A Shadow's Past

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A Shadows


A Shadows Past

Copyright 2015 by Brianna Wong

All rights reserved.
Cover design by Brianna Wong/Melissa Rose
Book design by Brianna Wong
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may
quote short excerpts in a review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are
products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Brianna Wong
Visit my website at ComposerWriter.wordpress.com
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing: June, 2015
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

A Shadows Past

I dedicate this book to my friends, Melissa Rose, Madison Smith, and others for proofreading for me,
helping me with a title, and helping me with my cover, to my mother for helping me buy a good laptop,
and for my friends and family for encouraging me to keep writing.



Life and Love

Hugh drove quickly through the traffic. His uncle had died and his girlfriend had
rejected him. He raced down the highway to his brother's house. He looked up to
see a SUV heading toward his sedan. Bam! A SUV hit him. Cars honk and swerve
around them. A man, the servant of Aaron, Hugh's brother, texts him instantly, reporting a major accident, with no confirmed victims. Ambulances flash and beep,
but can't get through the barrier of the traffic surrounding them. Aaron gets the
text, and gathers stuff up and hops on his motorcycle, not suspecting it was his

brother. He is the first medic to arrive at the scene, as the other paramedics are
walking to the scene slowly. Aaron starts commandeering the strongest men to try
and move the SUV's front bumper away from the destroyed car. The SUV was on
fire, so he also told the other men to get water and start putting out the fire. Aaron
lacking the ability to even stand due to his right leg being paralyzed, rode around
on his motorcycle, inspecting various people involved in more minor surrounding
crashes caused by the confusion and chaos. Hours ticked by, worrying Aaron
about the people in the smaller vehicle. Soon, he heard a cry out. They had uncovered a sunroof. Aaron pulled out the window and climbed in. This was a highly
risky move on his part, as if anything happened, it would be fatal for him because
he couldn't get out. He took one look at the man and gasped. He recognized that
broken figure as his own brother. He covered his mouth in shock, then got to work.
First, though, he called Mikala, Hugh's girlfriend. Aaron held onto Hugh tightly
and then asked someone to pull them out. Once they got out, the paramedics, who
had finally arrived after their long trek, asked for him. Aaron shook his head. "It's
already been a long time. He needs treatment NOW. I'll take him on my bike,"
Aaron said, loading both himself and Hugh onto his bike. He revved up, not waiting for the paramedic to respond. He sped as fast as he could to the hospital.
Once there, he called out, demanding a ward for his brother and a wheelchair for himself. They quickly got everything for him, and he took over as head
doctor. He demanded everything in a sharp tone. 5 hours later, Hugh was stable,
if still heavily injured. Aaron finally sighed. He hadn't slept for 48 hours at this
point. He moaned and asked for a room for him to sleep in, and they satisfied him.
He curled up in the bed, and slept. Mikala quietly walked Hugh's room and sat
down on the chair in the corner. Aaron came in 10 hours later, to check on Hugh.
He wheeled over softly, and checked all of Hugh's vitals and stats. He looked at the
packet of labs and scans, then at Mikala. Aaron wheeled over to her and shook
her awake. She opened her eyes, her eyelids extremely heavy. "What?" she mumbled. He spoke softly, "Hugh's labs and scans are back. I was wondering if you
wanted to see them before I did. They dictate whether he'll wake up, or if he'll
walk again, or if he'll ever talk again, if he'll see again, hear again, understand
again, or if he remembers anything. It's something that a loved one normally does.

