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Common Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Maggie Hepper and Lauren McCafferty

Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Moon
Grade Level: 3rd grade
Subject: Spelling
Date: March 28th, 2016
Common Core/State Standard(s):

Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable
patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.

Learning Objective(s): Students will be able to(SWBAT)

Students will be able to spell words with specific number of letters.
Students will be able to spell a word containing a certain letter.


Rationale: Describe how this lesson is developmentally appropriate:

What skills and content are needed to master the lesson objective(s)?
Students will have a range of vocabulary and will need to know how to spell words.
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?
They increase their writing abilities by practicing spelling which they will need to be able
to do during their daily lives.
What types of instructional strategies will you use to deliver the content?
Indirect instructions when they are asked to come up with a word containing certain
numbers of letters and a certain letter.
Group work when they are put into groups to play the Spade of Words card game.
Model by thinking aloud process by showing the students the process will use when
determining what word to use/spell.
How does your lesson reflect educational theories/theorists?
Jean Piaget believed students learning is influenced by a student's experiences and
prior knowledge. Piagets theory of Cognitive Development is a way of organizing
knowledge. In this lesson students will have to use their prior knowledge of how to spell
certain words and apply it during the activity.
How will you measure students readiness/level of understanding prior to teaching this
lesson? (e.g., KWL chart, SMARTboard responder quiz, whole-class Q&A with response
cards, individual student pre-test, etc.).
Prior to the lesson being taught we will give a short quiz over sight words. We will
provide a picture of an object the students would easily be able to identify and see if
they are able to spell common words that could be used during the game.

How will the students demonstrate that they have attained the goals of the lesson?
o We will do a formative assessment as we walk around the room and observe the
different groups playing the game. We will check for understanding of the game and
observe each students ability to spell a word that will fit their card and spell it correctly.
Explain how the assessment aligns to the objective.
This assessment aligns to the objective because we are able to determine if a child is
able to spell sight words correctly.
Include a copy of the lesson assessment.

None available, our assessment will be a formative observation assessment.

Provide exemplar student responses/products (model outcome).
We would like to see the students to be able to spell sight words correctly based off the
card they have in front of them in a timely and accurate manner.

How will you evaluate the students work/performance? ( e.g., rubric, weighted
responses, checklist)
o We will re-give the summative assessment that we gave for the pre-assessment. This
will include the short sight word spelling quiz.
Report results in qualitative and/or quantitative format.
We will look at the results from the quiz we gave out prior, to the results we got after
the Spade of Words game.

Key Vocabulary:
List words that you will either introduce or
review which build background/schema
relevant to the content area.
Sight words

Technology needed:
How will you use technology to engage
students in authentic learning
We will use the projector in order to display
the think aloud process and show the
students what they will be asked to do
during the game with their groups.
How will you address diverse learning
needs through technology?
We will address diverse learning needs
through technology by having the
projector zoomed in more for students who
have a visual impairment or are sitting
further in the back of the room.

Other required materials:

Deck of cards
Individual white boards
White board markers
What accommodations/modifications will you include for students with special needs?
(use contextual information ) How will you make accommodations for the identified
students during each phase of the lesson?
One accommodation we could make for a student with a visual disability could be to
bring bigger cards. Making the cards bigger and easily readable will help students that
have trouble seeing small letters or numbers.


Lesson Opening:
How will you
activate student interest?
We will show a deck of spelling word cards and spell the words out loud as a class. We
will then tell the students that we are going to be using a new deck of playing cards


