Boundaries of A Teacher

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PTTLS Assignment 1.

1 Roles , Responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher

Explain own role, responsibilities and boundaries of own roles as a teacher

The main role of a tutor is to equip students with the information they require
in a way all the students identify with to enable them to understand and
complete the qualification/course. To do this the tutor has to identify needs,
plan & design the course accordingly, deliver correctly, asses students to
ensure comprehension and evaluate teaching methods and effectiveness of
the material delivered. The tutor is responsible for promoting inclusion,
equality and diversity and ensuring the course is delivered in a way to
encompass all this whilst meeting all learners needs.

Identifying needs

Role responsibilities:
To identify the needs of individual learners, through such methods as ILPs,
interviewing or application form which gathers relevant information in order
to ascertain whether the student has any special needs, their learning style
and motivations. If there are no ILPs in place then I would need to initially
asses the students and then continually adapt my delivery, training materials
and teaching style to ensure the groups learning needs are met. Sessions
which include most, if not all 5 of the learning/teaching styles are vital to
ensure students fully comprehend the information given and have equal
learning rights. There are many factors which need to be taken into account
as teaching groups can be very diverse. Also I would set out fundamental
classroom ground rules which all students must adhere to; some of which are
detailed below: Arrive on time Mobile phones are to be switched off

Everyone is to participate to their full ability

Listen to others
Respect others opinions, beliefs, sexuality, gender and contributions

Ground rules need to be established to ensure respect for others and

appropriate behaviour and contribution. Get the ground rules clear as soon
as physically possible (Atherton 2005). Ground rules offer the opportunity to
establish a safe learning environment and build trust between students and

I may ask students if they have any needs or barriers which they will require
help / adaptations with; however the student doesnt have to disclose this
information. A level of trust is required before they will. Any personal about
students is to be kept confidential and must be dealt with and stored in
compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


Roles & responsibilities:

To ensure the course is designed in such a way that it meets all the needs of
the students and course curriculum. There are numerous factors to consider
such as; student needs, time restrains, class sizes, resource availabilities,
essential information to be included, assessment methods, teaching methods
and environment to teach in etc ILPs or questionnaires that have identified
learners are imperative tools in designing a course as they identify the
teaching methods which will be required to ensure all students are learning
appropriately. (Such as the ILPs we completed for each other in a session)

Each awarding body and company will have different requirements that will
need to be adhered to which could include cost, room/ time restraint or
teaching methods. There are also other things to be taken in to consideration,
such as Health & Safety requirements, equality & diversity policies and
inclusive learning policies etc - these are all covered by various pieces of
legislation and govern the way we keep, use and deliver information.


Roles & responsibilities:

To deliver all information for the course in a manner which is appropriate for
all learners, with clear aims and objectives using various teaching styles and
assessing when material / delivery requires adapting to suit the groups needs
to ensure total inclusion. The disruption of participation in group discussion
(Bales et al 1951) members do and will not contribute equally; some will
always have more to say than others, and despite our efforts as teachers (we
are of course usually the most vocal members), we are never going to
achieve equal participation This can be eased by nominating different
learners to ensure inclusion, comprehension and promoting inclusion. I would
also have a responsibility for the groups health and safety whilst training so
must ensure the teaching environment meets the required standard, the
delivery method of teaching is correct for the teaching group and adapted if
my risk assessment portrays a reason too. House keeping & fire safety should
be covered at the beginning of the session and as required if necessary
throughout the course.

Dress & act professionally and appropriately and ensure all language and
training materials used are not discriminating with regard to race, sex, belief
etc in accordance with the human rights act and equality & diversity
policies Deliver as per the risk assessment boundaries and adapt session if
any risk is too great; as health and safety is paramount.


Roles & responsibilities:

To ensure that students progression/achievement is checked at various times
through the course through means of pre and post questions and answer
sessions, course embedded assessment ( as some students achieve more as
active learners as it is less stressful than a formal assessment) and then at
the end of the course by official assessment. The assessment method must
be consistent to all students and relevant to coursework. Constructive
feedback may be required and this must be delivered in a positive way and
highlight areas in which they have excelled and then move on to areas they
could improve on, to keep their motivation and self esteem.

Tutors must not set unfair assessment to ensure students fail adjustments to
the assessments may have to be made if there are any special needs which
required to be taken into consideration. (If a student cannot read, questions
can be read out to the and answers they give noted down) Awarding body
guidelines are to be strictly followed.


Role & responsibilities:

To check comprehension, and evaluate own course material, environment,
delivery method and note any changes which may be required. Collect
students feedback to see if there are any changes which could improve
learner satisfaction, interaction and engagement when it is next delivered
and if so change it if possible. Evaluation questionnaires are a good way to
check delivery method, that students have benefited from the course and
highlight any areas which require change. I will use an evaluation
questionnaire to evaluate my own micro teach at our next session.

Feedback can be noted but changes to the course content can only be
changed if in line with the awarding body. Delivery method can be changed
as necessary. Word count: 1077

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