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to Classical Rhetoric:
(Classical Techniques/Contemporary Arguments)
Fall 2016

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Scott Whiddon

SECTION: WRC 2354-01
OFFICE: Haupt 12 (look for postcards on door) TIME: 3-4:15
TELEPHONE: 233-8298

ROOM: Beck 3030

OFFICE HOURS: Monday/10am-1pm (by appointment)
Tuesday and Thursday/10am-11am
Friday/10am-noon (by appointment)

NOTE: My office hours are also often dedicated to writing center tasks, working
with advisees, helping interns, etc. I enjoy working with students during office
hours; its one of the best parts of life at TU. However, I urge folks to try and
schedule appointments at least 2 days in advance if at all possible.

REQUIRED TEXTS: Well use links/PDFs from our course blog to access both our
classical and contemporary texts. You are required to bring either a print or digital
version of each days reading to class. It is also up to you to find ways of annotating
such digital/web-based texts.


1) Students will read a variety of texts concerning the role of rhetoric, drawn
from the classical era (assessed by quizzes and in-class discussion/activities)
2) Students will develop a working vocabulary of classical rhetorical terms
(assessed via the midterm exam, group presentation, and final
3) Students will apply elements of classical rhetorical theory to contemporary
concerns both as a full class (via our case study of inmate representation
and the fine arts) and as individuals (via end-of-term projects).
4) Students will use feedback from peers to develop presentations and
academic essays.

COURSE/ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: This class is intended to offer 1) an
introduction to classical rhetorical techniques via close reading of
primary/secondary texts and 2) a chance to develop skills in rhetorical analysis
through careful reading, writing/revising, and in-class, guided discussion.

Of the many definitions of the word rhetoric, the one most applicable to this
particular course is the art of persuasion, and Aristotle defines rhetoric as the art
of discovering the means of persuasion available for any occasion. For the 1st half of
the term, we will read about principles of persuasion developed by ancient Greeks
and Romans such as Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero. As argued by philosophers such as

Heidegger, Aristotles Rhetoric is perhaps the earliest work of hermeneutics a

consideration of audience response in interpretation; it predates the aesthetic
tradition (one of the prime concerns of literary studies) and provides grounding for
reader-response theory (which considers the subjective nature of audienceinteraction as well as cultural context).

We will also read a variety of contemporary texts and examine how classically
oriented methods of persuasion are used (for better or worse). As participants, you
will compose two formal essays grounded in classical rhetorical analysis. Paper 1,
due near mid-term, will be a 3-5 page essay that analyzes the rhetorical strategies of
an op-ed piece from the New York Times (all students have free access to the NYT via
the library). Paper 2 will be a longer, more detailed analysis of a written or visual
text (7-9 pages). Detailed instructions for each assignment will be made available
via the course blog.

Given the importance of verbal and visual communication and performance in
classical rhetoric (as well as in classrooms and workspaces), you will also give two
oral presentations: a 10-12 minute collaborative presentation (activity-focused) on
one of the logical fallacies during the 1st half of the term, and a 15-minute formal
presentation at the end of the term based on your 2nd paper. For more details, see

Collaborative/Fallacy Presentation: 15%
Terms and Concepts Exam: 15%
Essay 1 (drafts/revisions/final product): 20%
Essay 2 (drafts/revisions/final product): 20%
Essay 2 Presentation: 15%
Quizzes/In-Class Assignments/Class Participation: 15%

Failure to satisfactorily complete any one of the requirements will result in an F
for the course. For example: an F for class participation means an F for the
course, regardless of how well you complete the other requirements. Also, please
note that a C grade connotes satisfactory work and is the average grade for a class
of this type/level. A and B grades connote honors-level work.

