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was the first time that stereoscopic analysis of an archaeological site wes made in our country, along with an analysis of satelite pictures, and a wide use of geo-radars, magnetometers, thermal vision filming, application of GPS (Giobal Positioning System) of Sub-centimetre precision, including the use of three dimensional soll and object scanning by a 3D scan. inside and around the city, archaeologists unearthed an amphitheatre, streets surrounded by buildings, monumental thermae and traces of a developed infrastructure, most notably street ‘an aquaduct and sewerage. Multdistiplinary studies are now undenaay of the urban core and the immediate surroundings. In addition to archaeologists, they also involve geophysicists, mathomaticians, oloctrical engineers and exports in throe dimensional models of objects in the ground, remote control detection and satellite navigation, The fact that Viminacium is located in the furrows, among the fields, and that there is no modern settlement built above the Roman ruins, provides a unique opportunity to learn about all aspects of life in ancient times. The one-time Roman cy and the military camp of Viminaciurn occupy more than 450 hectares of greater city and 220 hectares of inner city area. Situated on a clearing arrid hundreds of hectares of arable land, it contains artefacis and fragments thereot from the Roman period, scattered about in the fields Archaeological explorations undertaken in the last quarter of the twenti century helped Viminacium to come slonly ut of the scarce historical accounts and to become a city which, in its history that stretches aver six centuries (1st- 6th centuries AD), enjoyed a dynamic development and was a place where not only the cultures of the East and West met, but also one gladly descended an by the merchants from the Roman Empire. it seems that the material bbase of this city, whose goods attracted buyers even beyond the borders of the home province, was the basis for the establishment and maintenance ot various art workshops in this area. it was these workshops that left us. from the 4th cantury, some of the best known works of the frasco-painted tors of the late antique period. Fresco-painting, together vith numerous tombs, also provided significant information about the beginnings of Christianity in this region. The unearthed, built tomb with the Heavenly Rider and Christ's monogram, gives an idea of how the process ‘fee youn devecper? Try cas the 1MAL POF AP!

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