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Chapter 1

Hillary J. Penrose sat alone in her large bedroom, as she often did, that cold and
blustery winter morning. A powerful North Eastern storm shook the panes of her
bedroom windows. It was typical Boston weather for December. Hillary felt warm and
cozy under her down-filled duvet. She gazed ahead at the flickering flames from the
fireplace. Her bedroom was a little different from those of other girls her age. Then again,
most things about Hillary were a little different. There werent any movie of rock star
posters adorning her walls. Instead, she had very specifically chosen the design of her
bedroom. The ceiling of her room had been carefully painted to look like a perfect
summer sky, with fine little fluffy clouds against a deep azure background. A magnificent
medieval castle, replete with high turrets, a moat and a drawbridge had been painted on
the far wall by her window. The wall by her bed had been painted to resemble an endless
three-dimensional green hedge maze. In the corner of her room a massive, ornately
carved mirror stood imposingly. Hillary was also lucky to own an extensive collection of
interesting stuffed animals. There was a huge, imposing brown kangaroo, a smooth roan
colour stallion, a black and silver Gryphon, and many more. One of more would often
accompany her on one of her many adventures. She also never traveled far without her
pocket princess doll, and of course Digby, who followed her everywhere.

Hillary was quite often told how beautiful she was, and would one day become.
The compliment meant very little to her. Her mother, Carolyn Penrose was much more
receptive to this sort of praise. The socially conscious and ambitious woman has once
tried to enter her in a beauty pageant, but Hillary would have none of it. Now by contrast,
if there had been a reading contest for young girls, then she surely would have entered.
Books were a vital part of Hillarys life. She had learned to read at an unusually young
age. Her mother never failed to mention this to her relatives and strangers they might
meet. It was not a matter of showing off for her; it was just that reading came very easily
to Hillary. Her passion for words had lately become all encompassing. It was surely her
father that played some part in this aspect of Hillarys character. He was determined that
his daughter surpass in intelligence all of her peers. She was very early on impressed with
the need for knowledge. Alphabetic flashcards and the latest young genius electronic
gizmos were her principal playthings.

It was not unexpected that her father, Charles Penrose should have been so keenly
determined to push his daughter to scholastic aptitude. He was decided that his daughter
would not be thwarted in this regard as her had been. Though born into an affluent
Boston family, Charles father was not a believer in excessive book knowledge. The elder
patriarch was a classic self-made man that had made his fortune with his hands, not the

capricious mind. Certainly some of this prejudice had been passed onto Charles. His
attitude then was complicated, and he wondered if he had pushed his daughter
excessively. He wondered if his unrelenting persistence was the cause of Hillarys
reliance upon her ever-present imaginary friend.

Hillary did not make friends easily. Other children her own age seemed rather silly
to her way of thinking. Their loud, expensive toys and trendy clothes did not interest her
in the least. She had tried her hand at a few video games, but had found them generally
uninteresting. She most of all preferred to stay in her room reading an engrossing book.
Her favourite book by far was the wondrous Peter Pan, by J.M. Barrie. Hillary had read
it countless times. From a very early age, her mother had begun to notice her near
obsession with the characters in the story. After the umpteenth bedtime reading of the
fantastical tale, her mother had permanently taken the book away from Hillary. It was
considered unhealthy to fixate so completely upon one particular book. Still, though she
was denied the printed pages, she was still allowed to muse upon the Peter Pan character
every night with her mobile. Above her bed the characters from the incredible story
drifted in lazy circles, tethered to this world by the thinnest of wires. Such was Hillarys
connection to the world around her.

Hillary never felt as though she exactly belonged in this peculiar world. Her own
inner world, the world of her imagination always seemed much more real by comparison.
She had not yet abandoned her fancy. Her young malleable mind remained wild and
unconquered. Indeed, five is an odd and very special age to be, and not just for Hillary.
Five is the in-between age, lying still very near the insular world of childhood
imaginative reality, and not quite reaching the adult outer world of practical reality.
Hillary experienced this difficult transitional state much more acutely than most other
children did. Many had no imagination to speak of; and as such the loss of this realm
went unnoticed by them. Yet Hillary felt the pain and angst all too well, especially for
one so young. Her inner world was being threatened with extinction from all around.
Annie had attempted to ease her pain, having also experienced the very same ordeal
herself at that age.

Books had always been Hillarys ultimate defense and her safe haven. In addition
to Peter Pan, there was also one very unusual book in particular that fascinated the young
girl. Her beloved grandmother Annie had given her a very strange storybook the previous
year for her birthday. The volume was elaborately adorned with Egyptian hieroglyphics
and gilded pages. The wise old woman had told her that the book was indeed magical and
special; and that only the two of them possessed the imaginative power to comprehend its
contents. For this reason, Hillary kept it well hidden from both her parents. It lay safely

taped up inside her beds box spring. The volume was indeed both perplexing and unique
in respect to its magical properties. It was Hillarys single most prized possession, one
that she would risk all to safeguard.

The next day Hillarys mother came into her room and announced that it was time
to do some shopping. They left the house that cold morning and drove downtown. Hillary
loved the busy stores and the bright twinkling Christmas displays. They arrived at the
hectic shopping mall and searched for a parking spot. Hillary held on tightly to her
mothers warm hand, as they walked towards the mall. The huge downtown Boston
department store was bustling with activity. The air was bristling with the anticipation
and excitement of the Holiday season. Brightly coloured lights and cheery faces
illuminated the space. Christmas was not that many days away. Her busy mother had
nearly finished the gift shopping for the family. The intoxicating wonder of Christmas
and Santa Claus was very strong within Hillary. The previous Christmas, she was
adamant that she had actually seen the jolly old soul sailing across the wintry night sky.
Hillary wore only the very finest traditional clothes. Her mother was insistent that
Hillary always look her best. A long pleated red and yellow dress adorned her small
frame. A matching red cape fell gracefully from her small white neck. Completing the

outfit was a plaid Scottish bonnet propped up precariously upon her bountiful dark
blonde hair.

Hillary was a deeply thoughtful, almost contemplative child. She entertained the
sort of thoughts that one would associate with one much more mature. Indeed, her
trenchant observations and world-weary quips caused her parents much unease. Hillary
was not content to be an ordinary, frivolous child. She possessed an unquenchable thirst
for knowledge and understanding. She looked up at her beautiful proud mother and,
completely out of the blue, said Mama, are the people in my imagination dead or
alive? Her mother was distracted by her conversation with a young sales girl; and did
not hear the question. Do these gloves come in a smaller size? The bored teenage clerk
merely sniffed in utter disinterest. Uhwe only got whatever you see on the table.
The woman with the lustrous auburn hair pushed the issue. Well cant you go out back
and check for me? Its important! My husband wants these gloves! After a moments
consideration, the bored girl left to speak with her supervisor. Please wait here Maam.
Ill see what I can do. Carolyn Penrose was a women accustomed to getting her own
way in most situations. She wore a chocolate brown cashmere overcoat over a long
flowing black dress. Only a string of fine pearls spanning her white throat served as
adornment. Her fine featured face was impeccably made-up with a subtle flair.

Hillary had watched the animated exchange in her usual quiet, reserved
manner. The uninteresting, mundane conversations of adults made little sense to
her still impressionable young mind. She tugged hard at the dress of her mother to
grab her attention away from the gloves. As the salesgirl left to fetch her superior,
her mother gazed down beneficently upon her offspring. Yes dear, cant you see
that Mommy is busy? Hillary persisted as she repeated her initial query. Carolyn
relented and listened to the odd question. She was not at all unfamiliar with such
bizarre, almost metaphysical conundrums being posed by her daughter. For a
moment she was puzzled. What a silly question, Hillary. Your imagination is just
for pretend. Its not real. Hillary listened carefully to the response and furrowed
her small brow in an expression of puzzlement. What about Peter Pan and Wendy
and Michaeltheyre real arent they Mama? Carolyn shook her head and
smiled. Whatever would make you think that, Hillary? Those are just characters
from stories your father and I read to you at night. What is it with you and that
book? You havent been reading it again have you? Now be a good girl and be
quiet while I talk to this man. The young girl was hardly impressed by the halfhearted answer. She thought her mother a little dim. Of course they were real, if
she could think of them, she thought. Hillary looked up to see her mother
fervently arguing with the supervisor.

Well your flyer clearly stated that these gloves were on sale. Now its not
my fault if you ran out of stock is it? Furthermore, your salesgirl was not at all
polite. With her tirade completed for the moment, Carolyn folded her slender
arms across her spare chest. She gazed at the man imperiously as she awaited his
response. The comments were directed to a middle aged balding man in his late
forties. He seemed begrudgingly resigned to his unpleasant status in life. He
feigned an ingratiating smile as he provided his dutiful answer. Maam with all
due respect, we cannot be expected to anticipate every eventuality. We have an
excellent selection of other gloves to choose from. Let me show you these.
Carolyn merely sniffed in the air with contempt and gathered herself to leave. She
looked down to grab hold of Hillarys hand. The child had vanished.

Hillary had grown tired of listening to the boring conversation. She had
surreptitiously slipped away as her mother had let go of her hand. It was not that
Hillary was exactly in the habit of disobeying her mother. She knew quite well that
is was improper of her to wander away in the busy store. Hillary possessed a deep
sense of curiosity. She could not stand to be bored for more than a few moments. It
was almost as if a constant battle between right and wrong raged inside her. On this
particular occasion, the latter force had won out. The store was loud and exciting,
but also a little frightening to the young girl. Adults dressed in heavy winter coats

were all rushing hither and thither. Pleasant Christmas jingles filled the air with
cheer. Hillary sniffed and smelled the delicious scent of fresh baked sugar cookies.
Hillary was a serious fan of cookies and made her way in the direction of the
inviting scent. Shopping concerns filled the mind of every man and woman who
walked quickly by her. Barely noticing the unattended child, Hillary was able to
slip away quite a distance from her mother. The appealing, warm aroma of baked
goodness continued to draw her away. Hillary was unusually courageous and very
little would cause her to relent when she had a goal in mind. Finally she was lead
by her nose down a flight of escalators. Usually Hillary might have been
frightened to go down them herself. On this occasion however, she felt unusually
bold. When frightened, Hillary tried to imagine what her hero Wendy Darling
might do in the same situation.

Carolyn Penrose gasped as she noticed that her daughter was no longer at her
side. She first looked around the immediate vicinity and then at the man with
whom she had spoken. What happened to my daughter? She was right here
beside me. Did you see her? The assistant manager was frankly pleased with the
change of subject. He adopted his most avuncular, conciliatory manner as he spoke.
Whyno Maambut she must be somewhere. The casual remark did nothing
but anger the already perturbed mother. Well I realize that she is somewhere, you


idiot! Now cant you make some kind of announcement? Do something for Gods
sake! The gentleman was hurt, but attempted to remain calm. There is no need
for name-calling. Now you go look for your daughter while I contact security.
With that, Carolyn turned from the clerk to search for her daughter. She called
out with a loud and tremulous voice. Hillary! Hillary, where are you? The
assistant manager was speaking into his cell-phone. Carolyn rushed headlong
through the vast sea of people searching for her precious daughter. Passersby
barely looked up at the clearly distraught woman.

Hillary Penrose finally succeeded in discovering the aromatic treasure. The

source of the wonderful cookie smell was found at last. Gazing up rapturously at
the seemingly endless display of baked goods, her pert nose stuck up against the
glass of the counter. A pleasant and contented looking salesgirl stared down
amusedly at the young admirer of her wares. May I help you young lady?
Hillary was at first taken aback by the pointed inquiry. She had recalled her
mothers admonishment to never speak with strangers. However, she was also
clever enough, at the age of five, to realize there were always exceptions to this
rule. For instance, she knew that it was permitted to speak with police officers.
The status of cookie-girl within this complex hierarchy of strangers seemed a
gray area to her young mind. She decided in a fairly arbitrary manner to trust the


kind looking face of the blond girl staring down expectantly at her. Could I have
some cookies please? Hillarys high clear voice was full of anticipation. The
counter girl smiled down at her and answered, you seem a little young to be all
alone in this big store. Where are your mother and father? Hillarys quick mind
was ready with a plausible response. My father is away on business in Cambodia.
My mother is busy shopping and told me to buy some cookies. Were having a
party later and we will need some treats. The bakery attendant was impressed by
the young girls command of the language and herself. She relented and inquired as
to her preferences. Wellokay, as long as your mother gave you some money to
pay for the cookies. Hillary quickly processed the implications of the remark. She
at once realized that her mother had earlier provided her with a twenty dollar bill
for Christmas gifts. She casually felt in her coat pocket to ensure that the funds
were still there. Pulling out the crumpled bill, she thrust the currency towards the
salesgirl. The receptive older girl saw this as a reasonable test for the veracity of
the young girls claims. Hillary quickly pointed into the wide display case of
bakery goodies. As each selection was made, the girl would reach out with a pair
of tongs and place the cookie gently into paper bag. The cookie sack had nearly
reached maximum capacity. Are you sure you want any more? Thats a lot of
cookies you have now. Hillary inquired as to the compensation required. Is that
enough money I gave you? Can I get any more with it?


Did your mother want you to spend the entire amount? Hillary nodded
brightly and urged that her on. Finally the entire twenty dollars was spent. Hillary
had managed to spend her whole Christmas gift fund on two dozen cookies. She
reached up to grasp three bags filled with the most wonderful smelling cookies
ever . Immediately she dove her small hand into one bag for a sample. A soft,
warm, white chocolate and macadamia nut delight emerged. Hillary eagerly bit
into the treat as she walked away from the store bakery. She was getting rather
tired and looked for a quiet place to take a short nap. She walked quickly away
from the bakery area with her cookie sacks in tow.

Carolyn Penrose ran frantically through the store searching for her daughter.
The assistant manager with whom she had earlier spoke caught up with her. There
you are. Ive got everyone on the security team working on finding your daughter.
Do you have a picture of her I could use? The highly perturbed woman
rummaged quickly through her purse and fished out a photo. It was a picture of
Hillary in a bright yellow sundress, smiling happily on the beach. Here, take this
one. Do you think she could have left the store and gone into the mall? The
mature store employee nodded and shrugged his shoulders apologetically.
Anything is possible Mrs. Penrose. Let me assure you that this is our only


priority. Dont worrywe will find her. Carolyns face was etched with dismay.
She rushed across the store like a whirlwind. The floor was now swarming with
security staff. An announcement could be heard loudly over the store intercom.
The normally cheery mood caused by the constant Christmas carols had ceased.
Attention all staffcode yellowCould Hillary Penrose please come to the
information desk. If anyone has seen a young girl alone in the store, could you
please contact security staff at once.

Hillary wandered casually over to the furniture department. At home, one of

her favourite hiding places for hide-and-go-seek was under the kitchen cupboard.
She walked through the throng of bustling Christmas shoppers and finally found a
suitable large wooden cabinet. In the background noise, she thought she heard her
name being called. Imagining a hide-and-seek game right then, she quickly climbed
into the cabinet and shut the oak door. Inside it was dark and warm and quiet.
Hillary had her cookies, and her pocket princess doll to keep her company. Her
small hand reached into one of the cookie sacks and pulled out an unknown sort of
cookie. Biting happily into its centre, she discovered a multitude of luscious stillwarm chocolate chips. She was well satisfied and curled up for a nap. She
removed her long red cape and bonnet and bunched them together to create a


pillow. Outside the comforting seclusion of the oak cabinet, the sound of security
staff calling her name grew louder. Hillary had fallen into a light sleep.

Carolyn Penrose had made her way down to the lower level of the store.
She was now frantically stopping every passerby and waving the picture of her
daughter at them. Only a stony silence or peeved indifference followed her
desperate pleas. The security staff fanned out through the entire store. They began
questioning all store employees, including the bakery staff. The girl working there
responded immediately to the inquires. Carolyn Penrose was ushered quickly over
to the young sales girl. She shoved the picture of her daughter into the clerks
face. Have you seen this girl today? The girl nodded her pretty blond head
rapidly. Yes.yes I saw her. She actually bought a whole bunch of cookies.
Carolyns expression was exasperated and confrontational. Why did you not
immediately alert staff to the appearance of an unattended child? And why would
you sell her cookies? The young girl was sheepish and apologetic. I.Im
sorryshe told me that she had your permissionshe seemed
soindependentand she really, really wanted the cookies. The anguished
mother simply drummed her hands across the counter. Okaydo you at least
remember where she went after she bought the cookies? The girl nodded. Oh
yesshe went in the direction of the escalatorsthose ones that head outside to


the rest of the mall. Carolyn whirled around quickly and ran towards the
escalators. The rest of the security staff followed quickly.

Charles Penrose was sitting in first class on a flight back from Cambodia. He
worked for a major International telecommunications firm and had just succeeded
in developing an important new partnership on behalf of his company. His latest
achievement would certainly stand him in good stead with his so-called superiors.
Charles was a vice-president, and the promotion to the very highest echelon was
only a matter of time, or rather, life and death. The president of the company was
the man responsible in large part for its success. Unfortunately for Mr. Sitchin, he
was nearing eighty with a heart condition. It had now become a matter of patience
for Charles. He was still a vigorous and confident man in his early forties. There
were few men more ruthlessly ambitious than Charles. His best years were still to
come, within his way of thinking. Certainly his relationship with his family had
seriously suffered due to his long hours at the office. The news of Hillarys
mysterious disappearance would have to wait until his arrival back in Boston.
The contented man relaxed in his first class seat, enjoying a single-malt scotch. He
gazed down from his window at the comforting white blanket of ever-shifting
clouds below.


Hillarys small tummy was full of cookies. She had dozed off, but was
awakened by the sound of loud adults calling her name. She wondered what to do
next. It sounded like the voices were angry, and her mother was terrible and
frightening when she was cross. In times of indecision or fear Hillary always turned
to her imaginary friend named Digby. Digby was two feet tall and seemed to follow
Hillary everywhere. He first appeared a few years ago, and had been a good friend
ever since. He was a little boy with thick, wavy red hair, a freckled face and a
perpetual happy grin. Digby always wore a dark green sweater over his blue jeans
overalls. His small feet were dressed in blue socks and brown leather shoes. He
usually carried a lantern wherever he went, always in his left hand. He stared hard
at Hillary in the darkness and offered this advice. Dont listen to them. Theyre
only trying to get you in trouble. Anyway, if your mother finds you now, shell
only take away your cookies. Shell be very mad at you. Hillary took a moment
to digest the remarks. She realized that Digby was usually correct in these
situations. Digby, what if I get in more trouble by staying in here? What if they
never find me? He shook his head vehemently. Havent I always watched out
for you? Just think of it as a game of hide and seek! If you can wait in here long
enough, youll win the game! Hillary saw the truth in his suggestions. She covered
her ears and set her head down to continue her nap.


Carolyn Penrose had rushed over to the set of escalators where Hillary had
been last seen, or so she had been told. She rushed furiously up them, pushing
away the line of shoppers in her way. The escalator led to a central entrance with
several doors leading out to the street. The assistant manager was following close
behind her. He gently touched the anguished womans shoulder. If she came up
these escalators, then she could have gone anywhere. She could have gone back
into the store, back out into the mall, or gone out onto the street. Carolyn whirled
around and grabbed the man firmly by the shoulders. Dont you think I know that?
I need to know where she is, not where she could be. The downcast clerk merely
nodded politely. Im trying to help youI really am. Maybe its time to call in
the police on this. I dont think I can help you anymore. The proud woman
realized her mistake and gently patted the mans shoulder. I understand that this is
not your fault... youre right. Could you call them for me? The gentleman
assented and immediately pulled out his cell phone. He began to explain the
situation to the voice at the other end. Carolyn began to question those around her
as to the whereabouts of her daughter. She flashed the picture of her beautiful
daughter at every person that passed by, but as before there was no assistance
offered. The steady droning of cheerful Christmas carols continued throughout the
mall. The enforced atmosphere of happiness seemed only to mock her growing
unease. She continued her desperate search.


The plane carrying Hillarys father touched down at Boston Logan

International airport at six in the evening. After disembarking from the plane and
collecting his luggage from the conveyor belt, Charles made his way out of the
airport. He hailed a limousine and sat down in the back to call his wife. It was an
overcast Saturday night. A light drizzle of freezing rain had begun to fall. Charles
looked out at the passing city buildings as he dialed Carolyns number. Hi
Honey His words were immediately cut short by the frantic voice of his wife.
Charles, where are you? Its Hillaryshesmissing The last words trailed
off mournfully. The confused husband shot back. Slow down, Carol. What are
you talking about?
I dont know where to begin. We were shoppingChristmas shoppingat
Macys at Downtown Crossing, and suddenly she disappeared. She was right
beside me, then she was gone. Im home now with the police. Charles was
dumbfounded by the torrent of startling information. He struggled hard to digest
and process the horrible news. Neither he nor his wife were accustomed to
unpleasantness of any kind. All right Carol, just stay put. Ill be home within a
half hour. Just take it easy. Carolyn sobbed quietly into the phone. Please
hurryI cant do this alone Charles flipped his phone shut and reached up to
the driver. He handed him a hundred dollar bill. I need to get home as fast as


possible! The vehicle lurched into a new gear as it sped quickly through busy

Chapter 2


Hillary awoke several hours later. The sounds of Christmas shoppers had
completely vanished. Only the noise of constantly repeating Holiday tunes
remained. Hillary stretched out her small arms and carefully pushed open the door
of the cabinet. Peering carefully out, she saw that the store was empty and darkened
somewhat. She took a quick look back to grab her remaining sack of cookies and
checked to see if Digby was about. Realizing that he was still beside her, she
climbed out with him and looked around. A familiar Holiday song could be
heard blaring from the speakers above. Just hear those sleigh bells ringing, go
jing, jing, jing-a-ling-ling... Hillary gazed around at the vast dark emptiness of
the store. She walked through the long empty aisles and returned to the bakery
counter. Looking through the glass, she was displeased to see that the tasty wares
had been removed. A security camera above caught the movement of the girl as she
ambled happily through the store. The cameras image was caught and transmitted
to a remote room on the top floor. The security guard on duty that night had dozed
off and failed to notice the young intruder. Hillary noticed the video instrument
above her and waved. She and Digby continued to saunter through the store. Off
behind one counter, a particular door caught her attention. It almost seemed to call
out her name. She walked over to the large heavy gray door and noticed the
message above it in bright red. Hillary looked up and read the words, Do not
enter. Employees only. Hillary crinkled her nose and folded her arms in


frustration. She closed her eyes tightly. OhI wish I knew what that meant!
Digby spoke up. Employees means people that work in the store. It probably
means that theres good stuff inside. Hillary frowned with an aggrieved
expression. I cant get in there anyway, the handle is too high to reach. Digby
offered a solution. I know what to do. I have a special key that opens any lock.
Hillary looked mournfully around the barren department store and thought about
her mother. She would most likely be getting rather upset by now, she thought.
She decided to tell Digby that they would have to find a way to get home. Digby
produced a shiny blue metal key from one of his many pockets. The strange key
was shaped like an Egyptian Ankh. The heavy door opened easily, as the magical
key slid into the lock. A loud siren shrieked as the door swung open. Hillary
shook her head and stared at Digby. I think we better get home now Digby.
The red-haired boy nodded his head. Dont you see? This is the way home, I
promise. Lets go. He shoved the girl through the entrance and followed himself.
The heavy steel door closed with a loud crash behind them.

Charles came bursting through the front door of his house. Carolyn came
rushing over and collapsed into his arms. He hugged her close then pulled away.
He stared hard at the police officers that had gathered in his living room. Two
detectives stood with steaming mugs of coffee, watching the distraught couple.


The taller black detective walked over and flipped open his notepad. Mr. Penrose.
I assume that your wife has filled you in on the details. Im Detective Gardner.
This is my partner sergeant Hancock. Now, were going to get back to the mall,
this time with some trained scent dogs. They should be able to find your daughter.
Ive asked your wife to provide us with some personal item of your daughters.
The other officer held up a worn brown teddy bear. It was tattered with the left
black button eye missing. The concerned father nodded and followed the police out
of the house. He and his wife followed behind the squad car in their gleaming new
black Mercedes. The atmosphere within their car was clearly strained. I cant see
how she was able to get away from you! Werent you watching her closely? The
teary eyed woman responded with an icy glare. How dare you accuse me of being
negligent! Of course this never would have happened to you! You dont see her
enough to ever lose her. Im sure shed hardly recall your face! Charles was ready
to answer with his own biting remark, but thought better of it. Listenlets not
fight, all right? I just want to find Hillary. I know what a handful she can be. Im
frankly surprised this hasnt happened before. Its not your fault. That child has a
mind all her own. Carolyn appreciated the cessation of hostility. She said
something strange just before she disappearedwhat was it? Something about
imaginary characterslike Peter Panbeing realor some such nonsense, I dont
know, maybe its nothing. Her husband drove furiously through the now pelting


snow. Its probably nothing. Still, with her wild imagination, sometimes I
wonder if we made a mistake putting her in all those advanced learning classes.
Its not right for a child that age to read so much! Hell, I dont think I could even
read at that age, and theres nothing wrong with me! Carolyn seemed curiously
peeved by the observation. So you think shes gone missing because she reads too
much? The agitated father shook his head confusedly. NoI cant explain
itits not natural for a girl that age tothink so muchI mean some of the
things that she says! Its like talking to an adult. Its creepy! I think she spends
altogether too much time with that mother of yoursthe witch! Carolyn was tired
of fighting and conceded the point. I dont knowmaybe youre right. I dont
care about that. I just want to get her back. She reached over the black leather
interior and held his right hand. The sleek black vehicle continued to dart
effortlessly in and out of traffic. They reached the downtown mall to find a
multitude of flashing police cars and vans outside.

Hillary walked down into the dark basement of the store. She had the very
strange feeling that she had been in the place before. Yet she could not for the life
of her recall the circumstances. It might have only been a dream, she thought.
Hillary sometimes found herself experiencing events that she had previously
dreamt. She carefully made her way down the hard steps. Only the dull glow of the


blood red exit sign above lit her way ahead. She reached the concrete floor and
slowly felt her way ahead. It was nearly pitch black. Digby held tightly onto her
hand. He whispered into her ear. Dont worry, this is the right way. We just need
to find some light. They continued to make their way in the enveloping black
emptiness. Suddenly Hillary felt something in front of her. It was smoothly round
and cold. She could not make it out in the blackness. Digby, where did you put
your lantern? Cant you find a way to get some lights on? Digby broke away
from her grip and searched for a light switch. After scurrying around for several
minutes he called out to her. I dont know what happened to it, I think its lost.
Okay, I found a light, here goes! As he flipped on the switch, a dim line of red
emergency lights came on. Hillary was amazed and frightened by what she saw all
around her. She was standing amidst a disjointed array of statue still store
mannequins. They were all unclothed and in various levels of anatomical
completeness. The one immediately at her feet was missing two arms. One of the
creatures beside her was headless. They all seemed to be physically female, with
those strangely perfect, almost correct bodies. Hillary furtively studied the odd
figures and wondered about their untimely fate. Digby had returned to her side.
Digby, what do you think happened to these girls? Were they once real like you
and me? Are they all dead? Did somebody kill them? Digby seemed stumped by
the question. He responded, are you sure that theyre real? Do you think they


might be somebodys toys? Hillary rejected the fanciful explanation. No, that
cant be. Theyre far too big for toys. Maybe they were all bad, and their Mommies
are punishing them down here. Maybe theyve been down here for years and years!
Why wont any of them talk to us? Do you think theyre shy? Just then one of the
mannequins crashed loudly to the floor beside them. Its smooth, pretty pink head
rolled slowly across the floor. Hillary walked over and picked up the strangely
lifelike object. She looked deeply into the cold, painted blue eyes on the rounded
head. Hillary had an idea. Digby, we should try and save these girls! Maybe we
can find somebody who can fix them! Her companion nodded enthusiastically. I
think thats a good idea! Who do you think could do it? Hillary pondered the
difficult question for a moment. I think maybe the Wizard of Oz, or maybe
Mother Goose, or maybe God. If we can just find out where they live, then we can
do it! Digby concurred with the clever girls analysis. It might be right here in
the basement. Maybe thats how these girls got here in the first place. Hillary
began to look around the dimly lit basement. She saw one of the mannequins
propped up precariously by an elevator. She and Digby walked over to her. The
lifeless figure wore a benignly peaceful smile as she looked down at the two
intruders. Hillary smiled up at the hairless, armless body. Is this the way to go?,
she asked politely. Hillary thought that she noticed an almost imperceptible nod of
the figures head. She looked over at Digby and grabbed his hand. Here, climb up


on my shoulders and press the button. Ive seen my mother do this. Its easy!
Digby followed her instructions and soon the elevator doors opened up wide to
them. They walked in to find another mannequin standing straight against the wall
of the elevator. This particular one was markedly different than the others. She
sported a complete set of limbs and a full head of long black, lustrous hair. Her
painted on brown dead eyes stared straight ahead. Hillary smiled expectantly up at
the motionless body. Which way do we go? Hillary listened carefully for a
moment and then pointed at the panel inside. See Digby? Theres an up arrow and
a down arrow. She says to push the down one. Digby again jumped up on
Hillarys shoulders to push the black button. Immediately the doors shut close and
the elevator lurched into a slow downward motion.

Charles and Carolyn Penrose watched the noisy congregation of police

vehicles gathered at the entrance to the shopping mall. They joined the two
detectives they had met at the house by a police van. Two different officers were
holding a pair of expertly scent-trained Alsatians. Around them was a confusion of
flashing red and blue lights. Detective Gardner walked up quickly to the harried
couple. Weve got the scent dogs here ready, and we have your daughters bear.
Were going to go into the mall now and try and find the last place your daughter


was seen. The gentleman walked briskly into the now dark and cavernous
shopping gallery. A teenaged, sallow faced security guard was standing close by to
open the glass doors for them. The small procession of investigators followed,
including the highly agitated canines. Carolyn walked beside the detective and
pointed directions hurriedly. There! That glove counter over therethats where I
was holding onto her last. The detective nodded and steered the group in that
direction. They made their way to the glass counter that contained the leather
gloves. The dogs were brought to the last known whereabouts of Hillary. They
sniffed hard at the ragged teddy bear and immediately turned to follow the scent.
Carolyn had known that Hillary had been seen standing by the store bakery, but
the detective wished to follow the girls path from the very start of her wayward
journey. The dogs strained against their leashes as they barked loudly through the
eerily vacant store. A few dim lights had been turned on for the search. As
expected, the dogs made their way down the escalator and through to the ground
level to the bakery counter. The dogs were held in place as all in attendance caught
up. Detective Gardner looked over to Mrs. Penrose. We spoke with the girl that
was selling the cookies here at the time of your daughters disappearance. She
stated that she definitely spoke with her, and that she thought that your daughter
went over to those escalators there. He pointed towards the far exit. The dogs
again continued their frenetic charge through the aisles. Rather than heading in the


expected direction, they suddenly veered off towards the furniture department.
They came finally to a stately large oak kitchen cabinet. Sergeant Hancock opened
the doors of the cabinet hoping to see the young girl nestled inside. The mother had
by now crouched down and was peering desperately inside. Detective Gardner
kneeled down and shone his flashlight inside. A small Scottish bonnet and a red
cape were crumpled up in the corner. He spied a small collection of crumbs
littering the cabinet bottom. With a latex gloved hand, he carefully removed several
of them and placed them carefully inside a small plastic bag. He looked over at the
downcast face of Mrs. Penrose. It looks like she was hiding in here at some
pointwho can say why. Carolyn nodded knowingly. It does make sense. When
we played hide and seek, it was always her favourite spotright inside the
kitchen cabinet. I always told her never to get under there, but she just wouldnt
listen. The officer nodded and stood up quickly.

Just then the middle aged assistant store manager appeared on the scene. His
expression was animated with grave concern. Mrs. Penrose. I have something
that you and the officers here should see. Detective Gardner responded quickly to
the newcomer. Who are you? Do you have information concerning the
disappearance? Carolyn nodded to the officer. This is the man I was speaking to
when she disappeared. The gentleman in question answered. Yes, I was speaking


to Mrs. Penrose, my name is Ronald Boggs. Anyway, I knew you would be

checking the security tapes. I found something very interestingvery puzzling
reallymakes no kind of sense at all Mr. Boggs led the parents and the two
officers to a small room on the top floor. Sitting inside was a younger man in a dark
blue security uniform. Mr. Boggs spoke to him. Andy, these are the detectives and
the parents of the missing girl. Show them the tape from earlier today. The group
proceeded to stare at the small black monitor as the images from the afternoons
events unfolded on the screen. The guard fast-forwarded the tape until the relevant
image was found. Look here. This is two hours after the store had closed. See,
thats her! The grainy image showed a small girl waving up at the camera.
Carolyn Penrose immediately spoke up. Oh my God, thats her! Butwho is that
other child? Shes holding his hand The security guard slowly let the tape role
forward frame by frame. The image of the young red-haired boy was blurred and
indistinct. Officer Gardner began to work the controls of the monitor play-back.
Damnwhy is the image of this other kid so blurry? And he never looks in the
direction of the camera. All right, at least we can see where she was headed. Well
take this tape and analyze it, maybe our guys can find out something. He grabbed
the tape after it was ejected from the player. He thanked the guard and turned to
leave. By the way, your name is Andy, right?why didnt you call this in, when
you noticed the girl alone in the store? Didnt you think it a little odd? The


security guard had anticipated the query beforehand. OhI must have been
using the washroom when this happened. By the time I was back, she was gone.
The officer nodded knowingly as he left. Try and stay awake tonightokay,


Chapter 3

Hillary and Digby held each others hands as the elevator proceeded down.
It seemed to move very slowly and haltingly, as if hesitant. The young girl was now
beginning to feel very odd. She was not at all she that Digby was leading her back
home. He was mischievous in that way, often acting precisely opposite. Sometimes
he could be mean and scary. Still, he remained her most treasured friend. Hillary
looked over at her trusty companion. I wish that Nana was with us. She always
knows what to do. Digby, do you think these big dolls were girls once, like me?
Digby was unsure. I dont knowmaybe.perhaps they are really alive, but they
just arent moving. Hillary rejected the hypothesis quickly. No, I dont think so.
If they were alive, why wouldnt they speak with us? She waved furiously at the
large brunette mannequin across from her in the elevator. It stood stone still and
ignored the gesture. The elevator continued to move downward. Digby, my Mom
said that people like Peter Pan and Wendy were not realthat they were just
pretend. Is that true? Digby shook his head furiously. Of course theyre real. She
was just joking with you. Im real, arent I? Hillary pondered the question
momentarily. Yesyou must be real. Maybe youre right, Mommy was just


joking. My teacher Mr. Heidegger told me that its good to read and think. He said
that it would make me smarter when I grow up. After several minutes spent in
silence, the elevator came to a dead stop. Hillary and Digby turned together to face
the doors. They watched as the elevator opened up. Before them was a long narrow
gravel path. On either side a ten foot high thick green hedge grew. The heavy
foliage structure stretched out infinitely towards the horizon. They stepped out
carefully onto the gravely path. Hillary stared up to see a brilliant blue sky filled
with little fluffy clouds. The billowy objects were fixed motionless above them as
though from a Victorian landscape painting. The air was perfectly still and of a
comfortable temperature. The two friends decided to follow the path forward.
They walked along happily anticipating a new adventure. Hillary broke the silence.
Digby, do you think well ever get home again? You did say this was the way
home. You werent lying were you? I wonder where this strange place is? Ive
never been here before, although I have imagined someplace quite like it. Digby
looked pleased in his new surroundings. I like it here better. This place is more
real to me. This is actually where I was born. Hillary looked puzzled. What do
you mean? I thought you were born in my imagination? Digby looked confused.
I dont know for sure. Maybe you were born here alsomaybe this is where we
both belong. After ten minutes of walking in the same direction the path diverged
in two opposite directions. Hillary looked quizzically at Digby. Which way do you


think we should go? Digby turned his small red head, first left, then right. Lets
go this way. With that, he headed down towards the left path. His companion
dutifully followed.

Officer Gardner returned to the cabinet where Hillary had previously been
hiding. The two dogs were still held on leashes, attempting to pull away. Charles
Penrose caught up with him and pointed at the door seen on the surveillance tape.
Thats the one there! She must be somewhere through that door. The group
walked quickly over to the door in question. The store supervisor Mr. Boggs
walked up and pulled at the door. It refused to budge. I dont see how she could
have gotten in here. This door is always locked. Its rarely used. It only leads down
to the supply basement. Sergeant Hancock responded to the remark. Well, can
you open it? The flustered store employee fumbled in his pocket and pulled out
a huge tangle of keys. He began to quickly flip through them and try each one in
the deadbolt lock. After trying a dozen different ones, finally the correct key was
found as the door flung open. Like a crashing ocean wave, the searchers flowed
down the stairs into the black, cold basement.


Officer Gardner was a street-toughened black man in his late thirties. He

was married with two young boys. He loved his wife dearly and hated being apart
from her. In his extensive experience, there was no such thing as an unsolved
mystery. The detective lived in a world of absolute values and rational explanation.
He shone his heavy flashlight around the quiet, dark room. The ghostly group of
store dummies appeared out of the darkness as Sergeant Hancock found a light
switch. Carolyn was aghast at the bleak emptiness of the scene. Where is she?
Hillary? Are you down here? Its time to go home now! Were finished playing
hide-and go seek. Were not mad at you Hillary! Her words traveled
meaninglessly through the dank basement. Her husband walked up to look at the
motley collection of mismatched mannequins. God this place is creepy! No
wonder she was down here. Hey Carolyn, you think this is maybe where your
mother hangs out when shes not flying around on her broom? The sarcastic gibe
was met with a withering glare. Detective Gardner watched as the two scent dogs
followed the trail across the floor. They seemed slightly confused, running in
different directions at one time. Whats wrong with them, Mike? The officer
holding the leash seemed puzzled. I dont knowthe scent seems to be going all
over the place. The Sergeants flashlight found the elevator doors off to the right.
Hey, over here! Officer Gardner walked briskly over to the doors. Well if
theyre not somewhere in this basement, they must have gone through here. The


flustered supervisor Mr. Boggs stared at the dusty black elevator doors. I had
forgotten all about these doors. We havent used this basement, as you can see, in
quite a while. Charles Penrose was impatient. What are we waiting for? She
must have gone on inside! He pressed the round elevator button. It flashed on as
the sound of creaking rusty cables filled the air. The elevator car approached and
then came to a halt. The grimy steel doors slowly came open. The scent dogs
barked ferociously at the entrance. Obviously they must have gone this way, sir.
As many as could fit inside the car entered. Officer Gardner looked at the panel of
unlit buttons on the panel. They could have gone either to the main floor, the
second or the third from here. Carolyn looked confused. Are you sure there are
no basements below us? She stared down inexplicably at the floor of the car. Mr.
Boggs shook his head. Well, I admit that we dont use this basement much, but I
do know theres nothing below us but the cold dark earth. Charles pushed his way
forward to the panel of buttons. Well just have to check every floor. They must
be up there somewhere. The remark failed to convince Carolyn. She sensed that
something was amiss, but could not articulate her concerns. The detective spoke up,
lets get started. They could still be in this storethey didnt vanish into thin air.


Digby and Hillary walked hand in hand along the gray gravel pathway. Up
ahead in the distance a dark figure appeared. It stood in the dead centre of the path,
but was still too far away to recognize. Look Digby! Maybe its Mommy up
there! Digby looked over at her. We dont need your Mommy. Shell just tell you
to go homeand anyway, she doesnt like me. Hillary shook her head in
disagreement. No, thats not true. She just doesnt believe in you. She thinks that
youre just an imaginary friend in my head. Digby looked sad. His curly thick red
hair fell over his darting green eyes. You dont think thatdo you? Hillary
responded happily. Of course not silly! How could you be imaginary if I can talk
to you? The figure ahead of them slowly came into view. Digby ran ahead to meet
the stranger. Hillary followed behind. She was slightly taken aback when she
recognized the stranger, who was really no stranger at all. Hello. My name is
Hillary. Why do you look so much like me? The question was addressed to a
small girl in every way identical to Hillary, save her clothing. She was dressed in a
deep blue and green tartan pattern dress, in contrast to Hillarys red and yellow
tartan. The doppelganger looked again at Hillary, then at Dibgy. My name is
Samantha. It doesnt matter what you look like on the outside, its whats inside
that countswhat you like to think about. I live in this place with my friends.
Weve always been here. Its lots of fun, and we can stay out forever. There are no
rules here. We get to eat candy and ice cream all day long, and nobody ever calls us


in at night. It never even gets dark here! Hillary seemed very pleased by the
explanation. That sounds like fun. Are there any grown-ups here? Samantha
shook her head wildly. Well, only the ones that have always lived here. Across the
marshes there is a great kingdom where they live. Grown-ups from your world
arent allowed. Anyway, how could grown-ups live in a world without rules?
Digby saw the truth of the remark. Shes right, Hillary. Your Dad would hate it
here. Your Nana might like it though. She nodded thoughtfully. Yes, my Nana
would like it here. Maybe we can look for her. Samantha grabbed one hand from
each of her new friends. Come along with me. We have lots to do, and you have to
meet some of my friends. With that, the new trio walked happily down the
pathway. The same steep green hedges lined their passage on either side. The sky
overhead was perfectly blue and still, filled with small motionless clouds. Just then
a small dark creature exited from the elevator doors onto the pathway. It began to
crawl quickly toward the three friends.

After numerous hours spent scouring the entire store, the search was finally
abandoned. Detective Gardner advised the distraught couple to return home to get
some rest. They reluctantly agreed and left the store. They returned home to a


conspicuously empty house. Carolyn broke the awkward silence that had
enveloped them like a choking fog. Im going to call my Mom. Charles was
immediately incensed by the suggestion. Well you go right ahead and do that!
And while youre at it, tell her to keep her nose out of our business from now on.
Carolyn was instantly on the defensive. I cant believe at a time like this youre
blaming her. She had nothing to do with this! Charles whirled around to face her
head on. Oh really? Im not so sure about that! She always filling Hillarys head
with all kinds of nonsensereading all those crazy books. Why wont you face the
fact that our daughter has a real problem dealing with reality! Carolyn was nearly
apoplectic. You should hear yourself now! Dealing with reality? Do you realize
that our daughter is five years old? Shes just a child! Children need to dream, and
imagine! Charles shook his head vehemently. Thats just not true. I didnt grow
up like that, and theres nothing wrong with me! Carolyn walked away in disgust.
She remarked casually as she walked away, Dont be so sure about that,
Charles She made her way into the office and picked up the phone.
Just then the door bell rang. Charles rushed quickly to the door as Carolyn
returned to the foyer. Expecting some good news from the police, the identity of
the visitor could not have been more disappointing to the unhappy father.
Anniewhat a pleasant surprise. The sarcastic quip barely masked his abundant
displeasure. The solemn visitor spoke. Something is wrong with Hillary, where is


she? Her daughter rushed over and threw her arms around her frail mothers neck.
Annie was very near seventy years old. Her long straggly gray hair and sharp
Scottish features only added to her witch-like countenance. After her husband past
away twenty years ago, she had begun to grow increasingly isolated and strange.
Rarely leaving her old house, her only real human contact was with her beloved
only granddaughter Hillary. Charles and Carolyn were both very busy with their
careers when Hillary was born, and Annie had virtually raised her single-handedly
from a baby. In the past year, Charles had noticed that Hillary had begun to adopt
some of the perceived oddness of her grandmother. He therefore deemed it
necessary to sever the close bond that connected them. It had become a point of
contention within the Penrose household. Hillary adored her Nana. Carolyn brought
the diminutive matriarch over to the sofa. They sat down and held hands. MomI
dont know how you knew about Hillary, butshes gonedisappeared
Annie reached up with her thin bony hands to wipe the heavy tears from her
daughters beautiful face. I knew she was gone. Dont worry, shell be back.
Charles forcefully marched over to confront the old woman. What are you talking
about? Are you saying that you know where she is? If you did anything to her, so
help me! Carolyn pointed her finger accusingly at her husband. You shut up!
Dont be so ridiculous. You know as well as I do that Annie and Hillary have
always had a special connection. I dont pretend to understand it completely, but it


may be our only chance to find her at this point. The confused father stood
motionless and helpless with his hands hanging aimlessly. He saw the obvious truth
of her observation. He finally spoke gently to the aging woman. Im sorry Annie.
Maybe Im just jealous of what you and Hillary share. I admit that in a way Ive
never really understood my own daughter. If there is anythinganything at all
that you can think ofdid Hillary every talk to you about running away from
home? Did she ever mention some sort of secret hiding place? He looked
plaintively into Annies deep dark eyes. The intelligent, quiet woman put her arm
gently upon his shoulder. Annie is different than other children, but you knew
that already. The last time I saw her, she told me that she wanted to escape, before
it was too late. Carolyn was obviously struck by the remark. Escapeescape
from what? Do you mean she ran away? Annie lowered her head and spoke softly,
realizing that her words were both incredible and difficult to accept. Hillary did
run awaybut not how you thinkshe escaped into a world created from her own

Hillary, Digby and Samantha trotted happily along the gravel pathway.
Ahead the path branched apart in different directions. They came up to the juncture
and halted. There were now three different directions to choose from. Which way
do we go now, Samantha? The look-alike peered around and finally chose the


correct path. Digby looked up at Hillary. Im getting hungry! Are there any of
those cookies left? The sack of cookies had long since disappeared. Samantha
answered for Hillary. Dont worry, theres lots of food up ahead. We just have to
find the secret place. Hillary was intrigued by the remark. What is the secret
All you have to do is learn your way around inside the maze. This maze is
the in-between place. If you go back to the elevator, you can go back to the real
world, but if we find the way into the very centre of the maze, then well be free
forever! Hillary was confused by the comments. So Ill never see my Mommy or
Daddy ever again? Samantha nodded her head in agreement. Well, that may or
may not be true, they could always come and live here with us. As long as they find
it also. Once we find the spatial-temporal vortex, you can live here forever and
ever. Youll never grow up, and youll never have to go to school!
It sounds just like never-never land! Do Peter-Pan and Wendy live here?
Can they be my friends too? Samantha grabbed both of Hillarys hands. They
began to dance around happily in a circle. Of course! Theyre all here! Everyone
youve ever read about or dreamt about is here! Hillary stopped suddenly as her
face turned ashen. Butwhat about bad people and monstersdo they live here
too? Samantha nodded sagely. Well, usually the monsters arent that bad, as long
as youre careful. Speaking of that, we better get going. We need to find the Great


Thinker. Theyll be able to answer all your questions. Hillary heard a sound coming
from behind them. She turned quickly to see a small dark figure running towards
them. Samanthalook! What is it? The other girl watched intently. I was
worried about this. Hurry, this way! They ran down the path as rapidly as their
small legs could carry them. The path again branched out in two opposite
directions. Samantha ran to the left. She pointed to the tall green hedge. This way!
I know a special way out. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small
glass bottle. She pulled off the top and threw the bubbling purple liquid inside all
over the leaves of the hedge. Slowly a small round wooden door materialized. She
grabbed hold of the iron doorknob and pulled the door open. She climbed quickly
inside as Digby and Hillary followed on hands and knees. Hillary turned around
briefly and saw what was chasing them. It looked to her like an angry black troll.
It was the sort that she had once read about in a story, the kind of troll that would
eat little children. She shut the door behind her just as the vile creature had
reached her. That was a close one! Im glad that you knew about this door,
Samantha. Would that troll really have eaten me? Samantha nodded sadly.
Probably. Look up in the sky!