I was also wondering if you could look at them with me because, he's my brother.
I want to try to maintain professionalism, but I'm scared I'll break down. There
are life and death matters here. Do you want to?" "Yes..," she murmured, though
she seriously wondered if Hugh considered her a 'loved one'.
Aaron bit his lip, for once looking his age, a mere 26 years. He handed her
the folder, his hand shaking. She took a deep breath and opened it. He watched
her reaction, and waited for her to pass them to him so that he could explain
them. She looked at it, confused, then handed it to him. He read it line by terrifying line. He started shaking. "He has high potassium levels, high blood urea potassium levels, low GFR, and low sodium levels, which means his kidneys are damaged. His glucose levels are normal, which means his liver is fine. He lost a lot of
blood, which explains low hemoglobin." Then, he pulled out the x-rays and put
them over the light. "His neck is fine, but I'm worried about his back. It looks like
a slipped plate here, but I can't tell if the spinal cord is disturbed. I'll need to do
surgery to find that out. His arm is broken, but I already set it. His legs are both
mangled, and I already put in plates and set them. I'll get dialysis ordered and
then I need to get him on a transplant list. I only have one kidney, and we already
know James, our youngest brother, isn't a match due to a blood transfusion years
back," he said, his body shaking. "Give him mine," Mikala said without hesitation.
"It has to match. That's the thing," he said, "I can take your blood now and test it
here." She nodded.
Aaron took a needle and drew some blood and tested it. He smiled. "You're
A- and he's A+. You're a match. He can accept your kidney. When do you want to
do it? It is, I warn you, a risky procedure, and will leave quite a scar." She bit her
lip. Hugh was more important to her than having an unblemished body. "As soon
as possible," she said. "The soonest would be tomorrow. You can't eat starting now,
ok? Nothing. No food. Only water. Plain water. Tomorrow I'll get you prepped
around 12:00. I'll need to fill out a ton of paperwork and other stuff, so if you
need anything, just find me. I'll be awake till the surgery and probably pass out of
exhaustion afterwards," he said. "Ok," Mikala said. The next day, they did the surgery. It went well, and both were recovering.

Hugh was the first one to wake. Aaron was awake by now, from the nap he
had taken after the surgery. He saw Hugh and wheeled over, sadly. He spoke softly,
"Hugh, I'm sorry, but your spinal cord was damaged. You are an incomplete T10
paraplegic. I did everything I could." Hugh gasped out and tried to see if it was
true. It was. He couldn't feel his left leg at all and his right leg tingled. He broke
down into sobs, which woke up Mikala next to him. Mikala turned to him and
said, "What's wrong?" He choked out,I'm partially paralyzed waist down. Mikala sat next to him and said,I know. Your older brother told me right after the
surgery. But dont forget. This is probably hard on your brother too. But, he can
help you. He knows how to live with a disability already. He can help you adjust.
There are so many people to support you. Dont self-pity. You arent the only paralyzed person in this world. Hugh snapped back, Well, why dont you try waking
up and finding out you are paralyzed! By this time, Aaron had already left the
room, too distressed to watch his brother sob. Mikala said calmly, Well, why dont
you try being your brother and me? I think the one who has the most right to be
traumatized is probably your brother, because he was the first one to find out. You
know what he did to save you? Before he even knew it was you, he climbed into
the car to save you. He risked his life to help you, even though he didnt know you
identity yet, and even though you could have been a complete stranger. Your
brother hadnt had his crutches with him, so if something had happened, he
wouldnt have made it out alive. He hasnt left since he had came. He deserves a
good rest, but I dont think he would be able to rest right now. Why dont you go
and comfort him? Hugh grumbled, Why should I comfort him? Hes not the
one who just had surgery. You and I were the ones. We need the rest, not him.
Mikala said, He was the one who did the surgery, standing up. You know that it is
hard for your brother to stand, especially for that long. If you arent going, then
Im going to see if hes alright. Hugh slid into the wheelchair that Aaron had left
for him. Ill come then, he sighed. He wheeled himself behind Mikala.
Mikala walked forward, only to run smack into someone entering the room.
The person she ran into was a young boy. He was out of breath and panting. He
said quickly, You gotta save my adoptive father. Mikala kneeled down to the
boys level and asked, What is you name? How old are you? Who is your adoptive

