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The use of concrete dates back to the Roman Empire. The Castle de San Angelo was built in Rome in 138 A.D.
The stone facing was stripped away hundreds of years ago, exposing concrete that is still in good condition. In
North America, it is believed that the mission priests in charge of construction learned the secret of making
natural cement from the Native Americans of Mexico. The widespread knowledge and use of natural hydraulic
cement was demonstrated by a diversion dam in San Diego, California. Some believe this was the first concrete
structure in America, built in about 1769.
In 1824, Joseph Aspdin, a British stone mason, obtained a patent for a cement he produced in his kitchen. The
inventor heated a mixture of finely ground limestone and clay in his kitchen and ground the mixture into a
powder creating a hydraulic cement one that hardens with the addition of water. Aspdin named the product
Portland cement because it resembled a stone quarried on the Isle of Portland off the British Coast. With this
invention, Aspdin laid the foundation for today's Portland cement industry. The first large use of this modern-day
Portland cement, and its first engineering use, was in a tunnel under the Thames River in 1828. The first recorded
shipment of Portland cement to the US was in 1868. The first Portland cement manufactured in the US was
produced at a plant in Coplay, Pennsylvania in 1871.


The Egyptians were using early forms of concrete over 5000 years ago to build
pyramids. They mixed mud and straw to form bricks and used gypsum and
lime to make mortars.
3000 BC-Egyptian Pyramids

The ancient Romans used a material that is remarkably close to modern

cement to build many of their architectural marvels, such as the Colosseum,
and the Pantheon. The Romans also used animal products in their cement as
an early form of admixtures.
300 BC - 476 AD-Roman

Joseph Aspdin of England is credited with the invention of modern Portland

cement. He named his cement Portland, after a rock quary that produced
very strong stone.
1824-Portland Cement



The first test of tensile and compressive strength took place in Germany.

1836-Cement Testing

The first concrete reinforced bridge was built in San Francisco. Alvord Lake
Bridge still exists today, over two hundred years after it was built!

1889- Alvord Lake Bridge

The first American concrete street was built in Bellefontaine, Ohio. This is a
modern photo of the historic street.

1891- Concrete Street

The first concrete high rise was built in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Ingalls Building has
sixteen stories and was a great engineering feat of its time.

1903-The Ingalls Building

Thomas Edison designed and built the first concrete homes in Union, New
Jersey. These homes still exist today.

1908-Concrete Homes



The first load of ready mix was delivered in Baltimore, Maryland.

1913-Ready Mix

Lynn Mason Scofield founded L.M. Scofield, the first company to produce
color for concrete. Their products included color hardeners, color wax
integral color, sealers, and chemical stains.
1915-Colored Concrete

Air entraining agents were used for the first time in cement to resist against
damage from freezing and thawing.

1930-Air Entraining Agents

The Hoover Dam was built along the Colorado River, bordering Arizona and
Nevada. It was the largest scale concrete project ever completed.

1936-Hoover Dam.

John Crossfield was the first to receive a patent for a concrete overlay. He
add latex to Portland cement, aggregate, and other materials to make a
covering for ship decks. Photo on right of modern concrete overlay, courtesy
of Milagro Custom Flooring Solutions, LLC.
1938-Concrete Overlay



Brad Bowman developed the Bomanite process, the original cast-in-place,

colored, textured and imprinted architectural concrete paving, in the middle
1950's in Monterey, California
1950's-Decorative Concrete

The first concrete domed sports arena, known as the Assembly Hall, was built
at the University of Illinois.

1967-Concrete Sports Dome

Fiber reinforcement was introduced as a way to strengthen concrete.

1970's-Fiber Reinforcement

Buddy Rhodes, the father of the concrete countertop, cast his first countertop
in the mid '80s. Around the same time, Fu-Tung Cheng also cast his first
concrete countertop.
1980's-Concrete Countertops

Darrel Adamson designed the Engrave-A-Crete System.

1990-Concrete Engraving



The tallest reinforced concrete building was built in Chicago, Illinois. The 65story building is known only by its street address, 311 South Wacker Drive.
1992-Tallest Concrete

The first installation of a polished concrete floor in the US was a 40,000-squarefoot warehouse floor for the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

1999-Polished Concrete


Most widely used manufactured construction material in the world.

Mostly used in building bridges, dams, roads, etc.


Refers to the process of determining the quantities of concrete ingredients, using local materials, to
achieve the specified characteristics of the concrete.
1. acceptable workability of freshly mixed concrete
2. durability, strength, uniform appearance of hardened concrete
3. economy
The required average strength for this criterion can be calculated as:
fcr = fc + 1.32 s

fcr = fc + 2.33 s 3.45
fcr = fc + 2.33 s 500




fcr = average compressive strength, MPa or psi
fc = compressive strength, MPa or psi
s = standard deviation, MPa or psi
The standard deviation should be determined from at least 30 strength tests. If the standard deviation is
computed from 15 to 30 samples, then the standard deviation is multiplied by the following factor, F, to
determine the modified standard deviation s.
s = s x F


s = standard deviation of strength test data
s = modified standard deviation
F = modified factor
If standard deviation (s) is unknown then use these equations:


The design engineer specifies a concrete strength of 31.0 MPa (4500 psi). Determine the required average
compressive strength for
a. a new plant for which s is unknown
b. a plant for which s = 3.6 Mpa (520 psi) for 15 test results
c. a plant with extensive history of producing concrete with s = 2.4 Mpa
(350 psi)
d. a plant with extensive history of producing concrete with s = 3.8 Mpa
(550 psi)
a. fcr = fc + 8.5 = 31 + 8.5 = 39.5 Mpa(answer)
b. s = s x F = (3.6) (1.16) = 4.176
fcr = 31 + 1.32 (4.176) = 36.51 Mpa
fcr = 31 + 2.33 (4.176) - 3.45 = 37.28 Mpa (answer)
c. fcr = 31 + 1.34 (2.4) = 34.2 Mpa (answer)
fcr = 31 + 2.33(2.4) 3.45 = 33.1 Mpa
d. fcr = 31 + 1.34(3.8) = 36.1 Mpa
fcr = 31 + 2.33(3.8) 3.45 = 36.4 Mpa(answer)



WATER-CEMENT RATIO - Is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of cement used in concrete mix.
A lower ratio leads to higher strength and durability.
TABLE 1.1 used for trial batch design

TABLE 1.2 used in small projects of noncritical applications



TABLE 1.3 provide guidance on the maximum allowable w/c and the minimum design compressive
strength for exposure conditions

TABLE 1.4 - if exposed to sulfate

NOTE: The minimum of the watercement ratio for strength and exposure is selected for proportioning the




Large dense graded aggregates provide the most economical mix. Large aggregates minimize the
amount of water required and, therefore, reduce the amount of cement required per cubic meter of
mix. Round aggregates require less water than angular aggregates for an equal workability.


Once the maximum aggregate size is determined, the nominal maximum aggregate size, which is
generally one sieve size smaller than the maximum aggregate size, is used for the remainder of the
proportioning analysis.
FINESS MODULUS measure of the fine aggregates gradation


P O R T L A N D C E M E N T C O N C R E T E A N D M A S O N R Y | 10
- is the intentional creation of tiny air bubbles in concrete.
a. MILD EXPOSURE indoor/ outdoor service in which concrete is not exposed to freezing and deicing salts.
b. MODERATE EXPOSURE Some freezing exposure occurs, but concrete is not exposed to moisture for long
periods prior to freezing.
c. SEVERE EXPOSURE - Concrete is exposed to deicing salts, saturation, or free water.


WORKABILITY - is defined as the ease of placing, consolidating, and finishing freshly mixed concrete.
SLUPM TEST - is an indicator of workability when evaluating similar mixtures.
Slump can either be:
1. true slump - desirable
2. shear slump - undesirable
3. collapsible slump - undesirable

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TABLE 1.8 - provides recommendations for the slump of concrete used in different types of projects.


The water content required for a given slump depends on the nominal maximum size and shape of the
aggregates and whether an air entrainer is used.
TABLE 1.9 - gives the approximate mixing water requirements for ANGULAR COARSE aggregates (crushed

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TABLE 2.0 - The recommendations in Table 1.9 are reduced for other aggregate shape as shown:


With the water-cement ratio and the required amount of water estimated, the amount of cementing
materials required for the mix is determined by dividing the weight of the water by the watercement


ADMIXTURES - are ingredients other than Portland cement, water, and aggregates that may be added to
concrete to impart a specific quality to either the fresh mix or the hardened concrete.

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The weight of the fine aggregates is determined by subtracting the weight of the other ingredients from
the total weight.



The final step in the mix design process is to adjust the weight of water and aggregates to account for the
existing moisture content of the aggregates.
If the moisture content of the aggregates is more than the SSD moisture content, the weight of mixing water is
reduced by an amount equal to the free weight of the moisture on the aggregates. Similarly, if the moisture
content is below the SSD moisture content, the mixing water must be increased
Trial batch is mixed to check the mix design. Three cylinders are made, cured for 28 days, and tested for
compressive strength. In addition, the air content and slump of fresh concrete are measured. If the slump, air
content, or compressive strength does not meet the requirements, the mixture is adjusted and other trial mixes
are made until the design requirements are satisfied.
The mix design process applies to large jobs. For small jobs, for which a large design effort is not economical,
Tables 2.3 and 2.4 can be used as guides.