Charles Penrose was dumbfounded. She escaped into her own imagination?
What in Gods name does that even mean? He was now pacing back and force
like a caged tiger. Carolyn was more sensitive to her mothers unique and
sometimes puzzling manner of speech. Mom, if you know where Hillary is, you
need to tell us. You do understand that right? Her smile was ingratiating, yet her
tone conveyed the slightest menace. The old woman was unconcerned. I want you
both to understand that Hillary is fine. Theres nothing at all wrong with
hershes just special. She needed to get away for awhile, so she could learn a
few things for herself. The gesticulating father again pointed his finger angrily at
the woman. You still havent explained anything! Where is she right now? And
dont say, shes in her own mind! I think youre out of your mind, quite
frankly. Carolyn gave her husband a stern look to fend off his scathing attack. She
continued her carefully worded interrogation. Mom, nobody is accusing you of
anything. We just want to know if there is any way that you could contact her, to
ask her to come home. I dont pretend to understand the special connection you two
haveI dont think I ever will. Can you at least tell me if shes okay? The
weary matriarch was sympathetic to her daughters imprecations. Ive told you
shes okay because I know where she is nowits very hard to explainthis place
is both real and imaginary. I visited this place when I was young myself. Hillary
will come backif and when she is readythe decision must be hers. I will try


to contact her, if you really want me too. Carolyn nodded appreciatively.

Yesyes that would be great. You just tell her that we miss her very much, and
that we want her to come home soon. Okay? Could you do that Mom? The older
woman nodded and got up to leave. You two just relax. If I hear anything from
Hillary, Ill be sure to let you know. She put on her long rainbow coloured scarf
and her old black wool coat. A brown tam sat upon her long gray hair. She smiled
and left the house.
The loud ring of the phone broke the ensuing silence. Charles picked it up
immediately. Yes detective? No, still no sign of her. The other child in the video
tapes? No, I dont think Hillary has any red-haired friendsto tell you the truth,
she barely has any friends, unless you count the imaginary variety. Yes, thank you.
I realize that you are doing all you can. Yes, yesthank you. Carolyn looked up
searchingly. Nothing new? Why didnt you mention what Annie said? Charles
shrugged his shoulders. Whatthat Hillary has escaped into her mind? It doesnt
even mean anything! Carolyn concurred with the succinct assessment. What did
he say about the other child in the security tape?
Nothinghe just wanted to know if Hillary knew any little red-haired
boys. Carolyn looked down at the rug and then closed her eyes. I know this
is going to sound completely crazy, but that sounds a little likeDigby.


What are you talking about? You dont mean her little imaginary friend
that lives under the sink? Carolyn was somewhat ashamed, but could not help but
acknowledge his correct identification. CharlesIm not saying that this Digby is
real, or anythingthats crazyI just know that Hillary always described him in
that way. You have to admit that it is a little bit weird. He walked away in disgust.
Ohnow I understand completely! Our daughter was kidnapped by her imaginary
friend, that lives in her mind! Carolyn felt a terrible uneasiness grip her. She
looked out towards the kitchen sink cabinet and wondered where her little girl had

Hillary was amazed by what she saw around her. The deep blue sky above
her was suffused and saturated with a dazzling congregation of impossibly huge
butterflies. Enormous creatures with massive bright wings fluttered gently all
around her. The air was alive with a vivid explosion of vibrant patterned colour.
Some had dark blue wings with red and yellow spots. Others had bright orange and
black stripes running through them. A purple, red and blue flying creature came
down gracefully towards them. It alighted on the ground before the three
adventurers. Its wonderful! Hillary could not believe how lucky she was. She


had always loved butterflies, and enjoyed studying them. She had often wondered
what it would be like to actually fly upon one. Samantha, are they friendly? Do
you think they might take me for a short ride? Samantha nodded eagerly. Of
course they will. You can go for a short ride, but remember, we cant stay here for
long. This place is only a temporary escape. It will disappear after a while. We still
must return to the maze. You go for a ride, and Ill find some food for Digby.
With that, Hillary walked over to the delicate, finely illustrated insect. Its huge
purple wings slowly folded back and forth. Hillary reached out her hand to pet the
creature. It responded by lowering itself for her. The curious little blond girl
gingerly climbed onto its thin body. Instantly the duo took flight. Hillary laughed
and shouted down to her two friends below. Digby, look at me! Im flying!
Hillary felt a wonderful sense of freedom and abandon. Higher and higher the
butterfly flew until it was sailing through the white cottony clouds. After a good
time in the air, the creature glided gracefully back to the ground. Hillary carefully
got off and thanked the butterfly for the trip. It flew off again to rejoin its winged
Wow Digby, that was so much fun! You should try it! Digby was far too
busy stuffing his face with tasty sweet treats. Look what Samantha found for us!
He pointed down on the grassy ground to a huge assortment of delectable candies.
All of them were carefully wrapped in cellophane and in different piles. Look


here, Hillary, these ones are marshmallow and chocolate, these ones are vanilla
cookie and strawberry jam, these ones are peach and those ones there are grape and
banana flavoured. Hillary reached down to grab a candy. She quickly pulled it
open and popped it in her mouth. MmmmIm not sure what flavour this one
israspberry I think. Where did you get these, Samantha? Hillarys look-alike
walked over to a large camel that sat not far away. Look here, its easy. You just
reach in and take what you want. The camel doesnt mind. Thats what they do.
She proceeded to push her arm gently through the skin and into the camels large
hump. Her hand emerged soon after filled with candies. You never know what
youre going to get. Just make sure that you dont eat the poison ones. Hillary
was suddenly alarmed. Poison? Which ones are they? Samantha seemed very
calm and quite matter of fact. The ones that are white with orange dots, dont eat
those ones. Hillary ran over to see Digby. Digby, make sure you dont eat those
ones there. Digby looked up questioningly. Why not? They tasted okay to me.
Hillary shrieked in horror. Samantha! Come over here! Digby ate the poison
candy! Digby had grown quiet. His small body grew limp in Hillarys arms.
Samantha looked down hopelessly at the small red-haired boy. I thought he knew!
We need to get out of here. We need to find the Thinker. Well take him with us.
Ill get the camel. Samantha grabbed the reigns of the desert beast and led it back
to her two friends. As it lowered its long neck, Hillary and Samantha carefully


helped Digby onto its back. Digby was precariously balanced between the camels
two humps. The entourage made their way back to the hedge. Samantha reached
down into her pocket for her purple portal potion. She quickly opened the glass
bottle and sprayed a few drops onto the leaves in front of her. As before, a small
round wooden door materialized. They opened it up and ran through. The camel
was somehow able to stretch its large body through to the other side. Hillary
followed close behind. As Samantha shut the small oak door in the green hedge,
it disappeared completely.


Chapter 4

Carolyn woke up groggily the next morning after having spent most of the
night staring at the ceiling. She had tossed and turned, tortured by images of her
beloved Hillary. She roused herself slowly from her luxurious four-post queen bed
and threw a terry blue housecoat over her bare body. Charles was awakened also by
the commotion. Did you sleep? Carolyn shook her head in disgust. NoIll
make the coffee. Do you want some eggsor something?


Nahjust some coffee thanksand maybe some toast. I dont have much
of an appetite. Carolyn smiled in knowing recognition and turned to leave. She
walked down the hall past her daughters room and stopped. In the corner of her
eye she thought she saw a shadow dart across the room. She leapt through the door
and spun around wildly. Hillary? Hillary is that you? Something seemed to peer
at her from behind the shuttered closet. It looked to her like a small pair of beady
staring eyes. Hillary? Who is that? She knew instinctively that the watching eyes
did not belong to her daughter. The frenetic mother rushed over and flung the
shutters wide. She stared at a vast menagerie of fantastical stuffed animals. At that
moment Charles, wearing his blue striped pajamas came rushing into the room.
Whats going on in here? Carolyn turned to face him. II thought I saw
somebody in hereI guess it was nothingmy mind playing tricks She turned
once again to look down at the colourful, quixotic animals. A wonderful black and
silver stuffed gryphon looked back stoically. A large brown tufted camel sat beside.
She fell down hard onto the pink carpeted floor. Im going crazy! I cant even tell
you what I thought I saw! Oh Godwhy cant the police find her? Charles
comforted his overwrought wife. Its okayits okay. Were both exhausted. Why
dont you come downstairs with me. Carolyn smiled and held his hand tightly in
hers. She got up, composed herself and closed the closet shutters. As she did so, a


small lock of hair fell from the doors hinge. She reached down to pick up the
bright red hairs. She gathered them up, stuck them in her pocket, and left the room.

Hillary, Samantha, Digby and the camel emerged again onto the gravel path.
Hillary looked up at the sky. When does it get dark here? Im starting to get tired.
Samantha was busy walking up ahead trying to figure out which one of the three
possible directions to take. We need to go this way. Take the camel and lead him
ahead. It never gets dark here, HillaryI told you that. If you fall asleep for too
long here, you might not ever get back, so you have to try and stay awake. You can
take small naps if you must. Come on, we need to get out of here, that troll might
be backor maybe something worse. Hillary attempted to process all of the
confusing information. She started to wonder if this never-never-like land was such
a wonderful a place after all. As she considered her present situation carefully, she
dutifully followed Samantha in the new direction. She caught up with her lookalike and posed a question. Im worried about Digby. Are you sure that you can
help him? Samantha shrugged her shoulders. I didnt say that I could help him, I
said that the Thinker could. If we can find him or her in time, they can help.
Hillary began to stretch her arms out and yawn loudly. Im so tired. I wish I were
back in my bed right now. Samantha gave her a scolding look. Dont you


understand? If you fall asleep for too long, you may never find your way back
again! And dont forget how angry your father will be! Hillary realized the truth
of the remark. Youre right. I really wish that I could see my Nana again though.
All three of the friends walked along the endless path. Digby was still unconscious,
atop the camel. Suddenly a huge, gaping black hole opened directly underneath
them. They tumbled down helplessly in the darkness as Hillary screamed in fright.
After several moments, they landed upon a vast sea of brightly coloured plastic
spheres. Samantha looked over at Hillary apologetically. Im sorry, I forgot to tell
you about that. Sometimes this happens. There seems to be holes and doors and
places everywhere. Its not dangerousas long as you dont panic. Hillary reached
over to find Digby. He and the camel had become separated. She caught up with
her ill friend and dragged him over to Samantha. There sure are a lot of balls here.
It reminds me of when my Mom and Dad took me to this restaurant on my
birthday. It was a lot of fun. I always wished we could go back there. The
memory of the joyful family event caused her sadness. Samantha quickly tried to
cheer her up. You know Hillary, this place is not so bad when you get used to it.
Look at these ones here. Did you know theyre really candy jaw-breakers? She
picked one up took a lick. Hillary followed her lead and was pleasantly surprised.
Youre right. These are pretty good. I wish Digby was feeling better. He would
love to have one. Samantha attempted to ease her concerns. Dont worry, there


will be plenty of treats for him. We still need to get out of here, and theres only
one way to do it. You have to hold your breath, and swim straight down. Theres a
magic door at the bottom. You go first, and Ill help Digby and the camel. Hillary
had no reason to doubt her words and followed her directions. The young girl had
been in swimming lessons for two years and was considered an excellent
swimmer. She took a deep breath and plunged down into the confused rainbow of
gigantic round jaw-breakers. It was tough to push her way through the multi-hued
sea of spheres, but she was a strong girl, and managed to do it. After several
minutes of difficult pushing, she felt the bottom of the tank. Her small hand
grabbed onto the door handle and pushed it open. She climbed out from behind the
bright colours into a perfectly white room. She waited for a moment as Samantha
soon followed behind her.

Carolyn and Charles sat heavily across from each other in their bright
gleaming steel kitchen. The rising steam from their hot mugs of coffee drifted up
into the suns warming rays. Carolyn looked down absently at her mug.
Remember when we bought this? He looked down at the image on the mug. We
got that on our visit to the Metropolitan, didnt we? Carolyn nodded. Remember
how fascinated Hillary was by the paintings? She loved this Dali, I think thats


why I bought it at the gift shop. Charles took a sip on his coffee and reached over
to comfort his distressed wife. Heytheres no need to talk about her like shes
never coming back. If I know anything about Hillary, its that we should always
expect the unexpected. Believe me, I think theres more to this than either of us
could understand...I just dont know anymore. Maybe I was a little hard on your
mother, you should go see her later it couldnt hurt. Or I could stay here with
you. I will if you want. Carolyn considered her response. Maybe thats a good
idea about Mom. You go to work, Ill be okay. Charles took another sip of his
coffee and got up to leave. Carolyn stared at the surreal, strange painting etched on
the mug. She walked over to the counter and picked up the phone. As she put it to
her ear, she thought she heard a very faint voice. It was barely audible and almost
drowned by static. She struggled to hear the words. Youneed to find meI'm
lost.... The unearthly voice was suddenly gone. Carolyn was instantly overcome
with a paralyzing fear. Her body slid slowly to the kitchen floor. The voice she
heard was not Hillary's. It was somebody completely unknown to her, yet the voice
was somehow familiar at the same time. She was now at a complete loss after
initially intending to call her mother. With some effort she was able to punch out
her mothers phone number. Hello Carolyn, are you all right?
How did you know it was me, do you have call display now?


Dear, I dont even have an answering machinenobody much else calls

me these daysanyway, I expected your call. Do you want me to come back over
there? Carolyns spirit was strengthened by the soothing sound of her mothers
voice. Nono, I need to get out of this house for a while, Im starting to see
things. I need some fresh air. Let me take a shower and get cleaned up. Ill be
right over. She hung up the phone and attempted to compose herself. As she
grabbed her coffee mug to head upstairs, Charles came bounding down. Now you
call me anytime, honey. Im going to have my phone with me at all times. Im
going to call that detective as soon as I get to the office. Are you sure that youre
going to be okay? His wife nodded. He kissed her quickly on the forehead and
turned to leave the house. Carolyn watched him leave and laboriously began to
climb the stairs. A flash of red and green suddenly streaked by the top of the stairs.
Carolyn stopped dead. Whos there? Is there somebody there? Do you know
where Hillary is? She ran up the stairs and looked left and right. The house was
silent. Cautiously she stepped towards the bathroom. She disrobed and pulled the
shower curtain open quickly. She turned the water on and began washing away the
heavy morning cobwebs. Carolyn did not shut her eyes for even a moment.


Hillary could not understand the perplexing scene that confronted her. As she
looked up at what seemed to be the floor, she saw nothing but a bare white painted
surface. She looked down at her feet and saw chairs, sofas, books and cabinets on
the ceiling. Yet Hillary was very aware of the rush of blood to her head. Also, her
long blond hair hung straight down from her head. Samantha looked over at her and
was clearly amused by the comical sight. This is the upside-down room.
Practically everything here is mixed up! Once she began to slowly understand the
strange logic of the place, Hillary was pleased by the odd arrangement. Ive never
walked on the ceiling before-especially a ceiling with chairs! Hey, wheres Digby
and our camel? Samantha seemed decidedly unconcerned. I think they must
have gotten lost somehow. Dont worry, theyll show up sooner or later. Hillary
was understandably agitated. Im worried about Digby! He looked so sick.
Samantha put her arm around her twins shoulder. I wouldnt worry about Digby,
I think he knows what hes doingdont forget that he was born in this place, just
like me. Here now, watch what I can do! Samantha jumped up high into the air
and came down gently onto the white floor below them. She was immediately
propelled by the ceilings trampoline surface even higher into the air. She shouted
out to Hillary as she began to again fall to the ceiling. Come on, its fun! You try!
Hillary was a little bit afraid of heights, but decided to try anyway. She jumped up
as high as she could and came down onto the bouncy ceiling. She also began to


bounce higher and higher towards the floor. Soon the two twin girls were
bouncing in perfect unison. Hillary at once lost all sense of direction, as up and
down became entwined. Samantha yelled over to Hillary. Now watch what I do!
Samantha bounced even higher and soon was able to touch the floor. As soon as
she did, she immediately flipped over. Now youre upside down, and Im right
side-up! Hillary followed her doppelgangers lead and finally touched the floor.
She was instantly flipped over on her head. Her hair fell naturally down past her
shoulders. She was now right-side up and standing facing Samantha, amongst the
furniture. How can you tell which way is the real right way up?
You cant! Sometimes youre on the ceiling, sometimes on the floor, I
dont think it really matters which way you are-although it does seem as if the
furniture should be on the floor. Hillary agreed. I think I understand. She looked
over to see a large archway at one side of the strange room. Whats through
there? Samantha looked over at the empty room. Ive never even been in there. I
dont think we should go, sometimes in this place its best to stay away from what
you dont know. Anyway, we need to get back to the pathway and the maze.
Samantha gazed around the room with great concentration. Ill start on this side,
and you start over there. Feel along the wall for a soft spot. That will be the
doorway out. Hillary ran over to one end of the room and began to carefully feel
her way along the wall. Each wall was perfectly white and featureless. She worked


her way from one wall to the next. Halfway through her examination of the second
wall, she felt the wall grow soggy. She was happy to have found the passageway
first. Samantha! I found it! Her twin came running over and touched at the soft
spot in the wall. Yes, good work! You found it. Now heres how we open it. I will
give you a few of my portal potions. Samantha handed Hillary several purple glass
vials. She showed her companion how to use the bubbling liquid within. As the
young girl tossed the liquid onto the wall, a faint impression of a round oak door
became evident. Soon the door became fully evident. Samantha reached down and
grabbed onto the heavy iron doorknob. She pulled open the door and quickly
crawled through. Hillary followed close behind. The two companions were once
again sitting on the gravel pathway. The tall green hedges stretched ahead as far as
Hillary could see. Samantha got up, dusted the dirt off her green and blue tartan
dress and looked around. Well come on now, we cant just stand here. Lets get

Annie Koestler had lived alone since her husband had died twenty years ago.
Her German husband had been the manager of a large steel firm. His insurance
policy, along with some wise investments had left her financially very comfortable.
Despite the abundant sum in her bank account, Annie was a simple woman who


enjoyed simple pleasures. Although her extensive travels had certainly broadened
her simple tastes. Having been raised with eight other brothers and sisters by one
parent on a farm, she had learned to appreciate the value of money. She had
remained a reclusive widow since the death of her husband. It was difficult to
imagine a woman with such eccentric views and manners co-existing comfortably
with anyone else. Annie was contradictory in nature and remained stubbornly
proud of the fact. She was a woman seemingly destined to live her remaining years
in solitude. The one bright light in her otherwise predictable existence was her
precious Hillary. Charles and Carolyn had always been busy with their careers, and
Hillary had practically been raised single handedly by Annie. Initially this situation
had been mutually beneficial. However, as Hillary grew older, she increasingly
became more withdrawn and introverted. Hillary had great difficulty making
friends, and her socialization skills were underdeveloped. Her father had been
quick to blame Annie for his daughters unusual behavior. Carolyn had staunchly
defended her mother, but could not help but notice Hillarys sometimes odd and
disturbing tendencies. This trend seemed to grow more prominent the more time
Hillary spent with Annie. Eventually the surrogate parenting arrangement
collapsed; and Carolyn quit her job to be with Hillary full time. Annie was
relegated to seeing her gifted, precocious granddaughter on holidays and the
occasional weekend.


There was a knock on Annies door. She got up from her wicker rocking
chair to open the door. She had no doubt as to the identity of the visitor. Carolyn,
how are you? Her daughter practically collapsed into the arms of her mother.
God MomI think Im going crazy! I need to sit down. She shuffled over to the
sofa and sat down in a heap. She found herself staring around at the fascinating
collection of memorabilia that her mother had collected over the years. The walls
of the living-room were painted bright red, with a rich purple and yellow Persian
rug covering the dark wood floor. Oriental drawings and representations of various
Hindu Gods were scattered everywhere. A four feet high serene bronze Buddha sat
directly in front of her. The dcor was decidedly different than that of her own
minimalist home. Really Mom...what is with all this weird stuff? It gives me the
creepsI could use a cup of tea,by the way. Her mother came over and sat down
beside her. Now you just relax. And dont call my stuff creepy! Is any of my stuff
any weirder than a picture of a half naked man being tortured on a cross? Hillary
shook her head disapprovingly. You better not let Charles hear you talking like
that! Hes already convinced that youre some kind of witch. Its hard enough
getting him to let you seeHillary. The mention of her daughters name seemed
to instantly transform the atmosphere. Annie had left the room to make tea.
Carolyn stared fixedly at the striking allegorical Bosch painting on the wall. Her


mother returned after a few minutes. I know that Charles doesnt like meno
great secret there nothing I can do about that. You must know though, that I
would never do anything to harm Hillary. Carolyn took a sip of the strong tea and
rested her head on her mothers lap. She looked up into her mothers piercing gray
eyes. Oh I know that. Listen Mom, I need to talk to you about something. It
sounds crazybut here goes. Annie chuckled to herself. Crazy? Well I guess
you came to the right place! Carolyn reached into her pocket and pulled out
several strands of bright red hair. You see these? I dont knowthis morning I
saw something out of the corner of my eye. After I opened Hillarys closet, I found
these stuck in the door hinge. Then theres that security camera from the mall. I
didnt tell you about that. The videotape shows Hillary walking away with a little
red-haired boy. Annie simply nodded knowingly. That sounds like Digby.
Carolyn straightened her body up and gazed meaningfully at her curious mother.
You mean you know about Digby? I guess if youve spent any time with Hillary,
youre going to hear her talk about him. Listen to me, I talk about this imaginary
friend as if he were a real person! Annie stood up and walked over to the
window. It was still several days until Christmas, and the air outside was very
cold. A light dusting of snow fell upon the white ground. You say that you dont
believe this Digby is real, and yet you've held his hairs in your hand, and youve
seen him on a video tape. Are you sure you dont need to rethink your definition of


whats real and whats not? Carolyn was clearly confused. Mom, I realize that
youve always been a little eccentric, but what in Gods name are you talking
about? Are you telling me that Hillarys imaginary friend has magically come to
life and kidnapped my daughter? If thats what you really think, Ill just leave
now. She rose with great indignation and grabbed her coat from the chair. Annie
made no attempt to stop her. Carolyn. You know I want to help you find Hillary,
but you have to keep an open mind. She is not like other children. She
hascertain abilities. Remember, there are stranger things in heaven and Earth,
than are dreamt of in your philosophyor something like that... Carolyn boldly
dismissed the suggestion. She opened the door to leave. Very impressive,
motheryouve outdone yourself. When youre ready to talk some sense, call
me. She slammed the door behind her and walked purposefully out to her black
Mercedes. Her mother ran out to her just as she was turning out of the driveway.
Carolyn glared at her mother for a moment, then finally lowered her car window.
Yes. What is it now? Are you going to tell me that a gang of evil elves and fairies
kidnapped my daughter? Is that it? Annie merely smiled politely at the sarcastic
quip. Very funny. I just want to give you something, it might help you. Take this
home with you and read it. You must be very careful to not let any other person
read it. In the wrong hands, this can be an extremely dangerous book. This was
always Hillarys favourite. I wasnt supposed to give it to you, but I think you


might need it help you understand what's happening. Carolyn was tired of
arguing and did as she was told. She received the book without mention and tossed
it on the passengers side. The distraught woman drove off with great haste.

Hillary was beginning to get tired. Her eyes grew weary as she doggedly
followed Samantha along the seemingly endless gravel pathway. So you think that
Digby will be okay? I miss him already.
Hell be fine. Sometimes people disappear here for no reason, then they
come back. Dont worry. Anyway, we have enough to worry about here. Hillary
looked over with some distress evident in her usually serene expression. Do you
mean more trolls? Samantha shook her head. Trolls are nothing! Wait until you
see the she walked over and whispered very softly into Hillarys ear, the
dragons. Hillary was shocked. She exclaimed very loudly. Dragons? I hate
dragonsthey always cause problems, especially for princesses! Samantha
quickly put a hand across her twins mouth. Shhh! You mustnt say the word out
aloud! Sometimes they hear you! And dragons cannot stand to hear their
ohIve said it myself! We better run! Samantha grabbed Hillarys hand and
rushed down the path. They came to another fork and turned right. A loud
bellowing roar thundered through them. Hillary turned around and saw an


enormous fiery red dragon slicing methodically through the still air above. It had a
very long spiked tail and a thick, scaly reptilian body. Burning yellow eyes shone
terribly from the beasts horny head. It was steadily gaining on them. Samantha,
look! The fearsome beast was getting closer as it began to swoop down towards
them. The dragons furnace-like breath could now be felt on their backs. Hillary ran
across to the hedge and hopelessly hid her head in her arms. Dont worry Hillary,
this has happened before. I know what to dothis usually works! She reached
into her pocket and pulled out a small plastic doll. Hillary looked carefully at it, and
recognized the figure of a medieval knight clad in full armour. Samantha quickly
placed the figure upon the gravel and knelt before it. Oh Tiamat, please make this
knight alive, so that he might help us. Hillary watched in wonder as the tiny
knight grew steadily in stature until it was more than ten feet high. Samantha
cheered mightily and motioned for her twin to join her. Come on. Well hide
inside! She then proceeded to open a small door in the knights armor. Hillary
and Samantha rushed inside the knights leg. A circular staircase appeared directly
inside. Come on. We can climb up these stairs to watch him slay the dragon! The
girls ran up the long set of stairs until they reached the very top. Each one sat in
front of one eye slit in the knights headgear. Hillary watched hesitantly as the
fierce red dragon came swooping down towards her. She cowered in fright as the
thunderous lizard roared a breath full of fiery orange wind. The brave knight raised


his mighty shining sword and plunged it deep into the beasts heart. It collapsed in
a huge smoldering heap before them. Both girls were delighted by the knights
courageous feat. They leapt into each others arms as Hillary shouted
triumphantly. Yeah!
that was great! How do you know so much stuff, Samantha? Im pretty smart,
but I never learned how to stop a dragon.
I dont really know. She shrugged her arms. Hillary continued to question
her. Did you have some teachers, or did you learn it all yourself? Samantha
again seemed confused. I dont really know how I know, I just know that I
knowmaybe that doesnt make much sense? Hillary gave up her line
questioning and began to walk back down the circular stairway. Both girls exited at
the bottom of their towering steely savior and continued on their way. What about
the knight, Samantha? Will he be okay there all alone? Samantha considered the
query and shook her head. I dont know, usually things just disappear when Im
done with them. If I can't see something, then it must not be there, right?
Samantha, what happens when we find the way out of this maze? Where
will we be then?
I dont know exactly what you mean. I know we would not be in this place
anymore. Im really not entirely sure what would happen. I guess Im a little afraid.
You could always find your way back to the elevatorback to the real world. I


also know about secret ways of visiting your world for a short time, but they are
Doesnt that scare you, Samantha-being stuck here forever?
Nowhy should it? This is the only place I know. What difference would
it make? I would still be somewhere right? Its better to know that youre
somewhere, than to pretend that youre nowhere, right?

Charles had spent the morning hours in tiresome board meetings. His usual
attitude of calm control had been sorely tested that day. He gazed out his
expansive office window at the tumultuous city below. His office was
characteristically austere, yet featured some of the unusual curios he had collected
over the years of traveling for the company. He genuinely enjoyed the comfortable
lifestyle that his great success had made possible, but inwardly resented the time
spent away from his family. He secretly feared that his daughters social reticence
and introversion were at least partly his fault. He realized that it was probably too
late for him to change his own natural tendencies. He could hardly back off from
his workload right now, with a significant promotion seemingly so close at hand. If
anything, he had been spending more time than usual at the office. It was a
development that did not escape Carolyns notice. She had reminded him on


several occasions about his neglectful ways. There was a knock at Charless door.
He called out, come in. His boss, William Durrell walked casually into the office
and sat down in the black leather chair facing the desk. The composed looking
gentleman was trim and fit, with a keenly intuitive intellect. He purposefully put his
hands together in a mock praying motion and peered thoughtfully at his protg.
How are you doing Charles?I mean really Charles was instantly put on the
defensive by the clearly personal question. Historically any conversations between
the two men had been strictly of a professional nature. What do you mean Bill?
Im okay. Mr. Durrell slowly shook his head with disbelief. For Gods sake,
Charles, your daughter is missing! If I were in your situation, I certainly
wouldnt be stuck here at work. You should be home, with your wife at a time like
this. The slightly frazzled father was left speechless. The older gentleman
continued, Listen Charles, Ive already talked to a few people, I think the
company might manage to stay in business without youfor a few weeks, or
until they find Hillary. By the way, anything new to report? His words were
paternal, but somewhat patronizing also. Charles was still a little deflated, but
managed to speak. Nonothing new. That reminds me though, I need to call the
detective. ListenI really do appreciate your supportright now, I feel so
helplesswork helps me stay focused. Mr. Durrell got up abruptly to leave and
glanced down at an object on the desk. It looks like you have another addition to


your collection of brick-a-brack. Is this from your Cambodian trip? His thick
hand picked up the small figurine. Charles acknowledged the objects origin.
Yeah. Its supposed to be some sort of tribal good luck charma lot of luck it
brought me. I should throw that thing in the garbage. Here, give it to me. Charles
reached over and took the ornately carved wooden figure. It was a slightly
frightening representation of a fierce jungle warrior. It featured a large painted
mask and a long pointed spear at the ready. Mr. Durrell obliged the request and
handed it over. Listenyou do whatever you want, Charles. Just remember, until
we get your daughter back, which I know will be soon, I want you to spend some
time at home with your wife; she needs you more than I do now. Charles
begrudgingly accepted the ultimatum and reached out his hand. I want to thank
you Bill. Ill be back before you know it. Bill smiled warmly and turned to leave.
Charles threw the small souvenir in the trash basket and picked up his jacket to
leave. He decided to make a quick call to the police station before leaving for
home. Picking up the phone he called the precinct. Detective Gardner please. Its
Charles Penrose calling. He waited for a moment and then continued. Yes, as
well as can be expected I suppose. Whats that, the tape? Sure, I could come over
there. Yes, all right. See you soon then.


Carolyn drove quickly through the heavy traffic. She stopped at the dry
cleaners to pick up her laundry. She wandered into a local delicatessen and absently
ordered several items. She received her packaged meat and cheese and grabbed
several loaves of freshly baked bread. Her cell-phone rang. Im fine. No, Im just
picking up a few things for dinner. I picked up some steaks. What? Why? Okay,
but dont be too long-ask the detective about you-know-who. Let me know right
away if theres anything new. Bye. She flipped the phone shut as she paid for
her groceries and left the store. The sky above had turned dark gray as a light mist
fell upon the windshield of her German sedan. She opened the rear door to stow the
groceries. The childrens book given to her by her mother had somehow made its
way into the backseat. Carolyn could have sworn it had been left beside her, on the
passengers side. She picked it up, examined it closely and put it down again with
a look of consternation. She drove from the market towards her home. The rain
teemed down upon the windshield. She flipped the wipers up to high. The traffic
was heavier than usual. A feeling of drowsiness began to overwhelm her. She
signaled to change lanes as she simultaneously checked quickly in her rear view
mirror. A small red-haired child stared back smiling at her. The small boy laughed


quietly. Carolyns hands dug hard into the leather of the steering wheel. Without
even thinking, she blurted out loudly, whos there? Is somebody there? Are you
trying to drive me crazy? Is that it? Well its not going to work. I know youre just
imaginary! Just go away! Carolyn slammed hard on the brakes as she nearly
drove through a red light. Loud car horns blared at her from both directions. The
cacophonous din strained her severely frayed nerves. She was barely able to drive
her vehicle off the road into a strip-mall to rest. Carolyn turned around and
thoroughly checked the back seat for intruders. Finding nobody, she laid down
instinctively on the fine leather interior. The rhythmic sound of the pelting rain put
her to sleep instantly.

Hillary and Samantha walked for several hours, first in one direction, then
another. Finally Hillary collapsed onto the gravel path out of sheer exhaustion. I
cant go any farther! I need to rest! She pleaded with Samantha, who finally
relented. Okay, you can have a small sleep, but Ill have to watch, to wake you
up, otherwise I might lose you forever. I need to make a bed for you, wait here.
Hillary watched as Samantha walked over to the green hedge. She pulled at the
loose branches until several were twisted off. She continued to collect the twigs and
branches until she had several handfuls. Samantha then knelt down and arranged


the branches in the form of a small bed. She pulled out a small black sack from her
pocket. Reaching inside, she pulled out a small handful of sparkling silvery dust.
She threw the glittering powder down onto the branches. The shimmering particles
danced in the bright sunlight as they drifted downward. Hillary was amazed to see
what happened next. Somehow the twigs and leaves had been magically
transformed into a comfortable looking bed, complete with sheets and a pillow. She
jumped up joyfully onto the comfy creation. Samantha was pleased with her work
and beckoned Hillary to over. See. You can have a rest here. Ill wait right here
with you, otherwise you might not be able to get back. If you start to disappear, I
must wake you. Hillary listened intently as she crawled into the comfortable bed.
She could not even remember how many hours she had been awake. Her eyes
were barely open as she spoke. Thanks for making this wonderful bed for me
Samantha. Youre a good friend. Good night. With that she fell instantly asleep. It
would not be a usual night of pleasant dreams for Hillary.

Charles walked hesitantly into the busy police station. It happened to be his
first ever visit and he was a little unsure of himself. He began to look around the
station when detective Gardner noticed him. The officer walked over to him with a


genial smile on his kind,friendly face. He patted him gently on the back. Mr.
Penrose, how are you holding up? Charles merely offered a wan smile in
response. Call me Charles, please. I guess you could sayIve been better. I
assume theres nothing new to report? By way of an answer, he was led away
and into a closed office full of extensive video equipment. Yes and no. I dont
want to get your hopes up, we havent heard anything new about your daughter,
but I have had some experts analyzing that security tape from the night your
daughter went missing. Charles nodded. The one that shows that little red-haired
boy and Hillary?
Yes. We also were able to identify your daughters image on another tape,
from a different camera. Come on, sit down here. The two men sat on either side
of a younger officer. All three were staring at a video monitor connected to a
myriad of other video equipment. Charles looked around the impressive room.
Quite a set-up you have here. This stuff looks pretty state of the art. A young
East Asian man in his twenties sat at the desk. The technical expert began working
with the tape. He pointed to the screen. Mr. Penrose, look right here. This is a
faint image of the furniture area of the store where your daughter was last known
to be. Ive isolated the cabinet that she climbed into. The picture is grainy, but you
can definitely see that its her. Now watch thisif we fast forward the tape to
later on in the evening, when she got out of the cabinet, you can see this little red-


haired boy get outbut heres the weird thing, no matter how far you go back in
the tape, you cant see this other kid get in. Charles shook his head in
bewilderment. I dont understand. The kid mustve gotten in there at some point,
because he does get out. Detective Gardner added his own explanation. Well
thats what I thought, only this tape goes back twelve hours, and theres no
indication of carrot-top ever getting in. Not only that, he doesnt appear any other
place in the store either. Its just plain spooky if you ask me. He literally appears
out of nowhereor at least somewhere inside that cabinet. Charles was unable to
construct any rational explanation. Well if Hillary is involved, it probably is
spooky. The way she talks to this imaginary friend of hers The detective was
genuinely intrigued. An imaginary friend?
Yeahyou know, kids-only children usually, make up these people to play
with, when theyre bored I guessor lonely. I think her friends name was
Right, Ive heard about that. I guess my kids are always too busy fighting
each other to have imaginary friends. Did Hillary ever describe this Digby?
Charles closed his eyes for a moment to retrieve the recollection. He struggled
against his natural inclination to inform the detective about Digby. His wifes
suspicions concerning the imaginary character seemed preposterous. I know he
was a boyand I think he had red-hairat least thats what Carol might have


mentioned He stopped speaking as an awkward silence descended on the room.

The grave detective finally spoke. Well, Im not saying that your daughter was
kidnapped by an imaginary boybut youve got to admit, it is a little weird. The
young man sitting at the monitor chimed in with his opinion. His gold Hindu Om
pendant hung over his vintage brown t-shirt. You want weird? Ive got
morewatch. Ive slowed down the portion of the tape where we see Hillary
anddo we call this kid Digby now? Well whoever or whatever this kid is, hes a
magician. Watch as we go frame by frame. See? In this frame you can see him,
and then, poofhes gone, then the next frame hes back. Ive never seen
anything like it. Charles was dumbfounded. And you sure this has nothing to do
with the security camera-some kind of error? The technically adept fellow shook
his head adamantly. Charles stood up and began to pace. His cell-phone rang.
Youre where? What happened? Youre okay? You want me to send somebody
over there to drive you home? Are you sure? All right. Im on my way. Now drive
carefully. Ill see you soon. He flipped the phone shut and quickly addressed the
detective. Well I dont really know what to tell you. My wife is a little shaky
from all this stress; and Ive got to get home. Let me know if you find out anything
elseand thanks again. The comforting detective got up to shake the fathers
hand. Now you take careand dont you worry. I cant exactly tell you whats
happened to your daughter, but something tells me this isnt a usual missing person


case. Were going to figure this out. Where I come from, theres no such thing as
magic. There has to be a rational explanation.

Carolyn was able to make it home safely. After awakening from a fitful nap,
she had driven her vehicle with great care. The journey was made all the more
difficult by her careful avoidance of any wayward glance towards the unsettling
rear-view mirror. She ran inside through the rain carrying the groceries and the
mysterious book. The rain outside continued unabated. She made herself a cup of
strong tea and sat down on the dark brown leather sofa. Carolyn began to
distractedly flip through the childrens book. It seemed to her a typical fantasy tale,
full of dragons, princesses, trolls and treasures. It was the type of book that Hillary
would often get lost in for countless hours alone in her room. The colourful
illustrations in the book were exceedingly detailed and richly imaginative. One
story told of a lost princess, and a sad prince who rescues her, and grows to love
her. In the end the fair-haired beautiful princess and the handsome prince have a
secret wedding, away from the rich and powerful king, who opposes the union.
The final page showed the happy couple riding away into the sunset on a brilliant
white unicorn. Carolyn shut her weary eyes for a moment. She was awakened from


her nap by the sound of Charless car pulling into the driveway. She raised
herself up and walked over to the door. She met him warmly as he walked in.
Nothing new from the detective, I assume? Charles turned away and put his coat
in the closet. Nothingwell, no, thats not entirely true, he did show me some
weird things about that security tapeprobably nothing He clearly was
reticent to continue the discussion. Carolyn pressed him on the matter. Well it
must be something, otherwise the detective would not have called you. What
arent you telling me? Charles sat down on the leather sofa and looked over at his
wife by the door. There was something bizarre about that kid with Hillary, first he
seems to appear out of nowhere, and then he seems to suddenly disappear on the
tape. I know it doesnt make any sense, thats why I didnt mention it. Carolyn
was visibly shaken. She crouched down on the bare hardwood floor. She buried
her heavy head between her knees and began to cry. Charles, whats happening? I
dont understand! I think Im going crazy! Charles came rushing over to comfort
his wife. Its okay. It was probably just some problem with the video camera.
The outright lie sounded unconvincing even to himself. Carolyn stared up wideeyed at her husband. Noyou dont get it. I saw that kid on the tape, with my
own two eyesit was Dibgy! Charles shook his head. What do you mean you
saw him? Hes not real! Hes imaginary! You cant see an imaginary person!
Where did you think you saw him? Carolyn was beyond caring what her husband


would think. Lets seeI saw him this morning in Hillarys room, then later on,
and then he was in the backseat of the car. Charles helped her to get up. Im
sure that its just stress. The mind can play all sorts of tricks. Do you want me to
get something for you? Carolyn shook her head violently. No! Im sick of taking
those happy pillsno more! Did you take the book that was here? Charles was
unsure of how to respond to his vulnerable wife. What book is that, dear?
Carolyn shot back angrily to his patronizing tone. Dont humour me. Im not
crazy. Now where is the book that I left here? I was just reading it. Annie gave it
to me. Charles had begun to grow tired of the charade. The mention of Annie did
nothing to alleviate his pique. Listen. Carolyn, nobody took your book, are you
sure you left it here? And what does Annie have to do with this?
Annie was talking crazyas usual. I left, she was no help. Before I could
drive off, she handed me a book. She said that it was Hillarys favourite. She told
me to read it. Thats what I was doing when you came in, and now its gone. I give
up CharlesI just give up. Maybe I am going crazy. Charles was bereft of
patience and comforting phrases. He hugged his wife close as the pelting rain
continued to pound the house.




Chapter 5

Hillary had fallen into a light sleep upon the sumptuous bed. The calming
dream-state overtook her fitful mind. She saw herself from afar walking into her
house and noticing her mother lying down on the sofa. Hillarys lucid mind merged
with her dream-self at that point. She walked over and put her hand gently on her
mothers forehead. The womans eyes immediately flashed open. For a moment she
stared at the young girl without recognizing her. With great difficulty, she spoke.
Hillarythank God youre still alive. Ive missed you so much! I had the most
terrible dream that you were kidnapped by this horrible little boy. Hillary scowled
at the remark. What are you talking about Mom? This is the dream...were in it
right now. Digby didnt kidnap me, I wanted to go with him. Look, hell tell you
himself. Digby, come here! Hillarys mother heard a sound in the kitchen. She
watched as the kitchen cupboard door opened and a small red-haired boy crawled
out. He trotted happily over to them. Hello, Mrs. Penrose. There was no
immediate answer, just a blank stare. Finally she spoke. Who are you, and what
did you do with my daughter? Digby laughed loudly. What are you talking


about? Shes right here in front of you! Hillary chuckled also as she addressed her
friend. She doesnt understand. Are you okay now? I was worried about you
Digby. I thought for a while that you might never come back. Digby shrugged his
shoulders. I was sick from the candy, but I feel better now. Before we go back, we
need to get the book. Hillarys expression was quizzical. You mean Nanas
book? Did she give it to my Mom? Digby nodded. Hillary continued, you better
get the book back, if it falls into the wrong hands, it could become
enchantedespecially if an evil Nibiru creature gets it. You cant imagine the
trouble it could cause...that's what Nana told me. Maybe I should talk to Nana. She
shouldnt be helping them...or maybe she doesn't know what's happening. Her
mother stared in disbelief and began to cry. Hillary why wont you just come
I still have some things I want to do. Im not sure if Ill come back or not.
It is dangerous there, but I get to do whatever I want. With that, she grabbed hold
of Digbys hand and walked towards the kitchen. Hillary opened the kitchen
cupboard and crawled inside. Digby closed the door behind her. He looked over at
the distraught mother. Bye, bye Mrs. Penrose. Stay away from the storybook, its
mine! Now wake up! With that, he ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs. At the
same moment, Carolyn awoke with a gasp. She looked around her and yelled out,
Charles! Where are you? His husband came running down the stairs. Im here,


Im here, its okay. You fell asleep, so I thought Id let you rest. Did you have a
nightmare? Carolyn reached up and grabbed her husband by the collar. I saw
Hillary. She spoke to me. He nodded appreciatively and held her hand. Of
course you did, its perfectly normal to dream about somebody when youre
thinking about them constantly. Carolyn shook her head violently as she raised
herself up. No, you dont understand...this wasn't a dream, it really happened. It
was really herand she was with that friend of hers-Digby.
Now honeyyou had a dream, thats all, dont make something out of
nothing. Were both under a lot of stress. If this Digby was in the dream, then
obviously it wasnt real. Carolyn stood up and began to walk around the room. It
was real. I dont care what you say. At least I know that Hillary is okay. All I have
to do is convince her to come back. If I can just get hold of Digby, and that book
of his. Charles was now merely humoring his wife. This is Annies magical book
that walks away on its own?
If you dont believe me, thats not my fault. Im going to get that boy-or
whatever he isI saw him run upstairs. She bolted up the stairs to the second
floor. Her husband dejectedly accepted Carolyns increasingly bizarre state of
mind. He called up the stairs to her. Honey, Im going to go out for awhile. He
did not await a response and left the house quickly. He drove off to confront his
enigmatic mother-in-law.