father? He said, My name is Matty, or at least thats what adoptive father calls
me. Im 14 years old. My adoptive fathers name is Aaron. He left the building
holding his dagger. Im scared as to what he will do to himself. Im also a little
scared that hes going to try and avenge Hugh. He was very distressed earlier, saying how unfair it was to Hughs and his parents that both of their children would
end up handicapped. Im just really scared. Will you help me find Aaron? While
the boy was talking, Hugh was thinking were Aaron might have gone. Suddenly
Hugh said, The boardwalk! We need to hurry. Thats where Aaron probably is.
They left the hospital and headed to the boardwalk. As they approached the
pier, they saw Aaron. Matty ran over to where Aaron was and saw Aaron writing
Chinese words with the dagger on his arm. The words that he had written were,
. Aarons arm was bleeding heavily, and
blood was dripping into the rocky sand. Matty called, Guys, hurry up. He wrote
something on his arm, but I dont understand it. His arm is bleeding though!
Hugh soon arrived and took the dagger from Aarons shaking hand. Aarons face
was tear-streaked and his body shook with sobs. Hugh read the words on Aarons
arm and translated them for everyone, It means Sorry. I messed up. Xiao Jian,
sorry. Xiao Jian is our brother, who remained in China while the rest of us came
over. Aaron spoke, delusional from blood loss, Xiao Jian, I promised Id take
care of them for you. I let them get hurt. Its all my fault. Dont avenge Hughs injury. He wouldnt want that. We should have stayed. You were right, I am not
good enough to protect them. I was too bull headed and went against your wishes.
You were right. I should have listened to you. Hugh was silent, realizing that his
brother cared for him more than he thought. He had always had a bitterness in his
heart about his eldest brother in China, thinking that Xiao Jian had not loved
them and had not wanted to come with them. Now he understood that there must
have been a reason behind his eldest brother not wanting to leave China. He took
out the bandages and medicines that he had brought. The medicines that he had
chosen to bring had not been the modern medicine from the hospital, but herbal
Chinese medicines that Xiao Jian had given him for smaller wounds. Hugh applied the medicine and dressed the wound. Then, he called up his uncle to help
with transporting Aaron. But before he could finish dialing his uncles number, a

young agile man came over and asked, Do you need help? I know Hugh because
of Jianer. Jianer told me to go check on Aaron because he got a text from Aaron
telling him about your injury. He was right that Aaron would do something drastic. So, want me to help? Hugh smiled at how thoughtful his brother was, able to
predict what Aaron would do before he did it. He said, Sure. I could use the help.
Whats your name? The man walked over, My name is Ethan. He picked
Aaron up gently in his arms. Im going to take him to my residence. Would you
like to come? You three can come in my car. My car is pretty large, he said. They
followed him after accepting the invitation.
When they arrived at Ethans house, he led them inside, where he took them
into a spare bed room and put Aaron down. Ethan said, There is a special guest
who would like to see you, Hugh. He should be back soon. Hugh responded,
Just me? Ethan shook his head and said, No, Aaron and you. He said that you
both know him already, and that he hasn't seen you both in a while. Hugh nodded. He thought about who it might be, but had no ideas. A couple awkward minutes later, the door opened. A man walked over to Ethan and said, Jacob is here.
Ethan said to him, Alright. Tell him I will be out with one of our honored guests
in a minute. Ethan stood up and then said to Hugh, Lets go. Jacob is the guest
whom I was referring to earlier.
They entered the main room, where Jacob was standing. As Hugh approached Jacob, he recognized him as Xiao Jian. He said carefully, Eldest
brother? Jacob smiled and nodded. Then he spoke, his voice sweet, melodious,
and gentle, It has been a long time. I am sorry that you were injured. I also heard
that Aaron wounded his own body. Is it all true? Hugh nodded. So much has
happened. I actually arrived in America two years ago, and changed my name to
Jacob, as it is easier to go by an American name. I had my people watch you two,
but not interfere. They so often would arrive back here and tell me everything and
then beg for permission to interfere. When I refused every time, they were dismayed, but didnt dare go against me, as they all believe I have some sort of divine
authority. That young man, Ethan, went against my command and went and retrieved you three. He was not supposed to, though. But, I guess I cannot get too
mad at him. He saved Aarons life. He told Aaron that I was still alive and well,

