¥OPEPME (Kanji Writings) <#(ZAOBl (Basie Strokes) > (1) a horizontal line wey CBE oo 2 ew a vertical line ab 24 OE hu, di} Lh (3) a slanting line BE x m A RA (4) a short hook 2k ay nw AK 5 (5) a long hook ee Sw) cola m FE Ts (6) a corner <6 PE BA bEL wm To wa to fk a dot and various short lines u a ata the 7 Lesson 2 AUPE (> - £3 +0) Tuesday RE Wa KALa avAS mes) | K fire oO n (4) PPK | to | K(Y) fire KU (+ SA) a voleano water IK | a4 Ta fart || ae AK (Fv + CA) a rice field K(AF) water AEE (Fv + £35 +O) Wednesday Z| gold, money aia ey E | metal (a) | MNAANAIAA “PARE 7 | 84 (da) money 41H (dda - #2) Japanese name (EA) gold SMA (BA + £3-+0) Friday zt ground 26 K earth, soil a LI +£(2%) the ground HMB (E+ £3 + 0) Saturday EA(E + 1¥<) civil engineering Lesson 2 wars #yas (mit) | < Y L_ | | lt | | F(Z) LO achild K(BAR)OF(C) a girl KF P(E + b+ O8¢ + tv) a girl student iz os Cale | | woman BAG va female (3) T . | &(BA%) a woman K(BAR)OA (OE) a woman BK (PO > Ur) she 17/7] study (44-8) BDL B9- +| (8) STS 1” ae | J SRE (AS < + >) a student KE (70> + 484) a university (A> + 24) a school 18 Ua live WekS 44 birth 5-ERS (5) eer LT aes | Ltt 4() &% to live 42 (4) £ to be born Sete (CEA + AU) a teacher Sete (AF ¢ + #hU3) a student 20 Lesson 2 ae a haba - He previous 7" > | && ty foregoing °°" > (6) EE Li ~~ | | ¥(S&) ahead JBAGEA © 1F) last month | eek (EA + abv») a teacher 4 re 5 private bre y A ae DECL (7) Zz Ee la la] “FH i Ae | | Bibi Lb [Questions] 1. 2AI2H RA (ZA LIU) THM. 2. 2AISA Ie A CHA, 3, 2 AIT LRA CHA. 4, 221A CTA. 2 A238 ee A CHD. Lesson 3 ELBA m 5B 3 ik (2 = . 1} 8018 U (Lectures on Kanji ) 1 & (Numbers) Abstract ideas like numbers are indicated with the fingers and other signs. Look at the following signs. “-” is the Hiragana ending. Sign — Kanji ‘KUN’ ‘On’ Meaning =~ — = — ve-> [IcHn one =~ == SF BRO IND two - Sere = 40-2 [SAN] three her 90+ C= Po to [sun four 3 eee HE > A> EF wo-9 = [GO] five ht - 9e- ji-r * ts-2 © [ROKU] six NY Uh 343 WL +: te = te E> [SHICHIT seven BXa.A- 7S at4 Ay- jL- TU > Fu 20-2 [KyUU) nine Hy a {kU] jz ar- + 4 AN 5-2 [HACHT] _ eight 4 + tb [JUU] ten aiyhk 2 21 22 23 Lesson 3 BBO SEABF (Basic Kanji) 2-1. B¥OPMEPE (Kanji Writings) RE WA KALA vas (~< or) _—| one BtE-D AF (1) —(U£)2 one (thing) —A(WE + Y) one (person) —A(v5 +280) January —4E (lo + fA) one year — | two at-O = (2) = ] _ =| | | | r | | | | L Jj 4 =(4*)2 two (things) +) two (people) | +280) February fav) tw ars = | three Aa-D wy —_| (3) Sea ] ~ oat | | | | | | — LL }— +4" | | | I | | | _L A>)? three (things) =H(&> + #) the 3rd day A(&A +28) March = (SA + BA) three years Lesson 3 24 25 27 RE Wde KALA avas (@)2 four (things) WH (k> +) the 4th day WA(L + 2%) April me (4k +424) four years BOA (KNZA) 4 Fersones 4 F five Wo-9 a (4) Hi(V32)2 five (things) HA (2+ 2) the 5th day HA(C- AS) May HAE (C By) five years BLS. gS peesenes | six to? uy/oy- IN (4) \ J} +) 7 \7\ K(tso)2 six (things) *#AH (t+ a) the 6th day KAA(AS + #2) June W4E (4 ¢ + A) six