Hillary awoke slowly in her luxurious bed. Samantha stared down at her
smiling broadly. Did you have a good sleep? You really were only sleeping for a
few minutes. Hillary got up and stepped out onto the gravel path. NoI had a
bad dream about my mother. She was very sad. I did see Digby though. He looks
better. The dream seemed very real, as if I were really there back in my house.
Samantha began to walk along the path. In a way you were thereand not
hereyou can be two places at once thoughwhen youre asleep. Thats why I
had to watch youso you wouldnt go away. If you stay too long in the other
world, you begin to disappear in this place-sometimes forever. Come on, we have
to get going. Digby better stay there in the regular world, he has to guard all the
entrances. I wouldnt want grown-ups learning how to get in. They would ruin
everything. Hillary seemed confused. What about my Nana? She would probably
like it here. Samantha laughed. Of course she would! Who do you think helped
make this place? Hillary was incredulous. My Nana? How come she never told
me? Why isnt she here anymore? Samantha face was downcast. She was happy
here when she was little, but then she had to grow up magic is only for kids I
guess. Too much sadness can destroy the magical power to believe in this place.
Its very difficult for grown-ups to believebut not impossible The two young


girls walked along in silence. In time the leafy labyrinth began to curve to the right
in a spiraling pattern. Hillary noticed the change and commented to Samantha. It
looks like were heading to the centre of this maze. There was no
acknowledgement of her observation . Samantha began to walk faster and faster
until Hillary could barely keep up. The curvature of the path increased with their
pace. Eventually Samantha was so far ahead that she disappeared. Hillary called
after her. Samantha, slow down! I cant keep up. Where are you? She stopped as
she noticed that the path continued no farther. It abruptly terminated with a round
oak door, identical to the one that had previously provided an escape from the troll.
Hillary reached for the iron door knob to open the door. It was locked. She was
thoroughly confused and upset. Samantha, why did you run away? I need you! I
dont know what to do. Hillary thought to herself about how Digby would know
exactly what to do in this situation. She rolled on the ground and stamped her arms
and legs. Her tantrum lasted for several minutes. She reached over and picked up
the small princess doll that had fallen from her pocket. She picked it up and
examined it closely. It was a beautiful woman with long straight blond hair and an
anatomically impossible perfect figure. The doll wore a long, flowing lavender
ball-gown. One of her sparkling silver shoes was missing. Hillary thought back to
an earlier experience within the maze. She wondered if Samanthas trick with the
toy knight would work on her doll also. She decided to give it a try. She set the


princess down carefully in front of her on the gravel. She knelt before it and began
to say a prayer. God, would you please help me and make my princess real? I need
her help. Thank you and Amenand also, please take care of Mommy, Daddy,
Nana and Digby. Her eyes remained shut as she continued her silent imprecation.
A flash of blinding light opened her eyes. Hillary was amazed to see the sight
before her. Standing almost six feet tall was a real, live princess. She was the most
beautiful woman that Hillary had ever seen. The princess looked down and smiled
beneficently upon her creator. Hello, my name is Rapunzel. What is your name?
Hillary stood up and stared in awe at her creation. Im Hillary. Are you sure that
youre Rapunzel? I thought that Rapunzel had very long braided hair, and lived in a
tower. The happily vacant smile of the princess did not wane in the least. Her
voice was a lyrical, soft whisper. I could braid my hair if you like. Where are we,
You mean that you dont know? The beaming bright princess shook her
head. Hillary continued. Well, Im kind of stuck hereand lost. The path ends
and this door is locked. I dont have the key. The princess looked down at the lock
and then at the golden necklace that adorned her porcelain white neck. What about
this key? Rapunzel undid her necklace from behind and showed Hillary the gold
key attached to it. I never realized what this key was for, but Ive always had it,
why dont you try it in the lock? Hillary grasped the large shining key and walked


over to the door. She slid it inside the lock and turned it. There was an audible click
as Hillary turned the knob. The door suddenly swelled to three times its original
size. She swung the door open and thanked Rapunzel. Your key worked! Come
on this way. Hillary walked through the large circular door as the tall princess
ducked slightly to make her way through. Hillary stared around in wonder at the
bewildering sight that confronted her.

Charles drove determinedly through the city borough. It had grown dark as
he gazed ahead through traffic. Everywhere around him sparkling multi-coloured
Christmas lights twinkled in the dusk. He had nearly reached the end of his
emotional tether. His wifes apparent break with reality was difficult for his steady
mind to accept. He was fully prepared to force Carol to seriously consider some
kind of formal psychological examination. Charles sincerely hoped that such a
dramatic step would not be necessary. He also wondered to what extent his wifes
mental state was due to the influence of her oddly compelling mother. The history
between the two women had been less than peaceful. Initially she had been a
Godsend, when Hillary was young. Later on, as Hillary became progressively
withdrawn, she had proven to be a detrimental influence, at least to his pragmatic


way of thinking. He carefully weighed in his mind the best way to broach the
subject of Carolyns neurosis, without alienating his mother-in-law entirely. It
would be a very tricky proposal, he calculated. Charles fully realized that the
woman was anything but unintelligent. He finally reached her house and shut off
the car. The door to Annies house opened before he had even exited the vehicle.
He was momentarily caught off guard by her sudden appearance in the doorway.
He projected his most friendly nonchalant demeanor. Annie, how are you doing?
You must have heard me drive up. Annie welcomed him warmly and ushered him
inside. She accepted his overcoat and scarf and placed them on a chair. Right.
Listen Annie, I wont stay long, Im just very worried about Hillary,
obviouslybut also Carolyn. Shes started to acta little crazy, frankly. I realize
any mother with a missing daughter would be upsetbut shes actually begun
hallucinating. They both sat down in separate chairs across from each other.
Annie leaned forward and replied in very measured tones. Youre talking about
Digby of courseand the book?
Charles barely nodded and continued. She has this crazy idea that this imaginary
friend of Hillarys has stolen some book that you lent her. Now she cant find it.
Im really considering getting her professional help. The elderly woman stood up
in objection. No Charles, I dont want you or anybody else filling my daughter full


of drugs. Thats the last thing she needs! What you need to do is help your wife, by
supporting her, not telling her shes crazy!
I am supporting her! I realize that were both under a great deal of stress.
Our daughter is missing and nobody has any clue how to find her! Annie moved
over to him and placed her hand gently upon his forehead. Find the book Charles,
and read it. Then you will understand how to get Hillary back. I cant interfere any
further at this point. Watch out for Digby though, hes a mischievous boy.
Charles was hardly placated by the remarks. Well now I know where Carolyn gets
it! I dont know whos crazieryou or her. He got up to grab his coat and scarf.
Annie stopped him on the way out. Charles, I know this wont mean anything to
you now, but make sure that you keep that idol with you at all times. Charles
shook his head in confusion. What in Gods name are you talking about?
The small wooden tribesman that you brought back with you on your trip to
Cambodia. Make sure you keep it with you. Youll need it. Trust me. Charles
disregarded the suggestion and left the house with one final question. By the way
Annie, not that it mattersbut how did you know about that little souvenir I
bought? The wise woman merely offered a cryptic smile in response. Feeling
down in his pocket, he realized that the small figure was still there. He last recalled
tossing it in the trash at his office. He left Annie and drove off in a state of great


Charles had left Carolyn alone in the house, or so he imagined. Carolyn was
not so certain. She walked along the upstairs hallway calling out the name of
Hillarys friend. Digby! Where are you? I just want to talk with you. Come out,
come out, wherever you are! Do you want me to find you? Are we playing hideand-seek? Fine. Carolyn was strangely emboldened. Her fear and sadness were
transformed into a passionate anger. No longer could she accept her normally
controlled and serene nature. She grabbed a set of large scissors from inside her
nightstand in order to defend herself, if need be. She stealthily began to stalk the
small red-haired wraith, one room at a time. After searching her own bedroom and
the bathroom, only two rooms remained unchecked. She walked first into the
computer office, with its array of equipment and electrical cords. Swinging open
the closet, she pulled the contents out to ensure its emptiness. Carolyn finally
walked into Hillarys room. It was not huge, but was lavishly decorated. The walls
were painted a pale pink, with expertly illustrated small fluffy clouds in an azure
sky covering the ceiling. Shelves that spanned each wall were heavy laden with
plush teddy bears, porcelain princesses and various other mythical creatures.


Realistic models of Peter Pan, Wendy, Micheal, John and Tinkerbell hung down
from the ceiling, directly over her bed. Suspended on wires, the fictional figures
would gently glide back and forth in the summer wind. Hillarys bed was an
opulent four-post design. Long flowing pink drapery hung down from each side,
with the top left unadorned. It was a valuable antique passed down from her
grandmother. The room was silent, save for Carolyns soft steps in the thick carpet.
She walked carefully to the closet full of still more toys. The apparition she had
noticed earlier had previously manifested itself inside, she recalled. Throwing the
door open with one hand, she held tight onto the scissors with the other. Dropping
to her knees, she began to fling the expensive toys across the room, searching for
the elusive imaginary boy. The exercise proved fruitless. Only the bed remained
unchecked. Carolyn stepped over the plethora of plush beasts strewn across the
floor. She pulled the drapes to the side and stared at an empty bed. She had nearly
given up hope, and began to question the accuracy of her own recollection of past
events. Turning to leave, she brushed the scissors in her hand against the beds
wooden post. They fell to the ground. Carolyn reached down to retrieve them and
leave the room. A small hand suddenly darted out from under the bed and grabbed
the scissors. Carolyn gasped in shock. She very cautiously stepped backwards and
slowly got down on the ground. Peering out from beneath the bed was a small redhaired boy wearing blue jean overalls. The little creature whispered slowly. Mrs.


Penrose, you leave me alone! I dont want to hurt you. Just give me the book, and
Ill leave. Carolyn was at once terrified and perplexed. Not wishing to appear
rude, she was very cognizant of the surreal nature of the drama that was unfolding
before her. With great difficulty she began to speak, whilst part of her rejected the
entire scenario. II dont have your bookI thought you had itI just want my
Hillary back. You can live here too, I dont careI just want her back. The boy
crawled out from under the bed. He held onto the sharp scissors with both his tiny
hands. Its not up to me. Hillary does what she wants toand she doesnt belong
to you either. I just do what she says. I dont control her like you do. Carolyn
gave up trying to doubt the reality of the situation. A small part of her still believed
that she was merely dreaming. Either that or she had gone completely mad, she
thought. Why do you want this book so badly? The small boy shook his head. I
cant tell you that. Nana should not have given it to you. Its too dangerous in the
hands of somebody that doesnt understand it. I have to go. Now you leave me
alone. Carolyn was at a loss. Will you at least tell Hillary that I love herand
that I miss her?
Why dont you tell her yourself? Carolyn was confused by the remark.
How can I tell her when shes not even here? Digby nodded and smiled. Well if
she wont come to you, why dont you go to her? With that he bolted past the
dumbfounded woman and left the room. Carolyn was beyond caring about the


crushing sadness that weighed upon her. She had become rather numb to the
emotional pain. She laid down on the soft carpet and stared at the fluffy painted
clouds above.

Hillary stared in awe at the wondrous majesty of the panorama before her.
She and the princess were standing in the entrance to a grand ballroom of epic
proportions. The elaborate mural ceiling towered forty feet above her. The walls
were covered in gilded mirrors, which greatly added to the sense of overwhelming
space. The floor was a tessellated black, gray and white geometric pattern which
gave the impression of three dimensionality. A small musical ensemble assembled
at the back of the hall was playing a stately waltz. Hillary watched as a dazzling
assortment of creatures and noble-folk danced gracefully across the dance floor.
Imposing unicorns danced with furry bears, dashing princes danced with graceful
swans and fearsome pirates with beautiful princesses. The room was filled with a
dizzying panoply of odd pairings. It was one of the strangest and most interesting
scenes that Hillary had ever witnessed. She looked up at her clearly unimpressed
companion. Do you know any of these people? Rapunzel shook her head. NoI
dont think so. It looks like a lovely dance though. I wish we could join in!


Hillary concurred and watched as the lovely waltz ended. The participants bowed
and curtsied respectively to each other. The incongruous presence of Hillary and
Rapunzel was finally noticed by all those in attendance. A large roan coloured
stallion came trotting over to Hillary and gently reached out a leg in greeting. It
spoke in a deep, warm and generous voice. Hello Hillary. My name is Dante.
Weve been waiting for you. Who is your friend? Hillary was pleased to realize
that her arrival had obviously been anticipated. She became more sure of herself.
Hello Dante. This is Rapunzel, shes a princess. Do you know if Samantha
anywhere in here? The stallion answered, not as far as I know. We were just
about to continue our waltz. Would you care to dance young lady? Hillary was
quite flattered and giggled aloud in responding. Of coursebut you must find a
partner for Rapunzel also. Dante trotted away and returned with a finely feathered
gryphon beside him. This is Godel. He would be honored to dance with the
princess. With that, the band started up again. Hillary held onto the legs of the
stallion as Dante led her expertly across the floor. Rapunzel and Godel danced
effortlessly nearby. Hillary was very pleased with her own prowess, having never
before taken any formal dance lessons. Her face beamed with pride as onlookers
noticed her great proficiency and grace. The dancing extended through several
different scores of chamber music. Suddenly the lyrical music stopped abruptly.
The huge gilded doors to the ballroom on the opposite end of the room flung open.


A terrifying foursome of riders swarmed in. The four were all dressed identically in
long crimson flowing robes. Each rode mighty loudly huffing stallions, each as
black as coal. They began to ride concentrically around the walls of the ballroom.
They all howled with a horrible shriek as they glared at the startled gathering. After
three full revolutions, the apparent leader of the group spoke out loudly. There is a
person that does not belong herea real girl. We have come to take her back
where she belongs! Where is the girl named Hillary? Hillary immediately hid
behind her defiant dance partner Dante. He whispered very softly to her. Be very
quiet, and get ready, were going to have to make a run for it, okay? Hillary gazed
up ruefully into the brave dark equine eyes. As the terrible ghoulish riders began
searching through the crowd, Dante suddenly lunged down towards the floor.
Hillary saw that as her cue and leapt aboard the bold stallion. Dante exploded
forward in a flash and made for the doors. The leader of the foul foursome noticed
the attempted escape and shrieked loudly. There she isshe does not belong
here.stop her at once! The headlong pursuit had begun. Dante galloped at full
speed out of the ballroom and onto the now familiar gravel pathway. The ghostly
pursuers lagged forty feet behind. Hillary was at once terrified and exhilarated by
the exciting chase. How are we ever going to get out of here? Dante snorted
loudly. Dont you worry. I know this maze better than anyoneI grew up here,
Ill soon lose them. With that, he took a sudden turn down one path and then


another. After several such turns, it seemed that they had evaded their pursuers.
Hillary looked back and slowly began to relax. I think youve done it! Are they
gone for good now? Dante replied with genuine lamentation. Nothey will
always keep looking, weve just lost them temporarily. Theyre always looking for
lost childrenchildren that really shouldnt be in this place. He cast a quick
glance at the young girl. Hillary was somewhat confused by the genuinely offputting remark. She had no ready response. Im worried about Rapunzel though. I
hope shell be okay back there. The Riders wont come after her will they? I
seem to keep losing track of my friends in this strange place. Dante attempted to
ease her concerns. Dont you worry. Shell adapt herself. HillaryI must ask you
something. Do you intend to stay here forever? Hillary pondered the question for
a moment before answering. I havent decided yet. I do like it herebut it does
seem a little frightening sometimes. Dante listened carefully to her and then
continued. You see, if you stay here for too long, the portals that lead back to your
world will eventually disappear, and in time you will forget that another world even
existsyou must understand this. Hillary rode high atop the beautiful creature as
she considered the significance of his words. The electric azure sky above remained
filled with fluffy, statue-still white clouds.


Carolyn spent several minutes lying on the soft pink carpet in Hillarys
room. She was a little dizzy as she slowly stood up. Her thoughts were incoherent
and unfocused. She felt as though a misty veil was obscuring her vision. The lights
in the room appeared to her much brighter than usual. She wandered through the
empty house aimlessly, trying to find Hillarys elusive storybook. She began to
descend the stairs, when she saw a bright flash of green dart past the front door.
The image was so fleeting she wondered if it were merely a product of her
imagination. Carolyn felt as though she had begun to gradually lose touch with her
rational mind. At the bottom of the stairs she gazed curiously around the hallway.
Suddenly the same flash of green ran into the kitchen. This time she followed the
things progress. The creature of legend stood smiling at her from the open
refrigerator. The diminutive rascal appeared very confident and pleased.
You dont mind if I grab a bite to eat, do you? Carolyn stared gape-mouthed at
what appeared to her to be a real, live Leprechaun. In its every aspect it conformed
to her expectations of how such an imaginary creature would appear. He wore a
velvet emerald green coat with vest, small green pants, shiny black shoes with brass
buckles and a green bowler hat upon his red-haired head. She uttered in a low
whisper, nogo ahead, help yourselftheres some left over steak in that
Tupperware. The mercurial Irish creature accepted the kind offer. He proceeded to


open the container and rip away a large chunk of charred flesh. He chewed away
loudly upon the tasty steak. I thank you kindly. I dont suppose youve seen the
book, have you? Carolyn shook her head. You mean Hillarys storybook? No,
cant say that I have. The Leprechaun was visibly peeved. Im going to be in big
trouble. Digby sent me here to retrieve it. Hes going to be angry as a troll. Well, if
thats really the case, I must be going! Thank you kindly for the snack. The tiny
visitor walked over to the cabinet under the kitchen sink and opened the door. It
shut behind him as he crawled into the space underneath. Carolyn was both
fascinated and terrified. She decided to investigate the heretofore seemingly
unremarkable kitchen cabinet for herself. Opening the small wooden door, she
tried to crawl into the very cramped space. By stretching out her legs in a jackknife
fashion, she was able to jam most of her body under the sink. Her face was pressed
against the cold hard steel of the drainpipe. Almost shutting the cabinet door, she
found herself nearly engulfed in utter blackness, and feeling entirely ridiculous. She
shuddered to think what her sensible husband would say, seeing her in such a
bizarre state. Nevertheless, she pushed forward with the investigation. She called
out loudly. Hillary, areare you in there? She began to cautiously feel along the
outer wall inside the cabinet. She pushed as hard as she could and found nothing
resembling any sort of entryway. Carolyn was at a complete loss as to how to
proceed. A flash of bright light suddenly illuminated the cramped cabinet interior


space. Digby was suddenly standing directly before her, holding a small lantern in
his left hand. He looked at her gravely. I can take you to see Hillary, but it may
be dangerous for you. You are very old. Carolyn was stunned and momentarily
was unable to speak. She struggled to regain her composure. Digbyyoure
backeither that or Ive finally snapped for good. Quite frankly, I dont care what
happens to me anymore, I just need to see Hillary, okay? Take me to her. Digby
nodded sagely. Very well. You cant enter through this portal. This is only for
Nibiru creatures, and special people like Hillary. Youre a grown-up, so we have to
take the magic elevator. Carolyn listened intently to the baffling remarks.
Surewhatever you say, lets just go. Digby proceeded to explain to her the plan
of action. They would drive over to the downtown mall, and from there follow
Hillarys path to the other side. Carolyn proceeded to pack Digby away in an oversized canvas tote-bag and drove quickly towards their destination.

Charles returned home at ten in the morning. He had completely lost track of
time since Hillarys disappearance. He could not recall what day it was, only that
Christmas day was not far away. The conversation with Annie had only served to
aggravate a nagging headache. Carolyn? Are you home? He continuously called


out her name throughout the house but received no answer. He climbed the stairs
to the bathroom vanity in search of medicine. After uncharacteristically quaffing
down several strong painkillers, he walked toward his bedroom. On the way, he
glanced into Hillarys room. Carol! Charles rushed over to the motionless
prostrate figure of his wife. Kneeling down he immediately reached for her neck
to feel for a pulse. He was overjoyed to realize that she was still alive. He began to
gently roll her back and forth, attempting to rouse her. His efforts were
unsuccessful as she stared vacantly upward. He noticed an open container of her
anti-anxiety medication on the floor. He quickly stood up and flipped open his
phone. This is Charles Penrose. Its my wife, shes collapsed. No, I dont know
if its a heart attackI dont think soher pulse is strong. Okay. Im at 3141
Bohm avenue. Thank you. Please hurry. He stayed with his wife and began to
gently stroke her cold slender arm. He spoke softly to her in a low voice. Carol, I
dont know if you can hear me or not, but I need to say a few things. I know Ive
been neglectfuland I haven't been there for you...its this job, partly. Its a lame,
overused excuse-but Ill change. I promise that as soon as this is all over, things
will be different. Im going to stop taking you and Hillary for granted. Just hold on.
I love you Carol, I hope that you know that. Charles knelt down on the plush
carpet, still holding her limp hand. He stared up at the little fluffy clouds that
covered the ceiling. After several minutes of silence, he heard a loud banging on


the door. Instantly he was roused from his brief reverie. Charles rushed down the
stairs and flung the front door open. Follow meshes upstairs. Two seasoned
paramedics followed the frantic father up to Hillarys room. They both descended
to her side in one synchronized motion. Checking her blood pressure and pulse, one
member of the team shone a small flashlight into the pupil of the eye. Her vital
signs are stable, but shes totally unresponsive. Are you sure that she hadnt
consumed any sort of medication? Charles was caught off guard by the
accusation. If youre implying that my wife attempted suicidewell, thats just
ridiculous! Cant you tell whats wrong with her? The calm paramedic continued.
These are simply standard questions sir. Nobody is implying anything. I can see
the medication here. You dont know how many she took? It looks like your wife
has slipped into a coma...likely drug-induced. Were going to take her directly to
emergency. You can come with us or follow yourself. With that succinct
summation, the adept duo proceeded to administer their craft. Within moments,
they were carrying Carolyn on a stretcher out the front door. Charles locked the
door behind him and bounded to his car. He followed the blaring sirens of the
ambulance to the hospital. Charles drove with a white-knuckled frenzied
determination. He watched in detached disbelief as his wife was rushed through the
entrance into emergency care. He thought quietly to himself, none of this seems
real...can this actually be happening?


Hillary rode high atop the magnificent steed Dante. She began a
conversation with her new protector. I sometimes miss my familyespecially my
Nana, I wish I could visit her somehow. Dante listened and considered the
question. You could always try to physically travel back to your world, but it is
too dangerous just now. Those that pursue us will no doubt be guarding all the
portals. You know Hillary, there is a way you could speak with her. Its dangerous,
but I know how to get there. Hillary listened with great eagerness. Her bright
blue eyes seemed to glow with rapt anticipation. Tell me, tell me! Dante was
pleased to be of assistance. There exists a special magical mirror in a distant land.
In order to get there, we need to travel through a very terrifying, inhospitable
place. Ill take you there now if that is your wish. The secret passageway to this
land lies through the maze hedge, but theres a special way to cross over. The evil
spirits chasing us cannot touch us using this method. You dont need a key or any
potion, but you need to travel fast, very fast indeed! When I get to my top speed,
we need to jump right into the centre of the hedge. The important thing Hillary is
that you must not be scared. If you flinch or try to jump off, we could both be
killed, do you understand? Hillary listened intently to the explanation. I
understand. Dont worry Dante, Im very brave. Hillary realized that her last


remark was a slight exaggeration. Nonetheless, she was fully prepared to do her
part. She missed her Nana terribly. Dante stared back at her with his deep, soulful
eyes. Hillary smiled and nodded. Im ready. Dante began to gallop down the
gravel pathway. He started slowly but picked up speed quickly. Faster and faster
they went. Soon Hillary was holding on with all the strength her small body could
muster. She gazed around her as her stallion continued to increase his speed. The
gravel below and the hedges beside were soon melded into a blur of incoherent
colour. The skys hue above began to shift slightly from azure blue to red. Hillary
gasped as Dante finally shouted. Now! Hold on! The powerful steed suddenly
broke violently from the path directly toward the hedge. Hillary felt like closing her
eyes but could not. Dante leapt headlong into the thick green leaves. Hillary felt the
slight tickle of a single leaf against her cheek, and then nothing. A bright flash of
light accompanied their passage. They emerged on the other side, unscathed but

Carolyn drove to the now unpleasantly familiar Downtown Crossing mall.

She searched for many minutes looking for a parking spot. The lot was jammed
with holiday shoppers. A squeaky voice blurted out. Whats taking so long? I need
to get out of here! Carolyn looked down at the small person peering at her with


tiny beady eyes from her tote-bag. Okay, okay. I see a space. Now listen, as soon
as we get out in the mall, you need to keep quiet, understand? Digby responded
quickly. Dont worry, nobody else can see me except for you, and maybe some
other children. Carolyn stared back in disbelief. What are you talking about?
What do you meanno one can see youor are you talking about me? The tiny
passenger tried his best to explain the strange situation. Well, as you know,
people are composed of many different parts. With special magic you can split the
parts. One part of you is still lying on the carpet in Hillarys room. Another part of
you is here with me. You can split yourself apart for awhile, but eventually you
need to recombine all the parts. Its basically Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen quantum
entanglement, but on a macroscopic level. You have positive and negatively
spinning aspects of your being. Right now they are separated. Carolyn was baffled
by the bizarre explanation of her present state of being. How in God's name do
you know all this weird stuff? I certainly don't get it. Is this some sort of dream
Im having then? That would at least make some sort of sense. Her small erudite
tutor shook his head in disgust. In one way, dreams and reality are really not that
differentlike two sides of the same coin. There is so much that you must
learnwe dont have time for that now though.


Carolyn locked up the car and headed for the entrance with her squirming
guide tucked safely away from view. The upscale mall was overrun with frantic
looking shoppers. There seemed to be a preponderance of harried husbands
searching for any sort of last-minute, desperation gift. Carolyn returned to the sight
of Hillarys disappearance. She rushed by the very same glove counter where her
daughter had last held her hand. She passed strangely unnoticed and untouched
through the bustling crowd. The assistant store manager Mr. Boggs however,
somehow noticed her presence immediately. Mrs. Penrose. You lookdifferentnot quite yourself, maybe just tired. I mean no offence. How are you? Any news
yet on Hillary? His face was full of concern and earnest sympathy. Nothing yet,
thank you for asking. Were still hopeful though. She reached out to gently hold
the mans arm. Carolyn was visibly shaken by the innocuous conversation. Digby
spoke up from within the zippered shut tote-bag. Come on, lets get going! We
dont have all day! Mr. Boggs face was puzzled by the strange squeaky voice.
Whats that, Mrs. Penrose? Did you say something? Where is it that youre
going? Carolyn stared hard at the curious middle-aged man. Did you actually
hear that voice? Never mindII have to be goingyou shouldnt even be
talking to meyoure not supposed to see me at all. She turned abruptly and
walked away rapidly with her tiny companion in tow. The assistant manager was
left in a state of complete confusion. An odd feeling of creeping uneasiness seized


hold of him. He looked down to the tingling place on his arm where Carolyn had
touched him. Meanwhile Digby urged Carolyn onward. Thats itkeep going,
youre almost there. Its that gray door you and the police went down before, you
know the way. Carolyn continued to scurry impatiently through the thick holiday
crowd. The cloying sound of forcibly cheery Christmas carols continued endlessly.
Despite the ever thickening glut of people, she somehow managed to avoid
touching a single person. Finally she came to the elusive door that Hillary and
Digby had passed through earlier. She shoved hard on the lever, and found it to be
locked. She carefully opened the zipper of the huge tote-bag and whispered down
to the inhabitant. Its locked, how do we get in? A small hand emerged from the
bag holding a shiny blue Ankh-shaped key. Use thisit opens any lock. Carolyn
grasped the key and slid it into the lock. A loud siren shrieked as the heavy door
swung open. Carolyn quickly rushed through the door and shut it tightly behind
her. The alarm instantly caught the attention of the assistant manager Mr. Boggs.
He rushed over to search for the cause of the security breach. He looked over at the
salesgirl standing by a counter facing the alarmed door. Jessicawhat happened?
Did somebody open that door? I told all staff that this door was strictly off limits!
The pretty young girl was caught off guard by the question. II dont know Mr.
Boggs. I actually was looking over there when the alarm went off. It just opened
by itself, then it closeddont ask me how. The girl shrugged her shoulders and


turned away. Mr. Boggs sniffed in disgust and walked over to the door in question.
Yanking down hard upon the handle, he discovered that it was still locked tight. He
shook his head and walked away in a state of befuddlement. A painful, pounding
headache had seized control of his head. Mr. Boggs looked around for a place to
rest his tired old feet and close his burning red eyes.

Chapter 6


Charles gazed down with great concern at his supine wife. A white coated
physician entered the stark cold room. Mr. Penrose, how are you holding up?
Charles smiled at the comforting, genial brown face of the doctor. Im sorry,
doctor, Ive forgotten your name
With all that youve been through, I can hardly blame you. Its Singhbut
you call me Mohinder The doctor walked over to look at the patient lying
perfectly still in her bed. Several sensors were attached to various points on her
body. Like long living tendrils, they connected to large humming machines
encircling her bed. I have to be honest with you, Mr. Penrose, this case is most
unusual. Your wife is in a deep coma, this much we know, but there seems to be
no clear underlying cause for her condition. Weve run a number of tests, and there
are still a few more we could do, but as things now stand, it is impossible to
pinpoint the trauma that caused this. At first it looked like an overdose, but there
was a negligible trace of drugs in her system. The fretful husband stood with his
arms folded tightly, listening intently to the explanation. Could this have been
caused by simple stress? I mean, you know about my daughterplease call me
Charles, by the way. The young physician spoke with great passion. Charles
frankly nothe only thing that seems even remotely unusual were these EEGs we


conducted earlier. He picked up a brown manila envelope and removed several

colourful cranial images detailing electrical activity. He held them up to the light.
Look at this area here, this is the pre-frontal lobe, and herethis is the Pineal
gland, both areas show an unusually high level of electromagnetic activity.
Charles merely shrugged his shoulders apologetically. Im sorryand that means
what exactly?
Wellit may mean nothingthese sorts of results are consistent with some
patients Ive examined whove experienced some sort of psychotic break with
reality. Pre-frontal excitation is associated with increased susceptibility to flights
of imagination, and hallucinations. Its precise cause is unknown. Now Im not
saying that your wife is psychoticits just that these imaging results are highly
anomalous. The unusual activity with the Pineal gland is most strange. Im going
to call in some specialists on this. For the time being, as long as we can keep
Carolyn stable, there seems to be no immediate danger. The news was hardly
comforting. Well, if theres nothing we can doIm going to call our family
doctornot that hed likely be of any help at this point. The physician gently
clasped the mans shoulder and left the room. The mournful looking spouse sat
down heavily in the seat beside his wife. Carolyns body remained statue still. The
low hum of monitoring machines masked the ominous silence that had descended
on the sterile white room.


Hillary gently patted the thick brown mane of her powerful steed. Wow
Dante! That was fun, but a little scary! We made it though. I dont think I really
like this place. Where exactly are we? Hillary gazed across the seemingly limitless
expanse before her. The horse stood rather precariously upon a narrow dirt path. On
either side of them was a bubbling, brackish soupy bog. The air was foul, and thick
with dense mist. Above them the sky was dark and littered with stagnant stale gray
and green clouds. Dante began to carefully make his way along the twisted path.
This is the land of lost dreams. People who lose sight of their dreams can end up
here, trappedforever. Hillary took heed of the dire warning. Ill never end up
here, I always remember my dreams when Im awake. Dante continued, in a very
serious tone. No Hillary, those arent the sort of dreams Im talking about. Let me
explain. When a person is young like yourself, its easy to lose yourself in the
world of wonder and the imagination. When you start to get older, it becomes
more and more difficult to hold onto this vital world. At a certain point one is
forced to choose. There comes a time when that magical dream-like world is gone
forever, and you end up here. The wise, cautionary words of her equine friend
filled Hillary with sadness. I think I understand what you mean. Perhaps my Mom


and Dad have lost touch with their dream worlds. I dont want them to end up
here! Is there anything I can do to save them?
Maybemaybe notwell have to see. In the meantime, we need to get to
that special mirror. Look far, far in the distance. Do you see that castle? Hillary
squinted in the direction he pointed his large head. YesI see it. Its so far
away! Dante concurred. It certainly is, but we cant travel too fast. See that
swampy bog on either side of us? If you fall in, you might never, ever escape.
With those chilling words of caution, the two companions ventured ever deeper
into the accursed, hopeless expanse.

Carolyn heard the heavy steel door slam behind her as she walked carefully
down the concrete stairs. As she reached the floor of the basement, she unzipped
her tote-bag and watched as Digby jumped out quickly. He held onto his lantern in
his left hand and began scanning the room for intruders. Carolyn walked over to
the wall and flipped on a switch. A dim fluorescent light came flickering on. She
looked around in confusion. Digby, what happened to all the mannequins that
were down here? Digby had also noticed the stark emptiness of the room. Who
knowsmaybe they got away? Carolyn suddenly grabbed her head with both


hands and fell onto the cold cement floor. It felt as though the centre of her head
were expanding outward. Digbyam I going crazy? Is this really happening? Is
this a dream? As she peered out from behind her fingers, the scene around her
grew hazy and indistinct. The small red-haired boy patted her gently upon the
shoulder. Its okay. Its always harder for grown ups, but youll make it. Lets go,
before they find us and try and take us back. Carolyn was able to regain a measure
of composure. She pointed to the elevator directly in front of her. Thats where
we have to go right? Digby nodded and hastened her on. Okay, this will be easy.
Just press the button. Carolyn followed the instructions and the doors pulled open.
They entered the enclosure and watched as the doors again shut tight. Digby
pointed towards the down-arrow on the panel. See that one? Push it, and were on
our way! As Carolyn pushed the button, the small car slowly lurched into motion.
She was shocked to realize that they were indeed moving downward. The store
clerk had made a very emphatic point of explaining that nothing existed below the
store. There were no lower floors, yet she felt the car move downward nonetheless.
Within minutes they arrived at their destination. The doors of the elevator pulled
apart to reveal a long, carefully tended gravel pathway, bordered on either side by a
perfectly manicured green hedge. The sky above was bright blue and filled with
tiny fluffy unmoving clouds. Carolyn cautiously exited from her familiar world and
entered a strange new one.


Charles remained in the hospital at Carolyns side for many hours. In the
morning he was joined by his family physician and friend Dr. Jenner. They sat
together staring at the motionless woman. The elder gentleman finally spoke up.
You know Charles, she really is getting the best of care here. You need to get
some rest; you look terrible. There really isnt anything more we can do for her
now. He appreciated the reassurances. Maybe just for a few more hours. So
youre sure you cant figure out whats wrong with her? The older man shook his
head. It doesnt look like she took many of those anti-anxiety pillsmaybe she
was thinking about it, and didnt. Ill make sure they run some more tests. Im
going to talk to somebody about those unusual brain scans. Its almost like part of
her mind has shut down completelyin some sort of vegetative state; and other
areas show extreme activity. Ive never seen anything like itthen again, Im no
expert. You go home now and try to get some rest. The exhausted husband
reluctantly got up to leave. Thanks again, Peter. Ill be back here this afternoon.
Bye. He left the hospital and got into his black German sedan. He noticed that the
weather had cleared up somewhat. The sun was straining to break through the
previous nights storm clouds. His eyes were heavy and tired as he laboriously


fought his way through the beginning of the morning rush hour. He managed to
barely make it home without falling asleep. Staggering in the door, he dropped his
coat on the floor and struggled up the stairs to his bedroom. Still dressed in his
expensive suit, he collapsed onto the soft mattress. He was momentarily awakened
by the sound of someone laughing. He called out loudly, Whos there? Not
receiving a response, he chalked the phantom voice up to fatigue and fell into a
deep sleep. After a moment, he suddenly bolted upright. Sitting on the edge of the
bed was a girl whom he instantly recognized as Hillary. Hillary! Thank God
youre back! I missed you so much! The girl before him wore a blue and green
tartan dress and stood smiling at the man. Im not Hillary silly! Im Samantha,
Hillarys sister. Charles gazed at the girl with a bewildered expression. What are
you talking about? You are Hillary! She has no sister. I dont recognize that dress
thoughit must be new. Samantha again laughed. This is just a dream youre
having. This isnt really happeningcant you even tell the difference between a
dream and real life? Charles face became contorted with agitation. Noyoure
wrongthis is realIm not dreaming thisIm real. He racked his brain
searching for some sort of logical explanation. Watch this. If I pinch
myselfthereI felt that, so this must be realthis is happening The girl shook
her head. That doesnt mean anything. Hillary was rightyou are strange. Take
this book, but be careful with it. Dont let anyone else have itespecially not


Digby! Dont worry, Hillary is okay...for now...but you should probably get used to
her being gone. She may never come back, you see. I have to go. He accepted
the odd book without really noticing it. A sense of deep confusion numbed his
mind. The girl moved away from the bed and proceeded to walk easily through the
large bedroom mirror. The liquid surface of the mirror rippled with her passage.
The effect was similar to a rock thrown into a still lake. Charles merely stared in
utter disbelief. His head fell to the pillow as his eyes fell shut. He suddenly gasped
as if struggling for air. A film of clammy sweat covered his heavily whiskered
face. His mind raced uncontrollably. The strange episode with the Hillary lookalike was etched deeply in his mind. He concluded that he had experienced nothing
more than a very realistic dream. He lay down again and rolled over to return to
sleep. Charles gazed at a childrens storybook propped up against the pillow.

Hillary and Dante traveled for hours upon hours. Time seemed to wax and
wane with no consistency. Dark brooding clouds and ominous winds obscured the
churning sky above. On several occasions, Hillary was forced to hold on tight, for
fear of being tossed off her ride. The narrow dirt path meandered in a zigzagging
pattern. Hillary gasped as she saw a limp, algae covered arm reach upward from the


bog. Dante! Theres somebody in that swamp! We have to save them! He barely
lifted his heavy head. I wish that we couldthat is just one of the dangers in
traveling through this land. Anybody who is down there in the bog cannot be
helped. They will try to lure you down to their level, but if they touch you, its all
over.youre stuck there forever. The frightening words filled Hillary with
sadness. I want to go home now! Its too frightening here! Dante considered the
remark carefully before answering. Hillary, its healthy to feel bad for these
people, but you cant give yourself away just because of them. You dont want to
end up here yourself do you? Hillary reluctantly accepted the truth of the remark.
She wished to know more about the unfortunate land she saw around her. Dante,
let me ask you something. When Digby and I were in the basement, before we got
on the elevator, there were a bunch of women. They looked like frozen people, or
statues maybe. Did they used to be alive like me? Dante listened carefully before
responding. Those are sad cases, Hillary. They are called mannequins. They are
actually adults who wanted to escape to Nibiru but got scared at the last second. At
the last second, they were not able to relinquish the regular world. They are stuck
thereunlessthere is a legend, that a little girl will come to our land and open up
the gateway to the regular world again for all. You could be that girl, Hillary. The
revelation overwhelmed the young girl. Me? How could I be so important? Im
nothing special. Dante laughed out loud. Thats where youre wrong. There is no


other girl like you in the entire world. You have special powers like no one else .
You have the power to make things real with your imagination. It is a most
powerful and dangerous gift that you possess. The declaration seemed to
embolden the young girl. You know, Dante, my Nana always told me that I was
special, but I never understood what she meant. Will I be able to help other people
find Nibiru?
Im entirely not sure. You might not yet be sufficiently powerful. Well
have to ask the magical mirror. We still have very far to go. Dante looked ahead
as the path again narrowed to a mere foot in width. Hold on tight. I might have to
jump this part ahead. Hillary grabbed hold tightly onto the steeds strong neck.
Will my Mom and Dad be okay, Dante? The horse waited until he had safely
leaped the narrow gap and then answered. There. They should be fineexcept
Hillary urged him to elaborate. Wellsince you were able to cross into this land,
it is possible that creatures from this land might make their way to the regular
world. Some of them are good, but some are very badand of course there is the
storybook. That can be very dangerous in the hands of the wrong person. It can
become enchanted and trap within all those that might read it . Hillary wanted to
know more. Nana always read that storybook with me, I never noticed anything


You had Nana as your spiritual guide. Most adults cannot control their
imagination, and it can get the better of them sometimesthats why many of them
lose it completely. Dreams can become real, and reality can become a
dreamterrible things can happen. Thats why Digby was sent back by the Thinker
to get the book. The Thinker controls the book. So far he hasnt come back. Well
just have to hope that everything is okay. They continued their lonely trek across
the vast, bleak landscape. A teeming rain began to fall down heavily upon the
weary adventurers.

The steel elevator doors pulled open to the reveal the strange world of
Nibiru to Carolyn. She gazed around in detached wonderment. Digby reached up
to grab her hand. Come onand stay close. This could be a most dangerous
place for a grown-up. You have not learned how to control your imagination yet.
We need to find Hillary. Remember, you have to do whatever I say down here, no
matter how crazy it might sound to you, okay? The bewildered mother nodded
automatically as she continued to stare into the distance. She noticed something
that looked like a crowd of people up ahead. They walked along the path until
Digby also noticed the unfamiliar apparition. Digby, who are all those people up


ahead? Are they real? Theres something wrong about them. Digby stopped and
peered into the distance. Im not sure yetits hard to tell who they are. Lets
keep going. The distant noisy throng grew ever closer. Eventually the indistinct
group became identifiable. Carolyn watched as a collection of hobbling, physically
incomplete mannequins came rushing towards her. There were at least a dozen of
them. Most were missing at least one limb. Some sported a single leg and hopped
along precariously. Another possessed only a set of arms with no legs and dragged
itself unnaturally along the path. As the shape of each figure became distinct, the
truly horrific nature of the scene finally struck Carolyn. The mutant mob grew
closer still. Oh my God Digby! Those look like the mannequins from the
basement. Theyre coming for us! Digby yelled loudly. Quickturn around and
run! I was afraid this might happen. With the portal opened, they escaped into this
world from the basement. Someone or something has upset the balance between the
two worlds. Theyre now half-alive. That frozen girl in the elevator must have let
them in. We need to get back before they touch us. Carolyn began to run, but the
encroaching twisted mannequins continued their relentless chase. They collectively
let out a bone-chilling howl as they drew near. What happens if they touch us?
They steal your real life from you. They become real, and you become a
dummy. The morbid detail served to quicken Carolyns pace towards the elevator.
She could not help herself from turning her head to check the mobs progress. As


she did so, she stumbled and fell hard to the ground. The relentless mob were
quickly upon her. Digby turned around helplessly to see the group descend upon
her in a frenzied attack. One by one, they touched Carolyns head and were
magically transformed. Thankfully Carolyn had passed out from sheer terror. The
terrible ordeal was over in mere seconds. The monstrous mob of now fully living,
breathing creatures walked away from the splayed body of the statue still mother.
Digby walked over to her and felt her forehead. It was still warm. Outwardly
Carolyn still wore the clothes she had put on that morning. Her body was now a
hard and lifeless plastic replica. Her beautiful face was now only a painted visage.
Digby was deeply saddened by the awful sight. You should never have looked
back at them. Ill take you back to the basement. At least you might be safe there
until I can figure out what to do next. The tiny red-haired boy began to
laboriously drag Carolyn back to the elevator. He pushed her inside, and then
pressed the up button. As the doors again opened to the basement, Digby carefully
dragged Carolyn out of the elevator and propped her up against the dark basement
wall. The impish creature realized he could presently do nothing for her. Only
powerful magic could transform her back to her recognizable self. He decided to
return to the regular world and try to contact Hillarys father. Digby quickly
returned to Nibiru on the elevator. He ran over to the hedge maze and dived
headlong into the thick green leaves.


Charles jumped up in shock when he saw the storybook beside him. His
head whirled around wildly in expectation of some sort of intruder. He called out
loudly. Who left this here? Is this somebodys idea of a joke? Whats going on?
The house was dead silent. He reached over to grab the strange book. As he did so,
the talisman he had brought back from his Cambodian trip fell from his pocket. It
lay motionless on the bedspread. He recalled how Annie has made a cryptic
reference to the object. Quite out of nowhere, he uncharacteristically yelled at it
loudly. Come alive! Reaching now to retrieve the idol, it suddenly moved away.
The three inch figure had indeed come alive, as he had wished. It now stood with
its small spear and shield and bowed before him. Charles simply stared in
disbelief; and wondered if he were still actually dreaming. He decided to get some
fresh air and clear his head. The confused man walked into the bathroom where he
disrobed and took a shower. The warm water seemed to clear the thick cobwebs
from his mind. He rationalized the whole strange experience as being due to a lack
of sleep and stress; and tried to put the whole episode out of his mind. He dressed,
left the bathroom and went downstairs for a snack. He was still a little bleary and
decided upon some strong coffee. Reaching into the cupboard, he heard a noise. It
seemed to emanate from underneath the kitchen sink. Charles stared at the source


of the disturbance. The muffled sounds continued until he finally watched in

amazement as a small red-haired boy wearing a green sweater and blue overalls
hopped out of the kitchen cabinet. The tiny boy stared up at the father. Ohits
you. Im Digby. Where is the storybook? Charles crouched down to see the figure
before him and shook his head. I must still be dreaming. Are you telling me that
youre Digby, my daughters imaginary friend? Digby stared up as if the man
were crazy. Well obviously Im realand we wouldnt be having this
conversation if you were dreaming. Anyway, what difference would it make if you
were dreaming? Wed still be having this conversationright? It wont hurt you to
talk to me, will it? Charles squinted his eyes and looked hard at the small boy. I
must be hallucinating, or overtired. Maybe youre just part of my
dreamwhatever. Tell me, do you know where Hillary is? The diminutive
creature answered the query promptly. Of course I do, and I know where your
wife is also. Charles face became contorted with frustration. If you know where
my daughter is, then I want you to take me to herand what do you mean you
know where my wife isshes in the hospital. Digby laughed loudly in a mocking
tone. No shes not, well, not all of her anyway...she was attacked, and shes in
the department store basement right now. I would take you to see Hillary myself,
but youre not ready to go yet. You still dont believenot by a long shot. Only
when you begin to believe-to understand, are you able to cross over. It would be


too dangerous for you. You might end up in the swamp. I sent a Leprechaun
friend earlier to get the storybook. Have you seen it? Charles pondered the
question momentarily and responded untruthfully. No, I havent seen any book,
and I wouldnt tell you even if I had! This is nuts! Im obviously still
dreamingIm going to go back to bed, so I can wake up. Dibgy pointed at the
man and giggled. So if you close your eyes and fall asleep, then youll be awake?
Is that it? How do you know that wont be a dream also? I have to go now. Just
remember, dont try to change anything, and whatever you do, dont try to wake
Negative-Spin Carolyn up! Thats the one in the hospital that you can see. Shes
been split apart. It could kill her if shes disturbed in that state! The small boy
then opened up the cupboard door and climbed in. Charles stood motionless for
several moments trying to collect his scattered, incoherent thoughts. He returned to
his bedroom, hoping that a further attempt at sleep might calm his frazzled nerves.
He was not at all pleased to see that both the living tribesman idol and storybook
were still on the bed when he returned. He lay down and forcibly shut his eyes in
an attempt to end the bewildering delusion.