and that I was in America. Hugh started to tear up. But they werent tears of happiness. They were tears of rage and helplessness. He hated this Jacob. This man
had prevented his people from helping them. If Jacob hadnt done that, his
brother and he would not have had to suffer as much as they already had, and he
wasnt going to keep silent about it. He cried out in rage, I hate you! Why didnt
you find us? Why did you not let them help us? We suffered so much hardship and
pain. Jacob was utterly calm as he said, I apologize. You are right. I felt cheated
by my brother. I felt cheated that he would leave. I wanted him to suffer for his
choices. You are right. I am a cruel, embittered man. But you still have had a very
pleasant life. What hardships? What pain? You do not even know pain.
You dont know us! You cant even fathom what we went through. You live
in a mansion, with servants and maids at your every beck and call. You have soldiers and guards. You have everything. What would you know about hunger? I
know what it is like to be hungry, to be in pain, to suffer. But I also know what it is
like to be happy, to be in love, to have true joy, Hugh exclaimed this with no holding back.
Back inside, Aaron was starting to wake. He was dizzy and disorientated, but
he heard yelling. He started to sit, and one of Jacobs servants helped him. He demanded, Where am I? The servant bowed and replied, This is the home of Jacob Lcuyer. Would you like to meet the master? Aaron said, Yes please. The
servant gave him his crutch and they walked out. But he stopped at the doorway,
seeing Xiao Jian and Hugh. He heard what Hugh said and quickly butted in,
Hugh. Stop right now. He has been through more than we can even think of. He
was beaten as a child, starving, but forced to watch his parents eat. His family was
rich, but they treated him like scum. Do not be so rude to your elder brother. If
you continue, you will earn yourself a lashing. I havent lashed you since you were
small and disobedient, but right now your behavior is totally unacceptable. Not
only are you displaying insubordination, but also disrespect!
Hugh was very angry now. Aaron had woken up and come to scold him.
Hugh bellowed,I am not displaying insubordination. He sent men to watch us,
and told them not to help us! You cannot lash me! I am a fully grown man. If you
whip me, I can call the authorities for assault and battery. You would go to jail!

Dont you dare try to discipline me! I am not doing anything wrong. I dont care if
he was treated like dirt. You treat me like dirt! Always whipping and whipping.
You hit me till I bled. Then you would be angry with me for days, always torturing
me. Even for a small misdemeanor, this was how you treated me. If you think my
behavior is bad, then you did a horrendous job at raising me then! I hate you! I
never want to see you again. What saving my life? It was your scolding and my girlfriends scolding that made me want to leave and led to the accident. If it hadnt
been for you, I would still be fine! Hugh pulled out a sword and rested it on
Aarons neck. He continued, I should kill you for the abuse you placed upon me.
Even if you die ten thousand times, you still cannot atone for your crimes!
Jacob was startled at the sight of the sword. He easily knocked the blade out
of Hughs hand using a small concealed projectile. Put that sword away now. I understand that you are angry, but I need you to calm down now. If you do not put it
away, I will have no choice but to use force, said Jacob with the uttermost calmness. Jacob pulled out the longsword that had been gifted to him by their father.
He got prepared to fight, in case he had to deal with any resistance. Reluctantly,
Hugh slipped the sword into its scaffold. He placed it at Jacobs feet. Jacob picked
up Hughs sword, placing his blade gently on his neck. He started to scold Hugh,
You should not be talking that way to your older brother, nor should you be talking that way about me. You know nothing of the trials and struggles the two of us
went through before your birth. I am glad Aaron snuck you away. Things got
worse after you two left. Now I realized that things were definitely bad for you
guys as well. Do not forget, though, that none of us are unblemished. Second
Brother with his bad leg, Third Brother with his paralysis, and I, with my bad
sight. Both Second Brother and I know that one day, it wont be correctable with
glasses anymore, it will be complete blindness. We just dont know when my sight
will start worsening. It is something that I have inherited from Father.
Hugh snapped again, Then, you should also know that Aaron has a brain tumor, right? Aaron was furious now, as he had been planning to hide that information from Jacob as long as he could.
Jacob was in shock at this sudden news, What did you say? Aaron has a tumor? In his brain? He didnt want to believe this.

