Hajj Quotes1

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Bulletin Board Supplement

Hajj Quotes

And proclaim to mankind the

Hajj (pilgrimage). They will
come to you on foot and on
every lean camel, they will
come from every deep and
distant (wide) mountain
highway (to perform Hajj).

2009 Islamic Bulletin Boards.wordpress.com

And Hajj (pilgrimage to

Makkah) to the House
(Ka'bah) is a duty that
mankind owes to Allh, those
who can afford the expenses
(for one's conveyance,
provision and residence);

2009 Islamic Bulletin Boards.wordpress.com

Narrated Ibn 'Umar [radhiyAllhu 'anhumaa]: Allh's

Messenger [sal-Allhu 'alayhi wa
sallam] said: Islm is based on
(the following) five (principles):

..4. To perform Hajj (i.e.

pilgrimage to Makkah).
[Sahih Al-Bukhri, 1/8 (O.P.7)

2009 Islamic Bulletin Boards.wordpress.com

Verily, As-Saf and Al-Marwah
(two mountains in Makkah) are
of the Symbols of Allh. So it is
not a sin on him who performs
Hajj or 'Umrah (pilgrimage) of
the House (the Ka'bah at
Makkah) to perform the going
(Tawf) between them (As-Saf
and Al-Marwah). And whoever
does good voluntarily, then
verily, Allh is All-Recogniser,
2: 158

2009 Islamic Bulletin Boards.wordpress.com

Islm demolishes all the

previous evil deeds and so
do migration (for Allh's
sake) and Hajj (pilgrimage
to Makkah).
(Sahih Muslim)

2009 Islamic Bulletin Boards.wordpress.com

Then let them complete

their prescribed duties
(Mansik of Hajj) and
perform their vows, and
circumambulate the
Ancient House (the Ka'bah
at Makkah).

2009 Islamic Bulletin Boards.wordpress.com

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