After numerous hours spent traversing the wasteland of lost dreams, Hillary
and Dante finally reached the enchanted castle. Staring up at the magnificent
shining structure, the young girl was overcome with awe. It towered almost a
thousand feet in the air. It was constructed of brilliant polished white marble stone.
Purest crystal windows were incorporated into the wondrously detailed structure.
dazzling spires and towers sprung from the incredible castle. Intricate stone
carvings had been expertly crafted into the entranceway, depicting multifarious
mythological figures The shining pinnacle could barely be seen amongst the dark
brooding clouds. Dante trotted onto the drawbridge and across the murky moat
below. Weve done a good job to get this farnot many people can make it
across that land and survive. As soon as were inside, you can meet the king and
queen. Hillary was very pleased by the news. She anticipated the royal meeting
awaiting her. Ive always wanted to meet a kingI wonder if there is a prince
also? The clever girl pictured in her minds eye the image of her perfect prince.
He was tall, strong, dark-haired and brave. Dante, I really hope they have some
food in there, Im starving! The proud stallion tried to alleviate her worries. They
will no doubt have a great banquet prepared for us. Its not everyday that they
have a real girl as a guest. The two adventurers were met at the entrance by two
uniformed guards. Each was dressed in bright red and wore a splendid yellow
feathered, spiked helmet. In unison, the two guards blew into their long brass horns


to herald the arrival of the two travellers. The lyrical pronouncement ended and the
two guests were led into a grand hall. Many sumptuously dressed fine ladies stood
expectantly at either side of the enormous room. At the far end of the room, sitting
upon fine bejeweled golden thrones, sat the king and queen. Hillary gazed around
in wonder at the stunning regal hall. It reminded her very much of the ballroom
where she had first met and danced with Dante. She in fact recognized several of
the ladies from that gala affair. She and her equine companion walked up
cautiously towards the royal couple. They approached to within ten feet of them
and stopped. The queen was much younger looking than her royal mate. She had
long dark hair that flowed over her creamy perfect white skin. An exquisitely
embroidered gold and red dress fit snugly over her girlish, slender figure. Her
deep dark eyes seemed to convey a restlessness with which Hillary herself was
well acquainted. The king arose from his throne with a majestic grace of motion.
He was a huge, ruddy looking man with thick bright red hair. He wore an ermine
cloak over a purple velvet blouse. Black stockings and polished shoes completed
his display of sartorial splendor. Greetings honoured guests, Hillary, and her
faithful steed Dante! You are welcome in my kingdom. I know that you have
traveled far and seen much. Im sure that you are greatly fatigued by your arduous
journey. We will have a great banquet this evening in your honour. Rest now, and
we will talk of many things later. The royal pronouncement was followed by the


scurrying of servants. Hillary curtsied as best she could and followed the servants
out of the great hall. Dante was lead off to his own room. Hillary was shown to her
bedroom. It was a beautiful room not entirely unlike her own. It was decorated in
bright pink and had a wonderful four-post bed. She was very happy to back in a
place the reminded her somewhat of home. She twirled around and giggled in
excitement. Finally succumbing to the sheer exhaustion of her journey, she
collapsed upon the fine pink sheets. She immediately fell into a light sleep.

Charles awoke in a sweat after several hours. He could not recall any dreams
he might have had during his nap. Scanning curiously around the room, he did not
see either the storybook or any strange small creatures, tribal or otherwise. His
reasonable mind attributed the preposterous events of the afternoon to extreme
stress. Everything in the house seemed to be back to normal. He walked down to
the kitchen for a snack. He looked out at the slowly darkening evening sky. A light
snow had begun to fall. Charles tried not to think about the fact that Christmas
was only a day away. Festivity of any sort was far from his mind. The holiday had
completely slipped his thoughts. He recollected past Christmass spent with his
precious family. He had in fact missed several due to unforeseen travel


commitments. He made himself a cup of instant coffee and chewed hungrily on a

ham and cheddar cheese sandwich. His repast was disturbed by the ringing phone.
Hello? Yes, detective Gardner, Merry Christmas to you alsono, youre
absolutely right, this hasnt been the happiest time for me. Well, I hadnt thought
about that. Sure, Id love to have Christmas dinner with your family. Right. You
have some more news? You mean the tape with Hillary on it? Okay, Ill be right
down. Ill meet you at the mall. Charles was surprised by the invitation to dinner
at the home of somebody he barely knew. He was extremely impressed by the
dedication of the intrepid detective. According to the officer, there had been
another anomaly discovered on the strange video surveillance tape. The detective
had been reluctant to elaborate any further. Charles drove his black Mercedes to the
large shopping complex. He was not pleased to return to the site of so much
personal tragedy. He met the detective just inside the main entrance. Charles,
youre looking a little better, did you get any sleep? The father nodded, and
momentarily considered relating the tale of his afternoon delusions. He eventually
thought better of it. Thanks. Im still a little shaky, to tell you the truth. Whats so
important that you needed to abandon your family so close to Christmas? He led
the father inside the store and up a set of stairs. His tone acquired a decidedly
serious tone. Charles, I heard all about your wife. Have you visited her recently in
the hospital?


Of course. I was there this morning, and Ill go back as soon as were done
here. He tried not to think about Digbys cryptic remarks earlier concerning his
wife. Theres no changethe doctors are doing all they can. Ill probably spend
the night with her. The two men entered the same video equipment room they had
visited before. The same young technician sat and stared at the monitor. Charles
slapped him on the back in a friendly manner. Do they have you working twentyfour seven here? Dont you ever get to sleep? The East Indian young man smiled
in response. His countenance immediately grew grave. Mr. PenroseI have
something disturbing to show you. I just want you to be prepared for this. Ill admit
that it makes no sense. The first thing I did was check the equipment for any
malfunctions, but everything seems fine. Anyway, please have a seat. As before,
the two older men sat on either side of the expert. The most recent security tape
began to run. Ever since your childs disappearance Charles, Ive asked that
somebody constantly monitor these tapes for anything out of the ordinary. Okay,
look right there. Thats your wife, isnt it? Charles stared at the screen. Thats
her. This must be from a few days ago. She went back to the mall, right? The
detective looked gravely over at the technician. Well heres the thing, and I know
this isnt going to make any sense, but this tape was recordedafter your wife was
emitted to hospital. The revelation at first made no impression on the distraught
father. Obviously there must be a mistake with the time signature on the tape. My


wife is in a coma. I can assure you that she was not out shopping. Detective
Gardner proceeded cautiously. Rightwell the first thing I did when I saw this
tape was call the hospital. Apparently your wife hasnt moved a muscle since she
was brought inand Im afraid theres even more in the way of weird. Ill let
Ravinder here explain. The technician rewound the tape and let the image proceed
frame by frame. Watch here, the same strange thing that happened with that little
red-haired kids image seems to he happening to your wife. Her image is there in
one frame, then gone the next. I cant explain itit likes shes both there and not
there Charles got up and began to wipe an accumulation of sweat from his
brow. All of the inexplicable events of the past few days rushed back into his
mind, engulfing him like a choking yellow gas. He struggled to regain his
composure and left the room. He staggered down the hallway. The detective
followed close behind. I think thats enough for you, Charles. Why dont you let
me drive you back to my place. Maybe you shouldnt be alone right now. The
officer had even more unbelievable news to relate, but did not dare divulge it. Mr.
Penrose steadied himself against the banister. Im okay. Its just everything
happening at once, its a little strange, you know? Listen, Im going to go visit
Carolyn, and then try and get some more sleep. If the offer is still open, Id love
to have dinner tomorrow with your family. Detective Marion nodded. He had
initially wished to tell Charles about the strange interview with the assistant store


manager, Mr. Boggs, but realized that the testimony might be altogether too
disturbing for him. Mr. Boggs himself had been severely troubled by the news, that
the entire time that he had briefly spoken with Carolyn, she was apparently in a
comatose state, lying in a hospital bed.

Hillary was awakened from her light sleep by a loud knock on the door. Her
dream had been typically unusual. She had dreamt of her concerned mother, with
herself drowning in a huge bowl of tomato soup. It was her Nana who had saved
her in the dream, by fishing her out with a huge silver spoon. A voice was heard
outside Hillarys door. Miss, dinner will be served in one half of an hour. You will
find suitable attire in the closet. Will you be needing anything else, Lady
Penrose? Hillary called out that she would be fine. She very much enjoyed being
referred to with the formal epithet. She leapt out of bed towards the closet. Opening
it wide, she found it to be filled with dozens of very expensive looking formal
gowns. She pulled down a lavender silk dress with a bright yellow sash and ribbons
sewn all over. She quickly slipped into the dress and pretended to dance around the
room with a handsome prince. She caught sight of herself in the large floor-length


mirror. Something odd caught her eye. The image of a womans face seemed to
appear almost as if floating in the mirror. She walked up to it and gazed at the
vague image. It was the unhappy face of her mother. Yet the image was not
exactly as Hillary remembered her mothers face. It seemed to be a facsimile, a sort
of copy which was not quite correct. Although no sound emanated from the visage,
the image of Carolyn mouthed the following words. Hillary, help meIm
trapped in a dream With that remark the image faded. The troubling, cryptic
message served to severely dampen the mood of the pretty young girl. Hillary was
suddenly consumed by a sense of foreboding. Before she was able to formulate any
sort of plan, a loud bell began to ring through the castle. It was the ten minute
warning bell for dinner. Hillary was absolutely famished and decided to attend the
gala, despite her inner misgivings. She would deal with the strange mirror later, she
thought. She walked down the long broad staircase to great fanfare and adulation.
The pristine beauty of one so young awed all of those in attendance. Hillary took a
seat of honour beside the king and queen at the head of the table. She noticed a
young boy slightly older than herself sitting to her right. He too was dressed in
finely tailored clothes. Hillary could not help noticing that the boy was very
handsome. She was too shy to introduce herself, and so sat expectantly. The
charismatic king was festooned in his finest royal raiment. He rose with his shining
silver wine goblet in hand for a grand toast. It is indeed a great honour for us to


have such an impressive guest in attendance. Heres to Hillary, the only girl wise
enough to understand our world and imagine it. By staying here with us, she
ensures our survival for many years to come. To Hillary! Hillary raised her glass
of red wine and took a tiny ceremonial sip. She found the unfamiliar bitter taste of
the acrid libation unpleasant. She thanked the king for his gracious welcome. I
could not have done it without my faithful friend Dante. He has helped me
through many dangerous places. Thank you again for allowing me to visit your
wonderful castle. All heads around the table immediately turned in her direction.
All conversation ceased. The perturbed king spoke up after several moments of
uncomfortable silence. Do you mean to say that you do not intend to remain in our
fair kingdom? Hillary was confused and struggled to find words that would not
offend unduly. IIm not sure if Im going to stay or not. I have to go back to the
real world some time, dont I? The kings expression was one of grave
consternation. You do understand that we will all cease to exist the moment you
leave our kingdom? The rhetorical remark caught the young girl decidedly off
guard. ButI dont understand what you meanyoull all die? The fair queen
at this point interjected. Hillary, I dont think you entirely comprehend where
you are, and who we all are. We are fully realized beings based upon the power of
your formidable imagination. Certain children have the gift of pure, unfettered
thought. It is the power to truly make the unreal real. Hillary gazed back at the


beautiful royal matriarch. I dont think I understand this place yet. I dont want
you all to disappear, but I do miss my family sometimes. The king nodded with
sagacity and compassion. We dont want to make you feel uncomfortable Hillary.
Ultimately you must decide for yourself what you truly want. Know this
thoughyou cannot have your cake and eat it too, you must decide which path to
take, and abide by your ultimate decision. Hillary took a moment to digest the
significant words. May I consult the magic-mirror after dinner, your highness?
Dante told me that I might speak with my Nana that way. Her wish was given
royal assent. Of course Hillary, but in point of fact the enchanted looking-glass
resides in your very room. Use it as you wish, but beware of those with whom you
speak using this means. There exist the forces of both good and evil within the
reflecting glass. The mirror conveys both truth and lies. It is up to you to decide
which is which. Hillary finished her sumptuous dinner. Stuffing herself with
delectable roast chicken, potatoes and chocolate cake for dessert, she could eat no
more. Thanking the royal couple for their generosity, she excused herself to retire
to her room. Dante followed along with her. Hillary sat down in front of the
magical mirror and stared intently at the image of herself.


Chapter 7


Mr. Penrose was in a state of shock after the bewildering conversation with
the detective at the mall. He drove rapidly to the hospital to check on his wife. He
found Carolyn exactly as he had left her earlier. He signaled for both the
attending nurse and doctor. The two white coated individuals arrived quickly.
Charles queried the nurse first. Has my wife left this room at any time in the last
eight hours? The older woman looked slightly bemused by the odd question and
looked over at the physician. Wellno Mr. PenroseI thought you understood
that your wife was in a coma. The physician gestured for the nurse to leave the
room. He put his arm over the shoulder of the bedeviled father. Charles, whats
going on? Whats all this nonsense about Carolyn leaving the hospital?
Please dont be patronizing, doctor. I know what I saw. I was just with the
detective investigating the disappearance of my daughter. He showed me a
surveillance tape that clearly shows the image of Carolyn walking around the store,
just a few hours ago. Dr. Singh shook his head adamantly. Im afraid that youre
mistaken, sir. She has not moved from this bed since she was first brought in.
There must be some sort of malfunction with the video equipment.
Listen Doctor, I realize it sounds screwyit just doesnt make any sense.
Do you think theres any way the two events could be related? I mean, could my


daughters disappearance have anything to do with my wifes condition? The

doctor was unable to provide any simple explanation. Honestly, your guess is as
good as mine at this point. I can assure you that we are watching her every
minute. Ill leave you alone with your wife. Charles sat down beside the statuestill figure. Only the faint breathing action of her chest suggested any sort of life
within. He held her slender hand to his cheek and cried. Carol, I honestly dont
know how to help you. Where are you? Give me some sort of sign. Only a bleak
stony silence met his imprecation. He stayed by his wifes side for several hours.
He heard the cheery sound of Christmas carols emanating from the next room.

Ronald Boggs had come to the troubling conclusion that he had somehow
become inextricably entwined within the mysterious tragedy that had befallen the
Penrose clan. Detective Gardner had questioned him earlier concerning the
inexplicable appearance of Carolyn Penrose on a store security tape. The moment
in question clearly showed Mr. Boggs speaking with the supposedly bed-ridden,
comatose woman. Even stranger was the fact that no other person in the store could
recall even seeing her. Mr. Boggs could not expunge the shadowy episode from his
mind. He tried telling himself that he had only imagined the conversation, or


perhaps mistaken Carolyn Penrose for some completely different woman. In the
end, he was forced to accept the fact that he had experienced an outright
hallucination. He sat alone at home on Christmas Eve, watching the Christmas
classic, Its A Wonderful Life on TV. It was his favourite holiday movie. The red,
green and white lights of his carefully decorated tree twinkled in the darkness of his
spare one bedroom apartment. Under the tree sat a single gift, wrapped in silver
paper and a bright red bow. He sipped on his brandy and tried to lose himself in
the television screen. The loneliness of the room and the season gradually
overwhelmed him. He raised himself lethargically from the sofa and donned his
winter coat, hat and gloves. His destination was the only place where he truly felt
at home. He retuned to the downtown mall, ostensibly to check up on his staff. He
lived fairly close to the mall, and a short bus ride brought him to its entrance in
minutes. The still large, but dwindling crowds of shoppers brought a momentary
smile to his sad expression. It was only six minutes until closing time. Ronald
slipped deftly into the store just the head cashier had begun to roll the steel gate
across the floor, signifying the end of business for the day. A few straggling
shoppers with waiting families hurriedly paid for their gifts and left. The remaining
staff busily wrapped up their last minute store duties. Mr. Boggs, what are you
doing here? Didnt you work this morning? The question caught the slightly
inebriated man off guard. YesI just wanted to make sure everything here was


okay. Busy night? The head cashier nodded and smiled, noticing the alcohol odor
and faint slur to the mans speech. Actually it wasnt that bad. Ill just be happy
to get home. Is everything okay, Mr. Boggs? The assistant manager smiled
broadly with feigned cheer. Of coursewhy wouldnt it be? Its Christmas Eve,
the happiest time of the year! Now you get on home, Ill finish up here for you.
Those kids of yours must be screaming for their mom! The attractive, heavy-set
middle-aged brunette thanked him and quickly left, wishing all those that remained
a merry Christmas. Soon the assistant manager was left alone within the empty
store. He was again consumed by a crippling, encroaching emptiness. He began to
wander aimlessly through the depleted aisles of Christmas goods. Ronald found
himself drawn once again to the enigmatic gray door leading to the store basement.

Hillary sat cross-legged in front of the enchanted mirror in her room.

Carved of finest cherry wood, its highly polished surface had a shimmering,
glowing quality. The more she gazed at the image of herself, the less clear it
became. Eventually Hillary found herself staring at the image of a completely
empty room. The sight filled her with fear. She called out plaintively, Nana, Im
afraid! I cant see myself anymore! Where am I? Are you there? Only an eerie


silence followed her question. Slowly the image of her beloved grandmother
materialized within the glassy surface. Hillary, I can see you there. Dont be
afraid. I am here to guide you. The young girl was very relieved to see the
reassuring face of her Nana. Oh Nana, I was so worried that something had
happened to you. Are you all right? The old woman smiled and nodded. Im fine.
Im afraid that your mother and father are not doing so well though. The serious
news quickly wiped the smile from the girls beautiful face. What happened to
Your father is in great danger. Some mischievous soul has been enticing
him to read the magical storybook. Somebody has enchanted it. If that happens,
everything could get very bad indeed. Digby tried to bring your mother to find
you, and she wasattacked. She also is in great danger. You must leave this
kingdom at once and find your way to the centre of the maze. There you must
make contact with the Thinker. That is our only hope. There are many bad sorts in
the world of Nibiru. The girl responded with great incredulity. But
NanaSamantha is a good friend! She would never do anything to hurt me. The
wizened image of the woman continued. She may or may not be intentionally
hurting you, but she has already upset the balance, between the real world and the
supra-real. It is possible that she has come under the influence of the evil crimson
riders. The boundary between the two worlds must never become blurred or fully


open. Otherwise it may irrevocably damage both worlds. You must come back.
Trust your friend Dante, he will not lead you astray. Hillary had difficulty
digesting the strange news. Nana, what about those girls Digby and I saw in the
store basement, the ones that had turned into dummies, is there anything I can do
to help them? The mirrors image responded sadly. There is nothing that can be
done for these people, they are the adults who tried to escape to Nibiru but failed.
You must stay far away from these creatures, for they are very dangerous, Hillary.
Now you must go at once. Hillary bid her Nana farewell and stood up from the
mirror. She looked around her grand room with some remorse, realizing that she
might never see it again. She departed and walked down the hall to find Dante. The
castle had become dead silent at night. A soft glow from her kerosene lamp lit the
way along the darkened corridor. She was at Dantes room when she heard a door
slowly creak open. A young boy wearing a long crimson housecoat emerged. She
recognized him from dinner, when their had eyes briefly met . Hillary thought he
was a handsome but slightly odd looking boy, with his long dark hair, small round
glasses and pale complexion. Hillary waited silently until the boy was standing
before her. He spoke with great urgency. Hello Hillary, my name is prince
Rupert. I know that youre planning on leaving, you must take me with you.
Hillary was quite taken aback by the request. But this is your homethis is
where you belong. How can you leave? Why would you want to? Rupert was


both small and weak for his age, which was very close to Hillarys. His large dark
eyes sat heavily upon his angular visage. He was no sportsman, and did not excel
at hunting or any of the court games that his virile father the king so enjoyed. It
was for this reason, and perhaps his penchant for reading, that had brought him
into disfavor with his powerful father. His sad face was open, earnest and full of
hope. He again petitioned for the girls assistance. Hillary, I want to be real, like
you. If you can take me back to your world, then I would be real, dont you see that
I dont belong in this place? Hillary was unsure of how to answer. I don't even
know you. Rupert, the reason I came to the land of Nibiru in the first place was that
I didnt feel like I belonged in the real world. What makes you think you will feel
any different in the regular world? Rupert shook his head. I dont knowthere
must be a place for mea reason for me. I dont want my life planned out
anymore. Im sick of trying to be what my father expects. I want to choose my
own life for myself! The desperate princes passionate plea impressed the
considerate girl. Ill tell you what. If Dante thinks its okay if you come, then its
okay with me. Now be quiet! Hillary opened the heavy oak door and walked into
Dantes room. Her new friend followed close behind. Dante was a light sleeper
and awoke immediately. He raised his head and immediately noticed the
newcomer. I see we have a new traveling partner, welcome! Rupert smiled over
at Hillary, realizing that his request to accompany them had been tacitly granted.


After a hurried preparation, the three companions departed with great stealth. They
were lucky to find all the palace guards napping as they crept away. Now outside
the great castle, Hillary and Rupert mounted the majestic roan steed. Rupert rode
behind as Dante galloped hard. Hillary looked back at the dazzling structure with a
melancholy stare. It was a beautiful castle, with very nice peopleits too bad we
couldnt stay. Rupert conceded the point. My father the king is not a bad man,
but after meeting you, I realized that my life was meaningless here. None of it was
real. Some day we may return. Hillary was pleased by the suggestion. Yes, some
day we may. Dante listened carefully to the exchange but offered nothing. He
realized that a young person will only accept as truth that which they themselves
experience, regardless of the consequences. He knew there was no substitute for
real life, and even the most well intentioned, profound wisdom will often fall upon
deaf ears.

After a few hours, Charles Penrose left his wifes side. He decided to return
home to catch up on his sleep. The city streets were now bereft of traffic, most
people having returned home to their families for the night. His sleek black sedan
moved with a stealthy precision. Charles gazed distractedly out at the magical
white, red and blue lights that decorated the citys streets. A light dusting of snow


coated the ground in a deft white wrapping. He recalled a pleasant Christmas from
his childhood, spent shopping with his dear mother. Something caught his eye as
he glanced at the rear view mirror. Adjusting the mirror downward, he stared at a
small red-haired boy in blue coveralls. Hello Mr. Penrose. Dont be afraid. Im
here to help you. Now just listen to me and keep driving. You want your wife back,
right? The words were incongruously threatening in tone, emanating from such a
tiny creature. The confused father could not speak for several moments. So Im
dreaming again, is that it? Youre Digby, so this obviously cant be real. The
mischievous boy laughed hard. Oh really? Touch that seat, smell that winter air,
this is as real as it gets fella, and if you dont want to accept that Im real, then I
guess your wife will never wake up, will she? Charles became suddenly furious.
I dont know what this issome sort of trick? What do you have to do with
Carolyn? If you did anything to harm either her or Hillarywell I dont care what
you are, Ill strangle you! Digbys expression became more serious. The last
thing you want to do is harm me in any way. I know where your wife is, shes in
the basement of the store where Hillary disappeared. Ill tell you how to get her
back, if you give me the storybook. Charles could not believe that he was
negotiating with an hallucination. I did see that book, but it disappeared almost as
soon as it appearedlast I saw it was on my bed. As for my wife, shes in the
hospital, not some basement, I just saw her ten minutes ago.


Suit yourself then. I hope you know what youre doing. Charles heard
nothing for several moments. He gazed back again into the rear-view mirror to find
the backseat empty. He drove home with an overwhelming feeling of unease. His
usually strong sense of self-control began to unravel further.

Annie Koestler realized that she could no longer remain a passive observer
of unfolding events. She had been contacted by Hillary whilst dreaming, and had
awoken feeling agitated. Annie understood that her granddaughter existed now
more fully in the land of Nibiru. She herself had inadvertently stumbled upon this
supra-real world at the age of five, but had gradually lost her connection with it
over the years. There were no others that she knew at the time who might have also
believed in the strange world. She sat upon the sofa in her living room listening to a
recording of Christmas songs from her youth . A small, humble tree with tiny white
and blue lights twinkled in the corner. A smattering of brightly wrapped gifts sat
below. Normally she would have been planning to spend the night with her family,
but the present situation made that impossible. She had wished to visit her daughter
in the hospital, but realized that her presence would only serve to antagonize
Charles. Annie knew that the storybook she had given to Hillary had to be


retrieved. Samantha had obviously taken it back to Nibiru where it had become
enchanted. She realized that it was foolish of her to unleash its power, and that she
should have kept it safely locked away. It was too late for remorse, she thought.
The search for the book would certainly involve seeing Charles. Annie decided that
the meeting had to take place despite his misgivings about her. She sipped upon a
sherry and mused upon her strange life. Her father had been an itinerant traveler.
He had established a modest import-export business, and spent much time visiting
the Middle East. Growing up, Annies house was cluttered with exotic objects
obtained from across the globe. The most fascinating of these treasures were those
from Egypt. On Annies fifth birthday her father had given her the gift of the
ancient magical storybook. Her father, Henry Sinclair, had purchased the book in a
old curiosity shop in an Egyptian bazaar. He had been surprised to find a book
written in English in such a far-away place. Henry had not realized at the time that
the book adapted itself to the reader as necessary. It was the spectacular ornate
cover illustration which caught his eye on that hot, dusty day. He had paid for the
gift and not given it another thought. Ever since the day that Annie had received
the gift, her life was forever changed. Even as a young girl, her mind became
transformed by the book. The enchanted object was also altered by the girls
fascination with it. Annie afterwords perceived the world around her in a
completely different manner. Having acquired arcane knowledge beyond her years,


her interest in school diminished. She had suffered as a child from many of the
same complaints leveled against her granddaughter. Her parents had branded her as
a withdrawn, brooding oddity. Annie had realized early on that Hillary and she
were indeed true kindred spirits. Hoping to help her understand herself and the
world around her, Annie had given the enchanted storybook to Hillary on her fifth
birthday. From that point on, the two had shared a common bond, a special secret.
Annie then had come to understand that Hillary was much more powerful and
gifted than she herself had ever been. Her granddaughters too powerful
imagination had become dangerous and unstable. The young girl had not only put
herself in danger, but also those closest to her. It was even possible that Hillary
had unleashed something entirely uncontrollable upon the world. She got up from
the sofa and donned her hat and coat. Her conversation through the looking glass
with Hillary was still fresh in her mind. She had told her granddaughter all she
knew. The danger to Hillarys parents was all too real, yet its precise nature eluded
her. The danger of this new creature named Samantha concerned her greatly. Annie
drove to the home of her daughter to speak with Charles. She hoped it was not
already too late.


Mr. Boggs listened to the perpetually recycled Christmas tunes blaring over
the store speakers. Soon it would be time to change the music to something more
suitable, following the holiday season. This was one of many tedious tasks that
fell to the minor manager. All the employees had departed leaving him alone in the
building, save for the security staff. Ronald had the odd impression that someone
else was still in the store. He found himself again drawn to the enigmatic store
basement. He walked over to the forbidden heavy steel door. Mr. Boggs possessed
the only store key capable of opening it. The passageway had remained locked
since that day he, and the rest had passed through in their search for Hillary. He
reached into his pocket and realized with dismay that his set of master keys had
been mistakenly left at home. He dejectedly made a half-hearted push at the door
and was amazed to find it unlocked. He walked slowly down the dark stairs feeling
his way along the damp concrete wall. He negotiated his way to the other end of
the room from memory and found the emergency lights. Switching them on, he
found himself staring at a fully clothed mannequin leaning against the wall. The
incredibly life-like quality of the figure caused him to gasp. He moved up to within
an inch of the figure and stared into the hypnotically realistic dark eyes. Suddenly
he jumped back as he realized the striking resemblance to Carolyn Penrose. The
horrifying similarity was uncanny. He then recalled his recent troubling
interrogation with detective Gardner. He was told that Mrs. Penrose was actually


lying in a hospital bed the entire time he had supposedly spoken with her. His mind
grew dizzy as the strain of his depression and confusion overcame him. His thin
frame held tightly to the wall as he staggered closer toward the life-like mannequin.
Ronald fell onto the mannequin, grabbing at the neck to steady himself. His mind
suddenly became still and quiescent. He was not dead, but not quite alive either. At
the same precise moment, Carolyn Penrose gasped widely. She felt as though she
had burst up into the air from the ocean depths after holding her breath for hours.
She collapsed in a heap, heaving and sobbing. She stared at a mannequin which
resembled a balding man in his mid-forties. The perverse logic of the situation
dawned on her. Carolyn realized at once that Ronald Boggs had somehow
inadvertently transferred his life-force to her, just as hers had been stolen by the
mannequin mob. She no longer questioned the irrationality of the world of which
she now had become a part. Carolyn accepted the twisted logic of her new reality
completely. The prospect of impending insanity was of little concern. Survival and
the safe return of her daughter emerged as her only priorities. Sanity would wait for
another day, she thought. She took one last look at the hapless man and prepared to
depart the cold basement. Carolyn was concerned for the unfortunate fellow, but
could conceive of no way to save him. Inwardly she felt him in some way
responsible for her daughters disappearance and all the tumult that followed.


Merry Christmas Mr. Boggs. I'm so sorry that this has happened,but I must find
Hillary. As soon as I get my daughter back, Ill send help for you.

Hillary, Dante and Rupert began their journey back across the terrible
wasteland of lost dreams. The gray churning sky hung mournfully over them.
Plaintive wails echoed in the misty damp air. A rotten, fetid stench leaked from the
cracks in the accursed ground. The young girl explained to Rupert what she knew
of the dangers involved in traversing the lonely land. I cant believe that youve
never been outside the castle Rupert. Werent you ever curious to know more?
The forlorn looking boy nodded affirmatively. It was strictly forbidden by my
father for anyone to ever leave the castle. I tried to escape once, but I was caught
and severely punished. They put me in a cold, dark dungeon for three months. It
was terriblethey were trying to break my spirit, but instead it only made me
more determined than ever to escape. I want to know what its like to be free, and
do whatever you want. Hillary was sympathetic to the princes plight, but was also
amused by his naivety. I dont think you really understand what the real world is
like. You cant do whatever you want, you know. Thats why I left in the first
place. They were trying to change metrying to make me think that this


imaginary world wasnt realbut I knew that it was. Now Im not sure what to do.
I dont hate my mother and father, but I want to be able to come here whenever I
wantforever and ever. My Nana is the only one who understands me. They rode
along in silence for awhile. The dark sky above swirled with gray and green clouds.
The mournful howling of the souls trapped in the bog below dampened their spirits.
Hillary looked down at Dante. Why so quiet? Are you sad? The brave steed was
aware but unwilling to divulge the reason for his melancholy state. You dont
worry about me, Hillary, just take care of your new friend Rupert there. Hillary,
remember one thing. No matter what happens, and no matter how frightened you
are, never look back. The ominous words seemed incomprehensible to the young
girl. She accepted his warning without comment.
After several hours of riding, they came finally to the entryway into the
barren wasteland. Dante appeared to visibly sag with sadness as they approached
the tall green hedge. Hillary proceeded to explain in detail to Rupert the intricacies
of passing through the leafy barrier. Remember Rupert, you must not flinch,
otherwise we all may be killed. Do you understand? Are you ready? Rupert
nodded his head ever so slightly. Dante reared up and prepared for his headlong
gallop into the thick hedge. He looked up at Hillary with his serious, deep dark
eyes. Remember what I have told you, Hillary. With that final remark he broke
into stride. They gathered more and more speed as the tall green bush grew ever


closer. Having successfully passed through previously, Hillary enjoyed the

exhilarating rush. Faster and faster they sped until finally they were at the brink.
The vast, stagnant wasteland was finally behind them. Rupert held on tightly to
Hillarys waist. The panicked prince cried out. No! We wont make it! Stop! He
threw his arms out in fear as his entire body seized . A moment later, the two
young friends came tumbling out onto the gravel by the hedge. They had somehow
successfully passed through, but Dante was nowhere to be found. Hillary jumped
up immediately and ran to the hedge. Dante! Where are you? I need you! Her
words echoed in the silence. No trace of her faithful steed remained. Hillary then
realized that the brave horse had sacrificed himself so that she and Rupert might
survive. She looked over at the handsome young prince who sat sheepishly staring
at the motionless clouds above. Hillary walked over to him and waved her finger
accusingly. Do you see what you did? I told you not to be scarednow Dante is
gone! Its all your fault! Now what are we going to do? I should send you back to
the castlewhere you belong! Rupert was sincerely apologetic. IIm so sorry.
I didnt think I could make it. Is everything this difficult in the real world?
Hillarys anger was undiminished. Things are much more difficult in the real
world, which is not where we are now, by the way . We are still in Nibiru, silly.
This maze is sort of the in between place. I know you didnt mean it, Rupert, but
you must learn to be more brave. We must see Dante again. We need to get


moving. Follow me. Her comforting words masked the deep sense of loss within
her young heart. The two companions began walking along the gravel path. Hillary
had completely lost her sense of direction within the incomprehensible maze.

Charles Penrose had begun to lose his grip on reality. He was no longer
willing to trust his own senses. After a series of vivid hallucinations, he was
seriously considering seeing a psychiatrist. The very idea of mental therapy was
anathema to him. He still harbored the suspicion that these recent psychotic
episodes and visions were simply a predictable result of severe sleep deprivation.
He decided to once again attempt a nap. He realized that it was Christmas Eve, but
the significance of the night had been overshadowed to the point of being
meaningless. Charles did not feel much like attending Christmas dinner with
detective Gardners family the next night. He understood that it was probably best
that he not be alone for too long. He walked up the stairs and found his bedroom
as he had left it. He collapsed immediately in a heap on the bed and closed his
eyes. After a moment, he opened his eyes and found himself strangely drawn to
the mirror in the room. He found himself staring at the large floor length glass. He
continued to gaze at the image of himself until it gradually began to change. An
image of Hillary materialized in the glass. It caused Charles to gasp and raise


himself up. The mirror image seemed to gather intensity the more he stared at it.
Eventually it simply climbed out from the liquid mirror itself. The girl that stood
smiling at the edge of the bed was not Hillary, but rather her doppelganger,
Samantha. She politely greeted the baffled man. She stood rocking back and forth
on her tip-toes, with her hands behind her back. I brought you a Christmas
present. Here. The happy girl handed a brightly wrapped gift to Charles. Open it!
I think youll like it! The weary father was torn between trying to ignore the
hallucination and attempting to engage it. Hillary? Is this really happening, or is
this another dream? The girl laughed and shrugged her shoulders. Oh, I'm not
Hillary. What difference does it make? I suppose you need to decide that for
yourself. Charles nodded indifferently. He accepted the gift and began
unwrapping it. It was the same storybook that had magically appeared on his bed
earlier. Samantha seemed very pleased that he had opened up the book. Go
aheadread it. It will help you to sleep. Ive got to be going now. With her dark
task accomplished, the girl in the blue and green tartan dress walked back into the
mirror as she had come. Charles was left sitting upright in bed examining the
elusive book. He began to read the first paragraph to himself. Once upon a time
there was a beautiful little girl named Hillary. She was a very sad girl. She lived in
a big house with her mean father Charles and her selfish mother Carolyn. One day
Hillary found that she could make things and people in her head real. Her Nana had


taught her how to do it by reading a special storybook. He recognized the faces of

Hillary and Carolyn, as well as his own image in the books illustrations. Charles
shut the book tight and stared at the ceiling. He was deeply disturbed by what he
had read. He wondered if the book was some sort of ill-advised practical joke. He
continued reading and found to his great dismay that the book listed in perfect
detail all the strange and unfortunate events that had befallen his family since the
day of Hillarys disappearance. He could not accept the implications of what he
had just read, yet tentatively continued. His eyes widened as he flipped to the last
part of the book. At this point he became completely unglued. The book detailed
everything that had just occurred, up to the point where the strange girl Samantha
had given him the gift. His hands began to shake violently as he realized only one
page remained in the book. Steeling himself for the worst, he flipped the page and
was gone in a bright flash of light. The magical storybook sat by itself upon the
large bed. A knock on the door downstairs echoed through the empty house.

Carolyn did not feel quite like herself. She emerged from the store basement
dressed in the same clothes she had remembered wearing earlier. The past few
hours were a shadowy blur. She recalled descending into the basement with Digby,
and entering the elevator, but everything beyond that point was fuzzy and


incoherent. Carolyn walked back up the stairs and through the secured door. With
no clear plan of action, she found herself wandering aimlessly through the empty
store. In the background she heard joyous Christmas carols playing. The confused
woman had lost all sense of time, and obviously had no clear appreciation of the
holiday season. She made her way to the entrance of the store, but found her path
of escape impaired by a steel barrier. She shook loudly on the grate until a security
guard from the store finally noticed the commotion. The dazed store employee was
barely out of high school. His pale face was blank and cold. Maam, you shouldnt
be in here! How did you get in? Carolyn whirled around to look at the young
man. Imnot exactly sureI just want to get out, could you please open these
doors? He shook his head vehemently. Im afraid Im going to have to fill out a
report on this. Could you tell me your name, please? The eager adolescent pulled
out a notebook and pen. Carolyn provided her name, her address and identification
documents. He advised her to remain in place while he called his supervisor. He
ran back upstairs to the security office. Carolyns mind was spinning. She
wandered off through the aisles. The colorful lights and cheery sounds of Christmas
filled her with a pleasant numbing feeling. She drifted down the very same
escalator that Hillary had used when she had disappeared. Enveloped in a strange
state of deja-vu, she followed Hillarys meandering path through the store. She
passed the bakery counter and was soon at the furniture department. Carolyn stood


before the very same oak kitchen cabinet that Hillary had first discovered. The
distraught mother was motionless for several minutes. Something willed her to
open the cabinet door, perhaps in another attempt to contact her daughter. As she
closed the door, a brilliant white flash of light shone out. The cabinet was closed
and Carolyn had disappeared within.

Annie banged on the door of her daughters house for several minutes. She
finally gave up trying and walked away in desperation. She was consumed by a
feeling of dread, and wondered what she would do next. Annie had always
possessed a powerful psychic bond with her daughter. This familiar mental
connection had somehow been severed. She returned home and called the police
station to consult with the detective Gardner. The officer was not at work. She
obtained his home number from a colleague and called him at his home. Hello?
Annie was very reticent to call somebody at home on Christmas Eve, but felt it
necessary. Hello, detective? My name is Annie, Im Hillarys grandmother. Im
very sorry to bother you on Christmas Eve, but Im very worried now about my
daughter Carolyn and her husband Charlessomething strange is going on. The
detective returned with a surprisingly friendly response. You call me anytime you


want. I can only imagine what youre going through Annie. Have you spoken with
Charles recently?
Well thats one of the reasons Im calling. I was just over to their house,
and nobody is answering the door.
Are you sure its not just because hes sleeping? He was exhausted, you
know. The woman persisted with her inquires. No, I really think that something
is very wrong. I cant really explain itI just knowId let myself in to check on
them, but Charles took back my key for the house.
Did you have some sort of disagreement with Mr. and Mrs. Penrose?
Annie was slightly peeved by the question. Detective, we can discuss that later,
now I realize this is Christmas Eve, but Im very worried. The officer relented.
Ill tell you what. Charles was invited to dinner with my family tomorrow night. If
he doesnt show up, Ill go right over and check on himand we have plenty by
the way, youre welcome to join us. The kind offer served to mollify the woman.
Thank you, officer. Hopefully youre right and Charles is simply busy with
something or otheralthough I cant imagine what. Id be happy to join you for
dinner. The conversation ended with Annie still being very concerned about the
whereabouts of her daughter and her family. She feared that all three had
somehow become entangled within this strange netherworld that only she and


Hillary truly understood. She returned home for the time being to collect her

Hillary walked along the long gravel path with her new companion. Rupert
was struck by the monotonous homogeneity of the landscape. He looked around at
the perfectly manicured, identical hedges to his left and right, and the static little
fluffy clouds above. Is everything in the real world this boring? Hillary shook her
head in wonder at his great ignorance. Dont you listen? This is not the real world,
this is a sort of an in-between world. Its not all boring you know, there are special
passageways here and there throughout the hedges. We need to find the way
outwhich I guess is like the way in. My Nana explained that the centre of the
maze holds the key. Dante told me that when we find the Thinker, all the answers
to all the questions will be revealed. I thought he or she might be at your castle, but
we must search harder. Rupert was woefully childish and had difficulty following
her explanation. How do we know this Thinker is even somewhere inside the
maze? I wonder if this person is from another place altogether? Well, do you know
the proper direction to go at least? Hillary churlishly admitted that she had no
idea. There is a fork in the path up here, I think well turn right. After continuing


along this tact for several minutes, they both heard a sound emanating from inside
the hedge on the left. Hillary ran over to the source of the disturbance and listened
intently. HelpIm trappedpull me out! Hillary was amazed to recognize her
mothers voice. Mom? Is that you?
Hillary? Oh my God! Is it really you? Are you okay? Where are you?
Hillary felt around the hedge for some sort of door or lock. None was found. Im
okay Mom. Where are you now? I cant find a way to get you out of there.
Im in a very dark place Hillary. I climbed into that cabinet at the furniture
store. Now I cant get out! Hillary was concerned. Is Digby in there with you?
Sometimes he hides in those places.
NoI dont see himI dont trust Digby anyway, he almost let me get
killed, its a long story, Hillary. The young girl pondered upon her mothers
predicament. I think theres only one way out for you. You need to call for
Digbys help, otherwise you might get trapped there forever. Mommy, I miss you,
dont worry, Im okay. Remember, look for Digby. Carolyn got up and walked
along blindly in the pitch darkness. The voice of her daughter grew increasingly
faint. Eventually she lost touch with her altogether. Having no other means of
escape, Carolyn decided to accept her daughters advice. She felt quite ridiculous
calling out the name of an imaginary creature, but in light of recent bizarre events,
the irrational act seemed perfectly reasonable. Digby! Digby where are you? Its


Carolyn. I need your help. Please! In a flash of bright light the small red-haired
boy appeared, as usual with lit lantern in tow. The sprite seemed entirely
unconcerned with her predicament. Hi Mrs. Penrose. Didnt I tell you that real
people cant travel through the special portals? Why dont you listen? Now youre
stuck within the in-between place. Its a very dangerous place to beanything can
get you in here. Remember, you can only travel safely to Nibiru by way of the
special elevator in the basement. Here, follow me. Ill help you get back. With his
tiny short legs trotting along, Carolyn watched the small creature make his way
easily through the pitch blackness. In time he found a large floor length mirror
standing amidst the nothingness. Carolyn instantly recognized the object. Thats
the mirror in my bedroom! How did it get in here? Digby shook his head. This is
just the other side of that mirror. All mirrors have two different sides. One is the
way in, the other side is the way out. Lets go. He reached up and grabbed the
hesitant womans hand. Dont worry Mrs. Penrose, its not difficult. Whatever
you do, dont let go of my hand. You might get stuck inside the mirror-maybe
forever. The dire warning hardly served to calm the frazzled nerves of the
distraught woman. She steeled herself as they proceeded to step into the
shimmering mercury-like liquid surface of the looking-glass. They emerged on the
other side within Carolyns bedroom. Digby immediately noticed the enigmatic
storybook sitting upon the bed. Oh noI was afraid this might happen. I think


Samantha must have done this. Somebody has put an evil spell on the storybook,
and changed it. Now, whoever reads it becomes locked within. Carolyn was
barely over the amazement of walking clear through a mirror when she responded
to the remark. I dont understand. Whats happened now? Who is Samantha?
Digby sat down on the carpet and began. Samantha is Hillarys doppelganger.
Every real person has an identical negatively charged counterpart in the supra-real
world. I think that Samantha is trying to switch places permanently with Hillary in
the real world. Shes trying to get rid of all the people who can stop her. I think
that she got hold of the secret storybook and gave it to Mr. Penrose. Carolyn had
great difficulty processing the bewildering explanation. This is all so
complicated! I dont understand any of this! She grabbed hold of her head and
collapsed on the carpet beside the small elf-like boy. Digby tried his best to
comfort her. Dont worry Mrs. Penrose. I can see that youre a good person. I
wasnt sure at first. Im sorry if I scared you. You just relax here. Ive got to check
this storybook to see whats happened. Dibgy hopped up onto the bed with some
difficulty. He began to randomly flip through the pages. His face was etched with
worry. I was afraid that this might happenMr. Penrose is in great danger. We
need to gonow!


Chapter 8

Hillary realized that her mother was no longer within the hedge and stood up.
She looked at Rupert who had been kneeling beside her. That was my mother.
Shes very worried about me. At least I know shell be okay with Digby to protect
her. Rupert was quizzical. Who is Digby? Is he real like you? Hillary shook
her head. No, not exactly. Hes what Nana calls a Chimera creaturehalf-real,
and half not-real. He needs a real person to see him and call his name to make him
real, otherwise hes just imaginary. Sometimes hes bad, and sometimes hes good.
You can never tell just what hell do. He always helps me though. Rupert could
barely follow the description. There is so much I need to learn about your world,
and mine. I wonder if Ill ever be real? Hillary shrugged her shoulders
indifferently. Who can say? Maybe the Thinker knows. Anyways, we need to get
going and find a way out of this maze. I think we may need some help. Just then a
small wooden door opened in the tall hedge. A young girl wearing blue and green


tartan dress emerged from inside. Hillary recognized her immediately. Samantha!
I was wondering where you went. We need your help. Were trying to get to the
centre of this maze and find the Thinker. Samantha smiled happily. Ive been
busy. I was checking to see that your mother and father were all right. Follow
me. Her blatant lie went unchallenged. Hillary had no obvious reason not to trust
her look-alike. Yet the cautionary words of her Nana resonated in her mind. Annie
had told her that Samantha was not to be trusted. The wicked girl walked ahead of
the other two travelers. There was another divergence in the path. After walking for
a time in a new direction, she pointed to an ordinary looking spot in the hedge.
Theres another portal here. Let me just find my potion to open it. She reached
around inside the pockets of her dress. Hillary had a strange feeling about her
twin. Where do you get all these potions, Samantha? The highly focused girl
seemed to purposely ignore the question. A loud rumbling sound in the distance
caught everyones attention. Hillary was alarmed by the disturbance. What is
that? The blond-haired girl was genuinely concerned. Hillary, I hope thats not
the evil red riders again. Theyre still after us, you know. Just then four jet black
horses came galloping powerfully around the corner towards the group. Hillary
shrieked in horror. Look Samantha! Hurry! The girl was aware of the danger and
calmly pulled out a small purple bottle containing a bubbling liquid. Stand back!
She hurled the potion into the leaves of the thick hedge. Instantly a small round oak


door with a heavy steel clasp emerged. Samantha quickly opened the door and
urged her companions through. As Hillary and Rupert sped through, she shut it
tight and turned a key in a lock. The two friends had escaped the fearsome riders,
but found themselves in a no-less frightening predicament. They gazed around in
fright. Hillary wondered to herself why Samantha had not followed them. She
suspected the worst.