Aaron lowered his head in shame and said, Yes. I do. Please, I swear, it isnt
your fault or Hughs, or anyones.
Jacob shook his head with tears in his eyes. He said, choked up a bit, You
think too lowly of me. Then, he walked over to where Aaron was standing and
wrapped his arms around Aaron. If I had known, I would have spoiled you so
much, he said, nearly crying, I cant believe it. What part of your brain did they
said it was in? What will happen now? Is surgery still an option? What about radiation? Or chemotherapy?
Aaron responded, They said that it is in the part of my brain that controls
my sight and hearing. They said that it would be possible to do surgery, but it is
possible to lose my sight, and/or my hearing. I just havent been able to take the
Jacob nodded. He said, I understand the feeling. You know I do. Jacob was
definitely understanding of Hughs anger now. It was a little uncalled for, but it
was understandable. Before this, he thought that the child just hadnt been taught
well. Now, he realized that it was just a lot of pent up emotions. He stepped away
from Aaron and stood next to Hugh. This has been rough on you, child, he said
gently, You have gone through a lot. Dealing with your brothers illness and your
own accident, it has been a lot for you. I understand now that you have had a
rough time. I should not have discredited you so quickly. I apologize sincerely now
and hope that you can forgive me.
Hugh was still, tearing up at Jacobs words. Jacob seemed to care so much for
Aaron and himself. But, how could he forgive this man so easily? His heart and
mind was full of conflict. He wasnt sure whether to take his older brother into his
arms and cry together or to be bitter and refuse to forgive. But, thinking back, his
brother had said once to forgive no matter what. He spoke softly, Fine. I forgive
you, but truthfully, Im not sure whether to trust you or not.
I hope that one day you will be able to trust me, but I wont pressure you,
Jacob said gently. He was trying so hard to be strong. He was the oldest one, so he
was always expected to be the strongest one, but that was sometimes a hard thing
to accomplish. So, he decided to change the subject by saying, Our dad met an11

other woman and had another child. We have a little brother and a little sister.
Our younger brother is fourteen and our younger sister is twelve. Hugh, did Aaron
ever tell you how old you were?
Aaron replied, I never told him because I wasnt sure. Is he sixteen or seventeen?
Jacob continued, Hugh, you are sixteen, to turn seventeen on the twentythird of November. I myself am twenty-three years old, and Aaron is twenty-one
years old. Our eldest brother died many years ago from a gunshot wound to the
chest when father shot him. Aaron and I share the same mother, but Hugh, your
mother is separate. You are the only one that wasnt born out of wedlock, and the
only one whose mother was not killed by our father. Your mother died giving birth
to you, as you were a high-risk child born premature. Our little brothers name is
Seth, and our little sisters name is Ari. They should be returning soon for you to
meet. He looked at the time, which was 3:10. They should be back in five minutes. Sure enough, five minutes later, two school children burst in. Aria was next
to Seth.
Aria whispered in Seths ear, There are two strange men here, with Jacob.
Jacob said, Aria, these are your two older brothers, Hugh and Aaron. Come
pay your respects to him. Both kids walked over to them and introduced themselves. Then, Jacob said, Lets go inside. Isnt it too weird, all of us family standing in the courtyard talking?


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