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School Improvement Plan 2016-2017

Our Next Steps

Focus Areas:

Aspirations / Outcomes

1. Continue to improve the quality of teaching, learning and


The school is a model of excellence for consistently high quality

teaching and learning.

2. Close the gaps between the outcomes for our vulnerable pupils and
their peers, and ensure that pupils of all abilities experience
appropriate challenge.

Ensure that all pupils achievement is maximized so that they are well
prepared for the next stage in their education, and for life.

3. Make behaviour for learning outstanding by developing the pupils

independent learning and thinking skills.

As a result of an internalised understanding of our school values,

pupils have the skills required to maximize their learning opportunities
while at Ash Hill, in secondary school and beyond.

4. Provide pupils with experiences to help them to develop as wellrounded confident lifelong learners, regardless of their background
or circumstances.

All pupils can self-regulate and are emotionally intelligent. They have
the determination and resilience necessary to become responsible
citizens and succeed in life.

5. Develop partnerships with external organisations and with

stakeholders to promote and enable learning.

Life chances for the community we serve are enhanced and Ash Hills
values are having a positive impact beyond the school.

6. Create leaders at all levels who have a clear understanding of their

roles in the school and the community, and the intended outcomes of
their actions.

The highly effective leadership team has a positive impact both within
the school and beyond.

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