Carolyn was standing in her bedroom with Digby. She casually turned
around to look into the mirror that had minutes before facilitated her escape. There
was only a shadowy image as she stared into its reflective surface. She gasped
with fright. Oh my God! Whats happened to me? Am I dead, Digby? The small
boy chuckled. Nobut youre not exactly alive either. Its hard to explain. Youre
half-real now. Some people will see you, and others wont. Thats why you barely
cast a reflection in the mirror. You are only a physical projection of your own
imagination right now. Your body is still in the hospital. Carolyn shook her head
in disbelief. Yes, but how am I able to walk around, and drive a car? Youre
telling me that Im actually in the hospital right now, just dreaming all of this?


Yes and no. Dreaming and waking are both complete illusions. Have you
ever had a dream that seemed so real, you thought it was really happening to you?
If you want to help find Hillary, you need to get back into your body. Carolyn had
difficulty accepting his words. Okayso what exactly do I do to get my body
You need to go find your body, find a mirror, and walk through the mirror
with your body. That will rejoin your separate parts. The half-crazed mother
nodded as if numb. Im going to call my mother, maybe she can help. Digby
nodded happily and left the room, speaking as he went. I need to do something
now, I think Hillary might be in trouble. Remember, use the mirror, and dont
speak to anybody but your mother. If you try and communicate with a real person
the way you are now, you will alter them forever. You can contact Nana with the
mirror. Carolyn immediately thought about Mr. Boggs and the security guard she
had encountered earlier. This was not the time to worry about them now, she
thought. With Digby gone she was again alone in the room, but felt the eerie
presence of another. She looked again at the ghostly image in the mirror.
Instinctively she sat before the mirror and spoke slowly and tentatively. Hello?
Hellomother, are you there? For a moment the glass showed nothing but the
furniture within the bedroom. Then Carolyn watched as a faint image of her
mothers face slowly materialized on the surface. Mom? Is that you? Her


mothers lined face became very clear. Yesoh Carolyn, are you okay? You
dont look right. Carolyn nodded quickly. NoIm so confused. I dont know
whats going on anymore. Digby told me that I am really lying in the hospital.
Annie replied that the information was correct. I was worried about Digby at first,
but I think we can trust him now. What he told you is true. We need to get you back
together with your physical body. Well have to sneak back into the hospital
somehow. Things have gotten so chaotic, I hope its not too late! Carolyn
listened intently and urged her mother on. Quickly, tell me what to do! Annie
proceeded to explain the plan. First you must climb through this mirror to my
meet me. From there, well go to the hospital. Carolyn did as she was instructed.
She carefully climbed into the mirror and emerged on the other side within her
mothers bedroom. This is so strange motherI dont understand any of it. Am I
dreaming right now? She stared deeply into the eyes of her mother. Her mother
hugged her close. No dear, not the way you think. Of course, there really is no
difference between dreaming and being awake. Think of them as two sides of the
same coin. Im not sure what we should do now. As you now exist, you are able to
travel easily between the two worlds...that may come in handy. We need to find
SamanthaHillary is in great danger.


Hillary and Rupert looked around in horror. They stood at the far end of an
immensely long grand hallway filled with bizarre, dangerous objects. The
sumptuous mirrored hall recalled the rococo French royal court. Hillary had visited
the palace of Versailles with her parents the previous summer. They had in fact
traveled all over Europe. Many of the dazzling images from the fascinating trip
were imprinted permanently in her mind. This mock Parisian seventeenth century
courtroom had many very unique and terrifying features. The length of the room
was literally a series of deadly tests. The two companions would be forced to run
the gauntlet if they hoped to escape. Rupert stared at the first of the series of
harrowing challenges. From the ceiling of the room a huge polished brass
pendulum swung back and forth. Its circular bottom was honed razor sharp. It
swung back and forth rapidly, cutting the air with a loud whoosh as it did. Rupert
was clearly unimpressed by the sight. Hillary, is this what the real world is like?
If so, I think maybe I should go back to the castle.
No, this is not what its really like. This is some kind of terrible place
created by Samantha from my own mind. She is very bad, I see that now. I
remember seeing a computer game like this at a friends house. My Nana told me
that everything that Ive ever imagined-good or bad can be real in this world. The
young prince seemed puzzled. I thought that Samantha was your twin? Hillary


shook her head and corrected him. Shes my doppelganger. Samantha is

obviously trying to kill meand you too. She thinks that by killing me, she will be
able to take my place. Rupert listened intently to the explanation. Okay, so we
need to stop her, is there anybody to help us?
Well not in here, we have survive inside by ourselves. There are people in
the real world to help us thoughmy Nana, Digby and my Mom. As they
conversed, the pendulum began to move closer to them. Hillary immediately
noticed the threatening change. We cant talk any more. We have to act. Now just
count as the pendulum swings and then run right through. Dont hesitate, Rupert. I
dont want you to get sliced apart. Watch me, Ill go first. Hillary released the
boys hand and steadied herself. Counting aloud, she suddenly leapt into action.
She easily cleared the deadly sharp blade. Rupert was consumed by paralyzing fear,
but knew he needed to be courageous. He watched as the shining blade came within
a half foot of his face. He mimicked his friends counting cadence and ran
forward. He felt the slightest touch of the cold steel against his back as he passed
successfully through. They hugged each other in a congratulatory embrace.
Theyre respite from danger was short as Hillary noticed the next formidable
challenge awaiting them.


Samantha shut the oak door to the hedge that Hillary and Rupert had
scurried through. She watched as the four terrible crimson-robed riders came
galloping towards her. Samantha smiled calmly as they approached. The leader
moved down from his horse and floated towards her without walking. He was
draped in a heavy blood-red velvet cloak that obscured his dark features. Only two
red glowing orbs shone from beneath his hood. His voice was a barely audible low
hoarse whisper. Very good my girl. That should be the end of those two
meddlesome children. Now for the second part of our plan. We must destroy the
portal to our world, so that none may escape. Samantha looked quizzically up at
the fearsome figure. But if we destroy the portal, how will I take Hillarys place in
the real world? How will I pass through? The dark wraith explained further. As
you must now know, you can still travel through the dreams of a real person, and
through the mirrors of that world. Once there, you need only find a real person to
see you, and you become more real yourself. Samantha was confused. But I want
to be all real, forever and ever, just like Hillary. How do I do that?
By touching the face of a real person who has seen you, that persons lifeforce is transferred to you. That is all. Eventually all that is real will become
lifeless, and the supra-real world of Nibiru will once again reign supreme.
Samantha was pleased by the explanation. Hillarys father is trapped within the
storybook you gave me. Does that mean hes in the land of Nibiru now also? The


figure merely nodded and turned away. We have much work still to do. You must
find this father, he could still be very dangerous. Also beware of Annie, Hillarys
grandmother, I fear that she has begun to fathom our dark plan.

Charles Penrose vaguely remembered reading the storybook given to him

and then nothing else. He awoke in a familiar room that looked like the one he had
grown up in as a boy. He sat up in his childhood bed and stared down in shock at
the floor. It was very dark in the room, but he noticed a strange movement all over
the floor. Charles carefully knelt down on the bed to see the source of the motion. It
soon became apparent to him as he recoiled in horror. The floor was composed of
layer upon layer of snakes, spiders and giant centipedes. The creatures writhed and
squirmed over one another with a sickening sound. Like a rising ocean tide, the
slithering mass grew slowly nearer to the beds mattress. Charles was afflicted with
a deep, morbid fear of the all slimy, crawling creatures. The prospect of drowning
in a slimy soup of ghastly encroaching beasts caused him great panic. He stared
hopelessly up at the ceiling as his chest heaved. The sea of dark biting creatures
was nearly upon him. He could now distinctly hear their hissing, venomous
approach. He called out loudly. Help! Helpis there anybody out there? Where
am I? For many minutes there was no reply to his desperate pleas. The


unwholesome scaly brood was mere inches from the top of the bed. Charles could
only close his eyes. Suddenly he heard a door open. He looked out from between
his hands to see Digby. He again called out for assistance. The small boy
recognized the man and yelled out loudly. You have to make a run for it now.
You can do it, run over to me. You wont be hurt. I promise. Charles had reason
to doubt the boy but had no other option. He looked down at the horrible slithering
creatures which now began to crawl up onto the bed. I dont think I can do it,
Digby! The little boy thought of another idea. Mr. Penrose, do you still have that
little talisman you brought home from Cambodia? Charles recalled the object and
automatically reached down in his pocket. He grabbed hold of it and displayed it.
Digby was relieved to see it. Okay, now throw it down on the bed. It will scare
the creatures away. Ill call it over here, and you follow it, okay? Charles did as he
was instructed. The three inch tribesman leapt from his hand into the thick sea of
creatures. They at once scurried away from the living talisman. As the tiny idol
fought his way towards the door, Charles carefully followed the cleared path. Soon
he had escaped the befouled space. He jumped through with Digby, who shut the
door tight as they left. Charles looked down appreciatively at the Lilliputian fellow.
I want to thank you, Digby. Without you, I think Id be snake food right now. I
still have no idea whats going on. Is this some sort of weird dream? Digby
shook his head. Nothis is much worse than that. Youre trapped inside the


storybook right nowyoure in Nibirua place where imaginary characters live

and breath. Samantha did itsomehow she has become very bad. We need to stop
her and quick. With that declaration, the resourceful red-haired sprite turned
and sped away. Come on, Mr. P. Weve got lots to do.

Hillary and Rupert stood together upon the intricate parquet floor of the
long hallway. A mere three feet from them a succession of deadly fireballs came
whizzing by them from one side to the other. They were shot from a gray stone
circle built into the mirrored wall. Hillary watched them carefully and calculated
that they were shooting past every two seconds. It would again take precise timing
to successfully negotiate this obstacle, thought Hillary. Rupert was visibly
perturbed. Is this another test from your imagination? Hillary nodded
sympathetically. Im afraid so. We might as well get it over with. Do you want me
to go first? The prince was much aggrieved, but relented. Yesyou best go first.
Im still trying to understand this strange world. Hillary stood a foot away from
the oncoming scorching fireballs. She could feel the searing heat upon her face.
Counting to herself, she took three slow breaths and jumped across the fiery
barrier. She jumped up in joy as she reached the other side. Rupert carefully copied


the actions of his brave companion. He leapt across quickly and joined the stalwart
girl. That was a tough one Hillary. You are so courageous. Is everyone in the real
world as heroic as you? Hillary was very pleased by the compliment. Well, I
dont know. Im still just a little girl. I know that my Nana is very brave. Look
ahead, Rupert. I think we have one more test to pass before we can escape from
this place. They both stared mournfully at the most frightening of all the
harrowing obstacles.

Carolyn sat on the sofa in Annies quaint living room. It was Christmas
morning yet neither woman had the slightest feeling of Holiday cheer. There was
only sparse Christmas decoration. Mom, your tree looks nice this year. The
older woman smiled and put her hand upon her daughters knee. Its such a
bother without your father to help put it upand I figured youd have one, but
its still a nice thing to have...tradition I suppose. To tell you the truth, I wasnt
sure that Id be invited over for Christmas dinner. Carolyn returned with a
conciliatory hug. Of course you were invited. Do you think that Hillary would let
us have dinner without you?
Its just, thatI know how Charles feels about meI mean its not like
hes tried to hide his feelings, I know he hates me.


Thats not true, its just that hes never understood youquite frankly Im
not sure that I do either. Of course thats all changed now that theyre
bothgone Carolyn fell unto her mothers lap and sobbed quietly. Annie gently
stroked her long auburn hair. Its okay, things are a little confused right now, but
well manage. I suppose I should try and explain everything thats happened. I
wanted to shield you from thisbut I see the time has come. Let me seewhere to
beginit all started one day when I was watching Hillary. She was only two at the
time. One day we were up in the bedroom and she started staring into the mirror.
She got up close to it and actually put her hand right through the surface. Another
time we were reading a childrens book about some mischievous bears. After we
finished the book, two small bears came walking out of the closet. Of course I
knew then. Hillary has always been a special girl. You know I had the same
abilities when I was a girl, but nobody ever properly explained them to me. I just
assumed I was delusional. I honestly dont know why you never developed these
talents, Carolyn. Sometimes these things skip a generation. Maybe it was your
father, the hardened pragmatist who caused you to lose your powers. There is a
specific point in time, in the life of every young child, wherein they make a
conscious choice to accept the world of reality, or to remain ensconced within their
own inner world of the imagination. I recognized that Hillary had this great
potential, and so I nurtured her and taught her how to control her power. I never


expected that Hillarys mind would grow so strong, so fast. Im afraid that I might
have prevented this all from happening. Carolyn sat beside her mother listening
intently to the explanation. Its all so incrediblelike some strange dream. We
probably didnt help. Charles and I always tried to prevent her from using her
imagination too much. We had no idea that shed try and run awayforever.
Annie tried to alleviate her daughters fears. There were times I wanted to explain
to you what was happening with Hillary, but its such a strange ability, that I
doubted youd believe me. That, and I wanted her to have as normal a childhood as
possible, you understand? The two women hugged each other and sat together
watching as a light flurry of snow fell outside. Annie broke away from the embrace
and faced her daughter. I wish we had time to celebrate some sort of Christmas,
but I think we need to figure out a way to stop Samanthaand whomever it is
thats helping herbefore its too late. Her daughter agreed wholeheartedly. I
cant imagine what sort of Christmas it would be without Hillary or Charles. Im
ready to do whatever it takes.

The Detective recalled the conversation he had had with Carolyns mother
the previous night. It was late afternoon on Christmas day, and Charles had failed


to show up for dinner as expected. His wife Angela called out to him from the
kitchen. The tantalizing aroma of turkey, stuffing and baked vegetables wafted
through the open door. Honey, wasnt that man, the one with the missing girl
supposed to be here for dinner?
I was just thinking the same thing. Listen, I have to pick up your mother
from the airport, I think Ill just swing by the house and check on him, if you dont
Thats fine, we still have plenty of time. Why dont you bring Wallace with
you? He needs some fresh air. The officer was pleased to have the company for
the ride. He called to his son and they were out the door and on their way. The
streets were nearly empty. Most people had already arrived at their Christmas
destination by that point in the day. Before heading to the airport, Detective
Gardner and his son Wallace first stopped at the Penrose household. The black
Mercedes belonging to Charles Penrose was parked in the driveway. Gabriel
Gardner drove up behind it and exited from the car with his son. This should just
take a minute, Wally. You can wait in the car if you like. The boy was tall for an
eight year old. He was a natural soccer talent and played chess at a high level of
skill. He wore small round glasses and had short hair. He dreamed of one day being
a master chess player, like his father. The detective knocked upon the heavy red
steel door. His son assisted in the endeavor by pressing the doorbell several times.


His father stopped him by grabbing his arm. Thats enough now, give him a
minute. He might still be sleeping. Wallace looked up at him incredulously.
Sleeping? Who can sleep on Christmas day? Thats crazy! Gabriel waited
another moment then began to ponder the situation and spoke out loud. Now his
car is still here, so that means that he should be inside, right? His son nodded. He
could have gone for a walk, Dad.
Good point son, except that he knew he was expected for dinner, so he
would have called us first to say he would be late. I dont knowsomething is
wrong here. Lets just check around back to make sure theres no other way in.
The two began circling the house in opposite directions. Wallace called out first.
Dad, the garage door is open, maybe we can get in there. His father followed him
into the garage and up to the door. Grasping the doorknob, he could see that it had
been left open. They walked in and checked through the house for some sort of clue
as to the whereabouts of Mr. Penrose. The house seemed utterly empty. They both
continued to scour the house for anything that might solve the mystery. Wallace
checked upstairs, in the bathroom and finally inside Hillarys room. He saw a
peculiar looking book propped up on the bed. He walked over to it and picked it up.
It was unlike any other storybook he had ever seen. The cover was overlaid with
strange gilded Egyptian markings. Wallace was completely fascinated. He casually
flipped open to the first page when he heard his father coming up the stairs.


Wallace turned around to see a young dark blond haired girl standing by the floor
mirror. She was dressed in a blue and green tartan dress, and looked to be a few
years younger. The unexpected visitor spoke in a very friendly manner. Go ahead
Wallace, take the book with you. Just hide it in your backpack. Wallace was
startled by the sudden appearance of the beautiful girl. Who are you? You look
like that missing girlI saw your picture on the news. Is this your book? The girl
hurried him along. Never mind who I am, just take my book with you, before your
father gets here. Its okay, he wont mind, I promise. Wallace found himself
mesmerized by the bewitchingly beautiful girl. He could not help but follow her
wishes. He posed another question to the self-possessed girl. My father is looking
for the man who lives here, do you know where he is? Just then Gabriel Gardner
walked into the room. Who were you talking to son? It sounded like there were
two voices in here. Wallace looked up at his father and then again at the mirror.
Samantha had again vanished. DadI swear, I was talking to a girlshe was just
here. Where did she go? His father was unimpressed by the unbelievable
explanation. Now Wallace, what have I told you about letting your imagination
get the better of you? There was no girl in here. I think youve got girls on the
brain! Now lets get going, we need to pick up your grandmother. Wallace was
completely inconsolable. Dad, Im not lyingI swear! He looked around the
room and spotted a familiar picture within a frame. He ran over to it and pointed at


the image of the young girl. There, see this girl? It was her, I was just talking to
her! Youve got to believe me. Detective Gardner grabbed the photo from his
hand and examined it quickly. Thats not funny, Wally. This happens to be a
picture of a girl who has been missing for quite some time. I dont have time for
this. Come on. With that perfunctory end to the exchange, he grabbed his son by
his coat and urged him out. They departed as they had come, this time locking the
garage door. They headed directly for the airport. Wallace held tightly onto his
backpack as he stared out the window. He could hardly wait to be alone, so that he
might examine his pilfered literary treasure. Detective Gardner felt a stirring unease
in his gut as they drove along in silence.

Rupert was more than slightly frightened by the strange complex contraption
ahead of them. Even the normally courageous Hillary was hesitant. Ten meters
away, two large rectangular granite blocks were moving back and forth across the
floor. They met in the centre every three seconds with a huge deafening crash. Just
beyond that, a second series of blocks came crashing together one second later. A
final set of crushing blocks completed the treacherous journey. The two friends
eyes met as they shared a moment of intimacy. Rupert realized that it was
incumbent upon him to finally take the lead. Im going to go first this time


Hillary. You follow me if I make it through okay. His tremulous voice belied the
paralyzing fear that seized his heart. His wide dark eyes were heavy with emotion.
Hillary was at first reluctant to acquiesce. She clearly recognized the look of terror
in his open face. Are you sure Rupert? This looks like the worst one of all. Maybe
I should go first.
NoIve made up my mind. I have to do thisif I want to be real, I have
to learn to be more brave. He gazed ahead at the terrifying, nefarious gauntlet.
Hillary realized his heart was set. All right, but remember to move quickly and
carefully. Rupert gazed at her and readied himself. He touched her face gently and
turned toward the dizzying challenge. He set off slowly towards the first deadly set
of crushing blocks. Hillary could not look at the horrifying scene unfolding. Rupert
came to the very edge of the smooth black granite blocks. He was a mere foot
away. The crashing rocks caused a great rush of air to slap his face. He began to
mentally calculate the necessary steps to negotiate the obstacle. He realized that
the slightest hesitation would result in his demise. He counted to three and was off.
The first massive blocks crashed before him as he jumped through them. He waited
one moment and leapt through the second set. After a second, he ran through the
next set and was safe. All the while, Hillary imagined his determined face running
through the crashing blocks. She called out exuberantly, you did it! I knew you
could. Now wait for me! Rupert stood confidently with his arms folded across his


chest. He was worried for Hillary, but was optimistic that she too would succeed.
Hillary had watched her companions accurate gauging of the intervals and
mimicked them precisely. She arrived through to the other side with a huge sigh
of relief. They hugged each other warmly. Hillary noticed then what lay ahead of
them. A tall yellow, shiny plastic door stood before them. They both wondered
what horror or wonder lay in wait for them beyond the canary door.

Charles was still dazed by his horrifying experience in the room of

squirming creatures. Digby led Mr. Penrose quickly along a narrow white hallway.
On either side of the hall a succession of gray doors seemed to continue endlessly
into the distance. A small framed picture was hung above each of the doors. Mr.
Penrose, make sure you dont forget your little helper there. You better put him
back in your pocket. Charles looked down and noticed the tiny tribesman idol
standing obediently by his feet. Right, how could I forget? I almost forgot about
the little guy. Its hard to believe something so small could be so useful. Digby
took the remark as a minor insult. Hey! What about me? Are you saying Im
useless or something? Youd be surprised to see what a small person like me can
do! Charles immediately attempted to correct his inadvertent slight. Sorry,


DigbyI didnt mean anything by that. I admit that Ive got lots to learn about
this placewhatever this place is
Youve got a lot to learn about a lot of things. The tall man looked down
incredulously at the diminutive creature. Well, I dont know about that. Youre
just a boy after all. Digby stopped in his tracks and looked up at him
challengingly. Ha! What a joke! You think just because of my size , that I dont
know much? For your information Mr. Penrose, I happen to be over five hundred
years old. Ive known many, many children over the years. As it happens, Hillary is
the most gifted and powerful of them all. Charles was understandably shaken by
the revelation. I had no idea that creatures like you even existed. Why is it that
theres no scientific history of people like you?
Thats easy. Scientists are always adults, and adults think that children are
just stupid grown-ups who havent learned anything yet. Actually the reverse is
true. Youre born knowing everythingeverything thats important anyway, and
then as you age you start to forget what youve always known to be true. In fact,
the more a young child knows, and is able to utilize their imagination, the more
the capacity to utilize that imaginative power is usually quashed by the parents.
With Hillary, it would have been the same, except that she had her Nana to guide
her and explain the powers to her. The father listened with rapt attention. I think
Im beginning to understand, but its going to take me a while to figure it all out.


I suppose you can only deny whats in front of your face for just so long. What
exactly do you mean bypowers?
This is where it gets a little complicated. I dont pretend to know
everything. Ill explain it as best I can. The first thing you have to understand is
that nothing is really real. Everything that you see is there only because you think
its there. Its a trick of the mind. I guess thats what people call reality. Secondly,
the things in your mind are real, or as real as what you see. Hillary is able to
transfer what she sees in her mind to what she sees with her eyes. Some scientist
might call it mental holographic projectionor something like that. The entire
universe is really just a huge hologram, with each specific part containing the
information about both itself and the entire universe. Thats how she makes
things, and people real, like me. Of course this power can be very dangerous for
somebody that doesnt know how to control their mind, in fact it could be deadly,
depending upon the thoughts you have. Charles shook his head in wonder at the
complex nature of the description. Okay, so whats gone wrong? Is Hillary
trapped now in this imaginary world? Digby looked downcast. Hillary and her
Nana did not at first realize how powerful she had become. The problem now is
Samantha. I should have known not to trust her. This happened once before with
another child. Hillary inadvertently created a living reflection of herself, to keep
herself company, sort of like me. Only the problem now is that this Samantha, her


negatively charged doppelganger has all the powers of Hillary, and maybe more.
Shes trying to destroy Hillary with her own mind. Dark forces have infected
Samanthas soul. The evil crimson riders are in league with her. If they succeed,
she may try to consume the entire real world that you normally inhabit.
You mean the real world that really isnt real? Dibgy laughed out loud. I
know its complicated. Thats why we call this imaginary world the supra-real,
and your world the real one. Anyway, enough with the yakking, we need to find
Hillary and try and help her. Charles thought about his wife. What about
Carolyn? Is she going to be all right? Shes still in the hospital, in a coma.
Dont worry about her, its only her body that has become weakened, her
mind and spirit are still very strong. She has her mother to help for now. Lets go.
With that the two travelers continued down the seemingly infinite hallway. The
precise intent of their search remained a mystery to Charles; yet he felt compelled
to now follow his tiny friend.

Samantha had acquired a taste for being real. The new sensations tantalized
her. She realized that as long as she existed within the boundaries of Nibiru, she
would always require Hillarys imagination to facilitate her existence. She decided
after visiting the real world of adults that she would enjoy living there permanently.


The only thing preventing her escape was her originator Hillary. Samantha
understood that Hillary still had many allies and would be a difficult foe to
vanquish, yet she herself had her dark friends to call upon. The leader of the
crimson riders had instructed her to destroy the portal to the real world. She had a
perfect knowledge of the complicated path through the hedge maze, and thus
possessed a great advantage over her look-alike adversary. Samantha doubted that
Hillary and Rupert had survived the diabolical obstacle course. She had devised
the idea from images culled from her twins mind. As with all twins, the two girls
shared a unique psychic connection. Her destination was the magical elevator,
which was many miles away. She conceived of a novel means of transport. She
reached into the pocket of her colourful Scottish dress and pulled out a small
brown toy kangaroo. She placed it carefully upon the gravel and knelt before it
solemnly. Praying with her hands together, with the middle fingers split to form a
v-shape, she spoke aloud. Oh Tiamat, please make this kangaroo real, so that he
might help me in my quest to be real. After a moment, a bright flash of light burst
forth in front of her. A living, hopping kangaroo looked down cheerily at the
young blond sorceress. Hello there. My name is Dagobert. Do you need a ride
somewhere? Samantha was very satisfied with the success of her incantation.
Yesyes please. I dont have that far to go. Ill show you the way. She gingerly
crept into the large kangaroos ample pouch and without hesitation, the magical


marsupial began bounding away. Samantha loved to travel by kangaroo. Not only
were they exceptionally fast, but they never seemed to care where they were going.
Hillary called out directions as she bounced ten feet in the air with each leap of the
beasts powerful haunches. After traversing a huge distance in less than an hour,
they arrived at the end of the path. Hillary jumped out of the warm pouch and
thanked the creature for his kindness. The kangaroo was about to turn away and
happily depart when Samantha pulled out a small turquoise vial from her pocket.
Inside it was a thick, bubbling blue liquid. She pulled off the glass stopper and
flung the liquid at the poor creature. The kangaroo immediately shrank down in
size and became still. It had reverted to its original form. The clever girl picked up
the toy kangaroo and turned for the magical elevator. She pressed the upwards
arrow button and waited patiently. The sounds of the cables and the elevator car
moving downwards filled the silence. The heavy metal box arrived and the doors
slowly came open as she then pushed the upwards arrow. Samantha stood smiling
contentedly and considered her next strategy.

Detective Gardner had picked up his mother-in-law at the airport and was
on the way home. He ordinarily greatly enjoyed the Christmas holidays, but this


year was different. His elderly passenger immediately recognized his obvious
unease. Why so glum Gabriel? Didnt Santa bring you what you asked for?
Wallace sat with his father up front. Grandma, Dad is too old for Santa. Hes
worried about the little girl who was kidnapped. His father was quick to correct
the mistake. Thats not quite right son. We still dont know what happened to
her, that whats bothering me so much. Ive investigated missing person cases
before, but this one is just plain screwy, Evelyn. The woman sitting in the back
seat was a well-worn seventy years old. She was heavy-set and projected a quiet,
serene dignity. She wore a bright red dress, with a fine set of pearls on this
occasion. She looked at her son-in-law through the rear view mirror. Now first of
allyou arent too old for Christmas, youre never too old for Christmas! If Santa
didnt bring you anything, that just means you were bad. Now as for the girl, I
remember Angela telling me about that. Youre not going to solve the case on
Christmas day. This is a day to remember the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ.
The calming voice of the wise woman did little to alleviate his unsettled mind. His
cell-phone rang. Hello. What? The security guard at the mall? No, I cant come by
right now, Ive on my way home with my mother-in-law. Were going to be sitting
down to dinner in an hour. Ill try and call later. Right, bye. A set of inquiring dark
eyes met his in the mirror. What was that about Gabriel? He shook his head
dismissively. Oh, just more strangenessabout the missing girl. Lets not talk


about it now. Well be home in two minutes. Man, I am ready for some turkey!
The car pulled into their driveway. Angela, as well as Wallaces brother Cain were
waiting by the door. They both hugged Evelyn warmly as she ambled up to greet
them. The house was redolent of savory Christmas fare as Gabriel brought his
mother-in-laws baggage inside the door. He exclaimed, I cant wait any longer!
Lets eat. His wife scolded him playfully out of the kitchen. Now you
scootten more minutes and itll be ready. You cant rush genius. Gabriel left the
kitchen begrudgingly, but not without first pilfering a chunk of turkey meat. He
chewed upon it thoughtfully as he gazed happily at the impressively trimmed
Christmas tree. The patriarch sat down on the living room sofa. Cain, wheres
your brother? The boy was three years Wallaces junior, and just as keenly
intelligent. I dont know, Dad. I think he went upstairs. Gabriel stared
inquisitively up towards the second floor. It was not like Wallace to ignore his
grandma, or be the last one to the dinner table.


Chapter 9

Carolyn Penrose spent a morose Christmas morning at her mothers house.

She could not bare to spend the day at her own profoundly empty home. Her own
house had become strange and unfamiliar to her. Carolyn longed to again embrace
her husband and precious child. It would be the first Christmas in many years they
had not been together as a family. Despite all his constant business trips, Charles
usually managed to find some way to get back for the holiday. Annie had been
busy in the kitchen preparing a meager holiday dinner. She hadnt thought it wise
to purchase an entire turkey just for herself; and still had hoped an invitation to her
daughters home was forthcoming. The phone rang. Carolyn automatically picked
it up, before realizing that she was still in a quixotic half-real state. Hello? The
incredulous voice on the other end of the phone was that of Detective Gardner.
Hello? II was looking for Annie Koestleris this Mrs. Penrose? Who is this?
Carolyn instantly realized her transgression and hung up the phone abruptly. Her
mother came running in from the kitchen. Carolyn, I told you that you mustnt


communicate with anyone while youre in this state! Who was it? Carolyn looked
up sheepishly. It was the detectiveI think he recognized my voice. The phone
rang again. Carolyn suggested that her mother answer it. Hello? Yes? Detective
Gardner, how are you? Im fine? Whats that? Nothat wasnt Carolyn, shes still
in the hospital, as you know. That was a friend of mine here for dinner. Really?
How strange! No, I dont know what happened to Charles. Thank you no, I have
dinner all ready here. Ill be sure to call youyes, Merry Christmas to you also.
Annie put down the receiver and looked gravely at her daughter. Weve got
problems. Detective Gardner is beginning to suspect that something is not
right...and not just about Hillary. He told me that some security guard saw you at
the mall, when you were also supposed to be in a coma. Weve got to get you back
to your body. This has become too dangerous. Charles was expected for dinner at
the Gardners. Now the detective is going to be looking for him also. Carolyn
was miffed. Yesbut cant he help us get Hillary and Charles back? Annie
shook her head. Noyou dont understand whats at stake. The more people that
become involved in this supra-real world, the more realistic it becomesthe more
powerful the Nibiru creatures growI know its hard for you to
understandyoure just going to have to trust me. Carolyn stood up and began
pacing anxiously. So what do we do now?
We need to get you back in your body. We cant take the chance of


traveling out in the open anymore. As long as there was a mirror in your hospital
bedroom, we can travel using that. Carolyn was confused. So you mean I just
step into the mirror, and crawl out the other side? Her mother nodded. In your
present state, you can do that. So can Ibut Im not sure I should risk it.
What do you mean?
Its Samanthashe could be a real problem. Shes able to travel freely
between the two worlds now. I dont think we really have any choice though. The
detective is not stupid, he might be on his way over here right now. Come on, we
have to get started right away. The two women raced quickly up the stairs into
Annies bedroom and shut the door.

Charles and Digby walked along the monotonously uniform white hallway.
Digby, where exactly are we going? You never did say. Digby tried to explain.
We need to try and return you to your own world. You dont belong here. Left
alone, this place would prove too confusing for you. The rules here are very
different. Charles nodded. Ill agree with you there. I must admit, part of me still
believes this is all a dream. Digby laughed a little bit. Part of you would be right!
We need to find a certain door here. Search for a painting of your face. Keep


looking. The two spent several minutes in silence as they examined the passing
doors. Finally one particular door caught his the fathers attention. Hey Digby, is
this the right one? The diminutive fellow was pleased by the mans sharp
observational skills. Excellent. You found it. Now this door is meant for you only.
Each person that really exists has their own unique door created especially for
them. You must go in. Charles knelt down to talk to the wise boy. You mean you
cant help me? What am I supposed to do? What if theres another room full of
snakes and spiders? Digby attempted to ease his mind. Listen. It wont be snakes,
I can tell you that. Youve already passed that test. Things are always changing in
this supra-real world. That why its so much fun, and so dangerous. Youll know
what to do. In there, you will face your darkest fear, if you can conquer it, youll
be able to return. Charles wondered about Hillary. Are you sure theres nothing
I can do for her here? Digby was adamant. Absolutely not. You were tricked into
being here by Samantha. That means she wants you here. I think you can do more
by going back to your world. Now go! Dont forget your little tribesman. He may
come in handy. Charles reached down into his pocket to make sure the object was
still there. He was hardly enthusiastic about the choice he was about to make. Part
of him felt a powerful sense of guilt for not being able to directly help Hillary. He
persevered and opened the heavy black door. After gingerly stepping into the room,
the door immediately shut behind him and disappeared. He was standing in the


middle of a busy city street. It could have been any run-down urban neighborhood.
He looked down at himself in amazement. He was dressed in the most worn shabby
clothes he could have possibly imagined. He had often gazed down at the sorrowful
eyes of the downtrodden who regularly begged him for money. He was not one to
reward lassitude and thus made a point of avoiding eye contact with the unfortunate
souls. He considered himself to be a self made-man, and wondered at the
foolishness of those men that seemingly possessed no self-respect or dignity. As
Charles wandered aimlessly by a department store window, he realized that he had
somehow become the very sort of man he so despised. He was transformed into a
miserable vagrant, and a not very clean one at that. He fervently hoped that this was
all just some strange nightmare. He could not bare the thought of being a
meaningless shadow-person.

Samantha stepped off the elevator from her own Nibiru world. The crimson
riders had instructed her to destroy the portal, but she had her own agenda to
follow. She walked into the dark, cold basement of the mall. The bluish
fluorescent lights flickered on and off. She immediately noticed the strangely
dressed mannequin that stood along the wall. Somehow she recognized the face of
the figure, but could not recall from exactly where. Samantha looked around for a


box, so that she might further examine the mannequin. Finding one, she stood upon
it and stared into the sorrowful painted eyes. She touched its face and it suddenly
came alive. Samantha looked with interest at Mr. Boggs, who had now returned to
his original living form. He exclaimed loudly, What happened? I was down here,
becausebecause I dont really knowthen I remember seeing Mrs.
Penrosethenwait, youre that missing girl everyone has been looking forHillary! Samantha had grown so powerful that she was now able to endow life,
with no ill effects to herself. The composed young girl was momentarily at a loss
for words. She decided to use his misidentification to her own advantage.
Yesyes, of course its me! I forget who you are though. Ronald Boggs took
no offence as he was well accustomed to being forgotten. You rememberI was
standing with your mother when you ran away. She and your father must be
worried sick. Do they know youre here? Samantha thought quickly in her head
and devised a plan. Of course they doIm just on my way home to see them. Do
you think you could give me a drive? The assistant manager graciously agreed to
her request. Yeslook at the time! I must have been standing here for hours!
The precocious girl warmly grabbed hold of the mans hand and led him up the
stairs; and through the door and into the mall. Mr. Boggs was pleased to back
amongst his familiar material surroundings. The bright twinkling multi-coloured
lights, and cheery tunes of Christmas were present throughout the store. They


continued making their way through the aisles until a man in a security guard
uniform came running up quickly towards them. It was the same young man who
had accosted Carolyn earlier. Hey! You two! Stop! You shouldnt be in here!
The sentry confronted them and then smiled. OhMr. Boggs! Its youwhat are
you doing here? As he spoke, he looked down at the little girl. Ronald nodded his
head in recognition. Yesits her! I found herthis is the missing girl- Hillary
Penrose. Im just going to take her home now. The younger man had a confused
look etched on his pimply face. Thats great Mr. Boggsbut dont you think you
should call the police first? I mean they should know about this. Samantha
gazed up at the boy with her dazzling blue eyes. Dont worry. Mr. Boggs is
going to call the police as soon as we get home. We have to go now. Merry
Christmas! With that, she pulled down hard on the middle-aged mans hand. The
security guard stood silently as if mesmerized by the girls dulcet voice. They
walked quickly out the back exit of the mall, and around to Ronalds car. They
got inside and drove off quickly. The young security guard meanwhile felt a dark
uneasiness that defied his understanding. He felt severely disoriented, as if
someone had altered his prescription. Jeremy had been taking anti-psychotic drugs
ever since the unfortunate incident last year. He sat down on the polished floor
and stared up at the white tiled ceiling high above. His vision grew blurred. A
cascading kaleidoscope of vibrant colours overwhelmed his senses. Every object


within the store was now bathed in a swirling rainbow of glowing pastel hues. He
giddily cast his eyes around the now richly hued environment. A flotilla of
riotously brilliant coloured butterflies came sailing past his eyes. Jeremy was
suddenly overcome with an enveloping fatigue and quickly fell asleep.

Hillary stood before the towering yellow door holding tightly onto Ruperts
trembling hand. Neither of them had any clue as to what lay beyond. Hillary
reached out and slowly turned the doorknob. Before them lay perfect blackness.
Even the light from the room where they now stood refused to enter the pitch black.
Rupert was unapologetically frightened. I dont like this at all Hillary. I can
maybe deal with things that I can actually see, but how can you fight something
thats invisible? Hillary attempted to allay his fears. You dont know that theres
anything bad in there. For all we know, it could be nothing at all. Fear of nothing
just means nothing to fear. Rupert allowed her hopeful outlook to imbue him with
a sense of confidence. All right Hillary, I suppose we should get this over with.
Hillary stepped first into the dark abyss and immediately vanished. Rupert yelled
for her and followed in her path. As Hillary stepped forward, she felt as if the
floor had been lifted from beneath her. She began to tumble head over heels


through the empty void. She called out for Rupert but received no reply. Rupert
experienced the very same sensation. Unaccustomed as he was to such chaos, he
was especially ill-equipped to deal with it. He was overcome with an
uncontrollable panic. Hillary found that after several minutes of turbulent and
unrelenting free-falling, the peculiar weightless sensation became bearable. The
expected fear of suddenly smashing to the ground could not be sustained
indefinitely. Hillary began to make graceful swimming motions in the air, and
pretended she was diving from an impossibly high cliff. In short, she managed to
pass the time rather pleasurably. Rupert could not let himself relax, and so suffered
terribly from the torturous unpredictable motion. He became so disoriented that
he eventually lost all recollection of time and space. The two friends continued to
separately tumble and fall for hours upon hours.

Wallace Gardner could not wait to get home and look at his odd new
storybook. He had surreptitiously slipped up to his room while everyone
downstairs was preparing for Christmas dinner. He unzipped his backpack and
pulled out the amazing book. It was covered in purple and red velvet, with a gilded
spine. Strangely, it looked different than he had remembered. He opened up the
large curious book and turned to the first page. The story was about a girl named


Hillary who had become lost in a large shopping mall at Christmas. The elaborate
colourful illustrations added to the grand and inviting nature of the book. Wallace
sat in his bed with rapt interest. He immediately noticed the similarity in the book
to significant events which had happened and were transpiring around him. At first
he chalked up the odd familiarity to simple coincidence. When Wallace read about
the detective in the story, who was his father, together with his picture on the facing
page, he realized that something was amiss. He began to grow uneasy, and fought
against himself to toss the book aside. He found that he was compelled to continue
reading until the end. Wallace read at a furiously fast pace. In the background he
could hear the sound of his fathers voice calling him down to dinner. He was so
deeply immersed in the story that he could not possibly have answered back. He
reached the final page and shrieked loudlythen disappeared in a bright flash of
light. In the mirror of the boys room was the faint image of an amused and
satisfied young blond girl.

Carolyn and her mother sat together on the floor in the bedroom. The huge
mahogany mirror stood ominously before them. Carolyn looked her mother straight
in the face. Her bright intelligent eyes were full of anxiety. Im really afraid,
mother. I know Ive been through a lot lately, and theres a great deal I certainly


cant explain, but this still seems really weird. Sowhat is it we dodo you say
some sort of spell or something? Her mother touched her face warmly. Were
not witches, dear. No, you just need to walk right through, thats all. Of course,
thats only because you exist in a strange split state. Youre not really yourself, in
other words. If you were in your body right now, you couldnt just saunter
through. Now there are a few things you need to keep in mind. You need to focus
very strongly upon where it is that youre going, otherwise you could end up
anywhere- I mean anywhere theres a mirror. Also, there is some danger. We still
have to worry about Samantha. As long as shes not waiting for you on the other
side of the mirror, then youll be okay. Carolyn was hardly calmed by her
mothers remarks. And what exactly do I do if she is there- I mean this
Samantha? Annie merely shook her head wanly. Well, lets just hope that she
isnt. You had best get going.

Mr. Boggs was happy to drive Hillary home, or at least the girl that he
thought was Hillary. In fact it was Samantha who sat contentedly in the passenger
side of his car. The precocious girl was able to access all of her twins memories
and was thus easily able to answer any pertinent queries. They reached Mr. Boggs
apartment building. Inside the door, they passed by the landlady, Mrs. Avignon.


She cast a sly glance at the unusual pair. She inquired as to the identity of the
young girl. Hello Ronald. I didnt know you had company for the holidays. Is this
a niece of yours? Samantha smiled brightly at the portly old woman. Yes, this is
my Uncle Ronald. Im visiting for Christmas. We need to go now. Nice to meet
you! The girl tugged hard on Ronalds coat before he had time to respond. He
looked down with a confused expression. He was about to correct her, but
somehow found that himself unable to do so. They bid the woman adieu and
walked up the stairs. Mrs. Avignon stared hard at the girl as they walked away.
She was sure that she had seen the girls face before, but could not recall where she
had first seen it. She walked away puzzling over the identity of the strange girl. Mr.
Boggs and his companion got off the elevator and entered his cramped onebedroom unit. Samantha immediately made herself at home. Mr. Boggs made her
some hot chocolate and opened a box of cookies. He was pleased to have some
much needed company, and so did not call the police just yet. Samantha
admonished him to relax. They sat together on the sofa looking at the meagre
Christmas tree in the corner. Underneath sat a lone present. Mr. Boggs could hardly
believe how happy he was to have the lively presence of a young person.

Mrs. Avignon returned to her own apartment and began flipping absently
through the newspaper. Suddenly the image of Hillarys face appeared near the


back of the paper. She read the story aloud to herself. Young girl still missing,
parents refuse to give up hope. The tired, heavy woman picked up the phone and
dialed the police. Hello, I have information on the missing girl, Hillary. Dorothy
Avignon. I live on 840 Sauniere drive. Yes, I just saw her with a man from my
apartment building. Okay, Ill wait right here. Im in apartment 102. She hung up
and rushed to the bathroom to primp. She was not surprised to learn that Mr. Boggs
was a kidnapper. She had never quite trusted the single, quiet bachelor. She sat
down and flipped through the channels on TV and waited for the officers to arrive.

Charles Harrison could barely believe his eyes as he gazed at his reflection
in the shopping display window. He was disheveled and terribly unkempt. His
filthy clothes, such as they were, hung in tatters from his gaunt frame. He looked
and felt as though he had not eaten in days. A light rain began to fall upon his
uncovered head. The day seemed to coincide roughly with what he imagined it to
be. He vaguely recalled a dinner date being planned with the Gardners on
Christmas day. He had nearly lost all track of time, ever since he had awoken in
that strange snake infested room. He gently accosted a busy, successful looking
man holding an expensive briefcase. His inquiry as to the time was met with
callous indifference. His stomach began to growl loudly. If he was in fact still


dreaming, he thought, the pangs of hunger were certainly very realistic. He felt
down in his dirty pockets for change. There was nothing there but lint. He looked
just up the street to a familiar restaurant with a large arching yellow sign. He had
rarely ever eaten there, but he wondered if he might somehow finagle a free meal.
His entry into the establishment was met with cold, hard stares of anger and
disdain. He sheepishly ambled up to the busy counter. The normaly friendly
greeting was distinctly absent from the young cashiers cold face. Charles leaned in
to speak to the teenager. She reeled back in horror at his foul stench. Please, dont
worry, Im not going to hurt you-really. This is going to sound crazy, but this
really isnt meI mean, its hard to explain. I dont think this is really
happening. I think youre part of my dream. The girl simply stared in disbelief at
his baffling words. The manager in the back had noticed the odd exchange and
came forward to confront the vagrant. Sir, Ill ask you politely to leave. Its not
our policy to offer free food. We have a policy also against loitering. Charles was
crushed by the humbling words. He tried once more to explain himself. Listen,
like I said, this is probably all just a dream, but Im still starving. I swear that once
I wake up, Ill come right back to this store and pay for the food. I just need a
hamburger, and maybe a cup of coffee to keep me warm. The rotund, mustached
manger smiled ingratiatingly. He noticed to his great relief that the two police
officers who made the usual rounds had walked into the restaurant. He motioned to


them surreptitiously and made a twirling motion with his finger towards his temple.
The two burly cops immediately gleaned the meaning of the gesture. They grabbed
Charles by each elbow and turned to drag him out. Charles began to struggle
against the forced eviction. What are you doing? Do you know who I am? You
cant treat me like this! I just wanted a hamburger! Wait until I speak with my
lawyer! The two constables smiled at each other and laughed uproariously.
Whatever you saySir! The sarcastic jab stung Charles deeply as they led him
ignominiously from the establishment.