A Rubric for Participation Grade

Actively engages
and listens to
professor and
peers, including
careful notetaking

Makes a sincere
effort to engage
professor &

interaction with
professor &

Almost no
interaction with
professor &

No interaction
with professor or

Arrives fully

Arrives mostly

Arrives prepared



prepared to every
class session

prepared to most
class sessions



unprepared to
most classes

Completes all

Completes all

Completes most

Completes few

Completes no

Plays an active
role in fullclass/group

frequently in fullclass/group

Participates in

participates in

Does not
participate in fullclass/group

Class comments
advance the level
and depth of

Makes relevant
class comments

Rarely makes
relevant class

Never makes
relevant class

Demonstrates a
noticeable lack of
interest in the

Level of class or
group discussion
is better because
of students

Level of class or
group discussion
is often better
because of

Level of class or
group discussion
is not affected by

Level of class or
group discussion
is not affected
by students

Level of class or
group discussion
is harmed by

ATTENDANCE/LATE WORK POLICIES: Because the class runs largely by
discussion, attendance is mandatory. Missing two classes will result in a lowering of
the participation grade. Missing three or more will result in a lowering of the final
grade. If you know you will be absent on a day that a major assignment is due
(especially for university-approved events), please make arrangements with me in

I urge you to exchange email addresses with a few classmates early in the term so
that if you are absent, you can get notes and stay up to speed with due dates,
changes in schedule, etc. You are responsible for all materials covered in class
regardless of your absence. I do not give make-up quizzes, nor do I allow
students to make up in-class writing assignments. I do not appreciate late work.

However, I do understand that occasionally problems occur. You have the option of
turning ONE major written assignment after a due date if you contact me at least 24
hours before the essay is due via email. We will establish a new, non-negotiable due
date then. However, once a major assignment is two class periods late, you will earn
a zero.

PEER FEEDBACK: In order for this class to be effective, it is important that every
member of the class participate in peer workshops. At points in the semester (see
schedule), class participants will exchange drafts-in-progress of major work in
order to help develop well-supported, reasoned, persuasive arguments. This
participation involves reading and responding in an honest, engaged, and serious
manner to your peers writings. With that in mind, I will assess workshop
participation based on your interaction with your peers drafts as well as your

preparedness. Well also use workshops as a time to talk a bit about writing in
different academic disciplines.

ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: All students at Transylvania University are expected to
adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Students who are found guilty
of academic dishonesty will be sanctioned in a manner that is appropriate to the
infraction. Sanctions may include receiving a failing grade on the assignment or
being assigned a failing grade in the course. For more information, see the
university catalogue:


We all have different learning preferences, styles, and abilities. If you are
having any trouble with course delivery methods or expectations, please let
us know so we can determine how to best address the situation.
Any students with disabilities may request accommodations or discuss
accessibility at Transylvania by contacting Amber Morgan, disability services
coordinator, at (859) 281-8502 or
Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender
are Civil Rights offenses. Students on a university campus have the right to
study and live in a campus environment free of sexual harassment, sexual
violence, and gender discrimination. If you or someone you know is
harassing or assaulting others, you and/or your friend need to STOP DOING
THOSE THINGS. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted,
you can talk with our Title IX coordinator, Ashley Hinton-Moncer
(, with someone at Counseling Services (859.281.3682),
and/or with Public Safety (859.233.8118). Anonymous support can be
accessed through RAINN at, as well as through other online
resources. If you need help accessing resources or support, please feel free to
come see me if you are comfortable doing so.

Writing Center: For personal, one-on-one assistance with writing assignments, visit
the Writing Center located in Haupt Humanities 12 and 15. Please schedule an
appointment by visiting, by contacting Becky Mills
by email at, or by visiting Becky at the Center to schedule your
appointment. If you have any questions, please call (859) 281-3594, visit Becky, or
see the Writing Centers webpage:


Tentative Schedule
Please keep track of the following dates; note that this schedule is subject to change.
You are required to keep up with changes, regardless of your presence or absence in