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P O R T L A N D C E M E N T C O N C R E T E A N D M A S O N R Y | 15
1. Determine the required weights of ingredients to make a 3500-lb batch of non-air-entrained concrete mix
with a nominal maximum gravel size of 1/2 in.
2. Determine the required volumes of ingredients to make a 0.5 cubic meter batch of air-entrained concrete
mix with a nominal maximum gravel size of 19 mm.
1. From table 2.3
Weight of cement = 3500 x 0.185 = 647.5 lb.
Weight of wet fine aggregate = 3500 x 0.363 = 1270.5 lb.
Weight of wet coarse aggregate = 3500 x 0.377 = 1319.5 lb.
Weight of water = 3500 x 0.075 = 262.5 lb.
2. From table 2.4
Sum of the Original Bulk Volumes of the components = 0.5 x 1.5 = 0.75 cu. Meter
Volume of cement = 0.75 x 0.16 = 0.12 cu.meter
Volume of wet fine aggregate = 0.75 x 0.36 = 0.27 cu. meter
Volume of wet coarse aggregate = 0.75 x 0.40 = 0.3 cu. meter
Volume of water = 0.75 x 0.080 = 0.06 cu. meter


What is Fresh Concrete?
Fresh concrete is that stage of concrete in which concrete can be moulded and it is in plastic state. This is also
called "Green Concrete". Another term used to describe the state of fresh concrete is consistence, which is the
ease with which concrete will flow.
Types of Portland cement
Type 1 - Normal Portland cement. Type 1 is a general use cement.
Type 2 -Moderate sulfate resistant. Is used for structures in water or soil containing moderate amounts of
sulfate, or when heat build-up is a concern.
Type 3 - High early strength. Used when high strength are desired at very early periods.
Type 4 - Low heat Portland cement. Used where the amount and rate of heat generation must be kept
to a minimum.
Type 5 - Sulfate resistant Portland cement. Used where the water or soil is high in alkali.
Batching is the process of measuring concrete mix ingredients by either mass or volume and introducing
them into the mixer.
Methods of batching:
Batching by Volume
Batching by Weight

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Measurement is done by volume basis.
Volume batching is not a good method for measuring concrete materials.
It is not applicable in case of reinforced concrete structure.
This method of concrete batching may not be economical.
It can be only used for unimportant concrete or for small concrete works
Measurement is done by mass basis.
Batching by using weight provides greater accuracy and avoids problems created by bulking of damp
Batching Plant
Ready mix plants- A ready mix plant combines all ingredients except for water at the concrete plant. This
mixture is then discharged into a ready mix truck.
Central mix plants- A central mix plant combines some or all of the above ingredients (including water) at a
central location. The final product is then transported to the job site.
Mixing concrete is simply defined as the "complete blending of the materials which are required for the
production of a homogeneous concrete.
Properly mixing of the materials is essential for the production of uniform concrete.

The mixing should ensure that the mass becomes homogeneous, uniform in color and consistency.
There are two methods adopted for mixing concrete:

Hand mixing
Machine mixing
Hand Mixing
Hand mixing is practised for small scale unimportant concrete works.
Spread out the measured quantity of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate in alternate layers.
Machine Mixing
Mixing of concrete is almost invariably carried out by machine, for reinforced concrete work and for
medium or large scale mass concrete work.

Machine mixing is not only efficient, but also economical, when the quantity of concrete to be
produced is large.
They can be classified as batch-mixers and continuous mixers.
Types of Machine Mixing
1) Continuous Mixer
- A free-falling continuous mixer is a gravity-fed mixer, classified by its continuous movement. In this
process the charging of materials and discharging of the mixed concrete is released in one,
uninterrupted process.
2) Batch Mixer
Produce concrete batch by batch with time interval.
Two types of Batch Mixers
Drum Mixers
a) Tilting b) Non-Tilting c) Reversing Mixer

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Pan mixers

Drum Mixers
A. Tilting Mixer- They are most suitable for concrete with large sized aggregate and, since they have a rapid
discharge rate, are suitable for low workability concrete. Internal blades lift and tumble the ingredients onto
b. Non-Tilting Mixer- Single drum rotating about a horizontal axis. Fixed blades work the concrete towards the
discharge end of the mixer, in order to provide a rapid rate of discharge.
C. Reversing Drum Mixers
Rotate in one direction for mixing and in the reverse direction for discharge one set of blades exists for each
operation. Provide efficient mixing with very little build up within the mixer
Pan Mixer
A forced movement pan mixer has blades that are fixed to an assembly that agitates the concrete throughout
the pan as the vertical shaft rotates.

Ready Mixed Concrete

Ready-mixed concrete is mixed in a central plant, and delivered to the job site in mixing trucks ready for
Three Mixing method can be used for ready mixed concrete:
Central-mixed concrete -mixed concrete is mixed completely in a stationary mixer and delivered in an
agitator truck (2 rpm to 6 rpm).

Shrink-mixed concrete is partially mixed in a stationary mixer and completed in a mixer truck (4 rpm to
16 rpm).
Truck-mixed concrete is mixed completely in a mixer truck (4 rpm to 16 rpm).

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Mobile Batcher Mixed Concrete

Used for: Not continuous production of concrete at jobsite, or small quantities.
Advantages: Combined materials transporter and batching and mixing system. One-man operation
Concrete should be deposited continuously as close as possible to its final position. Advance planning and
good workmanship are essential to reduce delay, early stiffening and drying out, and segregation.
Pumped Concrete
Pumped concrete is the concrete which is transported to heights by means of pumping using concrete pumps.
This method is used where large quantity of concrete work is involved at greater height, where other means of
transporting is not easy to do.
To make the freshly placed concrete physically stronger or more solid.
Removing trapped air from freshly placed concrete.
For small jobs consolidation can be accomplished manually by ramming and tamping
For large jobs, vibrators are used.
Internal Vibrator
Internal Vibration: Internal vibrators are most often used. Many can be handled by a single operator. The
process is relatively simple: the worker quickly jams the internal vibrator -- again, either electric or pneumatic -down into the wet concrete, then slowly withdraws it.
Pitfalls and Precautions for Mixing Water
Since the watercement ratio plays an important role in concrete quality, the water content must be carefully
controlled in the field. Water should not be added to the concrete during transportation.
Mixing and handling can significantly alter the air content of fresh concrete. Thus, field tests are used to ensure
that the concrete has the proper air content prior to placing. Air content can be measured with the pressure,
volumetric, gravimetric, or Chace air indicator methods.
Different methods are available to spread and finish concrete, depending on the nature of the structure and
the available equipment. Tools and equipment used for spreading and finishing concrete include hand floats,
power floats, derbies, bull floats, straightedges, trowels, vibratory screed, and slip forms.


The sampling and testing of concrete is a common step in the production process. Samples are taken during
production and required tests are then carried out on the samples. The product being manufactured during
the testing will then be accepted or rejected based on the test results from the samples.

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Because every rejected product costs the company a considerable amount of money in materials and labor, it
is important that samples are taken by a trained technician who fully understands the importance of the final
decisions that are based on the test results complied from each sample.

This method describes the procedure for obtaining samples of fresh concrete from stationary and paving
mixers, from truck mixers, agitators or dump trucks, and from forms and subgrade.
When the sample will be used for strength tests, it shall be a minimum of 28L (1 ft3). Smaller samples may be
permitted for other routine tests.
1. When sampling to determine whether the compressive strength conforms to a strength specification,
take the sample as close as practicable to the mixer discharge.
2. When sampling to determine compressive strength for form stripping purposes, etc., take the sample as
close as practicable to the final resting place of the concrete.
When sampling, include every precaution necessary to obtain samples that will be representative of the true
nature and condition of the concrete being sampled. Sample concrete during the placing operation as
1. Sampling from stationary mixers, except paving mixers:
Obtain the sample by passing a receptacle completely through the discharge stream of the mixer at about
the middle of the batch, or by diverting the stream completely so that the whole stream discharges into a
container. Take care not to restrict the flow from the mixer in such a manner as to cause the concrete to
segregate. These requirements apply to both tilting and non-tilting mixers
2. Sampling from paving mixers and from haul vehicles without agitation:
Discharge the concrete onto the subgrade and collect the sample from at least five different portions of
the pile. Samples may be obtained after concrete has passed through a spreader box.
3. Sampling from revolving drum truck mixers or agitators:
Sample from two or more regular intervals throughout the discharge of the entire batch avoiding the very
beginning and the end of the discharge. If water is added to the mixer to adjust the slump at the site of the
work, sample after the water is added and the concrete is thoroughly mixed.
Sample by repeatedly passing a receptacle through the entire discharge stream, or by diverting the stream
completely so that the whole stream discharges into a container. Regulate the rate of discharge of the
batch by the rate of revolution of the drum, and not by the size of the gate opening.
4. Sampling from forms:
Special care must be taken to obtain a representative sample. Make up the sample from several portions
at different locations within the batch and at sufficient depth to include representative ingredients. Take
samples prior to any finishing operations.