years AIBC - $2 A) 6 peesones +e seven BED UF (2) —_— te ECR725)2 7 cosas EAGROD) 7 dia | A(L528>) julio R(LEIaA) 7 afios EAGRCA/LB ICA) 7 personas 28 31 Lesson 3 we Va KALA AYAS (eK 5) eight Ro-D DF /N9- IN (2) rN | J\(®5)2 eight (things) ¥/\H(£5 +2) the 8th day AA (iE + AO) August ME(l£6 + A) eight years AB lita ¢) Yoo NAWES ITA) 9 PecSenss K nine rL0-9 2 Ha (2) HU(ZLM)2 nine (things) HB(SZO- >) the 9th day HLA (< + 28D) September RE(S 94 -Ve<) 900 HUA [Sp tzA) dF persoces: + ten te Yar Yao-/Po- (2) +(&8) ten (things) +H(é-+ 2) the 10th day +A (U3 +28) October +4E(Ew4+RA) 10 years eB hundred baa /-Exe -Exe (6) —|-— TAA L SB(C+Oe<) 200 AB(S0US<) 600 =BECAUS<) 300 AB (oUe<) 800 Lesson 3 32 33 35 we WA KALa FYAR (~e FF) 4A} thousand 6 ey /-ty T (3) 4|7 + FINGHA + 2A) a thousand yen FE (5 + (2) Chiba pref. EtT(SA+#A) 3,000 ten thousand wy all, every NY (3) “a7 —BA(wb + £A+ 2A) FEA + =<) all countri ten thousand yen jes Fr BE (PA OV) Lege vide circle | yen (4) 1 PFA FI(AA) acircle, yen HPV(O* < + 2A) 100 yen BFW (C+ A+ RA) 5,000 yen year él RY age (6) EFER 4B L(EL+52%) persona mayor, viejo/a SAR V\+4a/v) afio pasado HEE(X EAA) aio pasado FHE(=+EL) este afio Lesson 3 2-2. k&ANALwI (Reading Exercises ) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. (Read vertically from the right.) ll I RH A RR tA A & BS =f 2c # & = GZ - & © WW = 8 A ® AR : wn FB ££ O O HH BF & ¢ # 4 KR EE i mW we et a & 8B & # 4& = &@ @ & F i OD th A # 208 Oo A KH 2 K F A KA t+ + # ° $ oo & 2d + 2 #H tk es 9 b6 BEB Ww = Hi | fF OB HR F H A D DB * Hob FoF SY tC F BH kK O KR Cc bh CC A a ai BG ct £ = #B rrr a KF 9 T = co oF 8 FOR b € 8§ HS + p p z 6 c mm w eo t * G A = en a, Ni SF K ° KR 4 i I. 1. ¥100 2. ¥6,900 3. ¥600 4. ¥17,000 5. 4 months 6. 8 years 7. Professor Yamada's age is 49. 8. This car costs ¥450,000. . That mountain is 2,000 meters high. . One year has 365 days. . the 3rd of March 2. the 24th of June . the year 1985 4. 03-3469-8251 . Today is Wednesday the 9th of September. . The 5th of May is Children’s Day. . The population of this country is about 60,000,000 10. 22. 2-3. PEHALwHS (Writing Exercises ) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. Lesson 3 Doin date Spe ey La HR Be WEMSeV ER LE DEIN need A WR DEV wee oh MO BR nee TO HO nee VW OEY LE DED nee oOo HEY BH DE Hee NH HR BH Pe ae jHSIn Be adky He gov so a4aX ee Ue Bw Ue mae ‘eo a R Lesson 3 Q. Mo 18. 5. 1 b Ve 7 Ju z | o k L ‘ _| tv | 5 ae aa a at a a a 5 DD |> rr a | ca & ts k > ae a |s > | 75 | je c | ® a mp | » a | & 3 a L_J J L a ‘ 2 c ly oo —32 1. 5 ° g | ir 5 3 _ — Cc (x e ~) a a a > —— _| % | __| 2 2 2 ° Z a & ob | & +e | 5 13 2 _|5 ® | [ 15 Ea a» | lm jo l L_] a < 4 poo BB uN. G vu 4 & ® © < L153 43 LL [|< iS 2 . ‘ a a a a a fle S t a || L|> [fe _|> » | » 1. ¥20 2. ¥300 3. ¥6,000 4. ¥80,000 5. ¥520 6. ¥850 7. ¥47,000 8. 10 years 9. 