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3 Explain how different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the
way people communicate.
When communicating with other professionals in school our language and behaviour should be
more formal and official when speaking to other professionals or senior members of staff, over time
this form of communicating will become automatic to that of informal or casual conversations of
that in the staff room.
I am aware that my job and social role may leave me open to parents approaching me to ask
questions but more importantly, I am more aware of the confidentiality policy within my school and
what I must do in cases like this.
When communicating with different cultures we need to be aware of our body language and how
we speak. Many cultures have different views and values on personal space as well as on non verbal
behaviour which may include; hand gestures, body language and eye contact. When communicating
with children with communication barriers breaking sentences down into 2 word syllables may help
as well as using simple sign language such as Makaton; a language programme that uses signs and
symbols as a way of communicating. Although this resource is typically used for working with
children with special educational needs, it could also be used as a tool in communicating.
Explain how to adapt communication with children and young people.
A. The age of the child or young person; children of different ages will have various levels of
attention and requirements than that of an older child, younger children who are starting school will
require lots of support and reassurance in order for them to adjust to a school environment and
develop their independence. We can help with this by encouraging them to build up friendships with
other children or children they may not usually associate with. When communicating with younger
children it is essential that we are at the same eye level as the child and use simple instructions
broken down into manageable steps. With some children, alternative forms of communication may
be required to improve communication; hands gestures, pictures or symbols. With an older child
they still require lots of encouragement, praise and approval in order to improve their social skills.
We also need to give older children time to talk and express their views and opinions and it is vital
that they feel that you are interested in what they have to say. An older child still needs to
understand boundaries and expected behavior and to take on increased responsibilities.
B. The context of the communication; verbal communication needs to changed according to
whichever situation we find ourselves in when with children or young people. If we are working in
a more social location in school i.e. playground or outside area then our tone can be more relaxed
and friendly, which gives us the opportunity to build relationships with the children, although we
should still speak to them in a way which maintains the professional carer to child role. In a
situation such as a learning activity or group work then it is important that the children are focused
and can work without any distractions in order to complete the activity, our communication with
children in this situation will be formal and proficient as we are in class and in an educational
C. Communication differences; when working with children or young people with communication
difficulties it is vital that we ensure patience and understanding as they will need to take more time
and feel unpressured while speaking. If a child has a speech impediment such as stammer then they
could feel anxious or nervous when trying to say something so it is important that we try not to
speak for them or guess what they are trying to say as this may add to their anxiety. For children
with speech and language difficulties using resources such as PECS (picture exchange
communication system) which is a form of alternative communication which uses pictures instead
of words. Makaton; a simple form of sign language which uses signs and picture symbols as well as
speech. Some children may not be given the opportunity to communicate and are worried and
apprehensive so giving these children the confidence to speak up will be beneficial for both the

child and adult.

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