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Prior to testing or molding test specimens, remix the sample with a shovel to ensure uniformity. Protect the
sample from sunlight and wind during the period between taking and using. Combined testing and molding
time shall not exceed 15 minutes from the time of sampling.
When the concrete contains aggregate larger than that appropriate for the size of the molds or equipment to
be used, wet-sieve the sample.
1. Temperature Test
2. Slump Test
3. Air Content Test
a) Pressure Method
b) Volumetric Method
4. Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) Test

When performing temperature tests, it is important to use a good, accurate thermometer that is surrounded by
at least three inches of concrete. Take readings quickly, noting that small samples lose heat fast. Concrete
temperatures are affected by the mix-water temperature, aggregate temperatures, cement type and
admixture type. Optimum concrete temperatures will aid with setting, early strength development, proper
curing and ultimately aid in achieving a higher quality concrete.
All concrete must be protected from freezing until it has reached a minimum strength of 500 pounds per square
inch (psi), which typically happens within the first 24 hours. The temperature of the concrete as placed should
be above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In structures that will carry large loads at an early age, concrete must be
maintained at a minimum of 50 degrees Fahrenheit to accommodate stripping of forms and shoring and to
permit loading of the structure.
Hot concrete sets up rapidly, gaining early initial strength but resulting in lower final strengths.
Cold concrete can delay curing and stripping time and affect productivity.
Temperature tests are useful, not only in determining concrete performance, but for creating possible cost
Mix-water and aggregate temperatures, boiler energy, curing-equipment energy and building heat may all be
adjusted to achieve the optimum curing temperatures.
Creating the optimum curing environment can also result in overall energy savings.
1. Use ASTM approved thermometer accurate to 1F ( 0.5 C) and with a temperature range from 0 to
120 F (-18 to 49 C).

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2. Obtain sample of concrete large enough to provide a minimum of 3 inches (75 mm) of concrete cover
around sensor in all directions.
3. Place thermometer in sample with a minimum of 3 inches cover around sensor.
4. Gently press concrete around thermometer.
5. Read temperature after a minimum of 2 minutes or when temperature reading stabilizes.
6. Complete measuring the temperature within 5 minutes after obtaining sample.
7. Record temperature to nearest degree.

The purpose of the slump test is to determine the consistency of the concrete. This is a measure of the relative
fluidity or mobility of the concrete mixture. Slump does not measure the water content or workability of the
Consistency refers to the ease with which concrete flows. It is used to indicate degree of wetness. Consistency
affects workability of concrete. That is, wetter mixes are more workable than drier mixes, but concrete of the
same consistency may vary in workability. The test is also used to determine consistency between individual
This subsidence is termed as slump, and is measured to the nearest 5 mm if the slump is <100 mm and measured
to the nearest 10 mm if the slump is >100 mm.
The slumped concrete takes various shapes, and according to the profile of slumped concrete, the slump is
termed as true slump, shear slump or collapse slump. If a shear or collapse slump is achieved, a fresh sample
should be taken and the test repeated. A collapse slump is an indication of too wet a mix.
Only a true slump is of any use in the test. A collapse slump will generally mean that the mix is too wet or that it
is a high workability mix, for which the slump test is not appropriate. Very dry mixes; having slump 0 25 mm are
used in road making, low workability mixes; having slump 10 40 mm are used for foundations with light
reinforcement, medium workability mixes; 50 - 90 for normal reinforced concrete placed with vibration, high
workability concrete; > 100 mm.
1. Slump Cone
A metal conical mold 300 mm (12 in.) high, with a 200-mm (8-in.) diameter base and 100-mm (4-in.) diameter top.

2. Tamping Rod
3. Trowel
4. Measuring Device
a. Ruler graduated in millimeters and inches
1. Dampen the interior face of the cone and place on flat, moist, rigid horizontal surface.
2. Fill cone in three equal layers by volume approximately 70 mm and 160 mm measured from the base
while holding cone firmly against the floor or base plate.
3. Rod each layer with rounded end of rod 25 times while holding cone firmly against the floor or base
plate. Rod the first layer uniformly distributing strokes throughout its depth. After the first layer, the rod

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should penetrate the previous layer slightly. On the third layer, keep the concrete mounded above top
of the cone at all times.
Strike off the last layer with a screeding motion of the tamping rod or a suitable float while holding cone
firmly against the floor or base plate.
Remove concrete from area surrounding base of cone while holding mold firmly against the floor or
base plate.
Raise cone vertically with no lateral or twisting motion, in 5 2 seconds.
Measure the difference in height of the cone and the displaced original center.
Complete the entire test within 2-1/2 minutes.
Record the slump to the nearest 1/4 in. (5 mm)


Pressure Method - ASTM-C231 (AASHTO T-152)
Volumetric Method - ASTM-C173 (AASHTO T-196)

The main reason for entraining air in concrete is to control damage from freeze thaw cycles. Air tests determine
the total content of entrained and entrapped air in concrete. During batching and mixing, tiny air bubbles are
created in the concrete mix.
If the concretecontains an air-entraining admixture, these bubbles remain stabilized in the mix due to the
electrostatic binding of air, water and cement. In concrete without air entrainment, all but
about 2% of
the air content escapes or dissolves after consolidation because the bubbles are not bonded to the water and
cement. The remaining air is called entrapped air. Entrapped air will not aid in preventing freeze thaw
A typical air content for concrete with a -inch maximum-size aggregate is about 6%, and specified ranges in
air content are typically minus 1 % and plus 1 % of the target value.
The pressure method is used for mixes containing normal to heavy-weight aggregate.
This test method will determine the amount of both the entrained and entrapped air voids in the concrete. The
pressure method is based on Boyles law, which relates pressure to volume.
1. Use the scoop and trowel to fill the bowl with freshly mixed concrete in three layers of equal depth.
2. Rod each layer 25 times with the tamping rod.
3. Tap the sides of the bowl 10 to 15 times after each rodding.
4. After placing the third layer of concrete, strike off the excess concrete with the strike-off bar until the
surface is flush with the top of the bowl.
5. Wipe the flange of the bowl clean.
6. Clamp the top section into position on the bowl.
a. Close the red-colored main air valve on top of the air receiver.
b. Open both petcocks (8 and 9) on top of lid.

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Place lid (5) on the material container and close the four toggle clamps (6).
Pour water into the funnel (7) until water comes out the petcock (8) in the center of the lid.
Jar the meter gently until no air bubbles come out through the center petcock.
Close both petcocks (8 and 9).
Close the main air valve (4) and bleeder valve (10) in the end of the air receiver.
Gently pump air into the receiver until gauge hand (12) gets close to the red line.
Tap the gauge (13) gently with one hand. At the same time, crack the bleeder valve (10) until gauge
hand (12) rests exactly on the initial starting point.
j. Quickly close bleeder valve (10).
k. Open the main air valve (4) between the air receiver and the material container.
l. Jar the container slightly after releasing the pressure to allow particles to rearrange.
m. Tap the gauge (13) gently until the hand (12) comes to rest. Record the reading as the percent of air
The volumetric method is used for dry-cast mixes and lightweight concrete. This method can be used for
concrete containing any type of aggregate, including lightweight or porous materials. An aggregate
correction factor is not necessary with this test. The
volumetric test is not affected by atmospheric pressure,
and specific gravity of the concrete ingredients need
not be known.
1. Air Meter
2. Funnel
3. Tamping Rod
4. Strike-off Bar
5. Measuring Cup
6. Syringe
7. Pouring Vessel
8. Trowel
9. Scoop
1. Use the scoop and trowel to fill the bowl with
freshly mixed concrete in three layers of equal
2. Rod each layer 25 times with the tamping rod.
3. Tap the sides of the bowl 10 to 15 times after each rodding.
4. After placing the third layer of concrete, strike off the excess concrete with the strike-off bar until the
surface is flush with the top of the bowl.
5. Wipe the flange of the bowl clean.
6. Clamp the top section into position on the bowl, insert the funnel, and add at least 1 pint (473 ml) of
water followed by the selected amount of alcohol. Record the amount of alcohol added. Continue
adding water until it appears in the neck of the top section. Remove the funnel and adjust the water
level, using the rubber syringe, until the bottom of the meniscus is level with the zero mark. Attach and
tighten the screw cap

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7. Invert and agitate the unit until the concrete settles free from the base; and then, with the neck
elevated, roll and rock the unit until the air appears to have been removed from the concrete. Set the
apparatus upright, jar it lightly, and allow it to stand until the air rises to the top. Repeat the operation
until no further drop in the water column is observed.
8. Make a direct reading of the liquid in the neck, reading to the bottom of the meniscus, and estimating
to the nearest 0.1 percent.
The amount of isopropyl alcohol necessary to obtain a stable reading and a minimum of foam at the top of the
water column will depend on concrete air content, the amount and type of air-entraining admixture, the
cement content and perhaps other factors. Many concretes made with less than 500 lb. /yd.3 (296 kg/m3) of
cement and air contents less than 4% may require less than 0.5 pint (237 ml) of alcohol. Generally, the amount
of alcohol necessary can be established for given mixture proportions and should not change greatly during
the course of a job.


Correction for the Effect of Alcohol on Air Meter Reading

70 % Isopropyl Alcohol Used
Ounces (ml)
8 (237)
16 (473)
24 (710)
32 (946)
48 (1420)
64 (1893)
80 (2366)




This test is used to determine density (unit weight), yield and air content. After the density is determined, the
yield and air content can then be calculated using given formulas.
By standard practice, when freshly poured, Portland cement has unit volume mass of 94 lbs./cu-ft. - 1506 kg/m3
- 1,505.74 kg/m3 to be exact (but it becomes denser as the storage time is prolonged, when it gets compressed
or vibrated; in such situations its weight per volume can increase to as high as 104 lbs./cu-ft.).
Density (unit weight) is a measure of weight per unit volume and
is expressed in lb. /ft or kg/m.
( ) =
The density of fresh concrete is similar to the density of hardened concrete.

Yield is the ratio of total weight of mix material batched for a designed volume to the actual concrete
It can also be expressed as the volume of concrete produced per batch.
Yield will indicate if a mix proportioning problem exists.

