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The fragmentation of western Christendom

A. The Protestant Reformation

1. Martin Luther (1483-1546) attacked the sale of indulgences,
a. Attacked corruption in the Roman Catholic Church; called
b. Argument reproduced with printing presses and widely
c. Enthusiastic popular response from lay Christians, princes,
and many cities
d. By mid-sixteenth century, half the German people adopted
Lutheran Christianity
2. Reform spread outside Germany
a. Protestant movements popular in Swiss cities, Low
b. English Reformation sparked by King Henry VIII's desire for
divorce-wanted to become supreme head
3. John Calvin, French convert to Protestantism
a. Organized model Protestant community in Geneva in the
b. Calvinist missionaries were successful in Scotland, Low
also in France and England
B. The Catholic Reformation
1. The Council of Trent, 1545-1563, assembly of high church
officials directed reform of Roman Catholic Church
defined elements in detail
2. The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded 1540 by Ignatius Loyola
a. High standards in education
b. Became effective advisors and missionaries worldwide
Goal was to get people to come back to Catholicism
C. Witch-hunts and religious wars
1. Witch-hunts in Europe
a. Theories and fears of witches intensified in the sixteenth
b. Religious conflicts of Reformation fed hysteria about
witches and
devil worship
c. About sixty thousand executed, 95 percent of them
witches Sabbath
2. Religious wars between Protestants and Catholics throughout
the sixteenth century
a. Civil war in France for thirty-six years (1562-1598)

b. War between Catholic Spain and Protestant England,

c. Protestant provinces of the Netherlands revolted against
rule of Catholic Spain
3. The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), the most destructive
European war up to WWI (cause was reformation bc of all the
different relgions)
a. Began as a local conflict in Bohemia; eventually involved
most of Europe
b. Devastated the Holy Roman Empire (German states):
lost one- third population
The consolidation of sovereign states
A. The attempted revival of empire
1. Charles V (reigned 1519-1556), Holy Roman Emperor
a. Inherited a vast empire of far-flung holdings (see Map
b. Unable to establish a unified state
c. Pressures from France and Ottomans halted expansion of
Lutheran Movement
B. The new monarchs of England, France, and Spain
1. Enhanced state treasuries by direct taxes, fines, and fees
a. State power enlarged and more centralized
b. Standing armies in France and Spain
c. Reformation increased royal power and gave access to
wealth of
the Church
2. The Spanish Inquisition, Catholic court of inquiry, founded
a. Intended to discover secret Muslims and Jews
b. Used by Spanish monarchy to detect Protestant heresy
political dissidents
C. Constitutional states and absolute monarchies
1. Constitutional states of England and the Netherlands
a. Characterized by limited powers, individual rights, and
representative institutions
b. Constitutional monarchy in England evolved out of a
bitter civil
war, 1642-1649
c. Both had a prominent merchant class and enjoyed

d. Both built commercial empires overseas with minimal

2. Absolutism in France, Spain, Austria, and Prussia
a. Based on the theory of the divine right of kings
b. Cardinal Richelieu, French chief minister 1624-1642,
power of nobles
3. The Sun King of France, Louis XIV (reigned 1643-1715)
a. Model of royal absolutism: the court at Versailles
b. Large standing army kept order
c. Promoted economic development: roads, canals,
industry and exports
war with Netherlands(I believe)
In 1667 he invaded the Spanish Netherlands.
1 From 16721678 he engaged France in the Franco-Dutch
In 1688, he led a war between France and the Grand Alliance.
4. Rulers in Spain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia saw absolute
France as a
King Philip II had a monarcy in Spain
D. The European states system
1. The Peace of Westphalia (1648) ended the Thirty Years' War
a. Laid foundation for system of independent sovereign
b. Abandoned notion of religion unity
c. Did not end war between European states
2.The balance of power
a. No ruler wanted to see another state dominate all the
b. Diplomacy based on shifting alliances in national
3.Military development costly and competitive
a. New armaments (cannons and small arms) and new
b. Other empires--China, India, and the Islamic states--did
not keep
III. Early capitalist society
A. Population growth and urbanization
1. Population growth