The last thing that Wallace recalled was reading a book, then suddenly
finding himself tumbling in the darkness. He could not help but yell loudly out of
sheer terror. He had absolutely no idea what was happening. Hillary herself had
grown bored of the experience of free falling. She began to call out for Rupert, but
received no response. Just then she heard the sound of a boy crying out for help.
She immediately imagined the voice to be that of her royal friend. Hillary called
out in turn. Hello! Is that you Rupert? Im over here, dont be afraid. Keep
talking, Ill try and find you! Wallace was much relieved to hear anothers voice.
He recognized only that the voice was female. He continued to call out loudly
for assistance. After several rounds of calling back and forth, Hillary eventually


was able to swim her way towards Wallace. She spotted him and at once realized
that it was not Rupert. She came to within a few feet of the young boy and
introduced herself. Hello! Im Hillary! Who are you? Wallace smiled in
appreciation of the girls undeniable, magnetic charm. He stammered out a
response. Mmmy names Wallace. I recognize you! Youre the little girl from
the storybook, and the girl I saw walk out of the mirror! Hillary shook her head
in response. Not quite. Youre right, I am the girl in the story, but the girl who
walked through the mirror was probably my doppelganger, Samantha. Wallace
was completely confused. But she looked exactly the same as you- just with a
different colour dress.
Thats what a doppelganger isits sort of like an evil twin. You mustnt
ever speak with her again. Shes very dangerous. Now we need to find my friend
Rupert. Wallace spoke as they both continued to tumble chaotically over and
over. I dont understand what happened, though. How could I be reading a book,
and then suddenly Im in this place? Hillary smiled and tried to calm his fears.
Its kind of hard to explain. The book you read was enchanted- a magic book. If
you dont know how to use it, and how to read it, it sort of eats you. Ill tell you
more later. Now help me find Rupert. Rupert! Where are you? The two new
companions held hands as they searched for the other member of their falling


The Gardner family had sat down to a wonderful Christmas feast. The huge
table was over-laden with turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, squash, green
beans and several other festive staples. The wonderful aroma permeated the room.
Gabriel sat at the head of the table admiring and anticipating the tantalizing
dishes before him. Whos going to say grace? Wait, wheres Wallace? Didnt I
call him down? Its not like him to be late for dinner. Hold on, Ill just go get
him. The rest of the family sat expectantly awaiting the commencement of dinner.
Gabriel bounded up the stairs calling his sons name. Wallace? What are you
doing? He walked into the boys bedroom and saw nothing save for a backpack
and a book. He looked around the room in a puzzled fashion. He began to search
the entire upstairs floor with an increasingly anxious attitude. He called out the
name of his son loudly. His wife came up to join him and grabbed his arm. Whats
happened? Where is Wallace? The clearly distraught man began to shake his head
nervously. II dont knowhe must be up here somewhereI mean we both
saw him go upstairs right? His wife tried to calm him. Its okay, he cant have
vanished into thin air. He must be somewhere. Have you tried the closets and
maybeunder the bed? What about the window? Gabriel Gardner walked back
into the boys bedroom. He flung open the closet and tossed all contents aside. He


lay down on the green carpeted floor and searched under the bed. There was no
sign of his son. Still laying dejectedly on the floor, an image in the mirror caught
his attention. It looked to him like Hillary Penrose. He quickly jumped up and
searched for the source of the reflection. There was no sign of a girl, although he
felt strangely as though someone uninvited was in the room with him. Angela
joined him and hugged his hips. Im worried, Gabewhats going on? The
father was unable to offer any comforting words. His cell-phone rang. Flipping it
open, he realized it was the precinct calling. Hello? Yes. What? Where? Im on
my way! Dont proceed before I get there. His wife was understandably curious.
Gabe? Whats going on? Its not about Wallace is it, dear God!
No, it looks like they might have a lead on the Hillary Penrose case, its not
Wallacealthoughno, nothing Angela admonished him to elaborate.
Nowhat is it?
Well, I dont know exactly how, but something tells me that when we find
Hillary, well find Wallace too. Ive got to go, you explain everything to my Mom.
Try to calm her down, hopefully Ill be back soon. Save me some white meat, and
lots of gravy! He kissed his wife quickly and left the house without a word. He
drove furiously towards Sauniere drive as he prepared for the worst.


Carolyn gazed at the enchanted mirror that returned only a shadowy

reflection of herself. Annie stepped into view and stared at her own image. Its
strange isnt itto look in the mirror and not fully see yourself. Its happened to
me also. Her daughter looked searchingly at her. So youve gone through this
too? That makes me feel a little better, I suppose Im still not sure about this.
Annie clasped her shoulders warmly and kissed her cheek. We need to do this. I
dont trust this Samantha. She needs to be stopped. Your body isnt safe as long
as shes around. You better go, and remember to move quickly. Youre very
vulnerable whilst traveling through the in-between state. Carolyn looked
confused. What exactly is the in-between state?
Its similar to that peculiar place in your mind right between dreaming and
waking. Ive studied the subject extensively. Psychiatrists describe it variously as
the hypnogogic state, or more generally as a paralytic state. Its like being neither
here nor there, between a rock and a hard place, I guess you might say. Whatever
you call it, its a dangerous state to be inneither fish nor fowl. When youre
between being awake and asleep, between the real and the imaginary, all sorts of
demons can capture you. Im sorry, I dont mean to frighten you You need to go
nowand please be careful. Remember, before you step out of the mirror in the
hospital, make sure you check to make sure that none of the staff see you. I think
therere too many people afflicted by this strange madness already. Carolyn kissed


her mother and stood up stoically. She steadied herself and took a cautious step
into the mirror. Like a liquid silvery pool, she felt herself being immersed within
the glass surface. She thought the sensation was very much like stepping into a tub
full of thick transparent plaster. In another moment she had departed completely
from the bedroom, and existed only within the mirrors shimmering surface.

Charles Penrose was led away from the restaurant in abject humiliation. He
was taken into the precinct and questioned. He gazed around the precinct with an
odd sense of deja-vu. I know this place! Ive been here before. This is detective
Gardners precinct, isnt it? The constable charged with performing the paperwork
was intrigued and stopped typing. How is it exactly that you know Officer
Gardner? Charles nodded impatiently. Thats what Ive been trying to tell you
for the last half hour. This is all some kind of dream. My real name is Charles
Penrose. I know the detective, because he was the one assigned to investigate my
daughters disappearance. What exactly are you charging me with anyway, you
cant just hold me here! The officer was instantly interested. What do you know
about the Hillary Penrose case? Do you have any information? Charles was
exasperated. NoI mean yesIm her father! Why cant you accept that? Call


my wife, shell explain. The officer grabbed Charles by the collar and forcibly
pushed him down onto his seat. We think you may be a danger to yourself and
others, thats why were holding you. You will be released pending a complete
psychiatric examination. Wait here. Charles was left alone staring around wildly.
His present surroundings looked familiar, but something was askew. He was not
able to identify the source of his misgivings. He vaguely recalled walking through
some strange door, and then finding himself on the street. The same officer
returned with an older distinguished looking man dressed in a tweed jacket and
jeans. This is Dr. Karl Popper. Hes just going to ask you a few questions. Ill
leave you two alone. Just call me, doctor, if you need anything. The psychiatrist
was in his fifties with thin slicked back blond hair. He smiled openly at the
disheveled looking man. So, you say your name is Charles Penrose, is that right?
Yes, that is my name. Now listen doctor, I know this is going to sound a
little crazy, but I think this is all some kind of weird dream Im havingand all the
people here are in my dream. None of this is real, none of this is really
happening. The examiner looked away as if to compose himself. I seeand do
you have any proof of this?
Well, I meaneverything seems realbut slightly off. I meanjust as an
example you look a little too much like how I would expect a psychiatrist to
look like. You look so much like a doctor, that you cant possibly really be a


doctor. Youre like an idealized form in my mind of what a doctor would look like.
In factI think youre actually a character from a movie I once saw. Let me go
back to the beginning. I have this odd recollection of reading this strange
bookand then suddenly I was in a room full of snakes and spidersand then this
imaginary friend of my daughters helped me to escapeand now Im here. The
psychiatrist got up and circled the desk. He put his hand to his chin in a classic
gesture of contemplation. I see, Charles. How do you know that what you just
told me wasnt the dream, and that in fact this right now is actually reality? I
meansnakesimaginary friendsdoesnt that sound an awful lot like a dream
to you? Charles stood up in an aggressive stance of defiance. He pointed an
accusatory finger. I dont who you really are, but youre not going to get away
with this! I am not crazy! He began to walk menacingly towards the doctor. The
two officers were quickly by his side. They dragged Charles away and tossed him
in a cell. The psychiatrist followed close by with a sedative filled syringe. He
rapidly plunged the needle deeply into the struggling mans arm. Charles resisted
momentarily then went completely limp.



Chapter 10

Hillary and her new friend Wallace continued to tumble over and over
through the emptiness. She was quite pleased to have company, but still worried
very much about Rupert. They called out his name several times before giving up.
Just then Hillary noticed a flickering light in the darkness. It was the smallest spark
of illumination, but it seemed to grow ever closer. As it came up to Hillarys face,
she instantly recognized the creature. The tiny fairy was bluish in colour and wore
a petal shaped luminous blue dress. She carried a tiny wand in her right hand.
Hillary noticed that Wallace too had seen the fairy. It looks a little like Tinkerbell
from Peter Panexcept its not hershes slightly different. She has black hair. We
should think of a name for her. How about Liliththat sounds like a fairy namedoesnt it? Shes trying to tell me something, but I cant understand it. Wallace
was amazed by the sight. Is that thing real? I thought Tinkerbell was just a
character in some old kids book. Hillary felt slighted by the off-putting remark.
What do you mean? Peter Pan is the best book ever! Its real- and all the people


in the book are real too! Youll see! The flitting creature beckoned them onward
through the darkness. The two friends followed closely through the blackness.
After several minutes they came upon a green door. It was not hinged upon any
wall, and seemed to merely float in mid-air. The exotic raven-haired fairy creature
waved her wand and the door opened. It seemed obvious that she wished for them
to enter. Hillary stared into what looked like a normal bedroom in any childs
room. She coaxed Wallace into following her through the door. As the tiny fairy
flew in behind them, the door promptly shut and disappeared. They looked around
in awe at their new surroundings. Hillary spoke first. Doesnt this look a little
like Wendys bedroomyou know, from Peter Pan? Wallace considered the
question seriously and walked about the room. Well, in the book I read, it did look
a little like this, but not quitesomething is off. I wonder if that means youre like
Wendy? Then maybe Im like Micheal from the book! Hillary danced happily
around the familiar room. It looked a lot like it did in the wonderful book. She
flung open the huge bay windows and gazed out into the clear bright moonlit
night. The magnificent storied skyline of late 19th century London stood out
invitingly before her wide eyes. The innumerable cobbled red rooftops below were
covered with a light frosting of snow. Hillary watched as the bundled up shoppers
traversed the streets in the warming glow of the bright street lamps. The cloudless
night sky was suffused with a myriad of twinkling stars. It was every bit as


wonderful a sight as Hillary had imagined it while reading the amazing story.
Wallace came to join her by the window. His unrestrained enthusiasm was evident.
Look, Hillary! Is that really London down there? Ive never even been out of the
country before. Is this really happening, or is this some kind of dream? Hillary
put a finger to his lips to cease his talking. Isnt it beautiful? The glowing blue
fairy flew up between them and flapped her tiny fragile wings. Hillary was
overcome with wonder, but still worried herself over the fate of Rupert. She
questioned the fairy as to his whereabouts. Our friend Rupert did not make it with
us. Do you know where he might be? The capricious creature provided no
answer, and merely fluttered away out the window.

Samantha called out to Ronald Boggs who was busy in the kitchen preparing
a snack for her. Im just going to lie downIm very tired. Mr. Boggs replied in
a cheery tone. You go right ahead! Youve been through quite a lot young lady.
Ronald realized that he should have called the police immediately upon his arrival
home, but was desperate for the cheerful company. He had decided to call as soon
as the young girl woke up from her rest. Despite all the craziness and chaos of the
last few days, he considered it the best Christmas he had known in years. He


poured himself a mug of store-bought eggnog; spiked it with rum and sat down
before the twinkling multi-coloured lights on his festive tree. For the first time in
months, he did not feel the need to turn on the TV. Samantha shut the door to the
bedroom and gazed around searchingly. The object of her attention was found
when she spied a large mirror mounted upon the dresser. She proceeded with her
devious task. She climbed up upon the dresser and stared deeply into the shining
surface. The object of her search presented itself as she stepped gingerly up and
into the mirrors surface. Samantha caught sight of the image of Carolyn Penrose
briefly trapped within the glass. In one quick movement the pernicious girl was
gone into the looking glass; with the bedroom left empty. Mr. Boggs got up and
played an old Christmas record from his childhood. He sat back and sipped on his
soothing holiday libation. He closed his eyes and recalled a happy Christmas day
from his barely remembered youth.

Detective Gardner reached the apartment building on Sauniere drive to find

several squad cars laying in wait. He approached one of the high-ranking officers.
Okay, is everyone ready? Now, remember, lets not go in with guns blazing.
Were still just working on the tip from some old landlady. Anyway, the


description of the girl sounded right, so who knows? Gabriel Gardner stealthily
lead the way up the stairs of the building. He knocked lightly on the landladys
door and waited. Mrs. Avignon directed the officers up the stairs and was told to
remain within her apartment. She begrudgingly agreed. Gabriel Gardner found his
way up to apartment 302. He banged loudly on the door and loudly declared
himself. He waited a moment until he heard a stirring inside. Ronald Boggs was
unceremoniously yanked out of his reverie by the loud pounding at the door. He
had not the slightest inkling as to the reason for the disturbance. He lazily
sauntered up to the door, removed the chain and stared wide-eyed down the barrel
of a gun. The detective immediately instructed Ronald to remain motionless. Are
you Ronald Boggs? The terrified man stammered out a choking response.
Gabriel continued his interrogation. Sir, we were given a tip that you were
recently seen in the company of Hillary Penrose, a missing girl. Is this correct?
An expression of faint hope graced the expression of the accused man. Hillary?
Ohyes. I was just going to call you! It just slipped my mind. Shes in the
bedroom right now. You dont have to point those guns at me. Here, let me take
you to her right now. The detective and his entourage were less than convinced by
the calm explanation. Gabriel kept his gun drawn but lowered as he followed
Ronald through the shabby apartment. For his part, Mr. Boggs was utterly
unconcerned. He called out Hillarys name as he opened the door to the bedroom.


Hillary, there are some gentlemen here to see you. Theyre going to be taking you
home. He swung open the door and cast his eyes to the bed. Finding it empty,
he proceeded to call out her name with increasing impatience. Hillary! Were not
playing hide-and-seek now. You really need to come out! He began to search the
room with a growing sense of anxiety. He pulled open the closet doors and then
crawled down to the floor to look under the bed. Mr. Boggs wore an expression of
profound confusion. Detectiveshe really was hereunlessunless she
somehow slipped out the door while my eyes were closed. I just dont understand
it. Gabriel grabbed the man roughly and threw him to the bed. He roughly handcuffed the trembling man, then spun him around. Let me tell you something,
scum-bag. If I find that girl has been harmed in any way, you will not want to know
what happens to you. Prison will be the least of your worries, my friend.
Ronalds face was ashen and blank. Several heavy tears began to fall from his tired,
sad eyes. He was lead away and down the stairs past the stabbing dagger eyes of
Mrs. Avignon and several other curious voyeurs. As their accusatory eyes met his,
he shook his head in denial. I swearI didnt do it

Carolyn felt very strange about herself as she walked easily into the mirror.
As she pulled herself all the way inside, she gazed around at a vast black emptiness.


She tried to grasp in the dark for some sort of landmark. She reached into her
pocket and pulled out her keys. Attached to the ring was a small flashlight. Carolyn
shone it aimlessly around until she noticed a glint in the darkness. She proceeded
forward to the source of the reflection. She walked closer and realized that she
had found another mirror, different than the one which she had just passed through.
Carolyn was unable to peer through the mirror and so carefully pushed her head
through. She gazed through the mirrors surface at the hospital room where her
body lay prostrate. Beside her body a little girl held the comatose womans arm.
Carolyn instantly recognized her daughter, but realized at once that it was
Samantha, not Hillary. The very sight of her daughters face, after such a long
separation caused her to gasp. Samantha quickly looked up from her task.
Samantha had in fact anticipated Carolyns plan and had acted accordingly. She
had earlier carefully climbed through Ronald Boggs mirror into Carolyns hospital
room. She then had proceeded to steal a vial containing dangerous medicine and a
syringe from a nearby nurses station. Hello Carolyn. Have you come to rejoin
your body? Im afraid youre too late for that. The little girl laughed as she
shoved a large needle deep into the cold, still body. Carolyn looked on in horror.
As she watched the needle plunge into her arm, she felt a sympathetic pain within
her own appendage. She shrieked out loud. Stop itstop it now! The commotion
caught the attention of an attending nurse making her rounds. Samantha heard the


approach of the woman and sank quickly under the bed. The nurse walked in
quickly as Carolyn still watched the terrible events unfold from inside the bathroom
mirror. She collapsed in shock. The dangerous syringe jutted out precariously from
the bedridden body. The shocked nurse removed it hastily and smashed at a blue
button on the wall. An alarm sounded within building. Within moments, several
other physicians came dashing into the room. What happened? The flustered
nurse gave a quick explanation of her discovery. The senior doctor called out
loudly, Code blue! The doctor acted rapidly and began attempts to revive the
poisoned body of Carolyn. He stared at the monotone heart monitor. Only a flat,
dull uninterrupted hum filled the room.

Charles awoke several hours later in a small detention area within the
precinct. He reached up to rub the throbbing pain in his neck and arm. He lay
staring half-asleep at the top bunks metal-spring bottom when he heard the
approach of several men. He instantly recognized the voice of Detective Gardner.
Gabriel barely noticed Charles lying in the bunk. The disheveled man lying in the
cell bore no resemblance to the distraught father he knew. Whos that guy,in the
cell? The other officer with Gabriel explained. Thats just some nut-job we found
loitering at a restaurant downtown. The shrink had to pump him full of happy juice.
Speaking of that, it looks like hes due for another dose of the stuff. Just then a


sergeant walked in with Ronald Boggs in hand-cuffs. The first laconic cop removed
the handcuffs of Mr. Boggs. The new arrival had been most uncooperative during
his interrogation. He shoved the tearful man forcefully into the cell and locked it.
Gabriel Gardner was still intrigued by the identity of the vagrant in the cell. He
stared back at the shabby looking man with genuine curiosity. Who did you say
that guy was? Charles Penroses mind was still foggy from the powerful sedatives
administered to him previously. He was barely able to raise himself up from the
bunk to gaze at the new prisoner. Mr. Boggs sat down heavily upon the cold
cement floor and began to sob inconsolably. He stole a glance at the dirty, hapless
fellow sitting across from him. II dont want any troublethis is all a mistake,
Im not even supposed to be here. Charles instantly recognized the familiar voice.
He struggled to recollect the time and place he had first heard that voice. Suddenly
a flash of realization seized him. His introduction was a bare, throaty whisper.
Iknow youyoure the clerk from the mallwhere my daughter Hillary went
missing. The remark caused Ronald to rouse from his miserable torpor. Well,
yesI do work at that storebut ,you said youre Hillarys daughter? How is that
possible? Youre not him. He continued to stare at the grimy lined face in
Yesthats meIm Charles Penrose. What are you doing here? Does
this have anything to do with Hillary? Mr. Boggs stood up and walked over to


examine the mans face. You sort of look faintly like himbut something is
differentnot quite right I cant explain it. Im here because they think that I
kidnapped Hillaryand some other kid named Wallace. I dont knowIm
confused. Charles was suddenly insistent. He roughly grabbed Ronald by his
shirt. Hillary? Did you or did you not have anything to do with my daughters
Nobut I did see her. Its all a little foggy. I was in the basement of the
storeyou know, where Hillary was last seen. Last night I was down therethen I
remember seeing Carolyn Penrosebut I know thats not possible, because she
was in a coma at the time. Then I dont remember anything for a long time. I was
just down there in the basementstandingI dont know why. Then I noticed
Hillary stepping out of the elevator. She did something to metouched meand
then I started remembering again. I was so happy that I finally found her. All I did
was bring her home with me. I was about to call the police, when they came and
found meI dont know what happened to Hillaryshe was in the
bedroomand then she just disappeared into thin air. I dont know why she would
do this to me! She seemed like such a nice girl. I swearlisten, whoever you are, I
did not touch a hair on her head. How could I? She was so lovely, with her long
blond hair, and her pretty pleated green tartan dress. She looked just like a
princess. After the long explanation, he again broke down and cried. Charles was


still somewhat groggy. His drug-addled mind faded in and out. He had difficulty
following the strange tale told by his cell-mate. Some salient feature of the
description of Hillary stuck like a sliver in his mind. He concentrated hard on trying
to understand what exactly was going on.

Hillary and Wallace stared out dreamily at the London skyline. Hillary broke
the peaceful silence that had descended upon them. I wonder where Peter Pan is?
I feel like hes around somewherelike hes looking at us right now, you know?
Wallace concurred with the girls assessment. I know what you mean. Its like
he can see us, but we cant see him. Maybe if we yell really loudly, out the
window, he might hear us and tell us what to do. Hillary agreed and began to
shout out the name. Peter Pan? Peter Pan? Where are you? They continued to
shout for several minutes until their voices were hoarse. There was no reply to
their hopeful cries. Hillary decided upon a different tact. Maybe were supposed
to find him ourselves. If only we could fly like Lilith, we could search the city
below. He has to be somewhere. Wallace listened intently to her plan. Peter Pan
doesnt live here though, he lives in Never-never land, remember? How can we
get there if we dont have him to guide us? Hillary was stumped again.


Obviously we need to find Lilith again. Shell know the way, and she has the fairy
dust so we can fly. I wish we could find Rupert. I hope hes okay. Wallace seemed
to be content with the idea. That sounds good. Maybe Peter Pan will know how to
deal with Samantha too! If he could deal with a Captain Hook, Im sure that he can
handle a little girl!
I wonder where that tiny Lilith went? Lilith? Lilith? They called her name
loudly out the open window. A light dusting of snow drifted down past the

Rupert awoke to find himself lying down in a pitch black emptiness. The
ground beneath him was cold and hard. He stood up and felt around for anything at
all that seemed familiar. He wandered around blindly in the silent void. His heart
beat furiously from fear of the unknown. He called out the name of his companion
Hillary several times. Once again he was completely alone and adrift. He felt
powerless and insecure as he searched for some escape from the numbing
darkness. He still could see absolutely nothing, and was at a loss as to how to
proceed. He reflected upon the fact that his present predicament was nothing at all
like anything he had faced before. He began to question his decision to follow


Hillary to her world. Rupert wondered if he would ever get used to the idea of the
real world. He closed his eyes and prayed for guidance. Opening his eyes, he was
perplexed by the sight before him. A tiny fairy wearing a peculiar blue dress and
holding a wand fluttered her tiny wings merely inches from his nose. The fanciful
looking creature filled Rupert with wonder. Hello there. Now you look like
somebody from my world. I really need your help. Im totally lost. Could you show
me the way out? The bright blue hued fairy nodded her minuscule head and
beckoned the young prince onward. He fervently hoped that the way out was close.
Rupert noticed that Lilith had stopped just ahead of him. He noticed a large mirror
whose outline could barely be seen in the faint glow emanating from the tiny
creature. He followed the light until he was standing before the mirror. He reached
out to feel its slick, shiny surface. He found that the glass of the mirror was actually
composed of a silvery liquid. It was wet to the touch. It was much like the magical
mirror that existed in his father's castle. Rupert wondered what he was next
supposed to do. Lilith demonstrated for the young prince. She flitted in and out of
the surface of the mirror, making tiny splashes and ripples. Rupert at once gleaned
her meaning. He realized that he needed to pass through the mirror to escape from
the dark abyss. He wasted no further time and began pulling himself through the
mirror. The sensation of moving through the liquid was strange, thought Rupert. It
lasted but a moment or two. He was moving backward and felt his foot again on


dry solid ground. He stood inside a strangers bedroom. He turned around and saw
both Lilith, and another older woman sitting cross-legged before him. She smiled
and greeted him warmly. Hello. My name is Annie Koestler. Welcome to the real

Samantha was genuinely concerned . She cowered under the bed as she heard
the physicians and nurses frantically attempt to revive the lifeless body of Carolyn
Harrison. Does anybody know who administered this syringe to the patient? The
supervising nurse responded with dismay. Mrs. Penrose hasnt had any visitors for
hours. I dont see how anybody could have possibly slipped by the desk without me
seeing. There was still no sign of life in the motionless body. Dr. Singh removed
the needle and handed it to one of the nurses. Take this down to toxicology and
have it analyzed right away. I have no idea what were dealing with here it
could be anything. Samantha listened intently to the anxious conversation going
on above her. She could easily have told the doctor the name of the venomous
substance coursing through Carolyns veins. The doctor applied a set of
electrically charged paddles to the womans chest. The powerful burst of
electricity caused the body to jump in spasm. After several attempts, the doctor
shoved an adrenaline filled needle deeply into the heart of the Carolyn. The


desperate gambit failed as the doctor sadly shook his head. He looked up at the
clock on the wall and turned to the nurse. Lets call ittime of deatheleven
eleven pmDec. 25thIll call the detective and the husbandnot looking
forward to that call Ten minutes later the hospital staff had vacated the room
leaving Samantha alone with the lifeless body. She slipped out from under the
bed and stared down happily at the results of her terrible actions. Satisfied that
her task was accomplished, she prepared to leave Carolyns room through the
bathroom mirror. For some reason she found that the bathroom door was locked
from the inside. Samantha quickly decided to attempt another means of escape. She
crept quietly up to the main doorway and pulled it open. She slowly peered out the
door, checking the way up and down the hall. With the coast clear, she departed
walking briskly toward the exit. The supervising nurse looked up from her desk
just as the young girl walked out. Hello! You therestop! Samantha could not
help but turn her head. She stumbled and fell. The heavy-set nurse immediately
gave chase. Please stop or Ill call security! The agile girl was rapidly back on
her feet and headed for the door. Just then Dr. Singh appeared in her path. He
stared quizzically at the girl whom he vaguely recognized. It took him a moment to
see the nurse behind following the girl. Samantha quickly assessed the situation and
realized that a conventional means of escape was impossible. She darted into the
first door in front of her. An very elderly gentleman was awoken from his groggy


state. Is that you Marilyn? Who is thatI cant quite see you. Samantha
grabbed a chair and stuck it against the doorknob to prevent entry. She made for
the bathroom and the mirror contained therein. Samantha flipped on the light and
began to crawl into the silvery liquid surface of the glass. Both Dr. Singh and the
nurse struggled to gain entry to the room. The old bed-ridden man foggily watched
the bizarre scene unfold. Finally the chair crashed to the ground as the physician
burst into the room. He looked once at the patient, then all around the private
room. The nurse was down on the ground checking the floor as Dr. Singh checked
the bathroom. There was no sign indication of any intruder. He resignedly walked
over to the confused octogenarian. Sirhow are you feeling? Its Dr. Singh. Mr.
Gardnerdid you see a young girl in this roomwe thought she ran in here
The gentleman took a moment to consider his answer. Was that my daughters
girlMarilyn? She ran in herethen I saw her go into the bathroomshe must
still be in there. Both the nurse and doctor shared an uneasy moment. The
physician again walked into the bathroom and examined it more closely. He found
himself drawn to the bathroom mirror. He stared intently at the reflection of his
fatigued face. His hand reached out to touch the image in the glass, then quickly
recoiled as if repelled by some unknown force.


After ensuring that Ronald Boggs had been processed and securely held,
detective Gardner decided to return home to his distraught wife. He provided
instruction to several officers with him in the precinct. Now I thought this Boggs
character might know where the missing Penrose girl wasand my son One of
the younger cops seemed surprised. What do you mean your son? What
happened? The older detective seemed reticent to elaborate. Listenwith
everything thats been going onI dont knowI didnt know how to explain it.
Wallace was up in his roomthen he literally vanished into thin airI know it
doesnt make any sense
None of this makes any sense. First this Boggs guy seems like hes our
guyweve even got an eye-witness that saw him together with the missing girl.
Then shes suddenly goneand something about himhe just doesnt seem the
typeyou know what I mean? The wise detective nodded and considered his
response carefully. Something weird is going onnothing like Ive ever
seenand what about this vagrant? You tell me he says his name is Charles
Penrose? Its funnythe coincidence of picking this guy up, with the same name
as the missing girl. Obviously theres a connection. Theres something wrong about
himcant quite put my finger on it. Ill tell you, I dont know howbut all of
this mess is tied together somehow. Now, I want a forensic team over to my
house, and I want somebody watching on those two in the cell every secondin


fact, I want somebody to see if they can get any more information out of either of
them. Press them hard if you have tothis could be my sons life at stake here.
The younger officer listened intently and headed over to check on the two
prisoners. The shabby homeless man and the middle-aged accused sat close
together in deep conversation. Detective Gardner left the precinct with another
police vehicle following him. He made his way onto the parkway leading to his
home when his cell-phone rang. Hello. Dr. Singh, yes of course I remember.
Yesabout Carolyn Penrose. What? Good lordyes, thank you for calling. Dont
bother trying to reach the husband, hes missing also. Yes, it is strange. Ill contact
Carolyns mother. Thank you for calling, doctor.

Gabriel decided that there was no more to be done at the precinct. He knew
that his wife would be quite frantic by now. He made his way home. The detective
drove into his driveway with the squad car close behind. His wife was standing by
the door to greet him. Her normally beautiful face was lined with deep heartache.
Any news Gabe? Please tell me that you found Wallace The detective held his
wife in a warm embrace. We have to be strong now honeyI know this is going
to be difficultbut I swear to God I will bring your baby home safe. Several
officers with large boxes of equipment rushed by the couple and into the house.
Evelyn Gardner sat comforting her worried grandchild Cain upon the sofa.


Grandma, where did Wallace go? The matriarch rocked the boy gently in her
warm arms. I dont know boy, Im afraid this might be the devils workand
hes a tricky man indeed.
Grandmaare you sure that the devil is a man?

Chapter 11

Rupert looked around confusedly. He watched as the tiny aqua blue fairy
hovered just inches from his head. Where am I and what is this place? Who is
this fairy that led me here? Annie looked at the strange very formally dressed
boy. Her name is Lilithshe is actually quite a wonderful fairy. That is why she


can easily travel between the two worlds. Most people have a clear image in their
minds of what a fairy looks like. This is my house, in answer to your question.
Ruperts face finally showed signs of some sort of recognition. Is Hillary okay?
We went through this odd yellow door, then we were fallingwe became
separated. Does Hillary live here? Annie realized the creature before her was not
quite real. Youre from Nibiru, I know that much. What is your name? The
well-spoken young man proceeded to introduce himself. I am prince Rupert of
Nibiru. I have come to learn how to be real, like Hillary. Annie seemed pleased
by the boys response. Welcome to my home and the real world, brave prince.
The regal son shook his head. Im afraid it is Hillary who is the brave onenot
Nonsenseyou had the courage to journey this far from the safety of your
home. Rupert was cheered by the kind words of encouragement. Thank you.
..Hillaryis she going to be okay? Annies face suddenly grew very somber.
Hillary is in great dangerin fact we all are. We must stop that vile changeling
Samantha. She is trying to take Hillarys place in the real world, you know. That
would be very bad indeed. Rupert nodded in acknowledgment. How can we stop
herand how can we tell them apart? They look identical.
It will not be easy. Somebodyor something or someone is helping
hersomething evil. Samantha wears a different dress, its blue and green,


Hillarys is red and yellow. Its the one thing she has difficulty changing about
herself- her outward appearance. Dont be fooled by her. Now Im sure you have
many questions, but we have much to do. Will you help me? Rupert was
enthusiastic in his response. I will do everything in my power to help your
granddaughter. Annie thought for a moment. Lilith danced in the air around them
like a tiny luminescent hummingbird all the while. She seemed to be listening to
their conversation. Suddenly the sprite flew directly into the mirror with a tiny
splash. Lilith will do what she can. Hopefully Digby will be there to lend a hand
also. Hillary can take care of herself for nowin fact, she may be the only one
who can help us.if she can just find a way to contact the Thinker.

Charles Penrose got up and walked around the dreary holding cell. He
looked down thoughtfully at his miserable cell-mate, Mr. Boggs. You know
something Ronald? I think maybe I believe your crazy story. You want to know
why? Ill tell youbecause its nothing like the insane garbage Ive been going
through lately. I would literally be tossed in a looney bin if I ever told anybody
what I think is really going on. At first I just assumed this was all some bad dream,
but now Im not so sure. His beleaguered counterpart looked up with hopeful
eyes. Do you mean you believe me? Like I said, I would never hurt anyone,


especially your beautiful daughter. Charles sat down again beside his new ally.
Listen Ronaldsomething you said earlier stuck in my mind. You mentioned that
Hillary was wearing a blue and green dress when you first met her, right? The
other man affirmed the remark. Well, it so happens that I had my own strange
encounter with a girl that looked exactly like Hillary, but was wearing a blue and
green dress too. She said that her name was Samantha, and that she was Hillarys
doppelgangerI know, it didnt mean anything to me at the time eitherbut as
soon as she showed up, all kinds of crazy things started to happen. Im thinking that
you never actually saw Hillaryit was this Samanthawhomever she is. Ronald
Boggs took several moments to consider what he had just heard. Strange things
have been happening to me alsoI thought I was just tired. What are we going to
do? We cant tell the police that storytheyd throw us both in straight jackets for
life. Charles nodded and realized that he could trust Ronald. Okay, the first
thing you have to understand is that I am actually Charles Penrose, I know I
dont look like himbut youre just going to have to accept that. Second, and this
is going to be hard to accept, I think were both stuck in some kind of alternate
realityor something, I havent quite figured that part out yet. I know one thing
though. I showed up in this place after walking through this strange door. If there
was a way in, there must be a way outmaybe some kind of portal Mr. Boggs
wore an exasperated expression. Listen, CharlesIll do whatever you say at this


point. Right now the police think I kidnapped two kids. Obviously nobodys going
to believe us in here. We need to find a way to escape.
I like the way you think Ronald. You know what? If we can get out of
this mess, I might be able to find you a really nice position somewhere in my
company. You stick with me, and follow my lead, all right? Ronald was pleased
by the solid show of support. I may just take you up on that job

Hillary and Wallace stepped away from the window. Hillary had allowed
herself to become distracted by the wonderful view of London. The excitement of
actually existing within a real story was intoxicating to the young girl. Wallace,
did you know that today was Christmas day? I cant believe we both missed itI
hope nobody opened my presents! Wallace also had become completely
enraptured by their fantastical surroundings. Me too! I missed Christmas dinner! I
love turkeyI hope my mom saved me some for when I get back.
Thats if you get back. We have to get serious now, Wallace. My friend
Rupert is missing, and my whole family is in danger. The young boy was steadied
by her words. Youre right Hillary. I hope my dad is okayhe better not read


that storybook, or he might end up in this crazy place too. Hillary nodded wisely.
We have lots to do. We must find a way to stop Samantha. I think she has bad
creatures helping her, we must stop them also. I wish we could find DigbyI
wonder where hes gone? He does that sometimeshell disappear just when you
need him most. Now we know that door we came in leads know place we want to
go, so the only other way out is this window. Only problem iswe cant fly
Wallace puzzled to himself over their predicament. Just then there was the sound
of a tiny splash behind them. They both turned at once to see a tiny blue fairy
come shooting through a mirrors liquid surface. Lilith came flying up to them.
Hillary was overjoyed to again see the familiar character. Thank God you showed
up, Lilith. We really need your help! We need to find a way to get out of here.
The Lilliputian creature proceeded to reach into her minuscule pocket and pull out
a handful of glittering dust. She threw a smattering of the sparkling powder over
both Hillary and Wallace. Immediately they began to lift off from the ground and
circle the room. Lilith pointed her wand in the direction of the open window. The
amazed young girl took her friends hand and lead him out of the room. Soon
Hillary and Wallace were happily flying through the crisp night sky. Below them
the scarlet rooftops of London flew by. The cloudless, starry night was
illuminated by a huge full moon. Hillary again was overwhelmed by the wondrous
feeling of flight. They sailed effortlessly above the beautiful English city.


Samantha realized she had been lucky to escape from the hospital. She
walked alone within the utter darkness searching the glint of a mirror. The leader
of the crimson riders would not be pleased to hear of her unsanctioned escape in the
hospital. The young girl was weakened by the frantic pursuit. She sat down in the
pitch black and had a thought. She recalled her kangaroo friend Dagobert.
Samantha pulled the small toy kangaroo out of her pocket and, as before prayed to
bring it to life. Oh Tiamat, please make this kangaroo alive, so that he might help
me in my quest to be real. The toy immediately grew to huge size in a flash of
brilliant light. Hello again Samantha. Where to? Samantha was miffed. Im a
little lost actually. We need to find a mirror somewhere. Lets just get moving, and
Ill look for one. Samantha climbed into the creature's ample pouch, as it bounded

through the blackness. Eventually a glint of light caught her eye.

Dagobert! Stoplook over there! I saw a flash of light. That way. The girl
pointed towards the source of the light. The large kangaroo hopped over to the
mirror. Samantha thanked the beast then shrank him back to the size of a pocket
toy. Putting the creature back in her pocket, she felt for the surface of the mirror.
Her fingers felt the familiar cold silvery liquid surface. She stepped into the glass
surface and emerged on the other side unharmed. Samantha was pleased to see that


she had escaped into what looked to her like an Nibiru realm. She at once
recognized the childs bedroom as that belonging to Wendy, Michael and John
from the Peter Pan storybook. She gazed around the well-known room and realized
that she was alone. The wide open window beckoned to her.

Detective Gardner awoke the next morning still feeling very tired. His wife
had arisen early to prepare breakfast for the family. The house felt very empty
without his eldest son Wallace. The forensic team had stayed for several fruitless
hours. Despite their thorough investigation, no indication of any sort of foul play
was evident. There were no fingerprints, stray hairs or anything out of the
ordinary. He arose from bed and donned his blue terry cloth robe and roused
himself. It was the day after Christmas, yet to the Gardner family, it felt as though
the Holiday had passed them by altogether. He mused upon the terribly timing of
his sons mysterious disappearance. He shambled out into the upstairs hallway
and into his son Wallaces room. He looked over at the bed, where his son's
familiar backpack lay. Beside the backpack was a book that Marion did not
recognize. He walked over to the bed and sat down to the examine the curious
object. It was not unusual for Wallace to possess any number of books, as he was


an advanced and voracious reader. This particular volume, thought Gabriel,

seemed rather too ornate and expensive for him to have purchased with his
allowance. It was not a library book. He examined the book more closely, then
heard his wife call up the stairs. Honey, are you up? Coffees ready if you want
it. The detectives habitual predilection for caffeine forestalled any immediate
concerns. He placed the strange book under his arm and made his way downstairs.
His son Cain and his mother-in-law were already seated at the table. The
grandmother spoke first. Its about time you got upwe were starting to wonder.
Sit down now and have some food. The fatigued father sat down to the admirable
spread of pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast. He eagerly grabbed a piece of crispy
bacon and chewed it. This looks great honey. His son looked over at the
twinkling Christmas tree. Dadwhen is Wallace coming home? His mother
exchanged a serious glance with her husband. Dont you worry. Your father is
going to find Wallace very soon.maybe todayisnt that right? Detective
Gardner nodded slowly. He pulled himself away from the table and stepped over
to kitchen with his wife. He presented the mysterious storybook to her from
beneath his robe. Look at this thing. It was in Wallaces room. The investigators
only found Wallaces fingerprints on it, so they didnt think it was importantbut
I dont know. Do you ever remember seeing him with this? Vivian Gardner
grasped the beautifully bound book and examined it. What a beautiful book. Ive


never seen him with it. It looks very expensive. Do you think its from school?
Look at these Egyptian markingsthis is really something. Waityou were at the
Penroses place, and Wallace was thereyou dont think he might havetaken
it? Gabriel shook his head vehemently. Thats not like him to stealbut come to
think of ithe did say something strange at the house. He told me that he had seen
Hillary, he pointed to her picture, he said that he had spoken with her. I didnt
think anything of it at the time. The detective took the book back under his arm
and headed upstairs with his steaming mug of coffee.

Digby ran as fast as his tiny legs could carry him down the long white
hallway. He desperately searched the framed pictures hung upon each door, looking
for one which bore the image of somebody familiar. Digby had a strong sense that
Samantha had become extremely dangerous, and that he needed to act fast. After
many hours the small fellow noticed something which resonated in his mind. He
looked up at a painting of Hillarys mother Carolyn. He quickly opened the heavy
black door and stepped directly into Carolyn Penroses bedroom. The place was as
empty as he expected. The red-haired boy trotted over to Hillarys room in search
of the elusive and volatile storybook. He soon realized that it was nowhere to be
found. Digby quickly planned his next move. He jumped up on the bed and picked


up the phone on the night-table to call Nana Koestler. The sun had been up for
several hours on this day following Christmas. It rang repeatedly before the elderly
woman on the other end answered. Hello, is that Digby? Well, its about time!
Digby was somewhat chagrined. Im sorry Nana. I was a little lost trying to help
Charles. Hes trapped inside the enchanted book. I sent him to a place where he
might find some answers. I hope hes okay. Annie Koestler listened intently.
Hell just have to fend for himself for now. Carolyn and Samantha are our
immediate concerns. How fast can you get over here? The diminutive creature
had no ready response. Cant you come get me?
Noits too dangerous now, plus, we have a visitor here- Rupert from
Nibiru. Youre going to have to find your own way over here. Just be careful and
stay away from Samantha. Digby said goodbye and considered how he would
travel to Nanas house. He realized that it would be too dangerous to travel within
the mirrors now that Samantha traveled so easily within them. It would take him
hours to run the distance, which were very precious hours to waste. He
concentrated hard on finding a solution. He opened up the bedroom closet, where
he previously he had hidden from Carolyn Penrose. He searched through the
plethora of stuffed animals looking for some particular trait. He seized upon a
black and silver gryphon and placed it centrally within the room. The small boy
looked deeply into the eyes of the mythical beast. You are a Nibiru creature, I can


see that. I need your help, brave gryphon. Digby then knelt before the plush
chimera and prayed with all his might. His prayers were quickly answered as the
inanimate object grew to life size and gazed down at his creator. Hello. My name
is Godel of Nibiru. I dont think Ive had the pleasure. Digby bowed graciously
and introduced himself and his predicament. So you see, the girl you met at the
ball, Hillary, is in great danger. You must help me travel to her grandmothers
house. The patient gryphon listened carefully to the panicked boys pleas. Very
well. I will take you wherever you wish. Are you sure that my presence here will
not simply cause more trouble? Im not supposed to exist here, you understand.
Digby nodded and continued. Its too late to worry about upsetting the delicate
balance between the real and the supra-real worlds. Theres already lots of
confusion. We just have to find a way to stop it before it gets any worse. We have
to go now, follow me.

Charles awoke the next morning with a pounding headache. His sleep was
plagued by strange dreams which caused him to awaken several times in the night.
He lay in bed thinking as he kicked at the bunk above him. Are you up yet,
I guess I am nownot that I really slept all that muchweird dreams.


Yeahme too. I wonder if theyre ever going to let me out. I havent

been charged with anything, but they think Im crazyso who knowsnot that I
blame them. I think I might be crazy too. Mr. Boggs hopped out of bed onto the
floor and gazed out the cell bars. No doubt about it, were both in a whale of a
pickle. Charles rolled out of bed and noticed something fall from his pocket. He
immediately recognized it as his mystically enchanted Cambodian tribesman. Hey,
I forgot about this little guy. He may be just what we need. Ronald stared down
at the tiny trinket. How exactly is this toy going to help us? just as he finished
speaking, the miniature warrior figure stirred and began to walk about. It saluted
with its small shield and spear as it noticed Charles. Ha! Its still alivenow I
know something is screwy around here. Its not just me. The middle-aged clerk
looked down in dumbfounded shock at the animated creature. What the hell? Is
that thing alive?
Dont ask me howbut yesand this little guy has helped me out of a jam
before. Wait, let me try something. Hey little guy, we need to get out of here. Do
you think you could run out and grab the keys? The dark-skinned warrior bowed
and leapt into action. The two men each watched as the tribesman skittered down
the hall toward a desk. With great dexterity and might, it climbed up the metal leg
and onto the desktop. Sitting unguarded upon the blotter was a small set of keys.
The tribesman managed to undo the appropriate key and returned with it dangling


upon his spear. Charles quietly applauded his helper and grasped hold of the key.
Mr. Boggs simply shook his head in utter amazement. I say we make a run for it,
while its still earlydoesnt look like anybodys around.
Good idea. There wont be many people here the day after Christmas. By
the way, Merry Christmas Ronald. Ill buy you a drink if we ever get out of this
mess. His cell-mate returned the salutation. I really hope this is all some kind of
bad dreambut I think I'm the one who owes you a drink. Charles smiled and
stepped to the cell door. Checking in both directions of the hallway, he seized the
opportunity to act. Reaching around the bars he slipped the key into the lock and
turned it. The metal door slowly swung open. He motioned for Ronald to follow
him as he cautiously crept through. The two fugitives walked quickly down the
hall with the tiny tribesman close behind. They made their way down the stairs
unnoticed when they heard a shouting voice. You twowhere are you going?
Ronald stopped in his tracks and turned to see the face of an angry officer. We
got to get out of here! This way! The commotion had caused a group of
policemen to gather at the stairwell. The three escapees only option was the
bathroom. Charles ran inside with his friend and small tribesman close behind.


Chapter 12

Christmas had come and gone for Annie Koestler. It was not a pleasant time,
but one could not state that it had been a boring holiday that year. Annie pulled a
thick black wool shawl over her cold, bony shoulders. It was a bitterly cold
December day in Boston, typical for that time of year. The elderly woman sipped
on a steaming mug of tea and contemplated the fate of her beloved granddaughter
Hillary. A light snow had begun top fall as she stared through the frosted over
window overlooking her yard. A strange and yet wonderful sight caught her


attention. Sailing majestically and forcefully through the air was a huge feathered,
black and silver creature. As it slowly came into sharper focus, she could make out
a raptor sharp beak, with razor talons at the forefront. Its hind was that of a lion,
though it was not of the usual tawny colour. The wondrous gryphon came to a
graceful landing in her backyard. The barely noticeable passenger hopped off its
back immediately. Digby ran up to the back-door and was greeted by Annie and her
guest Rupert. Annie quickly dispensed with the introductions and pressed on to the
matter at hand. Digby, how much do you know about whats going on? The tiny
red-haired creature responded breathlessly. Samantha is very bad, and she might
well be in league with the evil crimson riders. Charles Penrose may still be danger,
but he will have to fend for himself for now. I have no idea were Hillary has gotten
to, and the storybook is nowhere to be found. Annie nodded as she digested his
solemn words. The storybook is important, and we must get that back, but the
priority now is to save my daughter. Carolyn tried to recombine herself through the
mirror, but must have been stopped by that fowl changeling Samantha. She must
still be trapped within the mirror somewhere. The problem is that Samantha seems
to have figured out how to easily move between the two realms. Travel through the
mirror is no longer safe. There is no telling what she might do to any one of us. If
only Carolyn were able to fine her own way out, then we could save her.