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= yield of concrete per batch ( 3 or3 )
= weight of cement (lb or kg)
= weight of fine aggregate (lb or kg)

+ + +

= weight of coarse aggregate (lb or kg)

= weight of water (lb or kg)
=weight of concrete (/ 3 or /3 )
1. Fill the measure to capacity in three layers.
2. Rod each layer evenly over the cross section of the measure as follows:
a) While rodding the first layer, make sure the rod does not forcibly strike the bottom of the measure.
b) In rodding the second and final layers, use only enough force to cause the rod to penetrate the
surface of the previous layer.
c) When using the 1/2 ft (0.0141 m) measure, rod each layer with 25 strokes. When using the 1 ft
(0.0283 m) measure, rod each layer with 50 strokes.
d) Tap the exterior surface of the measure 10 to 15 times after rodding each layer, or until large
bubbles of air appear on the surface of the rodded layer.
3. After consolidating the concrete, strike off the top surface and finish it smoothly with a flat cover plate.
Be sure to leave the measure exactly full.
4. Clean all excess concrete from the exterior.
5. Weigh the filled measure to the nearest 0.1 lbs. (0.045 kg).


Concrete curing is the process of keeping concrete under a specific environmental condition for
promoting hydration by controlling the temperature and moisture movement from and into the
Adding water to Portland cement to form the water-cement paste that holds concrete together starts a
chemical reaction that makes the paste into a bonding agent. This reaction, called hydration,
produces a stone-like substancethe hardened cement paste.
Hydration continues indefinitely at a decreasing rate as long as the mixture contains water and the
temperature conditions are favorable. Once the water is removed, hydration ceases and cannot be
With proper curing, concrete becomes stronger, more impermeable, and more resistant to stress,
abrasion, and freezing and thawing. The improvement is rapid at early ages but continues more slowly
thereafter for an indefinite period.
If curing is neglected in the early period of hydration, the quality of concrete will experience a sort of
irreparable loss.
When moist curing is interrupted, the development of strength continues for a short period and then
stops after the concretes internal relative humidity drops to about 80%. However, if moist curing is
resumed, strength development will be reactivated, but the original potential strength may not be
Loss of water will cause the concrete to shrink, thus creating tensile stresses within the concrete. If these
stresses develop before the concrete has attained adequate tensile strength, surface cracking can
result. All exposed surfaces, including exposed edges and joints, must be protected against moisture

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The most effective method for curing concrete depends on the materials used, method of construction,
and the intended use of the hardened concrete.
In recent years, a maturity concept has been introduced to evaluate the development of strength
when there is variation in the curing temperature of the concrete. Maturity is the product of the age of
the concrete and its average curing temperature above a certain base temperature. It follows that
concrete should be protected so that its temperature remains favorable for hydration and moisture is
not lost during the early hardening period.


Concrete can be kept moist (and in some cases at a favorable temperature) by three curing methods:
1. Methods that maintain the presence of mixing water in the concrete during the early hardening period.
These include ponding or immersion, spraying or fogging, and saturated wet coverings. These methods
afford some cooling through evaporation, which is beneficial in hot weather.
2. Methods that reduce the loss of mixing water from the surface of the concrete. This can be done by
covering the concrete with impervious paper or plastic sheets, or by applying membrane-forming
curing compounds.
3. Methods that accelerate strength gain by supplying heat and additional moisture to the concrete. This
is usually accomplished with live steam, heating coils, or electrically heated forms or pads.
1. Ponding and Immersion
Ponding method is a popular and widely used concrete curing method. Concrete is cured by storing
water on the horizontal plane i.e. slab, roof, road etc. After concrete casting, the surface is covered
with canvas. After 24 hours, the canvas is removed and water is filled in small rectangular panels. A
boundary is given in all the 4 sides so that the water cannot flow and stored so that the concrete
beneath the water is cured properly.
Ponding is an ideal method for preventing loss of moisture from the concrete; it is also effective for
maintaining a uniform temperature in the concrete. The curing water should not be more than about
11C (20F) cooler than the concrete to prevent thermal stresses that could result in cracking. Since
ponding requires considerable labor and supervision, the method is generally used only for small jobs.
The most thorough method of curing with water consists of total immersion of the finished concrete
element. This method is commonly used in the laboratory for curing concrete test specimens. Where
appearance of the concrete is important, the water used for curing by ponding or immersion must be
free of substances that will stain or discolor the concrete. The material used for dikes may also discolor
the concrete.
1. Better method compared to others in most conditions.
2. Advantageous for horizontal surface.
3. Helps in cement hydration process
1. Ponding method cannot be used in vertical surface.
2. Again, this method requires good amount of water.
3. After concrete curing is finished, it is difficult to clean the surface
2. Fogging and Sprinkling
Fogging and sprinkling with water are excellent methods of curing when the ambient temperature is
well above freezing and the humidity is low.
Fogging is applied to minimize plastic shrinkage cracking until finishing operations are complete.

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Once the concrete has set sufficiently to prevent water erosion, ordinary lawn sprinklers are effective if
good coverage is provided and water runoff is of no concern. Soaker hoses are useful on surfaces that
are vertical or nearly so.
This concrete curing method requires huge amount of water. In this method, water is applied to the
concrete after an interval of time. The water should be continuously applied so that the concrete does
not dry out.

3. Wet Coverings
Fabric coverings saturated with water, such as burlap, cotton mats, rugs, or other moisture-retaining
fabrics, are commonly used for curing.
Wet, moisture-retaining fabric coverings should be placed as soon as the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to prevent surface damage. During the waiting period other curing methods are used, such
as fogging or the use of membrane forming finishing aids. Care should be taken to cover the entire
surface with wet fabric, including the edges of slabs. The coverings should be kept continuously moist so
that a film of water remains on the concrete surface throughout the curing period.
Burlap must be free of any substance that is harmful to concrete or causes discoloration. New burlap
should be thoroughly rinsed in water to remove soluble substances and to make the burlap more
Use of polyethylene film over wet burlap is a good practice; it will eliminate the need for continuous
watering of the covering.
Wet coverings of earth, sand, or sawdust are effective for curing and are often useful on small jobs.
Sawdust from most woods is acceptable, but oak and other woods that contain tannic acid should not
be used since deterioration of the concrete may occur. A layer about 50 mm (2 in.) thick should be
evenly distributed over the previously moistened surface of the concrete and kept continuously wet.
Wet hay or straw can be used to cure flat surfaces. If used, it should be placed in a layer at least 150
mm (6 in.) thick and held down with wire screen, burlap, or tarpaulins to prevent its being blown off by
4. Impervious Paper
Impervious paper for curing concrete consists of two sheets of kraft paper cemented together by a
bituminous adhesive with fiber reinforcement.
An important advantage of this method is that periodic additions of water are not required. Curing with
impervious paper enhances the hydration of cement by preventing loss of moisture from the concrete.
As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent surface damage, it should be thoroughly
wetted and the widest paper available applied. Edges of adjacent sheets should be overlapped about
150 mm (6 in.) and tightly sealed with sand, wood planks, pressure-sensitive tape, mastic, or glue. The
sheets must be weighted to maintain close contact with the concrete surface during the entire curing
In addition to curing, impervious paper provides some protection to the concrete against damage from
subsequent construction activity as well as protection from the direct sun. It should be light in color and
nonstaining to the concrete. Paper with a white upper surface is preferable for curing exterior concrete
during hot weather.
5. Plastic Sheets
Plastic sheet materials, such as polyethylene film, can be used to cure concrete.
Polyethylene film is a lightweight, effective moisture retarder and is easily applied to complex as well as
simple shapes. Its application is the same as described for impervious paper.
Curing with polyethylene film (or impervious paper) can cause patchy discoloration, especially if the
concrete contains calcium chloride and has been finished by hardsteel troweling.

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Polyethylene film should conform to ASTM C 171 (AASHTO M 171), which specifies a 0.10-mm (4-mil)
thickness for curing concrete, but lists only clear and white opaque film. However, black film is available
and is satisfactory under some conditions. White film should be used for curing exterior concrete during
hot weather to reflect the suns rays. Black film can be used during cool weather or for interior locations.
Clear film has little effect on heat absorption.
Polyethylene film may also be placed over wet burlap or other wet covering materials to retain the
water in the wet covering material. This procedure eliminates the labor-intensive need for continuous
watering of wet covering materials.

6. Membrane-Forming Curing Compounds

Liquid membrane-forming compounds consisting of waxes, resins, chlorinated rubber, and other
materials can be used to retard or reduce evaporation of moisture from concrete. They are the most
practical and most widely used method for curing not only freshly placed concrete but also for
extending curing of concrete after removal of forms or after initial moist curing.
Curing compounds should be able to maintain the relative humidity of the concrete surface above 80%
for seven days to sustain cement hydration.
Membrane-forming curing compounds are of two general types:
a. Clear, or translucent
Clear or translucent compounds may contain a fugitive dye that makes it easier to check visually for
complete coverage of the concrete surface when the compound is applied. The dye fades away
soon after application.
b. White pigmented
On hot, sunny days, use of white-pigmented compounds are recommended; they reduce solarheat gain, thus reducing the concrete temperature. Pigmented compounds should be kept
agitated in the container to prevent pigment from settling out.
On dry, windy days, or during periods when adverse weather conditions could result in plastic
shrinkage cracking, application of a curing compound immediately after final finishing and before
all free water on the surface has evaporated will help prevent the formation of cracks.
Normally only one smooth, even coat is applied at a typical rate of 3 to 4 m2 per liter (150 to 200 sq. ft.
per gallon); but products may vary, so manufacturers recommended application rates should be
followed. If two coats are necessary to ensure complete coverage, for effective protection the second
coat should be applied at right angles to the first. Complete coverage of the surface must be attained
because even small pinholes in the membrane will increase the evaporation of moisture from the
Curing compounds might prevent bonding between hardened concrete and a freshly placed
concrete overlay. And, most curing compounds are not compatible with adhesives used with floor
covering materials. Consequently, they should either be tested for compatibility, or not used when
bonding of overlying materials is necessary.
Caution is necessary when using curing compounds containing solvents of high volatility in confined
spaces or near sensitive occupied spaces such as hospitals because evaporating volatiles may cause
respiratory problems. Applicable local environmental laws concerning volatile organic compound
(VOC) emissions should be followed.
7. Internal Moist Curing
Internal moist curing refers to methods of providing moisture from within the concrete as opposed to
outside the concrete.