a. American food crops improved Europeans' nutrition and

b. Increased resistance to epidemic diseases after the midseventeenth century
c. European population increased from 81 million in 1500
to 180
million in 1800
2. Urbanization
a. Rapid growth of major cities, for example, Paris from
130,000 in 1550 to 500,000 in 1650
b. Cities increasingly important as administrative and
commercial centers
B. Early capitalism and proto-industrialization
1. The nature of capitalism
a. Private parties sought to take advantage of free market
b. Economic decisions by private parties, not by
governments or
c. Forces of supply and demand determined price
2. Supply and demand
a. Merchants built efficient transportation and
b. New institutions and services: banks, insurance, stock
3. Joint-stock companies like EEIC and VOC organized commerce
on a new scale
4. Capitalism actively supported by governments, especially in
England and Netherlands
a. Protected rights of private property, upheld contracts,
settled disputes
b. Chartered joint-stock companies and authorized these to
conquer, and colonize distant lands
5. The putting-out system, or proto-industrialization, of
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
a.Rural labor cheap, cloth production highly profitable
b.Entrepreneurs bypassed guilds, moved production to
Capitalism=social strain, Adam Smith(capitalist philosopher),
encouraged nuclear
IV. Science and enlightenment
A. The reconception of the universe

1.The Ptolemaic universe: A motionless earth surrounded by nine

a.Could not account for observable movement of the planets
b.Compatible with Christian conception of creation
2.Copernican universe
a.Nicolaus Copernicus suggested that the sun was the center
of the universe,
b.Implied that the earth was just another planet
went against religion and that god created man
B. The Scientific Revolution
1. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
a. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) demonstrated planetary
orbits to be
b. With a telescope, Galileo saw sunspots, moons of Jupiter,
mountains of
the moon-universe bigger than excepted
c. Galileo's theory of velocity of falling bodies anticipated the
modern law of
experimentation and having data to prove things
2.Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
a. Published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in
b. Offered mathematical explanations of laws that govern
movements of
c. Newton's work symbolized the scientific revolutiondirect
and mathematical reasoning
1.Science and society
Influenced by Newton
a. Enlightenment thinkers sought natural laws that governed
human society in the same way that Newton's laws governed the
b. John Locke: all human knowledge comes from sense perceptions
c. Adam Smith: laws of supply and demand determine price
d. Montesquieu: used political science to argue for political liberty
e. Center of Enlightenment was France where philosophes debated
issues of day
2. Voltaire (1694-1778)
a. French philosophe, champion of religious liberty and individual
b. Prolific writer; wrote some seventy volumes in life, often bitter
3. Deism popular among thinkers of Enlightenment, including Voltaire
a. Accepted the existence of a god but denied supernatural

teachings of Christianity
b. God the Clockmaker ordered the universe according to rational
and natural laws
4. The theory of progress--the ideology of the philosophes
5. Impact of Enlightenment
a. Weakened the influence of organized religion
b. Encouraged secular values based on reason rather than
c. Subjected society to rational analysis, promoted progress and
1. Luthers initial stimulus for formulating the Ninety-Five Theses was
the sale of indulgences.
2. The author of the Ninety-Five Theses was Martin Luther.
3. The Catholic church dramatically pushed the sale of indulgences in
the sixteenth century because of the need to raise funds for the
construction of St. Peters basilica.
4. Who said, I cannot and will not recant anything, for it is neither
safe nor right to act against ones conscience. Here I stand. I can do
no other? Martin Luther
5. Henry VIIIs reformation in England was much more politically driven
than Luthers reformation.
6. The event that inspired Henry VIII to confront the pope was Henrys desire to gain a
7. The author of the Institutes of the Christian Religion was Calvin.
8. The city that stood as John Calvins model Protestant community
was Geneva.
9. Which one of the following was not one of the pillars of the Catholic
Reformation? the religious fervor of the Renaissance popes

10. The Council that helped define and advance the Catholic
Reformation took place in Trent.

The Council of Trent took steps to reform the Catholic church.


Ignatius Loyola was instrumental in creating the Society of Jesus.

13. The explosion of witch-hunting in the sixteenth century was most

probably caused by tensions between Catholics and Protestants.

Ninety-five percent of the condemned witches were women.

15. The Spanish leader who sent an armada against England in 1588
was Philip II.
16. The leader of England during the attempted invasion of the
Spanish Armada was Elizabeth I.
17. The most destructive European conflict before the twentieth
century was the Thirty Years War.
18. Charles V was the leader who tried, but failed, to centralize
authority in the Holy Roman Empire.
19. Which of the following factors was not one of the reasons for Charles Vs failure to
build a centralized, sovereign state in the Holy Roman Empire? frequent invasions by
20. The Spanish Inquisition was first established in 1478 by Fernando
and Isabel.
21. Which of the following states developed constitutional
governments in the seventeenth century? England and the
22. The English Civil War ended with the trial and decapitation of
Charles I.