100 years 10. one person ll. two people 12. three people 13. four people 14. one month 15. the Ist of January 16. the 2nd of February 17. the 3rd of March 18. the 4th of April 19. the 5th of May 20. the 6th of June 21. the 7th of July 22. the 8th of August 23. the 9th of September 24. the 10th of October 25. November 26. December Lesson 3 LoTWET HR CHET HL (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) ob e I. J\8E (Greengrocer) 1. DAS (an apple) Ik, OV BTA, - AMA (an orange) Id, —OWV< SCH AS . BEF (agrape) (8, -OW< SCHR, - FM» (a watermelon) lk, —OW< STH A - NFF (a banana) ld, —# (VolFA) OCS THM 6. &@4 (acucumber) Ik, —KY 4 6 CHD. Row © 7. b@h (a tomato) Ik, —OW za | d=y kh 1}-——8¥OlU LU (Lectures on Kanji) x 5 SP5tE 7i#F (Kanji made from signs ) Abstract ideas which are impossible to illustrate are indicated with the help of points and lines. Look at the followings. Sign — Kanji. ‘KUN’ ‘ON’ Meaning a ae JOU] above up 7 Ft -P GE] under down - ch ~ FO em CHUU] middle inside —~ K+ A wesw [pall big + ily + AN Bv-8 [SHOU] — small root - BR Kobe HON] origin book ML > ~ (ted) [HAN] half AN + 7 + AY pws [FUN] divide [BUN] + Jj - yn Spo RYOKU] _ power a= yk 2 2-1. BFOPE HE (Writing Kanji) Lesson 4 BORO SLAB (Basic Kanji) ae Ws KALA aYvAas (@) inside 4ul(b@3+ LA) the center HAR (W% + + Cw) all day long Lesson 4 eel lA were 47a (& North Gate | aBEI|T HO Subway West ih FR Gate ~ 1 , « Wo | AQ ¢€ Ba Be m1 m1 i LJ > AO | #Oo 3 East Gate AG ——— Rae | t [ es oO AW ] Entrance BAL ticket gate Lesson 4 Il. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. inside 2. water power 3. heat power 4. half past nine | P| pe | Lt) LU | tee FO DES DES ( UA 5. what time 6. for counting long slender objects r 7 mT) LEI. LL). LE... Bh OU th BA bo IRA EA BA IEA 7. a Japanese 8. up train 9. down train 10. an adult c BA UA Ow S>) 2. HO (C¢5) 3. AD (wh ob) 4. ED (IED) 5. FY (<#D) 6. RO (OAL Sb) 7. BO (ie Lb) 8. dbo (ARCH) 9. HO (AGA CH) 10. WER (ba TO) Lesson 5 bese jdiy k 1} lt U (Lectures on Kanji ) BROMAR DE DS CREBE (Kanji made from a combination of the meanings ) What does the Kanji ‘Fj mean? It means ‘the sun.’ What does the Kanji '] ; mean? It means ‘the moon.’ Then, what do you think the Kanji THA) means? It means ‘bright’! Some Kanji are made by combining rather simple characters. Now, guess the meaning of the following Kanji. Lk RR 8 ARE Pe a a Look at the following examples and see how each character was combined and made into a new meaning. Combination Kanji ‘KUN’ ‘On’ Meaning H + HK — WA Saw (MEI) bright sun moon both the sun and the moon are ‘bright’ K+ RK — FR ete (KYUU] rest man tree a man is ‘resting’ beside a tree KR + KR — FR woe (TAD the body man origin the origin of a man is ‘the body’ Kw + fF — $8 [KOU] love, like woman child a woman ‘loves’ a child Lesson 5 Combination Kanji ‘KUN’ ‘ON’ Meaning H+ Foo +H Bee [DAN] a man, male rice field power ‘a man’ is powerful in the rice field A + KR PK REL (RIN] a wood tree tree two trees make ‘a wood’ BE A + K+ K— FE bd [SHIN] a forest tree tree tree three trees make ‘a forest’ a jungle AEo+ A — fA jer (KAN] between gate