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World's #1 Structural Analysis and Design Software Supporting Indian and major International codes.
worldwide, STAADpro is guaranteed to meet all your structural
engineering needs.
STAADprofeatures state of the art user interface, visualisation tools,
powerful analysis and design engines with advanced finite element
(FEM) and dynamic analysis capabilities. From model generation,
verificationSTAADprois the professional first choice.
STAADprowas developed by practicing engineers around the globe.
It has evolved over 20 years and meets the requirements of ISO 9001
STAADprohas building codes for most countries including US, Britain, Canada, Australia, France,
Germany, Spain, Norway, Finland, Sweden, India, China, Euro Zone, Japan, Denmark and Holland.

Structural Analysis And Design :

STAAD-III, the worlds most powerful and popular structural analysis
and design software is in use across the globe since 1980. Now it is
available in the form of STAAD.Pro which consists of STAAD +
STARDYNE +FEMkit + VisualDraw . STAAD.Pro is a
comprehensive, general purpose software for integrated structural
analysis and design.
STAAD.Pro may be utilized for analyzing and designing practically all
types of structures buildings, bridges, towers, transportation,
industrial and utility structures.
STAAD.Pro implements the most modern technologies in todays Computer-Aided-Engineering.
It unifies leading-edge graphics and visualization techniques with proven and time tested analysis and
design. A live, unified database provides seamless integration across all mission critical application
from concept design/analysis to detail design, simulation and visualization.

STAAD.Pro Overview :
"Concurrent Engineering" based user environment for model
development, analysis, design, visualization and verification.
Object-oriented intuitive 2D/3D graphic model generation.
Pull down menus, floating toolbars, tool tip help.
Flexible Zoom and multiple views.
Isometric and perspective views 3D shapes.
Built-in Command File Editor.
Simple Command Language.
Graphics/Text input generation.
State-of-the-art Graphical Pre and Post Processor.
Rectangular/Cylindrical Coordinate Systems.
Joint, Member/Element, Mesh Generation with flexible usercontrolled numbering.
Efficient algorithm minimizes disk space requirements.
FPS, Metric or SI units.
Presentation quality printer plots of Geometry and Results as
part of run output.
Compatible with Win95/98/NT
On-line manual and context sensitive help
Graphics Environment :
Model Generation
Interactive Menu-driven Model Generation with simultaneous 3D display.
2Dand 3D Graphic Generation using rectangular or polar coordinate systems.

Segments of repetitive geometry may be used to generate complex structural models.

Generate, Copy, Repeat, Mirror, Pivot, etc. or quick and easy geometry generation.
Quick/easy mesh generation.
Comprehensive graphics editing.
Graphical Specification and Display of Properties, Loadings, Supports, Orientations.
Import AutoCAD DXF files.
Access to Text Editor.
Model Verification
2D/3D drawings on screen as well as on plotter/printer.
Full 3D shapes for Frames, Elements.
Sectional views or views with listed members only.
Isometric or any rotations for full 3D viewing.
Display of Properties, Loadings, Supports, Orientations, Joint/Member numbering,
Dimensions, Hidden line removed, etc.
Plot manipulation according to the size, rotation, viewing origin and distance.
Analysis & Design :
Static Analysis
2D/3D Analysis based on state-of-the-art Matrix method to handle extremely large job.
Beam, Truss, Tapered Beam, Shell/Plate Bending/Plane Stress.
Full/Partial Moment Releases.
Member Offset Specification.
Fixed, Pinned and Spring Supports with Releases. Also inclined Supports.
Automatic Spring Support Generator.
Linear, P-Delta Analysis, Non-Linear Analysis with automatic load and stiffness correction.
Multiple Analyses within same run.
Active/Inactive Members for Load-Dependent structures.
Tension-only members and compression-only members, Multi-linear spring supports.
CIMSTEEL Interface.
Dynamic / Sesmic Analysis
Mass modeling, Extraction of Frequency and Mode shapes.
Response Spectrum, Time History Analysis.
Modal Damping Ratio for Individual Models.
Harmonic Load Generator.
Combination of Dynamic forces with Static loading for subsequent design.
Secondary Analysis
Forces and Displacements at sections between nodes.
Maximum and Minimum force Envelopes.
Load Types and Load Generation :
Loading for Joints, Members/Elements including
Concentrated, Uniform, Linear, Trapezoidal, Temperature,
Strain, Support Displacement, Prestressed and Fixed-end
Global, Local and Projected Loading Directions.
Uniform or varying Element Pressure Loading on entire or
selected portion of elements.
Floor/Area Load converts load-per-area to member loads
based on one-way or two-way actions.
Automatic Moving Load Generation as per standard
AASHTO or user-defined loading.
UBC 1997.AIJ/IS 1893/Cypriot Seismic Load Generation.
Automatic Wind Load Generation.
Factored Load Combinations including algebraic, absolute
and SRSS combination schemes.
Finite Element Capabilities :
Accurate and numerically Efficient Plate/Shell Element incorporating out-of-plane shear and inplane rotation.