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Lightweight (low-density) fine aggregate or absorbent polymer particles with an ability to retain a
significant amount of water may provide additional moisture for concretes prone to self-desiccation.
Internal moist curing must be accompanied by external curing methods.

8. Steam Curing
Steam curing is advantageous where early strength gain in concrete is important or where additional
heat is required to accomplish hydration, as in cold weather.
A typical steam-curing cycle consists of
a) an initial delay prior to steaming,
b) a period for increasing the temperature,
c) a period for holding the maximum temperature constant, and
d) a period for decreasing the temperature.

Steam temperature in the enclosure should be kept

at about 60C (140F) until the desired concrete
strength has developed. Strength will not increase
significantly if the maximum steam temperature is
raised from 60C to 70C (140F to 160F). Steamcuring temperatures above 70C (160F) should be
avoided; they are uneconomical and may result in
damage. It is recommended that the internal
temperature of concrete not exceed 70C (160F) to
avoid heat-induced delayed expansion and too
much reduction in ultimate strength. Use of concrete
temperatures above 70C (160F) should be
demonstrated to be safe by test or historic field data.
The curing temperature in the enclosure should be
held until the concrete has reached the desired
strength. The time required will depend on the concrete mixture and steam temperature in the

9. Forms Left in Place

Forms provide satisfactory protection against loss of moisture if the top exposed concrete surfaces are
kept wet. A soaker hose is excellent for this. The forms should be left on the concrete as long as
Wood forms left in place should be kept moist by sprinkling, especially during hot, dry weather. If this
cannot be done, they should be removed as soon as practical and another curing method started
without delay. Color variations may occur from formwork and uneven water curing of walls.
10. Insulating Blankets or Covers
Layers of dry, porous material such as straw or hay can be used to provide insulation against freezing of
concrete when temperatures fall below 0C (32F).
Suitable insulating blankets are manufactured of fiberglass, sponge rubber, cellulose fibers, mineral
wool, vinyl foam, and open-cell polyurethane foam. When insulated formwork is used, care should be
taken to ensure that concrete temperatures do not become excessive.
Framed enclosures of canvas tarpaulins, reinforced polyethylene film, or other materials can be placed
around the structure and heated by space heaters or steam. Portable hydronic heaters are used to
thaw subgrades as well as heat concrete without the use of an enclosure.

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11. Electrical, Oil, Microwave, and Infrared Curing
Electrical, hot oil, microwave and infrared curing methods have been available for accelerated and
normal curing of concrete for many years.
Electrical curing methods include a variety of techniques:
a) use of the concrete itself as the electrical conductor,
b) use of reinforcing steel as the heating element,
c) use of a special wire as the heating element,
d) electric blankets, and
e) the use of electrically heated steel forms (presently the most popular method).

Electrical heating is especially useful in cold weather concreting. Hot oil may be circulated through steel
forms to heat the concrete. Infrared rays and microwave have had limited use in accelerated curing of
concrete. Concrete that is cured by infrared methods is usually under a covering or enclosed in steel
forms. Electrical, oil, and infrared curing methods are used primarily in the precast concrete industry.


The period of time that concrete should be protected from freezing, abnormally high temperatures, and
against loss of moisture depends upon a number of factors: the type of cementing materials used;
mixture proportions; required strength, size and shape of the concrete member; ambient weather; and
future exposure conditions.
The curing period may be 3 weeks or longer for lean concrete mixtures used in massive structures such
as dams; conversely, it may be only a few days for rich mixes, especially if Type III or HE cement is used.
For concrete slabs on ground (floors, pavements, canal linings, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks) and
for structural concrete (cast-in-place walls, columns, slabs, beams, small footings, piers, retaining walls,
bridge decks), the length of the curing period for ambient temperatures above 5C (40F) should be a
minimum of 7 days; additional time may be needed to attain 70% of the specified compressive or
flexural strength.
Since the rate of hydration is influenced by cement type and the presence of supplementary
cementing materials, the curing period should be prolonged for concretes made with cementing
materials possessing slow-strength gain characteristics.


Sealing compounds (sealers) are liquids applied to the surface of hardened concrete to reduce the
penetration of liquids or gases such as water, deicing solutions, and carbon dioxide that cause freezethaw damage, corrosion of reinforcing steel, and acid attack. In addition, sealing compounds used on
interior floor slabs reduce dusting and the absorption of spills while making the surface easier to clean.
The primary purpose of a curing compound is to retard the loss of water from newly placed concrete
and it is applied immediately after finishing. Surface sealing compounds on the other hand retard the
penetration of harmful substances into hardened concrete and are typically not applied until the
concrete is 28 days old. Surface sealers are generally classified as either film-forming or penetrating.
Application of any sealer should only be done on concrete that is clean and allowed to dry for at least
24 hours at temperatures above 16C (60F). At least 28 days should be allowed to elapse before
applying sealers to new concrete. Penetrating sealers cannot fill surface voids if they are filled with
water. Some surface preparation may be necessary if the concrete is old and dirty. Concrete placed in
the late fall should not be sealed until spring because the sealer may cause the concrete to retain
water that may exacerbate freeze-thaw damage.


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It is important for the engineer to understand the basic properties of hardened Portland cement concrete and
to be able to evaluate these properties. The main properties of hardened concrete that are of interest to civil
and construction engineers include the early volume change, creep, permeability, and stressstrain relation.
1. Early Volume Change
Plastic Shrinkage
A slight decrease in volume of about 1% when the cement paste is still plastic.
Shrinkage, which takes place before concrete has set, is known as plastic shrinkage. Occurs as a result of the
loss of free water and the settlement of solids in the mix. Plastic shrinkage is most common in slab construction
and is characterized by the appearance of surface cracks which can extend quite deeply into the concrete.
Reduce water loss by any curing methods (cover concrete with wet polythene sheets or by spraying a
membrane curing compound).
Drying Shrinkage
A type of shrinkage which is caused by improper curing, allowing the concrete to dry.
When a hardened concrete, cured in water, is allowed to dry it first loses water from its voids and capillary
pores and only starts to shrink during further drying when water is drawn, out of its cement gel. This is known as
drying shrinkage. After an initial high rate of drying shrinkage concrete continues to shrink for a long period of
time, but at a continuously decreasing rate. Drying shrinkage is directly proportional to the water-cement ratio
and inversely proportional to the aggregate-cement ratio. Because of the interaction of the effects of
aggregate-cement and water-cement ratios, it is possible to have a rich mix with a low water-cement ratio
giving higher shrinkage than a leaner mix with a higher water-cement ratio. About 15% to 30% of the shrinkage
occurs in the first two weeks while 65% to 85% occurs in the first year.
Factors that contribute to shrinkage of concrete:
1. Lack of Curing
2. High water-cement ratio
3. High cement content
4. Low coarse aggregate content
5. Existence of steel reinforcement
6. Aging
Occurs when concrete is cured continuously in water after settling
Due to the absorption of water
Accompanied by a slight increase in weight
2. Creep Properties
Defined as the gradual increase in strain, with time, under sustained load.
It is a long-term process, and it takes place over many years.

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3. Permeability
An important factor that largely affects the durability of hardened concrete.
Permeable concrete allows water and chemicals to penetrate, which, in turn, reduces the resistance of
the concrete structure to frost, alkali-silica resistivity, and other chemical attacks.
The air voids that do affect permeability of hardened concrete is obtained from two main sources:
1. Incomplete consolidation of fresh concrete
2. Voids resulting from evaporation of mixing water
Relationship between the water-cement ratio and the coefficient of permeability of mature cement paste

It can be seen from the figure that increasing the watercement ratio from 0.3 to 0.7 increases the coefficient
of permeability by a factor of 1000. For a concrete to be watertight, the watercement ratio should not exceed
0.48 for exposure to fresh water and should not be more than 0.44 for exposure to seawater.
4. Stress-Strain Relationship

It can be seen that increasing the watercement ratio decreases both strength and stiffness of the concrete.
The figure also shows that the stressstrain behavior is close to linear at low stress levels, then becomes nonlinear
as stress increases. With a watercement ratio of 0.50 or less and a strain of up to 0.0015, the stressstrain
behavior is almost linear. With higher watercement ratios, the stressstrain behavior becomes nonlinear at

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smaller strains. The curves also show that high-strength concrete has sharp peaks and sudden failure
characteristics when compared to low-strength concrete.