Gabriel Gardner stared out at the cold and blustery Boston landscape. He
sipped on his coffee as he stared out his bedroom window at the slowly falling
winter snow. He looked down at the strange storybook. He casually opened it to a
page halfway through the story, and found himself staring at an illustration
depicting what looked to be his own son Wallace with the still missing Hillary
Penrose. He closed the book immediately and rubbed his eyes. He opened the book
to another page and found a picture of the kidnapping suspect, Ronald Boggs.
Suddenly he was filled with an overpowering sense of dread. He knew instinctively
that something was very wrong. He began quickly scanning the pages of the book
to discern its overall content. The farther he read, the stranger the very experience
of reading it became. In a little over five minutes he came to the shocking and
impossible conclusion that he was reading an exact description of the bizarre events
that had recently transpired. The last chapter detailed his finding of the book. He
read on with ever increasing interest and trepidation. As he stared at the last page,
he disappeared from the room in a blinding flash of light.

Samantha gazed around the Victorian bedroom seemingly belonging to the

characters from the Peter Pan story. She surmised that the room was empty, but that
somebody had recently been there. She could smell them. She walked over to the
open bay window to take in the breathtaking view of old London. She noticed a


fine, sparkling powder at her feet. She reached down to wipe it with her forefinger.
She instantly recognized it as fairy-dust. It was obviously the stuff of fairies, and
that could only mean that her enemy Lilith had been there, she thought. Glancing
down again at the glittering grains, she realized that the few tiny scattered grains
were of insufficient quantity to endow her with magical flight. She scanned the
room for a secondary course of action. A collection of stuffed animals sat atop one
of the beds in the room. She rapidly scattered them about the bedspread looking for
something useful to her. She grabbed at a stuffed pitch black raven. That would do
quite well, she thought. She grasped the bird and placed it before her upon the
hardwood floor. Samantha proceeded to kneel and pray in her own diabolical
manner. Oh Tiamat, please make this raven alive, so that he might help me in my
quest to be real. The black as coal winged creature grew to enormous size and
cackled loudly as it came to life before the wicked doppelganger. Samantha was
well pleased with her dark creation. I have a task for you large bird. We must
find Hillary and her new friend and stop them once and for all. Then I will finally
take her place in the real world. The huge creature assented to her wishes and
waddled towards the open window. The clever girl climbed atop the raven and
kicked her legs. The two insidious hunters swept off into the cold, dark London
night in search of their prey.


Charles and Ronald were jammed together inside the police station
bathroom. They could hear the trampling of feet as their pursuers grew nearer. The
disheveled man looked at his fellow escapee and then at the tiny tribesman. He
was at a loss as to their next course of action. Either of you two have any clever
ideas? His question was essentially rhetorical in nature in light of their dire
circumstances. Not expecting any response, he was shocked to watch as the
miniature saviour jumped up to the washroom sink. He proceeded to throw his
spear right into and through the mirror. Its passage was marked by a tiny splash in
the surface of the glass. Next he himself leapt into the mirror with another slightly
larger splash and was gone from the room. Both men in attendance were
dumbfounded but intrigued. Charles shrugged his shoulders in tacit
acknowledgement of the absurdity of their situation. What the heckits not like
I have any better ideaswhen in looneytown, as the saying goes Mr. Boggs had
no ready response, and in any case was a follower by nature. He watched as
Charles with great difficulty crammed his large frame through the surface of the
shimmering mercury like glass. He followed his intrepid companion through the
liquid glass just as several officers burst in the door. The eldest on duty pointed at
the mirror hanging on the wall. Uhdid you just see one of those guys from the
cell crawl into that mirror? No? I didnt think soneither did I. Thats itI need


some sleep, and I dont even care anymore what happened to those two nutcasesno more eggnog for me tonight. .

Digby decided that the best way to save Carolyn was to try and retrieve her
from the other side of reality. He sought the wise counsel of Annie. I agree with
you that passage by way of mirrors has become too dangerous now that Samantha
has become so powerful. She might well be waiting for me through the kitchen
cabinet entrance. However, she may not know about the store elevator. That way
must still be open. Annie nodded in assent of his conclusions. Yes, that does
seem to be the best course of action. You take your gryphon friend Godel and
travel there immediately. I will do what I can from here. The elderly woman did
not wish to admit that her health was in a poor state as of late. The recent events
and their possible disastrous outcome had not helped matters in the least. Digby
rushed out the door and quickly jumped atop his gryphon companion. The two shot
upwards into the cold winter air, seemingly unnoticed by those around them. Annie
retired to her den to contemplate her next move. She could not help but feel directly
responsible for the complicated and dangerous turn that events had taken. As Digby
had mentioned, the mirrors were no longer a safe means of passage or
communication. Instead she relied upon her unique and powerful psychic bond
with her only granddaughter. She closed her eyes tightly and attempted to send a


message to Hillary. She feared that in her presently diminished state, she no longer
possessed sufficient power to make the vital connection.

Charles, Rodney and the loyal talisman emerged on the other side of the
mirror into completely enveloping blackness. Charles immediately called out into
the void. Heyis there anybody out there? At the same time he felt around in
the darkness blindly. He quickly received an answer. CharlesIm heresounds
like Im behind you. You better watch not to step on your helper there. Charles
stopped dead and realized his mistake. Youre righthey little buddywhere are
you at? Charles felt a tiny tug at his pant leg. He reached down and gingerly felt
for the small tribesman. He carefully picked him up and placed him in his pocket.
Theregot him. Now onto other matters. Where the hell are we?
Beats me. How about calling out for help? It couldnt hurt at this point.
Charles called out in his loudest voice. Hello! hello! Is there anybody there? We
are really in a jam... His bellowing voice echoed eerily in the blackness. A faint
voice was heard in the distance. The two men could barely make it out.
Rodhear that? Grab the back of my shirt. I think I can make out the direction its
coming from. Their progress was slow, but the faint voice gradually grew louder
as they moved forward. After several minutes it was quite plain and clear. Is it
help you need? And who is it that you might be there young lad? Charles listened


to the lyrical Irish brogue and responded. HelloI'm Charles Penrose and this is
a friend of mine-Rodney. Can you get us out of this place...wherever this is
The Irish voice belonged to a leprechaun named Chauncey OReilly. He queried
the lost traveler. Well now that all dependsare you a friend of Digbys or a
friend of Samanthas? That makes all the difference now.
Oh, did you say Digby? Heck, we go way backwere thick as thieves, as
they say. The leprechaun mulled over the glib response before answering. Well,
that may be, and then again, you could well be telling a fibbut you do have an
honest voice. You and your friend there stand back. Ill have you out in a jiffy.
The green jacketed creature proceeded to pull a small purple vial from his vestcoat. He unplugged the stopper and tossed the bubbling contents onto the green
hedge before him. Suddenly a small, round oak door materialized within the green
hedge. The Lilliputian man kicked at the door with his brass buttoned boots and
peered within. Wellwhat are you waiting forChristmas? Charles knelt down
and stared through the tiny small aperture. Thats a tight fit, but I guess we have
no choice. He began to carefully crawl through the door as his friend Rodney
followed close behind. They both emerged on the other side standing upon a gravel
pathway in the midst of an endless green hedge.


Detective Gabriel Gardner awoke with a sudden gasp. He found himself

floating upon a small raft in what seemed to be an endless expanse of choppy
ocean. Slowly he raised himself from the wet vinyl bottom of the raft and scanned
the horizon. There was nothing but water around him in every direction. He was at
a complete loss as to how he had come to be in this predicament. Instinctively he
called out for assistance. Hello? Is anybody out there? Hello? As he slowly came
to terms with his confused state if being, he made an unsettling observation. He
noticed the telltale dorsal fin of a shark circling the raft. Then he noticed another
and another. They in fact seemed to be swarming around his flimsy watercraft. His
immediate reaction was to conclude that he was experiencing some bizarre
nightmare. How else to explain his very greatest fear seemingly becoming reality,
he thought? Yet he could not deny the incredible realism of the alleged dream. He
could feel the cold, salty air upon his cheek, and his pangs of hunger seemed real
enough. He attempted to backtrack in his mind to the most recent events. All that
he could recall was the reading of the strange storybook, and then nothing. As he
contemplated his precarious position, he was shaken by the terrible blow from one
of the sharks. It had come from beneath the raft, and nearly knocked him into the
dangerous waters. Another vicious attack followed, this one ripping a hole in the
thin rubber craft. Soon after, a steady stream of water began to fill the raft. Gabriel
was frozen in panic. He leapt to his feet and began to literally pray out loud for


assistance from above. Lord, I cant say I truly understand what is happening to
me, or why I am being tested, but I humbly ask for your help. He looked
heavenward in a humble manner, as he prepared for the worst. I would sorely love
to see my family one last time. He raised his arms in a defiant gesture against the
forces of nature. In the distance, he noticed a tiny black spot in the sky.

Hillary and Wallace continued to sail effortlessly through the cold London
night. They gazed down at the snow-covered rooftops and the cobblestone roads
below. Hillary was entranced by the wonder of flight and the magic of the wintery
scene. With great difficulty she broke herself from her reverie. Wallace, this is all
very beautiful, and we have certainly been through a difficult ordeal, but we really
must focus upon priorities. My Nana always told me that its lovely to gaze at the
clouds, as long as you do not lose yourself completely. We must stop Samantha
and find my mother. Who knows what has been going on, since weve been gone?
For himself, Wallace could hardly help but be caught up in the dazzling wonder of
actual flight. Yet he was also deeply concerned about his family. Hillary, this is
the best day of my life. I never want to leave this place. Its like my dreams have
come true. Hillary listened and was already formulating a plan. Yes, it can be a
wonderful place. We are definitely still in Nibiru, otherwise we wouldnt be able to
fly. That means that we must be very careful. We have friends here, but also many


enemies. I think we must set down on the ground and find out exactly where we
are. With some sadness of heart, the two adventurers alighted on an empty street.
The bright light from a kerosene light-post lit their faces in the dark night. We
could be anywhere Wallace, we must find a way back to the maze. The thing to
remember is that to escape, you must find an in-between place. We might find our
way back through the mirrors, but they are dangerous, you can be caught in the
dark, or worse. If only I had one of those portal potions. The cold night air began
to chill her bones. She shivered and crossed her arms across her chest. Her
companion noticed her frigid state, and offered his sweater. Here, you take this.
Im okay, I like the cold. Hillary at first demurred, but eventually was coaxed into
accepting the kind offer. She wrapped woolen cardigan around herself, and stuck
her cold hands into the deep pockets of the garment. She suddenly felt something in
the left hand pocket. She proceeded to pull out a purple vial with a cork stopper.
Lookits just what we need! Where did you get this? Wallace shook his head in
disbelief. Thats not mineI have no idea where that came from. What is it?
This is some kind of magic portal potion. Ive seen Samantha use them.
Now we just need to find a wall or something. Just then they both heard a voice in
the distance. It grew closer. You twowhat are you doing alone in the middle of
the street at this hour? A British bobby had discovered the two and was in pursuit.
Hillary grabbed Wallaces hand and lead him down a dark alleyway off the main


street. They ran as far as they could until the alley ended. The policeman continued
his pursuit. I expect you two are up to no good. Now stop right where you are,
you hear? Hillary quickly pulled out the purple vial containing the potion. She
uncorked the end and splashed it upon the wall. Slowly a small round oak door
with heavy steel trim and knocker materialized within the solid stone wall. Hillary
rapidly dropped to her feet and pulled open the door. She urged Wallace forward.
Quick, through the doorhurry! Wallace fell to his feet and crawled through the
small door. It was a very tight fit for a large boy. His companion followed right
behind him. Hillary felt the Policeman tug at her shoe, which came off in his hand.
She reached behind her and pulled shut the door. The British bobby was left
holding a small white girls shoe as he stared at the featureless stone wall. He
walked away muttering into the cold London night.


Chapter 13

Digby rode upon his impressive gryphon friend Godel. As they sailed away
in the cold winter air, the ground below grew blurry and indistinct. A fierce stormy
wind began to buffet the travelers. Digby became gravely concerned. Godel, Im
a little worried about finding the mall from this altitude. I can barely see through
this storm. How about dropping down some, so that I can see where were
going? His aquiline ride consented and fell into into a deep and steady dive into
the tumultuous storm. As they dropped through the clouds, Digby noticed that the
densely populated Boston suburbs had somehow been replaced by what looked to
be an endless expanse of ocean. As first he was at a loss. This is weirdwe
shouldnt be anywhere near the ocean yet. And we were going in the opposite
directionunlessunless were no longer in the real world. Somehow were
crossed over into Nibiru maybe? Things sure are getting screwy around here.


Godel continued his dive as Digby gazed around looking for some sort of
recognizable landmark. Only a tiny yellow speck on the surface of the water caught
his eye. He motioned toward the sighting. As it grew nearer, Digby was able to
make out the outline of a raft, with a man standing and waving his arms wildly.
Godel! You must see that. That man needs our help! Swoop down right away.
The powerful creature lunged downward towards the fast sinking craft. The
swarming sharks could be seen viciously ripping at the yellow nylon raft. Detective
Gardner could neither believe his eyes nor his luck. The sight of the impossible
creature flying down to save him filled him with both wonder and fear. He stared
breathlessly as the feathered beast grabbed hold of his shoulders with its sharp
talons. Gabriel looked down beneath his feet as he was lifted into the stormy, salty
air. He watched as the sharks below finally ripped apart his flimsy raft. He tried to
call up to Digby through the beating wind and rain. Im not sure if you can hear
mebut thankswhomever you are The red-haired sprite heard only a faint
confusion of sound. The trio sailed off into the ever worsening storm clouds ahead.

Carolyn had just finished watching herself die. She had stood by powerlessly
as Samantha had plunged the deadly syringe into her helpless body. She had barely
recovered from the shock as she withdrew back into the mirrors inner darkness.
Its absolute emptiness somehow comforted her She had collapsed in horror for


several hours.. She stumbled blindly in the nothingness grasping for anything at all.
Having no luck, she called out for help. Hello? Is there anybody out there?
Anybody at all? I dont mind talking to leprechauns or imaginary friends-anybody
at all Her plaintive call went unanswered for several minutes. She walked
straight forward into the blackness when suddenly a tiny spark of light caught her
attention. It slowly became brighter as it neared. It was distinctly bluish in hue. To
Carolyn, as it finally came into sharp view, it looked very much like some sort of
fairy creature. It vaguely reminded her of Tinkerbell from the story of Peter Pan.
The recognition resonated within her. Her mind was suddenly struck by the
seemingly innocuous question that Hillary had asked her that day she had
disappeared. She had been asked whether or not the characters in her head were
aliveor realToday, Carolyn considered, she would not know how to accurately
answer that same question she had so carelessly dismissed that earlier day. She
addressed the fanciful fairy in a serious tone. Now who are you? You are no doubt
one of Hillarys friendsor should I say creations? Whichever you arewhat shall
I call you? You don't quite look like Tinkerbell.that is clearperhaps a friend of
hers? I shall call you just Blue for now. Perhaps you would be so kind as to lead me
away from this empty black prison? The dark-haired fairy named Lilith waved her
wand in the air in response. She beckoned the wayward woman on. They traveled


for quite some time until Carolyn came up to a hard, smooth wall. She banged upon
the wall mightily and called out for help. Her pleas would not go unanswered.

Annie Koestler had been unsuccessful in her attempt to communicate with

Hillary. They were both simply far too exhausted. Digby had been sent to
somehow save Carolyn. She was left in her cold house with the strange visitor
named Rupert. The melancholy prince gazed out at the cold winter day. Weve
nothing like this bitter cold where I come from, you know. I would love to go out
and experience the winter snow. Annie walked over to the window to join her
guest. That would not be a good idea right now. As you may have noticed, things
are a little topsy-turvy around here. And of course, you really should not be in this
place. Your presence here is simply a mistake. Rupert seemed to take offence to
the womans suggestion. Are you saying then that I am a mistake? Do you mean
that I dont exist? Well I can touch and feel and think as well as you can. Who is
to decide who exists and who does not? You are neither judge nor jury in this
matter. The kind old woman smiled gently. She touched his arm Please do not
misunderstand me. You do exist. You are realbut not in this place. For
everything there is a time and a season under heaven. It would be just as wrong for
you to exist here, as it would be for Hillary to live forever in Nibiru. She is merely
a visitor, as you are. She must exist here, so that you will exist there, do you not


see that? The reflective prince considered his answer. Ahbut you assume that
we are somehow equals. This is not the case at all. Hillary will still continue to
exist, regardless of whether or not I amor am not. My existence is entirely
dependant upon hersor yours for that matter. So you see that my imaginary world
of Nibiru is not as relevant as you would have me believe. My existence is
superfluousyours is not. That is the difference. Annie was impressed by the
intellect of the young man, but also slightly worried. She feared that his desire
would overwhelm his better instincts. She attempted to calm him down somewhat.
Rupert, you are such an intelligent boy. You must read and think a great deal.He
nodded sheepishly and sported the slightest grin. Yes, perhapsmy father the
king would say that I read and think and do little else with my time. Annie was
pleased to have mollified her visitor. Well it sounds to me like your father does
not really know you at all. You must believe in yourself, above everything else.
Never let anyone cause you to doubt your ability to demonstrate the truth. Annie
held the royal boy close to her. She wondered what had become of the enchanted


Samantha was resolved to prevent any attempts to thwart her plan. Like her
twin Hillary, she was fiercely determined. She sailed above the cold London night
scanning the streets below for any sign of Hillary or Wallace. As her raven ride
shot downwards for a closer look, the air around them grew blustery. A storm-front
seemed to appear from nowhere and quickly enveloped the two hunters in a thick,
rainy cloud. Samantha could see nothing at all through the teeming rain. At once
there was a clearing in the mist and she watched in shock as a huge gryphon came
sailing directly in her way. At the last moment she swerved and narrowly avoided a
collision. For their part, Digby, Godel and detective Gardner were no less surprised
to see the young girl atop the black raven come darting out of the clouds. Digby
gasped and yelled. Look out! Everybody hold on! Luckily the raven and its rider
avoided them at the last second. Samantha had a keen eagle eye and had instantly
recognized the figure of Digby atop the gyphon. She decided to attack Hillarys
small ally. She urged the raven onwards around the sky to pursue her prey.
Instinctively she cut a path through the stormy sky. At once she was upon them.
She drew ever closer to her unaware prey. Godel and Digby did not see the fiendish
changeling and her horrid black bird sneak up from behind them. The raven jabbed
hard at the Gryphons talons, sending the helpless detective tumbling through the
air. Digby suddenly noticed the attack. Watch out! Shes back. We must stop her!
The majestic, agile winged creature immediately swung around in the air to face


the loudly cackling black bird. It lunged forward with its razor sharp beak at the
birds throat, but missed. The gryphon caught the side of Samanthas face and
ripped out her entire left eye. A burst of blood shot into the air. Samantha cried out
in pain and sailed away. Digby had seen the unfortunate injury, but urged Godel
downward. Hurry, we must catch the detective before he hits the ground! The
great beast plunged deeply downward to find the tumbling man.

Charles, Rodney and Chauncey the leprechaun stood together on the gravel
pathway seemingly lost. The jovial green imp broke the silence that had descended
upon them. Well is there anything else that you'll need? I have my own business
to attend to. I need to find the storybook. Its gone missing, you know it has
become enchanted. Charles nodded, not really knowing exactly what was going
on. I see. I am well aware of that strange book. So this must be where you and
your kind live? Im looking for my daughter and my wife. I dont suppose youve
seen either of them lately have you? The leprechaun shook his head. Well, of
course I know who Hillary is, and I have had the pleasure of meeting your lovely
wife. A very hospitable woman, she was. She was a little shaky- weak in the knees
you know, when last we met. I did have to leave abruptly. I do hope that shes
feeling well. The tone of the conversation gradually grew more serious.
Chaunceythats your name right? Is there any way you can help me find my


family? The leprechaun considered the request thoughtfully. Well of course the
Thinker-he lives in the centre of the maze, he would know.but if shes
hereshe could be anywhere, if you see what I mean. Of course, she might still be
caught in between worlds, that is, where I found you two. Why dont you try the
door once again? Its worth a try. Charles looked behind him to see the small round
oak door. You mean the door we just came out of? Carolyn could be in there?
Yesbut hurry up. These doors dont last forever you knowand these
potions cost good money. Rodney had simply listened to the conversation,
drinking in his strange surroundings. He gazed around in all directions. The
pathways and the maze continued indefinitely. He watched as the little fluffy
clouds above remained motionless in the piercing excessively blue sky. He
followed Charles lead. Hillarys father proceeded to crouch down to the heavy oak
door and pull upon the iron handle. It opened with a loud creak. He called out into
the darkness. HillaryCarolynare you there? Is anybody there? For a moment
there was only silence. He was about to give up the search when he heard the
faintest response. At first it was barely audible. It grew steadily louder. He
continued to call out the two names with greater volume. Soon he could make out
the voice of his wife Carolyn. Charles? Is that you? Carolyn ran along the smooth
black wall toward a small light. She finally found the source of the sound. She
crouched down to see the beaming face of her husband. Oh my Godis that


really you Charles? I can hardly believe it. She immediately began to crawl
through the tiny oak door towards her happy husband. She emerged on the other
side into his waiting arms. I thought I would never see you again. I was trapped in
that darknessit seemed like forever. Charles could not contain his overwhelming
emotions. Uncharacteristic tears streamed down the lean, tanned features of his
angular face. I missed you so much, Carol. Dont ever leave me again. As he
continued to hug her tightly, he felt her body grow strangely soft. His arms
suddenly fell right through her body, as if she were some sort of ghostly hologram.

Hillary and Wallace emerged on the other side of the stone wall. Once again,
Hillary found herself on the gravel pathway in the midst of the endless maze of
Nibiru. Wallace seemed to recognize his new surroundings. So, were back in
your world I see. I kind of enjoyed being in London in the Peter Pan book. It was
fun. Hillary listened somewhat absent mindedly. She now realized that the danger
facing them within this world was great. You know Wallace, we never really left
the storybook, were just in a different chapter right now. This world is no less real
than the other oneand this is really not my world anymoreits ours. Wallace
listened intently to the explanation, but could not completely understand the logic .
Well, one thing is for sure. Its never boring around here. Hillary was unclear as
to the direction to take. She wished that her ally Digby was present. She pointed


down the path to the left. Lets go that way. I think I remember this part of the
maze. Just as she finished speaking, Wallace noticed a rumbling sound upon the
ground. He turned around and pointed along the pathway. Hillary, who are they?
The young girl instantly recognized the terrible sight. It was the four evil crimson
riders that had chased her earlier. Their appearance jolted her into action. If only
my friend Dante were here. He would save us. Just as her finished speaking, a
tall and majestic roan coloured stallion emerged from within the green hedge.
Hillary instantly recognized her equine friend. Dante! I knew that you would come
back! The towering steed immediately lowered himself to facilitate their egress.
No time for introductions Im afraid. Get on both of you. You must know who that
is right behind you. Wallace and Hillary jumped quickly onto the horses back and
were off at a furious gallop. The terrible red riders were in hot pursuit. Dante
!Faster! Theyre right behind us! Hillary could hear the insidious howls coming
from the diabolical creatures. Dante sped on down the pathway with all his might.

Annie had just finished conversing with prince Rupert of Nibiru when she
heard the phone ring. It was the hospital. Dr Singh had decided to make the
personal call to Carolyns mother. Annie listened intently. YesI understand
doctor. It was a bizarre accident. I see. Where will her body be held? Okaythats
fine. Thank you for calling. She turned to her royal guest. Well if you want to


prove yourself in the real world Rupert, now is the time. We need to retrieve
Carolyns body from the hospital morgue. We need to bring it back here, so that my
daughter can once again be whole. Do you think that you can help? The young
prince was emboldened by the idea of assisting in the real world. He saw this as
one more step in his quest to become real. Of course I will help. I would be
honoured to do so. Annie was pleased by the boy's bold sense of initiative. That
is excellent then. Now normally we would travel through the mirror to the hospital,
and retrieve Carolyns body that way. However, you know about Samantha. She, or
something even worse might be set to attack. Time is of the essence. We must find
a way to get to the hospital. I do not own a car, and obviously we cannot transport a
body in a taxi. Annie scanned her mind and could think of no easy method to
transport them. She stared contemplatively into the hallway mirror. As she did so,
the outline of something began to take shape. Miraculously, the head of a large
camel peered through the glass into the room. Annie was unfamiliar with the
creature, but knew that camels were generally thought to be good and kindly
creatures. She walked up to creature and proceeded to pull him gently into the
room. The huge beast stood improbably in the foyer. Annie spoke quickly, we
must quickly ride him to the hospital. Rupert wished that his disapproving father
were there to see his valiant actions. Wasting no time, they both mounted the tan


coloured, humped beast and set off down the snow-covered Boston street. Annie
hoped that she and the neophyte were worthy of the important test.

Detective Gardner could hardly have been in worse condition. First he had
found himself surrounded and attacked by sharks, only to be miraculously saved at
the last possible moment by a fantastical flying beast. He had then been attacked by
what looked to him to be an impossibly large blackbird. The exhausted policeman
found himself falling downward through the stormy sky. For a long while he could
make out nothing but the mist and clouds around him. He had become strangely
resigned to his apparent fate. He could think of nothing save for the thought that he
would never see his precious family again. The mournful notion filled him with
misery. His tumbling body finally broke through the clouds. From far above he
stared down at an impossibly expansive maze. The labyrinthine green structure
stretched out as far as he could see in every direction. The sight did nothing to
alleviate his sad state of mind. The features of the maze grew ever more distinct. As
his heavy body hurled fatally toward the hard ground, he could barely make out the
faint outline of numerous objects in the sky moving towards him. The poor
detective could do nothing but watch as he grew closer to the ground below. His
silently said his prayers, not really expecting them to be answered.



Chapter 14

Digby realized that he had been more then a little lucky to escape from
Samanthas attack upon them. He had witnessed the terrible injury visited upon his
aerial adversary, and knew that it would only strengthen her fearsome resolve.
Godel continued to sail through the misty clouds. Digby could see not three feet
ahead of himself. After a time, the stormy winds and obscuring clouds dissipated.
He found himself back in familiar terrain. The well-known hedge-maze stretched
out into infinity as he gazed across the expanse of Nibiru. He searched for some
sign of detective Gardner, but he was nowhere to be found. Godel began a slow arc
downwards for better look at his homeland. He spied in the distance several figures


moving quickly through the winding verdant pathways. He motioned to his winged
companion who immediately set off in pursuit. The gryphon continued to make
ground on the group below. In a flash Digby was directly above what appeared to
be two separate groups. At the front was a large light brown stallion with a young
girl and boy riding atop. Very close behind was a frightening foursome of crimson
coloured riders. Digby sized up the situation quickly. Godelyou see them down
there? Thats Hillary out front, and the evil riders behind. Do you think that you
could stop them somehow? Godel looked up and nodded. The powerful beast
sliced downward towards the red hued pursuers. With his razor sharp talons he
easily picked off the first rider and flung him into the air. He then in rapid
succession viciously attacked the remaining riders in similar fashion. Soon the
horrible posse had been decimated. The horses ceased their galloping and merely
ambled about in disarray. Wallace had watched the entire episode from the back of
Dante. Hillary had been far too focused on moving forward through the maze in
order to find its singular centre-point. Dante slowed his gallop as Wallace relayed
the events. Soon the mighty steed had come to halt. Hillary and Wallace jumped
down just as Godel and Dante landed on the ground nearby. Hillary ran
immediately over to her red-haired friend. Oh DigbyI knew that I could count
on youwith a little help from your friend there. Wasnt he at the ball I attended?
Dante stepped forward to reintroduce the two. You do then recall Godel from the


dance, Hillary? I believe he had waltzed with your friend Rapunzel. Hillary
nodded her assent. Of courseI hope that she is well. I havent seen her in quite
some time. Godel assured her that in fact Rapunzel was well. The gathering of
friends huddled together to discuss strategy. Hillary realized that fate had lately
smiled upon her, with the seeming destruction of the crimson riders. She was well
aware however, that her most daunting battle with Samantha lay ahead.

Charles suddenly stepped back in disbelief. He stared at the image of

Carolyn. Her body was ever so slightly opaque. Good Lord Carol, whats
happened to you? Is this some kind of weird magic? I hope this has nothing to do
with your mother. Carolyn attempted to alleviate his fears and anger. Ive been in
this state for quite some timeand no, it is not Annies fault. Its such a long
story, and I dont know what youve learned thus far. Suffice it to say that there is a
girl out thereor here, that looks just like Hillaryonly its not Hillary at all. She's
like an evil twin. Her name is Samantha. She has been the cause of all this
confusion and trouble. I cant pretend that I completely understand it allbut
shes trying to kill usand replace Hillary in the real world. We must stop her at
all costs. Charles nodded toward their forgotten companion Rodney. Carol, I
think you must remember Mr. Boggs? The polite woman bowed slightly and
returned a quizzical smile. Mr. Boggs, I see that you are yourself again. You were


in bad shape last time we met. The middle-aged man grinned. It has been quite a
ride, that is for certain. So is it safe to say then Mrs. Penrose, that you are in fact
not yourself? The exhausted woman considered her answer. Please call me
Carolyn. I think with all that weve been through, were old friends by now.
Charles, that woman you saw in the hospital was meand it wasnt. Im not
entirely clear how this crazy world works, but just as Hillary is split apart in two,
my body also became severed. It has something to do with a positive and negative
self Her husband stopped her explanation short. He wheeled around in the
direction of a rumbling mob. What in the name of God? The three adults stood
in terror as a howling gang of disfigured living mannequins came running towards
them. Carolyn and Rodney instantly recognized the horrific threat. No time to
explain, Charles, run for it that way! They bolted down around a corner of the
maze and continued at a furious pace. Mr. Boggs had difficulty keeping up with the
pace. He began to fall back. The Penrose couple stopped for a moment. Honey, we
cant just leave the manhes my friend. Carolyn was well aware of the near fatal
injury that awaited them if they failed to escape from the mob. Just as she looked
back she and Charles watched as a large black whole seemed to open up in the
pathway. It quickly consumed Rodney within. He let out a final howl as the
blackness swallowed him up. The mutated mob continued their relentless pursuit.


The couple had reached a dead end in the maze. They stood together in a close
embrace and hoped for some miraculous saviour.

Detective Gardner finally recognized what was flying towards him. He was
amazed to watch as a dozen vibrant and beautiful butterflies came gracefully
sailing towards him. He watched in amazement at the dizzying array of bight
pastel colours that filled the air around him. His body alighted upon a brilliant
purple and red striped butterfly. He held on to the delicate creature for dear life.
Once again, he thought, his prayers had been answered. The clearly relieved man
took a moment to enjoy the magnificent panoply of hues around him. The normally
pragmatic man had difficulty accepting the truth of the situation in which he found
himself. Yet it was a difficult thing to deny the reality of his senses. Still, he
considered, this all could be a strange dream; and he might awaken at any moment
and laugh. Nevertheless, he would certainly have quite a tale to tell his
grandchildren some day, he thought to himself. He peered over the edge of the
butterflies wings down at the maze. He searched for some sign of his son Wallace,
or anybody.


Samantha was unaccustomed to losing. The battle with Digby and Godel had
cost her an eye and knocked her tumbling through the air from atop her black
raven. Samantha knew that only the infinite power of the Thinker would be capable
of healing her disfigured face. The Thinker, she had learned, resided within a
blinding pure white light emanating form the centre-point of the maze. She had
never seen it, but she had been told of its general whereabouts by the red riders. If
she could reach the Thinker before Hillary, then she would have a clear advantage
in defeating her, she reasoned. The ocular disfigurement had left her enraged
beyond control. She vowed to not only replace Hillary in the real world, but in fact
to obliterate her and her family altogether. The conniving young girl realized that
her allies would be needed to stop her enemies. She immediately set off to find the
crimson riders. They would know how to proceed, she realized. The furtive girl
reached down in her pocket and pulled out her kangaroo toy. She place it upon the
gravel pathway and prayed in her unique way. Oh Tiamat, please make this
kangaroo alive, so that he might help me in my quest to be real. As before, the
loyal marsupial Dagobert grew to a huge size. Samantha crawled into the rangy
beasts ample pouch and set off to hunt down her enemies.

Annie Koestler and Rupert finally reached the Boston hospital after many
strange looks from those they had encountered on the way. Luckily they had met


no policemen. Annie carefully jumped down from the humpback animal to the
snow covered ground below. She instructed Rupert to take the dromedary and wait
out of sight beside the building. Annie calmly made her way into the hospital and
down to the morgue. She spoke to an intern who summoned the physician, Dr.
Singh. The East Indian doctor greeted the elderly woman. He spoke with a slight
accent. I am so very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Koestler. We did all that was
possible, and the police are looking for whomever it was that poisoned your
daughter. I must say that this is a strange case indeed. I suppose you will want to
see your daughter. The kind doctor led her to a wall of units and pulled out a long
metal bed. Carolyns cold body lay motionless on the shiny steel surface. Annie
gazed down with interest. Do you think that I could have some time alone with my
daughter, doctor? The man assented and left her alone with her daughter. The
crafty woman immediately set about extracting Carolyn from the lifeless room. She
was able to find a nurses uniform set down for laundry to pick up in a hamper,
which she quickly donned. She rolled her daughters limp body onto a moveable
stretcher and vacated the morgue room. Annie was fortunate to not encounter any
resistance as she made her way with the stretcher through the halls of the hospital.
She found an empty elevator and pushed the stretcher inside. She was nearly at the
ground floor when an inquisitive nurse could not help but notice the incongruous
age of the alleged nurse. She challenged the older woman about her identity.


Excuse medo you work here? Annie pretended not to hear the question as the
doors to the elevator opened. She rushed and then ran down the corridor towards
the exit. The nurse continued to pursue the woman. You therestop! Security!
She began to run after the older woman when a figure stopped her in the hallway.
The tiny green jacketed creature wore a buckled hat and a mischievous grin. The
Leprechaun gazed up at the mystified nurse. Now where are you going off to in
such a hurry? You nearly ran me over just now. The bewildered nurse had no
ready response to the impish mythical figure. She simply stared in disbelief and
completely lost sight of Annie departing the hospital. Annie did not dare look back
and was quickly outside the doors of the huge building. She motioned to Rupert
who was dutifully waiting her return. Rupert, theyre right behind me. Ill have to
fend them off. Here, you take Carolyns body and find your way back to Nibiru.
Carolyn must be there. You will know the way. Just trust and believe in yourself,
and you will be safe. The young prince followed her instructions and leapt into
action with great aplomb. He secured the limp womans cold body to the camels
back and was off at a furious gallop.

Dante spoke first after listening to Digbys account of the attack on the
crimson riders. I hope you all realize that we have not seen the last of them.
Samantha must be after us also. We must beat her to the vortex of the maze. Hurry!


Everyone follow me! Hillary and Wallace rapidly mounted the roan steed as
Digby leapt onto his gryphon companion and shot into the air. Godel flew just over
the top of Dante as the steed galloped down the pathway, turning this way and that.
You two follow me from above, and watch for Samantha, she could be

Samantha was in pursuit of Dante and the rest. She was quite some way
behind, but Dagobert the kangaroo moved through the maze with great alacrity and
agility. She spied above several butterflies in formation above her. She knew that
butterflies were never her allies and set about scattering them. She cast her eyes up
in the direction of the beautiful, gliding creatures. She pulled from her dress pocket
a green vial containing a bubbling green liquid. She opened the stopper and cast the
green summoning potion into the air. Dragon! Appear and rid the sky of the
creatures above! Instantly a huge, snarling green scaly beast appeared on the
horizon, breathing deadly plumes of liquid fire. It rapidly descended upon the
group of butterflies. Detective Gardner had no luck in finding Wallace or anyone
else, as he scanned the ground from atop the butterfly. He heard the blasting sound
of a belching furnace behind him. He looked back to see a fearsome long-tailed
dragon bearing down quickly upon him. It was too late for him to avoid the attack.
A fiery burst of flames badly singed the butterfly beside him. They scattered to


avoid the deadly attack. Gabriel Gardner was again sent tumbling into the air as
the dragon continued its relentless attack. The detective was only feet from the
ground as the terrible dragon took a massive intake of air to finally incinerate the
poor man. A gaping black hole suddenly materialized in the ground. It swallowed
Gabriel whole as he had made contact with the earth. The dragon was powerless to
do any more damage and broke of its relentless attack.

Annie Koestler watched as Rupert, with Carolyns body atop the camel shot
away into the street. She had thrown away her nurses uniform and began walking
from the hospital. A security team had been notified by staff that Carolyns body
had gone missing. The nurse from the elevator had been no help in identifying the
thieves. She seemed to have suffered a mental setback and was experiencing
hallucinations, according to doctors that had examined her. A security officer
finally noticed the large camel galloping away from the hospital. He quickly alerted
a squad-car on duty. Rupert had acted properly in every way. He looked back from
atop his camel ride and noticed a police car with sirens blaring headed in his
direction. He was completely lost and unsure of himself within an unknown realm.
He decided upon the only real method of escape that he had learned. He spied a
huge green hedge just off the road. He quickly made directly for its centre. The
camel and its two riders came nearer and nearer the looming greenery as the police


car grew closer. This time Rupert steeled himself for the upcoming test. He realized
the he had failed the last time passing through the hedge by flinching at the last
moment. This time he was resolved to be strong and unhesitating. The leaves of the
hedge were inches away as he pushed the frightened beast forward. Finally they
made contact with the hedge and were instantly transferred through the in-between
place. Rupert and the camel emerged through the hedge onto the well-known gravel

The last thing he could recall was falling through an enormous hole that had
suddenly manifested in the path. Rodney Boggs was now surrounded by a
multitude of small multi-coloured balls. They looked to him like the sort of things
one might see at a childs amusement area. Upon further inspection, he realized
that they were actually huge candy jaw-breakers. With some difficulty he could
maneuver through the kaleidoscope of spheres. Not really expecting an answer, he
called out to nobody in particular. Hello? I dont suppose theres anybody else in
this crazy place is there? The middle-aged man was amazed to hear another mans
voice. Hellocan you hear me? It was the gruff but gentle voice of detective
Gardner. He had fallen into the mysterious black hole and emerged, as Rodney had,
within a panoply of candy childrens playroom balls. He laboriously made his way
through the rainbow coloured sea in the direction of the voice he heard. Rodney


again called out loudly. Hellowhomever, or whatever you are, Im over here.
The exhausted man was no longer so worried about what strange manner of beast
might be awaiting him. He had experienced more than enough excitement to last a
lifetime. He too moved his body slowly through the multi-hued environment. After
great effort spent, the two men finally met. The detective spoke first. Well this is
strangebut then again, not really as strange as the sort of day Ive had.
ManIve been chased by dragons, sharksyou name itit has not been my day.
Then againI still seem to be basically in one piece. Hey, I know you. Youre
Rodney Boggs. Arent you supposed to be in a holding cell right now? Didnt I
arrest you in the disappearance of Hilary Penrose? Mr. Boggs nodded and
shrugged. Listen detective, all I can tell you is that there is something weird
going on. You must know thatI mean does any of this make any sense to you?
You have to know that I had nothing whatever to do with the disappearance of that
girl Hillary. Gabriel could not help but be sympathetic in light of recent
impossible events. I cant say that I really understand any of this either. All I
really recall clearly is reading this strange book, then all this weird stuff started
happening. Anyway, if were going to do anything, we need to get out of here. I
guess all we can do is keep searching for a way out.


Carolyn and Charles watched in horror as the mutant mob of mannequins

descended upon them. Charles bravely shielded his cowering wife as the first of the
ghoulish entities came close. Suddenly a huge camel came bursting through the
hedge-maze. Green leaves scattered everywhere around them. Atop the brown
dromedary was a finely clothed young boy clenching a womans body. The mob
was momentarily startled by the huge strong beast. Rupert immediately recognized
the terrified woman upon the ground. He quickly sized up the situation and leapt
into action. You two, climb aboard, now! He reached down with his arm to grab
hold of Carolyn. Next Charles took his turn and was barely able to fit onto the great
desert beasts back. Rupert yelled down at the murderous, life-sucking horde. Be
gone, you monsters! He kicked at the camels haunches and the group was off
down the maze pathway, away from the howling mannequin horde.

Samantha continued down the pathways of the maze turning this way and
that. She was searching for Hillary, but also watching for any sign of the crimson
riders. At last she spied a fallen figure draped in a deep red cape leaning up against
the hedge. She slowed her pace as she approached. The dark creature looked up
from beneath the veiled cape with burning red eyes. Samantha, you have found me
at last. I have no idea what has become of the rest. The horses have scattered and
are lost within the maze somewhere. We must act quickly if we are to prevent


Hillarys escape from this place. All of our are carefully laid plans will be for not.
What has happened to your eye? Samantha listened to the grave explanation, and
provided her own update. That meddlesome gryphon that Digby rides has done
this to me. My raven has flown away, and I have only this my kangaroo Dagobert
to transport me. The dark malevolent red entity considered her words. I have a
potion for youa summoning potion. With it you may call upon the raven. I will
ride this raven and track down these vile interlopers from above. You may be able
to do more from down here. Follow your instincts and you will overtake them.
Now there is little time to waste. Here, take this summoning potion, you know how
to use it. Samantha accepted a green glass vial and did as she was instructed by
her master. Oh Tiamat, please return my raven to me, so that he might help me in
my quest to become real. As she spoke the incantation, she tossed the smoking
green liquid into the air. Within moments she watched as a huge black as night bird
alighted by her.

Hillary and Wallace continued at a fierce gallop down that gravel pathways
of the mysterious maze. Dante knew the way to the temporal-spatial vortex and
realized that they were beginning to get close. Now the way would become more
treacherous, he considered. Godel and Digby continued their aerial reconnaissance
over the Nibiru territory. Suddenly something caught Digbys eye. Godel, did you


see that? Digby had seen a massive plume of flames shoot across the clear blue
sky. The little fluffy clouds above suddenly opened up to a terrible sight. From a
deep dive the horrific dragon had launched a sneak attack upon them. Godel was
instantly aware of the attack and proceeded to initiate evasive maneuvers. He was
far more agile and quick than the cumbersome flying lizard. With graceful and
powerful sweeps of his wings, he easily evaded the thunderous beast's attacks.
Hillary and Dante watched the terrible assault from below. They were powerless to
help. Hillary was heartbroken. Dante, what can we do to help? Wallace was also
at a loss. He felt utterly useless. Is there nothing we can do Hillary? That dragon
is going to incinerate Digby! How can we possibly fight a fire-breathing dragon?
The loyal roan steed continued on his furious pace. I know this is difficult, but
Digby must fend for himself. We must reach the centre-point at all costs before
Samantha does. Dont you two worry, Godel is the finest flyer in all of Nibiru. He
will not easily be defeated in the air.

Detective Marion and Rodney were completely lost within their strange
candy surroundings. Gabriel gamely continued to move forward, but really had no
idea where he was going at all. A silence had descended upon the two men. Just
then, detective Gardner heard a sound. It was a distant voice. Rodneydid you
hear that? His fellow prisoner agreed that there definitely was the sound of a voice


coming from somewhere. YesI heard thatit sounded like it was coming from
the ground below you. The two men began to move toward the source of the
sound. The voice became louder as they moved ever downward. Finally Mr.
Gardner was able to make out definite words. It was a womans voice calling his
name out loudly. Still the two men pushed onward through the sea of colour.
RodneyIll be damned it that doesnt sound like my wife. Now after all Ive
been through lately, I might be cracking up, but that really sounded like her. Soon
the detective was clearly able to discern the distinct voice of his wife.
Gabeyouve been up here all morningare you coming down any time today?
As Mr. Boggs slogged through the thick soup of jaw-breakers, he felt a slippery
smooth liquid surface. As he pulled his hand back in shock, he watched as small,
mercury beads of liquid dripped from his extended fingers. Herelook
Gabrielthis must be where the sound is coming from. The detective was directly
beside him and also felt his way forward. He too felt the cool liquid as he reached
forward. I think youre right. This must be the way out. Ill go first. The large man
proceeded to gently climb through the shimmering liquid pool of glass. Rodney
followed close behind. The detective was amazed to watch the objects within his
bedroom appear as he climbed from his dresser mirror onto its top. He fell down to
the carpeted floor as a pile of candy jaw-breakers followed him through the mirror.
Rodney escaped in the same way. Soon the two flabbergasted men were standing


staring into the quixotic dresser mirror. For a time they said nothing. Finally the
voice of Mr. Gardners wife was again heard. Am I going to have to break this
door down, or are you going to answer me? Gabriel was clearly shaken by the
upsetting recent events. Uh.thats okay honey.just give me a minute
here.Ill be right down.



Chapter 15

The huge camel galloped with surprising speed down the narrow corridors of
the intricate maze. Rupert turned his head carefully as he held on still to Carolyns
mysterious corporeal half-self. He addressed the woman who held tightly to his
waist. I believe that I have something that belongs to you. Carolyn had difficulty
seeing the levity in the situation but offered a good natured reply. I do fervently
hope that you a friend of Hillarysyou know I am her mother. Rupert
nodded and continued to speed ahead as the camels thick hooves scattered gravel
about the path. Charles felt as though he should introduce himself. I dont believe
that were met. I'm Charles Penroseand I suppose you already know my better
halfno pun intended Carolyn actually laughed for the first time in days.
Rupert, seriously, we both want to thank you for rescuing us back there.
Unfortunately I know all too well what those strange demons back there can do to a
person. Rupert had heard tell of the mannequin hordes, but had never had the
displeasure of meeting them up close. You must understand that I am not familiar
with every aspect of the world of Nibiru. I have spent much of my life within the


confines of my fathers kingdom far away. It lies beyond the valley of despair, and
few travel between the two lands successfully. Charles listened with rapt attention.
You know that wed love to hear more about youbut we need to find our
daughter. We believe that she is in great danger. Rupert replied in the affirmative.
This is indeed true. I am not entirely sure of the way myselfHis words were cut
short by Carolyns gasp. She pointed ahead to a massive plume of fire streaking
across the sky. She cried out in horror. Oh Godwhat now? Did everyone see

The evil crimson rider mounted the black raven and was instantly away. He
went off in search of Hillary and her allies. Samantha, still with a missing left eye,
set off again in pursuit of the same. She realized that she still had the advantage of
superior knowledge of the maze with it's complicated pathways. The rangy brown
beast bounded powerfully through the endless twists and turns. The loss of her left
eye had left her doubting herself. She had never before been damaged in such a
way. As she planned her revenge upon Digby and his gryphon, she spotted a flash
of brown darting past her eye. She stopped dead in her tracks and sped off in the
direction of the apparition.