Automatic Element Mesh Generation.

Comprehensive Element Stress Output including in-plane stresses, out-of-plane shear, bending
and principal stresses at nodal as well as user specified points.
Steel Design :
Built-in steel tables including AISC, Australian, British, Canadian, Chinese, European, Indian,
Japanese, Korean, Russian, and South African. Shapes include I-Beam with or without cover
plates, Channels, Angles, Double Angles,/Channels, Pipes and Tubes.
User-specified Design Parameters to customize design.
Code Check, Member selection and Optimised Member Selection consisting of Analysis/Design
Design codes include AISC (ASD and LRFD), AASHTO. Optional codes include ASCE52,
BS5400, BS5950, Canadian, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Indian and Scandinavian.
Weld deign for all steel shapes.
Concrete Design :
Design of Concrete Beam/Column/Slab/Footing as per all major international codes
Numerical and Graphical Design Outputs with complete reinforcement details.
IS 456-2000 for RCC design implemented.
RC detailer as per IS 456-2000 has been implemented which has given a new dimension to RCC
design never witnessed in STAAD before.
Timber Design :
Code Check/Selection as per AITC Code.
Result Verification :
Result verification and display.
Deflected and Mode Shapes based on Joint/Section Displacement for user-specified loading or
mode shape number.
Bending Moment and Shear force diagrams of individual members as well as the entire structure.
User-controlled Scale factors for Deflected or Mode shapes.
orce/Moment Envelope Plots as max/min for all loads.
Stress contour plots.
Code Performance Plots for Steel Design.
Powerful on-line Query for analysis/design results.
Animation of Deflected/Mode shapes, Stress Contours.
Special Features :
Query and Report Generator :
These powerful graphics based facilities provide on-screen
result verification and customized report generation. Userfriendly navigation and organization of data helps you get the
information you need with a few simple clicks.
Point and click on a member to obtain all the information on its
Geometry, Cross-sectional properties, Forces, etc. even design
information such as Allowable Stresses, Governing Code
Criteria, Reinforcement layout are available.
Sort and Search based on required criteria to create customized
reports. Arrange and rank the data based on Forces, Moments,
Displacements, Stresses, etc. in ascending or descending order.
Customize reports to include only the information you want,
where you want it, including your company logo.
Integration : STAAD.Pro 2003 with STAAD.etc
Significant powerful, integrated component analysis and design tools.
Use STAAD.etcwithin STAAD.Proto analyze and design the footings and create a footing layout.
Use STAAD.etcwithin STAAD.Proto analyze and design shear and moment bolt groups.

STAAD.Pro 2003Software Release Report :

Model Generation :
Roaming grid labeling for construction lines.

