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The Business of Abortion

This video presents the orthodox view on abortion, a very controversial issue in the
United States of America. Some states allow abortion while others are against it.
This video is about Planned Parenthood, a nonprofit organization offering abortion
services to mothers in America and worldwide. Nearly 50 million abortions have
been legally carried out since 1970 which is a very large number, and not
acceptable to the conservatives, the most susceptible group being the minorities,
African Americans, Latinos and others. The conservative point of view holds that the
unborn fetus is as privileged to right of life as rest of us, thus portraying abortion as
abuse of privilege of life into evil. Concerns about the health of mother were also
raised who has to undergo a lot of pain during the process and face medical
procedures like hysterectomy and colostomy. It was alleged that abortion providing
organizations increase their business by promoting abortions and sexual intercourse
among young people aged as young as 12 to boost their business.

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