There are several reasons why testing of hardened concrete is important: (1) test can investigate the
fundamental physical behavior of concrete such as elastic properties and strength characteristics; (2) When
physical laws are not fully understood testing can simulate expected conditions to evaluate performance; (3)
tests to determined physical material constants like the modulus of elasticity; and (4) quality control.
The compressive strength test is the test most commonly performed on hardened concrete.
Compressive strength is one of the main structural design requirements to ensure that the structure will
be able to carry the intended load.
Compressive strength requirements can vary from 2500 psi (17 MPa) for residential concrete to 4000
psi (28 MPa) and higher in commercial structures. Higher strengths up to and exceeding 10,000 psi (70
MPa) are specified for certain

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The split-tension test measures the tensile strength of concrete. The split tensile (indirect tensile) strength
is computed as

T= tensile strength, MPA (psi)
P= load at failure, N (psi)
L= length of specimen, mm (in)
D= diameter of specimen, mm (in)


also known as modulus of rupture or bend strength
the flexure strength test is important for design and construction of road and airport concrete
pavements. If fracture initiates in the tension
surface within the middle third of the span length,
the flexure strength (modulus of rupture) is
calculated as

= 2

R=Flexure Strength, MPa (psi)

M=maximum bending moment= , (

c=2, mm (in)
I=moment of inertia= 12, 4 (4 )

P=maximum applied load, which is distributed evenly (1/2 to each) over the two loading points, N (lb.)
L=span length, mm (in)
b=average width of specimen, mm (in)
d=average depth of specimen, mm (in)

*Note that third loading point ensures a constant bending moment without any shear force applied in the
middle third of the specimen. Thus, the equation is valid as long as fracture occurs in the middle third of the
specimen. If fracture occurs slightly outside the middle third, the results can still be used with some corrections.
Otherwise, the results are discarded.

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The rebound hammer test, also known as the Schmidt hammer test, is a nondestructive
test performed on hardened concrete to determine the hardness of the surface. The
hardness of the surface can be correlated, to some extent, with the concrete strength.
The rebound hammer is commonly used to get an indication of the concrete strength.
The device is about 0.3 m (1 ft.) long and encloses a mass and a spring. The spring-loaded mass
is released to hit the surface of the concrete. The mass rebounds, and the amount of rebound is
read on a scale attached to the device.


also known as the Windsor Probe test
Offers a means of determining relative strengths of concrete in the same structure or relative strength of
different structures. Because of nature of equipment, it cannot and should not be expected to yield
absolute values of strength.
The instrument is a gun-like device that shoots probes into the concrete surface in order to
determine its strength. The amount of penetration of the probe in the concrete is inversely
related to the strength of concrete. The test is almost nondestructive since it creates small
holes in the concrete surface.


The ultrasonic pulse velocity test measures the velocity of an ultrasonic wave passing through the
concrete. In this test, the path length between transducers is divided by the travel time to determine the
average velocity of wave propagation.

Maturity of a concrete mixture is defined as the degree of cement hydration, which varies as a function
of both time and temperature. Therefore, it is assumed that, for a particular concrete mixture, strength is
a function of maturity.
Maturity meters have been developed to provide an estimate of concrete strength by monitoring the
temperature of concrete with time.

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I. Lightweight Concrete

28-day compressive strength of 17 MPa (2500 psi) and an air-dried unit weight of less than
Decision to use is based on economics of structure
- tradeoff between extra cost for lightweight concrete and reduced dead weight
Lightweight aggregates are used.
- Highly absorptive and can make determination of a water-cement ratio problematical
- Tend to segregate by floating to the surface.
- Therefore a minimum slump mix, with air entraining, is used to mitigate this effect
- Nonstructural applications include Styrofoam "aggregates" used for insulation


II. Heavyweight Concrete

Radiation shielding in nuclear power plants, medical units, and atomic research test facilities
Produced by the use of heavy aggregates
- Natural or man-made
- Examples include barite, magnetite, hematite, geothite, illmenite, and ferrophophorus
Specific gravity ranges from 3.4 to 6.5
Workability can be problematic due to heavier mass.
- Use of a higher proportion of sand can help.
- Problem can also be avoided by pre-placing aggregate, then filling the voids with cement

III. High-Strength Concrete

Contains normal-weight aggregate, fc' > 6,000 psi, up to 12,000 psi

Produced by using low w/c ratio.
- Superplasticizers is used to regain workability
Primary use: skyscrapers
Benefits: Reduced member size give more space and less weight
Compressive strength have been documented at 12,000 psi and greater
Costs in general, is determined by the amount of cement used in the mix

IV. High Workability Concrete

Accomplished with High Range Water Reducers (Superplasticizers or HRWR's)

Must meet or exceed ASTM 494 "Specifications for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.
1. Rapid strength gain due to reduced W/C ratio
- Earlier stripping and reuse of formwork
- Earlier structural use of concrete
2. Improved workability
- Flows around reinforcing steel better
- Reduce "Honeycomb" in structure
- Reduce "Rub out" finishing, which is very labor intensive
- Improves appearance

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3. Also due to the reduced W/C ratio
- Shrinkage cracking reduced
- Lower permeability, which increase durability
V. Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Use of Reinforcing Fibers
Secondary reinforcement of PC concrete
Steel reinforcing fibers were predominantly used since the 80's
Other materials
Polypropylene predominant today due to it is resistant to corrosion
- Reduce cracking due to intrinsic stress
- Reduce permeability
- Greater impact, abrasion, shatter, and fatigue resistance
- Provide support and cohesiveness on inclines
> Tested and approved by regulatory agencies

VI. Shrinkage Compensating Concrete

Shrinkage can also be compensated with specific cements:
Type K
Type M
Type S
Contain some sort of aluminate
Contain additional calcium sulfate
These two chemicals react to form the mineral "entringite" or (Ca6[Al(OH)6]2*24H20[(SO4)3*1-1/2 H20). This
is expansive and creates internal compressive stresses.
VII. Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC)
Developed based on the unique requirements for mass concrete used for dam construction
No slump concrete
Relaxed gradation requirements
Water content selected for construction considerations rather than strength
Handling and uses:
Hauled by dump trucks, spread by bulldozers, and compacted with vibration compactors
Dams and large paved areas
1. Economical (low cement content)
2. Minimal form work (layer construction method)
3. Reduced need for external cooling of the structure (low cement factor limits the heat of hydration)
4. Lower placement costs (high capacity equipment and rapid placement rates)
5. Shorter construction period

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6. Material costs are 1/3 that of conventional concrete
VIII. High-Performance Concrete (HPC)
Ease of placement and compaction
Long-term mechanical properties
Early-age strength
Volume stability
Extended life in severe environments
Accomplished by:
Altering aggregate gradation
Improving mixing and placement practices
As more knowledge is gained, HPC will be used more frequently.
The engineer must be aware of all of the types of concrete available. A project may have specific
requirements where the use of a special mix may reduce costs considerably. Full knowledge of any mix must
be attained before implementation.


Masonry is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar. The common
materials of masonry construction are brick, building stone such as marble, granite, travertine, and limestone,
cast stone, concrete block, glass block, and cob.
Masonry began spontaneously in the creation of low walls from stone or pieces of caked mud from dried
puddles. Mortar was originally mud smeared into the rising wall to lend stability and weather tight seal. Where
stone lay readily at hand, it was preferred to bricks; where stone was unavailable, bricks were made from local
clay and silts. Change came with the passing millennia. People learned to quarry, cut and hand chisel stone
with increasing precision. Fires built against mud brick walls brought knowledge of the advantages of burned
brick, leading the invention of the brick kiln. Masons learned the art of turning limestone into lime, and lime
mortar gradually replaced mud. By the fourth millennium BC, the peoples of Mesopotamia were building
palaces and temples of stone and sun-dried brick.
In the third millennium, the Egyptians erected the first of their stone temples and pyramids. In the last centuries
before the birth of Christ, the Greeks perfected their temples of limestone and marble. When control of Western
Civilization passed to Romans, they made the first large-scale use of masonry arches and roof vaults in their
basilicas, baths, palaces, and aqueducts. Medieval civilizations in both Europe and the Islamic world brought
masonry vaulting to a very high and sophisticated plane of development. The Islamic craftsmen built
magnificent palaces, markets and mosques of brick and often incorporated glazed clay tiles. The Europeans
focused their energies toward fortresses and cathedrals of stone, culminating in the pointed vaults and flying
buttresses of the great Gothic churches.

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Over the twentieth-century, there have been many contributions to masonry construction. These include the
development of techniques for steel reinforced masonry, high-strength mortars, masonry units (both bricks and
concrete masonry units) that are higher in structural strength and masonry units of many types that reduce the
amount of labor required for masonry construction. As we enter the 21st century, masonry remains popular.
Masonry is the choice of many architects, developers and homeowners because of its beauty, durability and
endless possibilities.

Masonry is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar; the
term masonry can also refer to the units themselves. The common materials of masonry construction are brick,
building stone such as marble, granite, and limestone, cast stone, concrete block, and glass block. Masonry is
generally a highly durable form of construction. However, the materials used, the quality of the mortar and
workmanship, and the pattern in which the units are assembled can significantly affect the durability of the
overall masonry construction. A person who constructs masonry is called a mason or bricklayer.
Masonry is commonly used for the walls of buildings, retaining walls and buildings. Brick and concrete block are
the most common types of masonry in use in industrialized nations and may be either weight-bearing or
a veneer.

Masonry units is a popular construction material used throughout the world and competes favorably with other
materials, such as wood, steel, and concrete for certain applications (Adams, 1979).
1. Concrete Masonry Units (Mostly Used)
2. Clay Bricks (Mostly Used)
3. Structural Clay Tiles
4. Glass Blocks
5. Stone Blocks


Hollow Units (Concrete Blocks)
Solid Concrete Units (Concrete Bricks)
Hollow Units - are known as concrete blocks, hollow blocks, or cinder blocks (breeze blocks), this offer various
possibilities in masonry construction. They generally provide great compressive strength, and are best suited to
structures with light transverse loading when the cores remain unfilled.
Filling some or all of the cores with concrete or concrete with steel reinforcement (typically rebar) offers much
greater tensile and lateral strength to structures.

