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P.O: The meeting will now come to order, may we all rise for the prayer
P.O: May we have the secretary to have the roll call and declaration of the quorum
Secretary: May we now do the roll call,
President Jale Ann Espanol,
Chairmen of the standing committees,
Hon. Kenneth Cho, Chairman of the Treasurer Committee
Hon. Honeylyn Urbien, Chairman of the sports Committee
Hon. Donna Joy Mallillin, Chairman of the student welfare Committee
Chairmen of the special committee
Hon. Wesley Dayag
Hon. _____________________
And yours truly, Secretary Rhea Ramos
Out of 8 expected attendees, 8 members were present today, hence I declare a
P.O: Will the secretary please read the minutes of the preceding meeting
Secretary: The assembly of political science was called to order at 9:00 am. All
officers were in attendance. The chairman of the treasurer committee gave his
update on the expenses made for the last 10 activities. It was decided to have the
repetition of the activities on September 30, 2016 at Cagayan State University, Red
Eagle Gymnasium for the university wide echoing. We decided therefore to make a
special committee which will be the food committee for the upcoming events, and
targeted the participants of the activities. With no other announcements, the
meeting was adjourned at 4:06 pm.
P.O.:Are there any corrections? Hearing none, the minutes are approved as read.
The next business in order is the reports of officers in the standing committees. Will
the Treasurer please report?


Treasurer reports:
*Kenneth cho*

P.O: Are there any questions on the report? Hearing none the report will be filed
with the Secretary.
The chair recognizes Hon. Honeylyn Urbien, Chairman of the sports committee for
her report
The chair recognizes Hon. Donna Joy Mallillin, Chairman of the students welfare for
her report

The next business in order is the reports of officers in the standing committees.
The chair recognizes Hon. Wesley Dayag, Chairman of the Food Committe to create
a weekly academic circle for the political science majors e for his report

The next business in order is the Unfinished Business

The motion that was postponed to this meeting to reduce the membership fee
from 80 pesos to 10 pesos is now pending. The question is on the adoption of
the motion. Is there any discussion?
HONEYLYN: Madam p.o.! I speak against the motion, since the budget of the
organization depends largely on the membership fee, and reducing it to 10
pesos will be a big loss for us.
RHEA: Madam p.o.! I speak in favor of the motion, reducing the membership
fee means that the students can now afford to join our organization which shall
bring us more members, and more constituents
P.O: Is there any further discussion? The question is in the motion to reduce the
membership fee from 80 pesos to 10 pesos to those who are in favor, please say
aye _ those who oppose say no
*majority will be yes
P.O: The yes has it, the motion to reduce the membership fee from 80 pesos to
10 pesos is approved.
Is there any new business?
RHEA: Madam p.o! I move to create an organizational I.D. for the year 20162017
P.O: It has been moved and seconded to create an organizational ID for the year
Is there any discussion?

WESLEY: Madam p.o.! I speak against the motion, since the budget of the
organization is already reduced, the resources needed for the IDs will be costly
CHO: Madam p.o.! I speak in favor of the motion, membership IDs are very
important since it is the proof that a person is really our member.
P.O.: Is there any further discussion? The question is in the motion to to create an
organizational I.D. for the year 2016-2017. to those who are in favor, please say
aye _ those who oppose say no
*majority will be yes
The yes has it, the motion to create an organizational I.D. for the year 2016-2017 is
is there any new business?
_______: Ms p.o! I move to create a weekly academic circle for the political science
P.O: It has been moved and seconded to create a weekly academic circle for the
political science majors Is there any discussion?
___________: Madam p.o.! I speak in favor of the motion, our organization needs
divine intervention on every activity that needs to be done, Is there any further
The question is in the motion to create a weekly academic circle for the political
science majors to those who are in favor, please say aye _ those who oppose say
*majority will be yes
The yes has it, the motion to create a weekly academic circle for the political
science majors is approved.
P.O: Is there any new business?
Are there any announcements?
If there is no further business to come before the assembly, the meeting will be
adjourned. [Pause, if no one is rising say] If there is no objection, the meeting will
be adjourned. [Pause to see if an objection, if none say] The meeting is adjourned.
[Rap gavel once.]

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