sun the sun can be seen ‘between’ the doors kK + i aH idteit a cultivated field fire field burn up the field and make ‘a cultivated field’ Wo+ Bo a [GAN] a rock mountain stone a big stone in the mountain is ‘a rock’ 3x Most Kanji were transmitted from China, however, there are some Kanji that originated in Japan. For example, Sff|(ii7213), (@)(t725) < (to work), lHE(& 319) (a mountain pass) are of Japanese origin. There- fore, they do not have ‘ON YOMI' (Chinese Reading). Many Kanji used to express the names of fish and plant are of Japanese origin. e.g. f8(:5)(a cod) $83( vb L)(a sardine) 1=yk 2 Lesson 5 BABO &SABF (Basic Kanji) 2-1. BF¥OPEPE (Kanji Writings) ae Wh T KALA aAYAS (@< FF) 55 [UO rock | Wd WY A | (8) Tb pe a : Fe ale | BV) a rock Sill - PF) a rocky mountain BB (AA ++) rocks and stones Lesson 5 2-2. k&4&hALWI (Reading Exercises ) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a 6. il 7. 8. Hay 9. WR 10. KAEF ll. BK 12, WSR I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. HLH A GES TH. I like physical exercise. 2. BFF CAFE male students and female students 38. BOKEKOK men and women 4. RERMOMI DH) ET, There is a river between the forests. - HOVROPTKAE LK. We took a rest in a light fore: 6. HOSE TCHHM COVDDY ET. . It takes about one hour to that small mountain. 7. BHSABHSOATTH. Mr. Iwata is a cheerful man. 8. WO LIAS OY ET. There are cultivated fields on the top of the mountain. Lesson 5 2-3. PEHALWI (Writing Exercises) . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a tree X 2 = a wood _|x2=| ; 2. atree X 3 =a forest J Oxs-0 HOU én 3. woman + child = like 4. rice field + power man — é a _] ~ LI BAR = + tk BPH ero sun + moon = light [Jel j=l jae (fel oO OR bP 6. man + tree = to rest [last oe . gate + sun = between 8. body's power = physical strength eO-O Oel-I ou SUK MOTE bre he oes 9. fire + field = cultivated field 10. mountain + stone = a rock | |OH= ou Ishi. RE bu 11. a boy 12. man and woman ) BEL = KA L Lesson 5 IL. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. for one minute 2. for two hours 3. for three days [IT | [fet] 1 7 | J Let a Do RA DA = Co RA AD bP DA 4. for four weeks 5. for five months 6. for six years — ; — ao al | LJeLL | [ Ce a Ll i EA LOI DA WO pA AO RA PA 7. forests and woods 8. a holiday 9. an inactive voleano L Lt I L111 LA DA ew UD ews » BA 10. physical exercises 11. 1 like cheerful people. r | | [ Tas! = [ l# af Jaw jal lacs. AL br DE 12. Those men are Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Iwata. Hol lol jr oial BEL oe [ | |eacte wb tt Lesson 5 HUTTE 3s Wt > TITTLE EEL Review L. 1—5 HA RK wk OR fe tb th JI Kf kOe MY ee Be —- 2 = BRA ECAH A + BAF FD AE F PKR WD A - Dy HH i *K FH BK te ee OB MM A oe C . Make 5 sentences by using the Kanji above. a . Fill in the blanks with an approriate Kanji. g ol! [ ] i TE | mit! CF Ld mM uw LIF Lot > fr Je] ml | Sm | i ; oll LoL [| L — re 4 wth) [| Lesson 5 Il. Read the following story. [FI=-SEADSEL] PILARKFEOZAETH. BPULAA