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Concrete blocks usually are much larger than ordinary bricks and so are much faster to lay for a wall of a given
size. Furthermore, cinder and concrete blocks typically have much lower water absorption rates than bricks.
They often are used as the structural core for veneered brick masonry, or are used alone for the walls of
factories, garages and other industrial-style buildings where such appearance is acceptable or desirable.
Hollow units have a net cross-sectional area in every plane parallel to the bearing surface less than 75% of the
gross cross-sectional area in the same plane. If this ratio is 75% or more, the unit is categorized as solid (Portland
Cement Association, 1991).
Solid Concrete Units - are commonly called concrete bricks are formed from concrete, and are typically pale
grey. They are made from a dry, small aggregate concrete which is formed in steel moulds by vibration and
compaction in either an "egglayer" or static machine. The finished blocks are cured, rather than fired, using
low-pressure steam. Concrete bricks are manufactured in a much wider range of shapes and sizes than clay
bricks and are also available with a wider range of face treatments a number of which simulate the
appearance of clay bricks.
Concrete Bricks are available in many colors and as an engineering brick made with sulfate-resisting Portland
cement or equivalent. When made with adequate amount of cement they are suitable for harsh environments
such as wet conditions and retaining walls. They are made to standards BS 6073, EN 771-3. Concrete bricks
expand and contract more than clay or sand lime bricks so they need movement joints every 5 to 6 meters, but
are similar to other bricks of similar density in thermal and sound resistance and fire resistance.
Concrete masonry units are manufactured in three classes, based on their density:
Lightweight Units (pumice, scoria, cinders, expanded clay, and expanded shale)
Medium-weight Units (Medium weight aggregates)
Normal-weight Units (Well-graded sand, gravel, and crushed stone)
Lightweight units have higher thermal and fire resistance properties and lower sound resistance than normal
weight units.
Concrete masonry units are manufactured using a relatively dry (zero-slump) concrete mixture consisting of
Portland cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures. Type I cement is usually used to manufacture concrete
masonry units; however, Type III is sometimes used to reduce the curing time. Air-entrained concrete is
sometimes used to increase the resistance of the masonry structure to freeze and thaw effects and to improve
workability, compaction, and molding characteristics of the units during manufacturing. The units are molded
under pressure, then cured, usually using low-pressure steam curing. After manufacturing, the units are stored
under controlled conditions so that the concrete continues curing.
The amount of water absorption of concrete masonry units is controlled by ASTM standards to reduce the
effect of weathering and to limit the amount of shrinkage due to moisture loss after construction (ASTM C90).
The absorption of concrete masonry units is determined by immersing the unit in water for 24 hours (ASTM C140).
The absorption and moisture content are calculated as follows.
Concrete masonry units are available in different sizes, colors, shapes, and textures. Concrete masonry units are
specified by their nominal dimensions. The nominal dimension is greater than its specified (or modular)

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dimension by the thickness of the mortar joint, usually 10 mm (3/8 in.). For example, a 200 mm * 200 mm * 400
mm (8 in. x 8 in. x 16 in). block has an actual width of 190 mm (7-5/8 in.), height of 190 mm (7-5/8 in.), and length
of 390 mm (15-5/8in.), as illustrated in Figure 8.3.
Load-bearing concrete masonry units are available in nominal widths of 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm,
and 300 mm (4 in., 6 in., 8 in., 10 in., and 12 in.), heights of 100 mm and 200 mm (4 in. and 8 in.), and lengths of
300 mm, 400 mm, and 600 mm (12 in., 16 in., and 24 in.). Also depending on the position within the masonry
wall, they are manufactured as stretcher, single-corner, and double-corner units.
Solid Concrete Masonry Units (concrete bricks) - are manufactured in two types based on their exposure
properties: concrete building bricks (ASTM C55) and concrete facing bricks (ASTM C1634). The concrete
building bricks are manufactured for general use in non-facing, utilitarian applications, while the concrete
facing bricks are typically used in applications where one or more faces of the unit is intended to be exposed.
The concrete facing bricks have stricter requirements than the concrete building bricks. The maximum
allowable water absorption of the concrete facing bricks is less than that of the concrete building bricks. Also,
the minimum net area compressive strength of the concrete facing bricks is higher than that of the concrete
building bricks as shown in Table 8.3.


Common Burnt Clay Bricks - are formed by pressing in moulds. Then these bricks are dried and fired in a kiln.
Common burnt clay bricks are used in general work with no special attractive appearances. When these bricks
are used in walls, they require plastering or rendering. Clay bricks are small, rectangular blocks made of fired
clay. The clays used for brick making vary widely in composition from one place to another. Clays are
composed mainly of silica (grains of sand), alumina, lime, iron, manganese, sulfur, and phosphates, with
different proportions.
A. Common or Building A brick not intended to be visible, used for internal structure.
B. Face A brick used on exterior surfaces to present a clean appearance. (Mostly Used)

(Mostly used)

Absorption is one of the important properties that determine the durability of bricks. Highly absorptive bricks
can cause efflorescence and other problems in the masonry. According to ASTM C67, absorption by 24-hour
submersion, absorption by 5-hour boiling, and saturation coefficient are calculated as:
The compressive strength of clay bricks is an important mechanical property that controls their load-carrying
capacity and durability. The compressive strength of clay bricks is dependent on the composition of the clay,
method of brick manufacturing, and the degree of firing. In determining the compressive strength, either the
net or gross cross-sectional area is used. Net cross-sectional area is used only if the net cross-section is less than
75% of the gross cross section. A quarter of a brick can be tested if the capacity of the testing machine is not
large enough to test a half brick.
Other mechanical properties of bricks include modulus of rupture, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity.
Most clay bricks have modulus of rupture between 3.5 MPa and 26.2 MPa (500 psi and 3800 psi). The tensile
strength is typically between 30% to 49% of the modulus of rupture. The modulus of elasticity ranges between
10.3 GPa and 34.5 Gpa (1.5 x 106 psi and 5 x 106 psi).

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Clay Building Bricks are graded according to properties related to durability and resistance to weathering,
such as compressive strength, water absorption, and saturation coefficient (ASTM C62). Table 8.4 shows the
three available grades and their requirements: SW, MW, and NW, standing for severe weathering, moderate
weathering, and negligible weathering, respectively.
Grade SW - bricks are intended for use in areas subjected to frost action, especially at or below ground
Grade NW - bricks are recommended for use in areas with no frost action and in dry locations, even
where subfreezing temperatures are expected.
Grade NW - bricks can be used in interior construction, where no freezing occurs.
Higher compressive strengths, lower water absorptions, and lower saturation coefficients are required as the
weathering condition gets more severe, so as to reduce the effect of freezing and thawing and wetting and
Facing Clay Bricks (ASTM C216) are manufactured in two durability grades for severe weathering (SW) and
moderate weathering (MW). Each durability grade is manufactured in three appearance types: FBS, FBX, and
FBA. These three types stand for face brick standard, face brick extra, and face brick architecture.
Type FBS - bricks are used for general exposed masonry construction.
Type FBX - bricks are used for general exterior and interior masonry construction, where a high degree of
precision and a low permissible variation in size are required.
Type FBA - bricks are manufactured to produce characteristic architectural effects resulting from non
uniformity in size and texture of the individual units.
Similar to concrete masonry units, clay bricks are designated by their nominal dimensions. The nominal
dimension of the brick is greater than its specified (or modular) dimension by the thickness of the mortar joint,
which is about 10 mm (3/8 in.) and could go up to 12.5 mm (1/2 in.). The actual size of the brick depends on the
nominal size and the amount of shrinking that occurs during the firing process, which ranges from 4% to 15%.
Clay bricks are specified by their nominal width times nominal height times nominal length. For example, a (4 x
2-2/3 x 8) brick has nominal width of 100 mm (4 in.), height of 70 mm (2-2/3 in.), and length of 200 mm (8 in.).
Clay bricks are available in nominal widths ranging from 75 mm to 300 mm (3 in. to 12 in.), heights from 50 mm
to 200 mm (2 in. to 8 in.), and lengths up to 400 mm (16 in.). Bricks can be classified as either modular or nonmodular, where modular bricks have widths and lengths of multiples of 100 mm (4 in.).
Mortar - is a mixture of cementitious material, aggregate, and water. Mortar can be classified as cement-lime
mortar, cement mortar, or masonry cement mortar.
Grout - is a high-slump concrete consisting of Portland cement, sand, fine gravel, water, and sometimes lime.
Grout is used to fill the cores or voids in hollow masonry units.
Plaster - is a fluid mixture of Portland cement, lime, sand, and water, which is used for finishing either masonry
walls or framed (wood) walls.


Structural Clay Tiles - describes a category of burned-clay building materials used to construct the walls of
buildings and in structural fireproofing. Also called building tile, structural terra cotta, hollow tile, and clay block,
the material is an extruded clay shape with substantial depth that allows it to be laid in the same manner as
other clay or concrete masonry.

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Tile is classified into load-bearing and non-load-bearing categories. Load-bearing tile is described under ASTM
Standard C34, subdivided into grade LBX, for areas exposed to weathering, and LB, for protected applications.
Non-load-bearing tile is described under ASTM C56 in one grade, NB. It is used for interior partitions, and may be
laid with cells running horizontally or vertically.
Structural clay tiles are manufactured in a variety of standard sizes, including 4", 6", 8", 10" and 12" thicknesses,
and typically 12" x 12" or 12" x 8" face dimensions. Tile was also manufactured in a series of graduated wedge
shapes for installation between steel members as a fireproof flat arch floor structure, to be covered with a
concrete wearing surface above. In other cases, structural clay tile was used as a permanent form material to
reduce the bulk and weight of structural concrete floor slabs.