where the students will use the cards and come up with words on their own to spell.
present the learning objective(s) in an engaging and student-friendly way?
We will present the learning objectives in an engaging and student-friendly way by
having them practice their spelling words through a fun and friendly game of Spade of
make connections to past learning?
Students will make connections to past learning by having to think back on what some
of their sight words were and be able to spell them correctly again according to the card
that they have.
convey the importance of the learning objective and make it relevant to your students
We will convey the importance of the learning objective and make it relevant to their
lives by telling them that it is very important to learn how to spell words because you
may need to write a letter or paper and spelling will be very important.
explain to students the sequence of instruction? (preview the activities for the period)
We will tell the students that we will model the game for them first, and then split them
up into groups. Once they get into their groups we will hand out a deck of cards and
each student will need 5-8 cards. They will then be able to begin playing as we walk
around and observe and if they have any questions they can raise their hands. Once the
first student to run out of cards finishes, the other students can keep playing until
everyone has ran out of cards.
communicate what knowledge or skills students will be expected to produce by the
close of the lesson?
We will tell the students that at the end of this lesson they will be able spell more words
by learning and watching what their classmates spelled and they will be able to come
up with words and dig into their vocabulary in order to find a word that matches the
rules of the card they have.
I Instructional Input
How will you model/explain/demonstrate all knowledge and skills required of the
D objective?
o Restate the objective
We will restate the objective by telling the students that we are going to be working
on their spelling skills by playing a fun game and at the end of the game they will
have better spelling skills and more vocabulary words they can use.
Introduce new material (describe what types of instructional supports you will use:
visuals, manipulatives, artifacts, etc.)
We will show the students the deck of cards and tell them that they will be learning
and spelling with just a regular deck of cards.
Model and demonstrate procedural and behavioral expectations required to meet the
First we will hold up the deck of cards and then show them each suite individually
asking them if they know what they are called.
Then we will show them that each card has a certain number on it.
We will take one card as an example (4 of diamonds) and project it up on the board.
Then we will show them how you would play the game.
First you look at the suit and you see its a diamond. This means the word has to
contain a d in it.
Then you look at the number the card is and the word you spell has to be four letters
long. For example, draw
We will continue working through the process out loud for the students to observe
with three seperate cards showing them a variety of answers they could use.

How will you check for understanding before moving on to guided practice?
We will look for any signs of confusion and make sure everyone is paying attention to
the rules. We will then ask if there are any questions before we move on to guided
practice. If there are questions we will answer them and if not we will move on to
guided practice.

Guided Practice
How will students practice, with your support, all content and skills required to
continue to internalize the objective? (How will students be engaged?)
o We will begin guided practice by handing out a card to each student. We will tell
them to follow the rules that we were doing and come up with a word that would go
with there card.
o As they think of a word for their card we will walk around and check in on each
student to see how they are doing and if they understand the rules of the game.
o Once each student has thought of a word we will ask them to share what word they
came up with to the class.
o We will check to see if the word they came up with follows their card in order to
check for understanding.
How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice new
oe Students will have multiple opportunities to understand the game by coming up with
a word on their own, as well as listening to the other students share what word they
D used for their card. This will give them an opportunity to see different words they can
o use as well as judging for themselves if what the student said was correct.
How are students practicing in ways that align to independent practice?
o Students are practicing spelling words with limitations. By doing so, they get to learn
new words because theyre given the chance to spell any words that fits the number
of letters and the given letter they need to include in their word.
How will you provide guidance to all students as they practice?
o We will walk around and observe each student and check in on them to make sure
they are understanding the game. If they have any questions we will help them, as
well as help them think of a word if they are having troubles.
How will you check for understanding before moving on to independent practice?
o We will ask the students one more time if they have any questions and if not if they
are ready to be split up into groups and play against their classmates. If there are no
questions we will move on to independent practice.
Y Independent Practice
o How will you clearly state and model academic and behavioral expectations?
ou We will go over the rules with the students one more time. They will be split up into
groups of four. We will tell them that we want them to be conversing with each other,
D but not yelling. We will also tell them that we expect them to be considerate and
o respectful to their classmates and not get mad if they dont win and pay attention
when their classmate is spelling their word.
How will students independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the
o They will have to come up with a word that fits their card on their own. They will also
be expected to spell the word on their own without help from classmates and the
How will you support student learning during this practice?
o We will walk around and observe each group and make sure they are playing the
game correctly and being fair with one another.

Lesson Closing
How will you
Review the skills/content taught in an interactive manner (whole/small group,
To finish off we will go back to the deck of spelling cards and spell those words together
as a class. We will also ask the students to share one word that they spelled during the
game and what card they had.
Reemphasize and clarify the objective
We will tell them that after this game they have learned new words to use in their own
writing and how to spell new words.
Reassess students mastery of, or progress toward the objective? (if not already
We will assess the students during the game and their sharing after the game.




After you have administered your assessments (formal or informal) for this lesson,
analyze the results.
How did the students perform on this assessment? To what degree did they achieve
mastery toward the lesson objective(s)?
How will you provide opportunities for remediation and extension?

Reflect on your effectiveness as a teacher based on the analysis of students

List two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess instruction.
Describe the changes you would make if you were to teach this lesson again.

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