The impressive tan-coloured stallion shot with ever increasing speed towards
the singular point within the maze. Hillary noticed the rapid pace. Are we moving
faster Dante? The horse snorted. I can smell Samantha and her kangaroo
Dagobert close by. We must hurry. The nearer we get to the centre-point, the faster
we are able to movebut that goes for her also. Soon the speed at which they
hurled down the pathway caused the hedges on either side to blur together. Details
became indistinct. Wallace held on for his life and watched the sky above. He
noticed that the faster they raced, the more the colour of the sky seemed to subtly
change. It seemed to shift to a reddish tint. Hillary, do you see that? The skyits
turning redisnt that weird? What happens exactly when we reach the centre?
The young blonde girl considered her response. Well Im not exactly sure, but I
was told that the Thinker lives thereand that they will return everything back to
normal. Dante added his assent. Yesonly a real person may freely contact
another real personbut enough of that Samantha is close and that dragon must
surely be lurking above somewhere.. Both Hillary and Wallace were left to
ponder the meaning of the steeds puzzling remark.

Detective Gardner quickly walked over to open the locked bedroom door.
His wife almost fell into the room as she banged on the door. She entered the


room and stood accusingly with her arms akimbo. Who made this messand who
in Gods name is this? Mrs. Gardner pointed down at the mass of plastic-looking
balls that littered the bedroom floor. The flustered husband struggled for a
response. Honeyyou don't know Rodney Boggshe and I met at the station.
I seeand how did he get up here anyway? Wellif hes invited for
dinner, he had best clean himself upand you too. Gabe, what have you been up
to? You look like youve been through a warand clean up these toys a grown
man playing with baby toysreally! Dont think this conversation is over, by the
waywell finish this after dinner. With that, she stormed from the room
defiantly. Rodney and Gabriel shot each other a glance. Detective, do you think
this is overI mean are we back in the real world? The officer pondered the
question. We seem to be backbut where is Wallace? Something still doesnt feel
quite right. It must have something to do with that crazy storybook. Thats when all
this weird stuff started happening to me. He pointed at the ornately decorated
book lying upon the ground. The other man picked it up and opened it to the first
page. Gabriel lunged towards him and grabbed the book from his hand. Are you
nuts? Im not going back thereand neither are you. Were going to have to find
Hillary and Wallace the old-fashioned waymy way. With that final summation,
the detective threw the enchanted book from the window. It seemed to fly all by


itself through the air. It landed upon the sidewalk in plain site for any passerby to

Digby rode the fine feathered gryphon far above the infinite maze. He too
noticed that the normally deep azure blue sky had acquired a strange reddish tinge.
Godelwhy is the sky changing colour?
As we get closer to the central point, we begin to travel faster and
fastereverything will happen very quickly now. We must be getting ver near the
singularity. Digby shouted out loud. Look there! That must be it! In the distance
he could make out a blinding white light radiating in all directions. Its light pierced
the through the sky and illuminated everything around it. Just as the red-haired
sprite exclaimed the discovery, a horrible shrieking raven came slicing through the
air towards them. It was the diabolical crimson rider and his new black companion.
Godel struck back at the raven, ripping at his wing with his talons. The raven was
more crafty this time than during their last encounter. He hovered over the gryphon
as the red hooded entity struck at Digby from above with his silver, jewel encrusted
scepter. Godel was unable to hold off the attackers. Digby was knocked headlong
off his ride and went tumbling down through the air. Godel continued his aerial
battle with the fiendish warriors.


Charles too had watched the sky above fill with deadly flame. He also
noticed that the sky had begun to turn slightly red. The stationary little fluffy clouds
were stretched out in continuous parallel white streaks. That was close. Can you
get this camel to go any faster? The camel was already speeding ahead at a
dizzying pace. Rupert urged the desert beast onward with sharp kicks to the back
quarters. Just then Carolyn turned around in horror. The great, green horned dragon
was directly behind them. She watched as the fiery beast filled its lungs to capacity.
She motioned to Rupert. Quick turn away! Rupert looked back in shock as a
massive line of searing flame came bearing down upon them. He jerked the camel
back and forth, narrowly avoiding the fatal attack of flames. Charles was unable to
hold on during the violent lurching movement. His body was sent flying into the
green leafy hedge; where he disappeared into the in-between realm. Carolyn cried
out in despair. We need to stop and get him. Rupert! Stop the camel now! The
young prince knew well that the time for bold action was at hand. We cannot. We
must reach the centre-point before Samantha and stop her. Dont worryhe will be
safe within the hedge for now.

Hillarys evil doppelganger Samantha had spotted Dante as he had sped past
her. She also noticed a piercing white light which shot into the sky far ahead. She


knew that she was very near to her destination point and ultimate success. The
raven broke of its attack against Godel as the crimson rider watched the progress
below. The diabolical creature soared down towards Dante and his fellow
adventurers. Samantha saw the black bird circle above her and prepare for the
attack. She now watched as the brilliant white light ahead grew closer. It
illuminated the scene in a bright glow of tumultuous action. Her powerful kangaroo
leaped closer and closer to Hillary and Wallace aboard their surging horse. Hillary
finally noticed too late the diving attack from above. The ravens sharp claws sunk
deeply into the shoulders of poor Wallace atop Dante. The vicious bird flung the
boy away into the air. His body tumbled into the green, leafy hedge and was
consumed within the nether world of the in-between. He managed to cry out as he
disappeared. Hillarydont forget about me The young girl was crestfallen
but persevered. Dante watch out! That raven is right above us! Samantha
watched the scene with great interest as she grew very near to her prey. With one
mighty jump, the marsupial landed hard directly on top of the great stallion. Hillary
was sent flying into the air. Dante had been badly hurt in the attack. His powerful
but vulnerable forelegs had been broken in the attack. He crumpled to the ground in
abject sadness. Im so sorry that I have failed you, Princess Hillary. Im afraid
Samantha cannot be stopped now.


Digby realized that ultimately Hillary and Samantha might face each other in
a final confrontation. His part in this drama has been played out for now. He
longed to be back fighting along side her. He resided now in the in-between place
of the interior of the hedge. At least, he thought, he would not have to worry about
an attack from Samantha for the time being. He reached into his left hand pocket
and pulled out a large, bright lantern. He began far an exit somewhere. As he
walked along in the pitch blackness, he heard a voice. It sounded very much like
Hillarys father. It became clearer still. Hellois there anybody in here? The
diminutive creature walked towards the direction of the voice. Soon his lantern was
illuminating the face of Charles Penrose. Little DigbyI should have known
youd be lurking around in the dark. Do you live in this place, or what?
Who you calling little? The father smiled and gently patted the imp on the
head. Sorry about thatjust kidding around. Now how do we get back to save
Hillary and Carolyn? I saw a dragon, and who knows what else. Digbys
expression became grave. It is too late for us to help. We've been knocked out of
the game. The battle must continue without us. Don't worry though. All is not lost.
Hillary still has Godel and Rupert to help her. She can still beat Samantha to the
vortex. As he finished his explanation, another plaintive voice was heard by the
two. Heyis there somebody out there? where are you? Digby immediately


recognized the voice of Hillarys good friend Wallace. He yelled to the young boy.
Over here! Follow my voiceyoull see my lantern. Wallace was able to find
Digby and Charles after a few minutes. He greeted them warmly. His countenance
was severe. Hurry, Digby, we must get back to save Hillary right away. She is in
great danger. Digby tried to calm the excitable young man. The best thing we
can do right now is to try and get back to the real world, while it still exists. If
Samantha has her way, all that you know and love might disappear in a heartbeat.

An inquisitive young person is walking home from school. This person

might look identical to you. A most beautiful, gilded and finely bound book was
noticed lying on the sidewalk. It has strange, intricate markings upon the cover that
look like they might be Egyptian in origin. The child knows this because they recall
studying Egyptian culture in school. This person picks up the book, since there is
nobody else around that might have dropped it. It looks like it might have been left
for trash by the family in the house by the sidewalk. The person decides to take the
book up to the door, and see if it belongs to that family. As the door is opened, an
attractive black woman answers the door. Can I help you child? Are you lost?
No.Im sorry to bother youbut I found this book out by your trashon
the sidewalkdoes it belong to somebody here? The woman doesnot recall
putting out any books in the trash, and without examining the book, she replies. I


didnt throw out any booksin fact I would never throw out a book. Books are
precious. I would have donated it to the thrift shop. You go ahead and take that
book home with you. You look as if you cant wait to read it. The beaming child
gladly accepts the kind offering. The book is safely put away in a backpack as the
lucky discoverer makes their way home.

Annie Koestler had last watched as Rupert had galloped away with her
daughters half-self body atop. She could not have known what fate lay in store for
them. She was exhausted to the point of complete collapse. She walked over to the
hospital entrance to hail a cab. A bewildered nurse came running from the entrance
towards her. You.what have you done with that body? Annie feigned
ignorance. Whatever are you talking about? The nurse persisted in her
interrogation. Dont act dumb, old ladyyou know exactly what Im talking
about. You were wearing a nurse's uniform and you were wheeling out a body.
Now where is it? Security can be here in a moment. As she finished her
accusations, a small green clad creature emerged from the hedge by the side of the
building. Now, those are mighty serious charges, fine lady. Does this elderly
woman look like a criminal to you? Annie immediately recognized Chauncey the
Leprechaun. Chaunceymust you always point out a womans age? It is very
rude, you know.


I do assure you that I meant no disrespect, Mrs. Koestler. I'm just trying to
help you out of a sticky situation. The flabbergasted nurse had watched the entire
conversation in disbelief. She was at a complete loss for words. Finally she turned
away, muttering to herself and holding her head in her hands. Annie could not help
but expel a small chuckle. Poor womanChauncey, you do seem to have that
effect upon the real people. Her tone suddenly became grave. You seem to be
moving quite freely now between the two worlds. That is troubling. How is the
battle in Nibiru progressing, any word? The leprechaun had witnessed some of the
events and related them to the woman. So you see I was able to reunite Hillarys
father and mother, but I have no idea how the brave girl is faring against that
accursed Samantha. Annie corrected the small fellow. Now we must remember
that Samantha is not in and of herself evil, she has been corrupted by the crimson
riders, and of course her own pride. You must meet me back at my house.
Unlessdo you think that it is safe to travel within the in-between world?
Chauncey nodded that he felt that the way was safe for the time being. Annie
agreed. She followed the animated green creature to the hedge by the hospital.
Chauncey proceeded to pull from his vest-coat a purple vial of bubbling liquid. He
tossed it against the hedge. As expected, a small, round wooden door appeared in
the bottom of the hedge. He pulled open the think steel handle and crawled
through. Annie followed close behind.


The child walked home with the fabulous book stowed carefully away in
their backpack. It had been an uneventful day at school, and there was much
homework to be done. The childs mother greeted them warmly at the door. How
was school today?
It was finethe usuallet me show you what I found on the way home. A
tantalizing artfully adorned book was removed the backpack. The mother
examined the expensive looking book with an air of disbelief. Are you trying to
tell me that you found this bookthat somebody just left this in the trash? Dont
you think that its a little bit hard to believe? A determined defense was offered.
I swear MomI even went to ask the lady where the house waswhere I found
the bookshe told me that it wasnt hers, and that I could have it if I wanted. The
mother was still quite skeptical. She opened the book to the title page and scanned
the top for some sort of inscription denoting ownership. There was none to be
found. WellI believe you if you say youre telling the truth. But you cannot
spend all night reading this new book. I can tell that youre dying to. You finish
your homework first, and then after dinner you can read it, all right? Now Im
going to hold onto it for now. Upstairs, and no T.V. Ill be listening. The stern
matriarch took the book and placed it on top of the refrigerator. The child ran
upstairs to complete the homework assignment in record time.



Chapter 16


Hillary was left in a state of abject confusion and desperation. She looked on
helplessly as her brave steed Dante struggled to escape. Everything was happening
too fast, she thought. It was difficult to know how to proceed. She whirled around
quickly as she heard a terrible cackling laugh. It was Samantha as she walked
towards her now hopeless victim. The terrible red rider descended from his black
raven and joined Samantha. He presented his silver jewel-encrusted sceptre from
beneath his dark robe. Dante continued to struggle forward toward the safe haven
of the hedge. Suddenly the sky above cast a huge dark shadow over the scene. The
fearsome dragon slowly circled the sky in preparation for a final attack. Hillary
watched in horror as the loud shrieking beast descended towards her. Just then a
trampling of hooves was heard fast approaching. Hillary watched as a huge camel
with a well dressed rider atop entered the scene from around a corner in the maze.
All were caught off guard by the new development. The dragon was unrelenting in
its attack. A searing, scorching plume of fire shot from its terrible jaws. Dante was
nearly at the hedge and with it, escape. Samantha and the evil crimson rider were
momentarily dazed. The devious girl blurted out. Who is that? At that very
moment, Rupert called down to Hillary, who had quickly got up to assess the
situation. Hillary, its me, quickly, grab hold of my hand, now! Hillary was
rapidly lifted up just as the dromedary sped off down the pathway. Samantha spun
around as the dragon's flames nearly engulfed her. She was barely able to avoid the


fatal Hellish fire. The crimson rider and the raven were instantly incinerated in the
attack. So too was the courageous Dante, who could not escape the burning flames
in times. His fractured body was turned to charcoal in one brief, horrible moment.

Digby, Wallace and Charles were still walking along by the light of the
sprite's lantern. We need to find a way back through one of the mirrors, Charles. It
may take a while though. Just keep looking for anything bright. The trio walked
on in silence as the frustrated father continued to fret over the fate of his family.
The detectives boy noticed something very faint in the distance. Hey, guys, I
thought I saw something there...I'm not sure what it was, but it sparkled for a
moment. Meanwhile, Annie and Chauncey the faithful leprechaun had also escaped
within the hedge. The elderly woman explained. We need to get out of here as
quickly as possible, and find a mirror home. There could be anybody or anything at
all lurking within the darkness. The elfish creature listened intently. A tiny torch
lit their way as its flame glimmered off the shiny buckles of his shoes. The faint
reflection did not go unnoticed. Wallace led the way in the direction of the tiny
spark of light. Soon Digby too noticed the glimmer of light. There it is....I see it. I
just hope whatever it is, its friendly. Soon Annie and Chauncey noticed the light
from Digby's lantern. The old woman was at first cautious, but persisted. It looks
like we have company. Let's hope they're friends. In moments, they two groups


had merged. Annie spoke first. Thank God! I didn't even want to think what might
be awaiting us. Charles, I see you already know Digby, but who is this handsome
young man? Wallace appreciated the compliment. My name is Wallace, but
that's not important now, we have to save Hillary! Annie acknowledged the dire
warning. You could not be more right, but we can do nothing more at this point
but pray for her well-being. The best we can do is escape from this in-between
place before we all become fodder for the dragon of Nibiru. Charles nodded in
agreement. We need to get out of this crazy place and back to the real world where
we can do some real good. Annie instructed the band of travellers to follow her.
She went in search of an escape through the looking glass.

It was nearly bedtime in cold Boston. The excited child saw their mother in
the kitchen putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Mom, you said that I could read
my new book after I finished my homework, you promised. The woman replied
sternly. I'll bring the book up, but I want to see your completed homework
assignment. She walked up to the child's bedroom where the math problems lay
opened upon the desk. The mother quickly checked through them and relented by
offering up the new book. Now you must not stay up all night. Its a school day
tomorrow. You can read the first chapter or two, but no more, you understand.


The child nodded in agreement and snatched the precious book from the mother's
hand. Don't worry Mom, only two chapters-max....I promise. The mother left the
room and turned off the light. The child crawled into bed and opened the
stupendous book to the comforting warm light of the bedside lamp.

Hillary could barely catch her breath as she held on tightly to her mother's
waist. Rupert rode the camel hard down the pathway, clutching Carolyn's lifeless
half-self across his legs. They raced with incredible speed. Carolyn felt limp and
weak. Oh my God, Hillary! Is it really you? Tears of joy streamed down her
worn face. The happy girl was overcome with emotion. Mama, I missed you so did you find me? Carolyn nodded to their new leader. This is
Rupert, without him, your father and I would probably be dead. Hillary had
difficulty processing all the new information. Oh I know Rupert, we were
separated, but I knew he'd come back to save me...eventually. Why is he holding a
body that looks like you? Is it another doppelganger? Carolyn hardly knew how
to begin to explain her complicated predicament. Oh Hillary, it so complicated...if
we could just find your grandmother, she could explain it better. Hillary realized
that there were more pressing concerns.


Samantha stood for a moment attempting to access the situation. She had
watched as the dragon had incinerated Dante and accidentally her own dark allies.
The powerful leader of the crimson riders and her raven familiar had also been
destroyed in the attack. Luckily, she thought, her loyal kangaroo Dagobert
remained unharmed in the heated exchange. She had watched as the surprisingly
resourceful Rupert had managed to save Hillary from a certain demise. She reached
up to feel the bloody socket that remained where her left eye had been torn from
her face. Rupert and Samantha were far ahead of her in the race to the vortex of the
maze. Her kangaroo would need to travel at maximum speed to overtake them. She
began to climb into the marsupial's pouch when suddenly she was thrown in the air.
The mighty gryphon Godel had been waiting for a moment to attack. He swept
down at the rangy animal and ripped viciously at the Australian beast's neck. The
creature was severely injured. It staggered about with a stream of blood pouring
from its wound. Samantha looked up and shouted at her foe. You will not defeat
me! I will find a way to stop Hillary! Realizing that Dagobert would not survive,
she set off on foot. She looked back to see the powerful gryphon mercifully put the
wounded kangaroo out of its misery. The winged creature then set upon Samantha
herself. A stroke of luck came to her as she looked up at the strange red-shifted sky.
The terrifying dragon had reentered the scene. It immediately dove towards the
majestic gryphon. The wicked girl was cognizant of the reptilian beast's


uncontrollable nature. She knelt upon the pathway and began to pray on her unique
manner with her hands splayed in the centre. She spoke quickly, not knowing if her
prayers would be answered. Oh Tiamat, please make the dragon my friend, so that
he may help me in my quest to become real. The brave gryphon was a fierce
warrior, but no match for the formidable fire-breathing dragon. The brave gryphon
utilized its superior speed and agility to break away from the dragon's attack.
Samantha was still not quite sure whether or not the dragon would help her, or
incinerate her in a maelstrom of flame. She stood motionless as the scaly beast
came swooping towards her. The razor talons and massive jaws came into view as
the stalwart blond girl continued to stand her ground. The beast finally alighted
beside her with nary a puff of smoke. It extended its elongated neck for its new
master to climb aboard.

Detective Gardner and Rodney Boggs were a little confused as to how best
to proceed. Rodney, the only person who might possibly understand what's going
on is Carolyn's mother Annie. I can't help but believe that she is somehow tied up
in all this. Call it a hunch. Maybe we should get over to her place and see if she
can help. First we need to quickly clean up this mess with the candy jaw-breakers,
or I'll never hear the end of it. He quickly began to scoop up the multi-coloured


spheres, as his friend began to do the same. Detective, should we just throw them
I say we send them back to where they came from...I wonder if.... The
detective attempted to throw the handful of balls towards the very mirror that had
facilitated their escape from the strange world. He was amazed to watch as they
easily passed through the silvery liquid glass with a splash. The surface rippled and
waved with each new disturbance. Rodney followed suit and proceeded to toss his
accumulated debris also into the glass surface. Soon the room was free of the
colourful candy trash. They were about to leave when one candy jaw-breaker came
hurling back through the liquid surface and hit Mr. Boggs directly in the head.

The child eagerly dived into the magical storybook. It's cover was suffused
with a multitude of strange Hieroglyphs. The edge of the book was gilded and the
pages were adorned with incredible illustrations of the action. The story concerned
a young girl that lived in Boston. This was also where the reader lived. The young
girl became separated from her mother and was wandering around the downtown
mall. As the second chapter ended, the girl named Hillary and her two friends had
just escaped through a small door in the hedge. The voracious child turned to begin
the third chapter when the sound of footsteps filled the room. The door swung
open. You know what I are not going to read the entire book


you hear me? Lights out...that means now. The obedient child dutifully did as
they were told. The bedside lamp was switched off and the child put the book upon
the nightstand. As darkness enveloped the room, the mother bid her child
goodnight and closed the door. The determined youth turned over to finally go to
sleep when a faint sound was heard. It was barely audible, even below a whisper. It
sounded like several people speaking in the distance. The curious child flipped over
in the bed to see from whence the strange sound was emanating. Amazingly the
storybook now seemed to be glowing from within. It cast a dim light onto the
child's bed. Immediately the clever child reached for the shining beacon. As the
pages of the magical book were opened, a brilliant white light illuminated the
words and pictures from within. The faint sound of voices continued.

Hillary, Rupert,and Carolyn's two half-selves continued pell-mell down the

maze pathway. The camel was now travelling at incredible speed. Their
surroundings became blurred, as colours and shapes began to wax and wane. The
normally blue sky had turned red and streaked with long thin clouds. Hillary
noticed their improbable speed. Do you know what's happening Rupert? Why
does everything look so strange? The determined boy was far too concerned with
maintaining control of the increasingly agitated dessert beast. No I don't Hillary,
but wherever it is we're headed... it looks like we're almost there. He pointed


directly ahead towards an impossibly large bright sheet of light at the termination
of the path. It seemed to be speckled with black lines and dots. Hillary, I think that
must be the centre-point, the vortex that Dante was telling us about. That must be
where the Thinker lives. Carolyn simply listened and held on with all her rapidly
diminishing strength. She was not sure how much longer she could hold on before
collapsing with exhaustion. With their attention fully focused upon the towering,
luminous phenomenon ahead, they did not notice the terrifying reptilian that had
surreptitiously grown dangerously close. Samantha's one good eye burned with a
fierce, unholy fire of intention. Hillary instructed her fiery minion to begin a final
dive for a searing attack of fire upon the unsuspecting travellers below.

Digby spoke first with a bitter complaint. Did anybody else feel that? He
had cried out as a large candy jaw-breaker had smashed him in the head.
Instinctively, he had reached down for the offending object and tossed it back in the
direction it had come. Soon Annie too felt a small pang on her leg as another
confection sphere came hurtling in the darkness. Charles spoke up, I think we're
under attack! He could barely discern the now growing mass of jaw-breakers
which littered the ground beneath them. Wallace acted impulsively and began
picking up the balls and throwing them back rapidly. Back in detective Gardner's
bedroom, Rodney called out loudly. Ouch! That mirror is attacking. What's going


on? Gabriel was also puzzled by the development. What the heck? He quickly
walked over to still rippling liquid surface of the mirror. He felt another jaw-beaker
strike his shin. there somebody in there? Stop doing that! We're trying to
get rid of these crazy balls! Charles immediately recognized the deep, strong
voice of the detective bellowing in the darkness. that you? Where are
Charles...are you trapped in there too?
Yes....amongst do we get out of here?
Walk forward. Just follow my voice. The detective continued to speak in a
loud voice, explaining to the listeners his account of recent events. Eventually the
wanderers in the void were able to discern the source of the sound. They could all
now easily make out the form of a large floor length mirror. One by one, they
began to climb through the mercury-like surface. They were all quickly through the
mirror and standing together in a confused looking group. The elderly woman
quickly took charge of the situation, knowing full well that time was of the
essence. We have no time to waste. Detective Gardner, what did you do with the
storybook? We need to find it quickly. We may still be able to help Hillary and
Carolyn. By now they must have almost reached the centre-point of the maze.
Gabriel shrugged his shoulder in response. Well, it was causing so much
confusion, that I just tossed it out the window there...come to think of it, that was


not like was almost like the book wanted to be thrown away. Last thing I
remember, it was lying out by the sidewalk. Annie walked over to the window
and looked down. The magical book was nowhere to be found.

The startled child was tantalized by the strange glow emanating from the
book. The faint sound of voices continued to fill the room. The lure of the book
was overwhelming, despite the very real threat of punishment for any further
midnight reading. The dire warning had been clearly provided. The conflicted child
struggled with the situation, when suddenly a loud crack was heard on the floor.
The sound caused the surprised child to bolt out of bed onto the cold hardwood
floor. A fair sized red ball rolled slowly across the floor. Reaching down to pick it,
the youth found that it to resembled a candy jaw-breaker. Another red ball came
smashing onto the floor, then a blue one. Finally the source of the odd objects was
discovered. The amazed child watched as one more green candy ball came shooting
through the surface of the dresser mirror. The child immediately ran over to the
source of the perplexing display and reaching for the surface of the glass. It rippled
and waved like the centre-point of a lake. Suddenly the sound of loud footsteps was
heard. The panicked child ran quickly to gather up all the jaw-breakers and return
to bed. The book continued to glow eerily. It was snatched up and hid under the
covers to conceal it's illumination. The door opened quickly to a dark and silent


room. I heard something in don't pretend to be asleep. I've fallen for
that trick before. If you wake up once more, that book is going back onto the
refrigerator for the night. Do I make myself clear? The child ended the ruse of
sleep and assented. I swear it wasn't my fault that time. I'll go to sleep, I promise.
The mother shut the door and returned to her own room. The child again heard the
faint sound of voices emanating from the strange luminescent volume.

Hillary, Rupert and Carolyn sped toward the towering, shining light. As they
grew closer, they all began to feel a slight tug, as if the strange phenomenon were
pulling them forward. Its form became more distinct. It was an impossibly huge
obelisk which stretched upward as far as the eye could see. Yet still the outer edges
could were clearly visible. The blinding white structure was clearly the centre-point
of the maze. Hillary realized that they had very nearly reached their goal of finding
and contacting the Thinker who dwelt somewhere within the mysterious
phenomenon. The faces of all three travellers were brightly lit up to the point of
obscurity. All began to shield their eyes from the blinding light. Rupert looked back
at Hillary to speak. It looks like I will escape from Nibiru after all. Hillary, watch
out! Both Hillary and Carolyn turned to watch the fearsome dragon swoop down
upon them. It was a mere twenty feet away, as it began to inhale deeply for its final
belching fiery attack. They were very close to reaching the singularity, yet it


seemed that they would be incinerated in a final crushing end to their quest.
Samantha urged her reptilian minion onwards. Hurry, they're almost at the centre,
we can't let them beat us there!

Annie was clearly the leader amongst the strange group of characters that
had assembled in detective Gardner's bedroom. How can we find that storybook?
It's the only way to stop Samantha. Just as she finished speaking a tiny splash was
heard rippling in the liquid mirror. It was the tiny fairy Lilith. It came delicately
fluttering up to Annie. The elderly woman realized instantly that the diminutive
creature was well aware of their predicament. Loud steps were suddenly heard by
all gathered in the room. Gabriel exclaimed loudly. Good God, that's my wife!
What are we going to do? This time it was Charles who spoke out. He pointed
towards the two smallest members of the crew. You two...quickly, get in the
closet until she's gone! Digby and Chauncey accepted the suggestion as they ran
for cover. The door burst open as a stern looking black woman scanned the room.
She immediately spotted her son. Oh my God! Wallace, you're back! I knew
you'd come back! What has happened to your shirt? Your shoulders are all bruised
and bloody. You come with me and I'll clean you up. My prayers were answered.
Gabe, why didn't you tell me that you'd found Wallace? The weary man simply


shrugged. Well honey...its been a really strange day...I was just coming down to
see you.
And who are all these other people? How did they get here? What's going
on, Gabe? Luckily Lilith the tiny fairy had managed to fly behind the elderly
woman just as the bedroom door had opened. Annie took the initiative and walked
up to the clearly confused mother. Well, your gracious husband had invited us all
for dinner...I'm afraid that's why we're here. I hope we're not imposing.... For a
moment, the detectives wife just stood there with her arms crossed, assessing the
situation. I still have plenty of questions...for all of you...but there are plenty of
leftovers from Christmas dinner downstairs, and they won't keep forever, so you
might as well all come down to eat. Mr. Boggs was particularly pleased by the
suggestion. My Lord I am hungry, thank you so much, Mrs. Gardner. Charles
also could not help but add, You're hungry? I've never been so famished in my
entire life. Let's go! With that, the hungry group were led downstairs to the dining
room. Annie stayed behind. I'll be right down...just need to freshen up.

The excited child was again alone within the bedroom. The strange candy
jaw-breakers were rolling around beneath the covers. The curious child decided to
sample the confection. The red and blue spheres were both picked up. There was a
moment's hesitation, as the young person could not decide between the two


choices. Finally the red jaw-breaker was tasted. After several licks, it was found to
be a worthy snack. The eerily glowing storybook beckoned. Settling in with the
candy and the book, the child opened the book to the last page read and continued
the story. It relayed the tale in great detail. It told of Hillary's meeting up with
Samantha, how they became separated, and her eventual travel across the land of
lost dreams. The child became more and more drawn into the intoxicating tale. The
book was self-illuminating, and continued to ensnare the unsuspecting, eager
reader. Hours passed with unusual speed. The rapt reader was up well beyond the
midnight hour. The story continued to engross the apt child. Time passed with
increasing rapidity. The jaw-breaker was still imparting its tasty sweet flavour with
each lick. The child suddenly stopped reading and put the book down for the first
time in hours. A strange passage in the tale had caused the perplexed child to
pause. It was one particular turn in the story that had caused the interruption in the
reading. In the story, suddenly a brand new character was introduced. The character
was a child, but there was no specific description of what how this person looked. It
was as if the new character was left entirely to the discretion of the reader's
imagination. This new child had picked up a strange storybook that had been lying
upon the sidewalk. The character in the story had then proceeded to try and find the
owner of the book; and had eventually taken the book home. The strange similarity
to actual events had caused the reader to become startled. What exactly is going


on?, thought the curious child. Suddenly the magical storybook was viewed
suspiciously. Yet the desire to gain knowledge was overwhelming. The lure of the
strange tome was overpowering. The child carefully again opened up the now
burning bright book, and continued to digest the quixotic words contained therein.

As soon as Annie was left standing in the room, Lilith quickly fluttered from
behind her back to hover gently by her head. The woman called out in a low voice.
The coast is clear you two, come on out. The shuttered closet doors opened as
Digby and Chauncey came ambling out. Annie quickly updated Lilith as to their
dire situation. The tiny fairy nodded almost imperceptibly and waved her wand
towards her two Nibiru compatriots. The wise old woman spoke with great concern
to her audience. You two listen up, this is of the utmost importance. You
rapscallions may be responsible for saving the both our worlds. Now, Lilith knows
the whereabouts of the storybook. Apparently a child is reading it right now. They
may be watching us as we stand here. Lilith will take you through the looking glass
to the child's bedroom. There, you must explain to this special child how to contact
Hillary within the maze vortex. It is imperative that Hillary and not Samantha is
contacted. Do you understand? There is no time to waste. Go now! The two had
many questions but were silenced by the stern woman. The tiny fairy darted
quickly into the mirror as the the two small creatures followed close behind. Annie


immediately collapsed onto the floor in a heap. She was not well, and the stress of
recent events had overwhelmed her completely.

The amazed child continued to read the strange storybook with great
apprehension. There were not many pages left to consume. The book was now
shining with a bright white white light which illuminated the entire room. They
could barely make out the sound of a girl's voice which seemed to be coming from
the book itself. The reader was for the first time seized by a genuine fear. The book
was again put down on the covers. The bedroom dimmed somewhat. A small
splashing sound caused the child to jump up. Who's there? I can get my Mom you
know... Another tiny splash was followed by another. The sound came from the
dresser mirror across the bedroom. The incredulous child watched as a tiny fairy, a
leprechaun and a very small red-haired boy came flying and crawling through the
mirror. The frightened child pulled the covers over their head to hide. Digby came
trotting up to the terrified young person. There's no reason to be scared. You've
been reading the book, you know who we are. The child summoned up the
courage to respond, still with the covers pulled up tightly for protection. I don't
know who you are. You do look like the pictures in the book, and what I imagined
the character in the book would look like...but that's just a story. You're just a
fictional character, you're not real. I know the difference between real and pretend.


Either that, or I could just be dreaming. This time it was Chauncey who continued
the explanation. Be that as it may, let's just say for the sake of argument that this is
a dream, and we are all merely figments of your imagination...don't you want the
dream to end well? You don't want to have a nightmare do you? Think of us as
dream-weavers. We're here to help your dream end well. The explanation seemed
to mollify the distressed child. The covers were pulled down and the child emerged
onto the cold hardwood floor. Digby was pleased by the development. Now that's
more like it, we have no time to waste. Quick, hand me the book. The now more
compliant youth assented by passing the glowing book to the red-haired sprite. He
ran with the storybook and placed it against the wall. The book was opened up as a
now blinding light bathed the room. Now this is the hard part. You are just going
to have to believe what I am about to tell you. You must have faith. Everything you
have been reading in the storybook is really happening, we are real, and this is no
dream. Most importantly, it is only you that can save Hillary, nobody else. If you
care about her, you must do as I say. Do you understand? The exhausted youth
had warmed to the adventure and the great sense of responsibility. I will
help...what can I do? The two other-worldly creatures spoke at once. Quick, turn
the book to the last page. Chauncey flipped the book forward to the last page
which burned bright like the sun. The entire bedroom began to shake. Chauncey ran
back, as the strange book began to extend a powerful gravitational pull upon


everyone in the room. The bed itself began to slowly edge closer to the edge of the
room. The book itself began to expand outward and upward, even as the light
shining from within grew stronger. Digby yelled loudly. We have to stop that
dragon, do you see it? The child stared into the white page and could distantly see
what looked like a few distant figures moving towards them. The child was caught
up in the excitement. How do I stop do I save Hillary from the dragon?
Chauncey jumped up onto the bed and handed the child one of the candy jawbreakers that sat upon the sheet. Do you know how to throw a stone, youngster?
The frantic leprechaun handed the candy sphere to the child. It was seized. I can
throw a baseball pretty well. What should I do? Digby pointed towards the shining
page that now extended up beyond the ceiling. You must use that jaw-breaker to
smash that dragon. You must throw hard,and you must hit it square on the
forehead. That will stop it. Can you do it? The eager youth moved carefully
towards the immense bright page. I think I can do it...but I have to get closer to get
a good shot. Closer and closer the page grew as the child strained to get a good
bead on the fierce fiery beast. The arm was cocked for a mighty toss. Digby
watched and prayed for a positive outcome. The blue candy sphere was hurled with
great force. The determined thrower was not able to stop their forward motion. The
force of the throw pulled the child headlong into the burning bright page with a



Chapter 17

Gabriel practically galloped downstairs towards the dining room. He was

followed closely by his son and the rest of the group. They all sat down down to the
post-Holiday feast. The matriarch of the family spoke first. You all are just lucky
that we didn't eat everything at Christmas dinner. Now Wallace, you worried your
mother and me half to death. Are you going to tell us what happened...and I want
the truth now, God is listening you know... The boy gazed at his grandmother after
she had posed the question. The confused boy then looked sheepishly at his father.
It was he that fielded the question. Well, you know the important thing is that we
all made it back safe and we're all here for this lovely dinner. Mom, why don't you
say grace? It was now his wife's turn to take up the interrogation. Yes, it is
wonderful to have you all back, and in one piece, but that doesn't answer the
question. And what about Hillary? Mr. Penrose, has your daughter returned yet?
Charles was not sure how to respond. Call me Charles...Hillary is actually
visiting....yes, that's it...she was visiting friends all this time, and she had just
neglected to tell us. Gabriel nodded in agreement, as did Mr. Boggs. Eventually
the inquisitive mother ceased her line of questioning. Well there's no point in all


this food getting cold...yet again...we'll continue this later. They all began to
consume the delicious food with great relish, no one more so than Mr. Penrose.
After stuffing his face for several minutes he noticed the absence of Annie from
the table. If you'll excuse me, I'm just going to check on Annie, I'll be right back.
He quickly ran upstairs to the master bedroom. He found a stone-still Annie lying
uncomfortably on the floor.

Hillary exclaimed loudly as she watched the huge blue ball hurling towards
them. Rupert, watch out! It's going to hit us. The blue jaw-breaker was the size of
a large cannonball, and seemed to be increasing in size as it approached. The
dependable camel lacked the agility to avoid the gigantic blue sphere. The desert
beast instinctively lurched to the right to avoid a head-on collision. All those
aboard the creature's back were sent flying into the bright interior of the strange
white obelisk. Samanthas view of the approaching airborne threat had been
obscured by those ahead of her. Too late, she watched as the camel in front lurched
away to reveal a now massive blue cannonball headed directly for her. The dragon
had no time to avoid the collision. The blue sphere hit the fiery beast square upon
the forehead and crushed the reptilian head. Samantha was sent drifting off into the
whiteness of the imposing obelisk. Hillary has lost contact with her fellow
travellers. She called out the names of her mother and her friend. There was no


response. She had the distinct sensation, not of falling but of being drawn forward
at ever quickening speed. She stared ahead and noticed a small black pyramid
which seemed to hang in the air. She noticed a figure moving ahead of her. At first
she thought it was Rupert. The shadowy figure grew closer still. Hillary could at
last make out the shape of the person now flying only inches from her face. Peter
Pan! I knew you were real! Are Wendy and Micheal and John here also? The
green clad forever young boy merely nodded and flew away. Hilary called out
desperately to the boy. Come back...I really need your help...Wendy? Where are
you? Rupert? Mama?

The child was sent flying into the page of the book by the forcefulness of the
mighty throw. Chauncey, Digby and Lilith could only look on in desperation.
Chauncey, what do we do now? The sound of a deafening pounding on the door
was heard by all. A loud voice yelled out demandingly. What is going on in there?
You open this door right now! Digby ignored the ominous warning from the
hallway. I need to find out if Hillary is safe. I can only tell by jumping into the
book myself. Chauncey and Lilith both agreed with the assessment. You go
then...Lilith and I can't do any more here. We'll go back and check on Annie, we
need to get out of here anyway before that angry mother breaks into the room. The
tiny raven-haired blue fairy agreed and lead the way back through the liquid mirror.


Digby ran back to the edge of the room and ran full speed into the blinding white
light of the room-sized book. Meanwhile, the amazed child continued to fly
forward within the bright light of the book. He noticed a black spot ahead which
seemed to be growing larger. He also saw what appeared to be another person
flying forward.

Rupert had grown accustomed to falling aimlessly through the air. It hardly
bothered him anymore. He called out the names of his friends and received no
response. He noticed a large figure approaching him quickly. Soon he was able to
discern the figure of his rotund father the king. The regal character greeted his
son. Rupert my son, you have done well. I have misjudged you. You will someday
make a worthy ruler of our land. The beaming proud face of the son accepted the
rapturous praise. Thank you father, I wanted to make you proud. I wanted to
show you that I could be a real...and survive in the real world.
You have done more than that. You have proven to yourself that you are
worthy. There is no greater accomplishment. You do what you feel is necessary.
Just know that your mother and father love you and support your decision.
Remember, we will always be here for you, if you should choose to return to us.
With that, the stocky red-haired king glided away, leaving his son feeling much
better about his circumstances.


Carolyn also was being pulled forward quickly towards the odd, incongruous
black pyramid that appeared ahead of her. She watched as a figure came gently
flying in her direction. At once she was able to make out the figure of her half-self.
It was her negative self that had been cleaved from her being earlier. She could not
speak to the lifeless looking body. She grabbed hold of the cold hand of the limp
body and watched the single black pyramid grow ever larger. Hillary noticed
several drifting forms around her. She made out the faces of both Rupert and her
mother. They grew ever closer as the single black Egyptian object came closer.
Soon all had gathered to within a few feet of the pulsing black pyramid. They were
no longer hurtling forward, but were now simply standing in the air. Another figure
approached them and came to a halt on the other side of the black singularity.
Hillary walked over to the person. The child who had been reading the book
recognized the figure of Hillary approaching them. At once they were standing
across from each other within arms length. You're the character of Hillary from
the storybook, right? Hillary was slightly indignant with the description. No, I'm
real...we're all real people here. As she finished speaking she pointed to the empty
white air above them. She watched as several figures held hands as they flew
effortlessly through the air. Look! Its Wendy, Micheal and John from Peter Pan.
Do you see them Mama? Carolyn watched as the figures drifted above them and


away. Yes...I do see them Hillary. The confused child simply stood in awe. I
don't understand what happened. I was reading the this storybook, then somehow it
started to become real. Everything that was happening to me started to happen in
the book. Then there were some visitors. They were from the book also. Digby was
there and a leprechaun and a fairy. So do you mean that all this is real, and this is
not just a dream? Hillary began to explain when another figure approached with
great speed. It was a breathless and frantic Digby. You're all here...good. There's
no time to waste. Samantha will be here any minute now. Hillary was happy to see
her treasured companion. Digby, you said that we needed to find the centre-point,
the singularity of the maze, and contact the Thinker. Well this must be the centre,
where is the Thinker? Digby pointed to the reader of the storybook. This child is
the've managed to make contact...but we're not done yet. We must
enter the singularity before Samantha. Quick...everybody join hands together
around the black pyramid! The child was dizzy with the overwhelming deluge of
strange events. No...this is not real! This is all some crazy're all just
characters in a book...I'm just going to close my eyes and hope I wake up! Another
shadowy figure began to approach. Rupert pointed to the rapidly gaining blond
girl. The disfigured face of Samantha could be seen by all. The brave young prince
urged the child onward. If you do not do as Digby says, I will disappear forever.
Don't you see? I want to be real like you! The incredulous storybook reader was


moved by the imprecations of the persuasive royal son. Hillary offered one more
suggestion. Don't you want to be the hero of the story? You can be, you know, just
do what Digby says! Samantha was now within hearing range. She shouted out
loudly. Don't do what they say! They are lying! You will be trapped in the book

Charles immediately felt for a pulse upon the neck of the prostrate woman.
Annie's body was still and cold. The distressed father gently called out the elderly
woman's name. Annie...wake up! Don't you give up... He was about to reach for
the phone and call for an ambulance. He heard a splash in the room. He turned to
watch a small leprechaun and a tiny dark-haired fairy wearing a blue dress enter the
bedroom through the mirror. The liquid glass surface rippled and was again still.
Chauncey quickly ran over to the cold body. Lilith also came flitting up to the face
of the old woman. The green jacketed creature was morose. There may be
nothing we can do...unless...there is the legend... The tiny fairy nodded her tiny
head imperceptibly and waved her wand. Chauncey reached into his fine waistcoat
and pulled out a black stoppered bottle. He thrust it toward the man. This is a very
special potion. I have only one of them. It was exceedingly difficult to obtain, you
see. It is said in Nibiru that a real man can bring any creature back to life with this
life potion. You must believe in the magic though, otherwise it will not work. Do


you understand? Charles nodded without really comprehending the implications of

the explanation. I do want Annie to live..I will do whatever it takes. Give me the
potion. The leprechaun again admonished the weary father. Do you believe in
magic? Do you believe that we are real? Do you believe that this will work? After
several moments of consideration, he responded in the affirmative. I believe in
magic, and I believe in the reality of Nibiru and all its creatures. He reiterated his
statement as he poured the bubbling, steaming liquid into the awaiting mouth of the
elderly woman. He added his own silent prayers for Annie's recovery.

Samantha's cold voice and dire warning echoed in the child reader's head.
There was some hesitation. Digby shrieked in a desperate plea. Do it now! You
must believe! We are all real...this is all really happening. You must act. Reach for
the black pyramid- the singularity must be broached. The child was light-headed.
The voices circling grew distant and faint. The shapes and colours of the
surroundings became blurred. The single pyramid in the centre of the empty white
expanse grew closer and closer. A tentative hand reached forward to touch it. The
single pyramid grew smaller and smaller until it was only the size of a period at the
end of a sentence. It looked just like the period at the end of this sentence. The end
of a single finger grew closer to the singularity. It was now mere millimeters from
the black dot. Time slowed down the closer the child's finger came to the dot. An


infinite amount of time transpired. The child entered the singularity point by no
longer reaching for it. The child became the singularity as all artificial boundaries
of time and space disappeared. Nothing became everything and everything
became nothing. Reality became fantasy and fantasy became reality.

Annie gasped as a powerful surge of life entered her lungs. Her kind wise
eyes gazed up at her saviour. saved me...I knew you could do
do love me after all. Charles hugged the still cold body to his chest. Of course I
love you...I know we've had out differences, but you have to know that I will
always take care of you. Annie smiled and gently caressed the face of the father.
He was still not at complete ease. What about Hillary? We need to find out if she's
okay. Annie offered comfort to the worried father. She looked around the room to
see that the visitors from the supra-real world of Nibiru had vanished. I think
everything is okay now...everything is back to normal. Hillary and Digby must
have successfully contacted the Thinker at the maze centre-point. I wouldn't be
surprised if she's already at home.

Digby emerged form the kitchen cabinet door beneath the kitchen. He was
followed by Hillary and Carolyn. The red-haired sprite looked up at the frazzled
looking mother. You seem to be back in one piece...back to your old self. Hillary


was pleased to be back in her own house. Everything seemed to be back to normal.
Mama, was it all a dream...did all of that really happen? Carolyn looked down at
her daughter. I don't really know dear...its all still a little fuzzy. Its as if the harder
I try to remember what happened...the faster my memory fades. It all seemed so
real though. Digby grabbed the hand of her young companion. She doesn't even
see me anymore...or hear me...but at least she may be able to understand our
world...our unique reality. He lead Hillary upstairs to her bedroom. Carolyn
watched as her daughter walked up the stairs. She thought for a moment that she
saw another figure accompanying her, but the image faded.

The child was back in their own bed. The room was silent and dark. An
extremely perturbed woman burst into the room as the door flung open forcefully.
Good Lord! What was that racket? It sounded like a hurricane in here? Did I not
tell you to go to bed? Now where is that new storybook? Give it're done
reading for the night. Its going back on the refrigerator until the morning. The
child was still bleary eyed from the night's bizarre events. I don't know where it
went...honestly...look for yourself. The stern woman began to scan the room for
the strange book. She pulled up the covers of the sheets and even looked under the
child's bed. The mysterious tome was nowhere to be found. If you are hiding that
book from me..I will take it away for good. She stood with her string arms folded

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