Equation editor to create parametric equations to define node

Auto mesh of user defined polygonal element boundary by
simple mouse clicks.
Unlimited Undo and Redo.
All values can be input as fractions with their units directly in
any edit box (i.e. 51/2" or 12.36m).
More structure wizard models including user-defined
parametric structures to create any structural template.
Define any point as centre for cylindrical and reverse cylindrical
coordinate system.
New user defined steel databases to add customized sections or
steel libraries.
Model Verification :
Multiple zooming and shadow box windows.
Automatic toggling of steel and concrete parameters, loads and ranges of
node/beam/plate/solid label.
Automatic view restoration facility to keep window arrangements intact.
New 3D rendering of structure using shading and lighting.
Load Generation :
New advanced wind load generator taking into consideration user-defined panels.
Design :
New IS: 456-2000 RC Designer.
New AASHTO 2000 code.
New IBC 2000 code.
New AISI Cold-Formed Steel Design and section library (optional).
New welding design code.
Automatic calcuoation of cracked moment of inertia for concrete design.
Analysis :
Non-linear cable members for catenary cables.
P-Delta analysis enabled for plates.
New Automated bridge loader to calculate 3D influence surfaces, traffic lanes, critical vehicle
loading positions, etc.(optional).
Calculation of maximum base shear for time history loading.
Influence area reported for spring supports for elastic mats.
Scale factors for ground acceleration for time history loading.
Warnings for load losses due to poorly defined plate releases.
Enhanced solid stress contour definition for brick elements.
Results Verification :
Custom-defined tool-tips for displaying pre- and post-processing data for any entity with mouse
roll over.
Export saved pictures into any format and in any size.
New plate and solid element query box through double-clicking.
New slider control for member query box to see shear, bending and deflection values at any point
along the beam.
New super query box to change any beam/element attribute on the fly
Table of contents for STAAD viewer to go directly to different parts of the ANL file.
Dynamic query feature to create customized queries for data mining STAAD output (i.e. Find All
Nodal Deflections<0.06inches in the Global Y Whose Z Coordinate is> 20ft. for Load Cases >
Load Case 5).
Interoperability :
New Footing plan calculation and layout schematic form STAAD.etc (optional).
Integration with Section wizard for section property calculation of any shape.
New open and customizable international steel library database.
Integration with Layout product for linking STAAD.Pro data to layout templates.
open STAAD API to link STAAD data into any 3rdparty or in-house applications like Excel,
AutoCAD, Visio, etc. using any script language like VB, VBA, JAVA,C, C++, FORTRAN
(fully COM compliant).

Customer Support, Maintenance and Service :

To ensure you receive maximum benefits from your investment in REI products, we offer a
comprehensive Maintenance and Service program. This program is designed to provide you with an
information pipeline to answer the questions that you may have or problems that you may encounter
using any of the REI products and to ensure that you always have immediate access to the latest
releases and upgrades.

Profit from our Maintenance Program with :

Technical Support
Unlimited toll-free access to domestic technical support.
E-support: Online technical support 24 hours per day.
Dynamic knowledge-based system for FAQs and example problems (changes everyday
with input from REI support engineers around the world).
Product Updates and Enhancements.
Automatic Software updates and enhancements mailed to you upon availability.
Downloadable updates and patches (Archived updates also available).
Automatic Bug Notification System to inform users of new patches, builds or updates very time
they run STAAD.
Other Services
Training programs can also be held at your site and customized based on your requirements.
Substantial discounts on future upgrades, additional licenses of software and training programs.

STADDPro 2007
New Features
New Start Page to access commonly accessed functions
Enhanced Grid Tool to work with multiple grids, store for later use, reuse on other projects and
use DXF files
Fly-out toolbars to free up desktop real estate
Physical Member Query
In-plane area loads on plates to model friction loading
Hot rolled channels can now be defined as front to front to complement the back to back
Automatic property calculation of User Provide Table (UPT) angle sections
Tool to consolidate multiple property references
Section property reduction in analysis to account for cracking
Tension / compression only spring supports easier to define
Enhanced ELASTIC MAT / PLATE MAT options
New Reference load cases for primary loads that do not require analysis in themselves
Enhanced Beta Angle Definition and Assignment
P-Delta analysis including stress stiffening effect of the KG matrix
P-Delta analysis including small Delta
Modal Analysis including stress stiffening effect of KG Matrix
Buckling Load analysis
Enhanced Master/Slave command processing
New Advanced Solver substantially faster for large model problems
New Eurocode 3:2005 steel design
New static check table to view equilibrium checks previously only available in the output file
New Beam and Column designs to the Russian Concrete code SP52
New RAM Connection Design Mode to design steelwork connections with both basic and smart
Enhanced link to AutoPipe with persistency of pipe models across STAAD.Pro sessions

STADDPro 2006
STAADPro2006 New Features
Grouping analytical members into physical members using a special member group
PMEMBER. Properties and loads can be assigned to physical member.
Transfer forces for steel connection design will automatically be calculated.
Automatic calculation of buckling lengths.
Plastic pushover analysis to identify plastic hinges and member states at different load steps.
Full steady state and harmonic analysis with modal and composite damping.
IS800 draft code.

