An Alarmingly High Lag of Education: 3°B - Dalia Ascencio Guajardo - #5

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An alarmingly high lag of education

Throughout years, our school system has switched since there have been a lot of different
reforms by the government, but nothing really changes. However, it is not a secret that there is
a huge educational deficit here in Mexico and although governors invest enormous digits of our
taxes in education it seems that nothing upgrades. Unfortunately there still a non-stop lack of
both knowledge and preparation of Mexican students. Here is where I came up with this
question: is it everything governments fault?
Nobody can deny that as common and current human beings, we love to blame others for our
problems. Hardly ever we take entirely the responsibility. Have you ever put yourself reflexing
how sometimes you could improve education by your own but because of mediocrity o laziness
you didnt? I have, and then I conclude we all somehow are guilty.
Perhaps we can put ourselves as blamable of the educational backwardness. After you say a
thing to refuse it, think to yourself if as a student youve always brought all your home works or
projects in time and shape, if youve never cheated on an exam, if youve barely ever copied a
classmates homework, if youve never disrespected any of your teachers or any other school
authority, if you have been a great student, have you? If you have, then let me congratulate you
for being an excellent pupil, but if you havent then let me inform you, you are helping the lack of
progress on education.
Lets take it easy, you obviously are not the only one, without a question parents take a very
important part here in this topic. Most of the parents are accustomed to think that teachers are
supposed to raise their children, and right there is their big mistake. Teachers actually are
supposed to instruct the kid. Moral values such as respect, responsibility, perseverance,
solidarity and many others are taught in home, with their respective parents. Get it mom and
Teachers dont come clean with this issue. Some of them are also a bit guilty of this lag.
Somehow they assist this alarming increase by not giving their best, by committing favoritism at
grading time, by teaching without preparation, by lending poor classes, by any of stuff related to

If we truly cherish that hoped dream of our education to improve, we all have to contribute.
Dont get me wrong, I didnt want you either to delete every possible government faults or to
reduce them, because they do have a very significant part of onus. My very main point here is
for you to reflect your own guilt and to really make an extra effort for the education to improve.
Believe me when I tell you that you arent gaining anything by blaming others, the only thing you
get by doing that is to keep yourself static, with all the mediocrity included in your comfort zone.
Go out, help for a better education, be the change, fight for a better country. Complaining wont
get you anywhere.

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