The architect of French absolutism was Cardinal Richelieu.

24. The individual associated with the phrase ltat, cest moi was
Louis XIV.
25. Which of the following was not one of the policies pursued by
Louis XIV? an attempt to make the nobles an active part of the


Versailles was the magnificent royal palace of Louis XIV.

27. Catherine the Greats attempts at reform in Russia were

essentially ended by Pugachevs Rebellion.
28. The most important consequence of the Peace of Westphalia was
promoting the notion that the European nations viewed each other
as sovereign and equal.
29. Which of the following conflicts is the largest war to unfold in the wake of the Peace
of Westphalia? the Seven Years War
30. The fundamental principle of diplomacy in early modern Europe
was the balance of power.

By 1800, the population of Europe had risen to180 million.

32. The system by which unfinished materials were delivered to rural households for
production was known as the putting-out system.
33. The first great philosophical proponent of capitalism was Adam
34. The Ptolemaic universe was based on a motionless earth surrounded by nine hollow
35. On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres was written by
Nicolaus Copernicus.
36. That planetary orbits are elliptical, not circular, was
demonstrated by Kepler.

The theory of universal gravity is associated with Isaac Newton.

38. Most Enlightenment philosophers believed in the notion of


1. Analyze the Protestant Reformation.

Church authorities began to market indulgences to raise funds to build
the St. Peter's basilica (church) in Rome

Luther denounced the sale of indulgences in a document called the

Ninety-Five Theses
Luther's message spread instantly; It sparked rebellious action in some
and drew severe criticism from religious and political authorities
Luther eventually rejected the authority of the church
In England, the country became protestant because King Henry VIII
wanted to divorce his wife, but he couldn't under Catholic law
Calvin composed an influential treatise, Institutes of the Christian
Religion, that presented protestant teachings as a whole, organized
By the late sixteenth century, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Calvinists
together had built communities large enough that a return to religious
unity in western Christendom was inconceivabl
2. Explain the Catholic counter reformation
Two groups, The Council of Trents and The Society of Jesus
Religious Movements
Spiritual Movements
The Council of Trents were strongly drawn to the theologian St. Thomas
The Society of Jesus was founded by St. Ignatius Loyola
Roman Catholic church took a massive reform in response to the
protestant reformation
4. Analyze the actions of King Louis XIV and his impact on Europe
King Louis XIV was one of the best absolutism ruler. "Sun King"
In 1670, he built a residence at Versailles.- a royal hunting lodge near
Louis s' palace at Versailles was the largest building in Europe
with 230 acres
Louis XIV palace was important at Versailles; Court officials surrounded
him and tended his every need
He patronized painters, sculptors, architects, and writers
They waged a series of war, which was to enlarge French boundaries
and establish France as the power in Europe.
5. Evaluate the importance of the Treaty of Westphalia
Ended the Thirty Year's War in the Holy Roman Empire
Did not end all conflicts, but recognized the process of selfdetermination for sovereign states.
6.Describe the development of Capitalism
Capitalism-Country's Trade and Industry are controlled by private
owners rather than by the state
Large Trading companies (ex. VOC and English East India Company)
were principal foundations of Global economy
Development encouraged european entrepreneurs to organize new
ways to manufacture goods

Created the "Putting Out System" which delivered unfinished raw

materials to households
This system Represented an early effort to organize efficient industrial
7. Describe the Scientific Revolution
People began to rely on observation and mathematical reasoning
Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton were the most important contributors
to the Scientific Revolution
Galileo Galilei focused largely on astronomy and also made a lot of new
science discoveries
Isaac Newton focused on science and mechanics, especially when it
came to gravity
All in all, the Scientific Revolution helped people to gain knowledge of
the world and enabled them to see the world for how it actually was.
8. Evaluate the idealistic change of the enlightenment
Europeans and Euro American Launched a project that transformed
the human thoughts.
This transformation was called the Enlightenment.
They abandoned christian religion and any other tradition that
symbolizes power .
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment opened a new pathway for
free thoughts, inventions, mathematics, philosophy, medicine.
Enlightenment had influenced the European and Euro American
Society in many ways.
the enlightenment had a great affect on the way we live today.
9. Explain the concept of Constitutionalism
-Government system developed after the 30 Years' War to regain order
in Europe
-Facilitated trade
-Separated the power
-Used in England and the Netherlands

Luther soon moved beyond the issue of reform

He advocated:
-the closure of monasteries
-translation of the bible from Latin into common languages
-an end to priestly authority

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