Sept 6: Welcome to class! Pre-conceptions of rhetoric exercise. Discuss syllabus

and Presentation 1 (sign up sheet via google docs). Assign reading for Sept 8
Sept 8: In-class group exercise: Reading Rhetorically -- an introduction. Assign
Paper 1 (Parts 1 and 2). Assign Gorgias and study questions

Sept 13: Presentation 1 (Hasty Generalization). Gorgias: Encomium of Helen, quiz
and discussion. Assign Isocrates and study questions
Sept 15: SW away from campus for Hampden-Sydney program review. Use time to
work on presentations, readings, prep for Paper 1

Sept 20: Presentation 2 (Post hoc ergo propter hoc). Isocrates: Against the
Sophists and Antidosis, quiz and discussion. Assign Plato and study questions
Sept 22: Presentation 3 (Non sequitor). Plato: Selection from The Crito, discussion
and quiz. Assign sample student papers.

Sept 27: Presentation 4 (Argument ad hominem). Discuss sample papers and
develop Paper 1. Assign Aristotle and study questions
Sept 29: Presentation 5 (Argument ad populum). Aristotle: Selections from
Rhetoric, discussion and quiz.

Oct 4: Presentation 6 (Begging the Question). Lecture on Aristotles canons and
Cicers model of arrangement. Assign readings from Douglass, Stanton, Jefferson.
Essay One/Part One due.
Oct 6: Presentation 7 (Appeal to Ignorance). Lecture on syllogisms and
enthymemes. Discuss readings (Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence;
Stanton, Womens Declaration of Citizenship; Douglass, Independence Day Speech
at Rochester, 1852).

Oct 11: Paper One, in-class workshop /full draft required.
Oct 13: SW at IWCA. Mid Term exam in class.

Oct 20: Essay One due. In-class reflection activity. Discuss requirements for Paper
Two (proposal, presentation, product). Possible guest visit from former students.
Assign student proposal and essay samples; begin brainstorming topics.

Oct 25: Discuss student samples and continue brainstorming possible topics. Assign
chapter from Film Art on documentary/rhetoric;
Oct 27: View Shakespeare Behind Bars in class (will also be on reserve). In-class
brainstorming activity (A Rhetorical Project). Assign two chapters from Sloop;
also, develop brainstorming activity.

Nov 1: Discuss SBS and Sloop (selections from The Cultural Prison). Check in on
Nov 3: Proposals due. Continue to discuss SBS/Sloop. Assign source workshop

Nov 10: In-class source workshop and project development. Sign up for conference
and presentation slots. Assign reading (TBA).

Nov 15: Possible guest, Robby Henson (filmmaker and Voices Inside program
Nov 17: Draft of Paper 2 due for workshop (intro and forecasting statement)

Nov 21, 22 (WED), 23: No class/conferences with each student (6 per day)
Nov 24: No class/Thanksgiving

Nov 29: Full draft of Paper 2 due for in-class workshop
Dec 1: 4 presentations

Dec 6: 4 presentations/Essay 2 due
Dec 8: 4 presentations (Note: Undergraduate submissions for the Southern States
Communication Association Honors Conference are usually due around this time. I
hope that folks will consider submitting their work to this wonderful gathering of
young scholars.)

Exam day: 6 presentations

Note: There will be a required WRC information/professionalization event.
More details soon.

A final note: This course can be viewed as a gateway to the WRC program here at
Transylvania as well as a foundation for professionalization in the fields of
rhetorical theory, communication studies, and composition theory/pedagogy. For
example, the presentations at the end of the term are modeled after the types of
activities that go on at a typical academic conference. By the end of the term, youll
have practiced some important professional/academic skills.

More importantly, this course is connected to the overall goals of liberal education.
Even if you never write a rhetorical analysis ever again after this term, the
reading/viewing/writing/speaking skills that well develop as a group are critical in
terms of what might be called informed citizenship. Our case study and individual
projects are meant to help develop our understanding of the classical
texts/terms/techniques from earlier in the course. The course is designed so you
have multiple opportunities to contribute. I hope that you enjoy the course.

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