Work.. Your Absent Buddy Will Have All Handouts and Notes For You in

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Freshman Honors English and Freshman 9 CP
Course Description and Contract
Please retain the following course description for your records. It contains
valuable information that you will need to refer to throughout the year
Class Assignments, Homework, and Tests:
All assignments and homework will be turned in on the day that it is due. No
late papers will be accepted as per department policy. Absent students will
be expected to turn in all overdue work on the day they return to class, and
are responsible for all work they missed in class. Major assignments such as
projects or essays are due on the day designated, and may be turned in by
the student, parent, or guardian to the front office by 4:00 p.m. in case of
absence. Please refer to the teachers class page on the CHHS
website for class homework. Please contact absent buddy for class
work.. Your absent buddy will have all handouts and notes for you in
the absentee folder upon your return. Please arrange for make up
test dates/quizzes with your teacher before absence or upon return
to school. You can call the school during school hours (909) 606- 7540 ext.
5137, and ask to speak to Mrs. Plummer for further questions. All homework,
unless otherwise stated, will be typed. Handwritten work must be completed
on white, college-rule paper. Ink color used for work must be either blue or
black. Please write neatly.
Essays and Responses:
All formal papers must be typed double-space with a font size of 12. Please
use a generic font such as Times New Roman or Courier. Also, adhere to the
appropriate margin requirements as indicated in your essay handout. Be sure
to note the length requirements of the assignment as they will play a major
role in your papers grade. Always use MLA format. You can refer to your
English Department handbook for help with MLA format and other English
English Folder: Please bring a binder each day to class in which you can
store your homework, essays, notes, etc. Please note that much of your
graded work will be kept in your portfolio in class.
Outside Reading Requirement: An important part of the course is your
outside reading requirement, also referred to as SSR. Freshmen Honors
Freshman Honors will read four books off the College Bound Reading List by
the end of each semester. CP Freshmen will read three books from the
College Bound Reading List by the end of each semester. All books must
be signed up in the Freshman Reading Log in order to receive full credit at the
end of the semester. The teacher will select a book or books from this list at
the end of each semester for use with a project.
Materials: You must bring the appropriate books, binder, agenda, and desk
supplies each day to class. You must be prepared to work each and everyday.

Prentice Hall Literature Anthology
Romeo and Juliet

Great Expectations
The Lord of the Flies

Films: Some of the following films may be shown to further clarify the texts,
themes, and or historical periods to be studied:
Romeo and Juliet-- Zepherelli (PG)

Romeo and Juliet --Luhrman (PG-13)

Lady Hawke (PG-13)

Twice Told Tales (G/Unrated)

The Lord of the Flies (PG)

Shrek (PG)

Great Expectations (PG)

The Odyssey (PG-13)

Grades: Grades will be tabulated on a weighted, point scale system. (See

chart below) Each assignment will be given a specific number of maximum
points to be earned.
100% to 90% = A
89% to 80% = B
79% to 70% = C
69% to 60%=D
59% and under = F

Major Writing Assignments/Projects/Tests:

Homework/Class work/SSR: 40%

All rules, policies, and procedures as issued by Chino Hills High School will be
strongly enforced. Those that are critical to our class include:
1. No talking during a lecture, testing, or time dedicated to silent classroom
2. Do not get up out of your seat without permission.
3. Raise your hand and wait patiently to make a request, i.e. use of the
bathroom, retrieving tissue paper, borrowing a pencil, etc..
4. Restroom breaks are limited during class timeuse restroom on your
breaks or passing periods.
5. Application of make-up or other grooming is not to take place during class
6. You must always have your agenda to leave class.
7. No food is allowed in class. Water bottles are allowed.
8. No cell phones, i-pods, recording devices, radios, or other
technology should be used or visible during class time. Turn all
these devices off before class starts.
9. Bring all your textbooks, paper, and other essential items to class daily.
10. Always adhere to the seating chart given.
11. No swearing and no sleeping.

Academic Integrity: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Any student caught

plagiarizing any text from any source, will be seriously penalized and face
disciplinary action. Please refer to your Department Handbook or see your
teacher if you have any questions.

Please detach and return to Mrs. Plummer:

Student-Parent Agreement Form
I have read, and will support to the best of my ability, the guidelines
indicated within the 2015-2016 course description for Mrs. Plummers
English class. I understand that adhering to the above guidelines will
help the student to achieve critical thinking, reading, writing, and
speaking skills, as well as a positive work ethic. I understand that not
adhering to these guidelines may result in a low grade and/or other
disciplinary action.

Parent Name:

Student Name:

Parent Signature:

Student Signature:




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