IS 1893 Load definition through utility.

Modeling of In-fill Brick wall panels.
Torsion clause of IS 1893-2002.

STADD.Pro 2005
STAADPro2005 New Features
Graphics Environment
Exporting and Importing files in the CIS/2 format.
Configurable Selection Cursor with user defined Filter.
New interface to define a composite floor deck system.
Define Member Attributes before Creating Member Elements.
Define Plate Attributes before Creating Plate Elements.
Circular Opening in Parametric Model and Enhancement of Insert Node Operation.
Automatic creation of Floor Panel Infill Plates.
Steel Design
LRFD Steel Designer with physical members.
Design of Single Angle per Geometric Axis.
Design of Face-to-Face double channels.
New shear and moment connections.
Design open web joists (based on SJI tables) and castellated beams (SMI Smart Beams).
Calculation of Effective Length Factors (K Factors) for Steel Design.
Advanced Connections using the New Descon Integration.
Fireproofing and the Automatic Fireproofing Specification in STAAD.Pro.
Column With Lacings And Battens as per IS:800.
Concrete Design
Shear Wall Design as per IS:456.
Interactive Slab design as per Indian standard.
New Bar Combination for IS:13920.
Enhanced Earthquake Resistant RC Design (IS:13920).
Design of I and L-shaped concrete beams/columns ACI:318-02.
Timber & Aluminium Design
New AITC Code.
Missing mass for time history.
Generate floor spectra from time history.
Turn on/off shear deformation for static and dynamic analysis.
Define Cut Off Time for Time History Analysis.
Load Types & Load Generation
New wind loading on open lattice structures.
New load assignment dialog boxes.
Generation of Wind Load As Per ASCE -7-95.
Floor load on user defined member groups.
New floor load generator which automatically updates the pressure distribution if the floor
changes. Also, allows for elimination of members.
Adding and editing tables containing factors for automatic load combination generation.
Model Verification
Enhanced illustration of Master-slave Specifications.
Enhanced illustration of Fixed-But Supports.
Results Verification
Stress contour on Displaced Surface or Volume.
Repositioning Support Reaction Labels.
Line display of Support Reaction.
Line display of Plate Stress Contour.
New Contour System for Member Axial Force.
New Contour System for Section Utilization Ratio.
Simultaneous Display of Stress Contours for Plates, Surfaces and Solids.
Stress contour on Displaced Surface or Volume

STADDPro 2004
STAAD.PRO 2004 New Features

Graphics Environment
New Color Coding To Distinguish Local Z-Axis For Plate Element.
Add Surface Opening.
Copying Geometry Only With Transnational Repeat.
Opengl Enhancement For 3d Rendering.
Steel Design
Cold Form Steel Sections Are Available As Per Is : 801.
Transmission Tower Design Is Available As Per Is : 802.
Composite Beam Design As Per The American Lrfd 3rd Edition Code.
Enhancement In Color Display For Connections.
Concrete Design
Enhanced Shear Wall Design.
Improved Concrete Slab Design In The Interactive Design Facilities.
Shear Wall With Openings Design As Per Aci Code.
Print The Center Of Gravity Of Portions Of The Structure.
Print Support Generator For Mat Foundations.
Calculations Of Effective Length Factors ( K Factors ) For Steel Design.
Shear Wall With Openings Modelling And Analysis.
Specifying A Reduced Set Of Active Modes For Response Spectrum And Time History
Load Types And Load Generation
Pressure Parameter For Curved Members.
Load Generation On Beams Using One Way Slab Loading Technique.
Floor Load Generation For Vertical Surfaces.
Auto Load Combination Generator.
Ibc 2000/2003 Seismic Load Generation.
Model Verification
Check For Solid Elements With Negative Volume.
Check For Warped Solids.
Check Overlapping Plates.
Check Beam Plate Connectively.
Result Verification
Beam Stress Manager.
Re-Indexing Stress Contour Diagrams.
Cutting Lines Through Plates To Determine The Forces And Stresses Along Any Line.
Some of the new features of
Enhancement in graphic environment and data generation facilities.
Open STAAD environment enhancement
Analysis of shear wall
Inclusion of Interactive steel design as per IS-800
Design of connections for steel structures
Inclusion of IS-801, IS-802.
Inclusion of Revised Earthquake code IS1893-2002.

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