CT. FARA 4 PORELH. ALE SRM E CARMODY IATCAR LILES. MIA AMAMHEA CH, FEA OAM ALTE BPS EMI RE LES AWA LE: Aro Lieu SELKo BFEREKTEEBEAFOC Lo ME SIBH ES ADH CWA ELIS BH SAL AKADBONCH. HEM CVA SWTKAVHAV RELIES SLT, DEWVM DEMS TKAE LK FOMOKILE THAN CLI * PS (ABA) speciality KH (720-0<) physical exercises HA (£309 day of the week ~i& (Z) ~ a language ~AUGSTH [like ~ Se (CAL WI) last week Hh, We WAWAL various ~F2 ~ for each FFE (V9 LAA) for one hour ~O6Y PR ae Ul rain % eo 4 Lm ~ KT > AT kW CHIKU] — bamboo v ale je > > TR > RK co MAI rice “ (BET) America W 7 PD > - OR me ((BAI) shellfish SEKI] stone oy 4 = ss CN cD My 4 + we SHI] thread Lesson 6 aly bh 2}——_#A#O€ (AB (Basic Kanji) 57 58 2-1. BFOPEM# (Kanji Writings) BX(%< + U) a table of contents BE Wid KALS vas (>< $35) B eye » zd item (5) | |NASAB (®) an eye B£E(+ 42) one's superiors ear nh v (6) “IT |F\FIE|B | H(#A) an ear HSVAL(L + Om) study of the nose and ears (otorhinology) 4 hand c ya (4) TEE | | F(T) ahand HEFCE I+ $F)% skillful F(T + AA) a letter #PE(N\+4)% unskillful Lesson 6 Bee wa war 47RD F3)~ 59 IE. leg, pair SL/K-S v2 suffice bop (1) Teepe ei le RL) aleg FE(*) 0B to be enough =R(is+%<) two pairs 60 rain bd 2 (8) hr jaime Wi(4%) rain HIR(5 + TA) rainy weather 61 bamboo ny Fo tT (6) . |r A A) Ae tT #1 (7:13) a bamboo *5(41) OF a bamboo shoot ‘rH (“tt +72) Japanese name 62 | rice | cH wt (for America) | a4 (6) Vv |svjsztokel opel y | FR | | | 7 | [R(Z%) rice REN 24) USA, | FRCS w 3 +e) Central America 63 Lesson 6 RE a KALa AVR (<5) shellfish ae O84) 7S (7) 1 [n/RJAlalBla AG) a shellfish maricco AGPv) A a shell concho. ya stone we ee (5) 7 \A\e (VL) a stone itt & + ) petroleum, oil BMl(vsL + ab) Japanese name ACE (+) a fossil thread we string ik “LE IAABIA *A(VE) thread €A (IF +E) woollen yarn Lesson 6 2-2. k&hHALwA (Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1 2.8 3. 8 4. 2 5. 6. 7. F 1. AWECTHEF. FLT. HCASET. 12. HAABRKERNETS, Il. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1, AILEDFGMFEDWOE LE 2. TARY AleHKICd EF. Costa Rica is in Central America. 3. BRIT IT SEE PVEF. Japan buys oil from Arabia. 4. HOB IAS CERES DE £2 I write letters in my room on rainy days. 5. MISS KARMA EO LETS H EA, I am not so good at Japanese yet 6. COEIREC OP E4BMOELKY I bought a pair of shoes and 4 pairs of socks. Lesson 6 2-3. PEHALW (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. hands and legs 2. a rainy day 3. a shell 4. rice LT] LieL) Lins t 5D v me =H 5. one’s superiors and one’s inferiors 6. a bamboo shoot leLeLeO Cet bw DK oe ® LK ve ne 7. Mr. Ishikawa 8. Miss Itoyama JsA [] Jka WL tsb be OE Lesson 6 Il. