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Teen gets threatened to get kicked out of

pool party

Bringing you the Truth.

MALAYSIA, 3RD SEPT 2016 - Early this evening, a teen (Edward Ooi)
that attended a pool party held at Fairview International School Kuala
Lumpur got threatened to get kicked out by the poolkeeper.
Ooi attempted to do a backflip into the pool with his friend. The
poolkeeper approached the teen when he got out of the pool and threatened
to kick him out of the party if he tried to the trick again.

Figure 1 The infinite pool at the school

Word got out that flipping into the pool was not allowed, and all the
attendants did not attempt the act again for the rest of the night.
As for Ooi, the teen did not want to risk getting kicked out of the
spectacular party. He went on partying for the rest of the night, with a few
ordinary jumps into the pool here and there. Luckily for him, he did not
get kicked out.

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