Glass brick, also known as glass block, is an architectural element made from glass. Glass bricks provide visual
obscuration while admitting light.
Glass bricks are produced for both wall and floor applications. Glass blocks for use in floors are normally
manufactured as a single solid piece, or as a hollow glass block with thicker side walls than the standard wall
blocks. These blocks are normally cast into a reinforced concrete grid work or set into a metal frame, allowing
multiple units to be combined to span over openings in basements and roofs. Glass wall blocks should not be
used in flooring applications.

Stone blocks used in masonry can be dressed or rough, though in both examples: corners, door and window
jambs, and similar areas are usually dressed. Stone masonry utilizing dressed stones is known as ashlar masonry,
whereas masonry using irregularly shaped stones is known as rubble masonry. Both rubble and ashlar masonry
can be laid in coursed rows of even height through the careful selection or cutting of stones, but a great deal
of stone masonry is unsourced.


The use of material such as bricks and stones can increase the thermal mass of a building and can
protect the building from fire.
Most types of masonry typically will not require painting and so can provide a structure with reduced
life-cycle costs.
Masonry is non-combustible product.
Masonry walls are more resistant to projectiles, such as debris from hurricanes or tornadoes.
Masonry structures built in compression preferably with lime mortar can have a useful life of more than
500 years as compared to 30 to 100 for structures of steel or reinforced concrete.
Bricks are fire resisting material


Extreme weather, under certain circumstances, can cause degradation of masonry due to expansion
and contractions forces associated with freeze-thaw cycles.
Masonry tends to be heavy and must be built upon a strong foundation, such as reinforced concrete, to
avoid settling and cracking.
Other than concrete, masonry construction does not lend itself well to mechanization, and requires
more skilled labor than stick-framing.
Masonry consists of loose components and has a low tolerance to oscillation as compared to other
materials such as reinforced concrete, plastics, wood, or metals.

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Masonry has high compressive strength under vertical loads but has low tensile strength (against twisting
or stretching) unless reinforced. The tensile strength of masonry walls can be increased by thickening the
wall, or by building masonry piers (vertical columns or ribs) at intervals. Where practical, steel
reinforcements such as wind posts can be added.

It is used in construction to embed rebars in masonry walls, connect sections of pre-cast concrete, fill
voids, and seal joints such as those between tiles. Grout is generally a mixture of water, cement, sand,
often color tint, and sometimes fine gravel (if it is being used to fill large spaces such as the cores of
concrete blocks).
Fluid form of concrete.
a) Fluidity
b) Minimum bleeding and segregation
c) Low shrinkage
d) Adequate strength after hardening
e) No detrimental compounds
f) Durable
1. Sanded Grout
Sanded grout is the most common grout used for ceramic tile, stone, and any tile with a grout joint 1/8 inch or
larger. Sanded grout is made of Portland cement, sand, and other additives. When installed, it is mixed with
water and toweled into the grout joint.
2. Unsanded or Wall Grout
Unsanded grout, commonly called wall grout, is similar to sanded grout without the sand. Wall grout is used on
ceramic tile, and polished marble, with grout joints smaller than 1/8 inch.
3. Latex-Modified Sanded Cement Grout
Latex-modified grout is similar to cement grout but has added features of water resistance and bonding
characteristics. So they are ideal for bathroom, countertops and backsplashes.
4. Epoxy Grouts
Epoxy grouts are made up of a resin and a hardener. It is resistant to most chemicals and stains. Among all the
grouts, epoxy grout is more expensive and water resistant. They have a very long shelf life unlike cement grouts
which last for a year and if maintained above freezing temperatures can last for many years in the sealed
5. Furan Resin Grouts
Furan resin grouts are found in sanded and unsanded varieties too. The name furan came from the ingredient
furfuryl alcohol which is used in this grout. This grout is alcohol based and so it is highly resistant to chemicals. It is
one of the most difficult grout to use and it is not suitable for do it yourself projects.

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1. Tiling Grout - is often used to fill the spaces between tiles or mosaics, and to secure tile to its base. Tiling grout
is also cement-based, and comes in sanded as well as unsanded varieties.
2. Flooring Grout - similar with tiling grout, it is also cement-based
3. Resin Grout - is made from two different resins, usually mixed with a filler, making it very waterproof and
bettered suited to harsher cleaning products.
4. Non-shrink Grout - is a hydraulic cement grout that produces a big volume. Often used as a transfer medium
between load-bearing members.
5. Structural grout - is often used in reinforced masonry to fill voids in masonry housing reinforcing steel, securing
the steel in place and bonding it to the masonry.
1. Grout Saw Or Grout Scraper - a manual tool for removal of old and discolored grout. The blade is usually
composed of tungsten carbide.
2. Grout Float - a trowel-like tool for smoothing the surface of a grout line, typically made of rubber or soft
3. Grout Sealer - a water-based or solvent-based sealant applied over dried grout that resists water, oil, and
acid-based contaminants.
4. Dremel Grout - an attachment guide used in a die grinder for faster removal of old grout than a standard
grout saw.
5. Pointing Trowel - Used for applying grout in flagstone, and other stone works.


A material applied as a paste to bind masonry units together.

Mortar is compose of the three principal ingredients of concrete which are water, aggregate and binder.
Mortar have lower water-cement ratio.
Sand is the common aggregate used in mortar.
According to ASTM C 270-07, Mortar differs from concrete in working consistencies, method of placement, and
in curing environment. Mortar is used to bind masonry units into single structural element, while concrete is
usually a structural element in itself.

Plastic State Properties- workability and water retentivity
Hardened State Properties- bond, durability, elasticity, and compressive strength.

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NOTE: Many properties of mortar are not quantitatively definable in precise terms because of a lack of measurement
standards. For this and other reasons there are no mortar standards wholly based upon performance, thus the
continued use of the traditional prescription specification in most situations.

Cement Mortar (binder used: cement)

-Cement contributes to tensile bond strength and Compressive strength.

-Sets hard and quickly, allowing a faster pace of construction.

Lime Mortar (binder used: lime)

-Water retentivity is increased through higher lime.
-Lime provides workability and elasticity.

Premixed Mortar Cement

Combinations of cement and lime provides a variety of property which varies based on the ratio of
cement, lime, and sand used in mortar.


Used in


Strength (psi)





Below-grade exterior walls where extreme

gravity and lateral loads are present


Below-grade exterior walls


Above-grade exterior load-bearing walls


Interior non-loadbearing walls



No bearing capacity


Performance Specification- requires that a mix be created and tested in a laboratory, which makes it less common,
but much more exact for critical applications. The specifier will identify the minimum compressive strength allowed after
the 28-day cure period, the percentage of air in the hardened mortar, the percentage of water retained in the mortar,
and aggregate ratio of the mix. Once the mix has been tested in a laboratory, the recipe can be used in the field.

Proportion Specification- the specifier will identify the exact proportions of ingredients for the mix. This can be done
using either weights or volumes. This allows all mortar preparation to be done in the field, which makes it the most
common approach since less time is involved in creating the mortar mixtures.

Plaster is a fluid mixture of Portland cement, lime, sand, and water, which is use for finishing either masonry walls
or framed (wood) walls. Plaster is used for either exterior or interior walls. The average compressive strength of
plaster is about 13.8 MPa (2000 psi) at 28 days.

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Decorative appeal
Easier installation
Fresh Plaster
Adhesion- ability of the plaster to stick into the walls
Cohesion- the ability of the plaster mixture to stay intact or stay in bond that prevents the plaster from
sagging when applied.
Workability- combination of adhesion, cohesion and spread ability of the mixture
Hardened Plaster
Weather resistance- resist rain penetration so the reinforced will lasts and not corroded easily.
Freezing and thawing resistance
Tensile strength-high tensile strength prevents the wall from cracking.
-Blended cement
1.) Portland cement-is manufactured from limestone and clay and that hardens under water
2.) Granulated blast furnace slag and hydrated lime
3.) Portland cement and Granulated blast furnace slag
4.) Portland cement and pozzolan
*GRANULATED BLAST FURNACE SLAG-obtained by quenching molten iron slag (by product of iron and
steel making) from a blast furnace in water or steam, to produce glassy, granular product that is then
dried and ground into fine powder
*POZOLLAN-silicate based materials that react with the calcium hydroxide generated by hydrating
cement to form additional cementitious materials.
-Low-alkali cements-Low alkali cements- contains not more than .60 alkali
-Masonry cement-combination of water and sand. It prevents atmospheric and chemical deterioration.
-Plastic cement-widely used. Use as a sealant. Also used in repairing walls, usually on the cracks.
Limes-it helps the concrete to breathe and removes moisture. It also absorbs carbon dioxide that helps
the environment.
Bonding agents
New concrete - should be cured for minimum of 28 days. Laitance, form release agents, and
curing compounds can be removed by light sandblasting.
*SANDBLASTING - use to hardened concrete. It is usually a big like flashlight.
Old concrete - Patch voids, form tie holes or other surface defects prior to applying plaster
deviations corrected by means of leveling courses following surface preparation.
Clay masonry-joints in clay masonry walls should be inspected. Remove crumbling or friable mortar,
replace with new mortar, striking the joints flush.

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Hand application - For hand application, the plasterer applies the plaster to the surface using a hawk.
Machine application - Plaster pumps are used to spray the plaster onto wall and ceiling surfaces.

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