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a purpose 2. atable of contents 3. a letter 4. a stamp [jes [ |x [ ] ae ol | rere acu TC mae fo ot 5. skillful 6. unskillful 7. an assistant 8. shortage je [Je sl] aL vas Bas vx Le wee 9. a heavy rain 10. a light rain 11. rain water Mm © | Be 5H = eb bE 12. America 13. North America 14. South America 15. Central America L| tiJo omiL) LL AD Qe Wh by bed rn 16. thread 17. Ishikawa Prefecture 18. Mr. Takeda | [|e [[T]sa we WL mb WA no or Lesson 6 Lo bot Ta Ce ET OLS (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) CAaL The following Kanji are commonly used in Japanese family names. a & BT MK OR HBP (o a field) See the following Japanese family names. fA K Ff (eo a village) (tem) (PER) (Poe) (PELK) (SOLA) (&&5) (@5%) (5a) (edt 5) (tear ¥) (Ca arht) (240) (PbpPA) Jil 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25, 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. zs arn Re S vr (ld? L) (2 1F% L) (ce) (Ba%) (BO) (89) (®O%E) (ap4are) (Piz) (va Lab) (BBL) (BBA) (A328) (iden) (KWLE) Lesson 6 Notice the phonetic changes as in the following. Mi (ae) +E (fe) IIR (A728) * (Zem>) +)Il (dvb) +B JIL ead) © Other common family names: Ex. Hi (4 F8) FFE (0052) ERE (&e5) ERR (e88) WEL (bie%s) DOR (m5) TaN ete) ike (£5) Ye) (UL a name card used for business) Title Name - —H+ —~ — — 4 | 4 | i Bw | _ # a BE | 7 |g i | 740 o | 105 x ;E uo ra kK | [ex be ka | (Ba = | Bm ao [QR ops x] | Se oily Rw Jew e | TR KR | ne [= +r ox | |= fh + Kez ae | i! bo AK | |. 58 at = i ie 2 | la |x T 12 1 ie jt - fo u oo Address Name of University | Yene of Company Telephone and Department Department and Section Lesson 7 level a= yhkh1 TRFOlLL (Lectures on Kanji ) ADS TERREF -4- (Kanji made from pictures - 4-) Look at the following picture and guess what it means. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1.& 268 3.68 4.4 5.% 6 W at 8A 9 FF 10. Lesson 7 aly kh 2}———#t#O&(sA#* (Basic Kanji) 2-1. B¥OPEPE (Kanji Writings) Be va KALA avae (@< 4) 66 |+4 | flower Be a AG (1) — | fat at [ae [at Pe ie TE(ld%) a flower TE (2% + U) fireworks TE(D)UA a vase ws 67 tea Fr AS + (9) = e “FP REE BE(be) tea WH (Ao + &- TA) acoffee shop BAK(I 142A +e) green tea MH(I 4-5) black tea 68 TA flesh, meat =? ©) 6 | IAA AAA A(IZ<) meat FA(Z7 +1 <) beef BA(ED +124) chicken PME (IZ < + #249) the body 69 70 1 72 Lesson 7 BE vide KALa HvVAR (ast) XI pattern (ba) Ty letter, sentence %y (4) PPELL | K(4HA) a sentence KE( KA + df<) literature BH (LA + H+ L254) the Ministry of Education Rp letter o 3-| character (6) hE (UC) a letter, a character KE(O(A)+U) a letter MEA + UC) Kanji ~F(U) .letters ty thing 60 7 £7 (8) 1) A Poe (6) a thing Hsu + ¥O) shopping £9 (tu»+ BO) alivingcreature #it7(IX- 42) a baggage cattle, cow aL ¥a7 bull, ox (4) rele 4 (FL) cattle AS w > 1<) beef AL(Z m4 +1209) cow's milk Lesson 7 ae] va CALA aves (®T5) 73 | horse 4E a wy | (10) ee |_| } | (52) ahorse NUE - 0%) horsepower (hp.) BHRCE- Le) a carriage 74 bird | &9 Fad iq a) 7 ee a KS | | | | (ED) a bird #(%) BB(EH) roast chicken BS(ik¢ +525) aswan SB(@- 525) a wild bird 75 fish Sate ¥a res 3B a) Tr [Fle |e 18 |e [ee MS) fish BE(@) SH (S22) grilled fish WUE (Sm% + +) a fish shop @&(EA+*t) a goldfish Lesson 7 2-2. k&NALwI (Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i 14 2.8 3. HE 4. & 5. & 6. 7.8 8. XE 9. Athy 10. FA 11. BARR 12. KX Il. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1 Mae 2 MRM 8. Bat 4. Bt 5. HEWAILIEEV REF. I put some flowers in a vase. 6. AETRA HE Le I bought some chicken at the butcher's. ae KETC ORF ER 6st. I learn these Kanji at the university. 8. MILRARARS TT. I like Japanese tea. 9. HOPAGAW ET. There are small birds in the forest. 10. HRABMPAAGA TH. Japanese people like fish and rice and so on. Lesson 7 2-3. P¥EHALWS (Writing Exercises) 1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. beef 2. a small bird 3. a horse carriage 4. a letter LT od KK = 9 f Le eo 5. literature 6. biology (=study of living creature) 7. Japanese tea A HC to OD mC kA be 8. a goldfish 9. cherry blossoms 10. a sentence &{60[ | BA BE we ah I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a flower shop 2. a fish shop Lesson 7 3. a butcher shop E |z Ea ae © sme © Ke 4. beef 5. pork 6. chicken 7. horse meat 8. fish meat Ak FoF iK Ke en KC woe Sr i 9. roast meat BES 10. grilled fish px | 11. roast chicken BES 2 qe ° She 2 en 12. cow's milk 13. the body 14. a real thing 15. Kanji #1 [| Fe 7twF me he tA 8D re 16. horsepower 17. a pony 18. fireworks 19. a vase OA = 9k itt UF a x 0% Lesson 7 LaTHEFD! CEETHD (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) CARDEA <#FQDOMH (Kanji Zoo) > The following Kanji are the name of the animals below. Match the Kanji with the pictures. a b c d e f g h +] (@ [el (Bl FA te Ba W au Sale eo 2k VOU aS aS brea im a #9 Lesson 8 KEvito » 8 GR a=y kh 1}-—78FOlL&L (Lectures on Kanji) Wo aL HERNBS -1- (Kanji for Adjectives - 1 -) Look at the following adjectives. Japanese ‘-i’ ending adjectives can be divided into three groups according to the types of the Hiragana endings. lL Kajit® 2 Ee ££ fiw aS fens BUD wo Bu Jat 4 4 o¢ <6 bs BS wd Civ few Hw vs ete. bm te bs Ite 2. Kanji + LY: Ly Ly JEL SEL brs ko ne BOK LY ete. ben 3. Kanji + others : Kw spa Bow Aew ete. Be Su bn Te The Hiragana endings change as follows. Present Affirmative : tiv>(old) 3 LV (new) K&v (big) Present Negative tae RL aM KSC EY Past Affirmative ibibo RlLPok KemMor Past Negative it abok HL ebhok KEL eMOK Lesson 8 Remember when the following Hiragana endings are used with nouns, verbs or the other adjectives. Adjective + Noun: Ww HLH KEVF an old book a new car a big letter eek HL CeO | KE CEE Hbotk Mi Lboh Kab ORE Elem othk HL Cabot KE RhORE Adjective + Verb: HC20EF HLM dUET KC HAET become old —_newly buy write in a big character Adjective + Adj.: BUTANE KA THEY old and cheap new and pretty _ big and bright [hALw5] Put the proper Hiragana endings to the following Kanji. BR ke ie o AA ne gS K ay S S mo a =yk 2H RE vas AEA VaR +5 Le) a second-hand car 78 Ee long Bae Fay eldest, chief (8) FF EIR | | Lot (BA) long #HB(b £5 +A) the eldest son 2-1. BFOPEDE (Kanji Writings) Lesson 8 —#B NBO ZABF (Basic Kanji) [ieee ®) Nagano Prefecture PRA. +25) a president

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